The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 14, 1889, Image 5

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    ,.v AND COUNTY.
m I'.M.ll. WWW
m t, Kri'i: - It "'. W i" '!
..i.liti m; II ., 11 i...
?. u-'' ...... il I.... :
n'lll'll ' ,.. ... Und in Kllswortti'a
flr-. A W Gilbert, H Soutt ti Eu
pC W ' j,-jtfrtir addition; tr be used
piik ! 8 B Guidon, lot ia
d 'll'iuiii lo Bona HiKim 'WJ.xlliO
P h limit I" MWIIgMTi ttotmtlonj
ii ... I 1 1 A Paine to (i. W.
. i r. i, "";-- i.
Kg i t in SooU. eddttJoui ?I.
,uw ' ruuMa-
, Miller - Mary 0 UwwA, lot In
am' . i.uii
... TriruhenU Tilfanv. land:
mm , . ,
P com" OUOVE.
, , .... t Methodist church, lot; 8450.
J mllllt.
VtltiJ H- itHiiwiiy to Htrhcrt Ifortimtr,
s'ltcWor timber land claims from the
1 I..u,l "lii.v for$l.-0 each, re
ii fu!lii' .Lis. M. Abrams, Glenn O
i . i.lurt IlowUl.y. .I"hn Stewart. 0
gii;,,,,,e,,i;rhard,nKVeHt. S I)
K-tek t., W II Tay'or, 240 acres; .1(H)
! c'vin DeTentSt to Oregon Western
i u... ,.f milwav owned hy Oregonian
. . . ii"1" . . -. . ,- .
win. I.Ulllieo, IIS"1--. '.. ...'. ii
. I.e V"',1"'' . .
iW-Mllilll liallwavX' " V 'V
LMrtetrri liquidator, Ime ot railway,
tikes ri.'hts, claiim awl facilities, etc;
LggWesttnV N Handy, 100 acres;!
s ,(., uowow, w VV '" I
,M,nt mcgou "" i -
ijlf nf Oregon 1 nuurcos UWMllWi niu
C Mm
"h Jifl'il rrunvOT iion'iii - in lea;
.. v v rtu-tala llil) acres: natent.
I 4 Oregon to A M Osburn, 107'.. ;
Jll Killllllrlt I Ill II. HM-HH -U.
PC ,iil;ir.ii t I'.iijuii .ici-niiii'i on nom;
Jl-tliie" .ilH fcnoiii iiinci .o. ,,
SJ Vnoal-line t" Arthur Hylanil, U5M)
L ..nil. of Ku.-eiie: IU0.
IDGtrDK tfl II .N I artcr. LtWAOTM; 11VM.
L 1. liMlinW to Henry Lochner, lllj
... I.H.
i.ibn MSniili'Vtotico I. l.oehner, in-
. 11 .IM,
H-d)' UntbDer U UN i. i.oenner, j IMMWI
Mmmi HOOl
QacrClraver to K ' Southeru, 100 airen,
Jl T Starr loQ W HNH, 160 um; VWO,
U.V. b a hi i iw oi,ct,
i s i.i Ann i lliokD, 180 Mtw; patent.
SwFniitk Bwwrt 1W roiok, timber
2 1 .1
Trial Continut'd.
Purtliiwl Telegram, Dec. 10.
futcd SlaleH District Attorney Lowin I.
oiitlmr i.ri.-i' an uunuvit nils iiiou.-
.i.i.lin I... I'.i.h'.iiskinL' lor u eoiiiinn.u
Ike ess of the goveruinent nt-niovt .ins
Plltll. lUT im....i. n ww ....
uleil. Iu Lis ulUdavit the nttoruey Hind
1 O'Brien hroke into the. uosloflite at
Hue Grore ou the 4th of October Inst
d ftole llierefrom about $11) in silver.soiue
Bwnnd postal oarda, K naoeaaary wit-
...r.. rTt-j buim r.....i. .i flu.1.
ll'"l'm l lllicu niltii-! iii-.iu"! u-
.olEiicim'. who H now in S.m Francis- lo n 1 ,i no.'iin.f .1 nikil roli-
. . ..... . . i i i
lwsiliui soiiiu time ago Loelmin
le the onginal arraat of O'Brian. He
taa nrUontr on the dajr proTiooi to the
-niiliriilu.'l. lln'two went into n store
loltlge drove to liny some Iuho ami DOW
Horleit M)-ant pn ce was taken in at Hie
HlMindwaa aeoidaanll) put in tin'
Cochran spotted the men as beinu
nuthe robbery oecnned, the deputy
iled up tie men, but fouud only O'Brieu,
'in u Mil u:i. . r ;irr( st uitii nnun scan o-
utui .u.iii.i . UT3 .'-1U HMM 'll l.U Vll l.uu.1-
n i . i i . . i . .
. McArtlmr s.ns he bus u alraiuht case
Jasper itcins.
1 ec. 10, 1880.
kmtlanw to rain,
J. Hill anil s. n, Klijah.mado BttRMM
Mr I Kt-nif) inade friends nt I'. 11. a
v. CaJli4i.ii fLillM-iJ i. hmIIah! ill
nlut Snndar.
Hver ia- f.irilahl.. a fniv iWva I ,.r . ,-, !..
atvapind b-mming again.
lUe-ociety was paorlv attended last Batnr-
"..""iiii ii sir III Ilk. II I .mm.
Mr. Steuben l!l i.'runn vv-li.t lii.u I.O..H .mil,.
... nine, we are glait to say is aiue to
"f't'ie boys of tin, side were somewhat
"W iiver the hunting match at I'. II. ar.d
' unions to lomi one here. It's i ultv
1 ""yvan't find anything to IMot at, for
I'M, ami all of them, stuuip pretty
IMatwith lead. I
t1' 1 S. nuiil canier hail Ouite an fteri
EWnrnay. On running into a large
i- nurse is iame Iriglileueil anu run ,
A it was very little damage was ;
aMll had I letter let 'Old ltiipbakin"
ami onve a more gentle Home. '
Gipsy Hi.Aiit
h'ivr ItrniM.
nee. i-, taaat
v . v irtU I. II I l.-lllias
PWWtbeck was over from M ihawk Sat
, sbelley is rnoving into his new hnino
Ij'r,i'r w" '"Vl returned from
tl"", r1v9 lH'"P"" "tended a party
. ' Jheelo, s I riday night,
. wiiara. an aid - - ..
I t recently; he has sUrted to Callfor
Li" '"'l learn that Archie liatkh
lU j -u,.i' K'rioiisly injured at 1'arvin's
.rpiy recovering.
I it"lV v"1,', " '"'Iding a protracted meet
'r-'-t a ler -.lvtt l. ... i-.i -i i
., j 1 1 ... i m t 'i'l.ii.. m'oi
ttMSi''"l"'kti"n tHt be" hm', h "
, , ''.'J' pieacher.
junatM aad Will Kemp ha.e re
' .,u Uin "10n; they left their
i'-,-iilte, ,t'ick in the snow,
' y ay "f The Dalles.
f"0t Stile.
