The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 17, 1889, Image 5

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CouiwU ProeMdinis.
(VrNl'll. (-HAMHKH, Am,'. 12, 1888,
C, mm il
regular w-'ii'ii. Present -
Htniit IWwiniiiiiii I'm! It.itu-v.
i, I aud linn I'!"- min'it-. if .July nil,
R.-E1 -KU. ,
, 11 and ordered id. in wit. Cal Eire Aim
Si Dr U A Haiiic $4.50; S A Ogden
,'', linlleulstck Si; (S N Fraier stf.75
fri t. vmISI: KM Wilkin- El.c
. iihtt:..2-M; Will Mel ihe 7; K F
i ' Vst) 30
TmpSm '' Mr. IWria the city attorney
h. anil I"" ' hereby Instructed to cialify the
j ' ,, KuhleL-t to llM elireetioii Ami approv
al ( Km judiciary committee.
Sr PIiti ft " ihwt committee pre
i I Ilia ia iljflfd StsttWtnt of ths city sur
r .11. im . .
,,vnrn' the etaohul 'I"" & M ri'wrty
' , !iu' th iiu "f the Wablngioa itm t
saimrtrafflt. Statement reteiied to the city
Sam with instructions to ilrufi an unit'
Til. UryiuM BM
IV Hon Mayor and QcmsK Council nf
A. WtjofKiyiWI Wc, y nir onaaittw on
trt', be- U NWtWWill that your
humirahlc hlv l"4" "ri'l'r '" "e slda
. . . .Ii.. loIlOIVlll.
alk t" h. limit at iiinercin piae-es ami on
eh-different street heitih.-Jter named: I K
.l,r, C, fun, sid'walk on east ml.- nf lit..
' titwcen 10 an I U streets; I). U. Lakin.
f, loot sidewalk N ca.ti.iile n High Street
Mil aim JI Mpww cwn.r, o mm ob math line "i PKHNll mi 10th
55 lietween Willamette Mid (ak; ,1 A
EJjj ,t, 6 fniit sidewalk nil smith line of
imiiierty "11 10th street between Willamette
sod Uak streets; Hickathier, 0 foot sidewalk
in frmit "f pmjierty on Olivo street between
ilth ami "th streets; I Weidcinan, li foot ni.le
,k on south line of property nn 7th street
Ictween Willamette mid Olive streets, and nn
m line of property on 'dive between (ith and
"th; R P lleiiilenmn, 0 foot nidewalk nn
lentil line nf ptOPSltl "n 8th street lietween
Dili and Pearl: K J Crouch, 0 fisit nidewalk
jn fmnt of residence property '."th street in Co
urvey: W ll Ahram. C foot sidewalk in front
jjaUMH property on Oth stieet in Co sur
ytv; MrsLytle, 6 loot sidewalk in front of
mUMM prossrty on Oth street in Co. survey;
I, Humphrey estate, 6 foot sidewalk in
hkl "I pmsrty on 0th street in Co. survey;
Jnn Walker, 0 Inot sidnwidk in front nf prnp
irty on I'earl Street 'ictwcen lith and 7th
atreeU. T J Craw, 0 fo it sidewalk in front of
residence oa Charnelton street, between 8th
and 0th streets. The recommendations nf the
committee ailnpted and sidewalks ordered.
Mr. Matlock from the committee nn tire
tinl watir recommended the placinu' of a hy
ilrsnt nn the corner of Willamette and lath
trivt as prayed for by petitioners and ie-pert.-d
adversely t.i granting petitimi for hy
limit "ii Kith and Oak stivets. Hep rt ailnpted
ml hydrant nrilert d ' Willamette and Kith
trcets. The ciuiiinittce also retorted the
ilepth nf water in the several cisterns nnd rec
ommended the one nn 7th and Willamette be
mtde deeier. Itopirt Ailnpted and referred
tn the eominiiie'i on ugm auo mtvri who in
itrn.tinns to carry out the rccninmi'iidatinn
nf the committee. The marshal, night watch
nun and str et commisii ner were instructed
t" arrest any and all pMMM who shall collect
nd hum rtlhbish nf any kind in the street
sml alleys, and to notify property owners to
Jul up and haul away, (not burn) all rubbish
in front of their prossrty.
The report of a ensi of scarlet lever on 8th
utreet near the railroad by Df B D McKniny
a tiled by Mayor Hovey, who iijm.ii receipt
uf iisid report instructed the inaishal to place
s yellow Ha' upmi the premises a icipiired by
neition 3, title l, chapter 7, which was done.
II. ... tin. I utr.tAf i.,tinmiduiiin..r wuru
instructed to notify nil persons vhOM side
walks require attcutinn to place them in prop
rr repair. The street coiumissiiiiier was In
(muted to notify Mr. Win. QnodDUWI In re
move his fence off 15 street in Henderson's ad
diti ni. and if in ten days said fence lie not re
moved, to commence un action against Mr
liiHulman for trespass. The marshal's reisirt
n( ilelimpient taxes and street assessments
read and ordered oil file.
Bills to tho amount of $300 were read and
referred to the linance committee.
Public Auction.
On Saturday tho 7th day of September,
1889, at 10 o'clock, A. M , nt my farm on
Mohawk, I will sell at public unction to Hie
highest bidder the following described pro
perty: 1 span of noodlloritfs, 1 span of H
year old matched bay colts, 1 bay man nuel
colt, 10 milch cows nod calves, (i dry cows,
10 yearling heifers, 2 yearling steers, I year
ling bull, 1 bull calf, 1 bcifircalf, 1 d inch
Sludcbaker wagon, I i inch Slubaker
wagon, 1 Studehaker hack, 1 light buggy uud
harness, 1 2 Healed buggy and harness, 2
nets of wagon harness, plows audh arrow, 7
head of hogs, 1 brood sow and 11 pigs, hay,
oals and burley.
Terms Siy, mouths' credit on sums over
?10.00 at 8 per cent interest with approved
security; $10 and under, cash.
Mns. Elizaukth Sott,
Mohawk, Aug. 8, 188!).
Public Auction.
I will sell at public auction to the highest
bidder at mv farm adjoining Ooaben, on
Saturday, August Illst, 1880, nt 10 o'clock A.
M , the following described property: 7 2
year old steers; -i 2. year old hi ifi is; 5 JTar
ling sti-cis; 15 milch cows;, plow, bar
row, wagon, harness. 22 tout of hay. w ought
iron nngi "Homt Comfort," DOM churn,
butter worker, sewing machine, clock, 2
good feather bids, safe, liedstcud, and
general hous. hold furniture. Terun12
months' credit Ott sums of $10 add oral at
8 per cent interest with approved note;
nudcr $10. cash. Wm UoOUTW,
Hkniiy Mattukwh, Aneliomer.
