EUGS333MB mim mi i'V: --i:l'r"i AlHIXMf & SCOTT, I'ropM. The only Shop In Kugec USINC HAND MADE SHOES. Inhering. Knee Hitting, Forgeing, and U faulty Feet cured without eitra charge. Hunt sent lot and returned to any part of the city. Rhoelng Racing and Trotting Horse a ie- SHOP! On Seventh etreet, between Willamette Mid Olive etreeU, in Cleaver ' old Machinery MalL GEO. F. MAW, FOSTOFFICE Cigar store, Eugene City, Oregon. TIMIIKIt LAND MJTii.K. UniUd Slate Land U(o. Rwehurir. Or.. C Novemlier Hi, lHN'.t. Notice U hereby yivrn that III compliance with the provision ( the art of enures of June 3, 1H7K, entitled "An act for tli..lof Jmlier lnii'ln In the Stale of California, Ore K Nevada, ami Wuhiniitoii Territory, M Meckrntie, of Tacome, County ot Pierce, Htete of Waahinifton, hae thi. day hlvd in thi. office hi. eworn eUti'mrnt Na for the pnrihaae of the North Kant H, Heeliou 12, ..Townaliip 111 H, KunKe 1 K, and wlU'ohVr proof t show dut the lime eoiilit ia mure valu.ihle fur lu tlinlirr or atone than for axriouHuritl iiirini', ami to establish Ills claim to aid land before the reuiater and receiver of tliie nlliee at lion burn, Oregon, on Friday, the 2Wt day of March, lH'.H). He naiuee aa witneaaesi Naxeres Vincent, of Ta coma,, T C O'lnnuiell, of Portland, Or.. Jame McKeevitt, A W Riehey, of Kwrene, Oregon. Any and all r eona claiming; ailaraely the alxive ilecrilied hiniU are requested to liln their claim In thin ollice on or liefnr aald 21at day of March, lH'.NI. 0 Cha. W.TmiHTo'il Vlt- SOMETHING NEW IN EUGENE, FEED. SALE AND COMMISSION STABLE. -ALSO- Hay. Brain SJfoi FOR SALE. . WOOJ). GRAIN and all kluda of PRO DL'CE aolil on Coumdiwioii. e Horses, Mules & Stock of aliunde NOUGHT and HOLD. Ollice and Stable, corner of Willamette and 'l eiith Street, Kugene City, Or. TIIOS. CHAPPEL. TIM HER 1.AN1) NOTICE. United State Und OHice, Roehurf. Or., 1 Feb. ill, IH'.KI. f Notice I hereby ien that in iiniidiniice ' with the provision of the act of Congrena of tune 3, ItCH, entitled "An act for the aale of timber land in the Slatea ol California, Ore run, Nevada, and Waaliinctnii 'JVrritory," lOiila Markua, of Eugene, Comity of l.ane, Stale of Oregon, hu tliia liny lilrd iu title ottlce hie eworn atateiuniit No. . ,.,fir thepiirehaeof the 8 K of Hoc "X, in Tit 17 H, R i K, and will otter proof to how that the land oiiilit la mora valuable for ita limlier or alone than for agricultural urpie, and to ealablUh hie vlaiiii to aaiil lend Mure the register and re ceiver of thla ottin at Itieehurg, Or., on Mon day the 12th day of May, 1H llenamee aa V II Natwlck, G D Shirley, of Uabitiv, Or; Eiuil Lewiu, ti Net tel, of Kutrne, Or. Any and all persona claiming adversely the alxive deecrllied Uuile are requested to Hie their claim in tide ultice on or before aaiil l'.'th day of May, Iri'.KI. Char. W. Johnston, Reuiater. TIMIIKIt LAND NOTICK V ulted Statue Land Ollice, Ro.el.unr, Or., I Feb, '.Ii, 1SHL f Notice U hereby given that in compliance with the provision o( the act of oongrrea of June 3, PCH, entitled "An act for the ul of timber land in the Slatea oi California, Oregon, Nevada and Waahinuton Territory, Kinil I, of Ku gene, County of lane, Mute of Oregon, hae tide day riled In thia cilice hie eworn etaleuieut No.,.. forth purchase of tin N K J of Hro tion 2. Tnwnahip 17 H, ltank-e i K and will oRrr proof to eliow that the land annght ia more valuable for ita limber or alone than for agricultural purpneee, and to eatabli.h liia claim Ui eaid lend Mure the Kegi.ter and receiver of thie otbee at Itoerburg, Or., oa Monday, the 1 .'tli day of Mev, iKak lie kamee ae wiUieaeee: C H Natwick, ti 1 Shirley, oi Iatiurg, lr; U.oie Markua, O Net tel. of Kugene, Or. Any and all pereoue claiming adveiwly the aleive drecribed lemle are re-U-til to hi. their claime in thie ultue on or before, eaid Klh day of May, lX'Al. Cua. W. JoHxxroK, Kegbter. 