The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 26, 1889, Image 5

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    in V AND COUNTY.
Tin- Hop Qiettloii.
a , r writing '" Woodbarn
!ml,p.i'dcnl. OOJ0I
I h !! dsssletS ' taUM Ihil
hi; i''') vUkuily ,al" f" 11 phsuqre in
LjujritlH "pon tliu 5BM' iuiiiiU i hut in
S York there i uo d. nuuct lor hop, U(
market UavtrtlOth tb' WMtqiMNitlj
1 . ", I wake uu offer for our Iiom litre
..nv ticrr- nnd i the very Lrc-itdi
! will im vim hmOhny i ou the .h.ini
Z, .ml ny 'lM ,R-Ht ,,liuK "" ''an Jo ' to
,,.i M rOM hop I" and "hip Ibem to
EjYork. Tbey admit thai New York'.
Iron will Kruu Ui0r" tblt" "tie-fourth
EL lllut cusqileuce three-
fourths IW Wch will bo Ihrowu upon
the markst l y Pr,l'u ,,"lt " 'lo
Sum llh ",ir U(,fH N Y- ,,i",1i
ueousuniod; 'Mlo BIWMON when N. y.
hsd uu inferior crop our bop wort ulway
.-eiira demand. WW' WJ Wo choice.
All S V. .lipteb"i say: NO prospect of
rtpoit demand. Now Hiking Euglish mar
krtTiiiot.itiKUs, oboicu Oregou and Washing.
ion bOB" or,n ,l"'re lbB J
7 l0 a;j l4 cuts per Hi., mill firm ut that,
vitb BO JettHUHl ut n" iul' H I' liopH. The
uly lufen n In- drlWB is Ibut X Y him
JJ ,,, ( sufficiently ROM quality to hear
rjportiug- rb" mormon. Oertuan bop
crop of sOeb unexceptionable quality which
iIip dealer have been so pleased to keep
cuustsutlv before our eyes, sample of which
irrjfHl in England Home time tip ind were
offered from 0 to 12 ceuts a Hi and failed to
Jraw u but at W Pjiw so it look like that
hobby bml beeu riudeu to doutb. Taking
lltkUUJ" i'o consideration ull must bo
forced to arrive at tbo following conclus-
ions; l"1- ,hllt N- ha D0 'l0Pl' tuHt "''I
bear exporting 2nd, that the Irortuan hopa
m iot WUti toUatUnifl such being the
fait Pacifies ure the only hopa that will
j0 aa to tbo cause of the present eondi
Hon of our hop market: In tbo tirst place
t,rre are al'ont nine thousand balea of
Pacific ComI contracted bj the brewcra
ljjk pi into immediato couaumption, aud
w,l ,e diatributed ao as to keep ull brewers
uff the market as long as possible. The
dealers are making frantic efforts to induce
it growers to consign and ship their hops
t, Sew York; (where they say there is no
utrketl aud doub-.less will succeed in many
ipstauces; as a majority of the hop growers
Uf compelled to release in perhaps 90 days;
luting lajrniwed ino:iey to pick with. My
is tbat that all who consign will be dis
appointed, for when their hops are placed
in the h inds of dealers they will be shipped
direct to EugUudt, where they will be sold
Irom l! to Wi cents per pouud, aud
petbaps after si'Veral months they will be
reported sold in New York at New York
irashhop prices. My advice to all hop grow
ers, wbose liuaucial conditions will possibly
permit, is to keep nil choice hops in their
storerooms believing confidently that all
choice hops will be wanted during the sea
ton at remunerative prices.
A Reporter's Imagination.
The item given btlow, taken from a Salem
llr. misses the truth in eery particular, IX'
ceptttat Mr. Friendly was mi Isiard the
wneked train. There was no car that had the
Mirl knocked off, and no narrow escape:
S H. Friendly, of Kngenc, a brother-in-la
of J. Simon, of this city, was a passen
ger on tho wrecked traiu aud his berth was
the first one in the front end of the wrecked
deeper. His escape from a bonihU death
was a narrow one. Just before the wreck
occurred he ordered the porter to arrange
his bid and whilo waiting, he thought he
toiild sti p into the neit car behiud, and
inoke while he waited. Just as he
reached the otht r car and before the porter
hvl commenced to arrnnge the bed, a
terrific shock was felt and the train came to
stand still. Hushing to the platform noth
ing but escaping smoke and steniu could
lie seen, but it was certain the train was
off the track. The car in w hich Mr Friend
li had his birth, bad plunged into n freight
rat loaded with railway iron nnd the whole
end ol the cur was torn to pieces His berth
aos a wreck. Had the accident happened a
fr moments later he perhaps would not
have beeu iu Salem to day to relate tho cir
enmstances. Letter l,ixt.
Letters for the following persons remained
uncalled for at the postofllce in Eugene City
Oregon, Oct. 85, 1889;
known, 4 8
Baker, Elmlrn
Cure, Miss J L
Duumglon, F 1
Edleman, UIm
PUah. Mis .i i:
Mttw, Mi
folbv. J T
I Elsie
llrnnnitt, William
Eastland. Mrs S M
James, A
Inlaw, Igno
Lnfield, dames
Merrill. Anderson
Mummy, W
Parker,' Jack
I'ierre, Miss Annie
Uimruer, Albert
Scantliiurp Van
Johnston. Frank 1!
Long. John W
Mansfield, J M
Morrison, Wm
Newman, Mrs
Pope, Public
Hardera, Clyde
Hobertson, Jos
Woolev. Geo
Achate of one cent will be made ou each
letter given out.
Persons calling for the above will please
MV advertised, giving date.
F. W OsnuriN, P. M.
Stab am, Cbkscknt. If the night of Mon
thly, Oct. sth, chances to be one of those
''ear aud cool nights peculiar to an Oregon
October, it will repay star gazers to keep
tbeir eyes open, for then they will witness
isiou of rare beunty. The" new moon for
this month will appear on the 24tb iust., aud
"like her first ipiarter on the 31st. Ou the
20th there will be a conjunction with Jupi
ter, nud the conjunction is extremely close
rirl the picture of the star and the STtaOMlt
ill he one of rare beauty. The conjunc
'lons for the rest of the month will be with
'ptune on the 1Mb, Mors on the 22 1 nnd
Mercury on the 23d. The watchers cf the
kiea providing the weather is clear, can en
W 'hese celestial phenomena. If they have
'o telescopes, powerful field, or what is bet
kr. night glasses; will aid them greatly in
lour observations.
