The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 22, 1890, Image 4

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.M.UK II -12. lux
Main HciiKtrratlf Cuiivfiillmi,
Tbe Deuiocratio Ceulral Committee for
llw Stale ( Oregon, awwniMed at Salem the
I'.MIi day of March, IM'.K), haaamioihtcd Port
land m lb iIim ami TLnraday. Hi 2Kb
day ol April, l lb hou r of 1 1 o'clock
in tli forenoon, m tliii lima (or holding
contention (r tb Jiriiiocratle iarly ol Ibe
Mute o( Oregon, (r the (ioro, of nominal
log candidate lor tueollic of oouKreaainan,
oovernor, judge of the .iiprcme court, aeo
Hilary of ttu, trcaaiirer, auperlutcndeiil of
i.iihlio iuetruction, tal printer and diatrlcl
ifllrert to be voted fur it the June election,
mid 10 lrnnsd anoh other buainca l"y
properly come More the convri.tinn.
The re prewnlalion will eonaiat of IM del
fSle, apportioned among the ncvcra! roiin-
lie of lb tat n follow:
lUker B'Clalenp .... 7
Cleckania Mfeuton 7
Columbia 3 Coo 0
Crook 6 Curry 'i
lJouglii 7 (lilliam
(Irani IIrn-y O j
Jai-kaou . . . . 1 AWphiii" 4
KlaumLb I-ak 3
Lane Mn 1
Mlbeur 3 Mariou l
Morrow II Multnouiab l
ok . . ., l Sherman il
Tillamook 2 CmMill ...10
Vnlon 7 1 Wallowa 4
Weaco li, Wellington 6
Yarjiblll 7 1
The nine twins one deleiMte at Urg from
eatb county and ono delciiala for every 175
.i. ami one for rrv friationJberi-uf ti
eerdine one helf runt for tioiejnur IVnuoytr
Kt the June election of IHflJ.
The commiUe recommend that precinct
primam U hi Id Die loth itay of April,
mid the vufiooe conuly convention Ihe Kilb
duy of April, unlca county corumitteoe de
termine dilTuri-nlly.
We invite nil American citizen, without
iliatinclion of ealliiiK or political preference,
who ate weary of iinyinc awoat-wroughl
ttibuteto conacieiicelea wonoiolie, to em
ulnle the etample of Iheir fellowa who hv
tfi emphatically eprecd tliemaelve at Ihe
poll at the recent eleclioni in Mn liu
actta, Ohio and Iowa, and who In Kana,
auuuuiii' their Intention to lake a aland
and unite with ua in a determined eflort to re
nataliliah our merchant, marine, to atrike
off the feltrri of our tulleriiig fuctorii-a aud
to relieve the ureal army of eonaurner from
the hmden of l whf.b oppreawa them
grievoualy and prolan Ihem noiliiug, and to
rebuke I he paity wlneh now announce! not
only thai the body politic of thia country
ahull make brick.elnit that the abti'.l make
them willuut aliaw. A. Huail,
A Tariff I'm-in.
lie lat lu bi door at noonday, lonely and
kliHinir and and; brooding our Ihe price of
bin com crop and figuring bow mucb b
ba-l. He had worked from early pringlim-,
curly and lulu ami hard, and ho wua count
ing bi eawl aud fltf'iring out bin reward,
lie flguicil that il took two acrca to buy liii
boya new boola; and ten ai;ree uiyre oil lop
of Ibia to fit them out wilb u auil. To
buy bin wife a protected dre look KK) hm.b
U morfc while five aere went In a aolid lump
for the carpela mi the floor. Ilia tinea ami
bia grocery bill ahwi'-eJ b crop of Oula,
while tb Intereat nu bia farm mortgage took
all bin fattened alioata. Tbo ahingh a on bi
cowshed aud tlio luiiilxr for liie twin hud
ealen up hi beef electa niiil the linlmice of
bia com. Ho lie ant in lii d.n.i at iioonilay,
lounly and gloomy ami aore, tin he figured
up bit weultb a little e limn it win the
year before. "Ily gum, tbey aay I 'm pro
tected, but I know tliern' aomelhing wrong;
Vvt been deceived and gulled aud hood
winked ty (be bihb protection aong. Tbey
told of relHillioim Inilora, und held up (ba
bloody rug, aud I followed along like
pumpkin, and now I m holding Ihe bug.
