The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 26, 1889, Image 2

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tdmund CUrenoe Rtedman FmIi Very
llnparal mt to Tin-in
In s recent conversation WmunJ
Clarence .Stedman. referring to the
older poets of America, remarked a
follows: "In the case of the two old
est survivors In song Mr. Whlttler
and Dr. Holmes we observe their ad
mirers grow more extended In num
bors with the spread of oulture In our
land. If their voices are not heard a
frequently as formerly, It is not be
cause they have grown less strong and
weet, far with each new utterance as
it comes to us from time to time we are
unable to detect any variation In the
tones wo all lung ago so easily learned
to love.
"I)well Is lei often hoard nowa
days than he used to be, but It Is not,
as we know, because of any diminu
tion In tho quality of that Tolce whose
music is so appreciated by all culti
vated peoplo everywhere. Our only
regrot Is thut we don't hoar more of It
as wo have reason to hope we may
when Klin wood Is again graced
by tho presence of Its mas
ter. Stoddard, whose work hat
never been appreciated as ll
should bo, contlnuod to be loyal to
bis first love, and from time to time,
notwithstanding advancing years and
physical infirmities, adds to the pool
lcal richness of our literature. I can
not help fooling that the outlook for
poetry in tills country Is oncouraglng,
though, and will not deny that with
tho younger and coming singers alto
gether too much stross is laid upon the
more pulnful forms of vorso. The
volumes of verse emanating from
month to month from tho younger
writers do not contain that dlstinctlvs
character of work such as belonged to
that formative period when Bryant,
Longfellow, Whlttler and Lowell, tins
the writers immediately following
them, wrought for a walling people.
Lougfollow's "Lost Youth" In Itself
was sufficient to establish the reputa
tion of any poet who oould produce
such a masterpiece. How few of our
younger writers give us any thing like
this. And yet there is no runson why
such poems can not bo written to-day
as in longfel low's early years. My
ad v loo to our coming singers Is do
'not give so much attention to tho
lighter forms of verse-making, but
seek to produce something whlob
.shall be full of real character,
and shall stand apart, as It were, from
the dainty ordor of verso referred to
These bits of verso are all protty
enough, and of course are In a given
tense promises of something hotter to
come, but that is all. Still, as 1 have
laid, there Is much enoouragnment to
believe that tho outlook for poetry In
this oountry Is bright, slnco every now
Slid then some striking instance Is af
forded as evldenco of this fact, as In
the case of Woodborry's "The North
Shore Watch," one of tho finest elegiac
poems of recent times; also in the case
uf Miller's "Songs of tho Sierras," and
several of Sidney Lanier's composi
tions, such as the "Song of the Chatta
hoochee," "Tho Revengo of Kamiih,"
and "The Marshes of Glynn." I trust
the day is near in hand when I shall be
free from the pressure of outside du
ties and cures, and ran give more at
tention to poetry than 1 have been able
to devoto to It for some time past
jWlth the completion of tho work on
C American Literature," on which I
avo boon engaged for a conslderabls
period of time, 1 shall feel that I oan
once more tuko up the work nenrest my
heart, In which service toil Is only s
refreshment and delight. N, Y. Mall
and Fx press.
thouqhTson LIFE.
Why It Is w. n I We Can Not Look
Int.. as Other's Mm. I,
Life would not he happy If we could
look Into every body's mind and know
exactly what our neighbor was think
ing about If we oould see the spirit
as easily as we can look at Die body
we wuotd bo afraid to go along thi
street If we wow rynipathcllo It
would be a constant misery; if we wort
cold our best friends would have noth
ing to do with us; If we were vieloui
nobody would speak to us; If wor
virtuous we would mako any numbei
of enemies. 1 wonder whether, In that
robelious spiritual state, which we can
imagine us the only possible next form
of existence, we shall all be known ex
actly as we are. We must then be all
purely good, and It Is not easy to sea
bow that is to be brought about unless
death is a kind of inter and absorb all
our wickednesses. It will take an
awful lot of charcoal te take out all out
But. still, life Is for all of ui a lone
Iv kind of business. Friendship, love,
sympathy, conddenoe, trust are all
very well. Yet are there things they
can not aid or remove. We have all
some grief in which we must tread the
winepress alone. 1 suppose there
would bo even more trouble If we
started In to try to help one another
In real earnestness. I suppose ws
would make a mess of It Then an
people who want to be let alone and
people who want sympathy, and the
perversity of things Is such that you
invariably worry the fellow who wants
to be let alone with your sympathy
and let the fellow alone who Is anx
ious to be helped. ( em. people when
they are sick are angry and annoyed If
you call to see them; others never for
five you if you dou't go to see them.
