The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 17, 1889, Image 4

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A Kfpuiillraii Trust.
Mr. Hevemeyer, tba bead, front nd
brains of tba sugar trust in a Republican
and gave ona ol tbo biggest check to the
Republican campaign funds liuil year. Tba
Mill bill cat tba duty ou refined sugar about
2 per cent ., (tba arliola tba sugar tru.l
manufacture 1 and the same 011 ruw sugar,
wbich li bought by maoufactnrara and ra
No look at tba Republican tariff bill.
It raiaed tba tariff on tba truat'a icflnenad
sugar, and lowered it to nothing on raw
Mr, wbicb the truat buya and wanta to
buy low. It waa a maaaura directly in tba
int. r. t of tba Sugar Truat, and Mr. Have
niayer knew it and put bin money where It
would do tba moat good.
Sample OMfftlfl Hm4.
HprlDgfleld Republican
After all that waa aaid by tbe Republican
platform, by Mr. Harrison in bin OaUMaU
speeches and letter of acceptance and by a!l
tbe oigana and apeakera of tbe party against
tba "pet banki," and Ibe olicy of ao dis
posing of tba aurplua rovenuea, it Ik surpris
ing to learn from tbe July debt atatement
that tbe Ootrarnment deposits in tbe aaid
pet banka were increased during tbe montb
from M7,3tf,:i:i7 to MB,MO,7ft4 or by about
" There ia not," autid Got. Iligfa, f Dela
ware, the other day, "In tbo Mate of Dela
ware to day a Dingle penitentiary. If a man
beets bla wife, or aeta Are to a neighbors
lain, or breaka into a bouae, be isn't abut
up with a lot of other criminala, with full
time and opportunity to learn all their tricka
of deviltry that be did not know before. Aa
a preventive uf crime tbe whipping poat bu
11 much greater terror than a term in tbe
penitentiary, and I have never known of a
man tbat came lack fur a aecond done. He
Minpiv leavee the state. Muybo bo goet to
New York; I don't kuow. At any rate ha
aeeka another bourn, and you may reat as
Mir, ,1 that if ha ataya in Delaware ha livea a
very quiet life. To be aure it ia a ralie of
barbarism, but it ia our way."
Oilmore nud Abbey met in Loudon.
"Come, Ned," aaid Abbey, "I am going to
hear a buy pimiint tbat I can get fur America
for MHI, "and I'll let you have hull the con.
tract for $2TV' Oilmore repliid thai he
would not give 2M) ceuta (or the whole
coutrart, and refuaed to go; no Abbe) dtove
away, signed the paper ami hioughl OUng
lliillman to America. Los than a year later
A bin made contracts whereby .1. .1 wai to
perform in Ik Academy of Mimic, and
Abbey waa to rereive H5 er cent of the
groaa receipts. "I luppnao I waa an idiot,"
concluded Uilmore, silly.
A cat in Miaalaaippi recently gavo up ita
life to aave Ibe community. The river
waa very high, aud the dyko which bad
been built lo kiep out tbe water gave way in
one place ami the water waa pouring in tin
noticed, when tin' cut 1 1 ' .1 by, mill tnili.
iug 1I1 condition uf IWtl, crawled into the
bole and atopped the flood. It ia estimated
tbat tH and n number uf livea were
Haved by tbe heoric feline, and the villngera
have built a l.auii(ul touib of red gianitc,
with mice in nliof, over tbe bom a of
tbe animal . Newport Kepublican.
. .
A peculiar cuuditiou ul the Houth Fork of
Ibe Huntiiiui now exiata, aa it doce every
autumn. On the upper river are eiloualvo
.hulk hanki, which during tbe eiceaaive
dty weatbercrumlile down into Iba river,
giviug it milky whiteneaa. This ia au
marked tbatuowcomeraou first bi holding the
alght wonder Indeed if they have fiiuud the
conulry "whore milk and houey How."
Tula condition ol Iho river i death to trout
llahing, aa no Ash can be found In the stream
uulil ita ruua clear again Inter In the full.
The llehriug sen outlet into the IV. t. ia
1 Kit niilea acroaa 1 1 urn the neareat Russian
island In the neareat Alaakan islaml Thorn
ia not a aingle authority on intrrnatiounl
law, American or foreign, that juallllea the
clniiu that it ia a cloaed aea. Webater,
(May, Adama and every Alucricau ticretary
of alate, proclaimed it 1111 opeu aea. Three
miles (rum laud Ibe juriadictiou of tbe Alaa
ka fur aeal monopoly goea, and no further.