Smrriso Fnrjrr. Salem Jonrnal, Oct 23:
A. Clark and Son shipped two ear loads
l dried fruits from this place to-dny, one
wn-igiied to Helena, Montana, and the
"tner to Ilutt,. ( ,ty, Montana Mr. Clark
2 shipped in all live car loads of dried
'nuts thus far this season, all secured from
'"rty acres of frnit treta. Sixtv thousand
Pounds have so far b.en dried from this
riraber of acres. Mr. Clark could have
"nnd a ready market for double tbe
"fflonnt of frnit he will have for sale.
Tbe World' Record Lowebid. At
',rrt,""te. Indiana, oo the 11th "t hut
""nth. Aatell, the famous 3 vesr old stallion,
J5 the ,.rld' record that afternoon, gnini;
""leu, -2.VI Axtell'. recoH is li seconds
er than the 3 year old world s record. Af
Wgt race Axtell wa. mii for 10.'.,000, the
price ever paid for a horse.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
"'she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
she became Mia. she clung to Castoria,
bad Chfldren, she gave tiem Castoria.
r w i oi lowing lepou oi um,s.
'be Osborne, Kansas, Journal- So
tb 'srmers end olhere ih-re are so
w p. when the price, of frm
J low: Wkeet. No 2 hard. oO U; So.
K; No. J, 50; ou. MY, , butter, to
' louitciirt M..uda7"
CMbhoj at,B:.
Horn's rvUition l Eugeu.
Trains nearly .11 late the., dya.
f"w cks reported along the ,ior
wh nest line .., Mvttwuv k Ui dly (
m&S?H1mmkm K'lulr.of
No 1 lard in Iti p..
nncXrU only
.t Qo;id"lrth-whe b,),luUlu, Q-
-tSaVwatU'' ',,njm' "r',i"""
JBSSJWS wi,",0WH ,or "
Smith and Hah open their new grocery
store for business to-day. '
. An agent for the Weekly Oregoui.u was
in town this week.
Ouitar aud violin strings at Eugene Hook
Store, formerly Collier.
A fine line of silk plushes in all shadet
and grades ut F. B. Dunn's.
C.o to Goldsmith's and get 1 lb of beat tea
and China tea pot all for $1.00.
School book, exchanged at the I'nivenitv
Hook Store, opposite Wilkius' drug store. '
lluildinfc' ia extremely active. New resi
dence, are in course ,,f construction in all parts
of town. t
Frank ltri.ner baa Wen appointed admini.
trator of the estate rat Win. M. Tirtlot de
ceased. Sullivan, the tirant county murderer, has
been sentenced to be h,.ngH'. on November
I 1 s v .
Cur).ets! Carpets!! S. H. Friendly has
just received a large and varied assorimtut.
He will suit you.
I have just received from the East over
$2,000 worth of cloths. Suits made in the
latest and best styles. J. Davis.
W. T. Iiu-ney, of Oregon City, is said to
be a candidate for congress at the bauds of
the Democratic convention.
Autnmu's chill breath is sweeping away
the lust vestige of summer and the cut has
shifted from ice cream to oysters.
Just received, a new line of flue glass
ware at Goldsmith's. Get you alovelv glass
set of four pieces for .10 cents at A ' Gold
smith's. Tbe RogMM and llarriahnri; base hall clubs
played a match game last Saturday. The Eu
gene hoys downed their opponents bv a score
of 13 toti.
Judge Boon, list Saturdav, sentenced
John titlman, m t oos county, to be banged
ou dcc. jJtn, tor tue murdering of a Mrs.
One day last week n San Francisco pnper
reported twelve tnrtlis in its lurtti column
and a notable feature of tbe report la that
every one was a girl.
Goldsmith, tbe grocer, has iust received
from the East one of the largest assignments
ot lamps ever drought to Eugene. He will
sell them at prices that defy competition.
Trunks! Trunks! Truuks! J D Matlock has
just received a cur lond of trunks and va
Uses of all styles to suit customers which he
will sell at prices, which defy competition
Call and be convinced.
Midgley fc Parker, at their factory on 8th
street, east of the mill race, manufacture Bnd
keep fur sale, doors, windows, frames
mouldiugs, etc. Estimates furnished on up
Carpets o' every style nnd grade at Friend
ly's. These carpels have iust arrived and
have been well selected In meet the demands
of this market. Cull aud examine his varied
Take warning all yon farmers tbat have
summer fallow to work go and gel one of
Paine's lloss Cultivators, aud stop your
fooling. The Moss does the hi and dou't
you forget it.
The only place to get uncovered sugar
cured Kansas City liaina-they are delicious
and you don't have to pay for'.' lbs of canvass.
These hams are at Khinehart's.
A number of loggers emploved by J. C.
Goodale, of the Coimrg sawmill, have struck
because their employer refused to reduce a
dav's labor from leu to eight hours. New
men have been employed.
Ilettmau is on hand this week a. usual with
a store full of clothing and general iin rch in
dise. w hile customers are flocking in to secure
the advantages of low prices, and a large stock
to select from.
The travel on Ihe O. & C. It. B. for the
Inst month has been so heavy, than an extra
condnclor, Dave Houston, has helped
work the overland trains between Port
land and Alhuuy.
Dr. W. V. Henderson has returned from
Chicago, where hu took a course of lectures
nnd instruction in the latest methods of
dentistry. Call and see him at his office if
you ore in need of work.
S. H Friendly keeps the largest and best
assortment f clothing, ladies dress goods,
hats, etc. He is continually adding the
lateHt and nowest styles to his stock. His
prices are fixed to suit the times.
Cy Mulkv recently traded the race home,
lingua, at Ilaker City, for another animal with
.needy proclivities. Bogus was ihortly after
ward sold to Ol Wilson for W0. When in his
prime 1.000, perhaw, could not have pur
chased liim.
Congregational services will lie held
hereafter at the old Masonic hall, corner of
8th and Olive St. Preaching next Sunday
morning and evening by Kev. P.S. Knibt.
Sunday School at 12 o'clock. . P O.
E. atoP. M.
Oregon City is to have another euteiprise
The latest addition to tbe indu-tries of
this thriving old town ia a S2HO.U00 paper
mill which i" lobe constructed ou the
west side of the liver. Eastern capitalists
are to build and operaie the mill.
The Salem papers print a list ol stock
holders in the Dry OHM -Mining i o.,
is said to be very rich in precious metals
We notice among the list the following
BagOM stockholders: Leo Gerhard. I. 1 -McNail
and H A. Kensbaw.
