The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 06, 1889, Image 3

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,!,,.,.-( Iciinlnii-' Air"
ftlii-r- WeSaed Hmit-
riiuliriiv Wteraa w.m.,-
MMleljr ,C ll.Him.
pifh. Mx in lrlr..)l Frro IT
Ibavu uiauy ItMl SbSSrVSJ HlJ superior
with amen woman adapts berssli to
.um.mno.- In ltd. hsr Impulse in tint
'',r' .,.., . instinctive. H inn t U a .
l .unit ipm -
( ,le migratory liotit of bird-.
. I -i when to ftv soutli-
,,! ofthe tune to fly northward. 1
laaM '" "mt 11,8 creat'"n ,h"ry "P
nUrabl t" woiiiDii, m uxplanatoiy of bar
I'.turnl Uettira to fly from base surrouu .
It i- not worth while to argue tliat
5m are ninny deUi.vl women. We ull
2J, H , but the reason for it ia found in
.rtlticial areuBrtMo
Debasement I uimitural to woman.
i that condition, however, abe illus
Santa kind of iP'ririty that ssaaito
, intiereiit. The NtOUt la, p-ruap., rock
1, a of l ei' k"""1 ta,m ll"'t; llUt " ' ol,y '"
tba last stag of her liferent into the social
tftol t nt she btcomea indifferent to th is.
n. iii.'ii'- which make her nttrac.ive
Til,, no ileal merely with the small fa t. of
lb, mm) :" ii fond o( "I'pearlnir in pretty
clutbiK he affects the am out it w.iioj pure
uien practice; cleanliness is the gOVtrn-In-
article of her creed; an I hIih Iiu . tbl In
tunable stomach for OonqoM that the
.,.rld knew all about lung before Delilah's
t delsve I man holds ol! refinement in
imtampt Ii inakea no Sustained tffoft to
gates Ir "in Ml wallow. Ul II virion, in tho
Jivree thai he ' debiarJ. He take, n
k "idly U rsgt at to royal raiment. Hii
nei'b, hii thoughts, bis acta ate always
(iurse,' OttSO brutish. Dirt, literal an I
other, i-uits him beat. A bath give him
moral hydrophobia. He dm. not care to
Mi his res mi lr a garment of as. timet
politeness. In short, he is the emho linieiit
ol -rea" n lied to brutish beasts."
Hre. then, are two proportions that seem
Uj establish a radical and curious diflVrenc
in Ibe natures of men and womur. Tnat
Jitfwjnce, as we llnd it Mnstratel in t ie
varying phases of every-lay life, must nl
ays bo a fa-ciiiating study to tho u who
ek (or the philosophy uf thinjs.
Taki th ' woman who marries above her
station. At llrst thought many nil I lie
inclined to -ay that she is fatally misplaced
ml that she mot tvaiau-e of en Hess
buni'listions to her husbin I. Hut DO man
nbubas learned the alphabet of the w limn
nature could be inisM by such suierlicial
tUu ght II that Hero ia a aignilicaut situa
tion in which the womanly adaptivene-
mat atrikiiigly demon. trale I. True, tie
rumps from a comparatively low -tatinii,
tut instead of being a olof to her hnsbM i'i
iipirations, and u daily witnea. to his sup
pusi'd f 11)' in i onti acting a Bl lllamiT. sue
iteK into her new ofllce conscious of ila ih
mauds and early compels both n- an I
ill miration.
Ihi you be-jin to see that aha thus presents
against her farmer low estate an I ull its uu
ral:neuieiila a combination of forces that i
invincible (H course she wina the Victory!
(Ion :u (or ti nt kind of generalship is her
birthright. I think I aagM to add here
that she does not very noy powdar or
light ber I utiles of this sort 1 1 the sound of
Id a man marry a woman who is in -I i
tionaud uccoiiiplishmeuti bis tup.'rior, and
then maka your computation of the time and
pains that must bi devotl toblmblfor
be gives the least tlgo. of projrs-s. You will
filiaust the rasOarOM of aritbBMtiO without
arriving at a satisfactory rjsult. 1 have
oevrr known a man who was lifted out of a
sniveling cmiition by marriage with n
wunian whom he knew and the world knew
RM Ins superior. Almost invariably it is
the darker side of the picture that is pre
sented By this I mean thnt while on the
MM hand the woman of low surroundings
bum iiihrringes remove, to a higher and
dearer atmo.phere readily accommo lutjs
bi-rself to the changed order, another
aaaan, of tietter rearinj, who marries bo
luR her order is quite prone to de-ceud to
ber husband's plane.
Hints on House. Cleaning.
f'Carol Ilea" in TM-Wta.
Tbeh are a jverul things that I want tore
min 1 you of to make the disagreenbl part
ol our work easier. If you must las some
times bapiensi lake up a carpet without car
rying out your atove, do not get down on
Juur knees and lift till you ee stars" an I
very lone in your body creak"'. Do not
try to lift the stove with one band and pull
the carpet out with the other; but get a bij
Mdi of wood and u-e it as u lever. You
ill icarcely feel the weight at all that way,
auJ a little child can draw the OaTptf Ottt
fur you, if y(.u tell him just how. After
four carpet is out, sprinkle the flo ir plenti
fully with wet sawdust, or dump earth
Tui. will dean the dil l up so well iwhnii you
it all out together) that WW need not
Mrabtha lloor till your wood work is all
'it n little nipia ammonia in the water
ben Jon clean your paint.
a rnxine in the scrubbln .--water will save
I"" Haw, soap, and "elbow-gretise."
Batty oar carpini with a boMwblp!
L'se turpentine to take out paint-.p its.
WOT hot tallow through ink-stuins to re-
ICuve lupin
L's hot vinegar to take aint-spots off of
w wiadowsglaaa
" there are moths in your garrat or
"' sprinkle the flior with benzine. kMBT
rut nil iii your whitewash to make it
A few drops of liquid bluing will
ah it lisik all the whiter when it is on the
1 e turpentine to clean nickel plated ornament-
salt and vinegar to clean brass orna-
Va Common baking-soda (with a damp
MW rag) forailver.
hen jrog whitewash the top and sides of
Tur cellar, put copperas-water in the white
, t,! drive away all kinds of vermin.