JuJue Teiry, of St.ktoi, Cel.. waa killed
last Wednesday at Lathrnn, I'sl. He had
lapped Jiulh-e Field in the face, and after lie
inn warned by I'. N. Deputy Maraliul NVIe
n I to do so attain, ruise.l bin hand to strike,
when Nagte shot blin deed. The mad d..,,'
eilitor ol lie 1 in, in. 1 n pioceisla to lav all Ter
ry's aliis on the Democratic party, w liich in as
despicably falae and baae an it would lie to do
olars that tiiilteau v a representative of the
itcpubllcan parly.
,niinii Ke ul lie hi There 111c till if
favorite locations nuiolig campcra who come
to Newport, line is wist of the Ocean
houae, the aecond ia on tbe lilutT hint back
of tbo business purl of the city and the third
at Ne creek In all the cumpa tlnru am
about one lli 'I, ml p.. -pi located. Tbo
botela aud private reaidelioea are all pretty
well Ailed with viaitora.
The largeat organ in tbe world baa juit
heeu constructed in Kuglaud, for the town
hall of Sydney, New Houth Walea, at the
coat of r7J,ii"o The inatrument baa I'Jll
aoundiug atop aud possesses the citrunnliu
ary uovelly nf a pedal reed atop of silt) four
feet sounding length. The wiiid aupply is
maiulaineit by a gaa engiue ill great power.
Tbe largeat amount of money ever paid
ont (or one telegraph mcaaage in the history
o( tbe 1'aciAc coast, waa that of Schwaharkcr
llroa , tbe day after tbe Seattle tire. It
amouuted to ftHAI aud waa au order for
Protection meaiia happy humea and high
wagea aud security for the workiiigmen.
Andrew Carnegie, October, HUM).
Duder the new acale wages will I . redmud
about 15 er cent. Andrew Carnegie, June,
The ruaaou the Harrisou administration
thinkt tbe Mekriag Sn ia a cloaed one ia be
cause con tubulin a to the Republican rani
igu fund, were promlaed (be aeal fur mo
liosjy .
Hick I'pthe Land.
It ia reported by thoee who tlm 1, tbe;
kuow wbereol they si eak, that the titular .mil
pre-emption acts will lw repealed at the next
aeaaion of Cougre., aaya the lluk. 1 City
Democrat. Whrlberornol these prophets
are correct we cauiiot any but certain it ia
(hal nearly even body hclievee (hem aud all
who have the ready tunuev are striking for
and investing in tall timber. If Cougruea
ahould repeal this act all (imWr land would
be worth at least $10 per aer in leaa than a
year, in choice location more (ban double
(hal turn, 'those who have not yet elcr
cised their rights sbo.ild make baste to .
enra WO acrea or more of t'ncle Ham 'a prop
erly before ibe same ia withdrawn from the
H. nun lib- at I'anyoiivlll. , Angual Bib. etmut 4 p. m., two
m 11, J S ( alebiiig slut 1, t ucket, resident,
ol Oanyonvilh, gut into a quarrel aboat
some lumber Words rnsuej, whan Catch
ing called Tucket a liar, wheraupun I 'm ki t
lurked up a aboil piece ol scantling, which
had a bolt in one end, and strurk Catching
over (be temple n stunning blow t r.nku.c
bla skull. Calebilig made an effort to rise
to hia feet, win u Packet again straek him
over Iba car, the Indl -neii ,tiog tbe brain.
Medical m l waa summoned Dr. Devote
pronounced Ibe wound latal Catehioc
reanaiBad uncouaciona through the night,
and drd ahont 7 o'clock Frhlay luoiutug
I'uck.t tle.l, heafiljr armed, aud baa not
baau arroaled.
LWaTH Tilt- Salt.
I rtun fraaciaao Alia.
Wbilelaw IM doia not enjoy his slute
dinnera lierauae the AmbanKodnra take prr
cedcoce of tbe Ministers, ait aliovn tbe call
and are offered the lirst rut of the pi.
Several little Houth A uiirieiiii Klatea in thia
way get ahead of him and our He I ia
l.riiii. d.
AJ giasl digeatlon walta on appetite and a
g.asl appetite ia one "( the surest sign
asrlect health. If you are low spirited, Iril
table, billions, or have an irreirular api.etite,
then we adviee you Ul all uieans to tale Dr.
Henley's Dandiloin Tonic. It will make a
new man of you.
For weak and delicate women uotliin
buildi up the entire system more thoroughly
and effectually than Oregon Kidney Tea. It
" j . j . 1 , 11. ...
Is eseciaiiy aoapwo 10 .useaws ,re.ui v..
tbe mi, ia pleasant lo take and In every In
stance proves of ftwa vaiaa, Oregon Kidoer
Tea is conisMe. of li. ilai foiiud lo Ortajaaj, is
put iii In neat tin boxes, ami can lie prepared
fresh by simply atafpiaf in hot w .ter. It eon
tains no mineral sulwlaiue whatever, is pleas,
ant to take aud never fail to cum kidney or
urinary troubles.
