The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 24, 1889, Image 2

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It la anld t hut on- woman out of
three all over Utah drinks whisk) and
gets drunk about ho often. They claim
they do it to keep off malaria.
Base-hall Ik going up in the world
An American icuiptor Iim h statue tin
der that title in the I'ariii Salon, repre
seutlnir a young man in the act ol
throwing a ball.
The Atlanta Journal. suggesting
the bloom of the cotton plant for the
National dower, tayi: "In there any
other Dower of the country whoite
product in no essential to the thrift of
inlllionH of Its eople, which in in every
way ao well fitted for Uncle Sam to
wear in hi buttonhole?"
Ten yeur ago there were twenty
two railroads which could not inter
change earn owing to the gauge. Now
II are alike and car owned in Maine
are leen alipplng over the rail in
Texas. The railroad Hyntcm of the
United State i declared to be a per
fect an a yUm can lie mode.
The GOVWIMW of Wyoming lately
pardoned u man sentenced to u term ol
year for a murderoUH assault on the
condition that if the convict ever
drink another drop of liquor he hall,
lorleit hi liberty and be ent back to
prison. A (imilar pardon wa granted
In Mississippi a few year ugo.
During IHHH there were .V.'.UU'.I I
Immigrants landed In till country.
From (iormany there were ll)ii,!l7.';
from Knglnnd. 76,010; from Ireland.
7I,!G; from Sweden, M,Mjj from
Italy, 47, 4'.' I, and from Kuia, :l.r..V)l
The lowest recorded wa 1 from Malta,
and the nex tlowest '.'1 from Portugal.
Recently an old lady died at Heth
leheni, leaving an etate of I'.'.INNI,
which foil to a near relative. i'bo
heir secured a Huthlehem attorney,
who in turn lee tired another attorney.
When llnal settlement wa made the
lawyer deduced f; from the estate
for hia Mr vice, and thu near rel.ilivo
got the oalani'e.
Among the curiosities developed
In the hunt for relic of Washington i
a contract with hi gardener, in which
Htipulation I made that the gardeuei
hall keep sober all the year, except
that he in to have four dollar at
Christmas with which to lie drunk
lour day, and two dollar at BHtor
and Whitsuntide to Imi drunk two
day. Fancy uch a contract Mng
made with the President of thu United
State in IHH'.l.
"The hair of the board In grow
ing, rainu little hill of flesh around
each root," ay a harbor, "and in
having a man smoothly the razor imiU
these olT, leaving tin1 blood vessels
XMised. Under the microscope these
bleeding veel can 1m' distinctly sen.
and the llesh Is seen to be entirel
without tUo covurlng of skin it nhoulil
have. The natural result I that the
close shaver I always troublod with
colds ami alToctionHof the throat."
The great plate-irjasa window
that adorn large tore front hav
their origin in the vanity of women.
A woman like to see herself a other
ie her. She can do that in a mirror.
When be 1 on the street the show
windows serve a mirror to tell her
how pretty or bad he appears, if her
hat Is on crooked, her back hair down
or her new-fangled hutluawry. Thou
they are attracted to the good In the
window and go Into the stores to In-
'cl and buy. tradesmen who ob
served the milliner In which they
looked in the window urged Iho glus
manufacturer,. i() make large panes
They gradually made them larger and
larger until now they till the entire
The Government's Kxpenses -Died From
Delirium Tremens -Beat tna Cop
per Trust - Fighting tna
Jute Bagging Trust.
Joaipiin Miller is in Chicago.
Iluiralo ia to have a "men only" hotel.
Gold hail lieeu found near Arrow Rock,
St. Imis wants the World's Fair in
Halina, Kan., lawyeri have a gymna
l-.a-' St. Iiuis ii to have an electric
Chattanooga, Tenn., is to have electric
street cars.
Kouasli frieil in bread crumbs is a new
hummer ilisli.
A movement is on foot to form an
Orange Trust.
A case of yellow fever is rertel at
Itrunswii k, ia.
Secretary Tracy is quite ill from an at
tack of dyaentary.
Gold i said to have been found in Cler
mont county, Ohio.
Thirty protective tarilTclubs have lieen
formed in Alalnima.
The average taxation in New Hamp
shire i ll.iU per $100.
A wolf-hunting association is to be in
corporated at Salem, 111.
Montana's Convention will declare
' strongly against th.i Chinese.
Iloston wants the big show of 1 V'J held
at Washington, not New York.
Alabama fanners are fighting hard to
break up the jute bagging trust.
A dispute over the payment of cuts
tin list to a law suit in ITttsburg.
The Htream sent by a Hartford fire en
giae Is'ats the world, going 348 feet.
A Chicago dime museum is trying to
gel liold of iieroniino and Sitting Bull.
North Dakota is expected to house
aliout 10,000,000 bushels of wneat to sell
The Scott Klcvatcd Iiailroail bill passed
the Missouri House of Delegates on
the M
The Sjiecial Senate Committee on Arid
Land held a session at St. 1'aul on the
1st tnst.
Mtirat I lalstead lias unnoticed that he
is a candidate for United States Senator
from Ohio.
Editor John Arkins, who was brutally
assaulted at Denver by a blackleg, is
The Constitution of South Dakota is
longer and stronger than that of the
I'mted States.
