c,l V AND COUNTY, I'lrMdK Hill Itmt. tret. HUh, IB89. in 1st. iumUxiU Btoker ' rtwUkat jr. and Mr, M,'r,,lil1' ""' Ml. ' Clyde lla.bie lM DMIIthOol ,1 field yjr C I'")'1""1 lUlUy MM moving tu pulk couuiy. rm-lc lobu Stoo" mm Been unwell bat jliUU coiivuloHceul. vMr Qo. stt4 recently from Etra OgoMbw WuM l""no "u Uu' M""- Hi, Jan Mitchell n turned homo from ,1," isburg l.i week where aha bud U-en rfcdttog- ir Geo Whilebee und his son Robot! i ki.ni to-day with twd (cams ou their nasse, i . . C Li EMtt Oregon. r mid Mi- T. BW of Dexter bun ,m lo Wi ""r MrK. S-ih SClDOiK, .1 Uke Creek wbo is sick, isnnberofjronai p-opl o( ibis place " t t,e ,.sldonCe "f Mr. John Blame mi Siiiid'.v evening lit had some very uioe ncal uiusic. r Sweuringen a,lJ u"" uov "'arted . ,1,,. mountains ou Saturday but bad Stone to botoro tbey broke their vagon Shad lo go to Eugene for repair.. We are informed that Mr. William West, who with bla witofton n visit to Canada, i, nil i"dioed and i not at present Lui to travel. We all wish huu a speedy rvery aud a safe return. I traveler stayed over ninlit reeeutly at Mr Wilson's and not baviug the fear of the i hefore his eyes, robbeil u trunk of sonic i J 00. The niouey belonged to a young J,,,,, a uiiuister, recently from Kunus, aafjari Kelluuis. tfnj Kiliniiud Doeriug, a daughter ol fuel Sam Maugham, who has usided Lear p.luuse Git lor the Inst 4 years is (unking her ninny friends a visit at this place. She ,,ii-es n Battering account of that country. Il MMM tbere is one peculiarity about the piloOM country, and that is the abseuca of Hart pail toman (aud woman )-kiud better known us fleas. What do they have to wake tbeui up in the morning is what we would like to know Irving Hems. Oct 10th, W.i. S I, pond's new home is cnuipleteil, all but the porob, ami he has moved into the same. Irving has another addition added In its rtreet and it ha a Vork name, Wall Street. Oar school i attain prospering under the MMacaeot ol Mis Ma Patterson. She is liked by all her pupil. E A. Band will mmiii have his caue realv for the lurd, and we think the sectcs i American Canary, without wings. li Bond aud lady went to Portland hist eek to attend the Mechanics' Kn". Hope they may have a good time. II F Bond and II Kitchen have had SO l.ul, of material delivered for the purpose of itartin a hank. We wish them raeeeta, I ,1 lingers is talking f funning a cnswt nerakip with .1 M Kitchen and pnttiug up a lj,l ;K) roller mill to which amount the far mers have a. reed to subscribe aboat 32,000. This opportunity should not be let passed by unnoticed by the people of this vicinity. Mr .1 A Fuiratu at present puts in the time watering and fatal B his hogs, but we under iUnJ he has rented him a ranch near by the uk'pen and we think ere many weeks he willget emetine to wash his victuals, cook his clothes and the Gt'.um will have something t cliron iele. headed like this, "Mniried." Moke Anon. , Correct He as. We olip the following from tb Albany Democrat: A Goon (ink Tb oilier noon n young, man appeared at the baggage office of the S. P. just before the south boi ml tru.n ar rived aud handing llaggage Master Darker his ticket, said, "Please check Ibis trunk to the city." Mr. Barker politely informed him that the train didn't go through to Sau Kraurisco. "I wunt it checked to Eugene, nf course," said the fly, young Eagtnite. The 11. M. then made one of bis forcible re marks proscribed from the Democrat's vo cabulary anil good tminndly clucked the trunk. The lining man bad spent several days iu Ihc Albany villuge and it was so lonesome and dull, when compared to the nislling little city of Eugene, that be could only compare the two properly by asking for his Uiggnge "to be checked to the city." Moabttif Soee Pree. I McMiunville Reporter, Oct. a. The grand jury brought in nn indictment j against J. C. Moburg, who was tried some j time ago in Newuerg jusiice conn, iwi setting his store on fire. He was brought into court on the 28tb inst, and plead not guilty. On Tuesday, the 6rst, the tiial be gan, 'com t having adjourned Saturday until thl day. Prosecuting attorney Hewitt looked out for Ihe State's Interest, and John Dttcbbnrn, of Portland and H. Hillinger, of McMinuville, conducted the defendant s case From the evidence there is nothing to fix criminality on the defendant, and the rase was submitted wilhout argument. The jury brought in a verdict of not guilty in four minutes. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was lick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became MiM, she clung to Castoria, When the hod Children, she gave them Catori. Ur -A purse containing WG iu gjld com, between Eugene and Cbesher post office. Fifty di liars rewurd will lie paid the finder, delivering the same at the store of Wan lell ic Matlock, Eugene, or at the tin ertignrd at Crusher. Axonaw MrsssiL. Two Waja. tmm Which ! There are two usual waya of doing what Kttura sometime does Incompletely, name ly, to relieve the boweU. One I, to swallow adnunicporgitlTe which evacuates profuse ly, abruptly and with pin, the other I to Uk nostetter'sPtomaeh Bitters, the fleeter which 1, not violent, but suttlcieni 1) ttioroufn. and which does not gripe the intestln"- " the 8rt 1 selected, the person eroplo) i S " nei-d not expect permanent beneflt. no m nnot hope to escape the debiliUllng n sc Hon which leave the organs as bad m wrse off than before. If, on the other hand . h. in- ,frt. e. ,1.. Din . p.lv iliMrfl tin rf S.O tt boweU, the Birters rooses a r, impart a beneficial imi1""'" lioo of the kidney, ami counteract the ear 'T twinges 5 rheVmati.ni, a leodtocr 10 Cow, ud malaria iu all lu forms. Os Exhibition. A part of our new stock e cr.H-kery and glassware is now on exhibi oa at onr grocery store. Ctl nd exam ine " A-GoUMiMITH. St. Charlea Hotel ' b.re all who twit AlUnj should stop if ut tosecuir the UaaceofOO.Ilion Ike uij. lltt'Villfs. ci-tinui at fWtUnaat Plenty of rain Ibis week. Ilon. s addition o i:,,,,,., oWleaai toi a Kl,lli r.llly UUlUil wMm.e,U,l,llu,,nf:iri Ku,lllic,i( R No. W in ,wVtl. ,,,y ooutryr,bCLil;L","b Screen doors ml window, for s,le . Mldghy I'atker's. Onitiir and violin si, ,,,,. , Eugene Ilm.k Store, formerly Collier. A fine line of silk plush-s iu all shades and grades at F. It. Dunn's. Sbent lnUKi,. BUll Mfujt )K4ikH rt J Book Store, forme, y Collier's. 00 to Goldsmith's and get 1 h of he.t tea nud China tea pot all for I.U0. School books exchanced at the I'nirenity Book Store opposit,. Wilkins' drug store. .'