Chilblains, unpleasant minis from the feet
and other parte of tlm body, nasal catarrh,
rliiKWnrm, poleuu oak, stye in the eye, ran
ti luted eye lid, eruptive . . , nf the skin, all
dlapar after usIuk Dillard's 8ieciftc. War
ranted to effect a radical cure in overy iu-
FoRKHT lilloVK, Orm March H.
I have been troubled May years with weak
neaa ol the kidney and hate tried many dltf.
erent remedies, eoiight aid from different phy
alciana and even cluuued climates to obtain
relief, but have met with indlffoient success.
HearliiK through a friend of the value of Ore
aon Kidney Tea, I obtained a leu of it and
Rave derived more benefit from It than from
anything else I have yet found.
J. T. HiTC
Call a Halt That tired languid feeling
meana tbat your syntum is in 11 stute to in
Tile diioaae, and Wiii;ht'a Conipound V.x
tract of Haraaiianll.i is what you need at
once to expo' impurities of Ibe blood and
build you up. Sold by nil diuggista.
late Fair.
Twenty Ninth annual exhibition nt Salem, Or,
C intinuiiii; one week, iimb r tlm luaiiinteuieiit
o( tile Oregon State Hoard of AriOMtnaV
Over SI ;,()()() in Cash
OKereii lor aL-riciiltuial, stock, dairy, and me
chanical exhiiiitn, lor works irf art nud fancy
work, and for tiials ol sis-ed.
Running .v Trotting
Important linprovein. nls made In tlm pre.
full list
Iteilui-ed rates for fan ami freights on all
tiaiisportatiou lino to and (nun tbe fair.
Mucns.or admission;
M. n'a Duy ticket TiOo
Woman'a day lick, t 'Hie
Men'a scamiu ticket j r0
Woiueu'a aeiiaoli ticket $1 00
Send to the sen etnry at Salem for a pro
miiiin lltt J.'l. Al'I'KI.'SON, I'res.
J. T. OKKOa.SecreUry.
Notice is hereby gtvan that I'hoebe B.
Darker Md jfldalw A. ltigdon linvu been
duly appointed adodnlalratn of tin. Mtata
ol Mary II. Max will, .licensed. All ptraoni
having claims ogiiiiiKl snid rafale lire unti
tled lo pres. Ill the Millie til tile Il linlntttM.
trix at tho oAn of Oon. It DoirU in Ba
MM, Orauon, Willi six inonlh from the
late of this notice.
I'll. 'Kin: K. Pajutaa.
FtOI 111 , . Id. .oon,
August 17, IfM.
aaJtn oiruK at Boatwao, On. I
August 7th, 18811. f
the billowing named settler has lile.l
notice ol his Intention lo make tinal proof in
suppoit of his claim, nud that said prtsif will
lw uiade lieforo the JndM or in his abasooa
lielore the Clerk of the County Court of I me
County, Oregon nl ligene, Oregon, mi Satin
day. September II. IKKli, vli: Allen lal
llailev, Homestead l-.ntry No. tlriS for the S.
W. ol N. K. 1 and W. t of S. F.. I ol S. W.
1 Sec. Tp. Ill S , II. I W. He names Hie
following witness to pi ova his continuous rcsi
leiu-e ilium and cultivation of sui.l Inn. I. rial
.lames Law, Frank Jackson, Thus. Hell ami
T. McCiibbina uf t'reswell, Dane Co., Or.
Ciias. V. Johnston, Keglster.
t'nite.l Statesl1.11. 1 t ilticc, Roseburg, Or.,
August IS, UfA
Notice is her. by liiven that in 1pl1.11, e
with the provision- of the act of congress of
.nine A, lFiiFi, etiltllc.l .Mi acl tor in sale of
timber lands Inthe States of California, Ore '
li, An 1J.1. an I m 1 lo 11. .i 'ii 1, 11 iters. .
II I, Sauera, of C, ism. mulls, County ol OmM'
11. a .. m x.ulI 1... ,1.1.1... 111...1
us, i.'i.i.i'.i , ... .!. i,.., .', 1 111- ' ... toe,.
in this otHce his sworn stateiiieiit No...., for
the purchase of the S K 1 I, Sec 'Ti, Tp lli S,
It I K, and will offe: pns.f to show that the
laud lout-lit is more Tlllalhia for its tuiilier or
stone than for agricultural purHsiea, aud to
establish hi, claim to said land before the Keg
ister iilid Iteaviver ol this ofloi at lowiebiirg,
Or, on Moii.lay, the JSth day nl Odols r.
lSie.l. He aajM as artlaoaMt K Crain,
A Shiver, of F.ugene, l.ane Co., Or., Mason
Warner of flUOroaa, Lane County, Oregon,
A. l'oujade, of l.e.iburg, Lane Co., Or.
Any and all BMOM claiinlug adversely the
above described lauds are requested to tile
their claims in this office on or W fore said 1
day ol MM KW
('has, W. Johnston, Kegiattr.
