The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 17, 1890, Image 6

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litTl'KPAY ;
..MAY 17. H
t'pper I-onir Tom Item.
May IJ, I8J0
u,. are enjoying 'B,,"'r W0IIJ
1,1. lull" '"'
u, Wk Howard will givu a party on the
P. 0. 1 'alkd ' i noar future
u tb. Ooldson unmet.
rrn7h sowing g''n end plsutlng gaidens.
Mr John flondman and family bar been
. jn from relatives (mm Liuo
died May CtU after id illneas
. aeeks. Kin" was buried t the
n.kill (wim tery.
n,. Will w'11 preach ,,ie Che-her
El'honse the fourth Snndny in My at 3
.'..iiu-k n. m-
Arriv.d ' ' A- w- Notion,
ii llib. " ll",inJ ,oy 'l"oul
Jills. W lliink Mr. Norton will recover. '
m.. wa a litrse crowd Ht onr debate lat
K. evening. P tiealion 'r lb.
I?.i7 u "Should the divorce TRtem U
Alresdv w have beard some talk of oele
. , 1 the Fourth at the Pleasant View
rnie grounds. Weould have pleasant
o if would try, but tbin U moat too
Mtlr to talk about it yet.
' X. V. z
Council Proceedings.
Council Chambm, Mny 12, 1890.
Council met in regular session; presut
'TbeDiinutee of April 14, 15. 28 and 30,
re rend corrected and approved.
wl. ii MmmiltpA rpiwirtod favorable
ine v...-.--- -; r
ou Ibe following bill, which were allowed
,u,l ordered ram, "-"
$13 IV Line county. $19; Starr & Griffin.
I I7.55; A C Woodcock, f 150.
Mr Dorris from tbe judiolary conimtltee,
liked further time to roosider mattera re.
fwred to Ibeni. Time granted.
On motion of Mr. Campbell, Iba commit,
(nonprinting authorized to ascertain
Iba cost for printing copiea of the char
Itr and oily Wa.
Mr Boney from the atreet committee,
uked further time to consider umttera re
ferred to tbem; time granted.
Mr Boney presented ordinance 113, eitab.
lining the grade on certain streets, which
vi considered, passed and ordered en-
'Mr Griffin from the committr e on fire and
ud water, presented a request from the
Board of Fire Delegate to have the alarm
bell raistd higher, it being o near the floor
at present na to muffle the aonnd. The mat
ter waa refcrrrdto Meagre. Campbell and
foney with instructions to set in their dis
cretion. On motion of Mr Campbell, the atreet
committee waa inatrncled to require all tbe
purlieu on 8th atreet to pnt their fences to
the line of the county survey. .
The city anrveyor waa inatrncled to sur
vey and mark tbe line of Waabington atreet
from railroad north to city liinita, bo that a
correct deed of dedication can be obtained
from the several owners of the land.
On motion of Mr Boney, the committee
on Fire and water were authorized to order
an arc light at the railroad i epot.
A petition to extend and open First and
Fourth, Madison and Jefferson streets read
and referred to atreet committee.
A petition to extend and open Ninth,
Tenth and Eleventh afreets, to intersect
Madison street when extended, was read and
referred to street committee. .
A petition to improve Hilyard atreet from
Ninth to Fifteenth street read; street com
mittee directed to bave grade established
ind Recorder ordored to ptiblbh uotices of
intention to impiove said street by posting
notices in three public places within the city
limits. .
Messrs. Campbell and Boney were ap
pointed to ascertain the cost and report npon
tbe expediency of constructing a floodgate
at the intersection of tbe railroad and mill
Bills read and referred to tbe Finance
Farther time granted the Recorder to com
plete the assessment roll,
Adjourned. II. F. Dorms, Recorder.
Letter Lint.
Letters (or the following peraons remained
uncalled for at the postofBce in Eugene City,
Oregon, May 10, 1890:
Cater, F 0 Richardaon, Edgar
Collins, Miaa Minnie l'oat, D
Colter, Geo II Howe', Amor
Logan, EM West. B E
F M Thompson.
F. W Osbubh. P. M.
A Boll Killed. A bull belonging to J.
B Wyatt, and his father, a few days ago,
talked oft" the approach to a barn near Har
rinburg, breaking tbe bones iu one of his
Miles, necessitating bis being killed. Tbe
animal was a abort horn aud coat $500
hin only six mouths old. Tbe loss
i a big one to tbe owners.
Land for Sale.
Eighty acres of fine upland, G miles west
ofJunctiou. Price $8 per ao re. Box bouse
Hs20witb"L" 14x14, log barn, well of
pure wuter and 25 acres in pasture. This
h a fine bargain at tbe above price.
Address B. F. Leonard, Monroe, Benton
county, Oregon.
Wood Sawing.
Mr. Wm. Horn is prepared to saw wood
ith his machine. Leave orders at J. D.
Bullock's store, and Mr. Horn will com
mence work tbe Mondays of each week.
Dry Wood for Sale.
I have 75 cords of dry wood for sale, 16
loch measure, for $1 to f 4.50 per cord.
We orders at corner of Sixth and Oak
Measure warranted.
B. Miaurj.
Notice to Creditors.
AH person! holding claims against tbe
sUteof M. D. Ritcbey, deceased, are .re
quested to preveut the same to ua at our res
Ueoce on Camp Creek, Lane county, Or.
J. D. RrrcuiT,
Gxo.F. BncHM.
Dated May 8, 1890. "
Sraaian or Stow. A small bay mare;
"oif. black, kinky mane and tail, back
sightly swayed, numerous saddle marks;
Kwhat pliiRgy bnild; bad shoes at time
j diaappearing-on or about March 2tn
j. Any perHon giving me iutotmation
'bat may Um i0 j,er recovery will be aoita
Mj rewarded. B. F. Ktuiir, " J
Oohen, Or.
