ESTABLISHED FOR THE DISSF.MIVUION OP IHMUTIC rRIN.IPLBS, MD TO EARN AN Q0JIESTL1VIXG BY TUB Ifllf (IP 101 BROW 01 21 EUGENE, OH., S AT U III) AY. eTULY 27, 1889, NO, 51. PUBLISHED EVE11Y SATURDAY.) 1. L. CAMPBELL, PubliNlivr ihI rroprietor. iU'VICE-On the Eat ide f Willamette lrett between Seveuth and Eighth Street. i KLMS OK SUBSCRIPTION. 50 . LIS . .7ft l,r HUM -i Month Hue nnth OUB ONLY KA.THJ8 OB ADVKRTI81NQ. i jvei tienjent inserted a. follows: 0e square, ten line orb MM insertion W; f,"h ,ulieiiueiit insertion $1. Oa.h required tTadvertUer. will be charged at the ml- ttmm 00 1)ne square six month. 8 00 XSSftER local column,' 60 cent. line tor each insertion. 1 v vertising bill wi" 1,6 "O'lered quarterly, job work must be paiii koh on DELivriiv. CEO. B. DORRIS, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Lair, tflLI- PRACTICE IN THB 03URTB V n( the Becond .1 u.licial District and in J Supreme Court of this State. gowial attention glvra to collection and matter- in nrobnte L, BILYEU, -Attorney and Counsellor at Law, - EUGENE CITY, OREGON. rtR U'TH'ES IN AELTHE OOURT8 OF K this State. Will give Bpecial attention to collections and probate matter. Orrii'K- -Over Heudrick k Eakin's bank. A. C. WOODCOCK, Attorney-nt-Lnwi IJIKNH GIT?, - - - OKKGON DPnOR RooflU 7 MoOUrw Building. re'Special I ttention given to Collections lad Probate business. GEORGE A. DORRIS, Attornef-at-Law , KUURNS CITY, - - - OBKGOH OrrlCl III Register Block. GEO. M. MILLER, Attorney and CciiBsellat-Law, and Real Estate Agent. KUOINI CITY, - OREGON. Miller Lane Co. "ank Building A.E. GALLAGHER, A i t o r 11 y u ( La w. fclNiE.VIi CITY OREGON. Special attention given (n 1'robate business sn.l Abstracts of Title. OtriOl Over Lane County Bunk. t.W. HARRIS, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. ILsiilence on Kiftli street, wliere Dr Shelton 'irnierly resided DRS. PAINE & M DONALD Physicians & Surgeons, EUGENE, ORRGON. Special atteDtion to Surgery and Chronic diseases. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, CAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res idence when not professionally engaged. Residence on Eighth street, opposite Presby "ian Church. J J. WALTON, Jr., ATTOltNI'T-ATLAW EUGENE CITY, OREGON. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Court nf the State. Special attention given to real estate, col "ting, anil probate matter. ..tflllecting all kinds of claims against the - tilted States Government. Office in Walton' brick-rooms 7 and 8. DR. J. C. GRAY, DENTIST. OFFICE OVE GRANGE STORE. ALL work warranted, 'aughinr. gas administered for painles ex gawei ol teeth. Dr. G. W. Biddle, DENTIST. Til. ATE WORK A SPECIALTY. EX trading and Killing executed by the 1st m improve.! method. All work warranted; ''f'?'it'Pto'e' i)rrKt-'iita' Illock Xdavis, Merchant Tailor. HA' "I'ENED A SHOP ON NINTH irwt, the Star Bakery, where J kY"1 to JI kind of work offered eek ol Fine Cloth on hand for : nnt rnm. and cleaninf doo. promptlT. Sat "J' n I aranteeA Not. ,liM U 1 n "elect from. for Infants aatorla , so well salaried to children I hat reoommcml it a .cperior to asy pcripuoa oou tonic - n. A. Aarntn. ! D., Ul So. Oxford St. Brooklyn, K, Y. STARR, GRIFFIN, & RROWN. Hardware. Tin- i ware & Stoves. tap, Pip, and Plumbing Ms, JOB WORK done on short no tice at reasonable rates . PLUMB NG a Specialty. Come and See Us. NEW GOODS. A PINE rtHSORTMRNTOF BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS From the