What are you going to do about Uf
Do whatever friendship in your opin
ion demands, whatever be the out
some. Sao Francisco Chronicle,
He who does no good gets none
Ha who cares not for others will sooa
lad that others will not oare for him
Dm .. i .'-room ears from the United
8taU have been placed On the Chilian
railway between Valparaiso and San
tiago. It is found to be very dlffloult
to prevent passengers from smoking In
them, although a smoking car has boon
South and North Dakota go Republi
can Counterfeiters Arrested The
White Oape-An Important
Land Decision -Notes.
Admiral Porter is better.
Mexico camplains of American tramps.
Montreal is having a carnival of crime.
Rev. DeWitt Talmage is going to Pales
tine. A $3,000,000 hotel is projected at Louis
ville, K y .
Denver prides itself on its magnificent
Connecticut has defeated Prohibition
by a vote of 3 te 1.
Two Chinamen have applied for citizen
ship at Kansas City.
New York will support Reed for )eak
er of the nuxt house.
American turkeys are lieing shipped in
large quantities to Ixmdon.
Bears are reported unusually numeral's
in the Allegheny mountains.
Rich lead ore deposits have leen dis
covered near Dubuque, Iowa.
One Johnstown girl has counted thirty
two relatives who perished in the flood.
Ex-Congressman -lohn Q. Averill of
Michigan, is dead. He was 06 years old.
The republican majority in North Da
kota is 13,000, and in South Dakota 23,000.
Barlied wire manufacturers are to meet
at Chicago on the 17th. A trust is te he
A movement is on foot to colonize col
ored people from Texas near Vera Cruz,
The number of vessels wrecked by the
recent storm on the Mexican Coast is
The wife of George Francis Train, Jr..
has been granted a divorce on the ground
of infidelity.
There is a strike of all the coal miners
at Scranton. Oswego county, Kan., for
an advance.
Bishop Grace of St. Paul has been no
tified from Rome of his elevation to the
Unhurt Ray Hamilton has begun an
action at New York for divorce from his
wife Evangeline.
The laundry business in New York
. , i ,i
city is in iianger oi is-uig riiinei oy im-
nease cheap lalwr.
Reports from Tennessee show an in
crease of $20,000,000 in property over the
assessment of 1888.
Tlie active engagement ot Boston police
and tire department members iu politics
has been forbidden.
According to the statement of a Iuis
Iana planter the sugar yield will not be
as large this year as last.
Railroad companies failing to answer
questions proiounded by the Governor
of Iowa, are to be sued.
It is understood that the Grant family
would consent to the removal of the Gen
eral's body to Washington.
Twelve counterfeiters have just tieen
arrested in Orange county, Ind. Silver
dollars were the coins made.
Minister Mizner writes from Nicara
gua that lie has settled the canal difllcul
ties and work is now progressing.
An English syndicate has secured an
option of the controlling Interest in all
the elevator companies in St. Louis.
It begins to look as if Alabama might
really send to the penitentiary two men
who recently (ought a duel ou her terri
tory. Georgia has passed an anti-cigarette
law. Lawyers say It cannot He enforced
Im valine its provisions are clearly uncon
stitutional. United States District Attorney Galvin
at Boston, has sent his resignation to the
President. Galvin is a democrat and was
appointed in 1887.
The establishment of the Federal Court,
of which John Jay was the tlrst Chief
J uatieo, will be celebrated In New York
iu February next.
Several Winnipeg proportion have
lutelv changed hands at figures which
have caused real estate men there to
prick up their ears.
Alderman Tiorney of the Twelfth ward
in Detroit, has been indicted by the
Grand Jury on a charge of receiving $70
on a sewer coutract.
Seth Iow, ex-Mayor of Brooklyn, has
lieen elected President of Columbia Col
lege, to till tire vacancy caused by the
death of Dr. Barnard.
The Mexican delegation to the Interna
tional American Congress, it is expected,
will hrinn up the nuoation of the high
tariff of the United States.
A huge lamp, visible as far as the Nar
rows, llSS been placed on the top of the
Equitable building in New York city. It
is BB foot above sea-level.
Mary Donnelly, the woman who was
stablx-il iu Atlantic City by Mrs. Rohorl
Ray Hamilton, is now on exhibition in a
New York dime museum.
There is a cairn, surmounted by a
small American tlag, ou top of Pike's
l eak, it was begun by Miss held, a io
peka school teacher, and Is a memorial
to l.ucy Webb Hayes.
The Veterans' Association of Ministers
of the lieneaee Methodist Conference, of
ebout fifty memliers, in annual meeting
at Loekpoit, N. Y., has adopted a reeolu
ion indorsing Corporal Tanner.
Five bodies were taken out of Stoney
creek ou the Sth, at Johnstown, lVnn.,
bv workmen who wore reniovtiiir rubbish.
