The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 17, 1890, Image 7

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The crowbar U a pry-mover la
great many enterprise, Wnghamtoi
i If you want to llv to a food old ag
be good while you ar young. Somer-
Villa Journal,
! Mo malice can ezlat with thought;
to bow can thore be auch a thing ai
malloe-aforo-thought? Texas Sittings,
Never vine but bean more grapos
for the cut of the prunlng-knlfe. Mat
thew Mollowdow.
, Don't fret about wht your roputa
tlon will be after death. Toinbstonos
are mighty charitable. Burlington Froe
' Ef dnr wux er perfeck understanding
twlzt man an' 'oman, darmoutbe frlon'
hip, but dar wouldn't be any love.
Arkansaw Travulor.
"The tongue showttoa physician
the disease nf the body; to a philoso
pher the disease of the mind; to a Chris
tlan the disease of the souL"
Human longing are perversoly ob
stinate; and the man whose mouth U
watering for a peach, it la no use to of
fer the largost vegetable marrow.
Ooorge Eliot
' There U nothing of which men are
more liberal than thulr good advloe. be
their stock of It ever ao email; becauM
It seems to carry In an Intimation of
tholr own influence, Importance or
worth. Young.
; "Don't say you will be benevolent
when you get rich. At well, might the
rose suyi "I will emit no fragrance tblt
month, but next month I will flood the
gardens wltb aroma." Noxt month It la
dead. Talmage.
' Angor la an affooted madness com
pounded ot pride and folly and an in
tention to do commonly more mischief
than It can bring to paes; and without
doubt of all passions wblub naturally
disturb the mind ot man It la moat In
our power to extinguish, at leant to sup
press and correct our anger. Uartjndon.
- If you wish to see things cloarly,
and to be Just with your fullow-mon
kwp clear ot tho fames cf vsnlty and
the thick atmosphoro of mere porsonal
fooling. Make it a rule to see wbat a
man la and does, and to value him by
these things. A porson msy be very
dlstsstoful to us and yet be eminently
useful and successful in 'he world.
Christian Union.
! It is In the minute olrcumatancos of
a man's oonduot that we are to Inquire
for bis real character. In those be Is
undor tho Influence of his natural dis
position, and acts for himself, while In
bis more open and important actions he
may be drawn by public opinion and
many other external motives from that
blss which bis disposition would have
taken. Old Homestead.
orupuloualy Avoid ilia Cm of Rwliut
la rollout Oil Dripping. '
, Among the results brought to light by
recent Investigations of the sources of
spontaneous potnbustlon, Is tho fnot that
ssw-dust should never bo used in oil
hop or warehouses, to collect drippings
or leakages from casks. Dry vegetable
or animal oil is found to inovltahly
take Are when saturating cotton wasto,
at 180 dg. Fahrenheit, and spontane
ous oombustlou occurs more quickly
when tho cotton Is soaked with ita own
weight of oil. The addition of 40 percent
cf uiluerul oll-denslty .81)0 ot great vis
cosity, and emitting uo Inflammable va
pors, even In contact with an Ignited
body at any point below WIS deg
Fahrenheit, Is suftlolent to prevent
BpoEtftnoeii combustion, and the addi
tion ot SO per cent of the same mineral
oil doubled the time necessary to pro
duce spontaneous combustion. IMiior
is involved In patent ''dryers" f.uui
leakage Into sawdust, etc, oily waste
of any kind, or waste cloths ot silk or
cotton, saturated wltb oil, varnish or
turpentine; also linseed oil cask drip
pings into a spongo, glycerine or oil
of any kind leaking Into sawdust, and
oily turnings mixed with aawdust;
rust from gun barrels kept some
time under water, aura pod aud put In
parcel in pocket; bituminous coal in
large heap ot pit coal, hastened by
wet, and especially when pyrites are
preseut In the coal the larger the bosps
the greater the liability. Oil on flour,
or water on flour, Is productive of
spontaneous combustion. In fact all or
ganic structures, being largely com
posed of carbon and hydrogen, are
steadily excited, because ot the afllnlty
of the hydrogen for oxygen, both ol
which aro In an allatroplo stato (thst Is
in a stato unusually rosdy to oomblne),
llenoe there is danger in any condition
that brings a rarb-bydrato In connec
tion with water. Indianapolis Cora
ems Important Thins Which OU-I
Should Aiwar tumtmtwr,
' What girls should never forget is to
be neat! Not primly so, but daintily
so. The girl well go, up, with Irre
proachable glove and shoo that Bt
though her gown be only cotton, yet If
It will be well turned out, may compete
wltb the richest, while the slovenly
drawer, who acorns or forgets to give at
tention to details, 1 passed over by the
dlaconu-ntod rye, though her gown may
be a nmsterpleu ot Worth.
A girl should learn to put ber gown on
properly. No creature living Ukes more
heed of externals than your orthodox
man. He may not know the price, color
or matt-rial ot your clothes, but be will
know to a nicety whether you are Well
or badly gowned.
One special point I vood Impress up
on the girl who di-aire (ss all girls do)
to rango themselves well, to malts a
good marriage Is to be gentle. The
crate for vivacity, for the free and easy
style that borders so closely on tu man
ners of the dcnit-monJe, thst distin
guished the society of ten years ago,
has providentially died a natural death.
Nowadays men are sensible enough to
look for comfort in their married livc-s.
Andeurvly the knowledge that one's fut
ure wife has a heart as tender as It Is
sym pathetic should, and does, go far to
arrange a niaa's decision of who shall
be the partner of his dally life. Ladies'
liome Journal.
