The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 22, 1889, Image 2

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I. I.. AN I'M K 1. 1.
1 tnniliir " Mm Mow llir llinom
Krisr.l IhaUatut-.
Every body la now aaklng hi friend
In a doubtful kind of wny what he
thinks of bno-bnll. Londoner mo. of
ought to be, now In a position to give
Iholr verdict upon this Important tue
tion. The Chicago and All-America
team have performatd four time In
London before large crowd of ectiv
tor at l.eyton H.IMXI portion watched
Irm (mine Our visitor, therefore, can
not complain that they have been treat
ed with Indifference, whatever Ju'lfiT
ment la pawned niton tho game they In
lunitnnart t,, Mont Londoners who
take any Interest at all in mii-i bin
considered It a duty to pay the base
bHll nliivers a visit, and tO Inform
themselves fully and truly utnn the na
ture of th game, keeping their mind
0ii ami purjfod, no far n patsiblt
from all passion and p-ejodlce. W
arc not iii-.'iniretl to say that il I nllo-
gether possible to Judge without preju
dice a (fame which Iho Amerla-uii have
presumptuously preferred to Cricket
Apollo might have lUlOiwd to tho plK!
of Mrva with euuanlmlty and even
with pleamiro had he not known that
Mursyua wan setting up at hi iiTinr
Hut let it try to forget and forgive thl
Mil Judge tmnB-billl on It merit Out
of thnae merit la that It 1 not pnn out
over two or llreo day. Ani-ri-
ciin, who are M bey that lliey
can not find loiuii for cricket. iniiii-
into to nod It for a gaum which a
JOfli afternoon I BllOolent to decide
A for the ucntlal of the game, it
would In lingular if they did not lriko
Home chord of ympalliy in I lie rug
lih breast, considering that they are
the lame an thosia of rounders. '
"Roundem " wa once much played on
every village green; even now II enjoy
considerable vogue as a Sunday amuse
n; "lit in the outsklrt of liiulon, and
several of our metropolitan public
schools find "rounder, ' or a variety of
I lie game. Houlirly well adapted to
their lagged play-ground a"uno
que ntly wo mui liavo latent affinities
for base ball. Hut of WUfM the Auir
MM game ha ditvoloiod greatly. One
of the chief pleasure of the school
boy' life used loeonll lu Vi-on-hing "
that i. picking up the ball when the
adversary hud mimed striking it and
slinging It with unerring aim at hi re
treating form. The base ball is nearly
a hoavy a a cricket ball, and 00(10
'juonlly it can ho well understood that
this ph asing featurr luu been allmin.
atcd, and the most diverting incident!
of the game are the feint of the run
ners attempting to run from bete to
base. 'J'ho pitcher, known In "round
ers" as the "feeders." the bat. mini and
the catcher are specialist. Just as we
llnd some cricketers pre-eminent in
bowling, batting or Holding, lu fact,
base bull I a clem-.-
Whether it is worth taking the
trouble to acquire this science ia
another matter. Hase-ball. n u candi
date for entrance Into the lUt id HritUh
sMirt, labor under the illad vantage
of finding the Held nearly full already
of more or les sclenlllie game. In
which the youth of our island IN
drilled while yet at school. At the
same time we must admit that the de
mand for athletic gamo lo brisk that
base-hall may possibly uppo il to some
liisles. some MM'kfj or sumo oppor
tunities which the present uppy of
o.KMi-nir niuusoinunl fails to satisfy.
Many new gaum have Itceu Invented,
adopted, or revived In thco land
faring the last ton or twenty joar
lawn tenuis, hockey and lacrosse
auiong the numlier. The lnl men
lliuitsl every body know, w;i an Im
portiillnu from Ciinnihi. introdiiced by
two exhibition team of Cauadlaii and
North American Indian. It I an age
for devising new gauic. burrowing
foreign and furblhing up old one If
I lie ghost of "rounders" I iieaking
irioul anywhere he will n ut ami abet
the effo ts of the bao-lullorN to re
habilitate lilm. It would, moreover,
he plenanl If we were enabled to meet
the Americans In some other nports
baakUl rowing, yioditlug and athletic.
London Time.
- ' s t ts
Quill and Thtir Young. w
Kvery bird watelie over and cares
for her own net, though the number
are so great and the tumult oeeeivu
that ii eUowult to conceive how anon
gull can distinguish her own potid
eggs, pluond in the midst of o many
it li.-i-H. exactly similar In ills bapo
mil OOiOP) and whn at length tho
young are hatched ami are BWUMalai
siul on tli loch or crowded together
on some frW) pnlul, (lie old bird, as
i hey come homo fiiun adUlftnoo with
fiaal. Ill rapidly amid thouanil of
young one exactly similar lo their
own. without even tinning at them,
until they llnd their own offspring,
which, iwognling tlioirpuii.nliiinong
alt the other bird, receive the man-Mil
without any of the hungry little creat
ures around attempting to dispute the
prUe. each waiting patiently for its
one parent. In pafMOJ oonfldenoa that
it turn will isnne In due .011011
A rnrloti animal peon lar to la
mania is the Tasmania devil. IM
eapial in sUe to the short
Iwrior. Its akin ia nearly of e.pial
Ihickueiaa atf that of a pig, and It 1
overod with eaiura, jct-blaa-k hair. It
ia of the bear speoio and ., ,t
power of jaw errvely inferior to that
of the bulldog.