There seems to be no douU that a great
many were washed in here, and as the
surface deposits are removed tuanv more
bodies are likely to be brought to light.
bill I on- It ilhviil 'or am one to
let or sell houses unless a certificate fur
nished by a Government Inspector is
produced, 'showing that the premises are
In a ndUurfly .,i,,l,ri . . ,1 1. 1 1 1 I. , 1 1 IB til 1 w
introduced in the British House of Com
Ellensburg is determined to enter the
Capital contest in Washington with re
newed vigor.
Amy Levy, the young English girl
who had become famous in literature at
a bound, died a few days ago suddenly at
the age oi twenty-three. Her latest
book, Reuben Sachs," mad a sensa
tion and received high praise.
A Vienna millionaire who died a short
time atio had such an antipathy to dark
ness that be provided by will (or an ele. -
.trie light to be kept burning in the vault
I , . ' .1. - l. I t Ll.
during an enure year, we mwnur us uis
ooffla also to be electrically lighted.
A Monkey Detectlve-WenU the Chi
nese Beetrlctlon Act Modltted
Mutuat Autopsy Society.
Dublin has raised $206,000 for Parnell's
Turkey will reduce her army to equalize
the Budget.
The Rotterdam strike has ended favora
bly to the striken.
The Czar has been cutting down family
expenses at a great rate lately.
A monkey detective recently brought a
criminal to justice at Singapore.
Prince Bismarck has completely re
covered from his recent illness.
The Sultan of Turkey is being treated
by a German doctor for obesity.
King Humbert has sent a bronze crown
to Im placed on Garibaldi's tomb.
The South Sea Plantation Company of
Samoa has issued a loan of 2,&00,000
A single charge of powder for the 12
inch guns provided for the English Navy
costs 8 10s.
The French brig Augustine and the
British brig Oliver were wseckod lately
on Carmen Island.
The German Government has decided
not to retaliate ou Russia for the hitter's
increase of duties.
The Duke of Portland has won nearly
live hundred thouaand dollars on horse
racing during the season of IS8II.
The long talked ol work of blasting
away the rocks at the Iron Gate of the
Daiiulie has been actually Iwgun.
Extensive surveys are in progress with
a view of making a new channel in the
Thames, capable of lloating the largest
An important slave trade convention
has just lieen signed, by the representa
tives of the British ami Italian Govern
ments. Brigandage is now rife in Macedonia,
and no fewer than 200 persons have been
murdered and robin! in the last two
A handkerchief in the possession of
the Empress of Russia is said to have
coat $2,b(J0. It took seven years to
make it.
I,oudon is to have a new hotel on the
American plan, with colored waiten,
canvas-hack ducks, terrapins, soft crabs
and so on.
Mrs. Maybrick almost forgotten now
is doing her nine months of solitary
confinement and daily does au allotted
task of needlework.
The famous German regimont known
as the Black BruiiBwiekera is about te
exchange its time honored uniforms for
the Prussian pattern.
The Chinese Customs returns for the
second quarter of this year show a fulling
off of nearly 1,000,000 tools, compared
with the same period ot 18H8.
At the approaching session of the
Skuptcliina the Servian Government will
introduce a bill to prohibit ex-0,ueen
Natalie from residing iu Sorvia.
It is suid that a sufficient sum of money
has been subscribed iu Rome to erect in
that city a monument commemorative of
the temporal power ot the Pope.
Dr. Naneen, the Norwegian explorer,
is organizing an expedition to tho North
Pole. Twenty thousand pounds have
already beeu subscribed towurd the ven
ture. New postago stamps are soon to lie
introduced in Germany. They differ
from those nowin use, both iu color and
in the form of the imperial eagle and
Ry curious coincidence tho receipts of
the Suez Canal on August 1st readied
the same amount as the total on the same
date last year, having been 130,000
The British Government has asked the
Dominion Goveriuneut to modify its
Chinese Restriction Act, as it interferes
with the relations of Great Britain and
It is said that Quecu Victoria is
anxious that the Earl of Fife, her new
grandson, shall be assigned to the post
of Governor-General of the Dominion of
English medical experts are now mak
ing strong arguments iu favor of the
corset. Thus little by little evidence ac
cumulates to show that the corset has
come to stay.
In Paris is the so-called Mutual Autopsy
Society. Bj us rules the IkxIv of a de
ceased member belongs to it, and an au
topsy shall be held iu sight of the
society's memliers.
The naval court-martial at Halifax, N.
8.. on the wreck of her Majesty's snip
Lily luis reprimanded Captain Hussoll and
Fint Lieutenant llewett and dismissed
them bom the ship.
It appears to tie the opinion of almost
all the ohVers who have watched the
Hungarian Army maneuvers this year
that smokeless gunowder is an indisens
able adjunct to the repealing ritte.
Minister Phelps presented bis creden
tials to Emperor William a few days ago,
and was detained so long in informal
conversation by the Kaiser that be
missed his train lack to Berlin.