Haled July 20, 1888.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
Wtaon she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
State .Normal School.
The Ashland State Normal School offers
trin aaMLi nu !... tm niv. n hv I
. , i,iunoKr IS
"11 practical iuAituliona of lenriung 1"
ddilion to (he usual advantages nf n good
Mhool it bas a model training school in
Which the student teacher is required to
work, under skillfull direction. 'Ashland
also has Ihe Quest climate in the State for
health und comfort. Its pure cold water
horn the mountains, its white sulphur and
"da springs are a delight to the health seek
er. We should Iss glad to receivo students
from all parts of the State. Ask your Sena
tor or Representative for a free scholarship,
or address.
J. 8. Sweet, A. M , President,
Ashland, Oregon.
Oeeoon Peaks. S. A. Clark is busy ship
ping Hsrtleit pears to St. Paul. Mr. tiara
ys the pear crop is shorter this year than ,
last, and that he could not seenro the amouut
d fruit that he bad figured on. A car will
jwe here to-day with slwut 500 boxes, i
These boios are idled in l,iv, rs uud between
'eh layer a slat is placed, thus permitting
'he sir to go around the Ikixes which keeps
'he fruit in aaad condition. He has uot
j'uramenced erapirnting fruit this season,
- wiu sun up lu a tew ilays and win mm
""it some floe dried fruit. He will employ
I number of hands. Capital Journal.
CT BtTaa. Those wishing to travel in
J? "A" grade buggy can no buy one al
tbamber, sod Sou's l-iwer than eTer b I sre
Sown in Oregon. S oeial bnggr -ale dnr
' Augn. cnl eHrT and get jour
Wilkin ll.- ....I ....r Vr.l.nJ IMd
SMjMnl in foreiga countries. tM.000.
9 o this U-inn nl.ce.1 in Ihe I'nind
The Line i'.. i.
t,,..ia. "
m will l, iUBJ
ti'l- had 7.-i.fl00 M ,hli
Joa.Theimer offers for s lie hi
on Seventh stroct ",rM"'
- residence
Ooldslnilli i...... . i i . .
country mn' "' P"ve for
u,,. niufi
A porcupine was killed
sion fArm a few days law.
on the Huddle.
Tea i.rn .tH , - y .
www lu-uav not Inr the rest of
eaiin ni c;i.. ii.i. . . .. 01 trie
"J n.ihiry im liistaurant
tSSSSlg " EnRM,,Book
Go to Goldsmith', and get I J, best tea
'"'d China ten pot all for $1.00.
The Eugem. cigar tiianntactory is
with orders. This is as it should bo.
F,!n!nr CiC'ipringS ,or ,h9 P'Pp ' "''
tugene Cigar Factory.
Sheet music and music books at Eugene
Hook Store, formerly Collier's.
The Baker Hotci has purchased horses
and now run th, ir ,,wn bus to train.
The F.ngene Hercules cigar two for 25
cents ,s the best. Manufactmed by the
Lngene Cigar Factory.
Carpets! Qmml 8. H. Friendly has
just received )irRH ,, VBrW ,
He will suit you.
The "Cuban" and "Yarrn" cigars at Horn
Paine s. Try them; they nrc tho beat in
the market for the money.
In another column will be found Ihe ad
vertisement of the Oregon State Fair. It
will be tho best ever held.
From Jane 1, '89, First-class Cabinet pho
toa will be $5 per dozen at the studio of
F. A. ItlMKIX.
I have just received from tho East over
S.,000 worth of cloths. Suits made in the
atest nnd best styles. J. Divis.
Oil paintings, picture frames, wall brack
ets, clock shelves, hat and cloak racks, win
dow pales, etc., at R, I). flrowii's.
Just received, a new line of fine glass
ware at Goldsmith's. Get vim n lovelv iilaaii
set of four pieces for 50 cents at A ' Gold-
smitrj s.
Goldsmith, the crocer. has iust reeciveil
from tho East one of tho largest assignments
of lamps ever brought to Eugene. He will
sell them nt piices that defy competition.
Trunks: Trunks! Trunks!.! D Matlock has
just received a enr load of trunks and va
lises of all styles to suit customers which be
will sell at pricos, which defy competition.
Call and be convinced.
Midgh v t Parker, nt their factory on 8th
street, east of the mill race, manufacture and
keep for sale, doors, windows, frames,
mouldings, etc. Estimates furnished oti ap
plication. Oatpeta o! every style and grade at Friuid
ly's. These carpets have just arrived and
bare been well selected to meet the demands
of this market. Cull and examine his varied
Take warning all you farmers that have
summer fallow to work go and get ono of
Paine's Hoss Cultivators, and stop jour
fooling. The Boss does Iho biz. nnd don't
you forget it.
Bob Bnrdctte says God wasted mud when
be made the mau wdio is so little us to have
the postmaster return a newspaper marked
"refused," when he owes two or three years
Since the deslructivc fire nt Spokane Falls
the city council has extended tho flru limits
and stopped the erection of frame buildings.
Real estate has advauced sincii (he fire
higher than over.
Dr. W. V. Henderson has returned from
Chicago, where he took a course of lectures
and instruction in the latest methods of
danliaiiy. Call and see him at bis office if
you are in need of work.
A small piece of gum camphor burnt on n
hot stove, two or three times a day, will rid
a house of Hies and moscpiitoes without the
use of screens, besides purifying the air nnd
make the building more healthy.
We have received from Col. Robt. A. Mil
ler Ihe premium list of tho Southern Oregon
Fair, to be held nt Central Point, Monday,
September 2Sth. It i a pity that Lane
counly will not have a fair this year.
S. H. Friendly keeps the largest and best
assortment of clothing, ladies dress goods,
hats, etc. Ho is continually adding the
latest nnd newest styles to his stock. His
prices are fixed to suit the times.
The surveyors of the Similaw i Eastern
Railroad return td last Saturday. They re
port having found an easy route to Lane
county's Darter, Only one tunnel will be
necessary and the giade will be easy.
The best family remedy is undoubtedly
Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. It may
bo safely given to the infant as well as to Ihe
adult, nnd it will give relief where other
medicines fail to do so. Keep it in the house.
Ajrr's Usir Vigcr rtores color and vital
ity to wenk nnd gray hair. Through its
healing and cleansing ipialilies, it prevents
the accumulation of dandrnfl nnd cures all
sculp diseases. The best hair dressing ever
made, and by far the most economical.