" 'egoiablet on tba cellar-bott ro havt
m dt a damp sp,,t, spri.ikle copperas-water
"-re abo,
K ib ul l furniture and picture frames with
r,eno oil.
" hen jron ttenn y ur stoves, a little sugar
',: H i . king wili make it stick letter and
at 1 inter.
T" willow fnrnitore. use suit and
tr. Applj ,t with a coar..e brush, and
irv thuroihiy.
Wi sh tba in ira in vour ttovedisira with
'"gsrioii water to remove the smoka
the insiJe.
rva. Diet and Stmly.
Marion Har'and's Book.)
"r "' m rican dyapepsia proceeds
' rWattea irf tba two plain rules I have
to wtt; Never to eat hetrtiiy when
r.r ' i" l. tad never to faat to exhau-tion
' "oclmtte md W Wiatad vituala.
"i "vili I" r,ii ,w :ii , . ,, hi n.l
is a I most as Injurioo. Heated dh
'" tad quarrels, fretfulnasa anl aullen
r'turnity whiietaUne, art as unwhole
j,"1 ' are unchrtstiaa Oblige both
HJ J- girls to observe these principle
a?' 'Pecallv advisable with ber whose
t'i;i,,n.r - I
fun. and who k-t tbao one third
nK , PeD " ih,t ber trotb'
la!.?! vh colle boy ia -hollow
2 , u ibe," u proverb, the truth
o mother will raiuaay. Nor could
r th. f,c, u,,,, ,xpr-a. had abe
t tl' 10 Jo Eto Billickina of
aarf VjWB di. quia tad, if bar lodger
tthe would call a "pecking appe-
St- oav have no ottkar human pilar-
- ...
Uy al-
as i., i.. m, ,,. l . . -.
. she ha. ,.,, ,, Bsiiur i k
ver-UL.! A? "",tr"" " I
.e ther .urprls! ,lur .
baa he the pre.umpt,,, r,ght ,,..,, ,,,
the scanty iiimIIciiiii of ,VK ,v
"..a.p. an l,.on e,ce.,dto .wallow .hall' ;
If raWiia. pd, nj pil.k,tf.
Kirl,"b1 Fty J-yt bread and
"""'""y. " lilt nhfrct ut
i ' -i ,11 mm i .
many a
. .. ni , wvavajm-, eve.i i
sensi'.ile daya ai long Itaaitb) taonh
Ulna iii.,, .... t. . . .
nieioiie her nerve, by a
.-p "i ,oiiee ami Hmm
t ie organ of
WBMH she 1. a.liaiiii-d by
morsel ot boast.
libs to u.tiesaiip. badatatymbmid
L??,TT 1 BBrt7 nibl.lea a
trip ol j
sineii nam; i cirri h a Ism
ln box in !
oer iHH'ket into the sclmol-ri
In ni l,. .. I
nrn m iieraeklor-i
Ulfa faintness, i, -nteisjttm" , tlie tvM
KMrUttlt court-a soulful creature wu.
kWkt as if she fed on air. Whatever her
elders may think the p.pnlir sentiment of :
ber congeners encourage, her In the , ,.!,.
pallou ol the fragility whidi ia our malarial I
com and ahoull b her own an I her pa.
raQBr sorrow.
"f resh Air- Phllanfhrophy.
Illusion ( or. Alhuny Journal. )
Only the olher da, a benevolent lady
here went with an atal taat into th.. verv 1
lowest quurU'i of the city and invitel-u!
pior, dilapidate I, half Hal veil children. u:i
der 111 years of age to sud fie day at he,
seaside home. (She said it was heart-break
ing to aee the wistful fines of the othei
children in the neighborhood, who wat he I
the departure o( their wretched litt'e pl.iy.
niaUia. Kvery HOUOar tins la ly gathers iq
these stray waifs MU gives than a day",
pleasure, iudeieiident oj charitabiu associa
tions or "freah uir" fun Is,
There is a larg , airy r qm in the stable
on her e-tale which ahe baa littel up foi
tuese little transient gue-t-, anl there they
have a henrtv breakfa-t before being taken
down to the shore, where they are given a
sea bath and alt.. rward allow i to play l.i
tho mud or on the graa under the tr e-.
There is a swing for them, anl t .)-, shovels
and paill and dolls for t ie little girls, and a
diBMr, with plenty ol gool Leef and vege
tables ami n padding after, that one tot,
whose eyes were big tar than her capacity,
cried because she eoullu't eat any more of.
This is indeed a noble charity, (or the k.nd
and generous heart that provides for the e
children makes no fuss about it, an 1 would
be much I to hear it spikeu of aa an
unusual uct of glad oafs,
Another lady who formerly lived in Bos.
ton, now of .New York, does even mora for
the oor children in this vicinity. She baa
a charming Minuner place at Braiiitree,
Ma-a., and ev. ry MUBW she has twelve or
lifted! sickly young-tars taken fr m the
poore t familial anl brought down to a lit
tle cottage near her own ho use, where they
are given a week of sea air an 1 country
fool, with all the happine-a that cm be
crowded inloaevoii days, under Ler personal
turvisi ui. The beuelit that -omo of these
little t hi! Irun derive from toll outing in the
country cun not be calculated, but tba one
shadow on the picture is the de-pnir they
show w hen obliged to go back to their homes
in the city. That ia saddening; so. in are
IndUhrtBt to the change, or they do not ap
preciato what a good time they've had till
it is gone.
Hi mv Society I n. loins Differ.
ISew York Times.
