The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 31, 1889, Image 6

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I. I.. A Ml'IIKI.l..
A (oll.ctluu or Kut h Arm Jl'tntl by Hi
it.ii or jnin.
Ti.. re bus boon set up In a largt
r:i. ..i N'atiuiial HUMUn a cullec
tlon just 'iioujfht fim Japan by I'rof.
Roiunyn Hitchcock which llliistratea
the every-day life of a Japanese house
hold. In one. part of the rase is
Japanese lady's toilet stand. It lookt
a If it made for a doll, hut I'rof
Hitchcock laid it u a toilet aland
tuch hh Ih actually In um in the houdolr
of every Japanese belle. There it a
little round inotalllo mirror on top
and tin- Japanese lady kneels or squats
on the floor before thii. The stand is
provided with dainty little drawer for
pins, wo'idon combs and the many lit
tle knick-knacks of the toilet. There
aro perfumery bottlea and jars for
powder. A saucer ia filled with red
dye used for heightening tho color of
the lipa.
In another vessel if the pigment
with which married women blacken
tb fir teeth, a practice which is going
out of vogue. This pigment ia npplied
to the teeth with a feather briiah.
There are oollt of brightly (Colored pa
per string anil a atick of pomatum -the
strings to tie up the hair and the
iomatum to rub on It. The hair ia
pomatumed till it it glossy wul atiff.
The Japanese bulla doe not do her
hair up every day. It It a long and
laborious operation, ana when mice
performed aho ro-orts to all kind ol
expedient to make the dressing last.
At night she sleeps not on a aoft pil
low that would rants her hair, but
rest her head on a block of mod that
flta into tho uapo of the nock. W t n-
iogluD Star.
Pirtldem Harrison Dines With Mr
Blalne-Sudden Death -Tbs Idaho
Convention- Rich P.troleum
DtpoalU to M. ICO.
Mexico is to have a fair in laW.
Ilaltimore is to have a cable road.
Fighting before
tort KM. fLANHKa.
Japan's Treaty With Buaala-Tba Congo
Hallway - On toe Pay Roll Eighty
One Years Wants itw Cup.
ii thought Parnell will vilit India.
Krupp't ttatue hat been raised at
Tliere it to I an American theatre in
Ktnjieror William will visit Mailrid In
Kmneror Francis Joaeph has left
Vienna for Berlin.
A large emigration from Scot lain
John IWTtl, the well known Kenian. i xw going to Chile.
is 'I'- i'l lionl iMitirsven is nientioiiel for the
Hop culture ia to !e undertaken in : overnoraliip ol Bombay.
Manitolia. Hull-fiirhtinir is iretting a foothold
A Hwect Potato Trust has lieen fonned monK Vrrneh amusenienU.
in llultimore. T.e Anti-Slavery t'onferemv at
John L Sullivan was tried at ltirvis, Lucerne hat ,WI1 tbandoned.
Miss., on the 12th mat. Owing to a lack of sugar the (irecnoc
The I'retident dined with Mr. liltine Refinery of Ixin.lou has shut down.
at liar Harbor on the Kth. A National Temperance tsiiiirrces ia to
Rheumatism is immensely fashionable ' ''' five .lays at Bi, ininghtm, England
United State Supreme Oout Justice
Hutpnt J. Field Arrested -Com-mlu
Bulclds-Tns Stesuser
Umatilla Orounded.,
il.laburghas an sale-grease fac tory.
Wntsonville't building liooin keeps up.
The Bank of Hueneme it open for but-ineta.
A hot tpring has lieen opened at Tern
at Boston, says the Herald.
A carriage road to the top of Pike's
I'ciike has just been completed.
The new shoe shop in the Marvlaml
pcniteuliary has Itegiin operations.
The retorts of vellow fever at Tampie.
Mexico, are pronounceil unfoundeil.
A horae stealing industry has been or
ganized along the I Mississippi.
Rich petroleum detiosits have lieen dit-
rovereil in the State of tluerrero, Mexico.
The drought in Mexico has killed thotl-
tauda of cattle, and an epidemic is feared.
The New York delegation, it is said,
in October.
An International Congress for photo
graphing the tkits will meet at 1'arit ou
tiie ..'I inst
The funeral of Felix Pvatt.the political
agitator and writer, took place at Paris
without lucident.
There have not been to many Ameri
cant in Stratlonl-on-Avon (or years aa
there are tint year
The inquiry into the Kiel navv fraudi
proves that corrupt practices have been
in operation amce hh
The funeral of the late Italian states
man, Benedetto Cairoli, took place at
will support Keed for Seaker of the next NPle wllh I
The National Prohibition Camp Meet
ing at latur, III., provea to le a big
Colonel James Corry, V. 8. A., retired,
lied siiildcnlv at Fortress Monroe on the
'th intt.
raarlri of lllustrlutM I'vrtnnaara 4 bout
I In n Nloplng ApartmrliU.
Clarence House la one of the. moat
comfortable houaea in lioudun. and is
famous for its good bods, for the otik
daughter of Alexundor 11, of Kuaaia terulier l.'l
Sydney Buxton has undertaken to tub-
nut a motion to Parliament next session
in favor ol free education
Prim Alexander of Battenlierg hat
lieen appointed to the command of an
Auttriaii regiment at Styna.
In memory of the late Lady Kinncird,
President ------ ku ,,m,i in a PIOPOBal has l-eeu mootel to eaUblish
visit Caliiornia during his vation next a women 'a hotpital in Imiia.
