The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 26, 1889, Image 7

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... it. aIIkI i;. . M1.. T-
fc.rto ou' ' "
tiling's utilized Irr
AkjneiM) '"r fooJ ttre tha flnii Dd
. I- . am krwtr iifiiiumlii
.1.. t ,1.11-, tendons found in
Ine bp :
The ti-iK-riuuii all along the coast aro often annoyed
IIU'II ,l' Lrl "J ....iiui; ill
he common blue sharks, rang-
fmin i" lu "
, isia'cnl' 11 ois"o i mi
. . iiml tuncm iiifiii-i-i v-s
I. . -I.II .HI T 111 if.. I I'll nsf
ibatllis .... VI
iJfherman takes what revenge
l itimr ntr tht tins and ohm.
.atiie tall Ol mc i" nut mon
" . ... I... ...... ..I,. ..I .. .l
.hv their comraues. ooiucumcs.
. '.h ! ii verv lariro one. the liver
H " . . ., ....
i f,,r the oil tnere in in it, but
(eldom that tins is uone. i ne tins
tails ure laid on ino rooi oi the's Hits, anu wnen morou'-n-
. . . I r i IV I 111, I II I ll.'l III..!,
rieil I" ' "" -mm-m
n ivaraAT price oi ten cents a
.i ' ,. tins will iivoruiri! eiirnieeu
nu. - . .i.i in.rliiitw iin i .,
hi - in wi r r- -
thickness. UnllKe most tuties,
t u well as the tail, have no
gninos connected by a
mhrnne. hut aro hard and
mmmw .
.1 .ft I I. a lit i i' i .vin
i Miemblei silate-coloroa emery
Thn skm in used, in met. lop
lata tha vnmiotv fl'ilttl U'liiitl-t
. ...Irrtii h.-mr CIA UHl. CHIIIIIIIIII V. t 10
UIM" b f -
j,r" fthiirk. The tuils of tha
MtUI'- 1
i. . iin.'Vcii v olH'd. the urn Wr nniialdAMblv shorter than
Lt III,, m
tipper one, the fish being u living
ntutive oi me lossie "cunoius.
mrfuoo of a shark fln will be seen
V marked with lines rnuiating
.v.. Ii i . uni t i. mi :r:itc thi
TM I'iv-- w
Li I, nu iiniiAmAU h. An t li
n is ihj
l v ....... Li! 1 vvlic?i thn fin ia rlrioil
1 tnuvv"j
nf firit tn know how tlin
1 piMv. w ...
iicac v n
. ii iin i it ?i'ir n 1 1 1
Ib filled with sand, which Is
i- i t.,,1 I Sin tin ie hniMnri in
hot "Bund bath, and in a lew
LiutU alrlrt riuoD in ttliutnra nnl
be easily pulled off. When this is
i',ij,iin lilt in alvn fjivtnrn
thickness large violin strings, be
of a silvery whitoness and very
hmmm .i.iitin atiimiri nut n pa
nmr l i e. r Liit-v iiicil i lw n
T 11 1 Ml II 1 1 1 i Ul iiiuiu ill illi-
whcri 1'ooKeu. i ney are nitrniy
I f . 1 .4l Tk.
II Till III 11 I" l il i M U n vl ji i IIC
tendoriJi command a very high
in uie iiiuusu murn.ui uim boiuum
Li. La
from "edible birds' nests."
FrancUco Clironicla
Hit ilertK'.v MoHijuitoen.
conspicuous as at Kingfisher.
juiuini tnt, im.ii imvihu I xa
crowa. lint nere tnere is a street
e, &i I'i'i. hi) ii 1 1 nit 1 1 1 1 1 1 s n, ine
IllWVfl'- IlIllC'S. 1 111' Mllllll-
,1UUB 11 I 111. Il l 111IM' I f I II ,t' ,
rapretented. although there are
mnny highly respectable attorneys
various States. The land-oltice
mettioils peeuliarly his own. His
is a perpetual invitation to the
red (Minn rlllm on IHntlHM
rn In ni...... ..... in .......
I 10 The innil(,i,iia Invlti,
Ike fly. He also mingles among
crowd in the land-office lobby, and
wis in persuading peaceful citi-
hich they know nothing and care
inr .f ii, . . . -. r..
j w. mwu ' '' i Oil ' . . ill.
not beyond a suspicion of at-
iv ill. I ll. XI1U It'CO 1UI 111-
claim are $14, but to file a con-
is an inexpensive mattor, the cost
"n ine cnarges or tno attor-
Atthe time of the opening legal
ere verv hiirh. and tM) was
V A!l lii 1... . t
. nowover, the competition is so
Verv niiii mmmm . . t m
ervicea of somethinLT resembling
iMi-.,iiv. ino Deiier ciums
r, niip MM HIUSV BlipiUIHO
UHnt 't'i
l'"" I 11 I.II i Pi 1 Tl I M I Il('
in lu nut . !!. ri -1
. ui in-ruuar w rtingnnuor,
e way the lepal fraternity have
11 I 1 1 1 i i n i ii ii winltTini' on
'OOienms. Altogether IU home-
conKMs have been filed in the
- ..uiD uuu mese uo noi 111-
Mth , 11 . r, . . . i
- m uispuies. uor. Aicnison
Miuim. i:v.. - .
young man oi lasniou
m summer. From his ruset-
' Shots to his utrinnri ran the
or th . . . . .,
. c "lomeni is a poi vcnromatK'
Fit . . .