Cheapets to the Best at prices according to quality. A LARGE STOCK OP BOOTS and SEOES From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties can be suited either as to Price or Quality. CI.OTHIWCr. Our assortment i Complete, from the lowest Price up to the Jitiest; can siti! you if you five us a call OUB BTOoi 18 g"Frce !Vew and Styliib.p Look us over; if we tin not HftVi- you iiioih')', we will tllftke HOBH one fine Bf II to you low. rrr A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES F. B. DUNN Day & Henderson, -THE FURNITURE UNDERTAKING House in Eugene. Corner Ttli and Wil. Sts Matlock 4 Has just received direct from New York and Chicago, the largest and best stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS Ever brought to Eugene. THIS IS NO IDLE BOAST r i Bo. cl aniprjee then, - and Chl'drei., Ca ! - if -. .-,n. OoMMtMon, Bour i-'- i'-h'i'v, hrutUkiion, Kill v ..... aUep, aai pcuiuott dl c Witn. i.i .. jiirioua mrxiicaUoo, Tine OWTiin OoMMaY, fT Murray Street. R, Y. LEADING - & ,.Uo. Tbf. 'n Three Store r Give Dmh n Chuteel That ia to say, your longs: Also all your breathing machinery. Yciy wonderful machinery it i. Not onlv tin larger air psngi'S. Imt the thousand of little tubes and cavities leading from tlnni. When these are clogged and choked with matter which ought not to be there, your lung can not do their work And what they do, they cannot do weel. Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia, catarrh, OMMIpDpMM or atVJ of the faiuilv of throat and nose and head and luug (distructious, all are bad. All ought to hv got rid of. There i just one sure way to get rid of tlieui. That is to take Bot ch. . s Gorman Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if evervthing else baa failed you, ou may dc pemi upou this for certain. - What Is It? That i roduees that beautifully soft com pletion and leaves no true, s ,( its applica tion oi injurious . Ibctsi1 Tl i in.sWet, JjVll dom KnlxTtinr nivoinpli-h. all this,' and is pronounced by ladies of taste and refine ment to be the most delightful toilet article ever tmxluced. Warranted h:ii'4less and matchless. V. M. Wilkius, agent,, Eugene City. ADVICE TO MOTHERS, Mils. WlSslow s SooTHlNO SHIT, for oU' ilreu teething, is the prescription of one of the beat female nurses and physicians iu the United States, ami ha Isen used for forlv years with MVtr failing success by -millions of motliers for Iheir ehiliiren. Dining the pro cess of tettnini lU value it iuralculable. It relieves the eli, 1 1 from pain, cuits dysentery and diarrhoea, griplh in the bowelt, ami who colic, liy giving health to the child it rest the mother. Price '-'.V a Isittle. Take Notlee. Tiiat A l.oldsmilh has the largest, tines) and best stock of Quei nswaie, Ciockery and QlesewtN evi r brought to Eugene. Give li i in a call and he will prove it to you. The highest cash price will be paid for win at bf F II. Dunn NmuresPleasantIaxative A Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed, and of liase anil Comfort follows thousoof Sympof l'iys, as it a, Is foully on th KlDXEY8, Liveb and BowteLs Eiroctually ( lcunsingthe System whot Costivo or Biliou, Diopellin Colds, Headaches and Fevers and permanently curing HABITUAL CONSTIPATION without Weakening or irritating the organ 011 which it acts. I r Rnle In rOo ami Bottle hyall I . i.llllK Iru(Rlt. HAIVfiAeeJO olv v tiis 1 ALIFOBNIA FIO SYBU? 00. RlS t'lAXCIBCO, l'AI, Um m IUA Kv.. m Vusk. N. V, I AVIKfl RR FN'TI.Y Hi