SUInlucr. I haa i-nneluileil a trenlv with
The prediction is made that bv lHfi Ruatia, similar to those cxaipfaKsfd with
the Nicaragua Canal will lie open for j lhe tmted bUU-a and tjeruiany.
busiueSS. . i iIHH- rtiMtjoirttnt in Iinihtn in tn lie
Thetiovernorof St. liuis has resi.ite.1 run 10 10 luruiah travelertol every
AnderHon, the wife murderer, until Sep-
uatiou with tli. ir accuatomeil food.
lhe Radical party in the Italian Parlia
ment is agitating the question of the
cession of Trieste by Austria just now.
Chicago hotel men arc a unite in favor
William Scott, an employe of a bimlon
publishing firm, who died rei-ently. had
in. i. i.
.n. iino iiiun v muneuviwu inoic-, very t- : . ii . i .
. . .;. President Harrison is expeetnl to out
r ur u line his message while at Heer Park in
Hjiei um in ncr iiuuse none mil me very Septemlier.
Oeal. treil when a mere child, mid
long before her marriage, she wiia so of having the World's Fair of Iwrj Imated , 'iet'u ou Uieir payroll eighty-one years
particular aooui mia very important I ill that city
ltom in domc-tic comfort that, to lu-
ture the Hhects being tightly at retched
over the mattresa, tho used to have
Tlie revenue cutter Corwin is at San
The Healsburg Tribune has lieen en
large.1. Santa Ana it organizing a military
The Chico and Coluta tlunrds are in
camp at Hilton.
San Diego ia trying to suppress the
Salvation Army.
Gambling places at Napa have been
cloaed by the thtjriff.
(Handera has done much damuge to
horses at French Camp.
In a colliaion at Napa, on the Uth four
flat cart were demolished.
The CaUiolics at Santa Rosa are negoti
ating for a buria! lot near town.
HO Ifi: AMU K.tHH.
A Good Btjg rood-Doing Op Curtains
-Unproved Metboda of Paatuiing
-Treat Animals Kindly.
Salt pork sprinkled with red popper it
excellent for sour throat.
When peeling oniont keep your mouth
closed and you won't liave to cry.
Sand paper applied to the yellow keyt
of the piano will restore the color.
A good furniture varnish it made of
two otincet white wax, one gill of turtieu-
The luator of morocco it restored by
varnishing it with the wliit ol an egg.
Apply with a sponge.
I ire Twtta
Coffees Hava Advancd Bllghtly-Fruits
and Vegetables Remain Active
and Firm No Change In
Dried Fruits
Chinese lalmrers are pouring
F'reeno to work in the vineyaitU.
Two men who robbeil a stage near
Bonanza, Or., have been arrested.
The fires in the mountains in Idaho
can only lie checked by heavy rains.
Camp Miles and Camp Dimoml, at
Santa Crui, arelighted with electricity.
The scarcity of water in portions of
Montana ia causing mills to shut down
Every vessel leaving San Diego now
carries from ten to fifteen tons of honey.
John Kearus was assaulted and prol
ably fatally wounded by John O'Keefe ut
F:ilcnsbnrL', W. T.. lielieves that the
popular vote will make it the capital of
the State.
Fred II. figel ol Sun Francisco was
knocked down and rohlied ut Sun Jose
on the 11th.
A Washington county, Ohio, farmer.
tKI years old, assists the handi in the
harvest field.
A Georgia prophet predicts the
the world on the Itith of August.
Jay (iouM said at Saratoga the other
luy that this it going to U- a proaix-routi
year for big railroads.
The Floriila State Board of Ibwlth re-
uuires all citiet of lu.UOO inhabitants to
ispose of refuse by cremation.
them sewn down, for even theslighteat
crease or wrinkle would entirely do-
Slroy the repose of this Imperial niioilt ugain.olil "Pronh.
onuu lor me night.
Her Koval Ilighneas used to be
greutly uhatlod ubout this weakness by
members of our royal family when llrat
the oame to this country, but tho
Uueen, who U also very particular
aooul her he Is, stuck up for her, and
although now the sheets are no longer
sewn down to the muttress, they are
composed 01 MM moat exquisitely lint
linen that can bo procured, and
stretched like a tight rope over tho
most inirfool mattresses that can bo
manufactured in Paris, in which capital
the making of muttreaaes hits been set ills to be epidemic in that 'city.
lipim.rlil n,i l.i II... I I f n
" I m oi u line an. iiiii,. ,;.,: i r...
A.nirli.i.. ,.n.l m-l,.i I. " " ".n nawanangi
"""""'"' "llgUl here.stS III lie Si lilt 1 1 lir.i .1
III. I... .1 I... ii i mi.... . . I .... , ..... i. i v i .. . i J
" i'ioi uie ueus oi new loraanu irginia cnpilallsts.
Illustrious iiorsiiniLir..M Tli...... I. .
I- -- ... i.-i,iiii in i i ...... i. ..
I I. . ,,ii . . .i i , voiiiiiiissioiier iiiiiiieranii ex-t lovcrnor
ih. .iiieiimr aiioul Kiisse A Wr an. eum . ,.t..y f- rw
There is much growling in Ireland
over the action of the Irish mcmlra of
Parliament in voting for the royal grants
A verdict of death from tight lacing
...I ..( comet irom u birmiiigham lury. express'
C,,nil, etl at a verdict of "Death from jiressure
round the waist.