1 s ilu l'i.Ii Ii . , n-..v..r
I A.... ... . . '
UII n m Ihu Lu..nadl n HUB.
. ....
n,a. tho n,r,.l .l.iliinn lm.
U.UDI oiiiniug . '
UTrfin an .l 1 J...
i " " cMimiiiiig wuriu. nut
the davs when twdizened
"7 clori.Hl in silk, satins, and
sierner sex muuigea id
Wrments M. dazilinir a. thn hril-
h now wrapped around the
Olrr... .... ...
"HI H i .H...1...I .1. ,.f Hi
' "MICU UttlliUK l wilt
tj V World
Otto of Baviiria now imafi-
PtaMf a .. .....1 ananitu
nf v. .? ...
- "U! iime in the ellort to capi-
tle of Earl 0f Ava. the sec
li ,u , , u
u.-i. (v -.r,.;, w i ..iiinjuiB
anl Ava. was taken by oe-
"i me uuwn. A, a m
"-ihu oi nurman.
to the mmmnn non-ob-
of l. a
k i ....
- iina. tht nilv & th.mtrn
ol sum Orafnn,. r,
When large area of skin in,
rerhuM happeM
wve e bUrns or extensive Injuries. It
tXSST month, beto he-
r , a8ln o0"! with epidermis.
RParmH y have gone 00 tl,I Zmi
t ,1s on a level with the surrounding
parts and all that remain. W for the
kin toereep In from the edges; but
weakened by long confinement tn bed.
U very liow, and the constant S
charge of mutter from the open sur
face oauos irritation, as well as weak
ness. It has been known for many yean
hat a flap of skin might be lifted from
t place and mado to adhere in an ad
jo War "Pot, provided lte connection
with the surrounding skin were not
cutoff But now we can go farther
than this. In 1860 a French physician
discovered that small bits of sound
kin might bo snipped off and applied
to the surface of the sore, and that
under certain conditions they would
adhere and form new centers from
which the process of healing might o
In order to have a graft "take" well.
the .!:' ..... nl tk. ..i ...
mo uicor must oe in a
suitable condition. If it Is rough, or
discharges too freely, or projects too
far abovo the surrounding level, there
Isdangor that the small bits of skin
will fall off.
The process is as follows: The sur
face of the ulcer, as well as that of the
sound skin from which the grafts are
to be taken, having been carefully
cleansed with carbollo acid, or other
olution that serves the same purpose,
the bit of skin is plckod up In a small
pair of forceps or on the point of a
needle, and is snippod off with a pair
of sharp scissors or a small knife.
Only tho superficial layer of skin Is
taken, and if this is properly done
there is no blooding.
The bit of skin, which Is generally
not larger than the head of a pin. !
then placed firmly upon the ulcer,
with the cut side down, and preferably
about a quarter of an Inch from the
free border. A line of graft may ha
placed at equal distances completely
across tho denuded surface, and thus a
bridge of skin is soon formed, for the
grafts spread and unite, and thus con
vert the original ulcer into two smaller
ones. By a similar process these two
parts may be again divided, and the
process continued till the whole sut
face is covered.
In a few instances larger portions of
skin have been made to grow to the
ulcerated surface, but in general tho
smaller bits cuuse repair to go on as
rapidly, and are more easily applied
ana cared lor. louth s (Joiupumon.
Bow Two Mm nd llmivv Boat W.r.
Carried Along by a Flth.
The other rod lay between mo and
my boatman, under his supervision. I
was reeling in my line after a short
abortive cast when suddonly Pierce
made an exclamation, and I tin ned to
seo his line running out rapidly, so
rapidly In fact that the handle of tha
reel knocked a piece out of his foro
finger. He reachod mo tho rod, and
just after 1 had seized it, taking care
to exert no pressure, a large silvery
mas,' leaped out of the water straight
Into the water and fell back again.
"A tarpon, and a big fellow," cried
In considering any statement as to
the height a fish jumps out of
water, it is important to know whether
the narrator has included the length
of the fish in making up his figures.