Jkrra.uiii.-A medium aied red euw with
"lite about head, neck and body, ha a leath
fcajiarouDd her boras with a rin in the
ZP: (firing milluwben h r nut of the
J"1""- A liberal reward will be P'" to
Jooe returning tbecow to Dr. T. W. Har-
Fa Btsrr. A cottage situited on
reel Kt... .. i , it ..... n. Mt
-tcu 4
S"ot Mrs. E
Christian, over Matl'
mn.-loo cords of wood in exchange
L. ks0lilh'nC bT Forrest k McFarland.
"P B'h atreet, went of Lane's point shop.
J1 Sai . -a first cbu piano, gwJ M new,
y.'U cheap. Ad.tre-or alt"" Ger-
""xnri.--A oirl t do stteral lotus
r BretltU'H.
It((l lull ivtV ...
- " " . ' an
Hendersoo, dentist.
See PreaU'. ,n(U hrn-.
L'e Albany ( It la tlia
Carpets at Day k Ueodt rvon's.
An endleu amount of Whip, at Pre Aw a.
Buyers of wool are offering 17 to 18 els.
Oardei, City Hows at Chandra 4 Son's.
offllrlli1'e,l wxn to let. Inquire at this
Wood frame harrows at Chamber's k
oon a.
Dry wp,l can ba had at all times of 8.
Walton' '"'",n '"" Kl"l"lr", J,"1
Ask your gnwr for Jiiuotlou flour. It is
Butter, 12J to 20 eeuta ht Hi; eW, 121 cU
ptr d men.
Oliver Plows, chilled aud atel, at Chain
bers k Kim's.
Two new Krnin dinners at the Eugfne
Himring Mill.
(iet a lovely glaHi calor for 75 cents at
A. Goldsmith's.
Oil cloth, Linoleum aud matting at Day
X Uenderson's.
Go and see tbe beautiful Germanda ware
at Goldsmith's.
The last dance of tbe social club wai held
Tuisday evening.
Campers go to Sladdeu 4 Son for smoked
tongues aud dried beef.
Bologna sausage, dried beef, bam anil
bacon at Sladden k Son's.
A fine line of silk plushes in all ahadei
and grades at F. B. Dunn's.
Go to Goldsmith's and get 1 h of best tea
and China tea pot all for $1.00.
For cheap building lots eaat or west of the
Butte call on Dr. Shelton.
Hot and cold baths everv dav In tha wnk
at Jerry Horn's barber shop.
Preston wants Ton to coma and aee hia
saauies and heavy team harness.
For fine suits made to order and reailv.
made clothing, go to Hauaoo k Son.
Go and aee (be most beautiful Aauarian
Art Ware just arrived at Goldamitb'a.
C. Man. Barber Shoo and Bath Rooms.
First door north of Dunn's new block.
Mr Geo F Craw has tha aula matntrv tar all
branda of the celebrated Tamil ranch Cigars
Before storing or aellinir Tour oats see A
V. Feters. Clean Chevalier barley wanted.
E. C. Lake, marble cutter and dealer in
monuments, shop on Eighth street, Eugene.
Ladies Kiel and Peb. Goat Shoes from i
a pair upwards, at the store of O. E. Krausse.
You can buy mens French kip boots, baud
made, at f 5 a pair, of O E Krausse; war
A car load of sugar arrived this week con
signed to A. Goldsmith which will be sold
very cheap.
Garland, Peninsula and Acorn ooolcatovea
anil ranges at Mitchell's store in the I. O. O.
F. building.
Bring your grain to the Eugene Mills.
They have recently added two excellent
groin cleaners.
Just arrived from the East, the lovely
Queens Frosted Ware, the very latest de
signs at Goldsmith's.
Remember while the clearance sale lasts
O. E. Krausse is selling Bhoes from 50 ots to
$1 a pair reduction.
Notice tbe new advertisement of C. H.
Dodd 8c Co on the last page. Farmers and
otbera should read it.
The Eocene Reading Room will be open
every afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock, and in tha
evening from 7 to 10 o'clock.
Enquire of vour grocery dealers for En-
gene flour, a home production; best in tbe
market at 95 eta. per tack.
J. Mitchell keeps a full line of tin and
granite and bouse furnishing goods. Flumb.
ing and rooting a specialty.
In all diseases of the Stomach, Liver
and Kidneys, use, to the exclusion of all
other medicines, Nature's own remedy,
Plunder' Oregon Blood Purifier.
Lakeview Examiner: Sharps & Devine
have bought Geo. Dickenson's barber shop
in the Miller building. George expects to
sell his dwelling and return to Lane couuty
tj reside.
Aatoria subscribed $200,000 iu twenty-
four hours as a subsidy for the building of
a railroad from Astoria to tbe West Side
road. Among the list of subscribers, we
notice the nBnie of Geo. Nolaud for $1000.
W. llnllnwav now cets the PaciBo const
standard time regularly every day at W
o'clock by telegraph in his store. So that is
the place to get your watches repaired, as he
is the only man who can regulate them ao-
The Epworth League will give a lawn
social at ine gronua uu..
evening, May 2-Ub. Ice cream and gamta.
The University orchestra will furnish music
Admission, 25c at the gub-
ti, timiM occunied bv the notion
store on Ninth street was moved this week
to make room for Pratt's new brjek. It is
stated that one of the rooms in the new
building will be occupied by the Barker
Gun Works.
School report ef DMnct No. 60, for way,
Maud M. Drnry ttacher: Number of boys
., . .... in iu.n( ilailv at-
enrouea, i"i """ : '
tendance 17. Pupils neither absent nor
tardy: George Donaldson, Cale. Maggie and
Uesaie innings, vu. wv-,-. ....
taught 20.
Sheep shearers of M.rtOW OOttotf are
talking of forming a union, by which they
hone to get better prices for tneir work, it
is urged by them that they bave work for
only three months in tbe year, and seldom
any accommodations for sleeping, which in
wet weather is very disagreeable..
School report of Pine Oroye Diet.. Ella
Smith. Teac'herr Enrolled. 14; days taught,
19; average attendance. 7 Not absent or
tardy. Sus,e Smith, Nora Calloway; not b
.ent. Nellie Owen. Mattie Hill. Champ Cal-
' Henrv Owen; good lemons and de
SBffl Nor. Calla-a, Susie
S Mattie and Dan Bill, Stella and Phil
lip Moss.
