jV TIMELY LESSON. wm all McAllister fault In bis ex anxiety to rve Maud he bail neglected tltai a y0""15 ,ady whom h wor j iod ratlier humbly from afar the being 'ibrtHitiful, anJ of formidably arMo tic family, white ho wan a luiie Bohemian f"! with "horn h could claim artiatio kin j" liuce he and the bail studied In the unit taiUintf- 8ho """ a" n"mtur' " "Pl'ed, brmilnlnnw; they both managed U ?1 out onie very good work, and each wai rftrti of a"""" to the o0ler' One fl" "'""''"S ln eorIy '"'"'t Mb . jwioj surname wan Satterlce en- her ttutlio with a slight shadow on hei hich bred, roue fnlr face. Her companion, cbsrmliiK brunette frlrt a little ber senior, fnllowiil. IcMikiriK nimied. Mint Fortescut bappy compromise between chnperom anmlMnnle. Khe wan a girl of excellent tfiiHfaii'l Judgment and brimful of humor, lik'b wit fl" ,ll,mte' 'or aU(l bad only a JtlKi". v ' " ' '" Europe, B,lJ n aunt wll Jlj ii,l." wild Miss Fortescue, re- proui' ,. . . cl UIUI U"'KS. you know Tryi . , go out ami until you up a model if TOU WlMI " . U jiw Maud bi IgMened. 1 wUb you would, Carrie. I'm just In t mleaili'I mood to la-gin a portrait Get m aonietliinR rugged, uncouth, if you like." gbe t'wl herself down on the. studio sofa ,ml looked inquirinr'v : btx conipunion. Jii. Fortescue rellt-cu-d. Tbcrt'' the bulimia inun the Italian do" om "l0 Rtreet ror,"'r" -Oil, 1 don't want him,'' said Maud, con- tenililu"""')'- just Ihen a Uip at the door. Itwnellttrry JloAlli'ter. After the usual polite "good Burning" ue requeued permission to bring In l friend to ace Miss Sntteilee's handsome Men" and example. "A friend from my old bome In Tennessee," be exclaimed, "going to mud the summer it. town. A little pro vincial, you know, but of good family." Jljud assented lniiggjdly. Hut when the Tounstriingereiitert with McAllister she Mt up suddenly like one revived. Mr. Godfrey Waring was lurgo and tall. jje was sunburned and bad loutish, light hrnnn Imir and pile blue eye. A n if ratdilziueiil long, cliJ MSjjven upier lip were facial peculiarities. And Xr. (JocViV Ifa-pga-as hftjtwd wka m nliasaaave if asalli a . lb M aut mm witk a wm'u , nfiavsl, atoifc bails tM wa to fciai, coiaaaawad m a cWar, Ugh, bmmsI tok Hi Maud's work, naa tasily ak)att jiiasfitei:: :.i;ii;i!a.-e-y. "Fine k rtmmUi a HcAlkVaw, ait in that rtleiM'i fls. "Ef aaaa JarAaa a UrwaatiatM atkiiiTevresv. ' y taajy'ue ft girls. l&Ws rat ksan.a. at naf i'kMi t Meat am isawMina aa ' burl" VA'bT g"P' f W MWI of tttt Iniwi'itas prtviMlca. H oawnmwa rry: "iiiwi! I Aiiaiiiitwea. JUiss VacMrkc M kor evil o yoa all tltw Uaie." "Ytuhsi't a" kuiviae; Inr if try ttnairy liiia't sbjB.'t," reawrhed UooHVey, vkh a bVckive UiW rkWi f tke toagav aeriais kit U-elk. ; (r Hi yeaag kibws Miwy kad prasHrwi iKeuw r iMr uatfeiig weee aut f kR-uaj o. Tni1 Vt.a4ue enrluiami: "E , in, wkal's that mrA, Ojrri t faimiiBt; ith a e(" "Eili', rnpkiaiy, Ewraraaa, aivin' ".N.sei! I muim lhawliak I buUe got a niosM." t mum tko TMtaassecaat, lary a?" ''Yes. I iusIJ glttkrk bim oiwady. Tiilw bis Kvc ja iw it k; iw it vt it k u ragRed ilutv kit; pal a 8naii4 sMrt InM iaiaj cawlessly Imm taa ayi4; (kleitfyct' Nd tmi Urn." -kVt koiv will yoa apt kwa to nti" "Ok, .V. .Villi- n M iraaayi i afl to me." Jni mmnj mmm4 St. JH-AkVttor W. That is ii suy, lie ljrom;lit Sir. TTm iug fivMely to Mus tfifleilee's studio, oi tko yomig Mite keg:aa to stu rcpkitieanly Ojiprnfi inte (be featM s of lira TeMiesKa as best sk cuuiii from reevUeMwa uittr ke eocli sfinioi. ik nitiiae GoYey besjw to Iiivh v y sekf mtiAi! and to tktww eat aevksk lMle kMs akut tke i'A mf rm kvwesS) mi a luii-atiil ime ut Wh. JKilliK tovk Ws mo kyxn4 Wo icsi.as fare. "Yw,1 he simI w itk aswil-, k'i in ilenyixg it, (;i, old feiUw. Yoa una Uiakii; line kuudtwf. Jttd, wkut airtit a WrtalntMe n4VmlrMe tor yea Wt tilisg me of!" Gorev replied iu a aiwtictii ton a. sarry, but k ceuld break the.. a hir Kkk Jim,i. Toor likikal, akwl wkose roluinktiiH cerremaduM'e vob io otp turrN about lext kis keart. TiW wi h envsed emi erossa kvr fealsvo ia Donaig si-hoii;rl htmi to eai kktta prps. At length the acquaiatuace bad gone oh s pleasittly tkiab Miss kiiwrlee tlioikt a ttiitkt vcn )4itko yoiaj was to sit lor her. "I ran work iu tke cost aw af ksrwavaj, yaa know," nke said to Miss Forksscao. So when Mr. Godfrey called agaki tke fol lowing morning at the studio Miss Fortascue itepil back into the ttle adjijning room wling to a previous agreement witk Maud. And Maud her easel being care fully covered sat back iu her chair, and itk most churniinj naivete began to speak follows: "I hope you are not very banl arted, Mr. faring, liecause I have a confi-ssion to