The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 22, 1889, Image 7

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oi,,t out. n"'" "'t'1
n,,,!,,! Ill ,
aoHK-it " mntm.
Ti..-' ,
., .... .
m "'
m iiirt Mm
frMlbM h "in-bumble cot;
Tulhe butcher ami the baker .
Wie-re ilie BMM and brMd are boiia-bt,
awn ll",,, ''"d W"rt,
lis cnwl worM 4 ffeMi
MM1 '''h'""", "hiesa,
Tow,pplyeiK family od-
fkMMtl "" tr0,rd " dal1
Tl.r.Miu ili.-hiuMluit mut be met.
W l.n, in,' faunl) ' k-rowlim yet;
To Hi' ba9 aorld niul us.
With ImImmU ' fin,
art Utile pcnoiea.
aatMej out Into the din.
ftimlns HMt 1,0 "T tf
nates aeiry mloll andfaes;
flgnlM I" old l'uiuei.U5
Cenwlg 10 kl''P "" krore;
Wear;, lire eery often,
Wciry "MS Irv 10
rri.m IBS "rM U li"u' l"-'url"Bi
Which ore "low U) couiine In.
fjolnzout M iwylhe taxes.
0ni: out t W for
i-oiiiinz I" 10 fainllv iti-ar;
Qwa-lo11 in-:iTi of lit I lt a-nnlt-a,
Which e llnil wi bard to a-tn.
From Ihe d, airway of IM huuieatead,
Uom out Bad OOOtunj In
-Portland Transcript.
Cultivation .r liovd.
There arc an 11 into plenty of boys on
dp farm, but, as the linviiStato Register
laid recently, their cultivation is fro
Unfitly Kiliy neglectad They are not
cultivai-il in a way to make mm con
tented ami lUCOfMftll fanners. The fa
thers of the hoy "n the farms lo not
wfhVieiitly take them into their confi
dence, to consult them ahout nil of the
farm ouemtkHU ami (jive them to feel
tlifv are partners in a" that is tlunc.
(bt father ahollld atflO, when he sells his
lio-s. cattle, horses, or any of tho crops,
lit down will) his boys anil tell all aliout
tiic Kile, the amount received, and coin
pare the cost and profit of one class oi
farming over the other. Show them by
figures what il OOStStO raise wheat and
corn, as well as what amount Of corn and
grass each animal eats during ids lifeand
what each brought in the market. In
this wai hoys will 1- cultivated into
thinking. Intelligent fanners, instead ol
roc-re drudge
Then theboyaahojildbaoQMNJtad what
lo do with tha money received from the
crop that their join) labor bai produced.
The father can point out to them what
debts have to be paid. What the necessi
ties of the family for food and clothing
will require, and how the balance shall
be Inverted whether in buying mora
land, laying a foundation for impiou-d
breeds of tt.n'k. and w hat it shall be, ln
this way report all of the operations, the
Mine as you would to partners in husi
pegs. They arc partners, and they should
be made to feel that they aro truly part
ners in the work, and partners in direct
ing all of the operations of the farm.
Seme DalS f Raster Sunday.
Thomas Cunningham, of Ibis place,
who is a corresponding member of the
Numismatic and ArchatQlogtoal society,
of New York, possessci, among his many
other 'curios." a complete tile of PhUV
noy's Almanac from 1806 to 1887, inilu
sive.thc publication of which WM Stopped
in 1887 In looking over them one is
struck by the variety of dates on which
Easter .Sunday occurs, every day in the
mouth of April being represented except
the last live. Throughout the tile it oc
curs live limes on the lOthnnd live times
on the 18th of April, four times on each
the 1st, id. Ilth and 18th of April, and
four times on the 81st of March: three
time on the 4th, 5th, Oth. 7th. 8th, 10th.
18th, Utll and 88d of April and the iTth
and 18th of March; April 85, 18311, being
the latest and March ii,1818. tho earliest
dates on which it occurs. Eight dates in
.March me represented, viz.: 2id. 23d.
25th. 88th, 87th, 88th, 80th and 8lst.-
Utica Herald.
TI10 ricarettea.
Tho ingenuity of the women of London
and Paris in inventing new dissipation if
without limit. To the morphine hahit
tho devotees of sensationalism have now
added the practice of smoking tea cigar
ettes. Shs ial grades of the finest tea
are used, and the cirect of the oigarettoe
is said to l delightful for fully an houi
after one haa been smoked. After that
comes the reaction in the form of a ner
vous trembling and excitability, but
which is subdued, according to a woman
Of title, who rather goes in for all these
things, by 1 thimbleful of frozen absinthe.
IBM by LndustlioUaly ringing the changes
M morphine, tea, cigarettes and absinthe,
with a few intrigues, some scandal and
I raft of white hot French novels, the
woman of society manages to worry
through the day. 1 wonder if tho Ameri
can girl's great success abroad is not due
to her naturalness and health. London
Cor. Philadelphia Ledger.
A Snuke Vein.
What was known as tho Sullivan Falls
mine is now only marked by a pile of
broken rock, but in the days when men's
brains were lired by the glittering pros
pects of untold wealth it seemed a bo
lanza and assumed corresiondinB pro
portions. Ground was broken there is
"inter, and the first thing that was
ruck by the prosectors after going
down through the frost was a vein of
nakes: And such snakes! There were
liny infant snakes that had just been
hered into this sinful world, there
ere hoary beadisl old grandfathers, and
uncles and cousins and aunts! Then
sere blmk snakes, and green snakes,
ud yellow snakes, and every color of
W rainbow snakes! There were thou
"Mas in the- colnny. It wasn't a vcr)
gnod paying vein, but Mime of the Maine
P'hi mines uidn't pan out so well as this
vn. -Lewibton Journal
' i,iceitla1 Company.
hel ThalW goes Mr. (lonaay with
that dissipated jack Lushiugton. they
inseiaralde nowadays.