Lx-King Milan of aWrta was so
afraid of assaiwlnation during hi rain
that he slept lu a room with double
daora vatwd In to,-L A pawaral
itMstlfl lay at the fmtt ,4 hi, fcaj, ltU(1
he always k.-pl a revolver am a
"able by hi. InnUidav When eating
alone the King would not. in. any
mad' ili.h. . Hiiai aatUttinJ iii aptellu
with tuani and bnttnd Atfira.
-Kileaoan, mi Mui bu rtcut bT
Meaning them In acldulattjd aAlei, Is
tween two plata of oaf Uiu and oUlng
U.i circuit so aa lo form raal volutlc
A Rlob Vein ef Oold Pound In Oeorgla
A Woman to Be Hanged - Death
Prom Pear-Two TnJev
Lynobed at Seattle.
Ohio oil will be pumped to New York
Valentine. Neb.. I in An Indian liod
.Mind-Reader Hihop's ettafe wan worth
Hnngor, Me., ia to run iti own eleetrii
light plant.
Oklahoma' inhabitant an- diwippenr
ing nip dly.
maHpoa is making terrible ravagca in
The public debt ha increaavsl laOJ,
877 during May.
Indianastlia tulk of a people' co-op
erative ice company.
lreaident Harrison will siteiul part of
Ilia Mummer in Maine.
Internal revenue frauds have Itoen Um
covereil at Cincinnati.
Kairmoiint l'ark, I'hiladclpliia, is to
have a gravity riulroad.
One or two districts in Florida Itegan
shipping iswlies last wi-ck.
The Imthing season has already la-en
initiated at Old I'uiut Comfort.
A woman who had Is cn bitten in l'lifl
ailclphia by a dog, died of fear.
The Valkyrie finished third in tin
yacht races in Kngland, on the
The inconsriitioii of the St. Iu:is
breweries was completed on the .'list.
Some Iowa counties are paving u iHiiinty
of .'1 cents a heao for gophera destroyed
I' lilted States Minister Kvan was ban
pietisl at the City of Mexico, on the ".nth
A great cll'irt is Is'ing made in New
York to promote trade with' South Atner
A smiillisix itatient was discovered in
the Milwaukee bounty lioHiital, en tin
A rich vein of gold ore is reisirted lo
have lsen found on 11 larin near (mines
ville, Oa.
The ruiiicr that an extra session of
Congress will ) held in Octolav, is re-
A railroad agent at Shelby ville, In.L,
has Iteen arresltsl for selling tickets on
A war rate on the roads west oH'hi-
airo. exteiiihlig to the I'ai ilie (.oast, Is
tieneralN. I'. ('Iiipmnn, of ('alilornia,
with his family, is 011 u sis'ial visit to
The monument over the tomb of ex
'resident Arthur, at Albany, will In' an
(iled June lo.
An enrtlniuiike at HI I'aso on the Itlst,
ausa-d the is-ople to rush from then
houses in terror.
A heavy fall of snow is reisirted from
several parts of Michigan. The damage
to crops is great.
A new istlitical organi.ation known as
the "Single Tax Party," has In-eii formed
in South iMkota.
A woman i to In' hung in Jctrerson
ountv, Ala., June ft, for highway rob-
lsrv. She is colonl.
Frost ilainageil the corn in some isir-
tioiis ol lie liana so si'vcrely that replant
ing In nine nin essary.
Camidinn Forgers are living to Hie
United! Sates. It is a uiirer crime that
lis'sn't watrk Isith wavs.
Congressman Kdwnrd J. (lay, n mil-
Immure sugar-planter, died at Tim...
Icuux, 1 1 the ; mi, Inat,
The Ameiiean cxpilitioiito iN-gin work
on the Niasragun a mil. sailtnl Iroin New
oik under llrilish colors.
Iluciuctta, Mi'xieo, wiianluiiiat cntirelv
lestraiveii bv a hail storm an inundation
on the ililth. Many lives were lost.
A convention lo frame a Constitution
(or tlu "State of Wyoming," lias bea'ii
OaJlad for July Ith, at Cheyenne.
Thirty divorces wera' granttsl in QM
day during the nscnt aesaion ail' the
Siipreine Court at Mana'heater, N, II.
Hungarian and I'olcs are leaving
Hi'ililiug, l'l iin , in lu.'e numls'rH on ae
count atf the susnnsion al the iron works.
The jury in the case of the McClellan.l
town bandits returned a verdict of guilty
against lsiuis Vasker and the two Sulli-
C. I'. Huntingti n is to build a palatial
residence ill New York, on the stmt h west
corner atf Fifth avamue and Fifty -seventh
It is understand I Unit it will In' several
months la-fore the guns atf tha-Charhs-ton
and Raltiinorc will In- ready to go am
A ii'in, ! r of pajfioni in Atlanta re
spamdinl to a isirmt's cry of "tin'," anl
discoverml that a house across the way
wa in llamiHi.
The I'alaat1 Car Compuny is suing the
Wagna-r Car OompUJI to prevent the lat
ter from using the watihulc as a com
ph'tasl Mructura.
The imn market at Cli-va-lmid, Ohio,
was na'arlv piaralyta'd on the :Mst by the
sala' of .'Skkl tains atf Tenna'ssav :mii, Al
fairge, at l.: i .leliverasl.
