CITY AND COUNTY F.IOKSE MOVES. ,.r a i'ow Town-An; Lights jo loin.' Ordered -ovv f,,r 1' ''!?' The VM-u City :nut-il in-.y !. .low . Inn !') do"" ,,,,, uht ,,,,D I The uieetiug Monday evening J -.linn OD WO important qileSlll.lU r,,. ken sgitaled fr oni time, ".'n r.linaiice was passed obligating own " Jliretofore they were allowed 11.. Jllloin o( tbe street. Hi lewulks, g.r.lwm .Jfarruer wg"n during tin day time geob'' l 'i'"r co tow... Make i ini!(r iitiportant niflasiire wan tint of nn lk contract with the Elco. Light (!.. . twenty arc light 'r 1'gbting pur- ti. liubts will be of 1500 eundh J.iul will supercede tlie incandescent & n ' Tb city will pay $2100 Hr i"' ' u "-",7 n bom by nuikiug pro rata payment. Tbe in " )eW.fUt system was b. tier than oil fo . .. ...linn hut win insufficient consider fiathe rapidly increasing importance of I lie inwa Tbe change will be made aa soon as to"11, !.... nn Ka annnraA mm ll.a -.1. AnA.Alltr m-all oMilA4 .tisnAlu NOW Wliu s""-"J "-"B" -I . . i .a .inni.tiitpnr...ita a Dftod Irsi-ci"'1 ui i- r - - , lubU ordered, one more improvement is imuerativtly demanded. It in that of sewer--. Au.l we may safely nay tbat there is no . i l.. nu In tlid imrawitv un.l OOODICIOI uiui.. - L.l.iu ,.f li.V.I.IT A MWArtk"a KVStt-lll doairauim " - 7- -- iimt will relieve our streets of surface water tud refUie, a"0 vesspuui. urnmo nuu u.uni'.t . .. . .11.1. .,! .Vfiranittlit til At will ARUllrixl 01 llie U.iu " - t bretd disease if not removed. Along our ii honey cmlwd with cesspools that even ...h fnnl otVenaivA vi.nnra DOW l- iv-. . . - i The imah'uul'uU caD iePlcl wljul 'be odors Will be W'UD a aiuuiuor huu urd iuuuo lutiu more wlalile. The only possible way to bate tbe nuisuace nud preserve proper aoilary conditious is by the construction of good system of sewerage. Further neglect . : Ilui auv.ira rit lnnliinotj.fir.v an1 1Q 1UIS IIIOli n.. .t.- j u.i ereltmnts in that body tbat presides over .l. ...... i..i..ul .iMytinlM. fit F.n.'i'llH Di'nr IDS uiiiiM"" B ... 1 . ...mi. u i nna tl unu n.nnl.l tl.u one yetir mm w 5.. .. ribt lo bond the city to secure (inula for Ibis purpose. If the cost could bo lesaeiied by del ' f auv mateal advantage could be gained uy (jiui;ioiiuiiii u iu'.uii ... Ibat must be rrlade, tbe Council wight be ex cuarl. H"1 nu legitimate reason can be given for dilatory uction. Labor and uiu torial aro as cheap now as they are likely to be in tbe future. Tbe finances of the city in. in a fitr condition. Many poor men who hive been obliged to remain nearly idfc for several months on account of the inclement weather would find employment. The money would remain in Eugene. All w.tfild i benefitted. Now is the time to com mence tbe work. flow Is-This? Atdown Willamette street you wulk, and lixiketrom door to door, Don't forget to stop in front of Sladden's gro cery store; There you'll find a broad stairway, w ith pho to at the foot, And if you have a little time, go up and take a look. Pleasant chap up there you 11 find, that's ready and willing, ton, Tuahow yon all the new things and tell you what to do. Your hair you comb In latest style, and then pulldown your vest, And seat you in the posing chair to take a little rest The "pleasaut chap" will flyaruund and show you everything The pretty rocks, the river blue, the rustic gate and swing What! don't like those? Well, that's all right, there's plenty more I trow. Here's live interior scenes, that's very nice, and two grand ones in suow; Just put your coat and mutller 011 and jump into this sleigh, Anil take these lines you'll think you're gone, alth nm'h your horses won't nehjh. A lunHower suene fur O.-oar Wilde, a pretty m irine view. Ami also three of sandy beach with spade aud Luck"., too; Abil i.n't this s lovely scene with lUi.ies luck and from? Ami here a wii.l and rocky gora where tiiin- rods love to hunt. See here, upon this ripflin.' tlie ijim w- fill swam will H nit; The chariot full of little U'lm, with brother in this boat The half you have not seen, ss yet, and still it s almost nielli Ci.uie in ayain to morrow, we'll have a hetter liiiht Y 'ur p'eture nice and quick we'll make; when you have made your choice, And when you take it home, we know your friends will all rejoice. You'll get good work and treated well when ever you do ifo To get your photos made at "THE RANKIN STUDIO." By all that's good and bad, 'tis often said of late, That they have got, without a doubt, the finest in the state. Pleasant Hill Items. - March 13, 10. Mr J A Briggs went to Eugene this week on Mrs N 0 Filzer returned home from Eu gene to-day, Tbe Messrs. Prattou have sold their fitrm to Wm Klugo, Mr A Dick and Miss Mamie Dorman re torned from California last Saturday ?ia Yaquiua. Tbe basket sociable btld Inst Saturduy evening was grand success and tbe band is over I W ahead. At our annual school meeting Mr D W Bridges was elected a director for three fears aud Mr J T Calliaon clerk. After a long tedious winter, one tbat will not be forgotten by Oregouiuus generally, e think that spring has come to stuy. John Guiley has tnkeu the contract to famish for one year all tbe logs tbut can be osed in Kelly & Co' steam mill. Several of our young people attended an oyster supper at Mr J W Ouiley's at Dexter, Tuesday eveuing, and report an enjoyable tine. O.K. Jasper Items. March 11, 1890. Bain aud mud are the most common vend of the day. (i e notice the smiling countenance of the crank" among us again. The "string band" is progressing nicely Oder the management of J M and E C II. Snow is reported to be 8 or 10 inches on .mountain, but i melting very fast JM it is hoped will be entirely gone in a 'w days. The recent floods bave made freighting ?ery inconvenient for the merchants on the ""er, as so many bridges are washed away, oat w go j,ut ti,e game. The people of Jasper are looking anxioiis '1 lor tbe appearance of tbe first locoruo'ive hat shall blow its welcome whistle within 'he viciuily of J. May their most anxious MpecUtions be realized. ' Ta-m. Xolice to the Public. Vtorrf Mil!.,. . .1 ...I ,n.,.rtv r""Vl my consent, either hor. cattle- , if. bacoB or other properly tht , '.? to the pUc f Nunuel W. tt'.