The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 27, 1889, Image 5

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KotowM Pteklnfi.
July 'ii. ISIv'J
Cob's bridge last
isruier an
tow tH . 1 1 . a I i - - !
Mi. Feuuie Himmiit ia visiting
, tods'
jii i Baa Ipw Kl,ent i"'rl ' !,: ;
dSkitWJwiln oajo.
ur J. Mi Stafford intends sterling bin
Mltoi machine ,"',"v-
yr (' A. Ctaejpball. of ' ri
friendly Mi M "'i1 i'1"' Bnmlaj
Mr I E BdfM BOW inili pin) '
swfftas Bw.Ti tka rtatoity of Bprli
. J H. Gilbert killed n" large cougar in
,hc vicMintv of the Hnydcn brldg le duy
Ur W. M miWI BOBOOi Is profjl
n,lv notwithstanding il"- prevaUlug warm
weatlirr Mid lb" BWTertiDg season.
IV Mohawk saw mills, three io number,
laming out uu Biteneiv lot o( lumber
y ,,,( ,11 r part ol which is 1- log butil-d in
rue!.Ue and other points. ol
JJg ,!!. te itneicalled In ojuliiy,
Died at Ibis plaBB , Friday, July 10, ,.(
cholera morbus. Walter, itou of Mr. and
Mrs Cburt- Zuiu"!'. ngil IV years. Tb
'rrm,,jn ere interred in the Crmtter :
(bin plMi Saturday. The fnuily in Q
mJ bereavement have the sympathy of n
U,ge circle ol friend.
We will not attempt answering
Oscar's uliax, "V and IV' query a to wh.
heumkeit hiich fretm-ut visits (o Mohuwk,
but as to (be reason be does not stop at tbe
bridge we refer you to Allelic
worse ami much more eusily accounted I r
in the condition which the following bat
mildly, yet filly portrays: While are 1 1 I linl
i.ur trousers rend lo fix tbe work of a niin
nie or mure, he baa a I Me rated benrt to
gjld life's work and still bo lore.
Dm Boo.
Ooahen terns.
Jri.v 95,
Hertral 'i ""' (anucra will bead
Toiuuiy Kecuey bus returned b un
The tbri'Mbing : iiiitchine will soon ijem to
ban in our section.
Mr. Lane Matlock is at pretenl in lbs
vicinity on a biiHine visit.
Messrs E. Gum and Phil. 8WeNter of
Jurkaon visited Goshen Tuesday.
We aie lib used lo Hint-our last Informant
said that Lulher Dillard is Improvinfl in
Oklo" did not t)l us last w. -k why . . ; s
liml been several cents higher in bis looality
thanip Tortlaiid. That opposition in tba
purchase ol "hen fruit" bad reachi d a white
heut snd continued "thusly" until pgRa
beitau tndinfl their way from ihc new . stab.
lawwwiH -niuieei, inai iinout one
ball 01 tuose it pacaaKesvv Janp-i.
Verily, it is the Pioneer mercbaut'a treat,
Mr. and Mra. Win. Baaaell and lit:!-
granddanghtar, of Heppner, arc at preneul
visitins relatives at Cresw. II and Gosh. n.
lira. Btuaeu is a sister oi airs. a. j. aeeney
and tbe two have not seen one auotber for
"T" .....w......
(lit the Northern Bonndar;
Democrat, July 23. )
J. D. Kennedy, of St. Paul, is
in tl.o
Dciuhborbood on business.
Mrs. Osbiim and daugbttr. lit ii il
Mr. Frank Tiltou are now eonraleacent fo m
attacks of the measles.
Mrs. Kate Coldrou has gone to stay
awhile with her mother near Edg iu
Lopes of beuefitltng her hen lib.
Mr. Hoyeman and family hue moved
down to Lake Creek to Imrv-st their grain
there. They will probably lie tram ta i
Hon. Enoch Coleman rctuinol from
Southern Oregon lust Wednesday bringing
with him about twelve hundred bend of
Hint tin ntlr-ltncn 1 ll, i-,.
lira. . ti. it. tirnnt nn.i cuil.lrcn eamo
up from East Portland Saturday i.i apend i street, i tat of tbe mill race, mannfaolnre and
month with her father and sisteis. Mr. keep for sale, doore, windows, framea,
Grant accompanied her and will remain rial, monldlnga, etc. Estimate! (nrnlabed on ap-
ting fouror five daya. plication,
Uarveat ia now claiming tbe attention of Oarpetto erary atyla and grade at Friend
all our neighbors, and reaping, binding, I ly'a. These carpet hare jail arrived and
beading, and thrashing, r the chief, mi l have been well selected to meet the demand
almost tbe only topicaof conversation. Fall ;
grain is yielding vciy well.
Hill Kays, Formerly of Junction,
Causes a liiimpiis
Bum, Or., July 21. This afternoon a
sirtet fluht took place at tndependenci be
Iween Oliver and Laytou Smith and Win
Kays and aon. The trouble commenced ovi r
some money which Kayes ovvi d one of the
Smiths. Marshal Macaulay attempted t
arre-t the cotnbattants sud received a blow
which felled him. In rising, he called upon
the bystanders for help, but they Btood ba-k,
and not until both the Smiths overtook old
man Kayes did the outsiders assist tbe of
ficers. It looked for n while as though tbe
mw was lo tie trampled upon with impunity
Allnsrties were l.ronohl lief.,.- K.cor.b r
Johnson, pleaded guilty and paid their tine-. Bev. G. MeOlean, I heme for morning
Ihe Smith boy cameont victorious in the s-ivi... l'hil..-...liy ol the new birtn; even
fight, and public opinion is on their sid-, but iu. "Living V.'m.r,"
law and order ihooid be upheld. s. 11 Friendly keeps the Urgeat and b. st
Isssortmeut of clothing, ladle dress goods,
City Tax Notice. bsts, etc He is continually adding the
latest and newest styles to his slock. His
Notice is hereby civen that the City Tan prioea are fixed to suit the time.
tor lHtitj is now doe and payable lo J. c.
ray, treasurer, at bis office in Ih- Grange
Building, Eugene City, Or.
All taxes not saU in t',u duvs from ihe
late hereof will become delinquent and iub-
ject to additional rust
Eugene, June 14th. 1880.
B. F. Doukis, Baoorder.
KHtray Notice.
Taken flp by the lindenigned. June 26,
1889, a dark brown horse, :i vears old. 1")
bauds high, branded on right should, r with
huter kj with a cross bar under the Inter.
Th. horse is gentle but has not b, i n
worked. The owner can have tin sam bj
falling on me and paying charges
B. F. Finx, Lsabnrg, Oreg n-
Winter Phot t Prkm
Cabinet photos are now i per tkw u;
U'r price ft, Don't forg-t l!n place.
wnrrBB photo i a
Entrance, 1st stairs s..uth of A V Pel
Eugene, May 31, 1889.
A Pleasing Taste.
W health and utrength renewed and
nd toDifort follow the use of Syrup
" it acta in h.noony with nature to
ally Vuiw th. iL. in U riutiv.