"(iainl'ling is lidMkMd in Laramie,
Wyo. T." Such is Ihe aleplorable but
truthful Hem that is gating the round of
the Wcsti rn pra'ss. IjUrtinie IVninicriing
The San'retary ol War has orlcra'd the from the KM of Private (ins
taxus Kimlnill, OoatMQf C. Tlnrteentli
Infuntrv. now in iiuitlncincut at Angel
Islaiul. 1S1I.
The Pall Mull tiatettc grca'tasl our new
Minister to F.uglaml, on las arrival in
I'ludaan, with a glowing panatyrlc on
Alimbaui lilneoln. and aalali; " e wel
come the son fair the sake oi (lie father "
Tin- Califairuia a-apitalist reportaal to
have inarrianl a lailv of Pontic, Mia h.,
is sii.ysl tat In- .. N llrannac, who
lias a wife at Santa Crtu. He is worth
alsiul .-.-
A game of baaeltall was pavrad at Port
land last Satui'lsx , Is-tween the printers
of the Morning (tregonian and the print
era oi the IWIS A Hrvdeii Print 111 Co.,
for (lie benellt of the S-attle suilera'ri.
Fawir Man.lara uaip-as-s arv about to p
Sir at the (ierman aiairt aa Amlmsas
ra from their African Sultan They
an aataaaishlng everylsvlv by their
msrkanl intelligeiuv and liUrality.
. Hie Italian have arrested an Abyssin
ian chief, dlaarmeal AViJ ot hi lolloweis
anl oavupieal Keren withatut reeislame
The inlisliitant are rejoia iug.
AH ol Middle ami South Alaltama 1
roused on the aubject al . otton (artoriea
The "laiaa" gambler in (tuthrit- lead
.1 .1 , .L - , MM , , ... .
me cnun n ciioir. una 11 one 01 lite 111
a 1, lent of a youthful civiliaation.
KOHKll.V ft laHM,
The Ppe Keaole Prinoe William ot
Hobenzollarn Married-Blamurok
a Cnrietlan -Kartbquakas.
The I'opa i ahowinj i-xtraordlnary
Knglish ahoe-workers are agiLiting for
eight hour.
Vienna car-driver get (JO cent for
eighteen hour.
Hismnratk frankly declares that he ia a
-im - r. Christian.
Twelve thousand BaM are still on a
Htrikr at Haar, Ocrniany.
Iird Iyinsdale DRMMMI to orgnni.e an
expetlition to the North Pole.
Two-third of the engina- a-xliibiteal ill
Pari are of the Corless pattern.
Camden House, Oliisolhurat, the last
home atf MipoaWn HI. is to In- let.
Stairordshire, Kngland, nlast IttMaMK
men .leman l to n-r cent auvana-e.
The Dublin Catris iration inb-n-ls to
visit the Paris BtpOWaM in a body.
fsa-vcral prolonged eartli')il.ike sles-ks
have Isn-n felt on the ( liannel Islands.
Tin- late ancient i-heniict did ii'it ba
a picture taken until Im was 91 years ol
The Scotch Local ( iovi-rnmeiit bill
passed to a reading, in the Co ions, last
Novelist Itiekelis' third Hot), lla-ltf.V
l-'ia-ldiug Dickens, is a silaaessful lawyer
In Dnglaml.
Kmperor William lui ofloreal a gold
ind silver hit as a Dfia to the Hi-rliti
Yacht Club.
Fix-Minister HcLaVM tliinks (ienral
lloiilanga-r's ilillilciue hasdoa ra-asaid siucc
left rranii-.
Vit-tor Mill-bin, the tulian bandit, was
married to bis unstress In-lorc be was ex
iibsl at Havana.
Bismarck la ttiken to solitaire, aid is
holding its heavy-weight tdiampionship
against nil catmers.
The Irish memls-rs of the II. nisi-of
('ominous arc now in prison lor olh-tiscs
under the Crimes A t.
i'hu liusniau Nihilists give out infor-
mati ill that thev will shortly make an-
OthaY atta-mpt Ut kill the
Heavy storms hnye been raging at
Hongkong, r.-ia-ntlv. An immense
1 ii' of ilaiuage has Inn-ti ilonc.
American pickpas ki ts arai Ilis-king ti
the Paris KxjstHition, wlu-rc their biisi
ness i said to l thriving wondenullr.
The Sugar llountia-s Caiintnissioncrn at
Iindon have signa-d their n-imr! and re-
ferrasl it tai their rcn-etive gova-rnincnts.
Prince Aloise Si hwar.enberg atf Aus
tria, who was badly woiiudcit in 11 duel
with a Licutciiaiil of Hussars, is living.
Kaindoii ilrcHinakcr advertuWl that
she will furnish a complete briilnl amtlit,
botim-ta, IsmUa anal sins- exa a-pted, fair
I..,t.l Salisbury informed a depntstlon
if bi-inctallists that the business com
munity, not Parliament, must nettle Un
ities) uiu.
In Vi'iicimt'la the yellaiw fever is rag
ing, rears lira- expra'ssisl Hint un-n
noiigb to handle the 1 ollec crop will lie
It is staled thai the Princes of Mural
will a liiiui imleini'.itv from Italy ol !)!,
OOJ.IHHI lire for the conliscatcal a-tates of
King Joachim.
lu l'nris there are more than L'O.imk)
tin c fur the ante of intoxicating drink.
'his i one to four bouses, or one to
twenty-live men.
M iriotti, who attempted the life of M.
IcFrcvi iimt sonic time ago, und was con-
tinist 111 the A.ivlum of Hica-tre, as of un
sound mind, has been released.