A descriptive article on a trip to Russia
was lately published iu an English maga
zine over the uame of ''Jennie S.
Churchill." This is Lady Randolph
Churchill, formerly Miss Jennie Jerome
of New York.
Leading Madrid journals express a
hot that the Spanish-American re
publics, now having representatives to
the Congress of American, will
not allow themselves to become satellites
of the United Statea.
A Ixsidon music hall joke very popular
at present is : Fint Artist Who has the
smallest loot iu the House of Commons'.'
Second Artist The Grand Old Man, be
cause nobody can step into bis shoes.
, Hours oi applause from the audience.)
The Duke of Edinburgh takes pleasure
in repeating to bis august mother, Queen
Victoria, the disagreeable comments that
the Emperor of Russia lias made upon
the recent marriage of Princess Beatrice
to liord Fife, and It seems that tin se
sentiments of entire disapproval are fully
ah ued by the Empress Frederick.
A. R. Peck, confidential liookkeepr in
the Chicago office of P. l-orilutrd A Co. ,
lias disappeared. It is slated that he lias
overdrawn the firm's money to the ex
tent of several thouaand dollars.
The White Caps in Wilson county,
Tenn., made a search for the Mormon
Bishops who had returned to that county
after having been driven away, out the
bishops evaded the regulators and got
away in safety.
Captain James Kennington, late in
command of Company B, Fourteenth In
fantry, U. S. A., stationed at Vancouver
Barracks, lias been arrested on complaint
of Ins wife and charged witb
Baa Diego
meats to the
tliat point.
to offer induoe-
.'uiou Pacific to build to
drape Butter House Blope-Novel Hay
Bilers-miet for 8llo -Chill Bauoe
(3 rape Wlno-Oorn Fritters.
According to Dr. Cornet, Tuberculosis
is nine times more frequent among nur
ses than among any other class of per
sons. As soon as the peach and pear crop is
off cultivate among the trees to kill out
the grass and weeds, in order to save la
lwr next season.
Next month lawn grass seed may be
sown for the spring crop of lawn grass.
In the wound well and rake the seed
in, but cover very lightly.
As plants r in their desire for foods
it is not impossible for a piece of ground
to fail in the production of certain kinds
of crops and yield largely of otl.en, owing
to the composition ol the soil and the
plant food contained therein.
Chili Sauce. Take six large ripe to
matoes, one onion, one red pepper, two
cups of vinegar, two tobleepooiifula of
sugar, one table spoonful of salt ; chop
very fine and boil one hour. In making
ten times this amount let it boil five or
six hours.
Grape Butter. Press the finest grapes
through a colander, and to each quart of
the substance add one and a quarter
paiimls of sugar, spice to taste and boil
slowly for one hour, stirring frequently.
Put in stone or glass jan and keep in a
cool place.
Com Fritten. One dozen earl of
sugar corn, grated or seraed ; three eggs,
whites and jolks beaten separately;
three grated crackers, one tabespoonful
ot melted butter, pepper and salt to taste.
If not thick enongh, add a little more
cracker. Fry in butter and lard mixed.
The old horse is safer and lietter for the
use of the younger members of the family
than younger ones, but for general farm
work a horse should lie young and strong.
During the summer, when the work is
very heavy, the horses should bo fed
three times a day and given two hours
est ut noon.
Grape Wine. Secure the finest grapes
and press out all the juice. To each gal
lon add three pounds of sugar; stand in
an open vessel in the cellar to ferment,
keeping the vessel filled by adding sweet
ened water. When done fermenting,
put into a cask and bung tightly.
The lst points of a dairy cow can lie
seen when the cows are at their best,
and then is the best time to make your
selection, liecause in the aggregate the
farm stock has p ml should not lie satis
factory. It is important to know not
only which kind of stock, but also which
animals pay the largest per cent of profit.
Fruit trees cannot thrive on all kinds
of exhausted soil. The tree will make a
growth of leaves and wood on poor land,
but they require mineral manure to per
fect t In fruit. Land that lias been too
rough for plowing may yet have spaces
between tlie mens wnere iruu trees win
thrive, and it is better than land that has
In on exhausted by long cropping.
A . o staining free lime, potash or
magnesia is in condition to form rapidly
in warm weather under tilage valuable
compoundsof nitrogen, which will hasten
plant growth. This process, called uh a
laction of the soil, does not go on rapidly
iu the absence of lime, potash, soda, etc.,
hence the importance of applying lime
and potash to soils deficient in them.
Dahlias should always have stout
stakes driven close to the main stalk of
the plant to give the support needed in
case of high winds. If these stakes are
painted green they will not 13 noticeable,
and if they are taken indoors in autumn,
w hen the dahlia roots are taken up, they
will last several years. They are much
neater than anything that "happens to be
at hand" when you get around to attend
to this necessary work.
