The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 17, 1890, Image 3

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An Englishman ha invented t desk
u of persons trarullng, the
Kuot which U fixed in u J
, t it rem!" stoady in spit of the
VTinff of the boat or train.
phonoirrttph closots are yory common
Yin the otllcei of business men. A
roes In nd talk to Ma machine,
Ud after a while the typewriter goes In
lid the machine talk to hor.
An Engllh religious paper publishes
tt7 foil"1" sJvertUement: "A lad,
wishes to bear of a good school for girls,
here the birch rod, now coming Into
South Georgia barbers have a rule
thst Is universal. A stranger Is required
to pay fifteen cents cash for a shave,
while s resident pays ten cents cash for
T.bsve, and can even got crodltlf be
Uhes It at that rate.
-Itoamoout in an EnglUh court late
lv that 100 wornout horses bad just boon
Lppvi from that country to Oormany
anil .Belgium to be used in the manufac
ture of sausago, and that such shipments
are s regular thing.
Although Connecticut is but nlnoty
illrs long and seventy broad, it is so
well supplied with railroads that you can
travel in its cars close upon one thou
Mnd mllos, it is said, without crossing
u borders and without "repeating."
When a lady living in Chelsea, sent
to London for a doctor, she apologized
for ssklng him to come such a dlstanco.
"Don't speak of it," answered the M. D..
"I bsppun to havo another patlont in
the neighborhood, and can thus kill two
birds with ono stone."
-One of the best shooting territories
in this country east of tho Kocky moun
tains is found inand near theOklflnokoe
Swamp, which covers a large area in
Cbarltan, Ware and Clinch counties,
Georgia and Haker County, Fla. It in
titules numorous lakes, the haunt ol
wild fowl, and forests of tinibor, the
abode of large and small game la great
The Whito House stables are a pretty
group of brick building situated on a
lot south of the mansion and sheltered
by a row of box-treos. There are four
borses for the use pf the President's
family, throe bays and a gray. One of
the hays Is named John and he is of
remarkably gentle nature and extremelj
fund of eating sugar from Mrs. liarrl
ion's band.
The Cherokoe Indians, an organized
aatlon with chief officials eleoted by
the people, a legislative body in two
branches, and a judiciary, maintains a
kundrod public schools in as man
districts, and two seminaries or hlgL
achools, which cost StOO.OOO each; they
also havo an orphan and an Insane
asylum and a penitentiary.
There are now five buildings and
fourteen rooms along the line of the New
York Central devoted to the use of the
employes of that road as places of rest,
' recreation, education and religious in
struction. No intoxicants find a place
la them, and they are substitutes for
the saloon. They have been erected or
leased by tho men themselves, aided by
the railroad, and especially by Cornelius
A Pnty Whlet tha Intelligent Teacher
Own to tha Nation and Hii Pupil.
. Now that Instruction In civics Is in
tho air, may it not be in order to sug
gest that a good point to begin is by
teachers, parents and all persons con
nected with the instruction of children
" and youth, persistently inculcating the
duty of respect for men in public station,
: until provod unworthy, 'with at least
decent fair play in the judgment of the
character and services of public officials?
The Btanding abomination of our po
litical press is its vulgar, wicked habit
of holding up political opponents to the
mural condemnation of every body, as
not only wrong in their political policy,
but unworthy of personal respect. No
man in Washington to-day in high ofOco
is exempt from this foul smirching of
character and conduct by journals of
great lnfluenco, widely read, and edited
by men who would resent a reflection of
the same kind on themselves as a deadly
personal Insult Of course the well-informed
dismiss this wretchod twaddle
for what it is worth, but the mischir'
comes lower down. Every bright
American boy or girl roads tho news-J
papors, and it is almost impossible to
mention the name of an eminent
statesman in a company of smart young
sters without hearing the oplthots so
freely bandied about in the newspapers
applied even in a more positive way
than by their growp instructors. What
is to be hoped of a generation coming
np to responsible citizenship with this
contempt for publlo men and unbeliel
in official honesty? If it be said thai
there is much to justify this foellng,
reply that the present low tone of publu
lifo is largely the result of this babit ol
indiscriminate abuse and uncharitable
judgment. Thousands of our most capa
ble men are kept out of puhlio life by
the unwillingness to face this lire of
scathing Invective, leaving important
places to be filled by the political hack
with hide impervious to assault The
worst of it is that the journals that
assume to represent the higher oulture
are often the most cynical, intolorant
and reckless in tholr doaling with char
acter and reputation. Let us begin ai
at tbjs beginning, and teach children
respect for authority, with charity, jus
tice and moderation In doaling with the
character, which Is the most precious
treasure of every man who serves the
State. Education.
Mamma "Now Cecil, you have told
sie a lie." Cecil "But mamma, you
old me I must say yes or no; you didn't
rive me time to make the truth fit!"