-l and ' Hurl i .. . . t n ...... i.rr I Ur- Iated at Seatnn. Or., KeU l. i "' Ella VSim.h. (CiAlriTs,Stw stock at Day 4 Mender Hi'evlil.'n. HVM.0WAT-ICHM CLUCKS, .IrWKLRV ni K' TAu. ANl.Mrsk. ' Ibn iertoo. dentist. The grouse are booting. :.itd. r, City Hows t Cb.ubr. 4 Son's 8. ix.culot's notice in nuolhercolumu. Walton7 "" Unut- Kuil''bl Judk-e 0)r"i,,1"' ""''' to let. Impure at (his Wood friu hnrrows at Chamber's A Sons. llolloway iimkm Notice it. a change in his ad. Ak your grocer for Junction flour. It is excellent. TiiiiVr land seekers are ncuiu i.uilu tioldsuiith pays the hi-hest canh price fin country produce. Oliver Plows, chilled and steel, at Cbatn hers & Son's. FluurTuB Mill. l " " ,U9 fc"8fne Get a lovely (ihisi castor for 75 cents ut i. viuiiisiuiin s. t.n ai,,t a..a tt... r ...... ,Uo ui-uniiiui uernianaa ware .11 wuiusiuitu . A flue line of silk plushes in all shades auu graues at jr. 11. Dunn s. The Deiuocrntic State Central Committee luccie in ouiem next week. Andrew ISal.b ban opened a coffee house uu jiorrisou strew, l'ortlund. Go to Goldsmith's and get 1 b of best tea aud China tea pot all for tt)l.00. Gulden Ago rolling harrows and seeders. CUAMOEIUI rV SoN. For cbnp building lots or west of the Butte cull on Dr. Kbelton. Just think! A flue lea set nf RR ni. only fl.OU at A. Goldsmith'a. Hot and cold baths everv dav in th. 1r at Jorry Horn's barber shop. Preston wants yon to come and OA. hi. saddles and heavy team harness. C. Murx, Barber Shop and Bath Rooms. First door uorth of Dunu's new block. Mr Gen F Craw has the not .iwnpir f.u !! brand, of tlie celebrated Tausil Punch Cigars Before stormc or sellins nata km a V. Peters. Clean Chevalier barley wanted. E. C. Lake, marble cutter and dealer in monuments, shop on Eighth street, Eugene. Ladies Kiel and I'eh. Goat Shoes from $'2 a pair upwards, ut the store of O oH. Krausse. l'lUeprcMiiiiifcioii coods at D C. nllurri- son's Pulace Drug Store, Odd Fellow s Tem ple. Bring your old scrap cuhI iron to the Eu gene Iron lfcundry wheig you can dispose of it. You can buy mens French kip boots, haud made, at (5 a pair, of O E Krausse; war ranted. Now is (he time to see tbe finest line of clocks ever in Eugeue. All the latest styles. At Jtulloway s. Prescriptions filled at the Palace drun store, in the I. O. 0. F. temple, at all hours day and night. Bring your train to the Euseue Mills. They hove recently added two excellent gr.iiu cleaners. Iiemember while the clearance sale lasts 0. E. Krausse is selling shoes from 50 cts to $1 a pnir reduction, I have just received from the East over $2,0UO worth of cloths. Suits made in tbe latest nud best styles. J. Davis. Those lumps we told you about a few weeks ago are goingefast. A. Goldsmith. A Presbyterian church has been incor porated at Siuslaw with Geo. M. Miller, Wui. Kyle and Mr. Davenport as incorporators, Richard Mount, practical saw maker. repairs all kinds of siwHf Shop corner of Ninth and Oak streets. F.niiuire of your grocery dealers for Eir gene lliiur, a h'linfl production; best in the niuiket at 'J" eta. per sack. When you .want a delicate and lasting perfume, cull at I). C. Harrison's Palace Drug Store ,0.. Fellow's Temple. Try our mx inch Stotii s. They ore made liy white labor. T. u fur iW cents. Reason nine reduction to dcule.s. Eugene Cigar Factory. J.M Hudson is one of two eliibles from Oregon for ui. ipioiutiueiit under the civil s-rvice rules, hnvii g possl a satisfactory examination koiuk lime r-iuce. Henderson the dentist has returned fully prepared lo atteud to all difficult Coses of dentistry. Office in me old quarters, up stairs in First National Bunk block. . W. Holloway, the jeweler, has just re ceived the lurgest consignment of clocks ever in Eugene, and some very elegant new designs. The .rices of which are very low. Take warning all you farmers that have summer fallow lo work jjb and get one of Poiue's Jlosg Cultivators, aud stop your fooliug. The Bobs does the biz aud don't yon forget it. J. D. Matlock has just received a full and complete line of Huts and Caps a( the Intent styles, which he is selling at astonisbiugly low prices. Go and see thorn, Bud yotl will be convinced. The old man Scott, who was on trial be fore Justice Hardin at McMinovitle during last week has been charged with the mur der of his wife, has bien held to answer be fore tbe grand jury without bonds. Dr. W. V. Henderson bus returned from Chicago, where he took a course of lectures aud instruction iu the latest methods of dentistry. Call and see him at his office if you are in need of work. As I have purchased a large stock of cloth inz I will sell my t ys at a sacrifice. I rices at wholesale in order to make a clearance sale, as I am crowded for room. Call early and e cure bargains. E. Haum, Eugene, Oregon. S II Friendly keeps the largest and best assortment of clothing, ladies dress goods, hats, etc. He is continually adding the latest aud newest styles to his stock. His prices are fixed to suit the times. Aver s Medicines have been satisfactory tome throughout my practice, especially Avers Cherry Pectoral, which has been used'by many of my p.tients, one of whom says he knows it saved his life.