The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 29, 1889, Image 7

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a roll.
TV undersign i piiii-i.iu u( Kngioo,
am Wttwiail iinro.iKo( both
,,p,fessiou ml Iko 1'iililic will I nul.
" rvr,i iij harmony and a fiyo llmmuo n(
."Lmbi ktuoihj iiri llii'. -r- .f mcdi-tm and
th.t th- ,n1, t"n """P"'' t bjr
be fi.miatiou of a ialcul society, do hrrr.
hr invite their fellow I ikOMM to meet with
,i..m hi ibe office "I Koykcndull ,V Puytou,
IU' M .1 i.l .1.... ..f I.. I.. lUull . M
thin city, oo i"" ix, ai .i i
in.. low luu P "'I''"'0 "' organizing mrh
Joeiety lo' "')'
We conceive tbe title of physician to he nn
lit lor mw whwui
notioisble 00,1 "Ul' profession is not
,i,ceptiblc of division into schools, dogma
or mWH sects. There cau be tint ontt
wieuce of oJilllOi nd 'he troe disciple nf
ibat mUmq in ot llWiljr, b ovm bound lo
SoMOek lu itoWlWMOO uatnre fur thai
which will cure 1 it?nj. We would uot limit
him iu U is MOnh nor in tbo application 0
priuciplc. 01 products lliua discovered, hut
... do uk bin to iillow every other prnc
tiiUmei tbe MM privilege, Hiid cutting loose
from all ciitds "putbiia,'' or exclusive dug
was, p OOl upon the liroud plHlfoiiu of
ni, i.tific uiidicino and accept the ainipli- tint
biiborallc title of pin siciau.
To every iroctitWIM r of medicine iu Lane
cunuly, who endorses these views and who
can pfWMOl n diploma from a regular inedi
cal college, or other proper evidence of qual
ification to practice inodiciue, we extend a
mult cordial invitation to meet with tin ul the
.hove named lime and place.
T. W. Habbis,
F. W. Pbentick,
E. D MoKr.NNiv,
W. T. MiMciitrt,
KramMu k PaiToit,
J. J. McDoNAI.h,
D. A. Paink,
Kailroatl News.
A San Francisco dispatch of June .: Ith
eon: The dispatch from Portland last night
announcing thai the Southern Pacific Com
pany had bought the narrow gauge liueaof
the m'i Kailway Company in Oregon
wan eonAmwd IO duv at the general ofhc of
the Siiu'h-ru I u'ltl'' I oinpany in thu city
The general understiiuding here is that fob
lowing tins late piireaitiH the company will
build two iuiportanl branches to complete
Ibmr local system One that Ibeothcrrsof
the company have discmsed for some time
rat is a branch from Corvnllis through
Monr.'e to Junction Ottjf. The other hrunch
will he nothing else than a line to Astoria
ffoa Forest (trove. At thu company's of
fices here no lofOfTH'tloO be given con.
.en. it-,- the load, but it is siid that it is will
ing to advance money to the Astoria ic South
t'ot Hiilway lo build it. The two new
Mads, like all th" others the company owns
in Oregon, are in he operated under the
names of the lines in Oregon.
An Albany dispatch of the same date has
the following information: A contract was
lei to day at Corvallis to J. S. Antnnelle and
L'iring H. Doe, of San Francisco, for Don
Htruciing twenty miles of mod eastward on
the Oregon Pacific Railroad. The contract
begins five miles this side of the tunnel com
menced last winter and exteu Is to uithiu a
lew miles of the summit of the Cascade
mountaius. Woik will be commenced at
Trail Shooting'.
The following is the programme of the
Rtiootiug match to lake place on the club
grounds in Whitney's addition on July Ath.
beginning at 1:30 P. M
Fiist event Fifteen single peorin black
birds, three traps, eighteen yards rise. En
trance $1, birds included. Fust prize, $7 SO;
second, $2 'ill; third, hunting coat, donated
by Horn & Paino
Second event Nine singlea and three
pairs poo Has, three traps; singles eighteen
and pairs fifteen yards rise. Entrance, $1,
birds included. First prize, $7 50; second,
J2 50; third, cartridge belt, donated by Bar
ker Gnu Works.
Third event Fifteen single peorin black
birds, three traps, eighteen yards rise. Eu
Irauce, $1, birds included. First prize, fii;
second, 32; third, one box of Chamberlain
cartridges, donated by conrnittee.
Every shooter in the valley is invited to
participate. After the matches there will be
a sweepstakes shooting.
School Directors' HertiBf,
An adjourned meeting of the board of di
rectors of school district No. I, Lane county,
Or., was held in their office iu Eugene, July
21, 1889.
The boord gave notice that sealed bids
would be received at this office nutil
July 5, 1889, for twenty cords foui-foot oak
and twenty curds foill -foot fir wood, lo be
tkliftrod and piled in rear of school house.
Teachers for the ensuing year were elected
as billows: First grade, J. M. Williams, at
llUOj Mooted, Alice Dorris, C0; third, T.
M. MtHln, $i;0; fourth. , J"0; fifth, A.
Osic WsJton, Mj sixth, Anun Taylor, S0;
seventh. J -mil e McCluic, Sod; iighlh, Kmuio
Cbse, $50; assi-tatit iu t ighlh, Nellie Snod
grass, $11).
Adjourned till July 5. 1880. at 2 o'clock
P- U J. H. MpOMMi Cbsiriuun.
Gzo. F. OlAW, (tk
Miss Isabel Phr-lps Wanted.
Postmnsler Osburu has handed us the
following b iter .
London, Ohio, June 15, '80.
To the Emitnt xmtma8ter: A letter just re
turned to me, written to Miss Isabel Phelps
i Eugene City, Oregon). I have this day re
ceived. Will yon kindly inform me if you
know an wliing of this lady. I have re
ceived letters from her in January last, sent
from your city, but have liecu nimble to com
municate with her since that month. She is
my sister aud I am vety nuxioua to hear from
or about her. Any "information or clue
whereby I could bear of her will be grate
fully remembered. Please do what you can
for me in Ibis very trying moment.
Truly, Mas Akkmtk Phklps Lixioln.
Sale at Public Auction of the Mckenzie
Notice is hereby given that the McKenzie
warehouse, with two lots 100x100 feet, the
cleaning apparatus and a horse power, will
he sold at auctiou to the highest bidder, at
the warehouse iu Eugene. Oregou, Satnrday,
the Gth day o( July, 188V, at 1 o'clock in the
Terma: Onr-balf cash down, and one
bait on time on note with interest secured
by mortgage. Thos. Edwabds, Pres.