,,f F
as. For mIs in .rOc. and gLOS boitb -
CoUJhll CoMMlTTKa AproiM Ii- J '
'net meetinu of the Beatbsrs Met
t-urch which wa. recently held .t tiro -deekWto
build a cdlve at tbi. pU.
prnvidinf they coold .t s fair amount donated
nytteeShessi of this place to start with
Key MB appointed a ...liriting eomasfttee
"'tias of K C Oeleeby, 1) C M c Fi 1 ic '
Jf Honnton. C W Washtinrne ;.u.l 1
aillioro. Ii is Ibe intention ot th- ehai
10 erect a biick building that b U
P'aie win cost $15,iai0 Bol st pn seat
thooght best Uionly .reel one wing ol lb
y't capable of ccom:ni!.t
and ss the arbool pr-g
J" 'uixls accnaanUte tbe rem.ind. i of ibe
f?Jnaag will he etnpkted. Juncti ! 1
gm lobe raised i :ki. Wi bop.
ct)a Will obtain the college.
Baadertoa, ifc mm.
huts ute ripe.
'i " li lines lUktadl hnsy.
Tucoinu bud ltlO.OMflt.tkt.
w... k
""'Knj.v. I at kr r ...
l,,w'rf,"r,''wii lour. It ia
( l,-10,l,,,rVI,.wr,i,l,,,oe i, be.
Ha- cracked fir.- ball his
lin k to the nnnufaeti ry.
Tb,' a entrance to th,
ehuii h is r ,,lv ,. ,.,!, ,. I
1. ell ibipOl d
11,.. Ra. it,,,, , ... tli, lMt .
in- market, OMMfaatured bi B, u iirowu.
.Mr i;e"Kt'raw l,atl1B.,,e WUl.y fr
araad.of th edibniUd Tajufl i',,,i, ('.:..r,
iaae your produce to tb" 1
'aeifle Tea 0o,
an. I et in,. Kt pric.,N.
Oaliforoia aatermellrm h
sve,. tin ir
i'l " iraiiet- in our t
fvinoki th,,
Hippy Hour- In owl wlrie
labor eigar oflfarko
- Co.
II' 'I .lll'l (ul 1 i, - ' , VHn. ,!,. ;.. .... .. '
t Jf Hon,', barber shop. '
are la th lead, never U hlml. Alwav.
liet ther
' 7 I!:- '"lm-
""oil s hl.ctne Cnvsets lit Kiisl. in
PrjW. l or sale only at Q. Betta in's.
i r stou wuuts you I,, come and tat hi
suddKsuiidh.avy team harness. j
ln!..rc storm;; or R-llitn. your oats see A.
. liters. ('lean Chevalier barley wanted.
Try our cream nils, City Itakery.
BenMmbtrw ilaitre'r ever think with our
OWfl wajfTO, Oftj llakery.
A stie, t pbr. noloyist held forth on the
posloth.'e Mrner Saturday nibt.
Hopchecka prlnleJal this office in the
best styles and at the lowest prices.
T .1 Bnfotd of Oamlli. kM km
e.i Indian Agent of the Siieiz rawrtaUon,
E. C. Luke, marble cutter and ileal. r in
mountuetiN, shop on Eighth alroet, Bogene,
Tb- Bwena Here u lei cicar hmroji
jonU is th.. i,cst. Uanafactnied by the
Bugene Wgai Factory,
Oarpetal Carnetal I s, n. Pri.ndW hu
just received u and rarled aaaoriment,
He will Milt yon.
The new l,i v o, s intu i ll' el on
Aug 23d ind will pr.ib.iblv be enforoed
,ur",!"h S: !'
The "Cuban" and "Y.irrn" olgaritl Horn
'ne.'. Try them; they are tba beat in
""' """ 11 r 1
Tbe Deapain eatate is th beavkwl indi
rldunl taxpayer in umatilla county and
51,65l is th- amonql of th- aaaatament.
Si - Friendly ' spicial advertlaemrnt.' He
has large anantitie of wheal sicks, hop
bnrlap and kiln olotb. Give him a call.
All kinds . f tiinev dn ss and drv i'om.Im
i jnat i itetTedirom tba Bait, which ii. ust be
- 1,1 ,t . , C.,11 i' I! itm m's and em
On aeroont of lb ibaenee of chief Bogta.
eerMcGbee iud Aasistanl Elmer Clearer
Win. Pr. : n baa bi n elected Chief to aerr
until tbi ir ri 'urn.
v 1 c , ,. . . :i . , i , ,i
.., l,nn,.d liislie.,l....iisi.l..rl,le
lni' i...; tionalv. II bn l th btniu s dicss, d
by a bytlcinn.
Bauene .mil BprinsSeld baseball clubs
oroased bat Springfleld Sunday afteruoon.
roni inning weie played, score, I'.u. uc
M, Bpringnetd 13.
i ., ,1.1. n, ,.,... t..,o li
(r, ,,. ,he E i il on. of the largeat aaaignmi dm
, ,i(,, , l:i.ur. wi
sell the t piiees that defy competition. j
V..!..! Ill ... pan t in Penneylrania after .
,.. election (aid "fltara WM mat rejoicing.
ii' tbe election." Por enterpria
th I la anything erer in the X. V.
W. . I I
s 11 Frieudy prjrchaaed the 13,000 pounds
of Eastern Oregon woof brought here last
w.i l . The raiaera realized several cents
more p r pound than they could have got at
Milkier .v; Parker, at their faotory on 8th
of ibis market. Cili ami cvjiuiiu. his varii 1
m .i 1 .1... 1
summer fallow to work so and aei one of
laK.'W l ii : a v' U niriui is iuui nave
Di 1 Ram I',,!, . ,, I utnn v.illr
fooling. The Boss docs lii- biz and don't ' oi;stituti....i,l , -nv. miot. of Wash
vimi for-aii i mstnn tin re are 21 lawyers and ri farmers.
i" ... , , ,, Tbe Other 76 members' ur- divided among
VTa have received the firat number of the , v,. xli m4rch ,nN Dnmbering six,
Slt- Democrat, published at Salem Or , is ,,,.,,.,. K M , (ur.
MtJmn ll,- Democrats of
.Mai inn county ami tno siate.
Dr. W. V II nderaon has returned from
.Chicago, wl. . - be to ok a course of lecture
"uud tottrucliou in the latest methods ol
dentistry. Cdl and see him at his office if
yon nro in need of work.
The services of the Cumberland Prest.y-
terisil 1 hnieh will be conducted Sunday by
The besl (smily remedy is undoubtedly
ptnniUr'i Ornoon Blood Purifier, it may
be safi Iv dpnto the infant as will SI to the
mJh,u lb will civ- relief where other
fall to d o. B i Itinthahoo
Dr. J. C. Gny advertised In the GtJASn
last rh a dog cart to trade for a COW. Over
thirty p. nam answered the niki-ru- ml I
I and still more calling on him. H has made
trM,b- w ith one of those calling. Advir-
tiaing pays.
It is pretty CI rt .in thai a gang of counter.
f-ii.ra ,.r-nt vv.irk in Oreeon. The cunlry
is afflicted with ll presence of a lot of men
of queationahle reputation and many aogos
:,,..,. slid half dollar silver pi. ces imd to
gold cm- b v.- been p It m circulation.