The Important work of draining the
Roman marshes, on which the Italian
Government baa been enaed since l-M,
is now well advanced toward completion.
Tie work can only be earned on at cer
tain spawns of the yesr, owing to the
Uijl.ethhic.l of the district.
Two Men Attempt to Kidnap a
Tacoma Lady.
The Editor and Business- Manager
of the San Diego Union Un
der Arrest.
rtlvmnla. Wash., has voted bonds
general municipal purposes.
Nations! City has an olive-oil mill that
will soon be handling thirty-two tons a
fiaraa V Tulih hat been annotated
assistant keeper of the lighthouse at
Oakland, Cal.
The m Angeles restaurant keeperi
have protested against the giving of din
ner for a price by the ladie of the
cliun lies.
U'.al,ln,,tnn' ftnvernnr has annotated
the trustees wbe to local and super
vise the cons' ruction o( the BUte reform
school In Lewis county.
T n1 ttiraa.fmirlli milna of letlv st
the mosth ol the Columbia river have
been completed, leaving one mile aud a
quarter to Mulsh the work.
Eastern capital Is rapidly fading Its
way Into Salt Lake City. No less than
fluff avnr Hi atwa are endeavoring to obtain
control of the water works.
U..L.m L-.tla la alona In llllilll
i,l,iarl tmlu-A from ora taken from
trlnuiarymiuingcaiiips. Th North w est
Exposition will open September 14 at
T, JnnannsA rrw nt the sealing
schooner Pciielope) at Victoria got drunk,
and for awhils ran the vessel, cutting
Mate Lunberg severely. TtieJap are
now in jail.
Tand.irrl,l,rs have anlied nnon some
10,000 acres of land in the Fayette val
ley, Idaho, under the desert laud set, and
sill linlil tlm land for the exDocted immi
gration Into ths country.
Tnl.n lotiir an Tmlian llvinir near (he
If la.nutti auani'V. Or killni hi wife and
a brother Indian, and was subsequently
silled lv a posse oi iixiiaui. oiujur w
supposed to Lave bet-n Insane.
T mn irlpil to ViilnanMrs. Birklev.
the wife of aTseoma building contractor.
Ilor husband's timely appearance put to
A, ..I. I tl.a nu. a;lin nA tlirilWIl lllallkft
saturated with chloroform over ber liusii
Tl,. ..III. ana nt Run Jna Pal.. tuilt
lu.aifl.aa un.1 aanlauhul luilllha alwt mckl-tS
and paraded the street wi.h appropriately
Inscribed transparsncirs in llifir eutliu
iusiii over the signing of the pubjic
buildiug bill by the resident.
Tl.. umli i (K vtii'irnra rnlwenn
1IIOITBUII . ' - .
IHrt nllli'iula And tlm umI-
kllV UtlUOVI U S lf""v
fgation from Astoria regarding the South
ern l'scillo rxtending its syatem to As
toria has been made public. Huntington
demands a subsidy of pW.OtX) and ter
minal facilities.
The ron of A. Ingram and F. C.
Young, two mlntrs who jM)risl.ed while
returning from the Yukon river, have
started Irom Victoria, B. O., to find, if
possible, the remains ot tbuir fathers, in
order to bring them out and give them
interment In the family cemetery.
The United 8UU?s District Court has
decided the suit sgaiust the British ship
Craigcull at Seattle in favor of the sailors
The crew shipped for two years, but the
Cuptxln broke his contract, ami suit whs
brought for throe mouths' extra pay by
the men beyond payment for services
There are only two passes lietween Ta
coma and OIjiii pia. The I'l.ion 1'acillc
la seeking to occupy both of llioin and
shut out the Northern rciflo. Three
crews of men are now slushing on the
right of way between Tacoma and the
Nvsqnally river, while a fourth crew Is at
work between the river ami Olyuipia.
From a few pairs of Chinese pheasants
placed lu Linn countv, Or., about seven
year ago, the hi its have spread all over
Siarion, Lane, l'olk and lleuton touuiies
till the dinners complain of them and
shoot them despite the law protecting
them. Tbsy hatch two or three broots
In a scsson, snd are very swift of foot and
strong ot wing, cunning and hardy.
Thi mansylng editor and business
manager of the Sun Diego Union have
been arrested on an order of the three
Superior Judges, sitting in bank, upon a
charge of contempt of court. The order
charges the pspor with trying to Intlti
enee the jurv snd public opinion so that
a fair trial will be impossible in the esse
ol bnperior Judge John K. All ken, now
in progress (or tsmpvrlug with a judg
ment roll.
The Governor f California bss grunted
a pardon to A. I'. Uipson, who was sent
from Shasta county lu 187 to Sao Quen
tin prison to s -rve out a I f" sentence (or
the mur Jer of a stockman named Schroe
der. - Convicted with tiipson (or com
plicity In the same crime were tao meu
name.1 llilbrsnt and Tom Ciiwon. The
latter was pardoned by Governor l'erklns
and llilbrant by tiovernor Sioneman.
llilbrsnt made allldavit thst be swore
falsely when be stated thst A. i. Uipson
wss implicated iu the crime. Tom tiip
on also swore afterwsnt that A. 1. had
nothing to do w.ith the murder. The
panloucd man la about 70 yea old.