. "' Ilmaii intends building a brick residence on the corner of Tenth and Char Helton streets. . Carpets! Carpets!! S. II. Friendly has Ulal received a large and varied assortment. He will hint yon. A banipiet to Hon. Sol. Bin. Minister to Turkey will be given iu Porllaud, Tiles, day, Oct. 22nd. The "Cuban" and "Yarru" cigars at Horn jt 1 ame s. Try Ihem; they are the best iu the market for Ihe money. 1 have just received from the Faist over $2,000 worth of etotba. Suits made iu Ihe latest mid best styles. J. Dvis The city council of Ashland has let the ontrnct for the construction of the wster works to the Johu Barrel! Co , of Portland for foO.OOO. Just received, n new line of fine gins, ware at Goldsmith's. Git von alovelv glass set of four pieces for 50 cents at A ' Gold smith's. The proprietor, ol the flhy brae Store have rented t'i room iu Shelton', brick adjataiaf, the Odd Fellows Temple and w'l move in v soon as it completed. Twenty three car loads of freight were shipped from here to points est of Council Bluff, daring Bepttnhm Still more load, will lie shii pe l dining this mouth. The LaBgdoa-OaiMIM footrace was ,ii, last Saturday, the latter winnim:. Suckers were there in (real plenty, one of them losing e"-".s1, and several, smaller amount,. Goldsmith, the grocer, has just received from the East one of the largest assignments of lamps ever brought to Eugene, lie will sell them at prices that defy competition. "Prof." BadBQBd nave a balloon ascension Saturday afternoon, the ballooa ascendln,' near ly '.10 feet. His receipts were b'uht, the I ova keeping tl,e;r money to "blow in" on the fiiot race. Trunks! Trunks! Trunks! . I I) Matlock has j,i6t received n car load of trunks and va lises of nil styles to suit customers which be will sell at prices, which defy competition. Call and be convinced. Midglev Si Parker, at their factory on 8th street, east of the mill race, manufacture and keep for sale, doors, windows, frames, mouldings, etc. Estimates furnished ou ap plication. Mr-. Hiram Hell, of Mslad, Idaho,) has givt i, birth to MXtnplab three boys and three girls. T'hev weighed eighteen pounds altngeih- r. All are quite hearty and prom ise to live. Carpets of every style aud grade at Frif nil ly's. These carpets have just arrived aud have been well selected to meet the demands of this market. Call and examiue his varied assortment, A combine was recently etfected iu Salein and Ihe price of cigarettes raised to ten cent a brtaobi Now the trust bos been "busted'' and Ihe filthy little smoker can be purchased for live cents. Take warning all you farmers that have snmmer fallow to work go and get ono of Paine's Boss Cultivators, and stop your fooling. The Boss does the biz and don't you forget it. The only place to get uncovered gar cured Kanas City hams -they are delicious and you don't have to pay for2 lbs of canvass. These hams are at Khinehait's. llettinnn is on hand thi week as usual with a store full of clotliini! and general merchan dise, while customers are Hocking in to secure the advantages of low prices, and a large itoet to select from. Dr. W. V. Henderson has returned from Chicago, where he took a course of lectures and Ittat ruction in the latest methods of denlistry. Call and see him at his oftic if yon are in need of work. S. II. Friendly keeps the largest and best assortment of clothing, ladies dress goods, hats, etc. He is continually adding the latest and newest styles to his stock. His piices are fixed to suit the times. Professor Gaiithier, of Paris, state, lhat certain vital processes of the body develop putrefying substances in the tissues, which, if not speedilv eliminated, produce disease. Ayer's Sarsaparilla tffects the removal of these substances, and thereby preserves benlth. Eist Oregonian: 'Heports from sll sec tions Indicate a bad outlook for the cattle men. Slock are in that sad condition known as spring poor,' and there is no grsss lo feed or bitten them. Range i dry ing up, grass is withering, and watering places are verv scarce. It is feared that cat lie by the wholesale will die before Christ mas,' a bur l winter being eipecled. A hale old man, Mr. Jas. Wilson of Miens Springs. Ill , who is over silly years ofnge, says: "I have in my time tried a or.t mao medicines, some of them .Xi Mllrnt quality; but never before did I tind V th.it would -o completely do a'l that I nkimed for it as I Baaoerwo, on Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It is truly a wonderful medicine. For sale by Os bum A Co. The return, f the e'ection show that la ,. , i, n,,t only the lad city in V oaMf I S hit " I- -',i"' ' U,V "' "v '""'f V, State, The vote of the W-t cities of the State", in MbtW! Tacoma, MfKir ."..I. Monnehidin " i'i 2 , i,ih 1 10!'; Helen MoL , M P. tjlta Taeaeaa is nearly one fifth Imr-vr than Seattle. I Grove, eiinuite to imw-"" , . iJS, lo-ther pur-, containing al-nl 118, beaa he ear. She te.crsphcd to Mr. '. A.hl.rd to foe the irack-.-lker 5 ! i , i, B g -od fortnru section i f nnavlv tor It W h,''''H" t,,r una en aHh , an it- rjouesi iu-'u. wnermit dy. i.rn h llaaaai Ua-, tbi. "'"'"Mr (i 1-e-t.r of .rtha. r i .--'k.o a? i K; ' t and ueealhn M the om.ch. ,.f , N wew eon Hnlchinaon. at one of the V'XZl uZu,nt in that fir.t cl.