The Spangle W- T . hVword, l July tub
ha. tb following: St John Skinner who
bsl. -i in cb.iige "( ibe Echo war-hon-e
j, f.,i ,i, w .k-. hives f.,r Spok.i.
i i or two, where bia couipiny
mll probably direct him to Ibe work of;
.... rnMingtJ iboikBng of somen.w ware- j
bona cnutenipbited."
Why will you ft sbowt with that listless
. . j . - Have you no life, nn atst
,i i too seem to car- r.-thin.' t-r what
,'':,, Ira si mad jrc tit a-iti-s f
,""L n,,t laiamsS v..n. nd yoa fel that bi.
bis If rna wosdd bsv tb viaor an
i . f rnnth r-tnrn, Stjof a a"l l.rariy
like so alt wether different ft
i Dr. Healev DaaeVBao T-nic.
It rt i)' pfidnee isaiarkabl result..
.' -. iu, Thua Julv 23rd: M. P-
ii r!Kitir.dg;..i -fjj;
l"n suuted on Fr,.l-v "J
th v Will, in imu- ...........
,.' ,, a(ew weeks nnnllug and
1 1 .1 is a beanlllul p.t in the
-le'-1 v",r "nmn,,-r 'srslion,
.,..!, mal Corvsliisiin who make
n.iiii.llun, sentenced from Clacks-
u " .. , is I... fr. mi. v.iT
nre, N,v,n,b.rl7. I--, to one year
ms c.
in the
nns we.
1 aaaj
Iran M
-t. ntisrv for sss.nn wud ..
' l I , ' ,r ! m.d I') 'In- Governor
n r commendation of the di-'rict
"hex Jsme. Bradley. nUuejHl
.... eonnlv. Mreb. 25.
I well since inranTtalion.
Horn's litioii lii F.iigetic
'uiuid itf the boautiliil liiruuiid.i wire
at Goldsmith'.
Jot. Theimer orT-rs fur stl, In- i.sidenc-
00 !evelltll sir. .1.
Goldsmith pays the highest cash price for
''"'"'try produce.
VII,,.,,,. L. .. .. .. i i. I. I ... , .,
. M.slll-W U.HIK. II IS CUIIC.l 111-
ti, ..,...,., ,
.., IIMMU in,,, in I,,,,,, nun is-
HRg lor different article,
Hrusbes, cnmlis, pieiuru fruiii s it Eugene
Hook Slnre, late Collier's.
Ice cream to-day mi l f ir the rest of the
scasmi at c,iy iiaki ry tad Beaitwnuit.
Kor the beat and ehaapeaf iprlag bada and
katflgaa go to It. 1. BtmSi,
A fine line of silk phufcaa. in nil tkadaa
and Krades at V. 1!. Dunn's
Biblaa aad Man Taataaieat at gga
Book tore, forateely Ooiuj r',
tin. Mr and violin strin,;, at BoffMBnok
St ra, run rlj Ooltier
l in- maooa uri. rapidly
walls of tb,. lUnkin brick!
runtiing up (be
Tin- railroad unratora
iue Celtiu aloiii;
bImM over mi lha Bioaiaa
Oo to Qoldaalth'a and sat i b of bwltaa
an I Cbiaa leu pot nil fur l i 0.
A v year old child of 1 1 Raaa was killed at
(ii'rVllis 111' !), lltta. tlin., ..r ., .. .I..- I....I.
A f.a U f0, , j, . KlUwoHb'
additiun to Baaeaa, AddIi to Dr. UeDonald.
Havana CiRar ollpplng, (o, tin- pipe at tbe
l.Ud ll l'i..r .I.,r..
8h,.Pt afuk ,, K
Book Store, formerly Collier'
Think. a,.l i A ...... ..... . .
, . . i,,, ,,,, . . ..i.A. .
for tome nil,. tfoKanal rltet trail I this
w e, k .
rn car loads ,i( bridge limbers arrived at
; Junction last rur-,lav (or OS oil thj Harris.
i bnrg bridge.
J The tinner are pntting on ih.. mof f the
Hunt building and tbe carpenters are 1 ninij
' th- floor.
Urines tnaki s tirt rlasi cabinet iholos for
$1 per dozen ut bis pmia'd- gall-rv in
This is th- time of th- year wlnu lb- the
ncike it tropical for bald beaded people and
I some others loo.
The Nebraska editors who war in Bngettl
butt week, lefi fur their home Irani Portland
I, ist V. dneedey i vsning.
It is proposed in the uevv eilv of Ell. lis.
bnrg not more than two dram sb pa shall b
; allowed to each block
S. v r il fast racing anitn its arrived In re
III i. i of the weak fr.uu California. TheV
, will he taken to the State Fair.
'1 he ivh -at in ,iki t iii and San
Frai -co is firm with an upward tendency,
In Portland, ss nana), it is lifeless.
From June I, '80, Firai olss Cabinet pho-
tos vv ill I- .', p-r doen at tb- studio ol
1'. A. livNKIS
Miave jnat received from th Baal over
19,000 worth of cloths, Suits mad- In the
latest ind lust styles. .1, IIavis.
For fiist i l.i-s photograph go to Brlggs'
portable gallery at Bpringfleld; cabinet pho
tos i per dosen, other (ize in proportion.
Oil paintings, picture frames, wall l.rack
ets. clock sb. 1 v. s. I. an I el,, ik i ic'.s, win
dow piles, etc., at K. i. BrownV
Word comes from the Palne-Peel crowd
that they are at tbi summit ol the Casosde
mOUUtatn and ire having a good time.
Jnat received, n new line of tin- gleaa
ware at Goldsmith's, Get you slovelyglssa
Set Of four pieces for 60 cuts at A Gold
smith's. A rumor is prevalent abonl our stru ts
that an ex-editor of thia oily i a eandidata
for one of tb- poeitiona in tb i Boaeburg
land office,
Tb- Bogene Foundry is now- working on
the front and iron work of the I 0. 0. F.
Tempi-, rii- n gnlar contract f..r lb- build
inr; will be let to day.
Th Minnesota Hotel resched its destina
tlon the first of tb- week, and landloid
John am is treating bi M"' Ml now in better
style than ever before.
Th-linn of Fraaier, Churchill ,V T.'ier
has been dissolved by mutual consent, Mr.
TosJer retiring. Tbe other member of the
linn w ill oontinne business.
Ten thousand pounds of ice was received
hero from lb-Albany ice works last Tliurs-
day. Eugene should and will have her own
id manufactory next rammer.
Henderson th dentist has returned fully
pn pared to attend to all .bllicult cases of
dentistry. Hffleein am- "Id quarters, up
ataira in First National Hunk block.
Trunks! Trunkal Trunks! J 0 Matlock has
init received a oar load of trunks ami ve
ii-. s . f all styles to suit customers which be
,, . . .... i ...
V ,
nip-til Ion.