It. H. 11 a 1,1.. vv, Sec.
Voti.o r,..i.iiiN
Bida for the carpenter work aud painting j O. A. R- encampment, wusen meei. . ani
on a school bouae in Distriot No. 1, Pleas- wsukee iu August.
Ml Hill, will I, received by tbe undersigned corvallis Times: An old river captain,
ontil July i, iggg. pftn, in(i .pacification! j who has navigated all tbe atretms in this
a. n l seen .1 H... ... . .. , .,, h l. sa lover Mure lift be
ft. . .
me rtgnt to reject
bida is re-
"sj. Address
I'!. ,-
ant Hill, Laue Co., Oregoo
Som What lit call-em's. Tbo Jnoctioo
J-'ty Pilot ia not favorably impressed with
jkoodgear of aotde of the Uoirorsity stu
" It rises to remark: Wo were of the
opinion Ihe circus had exploded a
Portion of iiaclf when we sow some young
M running at large oo the streets with
JJJ5 boards on iheir heads. Upon in
2'rj w. learned that they did not belong
"the circm ontnt. but were employees oo
9 "cauonsl ranch at the eaat aide of the
sTasjsJisj giri H wsnted lo do
Jrl bouae work. Inquire at ibe resv
of Chat Laner for further information.
Henderson, deutial.
Read our supplement.
305 inmate io the pcnilentiary.
Bummer bit. at ih. Miaae. Walton.
Tame blackberries are in the merket.
Next Tburadsy (. the Fonrtb of July
Tbe Hook and Udder Co. meets ntxl
Monday evening. "
(i McKooil. rlw (tout Id lb. market .lno.t
Screen dnnrs ,m,l
. 7 -
windows for sale st
Parln-r Ilookt eichmuMl r .
Store iMUktuO -"rur
' . ' J
Ask your iirocer for "
It ia
An advertisement of the 8UU
appears in Ibis issue of the Ocaid.
The BOM Hed Lounge, the best lounge in
the market, manufactured by U. D. Brown.
Mr (Jeo F Craw has the aole aireocy tm all
ontth of the clehraUd Tanall Punch Cigara
Sec Barker's ad in the supplement Bar
ker is a rustler aud is bound to get there.
Take your produce to the Pacific Tea Co
mid get the beat pricoa.
Smoke the Happy Houra 10 cent while
lubor ciir of Markua 4 Co.
Hot and cold hutha every day in the week
at Jerry Hern's barber abop.
W are in the lead, never behind. Always
k-et there. City Bakery and restaurant.
Dr. Scott's Electric Coraeta at Eaitcrn
prices. For sale only at t.. Beltm in 's.
Preatou wants you to come and aee bio
addles aud heavy team harness.
Before storing or selling your oata aee A.
. Peters. Cleau Chevalier barley wanted.
Try our cream puffi, City Bakery.
lteinember wa deliver every thing with our
own POfoo, City Bakery.
E. C. Lake, marble cutter and dealer io
monuments, shop ou Eighth street, Eugene.
Dress hats and bonnets in lace and
straw, and street and ahade bale at the
Misses Walton.
The Eugene Hercnlea cigar two for 25
cents is the best. Manufactuied by the
Kugene Cigar Factory.
Cop is! CVtrpoUll 8. H. Friendly haa
JOjt received a large and varied assortment.
He WW suit yon.
The front of the Baker hotel baa re
eeived a coat of fresh paint, greatly improv
ing its appeiiinnce.
A large nuuilajrof our citizens will Lave
for the mount. dus and sea coast immediately
after the Fourth of July.
The "Cuban" uud "Yarru" cigara at Horn
A- Paiue's. Tryihem;tbey are the tost in
the market for the money.
Wa acknowelge the receipt of a compli
mentary ticket to a hall to be given al Al
bany, July 4lh, by F. Co , O. N. O.
Use Oregou Electric Relief for nil pain,
inUrna) or external, Ask your druggist for
Oregon Electric Relief. It will help you.
All kinds of fancy, dress and dry goods
)Ul K d ived from the East, which must be
sold at i. nee. Cull at Betlm in's aud exam
ine. Gen. Beadle bus resigned the snperinten
dt in y ul the ludisu tiaiuing school at Che
mini. The Oregon delegation in Congress
will recommend G M Irwin of Uniou.
Rev. P. 8. Knight of Salem preached
moiniug and evening at lthinehart's ball
Sunday. A Congregational church was or
ganized starling with a membership of 37.
Goldsmith, the grocer, haa just received
from the East one of the largest assignments
of lamps ever brought to Eugene. He will
sell them at piicea that defy competition.
Mnlgley A- Parker at their factory on Nth
street, east of the mill race, manufacture and
keep for sale, doors, windows, frames,
mouldings, etc. Estimates furnished oo ap
plication. Carpets o' every style and grade at Friendly'-
These carpets have juat arrived aud
hove been well selected lo meet the demands
of this market. Call aud examine his varied
Take warning all you furmers that have
summer fallow to work go and get one of
Panic's Boss Cultivators, and slop your
fouling. The Boss does the biz and don't
yon forget it.
Dr. W. V. Henderson haa returned from
Chicago, where be took u course of lectures
and instruction in the latest methods of
dentistry. Call and see him at his office if
yon are in need of work.
Bird Wells shiped eleven young Chinese
pheasants to bnokane Falls yesterday. They
were purchased by C B King for $50 and
will be given their liberty on bis ranch near
Spokane. Corvallis Times.
8. H. Friendly keeps the largest aud best
assortment of clothing, ladies dress goods,
hats, etc. He is continually addiug the
latest aud newest styles to bis stock. His
prices are fixed to suit the times.
The last legislature changed tbe time of
making tbe abstract of mortgages from the
first of August to the first of July, and all
mortcaaes which have been paid and not
satisfied will bo listed for oooesoment.
The best faaiily remedy is undoubtedly
Pfnnder's Oregon Blood Purifier. It may
be safelv given to the infant aa well as to the
adult, and it ill give relief where other
medicines fail to do so. Keep it in tbe house.
