The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 22, 1889, Image 5

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,. ..!.., and ii I'd .1-. ml Time
I nli 1 I -i in-
,,m U 0C fif laWlMva passed and
The gisdmitc" gf forth In Ink.- Iheir
JJJjL in ,,,'swtiik. od ill sndeiit. re
JJJJT, their bcW ' HH vacation
J JlJ ai i hiii lhe niwni'i im-ibe week
i . . -i. h u- uu-ie.uii;. iii u. will
I. ii n
those pi ii'.v prenoei year.
"...i.. i ll,.ll allele llli' tXcrclscs wire
I id i ih-I' 'ii'ly decorated willi fe.ti.oua
KjIMlWfl "' rtiiw-rf, and rnonn coveted
','he fn I'' luu
siiuiliiy. -luiif 16th.
The BmwJW' s.rninn Sunday ..
yLrrd bjf Bet A- r.-wn of l..n-
d lb' bSi WH iM leal clause ol
Kx'of the book nl father. The reverend
,,,!, in in held bis audience closely by bin
,it ressohlUg "d ll lyllll powers.
making nppltartbwi of lb text tofhi present
MoDdtytJnne I7ih.
Jlgmiuv eveniui! ( 8 o'clock, the public
m'ilal "' Miry McCorhnck's mu.ic
Eg mi h-hl The class showed by I hi
1 ihut their musical education h id
.ru op full dim!' d by Miss McCornack
JJJ unit be congratulated oa the pio
- . . ii ill l.i' l.i till tillv S . i . ru I i. ii
jciencv v- , , 1 ' ...
,rei ere the students during the
Tuestlay. .Mine lllth.
Tti,- Linreaa ud Eutaxiau litemry socie
lie hi Id their customary reunion Tuesday
,xening. the exercise consisting of music
bvlhe orchestra, vocal music, recitations, ,
niem, and the sunnls of the societies in
ibii'h many of the metulters received persn
tiil ttentioti. The KtW)lH were iii.erest-
m sad im freo,nently ipiUwtod by ibe
Wednesday. June llltli.
The address before the litemry societies at
Ilia. in. wait neiivereii nv n. ti. Decuman,
I. L. B. ol Jacksonville. The subject
rhiisen was ' OOCiai LITiUUQlCW, aim vv,i.
ahlv presented. Mr. Rcekmuu fully sua
laiufd liia reputation us n clear and logical
manner. The address equall. d if il did
sat tic I any heretofore delivered in Ibe
Cnivm-iiy bail". A synopsis would not di.
Mr Beekman justice and our limited spac.
filluni permit its publication entire.
The class tree cxerciaea were belli
,1 3 p. in The oraliou was deliv
ml b by Km in i 0. DorriRi and mi liimlv
ml ippropriaW. The clasa tree poem,
iriiteii by John L Tait waa read in an ex
ivllelit BMQDtl by Ada Sharpies. The tree
44 il LMHIOfl I'J'preMS.
(Lass wmc 1889.
Who shall lift aside Ihe curtain that conceals
the coining yuara?
Who ahull tells us halt their riches, smilta
nud bitter tearaV
Only (bid, who ktlOWetb all things, nnu
linelell what these -lull briliK.
Only Tune, HUfZTV) btttd beiald shall pro
oUlM it lor bis king
Only Tine of tfaBMRll visile Tini" of
ii ii..-:. d hopea and team,
flMONM like a bepp.v school pirl. smiling
alill amid her teara.
Let the seasons bring tl eir cluing. as years
go rolling past.
What shall any man be counted (but a
cipher! at the lt'.
Mere upon a narrow island, overdriven with
Ihe spray,
In ascu of l'asi and I'utuic -on that island
culled To-day,
Here we labor for an instant, then nil nu n
alike arc eaat,
There beDi atb the turgid mtaH ol the bil
Ion bounded past.
All ill vain the sculptured marble. Alibi Dee,
rears onto her own,
Time who laugbn Ihcin all to scorn, is
cheated by no chiselbd stone.
Vainly Favor to her pampered cuts the deep
lined paragraphs,
Tiuie with nnbrmd hand erases e'eu the
lyiug epitaph.
Only iu Ihi ir deed live heroi s, everUhiug
everything shall pass away
Sure the names those deeds have chiselled
ou the sea girt rocks "To-day."
N'or shall curtained hours only recompense
the careless soul,
Blind Oblivion is only one sninll fraction of
Ihe whole.
Opportunity neglected, leaves upon the soul
a blight,
Phantom voices wierdly crying unsung
aulhcuis iu the night.
Spectre (onus that arise, and ghostly
hauds thai shall 10011116
Him who dared ueglecl, as well, us him thai
boldly darea abuse.
"Pulinan qui meruit feint" reads the Law,
Divinely funned,
Only who lias fought and comiieored may
ith oonqnervn be named.
Only sho has (ought and suffered shall re
ceive the healing balm,
Ouly who has deserved it shall be crowmd
with living palm.
"Paluian qui meruit fetal," Time has tbiown
his gauntlet down,
1 mil crown that mortal only who is worlhy
of a crottn.
Here VI rear no claaic column to the mem
ory of the put,
Oura is still the word unspoken, ours is yet
a die uncast.
Here we plant ihe living emblem ol tin
promise of our yomh,
Sternly growth through coming years vilb
lirruer ltusd of Lriinder Truth
Happy if untimely tempi-sis wreak no fuiy
on that growth,
Happy if no brunches wither wilh Ihe wast
ing b igbl of Slotb.
"Palmun qui meruit feral.' Like some
grand cathedral psalm,
Cornea the comfort of the promise, "Who
dcseivts shall bear Ihe palui."
N'ot sloue whose woik is rounded with the
fullness of anew Ha;
He ho fails may fail so nobly his desert is ,
notbiug less.
He deserves who does his utmost toard at -
cnmplisbliig his btst,
"Palnian feral;" to his God he safely may
leave all reit.
TI... ii : l.i i i - ... !
ll'lllllll lie i l.ll ' WHS 1 1 ' I I Ul !' !
A piano solo was MM er d by MUs Alb. ria
W0D, Rev. 0. B. W hiim'ue delivered u
Prayer. ('. S Vnlims, l'resiileul of Ihe
Alnmni, maile bis addre-s, which was tepid
lib gnus of thought ami wan well received.
A focal solo, "Ave il ina," was rendereil by
'oulii Sawyers. Mis-. Lur Muich, of lb
eUaanf '7. r-ud au essay euli.led "Unity
M Thought." Misses Alia and Kate Doi
ri lud Messrs. Coiliei ..nd Hill saug l""i
", "Twilight on the Sea." (ieo. W Hill.
the class ot '4, took as a subject lor au .
ontiou, "The M I. m Ol Ametici.u
Ihe speaker eridenlly having giveu
lcb thought sud at dy to ihe subject. 1 lie
Trie," a vocal solo, was rendered oy Mi-
gora SisjH. The xeiu, eulitled "The lalal
an,' was wrilten by Joel fesrey, of Um
9 "W, aud was' by Mr. 0, M
Hill. A male qiiurtelle. -With thr Tid',"
bJ M Collier, Woodwortb, McAlisU-r
and Metlure, ended tUe meellug.
A business meetiug of the Alnmni was
'hen helj and officer elected as lolluws:
PresiJeut-s. V Cotidou, cla-s 'Si.
T"l Presidents Allct D-ms, class '8J;
Mi Shaw Humphrey, class "a.
Secretary aud Ircasuier klmuia C. Dor
ria, cUihi 'b9.
Orator-K S. Beau, class alternate.
"sJUv.-, Monui, class "OS.