Wickars "I am afraid you have
very little conception of the wisdom of
. aature." Vlckars "And I am afraid
' you have very little conception of the
nature of wisdom." Terre Haute Ex
press. New Waitress "Really, madam, this
Is too much. I can not stand the ever
lasting fault-finding of the coachman.
He says I have a worse temper even
than you. Fliogende Blatter.
"Why can not a woman become a
'successful lawyer, I should like to
knowr asked a lady of a cynical old
Judge- "Because, madam," he answered,
"she is too fond of giving her opinion
without pay." Demorest
He bad asked ber the momentous
question with great warmth.' "Yon
know," be said, aftr a pause, "that
soft answer turneth away wrath."
Tbat'a very true," she replied with a
sarcastic tinge in her tolce, "but a soft
aueation doesn't"
-Pastor-"Mrs. Jones, have you ever
reflected that In the course of time you,
too, must join the silent majorltyr Mr.
Jone "That's so. Parson: and I kinder
wish you'd impress on ber that ahe
ought to be praeticln for it now." Bur
ilngtgjj Free Pre 5; - - -
Whersll , Vou.iZZ I'rsWeworth. ts
Wipe Out In.ults lu HlooU.
Should a I'orslcan. in roven f.,e t.
jury dono to himself or his relations, oi
evon to his dog or his horie, kill anuthei
with knlfo ur cup Jefutil, public sympa
thy susiulns him, the hills ahelter Mm
K'tu mm, ana justice in : n' n" always avoid light and a
the shupu of gendarmes winks with broozo " possible. They are hardy be
both eyes unless the murderer be vorv Juai ,x,,'-,fi especially buffalo moths.
unpopular. True he is termed a "ban-1
dit," and has to take refugo in the
ttarqui, as the natural hush it culled
that clothus tho mountain sides. Well.
Informed Corsicans toll ono -that there
are at this moment in tho island over
1,000 ln hiding. But please understand,
the bandit Is no brigand. Should you,
defenseless, happen to fall ln with him
he will not take your purse, but on the
contrary, offer you food if he has it and
in his cave, and most probably
ny payment for his hospitality. !
reiuso any Da i ntent for his!t-,lic,r
It is only his foe's family asalnf t whU-h !
be wages war, and of course, ln self do-1 To Put UP ,ur ln tnB simplest and
fense, with the gendarmes. Those lat- Inost Poetical way, it is only neoossary
tor he will shoot with as much uncon-1 t0 Doat tl,0ln thoroughly to dislodge any
cern as a woodcock. And yet, though i t0,lcealed moth-worms, and examine
tho Corslcan will not rob you, It is not tnPm carefully for deposits for eggs;
because he does not love money. For a 1 lllPn wruP them in tissue paper, after
very few francs, both Corslcan gentle- i srds in nowspaper, and then tie the
mon and Knjflish residents aver, you ! various parcels up in a bag made of
can find a man who will do your killing tlllck muslin or linen,
for you and rid you of your enomy with Cut up a quart of mixed vegetables,
knife or bullet And whllo this utter 1 say carrots, turnips, cabbage and one
contempt for human lifo prevails thoro onion, into long, thin shrods size of a
can be no hope of the extinction of the niatch; put in pan, sprinkle with spoon
vendetta. of sugar and a little butter; place in
An English gentloman, Captain O., ; ovcn ln ran' coolt half-hour, stirring
whohas now lived forsomotonor fifteon I ofton 80 M not Durn; whon nIc0'7
years In Corsica, on his own property, colored drain off tho butter, turn into
told me tho following sto'v: It suoms j tho broth, boll slowly ten minutes, add
that ono of the employes of the I 8Pn of parsley cut fine, well washed;
former proprietor, fancying ho had some ! ,prve at onpo TllU wlu f'veyou a nice
grudge against the now owner, made . 'amlly julienne soup,
himself objectionable by broaking down j Kidney Toast: Chop fine four veal
fonces, driving goats and sheop into the kidneys with half a pound of calf's liver;
garde is, and annoying Captain G. in season with pepper and salt Make a
other ways. Captain O. happened to little butter hot In a frying-pan and toss
mention tho fact of thp man's enmity,
and deplored It as unreasonable, both to
Corsican gentleman, a neighboring .
proprietor, ami also to a shepherd with
whom ho was on friendly torui.
"Let me know if it continues," said ,
the gentleman, "and I will have the
man taken over to yondor rocks and you
won't hear of him again."
"I will arnwigo for a little tonptU fusil '
whenever you like to givo mo 'tho .
office,' " said the bergrr.
This was fifteen years ago, but even 1
now It Is said thore is ln Ajacclo alono
at least one murder a week, though 1
these outrages are so hushed up by the
authorities that it is difficult to got any
reliablo statistics. I novor, for instance,
taw tho account of any murder in tho
little local French papor Le Railloment, j
the only one, I tliiuk, ln Ajawio, but ,
this proves nothing, for there was un- .
doubtcdly ono atrocious crime commit-1
ted in the village of Bocognamo, about
twenty miles oil, while wo were at Ajao-,
clo, for particulars of which I vainly ,
studied the columns ot Le Raillemcnt
The official whose duty it was to invos-
41ntn lia m.iOn, lind UL-tl TI T.imI tiirPOlliul.