Porrj Poindexter haa located a ranch at
the future l.rwel) of the Northweat, viz:
Nlcbblaville, the placo at which the 0. P.
survey crosses the Deschutes. Perry thinks
there are niilli ns in it.-Prineville Renew.
Tbe ladies should call at J. D. Matlock's
store and examine that beautiful aud care
fully selected stock of ladies dreas goods.
Spriug and Summer putterns of the latest
styles, aud quality to suit the buyer.
You can never know till you try. bow
quickly a dose of Ayer's Pills will cure your
sick headache. Your stomach and bowels
need cleansing, and these pills will accom
plish it more effectuslly and comforUbly
than any other medicine you cm find.
The masons are at work on the foundation
of A. Hani's new brick building. When
completed, one-hslf of tbe building will be
occupied bv Mr. Hunt's boot aud shoe store
and the other half by J. O. Watts as a jew
elry store.
The University Book-tore' bandies new
and staple there are 00 MM J
the market. Everything is fresh Slid clean.
There is no need of trumping up ancient hell
worn drug; no reduced prices d'-lge or other
kimlred devices, and no imitating other par
ties' advertisements or facilitiea.
Clothing. booU and shoeo just at rived
from New York, al 0. Bettmon a. Will be
sold cheap for the next 30 days.
E B. McElroy, State nupenuicuuem ul
the first of tbe
rubuc ncuoois. w. iu --
He was collecting spe.
. II ' - iiii.IIN Of LTSiS.
I f .l nihe iiniilllets to
weea tie was nsu -- .
BSISWI. r . . if. i
'eD ,he Willamette and Ihe Columbia rivers
seen ine ,.ium. . ,.
so low in June as are now. It has always
Inen calculate-l nv .learn ou.l
"g ,he isesent month there wookl b. lots
of wsler iu the nvers.
.Sandy" Olds will have to be tried again
,or morier of Emil Webor. at Portland,
h ory before -bom he
heei, n lable to agiee opoo o verdict Tbey
MM 52 "early thirty boora. and iWrt
tie tor cooviction and four tm tqUl.
At one time tbe vote stood octoii to ftve.
A summer m.d l. ojbt "2
l-tween Fr.oev.ll. sod M Mgt,
.be.e u -oold coooect th tM
n.,,1 ,oc..e thu. making ,53
!., -f l wosnd bssmncn morwi
...... i the oreut roundabout
Lby -.J"! lb.D.11..
Pnueville Xesrs.
mt l' .rtland
Horn's addition to Eugene.
Hammer bote at tbe Band Box.
Thursday it tbe lib uf July.
Timber laud notices numerous
Senator Mitchell baa returned to Portland.
I Call on Dr. Hbelton for cheap building
Improvement- are being made til over Eu
gene The stages for Florence are loaded with
passengers every trip.
Mrs. Wheeler, tbe faith doctor, haa beeo
very aick but is recovering.
Ice . to-day and for tbe rest of lbs
seaaou at City Bakery aud Rcetauranl.
For the best and cheapest epring beds and
loungea go lo R. D. Brown'a.
A fine line of silk plushes in all ebades
and grades at F. R. Dunn's
Bibleaand New Tealamenta at Eugene
Book store, formerly Collier's.
Guitar and violin strings at Eugene Rook
Store, formerly Collier.
0 W Young baa let the ooutract for 100,
000 brick lo Joseph Bradford
A marriage license was issued to M L Wil
mot and E J Churchill Thursday.
Five too ol ice were received io Kugene
from the Albany ice works Wednesday.
Flags from three inches to fifteen feel long
at Eugene Book 8tore, formerly Collier's.
A few choice lots for sale iu Ellaworth'a
addition to Eugene. Apply to Dr. McDonald.
SB , .
' invite ine tallies to come anil see onr
stock of summer goods al the Band Box.
Egga. 15 eta; butter, 15; wheal, 60;
wool 21.
Havaua Cigar clippiugs for (he pipe at the
cugene uigar rectory.
Sheet music and music hooka at Eugene
nooa ntore, tormerly Collier a.
Joaquin Miller, the Oregon poet, will
shortly visit relatives in Lane county and
Junction City haa f700 in tbecily treasury
and the question of a water supply is being
The Kattic comedy company played to o
light bouse at Rhinehart'a Theatre Thurs
day evening.
Tbe new shiugle mill is about ready to
commence operations. Timber is on the
way down the river.
O T. Porter, formeilv editor of a paper
published in Junction City, hss been ap
pointed 0i S. Marshal of Alaska.
From June I, TO. First-class Cabinet pho
tos will he i'i per dozen st the studio of
F. A. Rankin.
Oil paiutiuKs, picture fiames, wall brack
ets, clock shelves, hat and cloak racks, win
dow pales, etc., at K. D. Browu'a.
If I lie raiu does uot continue the cutting
of early grum in some instances will com
mence next week. The present will be the
earliest harvest for many yeara.
The Odd Fellows have contracted with
Bradford ft Lee for SlHl.OOO brick to use in
the new three story temple that will be built
on Willamette street this summer.
Henderson tbe dentist has returned fully
prepared lo attend to til difficult cases of
dentistry. Office iu same uld quarters, up
stairs iu First National Bank block.
J. B. Con m in thought when his hotel
burned that the wurst had been done, but he
found out tint inisfoitiines never come
singly. Some one recently stole his well
from the lot where the hotel stood. That
man should succeed in the world .
Fourth of July Race.
Arrangements have been made for a free
foi all one-balf mile -ingle daah race on the
Fourth of July, at 2:30 o'clock in the after
noon, on tbe fair ground race titck. Bingo
tnd Pappoose are barred, but all other
horses are free to enter for tbe purse, which
is $100. We are informed that several horses
will compete for the purse and an interest
ing race may lie expected.
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given thnt the co-partnership
heretofore existing between tbe under
signed under the firm name of Bradford,
Todd & Lee, has been this day disaolrod, A
Todd retiring from the firm. Bradford A'
Lee will pay all indebleduess and collect all
accounts due the firm. Joskph BlAnroto,
A. Todd,
J. Lis.
Dated at Eugene June 20, 1880.