Slate ol Oregon, Land Department. I
Sai.kxi, July Hit, ISN'J.
Notice ia hereby given that sealed bids for
the cash purchase of the follow iug deacribed
lands, will be received at Ibe office of tbo
clerk of tbe Hoard of Comiuiaalourra for
the aale of acb.H.I i.ud university lamia and
for the iuvesttueiil of the funds arising
therefrom for the Slate of Oregon, at Salem,
lill'l'u.silsy the '.Tib day ol August !BMt;
N. W. of 8. W ol Bee. 88
N. ol..., " SW
N. K ' of ...')
W , V of S. K. of "
N. K ol H. K " Ju
1:. 1 , of n. w ,.f aa
H. W. of 1
S K Q ol 8. K ol 30
I ', of N. E. l II
W. of N. W.J, of " fl
N. E. of N. W. 'a tf - si
N. W. oIN. K. '.of..
W. KofN.W. '. ol 5
K. of N. I. ' of 0
lEaerpling fiU acna off ol the raal aide
of the lauds .Usi iibad in Sicliou HH au.1
all that portion taal of the CoobIt road
rnnuing through aaid Section in and
couteiuiug alaiui '0 acrea 1 all la Tp. IV
8,R 3 W., 111 Lane County aud ix.ntaming
1077 acre more or b -
Uida will la- opened al a regalar meeliug
of said Hoard on the said Tuesday tbe 7th
day ol August. I88U, al 8 o'clock. P. II.
Tba right lo reject any and all bide If r-
NtiiHJkai Dana,
CWrk of Hoard
Oregon I
Kfgl for BaUUMgi
ttam America's bait brecla: W
niidottes, I'lymoiilh Rocka, Light BJJaV
mas, BrttVa atld While Leghorns, i'artridgo
CochillH, White Wynudottea and lllack oUoV
orciiK. Wiiiucraof the higheat Imnora at
all the largeat exhibitions for the iaat ekvea
years. .
Egga:$3 pur seltiog; two nettinga, o.
Hcinl stamp for catalogue. Addreia,
J. M. Oakhioosj,
Foreat Orore, Or.
Save to Fruit.
avim; BUM aim'oin i BD aoent
f r the celebrated
Fruit Evaporator
We ure prepared to show you and sell you at
Factory PrMC, a Fruit Dryer that will do
as g.,.sl work as iinv ever Invented; and at
audi figures that any "no with a few acrei
of an orchard 0M sell enough Kvas.rated
Fruit to pay for It the lirst year. It is tire
proof. Can be put up in your Kitcnen or
Smoke House, and during harvest your wife
can do her
Baking and Roasting
In It Ui perfection, as the Family Sizes are No.
1 linkers. Write for a catalogue and prices,
or call and see lliein at work ami loaa t the
Fruit that it turned out
M. C. CLOSE, Agent,
Creswell, Oregon.
City Jewelry Store !
H. N- 15RAIIM,
) Mutclict und
Musical Instrumenls, and Gold Pens,
Silver OHd Hated Ware.
Watch, s, Clocks and Jewelry repaired in the
best Workmanlike manner and
W11.1 Aiimr St., loom
IllgtJ tins riven unlver-
r Bssas Is
aal tmlsfactlun In the
euro of lionurrhfra and
I Ulerl. I prescribe II and
ri to b nsva.
Dssrsstsl n .i 101
e.uas Ulrlctur..
feel safe In recommend
ing It to all sufferers.
lir Jsnl; 1 T lbs
ln:i Cbisleal So.
xLi.wnm, n.D..
, OloelnnsU.1
Decatur, III.
rnicE, oi.oo.
Hold by Urugflita.
Cloverdale Dairy.
I will open a Dairy
at Cloverdale, Lane Co.,
Or., about July 10, 1889,
and will manufacture
A Vatuone, Prop.
it' II. I. ami: 1TK STREET NX All 81 H
i Buamit 1 Sty. daalan in
til, ASS,
I If in .t every kind, etc.
Brandies. Wines and Liquots
at the very In st ipialily for medicinal narpoM
WK have always kept abreast of the times
in our line, and without !utiiii:, we think
e are safe in claiming that we lime 'I'll K
BB8T aaanrlniciit of DIU'tiS in Iv.-cne.