The ideas and customs of booittj paoplaln
the diflereat cities of the Uni 'U are widely
djfftrtut There is an nlllmty bttwatfl the
young ladies and geiitlemon of Biltimore
that doaa not exist so extensively among the
best DtOplt of the other cilies of the eu-t. A
Baltimore girl will go to a lull alone w ith a
man wit i every la&stof. propriety and with
out shocking anybody's sen-ibiiiiie-, w dle a
girl of the s:i i ne social poaitioO jn New York
would nob
A New York girl will only go to a ball
when she is pfoparljf chaperoiie I. 1 know
of a young ladv in this city who was even
timid of tlie comments of those aroU'id her
when she went to the theatre with htf
brother. She sai l to him: "Somo p'ople
may know you are my brother, but a great
many will think you are not. therefore lilt
no care to go to the theatre with you unless
there is another lady in the party."
Tue difference between a Baltimore nnd a
Philadelphia society girl is light. Whan
the former will go toau tnttrtainmant a) me
with a young mini the latter will only a.'
comany him w hen there are more than one
of her own sex with her. As to Boston
young ladies, they have ab.ut the MUM
ideas as those of New York h going to oi
from a dance alone w th a young man. In
1'bilndelphia you are asked who your grand
father wa-, I ut in Ba) timult tuey inquire
l lil ... t ..II... i . .
only concerning your qualifications foi
The Seaes Drifting Apart.
Boston Letter.)
It is a strange fact that with the progresi
of civilization there come always two differ
ent and distinct result. First, the iut ir
course between men an I women become!
eaai-r and pleas u tirj seconl, there ia a
tendency on the part of both men and
women to separate ti.eir UattTttU aoJ even
their pleasure, A certain portion of the
dav and or th-evening is given up to com
mon pleasures, but there is a large part ol
each day when both men and WOUWH prefer
to be apart. 1 think rny-elf it is a g.wd
thill,', and so long as what separate i the
sex's is their distinctive duties it is well
But urn mg the growing leisure claw in th
east who have no duties these hours of sop
aratioii are devote 1 to annulment You
woul I lie aitonlshad to know how many so
ciety w men in New YoW anl Boston both
iruoke and driu'i. To have nothing to dc
is a curse to men, but it is deadly poison b
women. Thev are not, as a rule, so capa
ble of self ariiii emtnt as are BM an I thoy
are prone, as in the matter of smoking and
drinking , to tamper with the miisir paa e
U-miis of the mon. Out of tin- grows a
boldness a car-l's-ne-s about the mm irdel
icac.e, of iai life, which is noticeable the
moment ore touches the b ir lot s of society
in Boston, New York or Washington.
The FaahloaaMn t ataaaai
IForaka better.
Tbey nre robe.1 in thehight ot the fa-hion.
Hot even in Parta, in "be great Pott, .a.
BHm IXpontlVt OOttomtt lesoi-n Masters,
lei vauts am horse, an aleek .no pamiaoed.
The coachmen are tricked out more gorga
JU ly than even th.ise f L-uidon and I arK
,nd thev drive, or ait. with the ends of
their long whips on their knees with a gro
tesque dignity, for even they and their
horses must contribute -oniethnig to tM
general impre-sioii of pimp and high bre-.l-ing
which the master, and miatre-aes must
nilllnli"- 1 l fwer
Tbeie ladies are accompanied by rawer
dog, and more babies than the f-hionables
of Paris. Those wto have with then,
have nurses to attend to them, ale the-.
ur-e...e trrayed woiiderfu ly m
, ciellt, picturesque cu-iumes oi
1 ,plePwi.hgo'rg. usbe-d-dresse-ofye llow
! bTJ. or crimson nLbon. flutteruig .br,i.
1 with petticoat, of bright co of. ofM,
trtmaatd ant goid tand. m ff '
Thus the e fair and imperious d uina, tri. k
1KU .,,.1 thus they drive
,;XuT.;.dh,i.;,i cuter H u.
nir of an Italian evenmg.
The Latest
Uadaj Nwaaioe 1
Par ai-nnes have token an extravagant
.mZ n forbinla, .hub about equal, the
' pug-dog main, now M the Nt a
1 p " ' - it wa in the
lovely cage .a carval rrwri
mother or ehal
Sn two or m an ran b,rd-
thai ho mat xi i "
" "' ('" onus. -lu. MwaCwmoo I
'hay are haM Iii a adver cup; t ay drink
irom liitl-l-.wisof Bdieiman glass. The
Mtom of tue n?e I. .pr.nkleJ every in irn-
hjj w,ih the aw-ju t of . toaatad wood m 1
plaia of .
Iji iIv. tht rarest and mo t levitiful hot- I
h am i! mars . aita.-bed bMawaa ib ban
,fl ' ' -' 1 the Mrttal iell and pluck to !
pkwmwitti their bills. To what exti-ava-gance
will fashion next lead her votaries I !
rue c slit a. , nang a who'e family M ier
al ls is trilling in cs.iupaii on with what ia
uow muted on iet-.
lamllUrliv llree.l, Iteautv, Too.
II v. I ange 1
After y. u MUM to know paOBjt very intl
iniit ly, . n do not k.iow whether thoy art
pretty . r not. Their way- make an linpres
IMI on H u, l ut not tiieir u ssea and aan,
Iheir eye, and mouth'. In i me the soul ex-pre-aes
it-elf to you. and it ia that which
you tat. A man who has been married
twenty year, icarcely knows what his wife
looki like. He may declare that he disss,
and tell you (hat she i, a bewitching little
hi "Ude, with -oft blue eyes, long alter slit ia
fat an I re 1 and 1 1 lie. an e the image of bia
early love is in hi, heart, and he due-ii't ae
her a, ,he I, today,' Lut as sue wa, when be
courto I her.
