The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 06, 1889, Image 8

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    .Mill SUP.
The only Shop in Eugene
lntrforinif, Kae Hitting, Forgeing, i"i all
Faulty Feet cured without eitra charge.
IlorMM wot for and returned to any rt f
the city.
Shoeing Racing and Trotting Hnme. a -ciaity.
On Seventh itrret, between Willamette and
Olive itreeU, in Cleaver'e old Machinery Hall.
Ordinance No. 75.
An ordinance declaring the ciU of aurvey
ing and graiilng and gravelling Willamette
atrwt from the nouth Me of Kleventh itreet tn
the ...hi h linn of the city liinita and the alley,
and inUirawtioun of utrteta helween eaid point,
mill aMeaning the coati of aaiii aurvey, grading
and gravelling to the Iota anil part of I ,La lla
Me tneretor,
WiiEhiWa, The it of aurveyiug, grading
ad gravelling Wlllametl atrert fmin the
nouth aide of Kleventh atrert to the Houth
iKiundarv of the city limit- ami thi alley and
-treet intrrai'ttinn. lietwrrll anid a,lr.U i. a
,rtaiiil to lm in the aggregate tin um of
"-II; for grading ami grut idling ' t.'i
reiita ier cuhic yanl, and aurvuylng in tin- uu
i . . the aum of 4H, ami thi' re,rt of V, M
t 'oilier, t'lty Surveyor. Iiy rntnliiitntion Barer
Ulna the .ever.l amount" to he M fullMMI
ItroH Til K Wt "Hit :
Mod DUrk t No 4 i 1!"
I) V foolidge II
V WOahum :
-1 ill... Segar. Wit
J ( uml I'K Sntxlgnua M tilt
DWCoolldg 7
Win Kuykmdall 1689
.1 I'ayton UH
tit bun Klnotin MM
Mra l.C I'ottor. 8 DO
li It Kincai.l B
Nancy ItlddeU II 111
li M Whitney 88 W
II I Fuller IW
It r Kuller
Mutilila Ann t'liuichill
II M Whitney 10 M
And Upon the Kaht SlUK of anid atieet:
Mr R Hoirmnn IBM
Mr L 0 Holler M
W W Moore 15 78
A K I'atteraoll 88 79
K M S r"rank : SO
lleo H Hark 7 1)7
Mr. Hrnmley 1" M
Mr. S It Kit.l. 7 0.
Mra 11 A DaaMo (I'i
Mix II I. Ijiwreiice . . . 7 J7
Mra Kllen llniniinn 8 18
Juba O'llrlen 7 75
.1 M Kitchen TM
O W lUiUrl 31 88
0 It (briatmti . 5 40
'I'herefore the ntv of Kugene doea ordain a
Sur. 1 That the report of the I 'ity Surveyor
eatahliahiug the aforraaiil aaaeeaiueiit a. tli.. pro
rat lairtion of the aggregate summit that sank
property holder ia reipiireil to pay, la' und lb
aamn ia herehy adopt,! a the amount of the
MMMl that rat h of the foregoing proiwrtv
lioldere ia repiirtl to py, ahall Ik', ami ia Mm
amount that ahall lie ami ia herehy aaaeaeeil
.igallut the aever! lota ml MtrU of lota
nmed in aaid reairt ami in the prenmlile to
thia ordlnanoe.
Sr.c. i That lh City HtH'onler lie and he
i. herehy nuthmiaed end directed to enter
atalain.ut of the lot and block, and Uw
amount tu h latid hy each proMity holder in
th docket of . ii v liena, a reuirrd hy Section
t'i5, of the ct of incorporation, aa itppoia by
the reHirt nd the dte I entering the MM
in the diaket.
laO, I, Tht the City lleconlcr bt and lie
ia herehy uthoried to imiueiliatelv kite twl
ty dy notice of th' aaaeaameiit inniU. in lhi
oidinam-e hy pulOication In 'I he KtUIMM ( 'ity
III Aim, in ttapaprr puhliahed in auid county.
I'... : th, Council dune 18, WHO.
Approved, .lime '.11, 1H8H.
A. Q ROVKi . Mnynr,
Atteat: Win. A; lKiM, Acting H.conlw.
In the Circuit Court of the Sute of Oregon for
Lane County. ,1 Itelkuai., pltf , I
K I. Ilelkmtp. .left. J
To K I. Ilelknap, the alanc u.imci il. fend
1 X THK. X VMK OK I III Stale ,. Olegi.n,
1 you re herehy aiimmniiil and i'e,niic.l i.
appear ud au.wer the plaiutirl'a MMlftMl
now on HI kgaluat you with the clerk of aaid
court in the above entitled aiiit on or hefoi e
Monday the 28th day of Octolwr, ISMi, the
-ama being the lint dav of the not ngulai
term of .aid eourt, ai court to he hidden at
th Court Houae, in Kugene City, IjuM Co.,
I 'regon, and If you fall to apiear and MM! i
aaid complaint aa heieiu reipiirvd a nd plain
lllf i I aplv Ui aaid court lor the relief ri
manded in aaid mmplaint to wit Kor a de
cree of aaid mirt dwlaring the marriage ion
tract now exiatiun between plainliil and de
leiidant forever -li .1. -1 that pltl lute the
care and cuetnrle of Willie IVIkn y. the minor
-on of pill and deft, for judgment lor the coal,
anil diaburaeuieuU of akl auit and for MM h
other relief aa may fual and rUitable. TbN
aiimiuolia ia puldialied in the Kugeun City
( hy order id the lion Iv S liean, ,ln,lte
4 aaid cairt which aid order I dtil done
an, iHKjt. UBILV-U,
lte.l, JuneJl, IKW.I. Attv lor pill.
rtfigj 8W. F.CiAW,
-AeH' posTomoi
MUcbj. store.
n' nuji i . i 1 1 , i in on
. K. STKV K N s.
(SneoMxw to Jon ttTlwaRT.)
Bought and Sold.
