. i. .lit !"mI aaiilrma. . lhl, glSBl tl'l''Wt' lift J, I to "ri,B wn'tHiBMi ,bTi r N- """""" u SSLa loofcad wfc, sad ii u7" t until IBS - ml"""'- TtMtkl S hocrtoOly asUwtBtlM s Brewery data. "I vritini T "i" "' MndaMM rZforfun'lv " h"Wn" '"" "fih. I ,r of Mt l "lit ton ".li. articles for tS eucycliiiiediaa. A ""'"uv. " B1 I"'"'""""' WMlNI ovi m ...ii'hi iih ttlMttbor Wtal hecauii JJJg iMTtlcalMiy finely constructed mn '"rtinl "" l'""v K'""' !"'n,''nr""" nrWl Tpi ided niywlf on that," replied tn y irbW I trrote It," added th pro MOT, l" Ihe vmt Ji'om",ure of P"l"' A rxiliirw. ua BBV, TIIUKK UINCTKS TER RAT Vf PRAVKIK." "now, u"vs, all Tooirmsi" U Bin rRAVEUtO WITH BAUM'M AS Til 'raaraar morao -vubobb." -Ijfe. Reaction. riouich ynunif Jones it as "I'll .n i hearty he nnl ne'er attend " iri.v Kur be Mid Ilmt social plMMft made lilm BNBrj weak inl aore; Nul a it In! cired bo "or dir.. 'las', or a maldta ' HBiimilm Wkti lo otBSrS lirotr.sl a iiv-mure simply was Ii linn u lsr Re fonn l lillle consolation in IBS art of gnoWTM tii in. Ami all nature's nonilrouslsMiily from his care hHi'j'w was hlil: Miui'- ptltltlttf OOQld 'lot pltSSS him, in liili 11 woulil only teaso liim. So, as if l'r.i;il sellv of duly, lit Isvuuie All ill valid But I found not gnai ittr-kotion that would mat him into nciiou (HVil declare he was not sickly, such ncv itrettxtn tipoa him oarerO, Wlu'ii tilth every indication Hint he'd reach ui dBatldaUon, Bt would walk a mile ao rfuickty, fust to join . poraf (BUM - Drake's Magazine A f.iiidcrtriii'teii Series. "Xoir, children," utter rendiu; tho oh I rtory of tVaahlrrgtonS exploit with lii btehst, "writ mo all you ran rMDMnlwr oi thai pretty story I linyo just rttd to you." Till: ItKSl l.T. Slate I. (Tisldy, b years old) OtOK Wttl intun b our lather oi l ho toll n lie DO h never did he did it with is linchit. Slate II. lEtSM'l, 7 rhoi'k wasliiiitou wn tin' FatOar of is contro lies fntlier swl did Jfot doit ho M-d i wild not lie i did it With D Hathit and then ho Imstisl is tts-rs. Slate III (Ooorglo, D) OoOTgO Wasiinyt,n htba father of our country and ho did it with Ins blteblt nud lie said father did i did Ihe boj deny it o no did he try to put i on some other feller No Hudhi not tell no li lie bust into tours. -Lite. A I 1 1 1 1 Mislnke. BUfltri-Whatfi wrong today, Bluffers Tou look blue. Bluffers-I'll never forgive myself. I kicked a i idler out of iny boon lust uiiiht. "Huhl I've kicketl out uiuny a one. xOBDlj fellow, I nppomf "No. st nUddJt age." "Well, Huso old codgers have uo lmsines kibieoming around iptfklng young girls. 1 Uekt I out one of that sort lust week." "Yes, hut I've found out this until musii i MUting my daughter, lie was ufter my motlier in laiv "-I'hiladclphia Record. Urei) in h i' I N. House. Doctor--You my you huvo a feeling of distrts after eating huient Yet Doctor - What sort of a Mlingl tntienl As if 1 hadn't hud enough to eat ' -Bnrll IgtOO Prof Press. Jnl Ihe San,,.. Me- Bsaeaa lof Bostoni You western girli '-dreuilfiilly slangy Oo you know, I heard "J0 s'rl my the other day that sbs "J" "get ther with both feet.'1 Miss D-arbtWn - Yes; wo are rmewbat that sort of thing-. Is it true that ! -ah-aa deficient of beauty they am said to bef ais. l,,uvu nmy not be handsome; W in the matter of culture we arrive at our 2'uti.,n w,th both of our pedaJ extrtmi - America. OUR DUMB ANIMALS. mmS "lnt m ,le funeral BNOMBBi to nia-lor, Cremaliie, H-nivn.ilvur ivtllRT -""0 t-i.iuft trl ' of Bletaburg, Pa., owns ninedogi, ' 'ts, a monkey, eight canary birds hit mica. It ia uiiuet-aaaary to '" a-. tot?? in Wheater. EngUnd, telephoned Ae:t ., . . J wa, there. n. Ins mist p ,, " " bold him up to the tele 'kaaaalaad ..-k.-an.i t..un:ai ,1 , "' 'urlev pncke.1 up his tan, an,, rTSZ11 on tbt floor -Ml M'lllF. llnR.SK STEAM KOK HIM." mm. 11 Of NAr0ik6W?M" PlGTAiL. ""s v,.i, Rdrtalna tou Mj.icrlea M i. ., ii,..., i Sters L! v. ' , T ,l,'" Tlw ' !"NTt.KM, rmEuw TWO TtW SttfflRiipAa: tW lUtta Ilea,,, I. .kee. i s.fee.1,, .,.,,.,., IM.,,,venpmmnc,:; "P Ah Kin. I.e.s... ,e ttT: , 't; M-hy wtahy, mat ! iu. hundhsl dotlaa l" mill l oil lllcl m. You taint moot; You airtt ie ta CbOQ, he is,,,,,.. , MV; ..Mi-.t;,l. iuw i leaf-lent, me nuchtt I 111 noon Vooasj I,,,,, "Howsfoo gtttUttir ' He vit 'Ht catobtt iMUt-, ill giiltee, make leap line ciealottes," 'ottcK,v ""IV "ll"'ut,e m"'"'v y lie Niy you: "Met gOtttt schlvntT doftaj ton say Idm. "Alltv light, mes.sk bun in sifts', pat ton luthst " Httn r'uti, he eoiiie. he say vou: "Mistab IbUltab. uiehuvB heap rat wad', you k,s.,... mill loh me;" ' You .ay him. "How fatf l!e-av roni "Wad My fat-more steen lUttlltd tlolluh." YotiKiy him: "Me plenty fc.vpee him in sif.v. btap pay latitat, jroti B aatciitt ,. nore.' Allet Chinanau Ihej come, putut, trad .Ulli,' honrUe, puttee ,nduli( in aafta, You t' !" hy i v tiit tovaaud dollali iinkee von heap glad Huuel.y Chininniii lecome, batayi -MhvIk' you givoiuewad, iiagu hack China." Yoq say Blm: "AlUn ihtts'. mtiMH tnnmtlah, to' rkickee. " Sntna nlnaman he eumee.no Mjret "PUpa von ajne me mj luodle, me s nauciatu' ITOO say him. 