All the members of Eugene Lodge No.
is O U. W.. are requested to meet in
Ltdgem on next Sunday, .be Wh.
Wclock P. M. for tbe purpose of attending
b. M E.Chu,ch in .body, to listen to an
addrwsby the Rev. O. B. Wb. more, on
the good of tbe order of the A. O. V. , W.
8 Chas. Lacicb, Master Workman.
Neither nn jUrf H.nd
Clema. and John PrlntIp.t.
a a fiJiMW fl
Report of primary aepwwnr ... "ftVi.
hber. waiver whw.
. i a
Kick. -
,..Mn. disnatch of the 9th inst.
while rtfing on """-.'r-y.. L,. bt
ins him nnoVrneath and breaking " ""
ST BoTCeTo7h-i. Wg below,
fat were broke.
..hnol for month
Mar 9 18SI0: Enrolled. 30r days attendant.
m- able 47; .vera.
a e,i trial urm. v. wic-"-f
Vauyhan, Waller ami
d Guy Simrnons. Wwin ana s
Proton's Whips ai huo.
J"b work at the Uuaiu ouW.
lUriirw iii at rrw.t"n'.
Wiu. PirUun'a II anieaa U the beat.
Road carta $ JO at Cbaiutwrs 4 Sou's.
' will buy a gd riyar at Sla.ldeo A fWa.
Hood river Ice for sale by R. M. Rubiuaou.
Sladden k Son keep onlv 5o riijara; try
Lap Uulwa and DuaUra in all aha. It at
J rcst in a.
l auueU oik corn, 10 rtul per can at
Goldsmith s.. v '
r or correct lime and the U'kt work go to
iionoway s,
Gosheu Creamery butter cau now be bad
ai ituiueiiarta.
ll'x.U, 1iinhi, liir. the tet of tiNit wear
ai ueuman a,
Klmwlierrii a fresh every morning at Slad
den k Son's.
Dr. MrKiimrjCa otlloe, rooms U uud 4 in
Ilovey'a block. '
Goldsmith pays tbe highest cash price foi
couutry produce.
Euirru and Juiu'tinn flour J'V per sin k at
Sladden k Sou's.
Screen doors and window for a.ile by
Midgly k Parker.
Fresh fruit and vegelablea every morning
at Sladden & Son's.
A full line of the celebrated Superior
stoves at Mitchell's.
See Preston's saddles. No trouble fur Pres
ton to show his goods.
For a eond honest watch that will keen
time go to Holtoway's.
Be drewv: von can buv a neat summer onat
for 35 oenu at iMtmau .
Lawn mowers repairwl and sha'pencd at
the saw shop, Ninth Street.
MidL'ley k Parker are building a cottage
on Fifib street near Willamette.
Large shipment Sladdeu k Son bave just
received 40,100' pounds of sugar.
Ladies attention See the e'egant berry
sets jut received at Sladden k Sou 'a.
Fur sale cheap, a set of lii;ht double car
riage harness; new. Dr. T. W, Shelton.
Be sure aud go and bear Governor Pen
noyer at the Court House Tbursdity after
noon. Before spring house cleaning go see the
stock of cariet just from the factory at Day
ft Henderson's.
The election notices posted throughout
tbe county have the office of circuit judge
printed ou them.
Do you waul a stylish buggy? A fine
buggy for little money T Call at
Cbamumis & Sum's. '
Rumors are afloat that tbe Oregon Pacitlo
railroad will soon become a part of tbe
Southern Pacific system.
Come and examine Forrest k McFarlund's
"stocks" for shoeing wild horses. Shop ettb
street, west of Lane's paint shop.
Two new grain cleaners at the Eugene
Flouring Mills. Tbey will clean your grain
making it a merchantable commodity.
A large assortment of wall paper just re
ceived at tho Eugene Book Store. Call and
see it.
The 3.00 W. L. Douirlaa shoe for aale by A.
Hunt. Unequalled for durability and excel
Tbe Barker Guu Works store was moved
to tbe west room in the Masonio Temple
W. Ilollowar is hv common consent the
leading jeweler and best watch maker south
of Portland.
The bricklavera bave been compelled to
suspeud work on the Klem building on ao-
conut of lack of brick.
For musical goods of all kinds and tbe
best quality go to Ilolloway'a. All tbe
musicians in tbe city recommend his as ine
best place to buy.
RemW that Hanson & Son have tbe best
selected stock of clothing iu town.
Beckwith keeps fresh grocories. lie makes
a specialty of vegetables which will be kept
fresh land f tlie best q'lamy.
The old Star hold building waa moved
this week to tbe ground adjoining McFar-
Innd k Forrest s blacksmith shop.
J W Johnson is excavating for the founda
tion of his proiioaed brick building. The mate
rial tor Pratt's brick is being delivered.
The foundation of the new school house is
completed. About tweuty carpentera will
commence work on tbe building Monday.
I will eladly assist anyone in tbe study of
mnsic (free of charge) who buy their inslm
menta at my Jewelry and Music store.
i. U. WATTS.
Itnv tli Wnch Band Corsets In srrav.
white ami gull. Regular price one dollar; for
this month only 50 cents and warranted lit; at
Uettman a. ...
Watts keep everything you neort in tlie
way of watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware,
and musical goods, aud prices guaranteed
Beckwith bus repainted his groceif Btire
and attractively arranged tbe stock. He
understands the grocery bosiueas and guar
antees tbe quality of the goods be sella.
Take warnins all yoa farmers that have
summer fallow to work go and got one of
Paine's Boss Cultivators, and stop your
fooling. Tbe Boas does the biz and don't
you forget it.
Dr. G. W. Riddle may De fnnmi at His
residence on Olive street, between Fifth awl
Sivili streets one block west of tbe Minne
sota Hotel. He is prepared to do all dent
al work in the best manner.
T!mmlr that 'Governor Pennoyer and
Treasurer Webb sneak in Kufrene, Thursday,
May 22, at n'oloclc in the afternoon. Mr.
Fennoyer will nenne nu imwiwiw uu
aues sail mere win u ,i 4ui"v"'u "
talk. Come and hear him.
