The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 06, 1889, Image 5

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QopOruwertof tN Vulli-y.
. '!. r.. Vi ! ) I 'P re' neeo-
21 ;;... k j'-" hij u-
''' Im', - M "" VhuiI.HI
""""" rite ,,,...,: . porta ol the own.
"' 'i.i. I.eH l..l.Cllblc ,.
If. e-ll aan acted tint Hi- tin.-.
i ....'.wiu. HotwniI wawn ver of
" :..T..., that wlin.- III tor i.
" ,r,.i-..l,le..b.C.I
v . 1 : i i
.JlluHllleL ;-., iM II.-
01 i aland ihe I 1 -- Mf bible. Som-
fctUt''"" " . .... ....... I Ik.) Iw, I
.-pt Mir'" 1 1 1 rv'v-i.M.
ti nrM WW "mT -,-r' 11,1111 JWr
f! I, , I estimate" ''Witt.
L iIm .,.i" tm.u mmI rmr x,dd .
""",,, :, IMi Me Greater cure Wa
"TmI-I I" ''"""-' I'-'.' v'" "!l "
"iiihHi i '"'' K"" nop '.!
, ....! 'I ""' l"'1"1 I"'-1'"" 1;' "'
Tki etendard '"' W ""' l"""1 1 1
i r '"'' ''' ,J"K- tbitit
i,, ,,,,n,i.u!ht,-.n ,n,i,. ww, iu
linr ,-'."-. bid Hug nine lrotd
.,. leilon have mt-rd mio tin-
, L t,.. t-nn of Whtob thJf Hi" 'ire Li
.up. telegraphic eotatnnuliMtiun weekly
MMth M Y-irk au1 Uiwten hup nur
'-'henr-l -purl Iimm bi-rn mceivul
, as M follOWIS
b-vnos. Jon I'-!! accounts
yjnrf(il from Ib uUiiIhUow lire ..I
Im' without ex lWbl. Thwi i-a
uriuklii'i. ot axaajld "' B dirlOta, MM W
ajtomehlered "' I'l'l"'!'"'" '' In ui H
irtiallv rlWl tt ittlut-K o( yield The ri)
udllM arc WWHW WW r"1-
n.rt Willi VI.IIM - H'lMMIIll. V -l M-l. Hl'
m ih'
. ibtriiM "f Itili
Nut ice.
L MlliHl iiiK um will plHlM I'.ll ul
MMI will. KH ' 'me 'l1'1' '" MWr
HMtueuil; fruiu Kniiriw u-'t-r i!..- nn.1
OctuU-r lermol Cl.enil Omrl I will r.
luain nulil III"' lot ill- "iil'v of Uliun
np nil uu!i..l-li .1 '"I i '
Mr. A K Oillnnht I i iii.-i I of AhUtt.l,
Ww-i'm-ii . '' 'C !"'"'
MMPiil I'V ui- viT lit l.n-el-'miily H-n.k
Mr. lUll 'ii"'r "' 1 MmMj ' .oiuiim .(l. .1 h
Mttoi ii-v olxhill hi. .I Hi.ilin. uiwl I roci.tii
J biin to all toy vltntiliTMi in t v. ry w.. v
liwivotthy hmI , uiii let ti Ntti'Ud t" nuy
V4 l.i-n!i K I '-NrnN.
Silver Llw New.
tu Eimniii' r i on.- "tidoiii .-.I Si!i, r I. ike,
bdptonn'iiy, glvea th- futlt-i ig iteiua:
fhi'cmp iu Silver Lithe ii!l kmoillit lo
igghbtg; ib. v ui' bnnigd i ;.
full p, il.eit left I'd W'tp'tig for Bum
mer Like and I'al Uty. nakhtv he will many
ji Ada Wither MeimiiTuar. tb lOth, and I
nggm homa Ibc iNHh. and thru Mail foi Bo ;
Itht Whliojikr, in tndittu i:iie,l by eg.
Qantunr vVb'lenker, rii .1 u f w day auo in
Siimm- r Lake, Uewaa rantnmt n Hhako
rivetin IHM "' In the Jell S.anifer i-
psdlli 'ii liun-l lit- Ulf. H" eonld li-t
iiinl civilli dloo.
Xotlrc tu Water CtnteiBierii.
Owing to miannderetaiidlng by armte, nud
tioUtioii ul the c"iup.iii'K rub by nthera,
the ffatar company nawby mHitrea aU n
raakanara Ibai HaonoM - 7. 17. 19 and 'Ji ol
Ihecompiny lul-a will be Mrictly infoiced
from uud alter thi date.
The city must have ample protection from
All Irrigating hi etrietly ftirbldden eieapl
kaHaaa the hour nf 4 mid it o'oloek P. M
Bide can In olitiiin-d of kiipe. nilcinb lit
i,r necrvtary. 0. It CmtpMaJf'.
Snp't E. W. Co.
Kageur, J una 94, I8H.
aie ui I'uiiiic kietiottof the MeKenile
Rotiea ia hereby given that the McKepaia
ffawhooar, with two Im MKhtlfll) fret, lb
eleitniiit' ipparalM and a hore power, will
be wl.l at auction lo th" higbeat bidder, at
ike vafebonae in Bnaame.Orvpyin, Batnitlay,
tkoBlh day of J i!y, ISSU. at I o'clock in the
Terms: One-haH cah down, and one
kali on lime on mMarWrth inter. t aeenltd
ky mnrika"e. Tito. EvwiaW. Prea,
M. II. Hagum . Bee,
Efga for lUtebinif.
From Amerlea'a Im.i bread: Wy-
au.ioite. Plymouth ltoek, Light Bmb
mas, llrnwn and White Legltortia, Partridge
laakhli, White WyMMbKlea aud Black htin
oteu. Wintiera uf 'tbf bittbeal hnimra at
ill th- UririN.1 ...1, thill..,,. I.,. .1... iwal mImukh
ill th- Ui
tbibition for il,,- paal el. n il
Egl! j' Der aetli.ia; pvo
Itinga, So
.t tumi lor iMtiihiguc. Ad-he,
J. M. (Iuiuihos-.
FureHi (ii'iiv.-, Or.
Notlee ti Contractors.
rieale-i bid will he reaetvevt In- th nndr-!
Ramri from conrraotorB. tin la n'elonk M.
jab' 13th. 1849. 'or a lu i.-k Imildim, w. Wit.
HMtb) atreel, I re-rvii the right In rej-.-l
y "r all bids. I'l.n mill sm-eideatlo.
mar rj-e,., i,v eatltng "ti me. Will .,lo re- j
wawawa ou ench mtriai, -I B. Coianon.
Thi. I'icific Cot BaD Joiujuin Mill-r,
Ihef.mon, p,M,t ,,( u,(l si, rrn-., waaapa
Mpaimitha California .xpr.- nun 111 r
MBjkto Enaene friui. i. ...ill. S.nir,!.,v
"roiiw ft. i- on (,mr of th- Puciti i
"rthw,-r. ,i.,,l ,.,,l ui .,11 l,.,m. In til.
set :i vi-it on tha way itiaifl wan a aln
tat ih Curunbi Ouiiege, that naed to
PM en College hill i'i-t wmtb ul Eugene,
MQHearly sixiia II- wi a etaaaUala ul
S Walton, I M. Tfaompaon m.d many
jamra eh . were ronng m u at tha time. At
"' tim.. ie m I !.. the ed i ,1 p. : the
Klej n, ,..,,,, ,1. ...! ,.t il,.
Jjjje. 1 i ., irqatt lie paeh not pfertnf
PBaable, . h pen (p poetry, ana
n niai, , n ,., .. , A,, ,i,,ul "lit. ,
aaan. n ... ,....
- me 'l-ai Ol in- H.U.H..
'Idler, luring hi at ty in Eug .
Dil. i Kv,,w C..vallI8 B.-n Inn Leader: i
nl- Hwi,rne, ,,f the Stat" Univeratty. j
j11'! 10 lie a pr..fenr in the oolleK
i u go-.wu I, i mo-t of our CitrgeD.
" Wea h, r M,.,i, - - ,v.
Pdnring the week. Wednesday . v.n-
company with aomeothei ent l in. u.
waar-truiii" from ih- Dot lege, and made
"rem.irk ih.t axkaaeW eveiy foot ..( Cor.
ay heart Waenbag aaVnag In Ibla onn.
gy aaddealf plangwl downw ard in
Itn.ll Ik '" ' "'iHtlieil -Vele Iirntaea He I
JJHat llier. h- I heen ime cb nig. in the
CS. be n.d M trav. I that r"d in
P oU laag yM
aooL Ur.lMH. TI, f,,Min la ihe r-"
F the 0. K-hnol, Dilrict Kol
Mm "'i'' nr"l!"' W Pof th rnnnth
. . . -inn. tn..e that have lie-n
""w t-nt n. - - ....i .i ,,.