Jlut from thla liuiu on I'll iiiveniigute, and
Ml bet II to begin wilb lhal lb tariff ia a
tax." Kingman, Kan., Democrat.
The Turner OruiiK" Inia nwung the ab dge
hammer prly well ng.iiu-t the fpike. At
a recent meeting it m(l lb following
live reaolutiou: "WUereua, the ruilroud
nnliillitMHion W illeoKtlhe laiiiayer of Ibia
atiite iiboul (il,W0 every Iwo veur without
being able to render Mi.y U'tieflrial aerrieea
lm llm aamn to the luMmyeiH of lllia alute;
llierefori. Kunolved. That we retard tll'O
aaid railway commiaHion, under the law, a
an outrage upon tbo laipnyera of thia atute.
Uuaolved, llmkwn will not aupport any man
for the atule legialatur who will not favor,
flrat-'i'ha amrndiuu of Hie Inw giving the
cominiaaioii full Mwer lo regul.itiiig freigbla
aud fure on the nillroaila oi tint wine, or n
thia can not be hud, tbeu to tine bia heat en
deavor to have Bind law repealed.
WIlHtllll'yMllhtllO. t
If the farmer wili In do theuiHelveaor
Ihcir country any good, Ihcy will, with one
voice demand two thing, l' lrat. Ilia initio
lion of monopoly dulie on lliineeeaaariua
of hie. and aeoond. lb tiuiiafer lo Ihe free
li.t of every article which baa beeu maile
the auhject of a truat. Any (miner who de
rlinea lo take tbeae poaitiou ia either gioa.
ly deluded or gronaly diaboneat.
The chatter about protecting (muter,
wboa domeatio prii e are (lied by lb ex-
(Hirllug price, ia a alinui too traintpi ent to
iltciilv lor lung. The l'liiludelphi llecord
deal with it aa lollowa:
The Ht. Ixiula (llolw Ueiuocrut Ull Ihe
Wvetern farmer lliul the dulie on all im
ixirUut aurioullural producla are ao high a
lo be practicably probiblloiy. Tbeae du(ii
are merely iiroiiinilory; tnry are nun ami
abanrd. With agricultural producla abao
lnlely free of duly, their price could nut be
atlectrd iu the allghleat degree iu a country
which ia a large eiporlcrof tho artiulm.
Hut dutic are impoaed ou wheat, rye and
corn, and other producla of the faun, to
euiuae Auiericau lariuera wilb tlJ Ixillef thiil
they are undergoing the proccaa of lantr
The way lo protect Ihe funuur i lu wi.leu
Ilia are of commercial freedom, u Unit
they iuu)havv wider market for their aur
pluaiuducl and obluiu the comuiodilie
I hey couaume at fair price. Si long aa the
t iialing ajalelu ahall einluie Ihe (aimer ol
thia country nil be oAigtd lo anil Iheir pro
duct under cMiudilioiia ol (re trade, aud
lo buy what tbey counne at price manipu
lated by lanir alicllcml coiuliiualii'.i, Inula
and niuuopoliea.
A CuiivriNluii.
A lew day ago lb preaent llovernor of
klinneaiil who wa elected ou the platform
with Harrison luadn a apeech belore the
Farmera Alliance iu which be took grouud
to which the uioit radical tniill reformer
could not object It aa g dlumelileully
iiHed lo'lb apichei delivered by li'in
luring bii campuigu two year ago that the
f.lolie publiahed Ihem lu panillcl column
and editolully welcomed the liovernor into
the raukt of the Democracy, The ipeecu
baa been Teceived wilb IriuinpU by the l)m
oerata and lar by Ibe Kepublican. It
mean that Miuueaola ltcpublicaua will lie
compelled todeaert I ho proteclion Idea tbi
yrnr and nuik cooiplele taritl aoiueranult,
1 lortiii.eiit DeuuK'tiil iu Ihe Alliance .iy Ihe
couleaalun ty Oov. Mcrrimau will not carry
abapluliou uulil the peiinuce of political de
feat at the poll ba been dolie.