That Is to say, if a fish is six feet long
and jumps from its native element so
that the tip of its tail is two feet clear
of the surface, good story-tellers will
claim that it has jumped eight feet out
of water. Others will take oath to
only two. It is sufficient to state that
the tarpon in question jumped either
two feet or eight, according to the in
dividual preference of tho reader. At
that time ho had taken out with veloci
ty about fifty yards of line; the leap
terminated his first rush, and I had an
opportunity to reel in about a fourth
of the amount before he started off
again. Meantime my man had hauled
up the anchor and we were in
process of being towed by the big flsh,
whoso frantic efforts to escape were
making tho reel revolve at a famous
rate. From long experience with nil
mon, I knew enough to keep the point
of my rod as high as possible consist
ent with the heavy strain, and the mo
ment the rush diminished in intensity
I clapped my finger on to the leather
drag and resisted stoutly, reeling in
every inch of line that I could recover.
But before long ho was off once more
in mad career, and out of water vi
ciously shaking his head in determined
efforts to spit out the hook. His fail
ure to do this after a series of endeav
ors showed that he had swallowed the
bait and that my chief concern now
should ho as to the strength of my.
tackle. -Scribner's Magazine.
Better Than a Safety Vault
Highwayman (halting lady In car-rUge)-Stop,
Madam! Your money
or your life!
Lady My money U In my Pet
,ir. and as neither you nor I can find it
Inside of ten minute, and there U a
large party of brethren tourists com
Ing up thehil. I would advise you to
let me pass.
Higbwavman -Thanlu.madam your
advice is worth heeding. Good-day.-,
Burlington Free Preta
,ManvrmaTli' on the reput-.
ion oth '-' 'h,m
PUr.ueur studies in the way
your conscience calls honest Mora
and more endeavor to do that Keep
Z accurate separation of -hat you
acquired, if acquired at all; d be
n vour mind, to that you may surra
"Jfl- with uuai-
A Palpable Kaaawa Way Tbey
Mi. mid ., All lie .l
Jaded laaponlara.
It it iuvariably the rule among act
vvrtising doctors, ou out of a hundred
preforms the cure and relief he adver
terises to, an,1 among those few who
cures, Drs. Darrin stands in the lead
Their testimonial alone are sufficient
to hear witness to the torvgoing asser
tion, and it is doubtful whether, among
the thousands of advertising doctors
in the country, there is a single one
who has met with such eminent suc
cess as those above quoted, as the
following extract from testimonials
will show :
N inn - That mi to aCr4 to Can!
by Dr Darrla.
Mr. Issac Winganl, Ceutralia W. T.
Asthma of eighteen years' staudinv. ;
George H. Hamilton, U2 Stark street,
Portland. Stoppage of the tear-duet ;
Joseph Moore, National hotel, port
land. Polypus in the noae fifteen
years; cured.
William Koliler, aged 72 years,
Jacksonville, Or. Deaf in one ear
thirty-six years ; cured.
Miss Lucy Morgan, Monmouth, Or.
Crosaeye ; straightened in one miu
ute. Judge C. Kalahan, Kalama, W. T.
Polypus in the ear; removed with
one oieration.
Mrs. R. H. Frasier's, Fishers Land
ing, W. T. Kheumatism and kidney
trouble; restored.
J. W. Bottom, Astoria, Or. Kidney
and liver complaint for years; restored
to ierfect health.
Fanny Kennedy, Walla Walla, W. T.
Both eyes crossed since a child;
cured in thirty seconds.
S. I. Whitman, Monmouth, Or.
Deafness and ringing noises in the
eurs twelve years; restored.
Miss Mamie McKean, 2110 I street,
Portland Deafness and catarrh, four
ecn years' standing; cured.
E. E. Joslin, The Dalles, Or. Dis
charging ear twenty-one years from
effects of diptheria ; cured.
Mr. A. Shea's daughter, S is Colum
bia street, Portland cross-eyed all her
life; curred in one minute.
Mrs. I. B. Kennedy, 251 Sixth street
Kheumatism thirty-five years; cured
six months ago and remains perman
ent. E. A. Shaw Forest Grove Or. ; total
deafness, so far restored a to be able
to hear ordinary conversation.
Mtb. E. Munn Pioneer, Crook
county, W. T. ; cured of painful rheu
matism of six months' duration.
Mrs. H. 8. Young, Huntington, W.
Ti Kidney and liver complaint, dys
pepsia and general debility ; cured.
James J. McOowan, 127 Thirteenth
street, Portland Heart disease, pal
pitation and genera, nervous debility ;
Dr. Our rln'N Place of Baalaeaa.
Drs. Darrin can be consulted free at 235
Filth Btreet, corner of Main, Portland.