. ,,ii nil. ,irr.,,,.
'are ,nntb-1 t have'th-ir name on the
" BOtiorwtlh the gaagnid reui':
Haaw as "'H '"i "eii-n, ji. i.'i' j
, rr-,1 eleh. ft7.
raTi-.rn I) U , Teacher
rattnoi lb T-u. . , ....
M '",-Kii"i.alll rlinrrli will h-II
hjl " " ' nraaj er:(V at wit a- h in
Mi,,! - " -air tm, ! wht-hali "
tof S,,,m r"-""nu' -y H "
OtuW.T-,,, tr. T. . ..
"in I-. w in-eo
I k n ...l . ..... i ,
K'tmm-r hata al the Uktm WhIiou.
HfJSl "" "u",i'"' c1"'1 1
fi. the
nSujl ' t..r.l.,u.-t. lew, t h
Work h ml,,.,, ,,, ,,, h .
of lue Mium-tnii, h- tel.
The Bon Lmih, th.- w,i innK iD
UW uuirket, ui ii,f,.r,, (,). n r, t(,,0
Mr (i,,, Kl',w lM(thn MMM f.,r ill
'rii'l...f th. .-eW.Mtl H pIL-
THke your prortltM In,. jm p,
. . t I lie Ih-sI .ri
flHk Hi,. H,...v Jl,lrK lOofBtwhlUj
Hill Mid Nlld MIDI . v. rv dM iu the wutk
..t leirj- Hotn'ii barber hin.
1,1 ' ' Wrf Uliin.l. .
ptUMN, City Baktrjr ami rwUuaat
Dr. .v-i', Rlertrlo Crqw-M al ljislsrn
pile. Pot najf m.iy t ( i,.ttlJ)
Vtntnu w..t.t ran i , oom Utd ee hu
Maamaiid brari lean barnma,
Bffure Mot in,' ,.r s, Iliad v,,i.r oni k
. r.ii-r. CI iu OtwtaUi r' barwji vantfd,
Try our i r. Mm puir. City Baktry
Rmnmihrr w .Mlvaf tvw thlai with r
own, ('it;.- Buktry.
I 0 Luke, marlibi mttpr and rt in
niimnaentM, hi, m, oh BiitMh ulraai Eui,,..
Th Fnnrth nfJnly baa paaaid una lb
w..i.t- bar MiM luvi lullit-irMciwlimrd
qui. Hide.
I.l' I, llM ,;,.
tritt-, iind lr. t-t
Mi m WhIioo.
TI.e EtUetlf II
i,-t iii aoa
-li id- Im'a ..
' cigar two f..r ..")
M Hint wtDivtl by tin-
liU In h, Ik i.
EH N ii- Ciiial f . ; .ry,
c... i-: .'op. i-: : q Friendly haa
j'i-t i- iv, , i i rge nud varied aaoortment
II- a ijl -nil y. ,.
A i, ;.. . i i. i . U pililihr I at Labty
Iii by M .. i .in, and a It WaalHtM. It
will be ( i llil Journal.
Tli!, in ' im piagotBoa M t nt-tville
haa hetu cll-ittged loAlhaUa, w bi h agroti
Willi lla I, iilaj itlvi u ma,
Tm Otiban' .i,l "Tirrn"ignnt H -rn
k Paine', fry ihem;tby .r.- tha) be! in
' ihe market fnr iha in hi. y.
Dat Oregon Eteatric U lirf for all pain
Inttrtwl or Ak your drnggit fu
Di gm Ehs trtu It. ii. f. It wdl tpdu yiHt,
All kinda nf fanny, dreaa and dry gooru
jn-i i, .-.-iv..i ii i', -I. wblrii nthat he
wold at once. Call at B-.ttmati' ami riam
S' IfAm'a nOttd a-, I .,- .r.h ...
W, due lay, ,i ii . loth 9 p. m. All men
li-r- al- i xp, cted 10 be pi. -, ul,
bat atraiT.
Ooldamithi th grocer, baa jut received
from ib.- Baal one of ib Urgent eaelgtiiueuta
of liimpa er.r brought to Eugene, llu will
"II iheui at nine I'mt defe eomtletituiu.
Beattle chargea B8IIU fur a circa license,
an, Sella Bru. paid it ffitbou) n niurmnr
It would be a good idea (or ihe Bugene
Oonncil tot ii eiri n l-, gaca to about ggSO,
Mitlgley .v- Parker at their factory on ih
llreet, eaal nt the mill moi mnuufaetar and
keep for aale, doora, windows, frame,
mouldiuga, etc Batimatea tnrniabed on an
Carpels o' every atvlc and grade it t Friend
ly'a. Theae cirpei" have just arrived and
have beeu Well I, Bled lo meet the demand
of thi market, t all and ciamine hi ntied
Take warning all yog farmers that have
iniutuar fallow lo wirrit gu end gei one of
Paine'- H,,-s Cultivatont, and top your
fooling, The II. doe the biz and don't
you forget ii.
Dr. W. V. Henderaon baa rciuroe l from
Chicago, where be took a conrae of led area
and iUatrnolioli iu lb- lateet null, .i.l nf
denliatiy, Call ind see bun nl his oflee II
you are in need ol WOlk.
S. II rii.-ti.lly ke-p ihe latvest and heal
aaanrtment of clothing, ladbat ,lrea gooda,
hats, .iu. II i onnlinnally ndding iho
latest ami iiaweat tyl to hia etoek. Hi
price are Iu suit Ihe limeB,
Th beat family remedy i undoubtedly
Pfundei'a Or.g'.n Bl I I'minVr. It mav
he aately niv. u in the infaul as well u to the
dull, maf it will glee relief wnere oih.-r
Ui dlcllie fail I , d . so. Ke. p it In the house.
A atacUI car cirntalning . xG.v Bdaaetl
A. Alger of Mlehigan, ex-Senator Thmuna
C. Plait of New York. Judge John M Thnm
ton ol Neliraaka, and therC p,s..d through
Bng. ne s,.n lay enrotite tu Alaaka.
.1 n k-onu Tim i. J 1 1 v I: Ran
bVkmmi wHl Ink in plane ol one f lb
H'lverttvdoi itor ol tlte'dav at.Jacksonml
10 .Ul hj sp-m jr. q't-al ol ihe oigiimiltie
noorajor. Alfiiit. leMiug talk Bay be c.-
ecie.1 from btmf.
pTouialtei wh i m ,y be ihe ill ton bear
If, ii, iti.lig. Mi. u, i. do., ul Ayer'a Catbaitic
Pill- will e.iv ton wiltiou. qileatiou. Jn-i
lr lb, in .a c aiid'he aatnredi they bare
much aorae dy-peplica enred You'll 6ml
them uu-e . ml amply w-onh ihe price
A bvy toteai li"' l ml"g In ibc ninu"
tain jnt weal ol Big Meadow, It " br
h.-i .1 Ibal aevi I il hnu I acr- have nl-
rendl 'U ed over, and lb- deatruelion
aritl goeann eltb nft boi ol ahalemiltl no-
il i by n i pota . mop 1 1 it ravage.
Prineville (fi ai
Until Jjte blood la rtranaed nf impnridr
it ie us I i" attempt I'"' '-ir- of any di
. "- Rhent,.iim. wbhih ia !" '
MHicid in ib bhaal, haa been rnrrd. in
mini n a. bv the u f .' Sars i
pattlia, eli Wal Ireerfmehl being d no avail
Pendleton B. -: "w Blew a f uni-r
nmatflla annul aidant, lain town fmaa
Kimkiut eonitt', W.T. In preaent b,,in-H-
report- th-d.'""h aadiaatr.Hia to er-p
i ibal s'cii-n Iu Dmaillla citniy. hu;
rancc egcvlfenl and slc-p nun happy
Mr Bb-w lived ioEiigitannmbrof yww.
Prlnerifl wi Brim., itlenaive
oolite grower ol tha Bilvw Lake njlon.
Isou-hisixbund'edh-a l nf aaltle reeettjlj
to ueighborl 1 "I '!:"" aneltwi ve
dollar VT head rVarclty -f feed hj the
I.....I1... nh, r- Ibe ...llilla- Was mail IU-
mOedlhsla at the low rale named.
Th- Lilly Clay Troepe wae h, lied to Bbty
h,.,elsl evening The Or. B",i,aU say- in
PnHland i' wa-n-tbi. g tno.e nor KM th in
....,'.bw We -honld jmr It to ha
,,,eet. f..-n. ,,ep, er,l.-plave,l.,ll.eb,ll
board. Eu,,-ii-b..o-.,,on a
1, town. This c, mpauy played at no
other tnitiior town
K,.srh,u Pl.'indeal-r: ' H- honor. Jnd.e
r s B. -an, di-p t. h- ha.iu i n ahieoarl
jHr,,.m,.r.t..ti-..m- "'"!