Hake." She cost down her beautiful eyes and a lovelj smile ployed about ber beautiful Hps. "I hope you will consent to ardou me," ihosaid, "There isn't anything I wouldn't pardon in Jon," said Godfrey, Impressively. Ilia Satterlee fancied she beard a subdued torriment iu the room adjoining. Could His Fortescue be undignified enough to tele! Then Maud went on: "Well, then, would you be very much of feroiwl if I should ask you to to permit me to niaie a skeU h of your face! You know art students are constantly on the watch for countenances that are not insipid and tomraoii. A face indicative of strength of character and and ambition is not com mon." Gudfrey began to smile and look conscious. "You don't know bow complimented I'd he said. "Oh, I'm so glad. Will veu sit for me to kyl To tell you the truth, I've begun al Jly, but of course, it don't resemble you a bit as yet" And she uncovered the cauva AjJ OlCrey ,,01 for nn hour to the great tif action of both. After that he sut every morning nearly for week or more. Mr. McAllister was amused k discover that the Tennesseean was quite in earnest in ba idea of laying siege to the rtirta heart and gavo up trying to impress "Poutiim the absurdity of bis aspiration 'rey evidently believed himself irre "tible. Mm Fortescue was always present at the "'tings, but sometime found it necessary to Jtiretoihe adjoining room to repress her ushter, the n.o.lel"a ingenuous remarks were j kighly amusing. Occasionally she gave ud some advice, as follows: "If be b cooa voo talVative, my flear, you must snub kun. Knub him gorgeously, you know." "What I cant understand," said Godfrey morning, "is bow you can pai.it ao welt I r you ain't more than ), are your jt much more," aaid Maud. Tbn I guess I'll be about two years older n you in September." Maod Iudeedf reT-A fact aUud Weil, Uiat's a nice aga I aupposs JooU go int,, businea and succird finely. Gourry Own fault if I dou't (Cbckinf hi. .,... .... , . . .. . . u UJ weiu.j uui Tve got money enough to bock me. Mmid-Vs . TheWi how t , getting on with the picture! Godfrey-Weil, gm-s I d be lucky to get good a one again. What do you moan to do with It any wayl Mau.l-I)o you with it! Oh-ah-wby, ex hlbit It, erin. " Gislfivy-You wouldn't sell It, I ipie Maud Mowly)We, frankly, I would rntnirkeepit myself. Godfrey (.udd"..i.ly)-I wish I had one of you I Mnud (raising ber volce)-Carrie, please ccmouudrritici e. Go.lf.vy was certainly veiy deUrmined. hen tlio siuins were over be requested -rniissiiintoiall nt Batterleo'a uoine. jiiuiii mm very pirnsuut ' ' J I"1 . i !T0,C?".C bLt r. l-aUI,iiiC;inKTy. -Really. . .u.iuiu like io o--K you, liut, you a, the i house is close.1, as we go to the seaside 'very I soon. Our receplioni are over for the tea- ' mm." Gislfn'y horeOiis disappointment like a i bvio. iiau sue not aiiitcU bis portrait uid refused to sell it own v biml "ily dear," said Miss ForUwue, "I'm afraid jojr beuuliful eyes have worked mischief to thut suscepliblo young southerner." "You think sof Dear me, I'd bo sorry for him. Hut he'd suffer iu a noble cuust the cause of art." Godfrey continued to call at tho studio, "I'll have to lin k the door," said Maud, "or I'll never 1 avc a chance to wo. k up the cos tume. I must finish it this week. Aunt Sarah in coiiipluining becr.ue I don't ar range alsiut my wardrobe." "You'd never want any wardrobe," lt plicil Hiss Forte cue, -if you close tho door such went her as this. You'll melt or stiUe iu short order. " U'l'l I'., . I. I . . . . in n i ii ri-n ins coining ana leave it i os'ii." And she diil. When tho Jfyig ladiis arriveil nt the ' s:iulio ipiite early, one or two mornings later, I Miss .Saltere Uiiniil a letter awaiting ber. ! Shu sit don li to read it, Olid was so long at lUe la.-U that Miss Fonescuc bc"an towmuler and impured us to the ui tisto'a pei-plexity. "It's u piohisiil I'm considering," ivplicd 'Indeed! That's diversion. How funny the portrait looks. Ah, if be slumld see it!"0 Maud frowned. "I'd like to Luru Iho old thing!" "Uut you couldii?, my love; 1 re's thank fortune!'' "Listen to .iisimpAM!"ia t d XaaaJ.unf Ix j in to read al6ud: .KvDn.viJha3VAi-i-flt.ifl I ton kuowiipou so nt tial', 1 ik) Uto.t you Hid be holly wphA to kawu tfc It liavo conio to regard yoa more tkast a friend. In f.ict 1 bive greva toiw fir yoa liioro than I ecr caitl lr a:y gsl I aataa bi i vl 1 .i:i iaer ke kli(,y Vkkliout yi 1 k,.i. you k.aiWltM 1 urn aynilbiaM; I aw a tkiuk u Mt aa.a l.v.W ami will mi 1.1.ci aa aa'. Icunit'r yaa a iaapva nwise kiiiaa- auia k erw faliw. Uf course wo arc U!i too yoaaaj fta aa kwaau liiaW aiarraa.:e, lat ! thm nmvt ety im aiar lir all ia ul kiewkmlM'. I u