Good Use for House Slops. If you
save all the slops from the house, the
wash-water, iindsmleof sundry occasions
during the week you will find that you
have a supply of nutriment at hand to
draw u sin which is far richer than
you have any idea. It will not make ii
poor soil permanently rich, but it will
afford sufficient nutriment to nourish
such plants as you grow in it during the
summer in a very satisfactory manner.
We planted some annuals on a still' clay
Unit had been thrown out of a cellar. We
water them regularly witli suds and slops
and they surpass in growth and tlori
terousnods those grown in the garden.
Baked Tomatoes. Para and quarter
nice large tomatoes and put them in a
t ilander to drain. Cut the crust trom
s mii slices of stale bread, trim them to
tit the bottom of a buttered pudding dish,
ami fry them to a light brown in hot fat.
Dip them in salted lulling milk, and fit
in the dish ; lav on the drained tomatoes,
season with salt and pepper, cover thickly
with bread crumbs, not with butter, ami
strew over a scant tcaspoonful of sugar.
invert a tin pie plate over it, and bake for
twenty minutes; take tlie cover off and
Milet for the Silo. This srop is an ex
ceedingly valuable one, although, per
haps, because it is easily grown, it is net
popular. Last year a crop of millet was
sown in a tour-acre field, ttiat had been
in pasture for several yean and hail been
well manured. The crop grew thickly
and tall nearly six feet betore the
heads began to appear, and It w as cut be
fore hall tlie heads had emerged from the
sheaths. The four acres yielded twenty-
five large two-horse wagou loads of half
cured fodder, which was put into a small
silo sixteen by twenty and fifteen feet
deep. The fodder fed eight brad of horses
and celts, two yoke ot working oxen.
fifteen head of two-and-three-vear old
steers and heifers, fourteen yearlings and
a bull, equal te forty t wo head for eleven
weess, and the fishier was eaten greedily
to the last without any waste. At this
rate one acre would have fed one head (or
one hundred and fiftoeu weeks, or more
than two years. Then what better and
cheaper crop is there than this, which
occupies the ground only three months,
requires no cultivation and coats (or all
excuses not more than $4 per acre? But
it needs good soil and earlier sowing than
Bert Jackson, who murdered William
R Melvin last May in El Dorado county
has twn found guilty with a penalty of
life imprisonment.
The G. A. R. General Committee at
Los Angeles insists that a change should
be made in the management of tlie Santa
Monica Soldiers' Home.
The sum of fiOOO has been offered by
the citizens o( Tacoiua for the arret tan. I
conviction of the man who shot and
killed young Crosby at that place on the
0th inst.
The second trial oi Richard Lee for the
murder of William Duncan in the little
town I'd IfilUtin nMr flnwiMT in 1TI
has begun at Loe Angeles.
Brrveaa PINn.
taken when excessive or continuous mus
cular exertion, exciting passions, or over
indulgence, stimulating food or drink, or
nervous disorders have long continued.
Descriptive treaties with each bottle; or,
address Mack Drug Co., N. Y.
Out an Officer-Permits Granted -Big
Reward Offlered -A Oonvlct Shot
-Charged With Insanity
Father and Son ifibot.
Ventura prohibits grouera from selling
Small-pox is prevalent at Socorro, New
San Jose is to hare an overhead elec
tric railway.
Santa Crux has awarded a contract to
build a new jail.
The California State Grange will meet
at San Jose next year.
A Masonic Hall was dedicated at Santa
Fe, N. M., on tlie 8th.
Tacoma, Wash., is full of hard charac
ters and street rubbers.
Work on the irrigation canal at Hoi
lister began on the 8th.
W. A. Currie, of Portland, has been
o 1. 1 missioned notary public
The Fire Department at San Luis
Obispo disbanded on the 8th.
Orange county has fixed the tax rate
at $1.06; Los Angeles at $1.80.
The new Safe Deposit building at Ta-c-.m
i will be ten stories high.
Five attempts were made to start fires
at Helena, Mont., on the 4th.
Another agricultural implement factory
is aboat to be erected at Stockton.
Baker City, Or., was filled with visiton
last week attending tlie county fair.
A man-eating shark was captured at
Redondo Beach, CaL, on the otn inst.
Three-fourths of the inmates of the
Oregon State Prison are morphine eaten.
The Southern Baptist Association be
gun its session at San Diego on the ilth.
.lohn Kranirer killed himself at the
Santa Clara County Infirmary on the 8th.
A monster milMS-meeti I1L' of indigtlllllt
citizens was held at lacoma on uie tn.
ll.totu reimrts thai her wheat crop
this year will lie over 40,000,000 bushels.
The retal butchers at Vallejo want
meat peddlers te pay a tax of $100 a quar
ter. The Grand Lodge of the Knights of
Iythias ot Oregon met at Astoria on the
Judge Snow of Douglas county. Wash.,
recently elected State Senator, had his
leg broken at Ellensburg on the 8th in a
fall from a buggy.