Xd by art-itaa-y-a t?V and de,'.-lve.
I,1l..,pl,a-an.l..v.n.ha'eve tb- !
; on' can ,en-e.,e 'JJJ
nronii'iU . h-. k'dl ne. and I mMing
trSTZl r i.', te l.'. dl.tur'. the
1 and "M.-h - ",.t proeeertino,.
jSt. raaeamrag nary aataatgnf on
th.- lei,- h.adl-triol
UUA ilwT a--
.' i"1 k' i . fbil',.-. Uebea
H,.Bl,t.r" . ; .- ,nIh f l-.
"" V"'," I ami ki H bv Willim
M"i;!' " b ..if. b... f..,..r.u
I th I li- 'bd it but el .rued it mm
,f...e.ith.ii. mebir. ri
Hoaeetavm TI ,b,
S rl. W "I- . . ....
. . . . XI . '. .1 le.I'lIC
, ,h. r. oler l
.0 1 - ' - I
.,Pri.ll.o r "ilue
b,w it bHj p.n-.'
aroi off. aa I ana
, in uj lo aril
Han i addition to Eogeoc.
Siiuiiuv bat ul lie Band Box.
Ullnn II C....I.... I ..1
fm ul""""B!81w.r,,! b-...-Hi I..,,,, Co . ll
j. i kou, J uik i i'-'. Mr S.ei,is r, wl.,.-
"nitmitiitintot node m .niotbrr col-1 n,,,, ume W l smith, in i mu in 1'ik
n'"tl Co , Mo., . Inn. to, I8.M. wu, mnrri-l to
; Theu'onem I'oiutli ot 1WJ baa pawa-l Mi S. H. Sh-iu-. r, M I. Il7. onnie .o
i an l Koi,e, ; Orrvoo iu 1h34. Sh b.eme lb iiiolh-r
aVKumOM Court b Hili .urned until ' ,,n rbildrvn mid one s!f.oo. Fi.e ,.(
Urn Tall the ten eliildru, lill Mirviw her, the otkei
loa Ti, i ii- -, tie i.ree.dli,n her to tlie npirit wrld 01
'", beU,el,v,uK l,r,..ui,K,,,,,,,;o ,,
v ar grovi atan tngvj rwpfnra; nuw of lb
.V, f,,rn inp to th - mountain or ttve heii.u (jnidunle of th- ,!'e Cnirrralli
toft. Win, i, p( Or t(ii. Mr. HeiireT w h noble, M l(.
Klbmatmra, W, T, nnd Hailry, I. I., I iaoriawna wWr uud nnthr, honored allka
were il,troid tv rtn- thi week. bp bonrnd and eklltbrn, It may U Irnly
I,-eere,t.,.,Uv,llll(,,rlh, ret ot the I ."h' iJr"' ''J'- "' Vrr ""
NMaa hi Citv Baker and K-taumul. '" h" "u "' T mv "' f 8
.... , , . 7 . . I inf wilhln lb Hrem of h.r arqualniauoH,
.... ..r -.i Hn.ieiieHWM -prmis IhhW una ;
I- mi:' - -' i: i1 lirowu'
kim I in-of sill; phMbt in hII Hhade
and grafo M F- B. Dnuu'a.
Bibb and X. w TaiaaMa it Kuene
Book form, rly Colli.-r'a.
(iuitar mid xiolin irin,;. at Kugene B-iok
Store, (ncan rly Collier. .
David Brno la nmr wtbaP.tNlaml horn
piral, mid la getting brtti
Mi-S C 1! I km baa placed u h.iu.l nia !
iin in front o h.r millinery tore.
It w,. eti mated that .". ikki pophl ullen.l
ed tin- Fnurlh of July n l.h.alion.
t!. C Bingham baa lawn rlM-t.-.t rhiel en
loetr.ol KV Sal. in tire departOM tit.
Pfaiga Irmn ilew i. rbae toftfleao feet king
m BagHia Ho.'k Store, lorntrtiy Oidhjar'K
A f. i nh drV Iota fot -,de m Ellaworth
aiktitinu to Engena, Apply to Dr. McDonald.
We invite lb' ktdiejt m come and ee our
all . ' . ! enmuj. t anode ,n be Hand Hon.
L- i r . . . i . . . . , . ...t . .. a, , .
w0n7g,,r w wvbpndWashing.,,i,t.t.itorJHlontinn.'
II iv iCiga. .-lip, ings r Ihatplm t' flr '
r-n, in rur l
i. I,r I .-'. .y. . . .k . , . ..
-1 m n I inn jr h ''kttirt rgJii?
So- l '.foftiat.
B ok
I! in. mner I he .ale
T ilajM K
irrr u,
kmi " property n.-d
Tin IT" iv. raily , f t)i
i ',
Sttvi r-
im I Ibla yrnr iu mayly tverj pprlirtbe
Si.. , .
ti. ,. RcUhaw will kern bt Clyde ki.illion
fm - v ! i log tin- mouth t Si, wart'
A leu
f..r Siu
Ui I s
' race
tea run ye-lerday, Friday,
-. Tom Benton, liogn mid
rta Irum evirj pail o, Oregon olalm
. , ... low. i ib in v, r b lore
kti -w .i il thia litu of tin yi ,.r.
Fi-out June I, '89, Firsi . lass Cabinet pho- j
t,,- a ,., ,.i T l 1. el It'- tu,1n. ol
F A, I! tsttls.
Tb. Rankin im b-en exenvated and
hri , aork will begin on the aaana ih it rat
ol tin- weeh,
And) Titus im- h. n vi-ili:.:; his parent
II baa beeu mgii "1 Intbelatrbei fmafakeaa
at The Dallea,
Geo c- Ol i ill of ih-: Dnoei Binalao sold
6.0.11 pounds id vcjol
ceu: pel pound.
thia week for IT.!1
(i Beltman brought lo this ornea anaag
nice ripe peanhea UHtlrered from treca in hia
yard lb- 1st of Jul.
Th Fireman Band have re mo veil their
headnunrtera io tb- third Bool in the Mat
lock building,
Th- name law for ib- killinn of mouse ex
pire July 16th. 1 1 is said that the crop of
young bird is I . ru"
J. Sharp, the veteran miner and proa
peetor of the Bobein i mining district, wa
in Bnajane thi w ek.
Barhet'afree ahowal hi Run work on
th Fourth Wa Well attended nlld nffnrded
aanlderabla ammn in. nt.
Cllltblng, Imnt mid shnca just Btriveil
from ,w York, nl O B-ttman'. Will be
aol.l cheap for ihe net! 60 goye,
Oil pain linns, piotnre fmrne, wall brack
at clock ahelvea, hat and clnah raoka, w iir
dowpalea, Mn,. at K 0 llrown'a.
Mil! ",- A II .pkins "ft' r for aal .it auction
to day a puce of property that will pay over
ten per c ut interval un ihe investment.
Harriaon Brlatow'haa pnrohaaad the Ban
i-ii and will run iha same. He h prompt
ad efflelenl driver and wiit give atifacti"ii.
i , ..... W Km. i v. the popular auctioneer, i
eelling ISO bd nf horse in thi citv nt
public outcry, He aotd a number yeaeirday
lit fair pricea.
Henderaon th dntlt In returned fully
Mepared lo attend W ail ilifticult caae of
oeutiatry. tlhVe m same old quarter, up
atalra in Flr-t National II ink hluefc.
Mavrlag lleenaoa ....i-.t Mine nnr I it n
poii: E V le.rkin and M 0. Wbited, I, T.
Coaler aid Mtrgarel I' liif-r,), eeaa A.
Trnniii II and M inn- It Wilson.
'I he Maltie Vieki ra Oomeill Co. played at
Bhilielmtt'a ih del la ll I u 1 iy evening to
il f ur .'Z I anli-n- ft tmupa is fully
up til th ivrg I firegeil aallafantion .
Mr II K ( Ink h
i i i I his p i-ilioo I
i laiggiig ma
let- nl lilt- Eng-lle .b pot.
i. .1- i
U i
haaacra-pled ib- ltui nf j inltnr at the I
Oorvallia Agrienltnihl College, with mi gu ,
iical Mi'ary id IWal
Th- I.i li. . si. , ild call at J. l. Mmlock'a
-i ind examine Ih.t beautiful andaar-l -tuck of ladies dr.s g.H.d I
Spring and Summer paitema of ibe let eat !
tye. m l quality to suit ihe buyer.