Alice- Yea. they do sit-in like fasi
'feuds. -ILuvard Larapooa
IT Mft of public school facilities
n some portions of MW York greatly
" '- few seore of enterprising young
"men. who get an abundance of pin
jnonnj Dy gen:,, up pl.jvate .hoole
"' the children of the neigh bors in
home With from five to twenty
"'Ms in th. primary branehea a girl of
'nary intelligent can make n very
nf.rt-,ble sum. In one ward there
Jf & chi.dren who attend thess
Private school.. There are 5.0KI
f children in the sume ward who
fiial room in the public school
raiwMe infnr,.,lim TllM
I '1 I.. . - , ,tT
. - " " Vutiiiu Mai,.
1 ..s,n company tho otl.erday itb
mv frtend.W pnifev-or of cheml'ry,
and buinsf in a reflective io.l. 1
.hU.ledt s,y: ' IVofe,,,.. teuvs aro
s Mltiouj thinif."
rlty no mhfa" replied he. prmnpt-IV-
'Iheir eompi.ition Is ,,aito
simple: tbout nlnetfr-alght paru water
nd two parti sniti Mwwn a
I did not pursue the conversation
but thought, without saying .0. thai If
tears are not a curious thing, a pro.
fessor of chemistry certainly la
I happened, few days alter, to re
peat the conversation to our pref.-sor
of physiology, who. bringing alllUMTa
ciliary mtisclos into play, said:
"Simple as it may appear to Dr.
Atom, the genesis of tears is quite u
complex process, nnd they have
multiple mechanical functions." Tlioy
aro secreted by tho lachrymal gland,
and partly by the orbicularis muaala
ore conveyed into the lachrymal canal,
and thence into tho eye, which thoy
flood, nnd thus effectuate detersion.
facilitate tho movement of the eyeball,
and preiervo the transparency of the
so-culled cornea."
I could only respond: "I dare say.
All you tell me is very wondi rfnl and
very complex, but how uu earth do
tho little babies learn to cry so early
and so well?" 1 did not tell him that
I did not comprehend a word he hatl
uttered, and hence the wonder emui
ignohtm pro magnitco, Much less
did 1 reveal what was passing in
my mind, it seemed to me that sci
ence is like a pin very useful for
sticking things together, nnd very
nicely contrived for this purpose; but
one man spends his whole life in coil
ing the head, another in shaping tho
shaft, and another in sharpening the
point, while each unde: stands nothing
but his own part of llio pin.
It next occurred to me to lind out
what the poets say about tears. They
travel from earth to heaven tan rap
idly, in a daring, desultory way, and
always through mists and clouds, seis
ing things aad parts of things very
Indistinctly, und rnroly telling tho
truth about what they do see; yet.
notwithstanding, they now and then
seem to lind out somo things of more
or less value which other people do
not know.
As we do not at present keep a pro
fessor of poetry at our university, I
began to rummage among my hooks.
The first lines that met uiy eye wore
"Tears, feelings bright, embode.l form, are
More pure than dewdrops, Nuture's tenr."
Here is u definition of tears that we
can accept without aversion -tears
are the bright, bodily form of feeling.
The poet does not tell us Hint when we
weep we are doing nothing more than
secreting a mucous lluid by means of
the lachrymal gland, lie feels hound,
however, to state tho fact that tears
are not nmre pure than dew-dropa
The whole truth would have been that
they are not n.i pure by a food deal.
Perhaps Mr. Bmley did not know that
they contain mucous, allaimen and
salt. We wish We did not poseaM tho
Unoomfortabie information. Wo shall
never again be able to kiss the tears
from her cheek with tho relish that
once we did.- J. T. L. l'reston, in At
Mrs. Stowo's "Uncle Tom's f'abin"
Is still selling in this country at tho
rate of 1,000 copies a week.
Prof. James Bryco, authorof "Tho
American Commonwealth," attained
great eminence, years ago, by making
thu ascent of Mount Ararat
Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes eom
p'nins of tho persecutions inflicted
upon him by volunteer correspondent.
Twenty or twenty-livo letters in his
morning s mail is considered a light
delivery, nud nearly all are upon sub
jects of interest to tho writers alone.
Hans von Hurlow, the famou
pianist, is noted for his eccentricity :,
well as for his musical talent. When
ho has done any thing to shock his
frionds and enrage his enemies he
makes no apologies, but "imply shrugs
his shoulders aud says: "It's a way I
Toward the end of his life, it is
said. Charles Keado was accustomed
to dictate his compositions to a secre
tary while he paced the room, suiting
his action to his word". In Lore and
Monev the remark occur- in Hie dia
logue. "There's a sniul on your noa"
The drnmatist gave tho original excla
mation with such perfect intonation
and gesture that his secretary wa for
once deceived. He rose and went to
the mirror, haudkorchief in hand,
only to be laughed at by his crop oyer.