Tb Corvnllia Time ia iiaormed
Judge Thayer wilHiot be a candidate (or rc
I led ion to the olllceol Aaaiciiite jiiuica oi
the Mnprem Court, and it would be but a
deaerved cnmliiueul (or Ibe Democratic
con volition lo tender the uouiinaliou to
Judge Huruetl, aa he run iibuut olid thou
aud vote ahead ol bi ticket for lliut olllce
two year bk. Aa lo whether Ilia Jmlge
would accept the uomimitiuii we are not
I'rlnc Itlamarck hu rraigned the 'lianeel-
Inmlilii n( the linen ill einoire, ullcijiiitf a a
reanoii liia advance I aue and (uiliiiK licli
lienJial Von Caprlvl ol thearmy haa lawn p
ainteil hi aucewior. ,
A Vlw OoviTtuir.
Tb boaid of director of the Louiaaua
Lottery Laving adviaed Governor Nicliola,
of LouUWnt, lltut HUli.lKH) bud been placed
at Li tia iu the pie.ent emergency
of the Miwiwiiiid flood. (Iiiveruur Nicbul
replied to 1'rvoiduut Dauphin, aaying, in
Ou the eve of a aoatiou of the leuialature,
during which a renewal or ulcuaiou of your
charier Will tie acted Uhii, a quealloli VI
tally allc.'liiig tb itilerol of tbe alale. I
Lav no riubt lo place the people under oL
iil'aliou iu any, however awall, decree by
acceiilanc of a gratuity (aim you. 1 return
herewith Ihe check.
Tbe Oregouian iu commenting on the row
lietweeu the Itcpubliran rival boe Dotal)
end Htuiou naively remark that tb propo.
ailiou o( Simon to give otu the Multno
mah county oflloc while b lake lb elate
olUcer I cot alii(clory lu lb hitler. It
waa at a lime in Ihe paal, when tbe Oregon
ian wa not fully in the ring, that il beaded
an article about boa rule! "Tbeae be your
Muter." It muat be a matter of graliflca
tiou to tb Kepublican of any priucipl to
alep np and vol for men who are named by
petty political bone iu 1'oillaud. Hut the
average voter take the uicdii lu cbetrlully
aud iu many iuatance make Limeelf be
liev tbt h i voting iu favor of bouett
economical eduiluitrtiou. The "Maaien"
will make a ticket fur Kepublican voir lo
Tote for iu Juue.
IIiinIh'II Iti'itiH,
March 111, '"J.
A pltataut day lo duyt
Mr. Henry Mullbew ia alowly recovering
(loin her prVtcl lllue-i.
Mr. Wilhclin hud a brief runaway Mon-
luy. but no erioiia dmiiage reaulled.
Mccar. Frank and Jii. HulchiiiHOU vU
lied lululivc weat of Kugi u Hundiiy.
Tb average dinner hu begun lo wonder
if b' ever going to get hi npiig plowing
Tbe river ba been pnat fording for nov
el ul any tbua crippling Inivel to a great ei-leut.
W obaarve an liuproveinetit in puaaiug
Mr. Ilutchiuaou'a residence, of a ticat
(rout to hi ird folic).
A dance wa given at Ihe Hull biat Friday
night and a puuuliuiily ol lbs utlair
wa that ouly two l.ulic (null lioahen
altendeil wliile ipiite a liiltnlior ol l.uliea and
gelillcmoii from Kuciitt wore pteaeiit mid a
til in tx-e ol uiuli and (muulc (roui Spruig
liol'l. The delegaltuii fioiii the latter pluee
cerliiinly actul aiillli n nily iliagracclul lo biiI
iafy the moal dopinveil.