Atjydjtaud fpib Straet. barb ol ,
United State. f,iid H(li. l(oburg, r.. I
June 12, 1880 i
Notice la hen hv gii en that in oompllanee
with the prinlaiona i f li, act of Cantf of
June t, 1WM, enlilh:. "At act lor the auln of
liniher landa in the HUte 4 Culiforni, Or
arm, Xeind ml Wubtlijttnel Tcnitoiv,
John W X'nnicy, of Kogeic i it v. LMM
Or., BM thia day Mfd in tliia ottn.' km
atat.-on lit No I r the puri hnae of the S K
Hm 22, Tp. ID'S, I K.and will olfcr prW
to ahow th,.l the Ian I'lit ia IIH le I alllhl" I
for it tlmlier or -tone than for agricultural
II UI I Waa, ami to Babihliah hia claim (o aaid
land MOM the llojfalllrl nd Itecelver of thia
office at Hoehui, fn-gon, Monday, Aug, 21,
8W). He uamea aa witiieaara: Itenj . I.adiie,
Kail Cnelr. I.ane ( '..., dr., Joa H Neie., .1 K
Kaulfman and Jen llolmau, of Aberdeen,
( hehalia Co., Waah. Ter,, any and all ptrNM
claiming ailterarly the alaiveoe:rbcil lamia
rripieated to file their claim, in thi II. on
or befoie the 2lh ilav of Angiiat. ltoKt.
Chak. W. JtrtmiTOgj ltglatr.
In the Circuit Court of the SUte bl Oregon
for ato County.
Hylveater I'enmner. (lovernor
GaO W M rHil.U, SecreUrVI
of SUte, and lieo W tVabb,
Treaalin I of the State of Or
gon, the ll.-url lit Ciuinia ,
lonera f' r th" rrf MlOol !
and I'uivcr-ity land and f. r , Suit in
th inve-tment oi lb fund, equity In
nrulng therelrom, i foretime
I'laintilFa, , inortgags.
Jmea Sett Ki kC and M.
A Kcker, hia wife,
DwaMMali )
To the delendaiil., Iv ker and M
A Kcker:
x THK nami: Of THK sTATK ok
.1 Oregon you an hareb) .ummonei! and N
rpllrcd io appear ami anawer plaintilf'a coin
plaint now on hh a,' lio-t ton in the above
entitled ault with the clerk of add court on or
Un tbt Mtb dy of Oet if( W. H btioa
th tint day of the lie O regular tnim of -i.i'l
court to ! In. I I. u III -a i.l i .uinty at tli Couit
llouae, in BlUKJM 1 nv, Orator), amid y.u fail
vt to to anawer -aid i-oMplainl, for want there
of, the I'laintitfa ill I ik judgment a-aili.t
the aaid rlafaodant, M A Ktrlor, lor the aum
of - no ami il t.Te-1 ll, (nun Xoi 2S1.
IHISii. at the rat- oi it cent, iier i n .1 '. and
fear 950 Attorney fewl, l-iiig tli aunninu due
nil certain p inilaaory ic ! iiieinioiicd and
aet in laid i .mplaiiit, e ecnted hy MM
M A Kck.r io piaiutnla, and l the (rwtaaad
diali'iraemeuli herein, uml a dfttl I aaid
couitfor tlio (on . ' -ii ( certain iiiorlgage
in -ai l onmplawi deacHbed and ioutl h)
aaid deten.laiit. M A K' ker and .liiinrra Scotl
Kcker, to aaid ptlllltllf, t lit III payment
of eaid promiaaory rent and the -aid niina of
money doe tin in. n, ao. directing th aal ol
the folluning nai atat III -aid mortgage
mentioned iiii.I dea. ri..-. to H : Til N W
ol the S VV , uml th M W i id Hi X W ..I
Sm1 18, T Hi . I.' W'l at, CollUluing acrua
more or leaa, in .nnty. Olefin.
Tint the aai.l real .-tate may ! -old uml
the pr i uveil. of Mtle I pi lied I" l lie IMyuMWl ol
aaid judgment. ami til raid aum. ol money din
nn-. n auid n (to, ami e ml eoata and di-'oiraa
nielita, ami that llie l. I uilalitH ami all per
aona claiming Hu h i in in or either ol tin in
aiiliacipicnt to the lOlltion ill .aid inorlk'age
aa ptirobaoef, Intmluhrnuneni or iiibenriaa lor-
ever barred ami (.!. . loi"l ol all rigtlt, oUMl
and etpiity ol ic lempiion in or to aaid
moitgag.d preini-e. in. I ivon p ot t In r- yf
Mail that uUintliTa I in Munition Again! .aid
dofoodatit, M. A. K,. Un f r am deliuiencv
v. lm b mav remain alter applving the priHueila
of audi aale to th. pawn, in ul aaid judgment
anil for nch oilier ami lm ther t li. f a- imiy
be equitable alnl iu-l
Thia HtmronM la p blbtl in lb Kugene
Citv UUARU new-1 ..i p. i (or i oonouUv
weeka b) order of lb n II lleau. Judge of
.ai l C t, w Inch wild older i ilate.l the 23il
day of Mav, I km1.'.
hated thi. H7th layoj Mat", tm.
L llll.VKf.
Atloini.v for PI inlilta.
MHI K roil M in n riOXi
i'mhii Statu i.n i (ffti t i
KnwhttrK, Or, Ma in, 1880,
i.1 in i plla with th priiflalnM of the
net of Collgreaa o.' .Inne .1, 1878, entitled "An
act for the kll of tin. 1.1 I ill I- III Ihe HtfttM of
California, Oie.;. Mi, XgTwlUt, ami Wa.hilltoll
Teriltorv," llinl. lpli Utntlvr, ! Cutnxrpolh,
County of Cliahali., Territory ol Wadiinaton,
haa thia day RM in thia offioa hi. a worn
atalelllelll No , f.. the I uniulaeof the S
of X W ami W 1 ill S W I I, of Section No.