ak to wn yoa tiaia aUrawai Ht X uaa kJW I oc aa iKkww wkk k nial imIw an bieay. Till llara mid Uws Tun' owa " 'li aM'anv.' " 'Xy ikmr Xau Xiaal, yaa-m u ('ntry," rnal Mi s ',. "Ik, aiy cktlil, aM 1 1 t vara tkerf Well, ukmt to aVf" UmI roVM-ed Uaw fwlvmm vvk rm BBqatto m-i Bioawiot "I'd give tka rsmfitovw yatok a ke k oti," hit aawwiava. ' Hi: MVAHisfer sirys a kaK exultod i a f bis axwitw; toist ke's Ui'i virtmillT eaovd to a liHle ki (:! at kvs kowaa for some tiaav paHt." As 'i o'clock ns)iracked Sir. Citw'a l:imt beat witk cenaMtmt inliHaiiKi. kk) mcai tosfa.v an friend )k'AliisM a Waatger two. i ' Allied- bud UaiaWtoitrn to rmMid kiln of .Mabel I'km. I, tossvd Iim kad nske n wciiilntrid tiiM. "I giwts tkese uai't laiwy liii'l- ba woald'ka r'i of a i koaiv nt we," k suid, isi k mt mat for Mjss kliitterlee'sl aMi lb rxectod kit Rani raavM (ky at Hi-, fcit gwaWly i wld con. ntMaad, Ike (iriaohed a lona ka f sts an hi avaeteikd a bat wny. M tad was sJos nfiwelly. Sra waafca) mad Ux toe warti aaaay touaiw. "rroy wt d," eae sunk "Ta toaja aaaito warn." Mr. (awlfrKy di-ea aw a aiftox "Yoa received y antor "Tiiar note! Ok, ya, of ceaw." "Aatl lK iKd yoa tatob ef lav wv!" 1 qa'ra d, whk dei;kfal s)f caaV)Cvy. '1ii iWt I tkiaJ; Wkv, f eaacse, 1 l'a' ;htyoa tenant it a a Ji4n. I'm im I mt yoa d, becaaae yi baw, or wkii yoa ought kauw, tkoiih, perlnaw, yea don't Uiiow, id 1'aa laav I'd fit I dcnaatial kf I thought yoa'd heea ld to safi tie trai k is. Xr! W km, I'aa easmajMl to a ax tleiiian who i now in Eauifel"' Gislfivy turnad paJa. "Kngagid!" ke cr'td, toriky. "Yt, tkat Mttcr, so asi k a fd braalt mf wgngi aaeiit fia yiail" .Vaud urose, ksAiaf yy traw "I am soary to kwa you say st. 1 ku heard waiun h alsajtsutacra k'r." "But you won't deckle at oac," k sauaar ia-.il. "yi-onaM! i to task it ever." Mia f -ami ivganktl hiia coldly. "You must hnvo nasaadarstaaU mt. TkJ b nothing further to lie suid, oad will yoa plenso excuse met" Blie turaed towaiii tke othtr l-oo :i, and GaJfrey kud o choico but to leave. Ho wasn such a state of mind be tween disappointment and chagrin that he left his but upui the sofa and went bare hinilwl nil the way down to the street lie had gone half a block when he discov ered why people were stai ing at him. Then could ho go luck? Oh, uol And yet the hat was new, and Godfrey was Just a little close about uiine-essary exiense. Ho therefore re turned and climlied the ftuirs softly, hoping she might still be in the inner room and would not hear him enter. But as ho reached the threshold of the studio ho was greeted with an nstonishin? sight. Not only Mnud, but also Mish Fortes cue ha-l cmei-gl fiDiu the inner room; they apparently wereataking great pleasure in re garding n picture usn the easel, which had bum moved from it cuatomaiy position. They stood with their baokj to tho door. "An excellent likeness," said Misa Forte cue, and the two young ladies laughed heartily. "I mi-ht pity bin'," said Mnud, "if b weren't o rable of pitying no, adoring himself." Ju-t then they movel a little, and Goilfrcy caught a glinise of bis own irtrait, ragged, batted, tliinucl ganncnted-pluiiily ulinost a caricature. For a moment he was fairly stunnrd; theu, turning, belled, hutlessas before and chok hi, with gass of rage and mortification, t th"stiwt He ran thus for several blocki before be though', of a hatter. Ho kept out of McAllister's aight that even ing and ."or several uuys ufter. Tel gradua"j he came to hiuiseif and wrote to tb long ne glec:ed M:ib.df Lily Curry Tyncr In New York Mercury. Tha Iron Kinc uW.-.litlon. A Broadway jeweler has a magnificent solitaire diamond set into a hoop, not of jold, but of wrought iron, following ex actly the model of the usual gold band. "There Is a superstition," he aaid re cently, "that the wearing of an iron ring in some way brings good fortune ..j k-i., i Iu nossessor, and were nil " ... are more peopie " " V" " , the loss, v. men iney avriouiw unu who wear a ring of this kind v"1 01 I mt-t Tengeance for the admlasion of an this little superstition. People W to allelL get the benefit even of a uPen,u"0U' ! aoidier received 110,000 for tha whim, which they know to Volell tuur, from a ea captain, who. . .mm A n1 ft tl raf r LI Wi UU . . - t. . more wan lam.. --"- about jewels and ornaments are so j- . , mjuim (ontthatin many cases tney aeeui to have become an inherent property of feMlb,e JJebrew forthwith re the jewel Itself, Ilk. the flash o tM fcu tnd drew the annuit dmond and the dull gleam of color ia , Teara.-PU Mall Budget, the opal."