Particular nttenliou is called to our st a k a
For the year
We shall be able to sell PAINTS, (i.S nud
BRU8HE8, (,.f which art now have a lasjt
stis'k on hainll
Thau any house in this city, and our (li. mis
can rest assured that anythinn Isuittht frOM us
will In' first class. As we buy many of our
KOOda Kast and have facilities that few in our
business hale, we think we are prepared to un
dersell and furnish a K'tter ipiality of Mfali
than anyone in our line in l.ane countv.
Wo call especial atta-ution to PKKSCRIP
T10NS. which will Is, carefully fille.1 at all
bouts of the day or uhfht.
On corner of Olive and
8th street, next door to
Johnson's carriage de
pot. Will on and after Monday, July lal. keep
ou hand a lull supply ol
ill IT.
Ml' HON.
Bolognas ft Sausage.
;i Specialty.
(W OaaOaOaOaOl 0
Butter S Swiss C
Vienna Meat Market
Kiln Cloth,
rou lir
Lau Ompj at RoaMno, ou., i
duly -u. i. (
ll ti n followliiK iiamed settler has hwl
uotineol his intention to make final pi. .f in
sup.rt of his claim, andtliat said pn'f will
la- mule before tbccl. rk ol the county court of
Lane Co.. Or., at Ku-cn" City, llrexon, on
Tues.lay, September HI. 1HX!I, vli: Klza .
Morris, Preemption D. K, o. Mil, for IM
Lot 1, S K 1 of N W I and N K 1-4 "f B W
1 I, S. a. UL Ti 1H S, It 11 West, W M. lie
names the fnllowiiie; wltuesseHtoptJW bis con
tinuous residence uin and cultivation of,
said land vln; Itoht W Vaiiderburiih. S
(i Llndaley, of Florence, Lane Co, Or, J W r
Sauls?rt, ol Acme Lane Co, Or, Thomas Jon
son, of Florence, Lane Co, Or.
t'Haa. w. JoaUraroa, UaiMir,
Wilianii-itc between 7tll anil litli SIh.
the celebrated
Iu the SIIKLI., served iu every style. For
We are TDK HOSS.
DO.Look out for for our W.i. with lied
liox and Sleigh Hells.
Orders Promptly Filled.
Merchant Tailor.
HAS OPUNKD a shop on ninth
Street, one door west of '.lib St. Hnihopi
he ia prepareil to dn all kinds ol work offered
in hia line.
A lartfe stock of Fine Cloths on baud for
customers to select from.
KepairiiUj and olaantng don.' promptly. Sat
isfaction k'uarauteed.
Kmaaa, Nov, h.ium. tf
Stop Smoking Chinese Cigars.
TT Hnma Manufactured Ulgam Here are
our swcial brands:
THEBEfW5.QENT. - 5-Cent
MAITY JIOl'RX, a 1(1 Cent Ciyar.
RUOBlfE HEKCULE8, 1 for l5 Cents,
(live us a trial and Wa will
Guarantee Satisfaction.
Havana Scraps iu package.
FACTORY In Masonic Temple ou F.ighth
I'nited States l.uud OfBoO, P.oseburK.Or.,
July loth, lb3J.
Notice ia hereby irail that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of coureas nf
June ,'l, LS78, oiitillc.l "Au act for the sale
of timber lauds iu the States of California,
OrafOh, Nevada, and WaakiagloB Terri
tory," Mrs M V Carter, of Kugenc, county
of Lane, atate nf Oregon, has this day tiled
iu this otlicu her I Wum statement N ,
for the pn i chase of the N K J of Sec No '.''J,
in Tp Nu It S, R I K, and will otter proof
to show that the laud s uht is vain
able lor ita timber or for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish her claim tn
said limit before the leti.ler ami receiver ol
this ollice at Kosebnrg, Or, on Wednesday,
Iba Mil day ol, I8t9 She namei
as witnesses: Matt Minis. m, J II Arnntrong,
Michael Rortlgaa and Win A Hamilton, of
Crawlordaville, I. mn Co, Or. Any and all
peraona claiming adversely the above-described
lands are reipi.-stcl to lile their
claims in this ollice mi or nature said 9th
day of Ootntar, ISM
Cilia. W. Johnston-, Register.
I'nitet! States Uu.l Ollic., lioseburg. Or.,
July 17, IScil).
