n pl,if7! CITY GUARDo i h Hi IL iLJl. KSTiBLlSUEn FOB TflS OISSESNATIO!t OF DEMOCRATIC PSINL'IPLES, 1D TP Ml N BOJU'STLlVIXIi BY TUB SU E AT OP ICE BROW VOL 22 EUGENE, OR., SATURDAY, MARCH 1, I6i)0. NO, 29. (PODLISHED EVEBY SATURDAYS 1. I. CAMPBELL, lublUher nd IToprletor. .riMCF-On the East .ide of Willamette , w !. -d Eil!hth Strceu' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. " $2 50 , annum $1, Month;- 75 n. me month. OUB ONLY KATB OB ADVKHTI81XG. JK?- $L Cash requir.l a&.montl, .Nil CX"t notice, in 'local column, 20 cents . Iin. tor eich insertion.' P "ertWnx bill, will be rendered quarterly. til job work must be pai fob on deuvmt. CEO. B. DORRIS, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, ttlI, PRACTICE IN THE COURTS of the Second Judicial l)i.tnct and in k! Junreme Court of thia State. bSptS attention given to collection, and Hitter in probate l'bilyeu, -Attorney and Counsellor at Law,- EUGEXE CITY. OREGON'. rUCTICKS IN ALLTHE COURTS OF P thi State. Will give special attention to oellectiim. and probate matter OmcOver llenilrick & Eakin't bank. A. 0. WOODCOCK, Attopiicy-at-Lawi ilMKXK CITY, - - - OREGON OFFICE-Rooni. 7 & 8 McClarcn liuildiug. -Special attention giveu to Collection. and Probate bushiest. GEORGE A. DORRIS, Attorncy-sit-Law, 1XGESE CITY, -Orrivl-In Register Block. OREGON J.J. WALTON, Jr., ATTOKNF.T-AT-LAW EUGENE CITY, OREGON. 'ILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE I court oi me o. ... t Suecial attention given to real estate, col- ecting, and probate matters. , Collecting all kinds of claim, against the United State. Government. Office in Walton'. brick-Moms 7 ana . Seymour W. Condon, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, DUNN'S DUILDING,- Eugcne, - - Oregon. GEO. M. MILLER, ittarney and Counsallor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. EUGENE CITY, - OREGON. Office-Lane Co. Bank Building A. E. GALLAGHER Attorney-at-S.aw. EUGENE CITY OREGON. Special attention given to Probate business ind Abstracts of Title. Orric'I Over Lane County Bank. T.W.HAIUUS.M.IK Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. Residence on Fifth street, where Dr Shelton ormerly resided. DRS. PAINE & M'DONALD. Physicians & Surgeons, EUGENE, OREGON. Special attention paid to Surgery and Chronio disease.. Dr.W.T.McMurtry, STsacian, Suxgaon and' Gynecologist. (26 Yean Experience.) Omct-Oter Brown.Tille Store, Willani tte .treet. EUGENE, - OREGON. DR. J. C. GEAY, DENTIST. OFFICE OVE fiKANGE STORE. ALL work warranted. Jiighinf gat administered for painless ex trcU"ti ot teeth. Dr. G. W. liiddlc, DENTIST. PLATE WORK A SPECIALTY. EX . tracting and Filling executed hy the lV J "npcuved niethoda. All work v Arrsttwi; " Trs tipvriem. OrriCI Titus' Block, ' UcJuy'i drug atora. J. 3R.- 3E3ESAXSflC, UNDERTAKER. A bran new First-Class Hearse One of the Finest in the State. A Fins Link ok Tr. Collins, Caskets, '&. r.. . ItUUt'S, AND ALL KINDS Undertaking Constantly on Goods U WWffiW'&M NV hand, ai Store corner Willamette and 7th Streets A. GOLDSMITH, a lias n LARGER stock of Fine Groceries, China, Glass, Crock ery, Wooden and Willow Ware than ever before. Pays Highest CAbll price for Country Proiluee, Furs, Skins, Hides, Wool, Tallow, fec. Orders filled promptly, with the greatest care. I DON'T BOAST PRICES. All Goods sold as Cheap as anyone in Eugene. Call and he corteously treated. A. GOLDSMITH. The Pacific Tea Co. lias Changed Hands Mr. J. 0. Having purchased it. He will sell goods at "BEDROCK PRICES ! Full Line of Groceries, Glassware and Crockery Handsome Presents given away with Teas and Coffees. NEW GOODS. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF iBEMJTIFUL DRESS GOODS From the Cheapest to the Best at prices according to quality. A LARGESTOCK OF From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties can be suited either as to Price or Quality. Our assortment is Complete, from the lowest Price up to the Finest; can suit you if 'you give us a call. OUR STOCK IS (-Frce ffew and Stylisli.