'All,,. gt,, f,,' elock.s' lo aaUab. Mutba' Cblnaman, h ne, heaat Me allet Moke up. mum par tlet i Ucd lollah. mo wantat HI MWU" You aa Albs' lighttM, runM toniollah. to' etnekee.' t'olhn' (.'hiiiiiiuaii lie ionic, he suv: "M doiha' he gettte alleateti: me wantag six lUndM tlolluh gii bailAe." You say: ''All ight; to cl.K kts'toiuoiiaii.'' AlkMCUtauitaii rantet money outee. none puttee money in illee tainet youanillt llkea Bqnly lvta, you uy "Comee toniallah fo' dis k." You close lour, pullet down blind, open ssfiv. take out it v. Ktttet blm in Klips' suck, oatcbee aUload ticket foh atptett fob Ifoatleal rnoupat, dam sudden. Ko' dis k lo-iuoiiuh he cmue, alat Chiuo nun i tanta hank. Banket htapclotedi China uanbuatea In, buatee in afee. albs? munei .cap gone, Chinaman loab down ttlegiaph ifflce and ttleglapb: New Vorikk. i'eh 90. To Wiin Luna, Pteildtai gankae, : MontkMh : tou oo out back henpautekat Pay money. : UapuuaiToiia 7 Paid : You lemloa liim. You hiiiiloo. You go flrglaph ollhs', you telcgllipll: HomiAU FVblaiy tootoo. To Peploaitora Cliuumian Baak, Matt Hint, Ntoi Yerktei Ijits' : I UaOeei w WW Lean, : You go back bnteOee, you wnilee, you ttcbee Ane dinmth, luaat beefee, maocaloni, itsi Ilea, lohius, ktaueUy puddlB, You tatac rap, ton siiiihs', you gettwdluiik allis lime, 'let, tame UeUcan mau, aitoopi beap fmr I -la:-New York IVorM. Hixo You. An Honest tToUian, "I see you lire advertising lino crenmei ntttr nt thirty cents," said an old woman tho tutored a Michigan avennt graaary yes rday "Is it butter or is it oltsjinargariner" it's hutter, madame, and the very best," ild the grocer, "Sure it ain't oleomargarine!" "Perfectly so. I'd warrant it." Tlie woman turned logo, when the grocer iked: Won't you try n few pounder "No, I don't want none. I want sonioolco largarine." I have that, too," slid the deuler, "put up i bOMt and lals'lcd." "Hon mocb is Hint n poundf" "Eigfataan cenu " "That won't do. I want to pay j'ust a inch for it as butter hi worth." "Yon cun diith.it If you want to: I aiu't lyta' a word, am I.'" said the man "Hut thy do you want tot" Well, you sec, I've iss ii git ur my board' rsthoiiost butter, an' they guy me an' coil t oltsi 1 row it's butter, an' they ttoii'l eliera me, Hon I want to get some oleo n' tell 'em wbut it is rber'U think I lie n' eat it for butter Hut I don't wuut to ia!;e a cent out of it I'm an honest woman, Detroit Free Pr.'s.s. loral Icicle. Mrs. Bodety Crush -The idea of your cousin :oaling so mui li money from the lawk. I Sail net er sneak to liim again. Mr. Ssioty Crtisli-tireut Si'ott! U'by. our own lirothtr did exactly the same tiling Mix Hociety Crush- Yes, hut bt) didn't aortirv his reiutiom by being caught :-New ,,rk rVorkt Katlierwhohsrii-he. to the spot)-VYh.ifs matter f Bm -I 111. dad, g-g-get me out of this K.ither takrwiyl-waM, if you amt the , arket boy to pi.-u-e I ever see. Last sunt ,i, I eoul.'ln't k.s p you out of this creek, and ww yer cryin Iss-ause yer in. - Ufa. e DM afternoon two chiefs of tlie j utws ladiaa- 1 Jj ,, ,ling tiutt- rsnii'- iiu, lue.i ,.ttVolfai.d Hound that Bay. are cttaa, Indians who tall g'i ;.v were.,..-t!t.' n tl l"7"" .'..pr-Jient. 11.. t U It. in f rod ,,en.mlachewoft'--'".l'"-U J,ii...d.'gmfl-Jy' A. tuey mnsd 7?tl SaaatWasys mfcsdt (ty.Jg.v.utaaWar WftOws h.nd lonsusd a caU.e ate I Uku -u a de Va" three gLa-. ? ,t.t..thetout ol - H-rs now. uttets-4 ZtTS The White bWewj ,v been ovtrran ailb Indiana THE AHIZONA KICKER. V XV.-.i. I limit lo III) Kor. The ..,1 u.ieof ih Arizona Kicker' aoniained 'he follmring: KM wuoitv.