FITTED Hit 111 lining St in- urc off m in; SPECIAL BARGAINS In Dren Goods, Lndicg and Oentfl I'lidtT w i'ar, Boots, ShoM iinil all 681661 Of DRY GOODS. J. L. PAGE, DEAI.EIt I.N TTAVINU a LABOB AND COMPLBTI XI stis k of Staple and Fancy Grucerle, ' bought in the Iwst market EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH, Can offer the public Iwtter price than any other bona IN EUGENE. Pnsluce f all kind, takeu at market price. Sportsman's Eporium. HORN ii PAINE, i Practical (iimsniitlis - Deler in Fitkut Tifklt ind littriilt. s hiiil' larhlne awd .ecdleeol ill Klftde l or Nalr ! Repairing done in the nratett style eed war rented. Guns Loaned & Ammunition Furnished Store i WillemetU Htreet Hun 1 Johnson Groceries FtltlimiS tlitlllts. The I'll, ok Orestes Has II1, ft i I tall dalabro. uti Arabian, was Id feet tall. Fainuni, the Scotchman, was 11' 't feet ! tall The emperor Maximiuus was H' j feet tall. Evaus, who lived in King Charles' I' 1 wa 7', feet tall. Colonel Orr. w ho died some sev. u year ! ego, was 7 feet four inches in height. Walter Parsons, the fenottl porter of Charles I of Euglaud, was 7 feel I inches iu UelgUI. The Chiuese giant, Chang Woo. Qow, was. doubtless, the tall, st man ever exhibited In America, lie was H bet, i niches high. Daniel Lambert, Iht loffH nun known to histocy, lueasure.l U feet four inches aiound the body, tt feet I inch around the legs, ami weighed 7J'.I pounds. There appeared in England lim e years ago au Austrian named Wiiikclinci, i , whoso height was N fret ',1 inches. Captain M ,rliu Van llureii Date of Kentucky weighs l'.Hi iHiuuds, and In- b.igl.t is 7 I. el IP, inches. Hi wears n SO inch collnr and a No. l." tsiot. Mile Daub ii was born iu North Carolina iu 17W, and tin d in Tennessee oil Jaiinary 23, 1No7, lie we 7 feet, t inches iu heiLht, and at the tune i t his death Ins weight was IDWtldl Oi 1000 pounds. --Cbai It stoii Sun. All Albany dispatch of July 2 1st Kays: Thoiuiis Mont, it It, an old ami well known pioneer resident, died this WMtUiug tifltr a protracted illness. He was, in the curly history A Albauy, one of the town's most wealthy and intlueutial citizens. Having met with busiuess NVOftM ol lain ytiii, be lived tpaielly at hi lestdetice in the smith em portion of the city until Ins death. Dr. Taylor' 7 Oaks Compound, purely vegetable, positively cure rliiumatism, neu ralgia, toothache, stch headache, cramp col ic, cholera morbus, complaints peculiar to female, cold or cough, hive., chills and fe ver, pains around the heart, nrjiipoloj. phthisic. OkoHiik Tiyi.ok. Sold by Galium .V Co, tlruggiat. Constipation Demand prompt treatment. Tho re aulta of neglect may Ira serious. Avoid all harsh ami ete purgatives, tho tendency of whtA i to weaken the bowels. The best remwly U Ayer' I'llli. Ilelng purely vegetable, their action Is prompt end their effect always beneficial. They aro an admirable Liver and Aftcr-ilinner pill, and every where eudorsed by tho profession. " Ayer' Pills aro highly 11ml univer sally spoken of by tho people about here. I make daily use of them iu my practice." Dr. I. E. Fowler, llrnlge port, Conn. "I can recommend Ayer' Pill above all others, having long proved their value a a cathartic tor mvsell nud family." J, T. lloas, Lelthsvllle, Pa. " For several years Ayer's Pills have been used Iu my family. We llud them an Effective Remedy for constipation and Indigestion, ami ere never without (hem in the house." Moses Grenier, Lowell, Muss. "I have