-X- V. Eveaing Sua. PITH AND POINT. -If every man had to follow hli owi uvice nine out of ten of ua would itcp flvlng It. Almost all men have at tome titni Hood liesldn the (rrave of opportunity. Texas Slftings. A comical train of thought should never be found running on gravity rail road. Haltimore American. People who wait for dead men's shoes generally find them worn out when they got thom.-San Francisco Ilulletln. The man who is sure he can't be wrong is always tho very one to find that it U the ltnposdblo which always happens. Fuck. Working for relations has many of the unsatisfactory conditions that "at tend eating soup with a fork. Milwau kee Journal. When a nftn is young ho thinks to reform the world, but when ho gets older he Is qult satisfied If he Is able, to reform himself. Some people get drunk In the hope of having their natural Idiocy charged up to the account of whisky. Milwau kee Journal. Sorrows are visitors that come with out invitation; but complftnlng minds send a wagon to bring their troubles home in. A pup looks so mild and Innocent that we sometimes think it w ill turn out bettor than others of its race, but it always tu rns on t a dog. A tcluyon t i lolie. A good inclination is but the Unit rudo draught of virtue; but tho HniHhing strokes are from the will; which, if well disposed, will by degrees perfect; If ill disposed, will, by the stiporlnductlon of 111 habits, quickly deface it South. We can be thankful to a frigid for a few acres, or a little moneP and yet for tho freedom and command of the whole earth, and for the great benefits of our being, our life, health and reason, we look upon ourselves as under no obliga- i ffon. Seneca. To Impart liberally of what we have, j of what e io, and of what w) are, is neciajkur to the healthy grot th of afe jcajsn! Altlii)uai a perfect love iould of ittwlf proniat aid ctcourtf h thi. tho k that Is not perfect amy lie exalted iaaal utii'd thereby. X'l Y. Lidfnr. To thoav Kaiieaf us wfco ar fiavisi w clrciKistaacaaj to fiov throaf;k a latoty aovail of ilally cases vhb'k totMkly ia k oaa'i Wit cwertliaw, thtto taiy be ciaafirt la thW tkoaiht uftoai hutwhk'k rs. Wbitaryku savt la a Twvy caaiai wty: "luaaaruay mm tolas; well ants a key iato aato's avtadts to tka) esnautar nini other qui to dif trrwat sveret We eoaawrkaw waut aauy ke to ceaae watt at t irmigvfj." ltaraar's kWr. Ifa DOAlvI ATTWK. Dfltwa. WaMi Win mm mJlM ! mass ksd! t'atiwto. Tw mbji'ct wf wav wtuimg aauda) aft'toe la asaWr to toltow their Vrvs1! la ttgnho to wa3 my rtmur aVkiiaws-s ksM vim a fuvarite owe witk tko pacts fruni Ms euvly ballud ni)t to Xrs. UrtAva fatff, Ib tke "KowiaHHt ef tac it&" oard Hae JSwedldW Tegaec, asU hW booatifnl stery af "Ael." Ifctt la uhmIch times wwauM have less roMcwat-lo reoMaats far Mae -feme f cestHMe. Libs) Geunpo aVianl tkaey iuy aV it la a sarit ad vunture; like Kosu KatsWiu i anr mx lit. Wwy WaJlaej, beoosasje taey kViad It Mare c-asWictakW, er like tko hw dtiAks mi cnMes wklek ase assu4rly kv atg natod ky tke uewsataieis, keetuase taey Had tkut oa iff aoat ckaajo mi bun eaxiUes tkeaa to avuko a kvtter liv imff. Rasa lhmkor was toaiwwas wtcn a wstrk, bst wsniau kr lesnoke at toee 1 tke eveaiag. Hao not only weuas troupers, kut a full waki att, ialudiag tko FrcacB laborer's Win maaek aad ca, when she gaes to fuars to maka studies far kor cuttW ar womsVim a Wast tke kWld uatuvmaf aaied. Tke gok relieves ke aa tko trixHo o kandllncr ua skirts wkua sko cWrksa aiatiag iaikMats, aud atse conceals swr sex ham the reugh men wham she in lluJaW to Meet Lauiso Lawtost, tke sowlptress, ake MnaW lk cwavenJeat to wur traasers aad ceat wltoa at work, uceak Kcasiasdt la kwr siudto, aw whms a kluck velvet suit mt clvthcs, in Vktoa Hie S CaatHcialS tkirt ttbo laajts very ekucailag. Mme. Dralatoy, tku FwMac4 explorer mi saleatlsts, wkx has We s mach ta lncnatse our kaowkee m( Fvvsiaa archutology, also laoks stuck bmw coquetti.sk aad winsoate la the cvtiuae she adopted whllo jourieyim la traive lands thaa in the skirts wkick she wears In Paris. Indeed, even ka Paris, her only return to feminine esjtune Is in the substitution of skirts for trouseM. The coat and vest the shljt collars and cuffs are retained. Philadelphia Times. STORIES OF DIAMONDS. Kichea tialiied and l-at hj Peiaona Deal liia; In I'rreloaa iiema. Volumes have been written on ro mance's connrcU-j with diamonds and on the fortunes made and lost by por sons dealing in them. The "Sancy," now In HuRsla, is worth 8200,000. Charles the Bold once owned this gigantic brilliant and lost It while on the battlefield. . A Swiss soldier found It and sold It to a priest for two francs, or less than half a dollar. After awhile the gom found its way into the collection of King Anthony of Portugal, who sold It to Do