(g3 Lookn.ov.rjif wo do not save you money, we will make ao.ne one ri gf 11 to you low. A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES F. B. DUNN Has just received direct from New York and Chicago, the argest and best stock of FALL AND WINTER COODSgr Ever brought to Eugene. THIS IS NO IDLE BOAST, a a Also Diui.ta in rfiWAf Fnrnlliirr. Mai -::. ;.r-5- ira tresses, lied- tliDR, hich are olTeied at the Lowest Rates. Known C::::r in H Rhinehart, HOES ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mm. Wimiw'. S(X)Titixo KvHcr. fr chil ! ilrrn tivtliliiK, is the prescription of one of the lw.t female nurw-s anil (ihysicians lu the United SUtrs, and lias been uwl for forty years with itrverfailinK sun-eaa by millious of mothers for their chililrvn. During the pn cess of teethimr i value is iiu-alculuble. It relieve the child from pain, cures ilyaentrry and diarrhoea, iirlpiiiK in the bowels, ami wind colic. By Kivinrf health to the child it rests the mother. Price 'Joe a Uittle. What It It? Thut producs that Wautifully toft com plexion slid leuvcs no truer of its applica tion or injurious ( flit ls? Tbo aiiswtr, Wis doiu's Kolwrtiuu aivomplihliiH all this, and is irouonmvd ty ladies of tiu-to and rrliuo ua'iit to he the most l lihtful toili t article ever produi'il. Warranted barndtst and CatcLllnM. 1'. il. V.'ii.ilin, KeUt, LklgeDv City. . riianj; is one 51-the. if rniistubU lat nf uature, and lorlutiutoly the chaugo is almost invnriatlv for ihe I'etnr. As.an inslutice of this, St. Patrick 1'ills are fast Ukm the place of the old lmrsh aiol violent culhar tics, because they aru tiuUlor and. produce a pltusanti r cllccl, bt sidea thry are much more U'i llci.il in removing morbid matter from the system and prevt-utiu une and other tmdarious diseasi'M. Aa a cathartic and liver pill they aro almost pmfect. For tale by Osburu ic Co. Dr. Tayloi't 7 Oaks Conipouud, purely vpcctable, positively cutos riieumatiiui, neu ralgia, toothucbe, sich beailitcbe, crumn col ic, cholera morbus, complaiuta pcoulmr to females, oolil or cough, bive, chills and fe ver, paint around the heart, erysipelas, phthisic Okouok Taylor. Sold by Osburu .t Co, ilruuKist. , Combinet the juice of the Blue Figs of California, to laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plants, known to be most beneliciul to the human tvstem, forming the ONLY PER FECT kEMEDY to tct gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS AMD TO Cleanse the System Effectually, to THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING. SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one i. using it and all are delighted with it. Ask your druggist for SYKUP OK FIGS. Manu factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, Sam Fsanciico, Cal. tooiiviLit, Kv. Nsw VoK, N. Y a c O I P H o C3 O O c S a f-r- 71 Sportsman's Eporium. HORN & PAINE, Practical Gunsniiths Dealer, in GUNS, H1FLEH, Flihmg Tarkle ami Jlalerluli, Neniuir MarlilDeit and r-ll'ol .411 Hind- t or Nulel Kepairin done in the neatrst style and war rauUd. Guns Loaned dt A t Furniihed Kuire on W et NOTICE FOP. PUI5LICATI0V. Lsn Orrict at IUjseki ao, Ok. I .f.n 17th lH'SI 1 VTOTICKIS IIEIIKBY GIVKX J HAT l fi.ilfiwini nafii! settler hum tiled ..I Inntitiit til make linal tifonf in niiort ii his claim, and that aaid proof will tie ifiaiie liclore u uiera m (it vouviij i 'iurv 4 LaotCoontv, ron at K'WMi, ItTrxtm. on Friilat F'h- '-I. I"1. Nettie Cba, Pre miti.. V S. N MM. f'-r the S K f W . sJrt. an-l K 4 of X W J. ami N K of 8 W i w.. -r 'I'., in S It VI Vt. W M. 