James Guitar, representing the Biidon
Iron Votk st San Francisco, iiss re
turutd from Washington and other Faat
ern cities, which lie has visited in the
Interests of liis tlrm to secure prices lor
supplying iron and s'.eol necessary iu
coustiuction ol H.HKI snd 6.5(H) ton cruis
ers (r the Unltvd States navy, for which
the K is-ton Iron Wo-ks sre to submit
bids. Whib In Washington Mr tluiler
bad an Interview wilh the Ssxretarv of
i he Nsvy, who was grestly Inlereated in
the welfare ol San Kraucisoo, and partic
ularly to rcsHvt to the Kiedon Iron
Worts entering into this new enterprise
and bidding (or government work. 11c
aUni said that It gave htm p'essure where
be found a willingness en the part of our
peeple to assist in the buildiug np of our
navy and merchant marine.
The revenue learner llesr w ill sail (or
her usual summer cruise otT the A'asksn
coast some day next week. Only the
usual duties, so far ss known, are as
signed to Captain llealy for this cruise
lie will prevent tllertl sealing as far a
possible, and will regulate the !1 nor traf
fic among the Indiana. Ca- Uin llealy
will not learn the details ot his orders
nnlil after leaving San Fiancio. As
they come from Captain Shcpard, who
More his promotion to bia present posi
tion as rbiel of the revenue marine serv
ice bsd soiu lively experiences with
llritish sealers, the presumption is that'
tbs orders will give evtry suthortty (or !
the prtrvstion ol the government's!
rights In the North. It is reported that i
the cutter t'orwln will also go North be- j
fore long. The naval steamer Alert is be-!
ing fitter I out for the muse, snd the Ulk J
is that this vtwsel will also fun the fleet
of goverauieut atesmers that will lie in j
Alaskan waters during the summer seal- j
ing season. I
A High Fence to Be Put Around
the Lincoln Monument.
The Michigan Supreme Court Holds
the New Liquor Law or That
State Unconstitutional.
Ovor 100 colored men now control
nesspapers In the United States.
There has ben a general Increase in
the Newfoundland taritT of 6 to 10 per
This season's flood is making remark
able changes in the Mississippi river
It Is said that there are nearly 2W,0(
ex-Union soldiers in circumstances ap
proaching destitution.
Qiry 'P'ttiuan, cashier of the Bank of
Nottingham, AU., has skipped. The
condition of the bank is not yet known.
It is now claimed that Fdwia Cowles,
the Iste editor ol thi Cleveland leader,
was the first to propose holding a World's
Fair in 1 :.!.
Michliran's Supreme Court holds that
the now liqaor law of that State is un-constit-ilionsl.
The engrossing clerk had
made unauthorized interpolations.
There is still much quarreling over dis
puted rights to property In Oklahoma
owns, snd rival cluinihUts easily secure
t backing of a disorderly element.
A speed v settlement of the Bohring
sea controversy seems improbable. It is
expected, however, that a temporary ar
rangement may be made (or this season.
A high iron fence is to be built around
the Lincoln monument at Springfield,
ill., to protect it (ruin relic hunters, who
have mutilated the statues and the sar
cophagus. It ii understood (bat theie will be no
more caucuses on the silver quest:on by
Republican Conyrminen, and that the
Senate will pass a bill favorable to ailver
and that the House ill sgree to it.
The two wsrring baseball leagues in
the Ktst are Retting tired ol losing money,
and, it is said, will change the dn'es of
play so that the two organizations will
not play on the same day in any one city.
Aarons 4 Feder, clothiers of 0) Prince
street, New York, (ailed a few days ago,
and it has since beon discovered that the
lirm wss instituted for the purpose of
swindling all who trusted it. Criminal
proceedings will be taken.
The President has approved the bill
suthorizinir the construction of a bridge
across tbs Hmxos rivi r in Texts and the
joint resolution authorizing Lieutenant
Henry R. Imly, U. 8. A , to accept a
position uuder the Republic ol Colombia.
Prohibitionists In Iowa believe that the
decision of the United Ktste Supreme
Court that Iowa cannot interim wiih
the importation of liquor Into that Stute
in unbrokea packages will have a ilHiusg
ing elTect on the prohibition law of that
A strange malady has made its appear
ance at Muncie, Iud.,with which 100
nersena have been suddenly stricken.
Doctors diengree regarding the d sense.
Claims are mmle that it ia la noun, the
prevailing epidemic in Oormany and It
aly, which wa preceded by la grippe.
Tim run of the new brp"do boat Cusli
ing from Newport to Now York was the
quickest on record between those, cities
she ran sgainst strong winds and heavy
eas, but nevertheless tiuHe it in six
hours and llfty-sven minutes, or seven
minutes quicker than any other vessel.
Mxjnr Powell, Director of the Ceo
ire pineal Survey, says the area o( the
arid land retrion is 1,K1,IKK) square miles,
or a third o( the entire country. Of this
st least 160,(XM square miles cbii lie eco
nomically reclal-md bv Irrigation, mak
ing it worth not less than f 3 i per aijv
and adding $2,800,000,000 to tho nation's
The Merchant' bank o( At'antic City,
N.J.,bas susended piyment on account
of a run canst d hv repor's that several
of their branches lu neighboring town
hsd suspended on account ol the sus
pension of the lUnk ol America. Phil
adelphia deposits are estimated at $r0,
0J0. Judire Wallace In the United Stales
Circuit Court at New York denied the
application nt Henry Hilton to reoiien
th suit ol Fortin fc Co., glove manufact
urers ol Paris, a.'iiinst A. T Stewart &
Co. for breach of contract, which wss de
cided in Fmucs some ytursfgoaml judg
ment rendered against Stewart A Co. for
$11)0,000. Judge Wallace ho'ds that the
dtu-lsiou of the French court must be
presumed to be lairly arrived at.
