The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 26, 1890, Image 3

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Mainstay '' 'h ' Cellar Restaurants In
Our Large I'lllea.
"Coffee snil caki"t," ordered s customer
. -lIm i.iitntirttUt.of ailit.ll urn.
onn cold n I (flit recently.
,'Uet ire wet. "" they?" lie added in
. moment later.
..y,., all wet." replied the waiter.
Tlie rakes were aerved, and It w;m ap-.-.nt
that the term "wet" to
tu not used literally, but merely
..i-t, them from another Hurt '
aw,, ,rr. T..v we, ...
inou " .. 7 i
itb lard. r (frease 01 aonio son, railed
butter for the purpose of trade. The
..iry" cake have no butter on them
uL nerved, and the customer has to
aurpU tl.'""'-"7 '", Pon the i
ui)ll, lUith are atyled butter eakea.
. u a I. ait luinilluHttf l)Ul rial lain I
Zf late year, they are .till consumed
off"' ....... .i.,,..,. . i
.-1 t 10UEI1 "-J ..-....,. i
i siifllcietit quantities, after midnight
.ml before dawn, to (five employment to
, pretty larjfe army of manufacturers in
Vvr York.
' Hut butU'r cakea are In demand at all
wr of the day and ni(f'4t," said a
dealer h" dees a larjro trade in colfee
,nd cakes. "Printers and those who
work when others are in their beds
led upon them In preference to taking
liPavy meals at unseasonable times. I
.r,.f, r a airbdn steak, first, last and all
i,p time, myself, but I believe that the
cke are healthier for men w ho must
rt in a hurry and rush back to their
work a noon as they have cleared their
plates and eniptii u their cups; and I try
t make them good and light.. Coffee
I d sinkers used to bo tbo liunio by
. hlfh the basement ".upper was com-
d only known. The sinkers were butter
cakes, nmde so heavy that a fishing line
might have been weighed down with
one of them. They were, indeed, very
filling at their price, and a few of them
went a long way with a hungry man.
They owed their apparently substantial
qualities to the fact that they contained
n0 yenst. They were puro dough, and
ptku now they may be obtained, wet or
dry, at many places in Now York. They
piiiire a great deal of cotfoo to wash
thPin down, and, though an extrava
gantly large amount of flour must bo
used in their manufacture, they are
fairly profitable to every one who han
dles them, with tho exception, perhaps,
of the consumer.
"Hut the Improved butter cake Is a
different sort of thing altogether. It Is
juljjrlii t t n m ill whoso appetite is in
raoi"i;''.Y R"d working order can
n'lidily put away a dozen of them in the
time he would take to worry down three
of the old kind, and wi:b much better
results. They are inado in various ways,
hut the main ingredients aro Hour and
'A good bread baker is tho proper
artist to stand over a batch of butter
rakes, for in Its Initial process the man
ufacture of loaves and cakes is the same,
lint after the yeast has raised the dough,
which it o 'cu'piesa night in doing, the
biscuits are shaped in a mold, filed
quickly in plenty of fresh butter, and
served pip-ng hot.
tVlio h;n not lieurd of home-madx bread?
A hriivy mixture of putty and lend.
"lloml knew what he was talking
, Mint when he said that, lint heavy
mi'.er cakes of which Hood kmiwnoth
iig or ho would certainly havo i'-ng
Hu m to scorn aio far worse than bei j
brca.'."- v Sun.
regarding' coughs.
A Couch Is Nut a Disease, Hut Synitnin
of DlseitNe.
A cough is not a disease, but a symp
tom of disease. Tho body is a network
of nerves, and sometimes a cough is a
response to a remote irritation some
trouble in the ear, perhaps, a disturb
ance in the Intestines, or a pressure on
some distant nerve.
It may he due to enlarged tonsils, to a
Ion? uvula, or to an inflamed mucous
membrane in any ( art of the air passages,
from the lmck-tnouth down through the
bronchial tubes.
In hysteria there Is often an unmis
takable but useless cough, for which
th're does not seem to be the slightest
reason. It is a single loud bark, wholly
unlike the peculiar, rapid suoecss'yn of
Miinds heard in most other coughs.
There need bo no alarm about it: it has
noconniction any organic d seaso.
Everyone is familiar with the spas
modic character of whooping cough the
long, whooping inspiration, followed ut
l ngth by the violent, repeated expira
tions. The spasm is wholly unlike that
of asthma. It is confined to tlie larynx,
which it partially closes.
The catching, painful character of tho
cough of pleurisy is due to the fact that
the cough presses the lungs against the
inflamed membrane, the pleura, by which
they are invested. In asthma there is a
temporary spasmodic closure of the
bronchial tubes, producing a sense of
Nilfocation. As the spasm yields, there
is a copious expectoration of limpid
In consumption tho Irritation Is not in
the mucous membrane, but in the lung
substance. Hence, In tho early stage of
thp disease, the cough is a mere "hack,"
tliere being little or nothing to raise; tho
''ll-known cough of the laU-r stage is
connected with the ulcerous condition of
the lungs.
It is the office of the mucous membrane
everywhere to secrete a thin, lubricat
ing fluid. When this membrane is in
flaimd, the membrane Is not only much
increased, but is changed in quality, be
coming thick and tenacious. In inflam
mation of the bronchial membrane, as in
oronchitis or a comnn n cold, the cough
l the only means of relieving the lungs
if what otherwise might cause a fatal
wITccation. To arrest the cough, ana
Ifave the real trouble behind, would be
to kill the patient
Much of our coughing, however, Is use
ls. iy an Pfr(,rt 0j t)ie will we may
often overcome the tendency to it As
the larynx is specially irritable at such
"mes, the cold, inbreathed air may
On A llbitlr.oa ".itlrrhtnrr-i.-ne11. A
.. .... w.f. p. i
"TP ng of linseed tea is here helpful b.
protecting tho sensitive nerves from tho
r with a thin coating, and care hould
' taken to breathe through the nose.
