EUGENE CITY GUARD. I. .. CAMFHKI1I1. Proprietor. EUGENE CITY. OREGON. PECULIARITIES OF BABY. All SorU of Piiniijr lliin Pass In Hamsiillr- In the course of u lecture delivered In New York the other diiy, h distin guished female physician Hiiid I hut the Inability of u baby to hold up Km head was not due to the weakness of the neck, but to the lack of development of in will power. The act of standing wui InHtinetive and initintlve, whll facial expressions ami gesture wore due almost wholly to Imltiition. A bnhy'8 smile, nho Hnld, was the most miHiinderHtood thin(f in infancy A real smile must have an idea behind It, but the expression resembling smile, which In no often seen on a very young baby's face, was without an Idea Hnd was due to the easy condition of the stomach or to some other phyfr Ion 1 satisfaction. Iho stnllo with an Idea does not appear earlier than tho fourth week. So, loo. with the crying of a baby. The contortion of the feat ures is dun to physical MUM. The baby sheds no tears, because the Inch rvmal elands are not developed for several weeks after birth. The chief pleasure of all children in to ohugt from one position to another bv their own efforts. 'J'IiIh Is the beginning of the development of the will power and Is often attested in what has been called the "imperative intention of tears. " This is not disclosed until after the second or third month. A baby tents every thing by Its mouth, Its sense of taste being tho surest and most reliable guide it has. J he attention of nil young children U difficult to attract, anil they must attain considerable Hge before they begin to notice. Then colors and sounds aro most potential. Kear is known to bo manifested by a baby only three weeks old, and in all cases the sensation Is produ I by sound more than by sight. Children of luxurious and carefully guarded homes are most wholly without fear, hut tho children of poor ami exposed parents always manifest it. Jealousy and sympathy begin to manifest themselves In the second year. Curiosity also begins to develop here, and proves to be a self-feeder throughout childhood. A little later the ego begins to appear, ami the baby has the flrst consciousness of Itself. The ego llrst appears as a muscular ense, ami the infant gradually Icnrns to distinguish Itself from surrounding oiijects. II Is lirsl the hand that I EASTERN ITEMS. MA HONK WILL AOOBPT INATION. THB NOM Horrible Railroad Accident-Laying the Comer Stone-Killed With a Beer QllH -Skipped to Canada Arrested for Bigamy. Whoopiip if the mm. i- of a Dakota town. Washington. D. C, want a big hotel. Wymore, Neb., fakir pay 130 tax daily. Minneapolis ha an Industrial Kx chatige. Alalinma report an "immense" corn crop in sight. The next Scotch-Irish Congro will meet at Pittsburg. A I'ennvslvania colony want to settle near Moulton, Ala. The wheat yield in the Northwest is beyoml expectations A free bridge over the Havanah at An gUHla, I'm , is talked of. A Denver paper lias been fined fciOO ft :.! .( .! .1 . ior en iejiiig uie conn. There were 21s deaths in Itoston in the WMk ending August 10. K 'ongresmaii William Milnes. of irginia, died on the 1Mb. New York's Mayor has resumed his war on the over-beau wires. The Foresters will hold their next an nual convention at lirooklyn. New York Republicans will hold their State Convention September Ufitli. 1 L hi a ii.-n u i.'i i ..I. M ... a'l.l) - a . i. n ... j i .iiaii, null known at New York, died on the lllth. The Indian Commissioners will soon tiegin negotiations witii the Chickasaws. Cleveland is to have the best cablo- i' a I. It will make eleven miles per hour. fOatKIMK ri.AMHKM. Will Bend a KprMritntlve Paaaeugera Mad Prisoners of War-Will Harry a Prince. THE PACIFIC COAST. THK WAHHINQTON CONVKNTION ADJOURNBD BINS DIB. The Press Assoclaflon-Anotber Stage Held Dp Awarded Damage -A Ballroad Prom Portland to Port Townsend. Artist Belieman died at Iindou. London contains 90,000 pauper. The Archbishop of Bordeaux is dead. The American man-of-war Kwatara is at Zanzibar. Max Strokosch ha again been stricken Ogden is stampeding the gamblers. with paralysis. . , . , . , iB Mon. At the Paris Exposition ousting terev Bay. weighs ten ton. ,nn m . . . . The cost of Princes Iiuise's trou- very successful. I . Building associations are lieconiing scan was 4000. The Knglish potato crop is in danger of ' popular in Oregon A MO.tlOO hotel is to be built at Han- .it. .it. i .i i . , iiisuiignisneu unti men me toot, an finally the whole Isidy. Memory dot not appear liemre tile child is two years of age. All the reasoning of children Is primitive and elementary and develops slowly. Darwin noticed an association of ideas in tlx- iiiiml of his child when it was only live months of age. The lecturer relate d export enccsof babies with the first view of mirrors, ami showed that their actions under the new condition were similar to those of anthropoid apes ami dogs under like conditions St. Louis K public. CONCERNING REO HAIR I "M oil I. Wl,l,.,,ir..iul nml in, as lite iiii. The prejudice against red hair i. ...... i. ...i i ..... i , .. uu.. wpmbhi .iM.i n nit'ipt'cutl. for centuries the popular mind through out r.uropo has associated hair of this unlucky color with untrustworthineHs and deceit. An old Latin "Collection of I roverbs," by Henry liebel, pub I.... J i i . 