Mr. Delp hut b cntici aotnewhit aiiapicnua
lif the average tramp hiiicm the recent low ol
three choice chicken. Only ycte-nlfty af
ter miaaing four liiiirn he aeciued the colli-
auy ol Mcanr. IJoiiey and Wilheltu and
ollowed e bad looking (ool-pud up till
track to the old acbool Iioiho and called lor
hi chicken. A poaitive denial Innu Mr.
Tramp brongl forth ain plain talk Iroin
Mr. Dulp whoae anger innKuued lo w.t hot.
Union Iniling lo llnd bia lowi be re
turned aud lound Ihuiu ou Ilia moat all but
on ot which he did not diacover till Ihe next
liny, Nw Wo.
, Nulici'.
All pcraona iiidibled to Ihe lute II nil of
Krnuaae A Klein ar hereby renueated to
call at Ihe boot aud ahoe alore of 0, K.
Kr ammo and aeltle Iheir aivounta.
Fur Suit'.
1,000 French or l'elile Br.l cluva yearling
iiruue treetj at uuraery cost, Apply won to
Norn Humphrey.
, .-.
A IttlfttllCM CllHUCO,
I hereby uolify the public lhal I Lave ilia
poaed o( luy alore and tinware buainea to
J. Milchell, recenily (mm New tlrlean,
who will oouducl the bnaiiioaa in the future.
I duaire to ivcommeud Mr. Milchell to Ihe
people o( lame county, aa a trustworthy and
oapabl buaiuea man, and iuthe lullct.1 lie-
Srcedeaervnig of Iheir aupport and confl
once. To the public who have o gener
ously eiteuded me Iheir patronage lu Ihe
past, tuy tiuccr tbiuik are given.
T. A. lUM'ansoN.
Tim Hepulilicaii VaMern.
'f b Ue o( (be llepubllcan rly In
Oieon leaid iu I'ortland and pull ibe
airing wbilo Ibe couutiy brel'irvu walk
ulnili. ntly lo tbe poll ami lake lb medi
cine prepared for Ibeiu. Tb factioua which
control Ibe parly are rotten to Ibe core and
run it for Ihe inoucy iu light. Just now tbe
Multnomah couuty central committee i
rent in Iwaiu canard Ly the death of a mem
ber leaving a tie between tbeoppoaing Lotan
aud Hiuiou faction. Their reorimiualion
have brought out aorne rich development
Thel'oilland Welcome cay: "It strike
ua, Hilling on lb fence and entirely Indiffer
ent a lo which faction of the poil cam pact
win, lliut Ihe three first named Lave quite
as nnwli of the odium of Ibe ring attac hed to
Ihem aa Ibe other three, aud lliut by iuvok
ing tbo nuaympalhiilig publio ear to (hi
family caterwaul, give contention of the
weuknea of their cauae; Ibey are like tbe
email boy conation that La ia to be whipped
who halloo lond end long at tbe intimation
of the first blood. If we diioern the tlgn of
Ibe time aright there i a growing feeling
here iu Oregon that the Republican party i
but one of spoil and plunder; that tbe lead
era ar openly quarrel lortbeloavcaand fiabea
ia (ull token that the rauk and Die are be
coming disgusted, and that very many of
them will refuse to be led Ly tbe none in the
cnmiiiiu-leclloii aa Ibey Lave in lime past.