An OnrooN Boy. -Oregon ia represented
in the organization of the United States
Senate by an Oregou boy. H. H. Gilfry,
the chief legislative clerk and reader of tbo
senate, was l-u n in Oregon snd educated at
Willamette thiiveraity. His fulber settled
iu Lane county, at Creswell, in early times,
and though over 70 is still hale and active
and engaged iu trade Henry Oilfry waa
Oorernor Orover's secretary j ears ago, and
has always been a Democrat. He is so well
qualified for his present position aud baa
made himself so personally popular that
there is no danger of his losing his senate
positiou. Gilfry tuairicd an Easleru lady
and has a young family. Ho enjoys coming
back during con gressional vacations, and be
finds many old friends to greet him warmly,
as has been done during bis recent visit to
his old home. Oregon ian.
Remains Rxmoved. Albany Herald, June
26: Dr. Geary, of Hulsey, on last Thursday
removed the remains of his slater from the
graveyard near Brownsville to Eugene Cily,
where be re-interred it by tbe Bide of other
relatives buried there. Oo digging into tbe
grave the corpse, which had been buried
over 24 years was found to still retain some
features by which it could be recognized.
The diess and hair looked very natural.
Tbe coffiu, with the exception of tbe lid
waa sound and showed no signs of decay,
t cedar board having been placed in tbe bot
tom of the grave, was still sound, wblcb
undoiititeedly hsd something to do with the
soundness of the coffin.
What Is It? A geullemsn clsimi to have
seen s singular-looking monster on the other
side of the river, opposite Ihe west end of
Skinner's butte, tbe other day. He described
it aa about four feet in length, with o bock
four iucbes a. i - like a snake, and a lolly
like a lizxard. It hud short fiopperi, with
feet Ibe sixe of s small haod, and in travel
ing went part of the time on its feet, then
craw led like a suake. It bad a large mouth.
When pursued it went into a hole. We do
uot vouch for Ibe tiutb of tbe story, but the
narrator is a reliulde, sober man, aod ia oot
addicted to the use ol tbe atimulant that is
aaid to be productive of snakes of extraordi
nary shapes, colors and fsncies.
A Cioccs Aixideht. Ooe of the Japanese
contortionists came near having s serious
aocideot after tbe circua and during the con
cert peiformaoce at ttalem, says tbe Capital
Journal It was one of ibe little fellows.
He walked to the top of tbe ladder coo-.
structed of shsrp-edged .word.. 1'bia be
did cicely, aod upoo arriving at th.- top of
the ladder be doubled bia body in a knot. I
A. be waa antying himself he lost bis bal
ance and fell to tbe platform below, alight
ing on bia bead. He was I a lly braised, aod
bis i.. was perbapa broken.
New Meat Maout. Note tbo od. of
Boebm k Rrsuooer, of tbe oeyr meat market
near tbe corner of Eighth and Olive strswts.
Tbey have bad Urge experience in me nusi
waa, especiallv in tbe making of oil kind,
of aooaagea. tbe beat of beef, mottoo. pork, ,
etc , kept constantly oo oaua.
Bated toe Wbueot -One of tbo wttiot
acts that waa pot io execotion daring the
great Seattle Are waa when too fire started,
Hoteliog ft Co. rolled I0U barrel, of whiskey
into lb. boy to osi it. Two barrels we're
drowned; lbs rest is all soft.
Hi vtcf Items.
June 45. lBo!.
Tbe Dexter school closed oo Ibe 21st.
Alleo Parker visit. d Caswell lsst Sunday.
Mrs. Davis of Creswell is visiting at Mr.
Barbre'a this week.
Mias Nellie llonaaker is vi.iiiug relatives
in Eugene Ibis week.
Messrs. Ed aud Louie Morgan, ol W'in
berry, speul Sunday in Dexter.
Jesse Holbrook, of Egypt, was visiting
friends here Saturday nd Sunday.
Mrs. Minnie I'sHinou. of Creswell, is vis
iting with her mother, Mr-. Addington.
Mr. J B. Crnzan ami family, nf Clowi
dale, ia visitiug with bis brother, L. Cruzaii.
Mr. T. J. Shelly and family are again res
idents of Dexter, he being engsged in road
Mr. Tbos. II nnsaker is engaged iu build
ing an addition lo the dwelling house of C.
M Parker.
Mr. C. M. Williams, of Silver Lake, ia in
the valley al present. He was accompanied
hither by the Miaaes Foster.
The files iu the mountains ate causing the
wild beasts lo migrate toward the valley, a
congar having killed one or more hoga for
Mr. Cruzan. OnkEtkOi'en.
The Vancouver Fire.
Fire swept through Ibe business section ot
Vancouver, W. T., Friday night, destroying
tbe priucipal part of four blocks ol frame
buildings lying al and westol Maiu street.
The total 'loaa is about 50.000, possibly
$60,000,00 which there is a small portion of
insurance, a good proportion of which ia in
Seattle companies There were two fires
during the night, both undoubtedly of in
cendiary origin. At 1130 o'clock tbe nighl
walcbmau in tbe vicinity ot the old Catholic
church discovered M imes in tbe ruius (they
were liltle more Accordiug to his stste
menl Asincs spread like wild fire, aud the
amoke was heavy ith an odor of burning
petroleum lie lind Ins revolver as an
alarm and the city fire department as well as
that from the garrison quickly responded.
There were but few iusnrauce risks iu the
burned district held by Oregou companies or
insurance companies represented in Portland.
!,' s, III! inns of Ut'spivl.
Passed by the Alumni Aaaociation of
University id Oregon, June 20, 1880:
Wiikoias, Deatb has invaded our rauks
and stricken dowu our dear friends, claas
mates and brother Aluiiini J. C. Whileaker
and Geo. S. Wnshburtie; therefore
lirmJrtit, That in the death of ouribnr
brothers J. C. Whileaker and Geo S. Wash
burne, this Association has lost two of its
most honored aud respected members. That
while the cbaira of these dear brothers are
vacaut and their happy faces greet us no
more, we shsll ever hold them dear in mem
ory and in heart.
ffeaof" , That M extend our sympathies
lo the parents, families and relatives of our
departed brothers, and that these resolutions
be spread upon Ibe records of this Associa
tion, and (hat a copy of the same bt pub
lished sod that a copy of tbo same be sent to
their widows.
All parties owing uie will please cull at
once aud settle, us 1 have decided lo remove
Srtnaoently from Eugene ufter the next
ctobur term of Circuit Court. I will re
main until then for tbo purpose of scttl'
up all iintiuished busiueas.