In a letter to the Speaker ol the House
the Secretary ol the Interior estimated
thst it will require $sa,8tXl,7.2 annually
to give service pension to every survivor
ol the laie war not now on the nd's and
(l,642.Ht7 annually to increase the pen
sions ol those now on the rolls to $8 per
uiou'h and I'.lJiuJoH to grniu pension
to w idows ol decerned s-ildicrs. 'the total
annual expenditure would be ll0V--oV
The mem!er of the scientific expedi
tl n from Philadelphia have ascended
lataivihuatl in Mexico, lta-ometical
measurements give It sn elevation of 17,
1&0 (est. A glsc:er two miles long was
found to descend the western slops. It
Is the first glacier on record as existing
in Mexico. On the summit the ther
mometer registered degrees. Putter
Hies were (oiind Imbedded in the ice st
an elevation of 15,600 feet.
The E. II. Hammond Beef Company
of Chicago and the Central Trust Com
nsnv have Issued to Alex Harvey of New
York a mortgage of $l,M5,fKK)n all their
propeitv In all citiea Irom Albany to Chi
cago. 'Vi e Hamm'ud Coniany is in
corporated under the laws of Ureal Prit
sin, and the mortgage calls for an
lish equivalent to l.0l.'i,tl 0 in Amerii-an
money. The mortgage will be divid-d
and sold to Ktighsu tapitalitta.
Serious forest fires are reported from
the northern part of Wisconsin. Much
damage has been done around Mason,
along the Omaha road, when the woods
sre ablais snd two or three houses in the
town burned. The fire in stumps snd
underbiush between Hurley snd Iron-
wood spread with, geest rapidity along
the section bordering on the mines Irrnn
Ashland to Aurortt, burning three or four
b.lnrrs' cottage. AH the mill and fa-
torU-s at Rice Lake, B-nton county, were
kept rl"MM so tne men couui protect how many wouul return with him only
their homes. I one man consented.
James Pollock, ex-Governor of IVnn-! Something new in lb line of strike is
ylvania, w ho died at Lock Haven Sat-' pniwuied by ttie terdrinkersof Munich,
urlav, waa the fi'st man to urge Coo-8 I hers, railwsv rmpVivea. tradesmen
greas, ot which he wa member f wtr ! and worker in the factories have sigr.ed
year avn, to build a Pacific railway. He a p'ed.-e not to cu-iiik any Munich beer
predicted in that a railroad uniting because the proprietors ot the breweries
New York snd San Fra'Ci-o woo hi l-e ' have rated tlie prH-e. In order to bring
built w thio ten v-five y -ars The rwsd them down to the old IWnrcs the s riker
wss tibislied in i'i and Mr. Polo, k , drink Strnstmrg hter, 1 ran fort Is-er,
pawsrHt over it tw,i years lsU-r, , nd ao j U rtmun I h-r, or any kind ot brer that
ovaiiou was given him in San Frncioo doe not come trout th Munich brew
as tbs prophet ol tbs Pacific railroad. i am. j
DeBrazza, the French Explorer,
Starts for Africa.
Holland Proposes to Increase the
Duty on American Petroleum
Other Items.
There is no Ministerial crisis in Uru
guay ss bss been reported.
The Shah's wife is in Vienna un
dergoing an operation to recover ber
ti... at nraumt within the walls
of Paris SO.ES subjects o( the German
The state o( siege on the island of
CreH h been raised and martial law
It is reported thst Queen Victoria will
c infer a title on Stanley, maaiug mm
Lord Stanley of the Congo.
Pe Brazzs, the Fiench explorer, has
started on his ixth trip to Africa not a
a tivilizer, but a a moueymaker.
Tbs first electric cars in Germany are
i i.. intrtii -ml at Halle. The American
overheid system will be employed.
M dietos has signed a treaty lor the
etUeuient ,o( the Samoan troubles.
Tamasese has accepted the new regime.
The Royalist Deputy (or Belleville,
V......M h.i Wn aentenced to DSV 1.60
francs fine and 10,008 (rancs damages (or
libeling Uoulel.
The Uuite.1 States and British Govern
ments have made an imperative demand
that the Delagoa railway question be set
tled by arbitration.
A dispatch to the London Times from
Shanghai says that the lurthsr consider
ation ol the Chinese railway question
has been postponed.
Conel Brace, a noted member of the
turf snd hretd-r ot the home St. Gatien,
the winner of the Derby al the Ensom
meeting in 1H84, has committed suicide
in London by shooting himself with a
A Berlin dispatch says the Emperor of
Germany has directed the building of a
yacht, to be the largest of her class In
the world. It is (aid the Emperor w ill,
when the yacht is ready, payavsit to the
United States.
London Fire Depsrtment aat'stics
show that, although theater fires have
increased greatly in number, they are far
less damaging than formerly, owing to
the improvements in the apparatus (or
suppressing them.
The Austrian newspapers in com
menting on the meeting of Q'lcen Vi
toria with Kaiser William at Darmstadt
declare that Eogland is practically an
ullw nf tliu triii a nllinncn. although not
formally committed to ita support.
President Carnot has received a letter
from the King ol Dahomey, complaining
that the French attacked him without
warning and withoit declaring war
against him. The French merchants now
in his power will be kept as hostages.