T. it ('.in lib. i I i appointed to aae.
I H ! ( I ri; , f'.inbl ag-nt at tin- Eu
gene deeit, Mr. Corn. II ii an eiierleiie-d
ie!."l'.ipli i.p'l'itol aim raliroail inuu, mi.l
hi. uppoiiiiiu. nl will give aatl-l tcttnu to the :
,l I 'i- :c ' . .in I J mi'- M-ad re-
Imneil yeaieribt) from tblr exlended trip io j
1". Ikuap liii:us. upon lb" M, Kenzie river i
rbi v i I- rt a bavinn a tine lime ami calcli
i gj of fi-b -Salem Statesman. July 2
A bill- chibl of Mr B F. Andrew, who
reairhanl BringxVM, Ml Monday from a
f. n e an ' Inn tiir. .1 on, ol the nou (.1 id
.. li lec. h. l.'.' ii Hi- aim iiiign
Point wan eaUed ami --et the brokeu lame,
Hirii th- li"l- -ulf-rcr ia getting along nicely.
M I, Wi l,u. t baa l-n appointe.1 powt
menter .1 smui.ti-ll, vice J. W. Slnwart.
. I Mr Stewart h- Id the offlc for a
nnuiberof year- and gate ex-ellent aallta.
lion to il,. patruna of ih. ofl'i
nui i.e.iig a ,
It. moerM be bad l"
Th- "I ni.. i-ity I'-Hik-tor-" htinll new
and -tapl- ""'" there are no le-tter in
th-market. Kierjlhiim i freh and clean.
Tliere i- in. aeed "f truuipiux Ui attieut ahelf
our ilrrutl no redaoad i-ri.r inalga or other
kin rcl d-vic-a. in I no indtatiug "f other tr
tie.' advartlaeaaaatta orfa.ilities.
H aa John A- Iii, , oss, late can.lid-te for
, I'., si, I, tu on the I'rohibitiun ticket.will
a.blre.s the - i- is na Liu- conntv .-u th
living laauea ot th time on lh llth inst.
it .' I II I' M The nddr, s will be given on
taje lib f -Inly gJiWItdh adj c ill to the court
bon.c IB "le cordially iiiuled.
Pl i William, pllneipal of Ibe public:
, 1,,, iofort - thai tb, attendance ol th-
I'c -n- public ehis.l f.u the peat year ex
n' ib, i f byekkt Had iln-t
Is ml ra M-mb-l ft-r scale the attendance
ll.l beVe been ,t h ast ten more. 1 De
voting I
uil'iioui f 'he two lowiia i ai-o
Is.ui tb- same. AH-any claim lis o p,,pn
late.n, but -h-wib hive to wnit for hooih
time before h- c.n mik- the claim good
Hj.. . nt it f I'artlierahlp.
Notice i hereby gi'en that theco-pvtner-,hii
b r.t .or- . xi-'ii g totweeo the under
.len d und. r the ti.m name ol Bradford.
T -l l k Laee, haw bee thi dy dioUrd. A.
ndd .etiiiig ream 'be (itu Bradfunt A
w, , hath klldai'aa and coileel all
,r.oaiii lor th- 6 .u JoeH Kaanrtan,
A loop.
J Err.
. Dale I al Ennen Inue S 19.
S,i I
-ix'e ma ' b ah-r,
I , 11 ,-L..
Mali .U Signer, ' arlla -f Septimus II
O,,,,,, :.!.. y.-irs ..f It. . lit.. h..
waa ii great arnrami, aw m imnnna hi ti, r
bail only it "ho" time pr,.r to her death. AM i aaewtal adk.HI, and 'It lemler mlniatry I
,f loving heart and ailliug hand could do '
t" ,.ll.'V...lo tl I Mill Hu;, 1,1-, fli-. lv Ih-
atowed upon ber She U.i. h. i arvera nf.
tniiona wiib ChriMian pa-in,-.- uud forth
lude to th Uat and mIi-ii dealh cam In
br rtlivf it fonnd bef, not only ready tint
willing and antkma to go. rAb died In
t!'''! peae. nil I it. the tii.unpli of ,, lni,,.-
lailh; piiiu from I hi1 hnrtte abe I..J
long adorind ai wife nn.l mutbar to her
Ik autlfnl houi, beVllU(t.-taml M i. ar a.., I I
1. wi. . . . ..;.i .
Mie a a h.H.1 til n-l who i .in :
h ii h br hni
BHlUI I, nit; th
I Inl-U.od lll.l
U....1 ....I . 1... ... .. '
hil'lr u in
ia ol one nhe
iu I.. . familj
in. mo. i
mid will
1 a I' bulla;
long i
- cluM-d.. d li. .ill uo knew tear,
A hunt
OoniHff tn ttroffott.
etrelnaof peoj I. northward InmOn
"w" 1
M"' ' . i
' "'
I iuu.mi aa ,,iw.
jWifbio! .p. : n I
i i' nit
io'i-li t mai 1
lAg I lie nil, all in
i, it hi i imiu on tlie rdiito, Tie
( e .pe art i.,.: unit i -l ,, ul ;-. 1 1 loin)
who bav- dia -i l l 11,, i. pi -p-rly ihere
and WVt) mnviiig . the ninth, wterre a iiiwid
il rtn npi r lin!- can be aecilaM, Imi nlo
people ir,.ni ib- J'. i-i hu hate lem it. tu -, i
to gn to Califoiui't, onlj lo find boff bavll)
in son,- reapecle, Iha lllllrj b ul bej u mi
r. ,iva, nt. I. Without doubt, California i"
one of Ibe in.i-l (eilll. Kta'es in the union,
but Ihe pepp (In .. : -l ailiahl adviUH-etl
'bepri, I lands In , ioire ill it i nnrea-
aiinabtt ai ri whi Ii f. qmillly id th land
wBJ not j'lsiif , C-.i-. nil, ni'ly people of I
1 iii, '.1, i .ie n . i:.- ui : luT'itd m) ptireham-.
: mIi.I il l- fa, t - w allhy frum
I bntil.S for Ihe l. ,,' UMHtlallon. Th..
unoe Ibal i- aaki I for I mil i An.n is ren.
" ';' '" : !" ."-''" ! I
!? ""ri'"""' ;"
ll en. ,, ,.. ,du ... ttl l.-s .be prop,, ty
Wl.el ot Ihi- -l ill' . ' . . '.i brn6l bv tin
txw-iii Mm ,.f i ilifnrnl ma, and demand om
ragetniwly high priiata (or their land. Thi
we.i t heii-v,. 1 1 1 lie ili- oaaa in thi
Ktate. allaamgb I ind will oouiiuae loinereaae
in v.due, fui iu mini eaaea it la aciudlt
woiib double mnl irelde liie price aaked.
Oregon ug. ra iii Im uta that me within
the ITIIl ll ,d ...11 111 iiislrtoll Del: on
Horn, oan be pr..videl for ilnrnaanda mora
Dexter Items.
July I, 1889.
Timothy Howard i- erecting a burn.
Mr Bull i, of Silu r Lnkc, la residing In
Ihe valley at prt - lit
The recent rain damaged a great amount
of hay fot mn farmere,
Mr. E B Hunanki r, of Ashland, is visit
inn i. lativ. in the valley.
Mrs PkCehe l'..rker, of ObrtHdale, ia ri
iling in the valley Ibis Week.
Meaarn, I hoin is nw Brdl -I III ikely, of
Middle Pork, aw woikmg iu Mr Quiley'a
longing naap.
Leonard I i rmi-i.-.l Id term of
school .it Kgy i on tb '.'"lb nil mid ha re
inin.d lo ihe rustic piraulau a farmer,
Joel Aildlngton sold kin raneh,nl si.-v-t.'
ferry to a Mr Bogjart, of C"burg, forth)
enn-lderation of tf.iHl mnl 1 1 'IMI pounds ot
bop annually for two years.
Captain ltin-bm r-poits baring made no"d
prog re aa on the Ku-h mul Pull road, ll
will discontinue work aft-r thi- w. a k, oaii.g
lo the proximity of harvest.
Ducle Dan Hunaaker had Ihegond fortune
to kill ibe cuinai win .li waaRomuiitting dep.
redalion. Ill ihe npp. r vilbj. It was a
larg menaairiaaj ehjhi f. i fioui extrem
ily to exti-uiuv. lincli- Dm now carries iim t anriauutjy and b.,.k
for a conger In ei ry bush
Oinj Rii On x
Hun. I.'. M. Yi'iilcli.