It is contended that. Illack Hart had
something to do with the train robbery
near Kansas City.
A man named ,1. D. Sullivan from San
Francisco, died from delirium tremens at
Denver, on the :td.
Suit are pending against fourteen ex
County 'I reasurers in Arkansas why are
short in tlieir accounts.
Kilrain i almiit to leave Virginia for
parts unknown. He savs he has no idea
of surrendering himself.
C. P. Huntington will head a syndicate
It I stated, to pun base the sllip-lllllld
ing works ol iioadi A Mons.
Ilurke, the Cronin susect, is safely
liarlHircd in jail at vducago, and it is re
irted that he made a confession.
Hallway In Ireiand-To Hava a Public
Musical Clock Mrs. Belva Look
wood In London.
Cardinal Lavigerie ia now recovering.
Kxtensive floods are reported in Silesia.
Belgium expelled ill foreigners in IHHH.
Msrv Anderson' health is much improved.
Rev. Horatio Ronar died at Kdinburgh
on the 1st.
England's biggest ship has 14,000
The Scotch harvest promises to lie early
and abundant.
The has approved Count Tolstoi's
reform projects.
The practice of cremation is spreading
rapidly in Italy.
I union 'a policemen number 14,247;
hackinen, 14,207.
The notorious Mine. Rostell is said to
lie living in Paris.
Schnadhorst, the leader of the Knglish
Socialist, is dying.
A new ioem by Ixird Tennyson will
doom in September.
Spain baa a floating industrial exhibi
tion at South America.
Deserters from Wadel Semi aay he in
tends to fight to the last.
Bismarck hopes to bring the three Em
pemrs together at Potsdam.
The Idaho Convention -Escaped From
Folsom Prison Kloped With a
Married Man-Tbe "601 " at
Truckea In Ha nest.
Portland is to have a llie-boat.
Kastcrn Nevada is purchasing Califor
nia hay.
Portland is urging the construction of
a fire-hout.
Harvest hands in Oregon demand t" a
lay and board.
Seattle intends to have a flre-lioaf to j
protect its wharves.
A lieutenant and twelve men will re-1
main at Fort Klamath.
Kvery salmon cannery on the Colum
bia river has shut down.
Santa Rosu declines to susiend the 11'
o'clock saloon ordinance.
UUMK AMI Pastil.
Horse Radish as a Houliloe -Successive
Crops-Plowing Hod-How to
Make Soap-Corn Fritters.
wing Menelek except the Province of
iow ii u pttiiaaw i tM IntiBfairttOT a
Nl.mllly si,,,, ,
"Old elo" and "old shoe" merchant
never ias an salt can without inspect
ing for old shoes. If any i found it
oon llud a hiding place in the capa
cious bag carried for the purpose
SWh day's labor Is taken to the homo
of the "old shoe man," where It Is
sorted over. Shoes that are not past
a few day of usefulness go under the
resuscitating care of an Italian coll
ider. He gkves the old shoe a new
leae of life by endowing it with n
new sole and other repair. Thec am
to some Hoeond'haud shoe store, of
which there are a goodly number In
this city.
The shoos that are iaat repair are
taken to the old Junk dealer, w ho in
tiirnahlpthcm to the shoddy factories
There they are pulled to plee in or
der to remove the teel shank piece, if
there lie any. and then ground to a
line dust. Thl leather dut i then
mixed with about forty per cent ol
rubber, which ha been gathered In
the same way. The mixture of rub
her and leather dust Is spread In
sheet about two feet square, and sub
jeetod to a pressure of 6,um to 10,000
per 0)00(0 foot The substance in
then colored, and sold at prices snni.
MM er cent, below that of leather.
This manufactured leather is u.ed
by the manufacturers of cheap ,ih
mostly for Inner soles. As It is wholly
anting in Beer. It la n.anilestly '
very poor substitute (UlOM w,h
these shoddy inner solo are to be
found in r quantities tining O0
PU and bearing the legend. "All
Ica'.hcr. l."
The Industry of making .buddy
hoes has greatly Improved. At Hrst
trmw board was used for Inner-sole
-ounlera. and sornetlmes for sole
by pasting over with a thin veneer of
'le leather. Next leather .era,,. ...l
old shoe were ground up and mixed
llh the straw ps,r. This gve s
little better substance. Now ,hodd
.-oniaiiis lemther dual and rubts
The governincnt's expenditure in July
exceeded tne receipts by 1,017, .!1
owing to the large pension payments.
Hansen, the Minneaisilis man bitten
Uy a cat, ia to Ik- sent to Pasteur, who
lias oil. -red to treat linn free ol charge.
Lightning struck an electric car at
Lynn, Mass., the other day. A big scare
ami lortuuatu escnis (or many passcu
A Ihiiu tide oiler of $10,000,000 has
lieen made lor the Alton Road hv an Kn
glish syndicate to (ienerul (Counsel Heck-
Chicago is Incorporating a World's Fair
Association with a capital of M.OW.OOO.
