The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 01, 1890, Image 7

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riwtricity-Tlie Prevale-ce. of Gt
J,, Sr.teav-l'ba Poor Treats
J!e of Charge.
m : , n i iirmciitai atitcuons are
ux irequeuuy
in i serious
g seem mora
M ensue. Not hiii
nt kI or sore throat aud
iIihii a
"r", :., fr. illicitly lead to yearn ol
1" i a re uIhi'H consumption and
"'"i! .if not unnwrly alUriidnd to in time,
rfrt h," ' ol. " '.i,.. e-Hlnat allllcllnn
tm?Z'.r. A i.r catarrh.
1 hat l)r. Dar
'J'. eti,cu-dexir'ill'iry cures alter
rjXwhrehsve U ,"t
ortl y mmnufHt evulauee. Their
"p .me .ver.are rapid ami eriu iu. lit,
following very reriiarliaiile .as
.' . ... ii liev. M. oi. uanor la a
j. k'lOWIl IU VIOjVM, a.u ..... nuitt
ne relied on:
s-rd rroes Kr. M. W. Kaali.r.
IkakSiks: Trior io con
...: two uiouih ko 1 had bten
If mill -td "'I'1 UWMi Ihroat i
1 h wbch Interfered wiili n.y public
y mr home treatment lur ca-
"h h.'cureJ in', and 1 am thankiul to
I"' Kl.liWi Ai. M. Bashor.
ghraniillii ''a"rh I'urrd.
F War Orel) "i lK Vur lo"f? "'lie
lutr been tioiibled wlin
line I
a loa limine en.
"j. ...d attars or riieuinatlsm
,,wugli IT I)-'"'"'; l-ui1 aim
ZZUl I am 1 u lM) 'urred l
...iibb.ttrcei, A'tiius.
rru nr
Caiid Till I" 10 fortify hnt I am 30
tmo. oiJ (or nve '''H,, f'ttKt '"ve
i mo-t di-g'i"ifi"C Ol-tlnirxe of I In far,
' h iatanli. 1 1 ai o oilVii ive
U,,! I fimld nut K' in the prent nre ..I any
et llw Darriu ha cuied me by
ewiniT Aston Kicninukk.
Portlaiid, February l.
Bra Dirrin can lw cjnmilted daily at the
Wuh nK'on U'l,l,,,"K u " ruuiv
. , uv.iiiiiifton h! rcoiH, i'urllan I. ami
Hotel li'ii'lulnf. T.IC0HI. ll.iura, 10 to 5
..i,i. 7 to 8 S iinlavs IU to 11. AI
th uuic dU'axea, bl od Iniutu, Io-h I lUil
nreraiil fl) iii'ilToiimiH ptrniuneuilt
iiiuuih uo n f rencea aro ever mail-
ia ih p'ti ciinceruhiic hucIi ru-ei, uwiiijj
,a ih ikll acy of the u .tients. ICxamina
iwii itw to H. ad i'if ulara will he hen
lojn a liireH". i unw luriremiiieiu a
crJiiig o rtieilH ablii to pay. Hi
ire Ufd froe of cliaiue from .1) to 1
(lily. All priva'e di'di cjnll ln( all)
ITMtiil, anil cures giiaranu-en. ralieui
.i niiaii',e ran Im. i Hied I y home trea
B-uU Mediein a and Idlers sei.t a itlioul
th'd ctur' naiiH a.(MJariiiK.
Anyone dexirous to TinU Dr. I),rr n in
future will 1o well to retain ih a article
jirfu ure reference, as the dovior's ollli'e
ire no ilircmireu wu n paueui Minai ii is use
lew (or linn to advertise runner.
My UraernveU uu I be,a l bu.lllrtt for B;y
The Vl'Uni hlll .i H..l .. -
whlrhT.... - """"-y given rueliu
Has .,,
Andkherlf .he can't gecure tfB,,.
from p.
A. "Jot" From th f-i0-i r.,...
viuiiuu dUSl
of Froedom."
an hTSToRic Escape.
Gamlirtta Left Paris arlng
Frnuro-(iprmiin Tw
M. Spuller, Uamhotta's oouryanlon in
Ms enca)e tiy balloon from i'aris, has
mt given, on the occasion of t!ie i:nvull
In; of a monument at the vll' of
Epinfuse. whore allehtpd.
u interesting account of the historic
Incident The professional wronaut, M.
Friohet, said tho Fronch foroitfn min-
ism, nad one failing As soon as tho
Mloon had got well up he wanted to go
mn, anu when they approached Chan
lilly a first descent was mado. Tho
cuuntry people told them that they must
uc'na Bjjtiin, as tho Germans were very
Mr them, and go they started afresh,
but soon M. Frlchat elected to descend,
nd would have landed them in a farm
mmmed with the enemy's troops had
they not been fired at and thus warned
W. l.'allast had to he thrown out in
profusion, and M. Spuller helped to
Urhten the balloon by the sacrifice of
ai overcoat.
At last the gas with which the bal
loon was inflated was visibly escaping;
He travelers had no alternative but to
Me on descending somowhere. They
Jfrceived a small river, but soon they
wrd the sound of the Prussian drum,
udGambetta told M. Frichet that they
Bust t kast make their way to the
bor side, where there was a wood,
was done without any accident and
'Jlighted on the fringe of the Iiois
Ferritres at Epineute. Numbers of
renins went to meet them and they
Jffp received hospitably by the mayor.
"rebus, whose daughter was allowed
artone of the pigeons which they
Brought with them to convey to
iue news of their safe arrival
"' mayor drove them to Tricot, when.
