THE EUGENE CITY GUARD. BAll'liDAY AI'lilL Hi. tli'Jil. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TK.'KKT. For State Beuutor It. M. VEATCII ( ....L. IllLYKU Fur Representative I. , . . K. V. COLEM AN I....U. DOTY. For Clerk 0. I. HOUSTON For Sheriff JAMES F.. NO -AND Eor CominUaiuner JAM EH FAKKKK For Aoor . . T. J. Mi TliKltKON For Trtuum JOHN . DAY For School Siipi...D. A. W. I'ATTEHHON For Surveyor I.. K. WOOI.EY For Coroner Da. W. T. McMUlTlU State Democratic Ticket. A telegram to tin Gdahii Friday give Ibe ticket douiIuU1 Ht I'ortluud Tliuriluy in follow : ltolwrt M illur, of Jackson cituniy, for congre; Kjlveater I'enuoyer, of Multuo mull, for governor ; V. M. Towtiai-nil, of Uke, for atcretary of Hate; 0. W. Webb, of Umatilla, for treasurer: II. F. Dunham, of Marion, for iiiremeju(l(jc; A. I.e ltoy, of Linn, for tuperinlvudent of public- instruc tion; John O'Brien, of Lune, for state print er; T. O. Owen, of Coon, for prosecuting attorney of tbe eeooud Judicial district. Tbe ticket is etroug oue. Every section of tbe itete 1 represented. Tbo pnlilioiil cyclone that ba been striking tbe east in recent elections will aid iu edvuiicing this ticket uext Juue. Oreguii lit ltlll. A copy of tbe Interior, ptildubed at Chica go, oolitalue aii article beaded "Oregon iu 1841 aud 1H8U," which U full of intercut, and to tboae not familiar with llio fucte would astouUh maty. It show tlnit in Con gres Id 1814 Mr. Dayton, of New Jersey, auade tbe following remark aliout Oregon, aud were he alive now to uiuke them be would receive one of the dement castlg. tioua imaginable for lying aliout ptirhap Ibe luott promising aection of tbe United States: "With tbe exception of lurid ulong tbe Willamette and a few wnkr courses, the whole country i among tbe most Irrecluim able, barren waate of which we have read.ex M'pt tbe desert of Suhara. Nor la this tbe worat; the climate ia ao unfavorable to human life that the natives have dwiudled away nuder the malaria to a degree which defiee all hiatory to furnish a parallel, Of all tbe countriel on tbe face of the earth it ia the luait favored by Heaven, It in Ibe mere riddlinga of creation. Russia hue her Siberia, F.ngluud her llotuuy Bay, aud if tbe United Stalei abould ever need a country where to banlah her roguea and acoundrcle tbe utility of Oregon would be manifest. Hy water ita diatauoe la 18,000 wiles, and by laud 6,000, We are nearer the remote nalioni of Euroie tbau to Oregou. Tulk of steam couiniunicaliou. Who la to build a railroad avroaa 2500 milua of pruirie, of deaert and of mountain, aud who la to aup. ply the lueau. The mine of Mexico and l'eia dleemboweled would hnrdly pay n peu uy in the pouud of coat." Other epeakora were a acvcre. A London paper laid, "the whole territury in depute i not worth i:20,0iKl." The Edititnig Ito view aaid, "the deaert extern! from the Mexican border to the Columbia." One Captain Slurgia aaid Ibat "rutlier than to hare now elate beyond tbe ltoeklea tbe Union would be belter off if Oregon would link Into the Syiuiue' bole." Even Tbo. A. Benton mid the god Terminua abould bo aot on the Buckle. Senator MuDulTy, of South Carolina, aaid be would nut t;iv a pluch of iuuIT fur Ibe whole territory. He thauked Ood for the merciea of Ibe ltocMua, Then lb writer aaid: "What would Day- ton and Ileulon think if (hey could tnke Pullman at Chloago to-day and visit tbe Oregon of 1889." Further, "The hiatory of the I'aclflo elope aiuca that debute Iu Con (re ol IB 14 ha been tuurvolouabeyoud any precedent in tbe annate of Ibe race," Thru ha joca on tu ahow "what (be mere riddling of creation" havn