! Wepnldl li Ibe following, taken from lb i "'"'I1 b.,,ii, . ti dwelling lio.i -, and . v. il
, ,, ,, ,, ... . . . I vacant I , i. post little- h i i is li . n ea-
PodHoii EastOregnnla fdataJuw '.-ih:; u, ,.. rapidly growing, wffaral
A eoricp.,,. .lent wiuiUlo kiioiv our eh'-l.-e b i. t,. stay, .,,) We h p to niak-o ir prc
for Deincs-ralic c imlulat t. Cngr-Ha next ! i.e. in I) ..n-l .- county known Hid fi 'I even
..cstuIic cmnlhlale f i I .ngr- next ;
Thi I a Very plelllipn- a Well um
.v""r Thi la a Very prmnaluri. a Well an
iiiiimporiiini nuwer hi preaent. any one 1
man oni ui twenty nisi minUl ne nanieii
would do a wll aa anojber to be defewtetl
Hut our Brat choice ai thi limu fur ih-
"honor" of " i ii it ion unnid hu
M Ventcb, nf Laue enmity.
rite editor ol Ih Ei40r. gonlan l Hon
I. P. Wager, who haa arrvedwith Mr, Vealeh
In the 8late Semite dm ing the paal two ea
sion of ibal laaly, mul be i. nwnre that the
piiabu-ing cl i- s ,,f tliegon bale HO Iru-r
or abler ib ! tub r of dn ir rigbt-, slid if ii-i
ul, I vote in, -r, ling to th'-ir llitereal
Ihev n- v, r do -Iih would la- in, no
Hated uml elected by a rousing majnrliy,
Itobt. M. Ve.iieh is ih-serveillv po.iilar iii
' '"' '
L ne Oounty , and nl wan run- aluml of hi
Dim Mi. I' M M ane died in Eug-i.e.
! Tneaday morning Jul) i, at !):ifl a. m, She
1 waa burn N v :'H IHI'i ami at ,hn lime of
ber death was 7.' y-am, 7 moiuh ami 'i
i duv of aoe Sh- Hravea four sons Itichanl
Moot of Cb ncv uud Joseph Mam
of W. T.. Z T Moor, and W. V.
M.S. re, nf Fun U-. I ll' .lec.Heed Wa H
kindly .1.1 I dy, whose miny otntrlralde
deed endear. . I b. i to lie-,, with whuiu she
chiiib ill eoulic I She b ill lived ihe , In, i
um.-anil oa. s, I aw n uui.-tlr mul tieic
fnlly. Ill- iin-r,l t""l. plan- Imiu In r i
late reaauVrtee on Wdlam u atre.-t to iti-
M .-onic emmdery nednaadff ufieumon etl
three o'clock.
Pokti.axi. Bcanrnae Coixaoa Bead what
Prof. Ariii.tronu says iu our a lverliiiin cl
iiluna ahoilt vborlhand t'hose who coi Ii in
itiate Inking up Ihi" binmli sbuiibl C'olt--sH.ud
witb him. It m.) n.t ts generally
kuown H at ib Purtland B'tidmn College is
ix.ur r, .i..,ri.o, ,. ., ,1 I U -1 1 1 111 Ii in . Hu-i,
ih,- rss- howe-.i-r. ...,,1 ll. hoard ot ilir. .!.. '
i eompoind of ench nteu will add grenl
-tr-ngih i.. iln already psajmla school,
Thev air II as. It I. I n nil "0. II .11. L. I.
M.-Aitlnir. Prof . T. H I if"i,l. Hon Win :
Kipns, yii PbUtp 1 i ui in. Mr. Wher
F. Hnrr-ll ami Mr. I) m lis " .hen.
Oaaiwa F,wiji Anrtn -Tha l-l pri
Wyan.lotlea al Iha lat- l .Hr) show ie, In
Mextbamie'a Patdtow, hatn Fr.m-iac... w.r
-,... I ami ethib.te.1 l.) Mr, J- M. fjalii.
sou ol F-rel Or -ve. Or Ii seems lo lie no
trouble for Mr Qaefhtn n - tuwl to wio lb-.-hI
pr.-u ei'h. r a' boii.' -.bnaid II
will mad hi catalogue I I a'l b apply.
L"er. In E'ign-, On
eks ag", g g"i l-heaab I
initial 'O " ellgrav. d oti
fiiub-r a ill la- li arallv i W
it g the mea to Let Oe.h
I-1. . thi" eat) .
. ,11, als.lit I .
,ai,e, wi b ib'
ih b-al. Tb
i lil l.v r Inrto
I at Ibe Irxet-
lua FuiMWt
pany bfi labed v
the pr"etM-.l ri
ili take . 1, 1. 1 en
Uloal lea-lid- lout
KUlLfc' I ' - - A siufeyiug
p, it,-; ' 'be Met of tn Ft. r me Th- y
ii.Ui.- ll Iba.
A GrMd i oU-braliou A laWgf Aiteml
itM iind tin Orderly Urowd.
When ii,.- . nmtiiitieu appointed on lira
i-.-l. brail ii ul the Fouith of Injh took
ebarg. -f the alfilr ib.y promi-.d In girt a
oat. brat inn that would ho a are. til in the
town, and th' event Tburd.iy fatal I Ih.
i n.- p.rn !. in tin. morning . b 1 1 dbj
the firvnwU,'t Bind III li" f m. iheu lb"
oBreraof Ihn (bty mid Mayo ll.o.v and
it.- -1 ida-r-"I th.-Ooni.eii: 'In ui-i,,tiraof j
J. W. Qeary W A B. lamed tint mrogl
Cornpanv 0 of lb Oeegou Kniional Qnord
rrnelved in no complim.-i.ta fnrtlwrii COfteet t
marching ami aoldVeriy naunera Tha Bn.
IV lie n.einen fo.iin.l an i..,,riaiil put nfl
ih pafait. Bnny'n II 'k and LadkvOn,
Hi- Bimimt '".'.ii ll i-e I' aui V" I,
BrHT-tte tfoae Team No a, and the Dreg n
HiHoTmun liming out mi l manning the
np. iu full nulfnrm, and t alnioal III- full I Ihe reapeativr rwnpaui a Tblrlt.
iglii I , i., n i l ireiug u, , n ,o. hnraeluek
r- p. -a nl. d lb Stai. of the QubUk T 0
,.i'o. -i ig t.t. . ,i ..i th. hoirae nnObk i
-iit .l, ii. ii i-ii, d to riiSbilheu , Will oi.-ii, , '
thn l El-v- iiih, and raturaed on link. In I
m- i. 'it' ' lion .pnirc, where th" cj. rci. a
. re h I.I.
Hon It S. Bean othViat.d a lil.-nl of
.1... o... .ai'piop.i .... iiiiiii- wax I...IO-. I..1
.., ', i , j ... .... ,, . ,
:- "' ..i-- I" ..... - ' " ' "
l' Ii. I'. M Hill, ili iplain n( Ii,. .Ihi. r (rhiph l 'n. .1 F. Cpl , aid PnrtlatMl
delivered th- "ration Mr Caplea i w. II
known a ali t loo-l.lit Iiwv. r all, I orator.
y. i in- u. v. r i (OelWrt tlie
i n ii... m-ca. i, ii. Kr
I ingnHg and li,.ii in, ih
Idrtaa d live.. .!
purity . I ih aighi.
.i ili. ,i . iihtd n o
I., gqapaaaid
The Iwrhi en" mw n time, in . v. i
tcvpi ihal mAcieul moat Vaa not pruvkmli
ll I'Olllllliltl - l.ol hatl'ltf In II V
the a-i. lit nf ihe puhlie. One l ef a
.e iilu. b. ef, Ihtve rkulton and ln porker
a i roast i .1 in ih raad atile un.l- rtke
i-iwi f Jtl'Yai.s. He kept up hi
di sou, i ivpul itliig on thi-i"i, ui
I'll- h.iae team ru.-e wit. cmp-led for by
Il Dregnu II .si- 1' .im and hatgeue Buai
Teaun No, I On aiaminitot b.ik by btnh
leama uo tin." wan uiv. n, ami the prina
..ey. ,.Vi, was ilivl led 111 Ih- lei. ii J
F. S an H luey h,oit and li U Da) W ie
ju.l.'e -I the race
Tne ping mjlies were k'"t up r, gardleaa nl
ioi and II .1 ,1 great aiuu-un-nl lo Ihe
. r
S-lls',.,r. n w.i the prtnelpal
l j ci ol thell Caricature
I n- aluaitiug m Pearia bhv ki.ii.i. tank
I I ,.-e on the i lub itr uind narO, M kVhtt
uey'e reid,iu-e. The fl -t match. (, i il Iti
hist uiou.y, t'l fat -second mutiny, aud a
" i i ' i i , nun ll" 'll it i t-i i mi ii 'i it , i 1 1 ill' .1
third nriae, n Mined MM i Hal Meek.