Miss Will Alkm Dromgoole. -ays
report, i- a literary lady who has cut
her official throat with her little pea,
Somo of bail r at nmgarine sketches
of life in the Tenuessee Mountains
ra-i-icd a Ming to the denizen- of that
nection, and wLcn Miss Dromgoole re
oeotly -ought an election u a .vnate
clerk-hip, big. rough-bearded Solon
from an up county arose and roared
0ll(. ..K,,, wrote agio the mount'nsl 1
war be known' st U It. mi' I'm agin
her!" Ti e FtonatS sat petrilicd and
Mi-" PraMfOOto Incautiously giggled.
It ilatod her fata Another Rllbooun
try Icflslatot was hoisted lohis feet by
his indignant ofdlmigii.M to second the
OUjeOtloa Ho did it lerael.v ai.d edeC
uallv- "She 'lowed tho wiinmea folk
went h'aifoot an' theen n talked a
diu.lec I'm agin anybody a- il BgU
, ,,,,,,,,,1'u-." The iaaut ua-.-.n.-d.
ud on the ballot Mn taen, HIM
Dromgoole wa Maid
'1 ,:' a le ;,- 111 UK ne MW-tJIMw
of Japaa gu inint-'ng Tr I"i ' "
ligion i- as hiftwM .l.ip:i'''e -l'h)- '
hall, within Umlte not prejudieial to
pmet ami o dtor, an I not aatsonkrtie
.,, ,,...,r ,1,.' II- - ' !'-' ' J''T
dotn of religious Ix- ief.
. ;.-.. : - 'ei. -i -t M.
Ian. The municipal ty bs ,lir-tly
akod tne head- of rMUMbatdi th' jf
.'.pinion as to whethwr reUghfM teaob
ing should form t of li cnrrleu.
lum in publie school. Of Me ftM
votes recorded, over it V0 ere In the
afflrmative. That Is sn snswer wbirh
agitator, will hardly dare to overlook
lug Atmul Itie ii.tnin, ,,f tlte
an. 1 ttm ul in Their I -e.
Tile fain,, is fir. .I.ihll Thomas, bishop
JfLiniTiln 10 1;:,;! inairiid ihnv limee,
fjnjtuoccasi ,f his (porth npopMli
10 put lilts motto on his -y rui,:
If I 'airvlve
1 II laaks Ihein five.
History does 1 n U II us whethM the
fourtli Mr. Thuma appfored the amti-
OH'lU. i-or whether the much inariying
bishop linl to carry it out.
Tlw ranttn rings of today are pateni
of tlic o-- 1 in,- -, ! -eM ial centuries ago.
Tlie injcripihau ajv, of opumv, men
atodern. bul the sentimeM remains the
lame. t)l late MM'iety has gone line k to
the real old English posy, ami the haudt
of our American lad !m are la-mg adorned
with 1 mg-that carry the name mottoes
that graced litem in King Hal s time.
There used to lie a custom in Home
which made the bridegroom scud the
bride before marriage a ring of iron to
show bou hating the union ought to be,
and the frugality they were to obse ve
together; bul by an,! by luxury crept in.
and the iron ring wa- exchanged for one
of gold, which onange doubtless delight
H the Roman ladies.
Numerous superstltioej are connected
with the ring, The English and French
ladies of the times of the Crusades slept
with their pillows while their lordi and
lovers were away lighting the Infidel
The custom waa supposed to produpr
pleasant dreams of UM absent ones, am
the rings w ere believed to la) talisman
if safety The Scotch iasa who haik
through her betrothal ring three times
;n the night before her marriage is sure
to see visions of the happiness in Mon
tor her, and tbe Oreek girl w ho finds s
ring w ill marry before the year is out.
The women of theum Isilised countries
idorn their tinge 111 ith ehim-y rings ol
bone and metal. Not satisfied with thi.
they wear rings in tl ir cars and through
he nose. Uypsy women are fond 01
inc..-,. ionic of w inch they claim posse-.
itagiral powers
I coUrSe there i- nothing in the so
tailed inrlsible rings We are told that
the famous circht of (iyges rendered
the wearer Invisible when the stone was
turned inward, and that the ring which
omit, king of LsMubardy, received from
theuoen's mother, always directed the
Owner the right road Intake in traveling,
fla re i- a legi nd t I1.1t a knight's daugh
ter once found one of tfWM invisible
rings on the day before her wadding,
Charmed with the Uautv of it. -he put
it on and wore it to the altar. After the
Ceremony she happened to turn the
stone inward, when lo! tho prince saw
her vanish, as it were, and rushing from
the palace he WM about to throw him
self into the sen, when ho w as checked
by the bride discarding the ring aud
calling him by name.
The custom of wearing locks of hail
or pictures in rings has gone out of style.
The poisoned ring N 110 longer made, foi
we hare got beyond the days ol the Bor
gtol and the Medicis. It is generally le
lieved that killed himself with
poison which he had long carried in a
ring made for that purpose, and Demos
thews is said to havo worn a poison
The true romance of tho ring is con
MOted w ith the engagement and wed
ling lingers. My lady wears the one
with anticipation and the other with
pride. As long as the world stands tin
loop of gold will posseM a significance
which no other personal ornament can
have. T. C. llarbaugh in I'ittsburg Bul
Washington's J ion p.