Dr II McComick, the resident physi
cian of 0 AC. B It, sumunn-d to
otteno the wound-d fireman at Junction
( itv Saturday morning last. He cared for
,he unfortunate sufferer and accompanied
bim to Portland, returning Sunday night.
Success in life is the result of push and
mm. H the blood is impure and
rr mmS vifeHat th- blool
I,,., ,i. i Irfllll 'M.V ."
and im-
If (.llOMf"
nothing else
part new w. -; ' .... s,r.
has such a
niarvt-nuun cm. v.
Did liv
Mi lieaoacur, ......n" -
pid liver, they never fell. J
them; they are sugar-
A bsl
tr Jas
Wilson of
lUSU, " .
Allen Spring".
HI bo isoversmy j
I have in my time tried a
of age.
" ' - m HI iDfiu r
1 h ,.lls a Kenilv. It is truly
Cho era ami .T '
For sale by Os-
i , wooderfnl medicine
1 hnrn Co.
a. -i. Mnraen Co., Hu
IWapMng '"uV"r". of iiarth.
State. ..V Mr. n . off
STrLlO " ken with a running off
I Id" ' ""J Chamberlain's Cot.
l0 ft fSStmh t minute..
tiH-i " id have this remedy to
Hendeisou. dentist.
botaitioatti .,,, -u Mr,
Circuit court begius Monday
The fan at Portland closes thi', Saluidav.
Ask your grocer for Junction flour. It is
Th' tin roof ou tho I. O O. V. Teimde is
Two U, were killed t Floieuce the first
of the Week
Commissinuer Court one ivk from
Wall paper at Eugene Book Store, for
merly Collier's.
Eli Hangs will lake his cab off Ihe street
after Nosr. 1st.
Circuit court commences Mondav. The
docket is a light one.
For cheap building lots east or west of the
Butte cal1 on Dr. Shelton.
Take yonr produce to the Pacific Tea Co.
and get the best prices.
School Books exchanged at Eugene Book
Store, formerly Collier's.
Brushes, comba, picture frames at Eugene
Book Store, late Collier's.
Join Wstt.' watch club and get a good
watch on the installment plan
Ml 1. the nuwilier of acholais now enrolled
in the Eugene public .chooL
Hot and cold baths every day iu tbe week
at Jerry Horn's barber shop.
Bibles snd New Testament at Eugene
Book store, formerly Collier's.
Cloaks and tailor made suit (or children
just received at Miss llankiu's.
The Eugene Cigar Factory make an inis,r
taut change In their ad. Read it
Preston wants yon In come aud see his
saddles and heavy team harness.
Lester Be, kwith and Mr. Aulen will clflk
in the new store of Smith ,V Hall.
Farmers can save SI.", per rear by buying
boots and shoes of Krausse Kleiri.
''What ars the wil 1 wave. yjng7 Thai you
can get goods cheap at Khinehart's.
Dr. Scott's Electric Corsets at Eastern
prices. For sale only at G.'s.
E. C. Lake, marble cutler aud dealer iu
monuments, shop on Eighth street, Eugene.
Bibles, leslsments, Sunday school and
reward cards at the t'tiiversity Book Store.
W. Saunders, of this place, has purchased
a store building and residence at Drain, Or.
Before storing or selling your oats see A
V. Peters. Clean Chevalier barley wanted.
Briog your old scrap cast iron lo the Eu
gene Iroti Foundry where vou can dispose
of it.
The county intends building a new fence
around the old building, by courtesy, culled
a jail
Lovers of good teas should call on Slodden
& Son. They have just reeeiwd a choice
A Chinese pheant was seen on the
Martin place, 32 miles east of Eugene re
cently. It is neariug the time for political leaders
to begin "laying the wires" for the next
county election.
Never liefore has Eugene seen snch a
display of novelties as are draped in
Friendly 's windows.
Forty acre, of land to rent for one year to a
responsible party. Applv ws,n In
Gtn. McGnwan, of Bum., Ilarm-v county,
ha. .old his farm and .lock, and is closing out
his hardware business.
You are wanted to go at once and examine
Bellman's .feck 'of ladies' and genU' drew
goods and clothing.
Itcmemher if a boot or shoe bought of
Krausse ,v Klein rips or runs over they re
pair them free of charge.
New sheet music and music books direct
from New Y'ork, just arrived, nt Eugene
Book Store, formerly Collier's.
Wurren I.uckey and Wm. Parson, will
move their blacksmith business to a building
ill the rear of the Christian church.
The gross valuation of property in Pma
tilla county as returned by the u.sessor
sums up $8,300,050; net valuation, $5,139,
!)77. A numla-r of Crook county people have
located in Lane couuty during the pnst
few weeks. Too much dry weather in
By joining Watt.' Watch Club, you can get
a gflnd watc.i, 0 diamond ring or any other his line by paying one dollar per
Bob Duv is in his usual luck, he
only seven boils located on his neck.
Wonders what will happen to him uext.
give it up.
11. J. Hendricks of tbe Salem Statesman
has le en indicted by the Marion county
grand jury charging him with publishing
a lottery advertisement.
Have you seen those ladies' cloaka and jack
ets at Bettinan'a? Buy your wife, dauirhter or
sweetheart one to gladden her heart during the
Fall and Winter months.
The people of Grant's Pass have sub
scribed $0,100 as a bonus to assist the build
ing of the door and lumber factory recently
destroyed by fire at that place.
An accident on the Northern Pacific railroad
Sunday canned the death of tbe fireman. The
engineer sustained severe injuries. The cow
again was the cause of the trouble.
If you want to see one of the finest jewelry
.tores in the valley, go and see Watt.' store
and take a hsik over his stock of diamonds,
w.ifc he., jewelry and musical goods.
Henderson the dentist has returned fully
prepared lo attend to all difficult cases of
dentislrv. Office in .nine old quarters, up
stairs in First National Hank block.
Marriage licenses issued this week: W E
Wsrren and Dollie Morris, Francis A Spragiw
and Stella Darneille, J A Fugate and P M
Mulkey, B F Mulkey and V F Itayburn,
Ni, h..'s Srhomlierg and Mary E Fisher.
Smith ,t Hall open to the public to-day a
fresh end newly select d stock of groceries.
