The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 19, 1890, Image 7

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    r I
Outside, wind snd cloudy sky,
inaide, warnitn and eomfort 11.
Kir and ligh
Oleam to-night
for my little one aid L
pussy purrs to hppjr aba,
Curled up on heroustilon lea,
Wnora aba Ilea
Bleepy eyea
Vitob tbe Cam ol leap merrily.
ponto In b!a aleep iri bark,
Tainks be atlll oiuit witcn and bark
Lest aome foe,
Era e know,
Leup upon ua from the dark.
picky bird baa chirped "Good-nlgbt,"
rucked bla head far out of sight,
Little one.
Day la dona
for you both till morning light,
for my birdie's drowsy bead,
6e, ber dainty couch Is spread,
Swinging low
To and fro
Bocks the tiny cradle bed.
Outside, wind and oloudy skies,
Inside, watched by angel eyea,
Soft and warm.
Free from barm,
fast asleep my baby lies.
-liuta Argyla, In Good Ilousekee'ptng.
gow Jessie's Forvetfulnesa Nearly
Wrecked Two Lives.
Taff," "Tag," "Tag," In quick suc
cession from a number of tiny throats,
and s group of children were scampering
ill over tbe garden of a suburban resi
dence of New York.
"Little girl, little girl" said a rolce
from tbe other side of the hedge, "will
toil please do me a favor?"
"Yes, sir," replied the little maid.
"Kow toll me, are you not visiting for
I few weeks at this house?"
"Yes, sir, I am" rather curiously
this time.
'"ihen, of course, you know Miss
Ellsler, tho governess?"
"Oh, yes, sir, she just went into the
louse, Shall I tell her you want her?"
"Oh, no, but would you please give ber
tbii letter?"
"Certainly, sir; I'll take it right In to
her," and she was moving away.
"So, dear, don't do that; wait till she
comes Into the garden she will like it
better," bo added, blushing very red, as
he turned tuv.-ty
Now, little Jessie could not play tag
with a letter in ber band, and as she
could not deliver it at once, began
thinking where she could put it for safe
"Oh, there's a place," she thought,
snd without more ado she squeezed it
tinder tbe loosened bark of an old elm
tree which grew close to the house and
returned to her game. Childish sports
have not usually an all-important im
pression on the affairs of their elders,
but that afternoon's game of tag was
fraught with destiny, ohanging the cur
rents of two lives almost to their utter
ruin, for Jessie in the excitement of her
play forpot the letter entirely.
Miss Ellsler, tbe governess, had been
bappy during the early part of the day,
even till late in the afternoon, but as
darkness full and bedtime came a heavi
ness at the heart possessed her and she
was thankful when she found herself
alone in bor room.
"Oh, birdie!" she cried, addressing the
only confidante she had a golden ca
nary, now quietly asleep "he has broken
bis word; be has not come. What shall
I do? Must I live this drudgery all my
Hie, made doubly heavy by bim? Oh,
why did he spoak to me at all? He
knew I was only a governess. Why tell
me of his wealth and ambitions why
draw from me my story of daily humili
ation if he had no comfort to offer?"
And all the while the leaves of an old
dm tree were brushing the mosquito
bars as if to say:
"Come d play with us, we know
something; search our old trunk where
tbe bark is loose and find a reason why."
Let us accept the invitation and just
read the letter:
"Mr Own Darling: May I call you sot I
promised to let you hear from me to-day bow
you could better yourself In the world, and I
tlilnk you must have guessed, dearest, the way
1 should sucgest If your life is half as burden
tome as you aay, I entreat you to give me the
iweetjoyof ministering to your comfort Be
my wife and make me bappy. as I ahall strive
V make you. I hasten this avowal, as I sail for
the South In a week or two, to be away many,
nany years. Your 'No' will be the death of me.
Consider well, but let me hear not later than In
twee days' time of my great good fortune. If
'No,' let your silence tell me; it would pain ma
tan. In deepest lova and anxiety, yours de
votedly Robert Hickmam."
A few days later at breakfast Miss
Ellsler dropped her knife and fork on
ber plate and reeled senseless from ber
chair to the floor when Mr. Maywood
read from the paper that Mr. Robert
Hickman had sailed on the Cambria for
South America, to be absent many
A doomed ship, battered and swept by
enarmous waves, confusion everywhere,
in men's souls as in the air above them,
curses and prayers, shrieks and cries,
all go to make up the terrible scene
uich is taking place within a few hun
dred yards from the Jersey shore.
"Lower the boats! Lower the boats!
Lively, lads!" shouts the captain. "The
women first!"
Only a gunshot from land, but what
open boat can live in such a sea?
However, the ship has struck on a
feef. and every wave lifts her and
washes her down, ripping the keel and
ides at every stroke.
In all the mad despair and rush for
the boats there stands one man who is
doing an angel's work in preventing ab
solute panlo seizing alL
The captain has noticed his quiet
speech but firm restraint, and can not
kelp remarking:
"You are a cool one; you have done
Jour share; now save yourself."
"No hurry," replies the stoic; "these
people love life I don't I have nothing
left to live for."
