li. sad Mi l"' vVnrrewter ' "'iiiiv. I ' 575yth9f" ;,;.:,;.;.,,i,,., ,u, sassy. " , hi arrival in i d'' .1. th" influence "' "'r ' F ni KwUlf. William u WP:. f ,, ,lti KLj kiv' , .i,, f th- citv ' i ... til Hid iii : HI .here a .,: i " : 111- st'lppcd L.1UIV' ' - . MAIM nil tu Or J i "'"":.' ' I,.- he spent the rL. -.nil; ii. II... I .. i..ul-t i MM Vi i I. Jf I IIV ..-- . - I n . ;, , S'.KI. Ii.-IHL' -iul'1"'" . , ,tl,. iiml twenty LArafi- .'. r in I null" .1 M l . veir-'. . ...11... Ytnl i.r-!itll.l ui i""-. "i ., Kaltn i iii ..runny Ami"-. . .. Km .n4 II lllllll.IV L-iiii I .i i. i -1 1 in w in-1 la .V ... I , rill H i -iirt. I" ,, nix -i'iVi r j. m man . .i . i . i"m . .i. ;.. that departm-nt ... rniii.' i- ::. !. ii "'? ...It ill tlim ili'lnirLiiii ill, ...mi m : : S3,Wth and l"-nty He MBU7 , ., ,. i. " ,i: . .., it it.'. Ill I II- rl SuMMTi'i ..I.... II II .ife sari ciui.iren, .n,. iu . . c ... ii. ,,,, aataaS7i T . t , Ml. ,k. ill';:"1" ',' .. ... l Mlaannrl t!Th.W" ,:r',n i':,"' !" Vttt' ...-- . . L ' ,.f f,,i,rt....n ,-liil H "v. . n t ...1. ...... n ill." . - . .th nn- - , . . . i .. tiinii ii-r iii m-iii in. ... ".HI . .1... l .i t.litW" . i I j m u . i : c.i. ..(.homareHvlDg. HisS in ihelier Items. Jad. G, 18U0. . , ..lUimii tin- uroenoRtiflttiotM of .i!,irnriDUHs in - no urn ulil rillllllllL' Ml' IV tr u" .i ... .m" I.... . ... I n - 11" llll l uriiu hi in i "iii . . ,-- wrii iuku ..ii i. i i.. ii. i tairwcen iuu.r u - 7 u- ... . .1... IX.... I1...1.. . Rij.m i,tt- , -in . ii - .;'.( ii fl.A'A a ,l.i.i,itirf k, ,,,1 Mrs. aiur-t jiui-u h11- i"b ;fi-)U whosi' mImmh tm n iiul'ui ' . i i 111:1 i i j kt AiV . p i ytUlMtiueetii)1' of UUtfSDer tiriUlK o fjllowing otIiL'rrt were vioomq ior .... .1 u Horn. ( luiii inn: ... ipwwni -- -i trn.. II '. . (ifit III- . LB. r..tAli'hiir' Mm K r Alltian. m:..;,, fmil IMni.iiiii: Mil .1 v n.. M.. '. . I. ii. -kwiirlli I.intv ui Thursday morning tuo irunifs i Air. I !lalf, of (bin prt'cinet, wero conilder- , nisnrsi wmii- ('h.uiv " iiiuygi .1.1. . V. n.,.l I.....M' 111 I 111 f III ItHIU bat he wn "iiml to mi t-iiu vonmi u..-1-.t . 1 CVBUUll U ' 1'"""" I i 1, - t - 1 J i . I n A Strantre Hisapiicariiiict'. Mt Slri.lir Vim 1. U'i- I . liilU-ll 111 r. I Ll 1. .1 . . ' ... I 1. oltM.Mirtliern rai-itii' l-.xprt-riri v n. -ir. m mmn a rapuiraan ior wnui l U..... A ..nU ,ll.,.nt..l, i.f HI Sua,;.'. I"i"il :u'iit of the North - nnfLiiirem I . mii ri v, Iihh uisiipin'.-irr-il ...Ill ....1 -1-1... Sajft irft line lat Tilewlay fur Whutcom, nl:D'M hi. tun t , . V niu-mu-nr I Bud tu iK-atn him. .nl. tin tnir-.- Ihls - '.'.4-' niiiuviij in inn HmLiv.. ...! ...1.1. .U. v.. ..I.. ntllK' Eipreaa C'nlllliany for nevtl-.l! UBoUmi Uvea it IVinllotnii. Metn lutalled. NBiiokinstou, 1) 1) G M, mi Sntitnliiy lt instil i!.-, I tl 100F, m follow: (; HaMD, N UOlirni V i; .1 M l.'.t,. ...i. Raa Maieotfir tm TumuIav Avenlna iu- Laivn. tu f.ui.. i v I r h; A 0 Ilovty, IroaH. T.IPl'1, r-i titu 4 1 A fl AAA AW -- - -.inn in r.i. .1 1 ii ii l ii.innF.iniiF --v air turn... i in tn- imnini "i Iw.a-l. .. 1 il . ... -""nil iiir MH. t;i uwiiftH lire in r.H point i,m, .v wiilOll ,r.utnn i u.,1 . ui .r'-lll (.11 . .r- lilt; i'i :ti.- Hti'Vfri.-!. hi.' til 111 - lu Mkdy tint uwihts will have t BMP mm ! . 'Hi i an lit' rr.'ck' s Til ui uiikh t r III its 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1, 1 1 WhiTrt It Haik i- a a i- oil l i 11 ie Apnrrntii or me Wilir) tlir- Mulinu-L- nnfcll ni4ntT MlllM talent of Btimil han liet'll . "-I. in Trvm - t.i atinat tna r. - r"f theafHTul mill men tu tbf hf Docs'i Sit TaUKi Most of Ihe skip Albny but (top at le liniir , n il,,,! l. nl,,.-,., I iim .--jiuai i,i,ii,i ,Hrt s I n -ilii- is tur w me All. ill v i..i.-rn hnnu thai Rl Vu.ll L. . ... - n.M aim , , i . 1 1 i . , . . 1 1 roomy itura. with all ni-cessrirv -"-ati.l it , ,!,.(,., . ,l,i,- ,,i...l ii ill. Albanv nr., n. ,i an. ' I-""- ""JM i a...... x- ,3 iiiiM. mil urn uu tb the 1 .. ui.iriiert is nl .1 V rmn ti l.. . - .-, i mar i:,,.,. ,u,u .-Bi 'Hm Prices at Sla.lden .V Snii's. a. r. . 1 : til Shim l.(K) I.I B . . i lum. ckaii-i" r - I III iniiiuloes l.MI UUI'111,1, .. ..... 1 nil 8-"i yKilKU) UV "nr goods and prices and he eon SLADDEX A- SON. K. 1- I II. 11 tcaMni. , m 111 i.iu- - il "t l-tli-cn (Iii... .,. I'li.rnJhin VJ" ! .(oilter, a gruud lnla.r QMh out. lllir1 vhwarx- paana.... h out l ui.iraity boot . ,,. I. , r . I ".in. " luan ,.n .-unminii ; in;, it Vet sale. ""ii'Lni and good pRVIDK booi 5 ' iLia oflka - ('buiat luta iu II. ' mi V trUisg rb-aji. Uujr BrtTltlM. Hen lerso'i. .leiitnt. Oonuoii Cannot nici-i- Kondaj night Money to loan mi f:inna. KiHiiiirn nl .lii.Lv Waltoi, Kxtiov I ienruB L Wonda dii-.l at I'nrll.iii.l Wt-iliiarulny. (io anil Ihe hvantiful flltllllljk wnte ' nt (ioldsuiitli'ii. Sec atluiiniatmtri' aula in tl.m isue; nlsn (lolilamith pays the hight-Ht nish price foi country produce. friiitnr und riolin strings nl Kngene Hook Store, (ottatrlj Col)iof, A line list of tOfe jphuhcH in all ahadet and graderi at F. H. Lluun'a. 0(0. WlleOI has bought property (or a plwlogltph gallery at Lebanon Qo to Oolilamiih'K anil get I lb of lw'st t. mill China tea pot all for $1.1)0. Murniv Vanghaanf Ooriarf, is lnrtiiM the bunt and iboi trOHi with KruOJM ,V Klein. Qoldn Aga lolling ImrrriwH an.I aeetlcra. OlilCBlM A Son. Mr God FCtm tUMtbfJtol agency for all braadi of the- celelirated Tansil Punch Cigara Hi-fore atoring or selling your nuts nee A V. Patera. Clean Chevalier barley wanted. Bring onr old Mrap eaat iron to th Eu gene Iron Ponndry where you can dispose of it. Rev. IV S. Knight will preach at the Con gregational Hull n.