Jl'l-lua Pauer-oii, clasa "Bi alter
Minnie Surr. claaa tW.
St.'-- ' Uol". vUu W;
L J. Moore, CM 'as.
the evening n,T. (j. f, Irwin, of I'niou,
r'reo the aaJreas b- fore the Luiver-it)
geiitleiusu n. , i. ,n ex.-ell.-ul a.alrei.
J2w "'aaaiog me ajtaaaCkM oi bar uj- ,
'" Hi. nlci .ss. "Mao ss a Ruder. '
v-o..aKesiineit Ihe WiM,, a.-.-..
eT2W C A
1 ."' '"I'Mio... Ever.
! ad . ,ti h . ,lcor""J v'l'rfHali,
" I th the .xpec,,,, mvi ma J
, , , . ' "2ft 'l'leKsa,frth,.eve
' oaaoid Ihe RsRent! aaj KVuliv oeeu.
Pied ;eats on the p,
. J ' -" i" . xeellnl music. The
M prayraaailelivereil by R.-v Q ,
l, Our.p, aWaJawM.att
P-'-"' 'I"' -rat,,,,,, ,.f ,he grsiMsl".
doit.o entire jn.tice to their .ff.,ri
in In.lividns.ity"ib. nhj.ctof hb
. J .-:uM.,.yofevHyn!a,,said l,e
to iiniiniain and sir. ngihen his individuality
, By in loiduallly is meant the ,Hitiv,. (or,.f
vln. h .u bl.s iusn to det-c, ih'ose glesms of
llabl that Mash iicio-s his miud, and to re.
alu free rroai Ibnm reramt- that binder
Miirl.l t1,.1..ellu,.llt r lrrBKim J
thus. n il. leimpiils,. which originate in the
Onl. Ihecelieralai d social forcea of the
IniMrse act in unis-n, aad the separate
aciioiio any one tends t the harmony of
Um abok. this priaeipleli ltu,. lhe
ttnmaa tool and therefore individuality i
ni Mary to all Intellectual, social and moral
. d -v. p,e,,t We owe all the progress
i ma le dming ihe ng. s t0 niH, of imiivjmij.
ty. Within um sonl there are nnb-rn
I P"W'rs oapsbU ol bsiag developed. True
"eTelonmenl '" "," 000istl in expanding
not only one but the many faculties of Ihe
I bomjO D I. In ihe lower conditions men
j in- the same; no division or distribution of
ww, iney are not in.livi.lnals but alike
The simplicity of SDN-ge life has unfolded
oid expanded iuto all the complexity and
diversity of a gr .ml civilization. Where the
ightsofthe individual have been recog
ni.. d there have been happiness, prosperity
W hen Oreie, loused the shackles from the
mind- of h. r people, her apleudor shone to
ihe skies; when Rome broke hers, ahe em
braced lhe world. The growth and develop
ment nl tin Aunriiiu) people have been won
dm ful, The heioic souls from the old World
from England, France, Holland and Ire
had came to the new world; ihey were men
of opinions, nu n willing to sacrifice all for
llieir convictions; wlUbw lo fell Ibe forest.
10 tlijht the savage, endure the perils mid
dangers of a wild aud uukuowu land. Out
ol this iniiiLiling of ideas came the American
lb public, the grandest lhe world has ever
known. Ii declared, tor lhe first time, that
all in. ii are created tree aud equal; that ihere
-hoiild be no barrier placed iu the way of
IU .h'a aspirations, thut manhood should be
weighed in ihe scales ol justice. It struck
down the barriers that sup. rstition an I king
crafl raied between man uud mall.
The greatest inti lb eta of our race, those
who have unfolded txttaordiuary powers of
genius, UaVM Iwcn strongly individual, differ
i ug not ouly from lhe masses but from one
another. Their indivnlui.lity raised them
uliovc the horizon and gave them the power
to shine during the ages with undiminished
brighluess. We do not waut imitation even
of th griatest. We want liviug, growing
men. lor they in the ones who lead the
WOrld. The history of iutelleclual develop.
IU. Ill resolves itself Into lhe biography of a
WW Mont mid earnest individuals. The
human mini' is the spring wheuce all excel
lence Hows. Yet individuality the tuosi
.acred ol its virion has becu subjected to
lhe Men who have had ibe couiage
10 step to the front of ihe great army ol
humanity have heard the cry ol halt. Indl
ridliality has given US better beads, la tter
hearts, nobler mtu and uobler women. It
bal given M the great industries of life, the
great inventions aud discoveries; the ampin-.
Irom w hich have sprung schools and uni-
versifies, painteri sculptors and poets, the
hopes and aspirations ot the world.
Chose for the subject of her oration,
"(Jrowth of A-tu l.omiciil Knowledge."
Abo ol us has mil in the solitary hours of
night been in rested by the bright world-.
iboveV Nielli It in truth the hour of solitude
uud sepui uh d from the busy life of day,
question after questiua ii preseuted to our
minds. A-tioiiouiy cau best teach 118 whom
we are and where we are Without it we
eimld not form the slightest idea of the po
sition We occupy iu the universe. The as
tronomer bus ever lived. He watched
through ages of autedelviau life. After Ihe
ileluge he is again at work aud the pyramids
of Exyptarc his watch towers. Alter the
dark ages he resumes his toil iu Burupe.
The tirst Important step iu the progress
was Ihe separation uf lhe planets from lhe
fixed slais, this was accomplished in remote
limes. The five plauels wele known troin
lime num. nioiial. Wheusciitice was bati-ii-bcd
from Greece, while science waa slum
b.riug during the dark centuries of ig or
auoe, astronomy wsa slowly sdvsnolug. Kep
ler was the greatest unioug modem utronu
iner.; ardent and enthusiastic he pursUeil
his investigations with restless aclivily ; diftt
culms sunk at his approach, obstacles
melted before him. For eight years he
worked before he found the orbit iu which
lhe planets did not move. Soon after this
ureal uecalivu triumph followed the re
uowned discoveries given to us ss Kepler's
three ImWS. More than two bundled yeara
nave passed siuce that time, bcicuce baa
constantly advanced; planet after has been,
added to our system) suns sud satelltes hsve
heen discovered, yet all sie fouud by Kep-j
ler's great laws. Galileo aud Tyobo lfrahe
were important gents iu accomplishing u
great scientific revolution While Tyclrn ,
llrabe was observing from bia tower and fur
mshiug means for Kepler's work Galileo 1
ss startling tbs world with his great me
BbanioaldiKOTeries. The magnificence and j
complexity ol the great .yitems of
planet., satellites uud comet-, attend
mgour sun would seem to furnish auffi-l
cieut exercise for all energy which the j
mind i an cx-r; but with ihe giand insir.i-
......m ....u, in iw this .vsiem buoomai onl
,n infiniiesim d pa.: of the universe of
God The sdvenlana ol the gods, the ex
ploits of heroes, ami the fancies of pia-IS are
nartHttaaUv in ihe heavaui u-fore ail ua
'ion. Iu this lsuinilles field of investigu
lion, human geMUS has won its greatest vic
tories, and iu.piied by success it ailll reach.
out f. r new revelations, lhe uu
changing universe of Gial.
Yes, the benveus are me saui- jm.e.u....
lo-dav and to i ever, but Ihe human mind ha
p. nelraleillbe uiyslein s thereof. The dar ,
mg genius of loan sweeping across Ibe :
uterplaaetery spae dually reaahas ihe con-
liolling ceiitei ol ot.rou gresl system II j
baa boldly plnng. d into depths of space.