Sancy of France in KS9, for 100,000 livres, De Sancy sent the jewel to Henry IIL, who wanted to raise money on it He employ d a trusted messenger to carry it, and this man on being attacked by highwaymen and fatally injurcdswal lowed the jewel. The faithful servant's body wasopened and the great diamond found. It was again lost but discovered by means of Information imparted In an anonymous note. The ' Onslow," a great Prussian stone, was originally used as an eye in the idol Serrlngham in the temple of Brahma. It did duty in this manner for ISO years, but In 15B0 It aroused the cupidity of a French soldier, who professed conver sion to Buddhism, worked bis way into the confident of the pri'jsU and gained access to the temple. On the first opportunity be gouged out the 193 carat eye and ran off with it to Madras. While he waa making good hia escape the priest discovered EOUU ui" -r ' 0B reaching tngland, aoia u v a wew for f0,000. Catharine II. gave the Jew lOf c-w.ww. r it-nf -0.ou0 for it. KVIDKNCK FROM A WEI.L-KKOWN hum ur han rRA.srisco ltllATMKN. The-e tcstimoit al are constantly com leg to theoftli-e of the proprietor of the let remedy on earth. The (irtiit Surra A'lifncy nnif l.ixtr Curt. Tlila t posi tively a purely Vf Ke'able medicine that la J warranted to do the work it I advertised to do. For tale by a'l druyitlxU. i 5iVrm Vhrmical Company Wi Ui$hn ! firrf, Stin t'ranritfO. Ciil.: (kntlkmbn: My partner and myse'f ! purchased one doren bottles of your Great ; Siena Kidney and l.lver Cure. We have : taken it and to our surprise find there Is ' one II i hi -class remeily fiat actually doe : the wft k it is nerilsed to do. We join in l ivlmr ihe Gkkat Sikhha Kiiinkv ami ; I.ivku Cl'liK the h'Klie-t reeoiniiienilfitloii, nml would advise all that are debilitated j in eny way to ftlve It a Irlsl, as we have I done. erv r-seci fully youn, FaKNSWOHTII fc Kl'lilll.KS, 100 California street, San Francisco. I.ailr lioclor (yoniut and fnlr)-rirae turn ' your lieml aliltle! .Miwi iillne Patient AU! dear, )nu have already tnrned It A IIOTI.I. HI N KV KI.Kt TKK ITV. What is known as anelectrical hotel has Wu running nt Samadcn, Swiiterlaud. ' The biiiliiluii Is lighted by electricity fell ! erated byOa water wheel proHllrd by a ' cataract. All the rooms are supplied with I electric hk'iisIs, and the cooking range ! contain resistance colls hioiight to a red beat by a powerful current. Water mav i lie heated and egu cooked on the dining ta' le by means of a current of electricity. The runniUK of a hotel by e eclrlclty j and its application in a thousand other ! ways is not eiiial to Ihe sclen I lie manner in hull l)r. D.irrln emiiloy the subtle i fluid iu the restoration of health to the at- dieted as the following imilllplylnn re nulls show. Drs. Darriu ap)iear to know ! t uses of electricity to tne human ys- leiu iiiile as well as I dlsou does to the , application of machinery. ' Mr. Wllllsm M. Cnlwell of the 4'oliimlila ltlvrrOtanufHctiirlli Cimiiianr J'lirrd of Sciatic ItliruiiiHtiain. ! Kililor 0r(ituin-I)KAU Snt:Havlng beard of Dr. Dsrrln IhroiiKh my brother, ! George L. Cslwell, who waa cured of a iiiiiiiiiness of the arm of many -v ears' I -iiinilii!, I was inilnred to a poly U hi in I for relief torn scimie rheuiiiatism which I was then exli'incly iminfiil, and a'so a diseased liver, from which I Buffered very I Much. 1 was cured of rheuiatisnln two weeks' time, so that I have felt no recur rence ii the dive, and ii rayldly ra ; coverint fnaa) the liver dlllically ao iktat my ha It li is better lima air sevavt! yeiaas. I . Wm.ua . 'Al. l.L. j Nanafawa, la. OaSxl l Si Ht teatatt iaW br sWa. I . r. w. vim, i Xee'iakyii, aa tat aa 'ataal araoaM, laaxaj jwtaaw; ar -tea. L. P. IkiMi, Faevaratt ffik. LkMawd i hMavy eaaavhkiiit; caasid. le 1m sr a ! aWiia estem fmumi la. (Wnbi. Mm. .1. Martoa. OK. Oj.-CWhbi akx-HMatisaa. avwrJ ami uasfauia ! wsmcsvm M tkaw jsisass eaw-d enai ) at. II. Vaa fVM, .Skjaa, (.- fwvae kaisaV wW, to Ike CKUmt lkt ' waxed kaai to iaa oaal aaailjimiiiy hh kta; Maw .fm L. Cmaaai H, ewrtw-d at Ml' 4yHtBii' UmX snk-lireit, Inaad- Caaed af iWwh, kaanvterH lead wan In us. K. H. ( aakisrW, Vaaifcs YUfawntfk eaMtity. (). Articled afty yenwi M k4 aey ad livereouiplH-wt a d Ketrls af tke Hftnanch; aa.