The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 07, 1889, Image 1

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muuiiiB m tiif iiKinnATiii of nmmutic rRivirm hi to p,rs in nnifutni bv mum op m Hut
DECEMBER 7, 1889.
NO, 18,
ni (uucnc i! itu (ftuarfl
,) the Emit de id WDUwtta
"Fl T.Wb ' ttn'1 Kh Mr,',!tA
k.lpre, ,-
ft! 50
I . . .nnlllll
,iim OIL1
fl OI, AVKri8lNQ.
lt,V ' inserted an loUowll
Aa"1"11 ten iuea r W -me insertion Ml
IwjgTtaSISo. IX Cash raqural
I..H1. hi l . .1 -1 .t .V. nl.
, 1 1 I.MS will oe iMb"' "
WVi, months WW
month. 2
otileTin local column, 20 cents
All i""
fttomev and Counsellor-at-Law,
..tick IN THE C H'KTS
lWfth Second Judicial District and In
I It "' l" . .... ..f thisBtate,
h Sirr. ..' , riven to oolUcttoni and
Liii probata
-Mtornej and Counsellor at Law, -
guoBNK ornr, obbgon.
,. tv 1 . 1 , T H E COURTS Of
P .hUSttS. W rf imeoU attention
1 1 .:..... ,1 nrobate Button.
lo.,li'""" ... ,
)Kt Over lUii-incK a .. n
, I'. 11 v
,,HOB-Knw 7 8 Mcl'Ure" Humbug.
M-S.,.,i,l tUutlon give, to CmleotbiM
. .i. Mn.ilteM.
U0EKKC1TY, - -
Itrrici-In Reglter Block,
.1 J. WALTON, Jr.,
. ix- tii Tin
iit,i, prautiub in
,;..( the Stiae Ml.
Special attention give" .v..
rftirn.' and probate matters.
iWui all Wnd '-f claim, against the
n.ul BttM llovcrmnent.
'office in Walton', brick -room. 7jml
Seymour W. Condon,
Hiiscnc, Oregon.
litlorney and Ccunsollor-at-Law, and
Real Estate Agent.
Onicp l.anc l'. Hank Ruilding
I Special attention given to Probate Dttllnewl
ud Abstracts of Title.
Omn Oval Lane County Hank.
Physician and Surgeon.
Wilkin's Drug Store.
tridence on Fifth street, wliere Pr Shelton
'rawly resided
Physicians & Surgeons,
Special attention nuid to Surgery and
Oircnic diseases.
Jhyacian, Surgeon and Gynecologist.
(20 Years Experience.)
WICE Over ItrowimTille Store. WQkUD-
I "t ttreet.
for Infants and Chi'dren.
"C.torUi.aowellH.ptdtoeluldreBthatl OHNttoenrai (Mle Conrtlrvitl.
",)n,Miou,iit,,Up,rjortoanyppvcnpion I fenr ' tx&, kVuctaUoa,
-uowu to tuc:' IL A. AicBia, Jt D I BeBwonias, fine tloep, aal prMM
ill 8c OHorU BrwilyB, R, T. J 'Skm mecatlon.
Tuc OtaCURI ("orAv, Murray Rtnvt, N. Y
Skhva'nt-)Ii, every bit a, well, Ma'am.
Lady ok tji II Hoi-sK-Why. how do you explain It ?
h. KV;V?T -l',,'1 un'thaveto watcn ererylulng so close for fear It will bum Vou know
how careful you have to be with a haked custard, It Is so ant to bum on to 1 In it u t X J
throUKh. The l-harter Oak b;,ke, it perfectly without ally Ski t? ' , ri , SS A , I t! en'ii
n astfuR a turkey, I don't have to keep bastltm It every live ininutw. It ran DMOtti Sfll Et vvn
SSSSfii: ?"!', SftSSJ 7" l,P '!" UKhfoven. do. And you ki , w "w en ,ptl,5
ImmiiU are Without beliiK banfand toiiKh.You always praised my biscuits, bat if It wasn't for
uv'i" k,""w ffl w"ul,l",t l c nl ''- 1 DP I'll never ' have to cook
anywhere agalu where they haven't got a Charter Oak Stove orUte-e.