. 1 li-lie.1 aud good pay iug bu,i
7 St" at ihi, office.
.-i pun oi our new siocn
oa7 lu,l",''' ia n iw on eihibi
r grK-ery iore. Call and examine
A. Qolomuitu.
m.i. -i. -jane a an i e me
'Joi winter hat-i Will gite yon
5Lr,s1the,,ri' "f D'- Edward tieary.
n lar. Ik . . .
Ii ni" t-ftlW -VV'wiei at the UJ
Htadattocj, Jsnuat,
S" "tallon It, au.',l,;n,
kopoayarwaaln BogtMibtawaal
Mtlio. f Mrmtm h ,hp
Mnn- t.. I.,
M mi brwa, Ra
piirv i
f Jartft
J" Huglnc Co, t, t WkUm.
ofSHi;BlV''U',HuD',,,',,u"'lu-'il'M oat
.V'-' -.tliebLautiful GermamU ware
ring''ffr-- 'rdi ml
Ouity and violin siring, Eu,,,. .
Wore, formerly Collier
rortv Eiicene sin.-ers aill take but
oucert .... Tuday ev.ninj m,,'
wek, I nt ilnl not Mrrfl .w tl:.. bank-.
in the
"f the
"omen Age .oiling harrows and seeder,
ClttOni A So-
tin li c-iini,.! at. -a n . ...
MOWJ rile an nddi.iou to F.,,.,.. near 11
....... iuai i.r.)f I'., ...
On to the If, B. Church on Tuesdiv
Hud7,etNu,lM'',r8'l00,,0f -SnSB
wl3:.:!".'?..!i'' '! m
in i 'allfornia.
... : -. i i'v no 'i m in niwui
I.,:.. '"n-"""" u. mindly hai
viirpets' Cnrpels!
G" ? ' MTW M varied aaaortaieut
lie Brill tnil von
nOOO worth of cloth-. Suilsraade in the
latest niid .st styles. J. DAVH
Attorney fi. , IWri, hai. moved hi, law
office into tl,o up ,ta;rs fr, r n f th s, ,.
ton boJIdinjr, arlJoInlDx Banmi -tre
Vf- lay (' II Stewart was
Chief Engineer mi l T. J. Overman
tanl of th" Albany Pin Da
A good (firl who desires to work for her
board iu a small family and go to school can
hnd a good situation by applying ut this
lust received, ,
ware nt Goldsmith's
set of four pieces for
nev line of One glass
Get yon a lovely rIuss
50 cent, at A ' Gold-
Rial) wood from Springfield mill $1,73 pPr
load delivered any where in the city. Give
ordcrato (clusters or send t,. me direct.
(JwUrtha managemtnt ol that experienced
K'cer, m. Bogart, th I entire run nflon for
.1. C. l.'.o.lal,' w,s delivered safely 111 the mill
pond at Coburg last .Monday,
Henderson ihe dentist has returned fully
pri pared to nttend to all difficult cases of
aentiatry. Office in sump old qturtera, op
stairs in First National Hank block.
Trunks! Trunks! Trunks! I D Matlock hu
just leceivid a c. r kind of trunk, and va
lise, of nil styles lo suit customers which he
will sell ut prices, which defy oompi litien.
Call and be convinced.
Midglej ,V Parki r, ut their factory on 8th
street, east ol the mill race, manufacture and
keep for sale, doors, windows, frames,
mouldiugs, etc. Estimates furnished on ap
plication. Carpets o! every style and grade ut Friend
ly'i. Theae carpeta hara just arrived ami
have been Well selected to meet the demands
of Ihi, market, Call and examine his varied
Take warning all you farmers that have
nmmer fallow to work go and get one of
Paine's Boat Cultivators, and stop your
fooling. The Boss does the biz and don't
yon forgl t it.
Dr. W. V. Henderson ha, returned from
Chicago, where he took a course of lectures
and instruction iu the latest method, of
dentistry. Call and see him at his office if
you are iu uced of work.
Man enteis newspaper office. Editor
looks up in alaim. "My dear sir, " says the
visitor. "I have a beuch warrant for your
arrest " "Thank God it i, no worse. I
thought you had a poem."
S. H. Friendly keeps the largest and best
assortment of clothing, Indies dress goods,
hats, etc. He is continually adding the
latest mid newest styles to his stock. Hi,
prices aro fixed to suit the times.
John F Etemanway was married to Miss
Mary Evelyn, a niece of the millionaire, A,
M. Cannon, at Spokane Falls, on Dec. 4th.
Ur. Bemenway b a dark in a hank in that
city. He is well known in Eugene.
II. E. Qtbbi the negro who recently reor
dered young McDevitt, in Portland, was tried
this week in that city and found guilty
of murder in the second degree for which the
penalty il imprisonment lu the penitentiary
for life.
Six elegant prize,, including two line
watches, will be given by .1 O Watts to pur
chasers of goods in his line. All goods bought
from this date until the first Saturday evening
after Jan. 1st, will lie entitled to a chance
in the drawing.
As I have purchased a large stock of cloth
ing 1 will sell my t iys at a sacrifice. Prices at
wholesale in order to make a clearance sale.
as I am crowded for r n. Call early and se
cure btrgains. E. Uai m,
Eugene, Oregon.
Your wasted cheeks may have all the
plumpneea and bloom of health through
your use of Aver's Sarsaparilla. This time
honored remedy still lead, the van. It im
proves digestion, purifies the blood, and in
vigorates the system. Give it a trial
nm.. l-uUaa nf kkm Cumberland Presbyterian
church will give an entertainment and super
at Rhinebarti Hall, the evening of Dec. Mth,
to assist the congregation in furnishing the
new parsonage. Admission, !' eti: supper,
10 cts. All are cordially invited.
Roseburg Plaindealer: His Honor, Judge
Bean, dispatcher busines, before him in a
very affable way, His rnliugs are so favored
with fairness and affability as well as justice,
that those against whom he is necessitated '
to decide submit without a murmur.
The harsh, dastric deemed
so Indlipenaible, have given place to milder
and more skilfully pr-pared laxatives; hence
,! "-,atan,l gro I ing demand for Ayer
Pills Phv-i uns . v. tywbere rec. mmencl
them for costneiiess, indigestion an I liver
i hah- old roau. Mr. Jan. Wilsou of
Alien, Springs. III., who is over sixty years
nf "e s'vs: "I have in my time tried ai
great ',..'.v 'oedicincs, some of them el
celleutouably: but never before d d I find
Tth. would so completely do. I that is ,
claimed for it as Chamberlain a Colic,
CMeraand 0lg j
.wonderful medicine. For sale by U
"" pa, sing through Morgan Co this
,.,", vs Mr H O. Lester of Martha.