I, M II ..In- Id, 11. D. I',.,.,,- Ig, Met
nuuh Utf mu,.v ,
l.uuiii.i; iloiialxl l. II ii, A I i-
.1 c.ltlldnv Ie It aa tin,. I priZ , itou iletl b)
ih- Barker Gnu Winks, nine ahlgre ami I
ibreaj pan, reauked M .k Mid Palue I.l.
ilivnletl ibe nnu v; W.T. peel ami II irmig"
ton III, divided moueTi Roldrtilg 7 Tbtrd
matehi tiii. hi Hinnie bud. Hi -i nriae f)
Mil Meek Kl; seciid g'J 50 11 I) Pallia II;!
third). ,i is.x n Ckamwerlaln anrirhlg -. w
T Peel HJ. Several iiiaii le w. u- e,bot all, I
ib- r, gular p ogruuiiie. I', li. Lu.k.y of. I
ftoiat' d ua referee.
The lull given hy the INHn companj iu
the, effeidng was ., ietaxni amdall) and tin m-
dally. I he hr, ivoika Hi Right oved quiia
all attracting,
Uu.Hlot.lei wa kept dnrnm the day and
HO iiceideula In tu n ll p' . ... ol
ill.- ot-Caslun Eugene Can Well il pieaai I
wt.ii b. r celebratmn of w I,
11 nt I -"it .
Mr. B. C. IteahL nl th- llulkl. y Bee
l.uii.b. r ('oinpaiii, call.d at ih. tlpti.n fti
rmaday, In ref. r. n.a. to the m-w ttrwnofl
Bndhon and It lumber interest-, Mi H ul l
s.inl: ','Althnngk it talma Im name friHiitht
un ei be ii 1 aa kmiva llltbe th i I
wo. 1. If r lifle-n yeals. Ill" llllle I.ov, ,,11111-1
l,.k up n my paetntr, Mr E A Bnlkley. nal
i's sp r, a. lo his for, sinbl nd in tgy ia
so'. Iy due il-.iuc. ption ami aubaequ'ttl dc-1
v.l 'pne ill. Weio. sit. I. .nd at tlie .- nil"
liee ,,( ihr.-e creek H i.l ulongsi I ih- roll- I
mad 11, c uistnicting Ihe seri-. ol sin,,-,.
item which wc have on iln- en , ka, w have
con v. n. ,1 tin iii nil. i ii.ii.uhI highway for
log. lo ih- mdl. while mn Inflation hnalile
iln Hack u a r-u-ly in irfcl i fur our
luuiber, a aP can -aw, plane un. I ship lutii
ber at all seasons nf lb" ic.r We arc lb .r- '
.ui;-lily Independent of muddy haute), both
a- r .ii-i ma liu.h-r and lumber We makv a
am .-i dly nf limg timber and nf cedai shiml
area, being praptred I,, saw slxlt .in.
I. liglh "I lonb. ra and to ahip nt ill rale nf
gn.oia) -hin.i, s per day Oar town id lime,
son ion i,i. i.i prt gent uf iii" mllla,ageu
end ill lohsD li-e "line, a I, a hia, ks,t,
in I ..n. . In shipment ol en id Ihutbt l InlO
oai-ene, w II nu.rrvw. is on. ugenl oere.
inml , my cntr . t h -niuk w ill I, pi, .inpily
i u.h I hy us."
lieal Batate Treiinfi'ra.
, irv.
In E in- n, W,i' i i
., two
loot iu
in i, 1. 1 .own: con, eteal.
F B lllllll to f.a Elll'lge, two
8kmi" i's ld p itt con. -7uii.
.I' lin ii Harrin to J.din W, JobjMon.lTJi
fu i on Wdbtmette street; ooo( tUtlU,
John Klaei lo Jeeaa eiaartne, in acre; enn,, H Carter tu (I. F Mack, fi:i8 III
Here-; cm. 11918 10,
St tie of Oregon toS S Sig.d. I'jn .fin.;
con. f IWi.
State ..f Or-.nn to II R. Kiuci.l, (f of
eerei arm, tfliM.
St. I- of Olego), to E. T. Joblls l, lll)
acr.; con, MM. of Oregon to BamM Johnann, HSi
acr. ; e-m. giiai.
JoaaM Hie. On to I' .nick Co ley, 19 wore;
eon, il'M
aentaairaji n.
J W Si.-wa. lo M J Walk. r, - lie l it; ,-on,
Animals Injured b it liliMinl-.
An I. st, m j onn d etale thai il b ia Ie n
ni Ionian wh Imver an anlm I wn- futfllh
ruafn ' ' t" have the eie.ilnre wh re it f 11
nuiii if sb-nbl la- kill. . I lo era-ting hand,
und r lb Impeeealnn lb it if atrt torenn bail
a mUrVKid .inploye kill I ll.e animal il would
remove the tUlajlilt of tb- road It i not
an nnnanal -ight to area retnc now sh.wlr
u'a-piug out it life Is teeae 'he own. r lalir
under ih impre"i..n. Ihe i-lea lea aala
tiikeo oin , how. ver. for lb- ewn-r eno al
on l, in .ve h-animal mi l kill it willmu'
bl ant in .tin rle-" iiiiig tin- chance ol g. t
ting i aj 'or id geurwify
Etray Notice.
T.k. n np bv ill- un I-l-uncd. J nie .11
lssi,,i Ink brown hon- :l ,.,' old, IS
h U'l" I. .b, biatid-d on right b, elder wilti
lein r M ith a i r"sa bar nuder Iln- le ter.
Tb- h.H-e is geiille but la ll"' le-eo
Wo.k-d. The tier een h-ve ibe same by
slung oil in and p ving ehnrgea
It F. Flax, Leabnrg. I'ugon.
A Baaan CoarrtM. The bjeawt Bell
Th at. n d UaaaeaeM will reinm hp -fed
. - j g. i.i nt, and til v two nigbia at Khiue
han'e Iheebf, July I'Jth and iOih.
Sou. Om J M JsIohii ha. bought th
etert at g v. lin-b. of ib Hie.ei.' Iivny
! slab - a on Mb street,
Mit-urn --O B kr' H ue). July I. ItPB
IWt H'i il rter.onv, . r i.a kin and
'Ml' WhhWn, all f laatte etHiBly
Mareellu Bonn.-tt i afftln home.
M' A. Lyile i rlaittnfl at Print-rill.
II s S. ii.od of S,.li ui iu Eugene Thnr
1 , 4.1 i '. i , ' . la allllnai in ttit. Cn
Mraa II. Hi- Smith hu returned to Spo-
ban Fill
S rh n m idj AU'any a viit lut Monday
Mid Tni ! ')'.
M -I II. P. am ha return' d from u vi-it
io Albany.
Pml 'on hot rtWMd from I trip 10
S.. in I,, ro Or koii.
Frnik A HufT r i pindiug ihe Kumiuer
HI la, ka.u.i lilt-.
N'o.ri Hr.iwn and wile v
for ih- F -nr'h.
. v
in cugeue
Mr, i. M, MoCollfl u ol Jnnotion w.a it
lOWn llll Week.
II nrv Limber! cine np from Port
I ind W. ,l.i. ,lav.
W T C.inph l an g t
' night on I ind Mallrra.
Boafbnn Pridat
Hitraoa MCI im h w ratal and to hi j ma.
nalraiiii '.d ,.t Beatll.
Thoa, Luek-v mid famtlVi of Wallowi
,-ouuiy, are rlalllng in KngM
Prank DnrHa, hu Albany typo, apnnl igtN
era li in A ig-u- ihit w-ek.
vVelev Rhannnii vi-ii-.t r.lalivi. mil
f-i. rata iu Marian c.i j thi w. ek.
.1 tin O'Bri-n i f-.r..-.'n "fa anrfaolnf
I ganit "ii a r id. "ltd a. Sp k.n Patkt,
F M WINiln and hmillt Mumed tr -m ,
, '
vi il f San r.ili.ii.i u last Widui'sln liioiu-
w T PeeL li. it pain nn.l I, c. Chnrah
a: bare II. It Wnkollllllip to ill.' Illollll-
H l D .y.n o, Pmhina and J it Camp-
hi 'I bale Mo inlay on . iiiontb a aoj 'MTU to
B i : in o. g ui.
Willi. ,si,, of Coryatlia, vice p.,i,-n
I af lb-Or. gou Parito rallrrgnl wa in Bn
ay m Wedneadny.
I Bi Me , of beld -eo, V. T , v .
licit Eugene ibla Weejl, luolher of
w w. Hiul .. r .ti t,
.i - Nohtrvl and W, T CtmpbaU ratnrneil
Mo I iv foHtta ae-k in,, in the neighbor.
; brant id the MeKeimi- htldge.
Hurry Biv-r aMni top,ttlind WedneV
i.l,. it ,.iii I, .i.l.. ............., i..