Mr. A. E. (iallagher, formerly ot '
Wisconsin, will ocoupy the office
occupied by me over Ibe Lane Cd? , ,
Mr. Gallagher comes highly recouin7o-0j. '
an attorney of skill sud ability, und "
mend him lo all my clients aa iu even 'bsi
. . .i... ... i ... i . . , -
iiusiwuriuy ami cuiui'cicui in mioooo- -legal
business. J. E. Ff.nton.
Dated Jane 29, 1880.
To the Theatre-Going- People.
T he Maltie Vickers Company, who appear
for one night iu Jacquiue or Puslu or Dia
monds, is u first-class company, a company
that will please everybody. The play will
be produced just oa iu Sau Francisco or Chi
cago. I can porsoually guarantee this com
pany to be all it is advertised. To all I cau
promise you a rare treat such as you very
seldom see in Eugene. Encourage tbe best
couipsnies to visit us agaiu Rcspct.,
J. B. Rhinkhakt.
Law Chanoe. Mr. J. E. Fcutou has dis
posed of his law office and busiueas to Mr.
A. E. Gallagher, recently from Wiaconsiu.
Mr. Gallagher spent the time from 1881 lo
1887 ou Ibis const and is a graduate of tbo
law school of (he University of California.
He comes to Eugeue highly recommeuded.
Mr. Feuton haa ruado many friends and built
up a good law practice during his residence
among us aud many will regret his depart
ure. He haa uot yet fully decided on his
future localiou but the best wishes of our
people will go with him.
Died. Mrs. Muhala Spencer, wife
of Mr. 8. H. Spencer, died ul Iho
family residence near Irving, Thursday,
Thursday, June 27, 1880, aged Oti years ami
4 days. She was married lo her husbaud iu
1817 in Missouri, and came lo Oregou uud
Laue county iu 1854. She leaves two sons
and three doughlera. Tbe funeral will take
pluce from the funiily residence to-day, to
the Masonic cemetery of Eugene
Ground Ci.kabed. Rankin's millinery
store has been moved to the back end ol the
lot to make room for the new brick. Misa
Rankin will conduct tbe business iu the
buildiug as usual. Sheltou's building, ad
joining, was loru down, and the Minnesota
hotel will be moved lo its quarters near Ihe
depot shortly.
Died. Mrs. Florence Donnell, wife of J.
M. Donnell, died at Roseburg, Wednesday,
of consumption, aged about 30 years. The
maiden nam. of the deceaaed was lies and
abe apent the yeara from childhood to wom
anhood iu Eugene. Tbe remains were
brought here and oo Thursday morning
were interred beeide her deceased child in
the I. O. O. F. cemetery.
The Haiioei oe.- A grand feature of Ihe
Fourth of July celebration iu Eugene will be
tbe barbecue. Roast meat wi'l bo furnished
iu abundance and of Ihe best quality, an
experienced hand has been engaged lo sq
periutend Ihe work of cooking the meat.
To no Bold. In tbia issue will be found
the uotioe ol the sale of Ibe McKensie ware
house aud two lots upon which it stands It
is o valusble piece of property uud should
bring a good prli
is Saturday, Jul;
nee. ine day lor the auction
ly Cth.
Coosa Ti nsel. The Blue Bivor Mining
Company uf Eugene haa decided lo let a
contract for a cross tunnel from the end of
tbo present tunnel, to ruo twenty-five feet to
Ibe left au.l aevenly-five feet to tbo right, or
oniil Ihe ledges owned by Ibem are cnt.
Diocoaboed. D. C. Bruce was brought
from Juuctiou Monday sud bad ao examina
tioo before the couoly court, c halved with
insanity Alter au examination the board
concluded that bis condition would not war
rant o oommitmeot to tbe asylum
Wtll Kekote Messrs Kitehio sud Bol
ton have purcbaaed the machinery of tb
Cobnrg aaab and door factory aod will mov
Ihe same to Roseburg 'here they will start iu
the business.
' Loot In this city, Toayvodoy. a gold j
breastpin, black eDomebd. Fioder will be 1
rewarded by Tooling suae at thto ottoo.
Damage 8trn.--Dr L M Davis boo aned
Oeo B Wood at Walls Walla for $10,000
damage lor slander
Mohawk Picking-.
Juno 27, lofty.
I got left all around Sunday. Oeo. 8.
Mr A T Miller, of Trent, visited this place
Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Fiank Stafford weut to Harriaburg
; Saturday, returning Mouday.
Mr and Mrs N P Hammilt visited with
relatives at Irving Satnn'ay and Sunday,
i Mias Lena Stafford recently relumed from
Tacoma, where she has been atlendiug
scnooi lor several nionlbs past.
Rev. Mr. Skipworth, of L banou, will
pr, ach al the Baxter school house on Sun
day next. Itiaket dinner will lie had on
tbe ground.
Hr. Mary Baxter made a ybM viait to
Eugene last Saturday afternoon, returning
at the still hour of midnight. The cause for
such proceeding is euveloped ill mystery.
Mr. Win Miller began a term of school
at the M da I di-tii -t Mi n In last Mr. M
is un efficient pedagogue at well as a good
journalistic correspondent, having been al
one lime our associate in this vicinity.
A dance waa given at th r. si 1, MO t Mr
J M Spores i n the evening of the l.'ilh A
goodly number ot the lovers of the "light
fantastic" w. re piesent and report having
i njoyed themselves lo their hearts' content.
Mr. G.o. Croiierand Mi-s Annie Davis,
of Kugene, visited al the r. -idt nee ol Mr
Ed Howe hist Sunday. Geo. thinks be will
wait for a seaaou of lain before he visits this
place again. So thick was he covered with
dust that one might have thought him juat
from the plantation farm.
The picnic nt Ibis place on the lath ulti
mo, was a decided success. A large limn
be r of people from far and in ar wt re in attendance-
und everything went smoothly
bIoiik n pi. ..luce one irand harmonious
whole. Iu fact the day wa long to be re
membered by those who were present. Sev
eral short and pointed speeches were made,
and excellent vocal music furnished. All
that was lacking waa baud music, for music
halh power lo soothe tbe savage and to en
liven the civilized and nothing puts more
life, energy and vigor into a place, on gala
days especially than a good brass band.
DM Hon.
Healthful Bummer i.vsm is.
We cau heartily and truthfully bkdOM
what the Pnueville News of a recent issue
aays ot tbe splendid summer resorts st tho
hot springs and vicinity on the McKen.ic.