Kv when I was taken with a running off
,K(he wol, I crumping Hbe stomachy
I, ,' p. I, ,il, Mr. H M. Hutchinson, at
Flk l i 'k, who ha I Cfcfkefert OoBj,
(hoi. , and Diarrhoea R-medy and fixed
Il r-lieved me in two minntes.
, A'rlrlsf he gre'i d.fflcnlty
: VZ l'gal ballot paper MM jj- J
..Ilia ai d the e -ctloD to tae place
i FrT rt, were mle to nre paper by
day fcB'.ris ! , A ,p,cial
Ill arriving a. Va,uin.
dfic :.t a cosi "'..' tiinartia loined
Go toDaj C lUn brMiu's
Um Albany Hour. Ii i, ,e 1-e.t
(-MriaiM prewnu ai Bfauldaa RaaVi
OkiiitMM on. -rwk don! WadntaJaj.
('ar.len ( ii, l l.,, at Chaiuls'n. A Sou'-,
fee the lit e . Imi.s ut Hay & Hell I. rsou s.
lie Horning Jomu.i, Portland, i- Ja
fun, t
frame hairows ai ChimUr's A
Ask your grootl for Juiiclion flour
It is
Arc lights ale abut Ihe Engei,.. p,. .pi,, are
The lather,
Young bl.i.k.
ai work on ike C w.
Oliver Plows, chilled and steel, at Cham
ber, A Sun's.
Qat alorely glasj ca-tor for 76 omta at
A. liohbmiih's.
O k b.-d ro .m sells, l ihl, stands at Day
A Hi ndi rsou'i.
Do not fail to hear the grand ebotnsea on
rneeday evening.
Ih abrs are alreudv
tie, of boHday goods.
Hemembi r th' dam
ellmg largt qnantt'
.1 Hbiuih Ill's par-
lor, mi Christmas Eve.
E. Frasicr, of Fitudei k Churchill
soou visit California.
.V7 pupil, is the nnmb'T
Eugene public school.
doiigin: to the
t Fir men are now employed ia the niagen
l o. tannery in Eu.v, ,-.
For ch' ap building I. its east or wet of ihe
Ilutte oal on Dr. Bhtlton.
lu-t think! A line t. a set of H pieces
OOly "? 1.00 at A. Goldsmith's.
Hot aud cold baths every day in the week
at ferry Horn's b irlaT shop.
Preston wan!, you to come and sec his
saddles and hear team barneee.
Hook cs,es, cabin. I-, , 'cret irie. and eh (
fonicrs at Day A Hi ndorson's.
Beet amortmaat of I keandhihlea a'. Bn
gene Uflok Stor', forni. Hy Cullier's.
Farmers can save ?l"i per year by buying
boots aud slio.-s of Krmsse A Klein.
A extnare grand piano v- ill leeomnany the
voices of tie.' sins'eis on ' in eil.ty ntghh
Music begin, at jo minnlee to 8 at Ihe
HethodUl shnroh on I u iday evening.
0 htarx, Barber ttbop end Bath Bimma.
Fiist door north of Dunn's new block.
Dr. Scott's Electric Corsets at Eastern
prices. For sale ouly at G. Bettn in's.
Albnnw and plush g m li at the Univeratv
Bo, next door t" KraVJM -V Klein.
A I irge luinibor of new students will enter
the Dnnoreity after the holiday raoalion,
Christina, cards and nov.b.ic, at the Cni'
rereity Bnokatore next to Kmuwe Klein.
E. 0. Lake, marble cutter and dealer in
monnmente, shop on Eighth -ireet, Eugene.
Bibles, i, - laments, Sunday aebool and
reward card, at the l'niver,ity Book Store.
Before storing or selling your oats see A
V. Peter,. Clean Chevalier barley wanted.
Bring yoar old scrap eaat iron to the Eu
gene Iron Finn In where you can dlipote
of it.
Th1 Eugene Male ( larlelte will sing two
of Iheir favorite pi' ces on ut xt Tuesday
BeV. P. S Knight will preaoh at the Con
gregation; 1 Hall next S ni lav. morning and
en ning,
A hfother of John B. Harria, who live, at
Kapa, Oal, rec-eotlydrew 118,030 in the Im
taana lottery.
The greeteel bog, in, ever offered in
album,, wriritig eu,. loilel sets, (.c., at W.
Hull iway's
Honorable s. B. Bakin, Jr . i,a, kindly con
senteil to take ticket! at the door on the even
ing of the benefit i oncert.
Remember if a boot or shoe bought of
Kxaneee A Klein ripe or rnni over tin y re-
pail iheffl fri e of charge
For useful and handsome Christinas pres
ents at cheapest prices go to Eugene Book
Store formerly Ceo. Collier.
Anchor Stone Building Boxes, the toy the
child likes best at the University Bookstore
next door to Kraurea A Klein.
New sheet music and music books direct
from New York, just arrived, at Eugene
Book Store, formerly Collier's.
Those lamps we told you about u few
weeks ago are going fast.
A. QouxnRHt.
Pictures, i, Hun, is, and all fancy goods at
'2"i per cent, below actual cost lo clear out, ut
W. Holloway'e.
Richard Mount, pract leal saw maker
repaire all kind, ol siw,. Shop corner of
Ninth and Oak streets.
Enquire of your grocery dealers for Eu
gene Hour, a home prodootion; best in Ihe
market at $1.00 per sack.
A lot of toys and games at the I'niversity
Bookstore at break neck prices to get rid of
them, next to Kraus-e & Klein
J A. Sheets has been bound over il. the
sum of $100 to appear before the (J, S. grand
jury for furnishing liquor to an Indian.
The cow ordinance is hanging fire iK-fore
the cotiucil. That body should order a
special election on the subject to decide il.
Everybody can afford t" mirchase Christinas
presents from E Baiim. He is selling them so
cheap that a little money will go a long ways.
The University Book Store, next t.i KreMM
i Klein, has new and fresh gisals only, and
not only guarantees, hut sell at the lowest fig
ure. Print ville Review: Frank dohuson, an
experienced barber recently from Eugene,
has taken a position iu Jimmy Wood's now
Before buying, see the splendid display of
new an I attractive holiday goods at the t'ni
versity Bookstore next dour to Krausae t
Albums, gold pen-, paeteries, music rolls,
toilet sets, fancy baskets, hroomholders and
other tasteful articles at Eugene Book St ire,
late Geo. Collier.
All purchasers of watthisat W. Hollo
way's will be presented with a tine album or
something useful, until all his stock of fancy
goods are gone.
E. Bauin's store is the place to get your
toys and nr.velties for Christmas presents at
cost. Call and convince yourself. Prices will
talk for themselves.
J. I. Hopkins has soli bis iutcrc-t in the
rial est .to business to his partner, Geo. M
Milbr He intend, engaging in th' law mill
Inn-iu. ,s in the near future.
