The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 05, 1889, Image 7

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.. i That Human n t
Wen. kMOrdtef to the prevalent
f the teach I ar of the Bible, wag
?als. of Armenia, watered by the
glVs ... ......... TK- lllhll,..!
and r.uj'iii uiwiiibi
in fact mnnuons tne Imi
1 HW DRUNKARD'S Plir,rf of , Blow.
.ewUay4afoa man
'rum h truaU,..,, .1,
lo III
,.n . 1 ,S, .
Canton A -...: T. l" "eve.ana.
neeL Bv rr lway neMr c,ro
MppM and the victim wa.ten.wi.
Urratire in i t,iclrrt ... ... " ". " u'
I 1.1 K I JIMJ nl k.L.H III! I.I I 1. . 1 . .
Lri!,.. J " "'"' u'n. I . " aaa uc i,n. HI
i. ... mile ill-
!;dio Aula and not In Europe 1 10 effort, being- made , bu
i f nii'iL A tow Ingenious persons, ; ! r Al th depot he denied that h
located man's birth. 1 "uu 006,1 " the trentle and m.Ai
.... tf. .;.. I I kSOW Wko had fcalraa kl. vl. ...
lv Bft- v, "au snort-
true. t'"vo
How pa
In RufOP op Africa, some hav
,ha hardihood to establish It in ""u.r neM, '
100 . . v J. 'or buinir drunk
i imi it i-ti n u tun u iiihmh
,t f.mcifu use of the Hcantv
be w -, , L. , . , .
f0f (jonesi havo boon content usu-
iiyto find tno "ffaruon eastward in
' In tho limits nf A, in
WtfH. , , ,
dentists, who noia u special view
tho moao oi mnn g origin
gave no evidence
tV7 MVrtt! h0UI-',and
I " Dr Col " "'led to attend bJa.
I Ihe man seemed to h..v 1
I. v....: . . " h w'"i
, " regai uea as another in-
alanco of a -dnuilcen man's luclt." While
nuoieci wus uu r,. ,i;
aeotiBC tno niouu oi mm b origin, . r aun.-uion a pa
snnroaching. it U pleasant to ob- . "" "io circumstances of
. sanrow
ve ari mint with tho gonernl
fuw as to its pln-o. In his new work
solution Jir. Aiireu uuuoco. wno
t . .i,l in Miirilf with D.'.rwin n.
av w
h, ftfaator oi .uu vmn no uio
r . . 1. ...... . tkn t..,li..r
", m ui origliUtted in ono of the
r . .-i- it i.i. ..i.
llstW'S or UVOVJ... lt:w was
Btnewhat dilloroni. no nem tnat
Lis HBAiMnllil. i it- i ti , t . . I 111 ..
an, or in i-...,, -
ontincnt that onco existed, oust of
BrtMand south of Asia, but which la
wfatant the ooa oi tno Indian
'.'1 I . .nnl I ...... I 1... I. ........... .1
li'in I Nil I ULIUIIOTI l IID OlipMlUU,
L connected on tho west with Moda-
enr nnd An-ica and on the
,rth with Asia, and It was
.. it i i . r 111 1 ii ill HI t iv ...I
V 111' ' "I f w.-vn mu
U northward that Africa nnd
d vera peopled Hero in a tropical
Jl . u l i
kjjjon. aocoruian hi iiikji:"!, were
i . .... ,. i ii..,.. ii'i.i.iii f. i . . i ... .. i ii...
(Untl VUllU.V.WMO ...o.. I.IU.W I 1 1 II
tellccttial and physical dovolopmont
the progenitor of tho human and
I monkey races. W allnco holds, on
! contr ii'.v, that man originated in
mk md h R,,me part of i. favored
tHk ft temperate or sub-tropical cli
itc. "It I1 probable." ho says, "that
, ln'.jun his existence on tho open
liinsef high plateaus of tho tempor-
L or lub-tPOploal zone, whnre the
I,., of iniligonous cereals nnd numer-
Lberlitvora, rodents nnd gamo birds,
Kth llh n and mollusks in tho lakes
Urlrers and seas, supplied him with
abnndanco of varied food." Here
would devolop not tho arboreal
BMcture oi i no monKey, ntteu in
Ldi and feet for obtaining ripened
uit from trees by climbing, but tho
fm'tup' that tilted him to get bis liv-
whi'e roaming through scanty
boils. Mr Wallaco finds man rotated
L the anthropoid npo. It is not his
iief, of course, that ho is descended
pm the ape as wo know him, but that
Ian and the anthropoid apo are de-
jendcil fro'ii a common ancestor. The
Malofftcal tree of man and the ape.
(cording to the evolutionist view, has
any branches, widely separated for
esp.nt. but if the converging linos
uld he fol'owed back far enough, a
int. it Ii believed, would ultimately
irstched where tho son who was the
pt ancestor of man was the brother
Ithoantv-dur of tho anthropoid ana
fnther of them both was, of
me, neither man nor apo. It was
ons who. differing much In
nster, force and proL'rcss-
fness, developed in thera-
Ives anil in succeeding con-
kti'n the structure and dualities
I sow distinguish man nnd the ape
fcme:ieh other. To Mr. Wallace it
Besr that man and tho anthropoid
e original din the same region of
earth. Where, thon, havo the
tor been found to be now existing.
to have existed In formor ages?
pyliave never existed, it appears, in J
icrica. and did not exist in Africa j
en it was connected with Madagas- !
v nd hn'h were separated from
Bx Madagascar was separated from
LVca before the latter became joined
h Asia by tho Isthmus of Suez. The j
Imals of ancient Africa arc therefore '
be sought in Nfadagasear. But
trenre no traces of nnthronoid anes
Madagascar, Those, therefore.
leh now exist in Africa must havo
I from Asia. There is proof that
in existed before tho Isthmus of
kt rose nbovo tho level of the sea,
i supposing his distribution to havo
In like that of his supposed relative.
tnu-t have reached Africa by land
pAsla The color of the China-
interinediate between the black
Urea and the white of Eu roue, Mr.