Call and examine their stock nnd rest as
sured tbe prices for the same will be satis
factory. Botty rains hsve fallen iu tho Sacramento
vsllev this week At Colusa the Sscra
mentorose 19 feet. A large amount of
! grain, liean. aud orchard aud vineyard
' products have been damaged or destroyed.
I Every member rsf St. Mary Guild i. urgent
ly requested to help Wednewlay, Oct
j 30th st 2 p. in Each lady will bring refresh
ment Ts will be served in the parish room
to the tiuild ladies and their husbands at 0
! o'clock.
Gov. Pennover
r has appointed John
w, II E. Hays ol Oswego,
i Simnson of Sinslaw
and J"tin I BOOSTS, oi rsaiem ueiegmen
the National Farmer'. Congress which
meets at Montgomery. Ala., from Dec. 13th
lo Ihe 16th
Messrs. Sladdeii Ar Sou hsve .hipped a
r- . . . , i , i . .
l.ree ouanlitv of drier! frnit mis week.
Tbey ship it in ne.l bole, carefn ly packed
witnpsi-r on in sines ami Messy '
; Mr. Slodden ha done much to give Will.
amette valley Irnit a reputation aoroao.
The commissioners of Lane county have
voted $300 for repairs on tbe Military
wagon rod Ihst was not built throngh Lake
counlv, ottbOOgh many prominent scoun
drels rusk- afli livit lo tho lie tbst me roao
was built ai.d completed.-Lkevlew 1.1
smioer. llsnager Towne., of Ibe Southern Pacific
Kaflro d, say noeitra train will be run
between Portlaud and Han trancisco until
. - , .1,1 T t' .
"Mf " .I?,!:--.. "T.
sarcastic, a. they are generally compelled to , from Portland to Oregon ,
Albany Herald; Several important cases
will eome More the grsnd jury at Ibe term
of circuit court neit week. Among thes ie
il.e i -e . ( three men who recked
the train at tbe ltoon junction switch,
mmtmm desth of engineer Jack Miller
end fireman Guthrie. Tbe charge against
Si iii murder.
Smith A Hall's new grocery .tore. Call aud
we them.
Lathers urv at work ou Ihe Odd Fellows'
I'll" hri, k woik ou the Youug building is
up ready for the third tier of joist
Now is Ihe time lo buy your croooriee
cheap for cah. The place where this cau
te doue i at Smith t) Hall's grocery store.
Cheap for cash thai fine stock of gro
ceries, 001000 goods, crockery, and family
supplies at Smith 1i Hall's new grocery
store that oh-Ii for business to day.
BttkW Items.
Oct. 21, 1889.
Mr. Hugh Hampton ha. boOO on the
sick list.
Jeff Cox and wife paid relatives hero a
visit last week.
NeUon Swaggart lost a cow by the train
seveial days ago.
Tommy Kictny is visiting with his broth
er Jos. ut Jasper.
Several from a distauce were in attend
ance at Church hero Sunday.
Mrs. Bishop, hus I visiting with her
parents here (or several days.
J. D Hsmptou went to Portland a week
ago Monday, as a V. 8. juror.
Mr. Geo. Heed ha been quite ill re
ctully but is uow couvalescent.
Messrs Lester Ogdeii aud Henry Fronk
paid Goshen a visit Sunday afternoon.
Since our last Jas. Smith and family
hsve moved to their home near Creawell.
Mis Ida Spitaler, of Springfield, is stop
ping with the family of C. II. Matthews.
Billy Brauuau of Eugene atjitiu to like the
society of Godienites, judging from his
fre,iieut visits.
A family whose name we do uot know has
moved into the Warreu bouse formerly oc
cupied by Wm. McClurc.
tiosheuites largely eugaged iu attending
a protracted Methodist meeting which has
been in coutinuauce for almost a mouth.
Several persons, from the hoary headed
down to mere children, have Iw-n induced
bo leave off Ihe wicked ways of the world
since its begiuniug.
Since our last report the following persons
who formerly resided iu this vicinity have
visited, or are visiting ftieud and relativts
alxmt Goshen: Ballard Wagoner, Jos.
Emmons, Mil John Allen, the latter from
Eastern Or. with a better halt.
E. M. Warren who owns the Uatmes farm
adjoiuing the village has had aixleeu lots
lay ed off and offers the same for sale. If
property owners about Goshen would take
hold aud encourage the improvement of our
villago it would certaiuly iucrease the
value of their laud if not bo beneficial to
them iu mauy other ways.
For (he Ladies.
Ladies desirous o( obtuiuiug novelties in
plain and doited fish nets and chatitilly,
Spanish guipine and point de esprit luce
(lonncings for evening receptiou toilets,
would do well to call st their earliest conven
vieuce before all are gone. I have also re
ceived a full hue of the latest shades in
French chapelle cloth, and an elegant assort
ment ol real Duchesse lace hnudkerchiefa
aud hand tun silk scarfs.
S. H frntatLTi
Importer of high novelties.
A Bio 8riT A trial of the action
brought by Simeon B. Toby to recover
from Ihe Oregon Pacillo ltailway Company
1116,000 was In gun iu Ksn Francisco, Oct.
21, before Judge Finn. Col. Hogg and gen
eral mauager Hoag are in that city iu con
nection with the suit They stale that the
steamer was misrepresented lo tin m by Ihe
former owners anil the expert delegated to
examine her at New York; that wuou she
reached this const it was found (hat Ihe
steamer's speed was much less (ball repre
sented, and also that she consumed a much
lurger supply of coal.
Bros, tho celebrated importers
and stock breeders of Jauesville, Wisconsiu,
otter (or sale at the Live Stock Exchange,
cor. lib and Ash streets, Portland, Oregon,
a choice collection of Clydesdale, English
Shir-'. Hackney, and Cleveland Hay stallions
at moderate prices and on term to suit
purchasers. These horse are ull of the
highest individual merit and last attain of
breeding Every animal guaranteed. Call
aud examine the best draft horses ever
brought to Oregon, or address Galbraitb
Bros, nt Portland for further iuforui itioii.
PnoiKCTimi thk DttKK. -The efforts of
the Oregon Alpine Club and their agents
to bring to the notice of the authorities,
violations of the game law, are having a
good effect, Tbe fact that doer skinning as
a business has ceased to lie profitable within
the past year or two, in addition to the new
fact tbat it may be hazardous, has uearly
put au end to the occupation of the regular
"skinner." With a hulf-chancn for life for
a few years, tb" deer may increase o that
there may be tine hunting again iu Ihe Cas
ou li s and Siskiyous.