Standard and rai-ccllaneoin works, liooki of
fiction, tavenBe and t "y bonks, -r.ough to up
ply the county, at Ike Hnlreieily BeeMniWi
eppoatte Wilkin's Diug-tore.
Iu at, article on the valley the Origonian
g-ys: "Th n we have Eugene and Corvallis
ami Albany each with lailroad scheme
which is entirely f-asible."
Lamps at Bladdsn A S .u
Lanips at Sladden A Son.
Lamps il slad len A Son.
Lamp, .,t Sl 1 1 u A Son
D. C Harrison has placed his fixtures in
the lower story of the I. O. O F tempi. . I
has opened his slock of gee Is to the public.
Th- -'"re i- t,. .-I- (iiiui-l.i d
Geo Couser wss msrried lo Miss Lillie
Rhea, at Heppn-r. ' 't w- k. The groom is
i son of Bel Jvob Conner of Kogene, and
the brirle wis bom in Lane county.
An additional "'t of the land belonging
to the estate of Haoinel Meek, deceased, will
lie sold at the Court House door, in this
city, on Saturday. Jsn. 4. 1". Se adver
tisement in snoihei column.
W Holloway has decided lo keep strictly
to the jewel'y sod tunsic business and will
elesr out his entire stock of Jbumi, wrap
bo'k'. pictnres, pietore frames, writing
ease,, lailies t-ags. oxeket books, and fancy
o.-vi at siv msee.
II says they most go,
gn the room is want-. I let s Hue stork ot
good- in hn legitimate business. H has
some Terr noe things ie slbneis and picture
aad no one ceeJ go witboul on acooont of
the pries.
A line line ol Holiday hoot aim shoe
w. at al Kresse ,v Klein
A Htils -now fell ftsUMfef afUraiMO, lot
it melted as (est a, it touched the earth.
R'lbU-r U, is and shoe, ol excellent stis-k
and at b. -I prirtsal ,V Klein's
Don't tovgel to buy a watch at HoQOi I) 's
and gi t one of those line allium-an apn ut.
"eta Clunk." an Indian, was given ten
daya ra jail ilus week tor oarrytng a eon-
Cculiil weaH'ii.
Be sure and sec those albums, and many
othir fancy and useful things. at Hollow iv's".
The prieee are too low lo mention.
The latest thing out is a swan chariot to
make the little folks picture in F.
Rankin ,V Co have il. Go and eoe It,
Dr Shaiples. ..ssi-te l by Dr- MeCniack
and Knykeadali, removed another tumor freea
the breast ..I Mr-. Phila Wllcoi this week.
Golden slippers, Christmas slipperf. and
New Yeir slippeis at Krauss. Klein',. Get
your best git I a pair ill which lo encase lur
dainty fc. t.
Justice Henderson tried ihe civil cam',
this week, of C E Smith v, I A Straight, to
recover money. The plaintiff was awarded
a judgment ot $2S 95.
Folic 'man Witter arrested tloee parties this
week under the opium ordinance, I he smoker,
a sirauger, was lined $8; the I 'hinainau, 0)
nnd the solicitor is yet to he tried.
Train, from Ihe South have been del iy d
(hi, week by washouts on the California end
of Ihe roadiTburadey morning's train ha,
not arrived yet but is Upeeted Saturday
F. A. llankin A Co. are having ouite a
run on making diot, ia on satin, silk, etc ,
making prettv souvenirs foi the Holidays.
It is an old "fad" but il is Hemming fashion
able again.
W. HolloWay dose not mean that he I,
selling watches or jewelry at cost, as en ry
one must lire, but be does mean to clear out
. Ins slock of fancy goods no thai he can
enlarge his legitimate business.
Ki nisse A Klein carry the largest and last
stock of boot, and shoe, in Eugene They
iimke a specialty of the bunineas, and buy
their goo In nt low rat", selling Iheui to Iheir
customers at the lowest prices.
i has. Lauer was offered $10,000 for his
residence property on Willamette street,
last week. Of course he refused it as Ihe
offer was not two-thirds of its value. He
purchased Ihe lot a few years ngo for $1,000
Quarterly meeting at the M. E. Church,
Saturday and Sunday, preaching by the Pre
siding Elder, Kev. S. P. Wilson. Preneh
i hi- Saturday night and Sun lay morning at 11
o'clock, followed by the sacrament of the
Lord's Supper, and preaching again at night.
It is rumored lhat Judge I,on will resign
a, judge of this judicial district, and that
It. K.Oourtney, of Baker City, win be ap.
pointed to till tho vacancy. Pendleton
East Oregouian. Mr. Courtney was n stu
dent iu the Slate I'niversily for several
The Pnrtlca RevMlttl.
Two week, ago we published a roman
tic story of a loiiibslouie iigeiit who had luck
ily fallen into a fortune ot nearly 180,000,
Now (lie Albany Herald oomee forward and
prints the following additional fads:
The query has bteu, where urn Ihe teal
actors in thin loinnnlic episode located, and
le there really any i ruth in the romantic
Iu answer to the query it may bo said
that Ihe location is iu Linn eouulv, on the
Willamette river a mile below Harrisburg.
and the fact a, far as the lady endowing the
young man with her wiallh is concerned
i, true. A few years ago. an aged and high
ly respected German eitiai u, Charles Both)
all d. leaving the bulk of bis properly to his
esteemed and true wife, Maltha Both,. L-ft
alone nt the old homestead, where for years
Ihe generous hospitably of Mr. and HtVi
RotE Ii is been well known and leinembereil.
especially hy the steainooat men, who used
to ply upon Ihe river much more than at
present, and froqui ully made the Roth land
in,; a slopping place. Mrs. Both found her
lol v. ry lonely indeed. What wonder, then,
that when a young in in asked for hospital
ity at her house, which nh" ha 1 always been
accustomed to lavishly bestow, and treated
lo r with such lender regard, that sh" should
wish lo retain hi, careful attention, aud
having neither kith nor kin ol her own on
whom she could be-tow her property that
sic should give it to him in ensid, litlion
of hi, care during lo r lifetime.
The proof ol Ibii somewh at remarkable
slate of facts is found upon II," prosaic rec
ords of Linn county, ia J nfy list, wherein
Martha Roth deeded lo F.glicrt
C. Lake, of Eugene, her landed
properly, reluming a Hie dower iu it.
If the young man has the stamina of true
manhood he will faithfully cherish and earn
for her a, long as she lives which
up to date he M ems to have been doing. If
he has any 0 inipiiuctiouH nf ooiMCioQM aris
ing from the taot lhat he fell heir to a for
Inini through trying to cullivat" llm goner
on, old la I v's a;-uaintuuco (oi the iiierco
ti t: y purpose of selling a tombstone for her
ih parted husband, lie should make amends
for il by taking good cure of ihe farm and
his benefactress.
A CiD.