Henry Qfjorn bus linished a remark-
uhlv Biicccasf'il lecturing tour in Scotland.
He thinks the single-tax ilin'trine has
tiika-n deepest root in Ilia) country.
There is 11 new industry for Wiwiien in
hindoii, that ot accountants and auditors
lor large households. Miss JoaiC Cotiirah
was the one to sugia-st tins industry.
The Persian Shah has the most inipot-
ingshow now on (lie mad in Furon-. He
spends nlsiut t .0 in a day on his tour.
He is a sort of MripatntiC nival Hush.
Ship ugcnts sav that hciivv Issikiugs
an' In ing nmde on vi'ssels frotn Kngland
1 America. On the leading vessels tin-
salisui In'rthssrc full up to November.
Kx-King Milan has privately declared
iih inti'iition to return to Lclgradc 1111-
imMi.itclv. It is rumorc.l that lie is 111
some way n-smu.ible lair Um NOWl riots.
When a King gm s to sec the Kaiser, tin
Kuiscr speaks up and mm: "Lt-t'sg 1 out
and have some tun ; let's go out and give
old Franca- a rub 011 that Strasltiirgsore."
I.,, id James Doug'as, ImHhcr of the
MuriMii of (bii-eiisl erry, has dclaillli'ii in
the payment of his bctliug obligations
and has In-en wurued otf the nice-tra. k
the civil marriage of Prince William.
of llolien.aillcrn, and Princes Marie, of
lloiirlsin, is-cum-d at tin- villa of the
Connies ot l i t 1 ,.1111 at ludcti It i. leu, re-
President Carnot, of Franca', is a gra'at-
r U'lia'va r in capital puuisluneut than
was M. drew. The guillotine is much
Btoie in-live in Paris than it was some
years ago.
The Japanese Government haecngagavl
two liermnn lawyer in Berlin tai proceed
lo Tnkio and n-framc the Japanese Penal
Caslc to conform tt thj (Ierman instead
of the French code, as now .
Australia ha Isvn enjoying a hind
boom) which prematurely rnllapeorL
ow ing tain sa-vere drought. In Queen
laud the dry weather cailscl a'. cs.-iva-losses
among cattle and sheep.
The ltaliiin (iovcrnment iSL'rcatly wor
riasl over tint iucressing Uwanoa fiami
that country. In spite of the etringenl
laws which have Iteen (uissisl lately
against emigration agents PA't.-ll Ital
ians left in 1SSS, a agamst l.',",7sV the
year la-fore.
The railway (ram Aprach to the earn-
mil of I'llatus, SwiUerl.ind, has Iteen
npaneiL The incline is torty -eight faH't
lo the liundreal.
A Toronto telegraph cainimny is i-oiii-s-ting
W'lh the giivernment by deliver
ing letter lor I cent.
The restrt that Tasa-ott, the MpfOOed
- , 1 BK.H .1...I.....1 t :..
i'l,m. 1 1' .-ilii.i i.', ' :
on bnkara Uy, Or., ha lt.s?n compleusl
When the City of Para leaves Colon 'v' Nartta. am ShoalwaU-r liay. a aliataM
there will be no aieamer in that (strt, a 01 ileen inilea. It run the whole .lis
circiunataiiav almost uupuntltfletl in (ha tamv aiong the ahore, in sight of the
history of the nrt ince it was first visit- hn-aker ami through a mica-eatiion of rt
arl by ateamer. and became know 11 bv freaiieiit,l by seaside viaitor alur
th uame of Aapiuwall. ' 'g the inmuier.
raemtelaa aatieie r 1
tut Kl I S ItCMMiY Ii It..- ..Ida .!,ll,,,,
.n.l Ui luauru.v ol ahi.i. Ihe
m.-l.-t at rh. , : t tlir wtssl hat. nd II hoail.t
U tL..U tWtlUrtl I., lvrw,M..t lh L In.,,, I.
1 1.. inlu tllatwnsl tWrlptlir ln-aiki will
taa-h htttUr. ut Uitm Mat tro l u , N
Colored Mason- A Sardine Pactory
Immlgratlon Prom tcotland A
Lumber Oombloatlon
Prurt-Oro ere.
Napu College is to have a telcecopn.
Crook altound alxtut, S.-altle, W. T.
Santa Barba aehool cciihus show again
of 177.
List Sunday was Children' alay in
Santa Paula, in Ventura county, has
ten saltan.
The Castreville (lawtte luu ceaa-l
Tucson waa shaken by an earthipiake
on the Slid
A lumber combination is rt-strte.I at
Helena, M.T.
It a-oeta floO to destroy a ehade tree at
Olympia, W. T.
Tulare has reduced the liajuor license
U fti) a auarter.
The hill near Reno, New, is swarming
with grasshopjs-r.
Rtsl IJIuir has reftued tat issue Itonds
ioi a in-w tow n hall.
The Napa Cannery ha Itegun work
with cherries the first.
SinnrtsviUc, Nevada, county, i with
out telegraphic Hervia-c.
Railed. Ventura county, i to have a
meal station on the railnsid.
Contr.i'ls for grading and sewering
Ra-.liling have bM awardasl.
Several cases of small-stx have l-en
reported from Wallon, N. M.
Kvery town in the Northwest have rc
iponded to Seattle's call for aid.
.1. tV. Cheek has litn-n senteiici! tat tin
State prison from Niitu for forgery.