There is growing fooling of Independence
in the air swelled from Ibe ranka of both Ibe
old inrties, composed of people who are in
dined to imash ring And lov the fellow
at home who moat desire office. Tbe pesti
lent ami persistent omce-eeker deserve) DO
better treatment. Our advice lo all would
be whorever you aee evidence of ring manip
ulation vote against ll; the wayfarer can
plainly enough that this faction in Ibe com.
mittet' emp ia the reflex of tbe attrition o'
the ring boodler, who waut lo make cock
aure lb publio voice iball be heard in one
way only, aud that way lo be tba politician 'i
aocrel connivance to Lend all tilings bia way
The only method coiicie?ition citizen can
invoke lo illustrate bia hlgheat duly and be
heat I to go to tbe poll and role indepen
dent of ciiucn decrees, for good men only.
and if the opposite party have caudidatea aa
olijeclioiiiilile (or Ibe auine reason, then re
fuse lo vote for either. H) inch mean
few citizens will soon come to have the bal
unee of power mid there will be
wholtaome political atniorphere eugeudered
by such In roic method. Let the Democrat
ane In it thai good men are notniuutod fur
Heiiuiot and llepreaeulutivit with au honest
man (if Governor, and evei, Multnomah
oounlv will prove ihe ia not wholly in tbe
tbiiill ol corrupt Republicanism."
Jolt il 1,. Sullivan Win.
Mississippi dispatch.
The supreme court Lai rendered a decis
ion iiii'xsbiug Ibe ludictnient aainat John I
Sullivan, reversing the judgment againat
him and remanding him under bonda
nnswer such ludiciuint a may be found
tbe tiexteuriu of court.
bullivan any he will fight no tnore nuder
Loudon rule, and if be hgbta Jackaon
Hlaviu will require a $'25,01)0 purs.
Field, Vegetable and
Flower Seeds,
Garden Tool, Feriilir, Tree, Etc.
209 Second Ht , bel. Salmon k Taylor,
t i'Keud for Catalogue.
Uoforriug to Ihe abave I to inlorm
the public that I ahull carry a (nil line of
tovc of the opular make together with
a comnlvte alix-k ot isruuit aud till ware and
hou (iiruiahing gmids. Aiu prepared lo
do plumbing aud tin woik lu ft first chu-a
aud aatufa.-torv nmiin-r. Hoping to merit
cout imiauc ol Ihe patronage ao liberally
bestowed ou my predeveaaor, 1 remain,
i ur
, The
The preaent outlook for Ihe farmer i in
deed dicoiirgiig one. F.verylbwg that
L La lo Bell i at alow price, while the
manufactured product that lie baa to
chaa have geuerallv adiam-ed in price,
trul eoriibinaliun videiilly inUinl Wal
low tin lariuera nothing but a bar I'viu.
Now i an aupiciou lime to give ihe tariff
throtll another twist. Kaiae the IsnlT, eg
tslut money lulu lh txa kola of th Inula
aud nianufacturera, aud allow iL laborer
aud (aruiere to eiiat 1( tbey can.
Orrgonian: Nearly every day aooie cue
la ob Mr. Frank Dckum or Mr. I'lliycr to
tell them about aoui ot th imMrtnl aoug
bird Lavieg rtturned Irom their w.ut.r
qnsrtera S.iig Ihtu.hes. tlaik alarliua
and cbaffiuche have t-n aa in many
lilac around lb city, and tb akylarka
(iv la-ea heard intfiuo aav lip among
ihe cloud, 'lh heiirU, goldfiucbr, etc,
Lav not yet returned but are eipicted aoon.
Tho Celebrated French Cure,
1 4 ON A
tu cure any
Imui ,i( iicnom
.lues-, or any
uiatH.ler ot (tie
eiieiatlie or-
aut ol either si whetlier iltnj inua uie
Mt-railve use ol Siinnilauia, Tulaw-ni or lipluin,
IMtliroiiKh )itlitiil iii-llxn-lhni. over IihIuI
tmv, Ac. mi ll as Uo( IWatil IViwer. Wakeliit
new. llcatln down pallia lu the Hack, m-iuluaj
W rakiarsa, llislei ia, NervuKs Norluru
,1 KihImMis, UsiiMrrlera, llliieai. k Nee
aty, Uaaot power au.1 luijsaliHify, which It n-lw-t,-.l
wfleu Uw.l I" j.matiiri'Ulavaud luaau
Ily. I'iIit II a !. U.iiwhw r"! ,,
(sail ob mvifi. ul iirlee.