A story is told of Washington making
1 famous jump for awifo during hi.
outh. "llo was riding, so tho ston
pea, along tho Pot 80 nbove George
own, when bo came lo the house of a
Urge estate, and seeing 0 crowd on tin
iwn, ho asked the cause of the gather
ig. He was told that a jumping match
CM in progress, and the prize was tin
iitnd of tho farmer's daughter. He
lokcd on for a time at the different
iimps, and finally asked if he might
ot also try his skill. The host con
ented. and Washington Jumped farther
hau the farthest As ho did so ho noted
liat the countenance of tho maiden fell,
.ml that she looked rather woefully at
he face of his leading competitor, w ho
iad made the next beat jump, and who
as evidently her lover, llo resigned
lis claim to tho lady's hand in his rival's
avor, and it is Mid that this lady after
ward recalled the circumstance when
he met lum at one of ids presidential
leiQM." (jIMIIIipillllllll
.' 1 r
Making Out a Prima facie Caae.
Here is a yarn nliotil the incorrigible
imall boy which I heard yesterday. An
Ubany woman tw telling a Bingham-
ion woman, who was visiting in this
city, of tho rapidity with w hich rents
were shooting skyward In Albany, The
Hinghamtoii woman, after listening
awhile, began lo tell of the Bingliamton
rents. Then her small son interrupted
her. just us she had finished telling what
sjie paid per month in Bingliamton, by
remarking: "Why, that wasn't for a
month, mamma; that was for a day."
Both the women laughed at the boy's
idea, but tho little fellow kept right on
and paralysed his mother by adding: "it
must have been for a day, any way, be
cause tho man 11-ed to come every day
for the rent." Reports sayeth that the
tho Bingliamton woman collapsed.
Albany F.yprcss.
One Way lo Hear III" Scora.
Two gentlemen were walkiug on F
street recently w hen one said:
"Let's cross the street There comes a
man to w horn 1 owe some money, and 1
don't want to meet him."
Docs he dun you'"
No; that's the worst of it. He never
,p aka of iL"
After they had crossed over, the debtor
walked some distance in thoughtful si
lence. Then he said, seriously:
"l wish that man would get mad about
i and go at me w i;h a club. 1 can't pay
lini the money, and I wish be would
hrasli me like fury and settle the matter
ithatl wouldn't en I ! afraid again to
neat Mm wenwaww" men
- "''here are fi.Wi girls'p-'eparlng Id
tin- Hew York public school to entet
the Normal College. Only can U
lb-cent news from Bermuda. Tur
key. Africa. Australia and the fend-
wich Island resirts Christian en,
dcavor societies that are doing good
- Knid a heathen to a missionary;
'There must be something in your
religion which makes yon roin; all lbs
way out here to tell us of It, I am sun
I would not go so far to tell you ol
The Indians of Ecuaco. .
While the Indians are under the rule
of the priest., nud havo accepted the
Catholic religion, three hundi,-d and
ti fly years of submission ha- not en
tire divorced them from the ancient
ritM they practiced under the pre-his-torto
olrlllaation. Sorornl times a
year they have feasts or celebrations
in honor of some event in the laOS his
to , They never laugh and seldom
I smile; they have no songs and few
amusements; their only semblance 10
music i- a mournful chant whloh they
give in uiii-ou at the fenxts which are
Intended to keep alive the BMflaOl ies of
the lticns. They cling to the tradi
tions and the customs of their an-.vstor-.
They remember the ancient
glory of their race, and look to its
ro.-torntion as the Aztecs of Mexico
look for the coming of Montezuma
They have religious rolio which thoy
guard With the mOSl saciisl care, and
there are two great secret which no
tortures at the hands of the Spaniards
ftave h-cti able lo wring from them.
Tl.e e are the art of tempering OOppef
40 as to give it a- keen and enduring
M edge IS steel, nnd tho burial place
of the lnearial treasures American
Bridget -"Shall I lave the hall
lamp buruln', ma'amf" Misttvs- "No.
I at:, pretty suiv Mr. Jones won't he
boms until dM ight. He kis-sl me
three Hint s I efore he left and gave me
twenty dobar for u new spring
kounet," Torre Haute Kxprom
Flrsl Litl'o (iirl -"What divs
your papa do!'" Se 'end Little tilrl -
Tl' got a position itndar the otty
government." 'Well, but what da-s
lie do? " "I don't know; he never
mid. (lues- he don't know hisself "
-Phlladelftbla itoebrd.
"in MM lunula 01 men entirely
great I he pen is mightier than the
word, ' It is the mom way with s
parasol til the hands of a woman. It
".II on a horse-oar. -N, o. Plaarvuna
A I'lere or Her Hunt.
a lad) eorrespoadeal ha UtU to ay.
'I want tncl, H pie) t my inlnd to n is-r
tain rlaw ii" oWiet tn Mrsttlsiag, When It
CaaStl UWlM aurthUMh-thtl a,, n't POSt them
lent. I safteivo imns itasUi lei seen) twe
yean ultli headaches. hsPaartie, In imlii Ktaml
hill or wslklnu, 11- latng literally ilramC'sl nut of
1 l-t,in,-. m miser) larrraaed in inuarlne
Ai lal In ileiMlr, I roaialttial Ihe -In el tr hu
n advertises medlelns, Pr. rteree! parorlt
Pisarrtptlon, end It rvslowd me In IMlnesard
n,.- ,.r -mm. I lit'Hllli. I tumor the lihynlelan
a he. when he kttoWl hs raB ears, hai UIS nmral
eoaiasetu Mtvertlie the (art." The mcdli-lnr
meiil looe,l is eMresrsd to run1 lh,e ilelh ate
ill-eax - pyewfiai to hnaaks l(ea,i printfd itnar
Hlitis- ,,n Kittle wtapper.