,w, pt across 111. interstellar distances. Slid
roaming from system to syslem looks out
upon the Universe, and seek, the eei.tei
rom whence these million, of sweeping
saaa eaall exhibit that atsaaiaVeal harmony.
ahichiehjlu, througho .1 the vast empire of
juasx m wrLiir s
Oratiou embraced a wide field ol Ihongbl
,ud rarlooa aabjeots, but ibe leading theuie
was the early piogie.s ot men sud lhe lea
tna religioBS ol ibe world-Cbniianiiy and
bu.l.lhl.m -viiliasling Ihe latter Ulifsvoi
,I,IV aith the MtwM. The of re
yUs Ihongbl in India since three
, , !,. lore lhe C'hnstiau era ha. Iieen m.D
lt,ed in lhe Bud.lht.t f-itb. bMfiaj
Liitant re-pect. the faltb of .he Buddhist
e-emble- .ha. of Je.U. Chrial. The Cere-mom.-,
rttasl and rite- of the lluddhiata sre
.mkiuKiy snslagous io those of the Baaaaa
Ztl The u.i.ldhi.1 pr..... are monk.
Tb y are
luii i.i y me
IT .h. Vhurch of lt-arve.
mlSi b r.-07.d repeat
,h"r prsyer. la au unknown tongue Both
Huddni-m and Lhn.liauity are L.tholic and
Z 4 r-bmc that as not conoped m . single
t.ce ,.r nsnou. Buildh,. beginning maimg
be Aryan people-lhe Hiu.ia.-ws. expelbd
beMouaul r.c-of E-tern Asia. In , the
Zm -sy Cnnuumty ben aruong (h. Jew.
" . aaaas c r. kgaaa. bu., bewg rrj.eted.
ubiiTbed use,, smoog A.y-a nce ol
" u.,l i a aaaaas ui the n
Enrope. Bcide. . . i B..,ihi. n
" 1 ,uu"' . ZZ. ... k. - ' - i
ilhole ii.k 1 1 ,, .
.nil auseni . I
Ij.Uie rrvttsxsu". "
, which reiecta s biersrcbical at stem and date
away aiti, priestly cast. . Kike Frote-lant-:
jm, it emphasizea the pun ly human side of
! Ms, slid I. a religion Mu which hum mil)
rather than form. I piety prevail.. Both
; Christian and RuddbLt beliefs teach divine
incarnation ami r. cognize (i. d Man Bui
histoiv shows that neither derived from
ill.' Other, but aoeh baa grown up by its own
: natural development, Via lb
I ttved from Hnibmiui-ui and Ohriattaalt
j from Jihlai-ni These ayslems have few
analogies, sud they could not have tiai.
Bitten loth-ir i.ff.piing what tbi y .lid not
posaaaa. Beside, the fiaj ajhlmoei. ih.r.-
! ate ftiiur equally importaut differeui.s
Buddhism d.a-. in t recognize the existence
of an infinite txing It i, atheism in it.
baching., and holds that everv mort il.wheti
! he aaaipes re-birth and ihe horrors of traus-
. iiiixratiou, will finally become, d
C'hrislindoni is sytvuiyiuoii. wi;h a pr grt
ive riviliiatii.n. while Bnddhisin is ever-
! where connected with a ciulizaiion which i
arrest,, I nnd stationary, lluiidhim is a
si stem i f sublime morality, generous phi-
, laathrom and noble knawauiee, bal tin
fatal il. feel which has it- heal
qualities has certainly la-en Ihe absem e of
i beHef iu an elerWvl world Man i. too great
to Iw sati-fi. .1 with time alone or eternity
' alone. H.. needs to live I mm ami for
Bilddbism is one of the latest eTSBtl thai
I baa sen d Ibe English-speaking people. It
I has been impotted into oiirowncouniiy, and
wcuwnmMai is to supilant UlrtStMBIt)
iu the minds ol cultured people. Men ar
cariied awry by this uew fu.hi. 'U as the
were by Ihe I ailuiic mania, which as suc
cessor to the first popular phase of Darwin
ism. Matthew Arnold has kept lime and
tune Iu this with Ills evoluiioli of aweettirs.
and light frOln a Obrtstlsuit which he has
iweotened and enlightened ior genteel p. o
pie by eliminating all that is supernal ural
aud miraculous tlf all lhe crazes and
freaks n the day nothing is more curious
thau the mixture ol enthusiasm and languor
with which certain BoatOfl young woui. n
proclsim themselves Ihnldhisis in religion,
adopting new opinions aa the) WOOM lh
latest fashion in dress. The hoai ol ex
tinc.ii. u nr al.sorbtioii of la-ing to escape
universal suffering and despair . the cream
of Hiid.lbi.t leaching, and this sour and cur
died essence of hopelessness is the hew gos
pal which our boasted in, ! in culture is
oomaxeuding to aa ai being noble leaching
sud equal to Ihe wisdom of Chli-I
MKs UU v. nrilttill'
Subject Wal "The Spin to Inspiration. " The
dainty b.nk in kIhlIi the naiinlu of th.
I period sails upon Ihe sea is very lIMfktettl
, irom the Mraight, ouwieldy eraft trsoed hi
j the Baalilaa ol ages paat. The later oUe has
! been iuaplred lo totui ashell curved to catch
i Ihe gale -a shape mure durable and bell. I
suited to its purpose. So Ibe animals upon
llle land have beell lliaplrad to develop b ib lime and ilime lu ahlcb
they live. 1 heir Heeds have beell llu lr In
spiration. Looking lo man we tind lint
Waal has been the cradle of hia civiltz ilton,
aud that Ihe earnest soiilce of his lu-pir .
tiou tame from his greatest need, thai ot
food. Man is a Scheme for his own develop
ment Hlsbeginuing is low. Fiavd la tm
the first great requiremeBl for bia uVvebip.
meul. It is the tin I i ha I ke. ps the OOmpli
caled ma, linn ry nl his system winking. ml
iu order. Ii enlarges ihe Iota and UOMr
tshes the braiu and makes it the throus ol
Naaon. Ohamntts bxfurm us i h..t man is
composed ot thirteen elements eight solid.
aud live gases. These are drawn (loin lhe
Vegetable products 1)1 the I mill, IbOBgh a
pari first enters into tbs OOmptssitton ol lhe
lower aiilinals hefoie il btMOBWa tit loud foi
man. To supply Ibase thirteen elements (or
an average man a year requires nearly a tou
and a ball ol materials rlettOS il appears
that man's tir-t inspiration to study must
have in i n how to produce hia loiol, and as
thai coun s from the satfiov of lbs earth 11
is not strange that agriculture became bis
tirst Industry, Iu upper Egypt man Bill
becalm; cimIiZ iI unit ll.ed by ugiicuituie.
The focal supply depended ou Ibe uuuilul
overllow of lhe liver Nile. Watching f,,r
signs ol the comiug OVer&OW led lo scun
niug the beaVeni for the star Sinus that up
pealed jus! before llle li.e, and that was Ihe
begiuuiiig of the study of asirououiy. The
sliidy of astronomy Uow is Ihe acknowledged uf lutein dual daVekHJBi ut ibrougnniii
the si u ntitle woild. The fact that water
aud heat were requind lu make the soil pro
duce, gave rise to the worship of water aud
tire. As civibzitiou edfsMed man became
inspired Willi a belief iu a supreme being
and iu the soul of man. At the same lime
all almost equal advance iu civilization was
made in Peru and iu a part of Mexico, a bile
Europe remained altogether barbafOOa.