Just then a cher goes up and tbe cry
hope is: "The life-boat the life
krot! Hurrah 1"
Two of the ship's boats have made the
hore within a few feet when one fills
with water, half of the occupants getting
shore, the others being lost
The life-boat, loaded full, start for
tts beach, when tbe ship split In two,
lls over and disappears.
"Give wav. bovs! we msv find one oi
two yet," says tbe coxswain of the life-
jev says toe coxswain oi m ww
fct as. having landed their passengers,
ttey prepare for a new errand of mercy.
Aa they bend to their oars one of th. I
en feela hla
strike something, and
facing in. th. direction recognize. .
it-. . ... ... i 1
inere aone! mar ha there a uie in i
Mm. Haul Mm aboard, lads; that', the
-1- .... MM 1A ' -
airt Tk J' v eM mJ, y"f,1H " " I .ben they gu, to lan4 th
Wn1edltadvlsab!6to find aom. HJ.
ortabi,., lu,ratonce fof
Ufa wa to bo preserved.
'It Is three miles to town. Who lire
the c?er " inqUlre4 th apUln 01
"Don't know hor name, but she's a
widow lady with a daughter."
"Follow me, lads, and bring- him care-
In a very few seconds he taps shaml
Ing old lady. 3 3 "
A poor fellow, ma'am, nearly
drowned just off the wreck. Will you
take Mm n? Uls life deoends upon It
Heaven holp him; put him on the
"Thank you, ma'am, warmth is what
he needs."
And while the men whn
changed his wet clothes for the blankets
- -uvi( iii tug UIMU Kt? baa
they had been supplied with Mrs Fll.
ler busied herself in preparing a bed for P t0 erT,ce produced
him in the adjoining rootn. I fny ornamented around the toy
But recovory was not immediate; in- I 'U,h , baIVd of etohin' hll the re.
deed, for.many days the doctor despaired i f?atnder U but Mrle ot dwP indenU
llaVin?.hU'.lfn'. "nd the prog- . M
ross be eventually made to the tender
and contant nursing of the poor widow.
"Ah, doctor," she said ono day, In re
buttal of his compliments, "1 have to
thank strangers for caring for my own
daughter, who has been grievously sick.
uiuugn mey tola me nothing till all i
uangor was past, home love affair, I
fancy. She will be here in a few days
as she Is not lit to work yet awhile."
"You deserve the best of daughters.
Meanwhile, remembor this young man
needs evnrv ran.' ihnu Is .. ...... u.. i
his speech which may result from his
weakness, but has led me to think that
bis mind Is a little unhinged," and
with these words of caution the doctor
went his way.
One week from that day dear Mrs.
Ellsler's heart was fluttering wildly in
the expectation of her daughter's
She was not disappointed ln this, but
the tears started to her eyes when she
beheld the pale face and wasted form of
Martha, who really needed assistance to
alight from the buggy she who had
often prided herself upon her dexterity
in jumping over the wheels and all to
the ground.
"Oh, mother, mother," sobbed the
poor wanderer, "there's no plane like
nome. ouidl might never have to
leave this haven of peace and rest I
could lie down and die hero, mother,
without a pang."
"My deario. don't talk of dying; you
are lib child, come in. No, let us take
the back door, my patient Is in that
room, and you had better not disturb
him. He is stronger than he was, but
the shock of the shipwreck has left him
cloudy In (lie brain."
That evening Martha Ellsler stole
quiotly to the little, upright piano and
ran her nimble fingers over tbe keys.
Her thoughts were still of Robert
Hickman and his desertion of her, and
in spito of the certain evidonce she had
that he had cared but little for ber, she
found comfort in the melody as ln the
words of "Some Day."
She was singing the second verse when
the door of the pationt's room opened
gently, and a figuro, all expressive of
venoration and wonder, watched and
The last strain was floating in the air,
the last words: "I love you now," when
Martha's heart filled too full, and ber
face fell forward buried in her handker
chief, as sho cried:
"Oh, Robert Robert my darling, how
could you leavo me without a word?"
"You did not want me. I had to go!"
It was a hoarse whisper the words
were uttered in, and Martha rose as she
turaod, but stood dumfounded as she
recognized in her mother's patient the
man sho loved. '
"Martha, why did you not answer my
lotter If you loved me?"
"What letter? I know of none."
"Did not Jessie deliver my note the
day after our last chat at the gate?"
She had not as the reader knows, and
on learning this he was not slow to re
peat Its contents, and beg hor to be bis
When Mrs. Ellsler came to bring ber
daughter to supper she found she bad
company, and scarcely recognized her
late patient whose dull, meaningless
expression had given place to one of
bright intelligence and radiant hope,
"Mothor, darling, this is Mr. Robert
Hickman, my future bnsband."
It was not until many happy months
bad passed over their heads that they
had an opportunity of questioning Jes
sie, when, with a sudden flash of recol
lection, she confessed her negligence,
and led them to tho old elm tree, where,
safe in its nook, they found the lost
love-letter. Family Story Paper.
Having Ills Stomach Well Filled Is Mora
Than Half the list tie.