From the Cheapest to the Best at
prices according to quality.
From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties can
be suited either as to Price or Quality.
Our assortment Complete, from the lowest l'rive up to
the Finest; can suityonifym give us a call.
Look us over; if - d not save yon money, wo will make some one
sell to you low.
(iie 1'hem a CliuneeJ
That i to sn. roar lungs n joUr
breathing mucbioery. Y,ry Wondirful
ImaentarT it is x(,i oulv the larger air
patjlgeB, but the ttnoiMinU ol little iiiU'n
and ,'Hvilie. 1, siting from them. When
i these aie clogg.d and choked with matter
i which ought uut to U there, your lung, can
not do their work. Anil what iliey do, they
cautiot Jo weel. Call it cold, cougb, i roup.
: pnraBOBia, Datarria, eouium,ti,in or any of
the family of throat and nose and head aud
lung obstructions, all are bad. AH ought to
bl get rid of. There la just ouo dure way
to get lid of tin ui. That ia to take Hoa-
jaMa'l QanBM) Bnn which any druggist
'will sell yon at 7". cent, a Is'ttle. Even if
evervthing else has (ailed yon, you may dc-
peini u,u tin- t,,r certaiu.
What U If
That rodMM that Uautifully soft com--pli
xion and Iraves no traces of its applica
tion or iuiuriou. effect? The answer, Wis
don't Holiertine MOOBpUlkn nil ibis, aud
is prououncetl by ladies of taste and refiue
ni, ni to be the most delightful toilet article
ever produces!. Win ranted I. a unless and
matchless. K. M Wilkius, agent, Eugene
Mas. Wisat.on's Sootiiinu Shut, for chil
dren teething, is the prescription of one of the
Dtrt female muses and physicians in the.
Jailed States, and has I , , n uavd for forty
yi.trs with never failing success by millions of
mothers for their chihlr.n. Ibtring the pro
,-- ,, t.-elhini; its value is incalculable. It
relieves the child from pain, cures dysentery
and diarrhoea, giipiug in the bowels, aud wind
colic. Ity iriviaf health - the child it rests
tin ini'ther. I'nce 2.'s- a Isittle.
Take Notice.
That A. tiold-unth loo. the birgi st, ftnost
aud best stock of ljueenswate, t'lockery and
Q Use Ware ever brought to Eugene, (live
bin a call and be Mill prove it to vou
Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of
Califuinia, so laxative and nutritious,
with the mediunal virtues of plants
known to be most benelicial to the
human tvsteni, forming the ON I.Y PER
FECT REMEDY W act jenily yet
promptly on the
Cleanse the System Effectually,
Naturally follow.' Everyone is using; it
and all are delighted with it. Ask your
druggist for SYRUP OK FIUS. Manu
factured only by the
San Francisco, Cal.
Lockvilli, Kv. New Yoe, N. V
Ik i Johnson.
Old (iraive Store are Qfleriag
Dress Goods, Latlies
and Cjfiits I'iiiUt
wcar, Hunts, Shoes
and all ela-es of
I V work ,
gJSnnii administer.-! f,.r lainl
G. W. Biddle,
pt-ATK work a speci alty, ex-
r'1 Filling exevutrd bv the lat-
U Hirth.KU. All mnrk nmllrd:
Has iust received direct from New
York and Chicago, the argest
and best stock of
Ever brought to KiiLr'''-
A MihIomi Arrliiiiutlro.
Wealth ot the Northwest.
A citizen d Montana claiuu to have in
vented a machine for water, some
what on the principle of the Archimedean
screw of ancient fame The inventor
claim, that he cm. with this new device,
raise water to any desitcd elevation. In
case his machine will do this work the cost
ly irrigating canal, built in many of the
western states and territories will be dis
carded The inventor slates that from a
stieam oil hi. farm h - conduct, water to
levels two hundred fi , t above It, thence by
ditches all ov.r his farm. Just where the
power necesKsry to do all llus lulsir comes
frm is uol staled but probably from the
suiplus water in the stream or head.
Hilly M allelic, the defeated candidate for
Governor of Virginia, .ays the uegroes are
naturally protectionists. Senator lllair,
another good Republican says thai the ne
gro's ignorance is a menace to the country.