Many nations followed the plan nl man's
physical development, oommenciug with a
low beginning, advancing to u Useful BU
iiit 1 1 aud ib. n declining gradually to decay,
l he ancients had a very errotieous Idea of
geography. The Greeks believed the Vorkl
three stories high As civilization advanced
mun craved luxuries, and trade and inter,
course between nations were established Ai
a result uf this spirit Columbus discovered
America, and Ferdinand Magellan circum
navigated the world. The uoith pole would
be discovered if there was a chance of t! . 1
mg loiuclbiug Ihere good to eat. In pursu
ing trade and BOmmtrce uud the want, of
life man has d lhe scieuces phil
osophy, chemistry, geology, bolauy, etc.
The undent world was represented by a mall
on horseback. Wealth now discards Un
saddle (or the Pullman car. Now wilh uni
versal education Iwfote ii. w wuiiib-r wlmi
prodigious possibilities waul (au inspne Ibe
(uture to u i if . .l.i
Lewis. I. Dwrii then delivered the
As Ihe golden sunset announces the close
of a happy day so this Commeuceinnit with
all its inlell. . tnal associations and wilh all
iis hagrsBI flowers and well wishu clos.s
the long aud toil-ome college work of
another clasa. It is indeed painful to us
when we contemplate the chaug. s lu our
lives thai this day aiiuounces We to day
ever our connection s students wilh Ibis
University wilh all iii.titotinu that baa
eeu for years a giiardiau aug. l lo our most
cherished hopes, a moderator lo vaOltiM !
ambition-, a patient bearer of lhe cup of !
knowledge, u .Wei l mother lo longing souls i
Dulieislli of Oregon, hencef.uih we aiaat i
reg.rd you Bat aa our guaulnn angel thai Is,
bill Unit sua. Yet we are glad to leave you
in growing gr. am... uud in. reaaing eee. I
hnce, cloibed in rebel of plat sqecs, alive
ilk strength, lung nergles, and all gilded.
wilh happy pro.p. c.s .ti .v your WWW re
, xteu l lo all Ibe young men and worn. I of
(hia new aud our progressing a.ui. . gr .ml
eilucatloiial ..ppoUmillies.
MriuKrs ol .be Hoard ul lb-g. ni. under
your vigilance and careful guidance ilua in
stitution baa tak. n in my rapid atrid.s for
ward until lo day Ihe I'nivtisiiy uf On gnu
in ihoioiigbliess ol discipline, compl. ti ness
ol instill, llou aud eicellence uf scho! usinp. il.ellgri.n ly among Us Noilba.sleiu
n.nti mporariea Aud since II has le . u amid
ibis ptospeilly lhat the clas. ol 'KJb.s .pen!
Its coll. ge days we f. el that lu ILl palling
hour il I. mimg lhal aw mingle aM thank,
a lib um farewell..
Oar Honoied President aud Members of
Ibe F.culiy our tee lug. toward you at tin.
lime cau oe realiZ'd ouly by those who iu
the course of tbeir live, have bad lo lake
their departure fiuui able instructor, ami
learned pr lesor., fiuui those who have
v9sf been Zealous iu piuinoling Iheir well
beiug, lighting up tb. u pathway with siipe
nor isuuiu, guiding Ibcm over the gieat
mountain twiueia that frown danger and
trial to the aspiring mind; sud fruin tbo-e
abo lure been lu tbeiu p. trsthrrs,
kind friend, aud lalb'ily i. Ue
absll uu longer, sa we hate duite lur many
years, here pas. under your dally guiduote,
out must go to uth-r ttelda 01 I.. bur. In
structors ol knowledge We leave yull to -day
only lu pass UbOer lie tutelage ut lhe SeVele
instructors of elpeirebce. We yo from Ibe
University lu cuutetid wnb the world, yet all
(be robe uf care and tiial that Cuming yeara
way tbiuw arouuO Oa and all Ibe cluiki. that
way axiar fruui Ibe battle fields ol hie can
n "rr, rnvtrsnut UUI Ibe lay. UjW ll .
UUUUT ItuaaXa. Mm rata thai sUKdall IKau
Ihe fact lint we have lieen v.uir unpila.
I'r.fcs.ors Willi lhe aioeeti st lliahka for ibe
st' an I the kind-.t wi.hes fut the futitti
we bid m.ii good-bye; tarrel.
Claasin d.a I ir many yeaia wr have snx
inn ly looked f.u ward lo ihi. il.v, yet bow
pali.lftllv do ae bel lhe Ihortia iaKHr Ihe
mat s To ui- ami to yon u i. nol all uu
'lime f, r it II lhe day that IBDOMMel our
patiiug Irom fri.-nds anil slmieiila, from pro
Ii aapyw sad from oa laathK. Ii telis u.
thai We ale lo le lie lhe old sud ruler the
u.w We mast now march out into the
' sr. u i of life. And when we me then let US
av.,l ih...- ways lb it bud down and take
lb - 1'ial I, ...I up f, ..I did im I intend this
III. Ui be mesa He made it grand; He Bade
it gbiilmis lb' decked it. wayside with
ti w is; H paved 11 with diamonds. Over
it II-plac-d Ibe slurry arch of Heaven ami
iron nd it all lhal nxatalteeat and subHase
, Emblazing upon all 'his hat the b i
brs ihnt sp, i mil ibe n i l- that I. II ua life
Is for a pnrHvae l, t ua make il a grand op
, pnrtnnlty lu do. and to aehleve, Lei n
want the Is s and b I us ninke lhat want lhe
-pur to our inspiration". L I ua alrive
, eani.-slly. st. adfa-lly and confidently to
better m inkii.d. And if ever in our lalsvra
tin- innonee down bt ua l.x.k up to the
i star., and if the Ih i- dark h i us keep our
.-ye. ou the lb aveus a hich t as one of you
' has just .aid) .re Hie same yesterday. In dav
I and lorev. r If in tbi. .pirit we will think
i out our w ok ami then work onl our thought
I we ned have no fear for future sin ee.a. h ip.
pitiess and honor. The judgment of tin
I world a ill then echo lhe at liliiinnt uf our
j motto: 'iibuoii iui mtnMKw).
Claeematee onr worit here is finished and
, now for each one of ns, MlvMnslly and for
all a. a class I again bid the I'mversity of
I Oregon with all its uuleared reluliens kind
' f o. well.
ai tin- conclusion t each oratioa lhe
' gtadnate was BMile lhe m tpnnlof nnnn r
I una bean I if ul bouquet..
By request of I'risid.iil J. W. Johuaon,
: Hon. L. 1. MoAMhar delivered the diplomas
I to llle class and couferred tpofl each ill" ib-
greaoi a H, prrlaotoi tea net ny a .imrt
and point, d talk, rcplilc with kind and prac
iicul advice.
The e. -rci-es of the law di p irlnietil tiaik
j place ut Jl p iu. K.aava were read as fol
lows: "Lenders of Men." by Kuz Hoy 0.
lairn; "Thomas II ll.nlou. " f L Keenau;
'Law an Ediicaiing Eoice," O.o M. Miller;
"AUxaiider HamlltOU," by Win. E. Berk
heinn r. The eseayi proved thai the rcaaoti-
IttR faoultira nl the graduates bad not la-, n
I itegleoted by the Iccltiicrs of the law schiad
The nlaaa, consisting ol Flu Boy Oabom, F
lb Reenan, Oao. M Miller. Win. E Berk
beimer. M I. Bergman, s .1. McNall sud
Pert (J Balhroci. RCelvtd tlnir diplomas
nd the degreea ol 1. I. I at the hands of
, Hon. M 1'. Deedy, by request of Preaideni
1 lobuaoii, idler a sh ut addiess by llle le irued
In ibe evening ihool eighty of lhe Alumni,
iih members ol Ihe Board ol Befate ami
I'm nil), sut down lo an eleguut Lauqin I
spread in lhe dining IMHU of the Hull. nan
And Ihus ended Comtn. ncemeiit lay of
isN'.i A proa us year for the Oolreralty,
and promising success and prospiiity fur
the Inline.
