VOL 2 2 .pUBUMOD EVEUY SATURDAY.) 1. 1 OAMfBBLL, ,.l.HO.. r uud Proprietor. ..i-lMfK-Ou KM Heart Hide f Willamette mSiSwlS to "' str,t- TKKMS OK SUBSCRIPTION. "7. $2 50 lr annum , 1 25 Si. Month.- L three OUR OMI.V KA.TBS OF ADVKKTIHING. idvertiaeiuent. inserted as follow.: . , ' .,,, ten liuet or leu oue intertlon 3; JSSlXmm W. OMh reiiur.1 toflrttar.wUltahedrt tl. EfSfflU month. W ffitCrtETta ioc,i ' -iuuin, 'JO cents . iin tor each inertlon. 'Advertising bills will be rendered quarterly. All job work muit be paid roB ON DHIT1BT. CEO. B. D0RRI8, Attorney ami Counsellor -at-Law, .. .. . ....... ivr Mm i. n lit i'lu of the newiuil .nuncim uibuw. aim iu for Infants and Children. CMtorUuMwdladupWtocUlilwnthit I Carter! r.i-ommonaitMwprriortoii7prvcriiuon I s ' : "" ILi.Aimm.MD.. I illi 111 So. Oxford 8t, Urooklyn, K. Y. WHtoui'lajurloo medication. Delta. Coneflratl". . arrho'ii, Krm-kttion, Urn p, ami laxiiuolasi ill- Tut (."entai (Vihmxv, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. UiveTueni it i luiuce! i ThKt i to nay, jrour lungs: Alto all you j breathing machinery. Very wonderful i machinery it is. Not onlv the larg-r air I pau(n. imt the thoauuda of little MM and cavities leading Iroui tlum. When these are clogged tn.l choked with uialtcr which ought not to bo :, re, your lungs can ! nor do their work And wlia't they do, they j cannot do wi l l. Call It cold, cough, croup, iniciimmiia. cntmiU. uiuumi-tioU or iiny of the family of throat eud mi and head and lung obstruction,, all are bud. All ought to he (jot rid of. That is jukI one tore way to gt t nd of thrua. That ia to lake Boa ehce'aOwau Syrop, which any druggist will M-ll you at 7' cuts a bottle. I'm nil everytfcwg else Ml failed you, YOU may do peu I DUOO Ihial for d ilaiu. What Is It? That Wrvrk at Vititiittn. Iliirhwitv Rubbery. The Sah in Journal gives the following account of a highway robbery, by which Mr Albany Herald, Sept. M.) Pi.duil.lv Ih.fore tliia time the news- ' MMI on the Sound and other rival porta ' Alhaugh, a farmer lii in .; a f. M miles south, to Ywpiina are publishing under big head- 0(wt f Salem, w.n the Tictim to Iho amount liuea a lltrilliut; account of "Another Wreck I ..I Ya.nHtia ' Tli kiiimle (ncla in ohlailieil ! ' H'lu: from a nentleinati who came over from, Mr. Albaugh la a fumer, having Yauuina veatirday. ate that the Komim. a ' c. ntly piirclinse.l a nw liule tD iiunted IKhiim aehooiur. woilh I'liamberliii on tin w .Supreme Court of thia SUte. Sinful HWawa a,atwr la probate Siajial attention i'lveii to PMHOHUU aitd L. BILYEU, -Attorney and Counsellor at Law, - KUtiENK CITY, OKECON. 1 KACTICES IN Al.Il'HE COURTS OF thia State. Will Kiv apee' attention In callectioua and probate matter. UmCa -Over Hendrick ft Eukiu'a bank. A. 0. WOODCOCK, Attoriiey-at-Luw. ;U iKMK CITY, - - - OKHtiON iiKKICK-ltiH.ins 7 ft HuUlarta nmiiimr. STARR, GRIFFIN, & BROWN. Hardware. Tin- ware & Stoves. r.SH)cial attention anil Probate buaineaa. given to C. llecti"lia GEORGE A. DOIUUS, Aitorncy-at-l.a , kuukki ciry, - U met In Ueifi'ter Itloek. ORKQUN J.J. WALTON, Jr., ATTO HNKY-AT-LAW KUGKNK CITY, OREGON. WIU. 1'IUCJTCK iU ALL THE t 'oarta of the State. Special attention given to real estate, col MUag, and probate mattera. I'lOllecting all kinda of claims aaiuat the 'Jniteil Statea Government (llhee in Waltoa'a brick rooma 7 and 8. Seymour W. Condon, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, DUNN'S BUILDING, Eugene, - - Orcpon. GEO. M. MILLER, oittornoy and