-s l-rbe' ;P . " Hrriugton cold u .t think of le...n6 oriU g ,f,ertooeofoorrrm M w . firt eta- VfFJ mee ,od rest ''",(n' ha. nan-sl bit i eonrteou, tre' g t , name which i pUoe of h""0"" .Portland Mercary. : will eWefi m'- Henderbin. ilentM. Hue, ,! Mw, t ik it, llii city, Tl 1st Sl,K-lt afceW opew In Portland t. tar, l' '-!i,iaitrr O-I.urn hi, moved inta lii new baaae, A,k your gun-ut for Juoctiou tlour. It to ttirHtejt Will pip., ..t Eucui- lloik Stoie, for merly Collier 'a. For i h-ap lintJing lot, easl or Wet of Ihe Unite rail on Dr. Sh lion. Take your product lo the Pacific Tea Co. and get the la st prices. School Books exchanged at Eugene Book Store, formerly Collier's. Brushes, comb,, picture frames at Eugene Book Store, late Collier's. Smoke tht Happv Hours 10 ceut white slur cigir of Mark in A Co. Hot and cold baths every day in the week at leers Horn's WrK-r bo'p. Bibles and New Tclauieuls at Eugene Book store, formerly Collier',. PieollaH waut you to OHM and see hi saddles aiitl heavy team harness. VY, .,.y Walton, wt II kn oa u In ir i- town Marshal of BoaaiU, Waablntea, SI 1 1 h i, a Son have moved their groceiy store into the u-w It u, kit, brick. Farmers can mivc fl", per M ir by bujing boots aud aboet t.f Krsue Klein. "What are the wild wave, laytofi That you can et oad cheap at Khineliai-t's, Th'- pbtatetere are at work on the Shelton budding, oppoeite the (ii tsp fflar W, A Cox, of K.ueiie. i, biiildiiio a two story brick for Jack BUyta, at Beto, nr. Dr. MOtt'l Electric OoTMtl at Eastern prices. For sale only at tl. Bettin in',. E. C Lake, nearhhj cutter mid dealer in monuments, shop on Eighth street, Eugene. Bibles, laateeaeot, Sunday school and reward earde at tbe Unlvereltj Bonk Stare, The Vale Atlas ssjs that the county ha, no doctor, an 1 desire, one to Incite there. Before storiug or selling your oats see A V. Peters. Clean Chevalier barley wanted. The Eng. tie express trains transferred passengers at the wreck near llalsey Tues day, Lovers of goi tl teas should t ill ou Sladden & Son. They have ju,t rcceiv.-d a choice stock. H I '. Parktoj hoi crew of men i'i town gathering maple ,eed. He will sell the seetl, ill the east. You are wanted to go at mice and examine Bettmai,', ,lo,-k of bailee' and twto' ilress i,h1 ami nlnthiail The Eugene Hercules cigar two for 25 cents is (he lx-st. Manufactuicil by the Eugene Cigar Factory. Two advance audit, of thows wele in town thi, w,ek. There Wing no theatre in Eugene, they made no dates. Baeaeonkof if a bisit or shoe bought of Kransse A' Klein rips or runs over they le pair then, free nf charge. About Iu0 I'uiversity students and others went to Portland ou Friday's local to ntiend the KxHisilion. Metlford Mail: J Goldsmith, our pop. ubtr JtrOOer, now occupies (he large store building in the Cbilders block. lnili.inapoli, for tlm first time iu fifteen year, ha, elected a Democratic mayor and city officers. Thus i Hsrri,oii iniloretl. Halite Clow, of Junction, mid I.iliieiit-n- drick, of Eugene, have entered the Normal School at Monmouth s nco our last rexiit. H I. Hols', W A Temple and Etta Ivl hate leen granted scholar!.!! . in the State I'nitersity by the toiinty court of I. inn nam ty. Have you Keen throe latlic' cloaks ami jack et, at Beetaaaa'a! Bay ycatv wife, doogfctoi or sweetheart one to i;laddi-u her heart tbiiiug the Fall and Winter months. Astoria.., Get. 5th ssys: Some rain falls iu Astoria sometimes. On Sunday, fell 1.28 inches rsiu; Monday, 2 4K; yesterday, 2 10 inches 5 8ti iuches iu 72 hours. The Oontmnn ConneH mevts t.ett Monday eveninc. when it is expected that tbe pre liminary work of making arrangements for sewers will be ordered. Correct. The Salem Statesman says: Nearly every man coming to the peuitentisry ol late has lieen a morphine "fiend." This degrading habit steins lo be growing in Oregon. Henderson the dentist ha, returned fully prepared to attend to all difficult cases of dentistry. Office iu same old tiniiters, up stairs in Pint National Buuk block. The Congregational Church has purchased the lot on Ihe Seventh street, just west of Ihe Episcopal Cniirch, for the sum of $1,000, They will ptolmbly build next Summer. Ed. Eben has returned from Prineville and will shortly start a variety and fancy dry go ds store in Titus' block. He will do a gootl business a, he tho oiighly under stands il and il a rutll r. J. O'Connt r, w ho is to construct tbe Ash land water woiks, is putting in n f 21,000 plant for an incorporation of Iloseburg cap italists in that place. It will be sold (or J Ilia eat hi purposes and fire protection. Owing to the vacation granted to the students the Y. W. C. T. 0, sociable which was announced for this, Saturday, evening at Mrs. Cnderwood's, has been postponed until further notice. By order of Preside.).. Win n yon need a gootl, safe laxative, nsk your druggist for a box of Ayer's Pills, Mid you will find that they give satisfaction. For indigestion, torpid liver, and sick head ache tbtre is nothing superior. Iading pbvsiciuns recommend them. Prineville Review: Thousands of dollars have bean spent by risidt-uts of Ibis comity in Eugene aud Albany lor supplies this season. The parties who have gone to these towns to do their liadingclaim to have made money by so doing. H. N. ('rain has sold his watch ami j. weliy store to W. Hollows-, late of New York State. Mr. Crsin has been in btisimss in Eugene for n number of years, nud retires with the nod wishes of sll. His aueeessor, Mr. Holloway, comes well recommended ss a practical workman, having thorough knowledge of the b-im. A terrible accident happened mar Mc Miunville, Sunday. th,t resulted in Ihe death of a voting soii of J. W. Shelton, living near what is known a, Carltoii. From the best information obtainable it seem- llntt two little sons of Mr. Shelton, aged about seven and nine respectively, found an old revolver around the premise