the mm city guard. SATI 1IDAY MfT.H is'J. a i .. .. 11. i of mux. N V. Woil.1. A correionont in Prnii;lrauia nendi u on of I he Republican camp ... ;n card ol 1888. which ha took the precsuliou In MT. It contains Ibi-ae injunction: Workinumkn! I'mt.vt v.Mir liunira.' Km- trad" mlm wagea! Kree Inula will chaw American man ufactorira. Fie trale .erven the intrreata "I Kiirnie, 1 "j . t. . t ! -1 1 mm fair wsifi-n and regular aniilyuienL Protection I rip the intere.U of tl.l. country. 'I I the iaaiira. These assurance will Im rccalltd with a decided disposition to "kick Ihi iiim Iti a" ljr many voters who were deceiTiil hy them. "Four years more" of high protection were hardly insured before wages in the pwlntod nulii-ti I. - began to fall ttUil mills MM MM factories to close. What do the eo-erced aejplaeaai of An drew Carnegie think of the "fair waifes" insured by protection? What do the cotton will operatives in Full Iliver, forced to ac cept a redtiction in wages and denied even an interview wiih the mill ownera. think of it? What do the coul-miners of Illinoia think of the "fair wages and regular employ ment" inaured by (be triumph of protec tion? How do the glass-worki ra square their redaction of 15 per cent., to tuk.. ef fect to-day, with theae ante election proin iaei. ju - " ' Object-leaaona tlke theae are a grant help in tin- campaign of education. If Sounds Item H-rallr. Hen Jam. K. Campbell, In sceptlng the Democratic nomination for Governor of Ohio aaike on the tariff ipieatioii a few worda that shown where Im standi on the tariff iiieation: I lie lost ilutv wliii Ii eiiiilnnita ua la to (lis cuss and educate the jieuph- tijain the reform of the tariff, Wi are ai einitomed to hoaat that our country enci la the wiirld in natural re MMMN in ariciiltnr il and mineral woalth ami In eh. ir, I i,: . loaU..u. We relulce in vast area f t.i.-l huuU which offer i leap hiuiiea to all. We claim to la) the freeat sol moat Intelligent, inventive, industrious and enterprising people mi earth. To the i "limine. i i-aii.e iiu we triitlilully auntie our pliennuii-iial inereaae In prosperity, wealth am gn-.tnesa- We do not aciept the dogma that theae glorious result are due to an exorbitant tariff, or that the cuatom loin.... haa la-en the predominant factor in national growth. We publish tin- following fi in Ihe New 1 ork Worlil lor tile lielient ol thoan logana that are always do-laiing that eleclioua are being carried in Ihe South by force and fraud: "Representative I'vtcra, of Kauaua, who had the fuirmaa to atay and witneaa the election in the Third I,ouiaiaiia Piatiict, iuatead 'if prejndiciiiK it and coniiuc away aa one of the Ki publican viaitlun atateimcn did, teatiflea ill an interview at WMhinftOtl to the eutire peaceableneaa of the canvuia and the election. Ho apoke aeveral timet and waa everywhere treated wiih couiteay. "Ho fur na outaide uppi-araucea were con cerned," he aaya, "the ineetinua are juat like Northern llepuhllcan ineetiima." When Ihe Itepublicau Tariff Hill made n cuf of St) p. r cent in the protection to lunar firowera the iimimp ra of courae abumlonul all hope of carrying Iiuiaiana." (iiii fftnwttftml HroKAMt Fana, W. T., Kept. Ifi. Kiaie uree in the uio.l diarai-eful acuudal ill the hiatory of WaahinKtoii were made to duv Ou account of