A strong etl'ort is being made lo shut out
e ork.
f parade of the Knights
' Triennial Conclave to lie
The order of
Templar at the
held in October Ol Washington, has bOOB
ice -i.iii.iing ii,s-k linnsiiH will su'ii
the treaty and it is safe to predict that
1 1 ,tllaj,(sHj acre ot laud will be opened
lor setticincni
Mayor Grant oi New York has received
plans for a tower which shall exceed the
HUM lower III height lor the Columbus
F.xHition in IMS,
Judge Field of the Circuit Court of
Kansas City has divlared the statute al
lowing religious associations to he incor
porated unconstitutional.
I lie Mcaragua I anal Company expects
to the
world iu
the whole
r. -
talk lo summon . . , '""lK
w-Hroiwo. '-
,"""( "i'liosho "oToor. ',,,n
I, .. iii . "onours or inon-' i
1 WWU In-,,.. jrila., ev.-nmgtnu
Would have l ie tr...t. ... .. '
to nave tlie take oin
two and ot.e-half vars and
canal in sIhiuI live years.
Fx -Attorney-! iciicra) (iarland has bOM
appoiatod resident attorney of the North
ern Pacitlc Roilraad, at ii salary, it is
said, of fc!.',000 per year.
The National Kurcau of Kngraviug at
Philadelphia, one of the most extensive
lithographing establishment iu the cotin
try, is iu liuancial distress.
Prof. J. W. Howell, a well-known edu
cator of Kutlcdgc, Tenn., is dying of hy
drophobia. He was bitten thirteen years
ago by a black-and tan terrier.
James B. Hsggin saihsl for Kurope on
the 3d. He won the suit against the
I- rem h Copper Trust for 200,000, and
has gone to collect the money.
Twin children belonging to one of the
locked-out miners at Spring Valley, III ,
died on the 2d, the uiotlier having too
little food to piovide nourishment (or the
It is reirtcd that the Nicaragua Canal
v ompauy is iigurtng on a tine of three
American steamships, which it proposes
w i h i ' ii ' i r e , i w i arid ew
York and San Francisco and Itrito.
tl'Ml ...... .
u iaiii .nteu kitted James t raik at
.Charleston, S. C , on the !. The caae
was somewhat similar to that in --'-
lr. IHiw Kilhsl Kditor I .i n
The lutersUte Railway Association is
formulating a plan which will bring tl.e
Cana.lian IVitlc under the aame restric
tions impited ujion roada in tliiscotiutrv.
There is a gold dining ball in the Itn
(erial resideucc at Moscow .
Fronde indignantly repudiates the re
ports that lie is a Home Kuler.
The Shah ot Persia Iwught a black dia
mond for $0000 in Paris, last week.
The municipal council at Rome has de
cided to form a Pasteur institution.
Queen Natalie will he permitted to
meet her son only outside of Servia.
Hungary has cut railroad fares to 12
and 10 cent for fifteen and twenty miles.
joe wnnie oi n njinis nisr suonutied
to K
hngland has annexed the Union and
Plnenix group of islands, in the Pacific
William O'Brien has applied for a new
trial of his libel suit against Salisbury for
The Italian Parliament has suddenly
been prorogued. It caused a general
Not only is the city of Pisa bankrupt.
but ten other Italian towns have become
Canada has in view the protect of a
steamship line between Chilean porta
and Quebec.
There has not been a single death from
Binall-s)x in bunion this year. No Chi
namen there.
The international sugar bank agencies
have announced that thev have a capital
of $ ir,130,000.
The British House of Commons has
agreed to graut 1.3,000,000 to build rail
ways 111 Inland.
During the past season I ivernool took
700,000 and London 360,000 barrels of
American upples.
Thirty persons were killed and eighty
injured by the recent earthquake on the
Island of Kiu-Siu, Japan.
Privy Councilor Kruger has lieen ar
rested on suspicion of lieing concerned
iu the (iermaii naval frauds.
Washington will vote on the selection
tion of a city for its Capital.
Many swarms of Is'es are found by the
lumlx'rmen up in the Sierras.
The Indians are dis king to the hop
fields of Washington Territory.
An immense deposit of mineral soap
has DOM found m ar San Uiego.
W. A. Smith's dry goods store at Napa
has Iron attached by creditors.
Ten ffiousand dollar will lie given in
purses ai the Santa Rosa races.
Geroge Orav, of Susanville, Cal., has
gone insane from disaps)iutment in love.
Mr. Fiiilei ,of Arroyo Grande, Iu wal
nut trees that bring him in I0 for each
San Diego and San Bernardino coun
ties are going to law aland the county
Tepid water acta promptly as an emetic.
Horse-radish as a poultice, ii recom
mended for rheumatism.
Trim up the shade trees and have
them in good shape and attractive.
Finely sifted coal ashes are excellent
for providing dust liaths for poultry.
Fresh lioilcd milk with cut sugar will
soothe a cough when other things fail.
Sprinkle cayenne pepper in the resort
of ruts and they will leave the premises.
Better feci; tb inferior fruits and veg
etables to the nogs id. hi to send them to
Many a vigorous, fruitful tree owes its
existence toa mulch, at this season, when
it was young.
How to Make Soap. Three and a half
)tiuds of grease, four gallons of Bait
water, if sisille ; one l . of concentrat
ed lye. After the lye is dissolved boil
three hours.