0. HODES, Keei oa hand Flue LlyrORS, WINKS CKU1H AND A fOOL AND UIU.IAKD TAHLK Willamette atrtet, between Lillh and Ninth. E. II. SKIPWOHTII, Attorncy-at-Law, EUOESBCITY, OKEUON. Orrm-UD-el duur to tin left. Will do a genet Court of the Stale attended to. law practice la all Uie All btuuieae proaily at HOFFMAN HOUSE Eugene, Oregon. S. MUNKA. PiioFRinoB Boot & Shoo Store A. HUNT. Prop. Will hrreafter keep a complete etiick of UiilrV MiW ftiii! ClilliIrt'irN SIIOKS. uurroN HOOTS, Slippors, WHto and Clock Sandals, FINE KID SHOES, MEN'S AND BOY'S BOOTS & SHOES And in fact everythiiiK In the Itootaiid Hhoe line. In whi h I iiiU-nd to devote my eetieolal attelithiu. -MY 000D8 AUK I'lIlKT CLASS. And guaranteed aa represent!, and will be aotl for the lowe.t iirioea that a artlcla oan he afforded. A. HUNT THE YAQUJNA JIOUTE. OREGON PACIPic RAILROAD -AND- OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO'S. STEAMSHIP LINE. 225 MILKH MIIOUTKB, 20 BOUII LKW Hlt Than by other mute. Flrat claea through l'aaaeiiger aiol Freight line from Port land and all poinU in the ,. WILLAMKITK VALLEY To ami from San Francisco, Cal, O. ami ('. train oonnect at Albany and Cor vallia. The aleive traina ciunect at Yauina with the Oregon Oevelninneiit Company ' Kteamahlp line between Yaipiina and San Frauciaco. For Information apply U !. C II(Micr, Act (ien'l Frt A I'aa Agt Oregon I'au'ifio H It Co. 8A1UNO DATES. From Yaiiiina, 0 Willamette Valley, Tueedny, Octolier 1 " Hiindav, " 11! ' Wedoeedav, " S3 From Kan Fr,iucieoo. Willamette Valley Monday, Oct 7 Friday, " 1H 0 Tueaday, " 2l Thla Company reaervnt the right'to change (ailing dntca without nolu-e 1'aem-iigpra from I'orthind anil other 11 liimctte valley polnte enn nmke cloie connec timie with the train, of the Yauina route at Albany and Corvallla, and if dmtined to Sun Ftyiiciaco, aliutilil armnuii to arrive at Yaipiina the evening before dnle of anilii.g. Passenger and Freight rates the lowes C II llAHWitu,, Jll, Corvallia, Ore. (ien Frt k l'a. Ag'tB 0 Oregon Development C"j .104 Montgomery St. Hnn h raiahno. Blacksmithing ! C. H. PAINE, yifcl.DO A (iEXKKAl, HLACKSXfiTHINOllL'SINESS, HKI'AIltlNG, O FLOW WOltK, AC A Sieclaliy at M F.I.SOX and SCOTT'S lllackanillh Shop, on Scvrnlh Street, One half block weat from Willamette. Manufacturer of the Boss Cultivator I lyAII Work WAHUANTKD. Noun but the 11108 f Mulcrliil uecd. it McNeill, one of llio licet waKOiuunkera in the Stnla of Oregon, run now be lotinn ready for all kind of work iu hi line, at I'aiuu'l bluokatuilh h1mi on Seventh alreet. Northern Vaeijto Hailroad. 101' I I. til IIOITK I'lilMI POIITa 1.1 M I'll 'IIIK li t M'. TWO traIs daily - AND No ('liangn of Curt) of Any (JIiih No oilier line runs l'uluco Ilinin t'nrti Im'Uccu lor tlutnl ninl tlio I'.iihI, . T1IK FINEST KM ICS HAM' SI.r.Kl'INU CA158 In the world are run mi all through traina, tin and night, without change ami free of charge. l'ULLMAN l'ALAl'K SLKKPlNd OAKS, The Flneet, IW-.t and Saieet lu Cue Any where. SEE THAT YOl' It TICKETS I! BAD via the Northern Pncitiit I'ortlaud 1'icket tMlu-e No 3 Va.diingtou SL 1VhI Ticket ollice eor lt and O, I'ortlaud. A. D. CliAlil.TtlN, Aio't ticn'l I'aio Au't, Xorlliern 1'aciKc Iv.iilnwd, 21 FMSL.Cur, Waahingttin, IWIand, Or KIHJKXK CITY CIGAR FACTORY. Slop Smoking Chinese Cigars. AK HKKF.IIY INTIlOOrcK Ol'K y y Il n e Mauufactiire.1 Cigar. Her are our iecial lraiide: TllKOHEliON CilAXT, ) THEUKST5-CKXT, f The Best CU11AN IIELLK, 5-Ont Srr.u, CIGARS- H.UTY HOI KS, a 10 Cent Cigar. Kl'UENE HKKt l I.KS.3 tor .SOrait, AtTAI'l !.