Ollice hours, fram 10 to 4 o'clock dally;
evenings. 7 le H; Sundays, 10 to 11 All
curable ciuvule dlheases, loss of manhoed,
blood taints, syphilis, gleet, goaorrluea,
strict u re, spermatorrhea, seminal weak -ness,
or iu-m of desire of sexual power, In
man or woman, catairh and drainer, are
confidentially and sutcessfully treated,
('are of private diseases guaranteed, and
never published in the papers. Most rases
can receive borne treatment alter a visit
to the doctors' office. Inquiries answered
and ciieulars sent free.
The Japanese army Is now lftt,O0C
strong. It will be 600,000 before long.
Some medical mon in England at
tend their patients at the rute of two
and a half ponce a week.
The King of Denmark, who makes
punctuality a called Christian
tho Precise by Ills subjects.
Tho Crown Prlnco of Greece is lib
eral in his ideas of statecraft, and min
gles with tho pooplelna domocratlo
The Face at th Window.
"This letter Is to my husband," aba said, a
he licked on a stamp at th window la the
oorrldor of th postofflca.
" Yes'm. "
"Will it go out todayr
"By first maiir
"He ought to get it day aftar to-morrow t
"And I ought to have hi letter by Batur
"It Isn't over welghtr
"And If he get It, and If I get hi answu
by Saturday, I can writ"
"Please don't olatruct the window, ma'am
there's forty people waiting."
"Ob, there are. That's always th way of
it. 1 can't get a word of information out of
this postofflce. try as 1 wilt Uood day, air I
I'll go scrum to Canada after thlsl" Detroit
Free Prem.
A Mi. 1,1. i, Chaoaj.
"Where', the humane agentt" be demand
ed, as be rushed into a stor on Randolph
"I don't kaow. Why r repUad th clerk
"There's feller out her pounding nU
bone beraua It wont go. Hang It I ther'
alit a hundred men in this town wbo ought
to be wnt to Utc prison for life! If I can''
"Wbow linn (s that f asked the clerk, at
an animal went tearing by with the wrack ol
a bugKT t hl heel
"That', mine, and th Infernal, ungrateful
brute ban gone and run away at aotn fool
thing and probably made me a hundred dol
Ian damage! It's wonder to me that mon
ownen of h'ne don't knock their good for
Dotting bead off with sladg hammer, !"
Detroit Pre Prwa
Re Wanted a toavenlr.
Scene In an artist's studio friend equipped
for a Journey who ha com to say good-by.
Friend-PanweU. you will oarer see m
Artua-Yoo aay I wtj nvr you again!
That', what I say."
"Do yoa nally mean Itr
-1 do"
Then lend me ten dollan before you ga. I
want omethlug to remember you by." Tax-
Thy H Wa Snd.
"DUVen of my friend wen drowned by
i, upsetting of d poU, I was daonly on
ared." aid a Dutchman. "And bow did
you acap.r akd ae amlota baarar. "I
lid not go o oota'-Yoo-' Coav
Hospital aay-i thai many a man
who supposes he ha a weak hcai I,
ouly dyspeptic, and many a woman's
heart teems weak because of tight lac
ing. When there is no valvular dis
ease but merely muscular weaknes.
the heart can lie made to grow stronger
by judicious exercise, in form of walk
ing. gradually increasing (peed and
According to a Georgia paper,
there pasted through Klberlon a few
week ago en route to Atlanta a man
who, although ninety-one years old,
was In search of a situation and confi
dent of soon finding one. In 1H30 he
practised law In Klberlon and was a
young lawyer nf marked ability, giving
promise of achieving much fame and
prestige. He emigrated lw the West
and It now pouiiilcts. After the lapse
of fifty-nine years he returns to the
scones of his early Ufa.
A Jersey City Sunday-school super
intendent has organized a bras' hand
In connection with tho services of his
school, and it has proved a drawing
attraction to everybody except the
ciltieua iu the neigh borhood.
iroMi i nit Minr,
I was taken a 1th sharp pains lu the lower part
of uiy tiowelt In the resliia o( the M4dl
Shortly bin, appeared mixed with my urlur
aud a lew weeks later I had an attack ol sratrl
I tried a namher of doctors. Hue said It aas
travel, another lutamaliou of the bladder, and
another ttu lu kldiien. t'ur three uioullii I
s, iimlcr the t are ,il an eminent doctor at .11
bauy. but ciutlautl) troaliuj worse, weut home
louie. i nut tune I was induced to try nr.
la,l.l kcuncdv's Kaiorlte Ketucdy.uf Itnudout,
N. V.. au.l am no relniM ami mimiiv A n avail
which cau do this lor one to uear death as I
tn.'lll U ku,. u e,er) w here. I lieite till .late
uieiit will raute other, anil, tol as I wat to use
I l.e Uein.ilv r.. Browii. I'etersliursh, S. Y.
I. KtXMDY', FaiotlTI HtrnuiY, made at
toadeat, N. v n i.t
Seud lor book, how to cure Klduey, I.I ver and
Hlood disorder.