'f-U Dsme the follixrir.K witnse to prove her eiitiioi'Hi rriuw9 oi.n aoa cimoiu'm ..f uid Isnd. vi: J O leupwt, Geo M MiIIm, Wm Y S!IWr, .1 G Skuunn, ail of Flonuur, In Oiunty, Or. C'HAt. W. JoHSSTOt, Ktgister. SB ep W d p mi g 2 Mow toSt-t the Wind. Au riebauge says: Ttke n polished metal surface of two feot of more, with a straight nlgii, a hnndsaw will aimwer the pur pose. Take a windy day for the experiment whether hot or cold, clear or cloudy, only let it uot be too murky, rainy went bur. Hold your metallic surface at ri.ht alleles to the direction of tint wind i. e., if tbo wind is notth, hold your suif.u'H ea-it mid wist, but Mislead oi holding it verlicil. inolinti it alnrut forty-two denis to tho bori.on to tli.it the wind striking gluuces nnd tlows overad.un. Now sibt carefully alonu the etl'e some milium s at a sh.trply delimit ob ject, uiid you will see tho wind pomiiig over thu di;n in graci'ful curves. M ike your observiitioiis eiiiefullv and you will hardly ever f..il in tbtt pciiieiit, the icsuuh nro even butler. The bonded iiidebtednes of Astoria is J.17, UoO, and the cily's iudebteduess is $1 Iu addilion to Ibis it is proposed to add 'JjO to tho amo'.iut of Iho botids, to run for 20 y i nis si i per cmt. (live Tlicin u ( lianre! That is to smv, your luns: AI;-o all your breathing iimibiiiery. Very wonderful uiachiuery it is. Not only I lie larger uir piiHsngcs, but the thousand nf littlo I lilies and cavities lending from tliciu. When these arc cloggvd and choked with matter which ought not to bu thorn, your lungs can not do their work. And what they do, they cannot do wee)6. Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or liny of the family of throat ami noao and head and lung (instructions, all are bad. All ought to bu got rid of. There Is just onu Hiiro way to get rid of them. That is to tako Dos dice's Ourmau Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a bottlo. Eveu if evervtliing else has failed you, you may do pcml upon this for certain. fo. V. KliiM'y, Aucluticvr. Wbcu you waut your goods, bo..a'liold furniture or land sold at unction, cull of Oeo. W. Kinsey, the pioneer and inoHt aut ccHsful auctioneer lu Laue County. Ho will attend to all sales on a roiuiomiblo com uiissiou. Take Not ice. Tiiat A. Goldsmith has the largest, finest and best slock of Queenswurc. Crockery and Glassware ever brought to Kugene. Give him a call and he will prov it to you. Ask For Ayer's Snrsuparllla, nnd bn sum you get it, Vt hen you want the best Llood-puriller. I il Ii lis forty yem t y of iiiiexuinplod sue- Cess III tlm euro oi Itloml Diseases, you call lnakti no nils tuko lu prufenlng Ayor't Sarsaparilla to any other. The foie-ruiiiiei' of tinni er ti blood medicines, Ayer's Niiisiipaiilla Is still the most po MZ Ulai1, lietng III great ij cr demand than all others eomlilneil. "Ayer'a Sarsaparilla la selling faster than ever la-fore. I never lietiiato to reeoiniliund it." Geoigu W. Whilnian, llruggist, Albany, J ml. " I nm safe ill snying that my sales of Ayer's SarsaiMirillii fur excel those of any oilier, niiil It gives thorough satisfau tjii'ii," 1 II. Hush, l'es Moines, Iowa. " Aver's I'lirsnimiilla nnd Ayer's 11 1 lit are the lust selling medicines in my store, f cun recommend them conscien tiously." '. UickhuiiH, I'haiiiiacist, Itoseliiud, III. "We luivo sold Ayer't Rnrsnpnnii bere for over thirty years uud ahvnvs reeomnieml it when ankeil to niiiiin tin) best blood-piiriller."-W. T. McLean, Druggist, Augusta, Ohio. "I have sold your medicine, for the last seventeen yeurs, mid always keep them In stock, as they are staples. ' There la nothing so good for the youth ful blood' as Ayer's riiirsaparillft."