Instead of through the mouth. Youth's
The Color of the Ilea.
The cause of the generally blue color
of the deep sea is accounted for by refer
ence to certain principles connected with
the science of optics. Probably most are
are that light consists of the set of
colors which we see so beautifully dis
P'ayed in the rainbow. Xow, it is a
'of light that, when it enters any
ky, and is either reflected or trans
muted to the eye, a certain portion of
" consistlnir of more or less of its
lors. is lt in the body; the remaining
being reflected, strikes our visual
and whatever color that may be,
th ...i .. . .l... -i. v.,
dances that the portion of light most
lt to be reflected from masses of trans-
Prent fluid is the blue, and hence It is
the air and the sea both appear of
tiis color. -X. Y. Ledger.
Tae Hard rlrrm , ,h
Karina: steamers.
It Is a hot, cal-n day tll8 mlll Je of
uinnier. tj,e ., rollm in Ion, amooth.
o 1.T awelU There U a libt breeze
ritfht a.u-rn. but the ship U steaming
M fast as the wind, and the sails hanif
listlessly from tho yards and flap against
the masts, and r.i's. As one doseen Is
the lttddor the air feels
close and deadly heavy and brlnps on a
dull he iilaehe. Tue engineer on wat.-h
"mir him If round
a if his
were of li ad. and .v,.n ,i,
engines do not seem to Iks froinjf ahead
with their uual enerey. A we pass
through the tunnel which eonnecta the
engine room with the atoU I, Vli.lA lit..
,, ,hf,
re nearly drives us
not a breath of a r rom-
... .
1" ri" " ',, t,r""""'- '" H"
w(rri'at tlmt one Inn a sensation iu of
a lump of lead In Ihe enrs. and one's
voice sounds thick and far away.
The firemen are at ripped to the waist
and the engineer has very little more on.
iM'ing only distinguishable by the gilt
bund and badge on his cap as be moves
aliout from onn furntce to another,
directing the firemen or regulating the
water in tho hollers.
In spite of tho heat the fire. burn
dull, for they can get no ar. and the
firemen, urred on one might say driven
by the engineer, "a-e doing all they
know" with rake nnd shovel to keep up
steam, the perspiration runnlntr in
streams down their grimed bodies
and leaving them striped like zebras.
Kach man in turn falls buck exhausted,
and is succeeded by another, who lays
hold of the heavy "slice." an 1 works the
lire through and through: but all to no
puriKise, for In spite of all they can do
the steam will not rise. In technical
language, "she Is steaming stiff," and,
unless th" wind changes, or (Jets strong
er, w ill continue to do an.
r keep on at this work without
drinking is impossible, and the firemen
consume an Incredible amount of water:
but. In spite of all the praise bestowed
upon this beverage by teetotallers. It
has Its dangers when drank to excess.
especially In a high temperature, and
presently one of the men. who has been
indulging too freely. Is sei.ed with
cramps in the stomach and has to be
carried on deck, leaving the rest tearing
away at the obstinaie tiros. Contempo
rary Review.
Vlsiton Are Allonril to KUr Kite Minute
In tlie Aii'irlniriit.
"You would be surprised," said the
guard in tho Presid nt's room at the
canitol. "to know how often visitors
come in hero, and. after looking around
at the general effect of tho furnishings
and decorations, which, you observe, are
red, ask:
" 'And where can we find the ltluc
Room we have heard so much about?'
"They have mixed up the capltol and
tho White House in their minds, of
course. Constantly people inquire of me
where the President's living quarters
are whether at this end of the capltol
or at the other."
"Are people permitted to come into
the President's room, sit down, and stay
as long as they like?" asked the reporter.
"Most emphatically not Tho room
would be used as a sort of club by the
loungers of the capitol if we permitted
any thing of that sort The timo al
lowed people to stay Is five minutes. If
visitors overstay that limit they aro po
litely requested to leave. Why, I have
known country folks to como here and
bring lunch, evidently with tho inten
tion of eatintr it upon the center table
or of picknicklng on the sofas. Such
persons are apt to think It an outrago
that they should not be allowed so
trifling an accommodaon. This is the
most comfortable room In the capitol
and it is not surprising that people
should want to take a rest here Incident
ally to the fatigue of sight-seeing. We
have to devote our attention chiefly to
repressing visitors of the sort 1 speak of
and to looking out for vandals, who
want to cut the tassels off the chairs for
mementoes, to take (dices out of the
sofas for the same purpose or to snip
pieces off the curtains to remember the
President's room by. Women frequently
come in hero and. taking off their bon
nets, prink to the lu l live minutes al
lowed them before tho lonjf mirrors."
Mn Who Wan ITep ired For All Sortu ol
"There are several champion mean
men in this country," said the circus
agent, "but my champion mean man
lives in a town in Indiana. If any other
State can match him I'll let one thou
Intoouriliow for nothing."
(live us the particulars," remarked
one of the group.
"Well, when our advertising car got
along tliere last season the men wanted
one side of a cooper shop to display some
of our finest lctures. The ow ner w anted
twenty-five dollars in cash and ten free
t ckets for the privilege, but we refused
to bo robbed, lie finally came down to
twenty dollars, then to fifteen dollars
ind we offered him ten dollars. Ho
said he would take an hour to think it
over, and at the end of that timo I went
U) get his answer.
"What do you estimato the ticket
worth?' ho asked.
" 'Fifty cents apiece.'
"'And I can soli mine!'