Mnn ftvwti rim ltvnrv atrihln IrnnnPF the
i hail Wm.knn. m I hoard the
atorv from the man's own mouth. The
nd nettled at Hoco?nano. The Italians
are callod lutquiu by the Corsicans,
and come irom naiy in largo nuimwr. .
iney are very iiiuuniriuuo, aim
do a
oreat deal of tho hard worlc ot ttie
Island. Their example of Industry ex
cites the Corslean's jealousy, but not his
emulation; hence there Is little love
lost between thotn.
It appeared that the pig of a Corslcan very PJ
wandered noar tho open cottage door of as0 J ev"' ,,..rohasa ,rom ' -an
Italian, and to dnve it off the latter J 1
inrew a awuis, ur' bUU " .
the Corslcan indignantly demand
.1 nf
her husband if an Italian was to throw
tones at a Corsican pig with impunity.
The Corsican at once went into his
houso, and returning with his gun, shot
the Italian dead on the spot The mur
derer escaoed to the macqui, and is, I
presume, there still, unless the extend-
tlnirolrcumstanoos of the victim Doing
National Review;
KnitlUh as Written In Japan.
1 ni,i porreaimndent fives some
.malnff snecimons of English as itls
written by the Japanese, Among them
. fw. from a library comiany'i
,i0a- "The Profession of our Company
( .nnWinr the all Jaosnose Classical
and Modern Books or Chines and En-1
elish Languago Books to Readers tor
receiving duly Lending Price." "Ths
object of our library Is for the Reader
who desired to Read many books at one
aenrchlnff uscf il mattor. il hook whioh is ready In
.... rt.-j u nermlt to Read; but the
Brevailing Book at present Is wished for Tne colors may be used wlthoat ie
Reader to be lend from the procedour of iection, making sort of "chone" effect;
Sending." "Who has read tho Book of or carpots may be chosen for raveling
.... ohnvn three months by m.y) show only shados of scarlet or
our wVj, -----
the Polish way ot tue reauinjf, iuouBu.
of our Company will send the Signs-
lure of Special and may bo lend by
paying Lending Price that mitigating
1-10 of it"
- , .
Toh. S l! -
""""" - . t. ,. rhestnut and
had been
i.i. imia nf the Dorr war as a
biding place for guns." It stood in an
open field on the farm. The trunk,
which was nine feet four Inches In
diameter, had been hollow ssjong as
anyone living can remember, and a
Ull man could enter and stand erect
with several inches to spare above bis
head. One of the limbs measured four
feet in diameter. The tree was cut
down because thore was danger oi it
"What a resombianoe
tween you and your husband. Mrs.
Kmith'- said a friend of the family,
.nvone ever call attention to it
before?" "O. yes!" broke in Roberts,
who always blunders. "The, were walk
. D !' '.t,. ..reet t'other day. and I
hrd a man remark. 'How much that
.- looks like her son!' No, no, that wlll produce nausea worse than seasick-L-ti"
added Roberts, seeing the neM. On the last day o ll .Octoben
d on Mrs, Smith's face. "Wh. he being ln rather delicate health, he be-
eloudon .un. ---" ,.
. , . How mucn vii w - -I . -
lka Ue his mother!' "-Demorest. eating one bird and aomeUmce two
lwk!. JlBut do you think these eTery day. He has not missed a bird
Customer- But do y ' ' d u not the igbtfst
.uspenders will wear?- p i f r his diet, which
They're W"' of pania" rather improve. lnaor
rV :U-.-Then I gu I don't -ant ! AnlU)UTe7-''I am afraid there
SeTYToJ care 1 have my p.nU thing wrong with WUIU-l .W
..t any faster than I could do it j ev(!r, ni(rht now. i'r
IZft-'w"'- - i'-le's .11 right. You'll probably bear
Tl ' ..Tr. you fond of music Mr. ; f hU engagement shorUy." Mother--8h-'
, aaB-t knuw-tell , ,., thlnk B0 wouid bave told me W that
Bnell? Ue7 . ' v.d piano in the
,ou the " -.ii, don't romem-
bouse so long that I t"J , b4T,
peat many years ago.
A house ti no horn unless It con
tain food and flro fur the mind as well
as for the body.
ulto woolen goods may be cleaned
by rubbing in dry starch or flour. Shake
Moths like warm, dark, stuffy cor-
''8SU and poal parsnips, lay in ni ilk
until ready to use, season, dip In flour
and fry in clear lard or butter. If the
parnlps are old parboil before frying.
Some prefer egg batter to the flour; this,
of course, is left to taste.