the terrible lire that occured Auguat 4lb, Ibouaanda of dollara wurth of proviaioua were aeiit here from all parte of the country for the relief of the auflerera. The auiipllea weie l iken in chnrne of by the Relief Committee and lamed to applicant! nxm ordera obtained fioiu peiaona ailtbor-i.i-d to perform that duty. Htihaeiucntly it wua di-iiivereil Ihut crookedneaa luul been practiced, and Unit ltolart luyalla, nil em ploye of the relief coiiliuillen who wua sim ple lei I n atcaluiK gooda nnd aelling them to Ifrocera and ollieia, hud left the rity. Chief of I'olice Warren traced him to Cbiuo, California, and brought hlui back. He then in eli the -i nihil.; itateiueul that a con piracy had rxUti d mining Ihe olllciula and ulliera for Ihe appropriation of the relief anppliea on a large aeah . Three Council ro of tbu town havo be. n arrealeil on Un charge. S-,-it.iry Noble, 01111111011011 fur a ie lw made by the alute of n in the awamp land Hat reviewed by Secretary Vi'aa nil lie ermher '.'7, luia the mntlo The a lint o" land inlllj) waa UI.IKKI MNU of thia a mt 12,0111) acrra hy former ilei-Ulotn were iialeuted to the at ite Cnilt-r the decia Inn of .lauuiry IN, IKNtl, 111, IKK) acrea of thia aliened awamp land wen- patentr.l to the aUte. 1'nder the declaion of Januarv IH, IHKll, Sll.tmi act., of thia alleged awamp ' laud Were decided to la- hilly ami 111 italmiua. Of Mt.llnO aen-a rr.n u. ieK-, .-e. ret.u v Noble de cl.lea In- will iut entertain a motion (or ra view. The new war ahip Hallimore, built by the f rumpa, haa made on her Ural trip ill rough Mt H kaota pet hoar, It u aaid Uw) the navire of the whole world do not poaaeaa ten veaaela that can atliiin tliia apenl. So It will Iwacen that the Culled Ktalea haa at laat got a Aral claaa veaacl for her navy. It abouhl lint la' fnrgotlill lllill the tcaae! ana built in d 1 the iMtfOOtioM of Win. (', WIiiiii.-v, Ht-cretary of the Navy under I'l.-l Cleielaud. Aceoldllin lo Hit. wheal ealimntes ,,. ih.i Loado Miller, ltu.s e will f.di "i.uoo.titKi bushela Ulow the averuge, Hniigarv M,fJO0, "to. RMMMBk H.nwo.tHHi, India 11,000,000, and Sniiih America nn.l Auairalu 14,000,. Hal, which glica a total shnrtuge of il,. OtKJ.IKKJ buahcla Tbo I'liiled Slulea shows an llicifaao .,f Ni.tkJII.IKHI, Canada 1,000,000, Kuglaud and Krau.-e 11,(00,000 aud Italy, KlMin, He Ig l ll in, Holland and Algeria M. UtXI.tlOti, making a total of ttt.OOOioOO A I'orllaiid phyaiciau baa carefully an the Willaiuttle rivtr water mH in that city, aud pronouiu-ea it exci ptionully pure. It contains only one half a graiu of organic matter to the gallon, much less then the ('rot. in water in New Voik, the lake wa ter in Chicago or that used in almost U city. According to his stadium! the peo ple of I'm tlun, I are not an . r much in liced of Hull ltuu wutei after all - E. O., Mm, candidate oil Ihe V'aab. ingtoii Hcpublicnu ll. kit foi SiipnmeJudge, baalaeen indicted ail timia by a TuceoB, A. T., k'rand jury fo. einbhril. uieid aa assignee of lludaou A Son , bankers. If tbe charges aie true, m relatnl by tbe ditptlehet, the peuileutiary would la a more fit place for him ih ni a Judge of Ibe Supreme Court. A writer in Hcrihnrr'e atatea, aa a reault of carelul atudy of railMad alatiatica. that mail mirthl travel 11,000,000 mil,. brioN MM