" 'If you wish.'
" 'Well, you see how it Is. My wife if
-leW and liable to die. If sho lives
we 'can use two of the tickets to go to
the circus. If she dies I can use one.
but I II have to give the other to my for helDlng at the funeral.
et.n,a inut. what I
have agreeu io uu.
Make it 610.50 and ten tickets, and yoi
can have the shop.
II im'L '' ,
"As business is business. I agreed to
li.. . I never iicfO. naruer in
my life to' give anybody a good licking.
X. V. Sun.
-The proprbtTr of a gamin house
should never abuse bis betters. -Texas
S'!!'Vifc-''Vrio will mend your clothes
,hen I am deal and gone?" Husband
..'VoVidy. I ll bo able to buy no
:U,'hesthen."-Munseys Weekly.
-M-s. Do Fashion -"llow is tb'.s. my
iaughu.r? ii'-- 8,r,r
nage you
have Jrop;iea "' -j-
v.. niiithr. l ui""
l 1 mh -d out.
Mrs. Iloh'i ; (parent oi an .u.-
, i i , if ,-rown terrorsl
roT.. 'I1 ... n .'.i., ,n-n vou arosodis -
1 aatisfled with the way I am raism- our
,arlinz Willie, nwvto you will conde-
4 J0 inr)nu n.e how you would raise
it1. ,, !... '-rLr'ainlv. every hot
j )Uht w be kept in a bogshea-l a
tbroueh the bung hole unUl be is t e v .
ot "And when be rel.e.
lUe K9 0f tweWe?" "sup up the fun?
Tha fnoruiuns Purtunrs Thai Hats (ion to
IMvy Jonas' l-orker,
: u was stated, lately set !
I out from Sydney to Now Zealand to re-1
j cover sunken treasure from tome old
! wreck on the weat Coast of the Middle;
; Island; but, so far. no returns have been ;
I published, the operations probably not i
i being complete. The subject of sunken j
, treasure remind one of tho heap of '
gold carried in the galloon and like
packet year ago. In 17B!) a ah.p-of-j
war from liio to Lisbon had on board
9.000,000 of crusade in diamond and
I about HHJ.WH) "crown turnola" in plas
j tors, making in tho whole !9,0."0,IX)0
I litre tournoi. So much for a single !
i nip. in liit two Spanish hlpa from
v... ...u mi. ua.uuit arnvro. wun
.000,000 of crown, exclusive of mer
chandise vulued roundly at 27,000.000
crown. Such examples could lie multl
plied. Of the cargo of an Knglish India-!
man in 177 1, one Item alono a diamond !
In the rough was valued at 100,000,
"going to lie manufactured In England ;
on account of one of the Asiatic nabobs;" j
and on the private freight of this vessel ;
the policies of Insurance were opened at i
Lloyd's at a high premium, so costly ,
were her content and so doubtful her j
safe arrival. As s costly shipwreck, La j
Lutine deserves notice. Sho was of
thirty-two guns, commanded by Captain
Skynner and went ashore on the bnnk
of the Fly island Passage on the night
of October 9, !?.. At first she w as re
puted to havo had i'tloo.OOO sterling
in spece on board. This was
sfterwards contradicted by a state
ment that tho whole amounted to
about 110.000 sterling. In more mod
ern times tho costliness of shipwreck Is
to be found In tho destruction of tho
fabric and her cargo rather than In the
treasure on board. Whatever may have j
been the worth of a galleon as a shin, i
there need be no scruple In concluding j
that when brand-new her value would
be but that of a toy In comparison with
such ocean mnilboats as now convey
...... in -.,,! ..,.1.. TV. l.,l.i ..I
sn Atlantic, Indian or Australian liner
even with a clean hold would repnv I
sent an Immenso treasuro If told in dol
lars, ducats or plasters; and when is
added the cargo of such a craft along
with the passengers' luggage, which
would include a quantity of jewelry ex
pressing many thousands of pounds
alone, some astonishing figures would
be tho result Tho ltoyal Charter is tho
most notable modern Instanco of tho
wreck of a "treasure" ship. She left
Australia with l-ll.-i0.000 In her. Of this
sum, says Charles Pickens, In his chap
tor on this dreadful shipwreck in to
"Uncommercial Traveler," :l00,000
worth were recovered at tho timo of tho
novelist's visit to the spot where sho had
driven ashore. Meanwhile how much,
gold and silver, minted and otherwise,
is annually nftoat? How many millions
sre yearly borno over tho deep to and
from India, America, Australia, China
and South Africa by Knglish steamers
alone? There should bo no difficulty In
making the calculation, which, when
arrived at, must surely yield a flno Idea
of tho treasuro over which tho rod flag
flies, and an excellent notion of tho
trust that is reposed In the ltritish ship
master, and of tho high and sterling
qualities which go to the fulfillment of
IL Sydney Herald.
Row It Mar lie Avnlileil llurinc Rapid
Ascent nr Descent.
A great many people are unable to
ride on elevator cars on account of the
fooling that their hearts and souls are
being pulled out of them when the ma
chino starts to drop. People with heart
affection aro frequently forbidden by
tholr physicians to rido in tho cars, and
it is disagreeable to thousands who rido,
In splto of it, to savo timo and legs in
the big buildings of tho city.
A well-known lawyer, who has a very
level head at most times, admits that
his head feels empty when the elevator
starts down, but claims to have discov
ered a very simplo mechanical trick by
which ho avoids tbe all-gone fooling.
Ho is willing to have it suggested to his
follow mortals anonymously.