-. L. Mor ris", M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. That tiled, debilit .ted feeling, so peculiar to Spring indicates depraved blood Now is the time to prove the beneftctal effects of Ayer's Sarsupurilla. It cleanses the sys tem, restores physical energy, and infuses new lile aud vigor into every fibre of the body. Jacksonville Times: The enom.ty is pre sented this week of Minnesota potatoes sell ing iu this valley alongside of the native product, which I? so scarce as to be almost ITot the market. An Ash and firm is ad ve.lising two ca.load for sale, snd we learn that other merchants have received consign ments. Theptice. 3!" cts i.r pound s stiff enough li wstrunl .bipments from Jer icho. ,h,r.y -Mr irson P . senp aylor. roved. decUuitttioo. nn on" ...vm- - ,pee al notice. 10 il lV.roled VIZ' 1.0M of the evening were well executed. ' , 1 . . t i? I.r Mr. Edmnndson, end the , '"u-T , '- bvProf Martib. Lunch I i.i.;. in i-P"i by Vice President Mrs. Holt: lures at'U '" "J . . .. -tin. rt ani SPP JllL-ulis 01 iai Grnud Aimy wctk. flocks at Ilollowu.M. M lay is 8t. Patrick's Day. !' All.m.y Unur. It Is the bwt, Es. 15; butter. 2"; pjlatoes, f 1.25 per bashel. PI lbs extra flue, granulated sugar for$l at Slad lea A- Sou's. W. F. Matlock liasbeeu eUcle.l Premdeiit of the i'etidletoii Suviugt lUuk. The new firn bell has arrive.1 aud beeu placed iu position, ll is a good one. A large assortment of wall iust re ceived at the Eugene Book Store. Call and see 11. J.I.Cheshire txnects to bave his new ferry bout at tho river running Monday or 1 ucsii ly. Before sprinK house cleaning go see the toiK el cart )iit fmn. the factory at flay A lll'llieto H. Rev. P. S. Kuight will preach at the 1 ougrefatiiiiiui ti.iii next Sunday at 11 a in. and 7 p. in. Service as usual at the First Tresbytcr ian Church next Subbuth, morning aud evening by tlie pastor. I. F. Mosher, an ex-circuit judge of Ibis district, is Unlivery ill at his home in Rose- uurg, auel bis life is despaired of. Two new grain cleaner at the Eugene Flouring Mills. They will clean your grain nuikiug it a merchantable commodity. Clocks, clocks, clock. Call and see the clocks at V. Holloway'; over 200 lo select from, netti 1 nomas and all standard makes. The ladies of St. Man's Guild, will meet nt the residence of Mrs. Huncbflt next Wed nesday afternoon, March 10th) at 2 o'clock." : A petilou is in circulation asking the Lounty Court to vacate the road recently established through E. Stewart's farm just south of town. A social hop will be given at Rhinehart'a Parlors this Saturday eveuing. Good mnsio will be furnisueu nud geutleumuly tloor man agers will be in attendance. Last Sunday Mrs. I). M. Richardson lost some nrlieles between Eugene and her home at Llewellyn. The tinder will please leave the same at tbe Grur.D office. An item is going arouud tbat a Willam ette valley Hood is expected in June. It should read a Columbia flood and if it comes will not affect the Willamette valley proper in the least. At the M E Church Sunday the pastor will preach at II a. in. nud Rev. I. D. Driver nt 7 p. m. Mr. Driver's subject will be, "Three months with D. L. Moody nt Chicago aud Noi tbfield." The Del Norte Record reports the ocean covered with drift nud Hooting timbers from a twig to a huge tree for days after the late flood, as fur as the eyepould reach. Every streamlet from tbe bills was a raging river for the time being. Tbe plasterora bave been at work this week on the second and third stories of the I. 0. O. F. temple. The secoud story will be finished at once, aud will supply several desirable suites of rooms for rent. The lodge room in the IrTird story cannot be completed until the south wall, which was badly wet by the February storm, dries out. George Conn, recently from Paisley, re ports to the Asblnnd Tidings that the loss of cuttle aud eheep in Lake county will reach or exceeiT 50 per A'nt., while about 15 per cent, of the borses in that section will succumb to stress of weather. The desert was comparatively free from snow when be left there. Carpets! cajpets! I have just opened my large and well selected stock of Spring Carpets CONSISTING OF Iugraius, Tapestries, Yelvet nud Body Brus aids. Art Sijuures, Rugs and Forliers, See window for display. 8. II. FRIENDLY, Eugeue, Or. Stop to Think, And von will be sure to -bo to tho City Ri'stauraiit and bave your Watliiks and Jkuf.liiy repaired while the Hokkht Jkwklkr is in town, lie is lining nrsi-oiass worn 111 In.! loin prices; in fact he is determined to do Good Work no matter how the price goes. M. C. Skii.lkn. DretMiiiukiii!,'. Ada Hicks wishes to inform the public that she w ill do work in dressmaking. Apply at Mrs. Duraut'H residnce 00 10th street between Willamette nud Oak. A LAnuK Panibkb. A correspondent writing from McKenzie Bridge under date of March 5th, sends us the particulars ol the killing of an exceptionally large puutuer near that rdace. Ho writes: Tbe lurgest panther captured this season on tbe McKen zie river wns killed 2', nines aoove nicixen zie Bridge hst Thnrsduy after it had tracked several persons traveling tbe road. Johu Isham.Geo Frissoll and E W Delf stnrted on the chase at 9 a m, and by 10 o'clock our dogs bad the huge animal treed with them selves olose behind. He was about 'JO feet high in tbe tree and showed fight from the beginning. Dy favor Mr Delf wos given the first shot, while Mr Ishain bad a bend drawn to give him a second shot immediately. Both shots struck him, at which moment he moved aod the limb broke that he sat on, when be olung to the trunk of the tree and in good view. In a few seconds a second shot from Mr Delf's ritle sent a ball through his shoulders bringing him to the ground, when tho dogs attacked it snd a hot fight followed for a short time, but the dogs did good work aud were not injured except tbat Geo Fris sell's dog Kaiser and John Isbam'e dog Leader were considerably scratched. The panther measured 10 feet C inches in length and weighed pounds. Tbe hide will be sent to Michigan by Mr Delf