-xt Sunday, morning and evening. Parpeta! Carpel! ! S. II. Friendly has just received it huge and varied assortment. He will suit you. I bate just received from the East over 19,000 Worth of olothl, Suits made in the latest and heal If lea, J. Davis. L ine Conntv Teachera' Institute will meet in Kiini'iie nil lab, Mth, SKh and l!tith. Pm gramme in the fut'ire. New sheet iimsic and music books direct from New York, just arrived, at Eugene Book Store, formerly Collier's. Those lamps we told you about a few weeks ngo are going fust. A. Goldsmith. llichard Mount, praotioal saw maker, repairs all kinds of Shop corner of Ninth and Oak streets. Enquire of your grocery dealers for Eu gene llmir, a home production; best iu the market at !l"i cts. per suck. Try our alt inch Stogies. They are made by white labor. Reasonable reduction to dealers. Eug.-ne Cigar Factory. The name of K. V. Mays has been sent lo the 0, S. Setiiito by the President for the Offlee of l'. S. Attorney for Oregon. The lateat thing ont ii a itraa chariot to make the little 'oiks in, F. A. Knukiu A- Co Ii ire it. (io and see it. Just received, a now line of tine glass ware at Goldsmith's, (let you alovely glass set of four pi. ior 50 cents at A Gold smith's. A tine line of tooth brushes, hair brushes, sponges und ehiiniois skins, nt D C. Harri son's PlLi.01 DlCO BtoII, Odd Fellows Temple. Li T. Barin( who la to be the new U. 8. Hareheli says he intends appointing J, T. Gregg, his principal deputy, if Mr. Gregg will accept. The Hyer Sister's Comedy oompenr (are load shown at ilhioebart'a Theatre Uonday and Thursday eienings. They played to fair houses. Reports from the country say that stock is getting along very well. The grass iu Ihe Full of the year was very good and stock WMt into tlie winter in fuir condition. Slab wood from Springfield mill $1.73 per load delivered any where iu the city. Give orders to tcnnis,ters or send lo me direct. A. Whkkleb, V. M. Wilkin this week refused an offer Of $4,000 for 20 feet on Willamette street, being the property occupied by liarker's gun works. Bendenon the dentist has returned fully prepared to attend to all difficult cases of dentistry. OfhVo in same old quarters, up stairs iu First National Hank block. The ladies of St. Mary's Guild are earnest ly it iin st. tl to meet at the residence of Mrs. Loveridge on Wednesday afternoon, Jan !". ut 2 o'clock piompt. The sale of the lot belonging to the Curb tian eetate Monday, situated on Pearl be tw, eii 11th and 13th streets realized $1100. Chus William was the purchaser. The Ladiei Aid Sucbty of the Hnptist church will meet at the residence of Mrs. C. If . Hill. Tuesday Jan. 14th All the ladies ol the cbaroh are invited to sew for Mrs. Hill. Trunkal Trunkal Trunkal J 1) Matlock has luit recairtd a ear load of trunks and va ii 1 1 ..( all stilts to suit customers which he will sell at prices, which defy competition. Call ami be convinced. OarpetS of every style and grade at Friend ly's. Thete carpets hare just arrived and have been well selected to meet the demands of this market. Call and examine his varied assortment. Lamps at Sladdeti & Son. Lamp at Sla.lden & Son. Lamps at Bladden Si Son. Lamps at Sladdeu & Son. Take warning all yon farmers that have r.iltnu- In u-nrk irn mid L-' t 0110 of millllil.:i iiiiiu- - n- o Paine'l Boss Cultivators, and stop your fooling. The lioss does the biz ami don't you forget it. Dr. W. V. Heudersoii has returned from Chicago, where he took a course of lectures and instruction in the latest methods of dentistry. Call and see him at his office if you are in need of work. S. H Friendly keeps the largest nud best assortment of clothing, ladies dress goods, hats, etc. Ho is continually adding the latest and newest styles to his stock. His prices are I'ued to suit the times. When the blood is impure, thick and slug gish or thin ami imooverished, there can be no health. With these conditions all the functions ol the body are impaired, and IBS rasnll is a variety of complications. 1 ue beet remedy is Ayer's SarsapariUa. As I have IllliSSSli a Urge tock nf cloth in - I will sell my t ryi at a sacrifice. I noes t wlmleaale ii. order t" make a clearance sale, a, I am oowdad for room. Call early and e gur banpduSi E. liAtx. r.iigene, . rnapvBM WhooulBf congb. croup, sore thioat. sud den col. Is, and the lung peculiar o children, me easily controlled by promptly administer!! I AVer's Cherry Pectoral. This ranted. -ale to take, certain in its action, and adapted to all constitutions. A bale old mm, Mr. Jas. Wilson of Aliens Springs. Ill . who is over sixty years ,,(,... ' 1 Lai- ... my time tried a great wuby medicines, s.,u.e of them ex cellent quality; but nWJ before d.,1 I find anr that would .0 completely do all that is claimed for it as ChauiUla.n a Colic, Cboleia and Diarrhoea Remedy, t is truly .wonderful medicine." For sale by Os tium A" Co. I was passing thiough Morgan Co.. this Kv when I mm l-.keu with a running off Mtue la-els and cramping of the fiWM. I sessmed with Mr. H. M. HutcL.nn. st k l ick. ho had Chamberlain'. Colic c'h .lerL anl Diarrhoea Remedy an 1 fixed . J np hevedmein two m.nut Every family rhwadd have this remedy in their' bom-. K r .ale by U.buru A Co. nvht at-nt il o clock a man by ihenam ' s t- Gannon .hot s dog tje I " the Hal ' -uble while near tbe j, (irav uivcery ator. He bad !. ngl ti tic' ' ' ' ay iu tbe nam, and on m Witter tad allowed bin a.i..itouiu. ururj Tti- dug "" 'i 'i'lkt.uau thai ahonkler. sod will prob--i, i i n.iiiiu u lly daS. DM Albany rlur. h i. the beat Bn MitloMl loetle mi .