Salt Like City has lieen Carried by the
Qentiloi in a iwpular vote by forty ma
Horses should have at len t two hours
rest at BOOB. On very warm days horses
suffer severely. They should lie watered
often, ami at night should la- swablasl
and wiped dry.
Filthy quartors cause lice on all classes
of stock, and at this season the vermin
multiply very rapidly. An animal that
is infested with vermin cannot I' kept
in gol condition, even with the bst of
The hens will now la-gin to moult.
Keep the bens that moult early, as thev
. will lav in winter. Lite pullets will
' seldom lay ls'fore spring, but pullets
batched not Inter than April should lav
in Koromber,
( orn F ntters. One coffeecup of
canned corn or grated corn, one of sweet
mi.'k, two egg well beaten, salt ami flour
to make quite a Btiff batter. Drop Will
a sKwin into lioiling lard. These fritters
taste like fried oysters.
Cm umbers gre sometimes served as an
entice when prepared thus: Take good
i si'eil Anon utwl riA..I r I ..... . m.l uli,.,. Hum
Orange county has adopted as its otli-' ieliiftbu iud tile.. inl ,...,...... I
cial seal an orange with a stem and three I seasoned with pepper and salt ; fry them
eaves. I- L.j I I J-At ' Tii
n umii tuey are a ueucate
T rrl . . i , ,
iu lenaiua county me assessor levies
Uwn allalfa patches, and the farmers are
in hot
Ths Lima-bean crop of Ventura county
this year w ill amount to H000 tons, ooru
Queen Victoria desires to visit India,
but does not think her health sufficient
to stand the long sea voyage.
M. Stanley is reported in au Austra
lian interview as saving that "the irood
on i race oi singers is dying out.
wi.. .1. . . i. ,
i ue uir '! artesian wen in Kiissia
oiK-ns with a depth of 11)110 feet. The
sinking operation took two years.
The Italian cruiser Bardeena has the
largest steam engine, it is four truth
expansion ami has 16,000 horsepower.
Fears are expressed that there will lie
a massacre at Port-au-Prince. Havti. if
HlppoHte succeeds in his work of cap
Mrs. Beta Lock wood, now in Lnadfln.
is expected "on account ol her extreme
individuality," to be "much snnahl
. ,, - "
It is thotnrh that Crisoi the llstiun
Premier, is near the oinf of his mnr
and that with him will fall the terrible
The Spanish (loyernnient snnnoria
Austria in advising the IW to take nn
bis residence iu Portumtl if nhHoarf n.
ease Koine.
Lird Mayor of Dublin Sexton noramty
in charging the British (iovernment with
having opened the letter lVesident Har
rison wrote him.
Botilanger says his mental Condition
never was better, and is amused at Un
reports circulated in Paris that he Imd
iiunmitted suicide.
I'll" greatest house in I on, Ion
long will i-rbaps lie Ixird Portman's pro
POaod repnsliu-lion of Woolsnv's hnuin.
palaoeal Hampton Court.
The Cretan Mussulmans I
over a hundrxil houses in a villaire near
such, i ne insurgent leader bav
hum to tiri'e'e lor assistance.
Beef Croquets Take cold roast beef,
mince it tine, put in an onion chopped
tine, sweet marjoram, a little lowdered
cloves, moisten with the beef gravy;
make it into bulls, dip in the beaten yolk
ofHrieeir roll in llnnr mwl inw il...... I.,
1 s.. ..... Ill ......I.... ;tu ,uu .:n 1 U..M. . . ' - """"
.i ixiniiiiM imua f.srv,ii will oeouiii lard.
at Taconia this year by some Michigan .... ., - . , .
capitalists. rl"' pity (.ouncil of Skane Falls, af-
I O r an i iit'iul i,.o i,.n l... I....O:..:
q.i r i . . , ..o."S-,w,, ooo uic 1 1 e 1 1 . III
""" " omnioia river sai-1 working of the water facilities at the be
i" a. liV ' stiiiiaied at ' ginning ol the recent tire, are satisfied
T-,.v..,vw. MUeriniendeut Jones as negligent in
A now of gas has s-eii struck at 'caving an incompetent ta-rson in eliarge
depth of 7M feet near Tulara Uke. south "l tlie WHter works, and will make him
of llanford. vacate
Field tire are itnina iMnaMassMa ,l,.,. I Chee Cong, the murderer of Lee Yick
age to small holdings in the neighliorhood Nremler ii, 1887, was hanged at Port
of Portland. nd on the !Uh inst. Chee (Jong de
i r sniioi o tm . . , "hired his innocence to the lust. His
i;""'"""1'" inego oauKcr, nos ( s cl. on the scaffold impressed mum
. nj I ' 8 ltare"' m "e the lH'lu'f '" 'H innocence. Aliout
seventy-five persons witnesseil theexecu-
Threi n have died in Tin-son within 1 tl0"-
u few days from drinking ice wuter iu
large quantities.
Two toughs have ban arretted el
Baker City, Or , and charged with passing
counterfeit money.
Sugars Remain Firm at Last Quotations
-Provisions are Active Wool
Weak and Lower-Butter
and Cheese firm.