nod in playing wi.h it, it " discharged, tbe Iwll striking a vital "pot near the heart, aud death re sulted almost instaliluliil lisl. Tbe paient are grief stricken. We clip ihe following from tat A-hlaiid K.cordiint a former citizen of Eugene: ('. It Van AeKyn. recently of Ellens buM. W.T . has lessttl the (anions White Sulphur Spiings of Grant Helmut, for a isriodof.en tears al a rental of 50.. a year, at the end of which t me sll the im provements will revert to tbeoriginal owner Mr Yan Aelslyn ba commenced putting the place in hap" fo. a high aiate of ira proveioeut, nod Issfor net nimmcr will have il niuid any of Ihe faiuon, health and pleasure rt-orls on the coast." A Bad l ot. AlUny Herald, Oct. W, J. Ellis, the blackguard who poae a j a hoilnew revivalist, eod baa been raising a , row at Brownsville. wa in thi, city yeater day with wag m load of trap,, including a iinn.ing press, which be said be waa moving to ib tt place. He baa put in hi time wblle in lhi ciM for a dy .it lo in aunojing good citizen, with hie very boeiv- lougua. He say be extiert, to remove lo F.og-n or Albany oon. H' i eiiher partially crazy or a bUsphemou, villian, probably nttto of botk, nd i, not wanted here The people of Eagen ,boohl look out for him and give b.at widw berth. rwwlailini i ii cnrt. M,t iii njialar saiu W,biclay, tK-t at . a. m. Present, full hoard. Tb foll.wiug pnaseetlliii;- hail: s i: Eikin, di, State Sen.! n, iiiforme.1 the curt that h hail noiniiiate.l and reisuu mendetl H.-nry Milbr, V W William, ami Marv William, a uit'le s-mou for P polllluicnt to the State Agricultural College; n aniiialiou ortteretl continued. Matter of tb dunction and Ctibarg r- v I : R N Unlet, BP Powete and J E Devi ap sii,ill viewer, to tin' dama.-e, to th s,inUc, of I), 'llluni by t, ,- a of lo. ati ui of mU road, t mei tM. 10, WJ. Tl e sum nf $300 i, hereby appropriated in repairing th rovl leading up the Middl- Fork df the Willamette river, on that part i f the nud known a lail Itonte Hill, and that .1 A Walker be apKiiuld to Mperiateod said repair. I'liaiU-e of mail praye-l for by N Martin t t al; John Tail. .1 F Walker ami J ame. St ar, he apsiinled viewer and C. M. Collier, mr rarnr, touieettK't. I7lh, las'.' The Neat ruatl; onntinne-l until next term. .1 I Itarlir apsiintetl Justice of the Peace for Gat-Creek precinct. Bapereieaea app-nit ed J I llarbre, No 67i Wm Powell, No 7:1 IV nl up Sweet', Crwk; Horace Minor, Pa lid BratlUy and K K Stiles ap,iuttd viewer,, t.i ine.-t Oct llhh, ISS9. Th, contract for keeping pauper, made with W K M uitgt.niery, nr(erl to lie taiseil from -J .V. wr week to $3. DrA W Patterson empl fed a, county phuician for the i'is-r, inside tin onMarate limit, of Euifffle for one year at a salary if $1.11, he to furnish all medical attendance nee' esasry and medicine, hi, being the lowest bid. Sau'srit roasl; 'I'stiiisaril with no expense to county. t'oiiiitv appi ii ' -I 910.1 to aid iu openiiis' the Wallace roatl, ami Marion .illa-v ap I s lint, . I ,tiMrinUtiident. Petition of W II Spaugh, e al, far county mad; continued until next term I'etitioii nf P K Watters et al f r ctmntv road; nrtleretl eatablished a, viewed and ,ur veyetl. . I'I rlc War diracted to notify tle llai ami I "tunioii (' mncil of Eugene that tilde-, the terms ami ct'inlilion, of a leas ma le hv aid county to KngMM nf 'M feet of the public s,t.sre lyiag eraet of ll,k atret-t Ih complied with fnrthwilh. Nit will be institutetl to test the nihility of (aid lease! Ordered that .1 F Smith le stithnrixed t" make a contract for the tapair of the Little Fall Creek bridge, Total allowance for t. im, .(!'.0.i. Latter hltt. la Iter, for the following persons leinailied uncalled for at ihe pustofflce in Eugene City Oregon, Oct. II. 1H8U: Brown, Miss Myra Copehind. Miss ltose Crawltird, Frank 1. Croox, James Foley, Frauk llusley, J 1 Maxwell, Miss S McLean, Don Bay, Mrs Mary Moirisoii, ('apt William Itiissell. Arthur Sampson. S II Sin, uk. Oban Severn. B M Williams, Arlhur A chaise of one cent will be made ou each letter Riven out. Persvons calling for the nlaive will please say iidvertiseil, giving date. F. W OsiH'ii, P. M. For Sale. Nine head of work oxen, with chains ami yoke,. All ready for work. Price, MUSI for the outfit. Apply to Jelf Deadjnoad, live miles cast of Eugene or at thi, ollice. Juiit Lnrr. The following is tie list of juiors drawn for the October lerin of Circuit Court for Lane County, which merls iu Eugene on Ihe 28th Inst: Fred Oray, J C Bralttaln, W 11 Tucker, J F Powere, f M McPln rsoi , Palmer Ayies, Sprluglb ld; David Mcl e, J T Knk, M tt Clark, Sr , Junction; C B Bweet, N Martin, ,1 M Ma, tin. S H Dilhtrd, S (i Lock wood, Cottage Grove; ,1 11 Gold, TJ Bur(.. Spencer; L E Paiks, .1 T Callisou, .las Parker, H T Bristnw, Pleasant 11,11; 1! F Bond, W 11 Hill. Irving; II F Houston, Mobswk; Marcus Kell. v, F Buoy, S B Jackson, Jr., Crsawtll, C K Hale, S It 'Wilhrow, Cht shel ; 0 II Siewell, Long Tom, W F kjmilli, Jasper; A W Williams. Wrflaiiictt. Prui.i, Sai.a or Shobt-Hhii: Caiii.k. -P. K. Wallers will sell at suction, Saturday, Oct. Pith, alxjut 10 bead of registered Short-Horn cattle. All persons desirous of geltiug a few specimens of this noted breed of cattle should not fail to attend the. sale. The merits of tiiis herd of entile are well known throughout the United Slab a, as cau be ascertained by referring lo the record of Agricultural uiooliugs nhcru they have repeatedly curried off p.ies Eleven prize, were won at the State Fair at Salem this year air. Wallers baa rented his farm aud is short of fi ed und has concluded very recently 1 1 put tbe cattle on the market. BoaWtatU ami Pa a xj Kits ArrasTinK.