Knowledge Is a treasure at uuce priceless and
A IMc la the Mine.
If on the rutin tide aud lower part ol the
,ll,liram, though ula) fully luenul aud de
II, calculated to evoke profanity trom whotr liver Is oat uf order, w hen that
region Is tore aud congestisl, p ..... teem Bend
lull 1.0.1k al a Kau'. ontnlcualiiv ,,,,, pn
hlm underthr ribs. II his skin ami eyeball,
have a sallow tinge, you may Infer elo dial hit
tongue Is furred, his breath ant to be Minr. that
be ban pal us not only ucneaeii In. rlbt, but alto
under the right .boulder blade. Alvi. that hit
1 Mi: AUVASCK or siii.mi:
As time rolls on from day to day man's
mind I ever on the move, improvement
after Improvement mines to light ami
w here once an article was extolled to the
blithest pitch aa he inn the next In the
world, now we hear no more of It, and thai
same article haa positively failed out of
lht and given place to one of far irreater
value, and much more effective in Its uses.
This tame theory applies to the great
ami in. 'i rn remedies placed to day before
the public. Year ago, valuah'e prennra
tiotis were very scarce, and invariably the
doctor was called in to administer to the
Now for any and all diseases ran be
fouud medicine put up from true formulas
andnf positive merit. TllKl.HKATHlKRKA
KlIlNKY AND I.IVKH ( I UK is the I A 1 LSI
AND iim-i mi. on ini. of the aite classed
among true remedies and It price la with
in I lie reach of all. Hundreds of teati
m mill . are coming in from all parts of
the country uuiought for and honest In
their meaning, we name this woniikhkI'I,
1 .1 , i. it Cm for it Is the ukkatk.t this
century haa known. BOM in it- work
iMiiKiUATK in It action. For sale by all
Anger baulshea reflection, but It couscqHen
Mg recall it
Uttcn a song of rejoicing.
Hearts that were Mar) an' glad.
Women, look up anil be hopeful,
There's help aud there's health lo be had.
Take courage. O weak ones despondent .
And drive back the foe that yoa fear
With the wapou that ucver will (all you.
O, be of gisid cheer,
for wken you tuflvr from any of the weakneaaea,
"Irregular I ties, "aud"f miction alileratiKeineiitit,"
l ullar to yoiit tea, by Ihe He ol 1 1 r I'lerc's
Favorite lncrlptlou you cau put the ei cmy of
III health and happiness to route. II Is the only
medicine for women, told by driugittt, under a
iMMltlve iit'irtmfrr of aatltfactlou lu every cane.
or money refunded, see bnttle-wrapper.
For all derangement, nf the liver stomach and
bowels take Itr. Pierce's Pellets, linn a dose.
Hi,, heart that Is aoonett awake to the flower.
It always tile first lo be luuched b) the thorns.
t'se after each meal Nratt'a KniiiUIou
with Hv iHiitliotnlilt,'. it Is an nalalahle at
milk, and easily illgrsted. The rapidity with
which delicate people Improve with lit ntc Is
wuuderful. UBS It aud try your weight. Ala
remedy for t'liutumptiiiii, Throat atTiTtlnut and
Hroiiriti. it it iiiie'iualltsl. I'Ichm' read: "I used
Scott's h'multlon In a child eight mouths old
aud with good results, lie gained lour pounds
lu a very auort time." Tho. Pkim, M. Ii., Alabama
bowel, an- Irn'Klllar and hl.dlL'e.tlun lluoalrml
Instead n( making a Jncou' demonstration on
hit rlbt, mi.i.iiucml hlm to lake ami steadily
persltt In taking, lloalctler'. stomach Bitters,
lh tine. t anti lu'. ion. and attentive medicine
extant. Incomparable Is It. lto, for dyspepsia,
rheumatism, nervousness, kidney trouble, and
lever aud ague.
Whoever couqucra Indolence can compicr
moat tblup
, . ' Ml
mr nut at ItVl
rut; csbfay
Rellerr aud cure
M i i; i i i .
Sciatica, Lumbago.
in n in .
Toothache, Sprains,
Burns and Scalds.
ur opium
At ItRimuitTs and Prti.Kaa,
The Celebrated French Sure,
n,or:H,; 1 aphrooitine"
I 801.D ON a
lo cure any
foini ol nor, out
disease, or any
disonler of the
generative or
gans Of elthel
aex whether ar
ising Iniui (he
en elv, use l sniniilauii. i.
or through youthful ludlscrelloii, over Indiilg
.nu . a., snoo t i .... in main Power, Wakelii,
ueaa, lUwriiigilnwu Pains lu the Hack, Itnlaai
WeaklK. II, mens Nervous Pnnlralion Nis'lurii
al Kmlssloiu. Uni-inrluea, UltilueNi.Weak Mem
on. Io.mi1 Power and lapobwey, which Ii ne
glectetl nlteii lead tn piemalinvoinageauil lusaii
lly Prlcefl00.ilxvt.Sboxeslort6.0V Belli by
mali nu ni eint of price
'A YVItlT'l'KN ft! AKANTKItlorcvervfJOO
or.u t, to lefund the money If a rerinaiient
cure It not effected Thousand, ol testimonial!