-Tiio ubsemvof our OClatj column fur the last tvo . '"a s..,., t ,.Hn fPBn evpliiimtion. I he Iruuble waa Jtolottay among the wn ton. if wt iW),mllls t lllllko B Swine anuourtoomoot that Mr. Colonel Da,!, aXDOOrOd ber lu olhor-Iu. Iuw direct f rein 1 hp Culifoi niu ooni tentiary on M crtnin dnte, and only a touMtna Item to tho efloot that Mrs. .lodge I),. Soto, Imported hor hiistlo dWbet from Zanilbar, thoro was Hn ill- miiDg winch itirrod oomnunlty, up the entire VVl Buom. Whllo the towns about , ui iiavc boon braciriiwc of their pro w f hn top quiet and goi in I our work without kicking upnnv cloud Of dust. Brag i all right in its wnv. ! but we don't propose to ooma out with u double-leaded, ware-head arUelel every time ;i olUaen btMlgl ;i new front ! gate. Itootns arc good enough in their wnjr, but there mux ho merit behind I them. With no dispoeitlon to olalra ! this as the only growing town in Arizona, ami with no desire to kill the growth of rival towns, we humbly can attention to the fact tlmt since January lit fourteen not saloons. three poker rooms mid four retail to bacco stores have I a nn.m.ut In tl... 1 place, tnd at the present moment eighteen pun are ongaged in building a jail capable of accommodating thirty prisoners. Yc have dOM all this with out any brag or bluiter, ami we pro pose Pi keep right ou in the tame quiet ' taenion, leartng the outsido world to : t , . , . j-.ot. iivuii nt i wuere it mail aiaat aael AH Dteatatlew. seek new hom .8 atiU invest Us capital. A bunch of violets sprinkled wit. It Pats. Several moothi ago we diamond dew-dropa nutkei u bum plu Mtablbhed n grocery itnil feed store in that is very much worn nud admired, oonnectlon with the Kieker. ihe New I'wo diiiinonds. one eaimry and tho STork World, Herald, ami other effete I other white, mounted on a teperlng dailies of ih ' metropolia pivdieteil a i shank ring produce an artistic etficl disnml failure, but the ri-oiilt shows A simple ami pretty laee pin is a they were mistaken. We figured that idaity of enamel with a email diamond thi- ot In r iiiisines, would be just what represonting a dew drop In the center, we needed to distract our mind from A silver baud mirror has a Kussiaa the harraaelog thought! of editorially Ka-tortttle festival scene engraved on running this oountry, ami that ire the bank with oouraMndablt UiRtiueu Would be nil the better ami brighter ness. for being o casioniiily Interrupted ia A prayer book with allrer eeeetg, on our literary labors. The result hua which are etebtsl scenes of the Kesur justiiied our predictions ami more, rection. t-a line piece of workmanship. We woie never in as good mental eon- An enameled white mouse with ruliy (lit ion as now, while our sales have SJ'OS, climliiiig up u gold aenrf pit kepi i enalng week by week until we , ltu'' " ponrl, is one of the latest tmvot bin "' been ii it.'l l,'il to hire ii clock tn nssisi us. The editorial entitled "Ad- vice to the President" was written with more than a doen interruptions to measure corn, draw molasses and loll ' (lollies -pins, and yet we will put it ngalnal anything which aver originated from tho pen of ihe ItUOk-Up ami oxolu live New York editors. Ol It .H. l.ni - COS n M fOBAKT. Thl dyspeptic old excrescence who claims to edit the mllk-aild-raueh publication down nt tho corner of Oatfiah alley it jealous of our advertising patronage. In a labored article this Week ill his poorly printed old apology he aaya thai we practice bulldozing to bring adver tising, What a liar! The Kicker practice bull-doiing! The Idea is lauglutbuj, and if lie was worth mind ing we would walk down tu his shanly and choke the eeaortlofl down his bra 'en throat, There need to be iev entl firmi bore which didn't believe in advertlling. 'e couldn't make 'em believe iii it until we went at it ami found out that they were composed ol gentlemen who had skipped from tin eusl for barn burning, horse stealing, bigamy, oinbe..lemoiit, etc. Then we wrestled with 'em, and they cametf see I hill the life of trail.' was in using printers' ink. We simply cotivineed nol bulldoxed, The efforts of ou knock-kneed contemporary to imireh the fair fame of Tho Kicker will simplj call forth smiles of pity. Detroit Free Preen, Building a House in Samoa. The negotiations between the skiiieo nud wily carpenter anil Ihe proective Bemoan house owner would amuse, but hardly meet the approval of. the bus! iiess man of to-day. ruder the pro pititUeg influence of kavu, the 00001 saw presents are prndueed to induce the oarpenter to undertake Ihe con strue! inn of n house. It is begun at once, without any terms of agreement, and the work advances until the ear jieuter thinks inure present- necessary ami ho ceases work. Additional gifts being made, the oarpenter continues the OOOStrtlOtlon until he deems it tiecos- nary to demand another contribution, when he again slops work. If the OOOtribution is not forthcoming, labor is suspended on the inoompleted bouse, uevor to be undertaken for completion by another ol Ihe craft: and forever alter wards it remains andaished ami a public reproach to the good name of the unfortunate owner, who, at the time of Us beginning, not knowing what may Is' the idea of the OU pentOf as to tic 0 i-t of its construction, must . , ii i either call upon tho community for I aid which is generally freely ex-I iV , .,. tt m tended, or -iitrer the humiliation of i this nnflnbmed tnonumeat Century. 