Miicnle among tierman othcers in
creases shockingly. During May twenty
three shot themselves, and the uumlr
lor June was larger si ill
It is rumored that the Queen hut at
last yielded to her physicians and will
tjlk.i u loliir U..U triti i..-ri,.,i.u t.. 1...liu im
('.,.. l.i.. I. ...... I. l!L .. I. I.. .7. 1 .. . "
.-..urn 's-e ii re- pusaililv lot anailuuiiil the United States,
commeinleil for promotion to Csimmander
bv t beNavu i A report is current tliut the Kutiaiaii
.. . . ... ... novel uiiLcui is jiressiug UN Kegents ol
.... . . ii-,i i.ii.iii i 'iiiun ni pii-iii t. in i S.'ii in l.i ... t,. ... k i ,i , l . .. .. i ..... . i ... i
mo Mim ..-p. in Hunt ouiiin in uie eoiiiuig eountrv.
.ii... ' i iii ..iiinsni iniseiiB,
Forty-eight iicrsons were declantl in
MUM in BlOOklyn during July. Insanity
Heule House, near Salisbury, (am 001
us huviug lieen the hidiug-plai'e for ten
days of King Charles II, was told
William Bt (iladstone's spits h on the
royul grants was caught by a phouogruph
and will go down to jKitU'rity just at lie
delivered it.
oer oeua ss mo uuchess ol Killnburgh uiander-iii-Chiel of the (irund Army
ur uur tirncioua novorelgn. mill tiiito
agrees wiui tho tlrst-nunied Imlv as have fnllv
Boffldenl subscriptions have lssen re-
t,. ......l.i.. .1.7. ...
Ti... l'..:.i ..a. i , . . , ,,, W-..V.I w vwniiiv me iiioiiswjrd 10 oegin
7JBt&&&A V.?' f"B -rion of tl,JCongo railed
to the Hmm of the linen and the th. triennial conclave at Washington. 1 IM""e"",u'1J'-
llgnillessol III" llrilWillg Of (Me sheel . Till, .lolinsloui. Ii. li.,1 IV ,IM The Black Dilimntl.l KllMlnoua tb.h
but Her Inipi'i lnl Majesty has an odd lhe 1st inst., reisirtwl a disbursement of produced a inoiiieuUiry excitement iu the
fancy to have her bed so low as to gio IW.tkH) out of alsiut il,0(HI,(HK) available, r.nglish press, seems to be already lo:-
AVlaltor to the Imperial bedchamher 1 he Idaho Convention memorulies tht Koneu in ijimon
..... .i.ijii sniuu nii me wiiiow of . ej"""" epvuwsMira si-1 ino niiotian t Government haB pro-
OWtWU almost sleeping on Uta Anns eunng water privileges in the territory, hibite.1 the sale of tho Century Magazine
It is ludoed hardly elevated more limn The work of distributing the remainder '" Russia on account of tioorge Keanan't
s foot from the Moor, as all who havo of ""' r,'li, f ,ul"1 f"r the Johnstown HihhI r,"H'rUi" articles
visited in old days the private up,,,-!- BUII,:',;rH Ik' Pshel on us rapidly as The mistress of Bnulanger has written
uients at St. Cloud. Comoici'iie ami n. '""v' to Utilise Michel certain disclosures con
Tullories will remember. Another
I. . I I .. 1 1 . . u ...
vuiiimo. mst is urn iii ,-tariili lieriihai ilt
It Is nearly llftooii feet broad, and
when tho great cornodloiuie is India
posed and receives her intimate friends
reposing on her eouch she looks like a
little gulden-haired bird lost in i g,VMt
tea of white satin. -Modern Society.
m m
The Cause of Fwoddy't Solicitude.
Choliy. I'mlnadooald bad pickle,
US II ,1111 e
A liackwnotlsinan. while vialtuu Rnck ' '" the (ieneral which arc of an im-
Springs. Wvo. T.. a .lav or tV, um Pr,at character.
Iearne.1 for the first time of the Johns
town disaster.
The report thut Italy had withdrawn
from the international bliskude of the
Jacob Spuiivurd. who whh tMitammH t,. i',tt8t Alr"'n toatt is olllcially declarvd
Is. bunged ut Fort Smith. Ark on tl. w l without foundation.
Bth, hi been reprieved until AuguttSO! Utters of Bnulanger produced liefore
1 ""' 1 ''si,leut. ht French BetUM tend to prove that
The OOks strike in Pcnnavlvunia is Houliingor tharwl with Bouret the coin-
ended, the employes having carried the missions paid by army contractors.
(lovernmcnt for an annual tulwidv of
1 I l i i l'i l . . . . . . w
-7 , me seini-unnuul dividend of 3U lier lor ten years to insure the cou-
Wluii s the rnailah. Kweddy?" "H'lit on the preferretl st.s k of the Oregon '"""anceof the whole Cougo railway,
i lost my valine ou the wallwond '"'Pavement IVmipany is declared, pay-
tin yestahdhy, rholly." able 8eptemlar lid. Dr. ScbreilHr, a chemist of Cologne,
Thomas, the runner, who la Uli......i , fr.UJW7w1 aM Plosive more powcr-
J hat wasu t much of a loss, was ii?"
Hlwaoloua! It wasn't Um walue of
It. Choliy. Hut It hud my lunch j t
Isittle of heeah and souin uawsty
wed howwings. Aud the rmlttt h,
my name on It. If any Imdy should
find it and adve'llse the contents,
Choliy. bah Jove, I Uiluk 1 uhould
dbil' . ;i.,m.i I nouiio.
- Aei-oniu.g io ii,e,r ), ,h.I (her,
gaksH-n r.ipd growth it, the Ket,,r,,.,
Epiaeopal l lum l, during i.