Iroui old aud voting, of both sexes, permanently
cure! by Ai iikiiditins circular (re Address
wgrrrag nit inch.
womr ihih ti.and or
Hold by Htrelblg A Une, Dnuglatt, oor. Hen
oud Washington sta.. Cortland. Or.
He who nnts a hail rciuttrnctlnu on a good act
reveals hit own w tckeducst of heart.
lio.rt Mlttit a Uood Tliluc.
You want an elettant collection of ar-
tisllt novelties, which can be procured by
anyone, xou win lie astoniniien al uie
variety, lieauty ami cataity.
To get th se buy a h x of the genultie
Dr t'. Mcl.anc's t'eleliraU'd l.iver Pills,
price ' i cents, and mall n the outside
wrapper Willi vmir MarwM plainly w nlteii
and 4 cents in stamps. We will then
mall you the above list Willi an eicgaol
tmckagt' of oleoLtraphir aud chromatic
Address, Fleming Hros., I'ltlatiurKh, Pa.
Hv, Ill's,. liaseure.1 me of a in.lla-
1 limit break Ina nut nu my lea. which caused
lutolemliie oaiii. it waaoalled Kcu'ina i.v
the doctors-four nf wliom lreale.1 me wllh
no relief. I candidly confess that I owa
niy pr.aent good health lo H, n, H,, which
In my estimatliiu Is invaluable as a blood
remedy. If laa Julia II Witt,
.'.'J N. 1Mb HI,, M . Isiuk, Ho.
flur bativ when two months old was at
acked with M.Tnfiga. wlileb fur a Ion
I time ilratroyed her eynlgbt entirely, and
I caused ua to despair of lies life. The doctor
I failed to relieve her ami we aavs
Is,, trr. Hrcfhc, which toon cured her en
tirely, ami the Is how hale and hearty.
a.. V. I'm k, Will's I'oliil, Teiaa.
" Send for book alvln history of
Blood Hiseaaee and advice lo sufferers,
I mailed free
TIIK twin Hl'Ki'lKir lit.,
Drawer S, Atlanta, ua
A man who It not ashamed of himself net
uot be afraid of his early condition.
.1 LINT HMOSitWili
a rt'LL lihi or
Manhattan U. II. 0, and Colt Breech-Loadlug
rlhot Otut.
Nl Itt. t'l'MK FOB riliKM.
u.. ... ....... 1...1.1I...I l.l. . ,11 .... mmtA 1 1,. I, I ... UIIa.
standlug. Nooneticial tutfer teu inlniitct after ,
UslUK Mrs siicrinaii i i ii 1 1 1 1 ' in i ii i. ii aosoios
Illinois, allara the Itching, acU as a posltlce,
give, relief. Dr. Kirk's Herman pile ointment
Is prepared only for Piles and Itchlug ul the
private part, and nothing else. Every box It
WBiratnci .... l, ...a an... 1.6 mail no ....... Ir,.
of price. 11.00 per box. J. J. Mack A Co., Whole
sale Agent, Han Francisco.
All men are frail, but Ihon shouldst reckon
none so trail as thyself.
' There la a tide in the alTn'ra of men
which if to' en at Ihe Mood leads on to
fortune." If V nf affairs are at a low ebb
now. den't fall to write to B. V. Johnson
& Co., 10OH Mln St., Itlrhmond, Va who
have plans that w ill enaiiie you lo maae
money rapidly.
In iililnf In ilnngeroui iilcisure is like lick
ing honey from a kull ami catUn. the tougu"
wllh Ihe edge.
Do vour clothe last aa they uaed lot If
not, you muni lie ualnK a oap or vaihiiw
lmuilrr that rota I hem. Trv Ihe irond ofrf-
fathionril Dobbins' Klecti Ic Hohp.ptrtdly
purt today as in irwn.
Tha wlllierltie roae reveals the hidden tbortl.
When nle sure has c ascd, folly remains lo be
A box wind matches free to smoken of
TaatlU'a Punch" Be. Cigar.
.1 .Ml....... h llnm t.M I.Bl, US ISBAC
rhoukpson't Eye Water, praggltts tell It. e.