KbOOlmuStor took them tn MnnttHi
They arrived at eleven p. m., slept
"wsubprefecturo. and took the train
morninir for Amlena. ThA nlr
jled by the balloon for making the
"kt narrmliil In e-ui..
CirBr.r In ver.l IM,rl. At.
niiil, to Itrr.ll Some Sugar
Hwanip lllalurr.
Peleg was roadimr nlnd i.i. i
father the Countv ,t,. i .
.."" i.msioi rree,l(.ni. He had irot
through the -Sugar Swamp Shot.,.-the
"aftinirs from Wild
'Nprayn from Snrouta
t'th'T iottlnLM. nnrl Itn.l ... .l .
nil ! ... . ""n- lit me
Ularing ,sn lllizi;,r,l4." -n, m.i
Settler was lying back in the splint-hot-
, nn-Kingcnair with bis eves shut,
riul. t y listening. The first jot under
the "Waring Kidge Wizards" was as
"A reliablo citizen of the Iiidge says
u. -an n prowling around in this
neighborhood the other night Ho for
a won mint. '
'We.fs that?" exclaimed the Old Set-
Tier, opening his eyes and coining bolt
upright in his chair. I Vleg read the jut
"Ha! ha! ha!" laughed the Old Settler
"That's tho Ik-s' thing I've hecrd in a
coons age! A reliuble citizen o' Warin
Kidge lias seen wolfs prowlin' 'roun'
thur. has he? That's better, h'gosh.
thn any thing the Clarion Wast ever
had in its,augh an' Crow Fat colyuni.
Now. if the chap that writ that had jist
said that wolfs was prowlin' 'roun' the
Kiilge. Fd ha'thunk a good deal but said
not bin. Hut w'en ho savs a reliable
citizen seen "em I can't keen still. Th'
mowt be seteh a thlnr? ex wolfs ni-nu'lin
un' tbar, but J a for a reliable citizen.
.i.nt won t go down. Th' hain't been a
reliable citizen on lilarin' Kidge Ter bet
ter'c forty year! Head that ag'in, l'ele.
n Iftmc bust a laughin !"
I'cleg read it aL'ain, and tho Old Set
tlor lmi'Mied. After he bad,1
ri eg said:
"Do you think there Is wolves over t
the Kidge. gran 'iiop?''
Sonny." ret. lied the Old S-tllir.
'wolfs hain't no durn fools. The.- know
(heir business, an' eons, kently kn;nv
i.b't they hain't got no business fooliu'
roun here in these davs. First place,
buz a bounty o' 83 sot on their beads,
an that h agin 'em. Nex' place, ch'
hain't nut'nin' for wolfs to do nowadays
n none o" our deestricts. like th' was in
the good ol" days o' Suear Swainn. Wat's
wolfs fer, anyhow? I'll tell yo w'at
they'm fer. Thcy'ro to prowl aroun' in
e wilden wildernest an' watch thoir
hances to gether 'roun' tho cabins o'
hem th'ts had the grit to build cabin
tear, an' to scratch at tho door o' their
cabins, an' rattle at tho winders, an'
owl an' yell fer tho settler an' his fam
ily to come out an' be eatup. fjoastways
tint s all th 1 1 over heerd wolfs was for.
Hut th" hain't none o' that wildee wilder
nest no more, not in thoso parts, an' tho
poor wolfs don't hev no show to gether
otin the rabins an howl an' yell to bo
Ither lot in or else fer tho cablnors to
come out. I d list like to see that rcha
bio citizen o' Hlarin' Kidgo th't says he
sees them wolfs, if ho was b'iled down
"whar's yer gran'maimy?"
.Meetin'," reptd eleg, reading on.
Hanbo lM.n hayln anythln' p'tlc'lar
j laieiy - asked the Old Settler.
"" n plb-d IVl. g, shifting un
'asily In his chair, and glancing quickly
from liU book to his grandfather and as
quickly back aain.
"Hah! she Las hey?- rxclaltned the
Old Settler. "W at did she say to ye?"
"She-slie-she told me that if she
lf ahe-if she kefc'hod n.e at it again
he'd -she'd -she'd rattle the tie nails
oir o'm..:" replied Peleg, reluctantly.
"U'etched ye at w'at ve rounir u.
''"'''"d unded tho Old Settler.
"Tyln' the cat's tail to an old rooster's
log to seo which 'd fly most, fur or
feathers," said lvh. lth -i t...
...... m w,tj f,IHtlV
at his grandfather, as bo resumed
"Did ye do It. Peleg?" said tho 014
Settler, eagerly, and forgetting all
alKiut his perplexity and his suspicloiia.
"W'ich flew most?"
a royalist, cut it down, refusing
Frcnase. London Telegraph.
- Make It In Tankee-Land and
Alo In Old Ireland.
t , l0wing Is a recipe for mince pie
, maae after the fashion of the
of old New England: Get six
r40' JUicy beef, boil and nhon fine.
it must k k ' . . . .... r .
uvruo m nuna tnat tue meat
" ""Uine losen
pounds after it is chopped fine
1 three
ui gristle double the quan
Just be boiled, the liquor making
ock. Chop fine two pounds of
JK-lJ pounds of tart apples,
ten cored' 8t'ed two Pounds of
(i . and wash thoroughly two pounds
athi cut onp-ba'f pound of citron
J ,tnPs nd mix all these ingredl
wgether with one tablespoonf ul of
ground cloves, allspice and china
"h one ounce, and mace and nut-
ca one-half
'-"of cider
-'oiLsugarjskimand pour boiling
tei Uffh flne "trainer over the
W?4l,r!al; add one lar?e cup of
fm j" mola8l,e nd the juice and
fvlu"011 of 0118 lemon. Stir well and
W-ticht lae.