--It. L. Parker, Fox Lake, Wis. "Ayer't Bursaparllla Rivet the best tatisfactlon of any diclue I have In stock. I recommend It, or, aa the Doctort av, ' I prescribe It over the counter,' "it never fulls to meet tho cases for which I recommend It, even where the doctors' prescriptions have, been of no avail." C. Jr. Calhoun, JIunmoutli, Kansas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ratPAKio or Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.. Lowell, Mail, fries l; tli txittlM, Ii. Worth Ii a botll. Dnivri; Bookstore McClarens Building, (OpKisiteF. M. Wilkins' Dru Store.) Has an extensive Stock of 8TAXDAUD, MISCKLLAXKOUH, COLLECE AND SCHOOL BOOKS, Mercantile, Fancy and School Station ery, Blank Book., Cutlery, tie. rVOrdert for Dook. tud Subscription! to Newspapeis and Periodical, promptly at tended to. F. W. A. CRAIN, Vatclimaksr and Jeweler. Junction City, Oregon r Riwi.l attenteaj given t. !:-firioif WATC'llES, CLOCKS and JKWELIiY. ill a i Seal Kisliiui; liiiln. A Washington dispatch of February 21, savs: 1 1 ii x were opened at the treasury depart ment at noon to-day. for tho exclusive right to tnke fur si uls upon the islands of St l'uul and St. George, Allodia, for tlm term of twenty yeara from May 1st, 1MM. 'I here wero twelve bids, but two were thrown out because they did not centum a certified check for 5 UMMMHl iu reipiiied Tint Aiiierieiiu l'ixhiug and Trading com pany, of San Francisco, oilers to pay the I'liiled Stales S:i(i."i,(KH) per anuuin, $J.1'2 for each skin, and Iwculy live cents for each gallon of ccul oil. Tim 1'iuille Sleam Whaling company of Culiloriiiii, ollered to pay an annual reutal of S'iO.iiiiii and ji'.l for each seal. Tho Alaska Commercial company offered lo pay f,"iU,0Mil rental aud $d.7"i (or racb nkiii, n'mo to pivvidu onu hundred COIl'.tjr'.a bio duellings (or the iuhabltauts of the is land, aud uiskn ample proviaion for their inmntciiitiicA ami support, aud establish a regular mail service (rom San Francisco to Alaska without cost to the government; also, to provide schools, churches aud hospital, (or the inhabitants; to provide wharf facili ties at Ounaliisliii, and dislributo supplies gratuitously to tbo various point, in Alaska; ii I i-o in me event tiiat any other reaponsmie paily hliall oiler iu good faith a greater amount (or said privihge, to pay the I'uilcd States the (nil amount ottered by such par ties, aud say that Iheir oiler contemplates an annual revenue to tbo I'uited State, of $S7.),0(K). The North American Commercial compa ny, of California, proposed to pay an annual rental of f.'i.V.Nill und 1.7 j for each tkiu, with tho express understanding that the caleh shall uot bu limited to less than 100, 0(H) seals per year after the first year; or they will give the government forty-live per cent, of the gtons receipts from the sale of seals, ami will agree to pay a rale of ten per cent, higher thau that uttered by any other company. The North American Commercial compa ny, of Sun Francisco, ottered lo pay a rental of $i;il,(ioi) mid J'J.O.'!; for each skiu and lifly cents a gallon lor seal oil. Another from the same company proposed to pay a rental of fTi7,l!HI, $1 &0 for each skiu and tl((y cents a gallon (or seal oil, provided the Uiiilril Mute giiiiriintocN protection In the fisheries. Hi. Is were.ilso made by the North Ameil- cau Trading company, of Went Virginia, Willi au t's'imatcil annual revenue to the government ot $ I lo.OOO, by E. W. Clark, of Washington, 1. (,'., to give a' bonus of f21,0(Kl, reutal, f.O.OUO per auuutu aud a tax ni f J lor encu skin. lty the Atlantic and Pacific company, of New York, au annual rental of S5o,U00, and per skin. Ity the North American Commercial com pany, of Illinois, $.",t;,ouo per annum and 7. 