-d to mk wci. Vrm. finea'm'cmi M tiionrWed AelK1 at 1rj ViwiiiaruM bxalawu, aosner of lonask and TA'asliiiiitoM Maeeto, fosflainl, aaat ttrthil CioHdiduf, Taeaaia. rtoHsas, W to 8 evenlasc, 7 to : niy, Ut to K. Aa rkraaic lieaxe, kref'ilaiitH af wamvns Maud bma, to-s af a4 paauea awd carlv IniMsesraiaiM ueMiimeiUds' cwed, tko'mrh no neences aas eve nmdte iai ke pwHs c0Hcernliig sin h asts, awhi hi the dvlr avy at the ptiiento. HnW 'toixi free ta sal, sd rirrutojia wW be sen to say arfaaess. Ckwiaes tortaowlHient am- i'rawiH t hWic.HJ s abiHfv to pay. Hie peer tocaed toee af ' clKtfe to lO to 11 fcealv. .Ml private aUseases eifl'lMi(llv lieated, asd cures guaranteed. lVllei at a disnnce cmi be cured by heme treat M4eat, Aked ciMes and le'tors seat whut tke aVict-ers' noMie arpeaaiag. lever ass a wimmii she Is trylnx tii'lnit. Never auk a woman what the la rfwlisjwiien A lethaarle, ilnrinaut enndltlon of Hie liver Is haraly to We overcome with draslle eatlwri ea and UHiinsms eholsitojtuea. A aeuller, iieaa anler and lar more etfi-elive miana ella of sromliiK the nrvRt when nomnnlent. Tha. la Hometter'sStmiiaeh Hitlers, vouched for by the mt-illeal friiliinliy, toted by the pnbllo for manv yeara. A resumption by the bllla'Oiyan of lis sii-rctlve fiinellou, with the activity at tendant uihiii heallh, a return to regularity of the bowels aud a renewal of dlKcslian are tlieanleshainyaiil eertaan resiaita ousai Ihe Wlk-rs avstemakleMlly. lta laalve m-et la never painful and ilreiu lilliK. llsU'iu'enay Mnf rnlher to perai-tuale nnularlly tlnai to prishice araplniai aeilan. Maiitria, aervouaiieaa, ai-ldl-Itv, kiatiiia traublea aad ueiaaa'sl It littles eAVelaully. " la Mr. Brown at linme?" ie yatit-Yet, sar; you will flni kim at ha club. No slniniier should have the c'ty without box of "Taiialll'a I'liueli" fie IMaa't. The averaite waller holds a tray, bnt lb boarder generally llnililiim playing the deuce. a Beware nf Imitations nf the celebrated Heal of North Carolina Ping Cut Tolweeo A HOTIMtK'M LOVE HAVKH IIK TEX YB.KOU CHILD. Ily little girl, ten yeart of age, bad Bright'! disease. Her ankles, feet and eyes W(re terribly twn'aii. Four of our best phyait-laus attended her, 3ut her life waa despaired 'of. A mother's love surmount all dlffifiiHlca, and I determined to try Ur. Iiaviil Kenudy'a Favorite Kernedy, msile at Kiindnut, N. Y. Hrlglit'a dlai-aael How happy I am Uiat 1 determined iik)U uil. coarse lor one by one Uie well-known aymptnmaot the disease left ber. Woitls fall to express my gratllude, and I canuot too earneatiy recoiu mend the Favorite Remedy. Her recovery waa entirely due to the Kavnrlle remedy, which waa the only medielne taken after her com waa aliandoued by the pliyaielana Mr. Laura A. Kemptnn, West Kutiaud, Vermont. ha. Kknnrdy's Fivoritb Kshidt, made at Boudnnt, N. Y. ll;for6. Hend for book, bow to ear Kidney, Urer and Blood disorders. TaY Ggaaaa lor bnttfaat. That Tired Feeling Is experienced bylmmt every one at ihla iift Kih.aiid many people resort to Hood's barsap arllla to drive away the languor and exhaustion. The blood la laden with Impurities, tbt mind fails to think quickly, and the body Is atlll lower t respond. Hood's Parsaparllla la Jnat what It needed. It nverrnmee that tired feeling, pnrlfcs and enriches the blood, makes the head ; cl- ar. ertab t an apetll and tones the oerrout I system. Hood's Sarsaparilla 4oM hv e'l dnirgl.'a, l; tlx for t. Prepared mly I. i.l. H'KiDAlO.Apobaeiriea, lx )l, II. s 100 Doses One Dollar FRED T. MtRRIttt PORTLAND. OR. 5. P. N. U. No. 328-S. F. S. U. No. 405 Hi mmsm TIIK OSIIT OI'AKANTaXED (IKK For all blood taints and bsiaora, plmplea, blnti'bea, eruptions aud skill diM-aartol every name and nature It IK Plena's Golden Medical Mwnvery. A eertl dealt of guarautM Irom rvasnsllie bualueaa htmw warraula it to toned! or cure, or muuey n-fuuded. Chronic Nasal Catarrh poaltlrely cured by Dr. Sage's KeuieUy. Morula, by dnurglsta. "0 lord ! how yoa mad me Jump!" as th grasshopper lemarked when he w a. Ilr.t crtaled. It Dobbin' Electric Soap U what ao many in t that It K you rnno( afford to go without lu Your itrocer haa It, or can iret it, and you caa dreitU for your$tlf very anou. Don't let another Jlomlay pas without trying lr. It'a a wise ny that kuows bald head In spite of wig. ONNl MfTlON, KCKOtTLA, (eiirrwl Debility. Wasting IHaasetof Children, Chronic Coughs and llionehllls can be cured by the use of Kent Is Kaiulsinu of I'ure Cod l.lver (HI with HypophtMphllra. rromlueut physl- elans use II aud le.UI) to lit great value, fkaae rvad llie following: " I used Scott's Kraulslon ' for an obstinate rnngh with hemorrhage, Iota of ' appetite, eniaclatlnii, alei-pleaaneaa, tie. All of I icm have now left, aud I bcllete yourKmulslon I has saved a ease of well-developed eontump Hun." T. i. Kimii.iv, M. 1).. lone Httr, Tea. I Spare the rod and let tnorsb story do the work. ; sutK ti itK kok rn.f.H. Hiiro cure for bl nd. bleeding and Itching tie. On ho haa cured the worst cat oi teu year' ainiiillng. No one nerd lutfer ten niln nut afler