used Aycr'a Pills, for liver troubles and Indigestion, during many years, ami have always found thorn pmmpt and etllclont In their action." L. N. Hmith, L'tica, N. Y. "I suffered from constipation which assumed such an obstinate form that 1 feared it would cause a stoppage of the bowels. Two boxes of Ayer's Pills of. fected a complete cure." - 1). liurke, Saco, Mo. "I havo used Ayer's Pills for the past thirty year and "consider them an In valuable family medicine. I know no better remedy fur liver troubles, ami have always found them a prompt cure for dyspepsia." .fames Quinu.tO Middle St., llurtford, Cuiui. "navlnghecn troubled with cnslive ness, win. I, seems inuvltable with per eons of BOdentarf habit, I have tried Ayer' Pill, hoping for relief. I am glad to say that they have served me better than any other medicine. arrive at this conclusion only alter a faithful trial of their merits." Samuel T. Jones, Oak St., Itoaton, Mas. Ayer's Pills, I'UKl'AHEO BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co,, Lowell, Man. Sold by all Healer III Medicine. Boot & Shoe Store A. HUNT. Prop. Will hereafter keep a complete slock of Ladies' .Misses' Mid ChUdrel'l BH0RS. BUTTON BOOTS, Slippers, White and Black Sandals, 1 INE KID SHOEH, MEN'S AND BOY'S BOOTS & SHOES And in fact everything iu the Boot and Shoe line, to which I intend to devote my esi ial attention. -MY GOODS AKE FIBST CLASS. And gurnlesd as ropresentsd, nd will be sold fur the lowest prices that a gisul article can Im igofOV I. A. Hl'N I' C. Marx. hk Shop and Bath Rooms, Hot and cold baths always ready during the week. Pint door north of Dunn' new block. E. R.SKIPWORTH, Attorney at Law, KCGENK ClfTi OKBGON. Orrice CpsUir in liegitter Block, firt rli to the Ult. Will do a general law practice in all the C.inrt of the State. All himinesa promptly at ttr. led to. HOI I MAN HOUSE Eugene, Oregon. A. MUN'HA, - PitopHiEioR. A Vt'iy DlMStrOVI Fin'. States-mill, July '21. The tin that OOOttfed on the West lide Friday eveuing has turned nut to be one of great aeatrnotion to nnnbai of farmer who were in range of this raging and tierce Are. The fire started a few minute past three oMock and iu lesa than two houra' time bad done its tlistructivetiess. The tlr. sttrtel at Alexander Holmes' win at Held from a passing engine anil I spread with lightening rapidity through the lama ol aUiandor il.dmes, Jbka Holme, I Hugh McNiiry and lien Hayden. The acope : 'f grOQBd burnt 001 is about two mile end I a half in length and over a mile in width. A Nelson alio lives near Wood' grove lost ISO aerea ol Bnt wheat, which had Is-en cut and placid in the shock; also three nub of fence and also burned through n flue orchard on the place where the graaa had grown to t-ntiM lerable height. The heat wua so intense that it actually cooked the young apples 0,1 the tree. O'Brien Bh. 00 lae W I t pin, sutler the Ins ol leO Here of lis tine grain 11 was ever grown. They also lost a good burn full of due bay of this year's cutting. Hen llaydell, who was in the district of what is uow known aa the tlrsl tire, lost besidei his grain, two good farm retldtnoea, two largo lu.rns, e daily mid other out buildings. Thetlrt alo WOpt through the orchard and ruined tho amuo crop in-above stall d on the place ol Mr. N, Uoii Hugh McNary losses 100 i.eree of wheal. A reporter in converaatlon with Mr. Nelson yestciday leaiued that if il had not batO (or the men Inning our as promptly 11 they 1 lid, lo-in main more