Two diHerent English syndicates solicit
ilia jnn,ndainn fnp fnl,iririnir the canal
sad port ol Brussels so as to make Brus
sels accessible to vessels oi z.uuu ions.
Itnth svnilicatna fix the cost of the neces
sary constructions at about 24,000,000
The lunatics in the ssvium at Dun
drum, near Dublin, Ireland, became en
raged because th-ir beer was cut off, and
aiuasln-d tsverythicg within reach that
lirt-abahli,. ThA MrM dAnartineiit wmb
culled out, and after the lunatics were
well drenched they became quiet.
Countess Kessler, daughter of Admiral
Lynch, Una brought an action against
Hires Paris newspapers for accusing ber
ot lieing a I'russian spy an' I giving re
ception with sinister ends; also (or ao
curing her of stealing Boulanger's mobil
izing schmus.
. Stanley says : " Mv heart will always
be w.tli America. Circumstances compel
one to do many things he could not do ol
his on free will. On account of my fu
ture work I may have tj formally doclare
myself a British subject. At present I
cons der myself an American citizen."
Holland proposes to increase, the duty
on Amorlcan petroleum imported into
the Dutch Indies iu reprisal for the Amer
ican increase of the duty on raw tobacco.
In Dutch commercial t ircles the advisa
bility is being discussed of common Eu
ropean action against American protec
tion. The enemies ol the Brazilian Republic
are sending abriad reports of dissensions
and sup, vsed tyrannical act ol the pres
ent government. Premier de Fonseca
has, according V) reports, prohibited pub
lications exposing the iiietliceucy of
troops or anything liable to injure the
country's credit abroad.
In the British House el Commons
Randolph Churchill's bill to consolidate
and amend the licensing laws has passed
iis tirst reading. The bill proposes to in
trust the graining of license to munici
pal and county connci s, abolishes beer
lioutei snd compel clulm to register aud
pay fees ranging f-oni 130 annually (or
workmen's clubs to L7XH) for aristocratic
cluli. v
Leprosy has ol late ssmmed such large
diiii"iisions in the Baltic provinces, espe
cially in the province ol F.stlnnd, that it
has Wn found necessary to take steps
toward building an a-ylum lor those uu
fortnn.ite people. The tirst institution
ol this kind will be found at 1 rpit
Siibfc-riptione, concerts and lotteries are
now being got np for this object in dif
ferent parts ol Kussia.
The lat prison statistics of Prussia
show that in the ver lrtSS-9 3!,70 Prus
sian prisoner worked a!leg-thv 11,000,
0 0 dura for wages of 10 cents each per
day. I t tne 21,-ktJ men and 3, 66 wom
en in der the supervision of the prison
division ol the Prursian Miuistry of Jus
ti s KlKJ.l men snd 2.17J women are em
ployed by manufacturer under contract
with the prison authorities. Thsir aver
age ilaily wsges were about 9 ceuta each.
I Stsn'ev says if he bad left Emin whr
i he found him he would have been st this
uiomtut in Khsrtouin common alavs;
! nothing could have aaved him. lis wsa
i a mu, h a priaoner ss a fellow in chains.
j The irople did not want him. There
was no a v rumen t tlie servssta
j would Dot ol'v h'm. When he asked
Tbs general condition of ths local msr
chsndlae markets la all that could be de-.Ir-
I. Trade Is expanding In slldirecUons,
and country orders are heavier than hut
year. Abundant crops may be looked for
everywhere, and enould tne ianuer u
Uln a goo I f rice for their grain n xt fall
time will be exceedingly lively. Visitors
from the East are not arriving yet In such
cumbers is expected, still their appear
ance will bs noticeable later on. Collec
tions sre livening up considerably, and the
ra Iroad .construction in thl vicinity will
materially increa-e the amount of ready
money in circulation.
Breaking Plow 3jV?
Broadcast Seeders 9fUO
Binding Twine Mperctdls lc
Binding Wlr j '
Grain Drills. 10
Gang Plow V. K0'-;
Ushorne's Mowers 30 If ct dl
" Keapers "
" Combined Mowers snd
Beapers....a)tctdis ;
Dropper.... " 1J0
" Ste-lframe selfblnHIng
Harvesters, 20 Ifctd is 180
Knlroad Barrows, iron wh.els,
4 dozen -X
Railroad Barrows, wood wheels,
Road Plow 30a
rtolld Steel Scrapers 11'
Hteel Dink Harrows. W jf '
Spring Wagons 125(91 (0
Sulky Plows 7W
Walking Iowa
Wraaoua,all makes 1101UO
Burlaps, 40 In....: J
Hurlai-, 45 In 74
Burlaps, (Win X
Uunmes, i8x4') W
Potato Hsgs, net cash
ool. 4 tb, "
Wool. 34 lb, " 30.