using Kirk'a Uerman I't.e Ointment It abaorba In mors, allays the Itching, tela aa a poultice, give relief. l)r. Kirk's Orrniaiii'lle Oiiiiinent ia pnpkred only for I Ilea and itching of Ihe private part, and uothing else. Kvery bos la waimnted fold bv Uruulslaand tent br mail on isvwjlnl oi pnee, i.iu per ooi. j. j. Mack It fix. WlioloaaJe Agent. Hn Kranoiaou, An Klrgant I'aekag or t'ln Card, Including IS rare ffovellle, shapea and ar tistic iniported oieogrsphlc and hromalic rani. This large aud beautiful collection sent by mall to any one who will do this: liny a box of the genuine Dr. C. MrLan' Celebrated Liver l'lll from any drugKlst, price & cents, and mat' u the ouuide wrapper with your address, plainly writ ten, and 4 rent In atamp. The genuine McLane'a 1'illa are preared only by Kleinlim llros., I'lltsburir, I'a., and have been In constant use tor over sixty year. They st superior to all other In purity and effectiveness. A certain cure for In digent Ion and sick headache. Address, l'leinlngjirot., Pittsburg, I'a. imlksi rn.KMi rn.Ksin )r. W illiam's n,l,n piles Ointment It the only sure cure for Blind, Bleeding i llehlen I'llea ever dlacovered. It nevex faajs to cur old chronic cases of long standing. Judgo Cortlnbliry, Clevelaad, O, aava: "I have found by ei,ierleiie tkat I. Vi iilkan't ludiati I'llea Olntmeiit givea liaineaatge relief." lo not auaW.an Inalasit laa-r. Maid ky Will liawoa'a Mauiakieairliig Caaipany, propr4i-tra, Cli-veliaid, U.; Mleeuta hi at. 114 by I. Hlumatier it t o., wkotetat dau pivti t-nrTlSTur nr himimMmmmmm fc tVawL - WM,ja rJr " E538 iffl EagSl f 7W It Ikua ptoiwd : if L f Jill 'Thtia'flkit S Vje'Xll Mh01l am ffemap far pea, aut lai to he Mte meackie of mc4ielncs kks tawl, haneat meiUtlae and honest men waV nvt tieakate-toarswroinrnd It to tisflr-ranai iBMiBMasy." JC1M V. r.F.5WUc. Boalabeepea Ml PaVrKiieT wn .!., 4KPift?RM UfQWVCOl. BxitiNrtwsrav Ore cured lyt Perry DdviV A LETTERJFOR you. KsTRgMRti Ksikhd: We are atlll nfferlng st good bamalns as you obtained nf na last year on th aame favorable terms. We Uaa even greater rare than ever In selecting aud packing goods, and rarely have complaint of price, quality or lallttre to arrive In order, bat thouMiidt of let ters of approval and enrouraaemeut. The "Home Circle" la i ubllabed each month and week Icy bulletins giving market change each week; these will be aent to yoaor your friends on application, our alork la much more com plete than ever before, and rnmprltea almost everything ( family needs Io make III pleas ure. At this lime we offer Mlilll add special btr galna In Ixindou layer raislnt at IL.'sJ and II.7A for V0 tt. boxes; cheap ralslua down to tie. and com icon MImIou dried grape hw aa ud Men W tt.s for II (IU. Bolter Is too low for anything. Interior dairies fair to good, per roll nf 2 tbt .JUe. to HOC.; choice coast dairies ifci-. InSfte. In quail title nf Vi or W roll, and but little more t re tail. Vie will teud you a I'i-roll box thla week at H 00 that will gnrinee to suit In ahoeawe offer infante toft soles, Not. 0 Ut . at VI and iA centa, and nice kid. good enongb for yor baby or oura. tires I to n. at 4Ue. to ton. ladles' thoe we aell, Handay or every-nay, and good value, not anctlou goodt, bnt retnilar slock, at II.M: children's vIiikiI sboea. we have them so good and cheap that yoa eonld tar your tatet every month baying of ua. Heu'e very-dy thoea at II iS, bnt at don't recommend t'em, bnt at ll.6o.fl.76 od I'.'.OO w warrant them to give sal laf act Ion. Underwear, we beat th world for price, quality and variety for men, women aud children; lowaa I0e fta Infanta in grey, and blab aa you want to pay. But aand aa trtl onler or ask for the full Hit I not tend for few Items by mail wllhont adding for poatare. Addreas plainly, Mntllh' t alk Mlare, 411 troal !., aaa trasaciac), Cal. JNVENTGRSvf relnvlted toeonsnlttheoldea- abl Isbed Pavnt nn of MUioti, llll.iimi.WMt.,D,0. ORATOR say PlaVa Car fVir f tiuiuUlaTHgaMT for kaspliHI lb vote olaar. aicinnAit bba:ii.oix. ho alak Plaao; BardattUrvaa. Bud Inatramaxa, Lanra alork o rlhaat kt tuio a4 hooka Isaad applied at laatara Peto. MATT HI AJ IKAI iJU.UrtHKrtttau Fl C?5 2Stnt7Kf1 A MOBTII autxaad. ay ivww wartTa foe aa. tnwial ak ata fantak a kotai aa m laalralwlt Miaaia n nmmwmm. npaw hum saw mm riiufi mlmn. A fa iKuaa ta lna aa aftu. . JoU.tivu!LO IWSlUia t,aaluBMa V. ouhs -filler E1M MOST PERFECT MADE. FROM THE PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY, CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF PHARMACY. 