80, in Town. hip N... is South, I, nice X". I
Ka-t, ami will oiler i oi f to allow that ti c
hind aought ia iinui v .tillable for it- tlabtf or
a..n.. than for aairil ttlttfO1 puriewea, and to
ealltlillah hi- clalili 01 -al l I in. I bcloiii the litg
later and liecei ter id lira "lin e at llnMhttM,
Oregon, on Monday. Il 8tk day ol July,
IHM'.i. H URUIM I wltneasrii M I. llaiiia.ui,
ti VY Ovorliiyar, of CiinioMitbr Chabalbi Co.,
Wa-h. Ter. , Ui rg NVarBfT, TbooMa War
m i , til nil OroohiXon On., Or. Any and
all peraolia clallilio,' nltallv the aliotcde
acriUd lamia ar n llll -led l.. tile thll trial DM
in thi- nflbn lit on or la .aid 'JOtli dnV ol
July, 1Mb,
Oiaa. w. Johmbtom, lUiiMtor
riMIiRH I VNU Norici'..
1'uiteil Stall. I I. Iffio. Itcavburg, Pr I
June 17, IRtO. I
Xotiie i- hdrob .Hen thai In compliant
with the pi .n I'i.uia of lha act of
rjoagroai Jnm 8, 1,'s, .nulled "An
ml tor the -ile ol timber land iu
the ltea ol California. I Ire.. ..n, N. iinhl mid
rraablagtoii Ttrrltory. J K Kaultiaau. of
Kugt lie Citv, Line Co. Sl.ite of Orcuon. ha
thia da) filed ill th'- nffi Id- atrorii at ttemnii
No ,, f. rthe pur.l.t-e ..I tin-IO of S I ,
an.1 lb" K 4 of N K kid nv. -". I p II S. M I
K. ami will olb i I I.. .I Io ahotv that th- laud
might ia mm,, taln ible ("i il tinilier or -lone
thnu f..r Ari llltllrwl loirpo-.j, and to i thlih
hia claim to atid I ID U balnfl lb Rlkir ami
iec. iter of thia ollii . ill. Ilo.eburg, Ol., Mon
dv, Aaf. Mt 1888 ItoMMM a w Ha !
s 0 li.uioi ..I SpringiWIil, lain Co, Or, II
II Carter, irren Md uilaiii. J I! I'orter, id
ItUJI he Citv, l ane Co , Or. Any ami allr
aoii-claiming adt ei... I) li e abote drat ril rd
Ian. la an ii ,,'i.'-t. .1 In lile their claim in ihia
oilhe on ,.i ia i..i,. -.u l Jiith day of Annual,
IMt'. Cm i- W. J.immtamIi llogUti i
1 1 Ml'.) I; 1 WO NOTtCB,
S. I.anii Ori'ict at Koann hu, Oh.,
.1 tine IU, IIW'. I
Nolne bt herein ,it u that iu compliance
tl ith tile plot laiona "I III,' ut of Collrraa of
June m, un, , nliihd "Aa art lor the le rd
titula r land-iii ihe Mttea o( California, 'be
gna, Ntalaii l t aahln. t' li i'errito'y, ' John
Sykea, of Ktlga Cut. ClHMty of l.ane. Stale
nf Oregon, ha. thia da) hied in thi. ottice hi.
awoin alatrmeiii, .e . forth MfthjajO id
the X K,Ni St I p IV S II I I, and will
offer pro.. I t -h.ot that I he I tin I ITHajbl I more
valtubie for iu tiiid-r .-r -tone than for agii
oidturai puraa,e., ami to ctah!i.h hia cbtuu
to aai.l Uini U f. ie ih Kcgi.ter ami RoOoifVf
of thi. .lln.. ..t 'r!.urK. I trefoil, on We-luea
day, 'vpt II, I W) l name, aa witaeaaaa:
John M i -n . I ,. .. laln.-,K Ittill l.i liolliM,
of Kiu,ne tltjr, .au Co., tb,oi, Japat
Darrow, id Wilbar, fViaajla (ktoaty, tlr, Any
aa. . t all aftaOW , l ommg aaltt-rarli the ala,te
dea, lllnni lalnl. ale .,pi,al,tl to hie their
. lain,, iii Ihl. ..the- ,.o ,4- Ufoie awnl I Ith tlar
ol Sept.. 1S.VI, rii tv VV. JoiiNto, ligi-Ur.
I i II.. I Slate. I Otto, Itiawburc, Or,, (
J uiie C, lUta).
ffotto la bi rbi 4vM that In complum
with the pi'.ti-n.ii of the awt id ,ii,gleea of
June S, IK7S. eattlbrd "An act fr Ihe aal o
UlllhrriaUil III ttie Utea of I ellforiitv. Ore
aa Xe'ada an I Waatiiuataui i'enitory, M,r
J Kaulfmaii. ol Orli .it, Michigan, haa thia
tl) hleti iu tin. ,,rh,w hi -a . in aiatemant X,t
. . . f the pucha ol th N W id Sec Xo
W. in Tp No 17 South. It 1 Kaat ami will ..Iter
prtHtt u, ahow lhat the lad aought iannar val
liable for tu molar a) in than for in ad
l ural ptiru,twa, and to ratahlith hia vln to
aitl land brfor th Krgi.ter ami Krorlvtr l '
tbi "the at K'arhar.', Ol.-.'0, , 1 uaaalav .
HMVtk dal I t .i-l. K-'l lie name, aa
wllaea I. C tiar'igtla an I I. 1 Kofle-t. f
Hoiihgrtal I, Oregon, and A Krtaisa ami Heui v
Molk. ,tf Hiartlaad, Orrgoo. Any and all ir
naa rlaimiii a lvra'l Itw il.- .Wrrhnt
rrfuatrd t tie their claim, i Jii
on or U loir Aki .7th day id Aiuwi.
i nt. W .nnmenw. rta.vrtK
IT. O.Hrirnaicas, S. B. fciw! Jju,
i'r..dent. (aahler.
First National Bank
of Eugene.
Paid up I'asli Capital mm
Eugene City --Oregon.