Ccunsellor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. . . OREGON Bank BuildinK KDOKNI CITY, On ice-Lane Co. Pumps, hi and P in Hoods, Thai i tmlnecs thai bfjaw fully soft com oliAioii and lovtaaaVtracea i ita npplicn- tiou or iiiiurivua.irjpts'f TafHtitawtT, Wi dom's Roliirline arniniplialies all thia, and is pronounced by Indict of taste and retinc rr nttoktjAemBtM delighiful toilet article .,i produced. Wnrrautwl batmleat and luuieliliaa. F. M. Wilkina, tfent, EnfMt City. - tfc - ' 1 IM ADVICK Tt MOTHKUS. Htv Wimuiwi SuhnilN Bfko t, fi ii.il .Iren trelhim;, i the preacription of one of the httl h male nuraea and phyaiciatu in the Chile, I Mate, and haa laen uaid f'T forty yearaa ith neier failiiiu ancceaa by millions of mothers lor ll.eii i hil-irm. liming the pro cess of tceliiiiiL- i:s vain, i Incalculable. It leliwea the child ftoiu pain, chits .lyaetilrrj unit diiinhoia. urluhui In the bowela, and ind Otilkt, Kyirlvlnj health to the child it reatt the Ho r. Price a hull le. . . T:tkc Not iff. Thai A t'r.i.l-iuith haa the latl, lineal mid bi ai itock of Qnei Mf Crnt It re and Olaaa, ctit bronuhl to Kugiti, Give him i rail and he will prove it to )ou. about while out ocep si a llshliii;. In iiniii l i calim .1 mid dt iftnl upon Hie aaml- a mile ladow the aioith jetty. Thtte tlslier- uien on board MtM to the liuuii'i: all the afteiuoou. A life boat went to tin it n-cue. but the men not fielinn Iheinaelvea in muchdannir, prefcrnd to atay with their veaacl. Tie y wailed until low tidtt and then waded nahore. Tin ir little Kiat was left comfoitably hi(;h ami dry It will be loiuhd oil a watton and hauled back to a tpuiua City and launched Igtia. Tins will apoil luauv incjeniotta aruumenta aniinst the auletv of Yaniiii4 hurt, t, but truth COBitiell ua to tay that the inei h nt Ot tailed one mil. aoiith of the harbor, and tlul ih n hi not been "another wreck at Vmiuiua." but ro- a larce tarni ol M. I.. rnmer road, lie aolil hta Albany II 'laid: Just over the rifti ll l'olk couulv thia a'.ison t'lnrl. v and l'.d taMMt have raiaetl aeventy tlvti btisliela of beaut on ail acret ol land. They are acllinp, them at $1.N0 per btiahel. aJUwafh wheat ia a rooJ Hot in thia valley it RMOM the railing; of beau boati it. Tin highest cash pric wheal by V. It liuun will be paid for short no-PLUMB- JOB WORK done on tice at reasonable rates. ING a Specialty. Come and See Us. NEW GOODS. Constipation Demand, prompt treatment. The rn tulta of neglect may bo aerioua. Avoid nil harsh ami ehuttte purgatives, iho tendency of whMk ia to weaken tho liowels. Tho boat romody I Ayor't IMIIs. ItciiiR purely vegetable, their action it prompt and their effect always beneficial. They aro an admirable l.iver and After-dlnnor pill, and every where eudoraed by tho profusion. " Ayor'a Pllla aro highly and univer sity spoken uf by the peoplo about imikn itntly uae oi tncni in my Ut. I. E. Fowler, Bridgt A FINE ASSOBTaMEKT OF BEAUTIFUL DRESS From the Cheapest to the Best at prices according to quality. A LARGE STOCK OF Tl A AWC. 5 and From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties be suited either as to Price or Quality. can pTURESpLEASANTlAXATIVE A Pleasing Sense of Health anil Strength Renewed, awl of Ease and Comfort Fnllowa tho use of Syyop of Figa, as it act, gently on th i KlPNKYS, hlVr.K AM) Bow KM EfljaotaaUy riuainlllg the Ryttrm when C'ostivo or Itilious, Impelling CoMs, Headaches and Vevers anil jxirmunontly ctiritig HABITUAL CONSTIPATION without weakening or