Having opened a Pharmacy in Eugene,
with an entire new slock of drug, ami chom
oate, I shall endeavor to secure a fair pat
louag" by keeping strictly pure drugs and
compounding and dispensing them correct
ly. I have been proprietor of a Pharmacy
lor twelve years, and gave my attention to
tin eh etioii of drugs and tho art of dis
pensing. I hold a Gold Seal Certificate from
the Board of Pharmacy of tho State of
Iowa, having passed a creditable elimina
tion by the same. I). C. HARRISON,
Palace Drug Store,
Odd Fellows Temple,
Call oil J. R. Solotuau in Lane's Hall
and see the Vestal i-iiilter, u grand labor
saving invention by which quills and com
forts can be made on any sewing machine.
To I ,o,i n.
Money to loan on city and farm property.
Apply to E J. McClanahau upstairs It
Hod son block.
AajUHatV Win! bspaesn was the driver
of a team for John Ishain between Eugene
and.McKruzie bridge last summer He failed to
Seeaeat for all the money SOtdietSd and a war
rant was issued for his arrest. Sheriff Sloan
caught him at Junction Saturday. Coming up
on the train while al Irving Chapman made a
i l-it 1 1 the wa'er ilimet and jumpid through
the window. Sheriff Sloan jumped from the
train and alter a run caught him. The train,
however, h id pulled out and the Sheriff with
hi- pri-.on.-r took lie passage to Eugene arriv
ing here at midnight. Chapman had an exam
in itiori an I was U.-,, ,. ,,vr j,, :)0 le.uds fail
ing t pr whicii he languishes In durance.
Athlktic About fifteen young
on n of Eng. ii-, mi t ..ue evening this wn k
,:; i menkenl an aihkrtle club with the
folio in,; officers: llarrv Prentice, Presi
ideut; uksxe. Doyle, Vice ('resident, Ed
D rin, Treannrer; E.1 Babb, Secretary; T. J.
lenbttW, Asinlant Secretary. The third
rl'ior of the H 'vey Moek has beeu rented
by th- club for meeting ind practice rooms
Cloak Salk. Now is the accepted time
to porchase eloakt. Cold Ibe first of Jan
uary G. Ilettman will sell bin stock ol
ladies' sod misses' cloaks at rout, end as -me
ol tbe etock lor less Ibsn cost. He has a
large aaMirtment and propose to clean it
ont. by offering law price,, hy Ihe first ol
tbe year.
Social Own. - Forty two gentletn-n sinned
a call for a meeting to organize a social ckb
this week. A meeting was held at L. Ililyeu
office WednessUy even, eg. sad E C. ,k,
elected Temporarary President and Dr. W. I.
Henderson, Itecretary. I'ouituitteea were ap
p. anted aad aa adjourn innt taken until nest
weak when tbe in-ga&iiaUoa will be parieetasi
TIM Court BoiM QwNtiorii
It -crin like ihreshing over idd straw lo
again eaU allellion of the citizens and lav-
payers ol Lane couutr to Ihe fact thai they
aro the owners of a court house and a jail j
that arc a disgrace to the wealth and nib Hi- '
get. -, uf the county; that iu lhat court hou,.' i
ai - eon I an. d Ihe record, of Ihe comity, the ;
I'tidi iiccs i.( ownership uf laud thai affect j
areil liner saeoi of reel eellle In lln county,
Y'.'l these valuable records are liable al any;
-- - I,, l, a,aanMll i,.. ,i urlti. I
their lo,n entail litigation ami expense to
property own-is The safety of thee
records alone should MIHUM the building of
a new cotirl house. The j 1 1 is u disgrace lo
a civilized fouimuuity, until all by to its nc-
cupauis. ami a source of danger to the oil
cer having it ill charge The penitentiary is
a pleasure resort compared with il.
An aii-inici unit. Mm tier ,v i ooiidge, has
made a copy of all papers art', etino rial estate
:.. i . '1.1... : ..II.. ; .....
ill Lane county. Their office is in a buck
building lhat is comparatively tiro proof, Ml
lo show lln value ihey all ach to their copied
records, iiu y pay Botrey a Humphrey ISO
per month lor Iheir keeping in a fire proof
vault. Lane county k. eps the originals aud
other valuable records m an old wooden
building lhat is liable lo he de-droved by lire
ataiiy tun" This show, the diffi icuce be-
Iweeu private enterprise and public lack of
spirit. Bbonld the oalamity or a Bra over.
lake Ihe Laue county court bouse, the
county w, uld have lo pay a sum of money
lor a copy of its real estate records, that
would b.nld a good building Baker county
hail thai experience; for mi imperii ct ab
stract, after the court house- win burned, she
was compelled lo pay $'20,000, Il was a
matter ol neceeaity,,and the county could
do nothing bill buy at whatever price Ihe
owners saw fit lo place on their pioperl) .
No one can tell why new building, are lint
constructed The citizens and taxpayers
with but few exception, are in favor tif il
SUtl will offer uo objection. The county i.
In a good Condition financially, and Ihe im
provement! could be made by bonding Ihe
Bounty so iinit the taipayere would novel
feel the cost. The time is ripe for a move
in Ihi, dlrOOllol and we lru-1 thill our coun
ty court will e its way clear to have the
houor of in aiiguriitlng and completing pub
lic building, thill will be a en , III lo Lane
l'li'Hsanl Hill Items.
Dec I'd, im.
M r E P Williams, of Trent, ciuue to town
Tuesday with a load of turkeys.
Mr Will Urialow, of OrOOWoUi WM -in;;
at his mother's aud on Rnnd I)
Mr Al, Matthews ami Miss EIlM Mat
thews, of F.ngene, were visiting frieinls at
this place recently.
When going lo Dexter a few day, ago in
a wagon, out. ol tho wheel, came in contact
with a laigo boulder, wlun Mrs S Hind
saker was thrown from lu r sent and sus
tained a severe fall.
Mr Geo Orabtroo and wife old-Ume set-
th i s ii, webfool but who have for some years
resided ill the Palouse counlry, arrived hero
last night. We fear (luirge in going into
cousiiiiiplinii, and no not think he would
weigh lo exceed d'H) lbs.
Il was Cap! Henry Mitchell and his band
of shootists who made the most points at
Ihe shooting last Saturday. A descend ml
of tho proud bird ot freedom, measuring
over six feel from lip to lip. w as killed by
P. Laird. We don't believe for a moment
the lie-kly story that is being circulated thai
Ihn victors are going to fast nil Friday weel,,
the lime set for the oyster supper, 'cause
Ihey cau do I ho occasion justice without thin,
O. K.
A Drop in Prices at Sluililcii Bott'l.
10 lbs Dried Peaches $1.(KI
Id lbs Dried Plums 1.00
10 lbs Cel. Figs 1.00
In Cans Choice Tomatoes I.W)
Eugene and duiielion I lour 1.00
(lias, S Is (4 elegant pints si ... . N
Examine our goods and prices nnd he con
vim - il. BLADDRN A SON.