Wheat Sacks, spot, net cash. ........ ii
Wheat Sacks, extra, second hand .... 6j
Guatemala, If tb f
Java,tb 257
Mocha, lb tb W (1
No. I Costa Rica, If lb tl (Mi
itio,rb .... V7. 8ia
Salvalor, 1 tb S!l.;s2a',
Roasted, in bags-
Arbuck'e'a Ariosa, lb. ZTf1
Clnsset Sc D.'s Columbia 1 tb prs SJHliii
Costa Rica f
Guatemala. S!Sjl9
Koanted Java '. :J f32
Roaited Mocha 35 &37
Asparagus, lb J
Cablwge, Iflb 2JS
Cauliflower, S-do 1 40i 60
Currota, ssk 1 00
Carrots, young, If dos 1
Celery. V d.-l .. W 1W
Green Peas 8
Lettuce, sdoz 25
Onions, 100 tb 8 00
Potatoes, V 100 tbs 2 00
Potatoes, sweete, If tb 21
Radishes, If dos 30
Turnipa, per sk 125
Chickens, large young, f dox 6 50 6 00
Chickens, broilers
thickens, old 5 50 6 00
Ducks, If dox 7 00 8 50
Geese, voung. If doz W 00 a 10 00
Turwevs. voting. If tb 20
Grouse aud Pheasants. 3 00
ritEsu rHurrs,
Applea. 1 50S2 (X
Hansons. I hunch 3 S04 0
Lemons, California, f box 3 7.Y4 OP
Unions, Sicily, If box, new 6 6()g8 00
Limes, cwt 7 1 fin
Oranges, Riversides 3 .'0
Oranges Seedlens 4 504 75
Oranges, Navels 4 60
Barley, whole, If ctl 80 90
Corn, If 100 tla 1 SO
Hits, good, old, bushel .
Oaw, new. 42 46
Kve, If im lbs, uomlnal I V0 01 22'
Wheat, Valley, If PO lbs 1 2 ' (81 2i
Wheat, Eastern Oregon 1 15 fel 174
Oregon fancy creamery- 25
Choice dairy 20
Common RftlO
Hickled, California 1920
Eastern fancy creamery
California fresh roll 18121
New California WJ
Oregon skims and old 1214
Swiss Cheese, domeslio 15 s IB
Young America, Or. 14
Oregon, If dos 17
Eastern, f dos. . . , 17
Portland patent roller, fbbL...
Salem patent roller
Dayton patent roller
Cascadia patent roller
Country brands.
White Lily
Kye Hour
3 75
8 75
3 65
8 61
3 75
2 50
3 75
3 25
4 50
Bran, ? ton...
Hay, ton, baled
Grsund Barley, f ton.
Mill Chop, f ton
Oil Cake Meal, tfton
Shorta, if Um
Grasa Seed
17 00A18 0I
16 00;tl7 50
25 l!026 00
18 00&A) (10
27 50 30 Oil
20 00 21 00
. 806)
11 12
, 6r S
7U1 9
7 (s-10
. 6 6
Orchard Grass
Red Top
Blue Grass.
English Kye Graas.
Italian Kye Grans,
Australian hys Uraaa.
Hungarian Millet.
Mixed Lawn Grasa
Clover Seeds
Red Clover.
White Clover
Alsyke Clover
10 $11
15 ft 17
15 (a-17
10 T 11
4U 5
6 m 54
Per M. $10 00
12 00
13 00
18 Ou
18 00
18 00
20 Oo
22 M
22 50
22 6ll
Rape. California
Edged "..
T. & U. sheatklng
No, 2 flooring
No, i ceiling
No. i ruatlc
Clear rouuh.
Clear P. 4S.
No. 1 flooring
No. 1 celling
No. 1 ruatle
Coarse Fine
atbhaga. f ton
UWIbbart. Um
Ground Rock, 60-tb bag, f ton. . .
Eutern Oretron
According to shrinkage
s'jrrng clip,
L inpqua
L'nipua, lantba aad tall
17 OU
17 UC
12 5"
- 1&314
16 Sid
.... 18 cj
.. llkf.14
The Presiik-nt has appointed George
H. Litch"eld of Salem, Dr., to be speruU
agent to make allotmenta ot lands to In
dians in severalty under wrovisionsof Uis
fct apt roved February S, 1SS7. with com
p nsation at ths rate of )8 a day and act
ual and necessiT-traveling expense
exclukivsof snlwiaisnr. '
n i. .
. ..vv ny.un. u nasuim-tedtbe
trport.on tounal to bnng suit against 1
every 1'itr Tminn, . . i
. aunu ui past n
l . . u,u"ey wnicn (tie
ofhculs re-eivrd from banks as interest
oo iitv depn!ta. Thrs sums have
ranged from lJ.OOO to 5j,000 per annum.
Rich Mlaes la th. Transvaal and In Ma
bunaXand. One of the first Africsn explorers who
made bis wsy? serous th continent re
cords that at o5e place In the far inte
rior the natives were using placer gold
in tbelr old musktU ss a substitute for
lead sbot. The former was worth no
more to them tbsn load, and the infer
nee of the explorer was thst gold must
be sbundant, as the natives obtained it
without any great exertion. Recent ac
counts of gold discoveries In the Trans
vtl republic of South Africa go far to
confirm tl e theory that the- gold mines
yet to 1 explored In South Africa may
be as productive ss those were In Cali
fornia or Australia. One town has
sprung up Johannesburg on the edge
of the gold fields, that now contain 40,
000 inhabitants. The yield in six
months of last year of these mines ba
been 84,000,000. These mine are sever
al hundred miles beyond the famous dia
mond mines at Kimberly. Tho latter
mines are already connected with the
ses coast by a railroad.