Kr nil dsraagsiSMitsel the liter, NMMSh ami
imweU, lute iir. nsres'i Mksts, OM psaa
. an ,
II,' who In never ituilt) uf fulllisi l not ao wi-
as he kasglaM,
sni. tenth. Trarhers (male nr feimilel. t'lern
111, n. ami oilier, In n I el rbanis I ein,lo,
in, ill, h,ml,l nut full I,, write tn II Y. Jotitinun
ac'o., !. Main Klri-et. RwhaMHld, Va Their
peat snersii shows thai tasy have get the true
Ideal Sboal makliiK money. They can shea
fos Ma to smplojr odd hoan pfoltsbty,
Niiihlnit is so secret lull time anil truth will
reveal II.
If afflicted with Bore Kyo. use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Kye Water. Dnanrlsta toll It 15c.
II ron 1 till I-, For huanieuesH aud Sore
Tliront. "Wru'i grSSSMSl rrer'irii" are a
Old Time hfrnokein
Who know a good thing when thoy see It,
Cannot lie fooled by a poor Immitation of
the well-known "Seal of North Carolina"
Plug 1 'ut Tobacco,
Bnr ii wtind thai Ihf fmuiw "Smf
rosf yon 110 niorr limn thr mi, my Iranky
jiliill ruh Ihulnumt iltnlera rurry.
See (hat you get I he S al of North Caro
lina, and you will smoke no other tobacco.
Hnine year airn I aas thruwn fruni ahnneln
Mel'-nnaii miinty, au,l rc-eb t-l a rrUiiiiful wound
oa OBSol my letr. rnr nmre than a ytar I waa ute
ahla 10 Walk, Ti.a WOVBd uli-,-rate,l ami rcnimel
l, leal, mill ever) on,- Mii'iiaiit 1 ,,ulit have
l-ii mil tMampuUII'in. h.h.k. waa reeeiMineniteU,
ami I - "I II rrfab.asd I ahali never le t ilirnuiili
lliiinkliiK H. H. h. fi,r aavlna my lea, ami r,-n(,,rlD(
Die to H-rl,--t heailh. , WH40N,
Maettas, Teiaa, July, H, 'M.
Helnt for iMSaSS
malli-t free.
,, lllo,l .e.. Hkln I 'i -'.
MWirr hi'KfiKic Co,,
Drawer I, allanla, Oa.
TI e Gclebrated French Gure,
la BOtS es a
le en re any
I, , 1 In of net 1 011a
rllaeaas, or any
rllMinler lit Hie
ll.-n.-liilive nr
1:1,1,, 1 W AVaVP
flier in 1-
i-nix iron ' 1 i erf
I silrniiiauia. TolattaMI ur UldOal
or t taut I, fill Imtlaereiion, over liiduls
aia 1 . a "aorh a. I n-a nf BfSln Kotrer, Wakeful
I.,--., lioniliu? .limn I'lilua lu the Hark. rVnlual
W . ukllewi, lliatei a Serrmii I'l.xliallnu boa-till n
al gaUaftoiw leiieorrho-a. I lliai uoaa, Waab lein J
,m. 1 f rosersnd Imtatfsiier, aalet it no
rlectad nfleii lea. I In Mtwallirootd at, 'an, I inaan
I'y. I',,, ,-II fl a l,x lantra fur I', 00 Sent b)
n. ail on reeOtad. of nnee
A H 1 1 1 1 I I N I , I lt NTKF tor," I
10 refund the Btisivj if a rerinniteni
line I" 1101 efTeelM THoilaBBilS M teal linninalt
. ol In-,. I lailll o-.ea, pertltanellll)
fii.'.l lit a.iieoi.iTlSf 1 ireu ar frre. A-l'l-eoj
vaersBS re r h.
, s ,ld t,r StrelMs It em Imigflita, eor.' See
mid ami ahlwrt"u Mat, Cortland, Or.
m, II r havr an OM Hnre that neerli
bialtiK, and lhal Mher remedlea bare lalle.) to
to a or a hreaklns not or lu-hlua nl the aealp
nr body; or a Boll, Burn, Cut, or an) ailment tor
I, a -a - .- auiubli "..a -nt tml nf
Mealeaa Halve, whlrh la Warrantod to
I lire al.. 11 -Terythlllf ela- fa'la II BOI kept bt
yonrdrunlat aend & earn la la usaiua to J. C
i him, Ant Aatorla, or., sod raoalit a bos
by mall.
RtS an- uow prepared lodoall klndiol Clretm
ami -lerisi work In Srat-rla. atyle al reaaa.uat.l'
prieca. Ka memljer. we ban- the noly fnuurlry
ot lb If Hod ln tbe Sortbweel. We laaranlre
all work to be perfert Send ua trial order.
1 ., I'riHtera- Vrhata,
I fortlaad OrafoB
,i nun .it'll
to cme
I nion,')
iMi '-nr ile
now i mtcunv klNk
I n latrn lek while al the dinner lal.
with terrible ,lllri In mi lumaeli llefei'
thil I i.s.l lieen hearty aud itrnnt. For fourteen
daya I kept m-tllan ore, ,1,-plte the ,iW. of
.!, l,Mt forty pnumti, and was tails
flisl lhal I oiibl II, e bul a lew ds. My Imii
hie stomarli sod l uar i niuplaliit, reaolt
lag In an allaek f hlllooa mile, kt thla lime
I -aw Ur. bat 1,1 k, nuedt t si or lie Keiunl, , nf
goadoet N Y . advertise,!, ami xul lor a hot
tie I '-' Ml tor nit ploili isn. ami l,,l,l hbu
" -e I - ' t. Ihe Kavoilte lleim-lv.