Cottage Orove itcnui.
f I'llOM Ol'K SI'KClALCollllKsroNUK.Nr.
.inn,, b INB.
Wild blsckberrill are bi ginuiug to ripen.
Itev. Wiliae lod'fsmlly left ibis plane
Monday lor Albany.
S. vi nil in w bnlhllngl art in course of cou
strtiol lian at Cottage tirove.
Mr. Hriggs, the phobigraph mat., hasbeeu
doing a ll V. ly bllsiln here of bile.
Miss Alice Daiuewond is slopping nl Mr.
J diu Tall'., Dell Cn swell, at preaeul.
Wl have hu ll iufol 111, d that there w ill be
no oelebration at Collage Urovu the lib of
Mis. (1. W McCoy pas-ed here Salnrday
ou her any lo Spiinglbld to see her daugh
ter, who was very sick wilh lung lever.
Coyotes nre seen and In aril itcqiieiitly ou
lhe hills in i It ih vicinity. Mr J H Veatch
-hot at one lllsl Week', initialled In Kill II.
Mr ,).('. Wallace weul to Oluro tin I .th
ami relumed the Kith, accompanied by Mr.
(hay, who is going lo build Mr. W. a house.
Mi.s Pearl Charles' school on Silk creek
elosed Frbley, June II, and Mia. Leroy
DsmeWOod began a letni of two inulilha
MoUda) at llle Mime place.
We received a copy of the Collage (irove
laaibr The ttisl newspaper evil iiub Oottagl Urovu waa printed June
IS, INV.l, mih is I Sradil lo the plara as well
us the pioprietor. Vkiiitt.
Notice In Contractors.
Bids for lhe carpenter work and painting
on a school house, iu District No. I, Pleas
ant Hill, will be received by the iiinh rslgned
until .luly 1, lata). Plans aud pacillca,iolia
may 00 Seen S ibe ltegisler office, Kugelie.
The right to nject any or all bids is re
served. Address
I'lea-.itit Hill, Laue Co., Oregon.
A Vaiukiv RORirvar AI Churchill bud
iranaway VTediieauVy evening that did ind
luck variety A young sladlou he was driv
ing on Willamette Street in a load call Is
came IIUUl"Uag, able and rail lo lhe depot.
He crossed the Irack and Marled east be
tween lhe main and aide trucks until he
loaehcd the point where the track, joined,
then took down ibe track lo Oak,
crossing a witches n it limit ICCideBl. Mr.
Cbnrehill Amt'ly stopped the horse at the
llaptisl church.
Mrsici. Com kht. On the evening of July
Hd a conceit will I. giteu at Itliinehsrt.a
Pallors l.v Mr.. Laura Kiucaid. inui.led by
the be.t teleat "I RageM, Some of the pi in
eipd sri-.s from, "Faust," "Lnereia
llorgia, ' "lb I iiovaiina," "Daiizht-r of the
KeKiiuei.t," ete, will Is- idvea. Alan rwritabaM
sad tahtnux. An lve i Peas) piano will I
Used on the isx-aaion. Mra, Kiucaid re
eerily aradiuited at the B.mton Couservstory
f rnasM, after rime year, of study nt mttaieal
-Clellees S lull prograllinie next Week.
Twain Free Hrs A man by lhe aims
of Van Alsllue, who ha. i i 1 1 -. I cnushjt-intile
work I t the police, goi bja uiuihofthe
arrteat Mid couclmled lo fhaati.e her ah. in
he bad proillised lo i lnrf-l, and pro.n l, 1,,-t
Saturday Bbi objected and gotaaarrant
for hi. art. si. 11. wis tit d Is-fore Justice
H-nd. rsoti and got lerenljf five daya iii jail
It y the time hi. sentence expires be will
prolaihly conclmle that a married man should
forbear inuu using violence against his wife.
Tiir. Oucm. Sell Br"s' einua showid
in l'.ug-1 M ndav eflet ii and evening in
MSsN r aU'lienee. lhail llsil tl. The patade
iii tb moi tiing was int. re-ting aud Ibe iter
fin lll iliee under th- canvas was i I.
As usual the .si.i gsmis eaogbjl a number of
victim, lhe sll mid In) - known better; one
p.rty i- ii rfnt.d lo have lost over t'Aat try
lug P. Ileal lhe g tine 1 1 seeu.s almost Me
less lo as'U s ,... laxdaal atleh games for
ihew walk H,i.i li.e tiao de.lllte the waniiinr. '
Ii aaa litlb bettM lhaa highway robbery.
Sit sLiW BatUMP.s-A m elingof the di
r nam ef 'be Sm...w & E.ateru Navigation
Co. wa. held in tag' as i. " utli, and II waa
ord. r. d Unit ihe pre.i.b nt and secretary ha
authorized in make a connect for a prelimi
nary aarvey n the line ts-.ween Eugene and
Florence. 0. H . .iul. w-r wsa appointed
grUcral .g. nt of the company.
A Cieia Vnw The atgn have been
taken (torn ac'ioaa Ibe Walks Ibis Wiek,
Kreatly impiovuig Ibe aptearance ol lhe
.ireet. Tee view aloUg the- aldaWalka la UOW
free from ubtri.rtion
A f'w cm U ports Irom Eastern Oregon
elate that in some localities the crops aid be j
alino.t au enure failure uu accouut of the
dryae. b r Thtaamiilll tf seres will noi
pnj Ini I aM tag t'sltle are ling sold .1 a .
my low figure ou otnwaat ot bmk ut feed.
llebdereoi. deutisl.
Summ r lists st lbs Misses Walton.
Carriages have beeu kept busy in Eugene
di ti week.
Sal- in la lo have I new Democratic paper
about July Ul.
W (taper at Engeue Book Store, for
mi rly Collier's.
Screcu ami wiudont for aalc st
Mtdglev A Parker's.
S.hool Hooka exchanged al IT,'.' Houk
Bi m
toiim r'v ( oilier a.
Aak your giocet for Junction fiour
elc, ll, ut.
The fouudalion forjudge Scolt's retidelice
ha. been laid.
W. W C.rdwcll, s University grsduate, is
l.v.ted st Burn., Oregon.
The H y 'led Lounge, the best lounge In
the market', manufactured by It. D. Dmwu.
Mr lieo F Craw hsa the sole satency for sll
brand, of the celebrated T'anail Punch Cigars
Take your produce to the Pacific Tee Co.
and gel Ihe heat prices.
Smoke the Happy Hours 10 cut white
llbnf cigar of Markus A Co.
li d and cold baths every day iu the week
st Jerry Horn's barber shop.
We are iu the lead, never Whlnd. Always
get there. City Bakery slid restaurant.
Dr. dootl'l Electric Corsets at Eastern
prices. For sale ouly at 0. Iletluiiu's.
I'restmi waula vou lo come and see his
saddles slid heavy team hurueas,
ltefore storing or selling your osts see A.
V. Peters. Clsau Chevalier barley wanted.
Try ear ereaai puffs, city Bakery.
BeflMmbtr we deliver every thing with our
nan wagon, City Hakery.
W. F. Warieu'a young -a lion ia dead
Au anvil fell on him and did ibe WOtk.
E C Lake, marble cutler and dearr in
luouunietita, ahop on Eighth street Eugene
Press ha:s slid Isuineta iu lace and
slraw, and at reel and shade hips at the
Mi s, s Walton.