Waits' Stoiis. Since J. O. Walts has
moved bi watch and jewelry atahliihmeiit
into tbe Hunt building he bua purchased
a large stock of all goods incidcntial to his
line Tbe store room is fitted with neat
case displaying tbe goods advantageously.
Mr. Watts is known as a reliable tradesman
aud workman, and any statement msile by
him in regard to the quality of good cau lie
implicitly relied on. He iutile an inspec
tion of his Hue stock of watches, clocks,
jewelry, musical goods, etc., etc.
BlIffflM Catti.B A large number of
call le passed throngh this country in tbe
past two weeks on their way to San
r'rauciaro inurkt Devine, Malison li Co.
Tbursduy sent 1200 head of steers through,
on Friday alsint 1000 and on Saturday
la-tween 1000 io4 I2O0. J. D, Gurraz
started with t00 some time last week. U.
W. Maphs left with OKI head for Iteno lost
Thursday About ten days ago tbe Oregon
Land Co. passed through hero with about
Too head of steers. I.akevn-w Examiner.
Mi'st Clksn Ci'. - Street Commissioner
Fanning has notified all property owuers
frouting on the pnblic sonar Ix-tween
Willamette aud Oak streets, tbat they must
OOOfOTxn to the lee from Ihe county, which
require them to keep the street clean and
clear of rill'bisb, build a l loot sidewalk, a
light board painted fence, and plant maple
trees every twenty feet. This should hve
been done long ago and the county court
deserve credit for forcing the isue.
Din Mi. Mary y died in Eug-uo
ut the lesidenee of her father, M. Wallls,
u,n,.L of , , - .-ill, loll aued ' I
,' i m ,i. HI,. l.l ,.
;ffljc.j with m (1,eaded disease for sev-
, , medical aid and
attendance proved of no avail. The funeral
took place to tbe I O. o. F. cemetery Mon.
day morning. The utile ted hutband and
relative hsve Ibe sympathy ol many
G.Hid api'LKn. The orchard on tbe Hal
a It Tl. 4 . 1
(arm tl miles west f Eugene is ao rtcep.
Hon to tbe general rule, inasmuch a It I
nei itife.ted with the codlin moth. They
re hauling apples lo town and readily ob
tain 7i centa per bu.h-1 for the seme.
Hereafter orcbardwts must spray their trees
if they expect decent apples. It -ill pay.
X &AtUSi
ia the Shelton building. A new stock, stand
u, K...., .ml noi. -i.iing clerk to wait
Ux the public They mean buaineas and
will convince you Hut tbeir prkee ere Ue
i " T ' . .
j Gss1 Sktne.-A choice lot of Orchard,
Timothy. Clover. Bed Top, Bloe Oroee, etc.,
I jast received at Slodden I Hon.
Real I -1 li,- i rtuisfer.
F I. t'hamlwr to P K Smslgraw, iutsrest
in '.TitlOO feet in Mulligan's donation; 91500.
J J aud H It McDonald to Mary It Marsh,
2 lot in Ellsworth's addition; 100.
E F Oahurn to Mary A Brown, one lot in
Packard', addition; itiOO.
coat' Bo.
Wm Delauey to Clia Powers, four fifth of
an acre; f200.
M .1 0 Smith to Win A I'atnn, SO acre.;
W Q PoritOMO to D M and T W Purkes.ui,
80 acre.; S20O.
Mob Sett to E A Scott, land; jssXIO.
Mary Me Crow to E S Kill, l.llt acre.;
Elijah Mi-Daniel to t'ha C Humphrey,
4Rktt acres; gfJMO,
C and O Land Co to Dauiel Streeter, 4S.'.'l
acre.; 2U V
I St., H H Webster, list acres; JU.'sl.
at K O Sherw.HssI M W G Wheeler, land: $1,
Joseph aud l.ivia Wynn to S E Wyun, 10. IS
acre.; 1.
Geo II aud II II Barrett to B W Dorsev, 2
lots; $300.
Dexter terni
Oct M, 1889.
Farmers all busy plowing snd sowing Fall
Hosea Parvin csme iu from Silver Lake
Kobt- Whitls-ck luuwed here Suuday on his
way to Mohawk. He came in fn in Eastern
We uudi'iataiiil that Mrs B .1 Pengra, well
known here, I. sojourning at Kitaon' Springs
Mr and Mrs Thos Harbro have returned
from a (o their daughter, Mrs Simmon.,
on Lake Creek.
Mr Jas Parvin and family have returned
from Portland. They were delayed by the
wrecked train.
One of our young ladies having purchased a
wild broncho I. very anxious to have bim bro
ken to the saddle, none but single men need
apply. Km:.
Additional I Met,
The following cases have been disketed
in the circuit court ince our lat nqsirt:
04. Clara Leo va F A Lee; to recover
OA, Amelia A Smith va M Q Smith; suit
for divorce.
isi. K W Marplo assignor, T A Milliorn.
assignee; assignment
For Sale or Trade.
One thoroughbred registered shorthorn Ini'l,
t year old, aud fj Berkshire w,w. Inquire 1 1
W. Bajuett'. ou Ssjueer Creek, or address him
at Eugsne.
st. Ctuu-lei Betel
Is where all who visit Alhauy shoiibl slop if
they wish lo secure the best accomodations
u the city.
- -
oh! Ma,
Y'oii can get sweet potatoes at 10 lbs Inr 2.i
i ts. at Khinehart's.
AiiiiiVKH IN Lonihin. On Saturtlay last
the ateaiuer Montana arrived iu London with
1319 hale, of Iiom shipHd from Puyallup by
E. Meeker A Co., in a ape, ial train of eight
een ears on September 19, and routed via the
Northern Pacitic, Wisconsiu Ceutral, PitU
burg, Fort Wayne d Chicago to Baltimore,
thence via the Atlantic trau.sirt line to Lou
don direcL The hopa were thirty days going
from Puyallup to Loudon. This is tin lost
train load sliii ment ever ma lo from the Pa
cific cast to Europe and the Atlantic aeahord.