Or, being an in HIT Tent husband he may
not kaaw she is the line woman that other
people think her. You huve known men
Who have uiarr ed the plaitie t women and
t'.ink them leaiitio ; and you know beauliea
who are q.nte thrown away on men who
vaiUi a who for her siicces aa a cook.
training far Bat station,
ICMeaga flatiM
Five year, ago a remarnably bright and
pretty girl of K worked in a Sau Francisco
laundry. Tin, on of wealthy parents fell
in lov,. with her She returned bis passion,
but ,aid aba would not marry him, as hi
triihed, btcaoia iht a, mtMtttwM and
cuir v. Then he off red to aeinl her away
to scho .1 She tCOtptad this offer. During
theen-uing four years alio was In a Mon
treal OOUVint, very apt and atlidious. Tue
training wrought all the change that wat
ie arable, an I the wedding to 4 place,
llong tour ri Kuros, afterward The coa
ple returned to Sun Francisco lately. To
allow she bad neither f rg dten uor waa
ashamed ol her format employment, the
bride gttvj a gr ui I s lp ir o thoij of bjr
ltd c mpanloill who could be brought to
gether. Mark Twaln'l ( lilblren,
1M bul ge.)
Jlnrk Twain'- has written a letter in
which he a,' erts ti nt his children are well
behaved, well governed, and occasionally
Charming uu I he refers to Mrs. Harriet
Beecher Stowe. Charles Dudley Warner,
and his other Hartford neighbors ue wit
nes e. lie attribute, tin, goslness to his
wile's training, H eiii.ia,ii!ea the Kiut in
ber discipline that no promise is broken to
the youngsters, whether it involves a whip
ping or a picnic. In administering corporal
ptUllthaMnt -he invariably let-a few hours
jlap-o between the -eiiteiusi and the ex
KUtl ii, M that Ho auge on her pari shall
enter into the mallei '( and he atllrms that
the "child n.'Ver gu s nwuy from tht siene
of torture until it Iiu- been loved back into
happy-heai tellies, anl a joyful apinU
Cfaoltrt fafanlaaa,
Ctaahmatl Otwutsstatal uaaeiie.)
Ch dera Infantum i- quite as much a fllth
diseusi us A-iatic cholera; unwholesome or
Improper dill being the inline lint ) cause
and foul uir an I generally unsanitary sur
roundings the pre lispo-mg mid aggravating
COodWoa A g Ideal of real missionary
work might Is done among the poor in
showii g mother-how to save the lives of
their infant children. Kxierienced physi
cians will tell thtm that care of tht diet ia
everything, but nine mothers in tell ne I
mora explicit directions. Over feeding, the
almost universal mi, take of American
mother', is one prime ciuse of digestive
troubles, and doubtless many a fate I baby
might U -lived by -imply giving Its over
taxed htomach long intervals of rest.
The Wrttal (.nine of Cricket.
Loodoa loiter.)
"The girlful gnme ol crioket" flourishes in
Knglau I. Ti e other day a match between
eleven of a well-known girls' school in Sur
rey, and eh veu of the ladi 's of the neigh
borhood look place. Ti e lad.e. wore their
usual costume, mi l the school girls were ut
tired in white tunic-, Kton blue cuw and
sashes to mutch, black stockings and white
knickerlsickors. ThtJ also wore red ro-os
a, a badge, while their opponents wore
white. The school weio the victors mak
ing as many a, ninety nine runs in their
socund innings anl retired audi great ap
ptaiUti wearing tho w Into roses of thoir op
ponents. Jelly "s'ckled'' with strawberries is the
favorite di-h for lUpparl after dances in
Chic nl III Horse.
CMeagO Tribune,
Crack rnce-hor-os have their moat and
drink more Ctrtfully atten led to while
traveling than royal paratavagaa The Kng-
Ulh i miner l'uriidey mi his lute trip to Paris
had hi, own particular brand of water car
ried over Willi him In case, like a monarch's
private clianipang.i.
Coming Kapidly lata Havait
Inter ikvaii.)
No drug tVtr came so rapidly into con
ipiCUOUt ftVOT at the hy driichlorate of co
ca nt which ha, been used for several
mouthl bi alliy Oen. Grant's sufferings.
Itl lliasstbttic pruptrtlM were
latl Octobtr. and now it Is known and used
the world over.
A balloon is higher than a stump, but it
isn't half so reliable to tUlCtl to in Unit of t
(Tie story tnlil oT tlie riorman
mn hi.. o mill l ho iio-ss uliiiiilu'r who
tfpenl their courtlfif Digfati in inno
i oenl ilumber i'i tlmir oJMttrii was par"
gUeled in my xperltnots for OtMOl the
i young wonww in my list ot iweaU
I btwta uaed to tell ma that her alator
... i n
liml n bi iiii. a liirmor. wno uiwuya icu
aaleep aooti arter be had oome to tee
In r. writes Julian Halidi in theKMH-h.
Eta bail dona a bard day's work on tlie
farm, and she had been tirosomely in I lie house. Neither one
had any thing I Dtrerag about, an.
when he fell ul, ibe settled hcr
I ,i lf for n nap. ami whichever one
voke Bret pwaiceoed il ther. whero-
upon the young farmer betda the young
I lady good nigbt and went away It
; uiiLr,t lw eleven o'clock or it might bo
I three o'clock in Ibe noratag.
Howard harnn. of Vow Holland,
().. whose dome, lie r. Intions ire not
of the pleataantert, ini. lyaiicinpi.-il to
I frighten hi- wile by teoding her the
following not-: Yt hen you gel line
.,,, nil) be I wiili.w. Yiti will find
on IhkU in tho BtaWe. ' Mrs. Cliaffln
red ihi- iMrtltng neari with oota-
rable noncnalanoe ami. it at"
g out her liii-liaiiil's hct
Dlhsm asd huge a to bfttab them for
he funeral. Bbeaeol ner iaugiiier to
iM. i table, who retanied, Mtytag he
raj MM1 .b ad bul looked "awful bud."