ti, Ids than are now , would he standing a Um, 11 and burned diatriot, Mi Nelson .stated thai the citiitene of Indepondenoa tnriied nut cnmae from the biinkeis down to the street tuchiu, ind fought the raging llamcs manfully The wiml waa blowing at a torrlfio gale, and In numy Inetenoea the ntn were oonpelled to ran to keeji from being boratd alive. There was u number of other lossc, but the abOVO uie the principal one. Evening in New Jersey. Parmer In the now m tin barn! Fanner's w ife Yes 1-'.. nil. r Horses anbarneeeed and fed? Kilmer's wile Ves. I'liriuer- Clin kens locked lip' FanMI 'a w ife Ye. I'm in. r Wood -j.iit (or morning! Parmet 's w if, ,, Partner Wagon waabt d for an earlj start to-inor i w I Parmer'a w (e Ye. Parmer w. 11, in, n, I gues I'll go to la-d Parmin' is begii.tiiu' to teli on me.Jt'nun. Hoptlcgg C66. L iwyet l iotn your story, I mil convinced you me innocent. Now, have you any wealthy Itletnls? Prisoner No. ' Ilelong to any secr.l wciety?" "No " Onurobt" "No." "Political club." "No." "tlol help you!"- Pl'i K. Pr. paratinn- have boon made for . reeling one mile of brick buildings in the burnt diltrief at Lib iisburg Money to loan on fan, . Walt.,11. Empiire nf Judge POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tins powder ueter varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesouiene. More "cnuomical than the ordinary kind and can not bo sold in competition with Ihe multi tude of low list, short weight, alum or pho. pfaata powder. Hold ouly in cans. HoriL Hakisii Povna Co.. 106 Wall St.. N. Y. TIMBER LAND MOTHS United sut. s Lend Office, Kuwburfi Dm, JiilyN, ihhu. Kotlce Is heii l, y ive,l that III coliiplian with the nrovisi ins J the act of congrea nf Juris S, s;s, I tied "An et for the l of If 01 land 111 tli Slat.- of California, On gon. N ....U, and VVeehingtnn Territory," Willi, n, lti,aalaae,nf Seattle, 0 rant el King. Territory of Washington, ha this day filed In MM, efgof his sworn State ROCOt N o , for the imroha f tin- S. W. I of S.e'ion No. 14, In rownehlp No. U Bean, Ream No, 1 Rant, and will offer proof to draw that th land sought is nioro valuable for it. timber or .toe than for IfrieuRural nuruose., and to eetabliah his claim to said laud la-fore the reui.ter and receiver of this ofllce at Itoseburg, Oregon, on Thursday, the Llitli da nf September. 189. HO OaaMe a wltlMese William A. Hamilton. Michael E. Sullivan and Michael Berrigan, of 'rawfi.nlville. Una eumty, (,r., and John It. Barnes of Seattle, King, county, Washing, tow Territory. ny and all person claiming atlvarsely the alsive desi ribed land an n ueted to file their el iim in thi offlc on or before tald 'Jiith day nf SepteniVr, lSK'.l. t'n ,s w .1 oweeroe, hevl.- I'lMI'KK LAND rtOTIOfe, I mi I .' I. .1, I 1 Hh .-, I:, .el..,rg.Or J .in wi, law. Notice i- Ii ..-by given that in isnnpliaac ith the 1 . i-i..i of th act of emigre., of lime:,. l7a, entitled "An act for th ul. of ft tlmler I, ml. In the State, of Califi. ale, Oi N'eiala, and W -i.r ,r.. ri rrr 1 N' I'ue.ley, of Ta.-oina, Coun v 'f 1 i ' . l - rriuiry of WuliingUm, ha ' .i. dy tiled in this tifnc hi .worn tateinnt Nu for tl.o l.ureh ... of ih. H W 1 ,J iu, tion No :.(, 01 I , ,.,l,in X 10 8. Kaiu No ' Ei.'