Judge Hanford, of Seattle, on the 10th
inst.. sentenced two notorious crooks to
the penitentiary, each receiving fourteen
yean. That is as it should be.
The mysterious murder of Croshv at
Tacoma. Wash., has caused the citizens
in public assemblage to denounce the
whole police government oi the city.
Dan Gilroy of Gilroy got drunk and
criminally assaulted a kdy, Mrs. Leaves
lev, eighty yean old, who had raised the
fellow from the time he was a child.
The Washington republicans have
elected ninety-eight members of the leg
islature. The democrats have seven
members, barely enough for a caucus.
Many workingmen have been drawn to
Preseott, A. T., by a bogus advertise
ment for hands at $5 a day. A number
of these men spent their last cent to
reach Preseott.
Edith Holmes, nineteen yean old, was
admitted into tlie Oregon Penitentiary
recently. She is the seventh woman
ever admitted and tlie only one there
now out of 300 prisoners.
Charles Clark, a convict sentenced to
the iieuitentiary at Walla Walla from
Seattle for thirty-six years, was shot by
the guard on the lOth'inst. while attempt
ing to escape. He will recover.
Tlie carpenters and cabinet-makers at
Victoria, B. C, are on a strike .or nine
houn a day.
Mr. Sterling, editor of the Ellensburg,
Wash., Register, has been held in $500
bonds for libel,
Reno people have secured Dinner
hike and a reservoir site at Wener Lake
for storage purposes.
Work on the railroad extension from
Knights Landing into Sutter county is
making good progress.
Locations are being rapidly tiled on the
placer ground near hllensburu, Wash.,
and the new coal fields north of the city.
The result of the legislative contest in
Montana will not lie definitely determ
ined until the official count is announced.
The stockholders of the defunct Peta
luma and Seliastopol railroad are clamor
ing for the return of their subscriptions.
From July 17 to the Sth of tho present
month, permits have been granted at
Seattle for buildings to tlie value of $4,-
Elmer Chamberlain, while drunk at
Helena, Mont., cut Officer McKenzie
from his ear to his throat with a knife.
He mav recover.
Mr. Stevens of Fanny Davenport's
Company died suddenly at San Diego on
the 8th.
One ot tha greatest blessings you
ean enjoy is a tender, honest and en
Ughteoed conscience.
Fashion has been cleverly hit off
as "an arbitrary disease which leads all
geese to follow In tingle file the one
fooee who sets the style."
-Most men are as willing to toll
their own troubles as they are un
willing to llstea to the troubles ef other
people. Somervllle Journal
A woman wsy recently convicted
in New Jersey for being a ioo d. If the
law was just it would oonvlct a few
husbands for giving their wile so muoh
to scold about.
One of the best rules In conversa
tion U. never to say a thing which any
ot the company can reasonably wish
we had rather left unsaid. Nor oan
there anything be well more contrary
to ihe ends for which people meet to
gether than to part uasAisfied with
each other or themselves. Swift.
Idleness is the nursery of crime.
It Is that proline farm of whloh all
rank aad poisonous vices are the fruits.
It is tha source of temptation. It is
the field where "the enemy sows tares
while men sleep." Could we trace the
history of a large elase of rices we
should find that they generally orls
iasM from the want of some useful em
ployment aad are brought In to supply
its place. -N. Y. LedsTV-
While The-e Is no Direct Change In
Quotations. Every Buelnaas Man
Feels Confident of an Bary
Change all Round.
Tlie controlling features of the business
situation have undergone but little
change siuca the close of last week, the
distributive movement of trade having
been satisfactorily maintained, while re
port from all important interior distrib
uting centers reflect the same satisfactory
itorditions both as to character and ex
tent of the autumn demand. Coffees re
main firm at last quotations. Sugars are
lower all round. The fresh fruit market
is still firm and active. Fresh vegetables
are still in good receipt and prices are
well maintained. For ilairy, produce and
poultry there is not much to report, last
week's pricei being well nm'nUiined.
Wheat is more active and firmer Flour
and feed is unchanged, the demand con
tinuing good. Tlie local wool market it
still exceedingly dull. Hops are coming
in more freely, but the market is still
without interest.
f"8ngan, Golden 0 fi.c, extra 0 Ofc
dry granulated 7c, cube, crushed and
powdered Sc. Coffee: Guatemala 20
22W, Java 3032c, Costa Rica 21
2-.'H. Mocha 37c, Rio 2223c.
roasted Java 3032c, Arbuckle's roasted
Oregon ham 1313Kc, breakfast bacon
12(g3c, sides 910c, Eastern ham UH
l4c, breakfast bacon 12,c, sides Be,
shoulders 9c. Lard s
Apples $1, lemons $8, Sicily $7.50,
pean $1(31.25.