-diloi ial page, l). K. Hian la up from the Heel . f Ti le. Garden City How at ('bauds rs ,V Sou's. Furnished rooms to let, Inquire at ibis office. Wool f;an,- barrOWS at Chamber' A Son's. Ask yonr groear for JnnetkM low, It i sfoeUeni, Oliver Plows, chilled and ateel, at Cham bers A' Sou's. Pure drug at D. C. H, 's I'.ila.e Drug Store. Get a lovely glass castor for 75 cents at A. Goldsmith's. For cheap Imildiug lots east or west of the llutte eaP ou Dr. Sheltou. Col I. T. Wallace ha- i "turned from a visit tu San Francisco About $8.00; Worth of -toek has been sub scribed to Ihe street car line. lust think ! A due tea set of 5I pieces only 11.00 ut A. Goldsmith's. Hot aud cold baths every day in the wet'' ta Jerry Horn's barls'r shop. The attendance at the University show a large in, reuse since Ihe holidays. l'restou wants you to come aud see bis saddles aud heavy team harness, lie-.t aasnrttnent of bonks and hihles at Eu gene ltistk Store, formerly CollierV C Marx, Barbel Shop and Hath Rooms. First door north of Dunn's new block. Dr. Scott's Electric Corsets at Eastern prices. For sale ouly at G. Hettiu Nt's, E. 0i Lake, ui nl. I.- cutter and dealer iu monumeuts, shop on Eighth street, Eugene. There will he a special communication of Kngene Oily Lodge No, 11, A. F. A A. M., thia Friday VaUlDg, The brethren are all requested to be present. W. T. PUT, W. M. .Midives ami Clerks nf Election. The following is the li.t of Judges mid Clerks of slfOtiou selected by the Commis sioner Court, to act for the ensuing two years: soiiru IUOWI, Judges Thus Hrowu, Win Edris, J C Church. Clerks- -J R Campbell, N L Honey, south grant. Judge John Bailey. Win Smith, J G Gray. Clerks -V J slePhsrSOn, Frank Chambers. JUNCTION. Jndges I 1' Milliorn, Isaac Cook. F W Folsotn. Clerks II MoOollnm, (ins Wash- boras, i aviso. Judges -J H luwall, Allen Bond, 8 N Howard. Clerk I M Kitchen. A 0 Jen nings. I.ON.I TOM. Judges Joshua Casebeer, -I II Wiun, F Wilkinson. Clerks Frank Min-t, J A Pit ney. Ill HAKOSOM. Judges I F Kirk, J E Rutlcr, S (i Custih Clerks T J Dackwith, J A Pituey. KIOLAW, Judge R Doty, P F Davis, w M toman, Clerk -John Whi'te, W N Crow. COITAOE (UIOVK. Judges Geo Sears. O W MoBeynolds, N Marliu. Clerks L F Wooley, O F Knox. CIlESWtLL. JudgeeW II Bobinelt, John Tail, J F Walker. Clerks Geo L Gillry, Win Tif fany. Pl.RASAN r HILL. Jndges 0 A Daris, J T Calliaon, s Rig don. OlerksHeory Mitchell, II T Uristow. manwuaio. Judges -Robt Masterson, Henry Edwards, Chus Gorrie. Clerks J A Stevens, Albert Walker. MOHAWK, Judges- J E Datis. Jos Bnddlsston, Fred erick Hayfisld. Clerks N P Hammitt, Ed Howe. WTI.I.AMKTTB. Judges John Cochran. John Thomas, T Vandiiyuo. Clerks E P Coleman, Amos Wilkins, LOST VALLKY. Judges -D S Huuaa'er. R Parker, Levi Harper. Clerks-W D Meador, Thus liar-br.-. CAMP LUKKK. Judges -W D MeLsan, B Mlllioan. E E Hills. Clerks C E Brattaiu, M J Hilleger, III EL DELL. Judges T II MoLesn, J II II .11, r Kitsou. Clerks-M McLean, J A Walker. men, Jn.lges--S Y Abbott, Rii-hunl Jones, E Well. Clork-ll Huston, H 0 Perkins. FLOBENt'S. Judges John Bergman, Amos Banning, O W Sutton. Clerks William Kyle, Joseph Morris. CUKSHEK. Judges T A Foiiuiain. John Edwarus, F Powers. Clerks 0 K Hale, Z I Fisk. OOIOTIi Judges-T M MeCulloch, W I Coleman, J I Stewart. Clerks -Doak Zumwult, Chus Hadley. MIDDLE FOBS Judges Jos Carter, A J Luce, Grant Hy land. Clerks--Burt Kelsay, Chss Aldrich. m'kekzie. Jndewa John Isham, A P Ostrundei , O F Renfrew. Clerks I M Davis, J W Wycoff LAKE CREEK. Judges -C E Potterf, C A Pope, Jas John sou. Clerks S Bishop, Jos Whismun. WILD CAT. Judges-D (i (isy, Chss Lyons, Jas Suth erland. Clerks--L P Tellman, E A Whit eaker. FALL CBEKK. Judges -Milton Yeatch. A D Hyland, O B Walker. Clerks-John Kissinger, George Nest. Mil'l.rroN. Jinlgea Ann. Ha.laal. W Weill, A P Knowle. Clerka-John Tanner, Henry Wstbsrsoa. ure Judgea-W D Blatchley, W Hamilton, T 0 Tbompsoa. clerks w I. Bsmpbelh lew Simmon OOSHSN. JwdgOl -JsSM Cox, Wm Stewart, Wm Dil lard. Clerk B F Keeney, A I. Honey, ftfpati . Jtitlr-e ,I,,hn Pvle, I V M BrMow, Win Ferris. Clerk I. KepB, F. E. Bnatow. MAHEI . Ju.L-ea-Alfre.l Unirv. I! J Forties, Amiwa Smith Clerks. J I. Stewart, C V ( leaver. i.AIKl KF.KK. Judge S M Harrill, -lowpli lepioi, r Thompson. Clerk -I 'I -Mini""'. ir,"'n Barbre. HAIIS. ladKea S 1) (iariiT. Wei Tucker, "ru I ;,,',!:,,,.. Clerk II C Vaughn, E F Chap- I nian. ' Cedar Post. E. E. Schencka give notice that h will deliver 3 I 008 oedar post and 200. ' feet ' of cedar and fir log at Eugene, during the coming spring and aumm. r ' be for sale and at readable price" The : timber will be flo.U-d down the Willamette river. ArroixTfi. R..AI. SurEivisoR. - '-umur mmm Hyland .n.l Smith have 1 telVils-nrianr of the re.rcti.. rl d tr ' in -l ich they re-ide. petition, h.v.n Wer. pre-nted -king for SWg", EL" . T have heretofore art n that SaX warn, -r,u bf lhe,r teriti n'to th Litiea ..f t'.e oflioe. Giil WmARirT wsoted to do ener.l hous. -ork. Apply t the rodence of Cha.. Loer. Bi buy i that sov . k DBTIKMIH1D SUICIDE. Andrew Christie steps iu Front nl a bwinaotlTi. -is CrtuiMd and Hor ribly Mangled. He was PM" UnhU Infant'. A horrible tragedy took place on the rail road track about one mile below Eugene Monday alternooti alniiit 'J:-t o'clock. The Eugene local was approaching town and be log behind lime was rntiuiug at a high rate, noil.