A writer in tho Ladies' Home Maga
zine has this to say about getting baby
to sleep: Let me tell you first of all to
see that he is well fed; a half satisfied
stomach is a sure enemy to repose.
Have him warmly wrapped up, and be
sure the feet are warm, not hot or per
spiring, while the room should be rather
cool and darkened. Their brains and
eyes need darkness just as ours do, and
what refreshment do we get from sleep
with sunshine or lamplight shining into
our faces? Should you use your bed
room for your sitting and sewing-room,
be sure that the room is properly aired
before baby is put to bed for the night
You can take him into another room,
close the register and open tbe windows
and doors for ten minutes or so. The
air will be thoroughly changed by that
time. You can then close the windows
ind open the reeister, and in a short
time you can bring the little fellow
back into a fresh yet warm room. If
this simple rule were oftener observed
It would save many a restless night
Having done this the matter is com
paratively easy. If you nurse your baby
he will probably fall asleep in your
arms- if you feed bim then lay him
irentl'y down in his crib. During the
winter months have the pillow warmed
just enough to take off that unpleasant
-hill of cold cotton. The chances are he
will nestle bis little check in it and go
right to sleep.
Doubtlr Slander-
Barber-Your scalp seems to be
. - hair is trot- r,
perfect ; nil"" 1 J , ip,tf of U,
ting thinner all the time, in jJJ ml
every thing I can do. I can t understa , ,
IU ,
Regular Customer-a - .
! mv wife
, ir?
if-.Vj.. nn are i miinn
. . ...
Regular Customer-l nave ,
,Vrrber (DUtting away hia bair restora- ;
Beautiful TMnja In Uuld and (illver Pro
dured Hjr American Workmru.
An exceedingly pretty scarf pin repre
sents a bright gold wind mill with s
platinum band around the roof and with
the sails studded alternately with dia
monds and rubles.
Etched panslos with the centers In re
lief form a pretty decoration for a coffo
rli. .
. C8te ',nd ttrcT ' na
x of lacework In gold, which al-
lows the contents to be seen from the
exterior of the box.
Cat-tails entwined with grasses of va
riegated gold constitute a lace pin that
hows the result of artlstJo design and
killed workmanship.
An oxidized silver horse shoe nail
twisted to a knot. In the center of which
rests a tourmaline within brieht iruld
' a . w aw
I claw8' fon" ""'quo scarf pin.
broker each of different colored gold,
form a scarf pin that will command at
tention from lovers of the unique.
Ragged edges and ancient loks make
the most recent stiver fruit dish con
spicuous. Two apples on a branch, with
leaves, rise in relief from the bottom oi
the gilt interior of the dish.
Gold and platinum leaves resting
around the edge of a comma of alternate
diamonds and sapphires, with varie
gated gold pansies, make a hairpin that
M?.not !ail 10 JT1" With ,aTor'
Moonstone cuff links, renroRentlnir or
dinary mother-of-pearl shirt buttons, are
an innovation. Gold threads crossing the
buttons, their ends being inserted ln
the four holes usually seen in buttons,
add to the effect
A moonstone Cupid bowing roguishly
In the curve of a crescent of brilliants
deserves more than passing notice as a
lace pin. Around tho throat of the little
god a necklace of rose diamonds and
small rubles Is shown, terminating In a
star of similar stones.
Somewhat massive, yet very artlstlo,
Is an elaborate silver ak dish of Amer
ican workmanship, Three hippopotami
plunging among tall water grasses and
held under control by a small figure
representing an Egyptian boy constitute
the group at one end of the piece, The
dish proper is formed in imitation of
a Red Sea fishing boat Jewelers'
Be Had Three Alms Which Governed
All Ills Invention.
Setting aside minor Inventions, three
distinct purposes are apparont in Erics
son's labors, first to improve the steam
engine and extend the scope of Its ap
plication; next to discover some
more economical and efficient method
for changing the mode of motion
we call heat into the mode of mo
tion we call power; third, to force
the great maritime nations into declar
ing the ocean neutral ground, by mak
ing naval warfare too destructive a pas
time to be indulged in, and equalizing
the conditions of the struggle between
the greater and the lessor states. On
the accomplishment of this last purpose
depended, in Ericsson's judgment tho
future of his native Sweden. Too weak
to hold her own in a contest with any
great power, under existing conditions,
her only sure hope of defense is in neu
tralizing the dominating factors of num
bers and wealth by tbe efforts of genius
stimulated by patriotism. Love of
country was with Ericsson a supreme
passion. In this controling sentiment
in the traits of character derived from
his sturdy Norse ancestry, and in the
training and experience acquired during
the twenty-three years spent in his
Scandinavian home, we find the secret
of that exceptional development of spe
cialized faculties which has placed him
in tho very front rank of constructive
englnoors Scrlbnor's Magazine.
It Was Canned hf Counting Thickens Be
fore Ttier Were Hatched.
Mr. Ncwlywed Fanny, Uncle Tom's
will is to be read to-morrow, and as I
always was a favorite nephew of the old
gentleman's I am sure to come in for
Mrs. Kewlywed Oh, how nice, Will!