(, ten cent Cigar. We aleo aell lUFOKTFD CIOAUS. All kiud of TOBACCOS and 8MOKEKS AUTK'LtS at Vi holeeale and Hctail. NOTICK IX) ril'K 8MOKKKS-W. aell Havaea 6crai ia iarkagea, Ftor Three i!.mm north of I't (lhc ua W lilametU etreet. I. MAKKl'S (XX J.DAVIS, Merchant Tailor. HASF!EMVKITn THK ol.D LANK County Faak llnil linf un WillkBiette el lie itertiared to lo all kind of Wik mlemi ' in hie line. A Uiv etock of tin (t.4ha oa kaad f COterr W erlet-t fr-ea. iCeiau-iiUi aad cleaning J' lie prauiptly. Sal t.uga, Nee, t,la6. U T. C, lltiHina, 8. B. Ym. ). J'reii.iHit Cahiei. First National Bank of Eugene. I'ald up Cash Capital .0,000 Surplus ami rroins, is.uuu Eugene City - - Oregon. A ireneral banking biulneae done on reaeou able term. Siht drafu on NKW YOKK, Clir;AOO,HAX FKANCISCOand I'OKT LAX0, OHEIJOX. ililla of exchanije aold on foreign oountriea. I)i ioiU received aubject to check or certitt cate of ileeit. All collection eutruaed to u ill receive prompt attention. A. O. HOVKY, H, 0 HUMI'HKKY realilen'. Caehler. LANE COUNTY BANK. II0VEY. HUMPHREY & CO KlIQENK oinr, - OB. Genera lianking tranaacted. Demaiita received on currant aooonnt und on ecial cortihoate Orult drawn on F0KTI.AND, SAN FRANCISCO AND NKW YOKK. Ili'li of EichanK fold on the Citlea ol Kirope, Loan triad. ( oiled Ion on all aooeaaibla point apcialty rua. l.itu, pbioit. w. t. rirr, CaaHIKI THE Eugene National Bank EUGENE CITY, OEEG0N. IAtf Ul' CAPITAL HLKl'LUS FUND f.V),Ol0 . 10,000 TniiiHact a general banking buaineai. IIoahi) or DiaroTOBa: F II Dunn, F WOUHburn, i C Church, S H Yornii, 1 M Ilmlena, Cha Lauer, It Soolf, Mi Pills CURB Malaria, fever and Ague, Dumb Chills, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks, etc. Tbey prmlnce reaular, natura0ie ualloiia, never gripe or Interfere with ilally liiiaineea, Aa a family tneillelne, they aliiiolil hat pi are In every houieholil. Price, SB ceuU rgr boa. Sold Everywhere. Onico. 41 Murray Nt N. Y. WHEAT SACKS, HOP BURLAP, Kiln Cloth, FOB BALC BT S. II. FRIENDLY. TIMIIKIt LAND NOTICE. United State IjiihI Ollice, ItoaeburK, Or., Jan. 17, IS'.HJ. Notice ia hereby K'en that ill compliance with the proviaion of the act of oonxrea oi Juno .'I, I NTS, entitled "An act for the aale of timber laud in the atatc of California, OicK'iu, Nevada, and Vahiiiton Terri tory," John llanaen, o! lluckley, Comity of Fierce, State of Washington, ha this day tiled in thi ollico hu iworn statement No for the purchaae of the N K J of Sou 'J I, in Tp 17 S, It I Kat, and will otrcr proof to aliow that the land sought ia more valuable for its timber or (tone than for ag ricultural purpoaua, and to establish his claim to said laud before the register and re ceiver of this ollice at Itnaeburg, Or, on Thursday, the 17th day of April, ISIH). He names aa C II Ntdwick, (iitmnre Shirley, l.cwii I' legal, Dave Siine, Leelmrg, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversel) the abrve ilescribed lands are requested to lile their claims iu this ollice nu or before said 17th day of April, 1880. (. has, V, Johnston, Krgister. NOTICE TOCREDIT0RS. NOTICE IS HKliK.IIY GIVEN that V. V, Oahurn and J. W. Johnson have Wen appointed executor of the eatate of Will iam Unburn aa a partner ol the Ann of William Oahurn and Co. All tereoii havina; claim auaiut eaid lirm of William Oahurn and Coin anv are h.rehy nntilied to preeent the aame to the executor at the ding store of Wm. Oa hurn A Co. In KiiKen City, Oregon, within W month from the date ol till notice. DaUnl, Jany. l,Sli, IS'.ai. 0(0. 