Hastening to Ike it hie. Mrs. chaffin
,.,ir,d bar kuabuaid tWayHtM from the
,'ter. In teT efforts to release him
. , .eov. rsal tbal lie bad paned tin-
mrd under his arm ml that Here
M B d the lllCaWhl -I pi OIBMl f dl-ath
,i Lag from -lningu:atin. Securing
, ,,h io. il -t ck. 'he h-!nliore.l him
il be f i in. nv and Ix-gt'eil to
Ik- illegal! from his awful jKaitioa
The (tan iin auggaailaa u i i, in- wieVa
Anke at, Loalt HttMaa
Why not have it liiirtfliir insurance
eompaoy? We have life. fliv, ueel
leal and Other liiHimuii'.. eoininnles;
and yet the risk of Urns of life, health
or property by burglary is as great as
that from any oilier cause. In ,,ur
present high stale of oWUUed life It is
an aooideil Mat likely U happen, mid
is a constant iiial unavoidable risk. In
tbl West Bad thirty-eight burglaries
were ooaatittod wilhin the last two
moo tba. Any responsible company
which would undertake to indemnify
il, subscriber for such loss could
command a high premium, and uu
immense patronage. Nut only the
wealthy would join, but nay body
who had any thing, especial
ly the large middle class, who
can Little afford to loee what
they have. I tun of the hit
ler class. I have lost by burglary
within Die last four years more than
live hundred dollars' worth of clothing
alone. If I hud u wife ami jewelry
my loss would, of course, have been
proportionately greater. I am a care
ful man. loo; I pay my night watchman
regularly us he comes round every
month) l use poiiticui Influence to have
n double police force in my part of the
town, and I keep n dog in the hack
yard so nobody can come in that way.
I lie awake at night listening for sus
picious sound,, god came near shoot
ing one of the oilier Inmrders who
came in rather late the other night. I
sil on my trunk for hours during tin
day with a navy revolver in my hand.
Hut somelimcs I have other things to
attend to, and It is always when least
expeeled that the burglars come to
make their collections. Sometimes
they come again the following nlglit,
but only when they have forgotten
omethlng. Seldom is any thing re
covoiihI, and when something is re
lumed It Is generally by lite burglars'
generosity, which prompt! them to re
turn helriOOma Of, perhaps, their lack
of sentiment does not ullow them iii
appreciate heirloom. If w overlook
the shortcomings of a burglar we can
see that he serves it good purpose as
well as every thing else In creation.
He serves indirectly to secure work tot
the locksmith, the tailor, the jeweler,
profit to the seeoud-hitnd clothing
dealer and support to a numerous and
stalely police force. A company has
been formed which offers to put tele
graph facilities into every house for
$1S a year, by which one cun call it
mounted polio officer every time a
burglar la in the house. It i hoped
that the horse will frighten the burg
lar. Hut this company does not in
demuify the housekeeper when tin
burglar lias packed up and gone with
the goods. Therefore a burglar insur
ance company is a pressing nee sity.
St. Louie (tlobe-Demoorat
He II. n. I, l.o I 1 1 1 1 . l s In Kriltilck)
s-uhns.1- Htltati
Miss Sarah Jar via loaches the Mount
Welcome school in tho northwestern
part of the county, twelve miles from
here, says a letter from Harboursvllle,
Ky. That region is mountainous and
wild anil the school building is pitched
al the fool of a high hill covered willi
dense forest. The old-fashioned spell
ing bee is still popular ill this part ol
the State, and it is also a practice al
the -el uu 1 1 I riila evening to divide the
pupils into two classes ituil allow than
lo spell against each other. Miss Jar- j
vis nils aunoivu reiigiousiv io anil
cue torn. One Friday evening there
was the usual spelling match al Miss
.larvis' school. The building in which
she tenches is of logs, Willi several
window's coming down within iw.
feet of the i ml The match
had been of more than usual
Interest, the strength of the twu
sides being pretty nearly eipial. Onti
of tho pupils had just spelled such u
long and ililtlciilt word that the others
bad applauded. A the noise oeaood
there w as a scratching sound at one ol
the window s in the rear of the house,
"(io drive that dog away," said Miss
Jarvil Io one of tlie boy. The boy
walked back to the window, shoved up
Die susli, and loaned out lo strike ut
the animal. When he thrust bll bald
Ollt he gave n yell and rushed hack U
tba middle of the room.
Startled by the hoy'a aetlon Mist
Jarvil herself ran toward the window
to see what was the mutter. Itefore
she reached it a black, hulry head w as
thrust into the aperture, ami she plain
ly reoOgnlaed n black bear. The
pupils, too. saw the iiiiimal. Than
wus a -tiiinpede al once. All rushed
for the door, and in a moment wore mil
of the room and the school -house.
Miss Jarvil I a cool woman, nnii
-he retained her coolness. Kht
took cma' of thu younger children and
kept Die crowd together. When slit
saw thai they were not followed by the
bear the alarm subsided,
.lake Woodson, a farmer, lives uhoiil
ii mile from the Mount W eicomoschool
building, ami Miss .larvis informed
him of the raid of the bear. Jake
shouldered hi rifle and. followed by
his nineteen-year-old on Henry, who
had a double-barreled shot-gun, went
to the school-house. He found tht
door open and the bear on his haunches
in the middle of (lie room placidly
chewing several sielllng book anil
first readers. A single shot from
.lake'- rifle dtepatahad him. The beat
was not a laige one and was also very
thin, evidently having Is-nn on ihorl
rations foi some time. Woodson, win,
I un old wiMslsman. ny that tht hear
iiad been forcwd by hunger U cornt
down from the thick forest on the
hill. liuisville Cmiriur-Journal.
-i . a meaty published story book
for boy- tlie author ha a boy thirteen
years old capture three burglars, save
four paraoag from drowning, discover
and put on' a Are. save a city from
inundation and And fifty thousand dollar-
in an alley.