as a trophy ol rporthiiiauship in the Cascades. Not CorirrKD. The Albany Democrat in commenting on the fact that the late school census shows that Eugeue has a larger pop ulation tbau Albany attributes it to Ibe fact that the University is located here. We would inform the Democrat that in taking tbe census no transient school children or voters were enumerated. Had it been done Albany would bave been ranch further behind in tbe count. Tbe natural location of Eugene together with ber aaperior educa tional facilitiea gives us the lead over our sister towns. While nearly every town in the valley bus only felt the stimulus of in creased immigration for but little more than a year, Eugeue bas steadily in tmsiuesa en terprise and importance for the lost eight years. It ha been no boom here. Stoci Loasas -Mr. Lane Matlock, former ly a resident of Goshen, but now iu the sheep buinea in Morrow county, writes a follows concerning ibe stock losses there: 'We are having awful rough weather and everybody is losing lots of stock. We are out of bay eu I are Umg from one to two huudred sb p every 'il hours. We are out shout 1500 bead now. I'ntle Cos has lost about 2'"i0 bead, audi bear a man by the name of Frank Simmon ba lost 10.000 head ont of l'i.000. and I expect be will lose the rest. Tbe snow is now (Feb. 28; h ) six inches, and if it does not go off in a tew days there will be no sheep Itlt." Asii.f Bwit-.-Cba. Grdur a brake Diau on the Southern Pacific railroad bad the BiUfortnue to one of tne uor-ss of his ankle while working on the freight train at Drain Tbursdcy night. He w making a cooplirg and f-nng .'bat he wnld gel caught Ivlween the car. Jumped, su l iu f.llmg trcke th ankl-. The p- nyer tram brobt him to F-igen. fnd.y morning, and be it 1,0. at bote , under the c-r. of Dr. McCoroAtk. the rail road mrgeon. Assessors' Convention. Rolen. Journal, M.tich lllb. Tbe convention of county a-m-ssnr which was culled fo meet beie at 10 o'clock tu-day i not well attended, only Mr Campbell, of Polk, and Mr Skipton, nf Bculoii, besi.hs Mr Bhuketby, of this county, Iwiug present; even Mr Burlon, of Lane, who joined in the call, is ut here. Th meager attendance will prevent auy action of importance to the state at large.bul these adjoining rounlie may agree upou a basis of general average ansevsiuvnt that will be equitable for their owu territory at least. Assessor Blackeiby, of this county, has formulated a schedule for Ins own guid ance and that of his deputies, which is the general average to be ot.seived iu assessing personal properly as loliuwa. HOKSKS PKR HKAll. 1 100 lbs or over. 50 to ,100 Yearlings 20 to 'M 2-vrs-old :Wto 40 J-jrs-old 40 to 50 l-ATTLIt. Wotk Bulls. oieu. ".0 to 1100 per yoke 40 to 50 " Lead 14 " " eto . 2-yrs 1 old .. lean Cows lings 5 to 7 " " 4 yrs sua upwauis xu MISCKLLiNKol'S 0 ti r.D Sh?ep When per bu... t 50 Outs per bu 20 Madden Soti-Speelul Oiler. Wishing lo Introduce "Our Choico" symp to the publlo we w ill for the uext DO days make to thaw this special oiler: 1 gullou, Our ChdK'.' Hymn: 5(1 eta I'M .1 ' .1 " "I (Veg " ' '.WW'jKIO Iu addition -we offer the following goods at these low prices: Best Pearl Oil per cau tl 30 Silver and Italian Prunes por lb 10 Dried peaches 10 "Our Choice" Suvou soap 20 lbs; 20 bars per box 1 .00 We call your attention to our full line of fresh garden seeds and grass seeds. Also to the tine assortment of prizes with our Safe aud Reliable Baking Powder. This Baking Powder we guarantee to give satis faction, and we will refund tbe money for any can that is not satisfactory. You do not draw but select your prize, Aud to buy sugar now, ad kirp your tyt on .SuiMen' Ad dition, is the advice of SLADDEN k SON. Tlie Minnesota Hotel, I'nder (he present proprietor tbe Minneso to Hotel bas becimea popular resort for trav elers and formers. Under tho mauagomt nt of Mr. ltobt. Johnson, the accommodating proprietor, tbe house b(s been thoroughly repaired, rofitlted and refurnished. A sub stantial table is set out, and good tecds are supplied to his putrous at reasonable aud liviug rules. I be Minnesota is convenient to the depot, ami while in a minutes walk of the business part of town, ij oukof the bustle nud noise. Mrs. Johuson, who has recently been ill, is rapidly recovering her lieu It 11. Hones Wanted. , L. Scuders, the veteran horse buyer, will be nt Iluuge' stable in Eugene, March 21, pvOO, for the purpose of purchasing borses. He wishes smooth built good style horse fiom 1050 to llOO pounds. He will also purchase large horses. Bring your horses that suit this description lu tor, Air. ricuitcrs luspecltog. e Flao PnrsKNTA iion. The ladies of the Women's Relief Corps presented the Eugeue pifblic school with aline flogTburKdy morn ing. The delegates nf the Grand Army nmiched froin Uhinehait's hull to the school bouse and nsatesl in. the presentation cere monies. Tbe scholars in the school and a nnmberof citizens also were present. Mrs, Delano made the presentation addrnjis, which was eloquently responded toby J.M. Wil. I in 1111, piuicipiil 01 tun school, jne nag was then swung to the breeze on a pole on the east side of Ibe tiuiimng. Fii-.r Company Allowances. The City Council acted wjsoly nt its lust meeting wUi 11 11 riHioreii tne uiiowuiiois to niecom- tiuniinol tbe lire Departim-m. lue me uj H prompt aud elhcicnt, nnd may nt auy lime save property exceeding iu value all tb'it l.iiH been expended (in the department. Tiny give their lime aud services freely, and Hie recognition accorded them is hut just, W. R. C. Oitii khs. The Slule Encamp ment of the Womens Relief Corps elected tint following officers: President, Mary H Ellis of Forest Orove; Senior Vice President, Harriet E Sladden of Eugeue; Juuior Vice President, Mary J Train of Albany; Chap., Mary E Chamberlain of