Sight draft on XKW VOltK. SAX Kit AX
All OnOootfoM MarnOtod to u will receive
ateution. We make thia department a apecialty
I)eoaiU reive.l ubject to check. Iwn
made on approted aecunty. nd a general
bankir g DOauMOl done on renaonable term.
A. a. H0VJCY,
( aabitr.
(ieliera banliing tranaacteil.
). a.aita received on current account UM on
i)i i.'il ccrtlhcote
lirafta drawn on
ni;w YolfK.
li'la of Kxchonge .old on the Citlea ol
If 'ope.
I :n niaile.
olieotl in oiiull weeaaible ixdrit -iecialty
J. B. IIAIlllIH, l'BKal. W. T. PKBT, CAHII!
Eugene National Hank
SI 1111.1 S KI'XD, HMHI
Tmtoaatl a general IwukuiK buaiiitm.
ltoAiiii or DmMToiui:
K B Puna, K w Ofbaroj J 0 Cburch, s M
Yorao, J II Harris, Cburl'H I, nil el'.
Tott's Pills
Malaria, Fever and Ague,
Dumb Chills, Wind Colic,
Bilious Attacks, etc.
Tliry product, rerriilar, natural evac
uation., never gripe or Interfere with io I. in, -.. Aa a family modletoOi
Ho t -hoiilil luive n place In every
bewthoM. I'rlce, 3ft cent per box.
Sold Everywhere.
(Hiiro. Il Murray St., N. Y.
si 'i n v. forpuhlTiTa i ion
i.imi Onrwi av 'loam aa, Or., (
June IH. W.i. I
vrOTK'K 1 1 HKRSRY 0IVKM I il w
th billowing IMPJfd actller haa bled
Botlo of hia lattatno to taattc Hital pmnf In
Mlppnrl . ( hi. claim, aaid proof (rill
be mile befor the clerk of the county court ,f
I, am Co. Or, ut Knueiie Citv, Oregon, rag
Tu... I, t, duly SO, vir.: Orviile A
Crow. llnmaiKail Kntn No. tMBM the s .
of H W ami S of S i , See It, Tp -JO S,
I: i Wait, M. Hi rtama' the fnltovrlng
adta to pro,,, hia onntiattntM ratblattai
LipOQ uml l ultitatii u of aaid lalnl, rill .lame.
B Kenny, dnbn White, Hiram Wingard, of
I,,. nine. Lain Co, Or, Jia, l.amlreth nf Cot
ta.-e Uiuva, haM Co., Hi.
Any peraou who deairea to proteat u'atnat
thciiliowam failed proof, or who knoua of
any nbl intial tiaaiMl, uaihtr the law ami the
reiiul.tti 'iia ol the lut, ii,r Dtpartaient, hj
am h proof -boiild not la' allowed, will be gvh
an opooitniiitt at Ihe abnfl aalOHouail time
Mai place to croaa cxauiiue the witin--. - -!
.aid liiilmaiil, und to,lfer ITblrno la rebuttal
of that -ul. milted In claimant.
Ciiah. VV, JoHMTti, Keirlaler.
Kami Orrn i. 1 1 It, im i n on. (
June is, 1880, i
tile toll.'tvillg named aeltler haa tilial
Bull I In i labMUM to make Inial prurd in
upporl of brroiaitn ami that aaid prool will la)
in.ole l.ei'.ue th Clerk ol the County Court
of I. uie Co., Or , at BtajCM Ci y, Or., on
Satnniav. Auj ,H, ISH'.I, vii: II II Ki-k, l'ie
MniithM 1 1 d. No MI0, f.u lb s id S W
ami S J of S K . See IS, Tp IU .s, li It Wat,
W M. II mime, the following ttitin a-ea to
pr o,, hi- leaideiic, pon ami i ulli
vati.ui of aat I land, ti: lltron NV Dorwy,
Joha II Bnaoh.dni A Moni-, Praak II Hog
era, all ,-f Kl.'reliee, l.aue Co, Or.
Any ptraatt w ho drairea to protc-t agnin.t
the allott iiiic of audi proof, r who kaoWl ol
any auhataatUI . e...n, iimler llie law ami li e
rtgtllatioQ of the Intetior 0. pailunnl, why
audi proof ahotilil not U alfowe.1, will la
(In ii .in opp. ilunity at til,, alaite imlitioned
tune md place (., crtwe. exandn the witiieaee
of aai.l elaimatit. and to otdr evidence in r
btlttal of that aubn lilted by clainian'.
ClIAt. W. .l.iMHro. , l;eki.ter.
J 5.
I. Kit l
Clji' i W.ittlies, IjIis ps, Jewelry, Ett.
i DaVrillg I (' 1 1 C 1 Kit't'iitt'il.
a t'l tt urn Warrauii'tl. M
J 8. I ' K K V
ilVRRH l.vMiNorit :
ru'tt'l Kt ii. UwdOfaVrii aVaabirg, Or.i
June til, tU. (
NMia I. heirby glten that in fuuplialic
aeiilt tM o.oi-i 'U. ef Ihe aa t of eraajTMl id
June :t. 1H7H, rulltle l "ah let ft the aale of
tilllla-r I .I..U ill the Stat.-a of t alifoi nia. Ore
t"ii. N.ta,la. and IVi niorv,"
i' l Mania, "i KaajiM IJHy, ftmaty "t liie,
Sl .1 i I l In i, ii. ha. tin. 0 v hit d li, I hi. of
leva b awta .tat. merit .. f.r the put
ch a. ..f the H W , S.a- SI, Tp II !. K 1 K,
and tl olfci pn-I to .how lhat th li,d
arajbi b ...,r talu.ble for if. Uajurr ur an ua
th. 'or a.'rt, ii'.lural j..,ri.ea, ad ia ai,lih
hia claim t ' aaid 11.1 brfor the 1,'egi.ler and
It, tl' er "I Ihl" 'ft. . t Ktuwlairg. t.e....o,
on, Sept II, IttSD lie name. a.
ilaeMe. ( tke, Kl
am I. l b . . ... of Ktin v'ltv l.ane Da, Or, 1
Jaiur. l'arn'tr, ,.f Wdhur. Oouglu IV, t r.