Tho News saya:
Mr. R. Graham, who returned this week
from the region of hot springs acioss Ihe
Cascades, aays that Ihe lava bed crossing ou
the McKenzie route ia iu excel leu t traveling
condition, the company having put it iu
good repair tor tbe MOOMttMMlon of all
who may wish to oross Ihe inoiititaina by
Ibat route. Mr. Graham also says that laith
the Belknap and Foley springs have had
added to tin in many conveniences calculated
to inure to the welfare and comfort of inva
lids and others who go there for health ami
recreation. Uut he la loudest iu his praises
about (he beautiful oamping grounds al the
bridge uud tbe bountiful and cll-cookd
viands that are prepared and put on the
table by Mrs. Geo. Frizzell. All iu all, ho
thinks, as wo do, that there is no moin
pleasant aud healthful resort for the sick
and weary tbau tbe places menlinno I. See.
oral Priuevilleiles have signified their inten
tion of going over there soon after the 1th
ol .Inly.
Notice to Water OOaWUsieri,
Owing to iiiiNiiiiderslnniliug by some, and
violations of the company's rules by others,
tbe WSlir company hereby untitles all its
custotm rs that sections 2, 1, 17, 10 and 21 of
the company's rules will bu strictly enforced
from mid after this dale.
The city must have UDpU praUotiotl from
All iirigiting is strictly forbidden except
between tho hours ol I and 0 o'clock P. M.
Rules can be obtained of superintendent
or secretary. Q, R. Ciibisman,
Sup't E. W. Co.
Kugene, Juno 21, 18S1).
I Iran go Plcnle.
A Grange picnic will be given at Friiuklm
on Saturday. June 20. Speakers -Prof. J.
II. Arnold, of Agricultural collepe, Corvallis;
Hons. Robert Clow of Junction, A. J. Nigh
swuudcr of Siusluw and A. C. Jennings of
Ining. President of tho day, II N. Hill.
All are cordially iuvlled lo meet with us, and
bring your baskets, lly order of committee,
J. E. BttVMM,
W. J. Diniies.
II. G. P. Lfmlet.
Cavrd of Tkftnlu,
I desiie lo express my sincero thanks lo
lie.,.- who sn kindly assisted me, during Ihe
illness an I desth of my father, E. Jones,
especially to tho members of Iho Grand
Army of the Republic. MurriK Cautkb
A Hcn'DREIi Years Oi.n. -J. K Syron, nf
Polk county, is perhaps the oldest man in
Oregon. His huir is white with the snow of
many n wintor; if be lives until September
2.1th, he will be one hundred years old. His
mind is clear and his memory remarkably
goo I. He rises early and gets Ihe beauty
and freshness of Ibe morning, his lime is
spent mostly in reading and walking. Lane
county 'a oldi at citizen is 07 years old. His
name is Hosea Brown and he lives in Sius
law precinct.
Patriotic Poetbx. A gentleman by the
name of J II Hughes, afflicted with Ihe
poetic fever, writes from Albany lo tb Eu
gene committee on Ihe celebration of the
Fourth, offering a poem of twenty stanzas,
lo be read aa part of the, and in
closes the flret and tenth stanzas ss samples.
Mr Hughes has mistaken his calling. He
should take a flask of fish bail and go fishing'
on Ihe Fourth instead uf endeavoring In
make men desperate aud bloodthirsty with
his poetry.
Rain. Thursday and Friday raiu fell in
light showers, aud from Ihe appearance we
will have considerable morn. The rain will
lay Ihe dust and probably help gardens ami
late grain to some extent, but it ia likely to
damage early grain and bay of, wbieh a con
siderable amount bus been cut and is on the
ground aud in cocks. Tsken altogether it
will be a disadvantage for rain lo fall to any
great extent
Fibe at Habbisooso On Saturday, at
Harii.burg, Ibe barn of II R. Holt caught
fire fmiu cigarette thrown down carelessly
by Iwys who wer playing crd. in the Urn.
111 Mi' (IOIU ooitow-w fx ftevv W VI V Ulll UV1
with the Urn. Lom, $1000.
M.i mm Mr Dsns H .fT and II. tin- E
Parsons, both of Eugene City, war unit, d
io marriage at Tacoma, W.T-. Jun l!Mb,
1889, by kev. W. A Mackey, pastor of tbe
First Pre.byteriao cburob.
W.tted A
who understsnd.
w .hiog lo work in a
Apply l Orson office
Isaodry in Eugene,
for farther iofortua-
E. R. ' i"
W A Poller went lo the Sinslaw Tbursdsj
L. Ililyeu attended circuit court ut Albany
this week.
Mrs. Wesley Shannon is on a visit lo Mo
rion county.
O W. Hurd, of Florence, visited Engeno
this week.
D. E. Rice returned from . trip to Port
land Tuesday.
I. en Gerhard spent several days in Cor
vallia tbia week.
Prof. T'hoa. Condon is rusticating in
Douglas ccuuly.
K P McCnruack of Salem was in town
the lit-, of Ibe week.
If, A. Cox has gone to Albany where bo
will spend Ihe summer.
Mrs Norris Humphrey visibd Corvallis
and The Dalles this week.
Tbo family ot Rev. O. I). Whitmore arc at
Astoria lo spend Ihe an tun sr.
Win. and E F. Osburn made a short visit
to Corvallis the first of the week.
Prof. McElmy, Slate Supt. ol Public In
struction, was in F.ugene last Mouday.
Mrs P. M. Mo re, who hue beeo quite ill
for the past week, is slowly improving.
Mis Julius Goldsmith and child are visit
in; at Ihe residence of A. Goldsmith iu this
.1 M McCollum retires from tbe Junc
Uoa Pilot July 1st. i A Mills will succeed
11 S. Strange and bride, of I Grand,
visited fiiclida here a couple of days Ibis
1 T M it tin and family wtnt up the Mc-
hci.ic ihe iii-ioi tho week on a camping
out tup.
Was, Wstkins nnd wife, of Roseburg, have
neon visiting relatives in Liigene during tbe
pasi weea.
Judge Bean weut to Roseburg Mouday lo
hold a special term ol circuit oourl for Doug-
las county.
Dr. I, Q Clark spent last Sunday in Eu
gene Mrs Clark is visiting ber mother,
Mis. Saui'l Swift.
r.v-Gnv Chadwick, Mr. I.wry and three
"lb- r I'oitlaud gentlemen lull for the Foley
springs Tuesday morning.