Hare thinks, the original color of
I ho suns of Africa cbonized the
Mexiim of the African, while the
Iter of Europe were blanching the
ropran. Further exploration of the
Iftuis of ( Vntrat Asia may bring to
ft. -Mr. allace suggests, tho early
P- the mising link, whose perslst-
Inlihi, n to snalf. is so ilamairinff
he can- of the ovolutionisL Ualti-
..nun i n-M oecurisi, i i .
. , , wiuMMIHTNl
A Urunki'ii mm, .. .
., oiumuieu along a
dar.t pMtaSWt between two t ullU
ngs and finally foil about twenty-fiv.
et down a steep flight ol stairs to the
auey railway tracks. He wag linally
discovered and ea ried back to Canal
street to await transposition in tho pa
t -ol wagon. His pulse could narosl
le detected, and the only question with
those gathered about him was whether
tho nmn was already dead or would die
within the next ten minutes. When
landed at the station he .lemnnded to
bo roloased. and asked whoso business
it was if bl chose to drink a little beer.
He had apparently sustained no injury
by the fall. Dr. Cole related a river
Street ease who o a man fell from a
three-story window upon a woman
so ited In front of a galoon. The doctor
had been summoned in hot haste by the
man friend, but upon his arrival tho
victim of the fall said very indignantly
that bo had not gent for tho physician
and had no need for his services.
When asked whether thore was any
explanation for tho uniform good for
tune of drunken men In escaping injury
by accident, Dr. Cole said it was duo
to a lack of interest in the r fate. In
falling tho body is limp and lifeless,
while that of a sober man would prob
ably be very nearly rigid. In the case
! oi mo latter a blow upon any part of
the body would be followed by instan
taneous contraction of the muscles,
! having perhaps nearly as much forco
I ag the blow Itself. It was statod by
, tho physician that often the suddon
and violent contraction of the muscles
J caused by a blow furnished nearly half
; tho furco exerted to produce tho frnct
i uro of a bona A drunkon man's mus-
clos, it was explained, would not re
spond in a similar way to the shock of
tho blow, and ho would naturally os
capo that elemont of dangor. Clove
laud leader.
"Ho you get all tlio work you can
iskeil a gentleman of a negro
PH he had hired to do some out
er iOllS for hint .V., '
v ... I , . . , ..III. I"' I I
en I needs hit to keep my little
1 lv . r, sah.'1 "How much of a
'I V have vmi9"' ,.U'..I1 1. .,,,,.,
- Jui UGH, nil...
W - me en my ole woman, dat's
; el Lliy en Marthv en Uerthena
Mdy en Sidney en Jinnv en Hilly
N'y en Minty. dat's nine single
Pi On dell liar's il.. turin. Ail'nunim
Eli'ii, i,.r,i,,u- i. .ii v..' .o
. 1 1 in u... ow
unite a eonsid'able few. sah."
f factory man In DuJuth
...s uurieen single men- and ln-
ii one mat ne could not re-
10 work until he was married.
f them married within a fort-
and inside of six weeks there
LVp -i i . . . ..
- "I'l'iicauons lor flivprce.
K"e the Symptoms.
"-Cvrus I !
.'ins, l am m.rvi sminir
"re is becomin)f serious in his
T" 'o our Susi
.x-.ljns.n.a! U'h.l rn.lru
r -
' Wear a new rwwlrt el
, -vvaooiOIJf LI LUC
hVr" SuI cares any thing
''e does. Kk. k..- ....
0i n ttU n,u- m.,
ACiniwIng I'rpferrni'v lor Viho Can Muke
flume ri, is. mi.
How did It come about? is a quostion
now asked in regard to tho marriago of
a popular writor. Tho samo question
was asked live yoars ago when a society
man in Boston married a Bensible homo
body, some yoars his sonior. The
croakers croaked well, and decided that
it was an unfortunate affair or won d
turn out to lie in tho end. (ieorge Eliot
says that this lovo of "finding out how
it camo about" is duo to "an excess of
poetry or stupidity." I don't know as
that is just fair, but I do think when a
marriago is contrary to established
rules, croakers are stupid, and fortu
nately are often In the wrong in their
p opheey. It is written that when a
marriage was about to take place King
James used to ask: "Wbttt is the wo
man's makdom and her fairness?'' Tho
days of "infatuations" are now giving
place to a keen outlook in the direction
of personal comfort; makdom and fair
ness stand one sido and the question to
be answered first, Will this woman
make my homo restful to me, and will
she live on what I can earn? Subtle
has been the process that has led to
this gradual change, but a change has
Tho brilliant society man referred to
is n w a regular stay-at-honio. for the
simple reason his home is as perfect as
a homo can bo made to be. The sun
niest, brightest room in the house is
his sanctum; hero aro his favorite
books, pictures he likes, the latest
magazines, leaves cut, and no end of
pipes, When the train whistles Into
thedopoi in which is this fortunate
man, a lire Is started on tho low hearth
to make tho room choorful although
the warmth is not needed.
To this room ho brings his friends,
and here husband and wife sit when
alone. F.very thing that will help his
wilo to make homo a means of grace
she reads, on hor table aru always lo
be found books and magazines that talk
of the higher life of the homa I mean
good cooking when 1 say higher life
hitherto much neglected pari
This man, formerly out every even
ing, rarely goes to theater or 0erik
,arty or ball, liecause his home has
rrealer attractions, and he is roally
now so sonsibla well-informed, and
amounting to something that his friends
are rejoiced that the seemingly incon
gruous marriage came about
" When I was asked what I considered
tho reason of this transformation. I an
swered: ' Clean, well-aired rooms, good
food and a wife who is more anxious
U, bo what a (ierman writer calls M
se-eno house-wife,' than lo keep her
weather-eye out to see if she will ever
get her rigbU and vota."-Oood House,
TSe rsv'l5! CJm'
mittoe of the United Presbytia.