A W KITT:N I'AIIAM t'K Is guen to
f Via) iinlef reo-liol. lo retuuit the uiou If
I'duisaaal cure l w rTi-lrJ.
W h tlioUMii.1 ol teatlmiMilal from nM
au.l ynaut. ol UMh e. hu have Ihwb (.fa
Beull) run-d by th uw uf AraaoniTIM,
Circular five. A.Wrw
VSsllt-N ll'
DlMHolutiott Notice.
Nolice ia Li Lereby Riven that A. M
llnudiicks aud . 1'. Lower doing buainea
nudei'th firm name of Hendricks ,t Lower,
huv thia day mulunllv diaaolved partner
ship iu lh hardware biiaineaa at Creawell,
tin con. A. M. Heudriek will pay all del
ami claim tccnrdiug to hook, take all gom
beloncini! to mud lleudrick X Lower,
all boos iiivouut are payable lo aaid A. M
llendiii li. A. M. Hknuiiu kh,
V. 1', Lowkh.
Dul.d l ob. 27. lH'.K).
All who lire indebted to Ihe bile fiiuiol
Ilmiiliieka ,V Lower must on II and sell lu I
cuhIi or note wiiboiit further uotice.
Dal. il I-eh. 21, 18'J.I.
A M. IlKNlUlb KM.
Waniui Two agents, Indies or font le
mon, to cunvuaa for a useful household
iirticle: agent who have had some expert
i tic prelcrroil. (.loot! commission. For
further information nddre E. F, Wanle,
Seattle, Wash.
Dry Wood fur Sale.
'jott cord o( aeaaoned wood for aal.
loot, 'i foot and 111 inch oak and dr. No ad
vauce in price on account of flood, Inquire
at northwest comer ot Uukaml hiith Htrveta,
Kugeuc. a. UIKIAC.
Tu Loan.
Mouey lo loan on oily and farm properly.
Apply to E. J. MuClauabau upstair m
liihUon block.
-PMI.Mw M-
Notice to the Public.
I, t hih I Co.,
i orders In
All Work Guaranteed to L done in a
Country Work Solicited.
Office In lioiii Hotel, Up Stab.
Iltiisiiifsri Cliatiff'.
publio that 1 ba.e
dbuailM- of Sloan
the liuai-
I beieby notify lL
nuri'haaed lh stock ane
li..rv .l-l.l.-a anil shall ColltllMIU
...... .( il,. nl,l alanda. ahall keep
rig and horse nd will .guarantee lo gie
Ibe public entire aallaiucuoii. -
turner aud new ouee are respectfully
quisled to call on ma when anything lu
livery uuiuess i ia.
Jamk E. HoM-
Blacksmith Shop.
Wagon and Carriage
Work, Horse Shoeing
and repairing of all
kinds promptly attend
ed to.
All Work Guaranteed
SHOP, southwest cor
ner of Eighth and Olive
Hohl I McMurry.
I K .1 f T
MkMi iimiu,
fWA 1 1 ul
Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewel-
ry & Musical instruments.
South ol FortU
He U Select Slock
Special attention given to Repairing
Kngraving by two iirst-class workmen
work warranted,
Wti are now h1iovu) tlio First Arrivals of
i mi p
It w th ctiHtoin of some latlies to have sui-li suits made
early, tlicreity avoiding the ilittieulty ot getting tliein o
made litter, whi n the woolens eonie in.
Come and See Them.
Sells the Celebrated
NON-ltUSTING Tinware,
Clothing Store
J. W. CHERRY is still carrying
a full line of these celebrated goods
also a full line of
Sold at the Lowest Prices. Re
member the stand, Walton's Block
Faber's Golden female Pills..
For Femaie Irregular
lllw: uoihiiiKlikellu-m
on tli market. Krvtr
nil. buiTwfully used
h- nrcimlL-iiit lailli-i
inontiily. GuarautiiMl
In relieve supiireswU
Pnu't bo huml'iieBKl.