- do mil. sail bom. wheu the engiueer, W. J. Sally, we horrified to ee a man tun from the brush, which was only .in .nt forty feet from the track, and plant himself squarely on the track, with anus el tended from his body, and bis hack to the approaching traiu In u second the engiu eei's band applied the air brake and re versed ihe engine but it w s too late. The pouderuu logins truck the man aud passed over the body crushing uesrly every bone in it. The body Was tukeu from the forward trucks of the baggage car. The bones iu both uruis und leg were broken, oue foot w as partly cut off, one side of the jSW und face Was badly crushed aud the neck was broken. He br. allied but a few time aud was d.ud. The remaius of the man, who had thus resolutely committed suicide iu a manner about as horrible a could lie con ceived by the human mind, were placed in the baggage cur and brought to Eugene Tbe body was identified as that ol Andrew Christie. He had slopped at the Minnesota hotel lines Wednesday of last Week, an I paid his board by the day. and ou the uioru ing of his death liiid proffered a $5 piece in paytneill but paid smaller change. When the body was searched only a uickle and a cheap watch were found. A letter was also found addressed to him from Lowell, Mas- , Signed ''Emilia" und was presumably from bis sister. About an hour More the occur renOS be was talking with Robt Blair near the scene ol (he tragedy and claimed that he bud been tramping for six mouth and hud ate nothing for two days. Mr Blair asked him to go to his house, a short distance away, but the man refused saying he did not wish to trouble uuyouc. It I hard to con ceive why be abould huve made this state ment wheu ouly two hours before he had ate dinner at the Miuuesota. One boarder slated that the man seemed absent minded on that morning, walking fast theti stopping suddenly. He was about 85 years of age ami was likely of German descent. From the facts developed Corouer Harris dIJ not deem it necessary to hold an inquest, and the body was buried iu tbe I. O. O. F. cemetery at the expense of the county. Christie had undoubtedly committed suicide, but whether insane or not may uever be determined. Died. Wm llsliurn pesiwfllllj and quietly de parted this life iu Eugene, Friday morning at SatO o'clock, aged 71 years, 5 month and 4 day. The deceased WM born in Crawford OoOnty, Pa., AutrUSt 6th, ItilS; WM married to his wife, who survival him, in ISIS, lie oame to Oregon with his family in 1806 ami located ill Eugene, living here till the time of Ids dsSrth, three son and three daiiifhter sur vive him, F. W. I islmrn, of BtttSOS, Holit. (Is burn, of Selma, Cel., Ralph Osbiirn of Heno, Nev., Mrs. E. W. Whipple, of Cottage Grove, Mrs. .las. McDonald, of Gold Hill, and Mrs. HardlnXi of Marion county, .vll hi children were present at the the timo of hi death ex cept lialph. Three brother, A M, E F ami John ostium, and ten grand children, besides numerous other relative survive bittt Win. Otbom was a straightforward, consis tent man, upright and honorable in hi deal ing with hi fellow-men. He leave many friends who hvmpathi.e with the afflicted rel ative. The funeral will la? conducted by the Ma sonic fiatemity, of which he hail been a mem ber many year, from the family residence on Eighth street to the Masonic cemetery ,n Srtn day at HI o'clock in the forenoon. Span of Horses Lost. One H-year old bay Clydesdale horse, weight about 1880 lbs, white faee ami white hind feet; one buy horse about 'i years old with collar marks. These horses strayed from my premises in Eugene Jan. 1, 1880, and are liable to be found together Will give a liberal reward to any one returning them, or for information leading to their recovery. Dated Jac 10, 1890. W. M. Gee. Strayed or Stolen. From the Taylor place at the lower Long Tom bridge, one chestnut sorrel gelding, weighing about 1,000 pounds; no brands, short tail, few eld scars from rope on hind feet. The horse was kept for some time hear Cartwrbjht His return or ettV information leading to his ret i y will be liberally rewarded by F. A. Rankin, Bugene, or Lon Walker, at the Tay l.,r bridge. For Kent. A btutness room on Ninth street, with rooms upstairs. Inquire of J. Davis the tailor. A Pbominent Man Dkad James Chouo w ith died at his home in Oakland Sunday morning at o'clock, a. m. He was a very public spiritetl citizen, a man of large means and a great benefit in his exteusive transaction to the producers and stock raisers of Douglas county. Scarcely a freight train has passed over the O. k C. railroad in some years that did not carry at least one carload of stock purchased by him in that neighborhood aud shipped to mar ket. He had command of large capital and was in the habit of buying up the surplus cattle, sheep, and so forth, thus scattering great amounts of mouey among his neigh bors continually. He was a good mau iu every respect and Douglas county will sadly miss him. The malady ending iu bis death was typhoid fever. Fltl Bell Ordered. The committee on Fire aud Water on' Thursday ordered a bell fur the Eugene Fire Department from a bell foundry at Detroit, Michigan. The Ml will weigh 1500 puiiuds, aud cost when bung in the tower about 8660i The firm guarantee! it to be all that is lequired. It is to be hoped ,i.t il,,. Mia will be .utisfactorv as the two heretofore purchased proved worthless, and the Court House bell now used ia not loud enough. The new Ml ia expected iu ubout six weeks. Mr.i.FoBD Fl.ol n. A Goldsmith has re ceived a carload of Me.lf..r.l Hour which he of fer. V the public. 