Church of Scotland shows that there
ire MS congregations, an increase of
,ne- 67 Sabbath-schools, an increase oi
; m scholars, and the total meml.
hip is a gain of .H3. being
.novo the average rate of Increa for
,he last ten years
Rev R S. Ashton stated at the an
al n.eangoftheKTangelicalConl
.,U1 Society. n0",,hhere, .TbU
a family in Mil -.n without a Bible
.....j ne name meeting thai
was suiicm -
.Portugal the Bihiei.
it never n ,
this year bads circuit "
l I", h. ,i,. ttm i
II. ....I f, . i
To be fashionable In these days it Is
nomsary to be healthy, and the pale,
delicate girl that has reigned for so
many years must give place to her
more robust sister. The complexion
most admired is the one having the
most healthful ,jlow. and In no other
way can this Ir. obtained than bv fre
quent physical exercise In the' apN
mn tenia, many girls when away What an u WSpapst tlW
u. me summer almost live in the open
air. reiurnlnir
are pro-
in the fall with com.
plexlons the envy of more conservative
maids, who are afraid of the least bit
of sun.
The sun Is a wonderful boautitlerof
the complexion, but, like many good
tonics, ought not to be taken in loo
large does at lirst, Coing from the
city, where, even when walking miL
we lake the shady side of a Street, di
rectly Into (he glare of a noonday suu
in the country is of all things to be
avoided. In fact, the noonday suu is
peneti-ntinjj even to very healthy coun
try people, and it is not advisable to
seek it too often, even for the sake
of the complexion. The morning and
afternoon sun will do all that is d-v
i-ired in Ibis resecL
oome fair skinned people
vented from enjoying the
owing lo gelling so easily suii-biiriied
Always naiTJ with you into the coun
try a liberal supply of baby powder.
When going out into the sun apply the
powder thickly over the face and neck,
and there is little danger of your suf
fering from this painful affection. The
powder protects the pores of the skin,
which are generally very sensitive to
the sun. If the powder is not con
venient, corn-starch or powder will
answer the same purpose. When go
ing out on the water sailing or fishing,
powdering Ihe face will save much pain
and annoyance, for there are few places
In which a ierson burns so quickly as
on the water.
When sun-bumed bathe the afflicted
parts in ONUS, but if obtainable, but
termilk is much more cooling and head
ing. Tan Sin Ik" removed by applying
lemon juice to the face just before re
tiring for the night, letting it remain
over night, and washing it off with soft
warm water in the morning. A few
d ops of the spirits of camphor in the
wash water two or three times a week
will help to keep the skin clear.
A good wash for tho skin during the
summer is made as follows: To one
guarl of rose water add, drop by drop,
stirring all the time, one ounce of
UnotUI of benzoino. Komombor that
It is bcnzoluc. and not benzine. Bot
tle lor me. Add a few drops of this
lo the wash-water each day, until the
water is like skim-milk, and the skin
may bo kept soft and nice, even
though you are out in all sorts of
To protect the backs of tho hands,
which are generally the first to freckle
or Ian, take your old lisle-thread
gloves that are worn in Ihe fingers,
i ut off the tops, turn and hem on the
inside each finger. Those can be worn
in Ihe fields, and are more comfortable
than the whole gloves, besides pro
tecting the hands. -Boston Budget
" am iilad thst the .tori,,,
cored li'm : I sm clad I'M ihe dortot ipu
it into the pK'r that be could cure him
And If any diiorls mum fir can run
sin Ii illcasc. uu. I il"ll t ll II n I i il,
Clr. I am sorry. Whsl a pit) Ii WewM
e lvn had llils doctor roiue to town
Willi Ins wi'llh i f iririice sml . . i h m ,
siil Koiir awav lilnK linn uincn-i
What a pity II would havr been If he had
lieen so prejudiced suiiilisl a,lrrtl.iii) .v
to lead the responsible cerlillcsles of 1 1,
DOC lot and gtvS him tin- go by as aqunck !
II let locireti
late information! What pure vnluali'i
Information ran u newspaper give Ihan to
tell a sick man where be can he cur d f 1 1
a man has devoted his life anil I .- ' r lo 1 1 ,
slud) of a special rlof di-rac ihe nn-
essii) oi saviiK so Issoines an ' more
1 nreiotinn ins uui v to advrrilHe mvoines
! i.i.i A rea l) able man. whatever
ne in- tuilis. in.ik. s a ureal iiiisiaki- if n
i fails In uae il gift il i.l want of
Mlvrill ng,
I Tie abeve extract from an able artk
u inr uev. Mr. lie elier rnnskiies a
, sound view nf (he aubjecl of advrrlndiiK
Bnnaoss Hr. Darrln bad cone to thiscnv
aid not ailvertised who would kimw of
his presence f Who would know of the
following almost iiiiraculnua cure he er
fi rineil in IsT'J, had not .Mr. Dthbie put it
in ihe paper I
Mr. Suitor: In 1S72 my daughter was
takui w lib the membranous croup, ami,
upon her recovery, was left totally deaf. 1
called on two eminent physicians, who
"aid they cold do nothing for her. Asa
last resort I took her lo Dr. Darriii, who
cured her and she has never liet n In iiblul
' wlih deafness luce. I lonslilri It one of
the itrentisl rurea of He Iro-iiiagnelie
trraliiieut on record, and with great sails
f e Hun tlvc this IcsUmoalal, I reside in
Berkeley. Calliornls, and w ill lake great
I pleasure in answerinx any iuiiiirlrs con
cerning I Ida most rrmaikiible cure,
lours resHcifulh,
Uu. i in In
Or. -Skin
i i. 'i ii. It I. C.m.l br llttsr ink of
DoiMSlls Kecreiilliin.
Are you afflicted with insomnia? Per
haps you have too much time for sleep
I'erbaps you depend loo much on sioep
for rest and rec uperution. For sleep
Is not tho sole rest of the used-up
nerves. Sociability, congeniality and
tiio enjoy nionl of good company resl
Hie body quite as much as sleep. The
dreary BOOOtOOy of life ill many n
household involvingthis tumbling into
bed with the mechanical regularity of
a machine at nine or ten o'clock in the
evening, does not always rest weary
bodies. "Early to bed and early to
rise" does not always make a man
healthy, wealthy or wise. Numbers of
Organisations lire only capable of live
or six hour! sleep at a time, and their
early lying down to rest is often suc
ceeded by an e:irly waking up and a
consequent restless tossing for hours
preceding daybreak. The practicers
of punctuality are often surprised after
breaking their own cast-iron rules
and passing two or three later hours of
mirth or jollity pist their usual bed
time, to Bad themselves even more re
freshed in the morning than usual.