8avo Time, Health,
an J mouey ;takc no oili
er. Cent to any aildroai,
ei'iiro l.y mall ou re
ce)tijIirlee,fJ.OO. Auilrena,
Western Bratuli, JJux 27, l'OUTLANU, OR
F R. Lnekey & Co.. Eiipeue AkciiI.
kens h hi
E. Schwarzschild, Prop,
(Successor to Geo. Collier)
f ,
Orilera l.y niail l.roni.tly ntlfinled to.
ilreiai I,wk llox 173.
Oats asu
gene Mill.
IiAULKr.-W,uitcl ut the Ei
ri n s i i rn n nn n
fill I 1 l 1111111111 A I
XNr y M ii nn r i if4 ti iiiiii - i u NrAK-r8i
V l J M l V J . -
. . a . . . .1
I am now opening' part of my Stock 01
Fon IUnt Thre larce room (or rxtit,
(uriiiklied or uii(iiruihtMl. Imiuir at Mr.
M. I. I'uilt-rwiiod'a, corner Willamette auil
r'lftU street.
On r.xiiiim ioN. A part uf our new tock
of crockery aud nlaawre 1 uow on eihilii
lion at our grocery lore. Call ami eiarulue
it. A. UoLDSMtTU.
Kcvb for llatflilnir.
From Aiuaiea'a beat brectla: W
aiuloltea, riynionih IttK-k. Lllit UraL
maa, llrovrn ami WLite Leghorn, t'artritlt;
fix liuu, White Wyandotte aud black Miu
orca. Winner of tba biheat honor at
all tb larcat exhibition for tbe paal)eliTen
r.;i,ii:$i tier aettlug; two Bettlaga,
St ul Ktauiu lor catalogue. Addreaa,
J. M. Oiaaiaow,
Foreat QroTe, Or.
Nil- art kniM and fork
Mi ImlcVr or br.t knif
Ni,-d.iin Ira.l xni'il
Mt ilox'n warrautdl carrwnUr
la-neila .--
Me rr.
Nie liaiiu' truh V
Nle rai-v atrap .HV.uli- ewin uarhin .
lUr fill, atill iMttrr f 15 and t'.M, ale vi.Jin
airiiik'. irnt, at l.V and S-V), wir 10c, nice r'
Hiiilar alrint,- at l-'w and IV, Bice K banjo
Irtn.-a 2,'w, Hie harni.mka fur be, 1.V,
&V, tli hat in th market.
Ni-o i lla.M aKkl kail 3V.4 bl.Wd S.V.
vr K.N.lvf ti alct fmn; fin aonlB
ft 7 th lt I''; tin t..lir, nice mtitara
and ii.vaU, aw (.a? f.1 li; OMn or il
i!!U (tu..
Il..)i Ul'. V, l(V, l.V and iV. toy im and racr at aetual ct. b..T aiM
tl !, rt.VI,tt
1 ha Siritiw Khittln- Markiua to Caaat
IllU mai'hliM la Ul w-wl-l h
cirl t u. ia.-y wir( vita im im miuceu
inxn .' ikiB tit l. l" kax paUMM
vki. k m vill mtt i artl hall Um f.nwr
rw; hav rhildr lt4l cbitUm bk-ti
oil! wll at cat; are carry th Unrwt Ua ul
a. and h.r im th cit and atll from lie
M.arl. ciwm and , II ill lay yntt. Wale
uuy i.-. Tkry Jwr Uth ,
riMi.lrrtn lh uuality. M. K-qwrtfullT,
M. K UAkkbtt,
Ovarf IWim Ubb Watka,
Which arrived during my Clearance Sale
1 J J 1 A 1
ana owing to me great rusn, we were
unable to open sooner. Parties desiring
to purchase Nobby and Stylish Suits will
do well to call and examine-mv Large
and Complete assortment of
Spring and Summer Clothing.
s. h. rnwm,
General Merchandise.