11 DOKKIS. M. , .UII.HIU,,, I W IllllVklilV Ktecutora. Atty i t Kutate. NOTICE CREDITORS. N OTICE IS HEKEHY GIVEN THAT F. W, Oahurn and J. W. Johnson nave Keen duly apHinled eaeeutora of the eatate oi William Oahurn, deceased. All person hav Ink" claim k'iimt uid estate are hereby if ao preeent the tame to the executors at the drtti' .tor of Win. Oalmrn h Co., Kafen t 'it v. Own, within aix months from the date of tliis notice. Date.1 January ISth, 1H. F. W. OSHUKN. J. W. JOHNSON, Etecutois, tiro. It, DOUKIS, Atty. for EsUU. NOTICE TOJDREDITORS. "V0TICEW HEREBY GIVEN THAT il W. II. Ilalier haa been duly appointed, of the eatate of U K. tirejory. leivaaed. All iienont havina claim against said aetata are hereby notified to rent tin sani to the aduiitilalralor at Junction City, Oregon, within six months from the date of tn la aoln-e. Dated Jany. ISih. 1V W. It, HAKKlt, Admr. C.F.O. 11 IKIKKIS, Atty tor K.ut. Kuykendall & Payton, Phi sklans and Surgeons Rooms 5 and 6. Hoves Block. J 1. IUCXEY. I A LUIS Clotm batches, Di!ps, Jewelry, Etc rM'iaring rrumptly Executed. erjliWrk arraailW.4 J.&. LCCKKY, THE EUGENE CITY GUARD. 8A1UKDAY.... ...MARCH 8, IWO. Arreted After Teu Year. Oregoniau, March 2: J. W. Fool, aged about 2'J )oar, wua nciitly arreaiod iu Idubo. He ia charged wi'b murder, and it U claimed Ibat be commilled the crime about ten yeara ago iu Douglas coiiuly, Ore. gon. Foole wa brought to thia city Id cua tody of William Edward, d.puty aberiff of Ada county, on hi. way to Uoeebiirg. The prinooer on reaching IbU city, wa tokeu to the county jail and locked up iu the cage occupied by Cbee Gonf for long time be fore bis execution luat suiiiiuer, wbeieare porter saw hiui yealerday. Poole waa Ier. fectly willing to talk upon lie subject of Li lleged crime end arrest, end Jailer Jat kindly permitted bim to undergo an inter view in bis private office. The priaonei iauot had looking bjd, and none would thick Ibat at the age of 13 be bad already killed hi man. He was at. tired Id an ordinary suit, such as farm bands wear, and bia blonde bead covered with a cowboy's bat, Ibotigb there wai uothiug boyish In bis manner. Iu reply to numer ous questions wbitb the reporter naked bim, Poole eaid: ' I was trrseled ft week ago to day on Wm. Stewart's farm In Ada eonnly, Idaho, where I bad been at work, for shooting Juruea Ma Neil, In aelf defense, on tbe 10th of October, 18X0. Tbe fact of tbe cats are tbese: Ou Ibat day McNeil' aon and I were iu my father's bouse, ou Elk creek, Douglas coun ty, when the elder McNeil oame iu very angry, and talked roughly to hi boy. He tben began on me without any npparcut cause. I talked back and be came at me witb ft batchet, tben with ft knife, and at last threatened to shoot me with gun be wai carrying. I waa so scared tbut I fled from the premises, I waa absent aix or even bonra, and, returning to the bouse, McNeil was still there. In the meantime I bad procured ft revolver, meaning to use it rli aelf-defeuae. Aa I entered the bouse tbe old nmn apoke to uie roughly and made pasn a if lo reach for bis gun, which was iu a further part of the room; I said, "if you get your guu I'll shoot you." McNeil then went down lo get bis knife, augrily saying, "I'll kill you, you !" I wanted no trouble, but be kept coming at me, when I shot bim iu the lg. I had no iuteutiou of killing bim, but merely wauled lo diaable bim. However, be died fiom the effect of the shot. Fritflitful Atrocities. "Ho far as (be natives are concurued, Aluska is a eavago oouutry," mid luun who ha lived in Alaska for yrs, to a re porter. It was my fortune, on one occasion to wilueas a "devil dance" of the natives. When tbe frenzy of tbe dnncors waa at ita highest pitch tbe medicine mau appeared and fasteued bis teeth iu the naked back of a young woman. She and ber child were torn limb from limb aud eaten, The ua tivoa may bo divided iuto cunuibals or hu man flesh eater, dog enters and flh