irritating tho organ, on which it acta. fat lad. In .ton anil SI. on llultlat hy all J.entlliiK DruificUta MAM'rACrt'tKD OM1 BT Tilt CALIFORNIA FIG 8YETJP 00. Sin I'aiaciKU, Cau, I oi nrnttt Kr.. Ntw Yuaa. N. Y. A. E. GALLAGHEK, Attorney-at-l.aw. KUUEXK CITY OREGON. Special attention given to l'robate buaineaa aud AlutracU of 'iTtle. Orricit-Ovtr Lane County Bank. T. W.HARRIS, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. twaidence ou Fifth street, where Lr Shelton (iriuerly resided. DRS. PAINE & M DONALD Physicians & Surgeons, Special attention Chronic ditetteg. EUGENE. OUEGON. paid to Surgery and Our assortment is Complete, from the hurst I'neeupto the Pmcst;cansuttioujfjoi Wire us a oali OUR STOCK 18 fcfFrcc cw and Wylisli. Mcl ung S Johnson ii AVTjra RKOBMTLY RKHTTID Old (iram;e Sture am off trial the Look its over; hi II to you lo if we .In not nave you mowy, w will i"k aon.o rr-A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES F. 15. DUNN SPECIAL BARGAINS Day In Dress (iiniils, LndiH Hid (lints Under near, Bootf. Shoes ami all eliisses of DRY GOODS. tally toe here. I i iiractlec." port, Comi. "I can recommend Ayor'a Ml atiov, all others, having louif proved their value at n catbartlo for myself and laiuily." J. T. Hess, UlthaTlU,, Plk " For teveral year, Aycr't Plllt have been used in my family. Wo tiud lliuui aa Effective Remedy for conttlpatlon and IndlRettion, and aro never without them In the house." Mom, Grenler, Lowell, Matt. "I hnvo uted Ayer't Plllt, for liver trouble, and Indigestion, diirlna tunny ycart, and have always found them Iirompt mid efficient In their action." j. N. Smith, in.a, N. Y. " I tufferod from ronttipntion which utumed tuch an olittinatu form that I feared it would cauto a Itoppafl tho bowels. Two boxoa of Ayer't I'lllt ef fected a complete euro." I). Uurke, Baco, Ho. "I have used Ayer't Pills for the putt thirty yean and contider them an in valuable family medicine. I know of no better remedy for liver trouhUt, and have always found them a prompt cure for dysnepela." Jamet (juinu, U) Middle St., Hartford, Conn. " Having been troublod with costive nett, which seems Inevitable with per tons of sedentary habita, I have tried Ayer't Plllt, hoping for relief. 1 am glad to say that they have terved me better than any other medicine. I arrive at thl, coneluiion only after a faithful trial of their merits." Samuel T. Jones, Oak tt., Huston, Maat. . Ayer's Pills, I'KEI'AHKU BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Man. Bold bjr all Dealer. In Medicine. T1MUEU LAMi N0T1CX, Unite I Statea l,aud Offlc), UoaahurK, Or.. AiiKU.t 12, llWI. Notice is htaeby given that in coinpllance with th" prorWotM of tht act f ennt'rest of June 3, 1H"H, entitled "An set for the tale of timber land, inthe State, of t 'alifornia, Ore gun, Nevada, and Washlniiton Territory, H I. Sauers, of f 'nainnnnlls, ('oiinty ol Cheha lit, Territory of WaaMMtnt), hat tldsdiiy liled in thi olliiw his sworn "tateiie'iit No for Id, imreha f the S K I 4, Sec It, Ttt H H, It I K, and will iilfe.