Bonnet n mi Oto Woau, Bev. e.g.
Wio. ler nod wife, of Portland, Sunday
School Missionaries ol Ihe American Bapiist
Publication Society for lb" North Pacific
Coast, will spend next Sunday with Ihn Bap
lie) Chinch of this city. Tin lo will lie
three eervioOSi Mr. Wheeler will preach at
11 o'clock. At 3 p. iii. Mrs Wheoler will
hold a boys and girls meeting, mi l in the
evening Mr. Wheeler will give Ins lecture on
"Sundays in the Old World." Ho has re-
ceiiliy returned from Europe, urnl iu Ibis
lecture gives an account nt religious work,
the great conventions, gn at churches ami
great preachers he call,,' in contact with
while there. A cordial welcome lo any ol
these services in extended.
Last Coi'NTV Ahskskuknt. -The Lane Co.
a-sessment roll was received at the olllee of bet
Secretary of State, last Wednesday. Here is a
complete summary: Lane county le. 'ol
acres of land, t,Til,Se1 mortgages, t7M,9M
doge. NitNi town lots, V'.7. improve
ments, $l!li,,M0; merchandise and Impleinents,
4;iri,0'.l7; money, notes, accounts, shares,
uto.'k, etc., '.'ill. household furniture, ear
rlagcs, watches, etc., S'.'ftH.XX'; horses and
iiiules, S'.'jai; cattle, '.'Mo,!!..!;; sheep,
39,87Si iwine, IW.WIi xroae rarue of proper
ty, gU.000,577: indsbtedness, $l,,.".r.M'.t'; ex
emptions, s.'il.i.iH,.",; total tavahle property,
St.Sll'.'.M; number jKillt, I, I.Vi, The returns
were the twenty sixth received.
En, AMi urNT EmtTioN. Wiuiawhala En
Oampmeal .No. Il, I. O. 0, F. at Its regular
meeting on the 1 1th Inst, elected the following
named Patriar, lis officers for the ensuing year:
Ii. " N h'razer, ( '. I'.; II. I'. Dorris, II. P; (ieo.
II Forrest, SW; A. S. McClure, Scrlhe; A.
II. Ilovey, Treasurer; Guo Meisoii,. J. W.
The instsllation will occur "ii We lnesday, the
Hth of ,'anuary.
BwdbkosBous Janes Hntt wan baa aeld
his resilience property "f one lot on the corner
of Willamstti! and Eleventh streets to Isaac
Urny, a new arrival from South Dakota. Ills
family will arrive In a short time. Mr. Cray
sais there will he a large Immigration to this
place from that section.
JaI'AJKsI: Razaaii. The I wllee ef the Bap
tist church have inir. lunad ol Andrew Kan, of
Portland, a line line of .Injunce g Is and de
sire n announce to the pulillc that they will
have a grand opening on .Saturday, Dec. Mth,
Iss'.l at Mrs. I I'. McNeils millinery store
'II "lie the Hoffman House.
Christmas Bam.. - Don't forget that tint
dance si Ithiiii hsrC, Purloin on Christmas
ev.-will I..- tlrst el.i's in every particular.
The best of music has been ens god fur tbe
oc a-inn aud no pain, will be spared to
make the event a plead tut one.
BtriMBW Livrtr. Many rfsidonccs are
U ing erected in every portion of Eiiguuo in
nile ol the rainy weather. Tbe machine
iliops are crowded lo their utmost capacity.
Cai.p -A fine lol of luteal styles of wed
ding and visiting card jusl irceived at the
Gffant) odeOO, Where cards am required
call and examine our stock.
Minaim - At Ihe office of the officiating
Juslioe, J. W. Lakta, Dec 0, 1888, Mr.
Perry Monroe aad Um LottV Stoops, all ol
Lane t ounly
(is. an Bali. A bail will he given at the
Odd Fellows Hall. Coburg, on Wednesday
evening, Jan. I, IWSI. Giesl music will Im iu
attendance. Tleke's, including sup-ier, 88i
Mashieii. At the r-sid. uc of K. F. Stiles,
Point Terra :e, Sn: daw Ray, Clin A. Maa.ui
to Rosalie I ikimki. Itev. Albeit Robinson,
Dim.- Near Irving, Oreg i
twin daughter nf A. J. and
aged i months end Hi days.
I. Dec. II, lKHtl,
N. C. Ciarsil,
8m UNO CiiKte Choice lot in Reel ad
diliou to Eugene are selling cheep. Buy
ah Rveaing of Molody,
There in not a soul but is fringed with a
love for melody. Our loftiest feelings ire
stirred into ihn deem'st emotions while
listeuing to stories told in mellow song. Go
III u lo Ihe Methodist Church on Tuesday
evening, Dec. 17th, aud hareerery fibre of
your music-loving heart quiver with delight
as your senses tli mk in Ihe blending tones
of the In st sing, r, of Eugene, Yon will not
. iil v be pleased, but profited, for the uiouey
which you thus contribute will go iulo pam
phlet, lh,t will advertise our county aud her
cities. The entire population of Eugeue is
interest' I in inducing the home builders ami
capitalists of more densely populated stale,
1 1 . ii. e m I. in - ooonty, therefore it i
rational to exped an audience, on our bene
fit night, that will be a credit to the oc
casion and Ihe singers who have BOttOOUtod
t ' t ik" pari. Tickets at Wilkins' drug slore
on Monday and Tuesday next aud no extra
I.I I . I ...I. ,i..i. ., i ..
eh irge (or reserved s.ats. Only iiO cents to
slip iris of ih. .is Concert will begin
pn tisi Iv at '.'o ininutt s lo S. The following
are the name, of singer, who will take pari:
I. O, A. bur. N. .1. Taylor, C. S. Williams
and T. V. Cornell; these forming Ihn faiuoii,
Eugene Male Quartette! Mr, Laura Kinoaid,
Mr- S , be Taylor. Mr, Jennie Iliggin-, Mrs
Cornelia BooUxeon, Mr, H McNail, Misses
Dm i Scnlt, Scllie Straight, Maggie Me
Clung, Nellie mid Mary Cleaver, Emma
Pi -l. ilary Wall,, Franc Odell, Laura Dunn,
Maggie mi. I Mamie Kins.y, Mae Huff,
Flou nce Ad, ir, Finn nee and Ellen Con
it Edith Blown and Mis, Taylor; Messrs
I II HoOlnag, d A Simight, Edwin 'Test, 0
II Hale, Frank Brown, Lester Hiilin, Fred
Dunn hairy 1'roMicc and Mr La Fiance, uf
Port I. ind.