Nolice it hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of congress of
June .'t, LS78, aatilN "Aa act for the sale
of timber I nula iu the states of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri
tory," II V. Humphrey M F.ujjene,
county .f Lane, state of Oug has thia
day tiled in this ollice his sworn .tat. ...... ,t
No for thepurchaie of the S E J of
oec ;o, lownsnip i, ,-s, Kange 2 I-,
and a ill ufftf prm.f to paw tbat the
land sought ii more valuable for ita timber
or stone than tor agricultural put poses, and
to establish his claim to land before the
register and receiver of thia office at K.aie
burg, l, o Wednesday, the 1Mb day ol
October, IS.SU. He names as witnenei
II K Finn, of I.eahu-K, Laou Co, Or, Sher
wood Hurr, II II Mono, Hugh lieu. haw, of
Rug.. Or. Any and all persons claiming
adversely the .lescril.e.1 lands are re
quested to hie their elaiina in this office on
or lelr, said Itith day of October, 1889.
Caaa. V. Joinnrriia, Resiater.
Uatno ST.Tta latn OmoB, I
R.swl.urv. Or.. Julv 'Jttth. DMa. I
y in iMinpliance with the provision! of the
acl of Congres of Jnne S, 1S78, entitle.1 "An
act bar the aale of timber lands in the States of
I antenna. Ore .-on. evata and ashirvtor
TerritiM-y,'' II II Webater, at Marslilirhl
l ounlv ..f Cast, SU(e of Onvon,
ns mi. .ia) nie.1 in omi-e nis sworn stale
meat, f,.r the purchase of the N E I
Sac IK, T
owuship ll S, Ran.'e 1 E, and will
offer prm.f to show that the land sought is
raiare taluable bar te limber or stone than liar
asrriculliiral imipneaa, and In eatahlish hia
claim to aael land ta .are the Kegtater aad Ke
eelver ol this office, at H.whurtt, Oresan, ai
.Mon.lay, the llst.Uv of IMohrr. IKH9 lis
mines aa witaaeeea: R E West of Marshhehl,
C.k- I',., Ur, E R Crain, ol Emeu. . ltt.e C.
r, V,i Sauera i f Marshhehl, ('. CwiBly,
1 Jrevn. .1 F Kaiiffaaan, cl Engroe, Ijum
Omnty, Or. Any aeal all claiming
aslverarly the al... e .les nl,l are re
.uete.l to rile their claims ia (hi. raSoa oa nr
bel.ire said list day .4 October, lajta
1'H.a. W. Joaaaroa. Register.
Bulkley & Heald
Lumber Co
Arc prepared to fur
nish First-Class
In CAR LOAD lots
Eugene. Oregon.
I have for Sale sev
eral of the Cheapest
and Rest Farms in
Lane County.
These Farms are to
be Sold in the next 00
DAYS and every one
is a bargain. Easy
Room No. 7 McClaren
McClaren's Building,
(Oppiwite V. M. Wilkins' Dnnr Store.)
- Has an extensive Stock ol
Mercantile, Fancy and School Station
ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, ttc
fyOnlers lor Books and Subscriptions
to Nowspupois nud Periodicals promptlj- nt
ti nder to.
Uniteil States Lanil OHiee, lliwel.nru', Or.,
JnlT 2i, 1880,
Ni.tico is 1,. il l. v aiu -n that in coiii,iance
with the provisions ol the ad ol i'on
Kreas ol Junn :t, IH7M, entitleil ''An
act lor the aale ol timber Ian. Is in
the States ol Calilornia, i 'i. i , ! , : i . i,nl
Washinuton Teriitory," Charles F Littlefiehl,
nl Knijene, Countv ol Lane, State of Ore
on, haa this day tileil In this ollaa his
worn statement No for the purchase of
the N K 1 of Stc 21. Tp 17 S, It I E, and
will offer proof to show that the lan.l sought is
more valuable for its titular or stone than for
agricultural puriHiaes, ami to establish his
claim to saiil laml before tha I..- i t. , ami Ho
cciver of this office at Rraabniy, Or, na W.-.l
nesilay, the 23d day of Octolwr. W. He
names as witnesses: Nathanael Dick, y, W in
L MoFarland, Leo Oerhard, ol Bagaaa. Lane
Co, Or., 11 F Finn, of Leabur;' Lane County,
Oregon. Any ana all rsons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are requested
to file their claims in thia office on or before
said 23d day of October, 1880.
Chah. V. JoHVaTOV, Kaa-ister.
Bowal TroobleB, and Cramp, Colip, or
auy Internal or External Pain. Ask yonr
dnii:oist for it.
University of Oregon.
Next Ht-Kaioti bfiu ou Monday, tbo Kith
of St-iitembtr. HUM.
Free acholarabipa Irom every couuty iu
Ihe Stale. Apply to your County Superin
tendent. Frtt Nnflea ufUr Jamuiry 1, 18'.H).