Thsra will be an ice cream social given
by tbe Bee Hive Society of the C. P. church
at Mrs. Underwood's parlors next Satur
day, from 3 until 10 p. in. uream ana case
served at tbe usual prices. Proceeds to as
sist ilh the uew church. All are invited.
The Cumberland Presbyterians will bold
services in Rbinebart's hall each Sunday at
h. ...n-l hours until their new church is
completed. Regnlar prayer meeting at their
Paraonage, corner Dixin uu rnn nnr,.
Everyone cordially invited to be present.
Misa Minnio Bnxcell, Oregon's missionary
to China, will give one of her most iutereat
ine addresses at tbe Hsptiat church Sundsy
night. Tbe in-rting will be nnder tbe
auspices of the Eud-avor. who bave pre
pared an excellent programme for the occa
sion. All are invittd.
If yon want to buy anything in tbe way of
musical goods, from a violin string to
piano, you should boy of a dealer capable
of selecting and knowing good strings and
instruments from experience in their u.e.
Watts is the only practical musician in tbe
city who carries a stock of mosical goods.
Why, lime ia money, and money yon will
save by buying your clothing, shirts, bats,
boots and shoes, or anything yon need in
gentlemen's line of E. Baum. Never before
have such bargains been offered to tbe pub
lic as times are bard and money ia scarce.
Call aud price my good. I mean what I
. Respectfully,
J E. Baum.
COCKTT UASVAS..-1U. """' '," .-
eommenoed tbe canvass at Mobawk W ed-
nsdy. no uragoou kimimiic. .
people is reported. To-day the speaking
will be at Irving.
CoavALlwrirr.-n J. Day and C. C. Cro
aer, who bave beeo confioed to their roome
by illness for aeveial weeks, are able to be
around again. "
DirHTHiaiA.- Two duiilitera "f Mrs Henry
KUinKrar sick with the diphtheria in a
nil.) f irm. They are out of dier.
12' Cim. -! II- Fri ndlr is offering tj
contract It growiLg crop of hops at 12);
cent per pound.
Road Iitiined-Fall ( reek. Lake Creek.
And Coast fork to Have New
Bridge? on the Site of
Old Oiim.
The following are tbe proceedings of the
Commissioners Court after we wuut to press
last Week:
Glenada mad; road tttablUbed aud de
clared a publio highway aud duly ordered
opened as viewed and surveyed. .'
Couuty Judge ordered to advertise the old
material of the SpiimilWId bridge, lodged
three milea below F.ugcne, lobe sold at
section to the highest bidder for cash, Mny
2'i, lH'.H), at 1 p. iu,
lutes established on McKensle wagon
road bridge as follows: Wagon with one
spau of horses, mutes or oxen, $2; each ad
diliuiial sp.iu, 50 i-u;hugk!y, $1; hack, $1.50;
uiau and bon it untie, 50 ela; puck animal,
25 cts; loose hne or li.ulc, l' , its; cattle
p. r head, 10 eta; fooiumn, 10 cts; goats,
sheep or hues per head; 2 ', cts.
Old. rid ill it Theodore Krindiaw bo ap
pointed supervisor of Distrii-t No. '11, and P.
I) Kiiowltun of No. 52.
ViT FORK llltllMK.
Ordered that the contr.tet of building said
bridge is hereby nwardid to HorTiuau k
Bates, the contract price to be I'.l.'.lfO, that
being the lowest bid offered; said bridge to
coustsl of oue span of 215 (vet, Pratt com
bination truss ou iron piers; r plana aud
speciticationa, aud 1O0 feet of pile trestle
approach ou one side, aud 80 feet ou the
other side.
Contract awarded to I. N Roney at the
atim of 2,ti25, that being tbe loweat bid of
fered. Said bridge to cousist of one span of
lJjfw t; Howe truss; wnvdvn pieia, the
span to be ten feel abovw4igh waier' mark.
The bridge to be built ou site of old bridge,
aud iu all ciunuir iu aocordauco with the
plana aud specidcatious ou file. (
Coutract awarded to L N Roney at $.1,850
that being the loweat bid. Said bridge to
consist of one spau of 170 feet, to be ten
feet above high water innik; Howe truss;
woodeu piers, aud to be built ou site of old
(ioslien Ileum.
May 14, 1H90.
Mrs Eby is visiting relative, at Harris
burg. Chas Smith,' of Creswell, waa in these
parts Suuday,
W L Wheeler and family are visiting rela
tives near Clear Lake.
D F Berkshire commenced the work of
framiug J A Reed's barn Monday.
Mis Johu Bennett waa visiting relatives
ou the Coast Fork tbe first of tbe week.
Miss Ansae Paltersou, of Eugene, in the
guest of Miss Nellie Humptou this week.
Horace Hutchinson has received his lum
ber from tbe Geasa mill and has beguu the
erection of a uew dwelling.
Matthews Bros, of PUasuut Hill, are pre-
tianug to build another largo burn. They
lave purchased a saw and will eut their owu
Everybody concerned is jubilant over the
knowledge 'that we are soon to bave the
Gost Fork bridge replaced between Pleasant
1 1 ill and Goshen.
W E Holdridue and Allen Parker, who
con t meted to returu the lumber of tbe Coast
Foik bridge, will bave tho same tarn to
pieces the last of the week when they will
begin hauling.
J F Keenoy, familiarly known as "Blind
Johuuy," has returned to tbe valley after an
absence of over three years in Eastern Oie
gou. Hi is to-day making bis undo, A J
Keeney, of this place, a pleasant visit.
Naw Box.
The Kugcuo Postolllee.
Durimi the week eniliuii Monday, May 12th,
at 6 o'clock p. in. the piwtnflioas uf the United
States bave kept a strict account of pieces of
.mil ninilw.t M'iLrlt. , Mill rlftHM. PoSt
uiaster Osbiirn furnishes us tlie following re
sult oi tno count in me r.ugens posioince:
Nunilier pieces, 5,8."3.
nuilier reK'istereil letters, A.
Amount weight, llai, 41M,
Amount postage, ?7R.V.I.
The pieces were classified aa fnllowa:
2 cL letters fur other otticea, 31X
I Imp letters, 85.