The "I'niversity Bookstore" handles new
and staple goods onljfl there are no better in
the market. Everything is freah and clean.
There is no need of trumping up ar.cient ihelf
worn drug: no reduced prices d'sltfe or other
kinilred devices, and no imitating of other par
ties' advertisements or facilities.
The Lndies' Aid Society of the Baptist
church will meet at the church Tuesday,
Ang. 20tb, at two o'clock for work. A
meeting nl the Foreign Missionary Society
will be held immediately after. All Ihe
ladies of the church and congregation are in
vited. Lnkoview Exnminir: "Wall Roberts, who
took n load of wood In Eugene several days
go for i. H Clayton, of Mama Lake,
sent word back that he would not return.
Many creditors in that section mourn his
departure, and this paper would MM
toward him if he had paid his little bill wnh
It is reported that quite a Urge number of
pliysicinns throughout the state have failed
lo coUiplT with the law passed by the last
legisiat uie, ahich requires every physician
to register in the coauty in which he prac
tices The board of examiners intend to
compel them to comply with Ihe .Utue or
else'uke in their shlugle.-SAlem States-
Some one informed the Junction Pilo
thai the S. avev boya catch trout by illegAl
n'sans. We don't believe it. If they bad
caught their fl.h that way they would have
been dete, ted year. ago. Tb. truth a mply
is Ihe Stavey boys .re cipert fishermen,
"ho know . very inch of the McKenzie river
r,'d who go tea less!)' and as un everyday
Stel. ihe dangerous PiJ- he the fish
Lu un J They are w. Iconie to then, . nnd
& criticism against tbcm abould cease
until something more .ban snsptco- po.nt.
f . v.k-1. .it 1 nf nfvt-ntr
Gilmore .rr.Tjj, in
. -.I..... ami IWCDIV
soloists in
two memoers - - n ., .. .
. Indiiic ihe gtest cornel player', B. I '
, WL.L ivnt .nnmtere.f vocal sftia
niisa EurvI"-
lleuib rwu, dentist.
A wood saw is tuuiiiu ;.
City taxes uiu uuw deliu n-nl.
New wheat is ouriug into town in Urge
The front of Ihe Central market i U ing
Wall paper at Eu"enc Book Store, for
merly Collier's.
Screen doors' anil n-in.lnura fnr amI.i At
Midgley & Parker's.
Tho C. P. Church is baJMfasJ a p ir, m ige
near their church.
Hop stoves and fuiunc? tops made to
order at Eugeue foundry.
School Books exchanged at Eugene Book
Store, formerly Collier's.
Ask your grocer for Junction flour. It is
Postmaster Dearborn, nf Sih-m, Is very III
and not expccled lo live.
Th. new plauiug mill at Rieburg
atarted up l ist Monday.
A traveling chair repairer was in town this
week, he did a light business.
The old Baptist church look quite differ
ent einceUing remodeled and repaiutnl.
The Hoey Heel Lounge, the best lounge in
the market, manufactured by R. I). Brown.
Take your produce to the Pacific Ten Co.
and get the best prices.
Smoke the Happy Hours 10 cent white
sbor cigar of Markus ,V Co.
Hot and e-old baths every day iu the week
at Jerry Horn's barlsjr shop.
The )r Brown-Sequard Elixir of life, is
now the aMsaatton in the papers.
We are in the lead, never Uhind. Alwaya
get there. City Bakery and re-atailtalit.
Dr. ScoU'a Khctrlo Corsets at Eastern
prices. For sale only at G. llettmiu's.
Preston wants von to come and see his
saddles and heavy team harne ss.
The Wiz.rd Oil Co. are nl Albany. They
wiil arrive in Eugene In a few dayv
Hop checks printed at this aflat in Ihe
best styles and at the lowest prices.
A marriage license was issued this week
lo C. G. Spier and M. E. Booth worth.
E. C. Lak , marble culter and dealer in
monuments, shop on Eighth street, Eugene.
Before storing or selling your oats see A
V. Peters. Clean Chevalier barley wanted'
Try our cream puds. City Bakery.
ti. O. Hnlman is building n neat residence
on Eleventh street.
!! i' i we deliver every thing with our
own wagon, City Bakery.
A bell was advertised to tuke place al
lthiiie hart's parlors Friday evening, August
Harry Wars'iniue r, of Baker City, is now in
Sau Fiiinciscj buying goods for his store in
that place.
VYoik on the Odd Fellows' building has
U en commenced by the brick couir n tors,
Bellui en uud Parriu.
Johu Iaharu, who lives near the McKenzie
bridge brought some fine ve uisoii hums lo
Eugene lust Tuesday.
Fishing on Ihe Lower Siuslaw rival has
commenced. The run of salmon is
said to be light as yet.
A scrub hore race mis lun on Ihe track
Inst Saturday, tjnitu a sum of money was
wagered on the same.
F P Botjftn, formerly of Koseburg, lost
$3,000 iu the. BpofctM Falls fire, and B. C.
Van llouleu, formerly of Eugeue, $2,000.
O. T. Vortcr, formerly editor of the old
Junction ltepiiblicau, has gono to Alaska lo
assume the duties of U. S. Ma-shal of that
The timbers Bre being hauled for Craw
ford & Fuller's new saw mill, which will be
located ou the bank of tho river just north
of Ihe Eugene bridge.
Newport Republican: Seiine oveiiing bo
fore ho leuves for Eugene, Prof. Condon
will give a scientific lecture for the beuefit of
the Newport leading room.
A trip to the seaside will cost you about
half us much as ouo of those fine buggies
now being sold ut Chamber's & Sou's at
their special prices for August.
Henderson Ihu dentist has returned fully
prepared to attend to all difficult cases of
dentistry. Office in same old quarters, up
stuirs in First National Bank block.
The horso raco for $500 a side, three
eighths of a mile, between thejhorso Tom
B . t: and the mare Pnppoose. takes place
ono week from to-day on Dr. Harris' track.
Corvallis has a new hook and Udder
truck. The company here is in need of new
apparatus and the Council should purchnso
one to replace the pres. nt hook and ladder
truck and apparatus.
Rev. Mr. MiKiulay has returned from a
trip to the Siushiw and tli ie will be services
morning and evening '! 'be Presbyterian
church nt the usual ho us. Sabbath school
at I2::i() nnd young pe ople's prayer meeting
at 0 P. M.
Avers' S us ipirilla, by purifying and en
riching the blood, improves thl nppetite,
aids Ihe nssimilative process, strength) n, Ihe
nerves, and invigtiinles tho system. It is,
therefore, Ihe best and most thoroughly
nimble alternative that can be found for old
and young.