The Eugene Hercules cigar to for i!i
cuts is .he beet ktaaalaatturd by tin
Eugene Cigar Factory.
Carpels' Carpels!' S. H. Friendly has
, iut received a large aud varied assortment
lie will suit yull.
The "Cuban" aud "Y irru" cigars at Hurt.
,V I'aiue'a. Try them; tbey are the best iu
the market for the money
Timber land clsiniaiita sre numerous Om
email of aeviiiteen wete iu town this week
aud locstld on the McKeuxis.
l'-e i begun Electric Relief (or all pain,
iiihrnal or eilernsl. Ask your druggist foi
Oregon Electric Belief. It will help you.
Mrs. J ll. Ithiuibsrt and Utile Nors Vta-
I. in- dn w the gold Watches given away lss
Satmday evening by the comedy company.
I! i ok in, the Eugene, photographer, lull. I
la. a rustler. Ou circus day he niade fitly
tin, e negatives aud wssn't very busy either
All kinds of fancy, dress sud dry goods
jitst received from the East, which must In
sold at ouce. Call at Bcttniau'i and exam
ine. Marriage liceu ea issued Ibis week : I T
Nick liu mi l Ada It Page. DH Brumbaugh
and Jnda Lcbow; Geo W Jordan and Emm i
F Reed, Jos. Lyons ami D.iiay L. Smith
Edwin Ritas, of McMinnville, has haett
gran. id a free scholarship iu lhe State I'm
veisity, mid will attend the next session ol
Shi i mol llmr hss several farms for sale
at a bargain. If you wsut to iuveat in land
give htm a call, see his ad iu another col
I. . T'hoinpaou'a horse sslo last net k un
well iltelided sud lhe horsca brought good
price. He disposed of about Wheel iu two
II. S Ilurroiighs bss laen sppoilited post
master nt Pendleton, vice Clopton, removed;
aud I S Oiaui at Dallas, vice J. A. Wuitga
msn, removed.
M. S. Parker b i n neat sdver.lslng dodge
on the street circus day iu Ihe person of a
man, ,f presenting a rooster, distributing
business cards.
Goldsmith, tbo grocer, has just n Ived
from the East one ol the largest assignment,
of lamps ever brought to Eugene, lie will
sell them nt puces that defy competition.
Midgby A' Patkerat Iheir facility mi Kill
si i e, i, ea.t ol the mill race, manufacture and
keep for sale, doors, wiudosa, frames,
mouldings, elc. Estimates furnished ou ap
plication. Carpets o' every style uud grade at Friend
ly's. These carpets nave just arrived ami
lap, Dan well selected lo lueel lhe demands
of Ibis market. Call and examine his varied
Take warning all you farmers that have
summer fallow lo work go and gel OM ol
Paiue's Unas Cultivators, and stop your
fouling. TTim Boas does Ibe biz ami ilun'i
you lorgut ii.
Dr. W. V. Henderson has returned from
Chicago, wln ru he look a course uf be. urea
and institution in lhe latest methods ol
dentistry. Call and see him nl his office if
you are in peed of wotk.
S II I in lull) keeps the largest ami In. I
assort meul of clothing, ladiea dress goial.,
hats, etc. He is couliiiually sddiug the
latest anil newest ty Ins to bis stock. Ill
prices are fixed to slut lhe timet.
The best family remedy is undoubtedly
Plunder's Oregon Blood I'mifler. It may
la- safely giveu lo lhe infant aa Well as lo lhe
adult, audit will give relief where Othti
medicines fail to do so. Keep it in Ihe houae.
The, ladiea should call at J. D. Malloek'a
atore and eiamiae tb .t beautiful and earn
fullv selected stock of, ladies dress goods
Spring and Hummer patterns of the latest
arylee, ami quality to suit the buyer.
Comrades and aoldiera of late war am re"
qm sled to meet at purl hall on July lib. al
'.Till a. m , b take part in lhe pr aaiOfl oil
Ibalday. By older of J. T Mahtim.
I i , in manlier.
Mr. James Whiblker, aon of Gov Whit-esk'-r,
Was iii mil all d lust nk lor n colder
of East Pot. land. Lull Monday the elec
tion .a curled, and hi a , I rnu, il
ibottgh defeated by SSI voles, Ihe R. publicans
haviug marly 2IJ0 majority iu that city.
The "University Ibsikatore" handles new
and ataple gi.sla only: there are no Is-tter in
the market. Everything ia freali and clean.
There ia no heed of trumping up anient .h.-lf
winn drug: no reduced prii-ea ib.lge or other
kin 'red devices, and no Imitating of other par
ties' adverliseuienta . a-facilities.
Clothing. Isaita and shoes jual airived
from New York, at Q BeMaaa'a, Win is-
sold cheap for the uext 3U daya.
The ladies of St Maiv's Epiai'opiil Guild
will give one of iheir dime sia-iala on W,,.
aaaday evening, June 'JCth Ice cieam slid
cake will be served si IS ei. extra A
pleasant programme II be arranged foi the
evening. All are cordially iuvited.
The Collage Grove Leader, K. P. Thorp
.tihliber, made Ha app. .rn. .- last Satur
day Il le a neal ." i'.um foil", ami la
neutral in politics if that be pna.ibb.. We
wi.b Ibe new j turnalielic v. niure ancceas
"May it live loug and pnatper."
A neat ruuaway took place on Willamell.
-Ireet Wednesday. Two horses being let)
la-hind a wagon .hied sideways averlnminu
n sud dmupiug tb wagon bed in iu sire. I.
The hotaai drswing Ihe wagou started with
it r nulling ou tbe bubs for I bha-k wbiu it
righted abd tbe rig was conveyed rapidly
to ard Spencer Bulle.
The Hilverton Hes-nlar Union haa called a
convention lo be held iu thai lowu on Jnu
u and j i. to organ lie a state association f. r
ibe pnrp,,-e of ediicalliu puldm aenlimenl iu
lavor uf taxing cburcb property, leludiug
reluyioua tcsrbing from our public scbuols,
slopping appropriation, fruio.tbe public
pnr.e for the support of sectsrisn iuslilu
Itous and sboli.hiug all ibe remiimug WW
lige of ihe Union belweeo cl ureuaud Stale
B. F- Uuderwtxal is annoauctd ,tu give an
ewdrswe uxi thai yvvrvivf
Horn's addition In Eugene
vnu me bits at the Band Box.
Additional local, editorial page.
The fir, w,.rk. for the Fourth of July bare
Now for n graud celebration of tbe Fourth
of July
The Review and H-tald of Ron burg have
lid it. I A sensible move.
I.-e cream to-day ami for th- rest of tbe,u at City Hakery ami Hestuuraiil.
For the la-al and cheapeat spring la-da aud
lotlligea go lo It. 1). Ilrowu'a.
I flue line of ail k pluahea in nil ahadee
and grades st F. II. (hum's.
Blbiea aftd New Testaments nt Eugene
Hook stnir, fotinetly Colliir's.
Guitar ami violin airings at Eugene Book
Store, formerly Collier
The students of th- Uotfefefty gave a ball
a. lthui-h irt's p triors I'liursilay ev ning
A few choice lota for sale iu F.llaworth'a I
arVtlllna to Eugene. Apply lo Dr. McDonald, j
We invite the ladies lo come and aee our
slock of summer goods ai the Band Box.
The Misses Walton have thia week re
ceived tip ir annum r stock of hats aud bon
net.. Eirga. g eta; butler, ltk wheat, GO;
WlMll 21).
Havana Cigar clippinga for lhe pipe al the
Eng. tie Cigar Factory.