"I take a long breath," he said, "just
as I step on tbe elevator, and hold it
with a tight pressure. Then, just as
t'uo elevator begins to sink, I let it out
exactly with tho motion of tho car. The
quicker tho car starts tho quicker and
harder I press out the air, and I don't
fool as if my soul bad flown out; In fact,
I can avoid tho least disagroeablo sen
sation." Another gentleman who tried tho ex
periment vouched for the results in his
case. "Don't imagine that you have to
blow so that every body else in tbo car
can hear you," ho said. "All you need
to do is to hold the breath tightly ana
let it go noiselessly out the noso. I
think tbo sensation is due to tho sudden
change of pressure of blood in tho heart
and head, and tho compression of air In
the breathing organs oUsets that press
ure by reaction when the car starts."
Philadelphia Inquirer.
Th rroeeat Viewed In the Light of a Cold,
Helent lllo Fact.
"Falling in love," as modern biology
teaches us to believe, is nothing more
than the latest, highest and most in
volved exemplification In the human
race of that almost universal selective
process which Mr. Rarwln has enabled
us to recognize throughout the whole
long series of tbe animal kingdom. Tbe
butterfly that circle and eddies in his
lerial dance around bis observant mate
is endeavoring to charm her by the del
icacy of his coloring and to overcome
her coyness by the display of his skilL
The peacock that struts about in im
perial pr de, under the eye of his atten
tive hens, is really contributing to the
future beauty and strength of bis race by
collecting to himself a harem, through
whom he bands down to posterity the
valuable qualities which have gained
the admiration of his mates In bis own
Mr. Wallace has shown that to be
beautiful is to lie efficient; and soxual
selection is thus, as it were, a mere lat
eral form of natural selection a sur
vival of the fitti'st In the guise of mil
tual attractiveness and mutual adapta
bility, producing on the average a max
imum of the best properties of tbe rac
in the resulting offspring. I must not
dwell here upon this aspect of the case,
because It is one with which, since
tbe publication of tho "Descent of Man."
, .i u.. ----
i miliar. Orant Allen. ,
all the world has neen auuineunj
j t nfortuna"te' Mistake.
. fay to the crrregation,
, mMtyfTt .nhat the pulpit is
. siUe or the error of the pr
, . . . tbe cncert In tl
Tbe concert Is for the
tn-hool room.
ben. fit of tbe Arch Fund, not the ArcU
lieoi. We will now sin? hymn sil
lo err Is bum.n, to forg-ive divin
A .T OK VOOrl'.M W.tlll'sltK.
I . .
lu those days of edit atlon a d clvlllsa-
t t - .. It,,l.. . t. I ..I
H nr nrur ii'ij iiu.i'n kv i , imiiut-ai
, . f (;u. . ,,,
a lories urn i be vnmiii Imihh nullon of
w ill m f n he amusement f rbll inn. nnd
rill la iiiiml Mack the (Haul Killer, Ke
Kl Ko Finn, he he alive r Im h deml. I
Kind Id hone ! make Me I r ad " and
nmey oiler imriy rlij uh-h. Hit it la a
fici that a (iiant b -rn t the world
thn it linking IIh poer fe t. A (Intnl.
In-t.'.eli f W& a terii'r to all, proves a
frii ud io etrrt family. Tlif (ir.'at Slerrn
K iluey and I.ivt rcuic l (he iiit of a'l
remeditit, ftH the pulilic are ui if vinp
d tilv. A nir core for the nuny dlterdera
of our Indies caii-ed by kldiie .a
ii..p l ,. t,-esses out ol I en on..
bottle prove MillW'lent. Purely ve etv
bie, ileliKhtful to ihe lusi , a l cmititul al'.
t!ic)cr Tumid remedy.
All drunk'i-ts H,'H
"Pill tun Ifn lo It" mile lil.t ui't?"
"Ve." ' I i il the plrlu iiuiirliiliie '" ":
Imi lli"mi'illion lel'l Millie. 1'nl.l Mime wlisl""
Man-rial lie. "
i;i: (i:d
tf IM'litl KliKNTI K
si ( '('i:h,
SKATri.K, Fib. ..', 1S.K).
On the 11th of Scptcinlier, ISSil, I called
upon Pr. .Ionian with what the doctors
'a;d was liillaniiuatory rheumatism. My
rifibt h ind was the ilzJ of four, and I had
not been able lo sleep for several niiflits.
Dr. Jordan presrr.bcJ for mc, and told me
to obtain Mime siiihII l)tt!e ill which to
put the medicine. I thereupon went Into
a Seattle (lru stoic an) asked for some
Itoltlcx, remarking that I aiit -d idem to
,ml Dr .ionb,'a medic iicm Into. A lady
, , ,
l""1 ",",'1Jr remarked
thai Pr. Jordan was a oua-k. I paid no
j attention to this, as I bad previous expe
rience with the doctor, who relieved me of
mbrry In which other rmluenl di)l
clans failed, lu just two weeks I could
wiite with iny hand, ami It lias been well
ever alnre. The only, object on 1 bat e not
Is that 1 paid $11 for tbe medicine and iot
well b fore I ttsed one half of It, and now
I have $1 worth of medicine 1 have no use
for, wbl.'h Is g.
F. J. ltAflir.l.DKR,
Representim? the Seth Thomas Cb rk Co.
Pr. Jordan's olllce is ut tbe res'dence of
ex-Mayor Yesler, Third and James. Con'
Hitltatlon and prescript lonnb olute'y khkk,
Send fr free book explaining the llisto-
(fenelic f j'steiu.
Caption. - The llistoifciii'tlc Medicines
are "old in but one aifcncy In each totyn
The laliel uronnd Ihe botile ocar the fal
lowing inscription: " Pr. J. Fitgcne Jor
dan's llisiogenetic Medicine." F.vcry
other device Is a fraud.