In the local merchandise markets the
general activity continues, and has been
considerably increased during the past
few days by the unexpected demands from
Spokane. The draw-back of unfairly dis
criminating is not considered when
M-ople are homeless and hungry. Time
is the main object, and time at least is
saved by getting suppliea here. City re
tuilers report a seasonably quiet week's
trade. The decline of V on all grades
of sugar noted laat week has not varied
since. The provision market is active,
but one or two changes being noted. But
ter and cheese are linn and advancing,
both here and in California, the result of
the dry weather. The wool ma-ket is still
weak and lower. The grain market has
not moved much, and shippers continue
their quota! ions.
Sugars, Golden C (ic, extra 0 0s,c.
dry granulated Hc, cube, crushed and
iKiwdered i,c. Coffee: (iHatamala 19i
DSAVA, Java 2627o, Costa Rica 21
..'4c, nociia 37c, Kio HJiVSJfO,
roasted Java oOtaSL'c, Arbuckle's rousted
Oregon ham 1313Jc, breakfast bacon
'...I" lite, sides 'ji$a loc, FOasteruliam 13
(0114c, break fast bacon lc, sides tyfe,
shoulders 00. Lard 9c.
Peaches 75c$l.f0, apples $11.25,
lemons . Sicily 7.&0, (tears $lajl.L'5.
DKIKP Kill 11 s.
Apples 45c, evaporated (JtiOc sliced
Otr, pears He, peaches 810c, Oregon
plums 3C4, petite prunes 6(0c, German
;)tic, primer, Italian 7c, silver 97c,
California figs 7c, Smyrna Iks 14(i)15c.
apricote 13(Sl4c, raisins $1.752.26 per
T R,
L k I,. I ..
'What k nd of
rved In tnemeot T !
English letter. V
on ..
of buvinir I,,...... "IS I
or -nn.1. .
was quite ,-on.inon,,,,,? 014
Bill out a,.r.l. . . B1tW t,L
" I I . ' I I F I L . .
trothed and weddlm li.
now is being reviVud ''
IU .., ,.r ... . i . nn u.
pniupiuei on llio aubien. "T
ample of 'posies' fonnrl t..: "t
have belonged to c.-lehru "f
some of them in ......
Plant turnip seel. The ground is in
excellent condition, lieing damp, and tin
seed should germinate qutcaly. As soon
as the young plants throw out leaves
scatter wood aslies along the row. Give
j the crop extra attention u hen tin. ftt.iril u
m.. i ...... . .... - -- . w...r :"":r.i
lorem ores hi luoiiiana which tinve 1 are young, ami nut little work will Im) re
oeen prevailing lor some tune, show no uuired later on.
signs of abatement .
Another little diphtheria patient the I 011 warm' lr-v ,la-vs
nun nas oeen sacruiced under tin- l.ntb
cure at Ixis Angeles.
lhe la-st time to use the cultivator is
All weeds and grass
will then Is- otiicklv killed hv the son
uiid will have no opportunity to taJra
root and grow. If the ground is damp
niien it. is cmtivaieii (DO weeds and grass
will not he entirely destroyed and the
work may have to Ik- done over again
iswect jiotato plants should now be
spreading, ana unless they are cultivated
the task will Is- more dtlhcult after tin
er. a plasterer, wa. .bo. ? Wi.r lhirmn'- . They ehould be
nrobiiblv fut.illv. in . bar.r.s, ., "m" "P "' "" to avoid heavy rains.
Portland, on the Jib in.i 1 1 IS hite to replant the
Petalmria is worked up over the sJope-1
ment of a foolish girl with u painter who
has a wife and child.
Kish Commissioner McDonald thinks I
salmon can Is- made as plentiful us ever
in the Columbia river.
John Mil
The Republicans of Washington will
meet at Walla Walla on September Ith
to nominate State officers.
laliorers have rem bed Santa Rosa to
liegin grading work on the Santa Rosa
and Sebastopool Railroad.
The Nevada County Fair commences
Aimust Ltlth and will lust live duvs. The
racing events are well tilled.
The Sun Diego Cable Company is a
new incorporation, with a capital of t6.
900,000, to work at Sun Uiego.
A Siuit, ..... aSVm L i , ,
d i , l, " """" " aae Alum
Kock lurk from the City Trustees and
to spend 188,600 in making improvement.
places if u handful of fertilizer Is- scatter
ed around the plants that may he set out.
Green tomatoes fried are preferred bv
some people to the egg plant, and max
well take its place; cut the outer slices
ofi, ami then cut the inner part in slices
ttlamt half un inch thick, roll them in
BOOT and fry ia butter; sprinkle pepper
und salt on them. This may lie used as
U entree or a garnish with' meal oi a iv
years for
ve sp
it is reported that M rs tieonn. I '.in. It...
ton Bowler, of QuieiniiaU. has la-en can-
Mlr...l I., 1 .1.1 . I., t.l.. ....
....... .., i.i, , K1S l(M,n
traveling in RawopO for years.
A small OMunitiei has baa formed of
members of the House of Commons who
are interested in the welfare of the Ar
menian subjects of the Sulun.
IVemier Saulishury savs the increased
war prerations ol the powers are great
vuruy to peace. e feea llot admit '
that there will 1. mi early conHict.