- proof to .how that the laud sought i more valuable for its timber or dm, than for aMtttwal avpoatai atn to tttabliah his claim to said land before th" lictf Ister and Kenrlver of thl. othce ut liosehuiK, Or, M Monday, tlie Nth day t Ottebtf, lsn'.l. Ilu names, as witnea.es: r. i rain, A Slover. of EiiKnr Laat t'o. , Or., Maaoli Warner of Fall ('reek, Line County, Oregon, A. I'oujade, of Laahlirt, Lane t o tir. Any and all pcnuiiia claiming adier.rly the lhol lltJialbtXl lands are reiUested to tile their rlniina in this office on or before sal I 2Hth day ol October. lHHIt. OhAb, W. JomitTilV, HegfcUr. laheal mid bud to go to Silverton to rcciivo pay lor it the wheal having Iwen shipped there via the narrow gouge. Yesterday af ternoon Mr. Alb nigh went to Silverton to I get the money for his wheat. There was fills.) due niiii and he unwUi ly (Ml pay in ! inonev. rat In-r lli.iu deiHwittng it, and slurtiil for home on hursi b.ti-k. c.nr ing the money ith him. Night wes coming ou mid M the time he hoi niiive.l at I'lllt erven, a'few miles out of Sllvciton, it was dusk. DayMUMd and little Ihinkiug wh it might be in store (or bun he crossed ilu-Ibifl creek bridge, hu a man sli nprd from lb, brush iiul U ' :. - 1 ' -dv f at- ' he Ucl'l Mt AlbailL'h u-nve th- coaimind. "leu I up our hands!" Mr Albnugh was unick Id ns noud win n a man sli pped up beliin I him mid renin sled him to (ink over hit wealth i'h.-ie was nothing to do but to submit and this he did lira. cliil'.v, mill the roliuvra ineil to gloat invi r tin- su,-e em of tin ir lariliL' eiilure. Kohber No. 1 eontinueil lo kei n Ihe revolver ooinled at I In- head ol I i . .. ... ., MUiugh, who ratln-r ilisliki.i the aeeuracy (the aim. After thi-v had put tlie mone. aw iv tin in in Willi ot'a w n i i - I i i i i ainoigu 'had a good notion to shoot him any " At tht-s the i bin r HMVtal as if t( and Alii nigh Rwblwd fur the phrtol nd nil Hi il iln-1 h.ogi' i i ois liana, iiMKing i most itaii.ltil wound. seci n.l shot wa Hr .l, wrt (oHnnetely atrnvk a walob wblal traalahlx rt puket lae lull g'-ineed K bni iWiiImI 4 if a iti b. I be altol no lo d I uoald have b i n lat.tl had II lint Stllilk t In- Willi ll. Alti-i hung the s end ah il 111" rubber. and a.inhMn- lllllrd I'- I s iliss ip are.l III III, fun si ill .1 made g I tin It i Malta. Mr Alluiigh t r id' I oil Ins way home, telling ihe in luhlsos of Hie i ,.bb, i , b it no chase il,l I in,i le. N.'.ld h ..I i' il 1ml ,.b, in .ml in I llo g'lih in, : ! n kin st pricimh d the rubbers la mg followi tl. 1 he m-M iho ib miihoi as iiieonnii .in.! ,il... ul thiilv m lh rl live inrs ol age, ml it i not h umid how tin y ai r, uriteia or if lin y woie ntiutat UepUIJI Me-un Wiiiditinm slaitnl 111 sumli ol thelu . . i I . i ,. v i hi so niaov noma Hie h: it t of In in ih'-.v win in "'I piuoibiiiiy lit Vi r be iil ini In I ib d .i il ITImslna Ihe millionaire canal maiiufai -rrt . turcr, who Iml so mtn li to aajf last l til aaut the ploteeliiin the t irill' throws round American lab IT, has ICdUOeTl wages in his factoil to Ihe cull-lit ol lm nly ltvu ner cent . and. ilesiiiu his able nelieii uf tho r : . - , t , . i . i I.i n,r lit I'.UIOOC. HIS t ill OOllll II Hi. of Souihein l'.iiroiieiin niupers where they Iniei, on l'roo. tloli a llioiisaoil years and win n tin people g. t : e. u's a d iy lor in linnrs' imrk. In t ike l ie idace ol Ins pro i, ei.d en.idovi s. who have nfiioillo W. rk ut ihe rtdaoM wage,. Thu ltislttlllll nit of the On gnu Slate Weather Ituriati have iilllved ut the central office III Portland. They will be disliiliuted In the various voluntary observeia us rapidly aa possible. Tin re will bo nil exhibit uf tho instruuii ills of lb, biircuii made ul Ihe State fan, Salein, all I also at thu Imliistiial OX uoaltlan iu Portland. This will Le a uow ami interesting fiiittire of llnsc galln riugt and should be looked for bj all thu people, CeliMtials on Hop Pickers. Statesman, Ang. 20. K. Voting, Sim