Nyniwd at M.oit,5eS v"l",D
txr v:t it 'c1, ft"
nmltive m atvk and , T.
lis a KM i.;..i. . t
..... eelus
wv. mwtri up . . i ,r l. i .
f Hi
lie huinlied . ...... "
MQ0Rwj In tli
...XM, I, V,,.. I
" s ay. itwas fon.: ; ;
el.ur. li Ws, i. .
..... n oi i , ,,
ml elect, uml .t I...
'I .! sVfk sta - i
r-v ...ii, ,,n- ,,, ,m,
- ' VtA-SteU. the
t) II
very eT..ri
.. . .
uifiu. nut witiio
wine soldi.
to Ik' swifter than Canitr, will MmMtt in
the Amcricun and Cauadi III . I M I I i. . it i
ship coutcata this fall.
Another atta. him nt for ,AW,0iH) has
he n laced on the Riverside Milla prop
erty, at Providence, R I.
fill than dviiainite, uml at the same time
clicaiK'r and BMsT, He calls it ietragit.
Dr. Brown Setpmnl't new el.xir of lift
wat considered at a recent meeting of the
French Biological Society, and M. Varial
told of some very successful experiments
in. mi py inn.
J. W. Smith, of Los
Angeles, wnt
is in Wilson - ... 1. 1 a
Mori,,,,',, elders.' The people talk of driv- nrrrt,,l, l "dou, England, and flne.1
ing them from the country 1 lu ,U ,or 11 P'tol- H
arnvisl from America with hit lather and
i nere is suspicion that Knghsb rellner- brother last week
ict are s, , Knit o ,01,1 ,n... uitl
The Porte, in view tj the Russian
movements ou tlie Armenian Ironti.r,
will extaslite the new formication work
at F.ricrouiu. A boat of uen are already
.'.instructing tv.ioui.ia.
American trust, in onler to control
sugar markets on two.intineutt.
Kols-rt Morrell, the Pike county, Ind
.H logenuriun, hat iasscd the lifty ninth
dav of bis , ... ..II.. -1. -:....!: ...
hke.drsl,H.a;i,,"ava,hephvsicia. ' w.T T' ' ti"
Tl.i. maim ... 1 1 1 1 .r , V IuUh bapel, Ixiu.lon, women it to de-
lli Km s'l 1 T. 1' I",u,,, uwxw 5" refund charge
.heruiou St.s k 1 urds. South St ISin .l. u ' 1 .'. 1
are Hls.utto Is. -l,i..Ll ...v." v..,' 4T.""" 7 " '.T ,u aiooti up as
State to fclMd with lYilled Angut catUe. " "
I'tti .1. 1 ir us .ho Kiisiuiti.j ft,., r.tii
1 -"lueillUM iu- lllll
for, e of a J.'.MO-volt current of electricity
at IxHiisville ten .lavs auo. a current aiv.
onling tu tlusirista sin,!... ii.,.,,i.,l. I..
kill an elephant, returntsl to his Work on
uie unii inst.
It is nimorsHl at Glasgow that the eon
ol North, the "Nitrate King." is negotia
ting for the purchase of the yacht Thistle
and will nut iu a centerUwrd and cotn-
ivie lor uie America cup
Several of the large land -owners of
Washington has agreed upon the rep- ''and have imported a number o( rein
Utrtittoti in us UgmlMure. The Sen-' !,e,'r ,nm Norway and turnetl tlieni oui
ell II felt
aenio wai
m , cwlS: VjftT have
S,, .,2r--" In last
srranjrlera. one ,,, betwee. tu
iwrenty -fourth and the twentv-Hfth n
The total circulation of money in the
I nited sute. August 1, was 1 ,S7,ttwi,
ale will Hi eon, ism.p.1 ( thirty live mem- ! iu he hoiie that they may
tis sun lot. uoiise ol seventy, lhe lat- 1 """"'hi aim increase
"aim IQ Is. It-at than tixt three
nor more thsn ninetv-uine.
Tlie "il ' at Tru. kee are in earnest
and nearlv Ks.1 diarenrtable Issinle lis...
goae w ill, 11, two .layt. During the past ' Bathing. Whin we advise frequent
two weekt over forty ersont have lieen , lthing fiw the farmer and hit hands, re
roblted or garrotod. and it was about time ! ould also provide Uthing facilities for
to take a .lay oil for a general cleaning , ""' domestic animals. Fortunate is tlie
P- farmer whose land borders upon a lake
" - or stream 01 surhcienl .lepth to allow Uis
no vY,!?' . , houses, ixws,eU-.. a frvsjuent hnth. Not
I'K HUNT 8 Rk.MF.DY must bs 1 only will the animals enjoy it, but Uie
taken when excessive or ixtntinuoutmut- boys will And it more fun than work,
cnlar exertion, exciting passions, or over- j Often a small stream uiav bs so dammed
indulgence, stimulating food r drink, or ! as to retain the water and lorm a suiUble
nervoua disonlert have long conUnue.1 , bathing place. Do not allow tlie animals
Is s. -nptive treatnsi with each ImttU
fldress Ma, k Drug Co , N N ,poolt, eapsjrislly if the bottom it ramkly.
tleorge B. Maudert of Ogden, Utah,
was , ruslitsl to death ut Pucatelle, 1. I
by two cars.
The remains of ex -Judge David K.
Terry, was interred ou the ltith intt. ut
Stockton, Cal.
The attachment on the Pomono Bunk
hat lieen raised aud the concern will re
sume business.
The Northwestern Foremen's Associa
tion will hold a tournament at Tacoma
September ltith.
A charge of emliezzling county money
is made agaiuBt Justice of tlie Peace
Jones at Merced.
The barn of William Curtis, with 200
tons of hay, was burned near Sacramen
to on the Uth inst.