Any and all peraitia claiming tl....,lt the'
ab in '.- ntwl l.i, I. ar rrM ie.t. I i al
w Ibi ofcV ,41 r lal.UT Ul I 11th .
a't. , loav.
tMa W. .lotiTti, KwUler
WttaaWtbi r hM. rth a h
ICU 8. MH.
All Arid lietrioii.
Thi Oib quo JitI t lk ""
ot tf.m oare mile, in Middle o,eUoo
Where eoan Ity of waier retard. M-ttlemeiit
and culliTilion. Olcour-c, it In -oin- In
Idk mrearna,' but a. lule it i "''"1 "H" "
The noil i utuully good aud iroduclivewben
llflipltlttrr are favorable. The wtuie i
true ol u great portion o( Eaaleru Wa.bir
ton, und bow lo reclaim lbi descil ri gion
and make ita fertile .oil available ia of the
grelet importance. Irrigaiiou oitinot
avail iu a rciou ol upland where (he-ire una
huve cut down through Ihe rock IboMaada
ol leet in plut e. The thing to do II In try
Urn virtue of iirti anui wella there. e huv.
an iiuiueuae inland region whidi i- aiir
rouuded wilb gnat riingea win I u prMMin
abonbl pi felt to bring win to Hi,- wrfaoa
if anywhere. Il i literally uh inlarior basin
and the unoiimliog monutaiua aboiild (urn
i.h in abundant aiipply ol i xt client water
that pmoUu i the raini ol loi r urala li
water cnu be found in 'he iHd region, b)
lioring wella and HQ be ralnd Io llie aiirfuce
bywiudlilllU ami atored iu reeervoin lot
uae in lbs dry ae aou, imgution cau be done
to a greater or Ic-a i a ten I In the age lhat
i clone upou ua Und is ure to be iu Mich
demaud that an) section favored vilb good
anil vili, if poaalble, lie rtelaimrd by artl-
ticial uieaiie What human geiuiin will
achieve we can only judge by th past Wi
have seen tvonjelliil lumga uccompiiaioti
n U J the woik ol Invention haa only lojjl
lueuced. Tha years to come imiy ray-nl
aiime profm D wblili uml WOOl
Iri ali. il and made to yield largely.
am i, an eMel.l of Ibla IlllaUll T
prodtnl only ou water tohicniuvtc
Iv vii'inou- ibit iminiaii iiiti niiou n
prl a iii lm urged h the iitmu-t in
e eel Ii all I-It tit I mage IllUt l.un.ll
purl lotvard aiialaiiiing eiuth's millions.
Pmuuh a t'orrox Ootnftit A man l
MUlOO, OttgoS, lm ijnile a rmpol c... Ion
putnifd III wokiog well. Thia may no lb
b, ginning o( nuotbsr proliluble imlu-lrv loi
ibu oountry . Wheu get tu raUingeot
ton, ooffn and Im like will I e prrparad
for all Kind- ol mi' -igencit but il Ml safe to
pn dill Uml III idicr colion nor CoftV can be
rained bin xtcusively. Albany Deiuoorat.
Work liiiaraiiteed lirat claaa. Stock uld at
lower ratal than by nut one in KugaMt
Dajp Ma i loot.
WOOD. QBAIN and all kind, of Pfil I.
DUCK sold oil I 'ommi io...
Horses, Mules & Stor.k
of all kind. BOUGHT aiidSOl.IV
OfQoM and Stable., ... ruer of VVIlbunitta
ami Tenth Street-. ugnf t'ity, Or,
I IIOS. I'll VI'l'KI..
Pulled BlataaLand oiii ,. Roiabani, Or,
Jntn 'ii, I8H8.
Notice l beieby givrn lb . I In oOntullMM
ttilb llie proviaioiia of lb, cl ol oongreai
tlf .llllle S, I'HTH. i lllllled "all ael for lb Mill
Of limber b.lida In lit) Sinba nf Calif nrn III,
Oregon, NeTadn, and Wellington Terr.
lory," Man A l: ., , ul Seallle, Conntj ol
King. Territory uf Wabingl in, lm thladny
Alid In tbl oanoa her - atatnneiil No
, fin Ihe iniu hii-e ul llie S . ol N V
M, nod N 1 nlS W I I ol Sir 8,TI II S. I!
I K, and aid idler proof to -botv that ihe I md
autlbl is mure . alaabl lul itatilttbti ul alolil
Ibau tut puriioaea, no. I In -
labltb bar claim t aaid bn-d brfun Ibi
licgi-icr ami Riciivei pf ibi .'We al ftoa
MM, Oragoi rimeailay, Iboltllh day of
S pit iuIhi, M8tl ln uauieaaa ailnetwuHii
Mith nl Barrigaii, imik Malom, J II trin
airoiig, I K Ariii.irottK, "II , (CrawtordaTille,
I, inn oosnt) Oivguii Any uml nil nrrnou
claiming idtrrailj Ibi iboTf-deaoribed
landa an itqat-ated lu HI ihlr claim- Iu
Ibi offiol on oi bafon aaid Ittbda) "f Bop.
laajbar, 1MB.
i'ii t- W Juiisn in. I:, i.-ii r.
TIMItl It I.ANH No lit 1'
Pnltad tiiaie ind Orti n, Rom burg, Or.
Jnm it '.
Notice ia bt li bt givcti thai Ul IDOipIi'
MM Willi Ihe proti-niiia uf Ibi ael ol COB"
grata Of June J, 1878, entitled "Ah at f,.,
tile sale of tillil " X I .litis III tit.- Si ll - n!
California, Ongon, Nivada, and Wanning.