Portland; Secretary, Surah E Miller of Forest Grove. Locaticb. The Victoria Timos says tbut T. L. SltoggR, who mysteriously disappeared from Seattle while acting as express agent has beeu located iu a small lowu iu Ontario, where be is night clerk in a telegraph office. It is said that be is shot t in his accounts and that detectives are ou his track with a probability of his arrest. - Committxk Call. W. II. Abrams, Chair man of the Republican Central Committee of Lane county, has given notice that the committee will meet iu Eugene Tuesday, March 25th, at 1 o'clock p ui, for the pur pose of selecting a time for holding a coun ty convention, and truusactiug such other business as may come before it. Stock Lost. Tbe mauv friends of Louis Garrison, who formerly resided on the lower end of Fern Ridge, but removed last sum mer lo Crook county, will regret to learn that he has lost all the cattle he took with bitn, about 100 head, during the wiuter, The stock not bring acclimated aud feed being scurue, succumbed lo the hard weather. Nkw FKotrr.. W. T. Campbell intends to place a new front in bis brick building . bow occupied by E. Batim. The floor will also be lowered at the same lima to con form to the grade of the street. Tbe iron work has beeu manufactured at the Eugeue Iron Fouudry, Reixtekmknt A Pendleton dispatch of Match 12th says that the remains of N. K. F razor, a son-in-law of John Cogswell will be removed to Eu-ene for re-iuterment. Mr. Frazer was lost in tbe mountains aud frozen lo death in February. W. C. T. C-A II members of the WCT C are earnestly urged to be present at a meeting to be held March l'Jth, at 2 -JO p in, in tbt-ir rooms iu the Orange block. A cor dial invitation is also extended to all the ladies of Eugene to meet with them. Scxdat School Coivixtiox. Tbe hftb annual convention of the (Sunday School workers o- Oregon will be held in Mc.Miun ville Tuesday, April 15th, closing April l'tb. The friends at McMiuuville will take good care of the people tbat may attend. Bixk Statkmkxt. In another column will be fnund Ibe quarterly statement of the First Nation.! Bank of Eugene, As will be seen by the figures, this popular bank is io a very prospeioua condition. Gsai Cliaxkr The Eugene Flouring Mills keep abreast of the times. They havs put in two new eltuners and are prepared lu Cure and rlrac graiu better than ever before. Wixnows DacoaATrD. A number of the Eugeue business men neatly and appro priately decorated their windows and bouses during Ibe Orsnd Army Eucan.pment. Dizd. it Springfield, Thursday, March 13, IS", of U grippe, Ms Alice Hole-cm b, aged 7 yea.-. Goshen Items. March I.I. !:Ht. Miss A.I' lii DuU Ins returned to Pleas ant Hill Mr, Ju. R. ed will erect large bum this .spring. Mr. E. M. Warren made Goshen a call yesterday. N. Swuggurt has returned to his homo Eastern Oregon. Geo. M. Dillurd ha teen on Ibe sick list for several days. Mrs. Ri.uey, of Eugene, has 1 en visiting at ber sou s ut Ibis place. Mr. Gibson and family have removed to mc vicinity ot Long loin. Miss Ida Spitsler, of Spriudleld, has re turned to Mr. C. 11. Matthews. Auctioneer Matthews made Plenaaut Hill a professional viil lust Saturday eveniug. Tommy Keeney has returned to Jasper where he is clerking iu hi brother's store. Mrs. T.i) lor will orcrni puny her husband 011 his return lo New Mexico mid be ubsciit fur a time. Mr. Stewart bus moved his family over the river to the farm to lemuiu till Iho reop en, ng of school. Aunt Wiunie Davis baa filed a pre-emp-tiou claim ou a smull (ruction of ground ly ing ill Henry Mutthcws' pasture. Spring flowers have been blooming in this locality for over it fortnight, nutwiihstaud the occasional visitations of suow and frost. Our merchiihi, Mr. Roiicy, accidentally discharged the contents of one barrel of a shotgun iuto the ceiling Ol his store lust 81.t111d.1y morning. Two trumps purloined two nf Station Agent R, 11. Delp's chickens the other night aud gniiif over lo E. M. Wuiren's house, receully vacated by Mr. Gibson, they tcuk possession nud had a good chicken fry, "Undo" Joo Eaton bus again secured the contract for carrying the mail lutwieu Goshen aud Dexter. Ho is to get $J7l per year. It is a tii-wcekly route. Mr. Beuj. Moras, Sr., nt Creswell, is now staying at his sou-iu-lu 'a, A. J. Kcrucy. He is slowly n covering from a recent attack of something similar to parulysis. Some of tho young people report a way up glorious good time at a dunce nt Mr. Rothroek's last F'riday night. Messrs Mar ion Mullignu mid Will Benjamin represented Springfield. Ask the boys ub.tit it. Laurence Edmnndson returning Lome from Eugeue last Thursday drove Into Ibe creek just north of Mr. Hutchinson's and his wagon and team were iuslautly curried dowu stream aud had it not beeu for tbe prompt assistance of Frauk and Jus. llutchiusou ho would dolll.lli'fia huva Inat bis ti.iu.i. in. floed it ii a wouder, tbut ho saved himself from drowning. His wagon went lo pieces aud required considerable searching to get the parts together auu. A report that there's government laud low within the limits of Eugcuu that has been deeded six times yet virtually belong iugto no one, comes indirectly to our eurs from a man who claims making the discov ery after having reccutly filed a claim iu the middle of the supposed furni ot 0110 of our neighbors iff the southwestern port of this product. It this report is grounded resi dents ol Eugene may find it protitublu to investigate their titles. Nkw Hoy. The Grand AntiyrMwIitie,. The annual encampment mooting of the Grand Army of the Republic of Oregon was held in ugei.o this wuck commencing Wed nesday ut 3 o'clock iu tho allerunon. 