He etamlm-d it ami told me U uw II thr,s ,lay
aud let hint kmia Uu- resull. hi Ihe thns, Uaia
I walked tour miles, lr. greaser's Kair.rltc
Iteiub Ini- mii,I in v life. a. s llltn-r. Slate
Will., loss Co., Ohio.
PS, KsSMSIiY'l Kivomrr Kiakcv . made al
Roendoet, Sf, v i: , i :
Send lor Mok, l. Wean Kidney. Utst and
H1,kmI ,ll,,nler..
Ilalp HiiniethHly wnr-e ufT than )ourae)f, ami
Me will (In. I dial ou are belter off I hall ) on
fane Int.
Ilndly Hmlaeil.
Senator Kdwanl Y. Kelt), New York, writes
"Tri. or Ns YoSk. S vTK I'll VWaKK.
"AtaUaTi N' Tn March 'Jl. 1:
"Some weeks aifo, while sleuth ridlliK. I
waa upaet and thrown with xrial force on
the mad i My lefl side and shoulder w en
much bruised and I Miltcrvd great pain. I
tried various omental remedies without
avail. Fortunately S friend bmuKht me
four Aii.ioik'- I 'oh is I'la-tkms. I pui
two mi my shoulder and two on my aide.
In two BOUri the in dimiiilahrd and I
-lent well thai ii'ishl. I waa very much
U'tlcr Ihe lie x I nuirniiiK and eoiillniied to
Improve for tour days, when I found my
self completely recovered, it i atonih
lag how 'qalealy aimim k' Poana Puts
rati rails TM Ihe aoreneas and -welllnx."
We aalule more wllli,cl) an aeiiualntaiieo in
sarnsge thaas nrtaaa m fiwt.
',m tracirio will SlMnistleM leltsa
ItsaaSal lo ink,-, buaraiitis-il tn - ,-. i or
moiier n'fumh-l Oaoi trlisl veil w ill never la
,v I Hi.. hi II II) nsil.lenal mall! II.'O. Send MStal
mite a, i',,iiH p,-, in, , .. t.. ea0aa1aad,Cal
What leajptaie to lua bhs kuf marble eduea
linn ui to Ihe -out
I'a,-! hv the l'uitt-1 stale, ilnvernmenl. Kuduraeil I y the hea,l, of the Ureal I'lilveralllea ami
I'nlilte Food ABStyStl aa the Strunirrat, I'nn'at and unit Healthful I'r I'rlee'a ('ream Hakluy
Pnwiler dia nut eniitalii Ammunla, l.lme or Alum, Iir. I'rlee'a DaUeloBS KlavorliiK Kxtraela
Yanilla, U'lmin, (iramre, Almuml, How, ete, do nut eniitalii I'tilaoiimia ulta or t hemleala,
PRICE BA.KINC POWDER CO.. New York, Chloago, San Francisco.
Dr. Spinney & Co. ,
lsa First st, fall or
uniauil.dr adtlreaa
M rffVOUS Ifodltr. t.naa of y lu-or. Hemlna
naniVVa ,,ae. Weak Hamnrr,,ii
Jeney, ferilDetuiaMaoralinaa,cnrad,
tif yiiiMlifulfollltraiof fiSSfl
crHloa hotild arull thriur.'l.rt cf mir tn'ntiiH'Ut.
A poMitivti i nrr tfiirtrnnUvii In fvtrr rnaw, Hjrjihtlla,
Urinary and vriifri'al I'lai-MK. a nil unnatural dla
chartr' i'it'tii.? Jj and afalvurad.
faa uf Klilnrr or Bladdrt. Wrak Hack, Nt-rvoua
Iwhiiit-. WhuIiiik of t-H-xtitsf ritn'UK-Ui. vtc., ourfNl
nnd rraton'd to lnaithr vlyur.
N. It. Tcrnon unatlo to vlnlt ni 111117 m f n'h -1
hi thnlr hmM, br t-urrciiiionilpnoa. W-iliriiu ant
iiatriirttona w nt by iiialfnrriprafta. i'oniultatlui
rrw. Beudl conta In -uihim j, r 1 'm Yuuaf Man 1
t rlttud ur Uulda lo W adluck.
sflal fKKK. I.ltHa iut uuKr hurat'i' ( t
vWrit BrrwMtrr MttfVty If In
Holder 'o- Hlh.Mlrli.
Fire CraokerB,
Kll)M, S(lllMriM.
IftS at 107 Merond Ht. I'orlland. Or.
Klrcriidf At . Rpokii KslU. W T . M Htai Ht ,Mm
In 1 n I-i to Niiit
ill in tm is rwissi,
Sfveral larire tra taef choice Improved
anil uiiliuproved
Agricultural Land
In Whitman foiury, Washington, lie
lonttlna to W. V. Hurrell, et al.,
Sown to Wheat and Will Yield n
U lluahrl Crop Thla Year.
Write for deaerlptlfe rlrculsra and
other information to
I W. l.fa, Nlipl.,
Colfax, Waahinarton.
t'l AHIt PHXPAKFii Tu Ht ri'l.Y THE
1 irasle wltb a full line ul Klrewurka, Flre
cri ieri Ktasa. Kalbaiua. Tiiy I'lalnla, He. II
lnatrau-1 1 alaliapu.' farnl.htrd no appllcalloii.