The higlie-t cash price will be paid for
wheiit bv F. M. Putin
(ieo. W. Kiiisoy, Atli'iiuicoi'.
When you want your goods, ho,... hold
furniture or hind sold at auction, call of
Geo. W, Kin.ey, the pioneer and most suc
cessful auctioneer in Lane County. He will
attend to all sales on a reasonable commission.
Pr. Taylor's 7 Oaks QompoOtl, purely
v, getablc, positively cures rheumatism, neu
ralgia, toothache, sich headache, cramp col
ic, cholera morbus, complaints peculiar to
females, cold or cough, hive., chills and fe
ver, pains around tho heart, erysipelas,
phthisic. OMMI Tatlok.
Sold by Osburn & Co, druggists.
Change is one of tin- irresi.table law. of
nature, and fortunately tlx' change is almost
invarii, ,lv for tin better. As mi instance of
this. Si. Patrick PUR ale fast taking the
place ul the old harsh and violent cathar
tics, becauso they are milder and produce
a pleasiinler effect, besides they are much
more beueli, ial iu removing morbid matter
from the system and preventing ague and
other malarious diseases. As a cathartic
and liver pill they are almost perfect. For
sale by I Isbnrn ,V Co,
Parents should ho careful that their chil
dren do not coiilract colds during the full
ot i uilv winter mouths. Such colds weak
en the lungs and air passu..', s, milking the
oMM much more likely to contrncl other
colds during the winter. It is this success
ion of colds that cause catarrh and bron
chitis or paves the way for consumption.
Should a cold be. contracted, loae no lime
hut cure it as quickly as possible A fifty
miiI bottle of Ohaniwriain'i Ooigt Remedy
will cine any cold ill a few dnya aud h ave
the respiratory organs strong and healthy.
For sale by Ostium A Co.
t,s:k of Staple and Fancy tiriK-eries, I
Is'iight in the Wat market.
('aontfrr th- ulti Iwttt r ta limit uny
(tlT ll"'l'
Pr.bne of .11 taken at market pri'-e.
Best of All
tough medicines, Ayer'a Cherry Peo
toral is In greater demand than ever.
No preparation for Throat ami i.ung
Troubles is so prompt iu its effects, so
ugn cable to the taste, and so widely
known, ns this. It is Hie family medi
cine ill thoiisuuds of household.,
"I have suffered for yean from a
bronchial trouble II, at, whenever I take
Bold or am axnoaad to InclatMnl weath
er, show. Itself by a very annoying
tickling NtUMtton in Hie throat and by
difloulii In braathlaf, i have tried n
great many lemedies, but none does so
well u. Ay,,'. Cherry Pectoral which
ulwavs gives prompt relief in returns of
my old complaint. ' Ernest A. Ilepler,
Inspector of I'll I it io Koads, Parish Ter
Ft MOM. Mt,
M I consider Ayer's Cherry Pe, loral a
most Important remedy
For Home Use.
1 have tested It.t curative s,ivur, 111 my
family, many times during the past
thirty years, and have never known It
to fall, it w ill relieve the most serious
nffectloiis of the throat and lungs,
w hether III children or adults." - Mrs.
K. (i. Edgerly, COxWcil lllufls, Iowa.
"Twenty years M I was troubled
with a disease of the lungs. Doctors
afforded BM no relief and coiisldereil
my ense hopel'-s.. I then began to use
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and, Ix'forc, I
bad llnlshed one botil,', found relief. I
continued to take this medicine, until a
cure wa effected. I believe that Ayer'a
Cherry Pectoral saved my life."
Hainuid (iriggs, Waukegun, III.
"Six yeare ago I contracted a severe
cold, which settled on my lungs ami
soon difftopad all tho alarming ymi
toms of Consiimiitlou. I had a OOttgD,
night sweats, bleeding of the lungs,
pains iu chest and sides, and was so
prostrated as to be conllued to my
lied most of the time. AfOr trying
various nresei iplions, without beneltt,
my physician Snail determined logive
iiw Ayer's I'herry Pectoral. I look It,
and tlio effect was magical. I seemed
to rally from the first dose of this
medicine, ami, after using only three
Isittles, am as well and sound us ever."