1H paituieiit Commander McElroy Presided, The attendance was very good although quite a number of Posts iu Euslern and Southern Oregon failed lo scud delegates. Tbe reports show tbut the membership has greatly increased during thejpust year. Tho ludies of tho W.umejjs' Relief Corps gave a splendid entertainment fur the edifi cation ol the visitors . Wcduoe.hty evening. The ouly(thing to be regretted is that there was uut room for all who wished to enjoy it. The comrades on iuvilulion visited the Stole l uiversity iu 11 body ou Thursday, nud ex pressed gruiifiealitui nt Iho prosperous con dition ot that institution, The election of olhceis for Ibe ensuing year resulted as follows: Deportment Cum uiunder, J A Vuruey of The Dolha; Siiiu.r Vice Coiiiiuoiidi r, T M Murtili of Eugene; Junior Vice Cuiuiuuuder, F M Miller of Lebanon; Medical Director, W 11 Sulorof Portland; Chaplain, J F Ellis of Forest Grove; Council of Administration, 0 E Du bois, i'oitland, U W Graiiuis, Astoria, J N Puttersju, 't he Dullos, I) W Mathews, Sa lem, 11 F Mc.Millau, East l'ortlund; Dele gate at Large, II I) I utile of Portland; Dele gates, O Summers of Portland, F I) Wiutun of Astoria; Altoruutcs, J P Gulbruith of Al bany, F R Arnold of Portland, F M Johnson of Corvulli. W 8 Myors was appointed Ad jutant General and A G Johnson Assitlaut tuurtei muster. Astoria wui selected as the Uext place of meetiug, receiving a lurga majority of the voles cast. The comrades und their ladles ore loud iu their praise of the reception und hospitali ty shown them by Iho ciliatns of Eugene, Clreult Court. The following cases were disposed of af ter we went to press last weik: State of Oregon vs Edward Waud; man slaughter. Tried by jury. Verdict ol not guilty. Stute of Oregon vs Cbnpmau; senleucrd to 30 days lu jail and costs. (1 E W Goodchild admr vs Frank Crouch et ui ; to declare deed void. Dismissed at pill's costs. 10 Jesse Sovern vs Lane county; to re cover inotey. Ten days given to file reply. 11. L L Perkins vs L N Riley; partition. Report of referees confirmed. 1(1 8 If Christian ct nl vs A C Dunn et al; partition. Partition made aud roferees discharged. 37 Frauk Whipple admr vs W W Short ridge; foreclosure. E. R. Sklpworth ap points referee lo take evidence aud report lo next term ot court. 43. J D Hsrrill vs Cruwfmd & Fuller, to recover mouey. Judgment fur pltf. 44 JCGoodulevs Fred See; to recover money. Judgment for pltf for (217.25 and costs. Low Prices at lililneliui t's. Ssve G cents by coming to Rhiuehsrt's tor your goods: ir,', lbs Golden C Sugar , 15!J X C " 14 XXX " 13J " Granulated " 20 " Dry Grapes 15 " Dry Figs 5 Gal Keg Pickles, plain or mixed 3 . .. ti 1 Assorted Pickles 5 Cans Corn 5 " Tomatoes .fl.OO . 1.00 . 1.00 . MX) 1.00 . 1.00 . 85 . W . 35 . 50 . 50 Cliec only 15 eti per lb. And all other good at like proportion at Rbintbarl's or the Pacific Tea Co. NT Glmlty. The jnry that tried Edward Ward, charged with manslaughter on ac count of the death of bis wife, were only out a few minute., when they returned a verdict of not guilty. The evidence fulled lo justify the charge in the least. It is lo be leg ret ted that Mr. Waud has unjustly ob tained an unenviable notoriety on account of charge that were made ou mere rumors. Niw PsKi.-J. 11. Kleujui will build a brick building ou bis ptoierly west of tbe Masonic Temple thi coming summer. Tbe Iron work fur the proposed building is be ing inanufaetured at the Eugeue Irou Foun-dry- BtsorM CiiAiir. Mr. D. C. Harrison has sold tbe I'ulace drug store locat d in the I. O. O. F. Temple to Dr. Perry, late of Ord, Nebraska. ('iil iistniu' Ken I Kstflte, llroker. A corm-pondi lit tliutly scores (he milsido leal es'iile- no 11: In the name or all tbe taint, why don't some one just whisper in tho ear of those blamed shiilkswho just loiter around tbe streets seekiug who they may devour. The legitimatu real estate dealer, as a rule, is a large-hearted whole sou lid man, who lavishly spend the money he makes eulaigiug Iho scope of bis busi ness by advertising iu tbe home papers, by a liberal use of printers ink, and lv corres Kudcuco sud circulars al.roud. lie pays a good rent for the office he occupies, be sub scribe liberally to every public enterprise Ihut will benefit tho town, and is a keen judge of the meu whom he comes in contact with, rarely if ever making a (also move, tbut willdiivo htsitutiiig oues awuy from the towu. Ou the other hand, the same curb stone broker is just as diHVrent ss light from darkness, us fur distinct from the legit imatu rent estate dealer a n vulture from a sparrow. He hang around Iho street all day, nevi r pays a ci nt of office rent nor a dollar to any public enterprise. Ho never carriis an advertisement iu the papers such men pteferiug darkness rather tliau light, and a straightforward Icgiiiuioto ad would just ruiu their business. Ho just watches for the unwary Uowcomer nud pounces upon him like a bird of prey, following him 11 round and iuto tho hotel, tho busiutss house, aud oven iuto the very office of legitimate real estntu dealers. What wouder Ihcii that when inch a niau gels his louthsoiuo octonus cluws ou to a buyer he soou disgusts him of tlie town, tbe people and everything else.aud tbe poor victim leaves tho place in disgust. Real estate buyers should bo wary of buying from such men. Tho straight real estate nu n are men of means and reputation, which they must keep up ciMt what it will, while the curbstone shark has neither means or repulutiou to fool with, and the price on hi is uu is ny no means uie inurkei price, out as much more as Iho buyers gullibility will stand. lieul F.state Transfers. Ki'orsa. T I, Rers In Jacob liuidesty, lot in Re addition; f IJi.o. JIlNlTll.X CITY. J A Archibald to l'JIa N Hutinu. one lot and born; fiioo. " COL'Nl'HY. SJ YodertoWSHull. Iund;('.o0. Anna M nnd Wm Russell to Johu M Mor, 10 seres; $11(10. Samuel Goer to Levi (leer, 401 27 acres; 1 1.500. Jos Summervillo