become, aud a we al know, it I uot uocewtary to repiatit, Hear hi peroration, for he I a Citlifuruiuii: ' Let the reader of the Interior look luwaid the aetting eun aud reallie what an empire la growing up there to be kiawd duily by the lingering beutu ere he sink into Ibe oreiiu to rle upon Ibe far Orient. We of ('alitor, nia are proud of our northwestern inter tat. We irjoice uiod heartily Iu tlclr prosperity aud their prospect." Old Kwl-Fout Killed. Tbl old bear who ha beeu a terror to the stockmen, of Jacksou, Klamath aud SisM you countie, ha at last beuu killed. Jit. E, Covin, of Heuley, write these purliculuis lo tbe Yreka Journal: Hilly Wright, aud a boy uauied lleun, killed the celebrated g' ''Club Foot" onaduy lt week iboul 7 mile from hem. The cattlemen of tbi vicinity had a bounty of f7& ottered, aud I unite-aland a bounty ol 1100 or more waa ottered 111 Southern Ore gon, Wright and llean found hia track ul a, in., aud followed it until noon, when they located him Iu a thicket of acrub oak, uear Diehl Springs, ltrnk were rolled duwo the hill, aud the bear ruin out. lloth tired at the aame time, aud the guuly full, but immediately got up agam aud alerted for the boy. II got withiu thlrtv or forty feet of them, aud dropped dead. Tu boi were fired, aud all were found In In body, Iwo piug through hia heart. He iue ured leu luche between tbe rr and 14 iucbea (run no to top of head. The toe were cut off in a trap even or eiht year ago, which gave hiiu the nam of "ulub loot." Ill track wa uutuiatnkeahle, and ha ha killed hundred of dolUv worth of cattle in tbi viciuity aud Southern Hie. gou. iu lb pt twelve jear. lie weiulied over 1,400 pouud. The liy kkUininl iuiu car'ully, aud iuteud haviug lb hide (lulled for exhiuiciou. llebatbeeu systematically hitutej for, td taveral year, aud ealtle-uieu couaider Ihi a lroke of good luck, that he bu beeu killed at hut. Summons. In tli Circuit Com tof sut ( t)irx-vu tr tli Canity uf I Jin. Until H Uuderkiug, I'laintltt, e, Oeo jkiiderkln(. lrfriuUut To Ueo Ijiadirking, tli ! atiutd de- fcri.tant: 1NTHK NAMK OK THE STATE OK Oregon you are linel.y niDinKiuxl and re luiml t 'r and auawer pUmtirl our plaint tiloa in lb alwve entiUnd ml in wud wvurt o nr hefor tli firt day uf tli neit rrtf ii I w Urm at wid curt, it belli' the 1Mb day 4 .Ilia. IC'.W, tu be held at the Court llo'iw Euyen, 1-ane County, Oregon. And )ru are hereby B.iUl.ed tlit if you fail i U aprar and aiwer aaid oomiiUnit a herein riilrrd, III plaintitf will i'ly to tli aaid uoiirt lor the relief ueiuauiled la laid anibiiit, Bauiely, (or a darra ol divorce di Junn the Birru' eutitrai't Uunt Iwtwvra you and uid plaiutilt aud lorouiid (lil)iiriiinU of tliu i it aad uch oilier rlmf a tuiy I niuiulilr, 1'ki auniuion U pullihd la the Enn City Ui ann lor alx eucxTwiir wmIi, by unlr ol Hod. K S IWan. JudK ul aaid Cmrt,, order v nad at cliawtier, and bear date, April 25th, I8.X W. 4 M. FAPHEX. At-rry for (.Uintiil. Kud April 23, ItWH School STATinnc. Slat MiA Super intendent MeElroy ba received many ol the annual report of Die tuperinteudenU of tbe wveriil cuiiiitie. Monnw county' cenu-; ahow Vili pcrwiu in the county between I he tfeol lour and Iweuty, and K01 Irgnl voter 1or kchool purponett; Wacbingtou, Vl'i children. i voter; Oraut, 17J1 and loail; Wallowa, 10I1 andtHi; Colnmbia.l.WH andH.V.'; Mulbimr, HOII and WX; CUckamaa, 58J8nii.l illl.O; l'olk, t.n: aud K'Jl; Mull nomub, Vi.'i'A aud Sherman, 0'j7 and 4H; I.inn, (1105 and IKI'Jl; Yamhill, VM and 218-1; Jucknon, 4:11-1 aud W'2; Cliitnop, 2Di;8 aud l-TI; UmalilU, ihiJ and 2 1-0 J; Klauinth, 870 mid CEI; tiiHiam. aud UIH; Joseiliine, 1711 and H-Ki; Harney, 'U't aud 400; llentou, 'HIS aud 1410; Marion. 