Kodiioy .Mm. Hpringrleld, III.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Pllll'AIIKll ur
Dr. J. C. Ayer it Co., Lowell, Mail.
JuiJ I,) all lirugUU. Price 1; tlx huiilM,at.
Sportsman's Eporium.
I, vi, Orrici at I: os ui, io, iik. i
October tM. I.s-.i
the following named settler has fill
1 notice f his intention to make final pMoi in
,i,.i t of ,ia claim, and that aid Mai will
Is- la-fore tit. .fudge or in his alwnce
le-fore tl," I 'lerk of the County Court ,,f Lane
County, Oregon at P.tnrenr, On-gon. on Thurs
d.y, iervn,l-r IM UtA rbl Willi.,,, Jefca
I st.,n. UaMMtwad Enlrv If -'''1. to$ the H K
, f N W I. S I ,.f N K and N E a) N I
s. . i, Tp 17 S. It !i Wt, W hi
11 lOUl," the I - -1 J ,WIL.- H t.. .,v
hu cootinuou. residence Us.n an, I eulvivathm
.ruel land, vU: P.ter Il.,. Ties. C Kins
, I- r. Kmile Rots-rU, .f ames .tohnstm, of lUttti
1 wissl, iune Ciinty. Oregon.
I has. W. .Ion 1ST, s, Itegi.tcr.
3. .. Tl. , TI,r.
-The New Tlir,
lJut M?jZd Kigb...S.,Kug..,.:.ty. Oregon
Brick, eovxw
Practical Gunsmithis
Ileal, re in
01 N8, EUI1JHI
Opening Op Hratll.
The new Republic of Rrail has an area
alHiut as large a. the entire teriitory of the
United Slates, exclusive of Alaska, and near"
ly of llin same tize as Europe. Its popula
tion, including Indian, and negroes, who
w, re ii , nth em iu, i at, 1. ia ban ly 10,11110,
OOll. I.oudou, Paris and New York contain
alsmt as ninny people us this great country
willi its rich soil, desirable climate, valuable
mill, s, and forest production unsurpassed
by any other country of the glolie. The
dim ,t,' i- v. ry 1" ilthful Ii is not uncom
fortably warm, for Ihe temperature ia re.
duced by the vast forests ami the great
am, Mint of water in the streams, can
boast of more miles ol navigable rivers than
any other country Hosts of a large size
can .ail on the Ainaou and its tributaries
foi 10,000 nrUaa. and ui times when in the
middle of the river land eauuot la, seen.
It is claimed that Ihe tirsl strictly agri
cultural colony in America was plant, d in
llrail, yet there is ouly one acre iu two
hundred of this rich land at present put to
us,-. A well informed writer recently re
ferring to this new Kepitblic says that the
citi., ns ot that country are almost entirely
of Portuguese descent.
The Portuguese love the Spanish about aa
well as Ihe Irish do the English, aud ac
cordingly Ihe country that has settled the
other portions of South America has sent
few immigiauis to Portugal was
not populous enough to settle it, and Ihe
oounliics o northern Europe that have
sent so many people to the United Stales
and Canada have not furnished Urail with
many . ill, is. Most of tho people of north
ern Europe have preferred lo go to u coun
try that had u lejiubltcun form of govern
ment uud which enjoyed religious libvity.
ihe few who went to Urail complained of
hem,; lonesome. There were not euougli of
auy nationality outside o( two cities lo en
able litem to have much companionship or
to ex, rt any political iullueuee.
Tlo-new guv, iinm ht announces itself ns
being desirous of s cluing aulllers who will
develop the unoccupied portions of the
country, which include tho greater part of
it. With Ibis view it is preparing lo eu.
coiling,, colonics (roiu various countries to
settle in localities where they can form
communities by tin insulven and retain their
cusioiiis Bfalil in nltractiug much atten
tion Ihe wol I I ovci, aud by tbu judicious
man igcinetit '( government affairs will ex.
peri, net, a Urge, mid piolilubh, numigralion.