The relaxation of sociability has rest
ed them more than sle p would or an
attempt to sleep. But these are condi
tions not so easily reached in the aver
ago family. In fashionable life wc
have u formal, exhuusliiig, mechanical
evening of more or less dissipation.
On the other hand, the evenings in
great numbers of families are monoto
nous humdrum. They Involve the
assemblage of tho same people,
the same surroundings, tin same
paterfamilias yawning over his paper,
and the same querulous mamma
overladen with family cares. Fresh
people with fresh thought, frosh at
mosphere, any thing to stir up and
agitate the poo! of domestic stagnation,
are sadly needed and sadly scarce.
There needs to be also a constant suc
cession of such fresh cople to bring
about these result. The world It full
of men and women, and in a belfe-r
regulated lite it would be their bui-i-n
ne- after the day's work was done lo
entertain each other and give each
other fresh life. As it it now, hun
dreds if not thousands of our house
holds are little better than cells for the
incarceration of each family. Thou
sand- are thus worn out prematurely
from utter lack of domestic recreation
There might be written over thegraves
of hundreds of thousands: "Bored to
death by the stagnation of domestic
ifa" -Christain at Work.
Husband (kindly) -My, dear, you
bare nothing decent to wear, bava
Wife (with alacrity) No. indeed. I
baveu't; not a thing. I'd be ashamed
lo be seen anywhere My very newest
party dress baa been woro three times
Husband Yes; that's just what I
told Blifkins when be offeredpe two
tickets for the opera for to-lght
knew If I took tbetn they'd only be
watted, so I just gut one You woo'f
a.ud If I hurrj 'iff. Ji. Y. Mercury.
More l'cile I hiciI I.) Itr.
Rev, I. K. Coenour. l'orlland
disease; cured.
VY. T, Hinkiey, CeiHralia. VY, I
rhcilWSlIsm restored.
.). T. lieorye, (ileueden, W. T.
i In mn i' -hi live )ear; cured.
Mrs. Mrrv A. Johnson. Salem
I'safnaas many vrars; restored.
i'. K. May hew, 1X1 1) Mrest, PUCtlUkd
Itheiimalisiu in its worst foini: cured.
Mr-. J. Kllis, ;i!S ( lav street, I'orl'and,
Or.- Deafness and discuses peculiar to h r
sex cured.
MIsm Minnie Kelley. The Italics, Or.
Spinal complain and tirrums debility;
I), s. Wells, four miles norih of Alhiiia.
on Vkiic-.iiiver road - llcalncss iie years;
i Ii,-. Mi.L7.,1l.,Mi,t, S.l,i, Mr Aulln.iu
! so h- could scarcely walk or sleep; ie-
siorcu to neat I It.
David Veto, Seventeenth street, irar
Market, Portland 'Deafness, ringing noises
in Ihe cars; cured.
.1 It. Ticbacr's daughier 10 years old,
Salem. Or. Both eyes crossed; cured so
both eves are perfect.
.1. W. Kecney,l,ong creek (irant county.
Or. Kidney complaint and pains in Ihe
liack and down hesclallc erves; restored.
Isaac Thompson! Ii Ce iter, W. T.
Deafness; cured in live minutes.
Willie ciark, H'i i ron i street, Portland
DisrharkinK ear twelve years; cured
I). .1. Graham's child, Bpringflsltt, Dr.
Painfull) atllirttil with annotated con
juuciivitils, roiupllraU'd with ulrcis of
i lie eyeballs for nine month ; cured.
David Boss' si n, Woodland w. T,
Painful hip disease; had to he carried to
the diK-lors office; cured. Mr. Boas has a
daughter residing at thi-Mcrchaula' hotel,
l'orlland. and can la- refeired to.
Hi--. Km i In m I'laee ,.i II ii-l n, m
Drs. I nn in rail Ik' eOBSnlted free at HI
Fifth stieet, corner of Male, Portland.
Office hours, from 10 to 4 o'clock daily;
evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays, lu to 12, AM
urable chronic diseases, loss of msnhond,
blood lands, syphilis, gleet, gonorihica,
stricture, s-rinalonhca, seminal weak
ness, or loss of desire of sexual power, in
man or woman, calanb and deafness, are
cnntldcnlially and successfully treated.
Com i f private diseases guaranteed, and
acvee pawtshed in the papem. Most rates
can receive home treatment
10 the doctors1 oOee. Inquiries answered
and 01 tCttlnrS sent free.
Pr. Willlam'a InJIan I'ileDlutmeiit In Ihe only
sure cure fur lllliiil. IIIcikIIiik or Itclilim I'IIih
over discovered. It never falls Ui cure old
chronic cam-, of lens .tatulliijr.
Jneis Coelfiwirf, Clsvslsndi 0.. isrs:
"1 have oiinil ' y HOMfSsBOS that Pr. Wll
llam'n ludlau I'll? ulutatcut glvei tmiiicllatt'
j pn nut aiiAYi all Inntaul loiiKer. Hold h) Wll
llamion'H MaiiiifKcturliiaro..Ilrois.,'lev'i-lainl,
' Olda. SOc and II.
Sold by I llluinanrr & Co., Wl ol -sale Drug
aiiU, I'nrtlaud, Or.
I It la I . -i not lo Is- aimry, and brat, In Ihe not
place, io is- afceui iccoacflcdi
A rs Irrparlure
hem sfdlnsn kaslnssM metbiMii, u pees by the
BltnsftetUrSVa oi Pr. rieree'v llolileii HfOlesl
Ditceveri in nsrsntsstai Oils world fann d
i n-meiiy Ineuis all dlstssstsHslnafleeiesisniS'
MUMS, of tin- Uvsf or stosiseh. as Indlaesllon. or
dvtpsjai'Si bllloatnstt of "liver semplslnti or
friuii liniure i i a. ImiiIii, blulchc, ptnelts,
erspnonsi scalp alsesst. isit rbemn, lerptuioua
i Mire, anil hwi-lllnics and kindred alliiieutR.
Money iald for "PUcoveiy" prompt!) rctiinud
If, uu fair trial, It don't cure.