At Adrian. Mich., a lady taw an
engine-house with a steeple, and inno
cently asked a gentleman attend mt:
What church is that?" The gentle
man, iftor reading the sign. "Deluge
No ..." replied: "I gue-s it mutt be
Ibe Third huiltf
A Kailruail Tliat Pag! a tearea
an Osatlaj of un. i
There is ut leut one railroad in the
WUntry thai payi more than a fair re
turn iihiii investment ll runs from a
point on the Iron Mountain railroad,
in Arkansas, lo Hot Springs, in that
Stale It is I went i -two mile long.
and ii cost 1800,000 la the uaual way.
It was narrow gauge when it wua
built, seventeen years ago. and it 1
narrow gauge to-day, though il is Hie
Intention of thg owner to change the
gauge soon, as Hot Springs lose that
orl of patient who i too weak to
stand the fatigue of even u single
On the fronl of each locomotive on
the Hot Springs roud i the coal ol
arms of the owner. Joseph Reynold
It is a large diamond, inside Of which
la die letter "J." To the South
western public, and a large portion of
the We-I al-o. Mr. Reynold is known
as "Diamond Joe." not on account of
the diamonds ha doesn't hut is able lo
wear, but on account of his coat of
IMBa, or. as he calls it. his trade
mark. Before he was known as
Diamond Joe the owner of the title
got his slaii in life from the man w ho
Bret put Jay Qoilld on hi, feet. With
the money advanced by Zailoc Pratt,
late of Prattevllla, this State. Jay
Gould went Into the lanning
business, nut In Wall street, but In
Sullivan County, and Jo eph Hoy nold
emigrated lo Wisconsin and undertook
the raising of wheal. He raised lot
of il and gave hi wheal a market
reputation by marking the sacks in
which it was packed with a largo
diamond inside ol which ana Stamped
a "J." The name he thus got.
Diamond Joe, has stuck to him, and
he is evidently proud of it, for such
property of his as will stand it la
marked, to th s day, in this way:
Hot Springs was small pumpkins
when Diamond Joe paid hi- Bret vlatl
to the plaoa He had made a lot of
money in wheat, and. having worked
hard in the meantime, found his
health not what it should be. A
friend told him there WM some won
derful walei at Hot Springs. He went
there, saw the springs, bathed in the
water. WM made well, nnd concluded
i bat someday Hot Springs would lieu
popular health resort. He concluded
10 yip the Iron Mountain Railroad
with a narrow-gauge road, for
prior lo S7i people who wanted
to roach Hot Springs were compelled,
after they disembarked Prom train
un I he Iron MOUD aiu road, lo reach
Hoi Springs by stage conch, anil neith
er the conch nor the road over which
11 traveled was in the best condition
Diamond Joe obtained n charter from
the Legislature of Arkansas which per
mitted him lo charge each passenger
on his road at the rate of ten cents per
mile until the road wash might within
the limits ui Hot spring,. Diamond
loe oonlincd to charge ten oente per
mile until a couple of years ago. us
tlie terminus of his e nil was jusl out
side the limits of Hot Springs.
A couple of years ago the Legisla
ture, egged mi by phllaathroplete w ho
felt certain that Diamond Joe wits
making loo much money, ,'ompellod
Mr. He nobis lo carry his rum I into
Hot Springs and to reduce his rate to
live cents per mile. Helng a man who
is open lo reason, when it I backed
with IllflaOlenl authority, he obeyed
the order He has not lost money by
the change, for the crowd that visit
Hot Springs is annually growing larg
er, and every atom of it Is compelled
lo travel to and from the springs on
li raond Joe's railroad.
II s little railroad, it I believed hy
men w ho have studied II, has Batted
blm for Rfteen years the sum of dno .
100 per annum On an outlay of fdnn,
"'. a fa r prollt, ut least, us railroads
go. N. V. Tlines.
Mow They Ifeaaeal Tttataaalvtt In Order In
Surprise Their KatlSllli
An experienced savage warrior. In
an emergency, can conceal his dusky
limbs in a tiny bush Ihnt hardly MOtM
large enough to hide a rabbit, and If
no i.i i- li should be at hand, a few stones
will serve the same purpose. In such
warfare, a rifle which will kill at a
range of I'.lino yards Is useless against
a fue who may In- near enough to he
touched, but persistently ktscps out of
,ight. Moreover, at the distance ,if a
few yards, the itssaga' is the most
loudly of weapons Kven while lying
ui the ground a Kafir, with a sort nl
inderhnnd jerk, can propel his waapOB
with a certain aim and wilh deadly
force. 'I here is no report, and no
smoke Isstrays the position of the
thrower, who, as soon as he has struck
his foe, glides off like a snake and seeks
i new ambush In the late Aslnintee
wnr the chief difficulty lag ' the fuel
I that it was scarcely ever issible to
btain more than passing glimpse of
he blaek-skinn d enemy who was llr
ling at the Knglisb soldier from tlie
j lark shad 'W of the hush. I he A-linn-ec
warrior knew better than l4 veil
.ore into o?n ground. They hung on
''he Hank- of the advancing army, and
ept up a close and galling fire from a
! Ilstnlicc of only u few feet, their dark
1 lodies being quite invisible In the
Kven when nrprled in lha open
RMBtry, the dark savage i- at nn loss
or tinsles of concealment, lor ox a ni
ne, the AntraUan ' black fellow" will
mudeiily squnt on the ground, cover
ijjjflronoalag bedy with hi, inu. and
hold one of hit Inng spears upright.