1 iisnou. iiii.crmauy In 1.,!:', has tho following: fo breves humilos vid ruiioscpio nileles. (Proud are the short, and untrustworthy the red 1 1 ' . i v. .. I . Tl... tft.1l i " iiaiiiins nave a nithler saying: 'tapelll rossl o tutto foco o tutto inoscl." (Hod hair, either all fire or all softness.) There Is an old French rhyme, dating from the seven teenth century, which says: "Humnm roux el reiiime hurlnin 1 Irsntr pun I. an I., .ulnc, Arrtiiei ii,rtv. uu nnlnir Pour IVn nulla a lot) niSOtgl " (Salute a red-haired man or bearded woman lit thirty reel olT with throe stones in thy list o defend thee in (by ne. il. ) Tho same sentiin,.it of dislike and distrust is found continually crop ping up in our own older li tern tore. It did not pass altogether without ro bukn. Writers on v ulgar errors oeca, slonally denounced the prejudice, ami a QtMOda writer and soldier of the seventeen! I ntury, Cyrano do n,.r. gerac. the author of various humorous and satirical piece, boldly praised and the despised color. His work on the -States and Ktnplres of of the Sun" was translated into Kn glish. and in it he .; . brwt hoad covered with nil hair is nothing else but the sun in the midst o his rays, yet many sieak 1 I of It, because few have tho I to be so." And, again, thai flaxen hair betokens lleklo ness. and black ObatltWO) but hel ween both, he tt,. s tl,,. m.iimi. Whore Msuo.u in favor ( ,,,-haired men hath lodged virtue. , their flesh is much m .re delicate, their blood, more pure, their spirit, . elarilled. and conscpientl,, ,tieir intellect i -o ac complish,,!, hoeause of the tniM,oof the four qualities ' Au ,,, w Hound. A woman of Trenton. Kan., seized and held four of her neighbor' children lor lebt. William Walter l'hcln was the guest of Secretary illaino at liar Marts. r last week. Klius lsimis, L.L.D., professor of na- ural philosophy and astronomy at Yale. is dead. Tho winnings of Hagirin's stable to date at New York are reported to be $87,146, liuis Demurest and Sumner Miller ere hanged at Like Charles. Iji.. on the Kith. The L'Uii-lsaat Petrel has made satisfai lory trials and the tine will proliably lie 1 1 . isi. A gun, capable of discharging 1000 balls imt minute have lieen invented bv an inuiana man. William Hcllling, the leader of a des rnto ban. lot counterfeiters in Arkansas. lias horn captured. Then is a proposition to make chiefs of divisions subject to the operations of the Civil Service law. In a distance of seven n.ilea from Pueblo, Col , seven bridges were carried away by lloisls recently. I'rolessor Barrett, City Klectrician of Chicago, says that city will soon lie tho best lighted in the world. Thru n were fatally anil two ser iously injured by fading walls at Fort Wayne, in.l., on the liith. Tb republicans speak confidently of electing the successor toUay, deceased Congressman from Uiuisiaiia. forty round prize tight, between two cadets, Usik place at West Point. N. Y.. on the M, and ended in a draw. It is iindershssl that the friends of the Atchison are ready to advance the money to see it through its present dillictilty. Post Quartermaster-Sergeant Thomas (iritlin, now at ltcnicia Arsenal, Califor nia, lias Im'cii placed on the retired list. Kate II. nun, Iti years old. who myster iously disappears! from Lebanon, III., has been found in a hospital in St. Units. The West Virginia election investiga tion has shown a singularly fair contest. .o genuine Irauds have Isiui discovered. t liidiiuiaisilis on the L"Jd. President Harrison received a large nombtH of call ers in the parlors ol the Denison Hotel. M shone, it is believed, will accept the nomination forliovernorof Virginia, and the administration will give him it sup srt. Lite Constitutional Convention at Bis marck, N. D., has indorsed the pro)Hii- nu o. oo u a norm s our in lee in CIU- ago. The Uritr.ilian envoys to the Congress ot American Mates, to meet in Washing lOU next October, have arrived in New- York. Howe and James l'ullen. under arrest