ktlM, When a MM haa traveled 0o0.le.ej .Jtw miloe it would la t very good lime lo atop. Judge Terrie A Oruff lute bejen anpoiuled commiaaioiier of the g. ueral bind oftlc- lie wm elected to the oftii-e of judge, which be ie now bidding, on a uou.partiaan ticket Nragle, who killed Jmlgo Terry, baa beru diacharge.1 by the I uit.,1 Stales t'ourU. He Jreiiute.l a gold wat.b by Judge Hob Younger. Ibe youugret of the notorl oue brothers bearing tbat name, died in tie Minntexta euiteDltary on Kept. ltUb Ilia New Jeraey Heiiublieaua hare i. .1. d Ueu. K. II. (Irubb fur liovernor, I. nUll The Iowa Democrats have llorare Holes fur (iov. Him. nominated i it iii Party. F.ft.v iiib.- di i'ii'ii'H, rtpitwraUufi iht Prohibitionists. (1 gere ami K's. of I, met in Hah in Saturday mid organized under the alMiw iiuim-. I r I. F llcndtcx was idiom ii Chairman mid H. M Mill, r, Havre laryoflhe Slate L'eiilnil Committee. 'o h.w'n.-: i- the MtbeUaaa of 'hi ir declaration of prlnciplca: Alarmed by lb ng.-..iviii aa of ffinlt I trnala, MM) li and th- liquor tratlic, woikiiiK for the pii'ipeii.-iliou and degredn lion of the producing imiaaea, they propo-e to hum all clnaa legislation in the ml) ri-nt of cnplialiata r- m sh ili that the goN.-iiiiiniit ahouid prohibit tbt ii'pior (rattle; should issue money in pew awry niMnllijf without interveiilinu of hanks; ahouid regulate cor Dorationa and prevent unjust i UU lions and diacriminalioui-; should restore to the public domain nil iiiifaiiii d Im d (.ruiita, to lie re served for actual sell I. -m, prevent corpora liona from In . i. 1 1 1 i: IhaH and aliens from IMMlriM ll bOBW leijuiiu ten MOT real deuce and a knowledge id our iuKtitutiona as condition" of citizenship, and provide Hint c ili.i iihhip, chiinn ter nnd intelligence ahouid be the (jusliti.'iition. of toti ra; should declare truata conapiracna and punish tin m ac cordingly; .hoiild provide lor arbitration to prevent strikes, protect employes, provide eiUal pay for equal work for both aim a and foater lalior, Hgriculliii..l and co-op. rulive associations; and should not MftOil the issuance of MMWlaieble lunula A l'l-nnaylviiiiiu PnQOMil wua uaki-.l re cently who wiih but choice for (inwiliur. Heuuawered: " When 11 111 in can lie on aick-bed in New York nud rim the Demo cratic State Ci.iivi nti.ui of 1'ellllH) Ivuuiu to fcUit biina. If nn.l win rMi.nini ,n 11 horau inc., at the MOM time, the IViiiimj lyiiiiia Democracy can't 11II011I lo throw that iiiuu away. I'm for Hill Scott." They have a "Tomato King" in Califor nia. Ilia ahipmenta average .-,"-b. botea n day, and he beiira Ihe n one of A. L. (Ira bum Ilia toin.itu lunch la l liny w, ml-, Alameda County. Ilaae ball player.. athbttaW, ami all who take any vbMrYNU 1 .--t.i-.f-, iboilbl know liiut Dr, Heidev'a Damleliiiii Tunic U tlmrniiith bracer. It produces new vitality, atreiigthena the RMeMeM ami enublea them to per'orin twice the u.ual amount of work with out la-cnmlng I ,-, S..I-I by drungiata. Do you feel drunninp,' aenauti na in the hack and No-, are you troubled with wakefiilucaa, faintm-a at the pit of the atoinueli? Are you If an we would advise you to try Orenmi Ki lm-y Tea, (purely vene table I It never faila to etb-ct 11 permanent ( ire of kidney Mai miliary couipl iiiita. Sold by druifgiata, Nntbuig ia more ili.areeable to a young Inly or nentli'imiu than to have tlie lace I'otereii with ii-, .