Thread of all kinds should be kept
as much as possible from the air, which
rots it If one buys thread by the
quantity, which is the economical way
of buying; it, only so much as is needed
dally uso 8ll0ulli tttkon 0ut n(1
tha r,lst Put ,way ln covered box pro-
tectoJ ,r0,n th8 lr'
them about until cooked but not over
done. Remove from the fire and stir la
the beaten yelk of one egg and half a
teaspoonful of lomon juice. Spread oa
toast and serve at once. Stewed or
boiled tomatoes, and hot Indian meal
muffins, go nicely with this excollont
dish.' American Agriculturist
Roust fillot of Veal: Take the
bono out of the joint and make a deep
incision between tho fillet and the sad
dle. Fill it with a forcemeat of veal
stuffing. Bind the veal up in a round
form, and fasten with skewers and
twine. Cover the veal with buttered
paper, and put ln a modorate oven.
Roast with melted butter, and allow two
hours for a Bix-pound fillet When
done, tuko up, pour ovor melted butter
and brown gravy. Household.
Moat mayabo saved in very warm
weather if. as it is eut out, you have a
kettle of boiling brino. Dip each piece
of meat in this for about one minute;
take it out and lay it aside to cool and
whllo cooling have a quantity of pul
verized nitro (nitrate of potash) dust
and sprinkle ovor the flesh side of each
Tjioo' about a dessortapoonful, which
will be absorbed by the meat in about
half an honr; thon pack the moat down,
flesh side up, with plenty of fine salt-
say ono inch deep all over the meat
In a wook or so overhaul and re-salt
Old Homostead.
low IiipenlniM l.adlet Can Produo So
Very I'leaslng ttosulta.
To make a rug, plenty of persever
ance is needed, for it is a large oontract
to niako ono of ordinary size; but it it
very pretty work, and can be done with
.... ' li-,wU rtumntintr: ntmM
I'ntiv tiv - - t n i
that aro too small 10 oe woritou up into
hassocks aro quite large enough for this
Cut theso Into strips of any length
tholr bIzo allows, but let them be of uni
form width, say three Inches. Ravel
Uese out u,v.- -
,7 r , ,
. ,uroadg Thon pr0vldo yourself
wtun eUher whlw
or col0red. Sot on ten stitches and
(tne knittinir a row or two, to make a
firm beirlnnlnir, ffoonasif youwewmak
ng a (farter, but with every other stitch
iaT . thread of the crimped wool across
ti,e needles. After knitting the stitch
take the wool which shows upon the
wrong side, and turn It toward the right
lid0i knitting a stltcn above w secure
lt. Thon put in another thread of wool
tn(j rcpeut the process. The back of the
,trlpg i,ould be something the appear-
.nneof that of a body Brussels carpot,
whllo tho front should be like a sort of
thick, lonir nanpod plush.
" , - ,a v.. ba f.
Dlue; 0r urown ratpuw u,j v.
tho conter of the rug, and border of
caret 0r bluo sewed on all around,
j Afur doln(? a imio of this work, many
' ideas as to the arrangements of colors,
will suegest thcmselvos, and little
JrsctJwill enable the knitter to pre
duoe some very pieasing ro.u.u
ished they
must be sewed togothor at the baok. H
Is only for convenience that they are
knitu-d in strips. The rug. as a whole,
would bo cumbersome and unwloldy to
handle. Brussels or velvet carpet hearth
rugs, are made with a strip of this knltr
ting for the bordor, giving a very pretty
finish. Dorcas.
This Is a4 time-honorod belief,
which has been shattered a number of
times, but certainly on no occasion
more effectively than by this story,
from a Hopkinsvillo, Ky., paper: "Talk
ing of quail. Colonel S. M. Starling, of
this vicinity, now ln his eighty-fourth
year, has broken into countless frag
ments the ancient and hoary supersti
tion that to eat quail, howevor daintily
thirty days successively,
-nail flesh exclusively.
; the aon.
, - Father-'Thafs
nothing. Don't you rememr .
AMI want me to WilU because you aald
y mother would blab it aU oyer town
In less than twenty-four hour?"
V.A- V.r WAH
We are not ln ths habit of puffing up
any patent medicine, but where merit de
serves It w e are always ready to notice the
same particularly for the benefit of man
kind. We have heard much of the tame
of The Great Sierra Kidney and Liver
Cure, but lately we have received poaillve
proof ot It Healing qualities. Auenne
mau well known to us had suffered (or
year n( kidney cotnplali-U The Great M
erra KUIuey ami Liver Cure waa recom
mended to him. lie has given it a trial,
and now aaxurea us th.t a wonderful
hange haa come over blm, and that tie
is viii lrely cured. Thauka to your great
nd aclentili - vegetable remedy.-Vfu-uiA
TiiMt and Observer, San trauclsro, I'al.
San Francisco, January T.
Sierra Chrm. Co.