Th- Is. -n il K-arn ,-, Neb. is on t.
a degr that t van the ministers bav- caught
(be real estate fever. Bectatly a Kearney
miniater annonnoed that be would take ins
' text from lot 7, block 6, St. John's secoud
The evlla resulting from babitosl ooaUve
net are many and aerious; bnl the wt of
barshi drastic purgatives is quit as dan-
gerottl In A r's Pills, however, Ibe pa
tient has a mild but effective aperient, sit
parrior to all others, especially for family
Mrs Stevrns of the Grismer-Davics troop
in Bug! n s vi ral weeks nqo was Ilin wife of
th- famous prize light, r, John C. Heenan, a
fact not known by many She says Kilrain
Ought to bav- won because b tr-ats bis wife
well, erbil" Sullivan is a brut- of a liii-liand
Tli- "University Bookstnra" hsadles sew
and stanl goad oaly i ther are no better in
tb-mark.' i- and clean.
There b if" need of brarapiag ap sccfent shelf
Worn drag! no reduced prise riodg or other
kiii.lreil d vices, and no imitating 1(1 . ther par
ties' advertisements ur facilities.
There will be no preaching In tb First
Presbyterian cbnreh next Sunday. Th
pMtor, Bev. htcBinley snd bis three sons
nr. camping on Istk creek The expect
tub. g. hi three week. Mr. ItoBlaley is
visiting at lor rawest' home on Paget
Honnd, W. T.
Larga sasabera ..f paopla from drouth
stricken Baatera Oregon ar.- srriviaaj here
eeking boss anal work. From all ac
connls, bird time- will be prevalent in tint
Kciloofor year or two Tbi Willam
ette valley Is eertaialy tin gsidaa sped of tbe
Thunsand- b.v- h . u . !:, v-d of in liges.
lion and loss of app-til. bv i singl. little
of Ayer' BaraaponBa. Tb- nse of this
asedieioelry giving tows indetrength to Ihe
assimilative rngan-, has. nr. d itiniimsrabla
,.,ms ol ehraaie dyapepeii Pri II, Worth
a Isdtle.
Salem Staiesman: Tb ritl of Bag en has
f,,r .uni.- ie. n litriit-il with tb laarlaeat
lights, bnt now the electric Ugbl BcaapaSy
,ir- unking - .r.pi,-itiun to light th- anmata
with are bgl 1. b can, the others are not so
goad a light The aSW Hght M certainly tb
heal light for street lighting purpose.
geallle i. seat VBU with carpenters from
ti, I - ,1... stalled for the city immediately
aft. r tbe fire, tbitkin Ih-ie would l- pl-nty
of w..rk Owing lo the fact that Ihe bn-ine
j rtl Bed ihe city will Is-r-nnilt with brick
and ton. . ih.r- is not mneh work for ear-
p. nters at pre-. nl. The wort Place in IB
world f'.r a carpenter to go is a Wio-d out
Captain WilUrd Young, of tbe engineer
corei. in hi-ann.i il rtK,ri in me cui-i ...
i .ii r-. makes tb- folloeiue; ..timate. for
c.tntin-1, BB I lha i i v and harbor PTrnre.
rn.nt. n. lir-gon ilnr.i.g me nscai year eo.i-
entrance to
nk bey and
bartwr, i.V),O0O.
Ileal INtate Traiisi-is
Leeter 8 Od' n to H A Odgeu, interest in
two Iota in Shaw's addition; eon, fltO.
tlffie Hopp-r to 8 A Odgeii, iutt rest in
two lota in b.w'. addition, eon, $200.
A T Cockerline and G W llaudsak.r to
Miuor M Gray, lot in Shaw's ami l'alt.i
s in - .i l.lition; eon, filial.
Fll. ii F. Geary lo John Kirbv, o in Pack
ard'a addition; con, con, Navv.
Myra X oris lo lo Kngeue Hond, lot in
Bh iw - g i, l.luion; eon, il.
ji'sorioN citv.
i. P. Million, to Bagane Bond, lot iu
kfiUkrras addition; con, T...
eoCNTsr. rell Turpenning lo .lames Offutt, OS .',ti
ier. -; con, JlljtK'.
i 0 Lawrence to Qao Fjaher and J C Wat-
kills, 5.M acres; 0OO f 78'.l
V in s t) Hooker to Seymour V Condon.
M acres; cou. Sum
B I Metiaiialmn to Alva F Colby, II20
acres; con, f.'IKKI.
E ! McClanaban to C C Combs, Mil acres;
con. IIKH..
LA Dickinson to Win Lcmlcy, lt'.l.ltl
Sen s; COO. f 'J'ilKI.
LHsndB o Potter to David Cherry,
SS ll acres; son tlM S6.
H G Hadley ami wis-to M 0 Lnndt, 990
sores: sou IS800,
F. J McCUnaban to n u Dak r, 160 laiaa;
I S t- W M Whitney, patent.
I' S to John Bigdoai patent.
Plat . f, formerly rallrd S,.iuli lWn.l
BUtetf Oregon to v? Ii UoCnrnaek, S0.5S
so -;J on, tpilh,
John F .Martin per sheiitf le Thoma T
Boaohi t'l acres; ooa, i.V
Potter's survey plat tiled.
I. II and B O Potter aa the public, road and
Q F Mack to James W Bheidaa, 1118.40
I l ; con, SIH'MM.
:.- K Bushnsll to Robt D Bushaslj, PASS
aaraa) eon, SL
To ContrMtora,
Baaled proposals w ill be received by Ihc
Executive Committee of Begenta of luivir-
sity ut tbe office of Fir-t National Bank un
til I o'clock p. in. of Monday, July 99, 880.
for furnishing all necessary material and
work tor the eieeti, m nn.l completion of 11
gymnaainm building on Dnlveraity campus
Building to be completed by Oct. 1, Wtftl.
Contractor to give good and sulllcii nl bond I
in the sum of 5,000, eoiulitioned for tbe I
in itiif nl performance of his contrail. A cer-
ti6d cluck for 1500 to SCOOmpaOy each bid,
to be forteitul to I'ninrsity iu case contrac
tor fail to enter into contract if accepted,
Bight lo reject any and all bids reserved.
Plana and ipeciflostions can b seen nt olio-
"f B. S Beau, Secretary Committee.
T. G. Human ss, Chaitman Committee,
July 19, 1859.
Nsaaoa Baoara. II r. A B. Uarrett and
family, who live near town started for tl.o
mountain, Wednesday. While ihe team
wan standing on Willamette street, they be
came soared and started to run. Mis. Bar
rett climbed over a lot of aagsage, planing
her little baby iu the bottom of the Wilson
and luckily reached the linaa, liy Ibutomc
the team was under full headway, but thu
I uly by throwing all her Weight on th- lines
succeeded iu Stopping the horses. In tb
vviion besides the baby were sis oilier small
children of the family.' II the mother bad not
bad pres. nee of mind and a whole lot of
00 U rags, tbe chances urn that we would have
to narrate a disastrous accident.
Tai Plain Acaoas. Font families from
R .ii- is. un.ier ih- leadership of of F J Hil
lings arrived at tbs bom of bis brother-in-law.