WniT n Irlah wc,Pe whlch
Wi J' not for ay8peptlcs: Keep a
ioQ i, in wter four or live daya
t, pal wnf,n cold chop One, add
dsof - flnP''y chPP6d Buet- two
Vlnj I '""-'"o pounds of currants,
tondi Vs Pploa minoed fine, four
'Upkr' tD8 ulcB PulP of
j oranTe. v. ...a sj
ounce. Put three
over the fire with three
' dpful of raspberry or otraw
4 ih -"e fouhs of a pound of
"IP. one cupful of quince
bjnd '''"Poonfuls of cinna-
ilhne.?, nutn"'?- Mix the mlnce
a,., the i .i. - .
W 4 lbe Jui( nd fratl rind
'ona-Philadelphli Record.
a ""sarj- " ... . . - .
concert given in aLelo-
(-4 " a recent Sunday evening
t vue4 u "A Grand Sacred Do
11 bate a barT o' pork agin a sap auger
th t he d como out one part citizen an'
nine parts Warin' Kidgu red eye, an' a
common leetle every day jag on that
decoction '11 make a feller see wolfs an'
wildcats an' fiery dragons all to wunst,
b'gosht'lmighty, an' I know it! Head
that agin, Peleg."
Peleg was growing a trifle weary of
tho Waring Ridgo Wizzard, but ho read
tho jot onco more, and his grandfather
roan d again, and said he hadn t inj yod
any thing so much sence Hill Kapsy lost
his ear in a b'ar rassel.
"So they'm pointer boo for a wolf
hunt, be they?" said tho Old Settler.
"Wull, they'll hef to hoe, an' they'll hef
to keep on hoeing, b'gosh, till they git
clean through to Rooshy'fore they strike
a wolf!"
The Old Settlor laughed again. Peleg
laid tho paper aside, and was soon ab
sorbed in literature more to his fancy.
The mlrthfulness of the Old Sottler
ceased by and by. Ho glanced with
some astonishment at Peleg, who, with
both elbows on the table and a cheek
resting on each hand, was poring over a
book that lay open before him. The
Old Settler rocked very hard for a mo
ment. Then ho sat still and shuffled
his feet on the floor. He coughed. Ho
got up, lit his pipe, and sat uown again,
making a great bustle In doing it Peleg
never raised his eyes from his book.
Presently the Old Settler said, sharply:
"Peleg. I'll hate yer gointer ast mo if
1 ever had any 'sptTience with wolfs!"
"No I haln:t graudpor," said Peleg,
quietly, without moving from his posi
If the Old Sottler hadn t have taken
bis pipe from his mouth just as he did it
would have fallen out, for tho calm dis-
"lerestednessof Peleg so affected him
that his jaw fell, and bo gazeawun
. . .L..VI-.
staring eyes ana open moum u
grandson. It was some time before he
recovered himself. He took a few whiffs
at his pipe and then said, lnsinuati,srly:
Did ve know, sonny, tu i i auieu
nine wolfs at wuast 'fore I were a fcn-
, ear-old?" ' I
'No," replied Teleg, coolly, jooKinji
.i a it ...J -..ittinf hi fin
nn f(i inn nrsi nine uu ,.(,
m on the line to keep the place where
v a'. .tsa
he was reading. "Vtny,
good, grandpop."
Then he resumed his reading as be
fore. The Old Settler actually had to
catch for bis breath. He could scarcely
believe his eyes or bis ears. He sat for
a sp.dl staring about him. and was about
to fetch Peleg up all standing, when a
suspicion flashed across his mind. Had
Maria been belittling his recollecuona
of Sugar Swamp to Peleg, and giving the
boy points?
replied Peleff. with no
fhUat-u Herald. I'I'areni interest la any thing but his
Tho Old Sattler sat hack in his chair
and smoked for awhllo with a pleased
expression on his face. Gradually the
situation that prevailed previous to this
dlverson came back to his mind. He
looked curiously at Peleg, and at last
"Did you ever see a wolf, sonny?"
This dialogue had not for a second dis
tracted Peleg's attention from his book.
The Old Settler was nonplussed. He was
so utterly duuifo-'nded that even his
temper failed to como to his relief.
Finally, with all the lm press! venoss he
could summon, he said:
"Peleg, did you know that one wild
wolf didn't ast no odds o' three wild ba'r
In a fang an' claw set to, an' k'd wollop
tho lifo outen tho hull threo to wunst?
An' did ye know that it takes a tol'ablo
good man to wade Inter jist ono wild
ba'r an' shot off his caloric? Then w'at
must nlno wolfs be, all set loose an'
a pinln' fer blood? An' again a ten-year-oP
young un at that! Hadn't thort o'
that had yo, Peleg?"
"Nope," said Peleg, turning a page
and following the lines eagerly.
Tho Old Settler roso to his feet like a
Hash, lie was boiling. Ho stood for a
moment over tho imperturbable Peleg,
and then almost roared:
"Ho you sick, Poleg?"
"Me sick?" said Peleg, looking up In
surprise. ".Mo? ell, I guess If you'd
seen the way I the way 1 "
Peleg stopped In confusion, and his
eyes dropped to his book.
"The way you what?" demanded his
"If you'd seen tho way I fit Rill Sim
mons to-day I guoss you wouldn't think
I was sick!" blurtod Peleg.
"Did yo fight Hill Simmons, sonny?"
Said the Old Settler, resuming his seat
and his pood humor. "Did ye did yo
lick him?"