Ck.nti.kmen: I have used your Great
Sierra Kidney and Liver Cure with won
derful aatir&ctioii, ann can recommend u
fully for klduey and liver disorders.
Firm of Livingston & Co , li Fremont
Yonna lady (hurrledljrV-1 wsut a novl
ometliliiK popular. Rooli Clerk (lirlikljr) tot,
mias. W list tori wlokwl or vild t
PartteuUrly on a loin Juumey. B fully w-pan-d.
Yoh rauunt b, ih tuiH ui to ujr. aiileai
you w I'pvmpantt'd llli th Iraveler'i and
lourlnt'i rd tureum, llonletter'l blflinaeh Bit
ten, most aeulal of nitlier, acelluiatiiort
and iittiinotera of itlgeitlon. Avaiiiat alck-
. " .ii... ..............
ut'nn, uiaiaria, crainiti nim. utkuil-u ,
badly evoked ur uiiwbolriomelouilaudbracklah
me'r, nervousneas, Inereajed by travel, ehtoule
billnuaueM and eonillpatlou. tha Ulth'ra li a
etvlKii im-veiitlv. It Imrartt a renin lor
food not altogether to your taate, and iir 'Utt
roin dlnanree 111 th o. Never waiuioro
mil a calul thlun for the Niitortuuata !)
(M-piic who aiauoa lu areau oi uio urm
mral. Htomarblc traubleeauaad by Ul-pn-pared
vlauda aboard ahlp, oil lloaniboalt, and ralloua
ha.illv iMihrd mt rallwav reauurauta. It hu
remedial by the Hlitera, which glvea a quietus
alio to rbeuinaUiin, kidney trouble auu lu
The tronble Is that when a man lies Outot out
thing he Ilea luto another.
Onr Hannah Jane wai thin and weak,
And aahy while her up ana cnavn,
y while her lip and chaek,
1 thoHKhl-aiid thought with pslo
an nst one our Hannah Jane.
ve otteu I
With rhanirr of dnrlnra. rhaiiKe of air.
Hhe aoaidit for healliiK everywhere.
Aud, wuen our hopei were alinoat put,
" Favorite rrewriptlon" tried at laat.
It nave ua Joy; lt gave ua hope;
Hhe ceased to pine; ahe ceael to mop;
rieree'i n-mvillea are til re and true
Now Hannah Jane la sood aa new.
Pr. I'leree'a Favorlle l'reacrietlon la tn oniy
medicine for women, mid by drumilata under a
militr gmrnnttt from t e maiiuiaemrere w
will mve tallfaetlnn In every caae, or money
will be refunded. Thli anaraniee nai own
printed ou the bottle wrapper and faithfully car
ried out lor many yean.
nr. Pl-ree'a rellela rleanaa and
rernlate the
atoinai'h, bowcla aud tyiteni general.
On a
doae; puri'ly vegetame.
The thlnca we think at ulght wonld be of (treat
value next day If wo could only remeaioer
them. '
If success be the true test ot merit it Is
a aett'ed tsct that "lirown Bronchial
Trtvhrt" hava no enual for the DromiH
lief ot cough, coldaand throat troubles.
' Elegant Queen Anne Cottage," i. .Delight
il If you could only live In the porch.
Six S'oveU Free will be sent by CrsgU
& Co.. l'liiladeluhla. I'a.. toauy one in tin
S or Canada p -lg paid, upon receipt
IS Dobbins' El-
cine SoaD wrappers,
ee 1st of novels 011 cirrula-s arouud each
bar. Hoap f 'r sale b all grocers.
'Tl. a yon aay, a flint-rate match:
For beauty there are few 10 match her.
And the baa mailea apleudld caloh,
For ahe caught a baaehall catuher.
TotiisEmtos: d Inform yoar readers
that I have a positive remedy for the above
named di-caao. By IU timely use thoonamls of
Imneleaa eaaca have beeu perniaiienlly eured. . I
ii.ll lm rUil to aend two botilesof my remedy
free to any of vour readera who have conaump
tln If lliey will aeud me their expreaa and poaU
1H1 Pearl atreet, Nuw York.
Pr. Wllllam't Indian Files Ointment II the
onlyanre cure lor HUnn, meening or ncan i
Fllea ever discovered. It never lalla tocare old
chronic caa- of long standing.
jmliHt Cotlliihurv. Clevelana, O, says: "I
I.. n ii. I In- riiMrleiii that Dr. William I
Indian Him Ointment glvea liiinieillale wIIfi.''
Do not anftVr an linlant longer. Boia oy n in
lauison'i Manufseturlng Company, proprletora,
.'..vulunil II - Ml ni.ta and tl.
Bold by L. Illiimauer dt Co , wholesale drug-
gUta, Portlaud, Or.
Your .Blood
The Importance of thoroughly purifying tha
blood This Kprinc cauuot be overesllmaled.