Ion leitilurj, Maigul bi Svtee.i. y, of i
atth , CoMty ol King. Tmilotj ol Waab
iugtoti, baa thia AV Alod In ibi ofBM lm
Mom atalflMaal No , for llie pun bis.
of the S . ol I W I t. and s I i of SKI I
of Sec 8, Tp US, R 1 B, uml tv ill oil, i
('Mil to slum that (be laud nought ia in rt
valusl lc lor it. tiiub, r or atnue tb in fuf no
rioiiituial piupio-ts, ami to ratablnvb hot
claim to -aid land In fine tan Kti-t'i md
Bnalwr nf I Ma ofloa at Boaabnig, On nn,
ou rhut-day, the l.'th day of Sepi-n; ,..
iSte.i she aana. vitues .... Miobarj
Haiiiga,;, J'l .nk llatotv i ii A'Watruag, K
K Aiii.ttrong, ..11 t.( Cnwlordav ill, Liuu
MMWty, Oregon Any and all p nooacl m.
lug advert ly rlif, -,l, al it,, ,1 laud are
tlgjWIlid to Mo tbril claims iii thia .,rti,c
oil ,'l b, (el, -altl litll d't id Splll.lal,
1MB. i m. . I, .,.' I, b XI 'lei
soitick rot rvnucATttMr.
IMtri,, Onirt, ,
boa.b.uH. Or., Ma, ill . . In-a.
N'tmcB is HKKBBV .,l i;n mu i
lJ C"Ulplil,c Wil l the pro. .-.. I.. I 'I,.
atSJ ,,f tiugr nt June S, 1H7S, entltle-l "Aa
act for the aale of tMhat bta - i t'. 8 il f
California, Oeevoii, Xeta la and v ,-l m.' n
Terriiory. ' ti. W UTeeajter, n I
Coiinit ..I t'heli. it.. I', ui ,, ; ,
ha thia .lay klr,i in tl.u olt..- In, - torn ,ur
iu' i.l S'.i. , for the pu 'i,.e ,g the VV I
d N K ad K 4 "1 N W j ,,f Baajtl a .No"
'.'t, in Toaii.hlp No. is South, hanta .N.i 1
Weal, lad ill otter ,f to .how that the
land Wagbt ia more t.luable for iu tiinhrr or
.t.'ue than for aajritU'tural, ami to e.
Ultli.h hi.cltiia t" aal-l Ian I I. I .re
and Keeriver ,d lhi"ltic at Knarlairy, Ot, g tn,
n M 'li.Uv, the iiHh dv id July, I.' 11 u itn..- : Ml H ci. (tnrVdua.
litatUr, ol OaMNgagk I'hehall. I .e. Waah.
Tr., tJe-ave Winter, Th"Ui. W of r.ll
I'naek. lain. Co, tar. Any and all pra,,na
claiming bitterly the alatv-.hacrtbrd laanb,
ar n.peMte.1 In lil their claim, in hi orlie
on or Mn aaid 38th day .d July. lfjgjL
. . Umi otfic. H;h,u,3'jaUr'' I
niii" i i ;
.N..lee, given th.: In "J3
wltl m urmbaoa of the art af n.ngr o!
I n entitled "An act lor the le of
:, ,...,,.. in the Slate. ,.1 C.diforuia Or.
, .,...l, and Waah.ngton lerr.tory. .
, ,,l,-o.i, of Ala-rdee... h.hlU to,
M . I el baa thia nay rile her
atemepl wo iw y j ;
i ki ii 'I ,, 17
...ooViahow that the land aought
.'l i r., an,,
I la
aiuabil l"r ll umoer or vw '
, . u.l t,. e-tah Hal
oiurai iiii --, - r .
. , I . , .1. IIu.o.Imp niul
, to aaiu lalio neiom ,e i ----
. ,,i thia ottice at Kiateoorg.irr, aiui"i,
ii,l. IKH'I She uamea aa wltlieaaea:
, i ... '.',...,, Mc Curtain aim
l ,T.r "f Kugene City, Une Co, Or, and
t c...i...,KI,l l ane Co.. Or.
'T " .T"iv'ih. an.
lm .i i"a iimiiii"!, , mt
. , . i. . ,.,! t,, hie t ie r
Ilea, novo lano. ato nw; - j ; .
clanwa in thi. ottice i n or bfore atd -Mtb dy
Of .agUlt, IHo'J. . ,
( hah. W. Jomhtosi, lUgUter.
Cni ,. State. Land Office, ltoael.urg, Or., I
June ti, lH!i. 1
Nonce i. hereby git en that in .a.ropliauce
wita im prorkduna of tb ct .-I mmi of
Jo 1m7H, entitlcl "An act for the ale of
ni.oa, land, in the State, of California, Or;
go. .v'evada, uml Washington lerrilory, I'ettijnhn. of Abardain, 'hehalia In,
Wa- I'er, haa this day filed in thia office her
i aw. u statement N mo purenaae "
I tin n $ 1, Sec Tp 17 B, H 1 K, and will
j o.ter proof to ahow that the land
I ia more valuable for timlier or atone than for
I puraaie, and to establish her claim
I to .aid land before the ltegiatcr and Keceiver
of this olh... at li,wen)irg, nr., canmiay,
A.i'.'Wit MMtkW. SI e uamea aa witneas. s:
Warren McCuilain, BdaVOJ McCoitain and II
II ( 'arter ol Kugene CHjuLMlOn, Or, SVjHt
ner ol Spriu.Held, l.ane ( to, Or. Any and .ill
ajianaj claiming adteraely the ulaive decrild
Janda are rcipieated to Hie their claims In thia
,tt-e ,.n or h.-fore -lUi uav i .-iiiguat,
Saai. '- 'OtiAji. W. JoHNIToK, Kegiater.
Office, KnMbnM, or., I
June I'' UaK I
ell that in compliance
of the act id congress nf
I "An act for the aula of
Jifatca f I aliforniu. On-
TTi i. ...... t .. -i...... "v-.
g..l. .setinia aOerTiUtlliniou irmmri, ni"
, lone ilolwnn, of AheMccn.l lieiutiia ,,, it aan
! I nr.. haa thi. Oat tiled iu lllia ofltol his atyoru
tatamaot N i . . lor the purefa IM rd the S W
, Bw W, Tp 17 S, I! 1 K and Will "tfer pns.f
I to -lion that the laud aought ia morn valuable
I for Ita timber or .tone tlian for iirieiiltural
,nrp"-''-. ami bl e.taidiah his cUin to said
I mu In f"i,' the licgister and Keceiver of this
nine at lIcmbruY, Oreg Satur lay, Aug.