cut era. Many of their Ceremonies are frightful to ooutemphite. Whenever a now chief is elected be must be provided witb new bouse, aud that bouse built in the follow ing uiHiiner: Tbe supporter of the chief gather the necessary mnleriul lo the site aud dig four holes iu which the pontn nre pluutcd, tbe throtts of the four women me cut aud their deiid bodies arc placed iu the in tbe holes. Thou the post ure put iu nud tbe construction of the bouse proceed. In Alaiika witchcraft is slill puuiidied with death. Iu oue place I found ft beuulifui little gill with long tluxcn huir, und naked tbe Indian nurse whose child she wna. The nurse replied that the little oue bad been found ou barreu island beside the dead body of her mother, who had been killed for witchcraft. Whenever woiuau is sus pected of consorting with the evil oue she is taken to tbe medicine mau. Her feet are tied together and tbe ligature ia thou at tached to her huir, and her feet mid bead tre thus drawn together until ber tongue ud eyes protrude, the i then cast on an island and left to starve. Imported Seed Wheat. A car load of Australian white wbeut im ported especially for seed has been received iu Albauy by the well known gruiu mer chant, Mr. W. F. Croaby, aud it will be distributed among the furuiers. The cost of the wheat was cooidderablr, ft. 80 per bushel, but it possesses superior qualities for both fall and spring sowing aud will doubtless be sown by farmer. A well posted wheat dealer ou thia aub ject receutly said that one great trouble now found is that iu grinding valley wheat it hae deteriorated so much in the past few years that it require more of it to make flour, and It li nut a strong whn niadf. There is ao doubt of tbe fact that the whole wheat of thia valley requires radical change In order to bring it back to what it waa ten roars ago. If we keep on as at present, growing the same wheat, iu a few years more there will be nothing left for the mill to grind but ft thick husk. The flour products will be ao weak and poor that we will be suable to find a market for tbein. It is a serious matter and the farmers ahould realize at once that tbey must give it more attention, otherwise they will be lb loer. to that xteul. Eaairrn On gon and Wash iugton bav made great atiidet in improving their wheat during tbe post few year. It la to be hoped that the valley farmers will take bold of it iu tbe same liberal way. The Australian white wheat has been tried to limited extent. It la pronounced superior for milling purpose, the grain being harder ftcd the bias i much thinner. Executor's Notice. N io ia hereby sHv.a that Henry Fry haa hea appointed by the Count) Court of Uu Couely, Onyoa, Executor of the lat will and Uataaaent oi Joha M Crow, deceaecd, and all pms havlaf claime ariit said estate an keqrby ained t pmeut the same to naid executor la F.asren City. Omr.duly verified, wilhia Month fro the ilat of this ftotic, lXvted thi jU day ol Jaa. IiCJ Husar Fax, Executor. I. But it', Atty. J. B. RHINEHART, HOUSE, RIvJN k CARRIAGE TAINTER. Work guaraatvsj firat chfcav Stwk Jd at ewwr rata laaa by oayoa aaEu(M. TIMfiFK LAND NOTICE. United State LH fli.w. ,"'"?"?' .Nov. 1-, t'ssj- i Notice i hereby adven th.t in compliance with the provision of the aa of c..HKie of June 3. INK, entitled. "An act for the aale of timber lamla in the Hut, of I alif"ruia. Ore gn, Nevada and Wa.hniiitu lernt.;ry, li V Mcl'heter. f Seattle, 1'o.ini.y o Km;!. Ktiito of Waahiuuton, ha lliu ly filed in thi ottiee iuw.iru.Uteuieiit N"..