- Galbnutb Bros , the celebrated importers ami stock breedets of Jauesville, Wisconsin, offer for sale al tbe Live Slock Exchange, cor. 1th and Ash slreel. Portland, 0rfjM, a choice collection of Clydesdale, English Shir , II ickncy, and Cleveland Hay stallions at Moderate prices and on term, lo suit pin chasers. These horses an- all of the highest individual merit and Is-st stiains nf breeding. Every animal guaranteed. Call and examine the best draft horses ever brought to Oregoti, or address Giilbraith Bros, at Portland for further information. A Bin Ciixi.i.raua. W. J. Barry, aaptaia of the victorious Astoria hose team, is in receipt of a challenge fion, Ihe Vancouver, B. ('., fire department, to have the Astoria run against them anywhere on Canadian soil for II, 'OO a side. His reply was not unfavorable to ihe proj'-ci. If Ihe Van couver team will pay the Astoria loam's expense, to Seallle or Victoria the Astoria hoys will go and run them for 11,000 a side. If the Vaucoiiverites will come hero tbe Astoria team will pav their expenses ami run I ham here for 11,000 a side. Astoiian. Am roinua Mii.ua.it IIoah -Tin- com roiiouer's court has appropriated f,:ldO to aid iu repaira to the road aoroaa Demi Horse bill ou the Middle Fork end has ap pointed Jas. A. Walker superintendent. While Ihe amonut i small compared with the work to Is' done and the importance nf Ihe road, it will help considernldn. It comes too lale lo help the travel acros Ihe mountains. Next Spring tint court suouni u Mopriate not less than !"t00 to place this important thoroughfare iu condition for Summer travel. Dim - Mr, Minnie Walker, wile of E. H Walker, died at die family residence near OiaOWeH, Monday. Oct. 7, 1SM9, of rh'-uinatism nf ihe heart, Retl 21 year. t months and 11 day. The r.main were brought I F.ng n-. "nil the fuueral bs,k place from the rt-i b in e of her mother, Mrs. Durant, Tuesday forenoon to Ihe I t) 0. F. eemeterv. followed by many sorroaing friend. She reoes lieaitle her father. Wm. Pnrant. who d,d aereral ye rs ago WiflOK Bi ( -" Monday in the Mililirv wagon ros'l cases Judge Sawyer decided il, at the mail eompanie were Uot leaaleed to buihi the radei oi a amato wnlib wilh lurn owU. etc , according to Ihe the Slate law but only 10 the act of DOB grest lso that itl'tr coliat ruction llu-y w.r.- no. r.iju.r' l I" iininUin them. The neituneslion llll'eas to the validity of the certificate of tto Governors, anil wbetb er the roads wete t.i. tit or Uft. A PaasraT.-P. K Walter, of Eugene, bad some verv fine M. .rtborn oallle al tbe Mat Fair at Salem lt week, among Iheiu bei.iK a cow aud calf hub he valued at l-'W and win. h he present" d to tb tricu!turl college in Corvallia Tbey were bipsrtl o Albany by cars and driven over her. Mon day. Tby are beauio, .-CorvalH,ttaaetle. Iiar Irtweek bepberd itsj; Ma with whiU on kW bv.t. TV Oadxvr rrtum in th. Hog to the Hill (am 4 mil below Eu KaXeae, will b pi"l Ks Oka i Blew A cboie lot of Orchard, Timothy. Clover. Bad Top. Bio raaa,lc, jost received al Hladden k tton. It el I I'slale 'I rniisfii . SI UKNS, P I Sn.tdgrass l.i P S Knight, lot iu sum,, i', addition; f 1,0m). Jos and M iggio Lane to Oolavius Parker, lot iu Skiiim 1 1 donation; l. H It MrDonald lo Fred I Perry, lot in I I llswuilh , iiddltlou, HH, Octaviu, Parker to P E Sii'Klgras,, lot in Skinner', addition; 12100. eoirxTni. M Wall., lo J, liiadfortl. 10 acres ; 800. s M Dill ltd heirs lo W H Dillsid land; II- A J Nickel lo Euo, Spraguo, LW.llo acres; C E lo ware to Raabaa Wickh.ui,, 70 22 acres; lllisy. Missouri Church to John Spores, (0 acres; 11800, D s Haaaakw to Tho, ii h , , 12 acre; I2". F. W Whipple aud Bios per admr to B F Harding, lots and land; Ib'Sl. N 0 OaMwnU to F L and laate Moore, laud II. Slat of 0,'t'gou to Suuuel Slroilse, 1Q acre; 20). V s lo u W VaBdeefaargi 100,41 acres; patent, D S to A J Nickel, M act s, lli Solomon .nmw ill In irs lo N Hill, lid 2H acre,; 2,47,". J II Mr iwu per a bur to E K L'.ckey. 11.1 acres; Jll'iO. Mart Par loJ M Shelley, 200 acres; mx tt 0 Garrison t" .lohu Fields, to sen-,; tlOQ, .1 W Varney t" tl F Mack. 10 an-,: 110. jftn-riox. J TGhcsllln toj 0 FUudels. 2 lotatflW. 1,1 r.NAI'A. Geo II and II II Barrett t a 0 M Severy, two lots; -1i. KI.OHRM'K. Geo M Miller's addition to FloiMee, file.l. SKATO.N. W W Neeley and wife ti'es plat of Seaton, which i, I'H-atetl at the head of tide oil the Si uslaw river, composed of 71 lots. HOW is This'.' Il'iy Wt icultrtl 'oii: We told you thsn whet we moved Into oui new iloru wo would have mom room, which would allow us lo buy cheaper in larger quantities mid ctnaetiicutly wo call sell ch t aper us you can see by soluo of our following price, Compare our goods ami price; uo trouble tu snow goods We sell for cash. Supprn A' Son's Pun a Lisr: Junction Flour (full roller! Id cts sack Extra line grauuhitud sugar II', H II Extra 0 Sugar , 12, Ml Golden C Sugar ISl II 101b Dried Apricots 1 Mb (SO lts) choice mt II 5 lb green coffee 1 Choice Tomtit oi s 10c can Choice Pcacbee 20c can AND Gmomi at Pimm skiak iQjmmmiiw We have received a fresh lot of currants, citron, figs, raisins, etc., which we offer at low price. We would lnt pleased to sen ul our old customers and welcome tb new. Very ltespectfnlly, Slauhkn A- Son. For Sale. At my place one mile east of Goahfii, sev eral fresh milch cow,, one ,' llolstein bull calf Ipeifectly maikeill and a .