In this position he luok so exactly
like the "blackboy" bush that the
enemy when in pursuit might pass
.within a few yards without delecting
the i in post, ire In Africa nnd India
there are certain tribes which employ
a atill more ingenious mode of conceal
ment, or. rather, of deception their
dark color being an lndis-nsnble ad
junct to the stratagem. When they
gu on their marauding exsslition
they dispense entirely with clothing
and curry nothing but their tlmule
.Wall-Held I'aiKyn,. who ft rea lor U
lung lime in Ahys,inin. nils on one
occasion completely deceived by ,oiha
Marauding Hurea. a tribe wbloh is a
wry I horn in the side of the more cle-
lllaed AbyaelnlajM. Bawai traveling
oxer a plain which had shortly before
before been devastated by a bil-h Urn,
w hen his guide suddenly w arned him
of the pi ne ol the Huron. "All I
saw was a cha red slump of a Iree,
and u few blackened stones lying at ilt
font. The hiinler declared that nellher
the tree nor the stone were there 1 tie
lat time that he peooed, and that they I
were simply nakisl liarea who had j
phi. ed themselves in thut position lo j
observe u. having no doubt seen'
ii for some lime and prepared!
themselves. " Not believing the
guide. Mr. I'arkyns ordered
his parly to move on skiwly while lie
dropped into tlie long grass with hie'
ritle, and crept toward tlieni. When
he was within long range he llred a
shot al the disputed object, and was
considerably startled ut the result,
Then inn., t.i ni i.ii.l - ii iis.i.
w hile the log, and stones jumped ui. I
look to i'i" -rUtw in. :tiiil linn lti
after their oomradea I waa never
more surprised ill my life, for so com-
plate was the deception thai even up
to the time thai I tired I could have
declared that the objeels before BM
were vegetable or mineral-- any thing
but tnlmal ihe fact wa that the
running rn-eals who represented stones
were lying Hat, w ith Iheir little round
shields plaoed before tbotn as screen."
A still more ludicrous Instance of de
ception took place in India. An officer
WH surveying the country, and. Ilnd
lng"hls helmet uncomfortably heavy,
he hung it on the branch of a tree
slump close to where lie was tending.
To his unutterable surprise, the tree
turned a somersault, and. shrieking
with laughter, went off wilh the
helmet. Tho fitct wus that the seem
ing branch wa the leg of a savage
marauder. The man was standing on
his head, and had disposed his legs in j
such ii manner that, aided hy hi
spears w hich did duly for the small I
DOUghs, he hud completely mota
morphoeed his dusky body and limbs
into the semblance uf a dead tree
trunk. ('hautaiuaun.
II.. w lite gaaateaaMs Woman of To-ilay
llerubl. Her Appearance,
The Doming Ol a fashinnable woman
of to-day is heralded by a rattling ol
beads which begin al tier bonnet, drop
to the fringes on bodice or wrap, cling
to her sash-cads and draperies, and
glitter on the lips of her natty French
shoes. The elegant and wholly novel
galloons ami gimp used in new mil
linery are richly wrought with head
lug, and brims, corner pieces, and
deep points, pyramids and arches are
ablaze with these gem-like garnitures.
Some of the superb Venetian and Ro
mao pieces are actually worin their
weight in gold, pure metal thread
being used in the wondrous einbrold-
ery. These trimmings are worked on
foundation as thin as crepe lisso,
which is next in lightne lo the air
itself, leaving little In he seen hut tba
sparkling pendents and row of llnely
cut beads In less expensive millinery
udnrnings. hut still more charming, is
a tidal wave of del iciously perfect
French flowers, which have sent fit'
into the shade the maimed and abnormal-looking
birds and bird-wing,
breasts, heads and feather, these
dull, Mill effigies being Voted pusoe
and unseasonable Tho lovely flower
bonnets In prlnecsse and cupula
shapes, and Ihe picturesque shepherd
ess lints wren hod with race-1 i tiled
rose garlands and foliage, look a if
they had been Imported dti t from
The number and vurlely of small
wraps that have been Invented Is truly
Wonderful. All sorts of small visits,
pelerines, and ihoulderoaPQI are made
Willi silk anil black lace. One model
shows a close plain corsage made of
black Chantlll) net. very long In the
waist ami belted, with sleeves of the
same pattern, but made of flowing luce
just deep enough to reach lo the
elbows. In frnut the bodice turn
back in wide luce rovers over a belted
lb lfV front of the silk net, but beyond
the bell the fiillue form twu scarfs
that fall below Ihe knee on the drest
tkirt. There are a hust of French
wraps made of very costly black net
and laces that are overburdened with
baud-, pendant, shoulder pieces mid
panel ornaments of real cut jet. Ac-oonllon-plaited
olerlno for slender
women are exhibited, these wilh capo
collars of jet and long Ahbc (ialant
fronl. There are boidc inuny wim
ple shaped llchu and shawl capes of
black or white lace, crossed al tho
front with medium long tabs or ends.
Small visiles and mantillas of all
shinies are also made of black lace
combined witli repped silk ribbon and
beaded In gold steel or jet. In place1
of luce, in combination with the rib
bon, one of the many varieties of open
work silk tissues which are used for
dresses and wraps, i also employ oil
These an- trimmed witn double rushes
of luce set along the edges and around
the neck. -N. Y. Poet
I ho system ot asplialt paving Intro-
du I so extensively iii I'arlt has
proved, It would seem, admirably
adapted for the great driving streets,
but not so well for those subjected to
heavy business traffic, und among the
advantages principally attributed to It
are tho-e of homogeneity of material.
noi-elessnes, perfect surface drainage
and the readiness with which the
rood -way can be repaired: that 1. as
suming that the asphalt material it of
giMsi quality . instead of the unreliable
compositions consitttlng of crude min
eral tur or manufactured tar mixed
with pulverized mineral of earth. In
all reliable asphalt pavement the
asphnltiim rook is heated to :'"o or '.'12
degree- i s CI Ull pi easi-d while hot. Und
when cool assumes all the essential
qualities of the original ns-k. It
apK-arr that so satisfactory ha this
kind of improved pavement proved In
Kerlin that already some ifiD.OUO
square metres of road end streets are
now i-overed with It. ltt Armness ol
wear aa well aa all other qualities, It a decided preference. N. T.
an Aeeeaat "f ii' tri f tenirii..i.iiam
nil Hum II la rerlorii.e.l.