Dr. B. F. Itussi II on the McKenzi- last
Saturday. Tin y came tb- whole distance
iu wagons. The families have nil located
in Davis' Precinct and are well satisfied. Mr
Billing! informs us that be foouddiy waek
er since leaving home, in fact In fore ho
started, for he had seen no rain since July
1, Isss. In Eastern Oregon he aaya it was
very bard to buy feed at any price and water
was very scarce.
On thk Sit si.Avv. Salem Statesman. July
21: Paul Oberbeimer, who went w ith bis
family a few weeks ii,m for a summer outing
in the Coast range, was ill the city yesterday
and expresses himself greatly pleased with
the country over there. Ho has taken up
a homeetead of 100 acre ou Chiekahomini
en ek. a tributary of In Bluslaw and will
tun. ii into u stock ranch 11- will go
back iu u day or two ami will possibly WW
II r Lher this year,
Dikd At bis home 111 miles west of Btt
gen-. July 21, 1SSI), of blood poisoning, Mr.
Levi Elliuaker, aged 31 years. Tb- di
ce i leaves u wife and Btree small chil
dren to mo urn his untimely loss. Wo un
derstand the cause of tl.o blood poisoning
was the h. i Menial biting of one of his
lingers, by one of his children when
both of I hem wero ill with scarlet fever.
II. nil' - At bis farm southeast of town,
Bar. 1. D. Driver, after his return lust Sat.
urday from the East, went into Ins paBtUtt
and visited hi' line Jersey bull, when bis
lordahip made a dash for Mr. Driver, strik
ing biro on on- of his arms with a burn, lac
. r iting ill- il-'. on bis foraann for six or
aeven inches. Tbe gentleman nam to town1
and bud (be wound dressed by a physician,
and it is heitliug nicely.
Fkuiikts I'iiom Eniilsno.- Salem Journal:
Stuck Inspector llerren In., just received
two f arrets These animals are of i. white
en lor and ar- Ibe la st things known for
catching rals. Tin y are larger limn a rat but
can go into a hole that a small rat can go
Into. They were brought lo bim from Eng
land and are a very pretty little animal, hav
ing pink eyes like a white .
ILuisKs W'antki. The uinbrsignod de
sir. . to pun-base light uud hcavt draft and
cirri tg- h uud mares. All draft hors-a
must b pluggy built, sound aud in gomi
or.l. r. Age (mm ." to M years, weight ftoui
1,000 to l.ii'HI pounds. I will be in Eugene
on S ilurday, July 27th, lK8',b Bring your
I, rrSI - itid 1 will pay you Ibe highest cuah
pi lea. L. SKsnrns.
C.IMW..TKI . -The G iveiuii.eut survey of
Ih- Siuslaw bar has Is., n completed, ll is
mid lo be iuilu Mattering but the report will
Hot Ih. made public for some time. The
st. iiner used, the ll-ii Wright, mad- a trip
up tin liver to the bead of tide and the 01-
. t w. re much surprised to flu I such a
line i iv. r.
BlaOOBTS llui.'-i i. Fisher it Watkiua
b iv. Iue ii. .1 their in w slaughter hou-c ou
the Law i. ne place in ar th creek on Ibe
other side of the Eugene bridge. Patterson
,V Mill-r have located theirs near tbe cro-s-mg
of ihe rivi r to P.itt. rsou'. island.
ftsarj Whksi -Mr. 0. O. llnrlbiirl,
brought tb -first wheal of the BMBOa for
. ; ! I ,. ne Mills, Wednesday.
It was a lo. I of II bushel and was first-
Dikd At tb- rsatdanaB of T. L. Zum
w..'t in l..b iwlr Preciurt. of inltamstion of
. I... 1 - I' ... .iniurall . ' fl TA' I, agid I'l J' ars and 2 months.
Ci.nii.v. i I.m S MeiiaU has let to VV.
II Fentoii a eutrict (ur the enctlon of a
leeklewiai on Ih eovaer at Oak and Sixth
.tree!., ilontroct price. $1200.
Imt Last Monday, a pocket book, con
taining a u..te. f inder will be liberally re
jvsrde.1 by leaving the name at Ibia offlee.
last Baf On reasonable terms an Est.y
nrnan in excellent condition. Apply lo If.
K. Jndkins, eornei . f Oak and 1 HI. ritreets.
Mteiri Usi-oar. Wheal, lei eta on board 1
of esra; oats, V and M cent; wool, 22 end 1
23 eta; eggs, 20 eta.: Hutler, 23 eta.
Mr Norris Humphrey i having Ibe plans,
drawn for a neat r bnce, to be erected on j
bia farm Mow town.
Jasper tews.
July 25. ISH0.
E B Hands iker visited relatives here Hun- I
Horn, to ihc wife of J It Hills July llth,
a inn. boy,
Bon, to the wife of D.ivid Willi, In), July 1
11, a daughter.
Mrs PeOM of Springfield is visiting with
Grandma Wail ice
Loll Morehouse uho lias been quite M k
lor some tune isuble to be out once again
Tbe young. l sun ot D C Wallace fell
from the leiu e one day last week mid frae
tun d one of tb- bon. a of bis tight arm just
above th- wrist.
We learn that B MeBee who left ban a
f-w weeks ago for Silver Lake has I. turned
snd taken up a ranch on 0lOVl Patch
mountain oa tat Middle Fork.
Jtsi i a,
Letter List.
Letters for (be following person rru aiin d
nnoul'ed (or at tbe posloffice in Eugene City,
I'regon. ti I v su. isv.i;
Bsaatl, Mis E I.
I'm ink, Blwui
Conn, J B
Cutting, Mrs M .1
Elwood, John
Fickle, Harry
Fleiiiaii, Geo
llavs, W 11
Bolaen. MrsJ
Bi ow, S F
Whit. I M
Davis, .1
Wilkina, w w
l ie. man. Alb n M
Grimes, LII. n
Hart, Albert,
Highland. II
Lewis, John
A charge of one cent will l- made mi seofa
letter given out.
Persons calling for the above will pleas,
sav advertised, giving date.
F. w Ossanx, P. M.
Notice to ContrMtora.
Ilids will be received by Ih- Ulidersign-d
from contractors to furnish material ami
hlllld the Odd Fellows' Temple, nit Wtlbiln
etle street, according lo plans and specific. i
lions. The brick uud all iron woik. will be
furnished on the ground by lb- undersigned
trustees. Plans slid sp-clllc.ilions can be!
teen at Judo Walton' offiot BidawBI ba
closed .Inly 27, at 10 o'clock A. M The
undersigned berebv n serve lb- right lo r.
)eet any and all bids. .1. J. Wsi.roN,
July HI, 188K. It. F. Dounis,
V. ll II .KINs,
' Trustees.
Minium Tb- partial below mentioned
ni- well known in Bageoe. Tb- Oorvallu
Times of Julv '.Mid stvs: Mr, .las. Belveil
and Mrs. Iliigbt wero married by Judge
Holgate last evening at the bride's n sidence
in Ibis city. I Ins ougtit to ne a goo.l uuticli
il i (peril ncc counts for anything. Tin v are
Isith s. vi i ll years tbe other side of sixty and
this is Mrs. Bright'a fourth matrimonial vow
It must be encouraging to many old bache
lors who bava grown in anxiety to know that
Than never was u goose so gray
lint some day, soon or late,
An honest gander BUM that way
An took her for a mate.