Tha eitraordlnary enldumlc of " the grip " and
other dlieasea, theunhealtbtvl winter, close eon-
fluemi-nt Indoors and carelessness In diet have
caus d accumulation of tmphrltlei ln ths blood
which must be expelled before yoa can feel well
and strong again. The universal praise given
Hood'a Bar- aparllla by those who have taken It
should certainly convince yoa that It la the Ideal
Rprlnar medicine. It acts especially and
Immediately upon the blood, overcomes physi
cal weakneaa, revives the health tone and ore
ates a good appetite. Try It this spring.
N. B.-If vou decide to take Hood's garsapa-
rllla, do not be ludtioed to take any other.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
gold by all druggists, 1; alx for $5. Prepared
only by C. I. HOOD A CO.. Lowell, Mass.
I OO Doses One Dollar
Perry DdvV
reddtlie drcctiom
B. P. . U. K. J36-8. 1. . U. So. 413
Modwto, Cal., March 30, 10.
Dr. J. Eugene Jordan, StattU Wath.
Dsab Sin: Tour letter with prescrip
tion came some days ago, Ths medicines
Mlw Hall was taking were A., I., M OO.,
She has been taking your prescription,
and Is taking it atlll, although she says
she considers benelf thoroughly cured.
She commence 1 taking the medicine w hen
he was first taken sick, rud was immedl-
tely benefited. She was persuaded l y her
folks to go back to her old physician. She
g cw wor e under his treatment, aud
finally took her oaae lu her own bauds and
b .light the five bottles of Ulstogeuetlc
mediolnea referred t",aud pronouuees her
self well, Uhe is the happiest person 1
think I ever saw. I wouldn't attempt to
toll you the many waya In which this
young lady waa all) Icted eight years an
Invalid ; cured of everythiugt !' Just
think," ahe remarked, " I can eat anything
and everything I want to, and all I want
to, and even have red cheeks.
Mls Ha'l's sister, a married lady ol
about 30, la aa much of an enthulaat as
myself over the Illatogenetlo medicines,
aud seriously thinks of applying to you to
be revived aa a medical student, 1 ours
truly, Mrs. Purvis.
Dr. Jord m's ofil e is at the residence of
ex-Mayor Yealer, Third and Jamea, Seat
t'e. Consultation and prescription abso
lutely rnaa. Send tor free book explaining
the lllstogenetlc system.
Cactiok. The Hlstogenetle Medicines
are sold in but one agency In each town.
Ths label around the b ill le bears the fol
lowing inscription: " Dr. J. Eugene Jor
dan's mitogenetic Medicine," Every other
device is a fraud.
Borne men have no ambition beyond making
euough to buy tobacco.
Old smokers profor "TanslU'i IMuch."
When a man la ap la the arts of knavery he
Isn't upright.
rinre cure for bl nd, bleeding and ltehlng
tile. One hoi has cured the oral case ot ten
years' standing. No one need suffer tan min
utes after using Kirk's Herman I'lie Ointment.
It abaorbs luniora. allays the Itching, sola aa
a poullioe, gives relief, llr. Kirk's Uerman File
Oinunnnt Is prvparvd only for Files snd Itching
of the private parte, and nothing else. JCvery
boi la warranten
Hold by Hnugltaand sent br mail on reoeiil
f l.uO per ooi. J. J. Mack k Co..
Wholtwale Aventa, Han Krnei-en
Cuiiouaa Rum DMa Cust
rasai Paauss is tmrmut
In whleh tha l l'Tii i a RaHKIiiaaa eheld
h tha thnnaanila anon thousands whose Uvea
have been made hannv bv the cure ol uonlilng,
humiliating. Helling, scaiey ana pimpiyanuwea
el the skin, scalp aud blood, with lois of hair.
Ct'TicVR, the gn at skin cure, and Ctrrict'sa
On. a an .amilalte akin lMatitlfler. ttrenand from
It, exhnia ly. snd ciiTii eaa KsaoLVSHV, the
new blood purifier, Internally, are a positive
rnre for every form "f skin sud blood disease
from pimplea to scrofula.
Rnlil evervwhern. Price. Ct'TitTS. (Oe; Roar,
Vxh Kssolvint, II. Prepared byllhe Porrsa
Dsi'a ANnCHiilci.t;oaroATioi.Botri,)saaa
Hi'iid lor" How toCiirefKlu inaesnes. -
r I'iiiiples blai-klirs'ls, chapped sud oily
tr skin prevented by CCTii i'H Soar.
y Kbenmsllam, Kidney rains sun neea
. wT nana anomlllv cured by L'UTtcuaa AKTI
fll'AiH I'kasTsa.rheouiy pslukllllug plaster
Faber's Golden Female Pills.
For Female Irregular
Itlea: uolliiiKllkethem
on the market, A'rmir
fail. Hueeeaslullyused
uy prniuluent Isdles
inontlily. Uuarsiiieeil
to relieve suppressed
Pon't be humbngved.