'I can give you gas if you art afraid the pain will lm too great to en dure.'' suid a dentist to rii elderly colored woman who had come to have several teeth extracted. "No. sab, uo, j Sab!" she said, shaking; her bead em phatically; "vou don't gib me 00 gM en hab me git up out'n dat eheer en walK bomi dead, uo tir! I roods de oewspHpah-! ' "l,s"tor, why didn't yon kill tiiat inipe' He came juat right for you." "Hut. UJ dear fellow, he fee rig) Of, md I h ul mi -ooner fired .ig than be was tAif. " -Klit'tronde Blatter. A Qiflerenoe ociwoon rumoni and aMiMaUe araapetM.o. i- tt,.- - on- duct of the victor to the VHiiquiahed. bom. men rtSS nlasve oth- ra only to, cruali t.h' tn -others to lift and exalt . ,Lem. Sosas boaat with nolay triumph andK-omtlioacwlio are left behlodr Others have 'a way of mMing ps)ple feel cotrfortahle. 1 One artist who baa risen liifrh In public favor uses bis In. fluence to depreciate the works of his brother artiata; another taken them by the hand and (fives them age for fresh enderjr '..'.. au liiiagiualnv akUiaticiani "If hut erv a circular lake and Kraauaa eih IMU Island, I lie Island could U' sir bolts mtnLa) "' the lake out o( .iiu ,.f u,Ki, tteiit.t two unlet frtnu auy poiut on in en arnuag ahmt." A ilsh. ruiaii at Orringtoo, Ue., rcvutlv mailt" a nuer catch uliilo ttlung for smelt. During the big storm be was ou the river and I' t an ux ami shovel through the ice. The lo implements wore what bt touud tu his net s.i I.iiik arterwartl. It i saitl that there is a pnstort!. for t' try l000 nu n. WOmai ami children in the I'lm.sl Mutes, and tliat if the ejwus uf carryiiu lbs iiunls was i st id directly by (he people pro rata, each cit men would pay an average uf igbtj sflra ivuts a year. Yellow diamonds are made blue or the at water, for the time Is'lii, hj Is'in ".or.sl ttnli a ismiiissi iuilellble blue pencil,' pi iii.sl In a rubbing with cotton on linen, v magnifying glass win fail to sj,w tho ran. I, but alisilitd, lurpvutlut or lamiue will ash oir ihe tsdor. Rrond Hippie, tad.( KM a ghost his i be format a woman, and walks along the dtroad traoa, then out over Ihe water, an I liaappaan dlraotly amtar kka LtouanrlUe, ett Allium ami ('hu-ugo bridge Tins is 'bare an acoidaaooeuirfad tour years ago ml lit is, wan but, An ao. preacher or Mnldletowu, Cum laiUMtO have travelisl ni,tIU miles, pnstclnsl t er t, son ii hi- aarfenaad the uaurtaaa irtmooj Slfl tunes, the lSinutl is ivoioli , .isi times ami deli rerad m i i'. ,i die- '111-,'s. The largest sum betver ns-eivtsl r a year1! laisu-s was . During a will con tail m nVtltutora eomtty, id. one of the wilntws tmtitksl that tiw leoeand had on one ocvaafcM Mritan s letter nd Nod it lo the rats in his kjOuaa. warning niii from the promises. Ha flirt ber itwrtetl nit the deotaaed had told him that he ! ictisl a great maaj of the rats had heeded iie warning ami left. NOVELTIES IN JEWELRY. , , Ilaitilsoiiier Irllles fttr rarsoual t i lb"? Au utter egg of richly painted por- mlntn, with a satin finished silver tover, is u bonboaniere that it find Ins favor. A ribbon of white satin, with a beau tiful stiver crown attached, deserves mention for its attractive simplicity as i book murk. Au exquisite luce pin represents a spray of mitlilen-hnir fern. The leaves ire of enamel and have a decidedly laturul apis'iiranee. A miniature plaque, painted wilhthe ,....! a! ,',...! I t I nriti huh lumnnHlltl oy iiocy pearls, is a tiroocti tlial "llcits nuch commendation. A representation in silver or erys'ti' if a ben with a brood of chickens "eating on a base of the same materia, is an elaborate bm batiiisoinu papa weight, -Jewelers' Weekly. Advertising Enterprise. "You seem to be very much Inter sts'il in art, sir," suid a young paiule o a portly gentians! who hmi -p. ni .0,00 time at an art exhibition. "Ye- sir, I am 1 take