PiwUl cards for other olllues, 'i'M. .
I rop postal cards, fi3.
n.i J... ., i.. ..u.. X. Il'm-
at 4o, Hi W class, at 8c, 47. 4th class, at ID,
l'orein letters, 4,".
Other foreign matter, .1.
I' o l,.Hr ttv. M.
Oilier P O matter free, 81.
tlther lutturafree, 37,
tulior matter free, 4.
A Trace of Hatch.
Fmiui A W Powers, of the McKencle
Bridge, we learn that a small portion of the
remains of tha misaing man, Hatch, was
found recently. As will be remembered be
started to climb tho mountaiu from Blue
river to tbe quartz mines about the first of
January and never reached his destination.
His hat, the left sleeve of his coat aud a hu
man thigh bone were found about ono-half
mile from the Dine River Milling Compa
ny's cabin. Hatch had surmounted the
hardest climb aud was on comparatively
easy ground, but either tbe effort wak Reent
er thau he was capable of sustaining or
hungry panthers bad po.mctd upon him.
At any rate the beasts bad foil upon and
scattered bis reinaius. The snow on the
mountain ia from two to eight feet deep ac
cording to the exposure. The search will
couliune until the entire remains of the un
fortunate man are found.
Stop to Think,
And you will be sure to go to tbe City
Restaurant and bave your Wati-iiki aud
Jxwelrt repaired while the Honkht Jkwslkb
is in town. He is doing first-class work at
liotlom prices; in fact be is determined to do
Good Work no matter bow the price goes,
M. C. SKILL!!).
To LoMMi.-Mr. S. P. Sladden sent this
week live lies of prunes to the grcttest fruit
market of the world, Ioodon. A box of his
prunes reached that city, last winter, and
caused tha rripiest for some samples. '1 lis
Iindon dealers greatly admired these Oregon
School AaatusMmr. The assesmnent of
Etti ne school district has been equalised. The
net taxable property is 1,27H,224. This is
an increase of over $200,000 on last year 'a aa
seument. The levy of 5 mills wilt realise
. .
Api BAi-r.D The property of the late T.
J. Smith, consisting of town aud couutry
real estate was appraised Wednesday at
$!f,000. We are iuformed (but there ia $',
lit A) indebtedness agiinst the estate besides
he fune ml expenses.
Srr.Aiixu. Governor Pennoyer, the
friend of tbe honest peo4 of lbs state, will
address tbe ritizeus of Lane county, at lbs
Court House next Tbormlay afternoon at 1
O'clock. Ou and bear him.
BiAtvuio. We ate iuloimed that gray
mare and a colt are on an island opposite
the bead of the Springfield mill race in a
starving condition. . .
f'nirri-r Lit L. II. Poller. Thursday.
let tbe coutract for the building of a resi
dence on I2ib street to Biglow Bros, for the
anm of f VI t).
Taroas. H. 11 Friendly lbi week re
ceived a . ear load of . trunks direct
from Milwaukee. ' " .
Boa. To tbe wile of J. W. Allen, near
Goshen, TurJy May l.uu, a arm.
('aarrra. -New s-k at Day Head-'
Public Speaking-.
SjlvMttr Pennoyer and O. W. Webb,
Democratic candidates for governor and
state (restorer, will meet the people of Lane
oouuty at Eugene, Thursday May 22, Iti'X),
at I o'clock in tbe afternoon. These gentle
meu should be accorded a hearty reception
and a fair hearing by the voters of Lane
Real Katate Transfer,
W J J Scott to Samuel Holloway, lot 19,
block 1, Shaw'a 2d addition; $550,
Uschocl Delano to Kboda McCord,
IfimM feet, on Bomb Willamette Street;
Ira Hawb y in J II Hawley, fractional
block 1 and 2, llaa ley's addition, except lot
3. in block I, also fractional lot 1 in block
K, iu Mulligan's donation, and lot 1 in
block 8, and lots I and 2, and fractional lots
Hand 4. iu UockS. all in Muligau's sidi
lion, on the west; $5HOO.
Elvira Ha Icy to W R Hawley. lot 3 In
fractional blink 1, iu Il.iwli y's addition; 11.
Andrew Buchau to (I W Miller, lota 5 and
8, Christinu's 2d addition; $1125. Bond
for deed.
J S llardostv to John W Pollock, lot 3 lu
block 4, and lots 0 aud 7 in block C, Cbeidi
er's addition; f 125.
John W Pollock to Emma I Pollock; name
as above.
James L Kent to Faiinle Lock wood, lot I.
block 31; $100.
ClltJlW KLL.
Mrs. J. C. Smith to Geo. M. H.iwWr. lots
t and S, block 13; $250.
WmSbWdato O. W. Lono and ILarv
Landers, 101 21 acrea; 2,2U7 60.
Jlatthew Wallis to Iaiiao Gray. 1U0 acres
near Spriugfleld; H,(K0.
U U .Nat wick to It (; Iluiuphrey. KiOacirs:
Ira Hawley to J H Hawley, land; $1,000.
David Wiur.enroid to Johu Wiiixeureid.
3.1H acres; $175.
Abram Pralton to Wm Klutrow. 00.53
acres; $t0O.
A N Miller to Abram Pruttou. IH' acres:
Marion P Martin Jr. to W 0 Martiu. nuit
claim deed to lands of estate of M P Mar
tin, deceased; $100.
U 8 to Wm Shields, 319.85 acres; patent.
U 8 to John W Martiu, 220.58 seres, pat
B C Miles to N K II i:t, ICO acres; $350.
V S to Gsrnett Rig-s, 320 acres; pateul.
Wm Templeton to Jane Teuipletou, 10
acrea; $10,
Wm Templeton to James Templeton. 10
acres; $10.
Jacob Hardohtv to Addie Williams, lot No
fi, block 19, Packard's addition; $775.
11 D Hawley to W U and M J Haw or. et
si, CIO acrea; $5000.
Wm Shields to O W Lone and Henrv
Landers, 191.21 acrea; $10,297.50.
It U Powell to Henry Schmidt. 120 acres:
J H Belknap to Ella J Ilclkrvp. 1C5.20
acres; $t.