Then we can give up this horrid flat and
build a sweet little Queen Anne house ln
the country, and"
"You mean a brick house up-town."
"No, dear, a Queen Anne cottage, with
gables and"
"Queen nothing, petl I couldn't bear
to live ln a cottago, you know. What
we want Is"
"Nothing of the sort Willi I want a
cottage, and I can't live ln an up-town,
"Stuffy, eh? I'd like to know whatcan
be more stuffy than a little, squeezed-up,
"Will, you mean thingl You are so
unreasonable, and"
"Unreasonable, is it? I'd have you un
derstand, Frances, that I am a very rea
sonable man"
"So you are not! You never do any
thing I want you to, and you always try
to displeaso me. Y'ou are "
"Look hore, madam, that will do! I
took you when you were without a cent
and you promised to obey me. and now,
when I have a plan to make you happy,
"Happy! I could never be bappy with
luch a brute! If I bad only known what
you were, I never would have married
"I wish you bad then, for you are no
wife for a young, sensible man, who
likes to be peaceful and"
"Peaceful! Who started all this dis
pute, I should like to know?
"Why, you did!"
"1 didn't!"
"Y'ou did!"
"You know I didn't so"
"I repeat it is all your fault!"
"O, boo-hoo! boo! I am going home
to my mother!"
"Go, and be" (slams the door).
Mr. Xewlywed (next evening) Fan
ny Uncle Tom didn't leave meacentl
Mrs. Xewlywed (kissing him) I'm so
glad! Lawrence (Mass.) American.
Something Nw la Hate.
An entirely new thing wai be the leg
born and lace combinations. Thecrown
will be made of Leghorn and the brim
i of Uce. or vice versa, ui late years
Leghorn baa been worn considerably by
misses and children, but by tbe addition
lace braid it la sure to meet with gen-
erai i"r -
. in ,
r.l f.Tor for ladies' goods. I nere is
on, tning
, be sacrificed. Their fate seem, .ealed.
' One day bearing fruit the next cut
inwn and iu inner fiber made into
brmid ,nd thi. in turn shaped into a bat
Sierra Chemical Co.
Gknti.kmkn: Having been In the rail
road business, a conductor fur years, I
contracted very aerloua disorder, of my
kidneys and bladder, called catarrh of th.
bladder. I waa getting weaker dally, ai d
did uot leave my bed for three montha;
also waa deopaired of by my doctors. I
was lucky enough to hear of your Great
Sierra Kidney and Liver Cure, and sent
for one bottle, aa you well know, I have
used five bottles, and am now out around
a id able t att nd to m work. Tour val
uable remedy ha. raved my life, and to
you I owe my bean felt thanks. Y'uura
truly, Epokni Gor,
With Leak Glove Co., &!1 Market street
San Francisco, C'aL
Vrrv Sick.-" Well, Mlnther Mcl'Mlm, how'd
veachlaiwIastnUi I!" "Ah. Wiad. D.-nnjr,Lhadl
I'ucuiiK'loui a food dale of the totine."
Of the Nonerlorltr of Electric Treat
ment In the Cure or inaraae-Three
More Wonderful Cures.
Another Lad? Made Happy.
Mr. Editor Dkar Sir: Neatly two
mouths since I was taken with a severe
pain iu the luck of my head, and continued
ho for a ntiiuler of weeks: all remedlea
B'-emed to fail. I waa ludiiced to try Dr,
l).irrins electrical treatment. I did so,
and now. nf ier three weeks treatment.
am perfectly cured. Can be referred to at
Aurora Or. Mks. F. Hkck.
April 1, MO.
rcrfrctlr and l'erniauentlr Cored.
Editor Orffttmian: Mywl'e has been
sorely allUc'ed for yeais with dyspepsia,
liver iroume, and constitution, accoinpa
tiled with a severe pain in the st mach
and aide; also diseaes peculiar to Her sex
Dr. Karri n cured her with the use of elec
tricity and tncii iml inatuieut. She Is
perfectly and permanently cured. Keler
to us at :I6 Third street, or E inond hotel,
t'ortland, where 1 am einpuneit.
J, J. Young.
firlatlo Rheumatism Cured.
Editor (hrgonian : Two mouth, kgo I
was con nned to my bed with sciatic rlieu
matism. which 1 have had hanKliur around
Hie for three years. Dr.Darrln trea'ed me
with electricity, so I am now perfectly
enrol. Itefcr your readers to me at llK)
boulli fourth street, I'orliann.
1). L. Fkhqcson.
Prs. Darrln ran le consulted daily at the
Washington building, corner of Fourth
and Washington streets, Portland, and
Hotel Oomlolfo, Taroma. Hours, 11) to 5
event iirs. 7 to 8: Sunday. 10 to 12. All
chronic diseases, irregularities of women,
blood taints, lo s of vital power
and early Indiscretions permanently
cured, though no reference, are ever made
in the press concerning atich cases, owing
to the delkacy of the patients, r.xsmina
'ions free to all, and circulars will be sent
to any address. Charge for treatment ac
ceding lo patient's ability to pay. The
noor treated free of rharee from 10 to 11
rtailv. All private diseases confidentially
treated, and cures guaranteed. Patient
at a distance ran be cured by home treat
tnent. Mud cities and lettent sent without
the doctors' name appearing.
niier mm, i.n.a. it; w minium ui
less'.'" " Cimxrattilato ni. I have not a ell
. ..... i .. . . , .