Helena will remain the capital of Mon
tana until the iwpular yjte of the State
decides otherwise.
Oru Fa. Hunt was successful in thecoin
etitive examination at Ukiah for u West
'.iii,t i udctship on the 10th.
The Oregon Veterant will take with
them to MUwaukee a carload of grains,
fruits and minerals, the products of their
I here ih every prospect of 11 sugar-lspet
fuctorv being established neur Chiuo
Sun Bernardino county, in the Pomona
Ida, the 8-yenr-ol.l girl of J. H. Crock
well, at Virginia City, who was burned
by a coal oil explosion on the 12th. died
on me Mini
Charles A. Fiw her, traveling salesman
lor homer a mount!, ol San Francisco
commuted soichh ut liutte, M. T., on
tiie i.uii intt.
The San Francisco Bulletin records the
r.Mcipt of "the tirst baie of California
ops ' on the 10th iiiHt.. uud credits the
production to 1 una county.
Ktlbrts to float the Pacific Coast Steam
ship Company's steamer Umatilla, whicl
went aground on the lath at Brown s
point, near lacuna, have proved futile
IHivid S. Terry, ex-Supreme Justice of
Ualllorniu, was shot ami ki ed on t he
morning of the 14th, iu a railway eating
siatuin at Launrop, t:al., bv IVputy
united states Murshul David Nagle.
Justice Stephen J. Field, of the United
States BaBMIM Court, was arrested at
J.... L- J .1... ,.,.1 1 .
.-ui, rminiMuu,, in- 10111 IUBI., oil III,'
charge of being a part) to the killing of
David S. Terry at Uthrop, Ca)., on the
Will IUBI.
John White, alias John Pearson, talked
scandal uUmt two ladies at Sun Jacinto,
Sun Diego county and a few days ago
nicy wuyiiii,! 1, :iii uml gave him a burs.
whipping, the husbands of the women
siaii.iing oy as witnesses.
A letter-lKix has been placed in the
topmost stage of the hitlel Tower at the
rant F.xhihition, and tsistal cards sold
there bear a printed indication of the
height ut which they are iioatod. Hun
dreds of persons write to their friends
troin tins lofty perch daily.
Kx-Superior Judge A. W. Hutton has
lieen appointed l nited States District
Altornev liv Jnsli.e Kiel,! , ,,. II.,,,
tleorge J. T nit, resignetl. Jinlge Hutton
will Hold the otlice until President Har
rison makes the apinjiutmeiit. lltitlon
is a democrat and a tine lawyer.
It is reiMirte.1 thut the whole country
MM miles wat of l"ortlund is burning
up in forest tires. The Haines are licking
up everything in their viciuity, rendering
the land completely liarren, and the peo
ple an. coui.H'llct to move to places of
C. P. Kerry, whose name is connected
with a Paris m' who is just now
at bis home in Tacoma, W. T., has made
a public statement in which he accuse
hit w He of attempting to blackmail him.
He says be will vindicate himli at the
proper moment, but that he will make no
further statements until he it heard in
the courts.
Marble should alwayt lie washed with
ammonia and water rather than with
soup uud water.
Hum Toast. Chop very small bits ol
lioiled ham, with not much fat. To one
pint of fWrfptd ham add two well-Is-Htcn
eggs, a half teacup tweet cream
or milk, a little pepjier, and, if necessary,
suit, an eighth of a teatKXn of dry mus
tard. Heat this mixture thoroughly;
w hen hot spr, ad over slices of toasted
bread which have been dipped in hot
suited water, and well buttered.
A Michigan cuttle-breeder save be mis
settled one question uuitc firmly with his
herdsmen, and tout is that dumb brutes
must lie treitted with uniform kindness.
In illuslmtion of its practical value he
relates that some cattle he liought in
Kentucky last full were wild us deer; if
uuy one weut into the Darn where they, they would spring up, try to get
away, and Ifrnke themselves generally
disagreeable. He bus them now so thut
thev are ,uiet end docile as lambs-
result "obtained by good feeding and
u if
III, 11. Mill R1I1U11CB3.
A scant teasjioonful of sugar added to
each pint 01 incut gravy, 111. parts a deli
cious flavor that can not lie obtained iu
any other way. It is ulso un improve
ment to soups, if added in the same pro-
jorliou. If mcut has been ullowcd to
stand u little loo long before it was
cooked, sprinkle a little sugar over it ls;
fore removing it from the fire, and the
unpulutuhlc taste will be removed. A
teaspoon of sugar to every pint of milk
should always be used when the milk is
to be thicken",! with corn meal. Oat
meal is much improved if sugar is put in
while it is cookiug instead of being put
oil it at the table.
A man who died latWy neor Sparta,
(ia, could repeat the names of all the
Senators aud Representative in Con
fress from the beginning of the gov
ernment. Yet all this uever bmuirlit
him an engagement tn a dime musuem
and wo, t worth a dollar to him.
A tost has been made In France to
whether the color of a home had
any thing to do with hit characteristics.