- orttie purchaM of the N i of the M W , and the M It the 8 K i of o V, lp lo M, It 1 E. and will offer proof to show the luil oulit ia more valuable for it tiuiler or atone thaii for agricultural purK, aud to eUblian bia "Uim to aid Iih Mt the Keifhiter and Keceiver, of this office at Ibnebur, Or., on Wednesday, t'i l-'tb day of March, He name a witnea: II N Sbaw.ol L raw f .nUville, Or,; K K Crane, of Eugene, Or.; J (J Heed, of I.iviugaton, .MonUna. aud a M Cowan, of Seattle. Any and all persons clauuliiiJ a.lverely tbe almve described laud are reipieated to hie their claim in this olfice on or before aald lith day of March, 1U Cmah. W. Johnstoii, Kegister. OSBURN & CO., DRUCCISTS & APOTKCARIES. YIT'ILi.AMKTTK STREET NEAR 8TH y Eugen City, deiders in DRUGS, CHEMICALS, OILS, GLASS, VARNISHES, CRUTCHES, PATENT Mr MCI NK Of mist every kind, etc Brandies. Wines and Liquors of the very best quality for medicinal purpoee WE have always kept abreast of the time In our line, and without boostini;, we think we ar safe in claiming that we have THK REST ansortnient of DRUGS In Eugene. Particular attention ia called to our at K-k e PERFUMERY, TOILET SETS, and CELLULOID CASES For the year 1890, We shall lie able to sell PAINTS, OILS aud BRUSHES, (of which we now have a large atock on hand) CHEAPER Than any hotiae in this city, and our friends can rest assured that anything bought from us will be tint clou. An we buy ninny of our KinmI Kiurt and have facilities that few in our business hat e, we think we are prepared to un dersell and furnish a better quality of good than anyone in our line in Lane coitntr. We call coaxial attention to PRESCRIP TIONS, which will lie carefully filled at all hour of the day or niht A Perfect Face Powder. r-KtfcruiAiw aroiws nrrai A Me"" ie-'-"i rtctiviHii eT"s n r nnuinrB m'.' aijC runvim . ... UilaUik. f I ii.m1i a.. It vrgial. OSIIURN k CO. WEIDER 4 HOLLENBECK, Eugeuo, Or. m LATEST PERFUME exquisite cha... FREEMAN'S HIAWATHA Delinquent Tax Notice. Notice is hereby given to all owing tuxen, now delinquent, thut the County Court at its Into scHsiou ordered me to collect the game forthwith. This is therefore to notify nil concerned that if they wish to save costs they must come forward at onco and ny the same or I will be obliged to proofed agninst them IckuIIv. J. M. hum. Sheriff Lane Co. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given thut the under signed, I, L. CuuiplH'll, 1ms been by order of the County Court of Lnne County, Oregon, only appointed administrator of the estate of tieorge II. Devoe. Into of snid county, now deceiiHcd, aud nil person having claims agaiust said estate are hereby uolitied to present the suu,e to said administrator, duly verified and proven, at bis office iu Kugene City, Oregon, within aix moulbs from the dale of this notice. Dated this Hth day of Feb. 18'JO. 1. L. ('AMrilKLL, Aduir. F. M. WILKINS, Practical Druggist 4 Chemist. DRU0.S, MEDICINES, Hruahea, Paint, filaaa, Oils, Lead., Toilet Articls, E tc. Physician' Prescriptions Couipouudcd. 11. II. Cochran & Son, Ileal Estate Agents. Kugene City, Oregon. Will attend to general Real Estate bnsines such aa buying, selling, leusiutf nnd renting farms and city property, etc. Office on south side of Ninth street. rrn-VtVX TlMKKK t,ND NOTICE. Uniteil State. Und Olfi., R.Meh-inr. Or.. Noveuiber. 14, 1SM. Wotio ia lisreby iven that in coiiiiii:nc with the proviaion of thrt act of congress of .lime S, 1.HT8, antitle.1 "An act f,.r tl.s aale of timber Jand in the Sutea of California, Ore inm, N.vvla aud Washington Territory." Olut II. EiiUtad, of Tacoma, County of Pierce, State of Waehington, has thi day filed in this oftio hi wom tateuient. No. fur the purchaae of Lot laud 2 and 8 of N E , Sen 4. Tp HI 8, R I E, and will offer proof to how that the Und sou.