at Liberty, Mo. .charged with the Wabash train rohliery, have practically BStahllmhed an hii in . Is-mg a sxr one. All Russian student are to lie ex- sdltH from Berlin. Four son of the King of 8iam are being educated in Kngland. Dr. Carver's Wild West in Berln i said to lie doing very well, Ireland has a prospect of the moat abundant harvest in years. Oreec.e has her cm rent crop, just a New Jersey has her pencil crop. ford, Tulare county. A jwper-mill is to be started at Toledo, Iewis county, W. T. The PottoAc at Rufus, Wasco county, Or., lias lieen burned. The National Grange will meet at Sac ramento Novemlier 1H. The Salvation Army has invaded the : sin red presinct of Olympia. I Santa Ana. Cat., is thoroughly aroused I'igeon-flying is growing to lie an ab- over the beet sugar question, sorbing amusement in Fngland. . , Auburn, Placer county, is becoming A Paris exhibition stage beauty is go- i prominent as a snipping point. nig to enter tne uarem oi a inrx. After many years' neglect the English now begin to appreciate tomatoe. has 0i K. Hunt, of Point Arena, Cal been apsiinted a military cadet. Forest fires destroved liOO stands of It is announced that the Piris Exposi- bee ior Mr. Riche, near Colton. tion lias more than paid ex p nses. , San Luis Obispo county gives 4 cent " mayoncas sciuence has ts-en ,,r eac h s a li. of a wound smnrre . commuted to penal servitude for life. reiroicum in large ipiaoiiiics nan ijctu discovered in the State of Chiapas, Mexico. li. Mir t i. I li u Oannlng Sweet Corn-To Trap Hawks -Preserved Peacties-Tbe Best Ptrtl User-Water Cress. It never trouble the wolf how many the sheep lie. A bad cook should serve as atonement for any amount of wickedness. Many a cake and batch of bread are ruined by slamming the oven door. A good mulch i a layer of fine soil, such as frequent, shallow cultivation provides. If you want the pedigree of the scrub animal, set it down as ignorance, pre judice and parsimony inbred for generations. One bushel of muck about a young vine or tree, in clayey soil, will give but ter results than would he obtained if u aa hoed or watered continually. Wagons and cart that are used dui! should have the axles Well greased al least three times a week. It lessens the work of the horses. More and finer Irtiit can lie eecured bv heavy mulching than by cultivation Deep cultivation near the roots ot small Iruits is worse than neglect. (irass growing around peach trees will do the trees more injury than ay other source ol damage, the peach orchard requires thorough cultivation. PORTLAND MARKET. FRISH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IN GOOD DEMAND. The Coffee Market Is Firm-Wool and ftiop Seem to be Ufule -Fresh Meatsare Repor ed Very Weak-Flour Is Active. A few Sundays ago the young Earl of Dudley lost 150,000 at cap's in Paris. The capital stock of the English brew ery syndicate is said to be $100,000,000. Tin' Knglish government will not in troduce a new Tithes bill in Parliament. A w hite kangaroo, the first ever known. is on exhibition at the Indon Aquarium. The first draft of Poe "The Bells," was lately sold in Iiondon for nearly fso. Admiral Kiiuberly will reach San Fran cisco on the steamer Honolulu next month. Monsignor Fava, Bishop of Grenoble, has accepted the Patriarchial See of Jer usalem. The prize for short-hand writing at the Vienna competition was taken by a woman. A Belfast firm has just made a vessel 6N be, long, lOO feet less than the Ureat Eastern. Crop report from Austria-Hungary, indicate alxrnt three-fourth of the aver age yield. It is predicted the Conservatives will carry the next elections in the Canadian Northwest. A Swedish butter extractor delivers butter from fresh milk at the rale of a pound a minute. King Humbert has appointed Inventor Edison a (irand Ollicer ol the Order of the Crown ol Italy. Kate Rorke, one ol Iondou's most prominent actresses, married E. W. .miner on August 8th. A Miss Dab! lias passed the pluirina 'iilical examinations ami will lie first pharmacist in Norway. Helena, M. T., arrested and locked up the Salvation Army, twenty strong, last week. A brush fire near the railroad depot ut Olympia, on the 22d, created quite a panic. Imanuel Poor of Madera, is believed to have perished on the alkali fiat while insane. The Revenue Cutter Rush n Im d tli3 American schooner James O. swan on July 30th. The Nevada State Board of Education lias ordered (ireek and Ijitin studies to Is abandoned. An Knglish company contemplates building extensive iron works near El lensbtirg, W. T. I.atah county, Idaho. Iioasts of a gen uine ice mine, with veins from one to four inches thick. Karl