Yuen, Katn Sing, Jo Wiug, Sum (ice, Ching Hang this ia tho ijiipliouious uamo of a prosperous pig tailed firm of Marion roanty hop growers. I hi se siv ( hiuiitueii m cured a live years lease of about thirty acres of laud of F. Levi ou the i.ld Townscnd place, alaiut thie. miles southeast of the city, on the Hall's Ferry road. They put ont a bop ynnl and cultivated it iu tlrst-clats style; and (bit year thry t xpi 1 1 to h ive about thirty ton. of hops for sale. They hare a mforlnble I ob the place, also hop house, ui.d have just purchased press of the very latest improved and K'tt pattern. Tin re aro eight to ten Chinamen iiiploveil in t il.ing care of thu nop yard all the year around; uud tin y have learned the most approvul mi-tlioda uf cultivating and curing, so that thu product of tin ir yard commands tho best attentions ol buyers. Picking season being at hand, these pig- tsyetl lioi'iowiis bm.ni .to look around iimotT; ftinr lo '1 eis and Ihu "cousins" in ih in i, i the t'lipiirtd help. Then the Sal, in I'hinameii got lo work and hatched up a trust. The propnetort of the hop yard offered them 50 cents a box for picking, but tin v hgmiil that the tlnu would not go outside of the S il, iii Chinamen for picker. so they ih maiided tHI cculs, and gave it out straight and cold that 00 cents they must have; or no plckee. I'ln n the no nil i rs of thu combination starlit! in t bust the trust. I In v sent lo I'oii! n l ami gut a lo pigtails that w.re willing to pick h r . cents, mul in addiUOT to this, tin y pioyidul itccommodiitiout fur se vet a I a lm. bniiilies, who are (here uow puking hops (or thu Chiurte lirm lor nil) cents pit box, lint is certain ly n uovclty to see Americans working for Chinamen, and ,u an uceupation in which the Ceh stnils arc generally toorcdiird with Ih ing specially prollcietit. Hut Iln Irusi had to be busted. On Weilucuhiy last K. Young, Jo Wing and the b ilatiee of the tirm iuviled several Salem luiiuU t. (or whutii they had I n I i IB I on servants, out Iu their hop yurd lor dinner a regular house warming, to titt- lugly lit'iugurate and celebrate thu Isgiu Ing ol the picking season. ll raiued ii little i dtn silay, so some uf the iuvitcd guests lulled tu go, but there were present lluv. II, A. Newell uud family, It S. Wallace and laiinlv, b. 1. Albeit and wife, Mis. llultun, of llliuuis, Dr. lllack and family, mid J. II. Albert uud family. Vint they say it wua uuu ol the mo.l tuiignillceul dinners lliey ever saw. Some ol Ihe I'hiiuiuitii are good cooks, haviug li urued the nrt while setvauts of Americans, and Iln y spread tin insi Ives this time, sparing luiexpeusu. nr. Uluck says they had regu lar oithuilox i In. keii - wiluout backbones, and as he felt somewhat lank after Sunday he did lull justice lo it. It is not guucrally known that there are several other hopyards in Marion comity owned by Chinamen, llitu Yitu has a yard mar liilttiville as latge and as huely culti vated as (hut mentioned above. He has some laud belonging to the llovenden place leasttl. Ilu hat built himscll a good house ami bus bought himself a wife and ttarled a family. 