UAHiM.Tova it ri rot..
the eacsnsa st e eases in- rapiini ot Hw
new ItSI id W lilucleii will tie loeatisl, It ani
ol M iWtl lliluirlaut llial l In he ublnlllisl Ii
Ihe volen ol lli i-oiinnnuweallh at the eleeliou
NUSSSesV 1st, II von an- a veler you shea u
mil ia.1 vein Ullei mi ibii Iniporisul iiuctlim
Willi.. ut 1 1 in- mtiiMcratlnn. Illympla, the pre.
i ni i .nli.ii ,, the tcrrltnrv, prvaenl her elaliu.
and a-ks for your vole. Vlr.1, became the eu
toys the Is-.i ami mnn braliby cllmaleid all in.
I laivi llial an-us kluif for Oijufel aoaon. Tic
iiiiriiiemel.-r in ver .ink. la lnw '.'di'srie. also.
ero In vvinii t .ml rarelv i v. r tall, thai low in
iiiiuii. r Milesie.t I. Hie inaxliiiiini lieal I her,
ar,' no bliih wind, and tbe lalnfall l the aun
ai in mam el ihei-a.leru AUsatlC l oa.l stale.
I In dcaih rale In iilvmpla I. lower ibau llial nf
ni nti.i r AButvieea eliy,
Stssind- illympla la only Iweiitv tlins- mile
further fMs die nsatraphieal etnlST of tin
Mai, iliau . lib. r MlsstDeqrh or Marti Yakima
MIS no ha Ihe rame rsllmail laclllllca ai t iei
liavc. and will nlmrth I.. ciioaeetrd wtili the Pn
loll Is ill, I in,- rilllll .nlltll Irnlil I'erl Town
end, while a in w 'line from inn, in ilrav'.
Harlsir will colons l ilynida with laith Un a.
Important )ilnia Vol can r mill iilvmplii
(nun lacoma l v any one id ball a dm u alcam
. ra bv a aln r Irln U..IIIIU ;al ei Ilia Vnli i'.ii
reach all the alhn I'iik.i SOS ad isiluia aa a.llv
I r.nn iln n- and al eoini aiallvely aaaniall a coat
No ntln-r canillilalc for llie i b .a sliv .,1
Iheae adv.iuairi'.
Third iilvmpla la Ihe central point ol tin
neat oniilniia ami wealthy aea-t Inn of (lie new
'ate. lake a circle the center id which b
Ivmnia ami the r.itlna till mil... .11,1 o
lalilill am. .mil- in the suit iKsle lo IfUM whit,
wlihtuarlirleid a tin mlleaof KIU nahmvh ii
iimonnt. tn -.V.,;lsj. linn almwiuii that nlvmnia
la III a Cl-lller of nonillHllilll tllnre lino, I n
time, that of Kill, inbiiritli ami North Yakima
I hen. ton, the 'Nti of the ... a.. .,,!,'. ml
il"' pnipeitv vv III. in Uu- aanii ra.llua la all Mil t 1.
ISSIS, badag a Mill - more II an four tlmea aa
mm h within I lie circle with nlvuipla lor its
nti r. sa 11 u in I 11 1- rrle u oh Kll. ii.lniw 1, ...
N'nrlb Yakima for a center. Tile 1 a. I ' .1,: .
eenaoi bs estenninsd, ss las rttarui bsvs no!
all hesa rteslrtat st a. natssot the TVmlorlaJ
ailitller. bill , lie l'Ii la klieVV II t.i aluiu ll,,t I,.
the iiue 01 lilyuipa. wi h lis no mil... put
roundlll. It la la IWccll l ai.iaai.iaa ami I,..,..,
'an, and hi Hie raaM of Ihe oilier two nlacea
uamisl II ia l m.'. n Ji.-ii ,,
rourlli iilv ni,la baa aa line an hotel aa auv
lly in llie Male and srestSI an I Is lter hotel
lusiiniinoilal.niia than all her rlvala cnmbluvd.
Illi- In vv "Until ulvini In ' a lis. I ill fe,.i In
vv llh f,,ur alnrlea and an alllc. It 1 olllallla even
iinsli rn com 11 leiiee. la kiirriiiiuded liv -s. lou
porti. o. la ens lisl mi a SUkfntsetnt site com
11 amlliii .' 1 1 "i view. In evirv dins'llou. It ciwit
milled 11,0. 1111 Hint will a, ,,11111, 1, mIui. 11, .,
hllllilnd Kletll Willi cane There Ira aeveral
taller betcla ami auinle usanmaand.
ilnna f,,r ivsrybody. ssiallv, ob'mls l
one ol ihe umat ilnirmlin: nlacea of real
leiiee in the Stale. Il la. a.,., wril.r In Ihe
New York Tribune, a 1 Itv ,,r hum, .a It I.
uotial for ita l.-aullfiil airccta, It. maxnlllceiil
hs-atlnii ami II. hoapllablc 1 itiieua. Al llieo
in me onuieny end ol I'unel Souml, at mu
I by h. sillllill vlralll Ion-la ami Willi all Ihe
eoavoru aud laiinas of his, it li the ideal in
eatinli for Ihe 11 1 at at of SOVStBSSenl ol
llie in al State of N nah intleii. ItememlsT thai
Il l benllbier. Iiaaauillilerclluiale.ts'ltcrtraua
Mirltttlntl lacllltiea. la-ller In, I,1 see, ,1,0,1, si.
tlntla thai! BtlV III Ita rival.. Vole Inr llh innl.i
Wlll'llier VOII Mr, ,1 . .,11' !:. ... itr ,l.,u.ral .,..1
von will Is-.i labaerre thelutereati odour state.
Kverv niie who haaever vlallial i llv innf. and the
ollii ri'upilal . an. II. lul, a, la n atrimg frlsad M
iiiei ii) ol the tiisla."
Men are rarely fit lo command w ho have not
Mftted In ols-y .
bile Klcpliant of Slam. I. ion of Riis
land, Dragon of China, Crass of Swltier.
land, Banner of Persia, Crtvacenl of Kirvpi
Houhle Ivagle of Ku-sia. Star ol Chill. Tha
Circle of .lapan. Harp of Krin.
lo k'ct iheae luiv a laix of I he genu n.