Jemer, aged 4"i years, a tinner from California, committed suicide at Seattle last week. Judge Pierce, who was shot at San Diego by a dissatisfied litigant, is pro rMUnoed out ot danger. The third annual meeting of the Wash ington Tcrritori Press Association was held in Tacoiiia recently. There is some talk of giving Joseph Roda, a cruel wife-bear at (irass Valley, "0oe 01 Ulr MM u,"lll('r8- The Best Southern pa- An infuriated cow pierced with her J P.r RV("r8 that wood ashes contain all the horns and tore the thigh of Mr. Wagoner, ' '"'"eral elements of wood in an available living near F'resno, last week. wnn. Ground raw lone supplements White Bean Soup. Steep the white beans over night in cold water, drain and put into cold water and boil until you . an rub them as a paste through a sieve, add a little milk and hot water some shreds of onion, return to soup pot Season to taste and flavor with parsley or dried thyme. Canning Sweet Corn. One quart of water to three quarts of corn. Let the corn come to a boil. Add one teasHX)n ful of tartaric acid to each quart of corn Boil fifteen minutes. When wanted for use, add one teaspoonfu! of soda to each quart of corn ; let it stand one hour lie fore cooking. Cucumber Catsup. Orate large CUCUm Iters ladore they begin to turn vellow drain out the juice and put th - pulp through a siev to remove he large seeds . till a bottle halt lull of he pulp iliscnriling the juice, anil add lac same quantity of ten per cent vinegar; cork tightly. When usitl add pcpH'r and salt; salt kills the vinegar if put in when made. During seasons when rains are frequent thecttectol tile drunage is made v.-rv manifest by comparison with undrain 'd fields. It requires hut a shott lime for a tile drained field to rid itself of the sur plus water and become warm. Tile drainage has in all cases proved of incal culable benefit to lands that are liable to continued dampness from an excess of moisture. A IJuick Manure. If your Btrawlierry beds or yeur flower lieds seem to be languishing, and especially if the leafage it. small and pale, a little saltpetre, say a pound to a square roil, if applied just Is; lore rain, will astonish you by its effect in stimulating the growth and enriching the color. D should he scattered as evenly as possible on the soil, not on the plants, li rain is not expected at once, a liberal watering will develop it action. Congress at Posen, Germany, repre senting LUOOO liarliers, lias declared agaiiiBt Sunday shaving. While a steamer was making a trial trip at Shanghai, last week, her boiler ex ploded, killing thirty men. Italy will proliably not be represented officially at the Monetary Congress, which is to assemble at Paris. Abner Lee, near Woodland, had lioth I of his legs cut off by the cylinder of a threshing machine last week. Promising silver formations have been ; found within four miles of Ogden, and much excitement lias followed. An investigation of the proier authori ties shows that Santa Rosa is entitled to a carrier postal delivery system. John Roland was shot by Timothy Flanagan at Caliente, Cal., on the UOth. Roland will die from his wounds. 7,1 "'",,D r " ." " A bridge is to be constructed across the ..Di..r ..... , , .u,. ,.re,eu lr. i i.e i tyoliiititua river near Vancouver, by a cover eight to ten mile per hour. . company with a capital ol feOW.fJfjO. IliBinarek is endeavoring to persuade Joshua Brown, a pioneer of Oregon, Spain to enter the quadrotiple alliance in died near lndenendeitce. Or., last week' oruer io rentier to rrance power less. ; lie leaves au estate valued at $100,000. London lias a child barber, a girl 4 Vcitrs old. wdio shaves live toon in tttirtv 1 H"' minutes). She is a wonderful little RUl1 t,lw entire mail captured and rifled haver. The Constitutional Convention which ha IsH'n in session tit Olympia for fortv- - ! .,.l,... ...i: i " j.T u.i, o, ntijotirucu sine uie on uie Zil. The stage lietween Canon City, Or., nd Baker City was held up last week It is estimated that the Paris exposi tion this year has caused nearly 150, 000,000 of American money to Ik) dropped in Europe. Russia' finance tMMM to be in com petenl bands For the first time in years the reports show a balance in lavor of Uie government. - Great Statesman "Will the Aw trnliau ballot .yMeinluterfeiv win, the ! of whisky'" allien Xo" rest BtataWlM 'Can a caudi.'ale treat everybod) he erenU t..r QUI. Certain.. " "ilissm Ihs-s .1 'l atter whethe, w. ,, drk or seherr Clil N , particle. ' (ViU M,,!esiuun ..wel 1 c'n object,, , to II." pot' " ft ft. -A lady say. that the mortality among the Mav.ns tn,,-t (. v,.n this year, for every time she ak. for rwreation