1 orr.-.'ii,len.e aiilolten wllb i uuniitteea in
rharae nl public , -, brallnai
O anil II I'lne alreet, Sao Fran rl aro, CaL
N. P. N. U. No. m-H. r. N. U. No. IM
rhlawaa anmellme a ra.lni," as llamlei
). sluie, lamewr, the .,-o,e of Aimrii a
and nthi-r lamlt have been rua,lnl in pit II. at
tetler'a Stoma, h Hlttera asaluai lhal BBSMS be,
malaria. II l u luuer a lara.liiz. but an eat)
IHMalblbly. Wherever malaria evolvea III ml.l)
leuoin In polaoti the air, amldis-ayliifiiuwliule
aume rwetatloii Imiir.y nal, the water, Hi, re
In the lery alrotiihnld uf miasma, lathe aim
lllary (Hilenl lu litem the foa anil fasaieelt
eleiil proteetluii. Kev, r ami attie, bllllinia r,'
nltteiit, iliimli asue ami ague , ake, no matter
how leuaelmial) iiiey have faaleued larlrclaleh
on the ayaieiu, are Ural lorefd in relax. Ili. lt
fraap and i-H'Ulilall) lo abamhui il allistelher.
Hill II la Ita pretetiiathe fnree Iliat alioiihl
ehlell) IBSeaUBffSd the Hitlela to jh-r-oli, iluell
In lu malaria euraeil liH-allliea. for ill, I Off,
tarn buckler uf eVMBM aaainat ahlih the
i-neiu) la iM,,-rb i urea . i v, ,1, .'
rheiiinatlani. khtm ami Mlnuia ilmtStl
More hearts pins away In -eeret aiiKiil-h fur
the "Mil of annul.' . than all) other caliimil)
In life.
White Elephant of Mam, Lien of Rug
land, DraKuii of China, fro of Sw User,
land, lino,, i of I'erala, Cnwocnt of K)ut
Double I .i. le of HuNsit, Star of Cbill, 'l !.,
Circle of Japan, Harp of Erin.
To irel then- buy a lam of Iheueuulne
Ha. i'. m.ianks CaxaaRATsn Livn
I'll i s, price il cents, and mull ua tint eat
his wrapper with your aedreas, plainly
written, and 4 rente In atentpa We will
haa mail you the ahora 'W with an etc
Mlit packairs of olcotraphle ami chro
natlc cards.
Fl.KMl-.-u Haras.. 11 1 T-llflin, I'a.
- -
The niivat iahiful wa) may he the right one.
lull II lanul the iliil one la-eaii-e lilallu niosl
i oo. ii, i, pi;,,,, Min i) l ured.
To in I KniToa FtMW Inform lour read, ts
that I have a positive SSaSd lor Ihe atKtvv
uaiiusi dlsseas, n ita 1 1 in.-i ua, measaads
of hniielea. eaaea have Isui is-rmaueiitiy eurisl
I ahafl I. itlad In Bead two until,- nf uiy rSSSS
'v mo to any ut Fnwieedeii wtm Mrs eon-
lupllou If lin y will aend me llielt eapreai
ami I-"', it.. a, hire... Itt-.nei'tlully,
T. A. SLOCt'M. K.O., isl iVarl at . New York.
The MaaWf la lt,H 'nl with BraW Imilallonauf
"Seal uf Soilh I'tirollna I'lug Cut Muoklnv
Twt II anal a i tnr hnsakfaal
HaTiiau. rnuiT Fiayans
Only IwW nMMltlU Oirnlliomt roni,lni. roav-i lieekeil Inwi wrr, mmr Halt.
Cato, liulc, mIi-I.Iv if lilta. ty the :iltl of
ravrlplloii, tliepliuve liloa-o il nut Into lieaiiillul, plump,. i;,le, .ttii itTOUC
yonnx women. "
"Kavorlto Prpsrrlpllon- i nn Invlromtlnf, rcatnrntlvo tnnle nml m a
rvguUim nml prontott-r ol (iiiii iloual sclloii at tluit ciltlt-ul im-iIoiI sf ,i,
Wnooil to woaMiiltootl. it Is s ncrfeotly mid- rapdlal ak'ent, umi tun
proline,, only rood n-uIk it II oarafmlr eonwounded, by mi experienced mid
skilirul pliyslriin, nml nilupteil to woiuun'i di-lkiiti- urnonlatlon. It Is purely
v.-jrotiibie, In In romposltloii nml perfrotf" biirmli-ss In any eondttloo ot tiii-
.-em. 11 nn, ems stieiifiin 111 tne wnnm It Stem, Kor ovcrw orkeil, '-worii-
out,n "nm-ilinvn,'' eVMIitated tem-hers. mnllners, (In-saninkt-ra, x nniatn - . s,
ra Pyr""" i""i''l'eKTs nnrslnj tnntnera end leeble women es-neridly, Dr.
!,,.,.,,,, K,1V(irll(. j.rtption , ,,,,., MrtM, , n-",in,mf,y us
llll lit,'ti,,.. enrtllal allll I. Innitlvo timle II la the nnl,, ,.ll..l.. I',
0I1I by drilKKlsis, umltr n pnniHre frarnnt't. from tin- r.::inilfiietnrera, Hint it will
rlvo imnamn In srerr msr, MiMney win lie rwfandied. This namntM lina
br-nii pHMM on Din hOtla WHfMJIi, omi fnlltifully rnrrlitl out for ninny yenrs.