7'.) 18 aud iWl. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for tbe County of Eaue. Euiiliaiiia Anwui, Henry KiIiiiiinmiii, Frank Ediriiirion, Anna Edmuuiuiu, Kanny WmmI ward, Variau Farley, Sarah Farley, Jane CoaUwortli, John Eilniuimon, ilufua El luuuwm, 1'ltll., va. Martha Sleniena, Defendant, Suit in eiiity for the partition and ale of real hroiMrtv. rilO MAIir'HA SI.EMEN.S.TIIE AltOV'K .1 named left: lu the name of the Stat ol Orexon, you ar herebv iimiuueil to apear in aid court n or Iwfor tli iwciind Monday iu .lime, 1 '.U, ami answer tli vomplaint of the 1'IUU tiled tliereiu, or Judgment will be taken for the relief prayed lor lu the complaint, namely: fur the aula of the following ileacrihed real proierty aituatrd in tli County of 1-aue, State of Ortoon, to-wit: The Wet VI ol the N. W. 1 4 ami the N W 1 'i ol the W 12 of H W 1 4 of Secl, and the N 1 2 of the V. VI ol the S E 14 of Section M iu Towunhlp 17 South, Itauge 4 Went, containing HiO acre. AU.ithWntl 2oftheNW 14 and the W VI of the H W 14 ol Hw tion 27, and the E 12 of the H K 14 and the E 12 of tli N E 1-4 of Section 28, In Township 17 S, 11 4 W, containing acre. Aim th North Fractional iart of the N W 1 4 of Section 4, and the North rraetionid part of the N W 1 4 of the N E 14 of Section 4 ill Towu.hil. IK S, It 4 Went. Al.o the S W 1-1 and the W 1 2 of the S E 14 of Section DM, in Towudiip 17 ti, K 4 W, containing 323.14 acre ol laud. Alao the E 12 of the N W 14 and the W 1 2 o'. the N K I 4 and the N E 14 uf the H W 14, and the N W 14 of the S E 14, aud the hroctional N K 14 of the S K 14, aud the Frai tioual E 1 2 of the N E 14 of Section fi, iu i'uwiniliip 1H S, it 4 W, conUiuing 32V acre, more or lew. A lie. the S E 1 4 of the S W 1 4 of Section :U, and the S W 1 4 of the S W 14 of Section 31, In Towndiip 17 S, It 4 W, ami the Frau lioiml N K 14 of the N E 14 of Sectiou 4 and the Fractional N 1 2 of the N W 1 4 of Sec tiou :i, and the Fraetlonal N 1 4 of the N E 14 of Section 3, in l uwuaiiip 18 S, it 4 W, containing 1M.32 acre. AU.i the N K I 2 of the N E 14 of Sectiou X in Town.hip 17 S, 1(4 W. Beginning at the N E cor. of the N E 1 4 of ail Sec. 33, running theuce South HiO roU, thence Wet Ml roda, thence North IliO rod, tlirnc Eaat HO hnl to Ih place ol beginning, containing HO acre of land. Auto commencing in the Tnwnnhlp line be tween T 17 and iH S, It 4 W, 20 chain South, Kl degree, 20 minute. E of corner, to Se-liou 3 and 4 in Tp IH S, it 4 W, aud 33 and 31, Tp 17 S, It 4 W, theuce running S HO degree, 20 luiniitea, E 2.68 chain to the Et boundary ol County Survey No, ll.ri, theuce North ill Section 34, Tp 17 S, It 4 W, 00.00 chain to N E corner ol County Survey No 1 l.'i, thence went 2. M clniin, theuce eolith 00 chain to the placo ol beginning, containing IA. IH acre land. AUo Eot No 4 and ft of Section IH, and Lot 5 of Sectiou 7, iu T.wn.hip 17 S, It 3 W, aud Eot 7 of Sectiou 12, and IM oue of Sec tiou 13, and Fractional N E 1 4 of the N K 14 of Nection 13, lu Towuahip 17 S, H 4 W, couUining iu all 13. IA acre, being the dona tion lnd claim ol A S Canton aud wife, Noti tiliiiation No That the proceed of al be divided accord ing to the rexiieolive right uf the partie I'lllf' lid lelt. ami for micli other aud further re lief a to the court may aeeiu eiiullabl aud jilft. It la ordered by tbe Hon. 1L S. llean, Judge of uid court that aiimmoua n aerved apou you by piihllcation III the EniiKNK Ouahii for ii uucee.lve week. Jiated April 21th, 1HMI. liKii. 