'I he Medford mill ia a full roller, new proce. mill and i equal to any in the .tate. Mr. Goldsmith guarantee the flour to be first claa. Any one purchasing the flour and not Gad bag it a repreaented can have the lu. ney rtfiiinletl by returning it. MAUSIEU.-Rev. J. W. Kneed, formerly pastor of the Cumberland l'rtsbytenau church in this city, but now filling the pul pit of tbe First Congregational church of AH.ina. was married to Miaa Adelai.U Hen dricks, at Lakeport, Cal , on the iUtb of De cember. They received their friends at home at Albina on New Year's day. Married. - In Eugene, Oregon, Jan. :,, I Kin, at the Chnatian Church, by Kov. Alley, Mr. Win. M Miller and Mi-dir. B. Kuw .r all of Lane county, Oregon. The couple knee the lt wi.h of the entire Gliaii force. . M. E Revival - We .re informed tb.t the result of Ihe reviv.l service at tbe M. E Cbnrch have been eventy-fi'e conversions and twenty-five addition" to th" rborcb. Gone -The Steteaman tJ (hat Marshal Wheeler and wife, tbe .llegcd fKh doctor, bve left Salem beted for Sin Frauciaoo. A good riddance for Oregon. Boc.vtf Ovta -Ward DougUsa. the in surance agent, areauvi at Wall Wall., charged with the crime of rape waa held to await tbe action of the grand jury in tbi inm of ii.-) which he readily furnished. f IlALrr. Wanted at the Eu- A Card. ' like plea.uie 111 untitling the Eugene atulie and Theatrical loTSH that the Postage stamp Co , with the finest Baud aud Orches tra and a splendid play ; one that will suit you, will Imi here with the finest tret parade ever seen in Eugene, Saturday Jan. Utb. If you want a first class attraction, on.- that will fill tbe bill, no cheap ahow, come uu.l tee It. Ticket f 1, no less; chil dren, reserved seats, ,'il I cl I he coinpiny dousoot leave town uutil Sunday night, that my coutract with them. J. B. Khinkiiiut I'HOOUAMMK. The aparkliug comedy auccess, "A Social S.'on," under Ihe management of D. J. Sprugue. Musical Prologm Grand De scriptive Overture, "A Wedding on the Plantation, by Euni Poeeolti I Darkues to Dawn. 2. Singing of Birds, Cuckoo, Chanticleer, Quail, Crickel. etc. 3. Going to Church. I, Choral, with Bulging nl Chime 6i The Weddiug. (i. The Return Home. 7. Dancing in the Barn. S. Eveuiug ktells. II The Serenade. 10. Plantation Pastimes, Picking the Banjo, Grand Breakdowns, etc. 11, OffforHoao. 'i. Auld Lang Syne. CASr OF I'll UHl'TEHS Silas Meadows, a "Yankee" farmer, with but .me ' Field" to call hi own; Hurry F Hull. De Long Waukbaob, an actor; has "been there More, many a time;" Arthur V Gibsou. Kyrle Bellak. a "Dirk-he," who never is "Bcllcw;" Billy Gray. Harry Cut ter, a barber; WOO never insists ou a "Hair Cutter" a shampoo i Will L Talbot. Adol phui Murray Hill, a dude, .me ol the "Four Hundred;" Hairy B Boohs. Wood BJohueii, tiOUgh citieu; not afraid of "Annie I.owry," inn viuc.-nl. l it l Bptendld, a Hebrew, father of Mis I'll; Hit Bernard. Ill' Thayer, n constable; "Bettei late thuu never;" R It Henry. Sella de Batten, every "day go. " the same; Jumcs E Aikstt. Dsf liu Kuiup, a disturbing slementj all that her none impUea. Daisy Field, a Mis and ''amiss;" not "Born to blush nnOMtti" Kale Spragu.i. Sam mtha Field, a faded llower, sighing for verdant "Meadows; ' Gertie Mad digau. avNorsi or scenes. Act I. Silas Meadow's New England Borne. Act II - Harry Cutter's Barber Shop and Costume Parlors. Act III. Stage of the Grand Opera House, The Graud Star Orchestra, under the leadership of Emilu Posselt. Comet Solo, by the American Virtuso, Edward E. Nicker son. Xylophone Solo, by the aoktWWisdged artist, John B Willett. Betolntiona Adopted, At the close of the Fsrmsis' Institute, on Friday evening last, the following resolutions wero read by Prof. Condon ami adopted by the Institute: nSSOhaxfi That we, CititeOI of Eugene, w ho have been in attendance ou the Farmers' Institute just held under the auspices of the Agricultural College, do heartily eudorse and commend the work of the institutes, and the enlightened, energetic liolicy of the Agri cultural College in conducting them; ami rteortttdi That special credit is due Prof. B, L. Arnold, President, tod Prof's. J. D. Letcher, P. Herbert Irish aud F. L Wash burn, all of the State Agricultural College, for the very valuable ami learned papers which they have prepared and read ut this institute. Tbo following resolutions were presented by Prof. F. L, Washburn, aud wero adopted: .'cMimi, Thai Ihe thanks of this Institute are due those citizens of Eugene who have kindly interested themselves in its behulf. Ilesolwd, That thanks are .specially due io the committee, Dr. Sharpies uu.l Prol. B. J. Hawthorne, and to the local speakers, whose efforts huve done so much to make the institute a success; and fOWPltiStfi That we hereby acknowledge to OUT Chairman, Mr. M. Wilkins, OUT appre ciation of bis genial superintendence, and convey to our Seretary, Mr. B. F. Alley, our sincere thanks for his painstaking efforts. ileal Estate Transfers. El'UESE. J I iiinl II H McDonald to W E Brown, lot iii Ellsworth's addition; 1800. Lone County to 0 W Young, lot iu origi nal Eugene; quit claim. $1. Olive B Close to Alex Cockeiline, lot in Shaw and Patterson's addition; $5. Helen M Moore to Chus Mayhiw, land near OA C Hailivay; fV.'