-. niiick l,- , ! - uml ol itches. Dutanl's Specitie, the new skin remedy, will twmova all .lisiwuiiitiou' fioiu tin. face ami liuml. mel utihIUM a clear and beautiful complexion. Tir it ai d ho con vinced. Foraalehy .Irnniata. Sa .v KMMMMU) Oil, April I; For several weeks my wife aiilfered severely from a kliluey atfe. lioii of a very uifmiivated character, which s.-nn . I t-. defy all the usual temcilica. I tiiiabv tried the (heg..ii Kidney Tea. The etfei.i was an immeilinte iuipr ive ment, ami she lias now entirely recovered her health. II. O. I'iiinck. Salesman at Cutting Co. TIMBKU I, an I) NUTIOR Unit d States I.H..I dlli oS KoMbntv, Or.. rMpWmbtr 19, ihhii. Notice U hereby tien that in cunpli in with the provlslomot thn act iaj Wlllgf Ml n .Im,,. ; 1H7H. entitled "An ai t for the ShIm fit liiil.i land! in the atatea of California. QrMOB. Ne vada ami Wusliim.-ti ii Territory. It A Maxey, of Seatile, County of Kiiur, Territory of Wash ington, has this day hied 111 tins ...llice his aworn statement No .... for tin- purchase of the South West I I. Sc. :r. T Hi S, HI I , and will ollei 1 f (ii show that the laud Might b) more vtlaMaVl f-.r its timln-r or atoue than for auriciilturil pnipuns, and to establish hie claim M said laud la-fore Ihe Kenister ami the Ileceiver of this olflce at iioaeb.uv, Ur. on 'ileaday, the 17th day of D tuber, INH'.l. lie niinies as w itne"-s: K A Mi-ley, of Wo iiatchoe, W. T. , Hnwanl Benton ami T A 1'irkoy, of Seattle, W . I ., A. . Iti.-luy, of i.'ueno, Or. Any and all peisotis cluimitiL' ailversely the ilescrila-.l lands are re illeslod t" Ille tin II 1 I II 111- Ill IM- i-lll. r la fore aai.l 17th duv of I ciuber, W.l. Cn.ia, W. ,liiiN-.o.N, l.egiater. TinilMT I.iiiiiI, f Jitiif !, IS7S. NOTICI KHt l-l 11 1 1 1 ATI I N . Cmtkii stvi ks l.ivn i n t ii-K, ( Itlist 111 nil. Or., M-pl. II. ISN'I. 1 Notice la hereby given tint in pompllanoe w i t It Mil- ploy Isl.ins nt Mil- act nf Colli!! i m. nf Jnne (, IITtl, entitled "An net f..i tin- aulo of lands In ihe stales of California, tireion. n c vu. I u, uml w ua iii ii nt no Territory,'' A. I'litiiini-oi Heuiiie, ttounti ol King. Tor rlton of VVMhlnirtion. hua this day in. i In this oiticc bit iworn uttonient No. , tor tbe parcbue of the . w. t, of Hvotlnn No. ju In Tow nslilp No, n; Noulb, Itunue No. I Kust, uml will otfei pioof in siinw i.i.i iiu- .ni.i soukIii is more rttluable for lie timber or Hum fin- Mrrleultuml purposes, ami to MMhlleb his chiiiii to siiiii laud before tbe ItcKistei and Heeidver of title ..Mice nt KoM hurt, or., on Prltlaj the 1Mb del or nets in ber, IHh lie naincs ut wltneeeeet II. M. cross, Kd w anl A. uml H. Vuinlcw utor, all of Neettle, W.T.; nnd . v. Rleboy.ol l- um uo, Oregon, Any and nil pel sun- cluluuinr uilvereel) tin- uIhiVo dcscl ll.ed lauds lil t- le.jliested to Ille tbelr cliiiina In Mile IH or before said i -ii, day of I leeemli, i . i -s-.. m m ciian. w JtlllKRTiyN, Begleter, TlmlHtr I.iiiiiI. Art Sunt it. IN7N IfOTIOl tin: t-l KLICATIOM. I mii i M iri. I. mi inn. k, Rosi in m., mi.. s, .i ll, las-i. i Notlee It hereby given thai In ootnpltnnoe w llh Hie pri.y Minis nf lln- act of Cnuiii-eua of .lime s, lei. entitled "An net for Ihe Mleof tllllhcl lauds III the s ut en nf 1 illlfninlit, Hie eon, Sevede .not w ublngion Tcntt..i," i.dwai.l v. Hteveneon oi Seattle, oountj of Kiuu, Terrllor) of w ubtagton, has this day til.