. II. I x .1 I T ,,.,H,f t . , mk.t .1... .La l.nd olllbt I- Ml .,e ...III. Me l,.w itm ' than f r 1 1 cultural purpose, nru -.uioii-i, ,0- i-i oe .am larnt iwtore trie Keg Isteraadll f thM ofhc at itoburi on Retunl .y. the at l. day flepteeiber, Ym. lie name. .,. rvm It KUhburu John V V.Uio., 1 , ..una, Waah. Ter., Elmer LUwr-e Morgan, of Portlaa.1, 1 n gon. Any and all wroa. claiming ad vnslrtlii.oe.;-...,ii. land are requt e.1 t.. HI their claim .11 this office on or bfir , I Mill U4V .., s- us., ihhj.,. , 1 11 u. W. JoHxaroa, Rewfatar. 041 A Sad Tragedy. Itoseburg, Review, July 18. 1 The city of Rosehnrg was throw,, into a tate of excitement I nday morning hv the now that Clara Tvndall bad committed sul cide. The sad was enacted Thunt day night at II o'clock. Clara Belle Tjndall WM tho daughter of Ton, Tytiilall, a stago driver iu the early day of Southern Oregon, ami ,r mnther who had been divorced from Tvndall. had been married to Ivan Moore and' committed anicide by taking strychnine some fouryeire ago in thi plane, After her mother's death, the girl lived with mi aunt, l.r mother' sist. r. Mrs Nellie Moore, in (his cily who ha been Ihe proprietor of n restaurant for several year. According to the evidence before Ihe coro ner toy, it is evident that thegirl' lot wa au 1111 haiinv line. Sim it . 1 1- -rr " 1 1 ' I ' uu a much wo,k and drudgery a should have .uin u iu .uu lowtii turee ucu as sue. U appoara tkat about 11 o'clock the girl took Ihe fatal dose and several person w-re aroused by he, scream of egofl . Her aunt had not yet retired, as the two bad uly shortly returned from a public gathering at the court hoiiao, and w.-ut itilo her room. Mr. Moore (hen came to the street and Dr. ShaiiL'le who was onusim. t.w ..... ,...i..l,.. . . : e. v "'. iiuiohiv summoned. He went into the l..lrn..n, 1 - and found Clara iu all the agonies oi .1, ,ti from strvebmne U'n, r-...l r. 11 Smith, Dr. Bunnell and others came in. The .. remove., to a orti, and talked n little saying she was smothering and burn lug tip. Several remedies were tin. I to no avail, and she shortly expired. Iu the girl's room was found under the head of the bed, an old vial containing a little strychnine, and also a teaspoon with strychnine adheriug to it. The coroner' verdict was a follows: we the jury called to sit on lb body of t lara Tyndall' deceased, tlnd that she came to her death by strychnine udminisl. red with suicidal intent by her own hand, and that she wa driven to the act by the con U"Si gnel treatment of her aunt, Mr. Nellie Mo,,,, , ,. further ,,,,, ml that thi matter be invest jg,t, , I l,v ,1,,, ,.It Grand Jury In witness of this 'verdict we have hereunto set one I (.. tl.o. 10. 1. i. of July. 1888. - Vi. C. WoonwAHii, PorejMtv Tom. Tyndall and family were known by nearly all our old residents. liny resided at Eugene a number of years. T T . Bmokert' Heart. W ithin the past twenty years th , ; ;, faculty has come to clearly comprehend and to accurately diugim,. a disease which th,.,. now denominated a "smokers' heart." . cesstvc Htnoking, whether with pipe, ci, or cigarette, uffecls the action of the bear, and disturb the circulation. Th- p,,?" will intermit-uot w,lh any regular! !'