An soUrisinmen! as given at Newport
last week for the benefit of the Spokane
Falls lire sufferers. The following Eugone
persons took part: Misses Carrie Friendly
and Carrie Latier, Mannic L.mer, and Wm.
F. McCUrcu, who acted ns ntngo manager.
About $G0 was realized.
(ieo Forrest, the practical blacksmith and
horse ilmer is again mi deck, and ready to shoe
horses after the latest and most approved
fashion with hand forged slows. Striking,
stumbling, contraction, epiarter crack and
coma cured fee. Horses delivered free.
S Ii p opposite Sloan's old atand.
Corvallis Le ader: Te ItBorMtt, Ellsworth
Cameron and the others i f the party, re
turned Friday from a thrte weeks' trip at
Ihe hot springs in ban cunty. rhcy are
loud in their Praia of lha medicinal prop
erties of th-so prings. Hot baths cist only
75 cents per wt t it. Fish and game plenti
fully abound. The boys killed thirteen deer
during the Ibie e aoeks.
The E'Bt Portland Vindicator says the
main put of a $50,000 snlwidT is already
raised by the Democrats i f Oregon to bo
given to W. R. 1 1 MM, f tho San Francisco
Examiner, for the purpose of slatting a du
plicate edilinn of the Daily Examiner in
Portland, to compete with tho Oregoiiiau.
C. W. liobr, postmaster nf Portland, it I
said, will le editor-in-chief.
Pendleton Tribune: The impression that Hot.. G. W. Webb
will be commuted by the DssaOOtStl Iu suc
ceed himse lf us stale In !, and Ihu! his
opponent i.i th" catnasi; will be an B . ll TV
Oregon MB. J- R- Bean, of this city, W.
T. Wright, of Union. W. J. Snoelgrass, of
La Graud, and Phil Metchan, of Csnvon
City, are me ntioued ns uinopg the possibili
ties Why M-T-Tea-T. Wo ak you. to note
that we carry the larg' st ami best stock of
Tea soath of Portland. We buy direct from
the importer. W allow yon to sere, tVisfe or
tmtU what yon buy, or will give you a sain
pie to let you find Ml just what kind you
want. All favorite and tried brands always
in stock. Pric -s to suit the limes from
rts up. We also have a full and fresh stock
of groceries etc.
pAiirii' T Co
A Bank at Pitoc-a Cm - John McCor
usck will soon engage in ihe banking busi
ness at Pnlou City. The Colfax Com
moner says: A oompsiiy of 1'aIou City
capitalists, with A. Coolidge. cashier of Ihe
Second N'.iti oukI Bank of this city, and J.
McCornack. of The Dallem, Oregon, hav or
ganized, and will he incorporated, for Ihe
purpose of rsUbli-hii-g a bank At Palouse
City, as soon as the ne-ceasary arrangements
can be J. G. Power, of Palmist
City, has Urn selected as prrtident, and
Mr McCori ick as cashier of the new iusti
tut ion.
In MMKun
01 Minnie l.nekey anil Albert Wilson,
Hniwiieil in the Sinslaw, August
l. lUIIH.
'Good by! fSatH never w BM more!"
The bright fao swiwtly siuiliiif said.
And amiltsl and khaaed ua At the door,
And none could know the truth was said
Tlity aAiUd away npaa the tld.
Ah! who can se the need nf cat
When hcArta IwAt high And hniw :er Wight,
When hearts at njaajt with delight;
1 hey sAiled away- Ah fair youug form
With wor.ilmaa sunny, Kolden hsir,
Ami eyes so Ilk the heaven's blue,
All thought tha wondrous aweet and fair.
Ah, treae herous waves! Ah, fitful hreeae!
llh, llttl skiff with sail Aloft;
Why can'st thou not sail ufely em.
And ls-Ar thy hiinlau safe to isirt!
They clap their hands; they Ungh iu glee;
HeArta jubiUnt At every wave;
They do not Iced it r.vmnt Ik
Tht death is near And And nmie cAn sav.
And will ha ehooae these fair nnea now!
And is his aickle then an keen
That these awet Hnwers that come lietween
Must wither e'er they're fully blown!
'lis ilnie! Heaven help the mother now
Whose heart is bleeding for her child.
The ieaier ue-eela theae flowerets aweet
Though yielded up with Anguish wild.
The "lasarded grain" w ill not sulfice;
Some dear loved oue must coine lietween;
Twas for the Lord of Paradise
That he has Uiund them lb hia aheaves.
('. C.
Aim:, Line Co., Or.
Mohawk Pickings.
Aoeifsi 15, 1880.
Mis. Bair has goue to Albany for medical
Mrs. Cuchrau, of Crvawell, visited at this
place recently.
ihe gathering of hope in this vicinity will
begin iti ml Sept. 1st.
Mr. Geo. Drury has just completed tho
i t lion ol a new dwelling.
Miss Emma Baiter, of Pleasant Hill, is
visiting relatives at Ibis place.
Mrs. II. Selfridge, of Eiigeu, has hecu
making a protracted stay with friends at this
Mr. W. M. Miller's Icrui of school closed
on the lHlh insi, having only taught one
Moat th.
Mr. Paul Hamniiti has beeu working in
tho vicinity of Irving during the past two or
three weeks.
Mr. Johu Mills, of Wisconsiu is visiliug
relatives nt this place. From here he will
go to Seattle.
Mr. Oio. Scott left last week for LaGraude
where he will enter into the employ of the
Wrought Iron Range Co.
Mr. J. is. Smith has tetiirued to this place
after an nbseuce of two years in Iowa. Wu
welcome him again to our midst.
Rev. B. Baxter has leased the Clark
ranch. We surmise Ibis is in lieu of a uew
addition to his family. So may it he.
Mrs. J. M. Spores has gone to Poithmd
uud will also visit several points on the
Columbia iu Ihe hope of regaining lost
Miss Mac Hiimmilt has W'ou visiliug with
re datives iu Eugene during Iho sovoral days
past. Miss EIU Burbridge will Uave iu a
few days for an extended visit to relatives in
Ihe cost.
Mr. Bert HairshUrger will leave iu a few
days for Illinois. Uno Hoo.
Farewell Party.
One of the pleaaanteat social gatherings Eu
gene has seen and one characteristic of ita citi
zens, took place at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs F W A ('rain, Tuiaday evening as a fare
well parting. It was a perfect surprise as
their old nelghUirs luarcheel in and laid on the
table a freezer well filled with Ice cream, a
basket filled with the choicest ieachea and
some nice cakes. Also snme tieautiftil pres
ents among which there were a gold
moiintrel Bohemian card receiver and
a shell enclosed hand mirror. Mr
end Mrs f rain will ever hold in grateful re
membrance their kind friends and wish them
long life and happiness.