"He hollered 'Enough?" said Poleg,
naively, and began bunting up tho lost
place in his book.
"It's wrong to fight, sonny," said tho
Old S 'ttler, solemnly. "Itoys th't wants
to li good don't never fight Ho ye sure
ye licked WU. Peleg?"
"Out of his boots," said Peleg.
"lioys that light, sonny, hain't apt to
make a good mark in tho world, Peleg,"
said the Old Settler. "Did WU holler
"You could hear him half a mile,"
said Peleg," still bunting for his place.
"Could, hay?" chuckled the Old Set
tler. "Hollered ez much ez that, hay?
I hopo yo'll 'member, Peleg, th't it's
wrong to fight, an' I can't think wull o'
boys th't fights. Could hoar hi" holler
half a mile, hay?"
And tho Old' Settler lay back in his
chair beaming. Pe'eg had found his
placo, and was soon deep once more in
the mysteries of his book. Rut the
previous subject at once assorted itself
in the Old Settler's mind, and he once
moro returned to it
"I wish't ye k'd ha' knowed Sol Rider,
Poleg, o' Sugar Swamp," said the Old
Settlor, in u confidential tono. "Sol
were tho greatest wolf fighter, I guess,
th't ever pranced 'roun' that deostrlc'.
Ho wero a terror. Ho were lookln' on
the time I dressed out them nine wolfs,
w'on I wero comin' ten year oP an' ne
said he act'ly turned pale an' trembled
to see tho way it was done."
Poleg kept on reading.
"I said, Peleg," repeated the Old Set
tier, severely, "that Sol Ridor turned
pale an' trembled to see "
"I heard you, grandpop," said Poleg;,
without lookiug up.
"Yo heard mo, did ye?" exclaimed the
Old Settler, jumping up and striking the
table with his hand. "Ye heard mi, an'
yityo don't take int'rost 'nough In yer
?ran paps recommember ness to listen
an getner in me p inis o sum pin tue
like o' w'ich b'gosht'lmighty, nevor hap
pened aforo or sence, an' nover will
ag'in! A innercent child o' ten year ol'
a slathorin tno nie outon nine roann
mad wolfs to wunst, and that innercent
child yer own gran'pap, an ye wun't
liston! A boy ten year ol' a killin' nine
roarin' wolfs! Did ye ever hear the like
o' that yo ongratoful young weasol?"
Peleg had looked up while nis grand
father was speaking, but kept his finger
on his place.
"Why; that ain't nothln', grandpop!"
said he. "The Kid of Red Ghost Gulch,
that I'm readin' about here, ain't nine
years old yet Ho has killed seven In
dians, eloven grizzly bears, and 1 don't
remember how many dozen wolves. He's
done all o' that and I ain't half way
through the book yot!"
The Old Settler fell back in His cnair.
To testify In brhtlf i f any honest propol
lien. and thai Uwlr all that cure try (he
Curat Piiiiha Kid- ky anu I.ivirt (Yhk
Join i'l praising id exci II lit quslliiea and
ending, In their tentini liinW fer the bene
fit of tboae alllirtrd, as Ihey were bufore
ulng ibla womlfifiil medicine. He mirr
and get one bottle, whh h will convince
yourself. Fir a'e by all d UKk'ista. Take
no ol In r.
Sierra Vhtmiral Co..tiif .Vsnioii Street,
Sin friinritco. Cut.:
Cknti.kukx: It ijlvea me extreme pleas
ure t 'testify In behalf of your wonderful
remedy, Tiik.Giikat Simiha Kiiinkv ami
I.IVKltluiK. I have Kivt'll It a thorough
trial, and it 'baa not 'only rured me, but
aotiie of my bet friends can tutlfy ti lt
meritorious qualities. T'ense la'f that I
rau trulhfu'ly reroni 1 l.iall llils lies!
of all medicines, i.v :ru y ...r.
klAHItV SlKVKRS, UlO Mniket atreel.
Disease has ravaged some of th
(rouse preserves in Sco'.land
alarming extent On one moor recently
ut of MO birds klllod all had to U
The government monopoly articles
of Honduras are gunpowder, tobacco,
cigars and liquor. It retains complete
and absolute control f the liquor
Although slavery does not exist,
properly speaking, In China, In the eyes
of tho law tho largo boating-population
and actors fill tho position of slaves.
There is In Windsor castlo a gold
punch-tiowl and ludlo for which George
IV. paid 10.000 guineas, and the Invest
ment is wholly profitless because there
Is never a drop of punch brewed In It
When tho construction of a railroad
Is undertaken In China the natives burn
a temple, and then persuade the people
that It Is a manifestation of the wrath
of tho gods against the road.
London lawyers now employ short
hand In their office work. Tho entries,
drafts, affidavits and the multltudo of
other documents they aro called upon to
prepare aro now taken down in short
hand at thoir dictation and aro copied
from that
In a village In thocanton of Lucerno,
Switzerland, there is a socloty of old
maids. It numbers eighty, and, queer
enough, it Is under the patronago of the
St Catherine Matrimonial Agency.
They perform acts of charity, and are
highly esteemed in thoir neighborhood.
A pockt pin cmhluu tut to smokers c
ism us rum It fc. ur.
Hlluil, nlrellui or Itchltif fill
in 111 to cure old
roilntono more la the Iruwt rriiriitauec.
Luther. ' rii.KNti imi.kmmi
llr. William's fudlan PlleOlutmeut It iheouly
..... . ... ,,.r noun,
irr uiacnvertsi. it nover
niniuic eaw of lout niaudli
... . J',",',rtl''Wy1l'leve!aiid.0..8av
.1 nave louml ew enn-rlviiee that llr. Wit
lUin ludlau file ulutaieut (Ires Immediate
lioiint nrTer an Ion, gold by Wl.