1 here urn several other small hop yards iu that aectiou owueil by Chinamen ou leased land. ltiaitimoied that the siiunur Kastcru Oiie.iu ia heiuii littiil up and that she will soon he nut ill service bitween Sun Iran cisco and Ynipiina Hay, h.ijs Ihe Yiupiina Bepublkao. Iinuaoraar, all uuu tho u I), corniiunv wiil have three hUameis ruib ning on this route before fall. Forty-five yutitig iumi in Lakeview huvo aioiii'd th, i, . fur the formation uf a mili tary company. If there i nothing In the way, Lakeview w ill prububly boast ul a com pany ol tho National (liiard of Oregon, toon Judge Hilton wua a ch rk in a law tirm ami ov,ltH .lvr v wua picked out bv A. T Stewart, aa hiah, h'j.io, legal mlnser. ."sow lie is esiimaicii lest $2(),OW,000. m m 1 & Henaerson, j.lpage, & THB UUUIMO- OKAl.KK IN FURNITURE UNDERTAKING AVISO A LABAB AND OOUPLKTI bck of .Staple and rtney Onsenet, Dr.W.T. McMurtry, Physician, Surgeon and Gynecologist. (26 Years Experience.) Omca-Om Browuarille Store, Willam etle ttreet. KUOENE, ... OBEGOS. DR. J. 0. GRAY, DENTIST- OH1CE OVE GRANGE STOBE. ALL . oik warranted. Uothbot tu admin iatered for palnleet ei tMetioaol teeth. Dr. G. W. Biddle, fe DENTIST. PUTK WtiRK A SPECIALTY. KX tracUag and Killing eieruted by the lat S "npfived methoda. All work warrmttsi; "V". Ornca Titus' Bha. " '. drug .t.re H I I l l I.. .1... ....rlraela , IrHlgl.l, 111 MIL- "V" maiaew House ii. Eugene Corner 7th and Wil. Sts mm f()R m Mfnnl ( 'an itlftr the public better other houae prloee tlian auy IN EUGENK PfMtBM "f all kluib takeu at market price. Has Just received direct from New Hayork and Chicago, the largest and best stock of FALL AND WINTER COODS -w Bwr brought to Bugeue. Sportsman's Eporium. HORN it PAINE, Practical Guxtemith Delinquent Tax Notice. Nnlieo is hereby given to all owin tinea, uow delinquent, that the Comity OoW at ita late session ordered mo to collect the same forthwith. This ia theieforo to notify ull concerned Unit if Ilu y wMi to save costs thoy must come forward at onec mul pay Iho tame or I will be oblifeil lo proceed sKuinst them leejallv. J. M. Hroa,. Hheriff Ijine Co. Boot & Shoe Store A. HUNT. Prop. Will hireafter keep a complete stock of Uilii'a' MUwh' and Chlldren'a SlIOKS. Burros boots, Slippers, White and Black Sandals, FINE KID 8H0E8, MEN'S AND BOY'S BOOTS & SHOES Ami in faet everythinv In the Boot ami Hhne line, Ui which I intend to iltvote my ratiecial attntion. MV GOODS AUK KIBHT CLASH. -And ynaraul! aa repreaent!, anil will U toll for the lowest pricet that a kksI article can he lf .rd-l A. HUNT mi Thibet, a country tributary to China, ia tho only known country on MtrtO not open to missions. It has an area of 7. o.mhi tipjaro miles ami an estimated population of H.UUtJ.UtH). It is thu stronghold of lliuld bliin. Slmasa, the capital, it the "Kome" ol Ihe ltuihlhists, nml the Duluihama is the Hiulilhist pope, who is supreme in both spir itual ami temporal things. The people are ilevoleil to their religion, prosperous au conling to thuir idea of prosperity and reas onably content, nils IntitiK true there do., not seem to be auy especial call for mission ary labor among them. Tho iirooiiteil ne cable (torn San r'rau- cisco to North cape, New Zealaud, by way of Houolulu ami Tiituila, will be Ud7U milea iu length, and it it ualiutated it will cost 10,000,1)110. Its conatructiou will enable Sun Francisco uml Australia to talk at m word, whereas thu rate at present uud would complete tue to pos- i,,Ttiio circumference of the earth. Tho San Fraueisco Chamber of Commerce ia pushing tho enterprise, ami will nsk Iho Uoverument to guarantee II per centum on the invetlment as a subsidy. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varii a. A marrel of polity, strength and wholesomeueat. More ccqjiomical than Iho ordinary kinds anil can not be told in competition with the mulli tmln at low teat, short weieht, alum or phot- oh. la Hoarder. Kohl oldv ill CllllS. HoTiL kanai famrn Co.. io wn Ht., N. Y. Iletlen in CI NS, RIFLES C. Marx. Fiihin: Tirkit ml laltriili, s, .mi Uml N ll il III Hind, l or Naif ! Kevsuring Imm in the neateat atylt and wax nated. Barbei Shop and Bath Rooms. E, ft, SKIP WORTH, Attornaj-ut-Law, KcuKNK city, otaaam Ornca - Up aUlrt I, lut-r Blot, find ItJM to the left. Will do a genera! law practii-e in all th, Co.irts of th- SUte. All bifineat promptly at attended to. Annul fioni Miilheiir comity tayt eitlle are goiug to have a hard Una there Ibis winter. I Iu re is im hay to no nan in any price, hy reason of the long coutinuoui dioiith. M.inv r ii I ii-1 - lm v.. already ne- guu to drivo their stock over into thu ltogue river country, wherelofore lUey nave always found plenty of hay to carry thetn through the winter, t Mhi rs have r-ohi mil citsuear- t. lied. It was proposed recently at Rotebnrg to organ)- tli.) ralriotism t'oliticai LinD, one of Ihe reipniaites to membership beiug that no mi inher slioulil hold an nine i p to d ite the in in u ho in i le ill" nropoeition eon- tlitutes thu membership of Ihu club. - A Buffalo rng dealer got a Arm to sign a conlriict to pay one cent on the tirst hale uml each thereafter to no donblo Ihu pre- ediiil! one. The llrm got so wild orer the first day's bill, 110,49175 that Mr. Sklarsky will test Ihe contract iu court. (ieo. w. KiMja! tMMmtt When you want your goodt, hoi.s.hold lumitiire or hind sold at auction, call of (li o. V. Kiusey, the i.ioneer and most suc oeatfnl auctioneer in Lane County. He will attend to ,11 tales on a reasonable com miation. Dr. Tuylor'a 7 Oaks Compound, purely vegetable, positively euro, rheumatism, neu ralgia, toothache, tich headache, cramp col ic, cholera morbnt, complaints peculiar to femalet, cold or congh, hlve, chilla and fe ver, pains around the heart, eryttpelai, puthiaio. Oaoaoa TaTLoa. Sold by Otburn A Co, druggist, The low. State Register bit, the nail on the bead in the following item. "It ia a pleasure to The Register, lo recommend an article of merit, and this it the eaae witn Chamberlain's Colic tnd IMarrnona Jienieiiy, aa it ha, proven to be til that it claimed for it iu many inttancet that hare come under iho writer', immeditle notice; and The Register believe,, that every famlW thoald have a bottle of thit tterling remedy at all timet at their homes, at it mty ue necessary wbeu least expected. Meatrt. Chamberlain 4 Co. present testimonial, aa to the virtue of tho life taring prepartlion, from nearly all of tbe itateiln the Union, and many in ttaucea ire given where detth has been averted bv its timlf naa. T.hr. ili"--': tbe s 1 1 ( ) l" M V 1 1 ( ) I S Ti Pidemica are noted, in which thit standard ii, ai il. i uu vviaaw - r. sidentt of tbeae localitiee ar proud to -nine tc Mil TDLE BOAST, I rll AO AXV T.P v.. n.r.o s-.ry Guns Loaned ft Ammunition Furnished i I a r I II'" f I But call and price them. Brick, comer WilUmett-and I Eighth St., EuKeneCity. Oregon. SWe on Willamette Street. always ready durir.g First door north of Dann't new block. Hot and cold baths tbe week. I'jrjene, Oregon. 8. M LINK A, I'koI'kiktur. .. ihu -a - th, n.'-it -i.'.-e-sful ol all r, nployi I I mm-h care can not be exercised to prttervt tbe health oi the children, at well it tbe bead, of Ite house, and it ia tlwayt beat to te 111 patll at all time,. Arm youreelf, eo at to be ready lo ineceeefnlit eombel ditaietw when M appear. For aale by Oatern k Co., Jfc.