'1 he young jieople of the Alliance presented
Anna ('rain a beautiful st of MacauUy'a
History nf England with their kind regards.
May the Alliance over proaiier iu Its great
work of doiuaj good. Anna I 'rain will ever
retain the gift as a prise of highest value fur
which they will accept the moat sincere thankr.
Letter List.
Le tters for the following persona remained
uncalled for nt the postotucu iu Eugene City,
Oregon, August Hi, 1880:
Angus, Kobt
Arthur, O T
Brown, Poney
Coile, John
Iloldride, M
Johnson, George
McMurry, Wm
Mclntyre, Chas
Stuurt, M
Ward, Mrs Martini
Brivdv, Phil
I ampin 11. J O
Davis, Adda
Hopper, M J
M. Mdle r. A J
Miller, HO
Siiniinerville, D T
A charge of ono cent will lie made on each
letti i given out.
Persons cnlliug for the ateve will please
say advertised, giving date.
F. W Osbuiik, P. M.
Brotherhood Officers.
At ihe HcgiiUr meeting of the Umpiua
Lodge No. .'Ill, Brotheriiood of Railroad
Brake-men, Ihe following officers were elec
ted for the incoming term : Master, W. II.
Jauieison; Vice MasUr, L. II. Hendricks;
Secretary, J. M. Housbroiigh; Financier,
Samuel Ve-iilcb; Journal agt., J. T. Terry;
Chaplain, Frank Gardwcii; Conductor, V.
C. Lnudou; Warden, J. J. Wachewheiuier;
Inner guard, J. W, Lane; Orator, T. M.
To Trade.
A gi ntleiuaii has 120 head nf line man s
ami yOtSJtg mules, thoroughbred Ken
tucky Jack aud 500 acres of Land in Iaiku
county, Oregon, which he wishes to trade
for it good farm near Eugene. For full
particulars apply at Ibis office.
Bl.oon PoiAomNu.-Dr. Sharpie a few
weeks aince performed a surgical oiratinii in
which he AccidtntAlly scrAtehed one of the fin
gors of his right hand. A few days thereaf
ter pain commenced iu the finger, ami he at
once began treating it with radical meuurea.
llnwever it did uot yield until he hail it lane-eel
twice, aince which it has legua healing, With
less care, it might have baen serious,
if not fatal.
TatcuiK' ExiMiNtTioif. The regular
.rti rl t' .' In rs' . v munition will l. In Id
at Eugene in the court house, commencing
at 1 P. M , Wednesday, Ihe Wt of August,
181. Teachers holding 1st grade connty
certificates and desiring lo obtain SUte cer
tificates can make application at that lime,
J G, 8t(tknon,
Coanly School Supt.
Nrw Fihm. d li Gooelman and son have
purchased Mi ' is'lidge'a interest in the gro
eery tinu of Waudell ct Coolidge The uew
ffrm wiil lie known as Waodall A Gnluin.
The nrw lusmUra nf ttm firm ai well known
in I' cunty for their and indus
try. Thy took charg hut Monday.
M in 1 1 i Tb card ara out for th
marrUbe e.f Mr. Geo F. Crooer and His
Anna Dsvia, both of Eugene The event
will occur on next Wednesday evening, at
8 o'clock. We extend the contracting partie
th beat wibiM of the Gi'aao fore id ad
v.iln e.
Wausj Sraiao Ihdia. About 80 of tba
Indians are camped on the upper McKenzi
rlw. They ar on their way bare to pick
M, h.i ; In Eugeo. August 14, 1880,
Mr. C. O. Kpcer of Junction City and Mix
M. 1. Soutbworlh id lb asm place, E. P.
Hendetsoii officiating.
Money to loan ' (ami. Kri piir of Judge
Till'. Wll.UMKiTK VAI.I.KV.
.lumen In Miller, the Potl of (be
Sieirm G k-s Ihronifli anil Tells
What Ho Saw.
Tho N Y. Independent of tho Mth iust.
contains a letter from Joaquin Miller, its
traveling correspondent, who rece ntly passed
through this valley and stayed a IBM iu
Portland From this letter the following
clippings are taken:
I came down (be great Willamette valley
iu u bull day by rail from Eugene Cily, "the
heart of Oregon," tha placti of my last
letter. And I came down Ihiough one con
tinuous tnd uninterrupted Eeleii. Three
railroads run down this valley, which is
more than one hundred mile loug nud fifty
miles wide; and two railroads cross it, or are
crossing it. There is a tremendous building
impulse already here, Uilh in city and in
country. Little towns blossom all along on
either hand; and many u DM of these sud
den I' M, little towns is d. .tin. -I to serve
merely as stations fur accouimodaliou trains
(or many years to coine. Still, they all have
tine stone houses, nnd from one to a dozen
pretty church spires pointing heavenward
through Ihe "continuous woods."
These gn eii woods! Oh, these glorious,
restful greeu woods and greeu valleys and
green hills after Ihe glare of Ihe fevericd Cal
ifornia aim! This is suiely the most restful
hutd'thc traveler ever saw. Tho eye resl, the
soul and nody rest; for Uauly and prosper
ity possesses the land look where ymi may
One thing about these Oregon towns that
make them morn than ordinarily beautiful
is their abundant greens. You nearly
always see two rows id tree's on each street
Often some of the streets iu the best iitden d
of theso young towns have four rows of trees
as em Ihe broad aveuues id Washington Cily.
Another notable feature all up und down
this continuous line of resiful towns is the
school bouso aud the church edifice. At
some places you do not see more than aUmt
six houses; but oue nt least, uud the biggest
and the best, is a school house; aud pethaps
two of the remaining five buildings are
churches. But you do uot often find a lowu
so small as that; unless it be of this year's
crop of uewly planted towns.
Dexter items.
August Id, IW.l.
The farmers aie almost through harvesting
Mr. James Parvin visitod Eugeno wst, i
elay .
Mrs. He C. Morgan and children ol Eu
gene are visiting relulives here.
A brother uf Mrs. Etigcn Scrilmer ar
rived here yesterday from California.
Miss Evelyn Morgan of Eugeno is visiting
with Miss Eliza Matthews in Cpper Lost
Mr. A. L. Money of Goshen and Mr. N.
L. Honey of Eugene paid this place a Hying
visit Sunday.