her husband tUt he i. "obliged uiatleml abruther's fnnersL" bt Uhiii. Magazine. .fhiV'-ihscod. thelvr U " " flr "? M.r, hant Travels. uie riuteher adds "lgb. I.orida Time. truck his hand to The Kansas City Council has iusse.1 a i -i . . . . .. - law iiiising imcktilcr s heense to .l e gps ers worked this through to kill the I'tismcss. I. Frank Collcm, the allegisl forger ol .7,000 worth of notes, was releasl tmui the MinueaH)hs jail on the 10th, m ntni.oiHi nan. iicnrv icrian, a prominent voting man it i DYinglon, M , was killed Ity a blow rtim a Is'cr glass in the hands of a oinaii at a dance-house. The NewiMirt cottagers, in their fight against the street railway there, set up .. i-i i . i i mi . .. . toe i taiiii in ineir inn oi isimiv that lliev own to the middle of the tlreet. it is gravely announced in the di patches from the English fleet that it ha captured the White Star strainer Her mann and the Amerhan liner British I'r'iiccss ami made their pnsatugcr pris oners of war. This i part of the mimic warfare indulged in by the English fleet which went to sea alter the review of Knqs'ror William. James Spencer, of Parke county, Intl., hail his face accidentally bruised by the head of a horse atllictisl with glanders. The disease was thus communicated to Spencer ami lie died in three weeks, snllermg meanwhile greatly from infia tuation i ml sore. A tire on Ismrd the steamship Alliance, when between Pprnaiiihnco ami ltiihii. for New York from Braml.citme nesi rojmg the vessel on the sth. The tire was in the hold but was subdued after cons,. , rah!., work. The Cardinal Archbishop of (irau, Hiingarv, eiihivs an Ititxime of 400.ikl it was a aise Irishman ho Said : "For a nice, quiet clane, daient, aiay job, I'd i ne io is a nisuop, sir. Nrrvsaa lUrrra. 1K FLINT'S REMEDY must 1h. taken when exceesiveorcoiitiniioiismus- ular exertion, exciting usaaions.or mw indu.gen. e stimulating food r drink, or nervous disorders hare long continued. I i'criptie treatise with ea.'h Is.ttle or aiUlrves Miuk lrug Co., N. Y. I hiring a public concert at Rome, laat week, a Isiuil Austrian End were injured Aeailoiwas awarded $1,500 damages against Captain Moore of the hark City of Carlisle by Judge Sahin, at Portland, on uie -in n. Mining oH'rations of Americans in Lower California aro checked liecause of the heavy duties exacted by the Mexican uovernment. T t.... . ei h . . wa. exploded near the i , ,,overnor U. Uavis, of 'assv. and eight hereon. .'."m,"' .,u'aa ,u ' rtlen on the " 1 "i oi heart thsease. His family is visit itig in the East. Fifty-two new war ships are lieing built The company building the railroad in (ireal Britain additional preparation 1 from Belliiigham Bay to the Columbia ior me maintenance oi international , river has largely increased it capital. It px'ie ', oi course. A dynamite cartridge exploded last week in a coal mine at Oonon, Hungary. Five pbieOM were killed and a number ol others injured. is now $t!,000,000. In a collision on iween iwo ireigntsnear Meachani Btation on tlie .'.tti, l-i reman hrank was instantly killed the Short Line has 01 rank McConnc Manfred Paine, the noted desperado of i-ougias county, w. t'., who murdered I unstable .lack Hubbard tl was capture.1 on the Ud Jiree years ago, A wrtklen doll with jointed arms and legs was found in a sarcophagus, con taining the skeleton of ayounggirl, lately unearthed in Rome. Addison Darr hanged himself at Mc rlie Is'trothal is anii'miiced at Berlin Miuuville. Or., on the lKih Ra an ol the Duke of Nassau to Primx ss Mar-, old resident ami afraid that he would 1- gari't, the youngest sister of Emperor come a burden to his frieuds. William of liermany. Alil , la tbstt nIH its h- r wa. The Pot has .hs' to send a rvpre- ZZISKS9' taeb on sentative of the Uolv Bee to Washington ' ' ' s, rl"""' "'Hr ut-ainonga, on in Noretnbet to atend the tleliction of ",e "a ml WM nwirl-v k,lle'1- the Catholic University. The Senate Committee oo Arid Units j reached Wlnnemiicca en the li'd, antl The Earl of Fife declines to mrmit his were warmlv welcomeil. St-iutn mi... wife, Princess Ixiuiee of Walee, to ac- art and Reagan deiivere.1 addresses. cept any sliare ot the Parliamentary grant to (lie royal family. Qtteen Victoria has sent Colonel Hour and to Pans to present to Edistui one of his phonographs, into which she had spoken, warmly xingratulatingthe Amer ican inventor. The r.s ent tloo.1 in Kansas w as general throughout the western part of the State. Salt creek at Lincoln went over it Imnks and over MO txittagea wert ulinerge.l. A Marching party has been organited to uu. .in h C.'iu'cderate guns said to have been buried in New Mexico