. tomeltmesone beat in four, aom. tiiiie fan or three bents at a time, and then JS trouble. The brain missing its regular m.l nation of blood, wavers, th.. heart flnttm am, then follows a temporary c,.ap, Strong cordials aro inilicated. ooffee it gool-trong spirits are l ,,rK I . M the rem, dy too often applie.l j, than the d.sease; and Ihe subject nrow slowly worse Angina pectoris is .ime. 10 result. Oncol th,, lending rl,,. clans 1 relates a case i point. A patient - ffering fr... "smokers' hr believed bet he hud a chronic heart disease Hd came for an culmination early before h had eaten any breakfast. The stethoscope showed tin. heart to be n sound as ,It ho had not smoked (or twelve horns Greatly relieved at Ihe verdict bo lighted a black cigar and sat -mokino ,, ,'n , stomach while he tailed In a few momenta be rose logo, hi fe.l failed htm and bo 1,11 III a monieiitarr faint. The heart was tint tormg wildly, but yielded at once and re- " action nfter 1, strong stimulant. " Tilt' OftM fur Cltjr Life. A hundred years ago our lending men, our men of wealth and culture, were nearly ull country gentlemen. Now the member of the governing classes nearly all livo in Ihe towns and cities, except in ihe South which till coutinues to send farmers to the b gisl 1 tuio mid to Congress. But for the South the farmers of the country would be almost un represented at Washington. Wo must change tho drift of thing if we ever see our people enjoy Ihe fullest measure of happi ness and prosperity. The craze lor town life is nil wrong. If half of our aiubiinms young men wbo are living in a shabby genteel way iu the profession and in dry goods stores would put their hrsin and eitergv into farming, our country district would oon beoouio thickly stilled, and, with woll tilled farms, comfortable modern cottages, and good roads, life outside of town would In every way liu superior to the mode of existence found within Ihe walls of our crowded cities. The towns do not need an influx of population from the country, but the country needs a lot of town people to take hold of the farms and produce some thing. Wit oan get along w ith less lawyer aud dry-goods clerks, bnt we need more fanner. We need Iheir product, their healthy iufltience, and their aid in running the government. Archie McFarlaud, of rkaltle, wiio had a railroad spike driven iuto bis hoad the day filter the lit.. 1m ., . t. .. - -- i n. L " " .up 'i 1 . . 1 nil 1 0 1 ii. ing tnrougti a nurneit plank and falling sev eral feet, ho struck hi head on a spike, which entered the skull to the depth of two inches. Two drachm of brain matter and several piece of akull were removed by the physicians. He does not appear to be af fected by the wound and the loss of brain substance. His case is considered one of the moat remarkable iu medical icience Dr. 0. E. Loomis. of Illinois has been ap pointed special agent to look after fraudulent entrie in Oregon with headquarter at Koaeburg. Hi wife will join him there soon. Geo. YV. Klnsey, AucitMieer. When you want your good, ho..ohold furniture or land aold at auction, call on Geo. W Kinsey, the pioneer and moat suc cessful auctioneer in Lane County. He will attend to all aalee on a reasonable com mission. Delinquent Tax Notice. Notice i hereby given to all owing taxea, now delinquent, that the County Court at it tale aeaaion ordered me to collect the same forthwith. Thi i therefore to notify all concerned that if they wish to ave coats they must come forward at once and pay the same or I will be obliged to proceed against them legally. J. M. Auum. sheriff Lane Co. Why yee T-Tea-T. We ask yon to note that we earn the Urged and twit stock of Tea south of Portland. We buy direct from the importer. We allow you to aw, tatta or tiaeff what you buy, or will give you a am ple to let you find out just what kind you want. All favorite and tried brand alwav in stock. Price to rait the times from 25 eta up. W also hav a fall and fresh stock of pmmu etc . Paanu Tea Co.