Til I'i-h 9 m .iission - The third arinual
report ot f, C R.ed. E. P. Thompsou and
B. 0. Oampb n. oonetilnting the state Bah
. on '.mission, in relntiou lo salmon, stules
that the lotal value of salmon packed and
consumed ill home markets shows a grand
total ot $.1,700,000 Great stress is laid
upon the importance of hatcheries ami Ihn
commission cilen statistics of work in that
d tree lion carried on prior to Ilus yea ill the
Eraser rlvi r. Sinca 1881 aud up to 1S80
there had lau n a steady decrease of salmon,
but 14,846,000 of fry planted in 1888 ii 7 8
has resulted in the packing on Frasier river
in the season of Jliil.lKKi case, the largest
pack iu the Insiorv of the river. 'The yaluo
of Ihe product ot the V. S. is 84,084,000 and
that of British Columbia r-MI" Be.
shies, in 1S88, $l7,'.,:ltl is to tie credited to
shad, smell ami tout cod. It is expected
that Ihe fry of 1887 will return and swell tho
catch of next year. Tim salaries and ex
penses of the commission were jl. i.
Norii l I he Free Methodist Church was
organized in I860; il now has tweuly-seTcu
annual conference and several foreigu
m, -tons In all leiorme bet communicant
claim to move iu the trout ranks. 'They
have no oiganizaliou iu Ihi place, but omi
of their number has rented the east half of
Mr, Cheiry's old furniture ware rooms on
Slli street, one and one halt blocks west ol
Willamette street, ami is filling it up for
religious services. Ihe first moiling will bo
held next Sunday at 2:110 p. in , when .1. W
l aiter, recently of Sheffield, Illinois, is ex
pect, d to preach. All nre cordially invited.
"Prove all things, hold fast that which is
'l'n k srniK Bonn an, -A ditpateh rrom
S in FranciMO dated Dec Nib nays: Halted
States Deputy Marshal Walter I'oclirau will
probably leave Tuesday or Wednesday of
lln, week for Eugene, having iu cliurge Flu-
larch Lewis, who is under arrest here,
charged Mill, baling robbed llm stage be
tween Kosubiirg anil Marshlield. Mr. Coch
ran will arrive in Eugeuo with Lewis mi tho
first through train which will probably bo
this Saturday evening, l'hu prisoner will
then be given a hearing before Commissioner
Hop Yaw. Lkaskii. -The low price ol hops
this year does not seem lo discourage grow
ers. Dr Patterson, who ha linen enlarging
In, ran, diet and buildiug additional drying
kilns, ha, divided his yard into two parts
and equipped each Willi the necessary appli
ance. He has lately rented one twenty
a li a I, i J. T, Dlintell mi l sous, uud thu
other twenty acres lo J. R. Jones and John
Holland. This is known to be one of tbe
moot prolific hop yards iu Ihn county, and
under the care and cultivation of these ener
getic growei i, will doubtless yield hand
somely. Ei Pi 'Iii.ii- Si MOOt, The following is
Ihe T, .,. he .' monthly report lor I he month
eliding Dec. 0, IKH'I: No belonging, Nov. I),
males 848. females 814) total, 8B8j New pu
pils admitted during month. M; No. restored,
41; withdrawn, dlnmissed, III; No. belong
ing at close of month, n,'i7, corrsiral punish-
i I, o; classes taught, 111); visitors, 29 j
presences, ll.lVo; absences, 87.1; tardiness, M;
belonging, Tgir; daily average, MO; ptipili
neither absent nor lardy, 211; days taughtt
hy regular teachers, 18.
Mi i o oni i it. A liiddamith has re
ceil cil a carload of Medforil Hour which he ot
ter to the public. The Mislford mill is a full
roller, new process mill anil is equal to any In
the state. Air. Goldsmith guarantees the Hour
to be first-class. Any one purchasing the Hour
and not I, n ding it an repn sented can have the
money n funded hy returning it.
Too Pimviur;. -It was a Polk county man
that received a "cbarlvrei" because ho tnar
i n il within u month ol Iris first wile's death.
He told Ihn hereunder lhat he didn't think
it showed good taste lo come bunging
around a mini's house so soon after n
Elxitcii AasiHiAMT. 'The Board of Eire
Delegates met and canvassed tho vote cast at
the department electiuu on Dec. 2.1, and fountl
that (.'has Cronrr, dr., was elected hy mis
vote. The judges of election made a mistake
hy omitting mm vote, thereby making the
election a tie.
A Goon Law. The Council has passed a
law that hnies, goods, etc., must not be
piled on Iho sidewalks. Marshal Day noti
fied our merchant! ol tl. law Wednesday,
and now our aulewalks arc clear of all kinds
ol goods, and the npp, nrancu of business
streets are much improved thereby.
PiiosKiriiNti AmuNKr. --Julius A. Strat
ton ha been appointed proeeculuig attor
ney of the Seattle, Washington, district. W,
D. Feulou has beeu appointed deputy by
Mr. Stratum. Both Ihe gentleuieu are well
known iu Engi ne and Lane county.
II, E I i on , ' - Iling i lothing
and furnishing foods, hats, trunks Ac, (or the
Beat 80 days, lower than auylely, as his store
will lie remodeled after tho holidays. You
cau save money by purchasing ol E. Uaum,
N'tw 1 1 x m . . Choice Oregon hnms ol Ihe
sianun of 1889 for sale ut A. Goldsmith's
grocery store. These hnms were cured by
p. ler Boler wiw hi, gained a reputation for
the excellence uf his woik in lhat line.
Masiiiaok Lii i:.vKt Tin following mar.
n i'h lic n- s iliaed this week: George
Long an I U , M. Ken , Perry Monroe and
I.oila Stoop-, W. I). Mefiffia and M it. id a
L'incurr Coonr, An edjsuraed teiux o the
Lam eouaty circuit newt will he held in Eu-
gen ciuiint uciug Wvalneadsv Dec. 18th. The
principal ease will lie that of W 0 Spencer vs.
the Eugene .Mill i le,
SerNiEK Piirre NiassHr. Bartlett iiear
tri ", ! years old, cheap; also cherry and apple
trees. Addie, II. I'helps, Ktigriie, Ur.
IU Klw k,i Will I, i I f.,r th- retain
t.t a dlaiiiond ring, which wan lost tliii wssk,
to the Ol Aim office.
I. .1, i- I, Oct ruy "Be can
bur more gr,cerie ami crockery at Sladdsu k
Son's for II than elsewhere.
Wantid. 1,000 luikeyi, chicken, ducks,
geese, eggs, etc., by KUddtn A Bon who
will pay csah lor them.
Column of the Kntaxian Society,
Linnaii Bain
: !... SUHLTON
Em toh '
There was no debate last Friday.
Etta Levis, president of Ihe Corporation,
called a meeting of Ihe Trustees last Thurs
day. Up, ii ,. --i n to-morrow evening.
Ol toe! Fiidaj the Eutuxians nominated
officer, lor In en ning term.
Ofivn.sll'y NtlTI'H.
The elate in Iteobanloi were examined
last Thursday.