Wist Hand, OtL. i to have a lirst-class
lawn tennis club in the near future.
A sardine factory has loa atcl at BON
yille, a. ross the bay from San Diego.
'Iho estimated losses by last Thursday's
lire at Seattle, is placed at 110,000,00.).
Una Oread Lodae ot Ooiored Masons of
California, uiei at Mnrysvillc on tin-
over tl
barges made a successful voyage
Oaaoada Rapids a few days since
The but hei.vy ntinaioTn i Walla
Walla county, V. T., destroyed 10,000
Marysville sent a ihiptnent of black-Is-rries
and nars to San Kr.mcis.-o, last
Pomona dedicated the st. Joseph
Church, Roman Catholia-, Sunday, the
I mat,
Los (iatos will (-lost all siiloonson July
1st ami prohibit the sale of intoxicating
Cliin. se an said to be niuritig into
California over the Mexican Istrder, near
San DiOBDi
C. P. Ferry, whOCb will' caused a great
scandal in Pari, is suing her for divorce
111 la. omu.
The .loli ii Wicluml llrewcry Assas ia-
tion.ol Mil l-rancisi-o, reliisc ., iOJ,0,) i
(or tiieir plant.
Work on Ihe addition lo Is- made to
the State Printing (illico at Sacramento,
is commenced,
A bridge was burned near Hood river
on the 3d, delaying the Kastern trains in
reaching Portland.
The life-saving crew at Cape Hiiiicas k
has tot the ninth time Ih'cu Hiiccessful in
saving life and property.
flic thrcalcned lis ust tilague of Fast
Riverside has been stopie I by buiuing
over tin- um ultivate.l lands.
The entire business iKirtion atf Seattle
was burned on Thursday, tin- tith. Not a
biisi'.ia'S htiusc left in tin- fit v.
The little 9-year-old daughter of Qeo,
F. johnaon, was thrown Iron a buggy at
Portland, last week, i:nd severely inju'real.
A company to encourage immigration
fntm Scot lam 1, bus been formed at
BpOkeM Falls, with a capital of i'00,000.
t Ainslce, W. P., the id. the lam
sawmill of l. J. Ainsh'a', with a rapacity
of lOaJO feet a day, was destroyeal by lire.
R. J. Skinner, atf Gowichen, Victoria,
fathcr-iu-liiw of Hon. Mr. Piivie, Ihe
premlei of ilritish Columbia, dietl on the
i!d I net.
The lire in the Idaho mine at (irass
Valley has bOM extinguishctl and the
Isslies oi the two burned victim! re-
1 tie a la-rimiti singing nmls that were
liberated at Portland, Or , recently, bare
settled down to business. They have
begun to build nests.
Truck-laying has Ikhmi OMUnCMOd 00
the BpOfcane and Northern BattlOad,
rim work is expected to u flnlahed to
Cnlville by Beptember
The Milntad depot the 1 Iregain TraiiB-
onntlnentaJ Company at slaughter, in
King county, near TaiDNia, W. T, was
tainted on the ,M Inat,
c. M. Pyke and Martha lanraeter, the
"Loiiisaa Mar.frasl," tf theTivoli theater,
were married at Martinez, on the Jd inst.,
by a Justice oi tho Peace.
Penis HareBj ex-Coiom-r at Marys
vill,, and Win. Potts, were throw 11
fntm a bnggv last week, the former, it is
feared) was tatalhr injimsl.
The fruit -gniwers in the neighltorhissl
of Hay wards, have axitnpletasl an organi
. in. in to sliiit their own fruit I ., and to
aid each otBer in finding a market.
Tin- llildrotli sttig robhety ease is pro
gressing slowly at Fresno, Cal., with an
increased attendance of sisvtators. No
new evidence has Ihvii olitaiue-l so far.
Puring tin- tin- at Seattle hist Thurs
day, a thief while trying to ctTevt an en
trance ut the rear of one of the burning
kinks, was shot and killasl by a police
Will C BaDay. hrmafiy of the Rivcr-
si le Knlcrprinc, is to l- a partner of Mr.
Mckic in tin-publication of the Colton
Chn,i,..e, the MM-d the
The narntw -gauge nwd fnini Ilwacat.
inas-tingaif the Irish UAgue, which !
1 to take i.lare at Pbilaalelnhi Julv
Wh. htu lv p,,!. ' I
The Ohio State levy for taxation for
1 -' is : 7 in ill, the low eat rate assessed
for the past forty-nine years.
II 11 tl I - ! KAMW.
Treea for Sbada Around the House
Kuat aulna In Clothin-Tbe Oare
of Hog Oood Cooking
Hard Uihslegg and make
a goasl first d-asl for dua-klinga.
To remove stains fntm machine greaae wash ill cold ram water ami soap. ,
This will not injure a-olor.