Another traiuload shipment of twenty cor
loads of hops nude by Meeker I Co, which
left Puyallup Octohcr g, arrived Monday at
ter O run of 12 days. It will lie shipped to
lsuidou on the steamer Maine wiling on
Saturday. Oregoulan. LoM County fur
nislied alsmt 8 carloadsof these hopa, and the
experiment ia watched hern with interest
AnsroMikii. -Tbo Heathen Chinee are not
fur behind their white brethren in financial
shrewdness and rascality. A case iu point is
that of Ihe late second cook of Chinese ex
traction who was employed at tho Hoffman
House until lust Saturday wheu ho disap
peared having utiinerous of the Eugene ce
lestial lo mourn hi departuie for sums
ranging upwards to several hundred
dollars. He wa a high roller among tho
Chinese gamblers. His mourning creditors
charge that he took a large umouut of money
with him.
Aill'i TATfU. The physicians iu attendance
ou Jim Huihllestun concluded that tho only
chance to aave hi. life was to cut the diseased
right font off and accordingly it was amputated
about four inches above the ankle Wednesday
afternoon. Dr. Sharpie., existed by Dr.
McMurtry, McCoruock, Patterson and Kuy
keudall pel formed the operatiou. Mr. Hud
dle.ton atood the operation splendidly and ap
parently has fair chance, nt recovery. His
many friends hope that he may be restored to
health and vigor.
Would Mabbv. A daughter of Cnngreas
man Hermann was married at Koseburg to
Dr. Miller of that place the first ot the week.
Mr. Hermann had refused his consent to the
marriage intending to take bis daughter east
and finish her education. Tbe young lady,
however, took her own way and married with
out hia consent. Tbe Congressman then re
lented anil gave the newly mairied couple a
reception at the family residence.
Wohk roa Si l-suw. Congressrn.ii Hei
msiin, in a recent iutervlsw prevlou. to his
doponON for Washington, stated that be
would use every endeavnr to aecure increased
appropriations for river and harlsir work now
iu progress In Oregon Also that he would
work to secure aid for unimproved har
bors, and tbat the Sinslaw would he especially
looked after by him.
M.VHiiiKli. In Portland, Oregon, Thursday,
Oct. 21. Mr. W. CL Yoran and Ml Katie
Cilery. They will live in Mr. Beckwith's
houae, on Sixth atreet, which ha. been band
soruely furnished, Mr. Yoran I. tbe juiilor
member of the Kegi.ter. I hi Gimbii extends
ItWHMt I.botl'BE. 8. P. Pu Ilium Ibe
Liberal leolurer delivered au addreee at
Coburg Friday evening, sud at Eugene in
the Court House Saturday. The gentleman
hai a national reputation as a free thought
Liberal lecturer, and prrseuted their views
in au able msnuer.
Scott's Adiiitios Sai.ks. J W Christlsu
Isiught three lot. in S oil's addition tbi. week.
Ed O.lsirn hs bought three lot in Scott's ad
dition. Hi. bard llazett hs bought a lot in
Scott', addition and will build a uest reaidem e
on the a. me. ,
Chi: s H Dkuu stion.- The new church at
Creawell Oregon, I to !' dedicated Sunday,
Oct. tfth, I'M Kev. I. D. Driver will of
ficiate. All are cordially inviied to b
present. By order of Trustees
I,i n S.1L11.--.S'. Humphrey has sold JO
acre of luiid m ar Eugene ou the south to
W II. Field of Port Chester, N. V., for
$(',,. '100. Several familie will locale ou tbe
land in tbe spring.
Nsw Bi'. The Hodman House baa
ordered a new bus and tb'- same will arrive
h.-re iu a few days. It is an enclosed oue
and carries eighteen pnsangrs.
laXmOOaV-The body of Alfred Lind
green, Ibe Norwegian who wa drowned near
Acme iu tbe Kiuslsw river on the Uth inal.,
has been found and interred.
Local MaOHT. Wheat, 6', and 7 et.;
oat, 30 cts.: bops, 5 snd 7 eta. ou consign
ment ; butler, it-i and 30 rU ; eggs, 3JeU.;
potatoes, 60 cts.
Eos Sai l - Three Jersey bulls of the best
train.; one eighteen month old. snd two
. .I.e. .n month. Noaeis Hi small.
Boas. To the wife f E. E. Awtavy. nar
IrvhJg, Tuesday, Oct a son. Weight nine
Ed. Ebon ha gone Iu Portland.
Captain Sladdeu is iu Portland.
Attorney J. E. Fentou i iu town.
W. K. Willi of Koseburg wa iu Eugene
Geo M. Miller ina l a trip to Portland
Mrs. E. G. Clark, of Portland, is visiting
in this city.
Geo. Hayes, of Yaucouvcr, B. C- wss in
Engine this week.
Marion Martin, Jr., and family have
moved to Gilroy, Cal.
J L Pace returned from a business trip to
Portland Friday afternoon.
David Day has returned from the Foley
Spriuga, much improved in health.
Kev. C. M. Hit! attended the Baptist con
volition st McMinnvillii this week.
Judge Beau ties relumed home from Coos
county, whi te he hsd la-cii holding Circuit
Wesley Jones, of North Yakima, a for
nn r resident of Eugene, ii here viaitiug
Geo. Nmll aud wife ami Mis Tultle of
McKt-uic Biidgv weie in Eugcuc tho first
of tbe Week.
Lee Searcy dipnitid (or his old home in
Dayton, W. T last Thursday. He will
return here in a few weeks.
Cha. Croner look a car load of J. W.
Clark' horses lo Seattle last Monday,
where they will be sold.
M. S Wallis and J. C. Welch of Portland
i ie iii Eugene the first of tbe week nth iid
ing the fuuerulof Mrs. Searcy.
Sam'1 Livesley and Geo Hubbard, Iho hop
buyers, were iu town the first of tho week.
They report the market u very dull one.
. Hon. .1. T. tiregg of Salem is rusticating pe
t amp Creek visiting at tbe resilience of Mr.
T.I Dunteii. He is seeking to improve hit
"Lish" Applegale wua in Eugeue Thurs
day ou his nay to Portlaud to have his
bonds s Indian agi tit at tho Klsmath res
ervation approved.
t en Gerhard, C. F. UMMtU, N. Nellie,
N. Dickey, aud Eugene Wild, ruinn went to
Ko,ehurg Tmsday night lo prove up on
their limlier claims.
Mr. Bodylclt, who owned the ranch at
tbe Cold spring on the other side of Ihe
summit ou Ihe wagon road, has
sold his place and moved to Eugene.
George Ar.berger, familiarly kunwn as
"Georgo Ibe llarla r," was taken lo a Port
laud hospital Monday. Ho is paitially
DOMlraid, ami is able to render himself bill
little help.