Miners are now flocking to the gold
mines in the Transvaal Republic In
great numbers. In all such mining ex
citements thore Is a great deal of fiction
mixed up with the facts. Hut far be
yond the Tramvsal Republic In Slash
una land, thore are reports of wonJ-rftil
discoveries surpassing In richness any
heretofore known. The natives are ex
tromely hostile to the whites. Hut the
latter are pushing on to those mine. If
the gold is thore, it may be assured that
ao native hostility will keep the miners
out. Tbe latest theory Is that the reul
Opblr is in Mashuna land. Rut it may
benoted that Opblr is always moved
along to the richest mines that are
found. However, on tho thoory that
Solomon procured his gold for the temple
from the south-west coast of Africa,
Ophlr might as well be located In tho
mysterious Mashuna land as elsewhere
until the next famous discovery is made
Nothing of consequence has for some
years boon reported about gold in cen
tral Africa. Vague accounts are given
from time to time of natives who have
both gold and Ivory to exchange for
goods. Africa a a gold-bearing country
Is virgin ground. The theory has long
prevailed that it is tbe richest gold
country in the world. This theory Is
partly supported by tradition and In
part by such accounts asbave been given
from time to time by explorers. Tbs
Isolsted traveler could do little in the
way of gathering information about th
mineral resources of the African conti
nent. That wa not hi bulnes.
T.bese early explorers only incidentally
mention tbe finding of gold, a if it were
really ot no great importance in com
parison with other objects to b obtain
ed. But whenever the fact Is clesrly
gsmonstrated that there are great and
rich gold-fields in Africa, nothing In ths
climate nor the hostility ot the native
population will keep back those who
sre In search of the golden fleece. Tbs
discovery of vast gold-fields in Africa
night be disastrous to the natives, but
it would introduce a crude civilization,
tbe pioneer of a still better one which
will one day tako possession of the en
tire African continent San Francises
One of the Quter I'haae of Ufa In a Can.
illan Lumbar Camp.
When a man gets sick or meets with
sn accident in a Canadian lumber camp
he neither expects nor receives any
thing like good nursing. If he Is patient,
the men will do what they can; but if
ho shows a disposition to whine, he it
not considered worth sny extra trouble.
At Camp "B" two or three win
ters ago a man named Peters
was hurt by a falling tree badly hurt.
The camp was forty miles from a town
or doctor, the snow throe foot doep, and
all they oould do was to rub tbe man
with whisky and put him in bis bunk.
While no bones were broken, it seoinod
certain that he was internully injured,
and that be could not live beyond a day
or two. Business was driving, and there
wore no men to spare, and after Peteis
bsd been rubbed down the boss said:
"Now, Petors, you understand how It
is; you'll probably die."
"Probably die within twenty-four
"And so, you see, any thing extra will
be a dead loss to mo."
"I soo, but in case I die you'll have
manners enough to knock the mon oft
for half a day, won't you? I also want a
good square grave."
"But, Peters, we are rushed, and to do
that will cost me fifty dollars worth ot
, "How much will you give me not to
"I'll say thirty-five dollars that is
if you'll forego a funeral if y5u do dio."
"That looks fair," said Peters, after a
little thought, "and I'll do It. Shake."
They shook; and Petors set his teeth
hard and determined to live. His only
medicines were kerosene oil, whisky,
snd vinegar, snd his only delicacies fat
pork and bean soup; but in three weeks
he was out and at work.
"Couldn't you make it thirty dol
lars?" asked the boss, as he came to set
tle. "For why?"
"Because If you had died Ishouldhav
had to wrap tbe body in a three-dollar
blanket, and the boys would have in
sisted on a drink all around after tbe
"Couldn't posalblv think ot It," replied
Peters. ' After I made the bargain with
you I found three brokon ribs, and 1
bad to splice snd grow 'em extra." N.
Y. Sun.
W hat IU Waa Doing.
The distinguished literary man, in
one of those Intervals of leisure that ths
tired brain needs now and then, was in
his study with the door locked. He was
trimming his corns with a razor.'
Som of the grcstest mn on earth are
troubled with corns.
"My desr," said bis wife, softly. M
aha tanneit al V,l.... ..-.-,. , . .' ..
r-auan i come in
"I am PatKna . . ,
- - ymi .HUI.I IJ
Aivira," be replied,
"Would vou mlnil tclllr.. tt
iuh in-urj,
I ' " "rucm jou are
' n-inquired.
Himni M-u
nnr man u,.mi. .w ...
j 7.7 -. "away. Alvlraf :
t ooioer ma: --Chicago Trlbun
The Eighth b
bav a gaxelle for "child of the retf.
(Dent. It amunruiiiu. ,k. . : . .
. , ... irnin-iii ev
erywhere, and is an especially conspicu- 1 t . 1
ouuuaj cnurcn parade,
an it accompanies the band, leading
line with .uteij. tread, apparently
nutated Uwn that of th drum major
A Heotrh halurallat IValchaa Thta fw
In at.ud villi? tbe h&hiU i.t
... j . uirut an-
can not but bo struck with tbs Wx
In proportion to their many danifijrxe"'
perlenci s and pleasures, they fo,
wsrm-beartod. quick-witted, boU
timid, ferocious or cunning, pi,!!
a tho falcon or deliberate as ths n ;
according to the life they have to W
And, more thun this, we Bud that tj,.
display In many ways a reuiar..t,!
high degree of Intelligence. , '
The water ben, for Instance wi.i.v
found from Siberia to the Cape-hi,,
kind of human facility, as Mr. Buili!