.b'Hctt H Howtand has escaped from
. lit- is JO years o hi nm
sent iron. Sacraiuctito for two
The Sutro Tunnel
DOOVeyedkl the Union Trust t ontpanv
of New ork, which succeeds to all the
property and franchises.
Knianiiel Venhnro. Willi f ii 11 r.,, I
Louis Colin, a prominent citir.en and
merchant of Nogales, A. T., has Is-n ar
resttsl in Mexico and taken to Tin-sou.
The Starting of the extensive luinlsT
yard at Mora binding by the Pacific
Uunbor Company of San Francisco, bus
created a lumls-r war iu Salinas Yullev
Mrs. Liixie Grunt, w ife of J. D. Grunt
Jr. of the tirni of Murphy, (iront A Co '
duvlon the sth inst. t San Mateo, of
heart diseaik'. She w as 17 years of i ge.
Three Superior Court Judges sitting in
lank have decided that all .-ontracts
made by the Coronado Beach Company
for the sale of lands there and at South
Nui Diego arc valid.
A pretty Chair. A friend of ours with
more taste than money is constantly sur
prising her ncquuintunces with little ex
hibitions of ingenuity. One of the latest
of her achievements is this : Si me hero
als'iit the house was an old-fashioned,
rush bottomed rocker, a relic of the days
of our grandparents, a comfortable chair
cuuukrii losu in, nut wearing a corn-1
pondingly time-worn appearance. Out
oi us Hiding place my friend brought this
uiicomciv aiiair and applied cottble of
property bus been I . , wnu " 'l"e me-
Potatoes, new, II.10, eweets 3 per
Hi, ouions 1.10, green peas 6c.
Butter, Oregon lancy 30c, medium
1 1 tal'Oc, common 10('i4l2!n.c. Eastern
fito, California 18:'0c.
Eggs 1820i.
Chickens 3ni4, broilers !J.50(a3. old
i5.50cnt), young geese $8(tT0.
Valley 18i2c, Uinpque WQ'Xc, East
ern Oregon 10JD:.
Hops 1012,c.
Wheat, Vallev I1.W0I1J2U. Eastern
Oregon ll.loai.ll'K. Oats40c.
ris. '
Ill Knull.i. .."apt
l.afiu. rrench ami 1
!. .1 .. ... . II-. .
'r' r'"H Wl1" which Bislion Rn i
ded his wife, riln: -Helv1"1 H
rere binn t mik; n... ,
U wpn. j.
me a mma mnti.aH
" puui -
. t iiinrrln.
U . . -rs-uc ' ,-p. .
IN V (ll-il. - ' ':
J I 1- nil ' i..-. .
I nna t Aa ra... . .
- "ere either donl,i
single, the double on.. k.i ' Uble
serious, and the simrl n..k. '.U"
A favorite in the seventee,,,'
tm ii
"tlrsl our lov contlnu evtt
That we in Heaven mm jw'p)1
"And another:
" 'Let iHm never take a wife
Who will not love tierusu'lun,.
a sixteenth century gentlot f(.
confidence in his future
when he hud inscribed in hi T
weddlnir rlnir: U
" 'I did, then, commit no folly
When I married my sweet Molt
"And unr.Hi.... . .. '
jusuneu his
moniul plunge by:
' ' "Tla fit men should not be ai0M
Which made Tom to marry Jo.
"Single posies are more popular tu,
as not many modern rings are J,
enough to admit of two linet
n.1 Ilia nA 1 1 !. ...
wma w.u owigu, iniaics Wlllclurei
useil are:
4.26, other
brands 43.75
The niilway up Mount Vesuvius has
i -t.1- . l .r
a ao,c message l rout the Kuropean i " '"'l-e'HM ior trallic. Six nionthi
t inon of Astronomera .1.. KO it Was nearly .leatmve.1 k tk i
diseoyerv of au asteroid of the thirtieth h'T V,',,vin" guides, who found that
magnitude by Dr. 1-uleaa of Vienna 018 ll,le
Halbourne i. ... ... I Profits.
n . . : ,' " .-i im- inio-
lic clock, which will mil nir . Tl
i-onsiderably diminieluM their
every hour
w hen only
wred music
luring Sunday,
win ne played
'I el
a. ... lie , died l,rn,.
runs Kh'iuA.
rvoM. IllswrSrrw.
taken when exieivori-ontinuousmti-eojar
exertion, exciting passions, or over
indulgen.f stimulating iool er drink or
nervous disimlrra hava long ittinne.
1otIivs treaties with each Untie, or
aiUlfvas M. k lnw( S v
Ristics, who has so Umg . antral ! noUli"t!
ie creditors of tin. st,n,.i..,.i l
shs-k Insurance Cotnpanv, which' re
cently (ailed at Heading, Va.. will reali
fi.'iir.. ill OaaHlAM - .. ..
7H k. . ; " r'oiup and intrigue
I'll .I'll Willi ;
result ot his ex
sst two yaus.
The Constitutional
W'lexy. proUbly the Helena, I ? that t
ntmg laWr. during the Montana Z y iu Uorlrn!
of 15000,
Convention at
M State ol
lovernora salary
nad two ve
Mrat Clevelana
i. .,
1 orange and lemon tree while
in the White Houae, and courteously
left them to Mrs. Harrison on her de
part it re.