I. It. ami Geo Alexander lelt for Nelson
ere, kin Ihe Lake creek country Thursday
Mining) They will locate claims in thai
I P. Thni p, the energetic proprietor of
tin Cottage Gtove Lender and Drain Echo
was in town Friday. It lakea an ruergelio
limn to run two country uewapapers
T W Reilly. traveling correspondent ot
Hi St. pul Journal of Commerce baa been
iu Kugene this week. He is writiug up the
country fur the journal which he represents.
Chailes Thomas returned from Florence
W, dm sdav. He took a claim ou Tun Mile
lake, smith of Florence. Ho reports settlers
coming into Ihe country and settling very
Mr. 8. H. Friendly and family and Iho
young folks nf Mr. ( has. Letter's family,
Von! to Portland Thursday mornii.g snd
wit' ii ' nt at the dedication of the new
Jc-.msIi synagogue at that place.
Mr. mid Mis. J. It. Kllisou have returned
from a visit to Iowa and Missouri. Mr. Kll
isou says he is satisfied lo remain in th
Willamette valley. His sleeliiuir wss Be.
rlously iittetfered w ilh by the warm nights.
Mr. und Mrs. F. M. Wilkins look the ('al
Ifornil I IprOM train for Sau Fraucisco Hat
nrdaj lost, Mr. Wilkins went to attend the
annual uu vlitig of Ihe Druuiiista' Pharma
ceutical Association of thu I'nilrd Siatea,
ubn It held its annual meeting this year in
S ni Franolooo, commencing last Tuesday.
Bnfene us Seen by the llenton Leader
I litot of the Benton Leader visited
Kugene last week, and writes borne to hia
enterprising journal as follows:
"I arrived in Kugene at 10 P. M. Th
commencement i xercises of the Stale Uni
versity were iu progress during my slay
Hi. re, and were largely utteiiiled. Then,
ercisea were all yery fine. There were four
graduates tlii-t year, two gentlemen and two
Tin-re is one thing that is particularly
noticeable ulxiuf Ihe city of Eugene, and
lb it is the fine condition of Iho streets.
Hi ii is no Ulih about the oily, no stagnant
pools n water, no rubbish piled up in Ihe
alleys, but everything is nioe ami olean.
Tin t rii a great many elegant residences,
lawns ami huiidsoiue business houses, whioh
tire a credit tu the cily. In Ihe afternoons
the Itreets are alive with line carriages, bug
gies and gaily-dressed people, giving it s cit
ified air. Kugene is very much in need of a
new court house and public hall, which,
tin v say. will lie built in tbe near fnlure.
Sun lav, , in cotnpauy with seversl others,
Met ndod (be high bo III near lb oity, upon
winch is built tho observatory lor the slu
di tits of Iho I'niverslly. From this point
you have a grand view of Ihe city ond sur
rounding country. 1 should like to have
gone into Ihe observatory and examined the
telescope, but found Ihe door looked aud
had lo content mysolf with walking around
it and gating upward, wondering how Ihe
inside of (be building looked. It ia made of
brick and comculed, sod has the appearanc
of stone. Upon this hill is s yery large res
ervoir of water, which supplies the city by
means of numerous pipes through wlilob
the water ia carried. Tho water is pumped
from the river by a large eugine into the
rsiirroir, I hove told how the water got
out nf the reservoir before I told how it got
Cottaife Grove Memo.
June 20. 188''.
Mr. Win. Griffin returned home Saturday.
Miss Fronia Wallace is visiting relative
Horn lo ihe wife of D. Limebough, June
22, a son
Botl to the wife of Mr. Hemenway, Juue
, a son.
Mrs. O. W. McCoy relumed from Spring
field Saturday.
Mr. Clay Zumwalt, of Irving, woo at this
place last Saturday .
The term ol school taught by Miaae Pat
terson and Lincoln at this plaou ouded Fri
day laat.
Mr. John Porter, of Sliver Lake, wo here
last week ami laid it. his siimmsr supplies of
Eakiu H Brislow.
Mr. John O'Brien came Iu this place fiom
his home near Omni Tuesday, oo bio woy
back lo Portland
Bora, to the wife of P. T) Knowlton, June
18, Iwi'J, a dsiinhler; lo tb wife of Mr.
Carer, June I'ilb, a son
M.-s-is. Psul Bruttaiu, Geo. Payne, Mrs.
Andrew Laue and Miss Nuucy Small left
Tuesday for Silver I,ake.
Married at the r-sid( Use ol the bride 'a
pan iit, June I'Uh, Mrs. D II. Brumbaugh
and Miss Juda Lebow, both of Ibis vicinity.
I'ooblx ELEi'MASia. The rlepbooU b.
longing to Sell.' c.rcns btcaiu so unruly sfltr
tb,. . .t,)rrDJ1Uc t Corvallia Thursday eoesV
lu ,,al Ibe.r keeper could uot gel them
back ou Ibe cars Afler iryiug all arte of
pcr.uaeiou on lb. in. they succeeded in get
ting three of them aboard, hot tbo two Tar
ge., onea ootid not succumb, and their
keepers were compelled lo walk with tbm
to Independence The elephants toast hove
got "siuok" oo Iho town aod waoted to re
main licntoo Leader.
M.kkizi. -Sunday. Jane 23d. 1880, by
Bv C M. Hill. M M Meyers of Cottog
Oof io Alice E. Philippiof Cobnrn.
Real Folate Tranters,
0 M Whitney lo John Koykendal.l lot
KBuaey o oaaitvua con, 3oo.
Fisher ft Wstkins to ( has. Looor, two
lots iu original town, used aa ; slaughter
house, con, 1800.
R U Cochran to F W Osburn, lot In Shaw's
sddition; con, l .
FW Unburn to Emily Bristol, lot in
Shaw's addition, con, $4&t).
J W Bland to Lilly Harris, lot in Harrla'
addition; con $400.
W A Cox to C H Collier, lot; con. f in
W A Cox to R U Collier, lot; con. Mo.
O W Hnrd lo J O Davenport, land; cou,
8an to same, J interest in two lots;
con, $1.
Jas D McKinnnii to W A Dablburg
con, $801.06.
V 8 to Ira Kelly. 320 acres; patent.
A II Pierson to Gilbert F Mack
acrea; cou, f laiO.
J J Taylor to J P Taylor, HO acres; con,
Henj F Ladue lo 'm Jonea and O F
Mil. 320 acres; con, $880.