Tlieliuinan hia-l l like a fcather-ls-d. It
mil. I la- rninilili liaiiilli il. well shaken and ex
i.iiki'.I lo a variety nl tinlin lo revut It hcci.m
Inx lianl.
In terrific. Vnlcaiile criiitlnlis, cyclnnes. earth-ciuki-
a-e awfully ami plitur
e.iiie. but M-Hn-nv tleslrahle lo emulate III ac
tion and effect liy tliea.linliilstraiKiii nl reineilleii
u li 1 i ll uriiiliii-e eiiiiviii.liiu and aKuny In tl'
I alumnus! pert ion ol the human ('ame. fili'h Is
the ellrct n Hie inn -la-niouen vi'neiii ninu
tlvei liaiillv lalliiK miireauit mure Into illuie.
andol w.. It'll Hn..-tlei Stiiniaeh Hitters l the
wliulf!.nnic, leai.iint hii1 lar mure ell'i-eilve anc
ri ilaiieiim. Tnev weakem-il lite Intesllnea the
Itltterit Invlfoialet them. 'I hey li lt the hiiweia
Inai tlve, bei ain-c laeapaellatnl hjr ensiiliw do
hieneMt. The lllttrrii, mi the eouirary, and !
cause it enaliles. not tnrees. them to act -a vast
and fimuiiateilllli-n iieH ii-rietiuite tle'lr ae
llvliv ami rt-KUlarity. The liver Is la-ti.-Bi lally
.tlmiiltiieii, as tne kidney also an1, by Ihlsiiitsl
leine, vt lih li ra lly eniiiiieni aUo nuilaila, uer
voUMicim and rheuinallsm.
Mure Injurv Is wrnuitlil by i.iiiire!iitr parti
of tne trulu than hy iililillshlnx iaies of IiiIko
hood. Thev have tond the test of tlme-"TaiiIH
I'uiitli," Aineriea'i finest ." c. I'luir.
There are no inuxt Ham, tliniili aoine nl them
are very skillful and lalt'iilcd.
Oh, hmv enn a fa r muMi'ii ainlle atul lie Kay,
lie lioely ami hivini: ntnl ih-nr,
As .Hts't lis a ruse nnd a. Iirlu-ht as Ihe Mhv,
Vt hen her liver Is all out of Riiir?
rUieean't. It l hniMwsihle. Hut If tho will
onlv tiikeIr. I'len-e sii.ilili ii Medical Uln'iivery
It will i liaiiKit and stimulate her dlminlered
liver, purify her Miaul, mitke her eiiintilexlnn
aiift ami nv. her hrt alh wholesome, liar spirits
cliejrlul and her temper awett. All dnn-Kl'la.
Itnn't hak. hank, blow, spit, and dlnt
evcrvbiMlv wllh voui nlt'enslve hriiilh, but Use
Dr. haKt 'a l aiarrh Hemiily ami euil it.
Bi-ssla-Hid vnu miss your first h"hiim1
very inneliT I.'nlu-Nnt until after I married
my accouil.
Coii(fhs. lloarseneM and More Throat.
"Wrairn's UroHihml Traehtn" give Inline
i ate relief
"Yes, Ihe yacht was cmnpletclv wreeked, but
the eaii'aln'siiveil himself liv i-IIiik.iiii to Ihe
hiKlit id a rots'." "Il'in! Hit baik uppi-ais to
have been worse than his bile.
Don't you iranf lo Mi money, clothea,
time, hilsir. fuel and heal i hi All theae
can be aaved if you w ill try Dobblna' Htf
tiicoap. We say "fey, knowing u you
try It once you will always use It. Have
your grocer order.
If all the vanity should leave this world, harT
thevlrtcw w.nilil m wmi 11. 1 nare 11 on m-iiiiik
how nieniiy v ua are limply pniini ov our
varlniu v I new a.
Incliidlnir 15 rare novelties, sbaties and
anlstic ImiHirted o'eoifriiiililc and chro-
n.atie rjird-. This lariru and beautiful col
lection set t by mail to any one who will
do I da: lluv a box or Ine trenulii'j llr. I
Mrljine's Celebraied I.lver l'illa from any
druiiRist, price Scents, and mall us the
outeide wrapper wllh jour address, plain
ly wril'eo and 4 cent In ntaini. The
nen"in Mrl.ane' I'IMs are prepared only
bv Fleminit Urns.. I'lttaburKh, I'a.and
have leen In constant use for over sixty
year. They sre superior to all others I
nnrilT and effect I venesa. A certain cure
lor indiueatioii and tick headache. Ad
dreaa, FlenniiK I4ruB" l'ittJtbiird.h, Fa.
li a nec-aslty with nearly everybody. The run
iloan.tlr.-d condition at tbla aeaann la due to
Impurities In Ihe bliss! which haveaeenmnlated
(IiuIbk the winter, and ahlrh rnuat be expelled
If you wish lo feel well. Howl's Haiaaparllla
thoroiiKbly purlflea and vlialiaea Ihe bhaid, ere- j
aim s food apiK-llte.' nn blllnuDeaa and head-1
ache, rlvn heaitby artlnu to the kidneys and:
liver, and Impart to the whole body a feellus of
hea ih and atreunb. Try U tu' prlu.
Hold by all; ill lor V,. Prepared
ouly hy C. t. HiMD A CO., Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar
Over Her Itratornlliin l.i llrnltl I niter
llr. Iiarrln'a Trrnluieiit.
Mr. .iifor; 1 d lre to -ay lo the pub
! (bat I four tear with
rutin Tli, btoncbiil- and Int. Iv with Ion of .