-tJeneral Ben Butler, who was
asked to reply to thequealion. "Should
women propose?" declined an n-...
on the plea that he was "p,t havln
any Interest in It"
-Benjamin Whit, a lineal descend
ant In the fifth feneration of Peregrine
W bite, the drat whiUchiW born In the
Plymouth Colony, i. UlBf mt Manin.
field sj.tbe age of eli .threap
ooks worn
nap Btnghamton
' Of sllHMl i Ciln.lnel.-..
w . .,
oxaotv. r.ven a garment
"H'li It loses its
Probably the mo-d wide-awak.
class of men in this country are u,,.
young fathers who have been
IUi twins.-Burllngton Kree Prxss.
- The smart young man said he had
eort been in the drug store very long.
"e he had been t the sxla fountain
ong enough lo 1 IxiU-iau - Wash-luguinfrit,,.
1 1 '
: poos, . i nn appesrenoe, a aqoara
of homespun linen, old nut good and
strong and mellowed by time into a soft
cream color, made a capital cover for a
cushion to the same. A spray of flowers
mingled with wheat heads, worked in
crewels, serves as ornamentation for this
cushion, ami there isn't a prettier chair
in town for the amount of tune und trou
ble expended upon it.
Plowing Sod. It is a question rarelv
decided among farmers at w hat time it is
nest to plow sod for a corn crop. This
question is U-st settles! bv considering
n..oi is im ii mis operation. The
great K)int is that the corn crop shall
procure u large portion of its nutriment
from it ; another is that the corn may lie
planted on fresh clean ground so that it
may get ahead of Hie weeds bv rapid and
Kuroiia germination. Ilow, then, can
three important points Ih best secured?
(. leurlv by permitting the heritage to
K us long us poaHoaS, und by defer
ring the plowing until the last moment.
Then a large quantity of the most ac
ceptable food for the young corn is
ployed under; the soil is mellow, moist
and fresh ; planting is done under the
best conditions. The seeds of weeds
will sprout quickly and a light harrow
ing More the Con is up will destroy the
genus and clean the ground of myriads
M them, lightening tin? after-ialmr of cul
tivating the crop. A top-dressing of ma
nure on the sod More the plowing will
Is- a greti' assistance.
-Seaside hotel proprietor (anxious-y)-"Hasntthesea
serpent oeen re-
" lu-y vet f OlUce hoy -
stir" .. , a
in uiiv nv. HHn i
...ere ramM B (
Rush down to the beach and ask them
U they sw ..No
Jem,K'rauce crowd."-Philadelphia
-"I can't understand. Bobby." ,ad
his father, -why y .hould quarrel so
nch with Tommy White. Your
mother telN me you quarrel with him
"""" oi me time.'' -I mM i
I"", n-piied Itohby. thoiurbf,,!!..
resa I must get my disposition from
you and ma,"
Hay $1314 per ton, bran $14.5015,
chop lltfiifiiO, shorts $l0.60u17, barley
Beef, live. L,543c, dressed, G6c;
mutton, live, 3;, dressed t(J7c, hogs live
ti.:, dressed, "7sc ; veal tJ(38c.
Warning to Chinese Uudes.
The nctinir Governor of Kiangsu,
Ilwnng. has issued a proclamation call
ing attention to the sumptuary laws of
the collected statutes of the Ta-ts'log
Dynasty, which he says will be vigor
ously enforced us regards weuring ap
parel. The people of this province
(which includes Sooc'now und Shang
hai), arO) bo observes, notoriously ex
travagant in their way of living, striv
ing to surpass oach other in the rich
ness of their apparel, and their want
of propriety is shown in the crowded
Itate "f BoWOr bouts and iwlaaiuti
where men and women assemble to-
gelli. i'. I he bright-colored jackets
und waistcoats of the young men, em
broidered ut neck und sleeves with
dowers and other ornaments, are shock
ing fl) the view of sober, respectable
citizens, who know that money should
not be squandered by men on such
things. It is a Governor's duty to
watoh over the behavior of the peoplo
committed to his churso. und he Sam
them, therefore, thut voiun? men
dressed in a foolish, exti -llVHtmnt. mm
will be arrested and punished, and the
responsibility of their fathers, elder
oiottici-s and tutors will not bo overlooked.-
Pekln Gaaet.t.
While lue Indian delegai'on was
loafing nronnd Washington, the Presd
lent said lo Old-Maii-Afraid of-the-RheuniatU:
--Why does the groiat
chief have eleven wives?" And the
grim old wurrior answered the great
rather sternly: "To keep his wig
warm." Bnrdetto.
An Knglish gentleman was pigeon
shooting in his grounds rui'Miit It tv i ti
BB Irish friend. He shot a pigeon
very high up. and it came down with
a Plump at their feel. "Faith, that
was a waste of powder and shot," said
his Irish friend. "Why?" "Because,
in faith, the fall alone would have
killed the poor baste without any of
the shooting."
-Mr. Smith (whose hen-house has
recently been depleted)-' Those look
very mi,ch like my chickens. Uncle
Jonas." l-n,.i0 Jonas "Well, Mr.