J A Straight to Albiua E Becbe, 10 acres;
con, $300
Martha W Cooper to J A Straight, 21 25
acres; con, $077.50.
Thos Allen lo M A Kennedy. 137.35 acres;
cou. $850.
A L Vsughan lo Patrick Conley, 52 acres;
con, $1500.
Patrick Conley to A L Vsughsu and Jrsae
Simmous, 27d.7fl acrea; con, $2,000.
Stale of Oregon to C II Galloway, 118.80
acres; con. $110.
Ststo of Oregon lo A H Pierson. 320
acres; con, $400.
State of Oregon to Bnj. F. Ladue, 320
acres; coo, $100.
M A aud R 8 Ownu to John L Hauler,
100.55 acrea; con $3400.
Wm Smith to Euge ne C Cole, 20 acrea;
con $100. s
State of Oregon to J F Kauffman, 320
acres; con $100.
State of Oregou to Jas Sanford, 70.81
acres; con $00,711.
Samuel Looney to R H C Pierce, 200
lidos , cou $1100
J F Kautlmau lo O F Mack, 320 acre. coo
Kttinp Kreek Kiillings.
June 27, 1880.
There seems to be a fever for uew wagons
rsging iu Ibis locality at present.
Mr Will Paltiaon made a visit on the
creek last Friday; ho also went to the picnic
from here, but uot oloue.
A grand time is expected July I lib at Ibe
Dick achool house, in tho way of a basket
dinner aud church services.
Mr. 0, B, Limebough is erecting a large
shed on bis farm. The structure adds wou
derfully tu the appearance of the plaoe.
Moat all of our good cilixens were engaged
iu graveling the road between the mouth of
the creek and the McKenzie bridge recently.
About one and one-half milea have been
Mr. Frank Campbell was afflicted last
week with an abnormal development on on
side ol hia face, hut by giving ear lo judicial
counsel received at home, bia face was soon
reduced to its ustural sloe,
It is our opiuion that a partoerebip com
pany are the proper ogenta to collect and
(rananiit itema to the papers, bat it should
be formed oo either partner oould discharge
the duties iu case tho other waa absent; then
the editor will uot be without items so lb
Register was lust week wheu "V" went fish
ing. It ia lamentable in Iho extreme when a 1
young man worries himself into s flushed .
la. ed appcurunce over accompanying a young
lady lo a picnic, and mnkea all the ueceaaary
arrangements Iu reuurd lo conveyance, tunes
his courage up to the key ot "E," and gels
ono of hia geiilleman frienda lo go with him
to interview the young lady, and then eleclrio
like, because ahu faila to discbarge some
little duly iu etiquette, be gives up tbe en
terprise aud returns home crestfallen and
mum as a mouse.
He and I.
Musical Concert.
The following is Ihe programme of the
musical concert to be given by Mrs. Laura
Kincaid, assisted bv lllllsie.l I. lent nf
Eugene, at Rbiuehart'a theatre on the even
ing of July 3rd.
1. Chorus-To Tbee, O Country, Eich
burg; Ladies Choros.
2. Voool Solo Cou i e Hello ( from Lucre
xia Horgia), Donizetti; Mrs. Kincaid.
3. Violin and piano daet--Selected;
Misses Lonlu and Bessie Sawyers.
4. Vocal Hin t Mv Rark is Rounding lo
tho Gale, Mendelsahon; Mn. Kiucaid and
Misa M. Clung.
8. Piano Holo--8onnto Naotleiiqtie (drat
movement), Beethoven; Mrs. Kincaid.
0. Voool Du.t-L. 0. Adair, Mrs. Kin
caid. I-ABT II.
7. Poet and
Peaaant Overture. Bunpe;
Misses Maggie and Mary Kins. y.
8. KeoiUtloii -Oipsy Flower Oirl; Mrs.
0. Studies iu Pluliques-Mrs. Kiucaid,
Misses Odell aud McCTung.
10. Plastic Action.
11. Quartet Home Sweet Home; afeooro
Adair wod Clark, Mr. Kincaid, Miss Cool-
IJST-' .
Tickets will be on sale Monday at the
usual placea. No extra charge for reserved
Fast Damon. -A porty of timber laud
speculators left Eugene one day last week
st 7 o'olock in the morning and drove to
the McKenzie toll bridge by 3 30 o'clock in
Ibe afternoon. Tho dialance ia 66 milea,
aod the lime eight and oue-balf hours would
be hard to beat over that road. A boree
died in cousequence of tbe herd driving and
tbey bad to pay it owner, Mr. I. E. Stev
ens, $150 for tbesame.
Aim Buokeb A five year old grandson of
Mr. J. L- Rankin had Ibe misfortuo to
bresk both bones of bis left arm juat above
tbe wriat while playing on a swinging board
Thuiadoy. It ia thought Ihot the ohild may
iperieuc trouble, aa Ibe arm waa partially
paralyzed whou ho as bat two years of age,
and haa grown but little oince.
ArroixTOD REonrr. Dr. 8. Hamilton ha
teen reappointed a Hegeut of the Universe
ly of Oregon by Qovernor Psnnoyer. Dr.
Hamilton I o neotUman of exoelleut judg
meot, aod oo be woo o oarefal eoergetic
member during bia flret term, bis re-sppoint-meut
will give entire aatiafaotion.
A Now Daibt. Au euterprising gentle
in ni from Caliluruiu baa completed arrange
meets for a nrat-claaa dairy at Cloverdale.
He will manufacture a prime article of but
ler and Swiss cheese and will bo ready for
bnsnioMs aboot th loth of Joly. Bee his
Dion. In Fugeoe, Saturday, June 22d,
1880, at 11 o'clock A. M . of catarrh of tb
Inogs, Lilian Marj, infant daughter of John
and Annie Davia, aged II months. Tbe
funeral took place from the Episcopal church
to tbo I. O. O. F. oemetery Mouday after
oooo al 3 o'clock.
Saveo -A floe family of children were all
afflicted with scrofula. Two died early; tho
re.t would ooon hove followed, but for the
timely and preserving uee of Ayer't Saraap
arilla, which built them up into a healthy
aod vigorous manhood.
MABaiEn. Thursday evening, Jnno 20th,
1880. by Bee. C. M. Hill. Joseph Lyons of
Drain and Daisy L. Smith of Harrtabnrg-