11. llUldtl.S, Atty. for ritir. letter J.Uf. Letter foi the following peramt remalued nmall'd for a the poatoltlu In Eugene City, Oregon, April 2o, lll'JO: Kailey, Frank Hrown, Annie Carey, J W 3 Curl, Hyror. F.ckletoii, A O Finher. Tom Ohize, W T tlray, Mrtin Grim, Ck)i Join-, Mr Lain, I) C F Mounel, Simon E reterx.n, Miea L I Stewart, II W Taylor, Mr. Li Wilkiunou, K L Willi.imH, .lob ii F. W Okiiom, F. M. ! Tho Celebrated French Cure, ADUPfiniTINF" "'. ."7 tl HIIUUIIIIll- rellllioeil. I. Hoi.b ox a P08ITIVE OUARAMTEt lo eure any loriiiolnenoii. i;eMe, or my iliuinler of tbe eueratlro or- AFTER ti. ol either lex whether arUlug from tbe liri-Miveuavof Htliniilaul, Toli eo or Opium, ar through youthful ludlncretlon, over Indulg tuee, Ae inch ai l ol Ilrln Power. Wakeful new. liearlngdowu I'alu In the Hack, Hemllud Weaknen., Ilynterla, Nervom 1'ro.trallou Noetum l KiiiImIoii., U-ueorrho . Mailniin, Weak Mem orv, lof Power and liui'itency, which If ue glecte.1 often lead to preinatnreold age and Imam ily. 'rlect."0ahox,llboxefor.00 Heut by mall on receipt ol price. A tV It ITT F.N lit'AllANTKK la given lor every f. KM order reeelvi-d, to refund the money if a I'eriiiauelit cure I. not effected. Wu linve thoiimiuila of teitimoiilala from oM ud young, of both Kin, who have been peruia neiilly cured by the line of ArilKoPlTIK. Clrrulvr free. AddreM THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WC.TXKN BKANCH. 1IOX 27, POUTLAMJ, OR I lii i. in w r Mr1- Groceries Having purchased the Matlock Grocery Store, wo call the attention of the public to tho fact that wo will keep on hand a rmsT-cLiss stockofgroceries,which will he sold to our pat rons at the lowest rates. FISHER BROS. NOTICE FOlt rUHLICATlON. Land Office at lloaeburg, Or , April 'li, IWll), ATOTICELS HEHE1IY tilVEN THAT 1 1 the following numed aettler bo filed no tice of her intention to make final Drool in upMirt of her claim, and that nid priMif will lie made before the Judge or in hia alxence hefor the Clerk of the County Court of Lane County, Oregon, nt Eugene City, Oregon, on luemluy .Inly l.i, lH'.i, vi.: Mary Ann Hoi land, widow and helrat-lnw nf I J Holland, decil.. Hoineateail Entry No 41181. for the W 1 ol S W 14 and N K 14 of 8 W 14 Sec IK, i n 1HS, Ko Weat, VY H. She name the following wltneaae to prove her contiuuou reeideiiee iimui ami cultivation ol aanl laml, via: If Ji llayea, Jainea Job, M Cauoilay, 8 Y AbUitt, all ol Crow, Lane Co,, Oregou Chad. W. Joiimhton, Keguter. L.OOK OtJT FOR- ri rr Li up) i in rvr, GHANID SAILS OF ASTORIA REAL ESTAE PROPERTY, Nulimlay, May 17, IS!)0, At the Ileal E.tate otlic of (IF.O. M. M1I.LKK. ill Ma.onio Teuiide. El'UKNK. OI!E UON, Sulii at 2 o'clock I', M. Every tenth lot to Ihi given awayi drawing to come oil' at time ul aale. Read This: 'i'u II'Aoiii if .Vuy ComYni: Tbi i to oertify that 1 made the .urvey of I'owcr' Addition, placiug the block and tieet atakea, and that the treeta, block aud lota are aa reprvaeuted on plat. Further, that tbe tract couUiua 47 22 100 acrea of level meadow lamia, having no hill or canyon ou It. II. VEI.L, Civil Engineer, A.torio, Oregon. yro P f M C To the place where you can get I CO UUIll L value received; wlioro there is & linn that will treat you white ami you will get all you pay for. Do you not know that when a man conies to your house with a team ntul a sewuur machine aiul lut.s it iu your house to sell it to you that he has to make a biirger profit on it than a tlealer w ho Joes not have to pay a man and a team, and feed the team. These fellow wear diamond with tilt) money tluy virtually atcal from tint furinnm. 