Sheet music ami mn-io hnokj til Eugene
B.,ok Store, formerly Collier's.
ii i. now ranvtrrd that the S P R R Co.
will eoutiol the narrow gailgc tea. - IU th.
See null. I ass.s-tuellt for improvenieiil
of Will . in, tie stno-t north of Elevinth, in
anoi her colnuiii
From June I, '89, Firsi class Cabinet pbo
los will la. $n per do, u al lhe studio of
F A, Rankin
Oil p hi, tm..'- platan fiamea, wall brack
ela clock shelves, bat and cloak racks, wiu
dev. pah s, etc., al K D ll.own'a.
Tb.- Or. goti Pioneer, met in grand council
ai Port Wad raeeday. Several Lane naat) i
pioneers wire til al.eiiiiaiice.
The Supreme Court has rendered a decis
ion in fa. or of the railniad comniissiouers
appoint,, I by (he I.. gi.lalurc.
The grand camp of Indian war veteran
was In Id al Portland last Monday, dpt.
I' 0 N land repreeQUted 111,. Laue county
ll l.'gins to balk like hmiaain The Cor
vallia i line. say. that on June Ut the dreg n
raelll Itailmad inii.ra.-ted with the Itethle
hem In. nl',., n Bethlehem, l'a., for steel raila
.uthcient to build I'd miles of Mad.
Henderson I hi deaths haa relurueil fully
pTi pared in attend to all .blli, nit cases ol
deinialry. Office In same old quarters, up
atalra in First Natlooal Hunk block.
A Hunt moved bis boot ami shoe store to
ilie back of Ibe lot Thursday to make room
for his contemplated buck building. Work
men are preparing lo move the Ban kin
Rev. I). E Lovcridgc, of Ibii oily, will
deliver the Bwoabitlieale sermon before tin
agricnhantl Ooltewe,,at C.rvalbs, Sunday.
Judge McArlhur, ol I'ortlalid, delivera th
addieaa to lhe giadiiatca next Wednesday.
Salt at Public Anrllimnf tltt MeKlMtt 1
Notice is hereby given thai Ih" McKeliXi.
wai house, with iwo lola UUlillill f, el, lb
cleaning appaialua and a horse power, will
DI sold at aMtioa to the highest bidder, at
Ibe war. house in Eugene. Ottgon, Saltiiilav,
tnellth day of July, l.Hh'd, at I o'clock iu tin
Terms One. half cash down, and one
half ou (line on n. a,, with interest si cured
by niorigage. Tuns Enwaiios, Pres.
Al lhe reaiibnce of her son in law, M'.
las Parker, mat Pleasant Hill. June Mih,
Mis Man 11 Kigdoii, in Ih" N'id year of In i
ige, of disease caused by old age. Deoeased
was beiu ill Trumbull Co., Ohio, Aug '-".'
i HOT, her parents remaved io Wvua Co.,
.lieu she was four years ol t, Here eh
lived until 1837, wh n si o married R.-v.
John ltigdou and oa me with him lo HI. It,
moved Ui Iowa in NS whi te tin v residnl
four (ears. Ill lhe year 18'tJ they
cros-ed th, Plains lo Oregon slopping Itr-l
III Polk Co , Doming to Lain. Co. IU IH.'il,
where she ha. it v. d for morn ihan thirl,
y ura. Doeeuled was lhe last of a hug
laiuily noli d for long vily, a brother b iviusi
di, d Wil bin the year at Ibe age ol UT). Bin
was a II l in believer ill Ibe Bible, haviug lee. I
a consistent in. inber of tbe Cbristiau churci
.luce early glrlbinal. A devilled wife, a kind
id loving mother, a respected neigh bod
F"tir chlldriii survive h.r: .1 II ltigdou
San Luis Ohisi).,, Gal , G. II. ltigdou, La
Grande, Mis I'lnnla. I' .rker, wilh wlioiu ale
has liv, d for eight years past and Miss K
A. ltigdou. M iy h. r reward bu as gieat as
her woiks have been good.
Tiir Naiiicow Gauol --Employes, and
p,il mils, loo, mast la. scarce ou ibe Nairn
linage railroad, aoonrdiai io mo foil. .wine
Irom tbo Albany Herald: Win PI. iff. i a pisition as unit,
, rk on the Narrow Gunge railroad, re
turned home yesletday, having resigned h.
nftdtion, lie says he did nol relish th
idea of ri-kiug his life iu tbe hands of th
black'iniiba who run tl. train. Tbe eu
. kneel is a young MM who had been rnu
ning a steam sawing wood uiachim .
and knew nothing alsmt a I emotive,
and all. r the engine was overluiuod ours
or twice Will decubd he did u I want e sit
uation oil lhe Nanus E.capu road.
hit IIIWi Oi D Bowles, well known it
Eugene as a simleii. at the Uulversity, as
married Tuesday. The Albany Hera d say.:
'Miss Me. In Tholllpslill, a ll, lighter ol post
master Kufus I hoinpson, and Mr. C. D
llowlis. in ijl agent mi Ibe Honlheru PaciHi
train, left this city Tuesday for Portland
lor the purpose id Is dug united iu in .mag. .
The bride's pareula refil'd Iheir couaetit In
the union. The young couple left on Ih
uo. u train for Porlland where Ihey wer
AroM.rxr - TuenUy forenoon Col, E.
Jones, of Jasper, while walking ueai
he jail lell from Ihe uf a atroks ol
ipopleiy, culling a gash on one of hia tern
idea ou lhe sidt Widk. II- Was e.rri.d lo tin
liotiie of his dailghb r, Mrs. M. Carter, a her.
he died in (he afternoon The deceased was
71 years of age and bad served iu the Mexi
cau war. I be interment took place al tb.
Odd Fellows cetnel, ry Wednesdsy afternoon
Matinixii. In Eugene Wer.nraday inoniinsf.
June ID. IH9, at Ho'chsk, at the residence of !
the la ide's uareiiv, Itev Ge,.. A. MeKilday
ofneiatins-, Mr. I. T. Mckliu "I Portland to
Ml Ada Page of Eugene. The happy couple
left by the IihmI train the same inoruins for
iheir future MM In Portland. Their friend,
in Eug'iie. and thry are m on . wish that to
tham may fall a fair and goldeu future.
BusoLiaiZlO Ehen Stewart's bouae wa- i
ransack. d the mniuiug of Ihe circus and
eveiylhiug turned upside down, pre i .1.1.
bl bangers on ul lhe circus f'JU were i
.ei nr. d by lhe burgl ira from a hiding nisi I
hack of lbs rualtlie. Notbiug elae waa
lulss. d
DilD - In Eugene, Sunday. Jm Iti, lHtril,
Mrs Nancy M Oeary, relict of Dr E. It
Geary. sga 71 yeara She leaves several
aon. and daughters aud uunietuui frienda lu
mou i ii her i - -
i ..i.itoTioL Sisvicc-Rev PS Khistal
i "f the I nuaisgatioiial church will h-id relig
tous services t" morrow uierulas la Itbine
, hart Hall. It Is muu lrl ia coeaectinn with
the .axaebtu, t org .aire a C'lHigregatioual
ch'.'.ub lor Eugene.
linen Hut -Take notice thai ni, tinnier
Ue ,. w Kiuaey will .all Bis btsrsee al euoliua
tudajr. A a - -i visuve to tmy "Ve
Scholarship I'rlirt Dnnated-A Oym
nMlnrn to be Bnilt-Another Tutor.