a lively in erwSl in pictures, a lively Interest" You are perhaps a painter vour- -eir?'; "No. I am a patent medicine man Bp afittrer " Merchant traveler. Mauv mi object In life iiiusl aisltslssdaf tlsuk raoitettnUk It Is the 'Ikhu rond that lends to the mountain '"p i a, Any mini that puis an a licit In reach nf OiTncjrkfli nan lo lighten her labor is certainly a bentfactpr Cragin & Co. surely come under thla bead In niaklnK Dobbins' Rlecbrio Soap ao chap that nil an use It. 1'om give It a trial. TtlPft are never m man) flower- In this world, and not one kind word lis, man) has trtf et Iss'li 'poke 11. rilmnte ror ( onaantl vra. The setersl rllraatet of Klorhln, Colorsilo and rnlifornlH lone eaeti Ins'ii muili MSMrlbSdmt Ulftrtn how Inns disease, vet thiiii-and of the unlives In Ikes slates die of this fsinl nisladt. A Inr more r. llnlile remedy is to In' bad In every 1rm; Hture lu tin- laud, mid one that ran i uaert at hiitnt a remedy which I- sold, by ilrtnudstii. iiioler the iiiaiittfseturers' poibr, ,'i'iirusf thai, If isken In time and given fair trial.lt wilt pfftrt t I'Ure, or money paid for It will Is iirouoill)' n'liirueit. We refer to Ibal World- tin I remedy for conaumpUon (or Inns erofnls) known u Ur. Pteree'i Uoiden Meeieal liiseoti-ry. It I the only ri iinU) for lallltr l iiile ill-, ,-ss,., of'kueli mptriof curative properties an to wnrnint li. rsaoafaetaieri la eillng n under s gnarsntse. Iion'i hawk, and blow, and pll. but unepr. SSft'll ninrrh Itennsl). of drumlst'. The flood -nmnrltnii helps the unfortunate Nrayfartr, wltbowt ssfclag slat ho he intends to vote. That t'antankerouB M Woman I - - i In Ihe nurx r) ballad, "who live! Bpoe BOtll Ins hut rituals and drink," slid yet "WOnld lO'Ver tS' "pilot," S llllot.t,sly Iroubirsl with rbronleladinttJlna, llert lrtaal. I ke III"-' "I IMSII) oiner .-nieri) ISTIS. 11 Wll"e ,liK,..ni ,..,,.,. p,,,. ,.mr !,p.ird, dldi. I airns with lo r Ibis a before the area of l(istetter's -loniHrli Hitters, or ome one of ber , r, ,Pu.n. ,,i relatlte. would hii itoubteoll bate rrtfltuatd ber tn try the itreat -.. . iti. fi,r dt -. p-i.i eoimtlp, thin mid bullous uesi. Till would bate been a measurenf self pffuttttton oa their part, for she would soon narebttn rarrd ami ceased to disturb tin in w ith ber clamor, I he miml oiilnate raisn of ladlftsHea, with it- at tendon I heanbiiru. fb, tlllel eoliatSIlt lllleH"ileS "f til' StOllltl h atid of Hie nerteti, are eornpletel) oteretmie bt this nt tftfcja retatdj, Cbluaand ftwraad mIIom remittent, rtaeaMatJata sad neaey iroui.i. n lot rriWrta by li. All the pnth r life ... to the mate and the SSSMSl that ae can do lo audit tber-hort ruts A ('itinaatUn f m unah for any Iriitth of time cause Irritation nf the lunaa. or arawebroals Throat lilx-ase. "Hrmni Jhsi. rhuil rMSBSf' are an effeellve ( ongb Hcined) Priet rti suU wit i hau: I'r.ilaMt in. illas-atay InfllMa to miirh foiltfll tj.-na fain' ta kh iiroatltm. i utr uo Inil oiiii J"- & WZZXVlX ttm tr ae hi. lima, andrrred troiu past 'M7,'nk atr.lt. a well k" roerrbant ot Ne iiami,urs. s. v.. aaa l .iiBVirxi umarea ,?J. t not'time.VV rele ZJiTx. rT. ,)lnMln 0r in troubl "nlr three U"t tie. trr-atit at.i tht. ...lelerfui Mt Rig other ii), I brartll; mumrwoi n u iiuvt aarTerera Da Kiastni'i r.ToaiTi Kiaiav. ntaV at Rnndoat, S. Y. II: S lor . ; '. r s ie ' "" s Inej I Iter and Bloud dlaorden Mini in. ill' .ii'i - - - ill i- rills, ; riLKreil! Ie William's Indian rileOlutment Is thennlr sure cure for P.. ml. Hlccdlu or It, hint Piles ever diMovertsl. never ftlli to cure old chronic cases nf lout taudluir Ju.lce I omnbur) . I'leteltud. I . Sat, "I hate loiind ' y SMnSMS thai lu. Mil Ham Indian Pile Olulaieul tltea Imnusllate rttlrf." Isi ins ,nrn i au In, lnl longer sold brW II llainsou Uaiiufaclurlui I'o , Piopi., I letelaud, nhln ,'Oraiidll. sohl ht . Hluinaner .1 Co., W holesale Unit slsu, Portland. Dr. Milium tlramrert" a ii.shI iimuner Is the hesi r. DfarMUdatioa, for a ureal deal ilrpeiids iiihiii tlrl liiipresMlont. While Blanhini ,,i s.i.,,, ,,, ,, t. land, Oragon of China, I'raaa of Sw luer, land, H inia r of Per-la, Crescent of Kgypt Double Kjigle of Kussl.,, Star ot Chill, Tlie Circle of Jatan, Harp of In. To ijet these buy a box of the irenulne uh. C. Mi I.anks Cai.KiiiiAiKii Livan I'll i price &1 ceuta, and mail ua Ihe out side wrapper with your address, plainly written, and I cenla In stamps. We will then mall you the abote Mat with an ele gant ai kag of oleograph!,- and