It hat been demonstrated that any
uch idea ia all nonsense. Pedigree
and sari, training have all to do with
U. and onlor nothing whatever.
A Point for Bee-Keeiiers. Here is the
substance of a bit of dauber literature in
"tileauings in Bee Culture" bv Professor
Cook, of the Michigan Agricultural Col
lege: A mud dauber is an ijconomic
creuture. When it gets a cell ready to
be sealed up, it finds a spider, paralyses
it, puts it in the newly constructed cell,
iiisurls a dauber egg iu the spider's
lump body, and seals tho house up
he egg hutches and the thing of life
goes to work and slowly eats up the
spider. A3 it euta it grows, and us it
grows it cut m spider, and finally
emerges from its cell a regular mud
In domesticating certain animals, we
make them conform their habits to our
own purposes, and us an onset to tins
we relieved them of ail trouble in hunt
ing for their food. In providing for the
various comlorls that they would seek iu
the wild stute, one is often verlooked
that is, shade. Ixiok ut animals in a
pasture 111 which there is abundant
shade, and where do you find them dur
ing the hot portion of the day ? Certainly
not exposed to the sun, and grazing, but
every one, whether horse and cattle 01
sheep and pigs, quietly resting uud
endeavoring to digest in the shade the
fowl they have eaten curlier in the day.
A Uowl Fgg F'ood. Now here vou
have what uianv a poultry keeper wants
whether be or she be in town or country
a recipe for the preparation of superior
egg iowt. It is luruislied by Mr. James
Rankin, one of the most successful
misers iu the land. Listen and note:
Ten Hjuudd of the best lieef scraps, five
pom,. Is of tine ground hone, two jiouiide
of granulated or powde ed churcoal, one
pound of sulpher, two ounces of Cuyenue
pepper, and lour ounces of salt, (live it
in the soft fowl. It is said by those who
have tried it to give excellent resultf , and
to lx. worth more than maiiv of th
much more costly egg fwsls which arc
placed upon the market,
lining up Curtains. A more wonoin
CM method of doing up: nrlains than to
send them to a laundry is described bv
gowl housekeeper as follows : Dust them
thoroughly, and if there are uny breaks
or tears in them, mend them before
L.I , . . ; . 1 .
wasiiuig. ii 1101 wring inein, nut puss
through a ciotiies wringer, Keeping them
straight ; ik)ii a iew minutes, then rinse
111 cold water, lsluo the starch atritle
but do not make them too stiff; then lav
sheets on Hie ttair and spread the cur
tains ou them, taking cure to stretch the
work straight and true. Pin lhe edge
,i .1 . 1 1 .1 .. , ....
on 1 11c Niicci uuu let 11, en, lav till per
fectly dry, and you will I convinced thut
home laundryirrg of nice curhiiiit ia fur
preferable to hiring them done up, as
they will last longer and look nicer thuu
w hen pressed by hot irons.
Improved Methwlsof Pasturim?. Th.
large nrinsiB ol sheep cannot lie turne.
out on an interior pasture to Is' compelled
to find their food. They must, like the
steer, Ik- made 10 produce us unnh as
possible 111 the shortest period of time
iney win 1101 grow rapidly 11 they arc to
lorage over the whole hirin and be forced
to work for all they get. The lot-aging
tystem will answer (or the merino, but
large sheep do not thrive in large man
ners, tmiy the liest ol jiastures, the
Hocks divided, und a mess of grain at
night, will force them. requires
more lalior and care, but it pays, and as
the matter of sheep raising is one tor
profit tlie lalwr will alw.iva lie paid (or
neiore uie esuuiaie 01 proiltcan be made.
11 mure money can 1k made on one L-ml
aheep than from three inferior oues it is
a wuttie 01 time uuu pasture to keep the
natives, the greatest profit is derived
from the mutton breeds, and the liett
PMtUNtoa the farm can be given up to
.110111 noo 11 .
Successive Crops. -The proper way to
manage a garden Plot is to keep some
s 1. .loin spring until Uie
irosts apivar late in the fa . S..v,.ts.l
onjecis win is? gained by to doing
among them the destruction of all weeds
a nner coudiiion 01 the soil, and a supply
of fruits anil vegetable for the table, at
many vegetables grow quickly and give a
supply in a short time after the seed is
In the local merchandise markets con
tinned lu-tivity and an excellent tone are
the general rule. The city trade is com
purutively quiet, but country orders are
hlwral, and stw ktno sooner arrive than
they are shipped again. Sugars have
dropped 'j'c while coffees have advance.
' .c. Fresh fruits and vegetable remain
very active and firm. There ia no
change in dried fruits and the condition
of trade generally is very gowl. For
dairy prwluceautl poultry the market con
tunics firm at last figures, with advanc
ing tendency. Wheat remains quiet and
unchanged. The demand for flour con
tiniies gowl at last quotations. The wool
market is very dull owing to the heavy
failures in the East, and probably will
not regain uuy buoyancy until those
have been settled. We quote.
Sugars, Golden C uc. extra 0 6 V
dry granulated 8ic, cube, crushed one
powdered Hc. Oiffee: Giiatamala lfl.S,
(.ftfiS,, Java 200170, Costa Rica 21(3
Ua. Mneba 97U Pin HMh
rousted Java 80(2830. Arbuckle's roasted
Oregon ham 1313J,o, breakfast bacon
!2hiMl3c, eides9(ai0c, Fjistem ham 13
(nl4c, breaklast bacon 12,4c, sides Hjc,
shoulders 00. Lard 9c.
Peaches 75c$1.50, apples $liil.25,
lemons fH, Sicily $7.50, jiears $1 (an 1.25.
Apples 45c, evaporated (1(3(1 sliced
tic, pears 8c. peaches SO 10c. Oregon
plums 3(n 4, petite prunes 6((ie. German
5.4 ;aije, prunes, Italian 7c, silver 647c,
California figs 7c, Smyrna figs 14(15c.
apricots Him 14c, raisins $1.75(2.25 per
Potatoes, new, $1(81. 10. sweets 3 per
th, oniont )1, green peas Oc.
Butter, Oregon fancy 30c, medium
4(t20c, common 10(I24'c, Kastorn
22c, California 1820c.