H,.cilte Was lies'rd by o: her mI'I ph
siclalis without beiim Is'liellleil. l'lnnllv i
tie K the elix ir iiiNifiielic triMtioelil nil
iniiiisleied ty Dr. H.irdii. nnd ulu r Imo
months' ircawiienl H'Mtefully Ay llitt he
lias rlfu'letl s iTriiiiiiieni i inc.
M. H. Wai.hy,
X . 8 Sbernisn tre I, Portland. '
(aril from Mr. Jnhnsim.
A'lifor On o ' inn : For a Iniiir lime
for rmiMiliiiiit I'r. I'srla two ynr-.HL.", i
t b'd been nlllictcd l h neina k' lu 11 'V '
licud mid Kii c an. I ki'HihI lupin m. I
was in nrlv i ibi from I lie i If cl of pain. !
I'r 1 In r riii cured n.e with uichcine Mel
elt cirh-ity o 1 have i vcr had t i
return on me. Kifur to mv at Il.'l Front
sttroi, Porihind,
Mrs. .MAIIIItllKT A. ,1. .IoiinhoN.
Iln. Darrln can K consulted dallt at the
WasblliKtou bnilding. rttrner o( 1 otirlh
slid Washinvlon Hireels, fort Ian ', Mini1
llolel (ioiidnlfo. Tacoiiia. Ilouni. I'l lo A
eveiiluifs, 7 lo H Suiulitf, 10 to 12. All
rlironlc di-eases, Irregiiliuil es of women
b!iod talma, lo ol Vital pnver
and early Indi.crelloiit inrnmncelly
cured, though no ri'f' reniva an- ever niHite
in Ihe pres. eiiiiceriilnn hip II cases, ow log
to the ilelb ncy of the pttieuta. Kx nilna
ioiiH five to all, andcir.'tilars will Imi sent
to any address. Charges forlreatmeiit ac
cnliiiK' lo iwtienl a aleiitt to pa v. The
poor treated free of chaise from 10 t II
daily. All tiriva'e dbowt coull.lent'iillv
Ileal ed. and inns unaraiiteed. l'.ilieul
at a disiauce can lie . nred by hnnie treat
menu Med dues and le'tcr's sent without
the doctors' name aiH-nriii)(.
rfuiiitcr'a Ores on IIIimhi I'lirlflerlt
the la-Hi (..rllntt ilr. a.l illneane. iltapep.
sla, titr It n-milatea Hit' lymphatic !. ui and
tiatl werelHm.
tlcwarviif Imitation! of the celebrated Sialof
Ninth Carolina I'lUK t ut Tnl'accn,
Try Ckkmiu for breakfast.
Ik ntrxalor viwillmoa pttiran In mlllloiiiof hoaeafoi
mow 0. m aquMlerol a amitiim. II U luwd br tn,
untvd l. lloTnna.Mil. Ko4nn4 . Uir h-xunf
tlK-llteat UaKm UMtluiHtriai.4t, funl aed atml
Hliiful. Ir. Prlw'a Oriam llaiina lMwdi.r iI.m ihiI
eintaui Arttn.iul Lfniotir Alma. K.ildmilr la uaut.
Sc id tied,
fectcd frczy With
Terry D olviS'
Kn6 Alio Z'tiashoon,
fu in iuCX antWatcr
3tmi5 a day, and
ou'll bet relief at
once. ariA
Care .
xfUr faMa use of
hWs Solden Femalo Pills..
For Femnle Irretftilar
Ities; lintblnvllkutltein
nn the market AVer
I nil. cueeewiully ued
hy innmlllelit la Ilea
itionthly. Oiiamnieed
to relleva iipirn:d
Imn't b liumti'iil.
Hava Time. Health,
and money ;lake uooth
cr. Kent to any addrosa,
aeetira by mall nu ra.
telpt "f price, IJ.OO.
Ad lrv.
Wsateru Branch, J,'u27, 1'OUTLA.NU, n
told by Wisixia Hal u Co.. Hurt land, Or.
Tha f.rnonl Hurry 4
Ntorauf butt-.a, aad llovaf
Nantarw ut Caniliil'lsa.
Mia, rum Iwra oiod la
Kui PMulen.. ralifurnla,
vimra Uia luminal will aa
A aaa aaa SSSk InnuiuXwl aa
MMll Flawa
SmmmI atara.
Hovit. Maaaaar,
FaMuleaua, -'at,
SaaS laraHW"fa.
Oreqoh Blood PumnERa
PJIPLf9W.0TCHC3"ial urjiaata.
a HKAOH.Oablar. Koa-
adak rtaaoa: Bardettilrmna. Hand Inslramaata.
LArvewt stark of KhaM Jiualaaad Hooka Haadj
anpulied al Kaalara
Prtoea. liATTMI aVt
H fast cHnet, bas rraaeiaua.
St lit If. nmiiw
r. I MUlTIl,
N. P. N. 0. No. 332-S. F. N. U. No. 401)
r I
Kail I'. I'H, N. Y.. April H lO.
T n.fTere.l . h i. i it li It lit), nil sin . hull
tx.'tle "I si J .' t' I'll IH.'I tlie; ll- O llll"ll "I
MMI III llirco y -i;pi. It. Mr I- il I'l IMrtl
mi l liHVe vi-l lo Inur "i A tuuitli; i It (lid U-t
tvlluvo ut mnniii ii!i c;re
d. J.tV 1 'Ml '.UN'', Pru.K'kt
0ns n" .iVMd.S.V.. K. . II, is-fl.
I mi!T.r.l uuh ih iiih li-l-t in I lie Ik ml. tint
f i:i. in, inut tvll' l :r in ilie pili('uUiiU 'if
bU i n. lurti rne ' 11. i',
K. I'. Hl.I.1.1 Si.KL, i lib f of Pullrtj.
I Ki nr lo linp.irl jnm t lit re will In' Im-ii-
illtisi In emplii) illK I in-
I linlie.l. ulili li l llienl h it and mit reliaiile
Km. iih an Kieri w" In Ihe country, uMIl",d
''V, ,1V h, vr A,, , K,ir(,,H..