Kerosene oil will soften leather shoe
tint have ls-en wetted ;or machine la-It;
or hnrncM that has ls-n soakml with j
m kin (bat
Aliilnoiiia wao-t tin mo ,, -1
has Ism-ii dropis-d upon clothes. In moat thought himelf that it always made
eases, a few tintt of chloroform will then hi)1 t0 ,rHVO on railroad, If ho
teatOfl tha color, r(M(. i, ni il, or If he lay in h leei-
Trei-s alsnit the house make it more n?-car berth with hi head to the en
homelike ami attractive, and ghielal it m. ,nd ,hH 0I1 the other hand
from the caild wind of winter ami the (f M( faclnf Hie engini'.
hot un of summer. w ilept , fa berth with ble feet
It is better to have a clone, warm pen, ; , n(rin ha eot well. The re MOW and eaU, WA WW
Ilie pig two iiiiicn iii.i".i. k"-
cliance lln-v win cover iiieiiis.-i,,-n
.o.u until ll.ei l-come sicamiiig hot,
anil then go oiitaitla- to the a-old, thu
making thenisa-lve sick from cold affect
ing their lungs.
wholesfime Dish of Onions. Itoil
them in salt ami water until they begin
to 1st tender, drain the water from them
ami wrap each onion in soft sia-r, set
them side by side into 11 dripping pan,
let them bane until done, then put them
into a vegetable dish and ur rich bwwii
gravv over them.
Rust slaius in clothing or ink stain
which are abottt the same thing -un la'
removed ai follows: Add two parte 01
cream ol tartar to aim- tart of oxiilia-e
acidj dry, ami keep the mixture in a
bottle; wet the stained part and apply 11
little ol the iMiw.ler; wash out stsili alter
in dear .variu water
Swiss Omelette. Break six egg in a
bowl, add a gill of cream, n quarter pound
of grated cheese, some pepper MM salt.
Pour into a buttered pan. Stir the ome
lette well about for a few eeoooda, so
that it will not set like a apooge qake.
Let it brown quickly. Fold over on itself
and sa-rvc. Parsley ami a few line bread
crumb added before a-ooking improve
the Jiah for Home tastes.
Chicken and Macaroni. Out up ten
der chicken in neat pieces and fry brown
in fresh butter with a few strips of baoqn,
keeping the pan covered. Season with
pepper and nut. Boil a handful of the
small Italian macaroni, for twenty min
utes, drain through a colander, .eld a
large pit of butter, a cupof rich, stroug
gravy, and, if liked, some grated Pur
moHUI cheeee. Arrange the chicken on
a very hot dish around thea-entral pile of
macaroni. Which must Is- thontughly
moiai ami rich with gravy ami butter. j
Screenings consist not merely of crack
ed or Imperfect grain, but contain also
many heads ot weeds sa-eals that unlit
them lor feeding whole lo any kind ol
slock. Small sea-d are seldom aliga-steal,
indeomeof tin- hard eat of them grow
even Is-tlcr alter passing through the
stomachs of hois -s and cattle. It is this ,
that makve barnyard manure so proline
ni we -.Is wherever it is applitsl. It is
safer to grind screenings, though if
they aonsist almost entirely of weed
seeds, it inav Is-even Is-tter e00uOmj 10
burn them.
While a ewe ia bearing a lamb part of
her nutrition goes to sustaining that.
Her llcts e is therefore not so heavy a
that of the wether, that has no nmh de
mand and il equally Wall fed. In Limit
ing time the ewe Iuin usually some lever
which injuriously affect the quality of
the wool, by making a weak place in that
grown at thll period, lint in practical
selling the wist) crop comparatively few
buyers can uuike such distinctions. They
buy low enough so that sirwisil w ill pas
muster and leave them a profitable com
mission. In very many places in the west where
wheat was once grow 11 it now fails so per-
sisb-ntly that its culture ha to be ahan-1
tinned. Some parts ot Iowa and South
ern Minnesota are now in this condition.
The winters are not quite bo i-old as
formerly, hut it is the eummer heata that
wither the plant. Some wheat is still ,
Occasionally grown bv sowing the spring
variety with oats and harvesting Isith to
gether, aepatating the grains afta-rward.
It is not mverty of soil that causes wheal
failiiire, as the inip fails on land broken)
up for the first time, as well as on that
long tilled.
Those who start cuttings in w ater w ill
use a bottle with a wide month, they w ill
fuul it an easy matter to remove the plant
when the time conies to iot it, without
injuring the nstts. Or, after the root!
have reached the side of the glass, thev
can sift th Qne earth into tha' Isittle till
it is an inch or two in depth. After the
nails have taken tossession of this soil,
the top of the Isittle can Ih' broken off by
a sharp blow with -i knife, ami then the
UtttH of earth can Is- slipis-d out without
disturbing the roots in the least, in ex-j
aa-tly the mftne manner as the ball of
earth in which a plant is growing can Is1
removed from a it.
Apple and Sago Pudding. Pare ami
1 1 Ifl il Li! ,1,. -, 11 .,,- illiav .ii.iJ.i. .i. l i
arrange then, in a hutteksl pudding dish ;
till up the hollow of each apple with
sugar and put a bit of butter on top.
Cover tin- dish closely and a set in the
oven to baketiUthe applet are thoroughly
dame. Meanw hile Istil in double kettle
a scant cup of sago with two cups of
water and a little salt. When dime
which may 1- seen by the transparent.
icily hstk of the sago and by the taeta-
beat in a lump of butter, mnw-to taata. I
and tlavoring it da-sirasl. Pour the sago,
over the Cooked apples in the pudtting
dish and set back in the oven to brown
on the top.