1)H. C. Mi I AM s Cki.kbhatkp Livkh
Pi 1 1 s. price lb cents, and mail ua the out
side wrapper Willi your addreaH, plainly
, iiieii, nil, i a t i-iiin iii aiakiuuaa. vv c win
then mall you tbe alvove liat with an ele
gant packagi of oleogjarhlc and chro
mttio cards.
Kl.KMTNO Hltofl., PlTTHBl'RU, Pa.
Kellv mini hal.l II- t.inuili. uhll.. ,. . mi , n . 1 1,..
win of vv lad DM.
sm I.l I.) the Tide or ropularlty
i Ihe toiiinat pinnacle nf aucceim, lloaletter'i
Stomach llttlcra alamta a ahliilutr ,risif n what
f. inline raenli bsrked bv the fivTux ores ol
pruv ,-u facia, i nn attain, fee North ami Soiiili
American ConUlBSU, KSropa. Aualralla, tin
Vt'cat liullea, ilusli mill, and Mvilco have all
contributed wide pslronsfl and teallmuiiy ol
the raoal favorable kind-but llnanlli lusl- to
.well Ihe repuiaiinu id Ihla alerllug remisly.
Aniinie the iiialadlea fur which Ihe must con
Vlnrlnn public and te.lliuoiiv
proves that II la a bsnwv curative, are chllla
and fever, bllhui. remittent, dinnli n. ii. and
aKin- cake, dvanepala, liver cnmplaliil, nSTVues
iieaa, di bllll)', klilncy and liladder COSipbvnitS,
It niltlSStSB the Inferinlllca of age, haVatSM tea
valcaceiice, haa a Icntciicy In previ-nt 111 cuu-
cqatnest f mni isnssais ami ssnsasuen. Per
SOUS ot aedeutarv habits and laboroiia DCfiapS
I Inns wld i,n 1 it all ever ii-. lul i,. nie
He vv hn
wuiild aiHrch fur la-arla miiatdlve
11 1 . in,: for the past fntir or five yoars lieen troiible,l
- ith iim4i'. ami litotchea on my I , n ami btaly, ami
ninlliig mi relluf In any nf the i lii-mlially pruautsl
saais and muilii-liiua preacrllwil for mo hv pby aii'iana,
I ' " 1 1 i'ii. t to try your H. H. K. remislv'i ami hava
fouml great ruliuf in the tame, four hnlthsa clMrlng
my akin entirely . I iht-erlully rca-ooimuiiU yuiir
ii.asaticli.4i to all wlni aro in the aailti..ii that I liave
lasn In. You can uau lids letttr and my name aa a
teatlmniital to tho merits ot the H. B. H. rcmnaty.
v n traiv v.. nr, Ai,raaD I. Hnaimns,
' 'n s . ii - ne' St . Han rram-ln-n. Oat.
S sVetiit for oaf liii'.ka mi 111 tamlMkln lla-
iin I a-ITIee tii.iiin-riTS, innil. .1 rrce.
drawer S, Atlaiila.lla.
Ikm't hawk, hawk, blow, .pit, and dlaguat
everylssly w ith your oiTeiiilve hn'Hlh, bill uae
Pr. Sage'a ralanfi Kemcdy and end il.
line ungrateful man dia-a an Injury to all who
ilaiul lu mssl ufa.d.
This ia the age of w onders, and the aver
age American citizen Is no longer sin prised
at an) thing. If you want toexperlriire tl at
sensation, however. Just write lo 11. !'.
.lohnson SlCo., Kill Alain St', Kb hm lid,
Vs., and bear what they have got to say of
Ihe success of some of their f genu. They
' have gotihe goods that sell, and any MM
out ol employment w ill consult their own
interests by applying I" them.
f One of the Is'at gift, of Prnvhleure II the veil
thai ssatSM futurity.
Dobbins' Kb clric Snap doea not chap the
I bands, ueiiig perfitly purr. Many ieo
plj nlllii led vv lib Sail Itheiilil have bel li
rured by ita use. Preserves Slid whitens
clothes. Have your grocer older It and
try it iiitr.
. ai
I It ia an eternal and lrre.arable hwi when lime
; ia not "11)10, -d as II ouglu
Smoke the
beat "Tanain'i Punch" Cl-
The good reptatalten ..I "twanjs'l Hron
ekial IVaVSSt" Inr the relief of Coaaftat, CtUt,
and Throat DlassSSS have given lheui a faviir
able SStsrhRf.
J. 11. i-i. H 1 and vai.n-i
S, Waahluglou it , Portland, 0. I'arkaf ea by
mall ur expreaa promptly atteiidtsl to.
TBI lUaauBj tor oraavlfaM.
Out of Sorts
If a feeling pea-allar lo peraoiia of d)apti I. n
drui ), or It may I. caused IA eb.ngi id i llniate,
aeaaon or life. Tbe MSMtb la nut id order, tha
bead ai In-a or doe I lu l right, apls llti I
ranrlilnua, the nerve, iss-m orelWOVSaaf. IBS
I in I mi I. eonlUMsl and Irritable Tbla i uudlllon
I flnda and i-n-i-llent I mm live In lliast'a Har.'pa
' rllla, wbleh, b) lu ifirulalliig and tolling s,w
l era, MMiU reatorea haniion) tn the a)at In. and
give, thai alrvngtb of mind, in rn-a, slid body,
, whleb make, one feel perfectly wll
"I have uaed Hiasl'a Hauupanlla In my family
for three yean, and have laken II penaiiially
with great m..-a It baaalwaya built i, my
avatrm, by giving me a good .llle, ha.
1 cleared my akin, and baa mad. me sleep I
I have auffv-n-d from nervnua pronation, and
have been cured by nothing hut llood'l -arae
pari 1 1, and is-raalnnaliy a lewd Ihsid'a PPIa ."
I O. V. Jiviimi.w supt. of M'l-i of Public
I Hrhisila, I Tin Inliatl, II.
N.pi. He sure to get
Hood's Saraaaparilla
S..M bv all drugglau. tl. all Inr t Preired
only by I I H1) i ' , N,. ll. Maaa.