-..I, new, jump seat liuggy miitbt exchange the latter (or a ipitsl maie. b. F. Kraar, Card ofThuiiks. I desire to return my sincere thanks lo Ihe many friends, who so kindly assisted during the last illness ami the funeral nf my be hind vi.lt . K. it. WAi.aaa. A Fatal Susoical QnUTHM, -W. M. Tirlbtl, wood carver who bail worked in Dysiiiger's fact iry for some lime since, died in Eugene Saturday afternoon. He was a veteran nf the bite war, having been n lieu tenant iu the i"Mb Illinois, nud had re ceived a wound from a shell while in the service in one of bis legs, which had caused him great pain and trouble, requiring to be operated upon frequently. It again lie came necessary to operato ou il, und be waa placed under the iutlueucu of anaesthetics and an examination disclooftl the fact that amputation "f llM limb was Mm only possi bio cbai'ce of saving bis life. The knife was used and the leg amputated, but Tirtlot Bevel rallied alter the operation ami died while under the influence of chloro form. The imiiaiu, were interred in the I. O. 0t ti cemetery. The Grand Army post, of which dece iscil was n member, conducted tho ceremonies. He was about M yi ins of ato ami had a sister and brother living in California but no lelatives iu Ibis State. A Goon M m - -Thi Commissioners' court evidcully believes th, re are two sides to a contract. They have instructed the clerk to notify tbe city authorities of Eu gene lhat unless the terms of the lease, by which certain properly owners fronting ou the public square wire given III feet of ground, urn complied with at once, Ihe ooiiuty will bring ,uit to set tho leaso aside. The city agieetl to ft in e Ihn line, build slid maintain a sidewalk, plant -hade lues, and keep nil obstructions away. Instead of complying with Ihe contract, the street in question ins been m td- a wuod yard and a dumping place for filth and gaihage. Dun Many friends will regret to hoar nf tho death of I'M. J. Humsso.i, which oc curred at Porllaud, Thursday, Oct I, He was taken ill with typboi I f-ver ihe second day of 111 stste fair. Ed attended the State. Cnivereily aeverul years, ami had many warm frieud, among the ,ludcnta ami others in Eni'"i,e. H is a incinW sud secretary ol the hardware firm of J, C. Brown .V Co , nf SaUm. The interment took plain al The Dalles Hutu. day. OaFTOaaP, A hore thief, who stole a horse and keifM from in front of a drux store in Portland, anil then drove out through the Willamette Valley ami Southern Oregon in broad daylight pursued by detective ami slo-ritfs, waa captured at Itetldiii.' the tir,t of Ihe week. He' stole aeverul horses while 0.1 the road, two in Lan county, one of them (suing from Mr. Hawley near Co'lage Grovo. Obiikh or tiik Day -Sladden ,V Son say that low prices are the order of Ihe dM, W will venture an assertion lhat when they say low prices Ihey mean business, mid will do just as Ihey say They mark their price on all goods and all are served alike litems ASH Hoahii. Th larsa. reaid,nc on 1 Eighth street, opfwite the Fair Grounds ha, ; ls-rn fitted up bar a boardinx house ar.d ia now open. Nio room, and htssnl reasonable. Qoad ' barn ami !, ,tall, for horse,. Sltl-walk : in pnegrew. Tut Lnaj AllfstMflr, Thi KaMtakej lb-view is suth'tf-ity I't the atalement that A. M. Crawfortl, an attorney ol Marahfield, ha, he-n , i i, o.t ! P. i " i of the Ittaeburg land .tfHte. There liaa been s livly flght for tlie ls,ition, t'l 1 hi A I!aIi Saw. Frank Alley, a y.uiiig ' mar, of 23 years nf aire employed In Dyeiuger, fact"rv, wa out on the knee by band saw ' Friday m iruluK. He will not aulfer any ter i inaiieiit injury from the accident Masbikl. At the residence of the brhle', ' parents, et '.', IMKI, by Kv. I. N. Mulkey, ! Mr. Wwi. William, sntf Miss Id Partin. all of LaM county. Thi DOOM) M0MWH lb hajpv ctsiple. Pasai iziIi Matt ileed of t'reewell. who ' haa been in pair lesalth ftsr some tim, re ceived a atroke tst paralysis a few day. in.r , rrnderiag hi, legs swrl. Fo Hal. A number of whisky barrels for set (t Leo Gearbard's aaloon. Tin- OOtttfl Mm lltifirlnrv. Iu lasl wet k's (it Alio wc slatctl th 'I llM safu iu J. P. Carrin'a store bail la-en blown open. Our informannt was mis taken in tho miitlvr ami wo giro tho fact. A small bob- bud been dug through tb- wall of the building sufficiently large to allow tbe bu-glar to enter. A bole was drilled in tbo saf which contained several thousand dollars ami powder blown in. For somo reason Ihc burglar failed to blow the safe open and gave that part of tho work up He then tinned his attention to the sist ollice which occupied quarters iu tho build iug, and wrenching off iho till secured about 12, among which was a counterfeit dollar autl a half. Mr I'urriii'a money till was also forced open ami several dollars iu small change secured. Deputy T.S Marshal t'ocbian weut to work on the case, ami on Saturday hn ar rested a pi tly who gave hi, name ua James O'Briiu, charging him wilh the crime. An exaiuiustioii was held before V. S Coin niis-i on r Walton Tuesday, ami Ihe t xitlelice protliiccd was strongly prejutlical t , Ihe prisourr, He had on his person when arrested a can of powder, which he had bought of Horn A Paine two days prow m, to ihe robbery: a blow pipe and a file, and several dollars ill silver. He bad passed the counterfeit money with other at the hi ips in Eu:;enit uft, r returning, lie was seeu in the vicinity of Collage Glove the day prior to Iho burglary ami inquired where the I'tistolllce was. ami w is s, en the day after, r turning on the railroad track lo Eugene The hole made iu the wall was a small one, ami ihc prisoner is a small man. Taken altogether Ihc wtdlWI. thoiiuh cir cumstantial, is strongly against O'lltien. Commissioner Walton held him to await lbi action of Ihe U. tt. grand jaty, the rob bery having S.'ni committed in a poslofllce, in tbo ruin of !500, which being unable lo furnish, he was taken to Portland by Mr. Cochran Thursday morning and luriiod over to the V. S. utkoritlM, l'ermiiiiil. Mi Atl.i Simple, vUiletl Albany this Week Kl It ('rain haa returned from a visit to California, John llullery, the palulcr, visited McMiunville last week. F. It. Dunn and family tiaited Portland and I he D.illea thia week. M. L. Pipes, formerly of Iho Cnrvsllis Leader, gave us a pleasant call this week. Ira A. Mills of Ihe Junction Pilot was in (own Momlay ami made us a pleasant call. J. It. Ileum bad Ihe misfortune to slip nud sprain one of his aukles the first of the week. Henry Fry, one of Ihe applicants for the Rtigan, poittilhce, ha, been lu San Francisco