Eggs 22,4 .
Chickens $3(94, broilers $2.50(93. old
$5.50(ati, young geese $8(i 10 young tur-
aeys i,v per n.
Valley 1719o, Umpque !020c, East
ern Oregon 10 1 4".
Hops 1 1 1, ,r Ii' '.,.
p, r-rw
k"7 .'"'"''ka
... uiruiaslan; uml
neeus oe lor years. Kspeelall. 1 a
..ue however, U U,,
itxisten. amongst certain .o,,1
lasinns to feel indirier.
innuencHsfroni other
01 UawTT
I heard indeed moiv ,,( .u...
'-hanlsiiw. Mnnyofourf3
people said. kn.iwingn.S'
hUr world, fknvth.T.!J!mfc
ii'i f, ,,,,
ran k..
. a. tl - w .
ji great value in elvilc,tu.. '7-
.i wr,Cl I
-wen IrantpUuT
d tolerant and . .
people wild,
jlder world,
of great vain
not already
I'hoy are in
confess thut such hl.
noticeable on the surface uf oT
et. The Australian ne;'1--mm
..or, . the whole. ,e
fUsll traditiont; devote, hrJ
the rest of the world; has ZT
in England, and i
America and on the COatlMajT
ope: and dis.iiH.m
uiauj (j, ln(1
.-uiioiit social and lit,.
current sooial and lit.
as much as w
ncalthy sportiin lir ... ul "
" "i vue IDttlHj,
young men does not lo .l ...
limo for reading or for 2
Their parents still sn,... . 'ukl'-
home," meaning England: but
ong this home feelin., u,m
... "'" paw
ne, winch wo
atod with a
within the last quarter of
Mtttl I... HAflalkL . ...
.. ... ..v .tinsiuit; nil- me C,
lion in the colonies. Noiio
Wheat, Vallev $1.20(1.224, Eastern
Oregon $1.101.124. Oats 40541 4c
$4.25, other
brands $3.76
per ton, bran
shorts $10.50,
planted. At toon at the earlv
peas are
off late potatoes should take tiieir pla,
ana ctriy niumtge muv he Io ,.., i i.
ntniiis. If the first crop of radinl ICS
removed they will make room for string
lafaut, and kale can t cleaned off for a
later crop of peat. Peat, atrimr Ic.n.
radiihet, late lieets and cabltage inn le
phuite.1 at any time, aud if proper varie
ties be selected there is nothing to pre
vent a continual supply. Warden work
an ne inatle as important now as in th
pnng, ami in putting down amivtuiv..
crops Die weeds will have no dunce to
grow. In fact, every additional crop les
seut the number of weevla to I killed
Such crops as lima beans mav h
along the line of the fence, espe. iallv if
the fence it of wire. To keep tomatoes
late cabbage, turnipt ami lima beaot in
good growing condition the grvnn.t
k. ... I I . , 1 C . r
v.ui.1 1 it- i nil, men, ni course, fJCSM
the crops and keeps down the weeds.
Hay $1314
chop $1820,
Beef, live. 243c, dressed, 6(34c;
mutton, live, 3c, dressed 67c, hogs live
Bo, dressed, 7 (374c: veal 0(880.
The women of Chicago have estab
lished the first college of practical arts
for women In this country. It is de
signed to give women a practical in
sight into the avenues of business life,
such as law, railroads and even "life
At the big spring nenr Fort Deca
tur, tho Governor of Alabama said to
tho Governor of Tennessee, "I can suy
to you what the Governor of South
Carolina said to the Governor of North
Carolina -but it will be cold w,.t.Ur
Ihey smiled. Montgomery (Ala.1 Ad.
'I ho ways of auctioneers in different
parts of tho world vary greatly. In
this country and England the seller
bears the expense of the sale, but in
France the purchaser bears the cost,
five per cent being added to his pur
chase. In Holland it is still worse, the
buyer being required to pay ten per
cent, additional for the expenses of the
-Near Summerville, La., a lady
went into the woods and caught a small
green snake by the head. Covering it
up she went into the house wshere she
"M uuaruing and asked the
Don't you want a pretty?" -yes,
he. Sho ii,,-..,. ..... 1 ....
,,,,, Iler arm Jlle man
wife was standing bv and wi- .
alarmed at seeing the snake squirming
about that she Ml
.. hi mi.
"Mistah Jones. I bvoi, .-ut. ,
. ... . "" juu s ran
UIIUIII L 111 0 Pie. "In .,
hy. dut yoh wife done rn
wuf Pete Jenkins." "O yes." -You
has my sympathy." "Mut-h Kn j ,,
. - - 11 "llliuu,
1 m glad ter note dat you doan' take
It, uhtht- ' "No. I ain't had time to
14 "WUl milCh." "What V0h Kin
Bill svmnathijin' u,,n. i. .
Jnu .1 .... r te
v.-. miiis. ..lorchmif -M,,,.I
-A party of gamblers ,,, i4
Mich., were trentH .
was so
an II II H e lc, lino
urprite one night recently. A woman
--twtwssj mat ner hush.i.wi
One of a coterin url.n, i
blwk limn I
r::.1' wine nd
J hp !!,,!, 1. SBBfeSH 1
olw.n...l tl,- .1. n,. "Kuaru
.t-iv . 7 . 1 ner8 was imedi
.. .. .-u,.,u set ,1111 ll ,' ...... , .