The cleansing, antiptic
Dr. Sagij'H Catarrh 'Runcily
I Mal'a' fcl alf tWniralaB B ijl RsafWal 1 t-aaafW TO MAKE
iwr mm
A NorprlM. aoataa, ataaa , Jaaa II, uu.
I Mk laawai rou al wkat I conildir avail won
Sarfal. Taiiaioay I i i .l.ud ay .ml. oo a car
voaa aaS al alkl could oaly Hip oa air not wltk
(r.atnt aala; a bottla ol It J.cot. oil aaS
appllaSlt fraaly. u day I an about ay bualaoia
aa aaaal wltkaal nolia any uwoaoaalaaaa.
Strained Ankle, ci v.i- o Jon.n im
Waa la bad nk aualaaS aakla; aud caaa;
toaplataly carad oy St J ..'-. Oil la ratara oi
aala. L. BABlsr.
AT PbCm.i.ts sea l)KAl.l'.ka.
I I ' llifrly la Mp tltrtll fur ft tfni ftttl
thd'ii tt iT t hi-in rt'turn tu-' ain I tii evil rtwIU ati riirr
1 luivr iiiauU ih lliar-w nf riTM, triirwv or tall -If',
mi 'Knur tlfr ltt tnlj I miutaiiI my rt-iuclj
Ui .'tn-- tb" wi.irt ciit lf.'itiic utficra hvi failanl lav
ihi ti'svwHjt fur nut !.') nwnliia' .urr Ninl nt tmm
lhr UVdUlsv ttml firw inttlei of my rr-litraly.
tltif KM-rr-as Mf I'.mI llttxv
II li KtHtr M 0 lS3Pr.r!Mt NrwV.trh.
I ptwrib At. i fmlr in.
(I.n.i Mlat ti .a ii,,. mr
l"' turtlM teriu iituitt
ft tllh ilt'cunr-.
ti. H.lUHAHAM, M I ,
ADtMirdmii, N ,
Wf have vil.i iiik a for
n.ttiiv ream, Mini .1 hut
Kivfn inv uf,, of n.ti.i
1. H iivcnv n
('hlitntfi. 111.
Il.oo. toM i Dm
Smllh i Oaah Stoea, SIS Front St., 8. F., Cat
larteat fcneral dealen weat ol Ilia Mluiaalppl
nisr. llry Ooodi, Nntloui, lloaiery, Undar
wsan Wall Taper, Stationary; BlaukeU, Bett
dluf, Bonta, aud Hhoei; Caumsl Uooda, Dry
n-alU; Woolen, Tin, Croekery, Glaaa .Oraulia.
sad Hardwarax Meat. Flih, Proriiloni, Ilonay,
Oraro, Feeil, flrortrlri, fure Spleea, Seedi, Ba
sal, Iirufi, nedeelnet; (iorki, Ammunllloa,
Subtler lioorta, Tent, and tianllttea of otSat
foodi al loweat prlcea lor Cash only. Send Ja,
atamp tor lull hat by Dm mall, and learn how
lo II re i heap ami well at imal I coat: 3.' yearitn
naiueaa. i intomt-n in OTery I'onnty wan at
baa Kecky Muuniauu, aud many aUwwhamk
Orlalnel. Uoat, ual grnulnr I
lltlAll l.ii tor it1. Nt i n
Ant 1i i.t''i l'iii
Diimond Brand. " rr-l e
-I Wild
i U IfrHCfUln. It-. . ut
I aalht-r. TlT t ills III IS t -
' - 1 k 1nnsTfp
T K wMcii(i.t. rtVH- i ' ti
flU Mrtk-ulari and "Krllff f-r I m'li ,"
"a V rrt-tm Bull. lO.llWO I all-
flB.Hor,, Ullf S ' ual Ihrm. f.nle rapat-
Inatanlly ntlnma tha m.t TkJntit atlvk. and
si llxllaipa nwlliy lulialallim. Itaartmu la In:
luattiatA. ilira,'t an.f certain, an.t a ruralalaa f'twlorlalil,, alrep SOaaillSI, fur Ilk
rwnill In all mrai.le ranea, A .Inaln inal run-
viti.. lim iii.m,! flU.-mi.'al rri.ahhv ,.! 1
ol any dmaatat. "tr i'l iiiall Sitni.lH 1 r, .
ana am
.iH'nirrmA..e raaLai...
M I .r, il,. it,.'. 1 1, , rv
ll I I ilbflk) l'"te '- H .1 lo re-
I move lialr ami rheei I la itroHih. I1.M h)
in. nil SenilW atamp for I k "H0 10 M
BseutllaL" Mns. ilUHVii.K tiaiiu-i, "beauty
DSStar, Il FBWeU St.. nan Kraui laeo.
llLlHlinl, HA It. Uabler, Kooctah
laooa; llurdott Oriana hanS Inatrumarila iMtn
ook ol Mheal atualc ana U,,t lloofl, fiinclla al
Priaea Mi
in Oaaalaar
III iu.t. Baa
lr. Pli rei-V iiili-ii , k'avnrlu, I ...
and healing qiutlitirs of
art: uiitnatod. M otdit&
Delicious Biscuit
t yuur r r i (ur
i it i DaTl V
fllVfJi ariolae t n t -
Rff MiLMStriMara.
mSm yistii.i.ihi