Hmwwl, , ,,,, ,,,
Mrs s II Fri.iidlv mnl dmight.r mnl
Mi, - Si- Ihi It,. ni- emlted at tb. r-sid, rma
..I laUai'd Ilina-h in Sab in thi. week.
J ili.i - O ddaialtbt t Me. Iboil, pent Ibe
Fonrib iu Eugene, Helaihdnain Hoe bu-
iiu .s iii Ih- "i. .n rv line nt (h it p , lit .
Prank Oexandar a vlaiilng friend in En-
gems H I- eniplnied in 111- Ii ,.i (raphi-
eal detrtmr)nt of thn State printing udlee
Bel ol Snt. lint, it b ut Slevei non an,
Plid,d, M Williams I..,, heen in ,,'t.nd
.in, - upon ihe Stale T. ..-hers' Institute, at
Sub in. lllls w-ek
Mi dama RhittehMrt, Luehey.Rrtiltb.Ware
and It ii"luw iteeomteil ' b- Are i.ppoi.lii
for iln- Fo.irih Th- flee Is.v at.ire. i .le
th" aervUte reu btrtsl th-ui bv the ladi-a,
Leatbe MnOiHaaeh and E. J Fleteh-r of
Kngi-n',0A McFaihbn of Jitter! ma, Hint
I', nri Cb ,rb of C, t .ge Cimve alt, mb-d the
sint Tea-hen Imrtltnta it Sahtn daring lb
We. k.
(1 . F Cra 'nud Lonuie P.lter-on hiive
I,, I;..- i S.aj. ma ihi inoriiiiig to spcml
a i-., nl of week, Mi. Morgan will hatha
oh i Ml Oraw'a hnjaioeap during hi
.il... lien,
Ji nlld Mr. Lee Searcy leave for Calif..!-
ni i on llu. Fiidat eipr-ss. Mi. Seuicy'H,
health i Very bud, an. I her inaiiv friend" In I
i Bug uc bnpe thai the trip will improve her j
I COI.d.lloll.
John Hauaon and wife, of Crvalli, elm
it. rl Un . d- und rel iti. - Hi Eugene hi d ri.
omity ihi we-, Thttt aaaery fvienda will
tu. pi a-. si in learn that Ihedr hlth i im
ploring, City lax Notice).
Nutlce a h. iel.y gir-n lint Iho Citv Tax
for ld-9 bi now dne and p.yuble in J. c.
tit, I, llesslller. -I hi-1. lib,-in lb.- Orange
Uutldlng, Kuu.-ii' Cuy, hr.
All tax- ll U paid III 1.0 .lav fr uit Ihe
dale h. rent w ill Ie i nine .1 lil sub
j i t lo euat
Kugenr, Jan. Itth. llaaH,
II. F. DiNtBta, H'corder,
Winter Phot i Price.
i '..bind photos are now e.'i per ib-zen; fur
tn i' pi n e in. Don't ha-gt 1 th plane
win i Kit PHOTO co.,
Entrance, lat Maimwmth ot A V Peter.
Eugene, Mav BL a
Not ic.
I'.opeily uwi nr.- Iiirel.y liolilb ,1 liol In
nil ,., ui -iiiiw or i. ih
io I, Ul in iu iln- ..II Is
pel W. MoOmtl. Cbltl Fi
Hit.d .Inn- I.', I "HII
19. 181)
Moiey io i.niiii.
M aal . lo I" ui "ll ei iv l. rm on real f slate
aeeurlty. Apply to f R, SKirw-oiuu
SiaU MtMOAI.1, -Th Hoiree inn-irale
adveu by Mrs I. mi i Kin, aid at lib i in hari'
th, t-1 Wealneadiy evening w i well nit, tid
ed mid waa Inghlv t idtnaented by nil
lovera of mnaie. Mr Kini'iiid received sev
eri.l n "u s. aiel pi-s. i,le,l ..-v-ral lilemrv
nud lu'l-h d novelri-a In the auiliclu e. tin
llln.liatnu ol ''PUntM KM Ion" e.e cially
la-ing tmy Itit- resiiug xi . hi cai.l has Me
vel oped a voice of One iiin-ica! Volume ad;
p- w-r, that slmea thorough training, Her '
atodiea in the RrMtOM Conaervaiory certainly
wetc well diiectisl.
Tig Povara t Jnroffng Inneri-nOlty ihe Puanhid Jn'y in hi, npp.,,
prlaie mannif. A I, rge crowd wa iu ul
lee.b.uce and the efeRt of III, dav pn-act
p, , - 1 1 ' ' y H ue It . bi ll Clow oft. I , led a
pt..i.i. ul -I Itu- day, while our COUleUlpo
r ii. Hm. J. It. N Bell .f Boaahnrgi ar
cepli.lily ml, I ibe .ili. I oiHlor.
-- - m
Wo U) W.ikK DlsCLAX Wiu. Ilvaing-r
tit il up - wagon fl.i with a colleelioii and
-x' r nt if machine work tuitie.l om In
bi I n ainl took part in th- proceaaioo
.tn be l onrtl Tb woik s! o.-.l well, end
ili Dy-iisgtr r-ceive.1 m.iiy f.ivnrable com
m ni- on hi imlii.ltml disjilay.
Fine i. teat. - m dl tire on ihe roof nfl
J M II-...I ll-k' resid U. I ean.ed H Are iilaim
Tnu.-dav niuht. The h.-. ie ni- w.r
pioiuiiilv on ind but I , due liny run In. I
ill- inula- ll.e Ore had been e X lillgui.heil In ,
Mhfbhitn It i supisjaed to have caught;
fr. ui a rneketi
Crnitra anroaan' Coonx .The Cooinn. ,
im , ,.' Co, nt as i , - .-ton when we wet. I
M prtaa Fril.v ul I I'. M. lhe.mli im
ia,it..nt I, u.i... s trai.aael .1 was lb" b-e'a
mn of th. Ela n S e .rt mod a public In n
way. We will giic Ih. full pro-, tiling tn xl
eo k.
F. l'KU - In Bi ne. JMJ Foii-'Ii. a lady 'a
f i' u.- wa found cm ia. i. ing n pur- wilh a
oOlall aOlo.tnl of linn o. and a pair of
1(1 -ve The owio r can ob'ain th aum- by
i labing al ibis . fflee ..lid p.y ng cb.rgia.
mm . i . '
S m Fluid (I V.ujhin vealer.liv anl.l
t It S and H H Ftieiullv tB 16 aca
of laud jllat weal of town I l '', a r acre.
Mr Ve.ighaii boOghl iln lutul alaiut two
yeara ago fur 'M . r m-r.
Ban COT Win lidlaulieckgnl hi light
h n-l Hg-in-t liie .l.aper I lia in Dlaing. . a
fa. "or, F: i I'V loon nd lec. lie, I a -
v.te met, Hia hand, I. .ver, will not bo
ertuaiieiilly dingred
' m i
Franli r B Chnit htll, ou 'be Fonrib. gave
an -thii-i'i ... with an engina aud ibrtlnr
' ib t .ti ipjiia Mend.
A Sad Accident.
The Will-melt rl-r baa cUlmed three
innre vlcllto hurled henctih ita eratera
Sue, lav aft- riU'OU al-ont I o'clock Mr. and
Mr li ibid, with two of their cluldr- n,
aged r.-e .'lively 'J month mail 2 yera. were
croaaaaaj ihu Dvvat .tnogh. ihr.,,i.i. whb-h
Ihe princip.l p,n of th- Vitlaaeile riv-r
run, two mile I low F.ugei.. . when Iha
InUfiry In which ih'-r w, r- tldmtt waa aap.
iamj on .u-ronnt ol th-tr drlvhag tot) low ri
l i- font. They weio throw .. into the lb i i,
water nf lb river. Mr. Huhtd" anpp' M-l
hi-wife and clnbiren f r mmbm lime, Wat II
i,e I came an tb ot-t, d ill ,1 he I. ..I to beam
bi- hold mul leave l,e. ii 10 -ink in ibe Wd
latoett water, f I .- in n iffi .1 to re.n-h h I g
ibal l.t'-i-. lid from lb shine ai d w..a r.s-
end by a Mr. Lamb who I. ,d i flawed die
i. j ( Tn. -I.....i.. -r ri.-r.