P. K. William, of Marahticld has teen in
Eugene this week getting pointer- from the
Eugene National Bank iu regard to tbe hank
ing bsainew. He intend, to start a luink at
James II . Junes of Pendleton, n wealthy
farmer of that vicinity, ha beeu in Eugeue
several days, h aving (or his home Tuesday.
He will return iu the Spring mid locale iu
Eugeue. ,
1'rc.ldcnt B L Arnold, nf the Stat Agricul
tursl College, visited Kugene. Thursday after
noon. He was making the preliminary ar
rangement for the Farmers' In.titute, which
ia to lie held ill Eugene, Jan. 7, ISUO.
Another Decline in Go uls.
We notice Slodden A Sun keep up with de
dines in goods as well as higher price. They
are sidling ai botoWl
.S'uifiirs, 1'alifurniit Itrjinrry.
Dry granulated, , itra fine . . . Elklts for II 00
Ex. 0 15 thn for $1.1X1
Gol.C . .10 Ihs for $1.00
Col. sugar rf drips, . gal, no glucose,
full sized keg $1.75
Coffee . d , for $1.00
Full roller flour, per sack . 00 cents
Best ,iiality 'J1 ,1b can lonniloe.. .lOocan
" " " " peaches. .0 for $.00
'JO Ids full wt. soap per box OJo
A Hue quality lea . . . M els to 50 eta per lb
New prunos and plum, dried . . . .6 cts per lb
i lind other comls are iu proportion to
above prices and they have as line a stock
us was ever oll'ered iu Eugene, their slock of
crockery is as well selected as it is low for
this market.
A correspondent hands in this for puhli
catioii I be follow ing mi' ned place nie des
ignated lo show the average annual ruiufali
iu Ibe Cuited Stale. It will be seeu Unit
Oregon is ipiitu iuuoceiil of Hie charge that
she baa mure rain than her share. Here
a e the reports:
Inches lucbos
N. ah Bay, W , 11 San Francisco, Cel., HI
Sitka, Alaska H'i Dallas, Oregon
Ml Hiiruou, Ala , till Sucriimonto, Cal ,
Ft. Tonson. Ind. 57 Ft. Colvllle, W. T.
Cleveland, Ohio, 37 Ft. Bliss, Teiss,
Washington, DC, 117 Ft. Ilrldger, Utah,
n I larlaud, Colo. 0
Thirteen Slates and Territories run from
:I0 to 40, In Eastern Oregon the rainfall is
much Ins than iu Western. Dallas Is in
Western Oregon.
Horse Tliit'U'8 CuptnrcU.
Sheriff Hlosn captured three horse thieves
Monday on a warraul from Umatilla county.
They are charged with atealinir 13 head of
hnrsea, oue nf which from the deacrlptiou be
hinged to Shrrilf Sloak. Their capture was
effected at a logging camp up the McKenzie
snd tbey were completely surprised. Thslr
name are E. May, Johu lltiigbaiu and J.
W. Jennings. The aherilf took them to
Albany Monday morning and turned them
over to I' S. Marahal F. M. Farris who tjKik
them to Pemlle ton where an i lamination will
Iu, held before tb 17, S. Commissioner.
Min ers hail been on the trai k f the men for
M) day.
Boots and Siioiem This i tbe seuson
when rubber tioots and shoes become almost
indispensable. Krausse A- Klein at their
well rilled boot and shoe store, keep Ibe
largest stock of rubber good in Ihe county
which Ibey can sell at the lowest prioe.
They csrry a large variety of ull kinds of boot
and shoo wear, which ha been purchased in
large ipiantlties and 'n the cheeiiest
markets, aud tbey propone lo give their
customer Ibe advantage of (his iu low
price. They can give a perfect fit and
guarantee satisfaction. Notice the cbauge
in tbeir ad. iu this iasuo of tbe Guaou.
A Holier! Talk. A good joke is told 00
nighlwalchman Witter Ihst will liear publi
cation. A few night, .go, while making his
round., he discovered a lrai horse. With
a vision ol fees before him tor I npiniudiug
thnauimil, be iiuickly ml the horse
ami re. I nun i lie- pouun, a,i:, rung ine
stable keeper nnd directing him lo let no ooe
have the horse in the uiorulug without
payment of Ihe usual fees. Mr. Witter came
down at noon to Sea wh it he had captured,
wheu to hi great aslonishiueut he found
that it was bis own horse which hsd escaped
from tbe pasture.
Co opekativk I'hioh Messrs. Frasier
A Churchill have this week entered luto a
co-operative union with a well known aud
reliable real estate firm of Portland, Oregon,
for the sale of real estate aud cily property.
If you contemplate buying Portland pro
perty you at their office
and see maps and plsts of protierly for sale,
If you have a faim for sale call aud see these
gentlemen in reference lo tbe al of tbe
Usioa AiPSr.-Prof. M. V. Itork will
address the citizen of Lan couuty npon
Ihe new i.u- s presented by ibe new organi
zation, nt tin- f.dlowtng lime and places:
Junction, Monday, Nov. II, 7 P. M-: Smith
field, Tnesday. Nov. HI. 7 P. M ; F.agtne,
We.lnes.lsy, Nov. 13. 7 P. M.
Oann or the Dav. -ttledden k Rod asy
that low prices are tbe order of the dsy.
W.- will venture an assertion tbst when
tbey say low prices they mean business, and
will do just aa they soy. They mark their
price on all good and all are served alike.
Column of tint Kulttiiau Society
I.knnaii Bain
Ai.niurA Sum.TOM
Eurton .
Auna Potter has rvturnod to school,
We learn that the word disconcur has
recently been coined.
Notice. -The Sophoinoro's hnvo a few
mortar bourd remaining.
Tho duniora have finished Theoretical nnd
begun Inorganic Chemistry.
Miss Wood will favor tho society with a
"apeak" next Friday aflernoou.
Mr. Will Gore, a graduate of '8ii, spent a
few days in Eugeno tho past week and made
tho PniYcrsity a call.
Ci rtain uu ml i n of the Latin grammer
class plainly manifest their joy when they
make a perfect recitation.
I.innia Holt, Willi Hanua, Fred Chambers
ami Euiaiiuel Lntier have been aliscut from
school on accouut of sickness.
A member of Iho History class has come
to the conclusion that the world did not
como lo sn eud in the year 1000.
Mr. Will MoOofnao, a former student,
who is now instructing the "young idea,"
will enter school after Ibe holidays.
Mr. Elliot and Mr. Kindt were absent
hut week, having gone borne to
bo present at tho wedding of their brother.