I mum Mauwlai'larliii Co., Cruiis., Cleveland,
Ohla. hie and II.
Sold I.r L. HIiimatiMP A Pa l..l.l. n....
..I.,. u..i, .. ... " .
'--. . v, uuu, vr.
Poor Hnniaiilly 1
The ooinimm I it Is one of s irr.m-v at least
the BesHiiiiints... they vlm look nt tin. Mimr I eii inily wlial would otherwise lie a
hriKht exiHtenc la often ahailimcil by miiiiv
aiiineiii niai ovrninnu- it tike a wll. olaciir
ink i et M.mnlly Ihe railianee that el w would
liillit Ihu piili. Huch an ailment, ami a very
common on.., iBiiervoiiKiiCM., or In oilier wor"
weakiK'na of Ihe nervous ny.teni. a condition
only Irieinisllalile hIltb lie lllt'lent or lm
umner in.-nii are tnk.'ii to n-liev n II. The con
current eierieiiee ol tn rvoiii. sn,u w ho have
lieivisteiilly lined HiMlelter'a Stiiniaeh Hitlers
is, llml il eoiiiii. rs , ntin-lv venena
ol ine nervif, aa well oa itlscHhe. aoealli-il
which are luvlt'U K"rl ati.tsineil by thei
chnmie weaknena. Aa the nerves Kit In alauili
from Ki'eat loinii the troulile ilisaiiarii. ine iiiiient tar maisiia. rli.uiiiatlaui, nil'
iuuanesa and klilnuy tniiiblva.
(Hi! here hath been ilaw nine annther blue day
illllia, will uiotl lei ll ail 1 1 uel.8aWA) 7
I'an'l Mlaa Ueod Thine. r
Tou want an eleuast collection of artls
tic novelties, which rau be procured by
anyone lou win ne astonished at tlie
variety, beauty and odd it v.
To net these buy a box of the nenttlne
r. ir ivfi r.. i..i.. i t i im. .
ur, w iulijbiio. vcirui.ivu uivor nils,
priee 23 cents, and mail us the outside
wrapper with our address plainly written
aud i ents tn slainos. We will then
mail you the above list with an elegant
package ol oieoirrapmc aud cnroiuath)
Address Heining Dros., PltUbunj.Pa.
Yntiiiit woniiii me runulnir Ihe coachman's
noulile iaie Into the Kround with ilKiiilleaut
. r.piuiij.
Hark I to the mund of humanlty'i walla !
M ill I hum of h'oi e with aehea and with alia.
Headaches and hmunrii, a meicilen. IIihi.1,
Weaktiesa of liiuxs and .Unorders of hlood,
Vet Ihere'a a hels-r that certainly mvi-n,
TliouHauda of iieonte frntn iireinstitn1 icravea.
The remedy Is llr, I'lcriv' (inldi'ii Mistical
DiM'overy. It enrea eninrha, relli'vea asthma,
e eeks hrnuehilia. purlr!e the IiIihhI, heala
on1., erupt'iiim and mialKhlly plmpha and la
without a rival for all the Ilia that uprliiK from
a uiMirucrca liver, ah uriiKKisin.
Don't hawk, and blow, aud ailt, bid ase Ir.
saite a mourn Kemeuy. ji uruxxnK.
The neweat en pi for bouillon bare two hsn
dies, one on either aide.
'peleg.'' said tha 014 Settler sternly. tu civil right.
He stared at Poleg lor a minute or more
n silence. At last be said:
"W'en the Demon Kid of Red Ghost
Julch gits to bo a gran'pop, Peleg, the
wust I wish him la th't he wun t hev no
onthankful sarplnt for a gran'son!"
Savin? which the Old Settler went off
to bed, leaving Peleg to finish his book
And wait for his grandmothers return
from meetin'. Ed Mott In N.JfSun.
Dr. Bauer, an Erfurt chemist Is said
to have sold to a Paris perfumer for
000 a -patent for making artificial
A new and valuable noer is said to
have been found in the stalk of the okra
plant of which two crops per year can
be raised in FlorUa. It is said to be
alienor to 'uleor Sisal .hem p.
nelgium is an uncomioriatue coun
try for embc alers. A cashier employed
by the city of Ghent who embezzled
HM.000 francs of the municipal cash, has
just caught it very hot indeed. He has
Ueen sentenced to forty years' imprison
ment and five years' police supervision
to follow, has Wn fined .4i0 francs and
jrdered to restor the entire sum be has
embezzled, and will, in addition, losa
Any art Ids that baa outlived 21 yrvimnf
ronipt'ililou and iinltutto',, and mote
and im re a. h year, tinmt have merit
Dobbins' Kieetrlc Soap. flrt nude in IM15,
it jmt that artirle. Aak your grocer for it
ne nas ii, or win get n,.
All kinds of baud covering pasi for kid glove
in uicae oaya.
Haw la aln fleah and Mtrrn(lh.
I'se after earn meal Mrolt'a Kninlwlaa
with Hypnihnsphltea. It la an iialatahle aa
milk, and easily dlifcsted. The ra'ldlty with
which delicate people Improve with its uae la
woniii'itui. l ie ll and try your welnhl. Aa a
remedy for Coiisiimption, Throat afleetiotia and
llronrliltla It la uuoiiialcd. I'lease read: el
uwd Hiott' Ki nlsiou itia child elirht motitha
old with Kissl results. He Mined fur pnunda
in a very anon time. tho. r&H, H.