Kmif. you know the wurl' turns ober
from ens' to wes an' yer place am ens'
oh dis, de yearth. in turnin', mus' er
' ooer ue lence jurin de nite.
Hat's de only splanation I can gib ob
do curronco. sab."
'"Ood t'xive aead peace and low
" 'Clod and the my comfort i
" 'Love me little, love me lonu.'
' -I bid adieu to all but you.'
" Thl and my heart.'
'"Love me and leave me not.'
"Sometimes we have an order to
grave a few words from Brotoia.
The last line of 'Lone Amoai; u,
Ruins,1 seems to be a favorite, sad iu
several quotations from Mrs. Broaj.
Ing's 'Sonnets from the Portupiess."
Occasionally some ono comes in ui
orders an inscription in which then
seems no earthly souse, but it'sintelii.
gible enough, I suppose, to the par.
ticulnr flnancee for whom it is
"Solitaire rings are not faahionub,
any more for engagements. Hull hoop
are considered the proper thin? now,
either one row of stones or two. ltk
this one, with diamonds and rubies.
Burned topaz Is coining in once more.
It was very much worn about fort;
years ago, and people who hare
jewelry of that date will find it useful.
The prettiest bracelet we have in the
place has two rows of burned topat,
each stone inclosed in a ring of until
diamonds." Chicago News.
Fourteen or Then. Illa;lirr Thau ir
Kamoua Mount Washlagtoa.
If you ask almost any one which ii
the highest mountain in the United
States, east of the Rocky Moutituios,
the reply will be "Mount Washington,
in New Hampshire," but this is nol
true. By referring to a map of North
Carolina you will notice on its western
boundary the great Appalachian chain
of mountains, which form the dividing
line between that State and Tennessee.
The average height of this chain ex
ceeds 5.000 feet. This part of it is i
bold frowning burrier, neurly 175
miles in length. It continues north
ward as far as the State of l'eiin-yl-vunia,
but its highest peaks and
roughest, wildest scenery are to be
seen In North Carolina
i ne mmotis .Mount wusniiiffioo, mon
arch of the White Mountains, is 6,286.
feet above the level of the sea, but in
the "Land of the Sky" there ure four
teen mountains of greater altitude
than this. Their names and heights
are as follows: Mount Mitchell 6,717
feet; (luoyt's Peak, or Balsam Cone.
6.671; Clingman's Homo, 6,600; Sandy
Knob, 6,612; Hairy Bear, 6.567; CM
Tail Peak, 6,596; Glbbe's Peak, 6.586;
Mount Alexander, 6,477; Sugar Loal
6,401; Potato Top, 6.398; Black Knob.
6,587; Mount Henry, 6,873; Kowler'i
Pyramid, 6,846; Roan Mountain, 6.318.
These are the measurements of Pro
fessors Guyot and Mitchell, with the
latest corrections by J. A. Holmes, ol
the Slate Geological Department.
It will be noticed that the highest
mountain In the list Is Mount Mitchell;
It is 48-.' feet higher than Mount Wash
ington, and every additional foot
makes a difference in altitudes. This
is one of the spurs of the Blue Ridge,
situated west of the main chain, in
Yancey County; it was named after
Prof. Elisha Mitchell, a native of Con
netlcut, and a graduate of Yale College
Prof. Mitchell accepted a call fro"1'
the University of North Carolina, and
the "Land of the Sky" became hi
adopted home. He demonstrated.
far back aa 1885, that this niountaia
was the highest cast of the Rocky
Mountains. American Agriculturist
Mp it.
-Milkman-"Know where the folks
of this house moved to? They owe
ell for milk." rnJtnooiii n i
a-tiow. Presume there wasl :,u wrih
of water in the milk, wasn't there'"
Milkman --No; that's what hurts me.
I hey were new customers and I hadn t
begun to water their milk yet- I al
ways sell straight goods for the tir-t
ten days and make it up the next ten."
They were discussing the plans
for their wedding, which she wanted
to announce for the month of "
while he was earnestly arguinjr that
tt should not be postponed. "Oh
tieorger she murmutvd. "think of it,'
what is so rare as a day in Juner A
day in February. Margueriie." he re
plied; - there are only twenty-eight of
them to thirty in Juno." And so they
wajre married in February. -Kltnlia
It is told of a pious, well-meaning
man here that upon one occasion is
Sunday school he prayed: "And bless
the superintendent of this scho 1. who
has ied such a long, tedious, Christies
Ufa" Kven the superintendent could
not suppress a smile.'' Kingston Freeman.
Wot grass Is injurious to young
chicks even in the summer. Do not
turn the hen and her brood o"t until
the sun is well up.
Customer (to flruggit s cierit.i
"In a business like this I presume you
have gained some practical knowl
edge of therapeutics." Urllggi,,
cWk (tilling prescript ion) "Thun
der, yes! had 'em when I wa.- ten
years old. Broke out all over me."
Chicago Tribune,
Besides acting as his secretary.
Captain Zalinskl's wife is of assistance
to him in s great many wsys- She
does not share the traditional timidity
of her sex in regard to guns snd i
quite capable of firing a cannon oo so