Four Ooaraaai Claasical. Scieutiiic, Liter
ary ami a short English Course in wbich
there is no Latin, Greek, French or German.
The English ia pre eminently a Unsine g
Courae. For catalogues or other informa
tion, addresa J. V. JOHNSON,
Kuykendall& Payton,
Plusicians and Surgeons,
Rooms 5 and 6. Hovey's Block,
Office honra: 10 to Mb 1 to 5; anil 7 to 8.
I'nited States Laud Onice. K.weburi;, t'r. .
An.-'. si 12, lrWI.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the of tha act of congress nl
dune 3, lr7t, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lauds in the State of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," Iiouiae E
Finch, at Aberdeen, Couuty ol Chehalis, Ter
ritory ol Washington, has thia day tiled iu thia
otfieo her sworn .tateiueut No fiar the pur-
chaae of the S V 1-4 of Section 28, Town
ship 17 South. Kane 2 Ena , and
will offer mm to show that the land sght
is more valuable lor ita ti in' .-r r stone than
Inr agricultural puriaiaes, ami to establish her
claim to said land More the Register and
Receiver of this office at K.weburg, Oregon,
on Saturday, the 26th day of tM-lar. I'.i.
She names aa witness: lliriatonher 11 Nat
wick. David 8ime, it F Is inn, ol Mahle, Une
Co, Or., J It Porter, ol Eugene, l.ane Co.,
Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely
Ihe above described lan I are requested to tile
their claims in this office on or before aaid
'.I'll, dar of October. 1889.
Caaa. VY. Joaaaroa, Register.
A Lillle Too Late to diKlor whni llright'a
Diaeane has done ita work. Take Wright's
Kidney aosl Liver Care for inflammation ol
kidneye and liv. r. pain in back and other
warninga ol kiooiy Inmbla. Sold by all
THEN -A drprraaed Unguid feeling, lose
ol appetite ami compleiinu. NOW-.IU-atored
to perfect health and vigor by Wright '
Hop, Celery aad Chamomile Bitter, Hold
by all dinggkrta.
in Bookstore
Eugene Book Store
(Suocessor to Goo. Collie".)
Wall Paper, Spectacles, Al
bums, &c., &c.
X 3E"t.o 3El3ESjk.XKaa
UNDERTAKER. A bran new First-Class Hearse
One of the Finest in the State.
A Kink Link or
Coffins, Caskets,
Undertaking Goods 5 ;TMJbBe " '
Storo comer Willamette and 7th Streets
(1. N. FRAZER, - - Proprietor.
( live Hi" n tiial. I (,'iiiiriUiti'e 111 V work ta) (ivo autisfai'tion. Shops i-orner of Rl(htil "trf l
anil mill race. G. N. FKAZU,
Practical Druggist 6 Chemist.
Ilrnalio, I'alnla, Glaaa, Olla, I.enda,
Toilet Articles, Etc.
Physicians' Praauliptlonl Coinpouii.lcl.
United States Latal Ollice, RlaMibBM, Or.,
duly 5, ISSli.
Notice i. hereby itiVaa that in poatpliauoa
With tin proviaioiia nf tha act of congress nl
June II. 1S7S, entitled "An act for the sain
of timber hinds in the slat. -a nf California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Waahiugtnn Terri
tory," K M Armstrong, of Seattle, cniinty of
Kings, Territory of VVaahiatni, hal thia
day tiled in this oilice hia sworn statement
No for the parnliaaa of tha sK of
See N 10, Tp IBS, RIB, and will .tier
proof tn sin, m tint tha hu d sought s mora
valuable lor lis tiiiiln-r or tair tlou. lor ng
licaKnral putpiwer, nod '.. itnlilih hia
claim to aaid i -. . i bfiara tha reuister aial ra-
cciver of Mill ollice at ttoeaharg, Or, on Fri
day, the 2()th dajf ol S. pu inber, 1889. He
name aa witnesses: Michael llerrtaan,Ejrank
Maloaa, .liiiius ll Arintmtri ami Mutt
Muiiaou, all of CrauforrUville, county,
Or. Any ami nil paranni 1 1. inning ajlvtravl
the aN ve-ih scribed lan.l-.aie rci)Uestcil lo
lilo their dehaa in this Mice mi or lieforo
said SOtb diy of Srpienilier, IS8II.