Rev. W. A. Kemp aud family returned
Irotn Corvallis Saturday, where they have
been visiting for several days.
Mr. Henry Ilauuu nud family of Eastern
Oregon are visiting Mrs. H's patents, Mr.
and Mrs. T. Barbre ot this placo.
Measis. C. L. Williams, Robert Williams
aud KoUrt Whitbeck started for Silver Lake
yesterday with four wagons heavily loaded
with freight,
Tho now organ which was sent for some
limo ago, for Ihu benefit of the Sunday
school has arrived nud was used last Sun
day fur Ihe first time.
Mrs. llnrlnn nud daughter of Crawford
ville, returned to Eugene last week niter a
week's visit with Mrs. Emma lliinsaki r,
Mrs. Harbin's sister.
Miss Ncttio Wiukleiuaii went In Eu
geno Sunday. From Iheie she will go
to San Francisco, Cal, on a visit taking
Mr. 0i L. Williams' infant son with her.
Mrs. Scribner, ol Stockton. California,
who was visiting with her son, Mr. Eugeno
Scribner, at tho time of his death, left
for Albany where she will visit for n short
time and frniii thorn she will it turn lo her
homo iu Cnlilornia.
Real Kstatn Transfers.
Geo ltigilon lo Phoebe E Pinker and A
Rigdou, 320.CI acres; (200.
0 K to Win Mulbiiiiy, patent.
U 8 to Geo W Overmnyer, Bio acres
timber land claim; fill). 01.
Win Gaiiiey per admr to W .1 Eduiinsoii,
180 a en s, $U.ri.,0.
Jus Stewart to W R Dillurd, 18.01 acres;
W R Stewart to Jas Stewart, IN. (11 acres;
Win Midhticy In W U Walker, 100 acres;
W It Dillard lo Luther Dillard, lund;$l.
LothwftlUrd to W R Dillard, bind; $1.
Hliito of Oregon to B C Miles, 100 acres;
II K to Jos BtUBtetVghl patent.
J McFnibiiid heirs lo Lucimla Lewis, i
lots; UN.
J f Need In A M Collins, land ffiWO.
Fur Sale.
Mrs. Geo. S. Wanhhiiruo will sell hci fur
niture at tb" family resilience, corner of
Ninth nnd Pearl strccils, ulptivntcsilc, com
mencing next Monday. August 1,1. Espi ci il
Attention is called to n fine black walnut book
case. She will bo at tho house from
that dale to show Iho properly to intending
Fibcman's TotradAxtrriT. Tho Northwest
Fireman's association and tournament, by a
vole of Iho directors held nt Vancouver, will
I hi held at Taenia 1 beginning on Si .timber
'ith and lasting tbieu days. Il will be (be
glint eat event in Iho history of the associa
tion, else the following list of very large
prizes is no iudiculioii. Wet lest--First
price. $1000; second, M00; third. $100.
Dry test- First prist, NOOl se cond, MOO)
third, I00. Speed race First prize, $1150;
second, $100; third, ?'m. Association
championship nice- Piist prize, $!i00; sec
one, $200; third, $H0. Hook and ladder
raosv First prize, ffiMOj second, ftOQ third,
$100. Total, l,20l.
Jcrsir Boniiam - Judge Kelsay has shown
ns a letter from Judge Bemhiiui, consul,
general at Calcutta, aays the It-utmi Leader,
in which Judge Bonhnm stales lliat he bas
sent his resignation ol the office to Washing
ton, to take effect as soon as bis succesaor U
epialifled. Judge Kelsay has been recom
mended by the Oregon delegnlion for tin
office, and if h should be appointed would
tak III;" Boiibam's place this fall.
While we should bate to loae so valuabln
citizen as Judge Kelsay ha would make
an excellent counsel-general.
Ei.txraic Liortb Eugen should have
arc electric lights. The present lights are
not sufficient to meet the demamU of tha
public, and hould be replaced by a better
system. Albany aud SaUm have Ihe arc
light, and the observations of travelei on
the trains as Ibey pass those prosperous
town- show that towns are guaged to a great
extent by their lighting system. Eugene is
Ihe best town in tho Willamette Valley south
of Portland and should make her system of
lighU perffct.
Etat NoTie:r. A brands or
marks, 6 year old, came to th Hill farm,
abont four miles northeast of Lngene, Ihree
or four week igo. The animal haa no while
pot wbaUver. The owner will come im-
uieeliat' iv, pay charges, ana iakp ins ani
mal away. ton Hom-ako.
Th. Maaarr. -Wheat, nn board of cars,
0' ct .Oats, on Ueard of ear, M', cU ;
eggs, 18 cU.; butler, V cts.; potatoes, in
lol, 7o cl. per im.liel.
J. M, HlKlhim has moved lo BiownHvillo.
J. L. Pane made a trip to Portland this
I W Enn is ipiite sick at bis Innne iu this
Lm Wallis went to Yaeiuina Bay this
A. E. Wheeler made Corvallis a brief visit
this week.
Dr. Hi J. Taylor is rusticating at Ihe Fo
ley Springs.
Mrs. J. A. Winte r, of Jeffcnwn, is visiting
iu Eugene.
Horace McCltiro was in Albany several
days this week.
J. K. Weathcrford, of Albany, wns in Eu
gene Weducsday.
Il'tij. Lurch, of Cottage Grove, was in
town this week.
Dr. J. C. Gray is again attcuding lo eli
lite at his office.
Mrs. Allio O'Brien left Monday to join
ln r husband nt Arlington.
l'r. Aug. C. Kinney and wife, of ABtoria,
were here last Wednesday.
J II. UoOoHatDi Junction's lawyer gave
the Gcauh 11 call last Tuesday.
I. e Kutlcdge has returned from 11 pleas
ant visit to the Foley Spriugs.
E J. Frnsier 11 turned Wednesday from a
trip to Ympiina Hay ami Si.leiu.
Atoniey Woodcock was in Salem several
days this week on legal business.
We acknowledge a pleasant call (nun Mr.
I. A. Mills, ol the Juctiou City Pilot
I'. S. Grant Marcpiaui, the I'orllaud
theatre builder, was in Eugene Ibis week.
Messrs. Bilyeu, Viiughaii, lluddhstou,
Boreii aud Evans have reliirncd from Flor
ence. D. Slrceer,iif Biggs, Cul , who owns con
siderable properly in I.ano couuly, is slop
ping iu town.
Mrs. Jus. Klein and Mrs Shumate are
-pi 11. ling a week or uioront John Anderson's
on the McKeurie.
John Iahani, 0. P, Renfrew and Carey
Th ot'.ipson of Ihe upper McKenzie wero iu
town YYctluesday.