There il nothing nicer to serve with
the Sunday morning hahfaoUa or liakisl
Ivans than irn-en tomato sauccor picalili. '
Chop a ss k of green toniaUs-s live green
s-piK-rs ami two onions: mix them well
m a wooden or earthen bowl, and sprinkle
a cupof salt over them ; put them aside
and iatthem stand until morning in a cool
place, lu the morning drain off all the 1
liquor, put (lie chopped fruit into a pre-1
serving kettle, ami put in vinegar aonbgfa
to .-over ; add one cup of -sugar, one table-
apoooroi 01 powoared etovea, one table
nponnfol cinnamon, one tablesitoonful of
BBtmag and one hall a t.-aeitoonful of
mace ; aet it over the tire ami cook slowly
until the fruit i tender and well a-ookeai,
tirrmg it quite often to prevent it burn
ing in the Imttoin of the kettle. If it
seem two sharp and not mellow enough
1., ti,.. 0.1. ...1.1 .1 1 1, .
Ateme Lil of . lor.
Aivonling to The Kild. the poaaiblc
length of the life of a horse U far beyond
tho average duration of it. A horse 15
ve.irsol.1 is usually accounted of littl
value, and. a a rule, it would bo difli- I
.-ult to tiv aw. y the survivor of 18 or
iO years. Put a horse' attaftj a .
lenals to 30 or 10 years, and if the animal
a used wj,i, car, .. . ....... ,
- vie, .luring al. tin lonterm nZTr '
be notKts! thu all the recorded inattneee
f.e death of very hmrnTSS
Uiow ,l, air liv we., .bortaned bv
mi.-e. and not by old aa
.0 iv- It.. 1 Willi liir Hi-tl
10 lit ttr Ilia Natrlli f"'
m.- -- udlh . null- - heitd tO
- Ibe-
1 III- Wirwy- " .... j -
north ialea had apii e a run a few years
BM, and there are .till a great many
people who. pet Imp ralhei- from fana a
of habit than otherwise, range their
bed o that they lnd in line with tha
parallel of longitude, and lee, with
their "feet to Ihe equntor," M a near
as I hey can get to it. Habit are
trong in such a matter. But the call,
tor of a Western pater relatos that ha
was greatly troubled with sloeplessnes
I .nd hdanha at night Finally he Is'
lU,cnou M hj,, , H,.py his exH-.-ienca.
to the earth itself, which i a sort of
great rnllrond car, whirling along from
west to east lit the rale of ttbout ono
thousand mile an hour.
Ih- piOOeodnd Id arrange his lied so
that when he luy upon it hi bond wa
to the West and hi feet lo the Fast, and
after that he had no 1110. o rOeUeesMM
or haadntthfi, but ilept profoundly and
woolly, with hi "feet to the engina'."
He commends hi discovery to nil l.-ep-les
and nervous M'oplo, und aloes not
doubt thai he has hit UHin a bit ol
knowledge which will prove infinitely
valuable to mankind But what about
tho Mio)le who would just as lief ride
backwarda on railroad ti-nins, ami who
sleep better with their bund tai the
Res at if tiea a-- engine of trains anal I he bow s of veld.
A friend once ttrongly iidviod u al
ways to sleep when traveling with our
head to tho engine or the bow, and
gave some very plauilble i ctisoneTor
his philosophy. 'Tho movement of a
train," ho sniil, 'lends to force your
blooil in the opposite direct ion from
the wny the (rain i going; that
is to say, being liquid ami
under the iiitlui'tice in some degree of
the forces of gravitation anal inertia, the
ItloiMl is not curried forw aril so fat 11
the solid parts of Ihe body, and lend
to a'atllect in the end which is for the
time Is- ng toward the rear. Now. il
your feel are toward tha- engine, the
blood will oolled in your bend and give
you unpleasant ilrenni ami sleeple-s-ness.
Have the blotai ill your feet, on
the other hand, and you will sleep all
the better for having it there.' "Rut.'
wo asked, "duos not your being on 11 car
const Itule, us it were, a new cenlor ol
motion, und every part of the body Is'
ing carrb d along aa fust aa any othei
part, prevent any etillt-cting of the
blood in the extremity whtoh is in Ihe
'aft? " "The fact 1 1 tit you ure 011 the
train," replied the ttteOrtlt, "does nait
prevent the fon-e of gravitation from
working Independently of the train ami
the principle of Inertia oertalnly carriet
the bliHtd toward your lmnal every time
the train stiirts. Try It w ith a spirit
level, and you will see Ihe bubble hug
the aftermost end of the lube." Amer
ica 11 Analyst.
The OtaVar Work I by a .lilpatlso
r. !. Living at llmnr K,,- -
A Hong Kong Journal gives an no
count of 11 .lapnuese who bus lately set
up in thill colony as a professional tut
tooer of picture and designs am the
body. In 11 mom decorated with fans,
hanging picture and scrolls, the visitor
or patient Is i-oceived. In a conspicuous
place is hung a notice in the follow ing
words: "I do not business if fuddled."
Sample Iwtoks are llrst produced for in
paction und selection; they are lilled
with colored drawing of dragons,
birds. Inaeota mid aoenee com ic ami
aarloua Ai the Isittom i written the
cost of tattooing ouch, the prices vary
ing from about 12. for three OUtterAiet
to an elaborate groupe for 2ft The
operator himself was tattooed nil over
his hotly with group of bright flower
here, the a-onvonlionnl ifapaneac
girl's benal there; a female lig
ure with loin flowing rolsst
wound round one arm from tht
shoulder to the wrist, while on the
other was a di-ngou, with every scale
Oarefully shaded On the breast waa a
picture of the gutl of slairms, with in
scriptions in Japeneta eharactera, and
llmllar representations nil over the
body, the handa alone being free. Tho
apparatus consists merely of s small
boa containing a slab of black Chinese
' mm" v"n"illi"" red s.w-
uers, ami a iiiiiwei lul ot penholders, on
the end of which wore fixed tiny bunches
of need lea, numbering from threo to
lifty. The customer choose hi design
from the pnttcrn-htioks. tho otenitor
draws it on the part desired, ami then
with a large bunch of needles for the
heavy bbn-k und a small one for the
line lines the color are puncturcil in.