Hoard of Trade.
Tho regular meeting of the Ettuoue Board
of Trado was held at the Court House Mon
day evening.
The following committees were appointed
by tbe rresideut:
riuances 1; t; binitti, lit; Humphrey, j
B Harris, W V Henderson, F M Wtlkins.
Membership-P E Snodgraaa, R. M. Day,
F. L. Chambers.
Railroads T O Ilendiicks, J II Mo-
Clung, Rodney Scolt, J. M. liodson, F. W.
Publia Improvements A G I love v. J
Mitchell, T W Shelton, Wm Dysinger, W H
Miues and Miniug--N J. Taylort II. F.
Dorria, Prof. Condon, E. A. Combs, V,
Stock aud Agriculture -T W Harris, P K
Wallers, Jus Hofl'mau. - ,
Horticulture 8 P Sladdm, A Sharpies,
G W Weider.
Correspondence--W Ktivkeudall. D A
Taine, J R Campbell,
Advertising -S W Condou, J M Hudson,
Gen M Miller.
Slatistiea-Guo Miller. E J McClatialmn,
It. B Cociinm. L N Ronev, S Burr, J E
Smith. J J Wallon.
legislation S H Eukin, Jr., 8 M Yornu,
L llilyen, A C Woodcock, Geo A Dorria.
Irsde and l'onimercH,1 1) Matlock, A V
Peters, O T Hall, J II Weider, J CGoodute.
1 be President was Instructed to appoint
a committee of five on health.
Finance committee was instructed to rmt
a suitable room for niceties of ussrU.
Resignation of K. J. Frasier, correspond
ing secretary, accepted.
A bill of ?'J for books for hecy. and 1 rt as.
read aud referred to nuance committee.
W Kuykendall oll'ered the following
amsudment to Art. 1 of the Constitu
tion to read, "Tbe meetings of the Board
of Trade shall bs held on tbe third Monday
of each month."
Adjourned to meet Monday eveuiug, May
19 at 8 o'clock, at place selected by Finance
Camp Creek Items.
May lltb, 1890.
Strawberries are getting ripe.
Bev. Mr. Sweeney is holding protracted
moeiings at Ibis place.
Mr. Geo. Whitbeck was on the creek one
day last week ou business,
The Duuten Bros, took their, cattle to
their mountaiu ranch yesterduy.
Miss Anna Berry, of Seattle, Is vlsititig her
mother, Mrs. Maggie McMtirry.
Our school is progressing nicely under the
skillful management of Miss Mary Camp
bell. Mr. ililleuas' cousin has arrived from tbe
east. He expects to become a citizen ofOr
egou. Mrs. T. J. Cral and Mrs. T. W. Harris
visited their m ther, Mrs. Cattmn at Mon
mouth this week.
Mr. R. Coffin has purchased a rauch of
Mr. Johu Siler for the sum uf $100, aud is
building on tbe same.
Mrs. Joseph McLean Is going to Eastern
Oregon to visit her children near Colfax.
Ws wish ber a pleasant time soa a sate re
New CoHsa.
Backet System.
rWn nrloes aad snot cash will be the
mottoes of tbe Racket Store on Ninth street
that opens its doors to the publio to day,
Messrs. Frank k Fisk, tbe accommodating
r.rmirioior. have arranuemeuts by wbh-h
they buy their goods in New York at the
lowet prices, llinr price list oi a iw oi
tbe many articles kept In stock, published
in their ail. in another column will convince
yon Ibnt they wean business. Cash on de
livery and low prices go bsnd in band.
-Teacher Examination.
Ki.tira ia hereby given that the next quar
terly teachers examination will be held at
tbe Court House in Eugene, commencing at
1 o-nlwlc d. m. Wednesday. May 28tb. 18J0-
Applicanta must be present at tbe opening
of tho examination.
Teacbera who are entitled to State certifl
cap s can make application at that time.
J. G. Stkvkssom,
School Superintendent Lane Co.
u. L'. 1. TI.j mifittnla celebrated
throiiiiboiit the United States, appear at
l'J.iteharts Hall. Monday evening. i7
are fine musicians and playtra.
Erl"oPI PaABWO. Uihop Morris
siU nr.u k t tli EoiM-ooat church to mor
row, Sunoay May ilb, morning aud even
Sunday evsning last about 6.13 o'clock, T.
J, Smith committed suicide in bis lodging
room over Eastland k Wilson's store by
shooting himsell in the bead, the ball enter
ing tbe bead Just above and back of tbe
rikht tar, pa.uong through the brain and
lodging under rbo skin back of the loft ear.
The weapon uaed was a 41 calibre Smith .v.
Wesson aelf acting revolver.. Tbe shot did
not cause Immediate death, but he was un
conscious until death ensued at 9 o'clock.
Mr. Smith's health bad been decliuing since
last fall and he could obietn no relief,
although ph)siciaus hs lbeen consulted in
Fugeue, Portland and San Francisco. The
sickness waa beginning to affect his miud,
and of late at limes be acted strangely.
It seems tbst be deliberately cnnoluJed to
commit the fatal deed. He culled Geo. B
Dorrts to bis room the sfteruoou of tbe
shooting aud directed the writing of bis
will clearly, Slid apparently without excite
ment. D. P.. Bice aud Wiu, Renshaw were
called to witness tbe will. He told them
that he bad resolved to kill himself, that bia
pain was greater than he oould bear, and
that be bad given up hope of recovery doem
his case incurable. lbey reasoned with
him (or some time, and thought before leav
ing that be would uol fulfill his threat. Mr.
Dorria relumed in alwut fllloeu minutes
and found him lying nn the bed unconscious,
with a bullet bole through bia head. Coro
ner Harris impaneled a jury Monday morn
ing, consisting of J M liodson, Rodney
Scott, II D Paiue, I E Sleveus and F. M.
Wilkius, who after bearing the facts sub
stantially aa narrated above brought in a
verdict tout bs died from a pistol shot from
his own hand, while in a state of ineutel
despondency caused by s ckuess.