1 caution kit person Kgninst lliee everluHtinj; awindlcra and liara, wliich I ansci t llicre ia no nirana too low fur (li to report t to make a sale of their machine, ami then when you havn bought that machine you will find out to )our aorrow (hat you are not ilcalini with liim but with hoiiix company, and they will put you to the wall or take the) machine; lci-k and you will loan all you Imve paid on it. Now why do you not buy of a linn that buy and m'II machinci tin' fcuinea other gooilaf Thia tho Harkcr Ouit Work tliw. V. carry In .t.xk at all lime Ih IoMKS'lTC aud 1AVIS, the lt niahinee IX THE WOULD. Tli Im t'Mk mm GOLD M I)ATS Thau any other macliln at th Fari Eitioa in lvA Th IHIMESTIC uee.1 no wm ui.ii Ution, a. It ia an old reliabl eniwny and ha alwav k-ivu aati.fa. tiou. 1K not buy until you hv e.mul'.ed m anl loeked at my machine. I w 1 11 mii you money and thai ia worth your tim Iovoim aud tr. l'riee of Ih SU and lMntic are trom (.tj up, I Vh, and flO iiioi ua tin. ol monthly paymeut. 0.l aole at eaah price with interest Ukea. Com and e th Kin Fihin Ta.kl. Trout (lie tied on Ceutral 1'raujht Sproat ll.k. jAt 40 Cents Per Dozen.Ii I'heM ar a Hue My aud cannot be hoohl elwwhare lor r thia 7.1 ct wr don. leaders Lin., I'olo aud Kel at very low price. Couie and buy where your money will go th lurUiwU I ali hate a very nice line of CrUt at all u-l.'w. I'm. boy. wit , iron ule, buolwd hu), at 9 L 10; never btor orTeml for lea ll.Ti. Small wok-oa at W ru. Our line of Jhibr Carriages is the Largest and Cheapest. Come and see them. 1 4VSJ Wincheler, daudy; nearly B.w $11 00 1 4tM"0 Marliu; a good ksc-a about gnw 7.W) 1 :tS-40 Wiucheater, a good ahuoling and iu good onler 8.00 1 l'J guag double breech-loader, B.w, at (pcil tTn-e V 00 180 -t v a X' i v t K- SPRING. .1. ' s a '-it ;s X' it $ m ar BLOUSES. From oO cent to $3.00 em-h, in Lawn Teiiuia aud French Flunnel iu plain and filliped uiuterial huudouiely lucked and belled in at waiif, idao looae HlouKei. JERSEYS. A full aiworlmcut handomely trimmed iu I'luck and colored, from 75c to $1 5 J each. GLOVES. The moat complete amortiiieiit ol Ladle' Kid Cloves iu both dresHed nud uiulressed Kiddlove. Momlaire iu black aud tan asHorlment; 10 button length and alao 4 button tiudieeao 1 iu black uud colotg. The otdobraled Foater'l Oi .ke iu black, biowo, Inn and alate, and a complcto line of fabric, glove iu Silk, TiirTlcluK, Li-!o uml Collou, in black aud apring ahnde unJ luce and Jersey kuit mil in all fuHhionable color. I have jiiHt received a full UHaortuieut ol size iu Cbamoia Glove that chu bo waehed; and they are very deairublu thia eaaou. Ladic coiiteiupbding purchaHiitg should cull early, a alock ia timid d. HOSIERY. In lllack, Solid and Fancy Color, from 8 ceutrt a pair up to $.1.00 (or Infant, Child ren' Miaav' aud Ladie'. NOVELTIE. Iu Veiling, Hiichiiig. Faun, Lace Collar and HeiiiKliched Llwm Tie. LACE CURTAINS. In Ecru aud White iu the real luce pat tern, aud Nottingham. AUo a full line of Silk Chiucle l'ortiere. Muslin Underware. Ilifh Drew.ei, Chemie, Prawern, Skirt, Corset Coven; A oho Ut ud complete dock at remaik illy low price. I reectfu!ly o licit tbe ntteu liou of Ladie lo my elegaul aud rotnplele ataortmeut iu tbi liue. if. r'A r itrv wr vu J tOTPV.1' ",ka spring mm ! V V K K A U U S A S N r i CHOICE AND COMPLETE LINES AT Very Low Trices. EXTRAORDINARY VALUES, INT I Ul1 III DM THIS i I0ITE. During the past few days I have uncased a nunilier of heavy importations of Late Styles and Novelties in Silks and Black and Colored Dress Goods, Which have lieeu atLleil to the liiaininoth assortnieiits shown last week. These shipments make my Spring stock of