thi, week. J. M. Seal, came up lo Eugene Saturday and returned lo his homo iu Polk count), Tuesday , Mrs. Win. It. nslmw lift Wednesday morn ing on a two month', visit to btr parents in Wallowa couuiy. E. O. Poller went to Portland Monday where ho will alien, I the I'nivcrsily law cbool this winter. I.ii;h llai licit visited Ihn Itbiti Kiieruiitie, last week. He aay, iu a lew year, it will be a large minim,' camp. W .1 Hill, of Irving, left Wednesday lor a Irip to Kansas. It . F. Moss b ft ou the same tiaiu for Missomi. lion. S. G Thompson, of Monroe, ipenl several days in Eugene this week. Ho says (bat biisiuoss is good 111 that section. Judge Weilooe Mount utid wifo visited here tlie first of the week. II wm reeeutly elected Superior Judge iu Eastern Washing ton. Frank Whipple, .1 P Cur, in ami Henry Chin f Cottage Grove were In town Mon day attending the examination of the po,toll',ce burglar. The many frit mis of Jn, Hiiddleston will regret to learn that he has been confined to his bod for five weeks with n painful ue lion of Ihe feet of a dangerous nature. Ho far ho has not been able lo obtain any relief. J. W. Pcckhaui of the Wutsonville, Cel., Transcript, gave us a pleasant call this week. Hu went northward Friday morning. He was at'compniiied by two friends who left (or home Piiday evening. They aro thinking of locating bete. McMiuiivillu Telephone, Oct. olbl Dr. F. vTortmaa, formerly of Monroe, ha, re turned from Europe, whero be has been studying for his profession for the past two years. The doctor was hero on Monday, leaving for PottlMd ou Ihe afternoon traiu, whero he will practice medicine. Wu wish him success. BwiMM Change. I desire lo itlfo-111 the cili.elis of Ellgvuo and LlM county tjut I have this day tlis. noted of my NsOlt business to Mr. W. Hol loway who comes well recommended, aud iu thaiikiug them for the patronage received al their bauds, hope tbey will continue the same to my successor, wbo I nm sure, will give every attention to their wauls. II. N. Chain. October!), IhH'J. UnWMBMrt I wish lo inform the people of Eugene nud Luue county that I have bought the entire business ol Mr. II. N. Cram, constating of walcbas, clocks, jewelry, silverware, musi cal instruments and pictures, nud hope by strict attention to business, nml consider ing the interests of ihe public, to receive a a sbaru of the patronage so liberally be stowed on my pmbcciwor. I shall give special nllenl on to the repair ing of fine watches, clocks, j'-welry, Ac, as I have spent 14 years at tlm practical part of the business in England and America. W, Hoixoway. For Sale or T ntilc. One thoroughbred regiileted ahorthoiii huM, , year, -II, slid 5 llerk,hire mvi, Inquire at W. Ilaxtett', tin Spencer 'nek, or addre,, him at Eugene. Pol l I Ak W. S. Shaw, wh . itudle I law in Eugene and waa city recorder for two years, haa (wen fleeted penMOMNf attorney in a Montana diatrlct, by a majority that proves his ,ipiilsiiiy in hi, new home. Hi, il awpollloi who hold, the office at present, waa Rticcessfiil ihepreviou, election t, vet a g'M,l man by ,M2 uiajoiity. Mr. Shaw 1, now elected by IV40 majority. Ilia home precinct, which save th head of the Ke publican ticket 121 majority". gve Mr. Shaw on the Deinoeratic ticket I.V) majority, lb sis ass MkKTIXO AM' 1,'n iciO'N. The lir,t bllaiue, meeting of the EpWorth l.i a.ot- of the Melhtsli't church will be hehl iu the chinch parlor, "ii Saturday, Oct 12th at 7 p. in., after which a reception will b i.-n tha members of the l.eau by Itev. O. II. Wbilmor anil wife at th jarsonage. The old inemlieni of the V. P. M. A. and other feeenf paaolael the eery aai coniially inviteti to lie prisenl Ournos Mist, -llain comniencetl fslling Sunday afternoon and coutiuueil nliuosl consiaiitly uulil Thurstlay morning. Tb ground Is now thoroughly wet ami fanner cau start tln-ir plow, Tbe rain will also greatly heuerll grass. The Willamette river at Eugene raised about three feet. IlAxxav Solo.- Tb Cite Bakery aud res Isnranl has been sold by II. Delimit lo Wm. Bkillen. Tbe new proprietor took charge Wednesday . Ai'Mirreti. At the examination of ppli cnU for admission to the Istr of the etate at , Salem, Tuesday, twenty weru succeaiful. (.'ha,. E. L's kwiMsl, of Eugene, was one of the ' number. Local, MAaarr - Wheat, (VI and r,7 eta.; oata, 30 eta ; bop, I and 7 ct. on consign went; hotter, 'i'i ami :) cts.; eggs, 4cta.; potaloea, 10 eta. STATE LTNIVER8ITY (HI mini of tlie I'.iitaxlitu Hoclcty. I'llKHUtKMT ioMk.SS ADIinKS. lAttirH of the i'lifurion Hoci'lij: Tbo tourist exploring among tbe mountain peaks, after hour of exbailstivo climbing finds himself at a spot whero ho may gain a firm foothold and look back over the path by which he has come From bia resting place be ootid s Iho peculiarities of tho way, the turns and windings, the dangerous pass, an I rocky ledge. Ho congratulate himself that ho has passed all unharmed and is uow permitted to stand at such a dis tance on his journey. The Eutaxian society started on such a journey years ago, but tbe summit looms so far ahead that we are often lisi mil I, : 1 ,,n '. r if we shall ever reach it. Each new year ha, been to us a balling pi n t from which wu might tako a rctrosptetivu vuw. Tbe road has been rough and uneven, tha traveler's strength weak; soinctinita Ihc last halting place being so near by that any advance was scarcely plffi plihlt'. ,t. as II sot-illy have becll slowly prt ssiiig in. Atlhestait tbere waa another by our side, tho Laurcaii Society. I'o the I.aureaiis has b en fulfilled tbe say ing "Foi.'nne favors tho brave." To tho fact, however, that lu number, Uo power, we may attrlbnte to a great extent our lesser I ro ;rt s,, I r our I,. has been wiak. Yet, though the way stretches out ahead before th,- summit is reached, let us press on, ehter,, I by the knowledge that iu our society arc energy ami ability to do better work. Let