Why so beaming, Brief-
at lam." lumtMi: - lea, air; wj sen.
landlord Is luiug me for rent."
Im terrific. Volcanic enintloiis. cyclones, earth
quakes are awfully anil treiiienrioualy plctnr
eiie. urn scaret-ly desirable to emulate In ac
tion and etlW't by tin-administration of remedies
which produce couvtilnluu and agony Iu the
abnormal port Ion of the hiimsu frame. Buch li
the ellcct nf the oUHehloued violent pnnia
llvei happily lalliux more and more Into dlnne,
and of wulcb lliwtetter'i stomach Bitten Is the
whn cMimc. n eataut and lar more envctlve iso-
cedstienm. Tnev weaLeticd the Intestlnea the
Hitlers liiviinrates them. They left the boweis
Inactive, becaHne iytaiwcltated by ensntni fee
bleness. The Hitters, on the contrary, aud bo
can ne it enables, not (nrcca, them lo act a vast
and liirtiiiistedltrereuce-tM'rpetnaU'S tneir ao
llvltv and regularity. Tae liver Is beneficially
atliuiilale'l, as the kidneys alio are, by this med
icine, which ea-lly conquers also malaria, ner
vousness ana rneniuatisin.
MaVlnr Him Understand. Hhe -Will von
nh iim close the door, Mr HtayerT He-Why, It
Is closed. Hhe Yes, but I meant from the other
A cane Is on record of a woman whn lived to
this advanced ai(e. bat It Is scarcely necesary
to aiHte that It wu Iu " the olden time." Now
adays too many women do not live half their
allolteu years, ine mortality uiie ui luneiiuimi
derainieinents In the weaker nei Is simply fright
ful, to nay nothing of theiiiiUtM'ribahleiutrerliig
which makei, life scarcely worth the living to to
many women. But for tlieae sutrerers thcia la a
eerialu relief. I)r. Fierce s ravorlte l'rekcrlp
tlou will Mltlvely cure leucorrhea, painful
menitriistlon, prolapstia, pain In the ovarlvs,
weak back: Iu short, all thorn complaints to
wlilcb so msny women are martyrs. It la the
only guaranteed cure; see guarantee on bottle
Cleanse the liver, stomach, bowels and whole
sys cm by using lr. fierce a 1 elleu.
Chairman of Committee We want a watch
worth III) to offer aa a orlie In an amateur ath
letic contcat. Jeweler One that will ouit about
4BJ, I suppose?
We recommend " Tanslll'i Punch " Cigar.
r.UNIIU Ht'llllU M rlluit ,i,wv ava-
Ing Backward." This la beiler than I-ot'a wife,
IT .! ... I ..,, . . 1 1 a AAA II f yutk.
wno merely earoea ner aau.
A sore throat cough, or cold. If suffered
to progress, results in serious pulmonary
airectlons, oftentimes Incurable. "Jiroxrn'l
Uronchial Troches" retch directly the
seat of the disease, and give Instant relief,
A Matter of Color." Is the bluah red?" " No;
It verges ou what Is called the pink of proprl
Don't Get Caught
This Hprlng, as yoa may have been before, with
your blood full of Impurities, yoardlgestlon Im
p:re appetite poor, kidneys and liver torpid,
and whole ayatem liable to be prostrated by dis
easebut get youreelf Into good condition, and
reaily for the changing and wanner weather, by
taking Hood'a Karaaparllla. It atands nueuualed
for purifying the blood, giving an appetite, and
for a regulating aud general Spring medicine.
Be aure to get Hood'a Mrsaparllla.
Ncrafulaue Wares.
"l-ant December 1 wss afflicted with scrofulous
sores on tbe left aide of my face and around my
right ear. and waa obliged to leave work. Hood'a
Harsaparlllawas recommended, and after taking
leas than two bottles all tbe sores disappeared.
I alneerely advlae any on troubled with scrot
als to give Hood's Haraaparllla a trial." Joasrst
V. A. Fsiti, 241 Hollla ML, Oakiaud, Cal.
N. B. Be aure to get
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Hold by all druggists, Hi six for tfc. Prepared
only by C. I. HOOD CO.. Lowell, Mass.
100 Doses One Dollar
STHNW1Y rusa
91 tin tlA I a A HBAl-M.Oehw. Iu
alah PUaoa; Rurdettomoa Band laetrajneasa.
Iira stack etHhMiuicead Book Heads
ni, plied al Keatera i-Mo-e. MATTHIAJ
6iLa I 00. KM fast BUeet, Baa Iraaataoa
N. P. N. U. No. 331-8. P. N. U. No. 408
Tbe ToiDDtirj Testimonial of t Terrible
Sufferer from Citarrb Cored 1b
Three Weeks.