chro matlc canla. F1.RMIV11 nRiat.. I'lTTHnrno, Pa. - 1 an' l the true price nt which love liboiitht. oiisiimpiini, aareiy OareaTu To Till KlUTtia Pleas, luform )our reatlera that I hate a positive tennsly for the above named disease lit lt tlmrl) u.e Iboaiaudi or hoiK'les, rases have Issoi iN'riuaiiently eared I shall Is tlad to send two Nutlet, of my rente d) rait to any of your readers who have con sumption If iher will semi . their eipreas and NMtfflee addn'M. MSBSStnUtT, T. A. si i ii i m M.c .11 Pearl t,Sew York. - The country Is n.so'rsl with poor Imitations of "Seal of North Carolina I'lua Cut Smoking Tobatvno.' SURE, SAFE, SPEEDY. Psssa t Si ren i, will always relieve ladles I'll M. Hill 1.1 I....- I . . ...... I . 1 .. , ---- .' iin.nn I , ' i ,,. ii ,,, money n fuudi d Ouet W9Q JrOU will never Is' ----- ... , i., i .. -.ni note to Panama Sias-inc Co. .lata :rs, Oakland. Cai Tat aaatatA fur brtaataat. Old Time ismokera Who know a pxxl thln hen thty ace It, cannot lie fooled by a ptsir InuultAtlon of the well-known "tHal of North Carolina" Pluu Cot Tobacco. flrnr ia wiinil that tht imiuinr "Sear coafa you no more than the many trashy pluu nifs that Home ilealert rari-y. See that you Kt'UheS al of Norlh Caro Ibna, and you will smoke no other taharco. using PERRY DM IS' PAINKILLER Ttj Celebrated French Cure, "innl'ie"1 "APHRODITINE" "I'ZU In Kiri fi 41 n a GUAM ANILE i n i' ii fo my l'iim( ni'in-iia illa-fHar, or my rl I ax t I I of lilt Ki'in-rittlvfl ut gmit nf Htliet ftfX WllftlltT Mh litliK frnm )if TER fi rviH' iikc of Sllliilllniila. TlKMaVnl i'l ".ltim or t bruuifb )uith(Ml IttfltyraKpte over ltilulg OCT, X' . a Mr ii a I tmmui ftrniii fnmer, :l Ins.. I'.h il . vi I'ii ri l Hn k, -.-ii, nill W ni. in'.a, ulrrtl, S -n "Ha I't-mi -n m, S 'U ll KinlaatMiia. faMkWfaHNa, lllllffiflial. Wfl MM ory, I Am nf ppWtfr mi linMCflMf i vtlili ii us Klvclltl "ffi'ii It'll-1 tn (.Mrmmrwiilil nsrHiiti lli-uu Vty. Prii 9 1 OO h tr-if. t Uuei fm f. W Hi'iit h) null on nre H't of t ra?. A WKITTI- N Ui ARAHTKM f r, v. ry't(K Ofli'f. tn ri-MMi'1 Hit Iimmi-v If a rinfiiirlit 1 1 ' l' ri" '.:!..'. I 1 limi-HM'U of ti-at I lilfltl in If from M m-i )onm, of both mm, triiiinotly rnn'sl hv 1 m p i v v t t'tmiiir fit- A'l-lren THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. vt llTKI KftM If. imix v rOkflMSti or Hold by Hln Iblx 4 Uu. DrtiKnliU, ror. Vpc nod aud Wuhluirtoii HU.. hirtUnd. Or. Ha trial for tha paat f .ur or (I t yuan bMn t rouUr-l ith .ii.. I in ' i " 1 b.'ly.aa l foilloir St rsllst Bt anr ' ' t rStmlualljr prapara.1 MaaS and ass IntS I mavi "j I f r n br j hisltlaiis, I nun Iii If I to Irr j ur S. H. a. MBSSI , Snd bat lotind inatrtt l In tbtra-oa, tout l ilea claarim my akin rat.'rcly. t r:ittrtull rrsai'naod yteir riatletiie t att am ait I'l tlit 'iatl n tbal I batr -nil. raiaa tssa I'l'llttatraiHt ray iranta aa a tt:u,ilal to tltt m.riia ot U t a. a a. t-mx Vary tralr renia. Am u V. Hoiiaaoa, SSOBsiwaas bt , ban t'raacbeii. at HT -K-i.d f r nur i. tl lul ami MSln M- pt, I a Irtot t . snm-rl umil.-l fVl.. uti: nwiiT'sti'wirici'o I' f l. AllAl.lt. . $75W10$250.o2ir'" oref'reMwboeanrurnlaba b " a'"-t frHra tbe'r wbiee llm. lo lb. ' tati"-, w,rH ue insnts irtar I rvntaidy tolpl")'-! al". Ab :.. ie. In n, n.'-is-a a . Jnll.N-aiV,- . BBS Main Ml., as-hor.'"' Va y. . Hen Halt aa are! tatlsti ityirUv. '.. rrralut I'.rat araJlaa thaBB I" "f- au. (RAMps ffiOLERA Xih-unDPiiC muiAuug BEFORt Taru )uur lousiie seieu tunes Ufore ,mak lui LKND YOUR CONSTITUTION A HAND ( SMtitalieae are much alik , and In nine. tenths of us the -nine cu es UfodoeS the aame effects. Vertigo, dllllaO 0. 01 pain of any kind. OMOPUai tfcal of an In Jury, can come only whin line Is in out aOdlai s. me lint mil) of I'e blool which " have noi suflicieoi vitality to throw ol' with ill help. Tber. fiee, ihe proper tiling to do Is to gel Iniuiediat ly the necesssrt help. No aid I- soert'ecllve as I'm an Murrn'a rtUA VYhenyoufsel tbaae tlla c miiiiK ou lake frOitl llncc lolinof these pllla. according ka tour weight, and lat re lie ved at eaee, Never put t.if ihefeellaf bv thinkini ton will nona hoover it. Take the pills and do MM rack Ihe COIietllUllaa, KokwMM-tUJk fiixut thi kind uf tMitMi IMrtl limn ' . ' I to hfi I'llt In- lllrh Its tuLHsftor citvlli-ucH iirt'VHi tu million f honiaa fix uiorw tl.ati itiarii'r uf rvntury. Il to uct-d b' tbt VmUA Hutsw tkivantuMMit. Kultirafd Isy thrhiadaaf thtt (lrt-t rDlfiraltls bj tht Hlioiut al, I'urtnl