u, reali.o that by Ibis work may be tlextlopitl those powtrs which Latin nml Oreek, Miitbt inatlcs nud Science cannot develop. I mean clear argumentative and oratorical power, and above all a reliance Upon our DWO ability. At Ibis time then, at ihe bt;;ii,in,: of a now year's wo.k, let us have no vain regrets for Iho past, but new leal for tbe future; each member xtriving lo promote Ihc society' best interests ns well usher own, thus making the year's woik uooeeefoi, thai nt Iho end wo may look bark from Iho heights reached over a smooth path, lo member that "We have not ings, we cannot soar; Hut wc have feet to scale and climb By slow th gi t i s, by mon and more, Tbo cloudy summits of our time." To bo portaittad lo preside as your Presi dent lor tbe ens,,, no term of office is uu honor, my appreciation nf which I hopu to manifest by care iu fulfilling the dulie in volved to the beat of my ability. And siuce only iu c, , -op, ration urc best end loiiud, I invito your most hearty aid and encouragement' SOCIETY MOTES. The question debuted last Friday, was, "ltesolved, That Euglsud is to bhimo for Irish misrule." Afflrmalive, Anna ( rain, Clara Condon, Leila Hughes; negative,, Etta Levis, Anna Huberts, Nellio Straight. Do cisiou in favor of Iho negative. The delicto good iu all respects: Many strong point, were brought out on Isoth sides, ami much of Iho best authority quoted. Miss Clara Condon favored tho society with a reading entitled, "Go it alouo." Miss Holt's resiguation of the office of edi tor was not acceplid. Inauguration ol officers at last mcr'.iug. Mrs. Ella Alley and Maud Kelso visited our society. "Mis President" was Oalked upon uioro times than could be counted duriug Ihe tie bate; she seemed to be a suit of byword, so lo speak. An amendment to the Constitution pro viding for an Assistant becrelary wu adopted. Several ordered their name, transferred to the inactive list. We do not liko Ii see tins although we have manv new member. Tho Pres, dent's iuttigural Is published in full iu anothor part ol tho column, and speaks for itself. Tho -oni total of tho Treasurer's speech was thut "tbo due, am due." The Marshal's speech was entirely too difficult for ye leporler to follow, mid tlnst of Ibe other new officer were entirely too lengthy to be published in full. Misses Hattio Dunning, Minnie dagger, Amy Powell ami Ethel Tongue signed tho constitution Inst Friday. i oXTnnu TXii i rrxs. Miss Aniiio Poller is repoited to bo ill of a fever. quite Miss Ada Shin pies, das, of 'vt, visited iu Albany soverul days thi, week. Mr. Wallace Mount, an alumnus, ia vis iling rt'lutivra and frieuds near Eugeee. Mr. Hubert Johnson, class of 'tH, camo up on tho ovetluml train from Portland Sat urday night. Subject, for composition, have betii as signed mill nil students sro spending their sparo moments in developing tLeiu. Mr. Frauk Ware, who ha beeu absent from school for somo timo ou account of uu accident, will soon be able to return. Protestor. "Mr. B what would you do to keep beets from going to seed Iho first year and becoming biennials ? Mr. U. "Eat them " Somo in Iho Wednesday's elocution class hud a longer timo than iiutul in which to prepare their leseou os Iho History claw wu dismissed ten tuiuulei before lime. (juite a numlsir ol the students und Facul ty will visit tho Exposition iu Portland tbie w i i k , the !' iculty Ii ,t ing uranti d pi iini,. siou thoso desiiiug toattcud, lu go Friday nud reluru Momlay. Mis, Julia Hamilton has written from St. Helen's Hall, Portland, Hiking to have her name transferred to Ihe inactive list. Miss Hamilton was one of our must active uieui b, rs, nml we shall mi,, her greatly, but wo bopn tu have ber wilh us next year. I li stilij, el, tor composition, iu tho Soph omore ninl Freshman class are ai follow: Benefits of Mechanical Exhibitions, Physi cal nnd Moral Evil of Muscular Extrcise, Sketches of English Scenery from Teliuy sou's "Idylls of tbe King," Pleasures in Contemplating Nature. "Literary excellence is not tho chief object of the Society column. Nevertheless this feature is loo much disregarded. College jtiiirnnlis.il should have a a belter literary finish thau is found inmost of our country and city papers. The college journal covers a wide field. It is largely in Ihe hands of amateurs, yet Ihn literary excellence might be raisetl if proper slips were taken. At tt rupt should Ik- made to solicit conlnl u lion of poems, short essays, descriptive articles, etc., anil then only Ihe best accept ed The short items and personals should be clear, pointed, brief, ami good humored. The editorial, should It strong, suggestive ami sweet tempered. How far we tall from our Ideal. But there I virtue ia hav ing a high, sensible ideal. He is to lie con demned who has none rather Ihnn ho wbo posses one und does not measure up to Ihe standard." Tbe "walk around" Is voted a decided success. Among the number ou the pro gramme tbo piano duct by Misses Kate and llenolta Dorria ,lerve, special mention. Tb qo ni. in- "College Bells" need no i ,,ii, in. i,t, a all know Iho excellent quality of th selection of Messrs. Woodworth, McAlistrr, Met lure and Met 'lure. Tbe ad dre, of Prof. Hawthorne was highly appre ciated by tbe students, who wish to eipree their thank for the hearty welcome on behalf of tbe Faculty. The Promenade, of course was Ihe most sociable part ol tho programme, and waa participated in by all wbo wer uot d, legated to act as pi ops to Ibe wall or to take advantage of the strength of Ihe seat. Tha orchestra, compeared ol Messrs Paine, Farrell, Coolidge and War Dee ronderid suitable music timing th evening. "All praise not herein specifically conferred is due to tbe Senior clasa" for the plcaaantest introductory social within the memory nf those wbo ar at preaenl aimUnts of uo- I'uiversity of Oregon. i! Ha. i.'tatoet 10 lbs for You can get ct. t lihineh.