11 per skin. Grant County News, February Cth: The anarchists have bocn accomplishing their designs in Harney county again. We have betn informed by Flunk Moliean that they burned (our slacks of Joint Duviue's hay a (ow nights ngo, aggregating '200 tout, Hags sat mated with kerosene wore fonud on the ground showing conclusively that the fire was Hut deliberately. Mr. Di vine had lately purchased this hay from Smith it Young, and was fuelling it to about eight hundred calves.. What piiuii-hmiiiit is too severe for a fiend who will deliberately deprive poor dumb beasts ot food for the sake of wreaking vengeance on a man who has Inmirrml his enmity? ThU is not tlm first lime Doviue has milTVio.l at tho hands of incendiar ies, and the uoouer Unriiey county break, up iho clan the better it will bo for her good iiaimi and prosperity, for Ini-u do uot cure to engage lu liusiuess lu acouiiiliiullv whose members resort lo tlm torcU to tight every fancied wrong. Mercury, Kep.: Plenty of candidates for I lie chair that l'ciiuoyi-r is now to comforta bly seated lu. lliiiuor has it that Mr. Thomp son, Mr. Moody aud Mr. Penuoyer are very strong nu n, but that It will be necessary to watch for a "dark horse" from (he eastern or ftouthuru part of the slate. The people iu tlicso localities do not-propose to let everything pass by without au effort Southern Oregon wants tho treasurer, East ern Oregon wants tho state printer, The Dalles wants thu governor ngain, Hoseburg wants the congressman; but Multnomah will have something to tay in tho matter before it is sell led. The statistic, showing tint tho cost ot producing the Illinois corn crop of 1889 was (i;8,W)0,0U0, while itt market value is only j8, 0()(),(i00, are simply estimates, and .o may be considered out of tho way; but there cau 1)9 no doubt that the raising of com has Income unprofitable in Illinois aud all tbo other western itstet. 1 In San Frauclsco the gambling tpirit it rampant. Every daily in the eity but oue receive. 1000 a mouth for advertising from the Louisana lottery, and It i. culcc.lated that thi. glgautio swindling couceru tells $100,000 worth of lic'uelt in the city every mouth. pu Absolutely Pure. This rowder never varies. A marvel of nuiilv, air. nglb and wboleMinienrsa. More eeonouiieitl lb in the ordinary kinds and can iiol Iw dd ill coniw tmon with the multi tude of low list, short wi igLl, alum or pu baie po'li-rs. Sold oulv III caiis. Kon JiiaiKo Vovvn Co., luG Wall bt., N. Y. tax r f royal J N The Storm at Sea. The rainstorm that played havoo in the Willamette valley ou Satusday, Fob. 1st, and succeeding days, blew a gale from the south on the ocean, us those who were at tea at the time will long remember. Ou the morning of the 2d, at 1 1 o'oluck, the steamer Santa Uosa, ou her outward jotiruey, haj hardly eucounlercd the Columbia ' tur when the "high roller." almost overturned the ship. Theie wa. a loud crash of dishes in the pan try, and tbo food of the middy launch waa scattered on tho floor. Women and children creamed and .cores of (lomacht rebelled. Ouo man fainted, another waa knocked senseless, a third nearly .lipped overboard, ami a (ourlh had bit Angers cut off by the V.Oivut (.hutting ui liettty uour. OthvfS were tussling on the floor with chair, and buggiigo. The sudden woo of those in the . throe, of tea-sickuest was Indescribable. He. yond the dangcrout bar the tea rolled iu great wives, aud during the 30 honra follow ing the crew as well as the passengers, over UK) souls, feared that they would never tee a church epira a -a in. Ever and anon the steamer's .crew was lifted out of the water. The waves beat with fury against the hot. turn, and the wood-work squeaked an end less, mouruful sijueak. The raiu waa iucea taut. On Hearing San Francisco the even ing of (be Mi, the tea became calm and the pent-up misery of the passenger, relieved it elf in music and tong. aud square meals Capt. Oray taid it waa the roughest trip he bad eiporiuuced since ISO . Tho Sauta Itosa it solidly built and that saved her. iSlaugbtcrlni; Deer, For an unparalleled .laughter of deer for their hidot toluly, an account reaches ut (rom the iboret of 11 1 vert inlet, on the northern coast, which teems almost incredi ble, tayt the Victoria Colonist. Still it it a fact, and it graphically