Bronrhltl. Mta changes nf Uie weath
er cans.' Mroneniai i on- iei. r- - dtw
rKlal Tncka" will give relief. .Sold taSJ i
Price t ct.
rfaadrr's Orexea Hltat Pur'Ber la
the beat remly f-r thai dread disease, djspep-
tla, lor It regulates toe lympnaiic tfmtm auu
bad secretion.
a u i-i.L i ksanl and Assayrr.
fi Wasblugtoti st , Portland, O. Package by
man or esure" yniuyij
Malaria Fever
t wat carad ol one of ihe wont nan of ma
laria level by llutrf'iHartaparllla. and what this
medicine did for ae. It will do lor othen. I wat
taken with the disease In MM. I cootalled the
beat dorton, but wltboat any apparent benefit
and bad to rwlgu my sltaallon as ageol and
operaUir lor the Mleeonrl PacISc Kallruad. I
bad lost 6 poundand spent over WO At last
I swclilcutallv met tnveller for C. I Hood A
Co , who sdvlMd me to Irv His. It Saraaoarlll
1 bought sli bidtle, lor i aud afVr using two
thought I wa no brtier. ni 1 - ".1 .1
"t... I hmjt- ksSktaa lb third
bVd Iea.g-.nelkanu,l-el tafer. and I coo
. . . A .1.1 f ,L, II ..,,11 .-a Whan I
more Ll gained my usual AmM
..m ,i,ia:ii..j aooiiir, .u... . , --
L" w ti .n B i 1 Agent wa
baab A . aclfVe Ra'.lwav, lle. 111.
ij g ! f p,n tie. Kir lo late iv-. or
rlUa do not be Induced to ba any other.
Hood's Saraparilla
Hold by ail draggla. tlx lor 16. Prrpar'
oalj by C. L HoOl! At Co., towtfi. Mi a.
100 Doom On Dollar.
Also fall assortment of Martin, Colltud Win
chester Hlflc. The 17. II. C MaclllneHhot (lima
for fJO, arc the bnt Mai hlne tlun In the inarki-t.
Send for circular. H. T. HI'IKtOW.
M Flrat Htnet, Portland, Or.
ft, as ta ON a day. sample worth ate. is
51a ft r'KKR. Une not under hortet' feet
tV write Hrewater ftVafely M
Holder! o.. Hill I v. Mich.
PImvos; BartUtt Ifwt, band tatnjii till tatnjst
I'oalUTelr Cured wttb V Me lab Is
Have cured wany Ihuutaod . Cur. paUeuU
rcnouoced bopele by the teal pbytleltna. From
rst dose srmpb.ait rapidly dlaappwr, anS In ten
tart at least twethlrdt of all iratplomt are rerun
ed. Sand for free took of tetumontalt of miraculous
eares. Ten dait treatment fumlthed free by mall.
If ton order trial, tend 10 oenla In ilaiapt lo par
pvkas. DU.ll.
U yoa order trial return una adtrtuata4 10 at
Baking Powder
I have tnnde a seuri hing oheiuical exaininution of Dr. I'hu k'h
CRIAM Hakimi POWMR which I niii liniied from stores in this city, and
lii ul it to be free from nil foreign HulmUnces such as Alum, Ammonia,
LiSM, etc., tad us nearly chemically pure as can lie mude from tho
purest materials.
Chemist, Assayer and Geologist.
San Fhancisco, February 5th. 1X89.
faUsWUB for uct't-osllnif wbaft
otl.t Tt tlB.VtJ latitiL
Drill 4tp mmW9
m BMIaltJldl
nr Write a
til wora
r.a wlak t.
Al l pHpBBa
U, &T,
Made of Bur auallly t Maimers and Worsteds and
St guaranteed. Send six note for temple pack
age containing over 10 sample ol cloth, one
llu n tape masur. and rale, for Mil inruure
AST.ts mm
Cor. Second and Morrlaoo ilreet, Portland. Or.
Clothier, Hatter and Tailor,
When ordering plea mention Ibis paper
Dr. MA Still,
1 u: !!.:
ktvi r.Yti
AVO tr'tl
Jj.Ctrj ill',
'jfl: f 1 1 n
Jwrtiruu iv
The Great Cure
A Regulator of the Liver 4 Kidneys.
Scrofula, Rheumatism,
Salt Rheum, Neuralgia,
And all other blood anti Skin Dlteatet.
' j "--'-
r VM sVII Pa
JMm.i tioit
It Is a NMltivo cure for nil thoee I' lanlicate
Coniplnliils iiiul complicated trouhles and Weiiknesses
cuniinoti ,r n.'i: : our Wives, Mothers anil I laughters.
Tin, elhat is immivliutn and luntlnif. Two or thre
(eOSBS "f Dr. l'liriWs Keint'siy taken iluily kaaps
the IuismI cgjot, (lm liver nmt kidneys active, uud will en
tirely eruilieutM fnmi thu system all truces of Scrofula,
t-'itlt liheiim, or any other form of hlisal diseiuwi.