Ventriloquism Is a kind of vocal
mimicry by which un lllii-i.n, coi.ceiu
Ing the origin nnd direction of tho
voice is prodiie. d The etymology of
the word, from venter, the Mly, .in. I
Impair, lo speak, Indicates the IiI.m.
formerly held concerning the manner
In which the sound it produ 1. It It
now, however, well known thai tbf
sound disss not proceed from the abdo
men. The art wits known lo tlie an.
ciciita, but not being under. Ion. I uy
them. It was supposed to indicate tint
pre.enee of a familiar spirit, or de
mon, which resided In the internal or
ganism of the speaker. The prohibi
tion, against the ii,.. of familiar -pir.t
In Ibe I iw of Moses are believed tn 1st
directed against this practice, and
the Hebrew phrae translated, "having
a fit mi I lit r spirit." signifies lntheorig
Inal. "speasing from the belly." Tho
i""1"- "c -
-.reeKS were nio-i pioo.ouy
veutriliMiiisni. Uy this
diviners and soothsai. r-
',b,"ln,Hl m" v"r "."
i t I i it.. . t ti .
'""" l-'l""...-.-. ... s,o .,
neuntu pwnoiincfHi nonius.
i them by the Levitieitl law. the, flour-
Ished among the Hebrews as well as
among other nations. It wa sup
posed for SUiny years after Ihe old
superstitions concerning Ihe art had
passed away that some peculiar eoa
rormalion of tba rooaJ organ was
necessary for ventriloquism, but It
has been ascertained that in reality
nn such peculiarity Is needed, ami thai
ihe ventriloquist sneaks, in practicing
his art, in precisely Ihe same manner
ut in ordinary articulations. "The
only difference." says Dr. Hammond,
"is in the mode of respiration. A
very full Inspiration Is taken, ami then
the uir I expired slowly through a
MtrrOWed glottis, the diaphragm lielng
i kept in il depressed OOndltlOl and
! the thoracic muscles alone being ltd
' to empty the luni-s." This can bo dona
without moving 't lower jaw and
with bat slight mocvsment al theVpfi If at the same tune '.he nttcitlon
of the hearer Is directed by ekillfiil
and natural gesture away from the
VOOtl HoqiiUt mid toward the polut
which he wishes lo have regarded as
the source of the voice, the decept ion
i usually complete. To quote from
Dr. MamnOad again: "It is ut all
limes difficult to determine the source
of lOUOds hy Ihe hearing alone, nnd
lha only mean by which the tinessIsV
ed car can form uu Idea of the distance
of a SOUnd I hy estimating its Intens
ity." Il Is therefore said that for suc
ct ss in this nrl the venlrlhnpil-t only
need, keen ereeitions, nn ear deli
cately altuned In the variations ol
sound produced by distance or direc
tion, nnd a strongly developed talent
for mimicry. With these qiialtfloa-
I tloos any one oan develop skill tn van
Iriloqiiisiu hy pruel Ice. Chicago Inler-
A l. i Iteeeltll) Olaeovereil Hi
Und Hi. Dorsetshire.
The existence of the phenomenon ol
musical sand bus recently been discov
ered at Btttdlaad Km . Dorsetshire, ami
reported upon by Mr. ( 'anis-Wilson,
K iS.. lo Ihe lloiirnomoulh Society of
Natural Science. Sliidlnnil Hay mu
sical sand Is comKMod chiefly of quart
grains, more or late rounded, ami to
tome extent pullshed. but many are
angular. Al various points between
the Ferry and Stiidlnnd there are
patches of sounding sand which have
Im'cii seperalcd fl-oni the liner grain
both by wind ami wave action. When
Hie foot I drawn oyer the surface,
these mind give nut a musical mile.
In walking over it in the ordinary
manlier a tingling sens ilion is felt, a
of . .in ni inns communicated to Ihe
In i.l i Some of Ihe layers are far more
musical when the surface is rubbed
than when It Is struck. The coarsest
grains are found to emit the ileeMl
note. I In, mimical sand is to be dis
tinguished from the bedded sands,
which, in the same locality, are sim
ply sonorous, und not musical, as also
from the ro k known as phonolite, or
"clinkstone" In it 'slnglng-boueh,"
the musical notes are produced hy the
friction of the separate grains, mid not
as in Ihe phonolile from Ibe -nlld
rock II tnuy Im remembered that
I thirty-live years ago Hugh
Miller drew attention to ktsdlsooverj
of musical sand at the liny of In
the romantic llc uf Kigg. Hugh Mil
ler descrila-d the Kigg musical sand a
being derived from the disintegration
of the beds of uolitic sand-stone. To
the ordinary observer, musical sand
presents the same appeatunce as any
oilier white sand, the musical ami the
mule being frequently Indistinguish
able when placed side by side on the
sen beach; bul under the microscope
il I, seen (but the grains of the mu
sical snnd have had their angles
rubbed off by natural attrition, their
siirfuees liuving become Ismulifiilly
polished; that they are more or less
uniform In size, and thai, unlike other
sands, they are erteclly cleiin and
free from tine particles or any
coating of adherent substances which
produce the friction and consequently
the sounds. leisure Hour.
After each rain the ground should
be cultivated lightly in order to prs.
vent evitMtratlon of moisture. The
loose dirt serves aa a covering and
ahield, the earth from Ihe direct of
feets of drying wind and the heat ol
the sun.
Ilinls are the close and persistent
friends of farmers, and farmers ought
lo be grateful and constant protector
uf birds.
-A c ti.en of Carthage. Mo., has In
bis sum nn original price list of
slave. Ihe property of Jeff Davis'
brother Iwfore the waa Tho lit! em
hra oi names ,,f lMth -exes, rang
ing from infant, lo the aged titriarch.
HabieH are quoted at $100. children of
twelve years at (ADO. able-bodied wom
en tann. nnd thrifty farm hands at
(I. loo. A man fifty years of age waa
worth hut gSlMMt, while an old blind
w.'inan wan set dnwn ut aero. Hus
band and wife are quoted separately.
The drs'iiment is queer reading tn ihu
present ceaeriU"