Jl, IS'.l. II- namea witneaaea: vV'arreii
McCurtaln, II H Carter and ( has llaker ol
Knmu OltJ'," Co, Or, B 1 (iainer, ol
' Spiii glield, Lain Co, Or. Any and all per
am i claiming idviraaly th decribel
laud, am rr)nttrl to iile their claim, in this
olhce mi in before aaid Mtb day "f August;
1888, Cham. W. JORIMTOaT, Keglsler.
I nite.l Stalea I Htm, lioarlmrg, Or , I
June 1, IM',). f
j Notice is hereby tiien that in compliance with
I llie proviaioi a of the act of auUgllM of June
8, 1878, entitled "All act for tlieaale of tini
iier lands iu the State of California, the
gon, Net a, la ami Washing!, n Territory, Ed-
iikiii Met nrtalO, of hugene I ity, l.ane
C ... State ol Oregon, ha. thia day tiled in this
oiliiv Ida attorn atatemeut No . for the pur
, haaa ol the N W I. See 88. Tn 17 B, II 1 K.
and will offer prool to ahow that the land
POtlght I more valuable for it. timber or atone
than i'i i igrionltnral purpoa, ami in eatab-
IImIi his claim to anid lalnl bafon the Kegiater
I and Kooelvrr nf thi otfloi at Rnaaborg, Ore-
eon, Monday, Aug 'J, I HS'i. II nunie. as
witnaaaaai Malbtry Miller, John l: I'orter,
I 1 M in 'i if I T John. on of Kugene City, Kane
Co., Or, S I) Oainer id Spriiiglield, Kane Co,
i ii.. Any and all pennnj ebunung idtanily
the abova draoribul landa are reipie.ted to tile
their ebtintl in thia i dice on or la-fore n i-l illth
day ,.f Angnat, 1'..
Cu ts . .loiiNsTox. Retfiatef.
i I't.iicl Stat,.. I ,;iii,l Offioa, Ronburg, Or.,
June 1, KWll. j
j ...t ne i. banb) ginn that iu ,. i -l 1 1 trith
Ith.' pruTbdnni of the act of nongtm of June
:t. 1878, i nntleil "An net for the aale of tinilier
lalnl. iu the States of California, Oregon, Ne
vada Mid Washington Territory," John Por
ter, of Eng. ne City, l.ane Co, State ol Ore
gon, bus this day tiled iu this ottice his aworti
at itamcnt No. . : for the purchase of the N K
, Sec Si, Tp 17 S, K 1 K, ami will offer proof
to bow lhat the land sought is more valuable
for it. timlier or atone than for agricultural
nttrpnaei and tn e.tahlidi his claim to aaid
land before thi Kegiater and Keceiver ol thia
ottice ul K".cburg. Oregon, nn Monday, Aug.
'o, 18891 lie mime, aa witneaaea: Mallory
.Miller, KdUHin MoCnrtain, ami Kdmuml T
Johnson of Kugene City. Kane Co, Or, ami S
I) Qatner of SpriugKeld, l.nne Co, tie. Any
ami all pfisons claiiuiiitr adteraely the n)a,te
daacrihad btnibl are rcpieattd to lile their
claim- iu this oltice on M before aaid 86th day
of August, MM
Cius. W. JOHIlToll, Raglattr,
Dnltid state.. Kami Offiet, Id nbnrgi Or., i
diiui I. 18ML i
N'.'ii". la hanhy given that in compliance
wrtth th pr o i.i.'iia of the act i f l llllUlaal of
June 8, 1878, entitled ' An act for the aale ol
ttuiher lalnl in the". of California, Ore
gun, Net i l l ami W.iahi. gt ui Territory.'
Mallory Miller, nf RngaM Citv, Kane Co,
Mian nr trregoii, naami" nay nieii in thia ,,t
Hue hi iwnin .tatenieut No. .. for the pur
,! I tie' S W , Sec 88, Tp 17 B, K 1 K
,o . I u ill "If er proof to .bow that the lam :li'. i- in taliral.!" tor Ms tiiiilN'r or .lone
than for agiiciltural punanaa, ami to eatab
lih bit claim tn laid land baton the Kegiater
and Ion. iter of tin. olhce at Koaehiug, Ore-
gun, on .ti at , .tiiguai id, isati. name.
twin -, .lohn I, rorter, Edmon M
I in tain, Klmtinil I Jobtuon, nl Kugemt City,
I . i ne C., Or, ami s Dtlarner, ,,f Bprlngflild,
I Alia Uo, Or, Any and all peraora claiming
auveraeiy .ne aiMiva-ttaacrtoail iimi nm re
ipieatetl to til tblir clain.a iu thia ntlice on or
i . ( s.mi win nay oi Angnat, iss'.i.
I II t-. W. JollNarnx. Kegi-ter.
Tl II KB II I.A.N Ii. ACT MN'Kd, 1H7H.
Mint i'ok pi ILIOATtOK,
i XITtti Situ... Kami Omci, l
K mtbaig, Or.. May I. ith, I8M I
X'ni i s HiKHY i;l i-' TttiT
1 in cuupliance uitli the pioti.iona of th
. act of C iigreaa nf Jnue 8, 1H7M, entitleil "An
Il I f.u the .ale of timber landa in the State, of
''.Hi iu. Oregon, Nevada and Waahington
Tetriwry, M L Harriana, f fltaaaopnUa,
f eint, f Ubfhalh, I'errit'.rv .,f Waahington,
. a- tin- 0 .1 Hied ill thi. iittu-0 Ida .worn .ute
im lit, N" f if tlm pnrthaae of the N S of N
........ V. rd N W I ,.t Sec No Town-
ihip No 18 Booth, Bang tin Kaat, aud will
offer prord to ahw that the land aniight i
more t al. table for ita timber or atria than for
agricultural pwuianji. .ml t,, nktblM hi
, laini t ' ...i l I on! t, fore the Kegi.trr and Ke
,',., f thi. orti,e. at RiaaibWR, Oregon, on
M ul .t, the SM day of July, ggg 'le
name, aa wita! 1 : W Overtuver, of Cia- C, Wa. Tar. Serge War-
i ner, I horny Warn, rd FajlCraak, UMd
" i. ... , h Hiatler. f Viiaaiapalli. "baballa
I . W a.n ler. Any aaj adl air.on clairuing
' "'- t tbj ihon ilaaaribarl land, are re
,ll 81 it., ii claii,,. bt t,i, ..gj,, .