during the retreat of General Sibley's armv of Tex ans. Ed Smith, stable employe at Port land, wa thrown from the third story of a building to the ground bv a rival in love affairs. Both arm and one leg were fractured. The hop crop of Oregon and Washing- . : o i ... . . .... .0 uu Kin iv ouit sisiui iwo minis but Elder William Spry, alias Franklin good oualitv. Most of the Hi L n." will llavtnour, who ha Iwn working un Uie I done hwhite and l.m L. Mormon convert in the Chattanooga. (Titnese will lie einnlovod Tenn., district, has been arrvsted on tlie barge of bigamy. A horrible wmk HMfj alxmt twenty mile from Knoxville, Tenn., on the The road are in had condition for this Knoxville, Cumberland Gap A Ixmisville season, and the difficulty of using them ""'road, t Flat Gap creek, in which should impress upon farmer the impor- !''.r '" hilled and forty more or lee tam-e of selecting only the moat capable 'njuml. itiens aa nwd overseers. The road tax t .-,,.,w..., -us. is one that returne forefol.l to Uie f,., i. " ir7. "'.V.'W'W,,' C,P" . ... .. . . . . . . .-i t .oruipii hi i on ami nmniim..i this with nitrogenous matter ami a need ed excess of phosphoric acid. For trees ten inches or mere in diameter, a barrel of ashes and fifty pountls of bone spread evenly around the tree over a circle 0f thirty feet in diameter antl dug in well astonish most people by the effect it will produce. Preserved Peaches Twelve pountls nun peat ncs, six poutuiB sugar, one pint vinegar. Make a svrup of the sugar, vinegar and a little water. When this tomes to a mm, tiron in a few at a time and cook until thev are so soft that a broom splinter will easily pierce to the stone. Do not think this is a recipe for pickled peaches; the vinegar will not lie noticed except in the increased richness of the preserves. How to Trap Hawks -According to a New England authority the liest way to trap hawks that he ever heard of is to set up a oost ten feet high near the poultry yard with a perch on it. On this perch set a common steel trap bailed with a chicken's head or a dead chicken. The hawks like to perch on some such point of observation before taking their final swoop down among the chicks, ami are very apt to get caught in such an arrangement. Clover can lie sow n in the fall The seed is put in aliout tho middle of Aug us or Heptemlier. To prepare the land plow it now and let the seeds of weetis sprout. Just before seeding plow the ....... .ikiiiu, aim nrcss it with a mixture of thirty bushels of lime and wood ashes harrow well, sow the seed and brush the over, so as to lightly wver the seed I will make abetter "catch" than when clovei is seeded on grain in the spring. Fruit Dangers antl Remedies. An excessive amount of fruit, or, if eaten either in the unripe or over-ripe state produce various disturliances in the system, chiefly so because of its tendency to ferment ami decompose within the digestive tapt ami to produce stomach ami liowel disorders. If these distuhan ces are not too great, or too prolonged thev nml occasion no special anxiety' A dose of castot oil. In u-hl.-l, a i of laudanum have lieen added is usually Biithcient to clean out the irriuting "de bris," and in a dav or luv. .!, a-ftftRkai i 7 , natural .......... wai a resioretl. it there is tnui l griping ami pain with the movements nun uiem- ins nine nin num. ....... i.. wi.l.,1 II .u ... , 7. oe ...... ..I...,-, nit- nose oi in u ..... .1 l... fi i : -- - "e un ivni-ii iiv curia ng in- ivnv I... nun ISMBW IV a itlel nf Except iu a very few line the local merchandise markets continue more than usually active for the time of year, and an excellent feeling prevails. In no case is complaint made of a lack of orders while in many directions firms are taxed to their utmost to keep up with them The coffee market is firm at the advance noted last week. There is a good market for both fresh fruits and vegetable at quotations, vegetable being none too plentiful. Nothing new to report in the grain market, quotations being about the same as reported last week. F'or dairy produce antl poultry the market is fairly firm at quotations. The demand for tlou is active and quotations firm. The wool market is very dull with a downward tendency. GROCRKIXS. Sugars, Golden C 6lge.. extra 0 fiVc drv granulated 8tc, cube, .'rushed and powdered 8,c. Coffee : Guat r.... ei. ""HI , , 'V, """"kMXcld.thu .uu in,, im ni.i,.. .f "W.,.i,a . .""" ... . eiu'ii i ' i inn - "litii iiii (wnn hi.-.. 1...... s ui inifiir .. iwcting the existent' ( iZ a a novilii i . i in ieirei IIIIllfA ..v. ........ . - . " ""f"i onuilia A IW..IM. I ... r """" "i omier ot thn . Itlive Infl lKn ti a " gni tlnriliant 1 .. uyron nrui not ,DBiii , have roinnlned tlmH kviuw mil nave turasi u . pneuey and Keats conntmi nything in those dv .u . " vioi iii was unpopular. If Jjj, mm llllll l lull B rich nisti..- v. Minftrf lnieiiociuai Bide of her r,. have overshadowed thcarti. VI .11.1.1 li. .. .... t I v II ft I ' '"'"in ana exMiinj losopny. t n t h in k i it m.,. - - , B WLiu an iisMiiiisiinieiii at exampl kind, which is in iUelf sm. net .iiii. iney ining it very gurorUm.iL. una snoii u sncceoi .. ... a im which ho low I... ... i 1. , - ' viuctl IcalUfQ, nevor haimen P i: li. beribner s Magazine. POINTS FOR SMOKERS How l. .I'l.i. li... i . ... . ii . 1 mil ll.Hklti( Th.B U- I. ui io u (jotui ior weal irivetl hv n itini. ni L O -J nuv UU. UL. cignrs very frequently, but k He says if you will carry ... nu.nuai sasj ino uioiiiii enu uown tliere I III...!. , ... iuss iiKoiiiioou oi uie lODaooo broken or tho wrapiier Ihnn If urn. ,.n...... il I.L .1 Ami lit ih I..,....,,. II uoillt: If VOII are 11 hilliu...! .J.r.. put them in the pocket on t side, for tho constant nawinti arm in the manipulation ol then wear upon that side, and, UiiMj result in crushing the t l. .:,. tl... ...... ...... .. . I.... . 1... . .1 l ... , Buck a I,,.,. 1. riftM "lu igac win oe un bdooiuci While waiting for an elevator iu tlm Pulmur tllan a I'leasiii e. bouse a restrter was au involuntary witness And hore is a third point: lltht to a most affecting farewell scam. Tri sllirht fenllmr of ihowpii ink. Wh!'!'' .','.Ut!'"'i!!K y""ng 'ies wcre talk' of water to clear the throat, ud o "lv" 11 os u. 1 union null ' u i i i Is I 1 a. ... n INI Hill 1 ' MII.I II' II iff. v nuitifi tiiit' ' 1 1 I 1 111 1 mi., i.r t lkk I ready talken bad raid I r friend M vfali that any serious sickness, throw L11HV imil Builll T M.i us ho ... tk. ftl .- 1 11.'Ntr tlllft litnti uitiiiL' nff K IMS iititainala l!K, Java jiw.kc, uoeta Kua ai .'-"n,c, Mocha 374c, Rio 22(8280 roasted Java 3032c, Arbuckle'a roasU'il PROVISIONS. Oregon ham 13(ai3,c, breakfast bacon !2Vi(ai3c, sides 'J"-. 10c, Eastern ham 13 in He, breakfast bacon l-'ac, (idea Bjb ahotiitiers :h Lard hc. rati its. Peaches 75eatl.50. apple $l(1.2o. lemon 8, fi :ily $7.50, pears $11.25. OKIKI) KKl'ITS. Apples 4(36c, evaporated 0fflH'c sliced Be, pear c, ieaclies MffllUc, Oretn piuuis .jen, iH-titc prunes mttoc, tierman SUfMe, prunes, Italian 7c, silver BJ(a7c, Cslifornia fis 7c, Smyrna due lMUe, ap.icot III. .f Mc, raisins $1.75f2.26 per uoz. VEGETABLES. rouiioes, new. IH1.1U. sweet B wr ut, onions i, green peas oc. DAIKV PKODUC. Butter, Oreiton tancv 30c, dairy 22),(92fjc, common lOOJiSWo. Eastern .'2c, Ualifonua 18(ii20c. nous. E)a25t. POULTRY. Cliicken $3(S4, broilers $2.50(33. old 5.50, yount? ntfM $8(rl0 vounu tur keys 1)40 per lb. WOOL. Valley 17ail)t!, Uiunque 10(a20c. East ern Oregon bi it I I . HOPS. Hops 10a,12g'c. OBA1K. Wheat, Vallev $1,224. Eastern OreBon $1.10. Oat 88A40P, new 88(130. twin. Standard $4.25, other braml $8.75 m i.W. FEED. I M k T m Asesini Thenatu,;' aha ii... . . --"i ...ui an.. veim in,.,... i - Mi narrowest contain within li..,.""! . .... ii... theinvHrlBl.i,.,,:- "'" tMdlDg Indlvldaau M n... i . " "nii.. ,. concealed within fame, narh.n. , 4 ',, ;. c" niitiio-t... ' '"iiiwen. liiiuit 1 1 ht old seal I'll til ...... .- - ., " Ills nines, uf great again -t bounds to the f.,t. - I.. ...... ""Ull.: 1 . . 'viini,-. . IM II ....,. i. ... .. I.J . U,e 1 Of fcftft' -i.u men i . '"' io ... ne Dremim.ii. '. FHa rJ t . If the fiddle a. ihirt. ..T S..I..I ..' '"""Ollll J ,..e-t Ulal h( ."uu UI1 lll'eiennll.L . ...1 . . r "W T u,"i o is no tfloh.i. I. U. I ally Scott fell Into nov,!.tpll. j . i.i.u .i , e v ipiv .1 -I. ' 1 tnv l aw: per ton, bran shorts $10.50, $14.60 barley Hay $13(414 hop 118020. $20(322.50. FHB8H MEATS. Beef, live. 2?433c, dressed, (i1 mutton, live, 2K08e. clresstHl 6(C7c nogs liveoc. dressed, 77c; veal,0(i8t sad atileu was nt hand. "Well, good-by, Lou." "I don't like to say good-by." "Wish you could coma" "So do I." "Oh, caramels!" "What's the uiatterT' "I forgot that uovel." "I'll send it by post," "Oh, don't trouble." "Hope you'll have a good trip." "I expect to." "Well, good-by." "Good-by." They kissed. It sounded like the arisen "wiuK in m corner pocket. "Got everything but the book I" "Yes." .'