.,, ,u,.. ,., ,1.,e kin.l u( iuhhi..
..... v,.rv m, ,i,iaie.
Ceii.itrctiieiiU el ts-.t
Rhine, Burgundy and May Wines,
and ol cei lli-iil I'oi'V Pis'Ka at b.we.l prices
.laats lu .I.M'k.
1 1 snin iioim: iiiiohi iin.
.SVii.I ern'1 fi.irfiViWm . Audits Wanted.
L. W. MORRIS, Proaidont,
is and .0 llma'lwai, New Ymk city.
. siki v in m; n ti. is., u it., ua.imii.
The Best Typewriter.
rleud for Catalogue.
Wiley B.Allen & Co.
tieneral Aarula,
SI I I.I M., I'm Hand, Or.
Vx- l
rixi'a Pura for Con-
sJl.nmiitlooU iHKllWif
keenltui Uia tote
10,000 ftGEflTS
htt..rr ir th imml.rrf Wit WlAV.llilt
Uivltiff ft full anil ri:iiit4 siiintuf tUa HiHiirni'y,
nmnlr,iUioi,rvi'rUirlKMT.iin-U.oorxm-r sin pi.t,
liittrbxlftiilvtii)ii b Tho wciisMiuiMtf iao im..
bi. (iitt'Ur l-nm. vi'ifmo nf Bihuit M itv, fnl.i
tr n i m i in : nnmNinu,iimi p tpu. i iiiswinnrinni'iii
vour llft lli'if; ttsif.)iiitil4tn. A'MrvfS. tilMb A isiJ
Kbtiiiiiw, wmij jajM uih. ut
Season Opens for Trout April 1st
sasaMxMM IM Hj1' i'fAit""i
93 lira! ., 1'arffoBil, r,
Arms, Revolve and Spoilsmen's Goods
V IlTIIUi.ll .',,!.
&rir TVC"'0" x !" ?
Aal'i fi ..MM.ihMi.,iiiii'l
Vt 1' if f Hee'leiil'ii"' 1
fh.JPl 'J tx-l ' f t-iii. Iwinl ! r il
l''(4l I 'I JiT W In-i'CiaiH hnil
V im fr. Jili i JiTl r mltlt' i"l niiiii"n'ti 1
Vj5rfVJ TO 2! u-titn .ui.l. T...J
'X .vyn-'- i,i 0.4,. in...
nann of childhood's tender years,
Hwnllowed oft with irnsiiia and tears,
llow It made the Heah recoil,
Iwthaoine, ;r-asy caator oil 1
H-areh your early memory tloee,
Till you find another doau I
All the ahuiiderlutr frame revolts
At the thniia-ht ot V.mim aaltal
I'ndi rni aih the plll-lxn lid
Was a greati-r horror hid.
Climax of all Inward Ilia,
lluffo and griping old bluo pill I
What a contrast to tho mild anil gcntlo action of Dr. Fierce
Plcanant Purgative Pellets, sugar-coated, eany to take, cleansing
renovating tho nyHtem without wrenching it with agony. They are
gently aperient or Btrongly cathartio according to size of dose. Un
equaled an a liver pill. Smallest, cheapest, easiest to take. As a
laxative, only ono Pellet necessary for a doso. Cures Sick Headache,
Uilious Headache, Constipation, Indigestion, IJilious Attacks, and all
derangements of tho Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Put up in vials, her
metically sealed, therefore always fresh and reliahle. Being purely
vegetable, they operate without disturbance to tho system, diet or
occupation. Sold by druggists, at 25 cents a vial.
For "run-down." debilitated and overworked
women, llr. I'loroea Kavorile rnwrlptlnn la
tlie boat of all n-slomll ve toon a. It Is a MiU-nt
Siiecitlo for all tluaai Ctironio Weitkmawa and
liiaiwa peculiar m Women: aHiwirtul.iren
eral aa wi ll as iilerlne. I.mte and nerrino. It
For a Stock of Candy or Anything for a Bakery
Alisky Candy Manufacturing Co.,
Jobbers In Bhow Csses, Br.le., I'.per Bsin fu1 snytbin, you ns i. a Co
UKU.n.r'i itora. baJse.oom-Com.r ol r font and Oak StreaU
If you must ell (' nil, Whi at, llutier and Kirira
at pii'ii prices you mil. I but l hater or ex
perl hard tlnifn. Ween", r, larlllnr no furl IT. one
d nnr l.-adna l'oltis-1, 'M.. lull aeiidit f.' ;
K niiiiil. f r ue, rheaS'r jfraih-a at !'.
Itakina l'""d- r, V.t tin II; never lit-anl of com
i.Ulut : Irv It and report Miiri'li,h. l I.Ik liimpa,
I. 1 Is. :i',e; Kill! Imum '.jei SUItia l. Wllllu
llni. a, No. J, l uf fa!riiiality, Ve. Tea Dii.l, 7.'i
II. .. .!.;. iesl to u-e. Put we wi'iild rnlli.-r ell
inn ,ea at '.lie, '.' -, "(Ow- nr k.'s'. rained l oina
i,.,K.h.. pin k. 11.7.1 ra.e. l orn. II.W), IJJ),
I.' "., a i a- t'.al ban linisjual. 1 able r nut, llinn
aradt-., n-r rae ( J dm. a ea.e, inlnil), a. s),
and l..'i: lliesi-ari- line-, have elieap.-r. hut
lint rvi-nllilll! tided. Hiilir, 1 ai a. nr n;
wllltniilryllilskliHl? Aleiir.a-e ai !... a
l-Hii.-. Iln-Winv It.lia.TO. pillir, .1 nran.ia a, .km.