The claA in Psychology uud German have
begun examinations.
'The t in, iu Cacar was excused from
recitation last Friday on account ol Public
The pitigruiniiie rendered at Public Rhe
toticuls last Friday was unusually interest
in ' The following is an outline of the pro
gramme: "Hannibal on the Alps," recita
tion; George Johnson. "The Beige ol York
lown," essay; Grace Matthews. "Oration
Agalnet Calaliae," recitation; Roselyn Mc
Kiiilay. "'Two Modern Inventions." essay;
Henry Fisher. "Tho Evil ol Idleness,"
essay. Willa lliiiua. "Combat between
I'll. James and Rhoderick Dim,'' recitation;
A. M. Smith. "The Minstrel Boy," recita
tion," recitation; Maggie V.'idmer. "Physi
cal and Moral Evils of Muscular Exercise,"
essay, Joliu McClure. "The Advantages of
Muscular Exercise," essay; Elia Under
wood. "The Night Express," recitation;
Lester Iliilin. " Description ol tho Seigo ol
Yorktown," essay; Ada Wood. "Song in
Camp. " recitation; Ed Gore. "A Dream ol
ihe War," recitation; Mr. McDaniel.
"Pleasures iu Contemplating Nature,"
essay; Geo. Linn. "Spau'sh Jew's Tale,"
recitatiou; Linns Hull. "Art Museums are
Valuable lo a Community," essay; Clarence
VearJo, "Olfta," recitation; Mr. Robe.
"Pleasures of Conteinplatiug Nature;"
essay; Annie ('nun. "Bernardino del Car
iio," recitation ; Miniiio Walters. "Sketch
, f English S. i in ry from T'eiinysou Idyll of
the King," essay; Fred Dunn. "Death ol
Elirn," recitation; Carey Martin. "Burial
of Moses," recitation; Melissa Hill.
The Misse Converse, Dicilly and Dorris,
visited the society last Friday.
Clarence Veazie wa absent from recitation
last Thursday on account of a runaway cow.
Mis Elvn Galloway is loachiug in Jack
son county. Shu now ha fitly pupiln en
rolled. Grace Matthews, Kitlie Watkin, Linn a
Holt, Maggie u hippie, George Johnson and
Mabel Hunter havu been absent during Ihe
past week on account ol sickness.
Among tho visitor at Public Rhetorical
were, Mr. Prof Condon, Mrs Prof. Collier,
Mis Kale Dorris, Mrs. Dr. Sln lton, Mr.
Chambers, Mr. Bert Collier, .Mr. Norris,
the Mi. Norris and thu Misses Converse,
and Mis Kate Bracken,
What was Ihn mailer wilh the Higher Al
gebra Chins last Monday. Was it Blue Mon
day '
Owing to the uuumiitl merits ol several ol
our items last week, it wa thought necessary
lo repeat uiem.
'Thu music furnished by the University
Orchestra, at Ihe Cuugrccalioual Fair last
Saturday evtming was greatly enjoyed by all.
Why cannot a few ef ihe mouldering Arts
of poetic genius lhat lie iloiunint in Iho
niinil olsomu of the University students
be fanned into Hume and wilh the charred
remain be traced tho images of thought on
paper. (Wn would be pleased to publish
original poems by students).
Contemporary We am very glad, indeed,
lo heal thai Mr. Kubli i to continue the
publication of Ihe Lauren column. We dc ire
opposition and believe him to In, fully capa
ble ol conducting Ihn column. Ho enters
Iho field of journalism with every prmtpect
ol success. He has already received numer
ous offers of as, i, lance, both financial und
literary, for w hich he is extremely grateful
ami of which he will not hositatu to mako
thu best use possible,
Wn have uditutl, or rather, endeavored to
edit the column lor thu past three months
ami aru now ul-oul to muku our last uppear
nice before a long suffering public; but to
more than satisfy all, the ling editor
will next term publish u column thut for
neatness, und general superiority will excel
any of thu columns yet published. Eleo
tiou to-day uud soon wo retire. We will
soon attempt to thank ill whose kindly en
couragement liborul donations and general
us-. i stance helped us along,
Robt. Sheltou is visitiiig iu Eugene.
Rev. 1. 1). Driver was iu lowu this week.
J. It, Ream visited Albauy Iho first ol tho
B. H. Friendly visited the metropolis this
Mrs. Wm. Edris visitod Portland this
Wm. llaber, of Juiictiuu, was in Eugene
last Wednesday.
J. M. Sears, of Polk county, visitod Eu-
gone this week.
Miss Alice Stowell visited friends in Al
bauy this week.
Mrs. Lynch has gone to California lo
spend the winter.
Unols Hilly Oshurn is contiued to his resi
dence with sickness.
Attorney Ililyeu w nt to Junction Thurs
day on legsl business.
Sheriff Sloan attended tho Sheriffs con
vention in Portlaud Ibis week.
Robt. McOheo relumed Irom tbe Palouse
couutry Isst Thursday afternoon.
Attorney J. N. Duncan, of Albany, made
Eugeue a business visit this week.
Mr. Wm. Renshuw has retnrnud from a
visit to her pareuts in Wallowa county.
Dr. Shelton returned Wednesday ereuiug
from a visit to his sister ul Monmouth.
Attorney Woodcock wa in Junction a
couple ol day this week on legal business.
' Wilber Tucker, ol Earniington, Wash., is
visiting relatives and old (needs in Eugene
and vicinity.
W. E. Ayres, ol Dayton, Wash , who waa
recently visiting hi brother, Palmer, here,
ha returned home.
Rev. C. M. Hill went to Albany Monday
morning tn take part in the revival at that
Deputy P. M. Oshuru went to Corvallis tbe
first ol the week. He says property ii boom
ing in thst burg.
Mrs. M. A. Huusaker, late of Woodhurii,
mother of the editor, has moved to Eugene
ami will take up her residence here.
Baker City Democrat, Dec. 6th : Miss
Emma Dorris, of Eugene, is visiting in Ibe
city, and is Ibe guest of Mrs J. P. Fault.
Judge R. S. Rean returned home from
Roseburg last Tuesday morning, where he
had beeu holding a term ol circuit court.
At Roseburg last Monday. J. M. Abronis,
G. O. Holmsn, John Slewsrt, A. J. Pick
ard and Frank St. wart proved up ou their
limber land claims.
C. D. Mulligan arrived here ihe Hist of
tbe week from Eastern Oregon. He is just
recovering from a severe attack of typhoid
lever which he contracted in tbsl section.
Tbe Dalles Mountaineer, Dec. 7th: Rov.
W. G. Simpson, ol Ibe Meihodist church,
gave us a pleasant call lo-day, and we were
glad lo see him able to be around. Mr.
Simpson needa rest and a change to recup
erate, and we know our citizens, lor whom
he bss done so much in the mutter ol the
mission claims, would gladly help him in
any manner possible.
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