The Board of Regent! of tbn University
ol Or.gnn held their annual meeting io Eu
gene Thursday. A full board wal present,
aafollnwa: President M. P. Desdy. Secre
tary J.J Walton, Treasurer A. 0. Ilovey,
Regent. lL-niy Filling, L. L McArthur, C.
C Beekman. S Hamilton, A. Buab. R S.
Bean, T. 6 HfUdr cks and Roduey Scott.
Tbe reports of officers were reed, -bowing
lhe past to have been the most prosperous
year iu the history of Ibe Duiveraily.
Il-.n Henry Failing made n donation to
the Uuiversity uf t'JoUt', (be interest nf
which to tbe amonot of $150 ia to be given
aa a pr le each year to tbe gradn.te baring
ibe heat oration or essay. This will
Ih known ss tbe Failing prixe. A similsr
donation of lltinO was made by Hon. C. C.
Beekman tor a aecninl prize of glut! for the
second-best oration or essay, to be known as
ihe Beekman prire.
Miss Lnra Mun h was elected a tutor for
the en.iiing year The salaries of Tutors
Frank Huffer aud 8. E. McClure were ad
vanced to flitlt per year
Tbe executive committee was authorized
to procure plan, and elect a worvileu build
ing, with a brick foundation, on the grounds
fori gymnasium; aa to procure .nil. hie
apparatus. The fund, applicable for the
anaa are between siikw and toono
Aftoi a very harmonious meeting Ihe hoard
ml ji ni rued.
D F. Bice made a trip to Portland thia
Mia. Silly lliiah of Silem visited Eugene
'hi. we k.
W It MoOomaoh returned from Florence
ti. o Nolan. I aud wife were visiting in En
senn Ihia week.
Dr A I Nick ni. nf Porlland. MM iu Ett
g. ne last Tucday.
Mr. Alt. Stowell and wife of Portland were
in Eugene the first of the week.
S. 8. Stevens, of Noli villey, tetnrneil
from Illinois the first of the week.
0, H. Fisher, of the Roseluirg Herald,
made us , pleasant call this week.
Attorney Geo. A. D oris returned W-lne,
day from a professional to Kosehurg.
Mis. J. R Ream baa been visum, tela
Uvea iu Albany dming the past two weeks.
Miss Emilv Bristol ol Portland is visiting
in Engeue at Ibe reauterce of F. W. Ostium.
J. 8. Baker has returned from the Harney
ami Prineville cuuutry, but little improved
in health.
Itev. ll,,, W Hill and wife of East Port
laud, Were in town attending Counnenctiueut
this week.
t 11 Mo ion, uow residing at Drain, was
iu town Tuesday. He la conducting a meat
mil kit at that place.
Col. C E 8 Wood, a prominent legal
light of Porlland was in Eng. in- this Week
in ntleudauce ou Commencement.
L'ucle Aryron Ooldsnii.b was cotdlned to
his loom aeveral days this week wi.b sick
ness. He has uow about recovered.
Mr. Wm. Miller of the Blaren Tannin.' 0(V
who went to San Erincl.isi on a buaiuea. trip
last Week, returned Thursday morning.
Recorder Dorris and J. R Ream made a
'lip to the Blue River mines the lad of tho
Wtek, id liming Wednesday morning.
Prof. R. H. Thornton, of tbe faculty of
the law school of the University uf Oregon,
attended Ibe Cm i.e. m nt exerciser
Ed. White baa beeu very ill at Prineville.
his inauy frieuds ale-tut Eugene will bu
pleased lo learu thai ho is now out of danger.
Mr C. B. Allen, a prosperous rancher on
lhe Descbules, Crook county, is iu the
county visiting old friends. He will remain
until alter tbn Fourth. .
Mia. Henrietta Slelnhelaer nf Portlan I,
and Mr. L. Ackerman, of Oregon City, vis
ited at the residence nf Mr. I 'has. lur sev
eral days thia week.
E F. Oabiirn returned from rt trip to Mm
ow comity, her, he haa been looking after
hia slock luteresla, Ihe Brl of tbe week. He
porta a. by time iu that section of Ihe
M Levinger b it on a visit to hia old home
in lloinlai dt county, Cel., last Saturday.
He is a good talker and will give Lane eonn
i i g,l name in lhal section. We wish
him a pleasant visit.
Hons M P Deadv, L L McArthur, S Ham
illon, Henry Failing A Bush and 0 C Beek
man regents of the 8ta'e University from
, broad, and Hons R 8 Bean, T 0 Hendricks
nil li'slnny Seott. of Eugene, were iu at
'endance on lhe University ComuMicemelit
Our Bark' Afloat.
For fourteen ycaia we have Iieen am Inn, ,1
hi the aoruer of Willam. tte and Seventh
street, but we are now about to move to tho
hack of tbe lot, to make room for other im -provemcnta.
During our fonrfeen years' voyage on the
on t, a in il., sea we have i , ii weighed down
ilb 1'dger accounts, but by cart fill watch
ing we hsve steered clear of roeka and
ireakera We are now about to land, aud
uaiead nf chooaing Ihe tuaiebv low lands ol
the credit ayalem. we have choseu Ihe high
aud dry plains of cash down, and win n wc
sel aail agaiu, which will lie in about one
areek, we don't propose to lake with u- day
i sink, journal or ledger for guide or corn
's sa, but we pi. ..... to tuke cash for our
All these years of experience In getting
i Vet and around the rough and rocky places,
h ,ve taught us the brittle thread by which
victory hangs suspended, and ih it cash be
fore delivery is the ouly way to do bam.
We th ink our friend, for paat favor., and
kindly ask a coittilitiauce of the aame; but
hoae we bare Iniated for one lo Iwo years,
ml those whom we have trusted ami who
have uever paid, we do not feel like thank
ig, nor do we aak a conlinuauce of like
(a von.
We invite onr friends to come snd Me as
in our new qnsrler., where v. will serve yon
with Ihe best ibe market affords and at tbe
I - st flgnrei. We tnt.-t I to buy for caab
and thereby tecure loweat prices and cash
We feel that onr decided stand for cash
will nol alone prove a boon to onraelvea, but
to our customers as will. 8. C. RiMIR.
Siuslsw WaooN Boio. A gentleman who
haa just returned from a trip lo Ibe Lower
Sitislaw country informs ni Ibal the mud
thai follows ibe Sinabtw river is in eiuellent
repsir, the people along that highway having
placed il in g,,,,.l condition. He aeya one of
Eli Bangs' lesms. carrying five grown peo
ple made ibe trip to Hark P. Tallman's
plsce iu uiue hours, snd frum Ihsl point lo
ihe bead of tide in ibr.-,. hours, making the
whole of 5)1 miles in I - boiira. U
publish tbia fact lo show what time can be
iu .de on Ihia road. By Ibe way, we will
here slate that tbe Siusluw river and tbe
oeean beach at its month, ia a aplendid plam
to spend a mitoibnrlao during the warm
-nmim-r month. We csn asy from persousl
eiperieuce, thai ibe prices fur traveling, and
taiard aud lodging are extremely low, and
accouim. stations aiiierior.
A Nasaow Eac.ra Qeo. M Miller's lit
tle child fell iu lhe well at bia residence Fri
day morning, but oeusht on m- pipes Ibal
were a. -p. as lhe well ahoul live feel from the
top. Tbe ehil I waa not injured, but couaid
ersMe excitement wa. ososed in the neigh
borhood by lhe incident
Qibl Wurrra A girl is wealed lo do
general boese work, luquire al ike resi
dence of CbeeLauer for further information.
Ms IS ran Al Albaay, Monday. J, n- 17,
J.M Armstrong of Eu.eue lo -Mi-a Bertha
iesia.waeMnwa oi Albany