Complete, and I am now prepared to give my patrons Values that Surpass Any We Have Ever Before Offered in These Goods, As my present stock was purchased at very heavy discounts from regular trade prices on account of tin- unusual dullness prevailing in Which enables me to place the CHOICEST COODS ON SALE AT LESS PRICES THAN USUALLY ASKED FOR INFERIOR CRADES. A most complete stock of shades and qualities in Henriettas, itoth in all wool and Silk warp, French Serge, (iranite Foule, Albatross Crape Clothes, all wool Merinos, Mariettas, Pieiges plain and checked, Rright Lustre and Iron Frame Alpacas, JJor tiered Suitings, Knglish Broad Cloths, Fine Imported Suits and Spring Cloakings. Also a full line of the latest patterns in Clan Tartan Plaids, iucludings "The Frasiers," I!ol Roys, Mo Kenzies, McClarens, McLeods and Sheperds. TRIMMINGS. In this line I am exhibiting the finest assortment in black, white and colored Silk and Tinsel. Van Dyke and Kitfel points; also a full line Persian Rands and Appliip'ie Pmrder effects In dia and Surah Silks in Plaids, Stripes and figured and Plain.' Just received, a full line of Bolero Bodice Braid Sets. It is all the rage in New York. I am showing New Good at Low Prices, in Jets, Pearls, Cut !teel and Gilt and Oxyidized. ' WASH DRKSS FABRICS. Fine Challies, French Sateens, Scotch Zephyr Ginghann Open Work Pique, Fine Printed Batiste, Wide Width Lawns' Sursuckers. All the latest novelties of the season at astonish ingly low prices. 1 lie designs ami colorings cannot be surpassed. LINENS. Table Damasks, in white and ecru. Als. n full ,f man Imported Led Linens, Napkins and IWU rn .mens. Towels iu all irrades and prices: also a comi.l.'tn ni-t e Uussian Math lowels. S1LAAVI.S. In Black tWuncres, with fringed borders; and line line of I'ure Silk Kvoning Shawls and Scarfs. Remember the Barker Gun Works, Eugene, Oregon. Friendly. S. H. FRIENDLY, 31 18 m m. um:m.M:m m,m. tit SPUING M m JH K M. X. JC -K. JI 'K t CORSETS. A most complete atock in all tu, J comprihing the Bnt-Ht iimk.)s iu lb torli cluJiuy the C. P. a la Sireue, mullein p, and other well knuwn foreign and doa-brand. LACES. In thi Department I urn better prept tban ever to an it the waul of putrui Poiut de Goue, Escuriul, Rpaninb, Guip Valeucienne. Oriental, iledeid, Toni Chantilly aud a beautiful RKsortinent ol : per lace and gauze nets in Black aud Cr with graduated ribbon effects and gold i silver thread borders. AUo fish utti plain and figured, iu the latent denigua. EMBROIDERIES. Flounoiugs, All-over Edging and In tions in all qunlitios nud designs, couipri the latest betn-stitchud rutllo and Van effects. PARASOLS. "THIS SEASON'S STOCK." I am now offering special attraction thi line as I have just received a large K of "Novelties" direct from the manufactu: which consUt of all styles .f "SunshaJ and a delightful assortment of Parasol! w silk fringe effeetH, uccordeon pleats, Dyke trimming in all the latest Spr. shades and shapes. HANDKERCHIEFS. Silk, Linen aud Cotton in nil tbe Ul designs nnd borders, hand and machine en broidered in all tbe latest effect imt able, including Ibe celebrated Eiflel To affect; also a few dozen unlaundried, hm worked linen haudkerchie-fs mail iu t' convents of Germany. UNDERWEAR. Silk, Lisle aud Cotton Uruler-Vests, ri' high neck, long sleeves, or low uetk i short sleeves, in Flesb, Cream, Pink, U ender and Light Blue, from 25 cents to J'2 each. ' I have iuat receive.! a line of ihoCrH brated Jenesse Miller dress retoru umlrrenl meuls wbich are all the rase amouc tbe '4 aie iu the larger cities. c EUGENE, OREGON, GENERAL v. MERCHANDISE. Friendly