Apples 46c, evaporated tl0!ie sliced
6c, pean 8c, peaches 810c, Oregon
plums 34, petite prunes 6(k', German
tktMe, prunes, Italian 7c, silver '(a7c,
Cclifornia figs 7c, Smyrna figs 14(S16c,
ap.ieot 13-itl4c. raisins $1.752-25 per
Potatoes, new, $9cl, iweeta l?ic
per d, onions 85c.
Butter, Oregon tancy 30c, dairy
2627,c, common 10l2c. Eastern
25c, California 27)40.
Oregon eggs 30 ; Eastern 25c.
Chickens $33.50, old hens $4(34.25,
young geese $8 10, turkeys 12)sc per tl.
Vallev 17019c. Uiupque 19020c. East
ern Oregon 10014c
Hops OftfSe for Oregon. 009c for
vVhoat. Vallev tl.2201.25. Eastern
Oregon $1.1.. -f 1.17'.,. Oata 37039c.
Standard $4.25, other brands $3.75
03 90.
Beef, live. 2c, dressed, 3c ; mutton,
live, 3c, dressed, tte ; hogs live,,
dressed U.4, deer 23c.
Hay $17018 per ton, bran $14.50, chop
$18020, shorts $10.50, barley $21.
lntermtilig mid I'm-ful Hits of Domestle
Fart ami l-'iinry.
A raw cranberry, cut in two, and
half of it bound over a corn, is recom
mended as a reiiof.
Indivdual plates for vegetables arc
not used much now. Only salads arc
separately served.
Cold tea is the best thing with which
to clean grained wood. Never use
ammonia (or this work.
After washing a wooden bowl dry It
at a distance from the stove, so that it
may not warp or crack.
Whon recipes call for a cupful it
means just half a pint; this amount in
granulated Biignr weighs just half a
Salt will curdle new milk; so in pre
paritur custards or porrldires tho salt
should uot be added until the dish is
To remove tor, rub well with clean
lard, aftorwurd wash well with soap
and wuier. Apply this to either hands
or clothing.
To take ink out of linen, dip the ink
spot in pure molted tallow, then wash
out the tallow and the Ink will como
out with it.
A silver spoon put into a glass jar
will temper it so that it can at once bo
filled with any thing hot, even to tho
boiling point
Red-popper pods or a few pieces of
charcoal thrown into the pot in which
onions, cabbages, etc,, are being boiled
will prevent the unpleasant odor.
Btareh Polish. A piece of sterlne
candle, spermaceti, or white wax as
largo us a robin's egg will give a nice
floss. A teaspoonful of salt to each
pint of starch will prevent sticking.
Chicago News.
Husband (impatiently) "Is it pos
sible, my dear, that you can not keep
those children quiet for a moment?"
Wife (soothingly) "Now John, don't
be harsh with the poor little Innocent
things; it is natural for them to be full
of spirit, and they're doing the best
they can." Husband "Well, if 1
oould have a moment's peace I would
sit down and write that check for $50
that you've been bothering me for."
Wife (sternly) "Children go up stairs
at once, and if I hear another word
from you to-night I'll punish you se
Terely." Lift.
The dream of to-day, the battle of
to-morrow, the victory of the day
after." Yea sometimes, often enough
to furnish rational Inoentive for the
utter freedom of spirit in watching
along the whole heavens for the dawn
ing of any new truth. But It depends
a great deal on the quality of tha
dream. A silly thing It would be to
drop compass and chart, and cut loose
edlesly, conceitedly, from the old
piths, fancying that all "dreams" htn
tome out true. Advanrw
dangle "I am talnklng of sending
Arabella to Paris to finish her musical
education. " Hangle "I am delighted
to hear it" Jangle "The only obsta
cle seems to be the matter of funds."
Hangle -Funds! Don't let that stop
you. Your neighbors will gladly sub
scribe to send that voioe to Paris; and
My. hadn't you better send the piano
with her. too? ' -LovtU Otiassv
Thry Wr BsMfsSM Clatfte,
Many LtMfWsSjes Quit. w, T,l
Both the Khedive and the Kliediruw
are wrapped up in their children J!
I urn told that they Intend to allow o
of their sons to take u trip to An)tp ."'
at no d -t ,ni date.
Ihey have tw0
boys and two girls.
me bo
thh.. lllln . IJ , . . r
)Vk ...
i ' ... . Mifvm ;cun um iust. Jab.
M.l..... All L - , '
aiauviuuk au, wuu is tw
1 hose
are mm
school In Berlin
They speak fasts!
English, (iennan and Arabic, and thev
unit I um tlfl unnu Its.!..!. m.