.l. 0 F Houghton to W E Brown, lot in Ellsworth's additiou: $2o0. junction am. J 0 Boyd to A L Boyd. I lots; ?50. country. F B Hoiierd to S S Jones and Win Davis, I2lt acres; $1800. II F Harding to B M Huwley, 101 acres: $500. Adolph Senders to T T Roach, real aud personal property; $500. Jas Martin to t T Roach, land; 1880. C U Barlow to 1) B Shepherd, Dili acres; ptuu. I; I Jluil iwtoj ) ihouuis, Kill acres; $100. S Boggs to Mary A Loftus, 10 acres; $100 las II Sharji to II Jl Huwley, IDU acres; $200. U 8 to Ouslow Young, 15e.88 acres; pat ent. mm . Douiits. The Sunday Welcome says: 'The Welcome notices lately iu several ol its ex changes doubts expressed as to Ihereul caue that le.l to the killing of Murioii Martin, an oltl pioneer of Lane county; ami suspicion it growing throiignout the state that the whole truth has not yet been told by Mrs. Iuylnr, who claims to have shot him to preserve her Uonor. HlDLV S' Alllli.- I he l alollsn (. l.etle, III giving uu account of it shooting sciape at Colfax u few days since, says that one per son was shot ut three time at a dist un e of only a few f.-. t and that at every crack ol the pistol he jumped us high a In- could. The party doing tbe shooting was being held In another person, which accouutetl for his p. or marksmanship. Frozen Picks. The cold weather ha con vi need many of of our citizn that eternal virjilanee ia the price of a water supply and Miun l water pipe, the eold snap Ita bumteil many w-uter pos-s and caused .-oii.i.lerable hie trouble n t to ay profanity. 'I he Water ' in i . a 1 1 v have been enmpelled to ntiiiip more than usual at this time of the year in order to aupply water wasted by oreri faucet. Si'iiiNoriELD A. P. Churchill aud L.J. Wilson have laid off an additiou to Spring field ou the weit aide of the river, ami have placed tbo lots on the market It is reported that u wood-working machine ahop will be started there toou with Juiuc Armstrong ut Ihe helm. LEi-n.-BEs Rev. J II. Weber will lecture at the Metbodiat church Monday and Tuei day evening The subject on Monday even ing will be "The Continent," on Tueoday, "Holy Land." The lectures are aaid lobe quite entertaining ami will be illustrated by views. The Weatueb -Thursday morning (be weather moderated ami rain fell in ahorers .11 tbe day clearing out tbe anow. Thurs day nigbt brought clear weather ami a light freeze. The lowest point reached by the thermometer since the cold weather com menced on Ihe '.'nd was H degrees aboye zero Watfd.--To trade, aDxIO engine and bulb r, mi, for a H or Kl horse ower engine -do not care about a builcr. Address, J. W Waiter.. Monroe, Or. Lru. al MiaaET. Wheat, 0i and 1.7 t . i oata, Xt eta.; bopa, 7 and H eta. on con.tgo I meut; butter, l'i an 1 JU eta.; eggs, 35 cts. ; I potaloea, GO cts. WiNTEH -1888 tuikeya, chickens, du-k. g- es. , . gg, en . by M.ld'0 A Sou wno : will pay tub for them. OonnlaaUontn' Coort, Comuieiiouera Court met iu Eugene, at the Oonrl Huiise, Wednesday, Jan rl, st 10 o'clock a Hi. Full laiurd preaeiit. The following proceeding were had: H ti i District N... to, boundaries uhnogsfl ae follows Beginning on w bank ..f Long T mi '.'t mil,-. S. of N. line of T If, s, 8 W to Weat linn of .aid township, S to 8 W corner of Said Tp. 8 1 mile, E to W bank of Coyote creek, t t place of iHi-iuniii.-. Boundaries of Itoad I Hat N IT changed as follows; Beginning at 8 I Ooe of Dwn 'l of (' 11 Ko.'urt, them N to X line of Sec Hi T l" Slt:l W. thence E to X E Cor Sec, thence S ts S W Oaf S li Bonnetl' claim, B to Wil lamette river, up .aid river to E line Sec l.'i BtoSROor Sec. A and Wet to brmndary of lioad Di.t No. IT, Following territory added to I list No '.': Be s'inuing at X F. Cor of Sec 0, T 17 S. R It W, South to S W Cor of S G Bennett' Du Claim; East to Mi'Kuii'.iii river and down said river to place of iHiginuing. A E Wheeler appointed a.'eut for county to convey quit claim deed to lot li, block I in Skinner's dinutioii to Lane Co, to C W Young, purchaser lad OWnCT thereof, to correct title. Petition of B F Russsll et al for county road. F I. Guv, T M Brattaiu and Brttttn Vitus appoioted rlewersand 0 M Collier sur- veyor, to meet Jan. '.V, lS'.St. Matter of the relocation of road through Scott's and Spencer's claim, fSDOvi of view- srs and surveyore filed ami continued until next term. Bead DM, No, 88 MtabUsbed, being all that part of Dist. No, 7'.', lying WSSt of Lett' creek. Petition ol l DarnelUs and other foe coun ty rot.1; ordered that mad lie setnMlshsd u a public high sv.Oiy upui the payment to Joel I itney, elSO damages by the petitioner. Time (or payment cxteuued until the first day of the next term of thi court. The line dividing Chester and Spencer pre iuc! - established a follow; Co I. nc Tom creek to the mouth ot Noti creek, up N'oti creek to the line between Tps 17 and IS S, H It V, Weat to line lu tweeli li and 7. Hermann Precinct establislie I with the (nl lowing boiimlariea: Begin at S E cor of Sec. 1'.', T 17 S, H 10 W. X HI miles. West ii miles and E li miles to place of beginning. i ue conn appointeti ro an supervisors ior tne year 1880 a follows: 8 Wm Delauey -15 .la Smith :t N P Haniinitt .V.' .1 H McFarland I 0 boa vi .1 ii Hill S Jo M Seever .'el -A D Hyland !l J F Smith IB-A 1. Lane II M I. Hendricks U-J A Ebla-rt 18 (..o Whitsett til .1 D May II WmLtnooll 88 N Martin 17 D Hayhan tin Jo Carter 10 Hiram Wiugard Ti A B Gilbert. '.'.' J F Schrlmpf 73 .laa Cantrell 88 s Y Abbott 75 M M Gllepie lit John Smigsley 7ii Geo Kerr tO Granville Fi.har 77 L E Want II ,1 Vr.