Crxiiir.Bi.aNt PajBurntaUM BrvoD. On
July llth the atove Bynod met el Brio, The
following business ol import . nee to Lane
county was transacted: Bar. 0. A. Wooley
was appointed synodloal evsngelhtt, wbieb
was very titling. Steps wero taken to i stab
lish a church paper at Eugene, Oregon, ami
to put at its bead one of Ihe ablest men of
the Cumberland church. Also, measures
were taken to secure the services of one of
the most successful men iu lb- pulpit to till
tb- pulpit recently vacated at Eugene by
lb v .1 M. Snecd. The synod adjourned lo
ma t si Cottage Grove, Dragon, bi " P. ht,
Thursday before Ibe lirsl Sunday in October,
To Assist-Di-r A i roiiNFv Mi Ai.iiu ii V.
C Johnson has been appointed special as
sist mt L'niled States attorney to co-operate
with district attorney Mi Aillnir in preparing
bilk in aqalty artd trying the suii. be bad
b.i u inatrnoted to la gin sgainat Tb Dalles,
Eugene and Lebanon Military Wagon Hond
Companies for the forfeiture of the lauds
granted lo these companies under various
acts of Congress, w hich mils w-rn BBtkor
icd by act ot Congress of March 2, LS8SI.
'Ihese lands comprise aonio 2,500,000 acres,
nil ol which is DOW in the bauds of third
parlies, Mayor Pottd of Han Francisco being
a principal owner.
BOBUBBs OtBb There i" B JTOUUg girl
iu Walla Walla who is destined to make her
mark. Home one gave her leu cents one
day. Sim bought a yard ol calico, made il
into a Minimum t and sold tho-bonnet for
forty cents. Shu invested (ho 111 cents
in BMN calico, made inure bonnets, aobl
them and prettr soon bad $10. With tins
$111 the bought potatoes, ph.ut-,1 tin In ami
came out with a clear profit ol till Mo.l
girls Would have iKiught chewing gum and
ohewed and then nailed for mure, and tha
majority of tb hoys invest thajr money iu
cigarettes and wouldn't save? 10 in a hundred
A Good Law. Thu last Oiegon legisla
ture enacted that il tax not lo exceed two
tenths of ft mill be levied on all properly, to
raise i. fund for the relief of indigent sol
diers and Milon who served in the war with
Mexico, iu ti.e rebellion or any otthi Indian
wars of Ori g in, Washington or Idaho, also
for tbe widows or children ot siu h. No ex
soldier can be s. nt to the poor lions- without
th- cons, nt of the cointnun.lcr of ih- Grand
Army ''osl. The net also provides that the
sum ol thirty dollars be allowed by the
county to pay funeral expenses of velerana
of any of thu above wars.
Mini UosKNui.ui Dsau. Mver Roaen
Id. ill iln .l ill Portland last M lay, at bis
p sideline. II- bad been sick fur over tbne
year from SOllening ot the brain. Meyer
first begin business in Lag county iu the
50's as u pel Her, afterwards moving to Eu
geim uud running a general mi n humlise
store for a number of years. II.i went to
Portland about 1N7L At the time of bis
d. lib bo was very wealthy. II- was known
by every old resident iu Ibe county.
Dun. At bat rJdcao on Eleventh
street. July 21, IWJ, (Iruiulma Crow, aged
about Hi years. The remains were taken lo
Albany for inli rmei. I I-sides those of her
husband, who died u number ot yeara ago
Grandma Crow ess greatly bsioved by nl!
for b-r kindly, loving, geueroas acts. H i
menioryjwill d by all who knew
Str.a thk PotM I be Lakevi. w Et
sininer says A titioiiis being circulated
in Line county, asking an appropriation
from the eounly funds In repair th- Dp-gun
Central Military wagon road. This is simply
lo secure trad- from this eounly. and more
.specially from Silver Lake.
Baavioaa urftt M, I On son . -Bev. 0.
ii. 1Tb lianas, pa4or. arrUe us from Orayr
river under date of July 22, IHH',1, asking us
lo IliloriU the ieople that he will hold serv
ices in Ihe M. E. Bhilai), Suml .y, July 2Stb,
iiioruing ami evening
To Taxk Vt Lasd. A nuinlier of citins
of South Sal. in have gnu- to take up land
ou the Hi.islaw river. There were at least
ix of tbeni, and Ihey all will take np a
million raj mine at land before returning to
Ibia city C.pitul Journal
Sam.isu. Daiks -Tbe Va.Uiiia B steamer
b lives Yaipunu lor San Franciaco ; Aug II, L'l, ,
22 :t From San Francisco for Yaqtiina: .
July JO, Aug, 8, IH, 27. BemeniUr the
Hot. -In tbie city. July 3. 1HV.I, lo thu
art la ,,1 K,,bl. Pratt a son This i- rather
late to chronicle thia event, but Ihe i.porter
BM only juat besrd of it.
Vrav Msaa. Home person lua
I, i,
b esting down young prune tree, in
Spencer Butte nursery recently. If eai
be will be given a liberal dose of the law
Dr. IloatutHi his iitoved to Portland.
1. S. ii.l. is, il. Albany home buyer is in
Ed. Whit. ,.f I'linettllt started homo lust
Mr. Meyer of Sail Francisco, is iu
Mr. Chan. Letter spent last Monday in j
Andy Titus arrived from Bltaon' Springs
ai Tuesday
Elmer Clever has gnuo"up to Ibo Foley
hut springs.
. II. Aim ,iui t iuui wife are c.itiiping up
Ibe UoKenrie,
QeoM Mill.r ami family went b Florin,-
last Monday.
Mrs M. A. Jndkins is
Medical Lake, W. T.
Mi-s Hnggli Whitney
now redding nt
visit, d at Albany
several ilays this week.
Mr. T. O. Hendiieka and fsmily have re
turned from Soda Springs,
Attorney L. BByeu nsdi Bslem a pro.
ft -Sinn. d visit i ist Tttasday.
Mbm Haiti.' BBOMi Ol Oorvslll is visit
ing iii l'.ugi ns and x lolnity.
Mr, Geo W. Bbinehart, of Qlliiaa coUBty,
is vi-itiiig friends in Lani cmnly.
Mis i. Ilanchetl ri turned from u pleaaanl
trip to Soda Springs l,i-t Thursday,
eu is ii tki r. ol the BaJrei Bouse, returned
from Foley Spun;, list I'hursdiy.
Dr. McMurtiy ami wife spent aevi lal days
at Vaqnina bay the rat of lha weak.
Prof. Johnson and family have gone up
the Mclveiisie to spend a lew weiks.
Lane Matlock, of Laos, has bean visiting
fin mis in Lane county lor a week.
Mr. Prank Omaa and family returned
from a trip to V npini i Hay last Tnesduy.
Mr John Latrd, ot the PaJoaas country,
is visiting old aoqaaintanoN iu Lane county.