Save Time, llnslth,
aud inouey ;uke uu oth
er. Hent to any address.
secure by msll ou rs-
oelpt of OU.
Wsstern Branch, BoS 27, rOBTLAM v, OH'
Bold by Wisdom Usuo Co., Portland, Or.
a MKAOH.flahltir. Kos
elah Pianos; Burdett Organs. Band Inatrumeals
Largest stock of Hheei M ualo and Hooka. Hands
upplled at Kim torn Prloes. MATTHIAH
OKAY OO. Kg Fust Htrast Han Fmnouy-o.
& new hotel, eoniainlns sll Ihe modern lm
fiovementa; ever? room Tight snd slrvi llahted
n elMitrleliv. heated bv steam: open fireplaces:
baths in suit snd on every floor; elevsbirs.
linoats enUinalned on either Amerlrsn nr Ksro
pean plan. Ths restaurant the II neat I u the elty.
y . v . PIP .",7 w .
K.r. ! chums. Ladl A
( C-',,d art lfi1 a OUmtmi AV.iU. la A
TCjJni. Ail sum W
a. A la smmSium .. H'l .crrm. W
l J l.iuan.1 fc c"'cl'. I".l aaa
Si D u-iur rw ia i," ca
I tuna i.c ca- .ni
I prescribe sad rally aa
Sore Kit O as Iba on I)
spaeiSe for lb oertals cun
of thta dtaeaaa,
auaawmaiii, n I
We have
ave sold Rig O to:
yaars. and .1 sac
lbs beat ot sstis
many y
an. en i
Cblcago, ill
The Wiley B, Allen Music Store.
tv.. m.m .n1 IiichI In tha Northwest.
Knahe. suirk sad Behr Bros. Pisnos. KarbslT
Moiiae-prnof Orgsna Publiabetsof The Minimi
tuiimt, s Jnnrnsl of mualc (is pages reading
mailer and IS pages mnali ), laened monthly, 7ut
tr rear; sample copy, I'M. Send for cslalogues.
WlI.KY k ALLKM, ill First St., Portland, Or.
We hsve only one thing to ask this week, and
that It ssally granted. Please send postal eard
with your address and ask for eopy ol
It will he ready May I, and esmpts eoples are
oflVrrd fee to sll who stk for It, know yos
will be latere In It. viunwe asan y loosaano
artlrlss st lowest pries to eonsamera, sod gives
Information bow to order, bow to bay. bow lo
ship, bow to Uvs will sod cheaply Is sny part
of As world. Address hcaalts Csvsk atare,
411 t'raraS lt lrsBlace, tut.
i y8..i.nil bm aiyj
f I aaaaaSarkaaak
IXI arlaaliaraas
V 'lVsaCsmlsal3s.
Including 15 rare noveltlee, shapes and
arllatio iinported oleograph Ic and chro
matic e irda. This lance aud beautiful col
lection sent by mall to any oue who will
do tills: Buy a box of 'he trenulne Dr. C.
Mclne'a I'elebrated Liver rills from any
druKKlst, price zo cent, aud mall ua the
outside wrapper with youraddreas, plain
ly written, aud 4 can is lu stamps. The
Kenuine Mr Lane's I'lll are prepared only
by Fleming Bros., I'UUburgh, l'a., ami
bavo Ux-n in constant uae for over alxiy
years. They are superior to all others lu
nurity and effectiveness. A oerlaln cure
for ludiKi-stlon and sick headaihe. Ad
dress, t'lemlnji Bros,, 1'tlUburKh, l'a.
Beware of Imitations of tha celebrated teal of
North Carolina Flug Cut Tobscoo.
PfsiiBSler's Oreasai HUsl I'sirlller is
the bit remedy for that d ead dlaeaae, d)iiep
Is. lor II regulatss ths lympkallo aysteia aud
bad secreUoua.
Tat Okkmka for break fast.
I la aniiarlar sseellanea prona la aillUonsig hiHnes A
Binra than s quafMt A a noliT U la aara li Ui
I'aitwi statea niwiittiain. wwnnmir nww,p
Um Ureal llDlteralln aa tha Hlnmtnt, Pun Mel
UKiat llmllhrul llr Prims dream rlaklns Piiwilur ina
aoteuutain Amin.inla.UniriS Alum n.n I iwiy is Sana
I'KIOK HAM .Ml run urn v
a aw voaa i-mkiauo. sas raAaciaro.
Tan he madesaay b;
ratalng Chickens, i
la rge si- page 1 1 1 nstra-
UmI Calalogiie de
scribing Inriihalnra,
HrrHalera. Ilnmllus
llouaa, llnw and
What In Fd. Ho
Ions to keen tliem In
the llmndur, Drinking
tr hi......