Charity la not an action; It Is llfe.-Lnhateln.
Irrarh Ta.ay Uafera ai the Heat.
Dr. Livingston's Tansy Wafers for the
resUratlon of suppressed meiisea nkvkh
fail when ihe ilirectioos upon the box
are strictly olnerved.
The Tansy Wafers cannot be bought al
drug store, so don't allow yourself to lie
imposed upon bi spurious and weak Imi
tations of Dr. Llvi mks ton's French Tansy
Wafers, and ren.enilier lhat the genuine
can only be obtained fruit us, so It you do
net want to be disappointed send ft In a
registered letter or ioloillce Older to the
Livingston ( be-nlcsl Company, Portland,
Oregon, and a box will lie sent by return
mail securely sealed from the eyes of In
quititlve people, to your address.
TNV OLIiMKA for hreakfaxt
Th ChW Bmusb for tha (raa
aoS'e aanaaartlla la toaa4 la lb fart that
Karat Wtaa, It la tha aat Kloo4 aarlSar aasl
tataallyaecaiaadalsM an thai U alalassi for a,
aalf kj ft I. Br4 C. IrweU. IMaa
Ptudenta, teachers (male or feinalel rler
K) men, anil ntbers In need of clianne ol
r.niiiiiyiiieiii, snouid not fail to write to II,
r. J''lllloit AV t,.. 1U M.I,, .lri Itirl,
inoiid a Ihelr greut auccest show a
insi iney nave K"t the true ideas about
making money, iner ran show you how
iv e.Mi; uuu iionrs prontatiiy.
There la a vast deal nf vital in. invin.
... 4...u..r.
0. 0. Farttiolome w, Kalkaska, II leh lays:
located lu thia place Ure years anil, having fo
merly milled In Troy, K. Y. I have beeu a great
lurTerer from what the phyatclauiof Tmy rallisl
Brlrht's dliraae. I imsl Dr. David Kouursty i
Favorite Remedy, of Rnn.lout, N. Y. All the
terrible aymploma ol the disease are tone.
kare no traeea of any disorder of the kidnera.
liver or bladder. Who would beisru.lir the coat
of thli m.sllclne (one dollar a Isitile) for inch a
blessing or refuse this simple th.mith sincere oi BTaiiimie lor neing tM'rt.sMiy euissi
Oweererythinr to Dr. Kennedy's Kavoriu. Hem.
Ml y, and hope thia will In, low others to nse tha
medicine who audVr fnim auy kidney, liver or
blood dlsonler."
Da. KKMKKiiY't Kivostra Rsasov, made at, w. t. fi:einr.i.
Send for book, bow to cure Klduey, Liver aud
aivuu uiawmera.
Ttutli U like a lurch;
wheu ihakeu It ibluea.
HI'KR Cl'KK OK flLKtt.
Bare rare for blind, bleeding and Itching Pllea.
Ollr box has cured tha worst rau nf btn rrmrm'
slaiidlng. No one need iMlTVr Wn mluntisv alt
nsittg Kirk's Herman File Ointment llahaorha
lamora, auays inn itrhlng, aeU aa a poultice,
rlrea relief. Hr. Klrk'iUerman Pile OluUneut
li pniansl only for I'lls i and lU'hlug of the
private rta, aud uolalug elaa, Krery box la
Hold by Dnigglsu and sent by mall on rWelpi
of price. I1.U0 twr box. 1. J. Mack A Co., Whole-
siv aavuia, emu rrauciaco.
What we ouuht tint to do we should not think
oi uoina. r.iiieteius.
I.nmbaim ti a form
of the chronic atase
nf rheumatism, In
1 which la readily
TrW-1 t.t.a.l
.-,.. a. . ......... ..-
the mrtsl'reelvwiUi
8t Jambs Oil. It li commonly known as:
Victoria, Tex.. June K.lWs.
T wsa In bed two months with backarhet
suffered about three mote ha. I was cured by
Ft. Jacobs Oil permanently: no return In 14
Biouuis, u. r. jtrrtiii-u.-s,
hope ron THE SICK.
Oa Remedy for On Dlaeaea,
(From MtJirtl Journal).
Th four greatest nwdlcal Mains of tha world
an London, Paris, Dsrlln anil Vlaniia. Ttssa citlM
have laiiwnM hospltali Iraulng with suffering hu
manity. Crowds of atudanta Uirong tlx an), itutly
lag uisler the Prolnacsn hi clinryo. Tha most r
Bowmsl phyalclanaof tin world ksvh s tl ptactlcs,
ksrs, nd Ui hisiJt.itloni ar aturthouana of mojlral
kaowlsdga sod experience. With a view af making
this eiptriwce available to Die public the Hospital
Remedy Co. at great eiramie aei-urad the pmcrls
Mom of toe huaplula. rrarr.l the seia, and al
though It would coat froa t:i to lino to secure Vie
atteatlonof Ihelr distinguished orlk'insts, yet In
thli way Uisse valuable uedHiH are 4d al the
price ot the quack patral racllcines that floud the
market and absurdlr claim tn eiire everv Ul fnim a
ingle rustle. The waul Ml tor a rellshle
clsssofU,suesllrtnne,lloalsiiuir nilia it!i patient
lulal llrinclire make no un.
Hie arsHltlo l Caurrh rum
ti.fs.Skio. The b
neswiialile csaluia, 1
thai and iiotlnng alee; so a llli the shs-IHc Ut llnsi
chills, and Lung Troubles; Hheuuia
llaiu la cured by No. S, while of Dis-eeilen,
Stmuach, Liver ana Khlneya hue their on cute.