Cms. W. J nw Rama, Rcgiatar,
UaiTKii Staikh Lakh Okkrk 1
iioseburi.', I r. July 21'.. 1SIW,
in compliance with the pr. visions ol the
act nf Cong real at J une 8. lsTS. entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands iu the St:it.-.i of
California, Oregon,, and Washington
Territory," 1! E Want of Marshtield,
County if Cos, State of Oregon, baa
thia day filed iu this office his sworn
statement No . for the i un-hiue of the N
W J of Section 211, Towndiip 111 S, Bailee 1
East, and will offer proof tu show that the
land Bought is more valuable for ita timber or
atona tluiu for ajiiciiltiira' purp.wtw, and to
Mahlleh hi. elaJnt to s. land before the 1!;-
i.ter and Keceiver of tlos ntSoa at Itflai bnrif,
Oregon, aa Monday, the Slat day of October,
IS.9. He names as witnesses: II B Welwter.
O J Sailers, .if Marshfield, OoM Countv,
OHM K K. Train, J, F. Kauffmaii,
of Eugene, Une County, Oregon. Any and
all persons claiming adversely the nbove-de-icrilw.l
lands are requested to tile their claim
iu this office on or before said 21st day of
October, 1K89.
Chas. W. J0HX8TON, Ilegister
United Statei Uu.l Office. Roaeburg, Or.,
Jnly 5, 18S9.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provision of the act of congress of
June :i, IS7S, entitled An act f..r the aale
of timlajr land in the states of California,
Oregon, Nevada, aad . Washington Terri
tory," Matt Mum ,f I'rawfordsville,
county of bun, state of Oregon, has this
day Mal iu this office his sw..rn statement
No for the purchase ol the S W nf
Sec No lt, in Tp No fi S, ll 1 K, and will
offer proof to show that the sought is
more valuable for it-, timber or stone than
for agricnltuml purposes, and to establish
hia claim to said land before the register and
receiver . f tlii office at lo-s.liurg, Or, on
Friday, the 20th day ol September, 1889
He names as witlrfsse-: Michael Kerrigan,
Frank Malnnc and Julius H Armstrong, of
Crawlianlsville, Unit county. Or, and K I
Armstrong, of Seattle, Kings county, W T.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the landa are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said
20th day of Sept em ner, 1889.
Caua W. Joataarox, Register.
Lock Box 173.
&a Si
Also Dftta nt
Furniture, Mat
tresses, lei
Whloh are oil. rcl at it,
Lowest Rates.
Blacksmithing !
A toaalalty "t MIM.SOX and BOOrt
lllarkainitli Shop, on Seventh Street, ulJ
block west from Willamette, Mannlntaw
of the
Boss Cultivator!
the BERT Mate) lal navtl,
McNful, 0Dol the best WagoniaMJ
(lie Stute of Oregon, oar una Ul faaa
ready for nil kinda ol work ill lli" li" "'
Paiia'l Maijitmhli ihop on Sewidk Uml
In the County Court of tbo Stale "I "If
for the Countv of Lao.
Iu the iniiller nf the estate of
R. 11 Ib.zlelnn. dec '.I.
. Cilataa.
To Martha Ilazletou, T P lluzltton, F H
Hiizlctmi, .1 W li.izletoti, .1 M H"'1'"'
C Hazlelon, L Haslaton, OWRjaWJ II Iiiizleton, bla B H
dricks and Nellie (Jilfry, prectiiifg:
L Oregon, von ere hereby cited ami mir"
lo appear ill tLo County Court of dw'
of Orison, for the Count)' of Lane, Jl"
court room tin reof, nt Eugene, m"1
IV of Lene, 011 Monday, the 2d day ot W
lawlM r, l!-89, ut 10 o'clock iu the ton"
of that day, tbtu un.l there lo IB0 can
uny there he, why an order should
made diracHBfl tha snlo of the fol!olajai real estate, to-wit: The lo
chuiii of R H Hash-ton, No 48, in S
14, 23 nud 24, eic. pt two certain tr-'
deeded to aflnwl district No 48. ami T
scribed us follow: It. pin 42 rod." M'
W cor of aaid alaiui, run north li rwajj
10!, leet, E 8(1 fe. I, S (Ml feci, E 9 to '
C ft, S IS rods. W 11 rods to place of PJ
niuR, being 1 acre and 19 rods. The
deed to W H Long and Lydia E Loaf J '
being a piece 11.3d cha wide N and a, i
17 6U chs E and W in tbe S E win' 1 1
claim. Also bakkOging to said ,
5 nud 6 in Sec. 13 and l-ot fi in rec '
T 20 S, R I W.coutaiiiing in all 3a4 j
in Liint county, O.igon., the Hon. KiKliiry
Judge of the County tj
)At County of Laue, ,
' of eaiii I Court aflind. tb
day of July, 1BS9- ,
Attest: Jou. WAar. Clert J
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
Junction C ity, Ore
ar Special attenti. a'""'!
ft A -