-.i in this ohlee hie iwornetnlotuenl Mo, for Ibejpniebnee .-i the S. I t, of geetlon N... N, in fownahlp No, I) s,,ih, Rnnge No. I Kual, nnd will oiler proof lo slmw Ihal the laud eoiiuht is more vnlnnble for Its Umber or I tone Hum for ngrteultured oar ...-es. and lo MlnUllih his chiltu to said hind liefore the Regbiter mid Meeelverof thlsomce ut Hoeeburg, Orngon, on rrlde, tin- mii duv of H. eember, issi". tie uaiiii-a us wltneeaee II. M. ProM, I', inline and II. mull Wati r.illl nf Seattle, U . 1'. . mot A. YV. Itlchc) of Kllgene, i Ir. Uu nnd all peieona rlnlmlni adverwelythe illinye deaclll.e.l l.llula iilw reqUOeted In Ille Iholi- claims m tin. i.niee ui ni before said nth day of December, I saw. If Ml CUA8. W. JOHNSTON, Itca-latei. AS On corner of Olive and 8th street, next door to Johnson's carriage de pot. Will on and after Monday, July Ut, keep ou baud a full supply ol HEEF. MUTTON, PORK. VaUL RTOh DO Bolognas & Sjiusjip, a Specialty. J. BRAUNEB. Vienna Meat Market Having Determined to drop some of the Lines that We are now carrying we will offer FOR SALE AT COST! For the next 60 days our entire line of LADIES' DRESS Goods, Silks, Plushes, Satins, Sateens, Tableware, Embroidery. Flannels, Rub bers, etc. Call and sec us. EASTLAND & WILSON, mh. Street Store. HOW tq BUY ANPHAVE THEM DELIVERED when 1he order amounts to a specified turn-el ..I m s uuir.iii.i vu LAJvvEm wan any oiruv HouselntrteU.S. . Send for ,,7. C it t ii I u if u o , pub! nhrd I j pt loth.nntlmailfd free UpoN a'j'llcelion ; liming mid illuttrttefif with over left 'is nnd wo id Ctlltl rvriythinj; nfntrd fur ! idtw',GctttlM4( hddrcn'a strand lirDiticnt; iluusc- k i ihk Goodt, Curiums, I'pholitery.etc , etc 'KCCHAC0.sp:X"of ted do lln- U.r.tand inoit rrhahle Mail Order , ile in IM eeeatry. Their Katlnun Cala legM ll indispensable to partira prsvfntril hv ili.tsn e 1 1 hi duing their uuu ilmppm in N.-w Vnrt" K(rU Glh Ave. & 20th St., NEW YORK CITY, am n m tn m TI M KICK LAND NOTIUB. I'nitod St.iloa Uml Uffiee. Koaeburir. Or.. s, i, n,l,-, 13, 18811. ilutloe is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions .f the act of eonnreaa of Jane it, WTS, entitled "An act for tin. sale of '.iml. r I. in, Is in the Stutee of t'alifornia, Orw gnn, Ji, and WaahiiiKton Territory," II K Kirk, ..( Monteaano, County of Chehalia, Territory of Washington, haa thia day hied in this ollico his aworn statement No , fur the nnrebMk of the S 1 2 of the S W 1 4 and B l '-' of the B 1 1-4, Sec '.tl, Tp 17 B, U 1 I, and will . dfer pr.a.f to .how "that the land Milghl is more valuable for iU timlasr or ttone th in for agricultural nurposoa, and to eatahliah nil claim In said I ni l before the register aud receiver of tins ofliee at Hamburg, Oregon, on Saturday, the TM day of Noveuilwr, 188!l. He mimes M witnesses: S 1) tiarner, of Spriug-ti.-ld, Or., I.. O. Qarrlgna, of ltoaeburg, Or., IHtIiI Matteenn. nf flnrlngfeild. Or., It, A. Bltfnod. of .Spriiiutiehl. Or. Auy aud all per IOM olaimlmt adversely the amiTI daawflawj lands are re.piested to file their claims jn thia ofllae on or before tnid Md day of November. 