-hi.rt 7S Win Blachley 48 B S Hyland SO X 11 Butler 11 .1 II Yate S'! Wm Sutherland SO W II kanoff SS I.C Motl'itt tKI .1.1 Ellwoo.l Oil Cha Cowan 88 D A Qtbbs 7t ( M Andrew I... A .1 I.use us ,1 Smith 15 Jus Lallgdoll Foley Springs road continued until ucxt term. At the lime of going to press Friday after noon the petition lot a new court house was being presented to the comity court. 'The Court will inspect tha Springfield bridge to-day, Saturday, and take some action iu the mutter of its repair. Sadden Deitb. Harvey Pagctt residing on the Siualaw in Lane county twelve milus above the head of tide was found dead in his cabin, Juu. lid. Hn hud evidently boon sitting in a chair reading a newspaper when the fatal stroke came, and hail fallen forward on his face. When found h" Imi probably been dead several days, lie was of English descent. a bachelor, and ubout 117 years of age. lie hail tiled a homestead claim ou the land ou which he lived, and left no personal proper ty of any value. nil VERDICT. Win. Sutherland, Justice of the Peace, summoned a jury and held an iiuiunst devel oping facts siibstiintiully us ubovo. The venlict was rem. eretl as follows: We, the ondomlgned jurors, find that Har vey Paged, the deceased, camo to hi deutb from cause unknown to u. A. M. Richardson, Li P. TaLI.MAN, David Smith, Ti A. Clark, Patrick M Eniio, A. A. Wait. Bnglnei Fur Bile. For sale at the Eugeuu Foundry ami Iron Works: Out Ox l'i engine, 20 horse power, Corliss bed, uew. One 7x10 twelve horse power ungine, (air lira bed, new. One 7x10 twelve hone power engine, Car lis bed, with cylinder boiler, second hand. One -I horse power upright engine with boiler, second hand. One 4 home power engine, open bed, second hand. Will aupply Isiiler with engine if required. Geo. X. faUlin, Eugene Oregon. Died. Mrs. Mary E. Heudersoii, widow of the late J. II. D. Ileuderaou, died at San hi , Cd., Month y evening, aged about 72 years. Shu was married to Mr. Henderson in Missouri in IHJO, ami with her husband entile to Oregon iu 1852, locating iu Yamhill county; moved to Lane county iu 1850 where she resided almost constantly until the time of ber death. For several mouths past ber health has been failing, and a low weeks ago with the hope of benefitting it by a chango of climate, she made a visit to her son Joseph Henderson ut Sau IMego, where the fatal summons overtook ber. She leaves two sous, Irving Henderson of Eugene ami Joseph Henderson of San Diego, end three ('.lighters, Mrs. .1.11. McClung aud Mrs. A. K. Patterson of Eugene, and Mrs. L K. Peters of Oakland, Cal. The deceased was a consistent member ol tbe Methodist church, tu which organization she bad be longed (or many y. aia. Tbe remsioH will probably arrive iu Eugene, ou this morning's train, anil tbe interment will take place Sun day . Sii.Ki.AW Railway. Representative Her mann baa introduced a Dill in Congreia granting to the Siualaw ii East-rn Railway A Navigation company the right of way through the public lands of Oregon or in the territoiies of Ctah and Idaho, ou the line of sai l roud between Siuslaw bay, iu Oregon, ami (be city of Ugilen, in I'tali, aud Boias City, Il Idaho, all the right to take timber, itoiio iiml other material lor road conatruo tfon, Lutida are also provided for switcbee and depot purposes. For a life-saving station and life-ssving erew at the mouth of the Siusluw river, in Lane county. Oregon. Dm Mis Molliti Arnold, sged 20 years, daughter of Prof. John C. Arnold, died at Pendleton a short time smc of consump tion. On Tuesday, bis son Jobn C. Arnold, Jr., aged 10 years, died from influenza. Prof. Arnold has many friend in Eugeue who regru'. io leant nf his misfortune. 1' ire Alabii - The Eugene Fire Depart ment waa called -.ut Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock by i, line biirniugout ia E.G. Adair reaiileiu-e The aarvicea of tbe de partment were not needed. The alarm waa rnng ao lightly that a numrwr ol persons along tbe street did not bear it. No damage. art 1 Baptist Cuur. u. --Preaching at 11 a.m. UM 11,1. 1 , I', . M It Y, .ill.,. Pen. pi- . 1 1.11 . t in.-. -t iiq, at 0 p. 111 . followed by a praise and prayer nut ling ( tbe church at 7 p. m. All are cordially invited. F"K 40.(111. We undenUnd that three Eugen" eitifen hava harxkined for William Smith's farm, "f town. coniting of 400 acre, fr 40,000. Tbe tirt laxyment of 10,0110 iato I made March 15th. Foi Sale. A first chus 11.11 fire .n.l burg lar proof aaie. For particulars call at II. W. Hiillow.y's jewelry .ton. STATE UNIVERSITY Column of tog Kututhtn Boelet I.ENNAii Bun Eurroit Alhsbta Shki.tox Ahst. Editor Miss Euiuut Wasliljiiiii.' i t in Eiignue. Mi li. F. Reasoner, an Aluuintis, was married in LTttfoU county recently . Arthur Vi .in bus proved himeif lobe the "Alba I.oliga" o! the s- nior 1 Ins. Mr. tieuige Smith, a former stud, nl, -.pent several day - In Eugeue week before luat. Messrs. Olin oi l II arley Wilson, lioth for mer aiiideiiN. ii n til" holidays with their parents iu Bogent . The mauv friend i Mr. Ferdinand (iron- er will be .orry to learn that ho will uot re turn to achool this term. Mr. W. G. Nusb, of Curvollis, a former student of the I'niversity, visited friends in this city several days last week. Lust An opportunity to turn over a new leaf. Tinder will bo liberally rewarded on returning the same to ye editor. Among the student who visited Portland luring the holiday were Carrie Friendly, Carrie I. met, Emanuel l.auer, I.. E. Wood- worth. E. II. McAllister, II. Met lure ami II. Condon, Among the students from abroad who spent