Mr. A. F. Gonderann of fortlaad Rises to
Testify to the Skill and Ability of
Dr. Abern, the successful Kye,
tar. Catarrh, Throat,
Heart and Luna;
. Portland Or. March SI. lflM
A. T. Guuderson, being duly sworn, de
pose and says:
' 1 have been troubled with catrrh for
th last two Tears; have tried oi her d c
lara, but could find no relief unfil I met
Dr. Aborn, Fourth and Morrison streets.
Portland, Or, who has treated me for
TiiHKg wekks. I ran etate that I am pickl
ing liks a nkw man. I ran be refe red
to at Hie Mo 'el .estanranL corner Third
and Alderstrreta. His treatment rkmkvkd
Signed before tue this Hist day of March,
lai w w t.;..u..
ii. m, iHnnnim
Notary Public.
That nasal catarhii, the irreat precur
sor of throat, uronchial and lung diseases.
Including conaumntion. can ba radically
cured is no longer a matter of controversy.
as nas been tune ana again demonstrated
by Dr. Alwrn. lie cau rofer to rasea he
treated fifteen to twenty-live years ago,
wnirn nave remained permanently cured
np to the present time. He ran refer to
the most aggravated canes of catarrh of
forty years standing that be permanently
cured, lie rau al-o refer to the most mar
velous cures he haa effected since hia re
cent return to Portland.
Nots.- Dr. Ahorucan be consulted dally
-10 to t a. m , It to 4 and to 8 p, it.
Fourth and Morrison streets, Portland, 0",
Dr. Aborn's eaay on the "CURABtLtTT
op Consumption, treatUe on "Ca
Tarhu," also hia large publication, "Tri
cm tit ovkr Dinkask," and treatise on the
dlseasra of the "Kyb and Kar, and eon
talnlng evidence of aome "Exthaordi
NARt Cukks," mailed free ou receipt of
If onr father aud mother had married their
nrsi loves, wnera would wa bet
Five cent saved on soap; Ave dollar
lost on rotted clothes, li that economy!
i nere t aot o cents difference between
the cost of a bar of the poorest soap made
ana me oe$i, wmcn is, aa all know, Uob-
Ul.' VI .-1.
Horseflesh la said to be th worst thing ln th
worm w give people ui mgnunar. .
Including 15 rare noveltlea, ahapea and
artistic imported oleographlo and chro
matic card. Thia large and beautiful col
lection aent by mail to any one who will
do tills: Buv a box of the genuine Dr. C.
McLane'a Celebrated Liver Pills from any
druggist, price tS cents, and mall ua the
outside wrapper with your address, plain
ly written, and 4 cents ln stamp. The
genuine McLane't Pills are prepared only
by Fleming Broa.. Pittsburgh, Pa , and
nave Dean in constant use lor over sixty
years. They are superior to all other In
purity and effectiveness, A certain enr
for indigestion and sick headache. Ad
dress, Fleming Bros., Pittaburgh, Pa.
Our Illustrated Catalogue ; s Price-list
of Ueneral Merchandise, containing 200
pagef, which will be forwarded froa to
any address. (J. H. uilhar,
Ked Ilonse, Sacramento, Cal.
Pfander's Oregan Ulead Purifier li
the beat remedy lor that dread disease, dyspep
sia, for It regulates the lymphatic, ayatem aud
bad secretions.
Beware of Imitation! of th oelebrated Seal of
North Carolina Plug Cut Tobacco.
Tav OaaatSA for brrakfuL
Us espartos aasanaasa awwa la aiffllaaa s kaaisUsi
pin Suns Qmanaaanl. EoaVm t Le u kas4a at
in ones V aivsrr uaa aa ta awan, rwsat aua mom
HaalUifuL Dr. Prloa't Oraaa SaJdat Powdav aVxa aot
aalaia Aanoola, Lone nt Alum. Sola oalf la aaaa
Faber's Golden Female Pills.
For Female Irrewnlar
Itles: notHlngllkethem
on th market Uner
tail. Saccesalullrnsad
by prominent ladii
monthly. Uiiaranteed
to relieve suppressed
Don't b humbnnred.
Bay Time, Health,
and money ;tak ao oth
r, Sent to any address.
secure by mall on rs
Western Branch, o2Z7fOttTLAVD, OB'
Hold by Wisdom Dae Co., Portland, Or.
iefcs y
ttfik i els
lal) dWkflfa
wkat good
Always rays Seal of North Caroline, "Flag Cal"
Ua aas'l b fouled kf Infarlet iatlleUoa.
'jT r a1- hii
Violent Pains la Xerk.
FrlcniHhlp, Wis, June It. ISM.
My wife had violent pains In her link,
which was very sure snd ill IT. Hhe van cured
soilrvly by 6U Jacoba Oil. JASiKd eTuWK.
In Terrible Pala.
Ames If'fg. Co..rhlcopee,Masi.,June1S, 1AMS
Kroin over-eiertlon every boiie wss mad
Stiff and aire: In terrible palu. 1 waa cured
promptly by BL Jacobs Oil.
i. C. BUCKLEY, Paymaster. -
AT Dst'oonrra and Dulsks.