""kov. Live first
arc rather protty. crenm-coinplexlonwi
young maidens of eight and ten, who
are as much like American girti u
they can be, considering their IUN
roundings. They wear tmom
clothes, and may bo seen along th9
sou shore ut Alexunderia, walking to
gether and swinging their huts L
their hands like our little girlj y
Long Brand) or Asbury Park. Thev
have European govornosies und talk
Frtmoh quite well. These children
aro by no menns badly oil as regards
money matters. The Khedive's la.
come is big enough to enable him t0
pay ull of his expenses, and his wje
has nn independent fortune, which I
am told, brings her In about $o0,000 a
your for pin money. Abbas, the eldest
son. is tho heir upparont, and gets an
allowance of $75,000 n year, and all
have enough and to spare. Still," in
tomparisun with the fortunes nqiian
ilered by tho Khedives o( the punt, this
Is nothing, und tho present Khodiva
does what any other monarch of th
world would not think of doing, The
last year was a poor one in Egypt,
und the people wore hardly able to
pn thoir taxes. In order to rolievo
them somewhat tho Khedive ordered
thut tho salaries of all office n should
be cut down for that cur, ten per
cent, and ho set tho example. I an
told, by cutting that much off thn
alloWMMM for his family and dropped
off $Vi(),UIO from his personal allowance
for tho sake of his people. This does
not soom tho act of a Pharaoh. It is
more thnn that of a man and a Chris
tian. It shows that this Mohammedan
rulor Is u King in heart anil soul, as
well us In position, und may well lead
us to wonder whother this land under
him, if freed from dobtand unshackled
by ihylockl would not rise to a hlgtWf
and better civilization than it has ever
hud in tho (i,000 years of its past
Cor. N. Y. World.
Some ItriiHiills Why Hoys anil lilrl Should
Have a K, n il o AllOWSUseSi
If children have no money of their
own. how can they learn to tnnnnije it?
Begin when thoy are very young, and
tench thrm gradually the use of
money, by arranging household work
so they can earn a few pennies, and
perhaps by giving moneyed rewards
for special excellence in school.
Whenever children are given money
let them understand it is beoanss the
have earned it by good behavior.
Money should not be doled out to
child as it were to a beggar. It has a
right to its allowunce; utid tho chil
dren that are early taught that they
must furnish equivalent for money re
ceived learn tho Value of money, and
grow to be respected because they are
self-respecting. The plan we have
suggested is followed in many fami
lies, und Bach child Is paid a fixed
sum for certain duties. While the
sums earned by smaller children are
trivial, the children lire compelled to
pay out certain small necessary ex
penses from them, und to contribute a
penny of the earnings to tho church
contribution-box ouch Sunday A
soon as they huvo a dollar saved they
are urged to put it in the bank, unless
it is near a birthday or the holidays,
when extraordinary expenditures are
in order. In one family, the writer
remembers, it is the Mile of the
mother to make n liberal allowance ol
paper, pencils and other sundries for
school, and if any of these nrticles are
wasted or used up before a certain
time, the child in fault is compelled to
purchase others from her own money.a
very dellnlte and usually effective way
of reaching carelessness. By gradual
ly b -coming used to spendin money,
und learning by "paying" thesuffsriBg
and folly of carelessness, the child
grows to learn values, and when she
arrives at an age suitable may use nn
allowance given her wisely and wi'D
proper discretion. Farm and Fire
side. Origin of Indian Corn.
The origin of Indian corn has long
been a mooted question. It is now
stated that a nutivo plant of the niaiz'
family has been discovered in Central
America which is probably the origin!
type of our corn. But instead of beaj
ing the car on a side shoot, it bears it
on top after tho manner of I sucker,
and each twain Ifl wrnlineil in itr OW0
husk, or irlnme Hire the chaff
wheat. The centra! spike, answering
to the cob of corn, has but two ro
of grains. Otherwise the plnnt re
sembles corn nearly exactly. The' de
partures from this type are probably
the result of cultivation, os our corn,
wrapped in heavy husk, could not
scatter its seed, so as to pwpf
itself in u wild state. The local name
of the plant is Teosinto. Albany
The Leavenworth Times sngfe
anent the formation of a Chine
"Heavenly Foot Society" todUcourag
the compression of women's 'et:
"Now if American women w- uld for"
a Heavenly Waist Society we bssJbI
be able to say that we aro keeping P
with the Chinese in civilization."
Loose morals often lead to close
confinement. N. Y. Hoi aid.
The name of the White Hon" l
derived from the fact of the Vlrjr
freestone of which it is built, be'"
painted white to conceal the discolora
tion caused by smoke and weather-
"WelL Mr. Assessor, what arv wJ
going to make out of your boy?'' "
think he will do for a policemen, be
cause I can never find him when I
him." Fliogende Blatter.
Wife "I hate this horrid dust t
la blowing; it makes me keep T
mouth closed." Husband "Can t yoi
take some of it homo with youf"'
Omaha Worid,