. v0" ' forfCet th6 nio tlm ' the races. Nor that tan colored dress in the box " "That was lovely." "But too awfully load." "Well, good luck." "Uood-by." h i lour oi o .. in. ner nn ni i gentleman who heard those l vanccu suggested is that u w cause it becomes necessary cigar go out, it will be a good Hot to lake a final miff, bill to blow and expel the smoke I uin-nuiir and. his c ears t ie tho fire dies out. it will be found relighting that the cigar U ol vor. In fact, an expert has s If n eon e iroiiil el.rnr Will MIS by letting it go out, following u.wl t ..... i.rl.t.MlT .1 -unllTI I Dispatch. A Hint That Was Understood The storv Is told of Rev. ( ille. who has iust resigned the "Oh, shoestrinirs! but nlr,l P.- t nf (;ioh. Witlnv Worcestershire.' tan las asMMfl . i... . . . , i ....... i... LVrhV Th ii ,Ll"r,0US "U'ses at th was presented to him rjy we um I aZZI i.. .u - '"UQ ,l M at homo if - jiiw tuein. 'One was Mr. Proctor and" Oh I know I I saw it in the paper, was Clauny Gale." "Well, gootl-by." "Good-by." "Don't forget to writs." "No." "Good-by." "Gootl-by. "-Chicage Tims. b nuet neat broths, e t'onta.,.ingri.'e,lrley.orsago: by ri, and milk, milk oat, etc. Water Cress 1 be . ....... .. . weed, pure and simnlw It , naSKr... in' ""'"""K TTr tnor- to cultivate it am! produce a better and more delicate species have been made, and signally failed IV der artificial treatment it loses the faint piquant, muetard flavor that i iu espec ial charm, and assums much of the hot Pungent, tate of the horseradish , flourishes for nearly nine months in the i . -i'"ur leaves o then. plnUmay lT left to rither; an" n ' the oung tlelicate sU'in. picked. It , S notUr,xx,kingofny kin.l. buteaun Iai (n . 0nmt c,y t: r Z T' r Und memi farr '-'"" ''era. Hs you sxe "Ever since morning," replied th. little 1st stum hvTm"g Hp' " h limbed upon Mump I. thewajsuietorest and bru hl i ill ii si nr 1 1, ....... i i . stains "... n,gnw,,y Ir" travel onaviM .,'... ..?;her w' Cgo mi struck set aero, th countrv. Pra 2 .1 .....II I- IDE. .1... n. .1 .. IIBI oi isuuiey in itvii; inai ",u i, , . . ii. t . i uving oecnme vacant. iut. I ... . U . I .aI.aM Af Ufl iitiacuen io iiuiisoiiui - ft LI I . I, ,.'," ceaaeo nomenian in tao ! . chaplain, and having to preach" 1... 1 r Ul .1.1.. ....Imn h( lUY Ut3lOre IllS ItUOHJ ynivv, iineinrnti no. nra io nrtuu.. the parish in a 3ermon founded ( text: "lord, remcmbei Irtvia. ,.;.i l. .i... . .'. ."Lri.t:.1. I HI H LOO IUUUI vmi... IT .-I .u.ft . . ....airi tod r." 1 " with much unction. There u tnkinir his desim expressed io Iird Dudley gave lnm tne tarn X. Indejiendent Chicago Tri if rightly applie.1, which would be the cue if the farmers themselves would take more interest in the matter. This i the sea son for hauling gravel on the road and ditchea should be dug along the side for carrying off the water. I ell-gravehd road should lie serviceable the entire year and show no effects of use except when the frost is leaving the ground. and equip a mlroad and telegraph line from Cortland to Seattle. W. T with eeveral branch line, one of which i to extend to Itray tlartwr and another to Curt Townaend. A report come from that Mia Huntington, daughter of C. P. Hunting ton, is to marry Prince Mati, ahooi she t'M met m Mauo. app.aae. " sgre.,eu w.Ui A the Republh-aa Sute Conventi n held at Ana.vnda, M. T. on ,Z Hon T II i'. u. OZl"" re-nomitut)M of Helen, t .. .vernor, an . J y it,..u anisot Butte, was 7Z jg tenant (ioTernor. u JS9E . ooe"' IS twentv rears . triutsd employe oi L H. BuUer 77o plm-atiooal puhliher at gXlT dieappeejed II .. hu, heillUiSVit; hort in his SftNtmnt. n ,. I"1 Occasion. mm) car fa. eh 2 J v 1"U iJhUT bUt 4 doU". ' -urs you imrxsiTmm ho. Wor,th' lh fn.o. -French" Printer." ink. II Z US "orld -hich .be ii. 'h,ule Nsw. luat. for wa -The nitisl ecotietical of tne i States. -Me.": most religion. most As at c. "Ind. ; lamer Pa."; most maidenly. "MU time of floml. "Ark.' ; rnosl u haying time, ".Mo. ; uei'" Tenn.": Stale of eXClsssW a . ftJ most astonishing State, "U healthv State. "III.": State to sick. "Md": State for "Conn."; State where there 1 1 word ns fail. "Kan. ": not " . . . . ... . .. v.n.n , the nun. v "Hash, -i""'" pan ion. One advantage of tarn. .' nr. n writer .'.1 Wla'1 thai It ia'fti.ilv heated." Tat' tri... .1 ft.,, ..ii Miitmv in toe. J.iU ,....... ,h for sniv' is not wholly iinienns1 ine report ol aujuw iTttm iiinees the nururrii-- nf th. v. v.,.b- ftii.te miliu' MV . . . " ft 111 K ' ' " ft A.. .. . . .1 I-.. ..... mm, tne greatest In me V VlVsnia ia aft.vmil with S Ilnitlth rH w Ih .. Hl'i. lr". line is Svinth rani ina. WDW"". . .. . . . .. ...... .. or ou v saw ess than usw- the unormuiixad militi SUte is 116 0IS) and irely. Massachusetts ttiai" ... . . . ..!.. wiin t,H2, but the fix lend to some random g-ues' , tieorgia which surpae In" iew nundrnd. L.lttie Jwy an enthusiastic mili"'T follows. havinM.lr4orgsnil . ... A ft I . I , ' ft ":.iisi i.ii oi iiiinwis. . to help. The next i Ciilrt