To Uiese Is addre a eisxillo lur Kever ami Auue, one
for female weakness a general t.silc and blood.
maker Dial makee blood andglvea form and e-'lusss.
andanlnromtiaimblereBiedyfor liehilitr."
Tlieee lemedira are all sold on an absolute guarantee
la do what le claimed I t them.
A circular deeerlblng tide new method if treating
ease leaenl free on application br lloartTSk Haa.
OUT IXatraar, Toronto, l anada, Sole Proprletora,
All is not lost when auylhiiig goes contrary to
yoii.-Th.unas Kemals.
If affllrlcd with More Kvea, use Dr. Isaac
Thomiimn'i Kye Water, tltuggliu sell IL 'iAc
US' m vj
IU tnirtlrVi(vMii v iiivfii In utlllii nttof hnir ft
For tlian a iUiar'tr uf crtturr It li ii-t 1 7 tlie
uiUhI Htt. (luvvnimr I. Kn.'unMil j tlie hrmU f
Ui Utvmi I'nlvt TPltlfsi u (h- M'ninntt I'urrni tun
iitoM HittlUiMi) Ur Frier Orraiii tUklnt Frnfir tl'fM
iHrtotaiiUiti AiimiiiilBj,l,tiitfr Alum, o (only luouu
I'KH'K ItAklMl It )W UK It CO
Mjiik at cie 'iyVfiH
nsn doan knoaf Jr yi 1)
I'arle Keeniia oa Tobaera.
Yon rant fool ilia chile wid your trsshtn
backy. 1 amoke okai, and don't you fonrel IL
nonie aniokera think lhat anvtlilnir Iha
niakea smoke, Is giswl eiioush to go Into a pitw
They will Hurl by a little eiperlrnc that llierr
la a vast diirereuce In riinnking Toban iei. Jtia
iry "Hkai. or NnHill t'sHoi.iNA."aud you wil
see Ihe diiruruuue between it and the Imitation.
At Dacuonm and DksIirs.
fca1ictie j)art$ af
fected frczy Wnh
r Xm 1 JVI
i lira
ful in juar and Water
3timts a day, and
you'll bet nh'tf at
orrcc and Ok.
Care e
afhr fai1hfu ase of
ihis remedy.
Buff'rnrf are not cenerally aware that
these diseaees are CtiUu(lou,or that tbey
are due to tbe preaonce of living pan-
sitas lu Uie lining ninrubrxne ol uie ooae
and aurtaebian tubes, kllcroeoofilo re
aearcb, however, baa proved tills to be a
fast, and tha result of this dlseovary is
that a aLnple remedy baa been discovered
wlitcli poriuannntly cures the most ajfgra.
rated caaee of tboeedlatreaalngdleeaaelhy
few luiplobpjilicatlonsrua.ietfteotewlrt
uort)by tho ;ntiontr.t home. Apanipb
iotosuliunlna Ihiarowtreatuientui
If In by A. :L Dixon A Bom. 837 and V
IS Weal Kiu ( trees, Toronto, Canada.
For January.
THIS Is the season of year we look over steok
to see what rsn be spare I. We Und lhiya'
avuee r anis, loiiunaiie. nut muter lo wear
nan poor wool, years, i.t eta.: V and IU year.
Ml eta.; very few of other aliea. lioys' Corduroy
Hulls, 4 to 7, short imnlH, si.7.1; alios 8 Id la at
ta.U0; and 11, ID and IS forar.'A. 'I'lii.y are gooil
for Uie money. Mens' ('aasiiner 1'anla for (3.
that we ought lo gut f 1 rigid along, lint anion
isea are gone and we wain lo close up the lot.
Then we have Coltonsdn I'anta. for mensa
low as ii cla. a pair, they are not very iroori,
but alfl to 1.24 we otter a genuine an luie lor
everyday or common Holiday wear. Hlriped or
I'lsld Uhevolt hlliru aa low aa.lA eta., andai
40, H) and Ou nta , aooordlug to alae and Quality.
In Childrena' Underwear, red, grey and while,
we have a great variety, aud al prloee thai
would surprise anyone. Ited or drey Wool half
Hose for men, all aires, at 26 cents, or ti DO per
doxen: we never IimI their equal before. In
something to eat we oiler dry NecUrlnea,
Kalaina, Prunea, Applea, i'lutna, Orapos, t tga,
aa low aa A cla. a pound, and some at less; we
si I till II n I A HK K'ii .(Inbler. Hoe
Ish rianna;Runli ttiirifsns Hand Instrunienu.
largest stock of Hhst M usiu and Ibsiks. II mils
-uiiplifsl at Kaslnrn I'nce. MAIT'lllAd
UltAY CO. 2(16 I'oal HtreuL Han Kraneia. o.
M aetr. Bawl (tiwar r. liafl. I ill rat,
' S C-' l-a int.iH fur IHmo4 Br.,d ia
4?fr fcrlaMlt) twti, mW itk bltH 1
, riagawi. mwm mm mm I'm i
saawMrit biM, pink wrApiwr. irt 1
aTtaliJ aMiWlrtVllaB. Hnd 4s.
IIM'Sl lsT nank'ulara. l'lBStMlsJfl insi
Nrlla.f AeP .dlea,N I hut, bj r4r
Wnll. A'iai iVir.
IKktkeW I kjasti'l UksW ttk. rialhk 1
art .how put up br
Whe sre the largest Seedsmea m the world. 1
D. M. Kssst A Co's
initstralrd. Desciinuvaand Priced
lor IB90 will De mauru l KLs to all up- ,
piicunis, anu to last season s customers.