100 Doses One Dollar.
Accidents happen,
and sickness comes,
to all, and yet many
people never have
on hand the means
to promptly relieve
the sufferings from
either. An inexpen
sive and thoroughly
reliable safeguard is
Perry Davis'
Pain Killer.
which has stood for
49 years unrivaled.
For Cramps, Colic,
Cholera andall Sum
mer Complaints it is
Have it with you
at home and when
traveling. It is used
externally and in
ternally, and is just
the thing needed for
Burns, Bruises, Cub,
Sprains, &c
IT Jt tT Tl II V..
ii 0, I art'inlnmrw, Kalkaaka, Mich., agya: "I
l.a atisl in tala place live ),aia ago, having for
merly resided in Troy, S. Y. I have been a great
auRercr from what Ihe phvalrlananf Troy- called
Bright', disease. I uaasl Hr. pavld Kci ly 'a
Kavorlle Keiiusly, of RMMteBt, N X. All the
terrible .yuiptoina uf Ihe diaeaae are gone.
have in, Irareanfanv dUiuder ol the kidney.,
liver or bladder, who would ts-grudge llie coal
ul tbla mcdh luc (one dollar a hnlUej (ur aurb a
bleaalug or refute Ihla simple (bough alucerv
lekeii n gralltnde lor ts tiig pcrfn It) cured? I
owe , virvlhlng in pr. Kennedy'. Favorite Kern
nti. ami hois- Ihla will Induce nthcr. to uae the
iin. In Hie vv Im siirTh-r from any kidney, liver or
bliasl dlaordcr."
Ps KassKiiv'a KvvoaiTK IUnsiiy, made at
Rijdolll, NY II. i. i. ir ..
s ml Inr tssik. how In cure Kidney, 1.1 vir and
lllisnl illannlcn
The ialu of siwcr are real. It. alMWaiM Im
Sure run- lor blind, bleeding ami Itrhlug Plies
Hue tan haa cured the wont cam's ol (en veara'
ataudlug. No one need aulTer leu iniiiulea after
using Klrk'a Herman Pile nlnliiu u!. It sbsorb)
no. i. alia), the itching, acta aa a poultice.
nVSS relief. Pr. Klrk'a lierin.n Pile Otntmsaj
ia prepansl only for Plica ami Itching of the
private p.rla. ami uulhiug else. Kvery box la
Sold hv Prugglat. ami ..-m bv mall ou ......
f price. tl.UU st box. J. J. Mack .1 Co., Whole
aale Agents, San Ktanclacn.
IW HURat,-
ITHai)TKETbRr, DFRlr..
The ChasAVogeler Gq-Bauq-Mo-
Plan's ttemeily Air Catarrh la tlio H
Baal, Easiest in t a,., anil ciiipaat fpj
Sold by dninlsM or ami by Bj
Ma at. Uuaelilue, Warren. Pu, I
One Uoseu Aisorted Hnndkerchlefs at
60c, 7Rc., $100 or $1.50. postage
paid for Men. I aillea and Ublldr u.
Order anything ant iv en thing you want tn
use, to wear, lu i atorto aiima,. imnaelf ,ir others,
slid II will he (llrlilahiil al Invveat prh e Ur
ler a aample enpy of Die flaw Clrnh, euiilaiuliig
price list of over aVM arliclea uaisl lu families
mid II will Is- sent yon free uf cost nnli r a lew
aSMins ol dry g.ssla in , ompara price .uit anat1
lv with unlets. Ors r al once II will y you.
rttANI laVCO l Ai.iiiniM A
4t (Jlo H a day. BSnplSf worth M.I .t
3il"nr" Unssnol under hniiee' fist.
rile Hrenaalor Kafl ly Id In
H o I de i I ,i. Mollv. VI leh.
Rlvvaan -It von nave an Old Sore that need,
dialing, and thai other leme.llea have (ailed hi
lual. ur a l ieakiug mil or Itihlug nf the . alp
or body; or a Boil, Hum, ''ut, or all) ailment for
which a Salve la suitable, bit a tM intbcacl
ttcilraii atnive, which Is Wsrrsnlsd "
Cure when everything else (alia II not kept hy
vour .Irugglat aaud 'Jti leub lu alampi to J. ('.
PsaiNT. Act, Aaiotia. Or., ami reivlvv a hoi
by mall.
aicmuvav hh uu m i s ,k
v. i unnn . BACH. Oablor. Romdab
eioiisi, iiiinitu Sans ttvilnmvaaiia. lavnrsaa
10 I , I-! .1
y I ' r...
to I II
lu lutrWrior riivM. n.v prutrnt lo ultllom of hmm j fm
nm it tut tiartt-r n( omttttrf. 11 la Uawl bj thi
ITniitxl HUtt OorivnilttMit Kiiditrftal tv Uto litU ol
th IT aat Il I V I I ll H I hi H Ll I Ult, Pill - P I II' ft
Htlthfnl lr I'rltVi IHt-swu lUkliisi I'uardrr (Uttai no'
MUitaiu Aimr -iilm Lime or Alum HoM otilv In ona
Tho Celebrated French Cure,
Warranted A DUDnniTISJC" or monai
Ml IIIIUUI I lilt, remnihst
la Hm n oa
o e lire any
humid net mm
diaeaae, or any
disunler id the
generative or
gans' of ellbei
Baf ORE Mug Ironi tha AFTER
ixeesaive use ul Sllmulaiii., Tllbssilll ur opium
orlhioiigh yoiiihlul linliacrelloii. over tuilulg
eucc, Aciueli as I .os. ni llialu Power, vv ,
lies., Healing SOWS I'alu. Ill Hie Hack, Hemluii.
Weak ne.., Iliaieiia. Nervnii. Piiiaiiallnu Sis turn
al Kiulsalnus. U'licnirluea. Plaiiue.., Weak Mem
ory.UMMol Power and luiHilene), which II ne
glei lisl ollell lead In pteiiialu Ill ageaiul lusail
llv Pilce II 110 a Ian. il boxes lot 15 00 Scut by
n 'i uu .1.-1- ol puce
t WK1TTRM 0 V A II A NT K It Inr r verv IS 00
"i 'i i. to isfnnc Hm uu v i( a HormaaaMt
eilre II nnl cffcclisl Thoiiaauda ol lean Inla
Imin old and yuiiug. n( bulb seiea, perniaiienllv
SeMbfArnaoniVISS Clreular tree, addict
wgarrsM Hit inch.