inr ... Hit lu.lliis- Ijirlllsm Ine Muoren al ::,
full vii-lsbt. Sine aitllilStnekliiH.-.M.-ir. illlltoil
Mn. a. Mn 10, at II. i: m-ni and wnrtn iiiiviiik: a
Udler Kradr in l.aie II al have proved cheap at
I7'; iii.-n our l.'.'o Sunday sins' In 11 nl Km.
l oiik-r. Hals that l laee Willi book" haa no
eiiil; Il Mould U'l iillnl elieati here at H. ami
lu .nine piai-ei nriuifsti. o jini i"-. rni.ii..-.,
all tvle. Hl.llli. and -i"'. from Mo V, al II. M:
acre made to tell al lii.hi, Imt bat e nut fnunil
hiit-ets at Ilia tit il re. Ladlca' Kid, Heat or I all,
biiit.iii. lu man. ant wlililia, only II..O, Is the
i'lu-aH..t we roil Id r.riiinmenil: hate Mo at
ll.'.'i. lull lo.l o iiimhI, llioiik-li m at and talable;
lor nlKlier isl .h..s nee ri siuar ii.i in i"
i in l.. M !.. tine lot nf over U pairs, elolh
and kid Ij e, rea-nUr .tnrk rout II U make, we
.ell II, li,at :, I -'"lid l-" at sue, 1H and l:1',
at ;ik , or n pair, anv siie for li. Clilliln-u'a
slum anal, call or kid laee Slns's, 111 lor every
dav wear, .lie I las-, ! :i S.V, sire 4 at He, al
. 'o,'; tin-liiu sli. i are all sold al tlnulile the
unmet' ; lin y have heels. Inlsiil.' Miina, lialit
or tlai k. In sloa 1, i, :l. ankle lie or le,i
la.ds at -is- (u :lh-, as tn .In-anil kind; the ankle
I e are 1 lu ill eidor. .Mint , bn.e lu imnll ami
nirdliim l-, fair iiuallly, per doi.f, ;.a-, uta-;
I. II. r itialltv and full tn exoa am-a. II, II. 'At.
and line ami beavv II all rll.U'd top and
extra talue. tVoinrn'. tiorklin:. not nr last
or our word, al II iburti or Ine pair In trl-.
.lain, mixed, while nr balbrli(L-aii, some t.l the
lailer iiw-il Kihriiiar is' pair; Iry them If you
ver ar Stork lints. II eo.ts list Intlrll lo a l
rll In the liew-lials-rs or W would tell you
ol lii.ntHi arlh-lra weotr.-ral M In HM s r oeul.
lower Iban anv credit store nn Hie i oai. mom
lor nil Cir, lr If ttm have mil bail II nr do tint
irel It n-LTulsrlv: It l ln.tie.l every month. Atl-
I Mnlili'a i'hsii More, 4 III I rani
Nmi I rum taro, I al.
r If
Alw ava huts Hi-al of North Camllna, "Plnit Cut."
lie can't he IihiIinI by Inlrrlor Imltatlona.
aiaaenM aS fallr
lona W i U aa taa aaiy
pact Sc fur trta oaf taia cars
rewla I tp
I VII I DT. 1 nl
tnia a'lsaaa.
aaHrtaaia. Auutaldaat, K.
Wa aava aal lug a
. It. aay yaara, aaj it aaa
. aaaraaaaljrgl fartioa.
Cklnaca, IIL
, MSkyBrasaiaas,
T"i'Piin Aijrn I nill
aro caoaa diamond aanao,
MMe.n.i ai'.j. c. .l.i... i.aui.i
a.1 urnviiil iw "-.. .r.,.., ,. .. .
Wk ;.' In t.u.r.t lf..i.., S.., .r.pir, rra X'
rl - Aa.n, r.ia.iau-rn-lUL s-.l 4 V
I L VJ ...i t.r .iiihiii..L i.' -
w IJ " l.aillr,"ialrHtr, ' ratun
"ftCOtXfll AMONTIIoanbaataila
U. IU-.JU. iirkina f..r . fornma
Brafarrtslvboaan fanihhahoiaaaiMlanaihalrwhula
UmaliitlwItauaisM. Hpai mnraww tnsj l pmniahly alsn. A li inol. In V ana sn.l c-ittea.
a K. JTollNSON A H.. Il Mia lit , Uicliin.-nd. V a-
Imimrta vlirnr and atrenirth to the whole sys
tem. It prompt ly curea wi-nkneas of stoniai-li,
nausea, lndlin-atlon, blimliinr, weak Imi k,
nervous prostration, d. lnlliy and ab'ephas
iwwi. In either pt. H la ean'ftilly tsiin
ponnded by an erwrlen-d physit-lnn and
ailapted to womans delhstte nnntniutlon.
Hun ly vem-tnlilo and perl'ttly hurinli-aa in
any condlllnn of the system. It la the only
inedlilne for women, aohl by drnjrirlstii,
under poalllve Rnaranlee nf aitistno
ttoii in every caw. or prlco (Jl (K)l reluudesl.
This gnarantis) haa been iirlntisl on the
bottle-wrapper, and fslthfully rarrleil out
for many years. Wiimi.ii'h IiispttsAaRr
Mkok ai, Asim'Itios, Vroprk'toiTi, No. bod
Main Htr,s. HntTnlo. X. V.
mat) (loan K tpuf jf ' IJt W t
uilLit Joel If ft r
a ji nut: ov tiiii.k o