ct al per Homiiel May referee, to Clureuee Taylor, 103.08 acres; fi7u;i.HS. Jos Summervillo et al per referee to J M Sloan; 72 31 acres; $:I0.17. Jos Siimmerville et al per referee to J R Sloan, llii. 10 acres; fl'j.M. I-one Star Packing Co tier Sheiiff to Elmore Sanborn Si Co, 5I..100 acres aud cannery: f 35d0. (i W Overmeyer to C A Lyons, IfiO cro; f IHIKI. U 8 to D O Simo, T T Kit ne, (! II Nat wick, Otto J Fnger, IHO each; eon (450 in each case. . Persoiml. Ham Goldsmith was in Eugene over Sun day. Misi Nellie Oilfry, of Creswell, visited iu Eugene this week Jos Klein is In chnrgo of Tony Kleiu'a bout sud shore store in Salem, Miss Lora Vance, of Albany, is visiting with Misses Alice and I Initio Stowell, Stole Seuntor Thos'Tongus of Washing ton county was iu town over Sunday. Horace Cruiii nnd wife aro expected borne from California about the first of April, Miss Pinkio L, Sears of Portland is tho guest of Mrs. S uu'l Nelson this week. . Miss Emma Dorrii has leturned to Eugene after a three mouths visit at Baker City. Max Friendly, of Coivallis, and J. J. McDonald, .of llorrisburg, were here on log business this woek, P. F. Ciisllfiuaii was iu town the first of tho week tlclivi ling copies of llin History ot the Pioneers of Oregou to subscribers. O. O. Ilolmnu lias gone to Portland and will net ai an iminigratiow sgnt in the inter ests nf Eugene during the next three month', John Kelly cuius up from Portland Mon day. He bad In en there making preliminary arriitijemeuts as to the taking of the census The iii'.uy trieuds of Unelu Phillip Mill key will be pleased to learn that ho has re covered from the pneumonia so that he can it up. Prosecuting Attorney Hamilton finished his duties in Iho circuit court and went home Saturday evening It was a light term for Mr. Humiltou. Gov, Whiteuker and family came np from Portland Wednesday and buvn occupied their residence on the corner1 of Teuth and eChnrncllon streets. II. C. Humphrey, of the I.ane County Bank, cauiu home Wednesday from visit to San Friiucisco. He came on the Slate aud reports a pleasant voyage. Mrs. Dr. M. A, Russ, tin old-time resident ot Eugeue, but now residing at Portland, and Mrs. At wood, sistor of Mrs. Tvuss, vis ited friend in Eugene this week. Geo. A. Dorris will make a visit to Texas on business lenving a woek hence. He will probably go by steamer. If you bave busi ness iu that vicinity iutrust it to Mr. Dorris. All Atcetl Pioneer Demi. Another nf the pioneers who luid the foundation of our state is dead. John Mill ion! died at his home in Junction, Wednes day evening, March 12, at i)ii0 o'clock, aged B'i year. Mr. Milliorn was born iu Virginia, moved to Teliuessee, thence Missouii soil emigrated to Oregon in 1N52, locating on Ibe laud that now comprises the town silo of Junction, lor many years, whin the overland stage roule rau from Portland to Sacramento, be kept tbe stags stutiou on bis farm, aud many old travelers have causa in remember his hospitality. His wife died last May, after being his married partner fur 01 yeAr. 'Uncle Johnnie" as he was fuiuilarly called was as good msn as ever trod the soil of I -one county. Gen ial in his conversation and habits, friendly to his fellow men, he will be missed from the streets of Junction. Me held the posi tion of county commissioner of Lune county from 1SC0 lo ISI',2. The burial look place in the family burying ground west of Junc tion Friday. Three soot and three daugh ter survive him. T. A. Mill loru aud J. P. Million! of Juno- liou, Wm. Milliorn, nf Crock eoiinlv, Mrs. Jos. lloHinsu and Mrs. Henry Hoffman of Eugene and Mis. John Powell of East Portland. Lou LossKs SrT-n.Kli. J. C. Goodalc, pro prietor of the Col. org saw mill, has pur chased the interests of other mill men aud tbe logger iu tho logs that were lost from the Mohawk til February, lis- nw bos alsjut 9,000,00(1 of logs, 3,000,000 ol which aro in his boom at Cubing, the rest being scattered along tlio river bottoms, most ol them this side nf H.riuburg. About (12,000 was iutolvtd In lh compromls. IlKivr Riot Loss The latent reports from Frank Colemau's ruich on Squaw creek, in Crook county, are Ihut he ha lost all bis stock consisting of three roosters snd two cat. When we rxpciicuced Frank's hospitality last July we supposed be bad ample provision lo get through the wiuter. lilibtsNAMKii. Miss Mury I'ogue ha re turned from Portland and taken rooms at Mr. Duruul't, on 10tb street, and is pre pared to cut aud make dresses in the latest styles. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mail ox IHS Iak al. An order has been nixie tbat mail tervice be phtcd nn the Eu-Ki-u. hal, and it is exerted to go into ora lin eK'iit th 1st of April It w ill bo a great aecotmuod.tioa to the valley towns. STATE UNIVERSITY- Column of tho Etitaxlan Society Eva IIaRkison - - Editob MakMili ku - Asst. Editob socikty kotes. After Public RhotoricnU a lively throng of merry girl wended their way to the Eu taxian hall "aud still their tougucs ran on" until Pres. Holt called the society to order. Miss Myra Norris favored the ladies with a readiug entitled "The Inquiry," by Charlea Mm key. Mint Hill also read a pleasing ode "To Fuueuil Hall." Miss Armitage signed the Constitution. Tbe subject of debate was: Resolved, Tbat the? Monasteries did more good for tho Middle Ages than barm. The affirmative was sustained by Misses Hill aud Clura Coudon; tho negative by Misses Dunning, Sharpies and Roberts. These young ludies aro bright, witty, aud rluout speakers, so tho debute could not have been nltleru-iHA than inturualilKV lma ir.,1 .n dt rod her decisiou in favor of the affirmative. STCDINT SALAD. "St. Patrick's lu the morning." Loathe McComack was a visitor of the University lust week. The committee of tbe Freshman class bave completed their work. Tho