aiiit iut-al HtJthfill lr I'll, a i r. H.H, I-a li r .la - i,..' ottiitalii Atmiittnlav Unit' ur Almu S..tl only n oauid. HUOl H A K INt ; tiM' o N1CW YilHK. dHlCsA4M1 HAN KHASt im o. FOR si COmciim ptl ' O U V I it hna permanently cured thocsakm of ttHaiw pioiioiiiici'tl liv iltM'tora liopo lewt. ir you bava premonitory ay mp toiiui, aiicli aa Couab, Dlffloulty of llrcntliiiiK, Ac, ilou i delay, imt use piso'S Curb ro consumptioh 1 1 i i i i ie. 1 1 n i e I . It y DruiaUi Ui cunts. Kiusaii II you nave an tild Hoic ihrn iiwmI, htalliis, and that other ri'ini'dles have railed to heal: or a tireakliit tint or IIcIiIiik til the scalp or I ii"! t or a Itnil, Ban, lnt, nr ant ailment lor which a Halve Is suitable, buy a 'ib-ccnt Uu ol Hi'llisii Halve, which l Wananted to 1'urt' when evcrythiiistdM' rails. 11 mil ke't ht , "in 'i in,:, i -i 1 mi ai i . ui- i, -. inn'- ,,, j, . Iikm knt, t.i Astoria. Or., ami receive a BOS by mall OlSPINNEYs Dr. Spinney 4 Co. ffi.SX MkTDVmift l" '"lny LttMet VtMtf, Bamini iciii-7 .. uiie lurritwtetwor vimt', nir'i, MaVaM "lifff'Hiii frnm Out rlTr.-. IViKrV ,,i vtn.i i.f ul ftilllt-t- hi nulla rmlon hnDld avnll thiim.i lofottr tKMrorai A (Nwitlvt' cure kf ihiranUvd In rvnf ruNii, H'IiiIim t'rinar atxl n-al Hiwub. nil uiiiotiural .lt cnartfra, prninpUy ami Mfniy curvd, MIDDLE-ACEDMIN Mnf Kl'1n.-M or HUililff. Wi-ak Mat k, NmoQl llltr. W itbimK of Kriii..i blrtiifth, vU t ur. n nd ri i.m ! in hr',i Uy viifur. N. II. IVraun unatl to -Malt ui nmy In tn-nu-i at lit' ir h'liiira, hj t'urrr-piMimtiMriii. at '! i i ! nin .nitructlniiN -nt bj mail oritiprfw. t'uiiihltittlni rw, hi'inl t ci ut In atnniutfuf llie Vuuni Mail t 1 rh i .I ur OuMtt w Warlock. tff tj tn a day. ItiattM worth flfUl.lA InKKKK, I.Iuch nut ninli r horwm' fL W V Wrltn Krrwtr MafVty It. In II Hn Hi. lit TII. I,. uny PleMi'nCun- fur Cnn vanptlaA liTHK MCHT for ns'llla( I tin Voti' i It'u i W ill -. U4ti. ir. ClUVKWPlt'l t'l'li'liralcil "Kw-hv AH thf Kft'llcal run of MomlMl wftklttai. In ' iluii'il hy i arl lmlla r I hm u,i iiftaaei, Tha ivii'lirntiil iinttinr. In tlil anmlrnlMi' i'mh rli-arly QaMOnitfttiM from :ni )rra' aiicccaafu prai'tli'i, Ilmt Hi- alHriniiitti MiiHi'iiui'Ht-iip nf ihI ill--ni.' nun lie I'tin-i) cliiH.h, r I w it 1 1 I a ii rmlli ally, no maftrr Wbll th tHNliiitlon iif Mt hfM may bt. ThU wttin ibotlM M hi Hi hamlH of rvcry nut It him) iiinii Alttl MlSk cai In h ilaln t'livi'liipc, pnal i I Free HHiiipl nf mcsJlcliic ai nt OB uppllt atlnli. Thr i ulvi rwt I) llnllrltir i n. KhtaMUhi-il IVrO. IV i). Unit Lat), New Vnik. N. V $160 PER MONTH And eis'nses to represent the P.-iolii I mil anil I, ...in in. In this enmity llest id relereiiees reiiilred aP I'l at Hi,."'. I noil Hnllrllna. Man I i inn in, ., Cat, NOTICE TO PUBLISHERS. KOLTIN IMIV Hah irkn bm ESTBLISHEO AT PORTLAND PALMER dc REY, At the New Hul dniir KlrsUiid Alder Hta. Wearr now prepared lodnall kinds id Kleclro and bnsi work In first elas sttle al n asntiahle prlcea. Bemeinoer, we have Iheiinly fuiiudr) of thla kind In Ihe Northwest. We niiaiautte all work to be perfect. Hend us trial order. PALMER Ac REY. i umpii i. I'riMi. rs UirctianM, Portlaixl. Ortffnu. a PURg CREAM aw t HatfUfia OkatoRS lalllalBR I VM 1 ill irraaaalMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai W Aak yuur (rrotcT for M Bccw BRAND ajRaaaaaaVaaaaaaaaaaawr'a'aVIV HppaaBaB"aBe S JACOBS OR FOR LAMENESS ANO SWELLINGS. Ill the flip. l:iea, ItlUsCo . Ill , Jua, , Three vf tT MMHI wad UIB Uk L4aUH U tap. waa m M Mi t of imt. tried aevenl do, . Utt witaMsut baavMl. araa mrasj br Urae m tgm -, , - iiuu of : JftctloOU Wal MAiriA. Alwiiy Tliarfit ftlmyra Mich Mar If, II have uarti it Jacobs Oil tor laaataeaa with ba reauiu. havo raadli4 It far iwolve jrjn alwart la tssjah. 1. t VHITMAMH. brMt. Sut lllitit. LUtia Cht, Wit Mar 11 mi Sj-- r4 Ihraa jreari wiU iwclilnat irva ioipiir Hood, ctirrd by llUfaal aa of It JaceooOU N i . .1 II ' AltNOLb VOa MAJIIiaX. At I)iii''h.its , mi hru rn". THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Baltimore. Ml tl' llHVH llr-f.l l't-Mi'-a rurt fnr rm-iiniptiiD wij itl-HiT(rAl.l hUM t-vrrj wbr. JWj. I CURE FITS! I ti hot liiU tn.n l 1 1 atop thru for tllur MMj then Iiavc lbs in n iiiru tlu I iraaii a rwlioal rurw I havr Uia-1 Uit) WaWhM of riTt, KriLrV or TALL isn ii kijw ift loitf ttthly I a at rail t mi rmiif to cur tins wot t oaai'a. Ht-aiuv ntht ra ha fallostta no rrhMn for not mi a tvrvlviiiai a i-urr Hs-ml at ouo t- i a in-aiiaf ainl a trrf Udilr ul mj tuialtlMe rvtur-df . iliw Ki n"u ami I'l-nt Mhl II P Kim IT M G IUFihwI Ht . Now York. t prrrlb and fully lortsr lilac U u tho unty rsnrriil (ortlii'irruinturw of thli dtWaWr. ia.il.lMlUAIlAM.il n, Aoiait-rUhiii, N. V. W hnvt mild Itisj (j Inr nmnr ffftfk mnd ,t fivfn ino uesi uf oaIII- lavHIim. as- " s 1 sir iii 'hlrai, ttl. 1.00, HM by UruaTtflllt. A BIG SHOW Smlili , l'li 8tor, 411 Front 81.. 