Mrs. llaltin Brislow is engaged as a teach
er in the Indian school at Cbeiuawa, a short
distance below Saloui.
Willie McCUren, Charley Goldsmith,
Waller Griflln and Herbert Condon have re
turned ErOO Vaipiina.
Win. lieiishaw left for tho McKenzie
Bridge Monday. Ho will most likely return
with some buck horns.
Many Thompson, of Collage Grove, came
up fiom Florence Wednesday, and wcut
home Ihe saiun e vening.
Senator R. A. Irvine and J. O. Writsninn
of I. inn Counly, pnssed thtemgh Eugene ell
roulo lo the hot spriugs, last Tuesday.
Judge Slriihaii and party, of Albany, re
tuied from the upper McKenzie last Thurs
day. Tiny leport having bad a splendid
The families of ('has, Lailer and H. II.
Friendly returned from Viiiiiina Bay Wed
nesd ay afternoon. They wero glad to get
Judge B. S. Bean went to the Lower
Siuslaw lust Monday lo visit at the home of
his pare nls, Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Bean, for
a lew days.
Frank Harrington nnd wife went north on
the Saturday morning train. He proposes
to bring n ini inigetiei to Eugene sometime iu
F. W. A. ('rain and family have removed
to Junction. Their many friends regret
their departure but wish them success iu
their new home.
Mrs. P. F. Cnsllenian, mother of Stephen
Castleman who died suddenly last week, is
lying ipiite ill nt the residence of her sister,
Mrs. Jus. Huddlestou.
Jmlgo Scott and family have moved to
their farm in Springfield precinct. Mr.
Scott will bo in town every Saturday lo at
tend to counly business.
Miss Emily Worthiiigtou, of Toledo, Ohio,
who has been visiliug at tho residence of
Mrs. E. P. Henderson, left on n trip to
Alaska the middle of Iho week,
Mrs. S. Miinrn returned Saturday night
fiom a visit to Spokane Falls. She narrow
ly escaped Ihu tire at that placo having left
tho day previous for Medical Lske.
W. T. Campbell and Jns. Noland returned
from the viciuity of McKenzie Bridge Wed
nesday, They report that der are plentiful
mid are moving on Ihe trails. They killed
live bucks while Ibey wero gun.
Corvallis Times, Aug. 15: Profs. Bercb
told and Brislow, of tho Agricultural
College, nud their families started to-day for
a few weeks trip hunting mid fishing nt Bel
Icnnp springs, in Lnno County. At least 2,)
Corvallisitcs will upend their vacation there
(his year.
Mr. J. M. McLean, Sheriff of Whitman
county, W.T., gave this oflioo a pleasant
call last Saturday. Ho had been visiting his
parents and relatives in Camp Creek pre
cinct. Johnny was born iu Lane county
and we am glad In learn of his prosperity.
Although living iu 11 county which bus 1100
Republican majority, Mr. Mcl.emi waa
elected sheriff us a Democrat by 200 major
ity. He was accompanied by one of bis
deputy, Mr. Spencer, who formerly lived
near Junction City.
CoTaAerr Lit. Tho bids for the C. W.
Voting building wero opened last Thursday
afternoon. The bids were ns follows: J.
Midgaly, vi. II. Farrln, $C,0fl0; L. N,
Honey, $li,38.r; S. O. Gnrriaoii $0,175; Geo.
B. Park, $0,500; W. H, Ahrams, $0,(110.
The contract was let to Ihe lowest bidder,
Mr. Midgley. The building will be 30x80
feet, two stories in height, and will have a
haiiclsoiiie bay window and plate glass front.
Tho ground floor will bo divided into of two
rooms, one of 10 feet front and the other 'ii
feet; Iho upper story will bo cut up into
offices Idie building will be a credit to Mr.
Young and Iho city.
BfiKii.Aiiizrii. Burglars entered tb
resulenro ot Sherwood Burr, through a win
dow in Ihe parlor, left open by accident,
s iiiielim. last 'I hltrsd iv night They took
from Mr. Burr's vest a gold watch, and
$4.50 in silver coin from one of his panta
loon pne kits. Ill tlie oilier vest pocket
them wero $-10 iu currency, which they over
lookcii; the -return Mr. Burr is thinking of
hccomli.o 1 Ti eliliaeksr Mis. I'.ilir's gold
watch was laying on the mantle but th
thieve ovei looked it. None of the family
awoke. A dose of buckshot is the proper
MdMM ('ir nch mgues.
Bdshzii The residence of J. J. Poill, al
Springfield, was burned In tho ground nn
Annual Otb, Ihe causa being, a defective fine.
An organ and n few household good were
sa-,.l The loss amounts lo n-mlv $:i(KKI,
011 which there w is an insurance nf $1,200
in the Pacific Insurance Co., Frasier A
( lion hill's sg. le v Tho I ks is losing ad
justed as we go to press. This is a serious
loss to Mr. Poill, who ii a hard working and
industrious citizen.
Hrrri:vii Mr Eli Bangs aud wife and
others, who have U-en si-ircliing for th
Unites of AO eit Wilson and Minnie Lnckey,
have relumed from the SiusUw, having
about abandoned all Imps ol their recovery.
However, parties have been se cured who will
for quite 1 lime patrol daily Ihe bank ot
the river and the beach at the month,
lenrcbing for iheiu.
Tan Ducks -Masons are working on tb
seconel story ot tb Hhelton building, just
south of Preston's. Floors have been laid
and tb root pot on the Rankin brick, and
th plasterer will go to work on tbe nam in
a few day. The plate glaa were act in th
Hunt building yesterday, and the plastering
i about completed. The masons are laying
the foundation ol Ihe I. O. O. F. Tempi.
Foley Spring Items.
Ang 10, 18o'J.
The days are warm, thermometer register
ing about 80 degrees each day, aud lb
nights are just cool enough to enjoy slum
ber' aweet oblivion.
Mr. Frank Stawart, of Fugene, U now in
the employ of Mr. Pel Rnney, the genial
proprietor of tha Springs.
Mr. Elmer Cleaver, whose condition wu
somowhat preoariona when he left F.ngene,
has greatly improved in health daring hia
two weak hare. Ha will probably remain
two or threo weeks longer.
Quito a number of Warm Spring Indiana
have taken np their abode at Horse Pasture
ou the mountain above waiting for tbe bop
picking aeaaon to begin.
At tbls writing tbero are in number 35
nerioD here, while more are arriving daily.