THI CHsSltlAmiLH CO altkatrt, Ml
Hew yea ran have a Tlgeraa Mervaa
Tk Marvsleas Rareeas ef Palae's Celery
I'eaapeaad Is akewa wltk Living Esaat
flea, and ll la Prevea ta k Natar
Tra IleaJtk RaaierailT.
The most skeptical should be convinced
by the following brief extracts from letters
recently received by ua, that Paine'sCelery
Compound is an unfailing means of cure in
all disease which are caused by weakened
"For some months before using Taine'i
Celery Compound, I waa afllicted with in
(omnia and more or loss vertigo all
brought on by overwork and protracted
"Since using the Compound I feel much
better, aleep soundly, and my head trouble
me less. I have not, meanwhile, intermitted
or materially slackened niy work.
"For th benefit I have gained from your
preparation I an grateful to God and
thankful to you." L. R W. Piirtock,
Pastor of Presbyterian Church, Reynolds
ville, Pa.
Three montha after writing the above
Rev. Mr. Khryock laid: "The symptoms
for which I uaed Paine'i Celery Compound
have not returned, although I have had no
leiaur or vacation from work."
"For s long time I was ao nervous and
worn out that I could not work. I tried
many medicines, but non gar me relief
until I used Paine's Celery Compound,
which at once strengthened and invigorated
my nerves. Many of my friends have used
it st my recommendation, snd they sll
agree with me in pronouncing it the beat
nerve tonic ever discovered,"
IIarlet Sherman, Burlington, Vt
Facts lilt thee art th beat reason why
you ahould not despair of a cure. Whnt
the Compound baa don for others it will
do for you.
The Best Typewriter.
Bend (or Catalogue.
WlLIV 8. Allkn & Co.
General Agsats,
III let St.,Portland,0.
Obecon Blood Purifier.
:psia.- A
25 Packets ot Vegetable Seeds for $t.
Bend for catalogs and make your selection.
41M2I Saneoine street, Ban Francisco.
improve digestion, purify snd enrich the blood, cleanse and strengthen
the system and build np the flesh, if reduced below the standard of
health, Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has no equal.
Do von feel dull lsniruld. low-sDlr-
lted 1 experience a sense of fullness or
bloatlDff aiter eatlnir. tonrue coated.
bitter or bad taste la mouth, Irregular
appetite, dirtiness, frequent headaches,
nervous prostration or exhaustion, bot
flushes, alternating with chilly sensa
tions, sharp, biting, transient pains hers
and there, cold feet, drowsiness after
meals, wakefulness, or disturbed snd
unrefreshlnir sleep, constant. Indescrib
able feeling; ot dread, or ot Impending
If von have any considerable number
of these symptoms, you are suffering
from Bilious Uysperwla, or Torpid Liv
er, associated with byspep1, r Indi
gestion. Tbe more complicated your
disease, the greater the number and
diversity of the symptoms. No matter
what stsgs It has reached. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery will subdue
It, if taken sccordlng to directions, for
a reasonable length of time.
"Uolden Medical Discovery" acts
powerfully upon the Liver, and
through that great blood -purifying
I" fin
M mj J IJ atsaVBatnnnnsj
Rage' Barsvsdy Mrs the worst eajaa, a Blatter
For a Stock of Candy
Alisky Candy Manufacturing Co.,
a. '. - a?v Cmmm a--!- Panar Ran in (act. anvthine? von naad ia a Cos
f ouoan-a ta auoa v. --t - -r - -
MctaSMr's atora. Balssroom-Corn of
We often close oat whole line of shoes In
Eastern faclnrlea, or here, that have been hard
to aell at 4 their onglual price. Our euatoniers
ret the beuelll. Vie now offer ft raee of men's
uw ah oca, aolld calf aud warranted, at II.M per
alr, made t sell for csab SI 13 M. The are
plain or capi-ed toe, broad or narrow, for old or
jrouug. Then we liaie Infanta' soft-aolr booiaor
ankle ilea. In light colors, (mm Ihn beat maker
In 'hlladclihia.alse I al '4k-,il atiVandaataoe.
Then we hsve Infaula' blgh-cut lace booU Irom
ame maker warranted at ic per pair, more In
bis- k kid snd Hio ooila. Theu we have pretty
h avy kid or Infanta' ahoes wit heel, aome
tlt.ped and oihe a plain, altetl at wst, alie a at
X.V. nlie4 al 10 alia Sat Auc; would coat SI (Oto
II '.'S regular. Then we hsve mlsaee' 11 to '2 Iu
cloth aud kid fox. d at 7.-. laie ahoea, but well
made, and men's baudaome plaah or worked
slippera. alieat and t only, at as , ami ladies'
hesiitllul felt alipprra, S to 7, (or Hoc. that we get
1. 0 for aa a rule. Men's tlunila ahoe., 6 to 10,
fori l.;.ilalu orcapied toe. II you order by mail
n od plenty for pontage, and we will Mum If
too mm h. We never ottered as g od vsme In
ahoea Iu sny of our "lob Iota " t ut we want a
portion i f your ahoe trade. Khali we have It?