Of th. irt... v...:' .T . . "u K'",'hl3
l.i,,.. Jumped into bed and
wh ,1 4 W 0Ver themselves,
"hile others soughtanv avnilahl.,
mm WWW. " 1 Vr
m -er. l ne wife collared her errimr
Uoire and ImI kt .- . """ring
- 11,11. Lt-iiimnna Mil .. ' - .
gv 1 "mmf lortn.
"" ouiu suvs t ui 1 mM
first thought of makTnVrhono:
E ""'nostofthe SetaiU
before tV drawinir a nl. n-Z .
,r(l t-ll MahuJ 1. - . . .
1,1 , "hcvi. ne to u
I I l.ertnun . .
..oi, nilll in.Iln u. . 1 I a
bin. 1.. 1 . . " '" lor
palter,, I . D,ne R,,er a rtln
PHttern. he inventor didn't hint what
be wantetl i, fOP. but
"'rforachangeor altera on to
he made, without even looking , .k
model. Finally the L. . ?
Of tinfoil into it turned tK I
lumons 0..1., i . lnj'
fmnLTL 11,60 Mr Ed'son re-
in (I (Hi mwifiim 117 it At hnM . 1 V
" "viurr inn1 ni
ante union with the world's intai.J, . ,
ourselves have 2
v-''7 warm zeal ,.
""""if Mrt
tllillir cinlil L.
more dangerous for Australia lh,
"cut the painter" iu t(le illU.,, .
ife, whutever may be the 7
politics. And the fact roinai,,, oT
and which at best is about th. ... ,
farther removed from f ,
f eastern border can onlv tnn a.
U. . " cnaiif
come apathetic about so dim,.,,!,
matter m thnonunanf nui... .l- .
... " "HlUgtlt.
.Meanwhile, tho very tendency L
make the Australian journal , ma
eilitcd and so' encyclopiedic leem to
threaten in another direction th,,
of popular education. In early Califs
nia duys newspapers were almoni the
only printed matter thut th .(.'..
population reud. Knowing this fa,i
was rather strongly impressed by the
very first romark that I heard (rum one
prominent gentleman as to the intel
lectual condition of Australia "You
must 'know," he said, "our peopled,)
not road books: they devour journals. '
Against Ibis opinion one must of tour '
put the existence of the splendid pub.
lie library ut Melbourne, the numerout
town libraries scattered tbrottghuut
tlie colonies, and the very respectable
trade of the booksellers in Melbourat.
in Sydney, and even in the mucli
smaller city of Auckland. Yet, after
all. thero aro undoubtedly many in-
Sneiioesat work in the colonies ajfuinit
the formation of a strong literary run
I do not think these inliuetieei at til
remarkuble in their results to far: whit
I fear is the future, when the bttkf
part of I he people will have forgolitn
the old home, and when a p-ovincist
self-consciousness will tend more and
more to fight against the vust industry
required to keep pace with the world s
mental work. Think how vastly our
own intellectual life, such as It .
would suffer If we were two or three
weeks farther removed from Kurope!
Josiuh Royce, in Atlantic.
Whin tu 11. 1 w I, 11 One of tht Vounfitm
llai the Karachr.
One of our little girls liss been
troubled with ourache since herbabj
hood. No sores have gathered, but 1
cold or exposure to a stroiis- wind is
almost certain to cause her acute suf
fering with earache. After trying
Dearly every thing that 1 have seen or
heard recommended, I have settled on
this application as giving surest and
quickest relief. It is a Hauiiel bag
stuffed with hops and wrung from hot
vinegar. I lay the bag over the child's
ear, as hot as she will bear it, oover
the whole side of tho face with dry
flannel and change the hop bag as
often as it becomes cool. The warm
steam tilling the child's ear soon re
lieves the pain.
Stuffing the ear with the "heart of 1
rousted onion," tricklings of molasses,
wads of peppered cotton and lumps ol
mutton tallow have never ret in uj
experience eased earache and such irri
tating messes crowded or poured into
lhe delicate labyrinth of the ear may
In much mischief.
Another child is a victim of leg-ache.
Inherited, possibly, for well dower
member what we suffered with its tor
turet in our own childhood. Heat and
moisture gave us relief, and. fiillowmf
in our mother's footsteps, we hv
routed night after night from "
vnrm quarters, in the dead of winlr.
10 kindle lire! and fill frosty kettle1
from water pails thickly crusted witk
Oe, that we might get the writiuuf
pedul extremities of our little heir ioW
a tub of but water as quickly as P"'''
ble. Hut lately we have l-iiriied that
all this work and exposure are iir
less. We sininlv wrinir a towel fron
alted water h bowl of it standing H
our sleeping romn, ready for rocs as
emergency wrap the limb 111 Itnen
ankle to knee, without taking the saws
rom his U-d, und then swath wilbdj;
Hann-ls. thick and warm, tucktnf
blankets about him a little closer, aad
re'ief is sure.
A ci oupy cough can often be looseoel
and prevented bv swathing the i'iru"
with dry. warm flannels: a thk F'"
of them to sweat the throat ami i'Dtf4
that often helps to speedily it i
necessary to sicken the child
ipecac, or Io wake the house !:indli"t
ires und pen,?, ri n? hot tveks.-
lemoii ju.oa u uJSrrin rernov"1
artar from the teeth, anti-febrile
Tlie roasted core of an onio"
-ometim,.;, HCt )ike mtkte in an set
- I:'mpenel newsiMioers lorn in
and s,.llU,.lwj over tne mJU !
P du-t lietwr than salt or loa-grout-
Ice-cream, flavored with estrtc
dually the kind that creates
math of interior phytical disf-
B-t aute the sir is Invitible it
-ea.n wny pur air it not as sttes
good health at art wholesoio
and Hrtnfc