The following ia a list of those who are
here at preaent: J. C. Mann, of Tacoma,
Chas. Blitcr. Sam Stott, B. 0. Smilb, Hen
ry Weber, Henry Schade and Mrs. Nina
Sicbell, of Pot Hand, J. II . Ml lung and
three daughters, Mrs. Cleaver, Cliff Cleaver,
Elinor Cleaver, Miss Mary Cleaver, Pliny
Siiodgrasa, M iss Nellie Snodgraas and T. L.
Kutlcdge, of Eugeue, Henry Kreiss, of Oak
land, Cal., I). F. Wagoner, F. S. Dearborn,
B. Biggs. Miss Emma Biggs, P. Rigga, G.
II. Lewis, S. A. Lewis, J. W. Lewis and
Archie Lewis, o( Salem, Misses Effleland
Uli Vancll and Harry Paine, of Illinois,
aud A. T. Ambrose and W. A. Long, of
August 13.
Miss A.' ;i Millioau'a school closed on
Saturday utter a succesflul term.
Mr. Frank Dearborn waa called to hia
home iu Salem Saturday by the serious ill
ness of his father.
During tbe past week 000 fish have been
caught in Horse creek, varying in length
from six to eighteen inches.
Mr. Alf. Walker of 8pringfietdis stationed
at Ihu Bridge, awaiting the Warm Spring
Indians, who are enroule to bis hop yard.
Since tho 10th tbe following persona have
arrived: Robt. Campbell and Claud Camp
bell, ol Springfield and Thomas Jewell nf
To-morrow Sam Stolt, R. C. Smith, Mrs.
NinaSichell, T. L. Rutledge, and Misses
Allio and P.IIU VuoU leave for their respec
tive homes.
Although the county road loading eaat to
this place ia uow in a (air condition, yet
with a little time and money spent on this
road it could be put iu oxcellent condition
(or tmvul. An effort should bo made to se
cure nn appropriation fiom tho county for
its immediate repair.
From tho way things are being conducted
at the McKenzie bridge it would seem that
Mr. Ruuuy will bo compelled to open n road
on tho opposite side ot tho river. This
being doue tho keeper ol tho toll gate would
have 110 opportunity to divert pleaaure seek
eis from their intended coimo and would at
Ihe same limo shorteu the distance at least
- v n miles.
Yesterday, ye correspondent, Mrs. Nina
Sicbell, Sam Stolt and Henry Weber made
the ascent to the Willnda Falls, one and one
half miles distant (rom Ihe Spring. Tbe
total altitude of these falls ia about 500 feel,
and more sublime, mngniflceul and pictur
uqit mountain scenery is seldom seen.'
They were named alter Williams the archi
tect nud Mrs. Ada Millioan, ahe beiug the
first woman to make the ascent.
Ot those who are hero somo are out to es
cape the busy turmoil of cityllite, some are in
1 .it, 1 1 of health, soma ar pleasure seekiug
nud somo ara iu emest of long forgotten bap
(ioslieu Items.
August 15. 1880.
Smoky weather.
Harvesting done and hop picking next
in order.
Mr. Nelson Honey and wile of Eugeno vis
ited relations in Goshou Sunday.
Mr. J. D. Hampton and family are ao
jouruing nt tho Kitaon'a Springs.
A litllo daughter of Wm Preston of Eu
gono Is visiting al her nnclc, Mr. Honey's.
Mrs, Ronoy of Eugeuo it visiting at the
rosideuco of her son, Anthony Honey, our
Miss Fmma, little daughter of Mr. Fan
ning of Eugene, ia visiting at Mr. Henry
Rev. Gardner of Lowell preached ns two
sermons Sunday, one at 2 o'clock p. m., and
(be other at 8 p. m.
Mr. Nelson Handsaker and two little
suns, ol Tacoma, W. T., are visiting with
Mrs. IPs parunU, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Keen
F. II. Chase aud wile, B. F. Keeney and
wife, Miss Auua Chase and Mias Rebecca
C iimming coutoniplatu storting for Yaipjina
next weok.
The Band Boys' euterUiument at th
bridge Sunday waa a fizzle, owlug, wo sup
pose, to some ol tbe boys failing to 001110
out aocurding to appointment.
Our Sullivan on bis way out to tho raco
track last Saturday at Eugen: "Ya-a-ap,
Who-o-op, hnrrah!" hurrah!" Another par
ty: "Ah, shut up or you'll get the whole
wagon ioncl of us arrested." 0: "0, there's
nothin' the matter with me- hie hie, 'cept
I fell down and stuck a nut holo in me eye.'
( has. Smith and a young man by tbe
name of Tettr sought to settle soma trilling
affair in the way of a pugilistic entertain
ment for a harvesting crew laat week and
tbe reault was that of a considerable amouut
of blood which settled about our frieud
Smith's eyes in a manner that reminded ua
of tho pictures wo have seen of the old lime
"chimney sweeps."
I'll d-.tut Hill I loins.
August 15, 1880.
Mrs. Huudsaker is visiting this week at
Mr. John Parks is very low with con
Mrs. A. J. Briggs is visiting her parents
at Hunter.
Mr. C. A. Davis is supplying this market
with watermelons.
Mr. and Mr. Meridelh of the Siuslaw are
visiting at Mr. Fowler's.
Mr. II. C. Ptrkins is visiting at her
brothsr's, Mr. P. L Brislow,
The crop of apples will ho very light, but
plums and pears are very abuudaut.
Alter visiting friends at Trent for a few
days Miss Maltie Curriu returned lo Eugene
on Tucaday.
Mr. .lames Sunford ol Big Prairie U lha
possessor of a new back; alio! which u wll
uuough. But we venture to say that ha
would not teem so lonesome if be was now
to get bim a wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hanna of Wasco Co.
are visiting at Mr. T. Barbre'a in Lost
Vlly. They iu(ormeilu that th health ol
Mr John Hanna who resided in Lane county
many years ia much U tter.
From Utters received from Y equina, wa
are pleaad to learn thai the little daughter
of Mr. and Mra. L. P. Manning who waa so
seriously injured in June hy a pile ol lumber
falliug on her, U slowly recovering.
Mr. John Walker, of Cretwell hod tha
misfortaue to have his portable eniriue
badly demolished on Tuuday. Whan
1 msaing a bridge near the resilience ot Mr.
John Smuts at Cloverdale, the bridge broke
down letting the engine tall through but
luckily tbe team and driver escaped.
HrooT Same. During August special
prices will be made 011 buggiea, wagon and
carts, now in atook. We still have a few ot
onr oar of E. F. & Co. first grade btsggita to
be sold al a bargain.
Cnaviana k Boa.
Nates. '