0Ja l ull 1 1, v SI) OR
Hold by Htrelhlg A lane, Umgglata, cor. See
mi. I Waalilllgtoil Hit.. Piirtlaiul. Dr.
Kur the Tn atatsal of all Nervnii'. tp clal and
I 'hi Ol l IMseiiNi-rt.
I- I Klrwl a,t,eei. n.
win. CtVS voo -
Tboroiifih and Practical lustriictioii
BuslueKH and Academic Subjects!
Hoiul fur Circular lo
ajsnisa lack, Heaiiie. iTaatilBate.
Actnal lluaiui aa, Hluirtliaiid, plain and Orna
mental I'eiiniaiialilp and pun in n I Kngliah de
faT"!" ' ""' "' peUlliallahll Snd II I II"
truleu i atalngue -eiil Iris-.
Hllldeutl AlllllliU'd at uu. rune.
kadi ol Horn I Muafc ami Bookt llauil . ciiMil
laafr. ITUSSI SI Ar . n I AM UBA1
'heel Msr f-ss-W
For btisiiir.H jmruilt l Ihr ISirtl.tml Hit incw
OtHi-jjr, I'.'i ll.tml, Oit K"ii, ot ut the Hit
litem Ci1l'KC, SaiUut, Otinii. Ilolh Ihh1 nrc
miller thr intimiKt im-nt l A V Arm-lin, li.tve
mn COUntl ol Klutltea mill Mine mien tit tin Hi hi
Bll I e Ii o r I Ii a ii il ,
T 1 " n ni i it , IVtmmntip nml i 'u 1 -it Dtttiari
tiiriitd. rttitl eveninu WMetllti Miiiletiltrttl
millet, nt liny UMt;iie.iillieti'
I'm I Imi. I HilitiiAn lilku'c, AD Cultll LMmMI ' ktllff,
11111111111. ( ircxoii vA Hnlrm, ItVfiM,
Jiitonealilii Ted. Im TA1
A trial llnllle ael.l Free lu
TAKT HIHI , Kochotuir, N.Y.
.,, m.tsJll,. tM. . alM Wilt, I'.-
itiaUtn Tteir mu utiirr. ill t
tl i i.l. havsr I l-itaaa, i.i, a r . i i .
.'ill Ji lul,. i oillili .i .1- ' ' I II
i-Ibhii-i Inr i-arila'iilai , tr-'tiwi'i.itl' ami
" Its-lit-1' fur I.NtlltV ' re Urn
mmn, Nfr.
IhUha-atlar I brut 'I It.., NeilUalll Ha,., I ti.U.. Id.
m m TOfiTjy
BataataaataamrJlaaaSV I'll lilt atTaSjBaaV '
HBHa ' r.i jkHB.
by return matl,
fall deaerlptlvo
eli. ni. il a uf
TAtton mnn
OF OSISS CUT! 1,1,1.
Any lady of orili
aary Inteillgenco
can ami
quickly learn lu
cut and niat.ii
say garment, lu
soyatylr in any
measure (or tail 1
or chllil. Andrew
Ciaeianlli, 0.
I prescribe anil fully en
done lug i: a. lb. only
ape, in, (ur tbe certain i ura
nf tlila lllaeaae.
II. II. I Mailt A II AM. M P ,
Amslerilain, ti. Y.
W have MM Pig (I Uf
many yeara. anil .1 but
iven nit ntal ul aalit
fie li'm
1). H. PYCHKtCO.,
ITilraai, III.
arklfl.OO, Hold by prugglna.
Maniifaclureil from KINKST hpihnti HTKKI,
KublM-r Cualed, Saline mud satin Covered.
Nnl to ttuat, break or Split. sllliTie.i tn thu
Heami, Nn saikelt or hot Inula reipilrwl.
UMU I IvfWa leu
lliat " KVKK KKAIlY " it ttatns'd on Ihe hack
ul . ii i' ii H' ay.
Are made of the taiae material, with elaatlo
end. and liuel. lei,
fST- Vak for the KVKK lifeAPY Htayt and Hi
tendai, and take no other.
HIIOWN Ml I M It Aenta,
SSa Market sir.el, s. r.
fi Tn a niva.V
tlmiBiMl ..I uS
WKm MaMSulMara. W
EX arisairiyikt
CdlriM CkaalcalOt.
WPax cine I nnaU.SBJM
-aaa. udiah
Tr.d. laaHBSr.
sa , i
:.'. ,'rj'iic
.Uli -
Br. Parflees tan
The Great Cure
H-! MLf
Hj.' ,.r. n
-Pin It i
Kin m
aaL,..," '
A Regulator of the Liver - Kidneys.
Scrofula, Rheumatism,
Salt Rheum, Neuralgia,
And all other blood anil Skin Diseases.
1 1
N. P. . 0. Mo. 808 H F. W. 0. Wfc !WJ
It Is a sitiv riiro for nil tluraai l'liinfiil, Mtnaai
Coiiiplaint I ami cidiiplicatisil trail ilea mid WoaaM - al
aOMasoo ainott ; our Wives, Mothers and lasnsjhtaeai
Tim i is iiniiHNlbtf ami laatinif. Two or tlimo
f lr. I'linli-i-'s KciiKily t.iki n daily kiefs
Uu; Mornl cl, Ilia liver and kidney active, ami will en
tirely eradicate; inim tlw system all trai-os of Scpifiiltt,
Halt Hlu iim, or any oilier form of lda! disa-aae.
No imslii iia' ever inlnaliKisl in this aaninlry hari met
willi hiii h ma! salu, nor yfiven such universal astaatactioa v. r uaasl as Hut of Dr. I'linWa VHmptdj.
This rcilM-aly has laaen tousl in thr lnaiiitulH thriuilioiit
Um, old world for tho pud laessty Ave years, as a s eiiic
for the al-ivo disa-aaies, and it has and will cure WaVS all
other wea-allisl n-tinslins (a'l.
I f,,r inilili t sf U-rtiinrmial. (von tnitw who have
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