It is ocllrr ihsa ever, fcvery prrson
using umtnt fltr r ttt(4
$dt stioulil send lor it. Atldrcss .
would like you to try them
we oan beat the world In prleesnd quality,
In Canned Uoods
Hyrups by the barrel, Cs. gallon is the lowest
for a good arllele. (lenulne Maple Hugar, a big
lot at Iftela. a pound I we want you to try It,
But wrlle for our January list: It eontalna
many newa bargains, and asm pins will be
nailed (tee. Address, HM ITIl'H CAM HTUItK
A1S Front BL, Man Franulsoo, t'al.
l,, 'liaaaSaaV M .' Mnwiib. ,u. ,
jfjrr .M rtnn" Hl aa the oni
tf J: SjfT.l'-ZSt specific lorthrueuaiociii
V T0'il!?'3l of this diss ase.
I4' J -"b Amsurilam, N
t arsealyeyttja V'e have sold nig O h
m'llraulfaaaladOa many years, and .1 h.
V vrac.nn:'' Ui "i"
V V on JL t ivcn k co
Jjr I tthleaao, Hi
TTS4.-VSSWS3U p-1i.rtHl.Bf. 1d by Drut-gins
N. P. N. U. No. 3:'.'-S. F. N. U. No.SDI)
aa, i
A nrw ltnwir nf rnr-lnntliiff Th-Rllty, Nftuptrtl totMit
ctilnirr. mill will HIjiOM . Vi lli N TIIIKI V it
r.rfiiiwlii lliMfi. It it-row two lin-hi'g, Mirh. mh1
lat iHrr.ntnmnMnf whlln a ml UIhi tilMnnm. Klinit u
lnir ( In Utt tfrtifli n It will i an in (Hltl
iaii-Mt ul hhhiiii, whllu fur HiiiHliiMitNor fuMim-rn in ttiaf
lioii-n. fllliiT niiiiimiT or wlnlrr, II (Hnuly Uiiniir
ItrtHnctl. r'.r only 15 ihtiIh u will mill i packet of
tn it totrfilirirwiih ouriM'w Cntnloifiii'iiiKl finii i'.ilnr.'ir.
i.lnt.-.atutlMimt kr-lof thdri-fAt t ( LONK fl.AN T
r'H'K. t'tttnlwarufs will nut b mvml hhI Mkr4 fur,
n i'U Itiaty lnHilv MmfMi It. It In III IIui-hI ver
Ismtli'tl piufiiwt ljr llluwtiMU-il with 1'iitn mnl rnlori-ils
iiUim. wioir.-rn -hi. i.r now Kit Ntid vki;k-
THI,KFKI-t.U l.ll-. 'LA lr,N.:V r'lU I I.
UtlK MIHI H-w, u I I. t.m., inclntunK mmif
(l(ANIiiKLrililniverlHruraoirtrtH. Frict- ik
ti iiii iitr pupy. poiio awnr. rnw, KotfH to iiiomci im
wrilir HIHlvr ayayaeii.
ml at unc. u UiU oiler nuy
hX! tftiM-nr AkrHtn. Allrf4
LIV. w OHILDSt Floral Park, N
Do you want to Hell or Huy a Kami t Write lo
us. Owner and Msnii.-ra of I'niperty, At
tention! The PUKILANI) LAND t'O. a.1-
vertlae In HI newspaper lu the United Hlatea,
and are therefore U,
e puople lo handle eliy ana
aildition urouerlv. Il will Day you to eorrea-
Lioans maae ou r arm ana 1.117
pond with us.
propeny. 1
"Oh I where shall rest be found I"
Tbe wnnwiut mother alalia; ., y
"Trrmsers to mend and stockiiurs to darn,
Ilixhts to wash and butter to churn.
W luie my back fwls to break, and bead and heart burn,
Ard life is a coustant friction. "
The Bummer came and went, !
Too matron no longer sighs; i
Klastln her gbnp and roundnl ber cboek,
Work seems but play, life is now sweet,
And tha change was msde hi one short week
By La. J'ucacs'a Favuiutx PuKSCRimo;.
Tbe Celebrated
U. M. C. Breech-LoadingShot Gun
Hat all modern Iroprorementa, 120.00.
Gd. - iMca'tici - ul Sjortuz Gx.
03 First Street, Portland, Or.
Hrnd for Clreauu.
Care fnr Ones.
plug Uie vusoa
As an invigorating tonic, it im-
farta strength to the whole system.
Vir overworked, "worn-out," de
bilitated teachers, milliners, dress
makcra, searaatresHefi, "shop-girls,"
housekeepers, nursing mothers, and
feeble women generally, Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription is the great
est earthly boon, being uncounted
as an appetizing cordial and restor
ative tonic. Contains no alcohol to
inebriate; no sugar or syrup to de
rango digestion; a legitimate medi
cine, not a beverage.
An a soothing and atrengthenirtg
nervine, " Favorite Prescription " 1
uneqtialed and is invaluable in al
laying and subduing nervous ex
citability, exhaustion, prostration,
hysteria, spawns and other distress
ing, nervous symptoms, commonly
attendant upon functional aiid or
ganic disease. It induces refresh
ing sleep and relieves mental anxiety
and dcsKndency.
A Hook of 100 pages, on "Wo
man and Her Diseases," sent to any
address, in plain, scaled envelope,
on receipt of ten cents, in stamps.
Address, W'okld'b Dinpknsabt
Medical Ashociatio.v, 003 3iain
Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate and cleanso the Liver,
stomach and bowek One a dose. Sold by druggists.