-i i .. .i ..... i i . ... . . .
oumrvcii, hi uu)jiiiig iiaeu w cllm.u
as wen as aimosi uuuiau uomestlcityoj
temper, with curious fineness of
Ity and sympathies in taste. A famii,
ot them, much petted by lady, v
constantly adding materials to' thtft
nests, aud made real havoc In the flower
garden; for, though straw and lm
are their chief ingredients, they
to bsve an ey for beauty, snd the 0I4
hen has been seen surrounded with 1
brilliant wreath of scarlet anemonut
This sesthetlo water hen, with ht
mate, uvea st meame, in MafJordtbir
in tbe rectory moat, for several season,
always, however, leaving it ln tU
spring. Being constantly fed, ths ml,
became quite tame, built tholr nest In 1
thorn btmb covered with ivy, which bad
fallen into the water and, when tha
young were a fow days old, the parent!
brought them up close to the drawlna.
room window, where they were nr
larly fed with wheat And, as the ludj
of tb house paid them the greatest it
ten tlon, they learned to look upos bet
as their nstural protectress and friend,
somucn so mat one mm in .particular,
which was much persecuted by tberwt
would, when attacked, fly to her lor
refuge; and, whenever she called, tb
whole flock, as tame as barn door fowli,
quitted the water and usseniblcd round,
to the number of seventeen. Tbey 1I10
made other friends In the doga belong,
ing to the family, approaching then
without fear, though hurrying off wltb
great alarm on the appearance oft
strange dog.
Frank Bucbland gives several curlom
Instances of the special habits of sow
birds In procuring tholr food. Tb
blackbirds, thrushes, etc., carry snslli
considerable distances for the purpose ol
breaking their shells against some rock
or stone. Thomas Edward, the Scottlik
naturalist, describes gulls and rarsai
flying to a great height wltbcrabw
other shell-flsh, and letting them fall
stones In order to smash tbesbelli;snd,
If they do not break on the first attempt,
he says tbsy pick them up sgals nl
oarry them up yst higher, repeating thi
operation again and again till ths ibtU
is broken. Ravens often resort ts tbli
contrivance. Darwin tells of s bird til
ing bun repeatedly seen to hoy 011
poppy stem, and shak tb bead witi
his bill till many seeds were scattered,
when it sprang to th ground and atu
the seeds.
Some birds are gifted with a isnxol
observation approaching to ssrss thing
very like reasoning faculties, ss th fol
lowing anecdote proves: At s gentle
man's house In Staffordshire, th pbeu
ants are fed out of one of those boies
the lid ot which ' rises with ths pre
sure ot the pheasant standing w
the rail In front ot the box. A wita
hen, observing this, went snd stood upoi
the rail as soon as the pheasant hid
quitted it; but the weight of tb bird
being insufficient to raise tb lid of tb
box, so as to enable it to get at tbs con,
the water hen kept jumping m tbe nil
to give additional impetus to its weight
This partially succeed, but net ts th
satisfaction of the sagacious bird which,
therefore went off; and, soon returaini
with a bird ot itsown species, the united
weight ot the two had th deslred'Sect
and the successful pair enjoyed the be
eflt of their ingenuity. Month.
Ita Charma of ShmillcUr, Chtarfala
Comfort aud Art.
If one of those countless friends at
home, writes Sir Edward Arnold frxn
Japan to the London Telegraph, could
be transported hither on the maglo car
pet of Asiatio fiction, it would piml
him or her at first to know to what Unl
they bad been conveyed. This drswinj
room where I write, with walls of gf1
paper and soft oriental carpets, ess;
chairs in cozy corners, and the numwr
less little signs of feminine taste and
decoration imparted by a lady's nasi
might make it seem at first somslndiu
bungalow. But in th middle of tbt
apartment rises a pillar ot tbs 4vl
cherry wood, ersoted there justasltw
foiled, except for a little polish ssi
aome careless chlsol marks, supportin
a cellli g of unpalnted Joinery, dolicate
ly finished,, but left In the original bew
ty of the tlr wood. Moreover, two of tb
four walls ot the pretty andpieasu'
room are composed f framed fl
through which one look over a cbw
ing garden, wher artificial mouwh
tiny pools and winding PtllW,
are overhung by th bamboo a
the palm, wihich might seem Indi
enough, but for belag laterspersed wju
camellias, camphor, laurels and Pin
trees. India, therefor, it couia noi "j
but vet if still nncarialat and pul
the imaginary friend should proceed
lightly clap together his bands (our!
of bell ringing her), th mystery wot-'
b quickly solved, for th glided iW
would promptly roll bsck from one
other of the corners of tbe cnamDsr,
O Tori San, plumpest and most cheerft
of Japanese waiting maids, would app
to the summons upon her little '
and knees, probably also on ber no
with shining black marble bair, con!
girdled kimono, little pigeon feet "
cloven white socks, and that ejcculsW
hi! hi! with which she always snnounc
obedience to the behests of heryomf
mistress. Furthermore, the shojl,rolM
aside, would disclose vistas witbia
white matted floors, latticed crers
covered w ith transparent paper, poll'
ed dark passages, which no boot or
profanes, and dusky servants fitu
about in wide-sleeved dresses, b'
jinrlckshss standing at tbe door,
clogs and worojl lying on the door-"?
i iw-i, iuc iuuii aspevi mu
real Japanese domicile.
A eertain young lady nativ
Belfast wishing to please an sb1
friend Christmas, sent her to her .
In Idaho a daintily-embroidered
table acarf. In due time a letter caa
with grateful acknowledgement a
aaying: "A thousand, thousand tbas
for the lovely present you have wkisp
sent me. It is exquisitely beu'?
nd came just In tbe nick ot tim '
i to wear to our Christmas ball- '
very, very becoming to me, snd
Couldn't tiitarKnu,, 'koitor color.
U a lew thing here and h i
great hit-for the glrLs ar fair!;"i;
vr It and everybody Is bavin'