We observe thut Ihe young lady who
waa leader on Ihe uegative iast Friday is of a
very emotional nature and that sho folly what there is in a uame.
The Y. social wa atteuded by a number
ol student. A pleasant an 1 euterlaining
programme ws rendered and all eeu,ed to
have spent a very enjoyable evening.
We thought our column last week would
be forever famoii for it letigth, but the
necessary omission of Mr. Greenfield's
epitaph made it appear a half column.
We desire to iuforui our brother Senior
through this columu that we do not, as yet,
feel so in o i ,i.i on account of onr oaitlon
thai two chairs are uecessary to hold us.
The following may prove useful to some
poor unfortunate: A weak solution of
sodium carbonate will restore color tbat has
In en lemovod by the action of lemon juioe.
The class in Botany has commenced ana
lying dowers and wo notice tbst one mem
ber i threatened with loss of eyesight ou
account of such diligent search alter micro
scopic organs.
That famous Ijiureau baud
That every Friday night
Buns riot through all tbo laud
Was tendered a reception by tho Faculty in
Villard Hall this week.
We are sorry lo hear that one of ihe geti
tletucn of the Sophomore class lost his hut
while goiug lo Portlaud, but possibly souio
one else may profit thereby. "It's uu ill
wiud that blows no oue any good."
Wo learn from the Union "Seoul'' that
Mr. L. G. Davis, of the class of "88, is lying
very ill of diplheria in Denver, Colorado.
Word came yesterday that ho I belter aud
wo hope for his speedy recovery.
We have often wondered "whence como
those shrieke so wild ami shrill that cut
like blades of steel tho airy" and have re
cently learned that some young gentlemen
of the Freshman class ure learning to play
Ihe coruet. We hope tbey will succeed.
On Monday evening, Oct 'J1, the moon Will
be iu ooupiiictiou with Jupiter. Thn
"Planets for October" says that the con
junction is extremely close nud Iho pi -turn
of the star and crescnt will bo one of raro
beauty. If tho weather is clear, nil Inter
ested should witness this pheuoiuena.
The Hmversily Is in au excellent condi
tion and its progress is very satisfactory.
This year of school promises to be one of
tie most pioiiul. , . to tbo students ever
spout in the University. Thcro are over
one hundred nud llfty students in attend
ance, tho most of whom mo very sarnott un.l
hard workers.
Every ouo whut au aid painting,
drawing and sketching am iu transmitting
intelligence from ono person to another and
from age to age, and that tho study of this
art is a refilling, elevating sml iuspiriug
power aud wo hop, the time is not (sr
heuco m In n there will lie au nrt department
connected with the University of Oregon.
Such n department is connected with nearly
every university and wo feel the need of
ouo here.
Tho society wa well allended Isst Friday.
The names ol Misses Hello Chance and Lucy
(iaroutte w. to proposed (or membership.
Mabel Straight gave nu e-.celleut recitation
untitled "The Burial uf Hir Johu Moore."
Willis Henna read, "An Indian Lover."
The iiuestion. Uesolvcd. That circumstances
justified the French Involution, woe debated
ou Iho aOlrmallve by Ada Wuod and Clara
Condon, and ou tho negative by Linnia Holt
and Ada Sharpies. The president decided
in favor of tho negative.
From a Sheep Itum li iu Crook County.
Bum Cut ik, bat m, DO.
Kiiituh Oil AID I The reaction of the weath
er has set in! Everylssly lis hi wish; sad
hearts are mad .1.1. it challenges the edrui
rstinn of ths civilised world and awakens a
feeling uf profound admiration (I mean the
rain), it ha actually rainwl the first to lay the
dust since last June. The bsttls between wet
and dry was fearful, hut tbe wet has conquer
ed and it now rains aoiiretne. Yeaterday the
wind blew with tremendous force and the dust
Irom the hill iu all direction, raised and
formed great cloud, and it l.siked a if this
eniiiitrv wss alxmt to take wings and OL, The
mithsik wa anything hut pleasant, when you
were iu the bouse, but as the stillnsss of uight
crept on, tbe wind subsided till not s twig orlsaf
stirred, not a sheep moved, the windows t the
iuverted bowl were thrown nien and the rain
began to descend. For the next thriM hours
1 felt as if I were neatliug ill the bosom of old
Webfoot. Tbi morning it still rain. Every
thing i in had ha,e, atew kettle n ( , I nteh
oven full of water, shovel and tongs blown
away, snd a sheep camp Is anything but a
pleasant place to call home, but the ira will
Srow, plow will start and everybody smile,
lock of all kinds rejoice, while the sheep
herder mourn ths day he was l.n-n, but when
the ' no 1 over, insUssI of smoke snd dust,
we'll have a clsar, blue sky snd a bright sun,
it will seem like tepptng out of the old into
the new, an to peak, and life will seem more
like worth living fui. Dot.
Dams Witiioi t Kisiiwais. Complaints
have lieen made to Governor Penu.iyer from
pirtiea leaiding on tbe ll.-.ldw ,ter of both the
Yiupiina and AUea river that thi season
salmon were prevented from ascending such
rivers by the huildin. of dams without Hah
way and by the stretching of arts acrisM ths
entire rivers. Both prm-eedlugs an clearly
iui.lemeanors under section liliiO of ths Or
s'on csle. and tho governor has referred the t-r to the proecuting attorney of tbe Sec-,
ond.lielicial district for official action and at
the same time ha requested tb parties writ
ing to him to co operate with such officer at
the next term of tbe circuit court for Beaton
county, for the punishment of the offender.
Fi vi k i nr. Track. The .1 unction Pilot says
that ths receipt, of the rsilroad office at Irr
irii are not uthcient to pay for the tn, k
killed ou that section. Thn railroad company
should be compelled by the nest iagialature
to fence their track. No private cituc-n would
l allowed to maintain such a mer.r.i- to life
and property a. the railroad has in sn oieu
Hi .h Watch Mask. The attendance of
enforced guests at tbe State penitentiary
reached the highest point in its history
Wssineaday, tb number being 307. Tbe
highest previous record was 306, which was
only (or one bonr last year.
FatalLt Kicks. John Feirer, horse
trsiner. while handling a colt at Albany
Wednesday evening, wa kicked ou the
head, fracturing the sknll and allowing the
brains to ooze out, inflicting fatal injuries.
Fo Salk.-A numb; of whisky barrel
for sale at Leo Uearhard saloon.
-. potato, .