188U. fins. W, JniiSHiviN. KenUter f. w. aTcrain, Watchmaker and Jeweler. .1 unction City, Oregon e BneeJaJ attention given to Heiiairiun VTATORM, l l.Ot'KS and JK.WKI.KV KUUENE CITY CIGAR FACTORY. Slop Smoking Chinese Cigars, ll 1 HBRBBY lNTKtHUVK oik y Uotne MaaaJaainrad Ubjaen, Here are our ss-cial bramla: THE OREGON UIANT, i The Best I lli: BEST 0-OENT, 5-Cent 0UIIA1S BEIXt, CIGARS- BAITY HOIKS, a 111-Cent Cigar. Ki t. KNK II KRIT I KS. J for V tVuta tiive ua a trial and we will Guarantee Satisfaction. Xol'li'K TO lil'K SMOKKHS We aril Havana ra in akkaee. KM l OltV lu Ma mic Temple M Kic-hth IMS I 1- MAKKUS k CO. KrP for II air h Inc. Krom Amerwa'e beet breeda: Wy andoltea. Hlymonth It. . as. Ugbl Drab iiis. Hroe u aud While Leg norma. Partridge t'. -.1,111. While W.audolleeaBslltUrk Urn. I oreae. Winner of the higbeal booor at an me laigeet riblbtllone kir Ibe .t olevm M iprvS J. at nj. roeeat Geeee, Or aMgaweenwanej w uw . m BROWNSVILLE Clothing Store J. W. CHERRY is still carrying a full line of these celebrated goods, also a full line of. HATS, CAPS AND GENTS FUR NISHING GOODS. Sold at the Lowest Prices. Re member the stand, Walton's Block. WHEAT SAC KS, HOP BURLAP, Kiln Cloth, FOI! sAI.K 1IY S. II. FHIKNULY. cm uw -AND- RESTAURANT. Willamette, between 7th ami 8th sis. rNI,Y PLACE IN TOWN THAT HAS J the celebrated YAQUINA, & EASTERN OYSTERS In the SIIKI.I., aerved in every style. Tor BREAD, 0AKES, ETC., We are TIIK BOS8. 0 I .-" out f..r for ..ur Wa-mi with Red liox aud fUaigh Hella, Orders Promptly Filled. J. DAVIS, Merchant Tailor. HAS OPXNXD A BHOP ON NINTH Street, one door weat III Oth St. tii. l : he ia prepared to do all kinds of work offered ill his line. A I ir.. : of Fine I'lntha on hand tt cuatnuiera to si led from. Itepairiut, and cleaning done promptly, Hut isfactiou gnaraneMrl Kuvrne, Nov. ti.lMNI. tf OSBURN & CO., DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES. H7ILLAHBTTK s'l REET NKAB in Tl Kiigene t 'it y, .le .leis in DRUGS. OHXMICAIiS. OWL (il.ASS, VARNIbUEt), CRUTCI I E8, l'ATI NT . I K INK Of ill wt every kind, etc. Brandies. Wines ami Liquois of the very beat quality (or nwdil im I mrpoH WM bare ahrnya kept abreatt .-f the times in our line, and without boaaUng. We think we are safe in elaiining thai we bare THK HliST aasortnient of DRU08 in Eagena, ParUeular attention Ii nailed tn .'.a- at -,-k . PKRKUMBRY, TOILBT SK I'S, and CELLULOID ('ASKS Kor the rear 1889, We shall lie able to sell PAINTS, OILS and BRU8RR8, (uf which we now have a large at.H'k on hand I Than any house in this city, and our frieadfl can reat assured that anything ls.uj;ht fmni us will la hrat claaa. As We l.uv many of OOI IMdl Itte and have facilities thut few in hueincss luue, wc think we are prepared -, un; dersell and furnish :i better quality nf than any. .no in our line in Lane c.untv. Wi call anjaalaj nMantban t,, PRIWCK1P- TIDNS, which will la- caiefull) tilled at all houre of the ilay or aigbt Cloverdale Dairy. I will open a Dairy at Cloverdale, Lane Co., Or., about July 10, 1889, and will manufacture lyAuyoiic anuiii, rbeea.