Addrca Nmlih'e ('Mali Klare, 41S treat
SI., Mast t rasirlaca, t ml.
sre In vltcd lonmaiilt the old es
Isbllahed I'sti lll Arm of 5t.soK,
rswu iLArai S.Vtaah .P.O.
stHiv tan kivftts roiki. i,adirv
Ml, KSnAIIK MI, fit itk MM A
rtrbr. Taka mm Akr AllHluN
Is) ps4ashMr rfa, tn rptr, trf
alsklaWMM asMlllaWiVllaV HGtl aiaW
(tsmrta, for oart Molars. SaMilsBMials anJ
BBiaalL ATataaa M.awr
lfcl.fcslsr Wl to, BUmm , llfc.r
arasena aa rally ea.
dona Big U aa Ua aalf
spactlc tortbassnalaaai
ot IMaSlaaaM.
AsasUcSaaa, St. T.
Wa ksv aolS Stg a fa
aianr yaai. aa It kaa
Cf aa in aaaa ai saua
etloa. D. S. DTCHS S CCJ
( klnn riL
BafSVll.SS. sM4kyfirsasta,
Tkt OUrtt Mtiicint Im tkt H erM ii r,Mly
ant, mat inmraim n
TtiU arUi-iv U fttwrssluily inihk,rfi pin Ii'uui'i
niiitkin, mnii hM txwn In tnUnt umi for nwhr
cmiturr. Thtr mrm few iIImomm to mhksh niftuklutl
am ubjfx mortj dlitlrMNing ih&n Mm cy. uii
mourn, pfrlupA, fur which twtn rwnwHliet hv tn
Ui-1 without tudw. KorUitrtii lnf1ainmat(wii
of tlMttvM it tt uk InfftDlliit) miiaMjr. If th illro
Unn Mtt followtxl It will nvfr fall. We mm toularir
lti It th attontinD of uhviUuliiUB to It merit. Pur
al hy all ilniKKl-U. JollS L. THOMPSON , 80.N
A CO, Tkoy, N. Y. RAUbUAbed 17V I.
Can be mstle easy by
ralalng Chlrkrnsv A
large IU paire Illustra
ted I'aUlogii de
scribing lucubators,
brooders. Brooding
llnnars, How and
What to Feed, How
long to keep them In
the Brooder, Drinking
Fountains, D t s e a ae a
and their Cure, In fact
more Infnnnatlna
than ta given In many
2fH-eut books. Sent
to sny address on ra
eel til of an. sump.
Wlr Netting, Hons
Mills. Bona Ileal and
all kinds oi Poultrf
fitaloni Incubator Co. Pitalont. CiL
ft. MlhS' 11 II fl IE f., tj lata It, la.lauU. .
Tbs famous Uovey Saa4
Store ot Soabitt. ao Hovay
N unerlaa of Cambrlt(,
Maaa.,hav baea niorad as
Kaa4 raiwdnim Cakfornla,
when Uia buaiaeas wUl ae
pomlurUd a
Th HayaaaaS Plawa
aa M Star,
0. H. Hovav, MaoH'sr.
Kaa Paaaaleaa, Cab
aaaa far nwplaSi aalakaraa.
organ, clesnses the system of all
blood taints snd impurities, from
whatever cause arising. It Is eouall7
efficacious In acting upon the Kidneys,
and other excretory organs, cleansing,
strengthening and healing their dis
eases. It cures all humors, irom a
common Blotch, or Eruption, to the
worst Scrofula, Halt-rheum, "Fever
sores," Scaly or Rough Skin, ln short,
all diseases caused by bsd blood.
Great Eating Ulcers rapidly heal
under its benign influence. Espe
clslly hss It manifested Its potency
in curing Tetter, Eczema. Erysipelas,
Bolls, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Scrofu
lous Sores snd Swellings, Hip -joint
Disease, "White Swellings" aud En
larged Glands.
" Golden Medical Discovery " is the
only Blood and Liver medicine, sold
by druggists, guaranteed to benefit or
cure I'm every com, on fair trial, or
money paid for it will he promptly
Medical Association, Proprietors,
No, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
la offered by ths manufacurers of DR. tAQCa
CATARRH REMEDY, for a case of Catarrh In
to Bead which tbey cannot cure, Br rt
mild, soothlig. and brallng propertiea. Dr.
of how loog standing, loo., BT drugglsta.
or Anything for a Bakery
- - . "
rout and Oak atraak -
Z sramra
aTVr 'il'l.T jiJm kepelemiiiirplija-l
P- J' TT T ' I f oiajia. Ho4lurrl
I Ivflliil I I-" Caaaaa laaia
V 1 anJsA I .... 1 Till' and numamaaf
T3W. j'I.VallV'.A'allm..UIa t.
Vt'aV lV2r XU1 onoitaca j
&lt2ClNeiaiaiAvi. .m
L 'jiK -. ,. a'lal'Iia-y J
T-! WHtS WriLHi ALL LSI Ull$. Y
I I BastOough Mgriip. TaatMgnod. Da I
I ; Intlmaa Hold by dnunilata. 1