D. s. Ttrry'i Uft pjwpmm.
The Pitoillc Mutual Lift, insurance com
pany has sued Sarah Allium Terry, t'liutou
II. Ti ny and l'. (',. Saylc, adminislrator ot
thu , statu of David S. Terry, deceased, to
compel lli, in lo accept the amount of a
$5,11110 life iu .iiraiico policy which the late
Mr. lorry had on his life, less $100.1)5,
which he ow, ,1 thu company, a premium.
The company says it is informed that Mr.
Terry died intestate in l.athrop, Cal., on
Ihe llth ,,( kit August, and as there is a
ill-put,, as to who is entitled lo the lifn in
surance the company asks permission to
pay thu money into court and lut them set
tle their dill, TcnciM among themselves.
F. Cain, trai'kwalkur for the Southern Pa
cillc railroad company, wan murdered
Thanksgiving night between 10 and II
o'clock by unknown parties live miles south
of Riddles. Ho wax shot w ith a Winchester
ritle from behind, through the heart while
just outside the door aud drugged iuto his
bousu aud Ihe door closed. They searched
his trunk ami room, and took a watch, a M
calibre Smith ,v Wei inn revolver, uud a
small amount of money. There Is no clue
to the criminal. Two tramps wero arrested
on suspicion the noxt day. Tbey
came from the south but were released after
an examination by Sheriff Ageo. Cain was
a young man, and well-liked by all who
knew him.
- .
Thu directors of the California Athletic
Club Nov. J 7 1 h matchedJack Dempaey, middle-weight
champion ol the world to meet
Hilly McCarthy, middle-weight champion of
Australia, in January, for a parte of I1H00, the
winner to meet young Mitchell, champion
middle weight of California in March at Han
Mrs. (.'lias. Crocker's will dividii prop
arty (valued at 111,000,000) cpially be
Iwei u h r Ihr, son . uud one daughter.
She left a memoranda containing be,uesU,
to various charitable associations, amount
ing to nearly oue million dollars, which will
Iw carried out by her executors.
Kuykcndali ,v Peyton,
ni)" Bowel Trebles, and ' runp, Colic, or o A a
. i c Wowpw's Block. mfiLL Extend P.m. A.k ,o ns Loaned 6l a
Rrtnm: 5 ana u- . Vln. sv w
Piling Tirklr n i liirriili,
Hrwing Mil. liiii. anil r-tllraal
til KliitU lor Sul. :
Ksuring l,e in tl,' ntit style od war
Barbei Shop and Bath Rooms,-
Hot and I Id Uths always ready during
it, First door north ol Oonn'i new block.
Absolutely Pure.
Thil powder never vanes. A marvel of
puiity, atreugth and wboleeometwta. Mora
eeonoiuicwl than the ordinary kind and can
not be told in competition with the multi
tude of low tut, short weight, aloa or ohoa
i pbate powder., hold oriiy iu cejis. Hotal
hAKiao Powuaa Co.. 108 Wall St., N. Y.
Public Itoailn.
Salem Journal.
If there be any one thing mure thau
another that demands more imperatively the
attention of our legislators al present on be
half of the producing masses in the country,
it is the road law. The present roud law
respecting the maimer in which roads shall
lie made is worse thau a dead letter
yearly entails vast ontlayc of moiicy and an
immense ileal of labor without any reason
able approach to salisfactory reanlls. The
thing ot appointing or electing supervisors
who in ,nv times knew nolhiug about the
work they Lave been chosen to do, and
who iu other instances, care nothing about
the responsibility of thtir position.
an outrage upon mankind. Hut that fen
lure ot ii is not a whit woran than that
attempting to force men to work out the
tax which they regard generally aa an imjxv
ition, and at which they work as if pny
iug a penalty which his been unjustly im
posed. A salaried functionary should look
after the mads and the work itnou the hiuh-
wiyi ahoald bo done by contract, lo be ac
cepted by the commissioner, when approved
by the road master. Something ahould lie
done to i liable the countrv neonlo to realize
the benefit intended In accrue from the tax
paid for the purpose of constructing public
highways. No country on earth ii so
wretchedly accursed with bad roads as the
United Slates. No people iu the world give
so little attention to aueh an iuiortant mat
ter. Our legislature should U Ih sought to
to correct these ll, -taut abuses without fur.
thei .unt il delay.