8. F , Oal auiMl lausral tlealara watt ol tht Mlulralppl aittr. toy ...... i, Notlona, Boaltry, Uadtr- ar. Wall I'aptr, Stationery. Blauktta, BtSV Slaf ; Boota, and Shott; Canned (Jooda, Drf trtlu. Wooden, I'm. Crocktrj. Qlaaa .Oraalsa ait Hardwart. Utat, rub, rroruilooa, Hoatv, Orarn. rted, Orocanat, Purt Spires, Setda, Ba aai. Drtfi. Utdtclntt; Clocki, AmmnnUka, Bibbar Oooila, Tanta, and qaantltltt of oUsar footti at lowttt prlota lor Taah only Beat ta atarop lor lull hit by Irs Ball, and laara aav It lift rhaap and atll at mall oott ; a yean Saalnru. i uitomen Intrery i'ouiut wanal Mm SacAj atoautalaa, aa4 rauy tktwkaaa .saan - how to ctt aovicc rnn i IMriLI 'aasa " . '- '" "TnllllABt N. i s Is lillli . I atiitlitr li.-. j i ... , ,1 rsfin ""'' ""I"'"" aiom V I WWII THE M MOH TltltMIST. RESTORED Sot Dobbins' E'leclric Soap THE BEST FAMILY SOAP IN THE WORLD.- ' "u twni,w. ltlsStrictypiire- Uniform in Quality TT71"' "os'""l (bnault f"i liiih msiM)kMa I '. ' i i.e. ayv li.is iii mi I'l . ii Dtsjdinad oj , .i.inc"! mi the allgktaM 'I'll la asm p la oil 1 1 1 1 1 is I In itniilt li.-il.i with 1 lliail inailr twrnl frmrm a(o. II i. cut notliliiK thai riu tujnrr thr flnrsl fatbrlva UhHgittrai Ullil Wrtti lira wliitca. II .-.In--. Ilanncla .m.l I.Liitkriw aa no nthcr .v In ill wnrltl itu-rw -wiihoui ahrlnltiny Iravmsj tlivm riaH ind WtuM --r " " READ THIS TWICE Tilt R I ill Krtmt ant IliK l nun .oftllMr, i toap, ol im I, im "t tin i ilm .vtwra PohMtM' I . , in, Soli it ttiaej mi -rortlliifi lu tllrtM'tluiia, OXK trial bvHI rlmiMtalnili Iti k l lam It will paj you M in.ikc ilml nul. T KK ill hmt fliliia. N i- MiaQatvfl) tmi t.tlvil ,iii,1 t. Diitilvt friirsl .l, ,!, I M Beware of Imitations. HI,S(i,U(l,Hlt't,t( I IM uuiiii liiihiiliia I'll-m. Don) take Nlaurwtli ,K4ft im Maalc, I'llu.U llc. Y.U-. trie, mi .iiiv nttiM fraUsl.alaiplj Rmaiaa n i- cltaap, Thry will itiin vlmhi-a, .nul .in ilf.n atatiypriir, Li i DMaflsW KI KtTMIt ainl tiikr uu nilirr, NY:irly fvrr ghKir frnm l.tiitr in Nth Ian k"! it hi hM'k t mir Imsm'i It lir will i ll f ft.'lll 'ill lir. ll M ltlli's.llf C'";!!. Dl M' ina-Q) (Ik mis .Ir WMppaf arunml en it I'M , i,i I In ...I'Ini l" ftollliw rltintliiiia Vmi mmmI itHi.ni a hi Inttajt) leftire irying fin' iurrlf l'iUnlil,Trli.iliU , nil tml a iinHrrtul aoap. I.L.CRAGIN & CO.Philadelphia 4e Oitittt Mtdici tn tAt JJ 'tW.fj ft. '..-. DHs IMAAC THOMFhOrf'a I : iPinlVi? ftXIuffy i?insroTLam'i pro - - 1 1 1 1 1 'ti , an 1 ii lamii lit cnnaUut uo fur nrwf. a ci'.itnn . Tln-ri' arv fiw ill waama tn which inaukin.l wire e) s, anil ' "ie. i' riiiM. Inrttlileh i.uiro iein.-l.es havj U rn irl ilvtltliiKitMieeea,. I'nrallexlenial lnrlaiitiitail"ii 'f 'i ' e, es It Ih Hit Infalllbla remeily. If Ihe illrre. Until nn riiPo'V. .I U vtill lever f II. We e: rile, -larly .nt ill, fie nti -nt on of plivleLuis tn It, merit', l-'nr ' l.v nil ilpimd-ts. llt'lN '. Till'"!' "V, UD.VH ".. t"y n v "- s-' S1EINWAY. BuH,Mfktr"lloSth 'aaiM, huria.1 Oraaiii. hand InilrumMla larata. sik ul Hhsa. Hu-Ioanil Hc.lt, Bai ds niUl tl aw Prfcsn MATTHIAS OBAV X.. SW nM - t S,r f pMAltm EVBft-READY DRESS STAYS, Mavpafaoiura4 frnm kiskht HtuiMi btk.ki, Runbaf COaUd, Hallnu ami SutU t'uvt'ml. GUARANTEED Not to Hiist, Break or Hplll. Stltrhed to tlm Hcaius, No )HH'kels or hot IroiiH rcijiilred. AAI ITItOKI HKWAKK ol worth. OnU I I vy Iw, le-s Imlutlona that " aval KKAIiY " Is i mil" I on the Itaek THE EVER-READY EXTENDERS Aru made of the aataa malarial, with elastln ends and Butklss fWf .v fur the KVEH KK.tliY staya and Kx ttnden, and lake no othor. Hltl.Wn h MKT.NKK Agenta,' naA Market Street, 1. . FREE by return mall, rail daacrlptlva circulars of aanrt inr mm tTina or outs tiiniso. Any lady of or 11 nary liitc.lljrtnrii can taally an I aulekly laarn to CM and mala any (arment, In any style u any meaiure lur it ot child. Aitdxria MOODY L CO., Ciaaiaatti, 0. N. K N. II. Mo. B -H, n. N. II. No. WW MAKE AAr' ' -' W flfl Tit VOaanataad ati ttV Rl eauaeBlrUtkt E9 .1 ml. t V th Cl aoi nnatl.aHHM ' J 'Bktll ar k 1 tm GARMENTS M tout JJ fsrK laa aaaaaaa