-ht U lu-re vaiuaM for lU limber or Uin than for a,'riculturai purtxiw, and to establish hi claim to said land before the Eeyiater and Receiver ol thia othi at Itnaeburg, Or. ou Wedneeday.the l'.'th day of March, 1KV He nsme aa wit neam: KiwaM S Wright, Jonathan Salia bury. Ol Olsen, of Tacoma, Washington, A, n . Richey, of Eugene, Or. Any and all perne claiiuinii fclvemely th. abor-dem-ribed land, an re i)ue4l to 61. their claim, in thi. olBce on or befoie aaid l'.Hh itay ol Man litWi Can. V. Joaasroa, Regiater. B.F.DORRIS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE ' AGENT. I HAVE SOME VERY DESIRABLE Earaia, !ni4uv and l'niniroret Town ln'.rty fi aU, on easy term. Frcyertx Sesitci ar J ItxS Klectei The loaunuioe Ciniaiiir I rpsat are among the tiblwt aud newt Re'iUMe. an-t in the Pnourr aad Ei itah; I adjunwot of their naaia Staxd Summi to NoM 4 ahan i! r.wir natroaag i. ..liiiu.L Orho op. Una, Keui.ter Rlork. a r. DORRIS. 'I I. Ml; tit LAND NOTICE. lfuileil Stat 1-and Ollice. I.owhurg, Or., Nov. 14, I'. ,S.,ti. i. he ehv l iwi, ll. it ill i. i,( ll..lot with the provision i f Hi. ai. of Coiurn ol Jan. 3, W. eiilitle.1 "An ait for the sl of tinber lauds in the States of California, Ore gon. Nevada and Washington Territory." (He- Olem, of Tacoma, ""' '.'"T' BMtf wJ.him.-ton. ha. thla. lay hied In thi. oHice Id sworn eUleiuent No. . . ... purohaae of the Uf an.l 4,and S J cf N W i Tp l'i S., Sec 4, R 1 E, and will otter proof to r.i.w lli.t tlie Uml aoiirflil i. nmr valiiab! for iu timber or ton than for agricultural purpose, and to establish hi claim to said land before the Regular and Receiver .of this olhoe at Roacburg, ir, on Wednemlay, the l'.Hh day of Mrch, 1!J: He name a wit noe: Jonathan Saliahurv, hdwar.1 n Wright, Oluf 11 Filleted, of Taioin. W ash ington, A W Riehey. of Eugene, Or. Any and all .einon claiming nlveraely the alxive .described land are re.pie.ted tn hie their claim in thi oHice on or before aaid l.ltli day of March, lS'.K). Ch. V. John wto if, Register. Brick! Brick! Brick! BEST (JflALITT Or BBICI KEfT CONSTANTLY OM haniL Will exchange brick for all kind of farm produce. Kiln and residence at Wal ls liutte. two mile Weat of Eugene. Brick delivered immediately on rweiptl.f order. JOT .m!lFOUi. A. V. Peters, Agent, Eugene, E. E .Luckey DEALERS IN DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Etc., Etc. Prescription Department in Competent hands. Harness Shop HAVING OPENED A NEW SADDLE AND HARNESS SHOP 0 OthSTUrET opposite Star Bakery, I am now prepared to furnish everything in that line at the LOWEST BATES. The Most Competent Workmen Are employed, and I w ill mJravor to give satisfaction tc all wlu n.a favor mo with a call. A. A. cumtii:. Eugene AierD Machine Shops ! G. N. FKAZER, MAKES ALL CASTINGS, STORE FRONTS AND ENGINES. REP AMINO OF ALL KINDS (live me a trial. I guarantee my work to and mill race. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Ollice. Roseliurx, Or., November 10", 1SS9. Notice ia hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June a, 1S78, entitled "An act for the (ale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri tory, Nzeree Vincent, (if Tacoma, County of Pierce, State of Washington, has this day tiled in this ollice his sworn statement No...., for the purchase of the S K of Sec No 12, in Tp No 1G S, It 1 E, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the register and receiver of thi ollice at Roseburg, Or., on Friday, the 21st day of March. lS'.K). He Ho name as witnesses; M Mackenzie, of Tacoma, Vah , T C O'Donnell, of Portland, Or, A W Riehey, James McKcevitt, of Eu gene, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested tn lile their claim in this olliee on or before i.iid 21t day of March, 1890. Cha W. .Iohnstos, Register. OVERLAID TO CALIFORNIA. VIA Southern Pacific Co's Line, f THE NIT. SHASTA ROUTE. 