Olio of Anglic Rives' Tricks.
Miss Amelie Rives had a host of admirers
when she lived iu maiden meditation at the
home of her ancestors, Cmlle Hill, Virgiuin.
She was a petted und spoiled beauty, aud
treated her lovers with absolute rude
ness. Once, when a doen gentlemen called
upon her iu the morning, she entered the
parlor iu a bewitching riding habit, , , , ,1
herself, mounted her horse, rode an hutir or
two, aud tlndiug the guutlemeii wailing for
her on returning, she went lo her studio
back of the rlor ami amused herself by
drawing carricalures of her admirers, rep
resenting them silling iu various attitudes
of idiotic vacancy. Pittsburg Pispalch.
An exchange nays: It is reported that
the Morning Oregouiau is making arrange
ments to erect a largo buildiug up town af
ter the fashion of tho leading newspapers of
the country. Thu. plaus are now Wing
drawn, and the architects will bl called
HK)ii to produce a beautilul btiildinK. H i
not known what amount it is proposed to ex
petul on the structure. It is undesstuod that
the Oregnniin people endeavored to buy the
half block on Alder and Fourth streets.
owned by th Haplisl church, recently nur-
ehusod for $120,000 by Henry iVeiuhard.
but the pneo was considered too high fur
lie 'in.
Onoon Co. Thu Webfuoi exchanaos nre
circulating a report thai Eastern Oregon
she, praisers are disposing ol their flocka
in largo numbers. Wonder where tbey get
their information? In this countrv verv
low stock sheep have been sold that wero
irlven out of tho county.
A few weeks ago, Mrs. Phillins L'ave blrlh
to a girl baby with live lingers on each hand.
An extra finger wis attached to uaeh of tho
little or last Augers and were perfect in
form. Last week Pr. Holknip removed the
extra flugers and tho little sirl is cetlinu
along nicely. Review.
Pun: Iu thil city, October UN, 1981),
Pete Hbiiinukor, aged Ally-four years, eight
months and fourteen dayi. Pete was iu in
dividual who ittacked us on thu '21st in
front of the poit ofHce with a cavalry saber
being offended at iu editorial criticising the
polioy of the Cur of Ruaiia toaarda Tur
key. We let daylight into him in four
places, aud we paid bis doctor bill and fu
neral expense!. He sleeps well. He ll
belter off. Death lovea a shining mark.
Eastern papen plena copy. -Ariiooa Kick-
Private Pal, II ii mother Republican
who dues not go iuto mourning over the
newi from Iowa and Ohio. He says that
thu soldiers rnide the Republicap party and
tho boyi are "toad aa wet bens over (ha Tan
ner buiineia. Tbey inlkod in their tenia.
That deleated ui." Rut this is not ill.
Private Dalzell looks into the future aad
sniffs danger. The soldiers are watching,"
be continues. "They will double tbu de
feat next year unless tbat surplus ia shove!
ed out par contract."
Vaccination ii compulsory in England
and optional in France. In the large cities
of France the number of deaths (Mm email
pox was 1.950, or HI per 1,0110 of tho living
Imputation. In the Urge citiei of England in
the same period the number of deaths waa
Sll, or 01 per 1,000. Does not this, aiki
tbu II -j it..l siy something for vircination?
Corvallia Times. Nov. 30: Rev. I. D.
Priver preached an able discourse at tha M.
E. church in Ibis city Sunday evening. Mr.
Priver ia traveling through tha State iu the
int, reat of the establishment of a Protestant
hospital at Portlanr' soon, Ihe cost of which
is to be $150,000, shonld the movement
prove a i
Eighty seven persons have been killed by
electric light wirea in New York since the
lieginuing of Ihe year IW. No wonder the
people of that city are determined tbat the
deadly wires must go under ground or some
place where they will not las s constant
in, imec t,, human life.
The Dalles Board of Trade is undertaking
to furnish the Wasco county farmers with
seed wheat for the coming seaaon. It will
oust $0000 to obtain the supply. For tha
outlay the Board proposes to be secured by
"a l
"w a ui j t un
1'CTxVTtC1 Tlt" 1 Ofiee bo ore: 1