Piof. Bswthorn nn.l family b .v.. goo to
YaqnlnaBay where Ihey will spend several
vv. . ks
The S.ib Iu Btataamea says Mrs. W. T.
Mater is very III at the tamilv reSMSM III
tint city.
el. ik Wars i on duty agaiu. ll- myaha
thinks ii dog cut is tbe in .st uaelea thing
be knows of only tn dump a mull out ou
ih- grooud.
James Whileaker, nl Portland, Deputy
Collector ol Internal KovettUB, visited Eu
gene last Saturday.
s. B. Bekln, Jr., Baahiai at lbs First Ha
tional Hani,, went lo Ympiiua Day la.t Wed-
nead iv , to spend , k.
w. M, Wolverton nt Spokane Fulls, w.
T., leave ben Monday on a trip to the
McKcnsle bol aprlngtt,
Mr. I O. Ib.ker of II, is- Citv, I. T., ia
her visiting rebvltvaa. Be ia a brother of
Mis BolmaB an I Mrs liniiry,
Mr. Geo, B. Oorria Bad family ami Prof.
John Blranb and family will leave for tho
siuslaw coast soma tlm nail week.
Mis B. Mnnra and daughter, Mra. W, II.
Watkiiis. left last Tuhursaay on, a visit to
relatives mid friends at Spokane Falls, W.
MeailS, R, M Day and J. It. Campbell
ur- nl Geo. 1'risKi l's, at th- MoXeOnN
Bridget They will ba home sometim next
Mr RE Lamb will leave the first of the
week fur Eastern Oregon b. look for a loca
tion, We wi-h him well wherever be may
conclude to Innate.
Mr. Lee Searcy anil family returned from
California last Saturday morning. Wo are
sorry to stain that tb- nralth of Mis. Searcy
has not Improved.
Mr. E .1. MiChinulian's mother nod hia
llstez in law, both of Trim r, 01. , BIB visit
ing ul bis resideno in this city. The old
lady looks healthy mnl buln.
Mra. II. J. Day, Mrs. V. T. McMurtry,
Mrs, Marsbi Mrs. Qao. ahramB, and Mr.
Marsh leave on a trip up lo John Anderson's
on the McKi UBle, next Tuesday.
Wm Walks, tba aaaonuAdaBog cashier
of the Loini Count v Hank, has been con
Ilin il In his room din ing lb- past week with
a large carbuncle on on-of his l. gs . It is
quilt painful, and it will be several days yet
before be is tiroiiinl.
Benstor Gbss. Bilton and wife, of Qlliiaa
coiinlv, started to th Pol Springs hist
Tuesiiny morning, Mr Hilton says Ibo
crop is uu tntlr failure along th- Columbia
Itiv. r, ami that the funnels in Hint section
will have to buy their acid for next season.
Public Auction.
I w ill s. at public auction lo tho highest
bid.b r at in v hum adjoining Goshen, on
Saturday. Augu-t dial, 1880, at 1(1 o'clock A.
M., the following described property; T . St
v i ar old steers; I 'J.yi nr old heifi rs; li year
ling sleus; IS inileb cows; hogs, plow, har
lot', wagon, harness, 22 tuns of bay, wiougbt
iron raiig. "HonU Coinlorl," Boss churn,
butter worker, sewing machine, clock, 2
good feather bids, safe, bedstead, ami
general household furniture. Terms 12
months' credit on sums of $10 mnl over at
k per c-nt Interest with approved note;
under I0, cuah. Wxi. MoCMMh
Battfln MATriuws, Auctioneer.
Datetl July 2fi, 188'J.
DlaWolnCton Notion,
riu Irm of Praalar, ObaMhUl .k Totter.
doing bnainess un.l.r th- firm nam- and
style ol Frasler ObnmhUL has this day
been dissolve! bv mutual consent, Mr
Toier I tiring The business will be eoll
daeted at th- old stand by Fraaier &
Churchill, who a, -nine all liabililiea and will
Collect all in counts ow ing the firm.
Engine, Or.. July IS, W.
E. J . FlIAslKH,
a. V.QwnoBUn
F. A. ToBttB,
Money tu L0M.
Money tu loan ou civiy terms on real estate
security. Apply to E. It. SkipwuBtii.
A Hip ii in iiiK 1'ius khuxo-. There is
a bitch in the proceedings for lb- Irmsbrof
II-. I Ipvoiii. ill railway Inn s lo Uni boillhern
Paatflc Company. In tbo.gre. nieiit in regard
to the matter it was BfS . tli. .1 lint thu stock
holders of th- Oregon isn Company shouhl
give quit-oUini deeds lo tbs Kourhsrn Pn-
eilic Tin v Ibuught they could induce Mr.
0. 1'. Buntiogton to give Ibem
more il tin ', refused tu do this, and sent
Mr. Linn. i. I Kob-rtson, th- gentleman who
was out bare one- on business for tbe com
pany, ovir to Hi a York to endeavor to ef
f. .1 such an aiiaiigi in. nt. In the mean time
il;. uni. in. laeas of the company, which the
Southern P. n ine was In assume was leiught
up at a discount by some one, preen msbly
ill the inten st of the -otiipaiiy. Mr. lllllit
ingtnu - iid ibis was a violation ut the ugreo
in. in, and relused to pay ' il.ii.- more
than at first agreed , uud it is now uneeitain
win tin r tin. ib nl tin- m i I iu the Southern
Pacific will Is aptah d or not.
Ban Bssavan A CorvaBs sditor's wtaa,
in writing from Va'pi na Hay, aaya: "I
topped at ih- '. j tin i Hotel the first night,
where I lin t a numb. I of frit lids. Yon
would bav tied to ae bow (lately I
w nk. o into enppi r with my train followiug
in i iron of children. I mean. My! how
it- y di I .1 ' Ills always said that an ed
it, is folks don't get mm Ii to eat, and tbe
way those 'kids' got in yon would have
thought Ib-y hadn't bad a square meal for a
long time."
N'liunron- eanvnaaer for enlarging pic
ture., etc.. are continually in our city. We
would stl our pepl to patronize our
local artists. ho will exe-nte tbe work at
less cost and in a mii' b more artistic style.
It serve tbe people right to receive daub
(ri m theae traveling Iranip. If tbey were
really reliable tbey would have permanent
Serious Row At Condon.
We clip tho following from th Fosail
Journal of July 13, 1889. Dau Rhioehart
is well known here, having Uveal at Creawell
m arly his whole life; and Crick Balding was
also raised iu this county. A letter tho first
ol thu week from Condon aaya Bbinehart
will recover. Hero is tho account:
Thu town of Condon was precipitated in
to a feverish excitement last Sunday even
ing by uu altercation which oooured bo.
ti 1 1 Hun Khiuohort of Condon, and Ilrick
lluldiiigof Lost Valley, and in which Khine sustained some very uly flesh wounds
from a dirk knife, near tho left shunl.b r,
both in front and behind tho ehouldor, Tin
incitement was greater at first because it
was (eared Bbinehart would die. Drs. Alex
mnler (father and daughter) and Dr. Eaaton
w ere called in to droas tho wounds, and up
on StaBa (nation they found tho wounds did
i. e. peaetiate Ibu tboiacic cavity, and no
blood vessels wero severed.