Mr. Smith was born lu Illinois iu 1852,
and came to Lane oouuty with hia pareuta,
while sat til of a tender age. His parents,
brothers and aitters are dead, except oue
brother, Mr. J. F. Smith, oue of tbe couuty
ooiuuiissiouers of this county. He had ac
cumulated some proerty, bis estate being
valued at twelve to tllteen thousand dollars
with several thousand dollars indebtedness.
His will provides a legacy of $500 for his
brother, J. F. Smith, $2500 for funeral ex
penses aud building a family mouutneut,
j'HNJ to Geo. B. Dorris, who is anpointod
executor, for aervicea in settling his estate
iu lieu of executor's Ices, the remaiudor
after debts are paid, in Iruat to Mr. Dorris
for the benefit of third person who, it is
whispered, is a woman living in Portland.
The deceased was an exempt of Eugene
Hook k Udder Co., being, it we mistake
not, a charter member. Ia bis younger days
he look great interest in fire metiers. The fun
eral waa well attended by the exempts, and
the members of tbe Fire Depsrtment in uni
form aud took place to tbe Masouio ceme
tery Tuesday foreuoon at 10 o'clock. AI
the grave llou. L. L. Bilyeu made a few
appropriate remarks.
Fred W. Benedict baa returned to Eugene.
O. E. Krausse, of Salem, was in Ettgens
ttis week.
Judge Hoan returned from Coos county
Friday morning.
Geo, M. Miller and wife left Tuesday on
visit to Oaklaud, California.
Mrs. Lissie Jackman is visiting In Albany
at tbe home of L, Harry Montayne.
J. E. Hale, formerly of Ibis place, ordered
the Guabp sent to Paao Rabloa, Cal.
Ralph Ostium startod for his home In
Reno, Nevada, Tuesday morning via Ya
qttiua bay.
Mrs. Jos Goldatone aud alitor, Miss Satin
ders, loavs Sunday evening on a visit to San
Deputy P. M. Ed. Osbnrn is In Gilllsm
conuly looking after bis stock lutorests. He
lost about 1,000 out of abend of 1700 last
Mrs. Wm. Alexander and son have re-'
turned from Sau Francisco, and will make
Eugene their future home. Mr. Alexander
is expected next mouth
Dr, Caspar Sharpies will on Monday leave
for Washington, lie will locale in that stale
for the prarlioe of bis profession either at
Tscoiua or (Spokane tails.
Judire K ncott and I. Is Honey will leave
for a trip Sunday, to Florence. Juita) Hcott
goes to inMe.t the oouuty roads In that sec.
tion, snd Mr, Roaey to order lumber for the
ljike Creek bridge.
Itotly Found.
Tho readers of the Gdahd will remember
the account of a laud slide at the head of
tide on tbe Siualaw during the February
storm, whereby Mrs. O. Audrews, a daugh
ter 2(1 yours of aujt, and a son of 12 years
lost their lives. The river has at last given
np oue of the dead. The body of oue of the
ttownu was lotiiul iu ine river a snort dis
tance above tbe Beau place, one mile below
the scene of the acoideut, on tbe 8th of this
mouth by some squaws who were fishing.
Our informant states that tht body was in a
fair state of preservation, but for some
roason which he ootid Dot explain, it wss
with (liliicuity tuat ine nusnsua ana netgu-
bors could determine whether it was tbe
mother or daughter. Tbe presence of some
gray hairs finally led to the conclusion that
it was Mrs. Andrews. Uns urcaxt baa been
torn off and one leg broken. Tbe burial
took place on tbe 9lh.
New Livery and Feed Stable
Tbe publio are notified that J. W. Clark
is now doimi business in his new livery
stable. Fine carriages and buggies are kept
on band, aud tbe burses have been specially
selected for Ibe business. A general feed
and sale stabls will be conducted in connec
tion with the business. Every effort will be
made to please Ibe patrons of the stable.
Mr. Clark asks a share of tbe publio patron
age, and guarantees satlafaction. Stable on
iv . . i I....L. i ..I iv ; 1 1 1 . ..
ClgUlU BWBOl lv mwil won, VI ,f IIIMUJCIIV,
That northern grown garden seed sold by
Chambers k eon are Ibe best adapted lor our
cold spring. ,
Ntw Usui Yasd. Messrs. Wbitsomb k
Abrams have leased ground on Ibe west side
of the Judkins point, adjoining tbe rail
road, and are engaged ' giading the ground
and preparing it for a brick yard. They en
gaged an expert and bia. asau ratio, is that
the c i will make nrst-maea uric.
The brick will be turned out by a machine
having a capacity of 20.000 daily, ine ma
chinery arrived Monday and will be placed
in operation as soon ss Ibe yard can be pre
pared. A large abed will be built so that
operations ran be carried on during wet
weather. Tbe genllemeu propose to run
their yard iu a business like way, aod ex
pect to bave at last 300,010 manufactured,
after all demands this season are supplied,
for builders lo commence work with next
spring. Building operations heretofore have
bee. greatly nlat'liU ny uck or ones, aim
this new enterprise proposes to supply the
demand stall times.
ConsriL MmtTixu. Au adjourned meet
ing of tbe city council was held Tuesday
evening. An order was made for the Im
provement of Ildyard street from 9lkfi to
15tb. An iuvilatiou lo participate inDeco
ration day ceremonies was suoepted.
Jixction Imi'Sovkkst. W. f. has let
the contract for a brick buildiue, 22i80, two
stories, to be built ia Junction on the site at
the wooden buitdiuir neenpied by his drugstore
which was destroyed by Mi recent Ore. Air.
Whitoomb of Kuirene is the contractor and
work will eoinnionr alxait the 1'lth f Junsv
Junction Piius, lud. Rep: It. M. Veatch.
uf I'ottsge (j.-ove, waa in the city Tuesday and
made US a a nU-asant call. Mr Veateh la can
delate fill lUts senator on the lmouratic
ticket and his H.pulrily ami well known in-
Uvmy make bis election certain.
Girl Wamrn. A go-! girl can get good
wairee and st-ady employment at general
bnue work by applying at W. bander's
Colnmn of the Entaxlan Society
Mkllisa Hill
RATna DcKNrNu)
Asst. Editor
e .... .J
Iu'vain have we looked for a sister so trne
As to do in our stead what we now have
to do.