. I ii I il if, 1 1 in, I i.r,.i-i
and thelrCure.lnfact
more lufnnualloo
than la given In many
iVccnt biMika. biuit
to any adilreas on re-
.'eelnt nf le, stamp.
wire olllli, none
Mllla, Bone Meal and
all kinds ot Poultry
Pitalumi Incubator Co, Pataluma, Cal'
" You certainly are mistaken," laid one young man to another at an
evening party, " but that cannot bo the young lady I met last winter,
though the name is the ame. J udgo for yourself. This girl has a glori
ous complexion, while the other young lady Good heavens, what a skin
she had ! Coverod with blotches and rod-headed pimples ; it was like
a nutmeg grater. Oh no, this cannot be tho young lady." But it was,
though, and Dr. Tiorco's Golden Medical Discovery had worked the
miracle. As a romody for pimples, blotches, eruptions and all Skin and
Scalp diseases, it is tho most wonderful medicine extant. Of all the
many blood-puriflers and remedies for skin diseases, " Golden Medical
Discovery" is the only one fenarantcod to do all that's claimed for it, or
money promptly refunded Especially has it manifested its potency in
curing Salt-rheum, Tetter, Erysipelas, Eczema, Boils, and Carbuncles.
In all Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, "Fever-sores," u Hip-joint Dis
ease " and all impurities of the blood, no matter from whatever cause
arising, it effects the most marvelous cures. World's Dispkssabt
Mkdical Association, Manufacturers, 063 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
falling Into throat, sometimes profuse, watery, snd acrid, at others, tlilik,
Umsclous. mucnut, purulent, bloody, putrid and ouVnalve; ey. weak, ring
Ins? ln mm. deafness; offensive breath ! smell snd taato Impaired, and gen
eral dolrillty. Only a few of these symptoms likely to be pnent at onus.
Dr. BsgVs Bwnedy wires the worst caws.
For a Stock of Candy
Alisky Candy Manufaoturinq Co.,
JobWs In Bhow Cases, Pcales, Tapr Paifs-in tact, anything you need in a Con
fectioner's stor. rlalearoomCorner ol Front and Oalt atwt.
Fur Stablemen and Stockmen.
lull, lajsltlngi. Dr iims., Gslla. Strains,
lamsnt is. bi,nneis, i.racseu neeis. orrsicnas.
tonUJclions. flesh Wojntls. Slnnghsit, Sore.
Thro)l, Dtsmper, Col.c, Whlilo. Pall E,H,
Fistula. Tumors, Splints. Rir.jioncs and Spsis
In their sjrly bug s. 0 reckons with each bottle.
AT riKt u-iinTi a n Iimivaa.
tHrMsiir vnrrisarn Hoiiwore. Hi.
' ri tSIW Ha Um s
Id CI1H1H (Villi II ill Hit IA La.
1 Ileal Oiuh Urup. TMleasuoU. Cat
In tune. h-l.H,? ilr'iKrft.l
A smoker who got' a package ot
Will u no other Tobacco. The Immense sales
of this popular hraud proves thst the smokers
Ike It.
rMltlv1y r4 HliVKlHi?MiMtlls.
liNfot'urml ihiuis.itiiof cm t urtsimtlniU ur
nouiirsMl tiisl lr l'tl pti? inn na. Knim iltii nm
vmpiuma lmr.i(Msir; tn ln iUvi ftl leant
Il irmitlom rvruvHl. nil l"T Iff booh iHiim -mutt
t mtraV'U.oii- cur pi Ttn tlvir irvmnivTil
trrtt br mil, 1 o I ortlnr inl aHnl Uc In uiupn
lOptr pOtlAtH DHli II (JHKIV AHOH..lUllU.UaV
If y itnltsr iritl rHnrn iliu ftilfriiM-manl lo lift.
Orecpn Blood PuRinEfL
W ..r-antnurtv. rnTivrurcQ
emaa. a.,a.h..M. t-'
Av.TvaT sr2v t """CV
lWVli' Vl I hsnelfsi'laisi 1
tnJrtrl il I aiaoa RW1 IJ ,
MMll'iji I 'Csaiss taml
SL .I J4tSAf I tsll1 uxl aaaiar.
l .'i l aa
lari ' ll
rO J'" l1" I'lTTTlTD for an Incurable ease of
aaaMaaBaaaiaiM Catarrh is the Hoes' by
the proprietors of DR. SAG IS CATARRH RLME0V.
aaeass mm r ATAWWBS.-HiMiilaohe. nhatnietlon nf nose, dlachnnres
Only UU oetits. rn.q ny nriigiriaia. everywiw-re.
or Anything for a Bakery
Men's Suits Made to Order,
$25 to $40.
Men's Pasts Eada to Order, $3 to $12.
Fit Guaranteed.
Send 4 rents In stamps (or samples and rules (or
sell-measurement. Yoa ran sava big money by
desilug with ur. BaUaisuiiun t uarsutved.
ARTHUR MI, Clothier, Hatter ui Tailor,
Car. Sd asd Morriaora Sis., Portland, Or.
Pisses sasatlea this paper.)