Mr. Balding wis arrested upon the verbal
order of jostici Darling, at once, by him
s, II and bystanders who bad collected to
span! tb- parties uud make peace. He
was amigMd Monday and given time to
mploy cmins. I, the hearing being deterred
until Tuesday, at 10 A. M. N. A. Corniah,
attorney of Arlington, appeared fortbe prose
cution, and H. II. Hendricks, attorney of
PobbU appeared (or the defeidaut. Tbe de
fendant waived preliminary examination,
and the justice in order to ascertain Ihe
prop, r amount to lii tbe bail, oxamined Dr.
Alexander, who stated be was likely lo
recover. Hi- justice also examined J .
Ebbert, who stated iu aubtanco that he
c niie to town that lay with Mr. llahliug, aud
that h- h sppanad to eo Ihe comuieucement
of the tight; that it started at the aoilth end
ul the porch nl 111- lthiuebart hotel, and he
was standing iu the barber's room in thu
rear of Johnson's saloon where he could aCe
it Iron Ih- winCtOW, that be saw Lhiiubi.rt
(tick up a chair ami strike with it violently
at Hal, ling, and II partly dodged it
and giabbe.l bis knife, Ebbett says be (Eb
bert i st rt. d th. u to run out of thu saloon in
order in separate the combatants, and saw
no more BOll be got out, when Kbiuehsrt
WBB almost to the corner of tho aaloon run
ning towards it, ami llahliug was following;
that his El. bi n'.i htothcr grabbed llahliug
and ha (the witness) grabbed lthiuebart to
keep tin nt upaii, which tbey ditl, with Ihe
assistance ol others. Mr. Ebbert admitted
that It- t himself) was armed Ibat day for
the first time in a ) ear, and the justice aaw
from these circumstances, or thought be
saw. that Ebbert bail aided and alsstted the
low ; that hi was uu accessory before lho
fact at common law, or, nude r our statu- a
principal. Bn ha waa also charged with tho
crime as a principal, and taken Irom the box
.is wilne-a for Ihe State a prisiouer. Then
lbs oonrt tied Mr. llahliug'. bail at $1200
which he gave at once, with Jack. (Ilasgow
ami ;Myroii O. Clark, of Lost Valley aa
sureties, Mr. Ebberl'a bail was fixed st
Mio, but we have not learned whether he
has fumiahad bail 01 not. TbuatTairia wry
Unfortunate, and all the partiea are respect
able persons and well conuecled.
the nlfair arose out of a dispute about
tb- payment of aoinii money, we sre in
loi iued. Tbe above is about all that was
dieted at the preliminary examination,
though one can bear all kinds of coutrsdic
lOrj reports and opinions about tb- ull'air
at Condon and elsewhere, some claiming
that the assault on lthiuebart was premedi
tated and unprovoked, and others the con
trary. Dun lthiii-bart ia aged J5, baa a wife
and a child. Mr. liulding is aged about 20,
uud is a son of F. II. Duldiug.
Cottiig-c (irovo Items.
July Hi, 188D.
Very warm weather.
l'riink Ciitbcitrt and sister Myra were in
town lust week.
E. P sWdford & Co started their thresh
ing mui bine to day.
Stotl'er it Markley h ive a new engino and
are uowi able to saw lumber.
Mr. lleorgu Comer in clerking at Lewie A
Ibiikboltlei'a dry-gooda store.
Miss Martha Medley ia viaiting relativea
at Ibis place. Miss Adie returned tu Eugene
Mr. Sam I'eatch nml wife of Boaeburg
visited relatives and friends several days at
Ibis place since our lust and returned last
week .
Mr. Jo- King displayed sumo ipiartit that he
got m ar Hon s saw mill on Ibe Coast Fork
which lin thinks ia full of silver. Quid ia
reported In have been lound in nuggets near
Mr. .lost pit Sharp has moved hia atore
from Latham to Ibis place. Mcaara. Simons
Clark were in town buying horsos tor
Seattle market.' W. II. Medley sold hia
team (ur two hundred and filly dollarrs to
tb- above named firm.
A party consiating of I), Uristow and
family, Mr. C. Kennedy and wife, J. 8.
Medley, C. Cleaver, of Eugene, J. L. Wynu,
Misaea Kale Hanson, Addle, Martha,
Prance mnl Eli;.. Medly visited Haropaon
Hock on th- summit of the Coaat Bangs op-posit-
It mini mountain about aeven mile
from Cottage drove on (ha road from thia
p ace to Siuslaw valley. Tbey report having
a tin- liiim, no serious accinent happening;,
although Wj mi cum- very near getting bis
buggy upset ou a bridge.
Tho Climate of Oltgwls
Whilu I trolling along tb. wharves of
Huston I met a tall, gaunt looking figure, a
Webfoot from Oregon, and got into conver
sation with him. "Healthy climate, I aup
poee'r" "Healthy! It ain't anything else.
Why, .danger, you can cbooau there any
climate you like hot and cobl-sud without
tnvi liii, more than fifteen minute. Jest
think o' that the next rold mornin' you get
out ..' b. d. There's a Mountain there Ml.
Hood they cull It with a valley ou each
aitle of it, Ibe one hot, the other cold. Well,
git on top of lhat mountain, with a double
barreled gnu uud you can, without movin',
kill either aummer or winter game, jeat aa
yon will." "What, bar you ever tried it?"
"Triad it! often, and ehonld have done
piettv well but for one thing." "Well what
was that.'" "I wuuted a dog that would
Bland both climates. The last dog I had
froze ott bia tail while pintin' ou tbe nun
mar lid, II- didn't get entirely out of
winb r side, you see. Trew ia you live"
I sloped. Marshal Hoffman of Albany
arrested in that city last Tuesday one .
Jones on a warrant issued here charging him
with larceny by bailee. It appears he pro
cured a picture of ( has. Crouer to re-touch
and failed to return it although requested to
do so, hence bia arrest. On trial before
Justice Henderson he produced the picture
which waa at th- resilience ol Mr. Ham, in
this city, when he was discharged.
In. rem lis I'aii Km' neighbor, tbe
Corvallis Times, has tbia in it last iaaue:
Eugene City is growing iu importance and
bku Ihe polliwig baa dropped it tail aa ahe
begine to jump, It will hereafter be known
a. simply Eugene, the postal department
l .vmg ao decreed. The new name went
into effect yesterday.
Filbd. It. IL and E. O. Potter have filed
a plat of their (aim iu the Co. Clerk's office.
It is divided iuto lot of from 10 to 20 acres,
each fronting upon a public highway. Il ia
all excellent (mil land and they are offering
it at low figurea. It will make good homee
for a .lo.. i. industrious citizena.
Lowt. - A ladies' bracelet, Thursday after
noon, ou Willamette atreet. Tbe finder will
l: auitablv rewarded by leavinv the eeme at
the Ucabai office.
Msaairu.-In Eugene, Oregon, July S5.
- . i l: . i M II, N. Mr. J. S Wright
ami Miss M. J. Cochran; sli of Cottage
Uro vs.