Seniors held a class meeting last Mouday at 12 o'clock. Mr. Harry Wortman loft for his homo al Medford last Mouday, First class in German had another attack of exatuiiiutiou Mouduy, A large number of classes are reviewing prepara tory lo examinations. We hope Jerrt enjoyed the eotiiuanv of his luucbeou last Eriday tioou. The classes in Tiiguuometry, Logio and Elementary Algebra ore revier. ing. Monday's class iu Composition had a new liuo ot work assigned them this week. A few atiideuts attended the basket social at Rhiuehart'a Hull lost Iiiday evening. This was the week for Compositions and all studouts are glad it has come and goue again. We understand tbut Mima is contemplat ing riinuing fur Editor uext term. We wou der what for. Mr. C. F, Martin took the place of bis father in tho puldio school during tbe O. A. R. Encampment. Miss Lawrence has returned to school duties, after an abteuco of two weeks, caused by illness. Messrs, Reamca, Wilkinson, Praet, and Miss Edith Tougue have been absent from recitation this week. Stella Bracken bas withdrawn from the University. She intends to "teach the young idea bow to shoot." The Senior class received an invitation to attend tho World Fair; arrangements will bt mado fur chartering a car immodiatly. Two members of tho class iu Physics find the experiments iu electricity to be very in teresting, but tho other two are afraid. Of wbom cau the Lanrenn ex-Editor be thinking aa he goea whistling down the glreet, "Love conies like a Summer Sigh." The members of the Freshman class will moot Saturday evening, March 15th, at E. II. Lnucr'a, for the pnrposo of electing officers. The subject of one ot the essays which wore handed in lust week was ou the "Illus trious Statesman, L. F. Harris, by Abraham Lincoln of the Freshman class." "Is my name written theie. On the page pink and fair?" Is now the wouder ot those yet to bike part in Publio Rhetorical. It was a wouder why Mr. C. Henderson goos every morning to school at half past eight, when he does not rccito until ten; it is known now, however, thu't he goes hunting. Miss Emma . Dorris .returned a week ago last Thursday after an absence of thirteen weeks. Her f rieuda are glad eha had a nice time, but hope she will not go awsy and re nniiu so long again. The Eutsxlnm who were the recipients of the sere mile last F'riday eveuing, by three nromineut Laurent;, wish to express thoir heartfelt appreciation through this column for being so pleasantly remembcied. Cards have lieen received by theold friends of Mr. George Dunn announcing his mar riuge to Miss Alta Miller. Mr. Dunn is a graduato of the and his oldfiiends congratulate him ou his good luck, Who next? Pres. Johnson kindly offend to assist bis pupils in pursing Latin words last Wednes day and Thursday afternoons. A number took advantage of the opportunity aud are not sorry tbat they did so. They also wish it to be clearly understood that there was no "extra" connected with it. . The following note was found, which we think ia hiking lime by tbe forelock: Miss May I have the pleasure of your com pany for a boat ride during the April vaca tion. Yours In suspense, A HoriioHou. Wo understand lhat the Lanreans intm l giving an open session iu the near future aud have decided to debate the question: Re solved, That the wblebness of the what ia more desirable than the whoness of the which. The debaters on this question will be announced later. rUIILIO nilKTOBICALH. Roll call at Publio Rhetorical began promptly at a quarter past one after which was the following programme: Tbe Greatness nf Nations, oration, Charles Chambers, The Greek Church at Sitka, essay, Leila Hughes. The Willam ette River, essay, Mark Warren. Pibroch of Donald Dim, selection, Edith Tongue. Tho Seaside At the Mountains, essay, Tboniw Todd. The Petrified Fern, selec tion, Myra Norris. Source of National Wealth, essay, Mr. Kindt. The Scenery of Eugene, essay, Miss Armitage. A Perfect Orator, oration, John Carson; To be Elo quent is tu Speak to the Purpose, essay, Mr. F'orward. Liberty and Patriotism, oration, Mr. Woodworth. Importance of Study, essay, Mr. Forward. Iuiortat!ce of Study, essay, Lizzie Walters. Destiny of America, oration, Mr. Oreeuiield. Sympa thy with the Gretks, oration, Mr. Widuier. The reigns ol Queens Elizabeth and Victoria, oration, .Charles Henderson. The World of Beauty around us. Selection, Sua Dorris. Music, University Orcbenna. The Consti tution not a Compact between States, ora tion, Arthur Veuzie. Sunrise on the Hills, selection, Amy Powell. Selection from James Otis' Oratiou, Mr. Lynn. Wbittier'a Suow Bound, selection, Allierta Shelton. Cataline, Oration, Wesley Mulligan. Win ter Fireside, essay, Mr. Fletcher. Tba Willamette River, essay, Edith Brown. Music, University Orchestra. Every number of the programme wsa well rendered. The students were glad to oe so many visitors. School Eliotion. The election for school director and clerk for tba Eugene distriul took place Monday afternoon. The polls were held at the Court House, and E. R. Luckey, Geo. A. Dorris and J. M. Hod son acted aa judges and clerks of tbe elec tion. The voting for the first time iu the history of the district was done by ballot. 318 votes were cast, beiug less than one-half the voters of the dittrict aa the lust census showed 715 legal voters. There were two candidates for director, J H McClung re ceiving 227 votes and Wm Smith 121. Geo Craw received 317 votes for clerk. Tbere ws no particnlar issue involvod, although sec: parties endeavored to ivo the im pression that there was a conllicl between tba intetests of the nortbwe.t and and south east parts of town. Sovksx llorss J. P. Mouie has leased and Ibe Sovem bourdmg house aud will furni.h board and lodging by the day or week at tbe lowest rate, bituaiud ou Te al,