- will pleaae or der of my audit. M 0 I'loa. . OreaWa . Vatuone, Prop, City Jewelry Stoic ! ; AIM, r:rk. V itrbr iftd Jnrlry, Muaical instruments, and Gold Pen, Silver and Plated M arc. H atche, I laebi and Jewelry rraiire.l ia the IweS V-a-kn.aalik eaaeerr au.1 wanmtr.L Wuxanarra Se., Km ana Butter & Swiss Cheese H. N. C -Tl IK Bulkley & Heald HUDSON, OR, Are prepared to fur nish First-Class LUMBER, In CAR LOAD lots through W. B. ANDREWS, Eugene, Oregon. FARMS ! I have for Sale sev eral of the Cheapest and Best Farms in me County. These Farms are lo be Sold in the next 60 DAYS and every one is a bargain. Easy Terns. SHERWOOD BURR Room No. 7 McClaren Block. Mstore McClaren's Building, (Opposite F. II WOkbaV Dra Store.) -Haa an extensive of STAN DA ill), M18CKIJ.ANKOU8, COLLECE AND SCHOOL BOOKS, Mercantile, Fancy and School Station ery, Blank Books. Cullere, ltc. J Onl. rs fur Books and Subsciiptiniia to Navapaptn and Periodical promptly nt lendrd to Kuykendall & Payton, Physicians and Surgeons, Rooms 5 ami 6. Hovey's Block. OflM hours: 10 to If; 1 t 5; aud 7 to 8. Blacksmithing i C. H. PAINE, II I. DO A lir NKIIAI. HI.At KSMIlUlNti, i;i:i-aikixs. PLOW wor.K. Ac A KtiialaHe al MKlsnv ,.i armma 'Itlack.niitli Sh,.p, ,. Seventh Street, haif .'"the"'1 W"ale. Manufacturer Boss Cultivator I Bf All Work WAin; VNTK.D ibe BIST Maletialaaed, me I ut ;, oawof the Ism Tnnaaajeli m hi ibe s: tit , i On and, . n nerm be f,.,,.l Ir-ady b.r ,.!l k ,i. nt en ,k , i.j. , , , I -ii. a Maetaatiib -l.- i rVnnlb F. M. W1LKINS, Piaclral Diufisl Chisli HKI't.s. MKhK'INKS iii... I.... ralaia l.u, OIU I ' Toilet Articles, Etc. riij.irtaae' IVeertiiti,a l'.eaiaiunilL Lumber Co mm The Bes Retail Hoot and Shoe Store in Oregon New Goods Daily Ie Can ail Do .ell (Ie CHEAPEST. We have three large Stores in the Wiliam ette Valley. We buy in large orders and directlv from the Factories and get the very best prices We thus carry the Biggest and Best Selected STOCK. Anil I resides give oar cnstomrs if yon want Foot Wear yon can afford to Come n Loni,' Distrance to our Store Custom Work and Repairing Done with JVeatiieu and Dispatch. Krausse Klein, Willamette St.: opposite Wilkin's Drugstore, The Pacific Tea Co. Has Changed Hands Mr J. 0. Having purchased it. B EDROCK PRICES! Full Line Crockery. Handsome Presents and Coffees. Eugene Book Store E. SCHWARZSCHILD, FROPR. (Successor to Geo. Collie".) s, mm Wall Paper, Spectacles, Al bums, &c, &c. LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED. Address: JTi UNDERTAKER. A bran new First-Class Hearse One of the Finest in the State. A Kink Link ok Colling, faskols, Robes, AN!) ASX KINDS or Undertaking Goods OowtaaUy on hand, Stoi e corner Eugene Machine i. N. FRAZER makes all kinds of CASTINGS, STORE FRONTS AND ENGINES. UFAIBtHQ OF ALL KINDS m atri.,1. ana ii ill i.r. mrantaa . w..rk t A LMilalWLal 1 doctor h.-n lilnU'a bswi ,n,i mr ,, , " 'nnammalion of k,"U'J '"blr. Ml hf all TIIEX -AaVareaare) .mgnij Minn io I "l-petlte ,n. . N, ul'.n!" Ho,; ' .h',l,h,0,,,,)WrighTs! t.l a- . . ae Btenenaj, .i--K. Stocfai the benefit l LOW IMUck t ) He will sell good s ilt Rhinehar of Groceries, Glassware nnd given away with Teas .1 m EUGENE BOOK STORE, Lock Box 173. Aim Diaun n Furniture. Mai tresses, Bed dlDgi 'Which mi' onvreilatii" Lowest Rates. Willamette and 7th Streets Foundry! AHTD Shops ! Proprietor. OF MACHINERY A SPECIALTY ti.fcti..n. Sh.iia corn.-r G. N. Screen doom and MMaJe A rarker'a wind..'. ' ' safe Bowel Trouble, and Cramp. L ny Internal or Eiternal Pain. Jmajiat for it