described by oue who wat iu the vicinity at the time of the round up: The tpot wat on the shore of River, inlut, where a band of deer numbering over 100 came down to the beach from the highlandt to nibble at aeaweed for tustcnanoo, the deep mow at the time preventing them from obtaining grata or roolB in the forest. When the herd reached the beach they were nearly buried in the deep mow, and meaut of loco motion wero next to impossible. Indians, seeing the plight of the animals, started for thorn with olubt, and there and thon dis patched the entire bond, akinned them for the take of their hides aud left the carcasnea on the beach to rot. It it in a manner like thit that doer will eventually become at scarce at the buffalo of the plaint, It there no romedy? Wallowa's Sheriff in Trouble. Advice, from Wallowa county ttato that recent Investigation by the county conrt dis closed the fact that Sberill' ltinehart wat about $3,500 behind in hit accounts. ltine hart tendered bit resignation lo the court which will be accepted. Hit bondsmen made good the dellciency aud took a chattel mortgage ou his property which la thought lobe worth about (2,500. No dishonesty is charged to Mr. Kiuebart who it making every effort in hit power to guard the coun. ty nnd hit friends against lost. It it evl- . duut that bo wat unqualified and iucompe tent to attend lo hi. ofllclul duties, aud had no idea of how hit business mutter, stood, trusting entirely to bis deputies. About tho only thing he can be blamed for it attempting to do tomethiug that ho must have kuowu he wat unfitted for. The last Republican Speaker before Heed, eight year, tgo, wat a certain fellow of un savory memory, named J. Warren Keifer. The next fall after hit performance! at Speaker, the country elected a House con sisting of 101 Democrats aud 111) Republi cans, a Democratic, majority of 72. It would not be turprising if history should repeat it elf next year. l!y the way, tbit Keifer en joyed the unique distinction of going out of office without the usual compliment to the fairness of the Speaker by a unanimous vote of lhauks. A division wat demauded and the vote of thaukt adopted by 8G to 8 lu a House of 293 members. Speaker Reed ha. dout Keifer (he great service of making bit conduct in the chair respectable by compari son. Ex. Mercury: "Sandy" Old. tayt he hat been tried three timet for gambling tnd he would like to be tried once for the killing of Einii Weber. At a matter of fact, however, "Bandy" wit never tried for gambling till after he bid perforated the tnatomy of Web er. In Portland gamblers are seldom an noyed for pursuing the "innocent"' pastime of robbing the unsophisticated by meant of cards. It It only when the "pot" it raised by powder aud ball that the fellow, are "called" by the police. Wivee may go text lo ntked and children may cry for bread, Uctuse the husband tnd father donat.t hit inoome to the wily gambler, but the officers of the law tay nothing. Charitable institu tion, care for the dtttltute Innocents, and everything goes. Washington Independent: No wouder our legislators object to strenuously to (he employment of a chaplain. It it all ex plained since tho women who are iu the house, of ill-fanio exhibit their autograph alliums with the names of many of the mein ben of the legislature inscribed therein. The taid women make an exhibition of the honorable body to show who are their pat Pins. . Rome it being enacted in Olympia. Four timber men started a week ago last Saturday to go to their cUims, eighteen or twenty milet above Rrownsville, sayt tb Albany Herald. They came very near per ishing in the mow, which wat eilit feet deep. Luckily they found a cabin, wliera they ttsyed over ni'ht without foo. They arrived at their camp next morning. I.nst Sunday (hey Ventured fm til again. TUero was still live feet of tuow wbt u they c. uia out.