All said 'twas absurd, and would bear no
'Twaa tbe wildcat Idea they ever had heard.
So yielding to them (lbey were all against
We consented to do what we knew must be
For when duly baa called us, come what
ever may
Tbe beat we can do is to promptly obey.
arxTm motm.
The Eutaxians are makiug money fast;
flues are very remunerative lately.
The Entaxians were very conspicuous on
account of (heir absence from society last
Quostion ohoscn for two weeks hence: Ro
solvt d, That Stanley is the greatest bene
factor of Ibt 19th century. M. Porter aud
N. Straight were appointed as Waders on de
bale. ainiM-KYt vnw mom a sat,.
- Is the lilso or tbe pansy Mr. Smith's
favorite flower?
Would Fred debater Certainly if bs had
not such a bad "cold."
Judge George II. Williams will deliver the
sddress before the University.
Mr. Darwin Yoran, of Portland, visited
tbe University on Tuesday last. "
Miss Wingfield was alweut from her classes
Monday on aoootiut of sickness. .
Wss it an "intention aforethought" that
oauaed Amy to forget her lunch last Thurs
day? The latest method of spelling Siskiyou
originated among the seniors that ia "Bis
For a daw method of killing chickens
apply to the Latin Grammar class. "Uallina
Rey. A. J. Gordan. pastor of Ibe First
Bapliat church ol Portland, will deliver the
Baccalaureate sermon.
The youmi lady studonts are greatly en-
Ioying the boating iu tbe sweet spring time,
ullgiug from tbe number of blistered hands
we aee.
The seniors will begin tbe'rehernsal of
tbeir orations this week; hence regular reci
tatiou. in Elocution bavo been . dispensed
Arch Biahop Gross will deliver Ibe address
before the societies. The Bishop Is a Rood
speaker and doubtless wa shall be highly en
tertained and instructed.
A Eutaxian was heard to remark that she
was troubled with "Solenidas, Pboladidae,
Mytillidae, Tridaohnidae and Aviculidae."
We do not wonder that sh. looked pale.
Tbe olaas in Analvtioa has produced
genius, who in a single hour, suoceedud in
inscribing a circle with a line at Its centre,
and in drawing another lino perpendicular
to the middle of two points."
The Latin Reader class rejoice to think
that the Fable, are progressing, and only
regret that there is a moral to each one, as
tbe moral is something not only quite hard
lo translate but also to make practicable.
A large number of students weie present
at tbe Baptist Endeavor Social given at Mrs.
Underwood s r rtdsy evening ana enjoyed
a very pleasant time spent in special ruuii
oability, general sooiubility snd unusual am
A. "I have just thought of a strange par
adox. It is this: ' If a man's left hand is
amputated, his right hand becomes bia lult
B "I too bavo thought of a paradox:
"Two pbysioians."
Word has come from Mr. Sayford, since
he left here, aud he snya be baa yet
to fiud a oollego in tlitt Noitbwcst outalde
of California, where the atudeuis are doing
better work than at the State Univer
sity of Oregon,
We wonder if map drawing Is an indica
tion of oharaoter. If so some of the sluilculs
have a decidedly comprehensive character,
for their productlona are of ao enmprt-hcu-sive
a type that lbey ru.iy differentiate into
almost anything.
A new and wonderful way has been found
tor solving tbe following: If ono apple cost,
five cents, how much will two apples cost?
Solution. 1 :2 :;5 i x xbc.
If auy one falls In understand the process
we refer him to Prof. Iioomis' works.
A qncstion wss raised ia tha miods of
some of Ibe Latin Ruuder students hist week
whether a certain youug man imagined him
self a district school teacher when he shook
bis head so disapproviugly at two young
Isdiee who found something amusing iu the
In accordance with tbe annonuoement of
last week tbe young ladies of the Freshman
class met at Mr. Lauor'. Scarcely bad the
business been transacted when . tbe door
bell rang and in walked the gentlemen of
lb. class. Afterwards a few friends ' came
in and the class spent an evening long to be
Before Jimmie played hi first game of
tennis he said that It ws a child's game, but
when he stepped into the oourtto "receive,"
be realized that the sir was much easier to
hit than a "winding grounder," and ex
claimed that it wasn't so easy lo "catch on"
to tha "racket" after all.
Advice to Bopbs and Freshmen:
When tbe weather is wot,
We should not fret;
When tbe waathel is dry
We should not ory.
When the weather is cold
Ws should not scold; .
When tbe weather is warm
We should not storm.
. But lei us be thankful together,
Whatever the suite of the weatlior.
Tha nublio readlnir room was opened
Battirday evening. Quite a number of val
uable books were donated and tbe W'a and
Y'a were very much encouraged in tbeir
work by the interest shown and expressed.
Professors Loudon ana uaraon ana iur. x.iua
among others entorlained those present
with short addresses, auer wnicn iu eveu
ing was spent In social converse, II anyone
lack lor amnsemeni give toe iohowiuk hu
tence to a friend to write as yoa pronounce
tbe words: "It wa. amusing lo see the nn
paralled smbsrssmeut of tbe barrassetl ped
lor, wbilat he was gusging tbe symmetry of
the peeled potato. ' Correct the spelling
aud see if you are not amused.
How sweet the hours of school days gone,
Tbe moments flown tor e'er and e'er
Now in memory floats a song
Bringing tbem back t er ana anon.
How I cherish tbem, now I'm old,
Those beautiful days of longsgo.
Now tbey seem as liuks of gold
Joining tbe darker oi my me.
All are scattered far and wide
The boys snd girls I knew of yore.
None ars drifting with the tide
But pressing onward to the mark.
Some ars there, gone before
To tbe unknown shore whence none re-
- lurn.
Where there is peace and joy evermore
For faithful they've been while here be
low. I think lbey are watching and prajitig fr
Wbtle we toil as they did of yure,
And therefore I love to look w mere.
On the beautilul days of long ago.
Our new null at Elraira is in iton.
We can promptly fill oruers for to-.uor
finished luuiU-r
R. V. Huwaud Si Co.
. IoqUro8.H.rBJlj.