8n Fhancisco, Juiiiiiiry 24, lHSfl. I have made a rarclul analysis uf asanijile of l'K. I'bick's I'kk.vm Ha kino Powiiki ptirclinsed by me in omti market. The results of niv analysis tnnw tliut the Crvatn of Tartar used in ils iiianufHcture ia pure, and Hint it ilog not contuin any forei(ii mbsUnces, tui'h aa Alum, Ainiiionlu, l.imo or other Impurities. I consider it to be pure ami wholesome ami in every wav a superior article. W. T. WENZELL, M. D Ph. M Ph. Q., ProleMorof Chemistry in the Cult. t!ol I'hnrm., University of California. the v0QtfirMU'& 04.tee. M 1 (HI yon, my bof , I tf k tat aa ill ta.t.aVakaua 1 fhakal Al kA aior ej, or iWaaa tMtaB Bl Lias plc Cur' neM Jaf waiirUHuiV apa aawaoaa tmm aaaasaai an -a. WT I wlkijCMi lilf i f It Vi I :.aai IU tai f-llnM IK ai MPtHMiPOit UmttMt. ill ftm nr.rs Cva'usHta Hiasa ! INC INN MM, m 4k V M KK CI IR M . ISHLftM It., Hi.litill T-HC art thot pot op br D.M.FERRYtVCO,l ' Wbo an-lbs lantM SfdsoW I th aorULl D.M. raaT-o' lor iloa wlll bt allca rKKK u all ap-1 plicants, aoa-io-iasi-awaaon tuiuwra. aslna. (Hsrava. nrmtr ar rii B - jxidt shoald'stnii for It. Addnt j V.M.rinni wv.. Diingw'aiiuri. f asJirtaaiii rarlsatrktsa I ,JKdta!-fc" t?i-aiCrra1 aISBS ( Hit W' r virrU'iMny FftuVrlraNllTp. I c'liiiui. Hlitiltir rev.W I Tall' ui4;nuiTitrVui' p WHAT THE TOWN WANTED. Cttiien-flo you tlilnk of locating here I PhyticianYm. I thought om of practicing among you. Citizen See here, young man, thera b a good opening here for a man a under ataml hi bU, but w dun t waut no practiciim, or eiperunentlryr doctoring'$ what toe want I Many time women call on their family physician, suffering, as they imagine, one from dysiieapia, another from heart dis ease, another from liver or kidney disease, another from nerrous exhaustion or prostra tion, another with pain here or there, and In this way they all preesnt alike to themaelvo and their easy-going and Indifferent or over busy doctor, Kparata and distinct dlmaiw, for which he prescribe hi pill and po tions, assuming them to be such, when, in reality, they are all only tymiitmtu caused by some womb disorder. The pbyaicuui, ignorant of the cause of suffering, encour age hi " prmiirt n until large bill are The auflertni natient rt no better. but probably worse by reason of tha delay, wrong treatment and consequent complica TISIOIC IV Bllloaa Headache, Dlnlne, Conatlpallon, Indlgea Iloa, Bllloaa Attack, and all derangement of tbe atomach and bowels, are promptly relieved and permanently cured by tb use of DR. PIERCE'S PELLETS. Tbcjr are Pnrely Veae table an 4 Perfectly llarnlc. Aa a ZX VTJbJXi FILL, In equaled I ONE PELLET A DOSE For a Stock of Candy BKND Alisky Candy Manufacturing Co., 108 E STREET, PORTLAND, OR., Jobber In Bhow Caaea, Bcalei, PPr B-in fact, anything you need in a Con fectioner'. Mora. Balearoum-Corner ol r'ront aud Oak itretU 9 eRrhider Reliable Th fnmmia llorty rWrd ftlor of Uintoa, ftnl ovrf Niirwir of (mbrtlkf, M h r hMi ntvil l fjiMk raMKlfii.i, rKlifornl, kUindiirU-a u 'SEEDS!! ymmnA lnitwsr IIOVBT.MaiaMwr MMllrMlBt i'MU Wnd fof f-mtlt MlnfiM. PENNYROYAL PILLS 0h fKO CROtt OIJtUONO iRANO. K0 Hi klUtty nllBUM. jmII, Btk Urjta4 tot f-aj frmmi. IB , aaaJt n-Mll mmr, Vm Vllfe WU A mi.u-b l a.f m tthrp. Ail pli Jsa XstaataivTVdau H1 !. (at M"0l-rt a1aMlala I'A Krliar fWr I .a at ,' m Uilr, rvUra IMtill. A'aiaM hw. ikWiaftaWc i mm'l iw, IUkM k, rtviUa,r SEEDS. Pate af Seeds tor $4. Hem) for catalog and malu yntir selection. TIT Mill T.l. Ji IIKKHK, lt'.'l Haiuonie ttieet, 8an Pranclsco. To anil th emnpl't Pitt,' or ina luunl,-! biVliik-anU ana romi U,-Ilal anj Tariilt-S. Tha iMk aitalie4 llUU.Ili. aAa. tu'ljirtAllni. vliimf slKiit1ji)rit,-a, rlia a-.l,tl tL III rriT 10 BSMiT: H.-n.l.jil oiicVmSj-, nla tl.in-uilie nl,-Bia.rlnli-rTd. Tl'liil.-'otiM.Vt UMirt- iit,: r,le-ninil-"l'-n. .riria. laiBOJS aaai :-ianiiMaWausA'iMM-iii iTACKLEzz H. T. HUDSON, 93 rirmt Si., Vortland, Or, DaALl la kms, Rcvokcrs and Sportsmen's Goods. m.D.rOHIIWIU.nsTRTKDCATL(HlUII. tion. A proper medicine, like Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prearription, directed fo th eaum would have entirely removed the disease, thereby dispelling all those distressing symp tom, and instituting comfort uistead of pro longed misery. Its the only medicine for the peculiar weakness), irregularitiea and painful de rangement Incident to women, add by druggist, under a positive guarantee that it will give atufaction in reefy due, or price (tl.u) paid for it will be promptly refunded. For a Book of 1110 page, on Woman : Her Disease and their Hell-cure, ( aeaied in plain rarWoNt, ) send ten cent. In (tamp, to WoKI.Il'S DlMPEXKARY MltniCAL ASSOCIA TION, m Main Htreet, Buffalo, N. Y. HEADACHE, ! BlXI.T.TlHT. CHEAPEST, EASIEST TO TAXB. op Anything for a Bakery