8! Tim between Eocene and San Francisco, S3 hour. CALIFORNIA. IlrRESS TRAINS Rl:.1 DAILT Between Portland and Sun FrancUco. South Xorth 4:00 r M I Lv Portland Ar 10-4S i x 10:11 raiL 75a j Ar Lt htirene Lv 1 4:15 A x San Francisco L I 7:00 T M LOCAL FAJUiE.GER TRAIN DA1LT (EXCEPT Sl'NDAT.) S.00 a tn Lv Portland Ari p m 12. Worn L Albany Lv: 5 am 2.40 p m Ar Eu,fn . L 9.00 a in PDLLKA5 BU1TET BLEEP EEi TOURIST SLEEPINtJ CARS, Fir armmmiaiatioo of SeeonJ Clara Pamsea gera, attached lu Eipre Trains. The S. P. Co' Ferry make connection with 'l the reirular train, on the East Sid Dirhtiou frvn fm.t of F Street Portland. Wet Si.le 'iivWion. BETWEES rOEiLAau Aa D COat ALLIS- MAIL TRAIN DAlLT (EKfTT l NDAT.) 7 a ic I Lv 1 25 p rn I Ar P.vtUnd Corvalli. Ar Le 6:'J0 p m IJO p tn At Albany n. 'orrllu nunect with train vt lrrf. Pacific llru.L nrsr-w TatiNntiiT mnn ai-NnAf.) 4.K p sa L l'..niiui.l M.Mmmii'e a-"' p m I Ar Lv 5 4X a aa THROUGH TICK KTS to .11 I',i foittfi and East VIA CALIFORNIA. Fiar full inf Tuati.. re-.-vlir ntrt, niaps, etc., e!l o t',. -ct at ' k K iEHLKK, ' E. P Ku.EK!. Alaaatrer, AaaL G. F. and t aa Agi. FISHER k W ATKINS, PROPRIETORS. Will keep constantly on hand full u EX, Murro.v, I'cniv and vka Wl.ich they will il nt the lowest tiiarli-t i.ri ce, A fair share of the public !? liciteil, . " TO THB FARMERS : We will pay the higheit market price f..r Cattle. Hog and Sheep. SHOP ON WILLAMEH'E STREET. EUGENE CITY, OREGON. Meats delivered to any part of the city fi. j charge. I ,,3 d" ' ,peth' end - - Proprietor. KINDS OF OF MACHINERY A SPECIALTY. give satisfaction. Shoiis comer of Eiuhth atrert 0. N. ERAEE. WANTED. WOOL, HIDES AND FUKS --AT- COLDSMITH'S. KOTICE. TO THE SMELT 0 ROWERS OF LANK Co. 1 will .ay I am rtaily rewinil notice ret-ariling scalihy sheep. 1 am therr fore coniiehed to announce to the sheep ton that Immediate attention iimrt he given to thne diseaeed hands of sheep at leat thru times this s?ason, or I wiil procure aid at yow expense, and attend to the matter f'l Take fair warning and save yourselves troubla and money. J. R. Sloan, - Stock Inspector of Lane JAMES McCLAREN, CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS and CIGAB? Willamette Street, bet 7th and 8th. The higheat cash price will be paid tor wheat by F. B. Dunn - Call a IlTu That tired languid feelinc means that yonr system i in a state to i vite disease, and Wright ' Compound Ex tract of Sarsaparilla is what yon need j once to expei impurities of tbe blood w bnild you np. Sold by all druggist. Wright' Red Croa Cough Cure guarsnt to give satisfaction. Will eure anv kind cough or coldc Sold hy all drugi.ta- Citation. In the County Court of the Stat of Oiep for the County of Lane. In the matter of the ette) of M'iution. 0. E. Gregiarv, deceased. I To G H Van D'Wa'.ler, Dcachohwia, M Powell. Jennie Powtra. Rtna Calvert. A ' Van D Walker, Ed B Pierce. N Fhlp. t" Palmer, Mamie Gregory aud M C tim,"-!-greetin;. r IN THE NAME OK THE STATE f' Orevon, yIM art herel y cit-JT'Dd re-iuir" to appear in the CVwnly Court of the SUt '' OivK.m, f. -Jt.. -.i..ty .4 Imx. it ,K Ronna thereof, at Eugene in the Vmtj 'ane, or Monday, the 7th dsy At1, at 10 .'dock in the forenoon of that then and there to .how cauae if anv thr whjr as onler ehnnld not he made uth' ing the Mle of the following deacrihed re.ll Pj' perty bel(5i-in tn uid "-'' J mi . it ... . - r T :i! a. R " Mo Foundry lioor rat Ml nxU, north 1) rK f ioK aouth 14) roil, to plane of heginnntf. Uining tmi, in Le. eoontr, l'ie.:"n. . Witnehr. ,. H.w, Inev S.-ott, JV ' th.CountTCm.rt 4 the IrfAi I Oeevi. f-V th. fonnty 8tAI- ( with the val of .ai t Court a",' - thi. 221 day of Jansiary. A ArrsT: l JOEL WARE, CW