I i , t Mtb day rd Jaly, Um
Ua t-. w. tmnmm, RegUter.
-tie. laud 'irhiT, K.webiirg, Or,,
June I8L liKM. I
".e bt h-i-l'V giien thi io oompli.nce
" ' lb. prti i-' '.,.1 ihe act f cngiena n
1 Ithrd, "An act f,r the ,.f
j h Si ,i.. ..( I'ailfoniia, Ore
n. ami U ..hmgtoo Territtary,"
Wiien McOnrtaba, of K-igen City, Iaa
, saaa ,i i nnajan, aa gafa ma Hied ia thia
naVa hi . .. in MMMl Ma bar th. north.-
of th S K i, Bn Jl. Tp 17 S, R I K.
a' rj "i!: ..Iter usa,f t" .,..w th .1 th bad
"ight ia ni-re valuable for timber or attaM
' in t bl agricultural MraOaa, aad to aatabliih
hia claim l 1, ml latfore the liegiiUr and
Ketafivcr. f thi ,tffice at Rowbor.-. Or., Sat.
U tig '.'I, llWU. KenaamMwitnrwr.:
, II lan.of AbertWrn, Co W
I.H HiVtrraad Cha. Kdlar. oi Kuae
Ogtr, l.i,e ttn. Or, and S DrSarncr, ol Spring
held, C . Or. Anv and all ta.ra.rn.
tlainoini a'terwlv th akov ,hacrifaM Uac'a
re rerrMaaad li al Uir claim, in thi ofhc
on or trforr aaid Wth .br of Auj:, UdM,
t W .rawT!. RviUr
Io a-' tCiili the LnUHhu,.
' .In,,..":! lS7H.-jil.liH
' 'iii 1 . i lam '.h, lb.
pue pooM puB saueoojQ
p, .ioi p.iu'nni i.'! mmU onp ' MA
j ...! r i !: qjj
SII!X4!K d pus .ll n.
tomj.t ts I
KMiqillli) pyg
pN ml a.iqaip ,),ms '
' tliuvi
njBa iouuip jy i
Hjjjutn. pun aduJ p4uivq ).s ,
- u3um pa iidua utvpl ps
) mi 'ij.vtil 9j I
yflouj eseqi qoiiqr
Brick! Brick! Brick!
I,un,l. Will evel anee brick for all Idnda
of farm produce. Kiln and reaiilcnee i.l Wal
la Kutte, two inile West ol Cugcne. UricK
deliveretl immediately on receipt of onler.
ar a I am Bai aaa
jua. nniiu'unii,
A. V, I Mere. Agent, Eugene.
E. E Iuckey&5
Toilet Articles. Paints. Oik 1
Prescription Department
-a-a-wivi: ripttmen a xkw RATyni.n
aa ...
B. on,, iwrciy, . u, una ' , eia
Tin- Most
a ill! il I
m-' with n fall.
That, thft THIi APKST n nrn n hut
Boots and shoes, Etc.
Tl ft TT
jl . a. xiave
irom new iorx uny a large in
Harilware. Iron. Steel anil Farm MacIiiD
Theae Maclilnei wi too will known to naed comment Thousands of farmeri M'
mad them and apeak of them with praise. They are the onlr Harvests
Machine that will give ENTIRE SATISFACTION to the purchaser.
The moit Effictlve and Successful Combination lor TUreshlng and CIUS
drain ever constructed.
ffitiiffliTi :utysn.u- Bh""r s a r i i
To L ftmintir, K. Gilbert an ) J Oaka, ilaim
9 '"J Vn nwn,r Tmnr Lltr.
rtln ftirrr IH.trict, I, f '.mnty. I .
Vti ar birhr notirVd that yoar Maaaj t,.
ppr for a trrai of tkrw rear tn Ho n)
work na i.l oliai aad th- nnrtni-nr.l ,v
n hwa chlvjr.) tn work mil yotrr r-rrrnat
d'tUtH f.rffitrj h Jaw J. W. lilinn.
" u.
Jj'lSilER & WATKlNs
Will keep . n.t.n'ly . ,ali , ,
UTTTmil DAnv
... V . . , W1V1 . ,
WUch they will .ell,,, the lw
. A fair "?m
11 1 II'"' I W
TO nn: i ak.m krm :
We will pay the biglle.t market la. ,
fattie. ii,,.. m 2"- m
" '"Il,
MeaU delivered t., any part ,,f
f .ilillt hi Ifi.uu tmnmAi ... a.
Etc., Etc.
in Compe nt 'lands.
twn imi.xi-. i , .
" -n i :
re . m in. .iimi everj tn Ing iu ii ;,t line at tha
. ! . f . . ii l a 9
A. A. v 8 It Y,
Vl i 1 sfy-aat
1 1 1 J
aiteu just rtueiveu
I 11 First mill Vim StrPftS.
N'imi K is RKBEBY OlVg
lUr.ry (J I.a. Ua-n I'l""'I"''trf
tlt..I , the f.Ut
,,f Cathrrio I
aail. All
I.v.iiil- tlr
W' "vat- l- Vliw l!! i-trti r. it II " r
tenni. , li, w,r;'.i,
' .', ,. tl :- i 'KV ajal
i . . .. i ri
v rhor r unnn x s
1 Il Ihitiki.. Art'.