I a il mi Ir i r, . .I. Ih ralhd, i- net nw ,.t
he finding pbtee and fnna wi b rapi I cur.
rent, The 1 .1-r ill: h d . "Ied il lit I iie
everal in-h. , making it unsafe iu f ,,
(Uher parti," wi.,.,r .1 ih.t da) r.p.'it
.ha Ih.y w .uld net wi-i. nt i.a-at tbe eg.
per, im nt with Ho ili t ,ii ib i ieege, s, eieh i.i-uli n-.l at oil1" for ih bailee, ami
.In- hialv of ih- old ai 'hi1. 1, a leiy, w
. .iiinl hImi.iI S li'cloek I'; - In ev. nil," n
wal' r eihi (-, t di en, bout mm mil,- In ,,w
wl'-re lb- a 'cid-.o
Th- Ihi.Ii ol Mi-. II il.h. h wa
i .ii-ajo, i i
HI, it. of a
fl .alien net r a i 111" t on. -hi
mil. o low n pi n t .l.o vnlliu inm-il v
He rmng, hi a Ivy by Ihe nailin nf l'f e. II
or. cured a Hkitl and , . .n-l the laerV, ami
f w . ii !.' t.. Fin'. -n. ,n. I int rred leamte
Ihe l.- dv ot her child ill lb M amid c in
ierv, Tharada) allermam, Abln uub tno.y
men have been tearrnittg li e rn.r etne ib-
aevhbmi anxhrewi, ih bmli "i iaytati-i .!
child bite not y-t been fnnud. Tld drown,
nut ONMIitlt) ii " "'I'- ll-l ol lo-eT-li
till ll IV- lo-t bel III, H III III- u t' I- of lb"
WnUmette in the vicinity of Litgena during
ih- year.
Accidental sli intiiii
There waa a i i bun accident n-ar Turn i
lot evening, ul. h ti.m near i'dnng m
lb. death ot the li d -on and daughter of
Mr Wanner, ii I . mi r of .li ii vicinity. Tha
idenl I the reanlt i I lb- cut. lesa bund.
liUH ol tin. anna.
Mr W.iii,-i mid hi. family, who live i i.
Jachann M" about nine n ib MimhVaet nf
S.ih-PI, OU Ihe .fell. r-.U. road, Were ...11 black
b.iryiiiK. Mr. Ilrilce, aiin-in-laW nl Mr.
Wnnner, whoso ii -ID" i in PtrHWWl, wan
ridlltan the family, anil on the way h.un.i
ilnv rtteouvtred n f.w hirila, Mr. linn"
look Ihe gun mul shut at lb- birds, mnl
stunning one nf tlnru by '.he shot he wa
I. .1,1 hy one ot (be'Uerty to shoot again be
lore the bird conl.l flv HWHV. In the me.iu
lima tin. little ui and d.nnh'ci .f Mr. W ...
ner weie running aiouii'l in tin- b.isb. s. Mr
Brace shot at ib- bird, ihe pmt nf
'In- bald strikiun th" two children. The
I j hill- buy rcc iv.-d severe wound', but a tin.
iu w ,s ... I. .1 with tin- shot he may r -c.o.i.
The tilth gill's body wa ilea p. r
fin-Hied by 6"- -hoi.
Three phykieiaiia ei al n- ee anmmnma
all , have la-en in etinataHt att, nd ,lic- si. .en
the ccideiii. They give il aa their opinion
ibal the ohtldreii will r. cov r, as ih. slu t
lid not p. i ii ' vital an, I as Ihn
-let wire nrv eii.vll r. m the last, nf
uue of the children over forty sbnl hat"
b. en taken. One nf ill.-shot struck u(ri'f
ih-children juat ihe eyi m jling .
nest dlugeiousas well an painlnl won I
Tin pliyaiidlM have prole d loi n. Inn wilh
.nit Thi untitling ih- children
w.r- resting eaedfi nnielng their woiunU
Mr, Bruce, ah,, li awl Hu- -hot. ia aMiUn-rl
and -ev. rely een-nr. s hiiu-. If (,.,
Icasneaa. Oapitai afonntil. Jul '!
SOglrMI It' III.
July I. 'n'.i.
h a Ing ui F. g at
The mo-' ol ii- me
Mr M .ii ui II bhidn
r Inn, i, I in
Mm, Winnie I. vi-iiinn
In, ml ui
Eng. lie.
Tin r .in wan a ben in lo lni. grain
I g I'lb-na iu tins or to,
MrJ Btltgalev, ii hiutlier nf Mis I'.,,, 1,
Cham h ti'ttilu" b It
Tirmmy K- en. v h , heeoro an apprentice
iu 1 1 Iu. iIh r -hop ui Eug, ne.
Mr and Mi - Burger ol I. inn Ci, p .ruiit
,1 .Mr. Ei... r. riatling wi h h r.
Mia H'ldiidg., nf Y inhil1 cointc, visi-
imI anil her on, i. H.Hjiliidge had wm k.
Ml D.-lf and wife Inve n ovel mtu Ilia
village. He lutein la t king, lb f.. Igi.l and
xpr.s oni. .- m hi" p int.
I . hum H nnpi. ii i . iu ihe ' lei. ily nf Tlie
D illea ..ssl.llng I, s In. lb, r, ,.r , ill Ihe
I.ii-iii. sh of but ing ai d shipping faith), mi Mm il :-
ning of Calilori.ii. tinned wiib the lintnel'a
M,. II,., I,. rI F. ,!.lin. .1 lib I Wall.
roinh.lalilile IliHller Mr J II K. . I.-I und .-lni-licit ... Ailing
iiljoiliillg their pro- Ion Dave lelilii.'.i I" Ooahell. Mr. K ha
lo rt.-,l tu C .ilfi.i Ma null ii dune of toll
h. .ul of In I.- a I. Pb be , I Iv l.urekaseri.
l.'ll.T List,
Lellnra for the follow ing persona irmaincd
anoalled for at Hie iaorno In Kugn city,
Oregnu, July Ti, IHN'J:
Hiker, W V
Buttle, W
Brown, Myra
Rriaut, H-il"
C.adey. Mi Mary
Oarin, s M
II .inptoii. Rei w
Lat i ar, B- lie
l.onp. r tlilhrrt
ltoaa, it lac
Uobinson. A S
While. L L
Wn .. iiburg. Blvvcii
Wool.ey, O C
ll-.'ll. Mn' i
A charge ot one cent will Is- niiulc on tn. Ii
letter giveu out.
I'eraon culling for the nbovo will plena
any advertised, giving dale.
F W Oaecnfi. P. M.
V F.iiti'italiiini'iit.
Th- following programme will Is r n-
.l-r. ,1 at the enn rlao iii, in and aocial lo Iu
glvVU bj ll V'." ai Itbl'a on
Tn evening. Jolt Utb: Im, t, The
Missea Kiney ; .!. Nelh. Si. dgl.i; eaaey,
I. inula 11, ih; ipi,rliie Ma. Will, Mr.
Ihoria uml ibe Mi. - Al e and K i DoriV)
r-i Uuli .n, Male I Si., ..gilt; nio, ili-. I..
Kineiiid; dint, the Mis Durria; thattn
-,o, i.oitiu s.wvrs obi ' ui ytiona Im
, lied. Adaiiasiou, '.6 rente; refreehmgnt
( il d nf Tlliilikl.
We wish lo r. turn our .inc. re lhaiik. lo
, he many Iii. win. ktmlhj a.iateri ih
.1.1 Olg ill. illu. a oml '- lb "f "lr Ill"' I- r,
Mf. I'. M Mome. lb. ir tilredli fli ,
a ill t v, r bv gmieliilli r-in ml. Mat
W W. Monax.
S l M oua.
A Coaarcriov - I, i t .-k we'eumui 1
b .1 Ed Whii-, ot t'.i,,-nib . w'.s -ii-, TM
N. ua 0' th..t toWo ll" lite lUloril i ' I -n
ill, l il i While aten Wae u.,,1. r 'ho
a,, ilber We are p1 a-el I.i Lam ho V. I
I- in go d In ah I. an-l i nil. lb- w-.b. ,bu n
tlh HH l- It- jeill rtail fn-i-U iu
Eugene mi-r Hu Bom " oppliag f the
M. Krpxn apiii ,s ,,i. ihe say.
TlIK MolllM.. I'll Cl.'. Jill.- II-..II
haa reader di a ,1, i-i. u iu ih- inj UeUVse
suit brollglit to lir O'i the iltiving ul
ni 'be jgohawa It- r-uiove tl-
1, I'lllCI
lion and niak an r-l.r tli-t the
owning ibe hag- prey, h rswa liable .
ion to the parib to king jp- .!:.
dei-i.ioii a siit-f ., no V In all pel
eerneal ao We are iliforilled.
Mtai t-n - Iu Fug ee. -lajlv I. ln5i9..Vr.
C E. Winter .rod Mi- N In, K. Toil b i
of Lane oi.U'it). E. T HrU-ieravn, J. I'.. of-
M melt o In Ena-a-. Jult 6, litS HVB,
I'. HeiHjrrann, J P , Mr. 11 ni) MuUr and
i Meat Alice tUliewar.
j- - llxp'or. l 'n- re-1-i
mat for In. thee lufoimallo II '