No medicine ever intnxliicecl in this country has met
With such rvmlv sulo, nor uiveti such universul nit infliction
whenever used u that of Dr. fiirtimt'! i;cnniy .
Uni remedy has luvon hhimI in the lumpitals tlir,m.:hnnt
tlie 'ild world fur the past twenty-five years, as u specific
fortthe nlxvve diseiineH, itml it has and will cure when alt
other so-culled n'inedies fa'l.
Semi for pamphlet of teiliinonlals from tliose. who have
btea Btsed bjf its use. Dniggists all it at $1.00 per
Isyttle. Try it and lie crfivineod.
m , urAOTtrri ar
Pardee Medicine Compai., Rochester, N, Y.
Mm j a
an ii
... .i
JnwutMl asl uc
Snrs.sir s, u.
k Oattaaatl J-VM
I .irrwrrlb and fnllTrr.
tl'irar ItlK ii m the only
aim'ldt' rort(ietri,lDCuiM
f tH (Mr-tew,
t) H IMIHA1IAU.N. n.,
i. 'li'iilatii, N Y.
W hTe gold Big Q for
ninny m. nr1 .t bag
D. K DYonpro.,
rblrtftaiv. Ill
1.00. )ldby Drugfftitg.
One pair No 1 Kenuine Huck Oauntlett
11.60. potnt;o paid, for $2.00 itoods.
Thorougrj and Practical Instruction
Order anything ami everything yoa want to
rat, to nse or to wear, and yon will gel Ihe low
cat price and best service tt all times. Order I
sample copy nf the last ffomr (Vrrlr containing
price ul over 3,000 articles, beside, other rateable
fuforniitlou. Bent tree. It will pay you to have
It. AddreM,
Large! ()enerl Dealers west ol th
MlalMlppI Klver,
Man r' CBllrwrala
A hoarding and day school lor young men and
Most Healthful Location in the Country.
Termt for boardert, POO per year. For cata
logue, eddre. u. s. ruupaD, a. a.
Tacoma, Wash.
Iff rttorn mall
fall descriptive
circular, nf
taiiii mm
Any lady of ordl
nary Intelllgenc
can easily si.
quickly learn tn
eat and pake
any garment lu
any style tn any
Dieaene for la,!;
or child. Addreta
naaaaBaaaa rrsr m r anaaa.
.iai iiaw hi ii
! SsTsaBstwHswXwHawNI CIsil.wB.O
Buslneaa and Academic Subjects
Band for (Mrs alar ta
Haatea Hlark. a. attic Waahlaalga.
Actual Uualursa, Hhnrlhtnd, plain tin! (PIBji
mental renaanahtp and pta. ileal Kugllah de
lrtmenta gey- ,miii. n of prnmanahlp land Hint
traied eatalognt' tent Ire.
Btudenw Admitted at anyTlma.
Nw sacrioMAL Mo. or
Revlted lo October, MM.
TB l ent Bark. Toaelber. al .
Hailed tnywhere, Addrea,
I. I. 0ILL a CO., Publisher..
Portland, Oregon.
- WaoLBSAI. ad aaiAii diali -GUNS
Electrotype and Stereotyne
UH Third St , Portland, Oregon.
Portland. Or.
I ...11... Utummm nl th. 'rll,WS.I dontteB
menta aud orders solicited, t'orretpoodenae
prvniipilv answered.
Fishing Tackle,
Foot Bella
Hoiina- tilovse,
Indian f Toba
Maaka. Foil
Western AgenU for
A. G. SpsMisg A LW.
Hlcrclea. Veloclpsd. TFfcyeU.
Ml. 1ST ak IS 4 at- PartlaaS. Or.
tag a an artrasi saa
filldll At. BaatBw Fttta. W T . N Mate A
For basinet puraulu at Ihe Ftirtlaud Bnaiacas
College l urthiud Oregon, or at the Capital Hue
form Cut lege Salem. Oregon. Both sc bonis s(f
underthr inanaa mcnt of A P Arnittruug have
aamecourw of atwlira and vat rates of tuition
Bustnfaft, Nhorlhnnd,
Typewrltiag, Penmanship and Kngluh Depart
menls. iJ.yauae.eninMset.iMo. .iiwbu...
Billed at any lime. Korjolnt Calnloaue. addreaa
rwlhutaltw. MUn. AD CatlUI laLua (tlltgt. ,
Portland, iiregoo. UB Salem. Orrgoa. J
For lb Treaunenl of all Mwtou, Special and
i rawBM smaSSwl
INS riral atrret. Parkland.
Oregjsn Bload Purifier.
. i u" aoicrsre tsngui
"rALACHCV farnvtNfss
N. P. M. U. Me. MM W, M. O. Ms. HI
Unha. it ... f
W tiK - i . ... .