their vacation hero were Jesse Miller of Dayton, Washington, Misses Wiugtleld, Laurence aud Walters, and M. s-rs. Laurence sud Walters, of Lake county, ami May Mil ler of Union Complimentary to the Junior class, whose council is their shield, wu would fain de vote this column to the praise of their new council; but we ciinimt tinds words to justly dcrihe their 1nnHlt beauty, their splendor aud their mStrnlnosnOSi but we would say to them, "Now, put your shield before your hearts .ml tight" At the last meeting uf the Eutatiau Society the following officers wore elected: L-uuuli Usui, President; Anna Roberts, Vice Presi dent; Ada Wood, Secretary; Amy Powell, Assistant Secretary, Hnttlo Dunning. Treas urer; Melissa Hill, Editor; Veiiia Adair, As sistant Editor; Anna Cruiu, Marshal. In stallation to-day. Myru Norris and iVealcy Mulligan of Eu geue, Bessie Bnshurll of Junction, formerly a student in the Statu Normal School at Moumonth. Ella Armitugo ot Springfield, Ell. Alley of Eugeue, Walter ami Clarence Lookey of Eugene, Harry Gray of Astoria, Inez Hunt of More, Sherman county, and Abbie Abraham have eutetcd the I'niversity thi week. Aud now the two weeks ot vacation uru over, tbe familiar faces which have been miing are again seen upon our streets, the I'uiversity ha re-opened its doors and the crowd of lively, cheerful students, full of re newed vigor and energy have agaiu settled down to tbo work before them, and the pros peels for a full attendance ami goad work are much brighter than they ever have been belore. It ia not customary for a treat to lie giveu to officers uot iustatlod in the E11 tnxian Society, but such proved to be the case this time. Tbo whole corps of officers for thia term were entertained iu elegant stylo by one of their friends 011 the Friday evening of their election. Should the cus tom continue it will 11. longer be difficult matter to find somo one to 111! the Editor's chair. Suffice to say, the Eiitaxiuii are always very grateful for uuy kindness re ceived. To ,M Lamp. Thou faithlul friend iu all tlmse evening noun When I pursue the beaten, t heel less way Of study, or in fancy' tiinnient stray, Among tin. bln-siilns nf p.-etlc bower! Thou, who hast watched the fruit. if my poor powers. As they grew from me. dwarfs, D irdidst essay To frawn Upon them, Hot 1 thank thy ray, Which, bein., both their aiiunhine. and their .bower, Ditlat nourish them. Perchance, death' -1 Ue long Shall mow mining the swelling tielda of men, Before it cleanses me from this sphere tur moil; In solitude, or If amidst the throng, I ahull rStttembsr the and that time, when Thou wert the patriarch of my blissful toil! Once more, this tenth day of the year, We, the so called editors of late, lake up our pen, our many friends to cheer, Before our leave we take. Our work is done; we hope 'twill soem, a shadowy ilream of yore For the most ibis of pan yet unseen Await ymi just Mure. "Tie mm her toil of time begin, 'The greatest of her life, And if she would a name win She must. compter many a 'rife. May aha advance and keep iu sight The morning tar of truth, Until she reaches tha end of thi, 'i he greatest trial of her yuuth. And a we part may tlmau shadowy dreams, All atay their mystic xwera, And not recall tint by gone acene 'That mailed the dreary hour. We hope we've done OU duty true, And leave no one ill at ease, For by making all our columns abort, Our friend., we've tried to please. I'cisiinill, Henry McClure, of Seattle was in Eugene this week, visiting. ('has. Coin, of Eastern Washington, has beou here during the past year. J. F. Robinson has been ulll-ictcd with "la grippe," tbe Riissiuu iulltieuzi. Commissioner Smith and Hylaud were iu deudunce upon Court here thi week. Max FriumUy, the Corvullis mill man, ha beeu in town the gieater portion of the week. Rev. C. M. Hill went to Portland Monday morning to enter upon bis now ministerial duties. Henry Baxter went to Oakland, Oregifii, last Monday where he ha accepted . situation iu a .tore aa clerk. E.'B. McElroy, Commander of the G. A. R., has beeu bere Ibis week making arrange ments lor the holding of the Grand Encamp ment here in February. Frank Belshaw came up Friday of lust week on a visit to friend. He is now em ployed on the O. R. A N. runuiug between Tbe Dalles ami I'mstilla. Miss Ada Jennings, daughter of Hon. A. ('. Jennings, has oceu dangerously ill at Irving for several day past. Mr. B. F. Boud of the same plau has also been quite ill. Drs. Akin aud Charles, of Philomath, gave this office a plcusant call Tuesday af ternoon. Dr. Charles was formerly located ('..dag.- 1 it iv- Ho is much pleased with hi new home. Geo. Scott, who has been operating with the Wrought Iron Range Co. in Eastern Oregon and Washington for several mouths past ia at borne in Eugeue again. He con templates going to Iowa aeon to re enter the aarvica of th company. -aa . Wood fob Sale. 200 cords seasoned wood foraalrr. 4 foot, 2 foot and 10 inches oak and fir. Inqnir nt residence, southeast cor ner Oak and Sixth itraeta, Tug.-ue. S. Mebiau. Stts Tax. Tne tax levy of the State of Oregou fur 18'.0 was made Monday by tbe State Board aa follows: General expense, 5 23-35 mills; university tax, 1-7 mill; mili tary Ux, 15 mill making a total of 0 mill. Mtr.niA'it. The following m.r riage licenses have been issued tbil week: Wm M Miller and Clan I) Fowler, J B Hayes and M J Elliott. Fined. Ad Sheets appeared iu the U. S. curt at Portland Monday morning and was fined 910 for giving liquor to an Indian.