No blooal is drawn and the pain
is very little. A dragon, which
would lie UttOOd for t'l. would take
five hour, on account of the number
of scales The part is then rnblted
with vaseline to allay the inflammation,
ami in a dav or two the skin would
come oft. After that the mark would I
Im inilelilil.. I'h., Il,.n V, ....
- . ..('eiuior
Int,0,H" lhe arm ot an Knglish prince,
Kioto, was engaged for a whole
month reiraiueing am the trunk anal
limits of an Knglish peer a serio-s of
scene from .Japanese history. Katr this
he waa paid about iuo. ii baa ao
tattooed Knglish ladie. and seems lo
be m aerially proud of one picture,
which waa a tin fan alsmt the size ol
a half-penny, on which was 11 complete
landaeqpe with figure well defined. Hij
income from tn' taming in, Hong Kong ii
about A'l.-.iki por annum Loudo:i
-lb Austrian hent-wsxxl furniture
I manufactured of ordinary red bench
which is very plentiful in Hungary!
The timber is sawed into strip from an.i a nail to two inches square.
an(1 'beear' turned into round rod
The' are placed in an air-tight ca.
and evn. lnr sr.- .
action of suiw.rho.t-H ....
Wm ,. ' t. ' wnfn
whera thev are ZmZ J aST?
V?Z ,X. 1. 1. b'Ch. ,he
tiu .
Vtrttllier l.r.lar Makn s., ..
a lit Uivare yti,iinu-'""""i
"I obsai-ve dat ale "euii-i,;,,,,,,,
slum htrpltetrln' iiro thiltvr,c,r1,
1 now ot hand, ' .aid Brot,r (;IJJ'
a the me-ting oH,neil j,w t(
cient form, ".t ha ul 11 ,triic m
a mighty Inooniletenl thing ur H
to argue dat you a-un Irndoa 1,,
doan' suit - sell a house you ,.
I.m.I ,. u klanaaa ......... .
' " "' !' iiimntp whi .
' unpleasant -give away y,.r), '
n ya-r a at, but iniisn 1 rau iJL ,
, -,-n
hiishiiml or ivifo who i mukin' t 1
one of misery. I thank dsl.j..''
wa wise enuff to foi-a-sate h,nne Ur."
things and nmong'em de fact dat mS
would make mistakes in niarryin'
1 only natural dat dey ihoul4,' aJ
when doy do divorce am de eaiiett
out. II de law refuted divorce. e0''
BMUta and murder would IncretiT
hundi-ed per cent.
'When you hev tied up two psopi,
who truly love, honor an' respect
other who kin bear an sacriii3wlli
can -mile in adversity u W(. . .
sunsbino -you hev done a ble
an' airthnn' Heuven ar'dit better fark
Hut when you hev tied up two puay,,,,
who argy. bicker, dispute Mn hsl
who see nullln alike aboklaaahbw
love nor reaped, you would hev d,
heart of Sntuu to force 'an to enntia.
sich 11 life. YoW couldn't do U.
would Is) BlUMOr if no other escape at
"An' dar am sat-tin pusjoiu ahj
claim dat divorce induces tt 0
moral. Among till de scnniluli of tu
lnt y'ur hev you seen de name al :,
divorced man or woman? Aiming 1,11
de bad women nrrested In a year dai jiw
find de name of a divorced woman? h
in- ib- wive an' gals who auicide not
de divorced waiuen. it ur' dai wivenr.'
gul arrested fur drunkenness -not j,.
divorced woman.
Mo an' my ole woman hev mood br
each other fur nigh anno lifty y'ai-j, M
we in-' gwine to sail in de same uom
o'lar dow n to alo bank of de darkribcr.
We agree. Wear1 tittod fm-oarh oili
er. We think ulika I'--.- -didn't
t Suppose Wc piurrolisl n'
bickered an' wished each other dead'
lb- law which would compel 11 to mi
together would be an tahumaatalac
I ur' glad elwry time I sea- dat n divunst
ha- bin grunted. I wish de cost w
only five dollars an' de time reduced to
one day-. Husband would hev mo' re
spect an teuderuo fur delr wives -wives
mo' coiifldoneo an' trust in delr
husbands. Wo will now attack J
reg lar program me of bl.nen. "!).
troit Free Preae.
Witntlarriit I'll i it x ltittiirtrtl Itr Slrlrll;
1'rtitiirni okronjolr
If half the stories are true which ar
told about the newly discovered goll
region in tho Southwest, it is iuded 1
wonderful country. The following it
token from a nowsp:ipor which i, p.-.
lisbed in the neighborhoasl:
"The greatest excitement prevent in
the place, und well it may, for word
fail to expross the truth of tho mattiir
There is gold in the wiiter.lhere i9gnld
in the air. there i gold everywhere
It is so plentiful that every miner car
ries hi own gold belt wherever ho
goes. Some curry tho inetid in their
teeth. The boll boys at the Knsentula
lintel make large sums every ivce' bjf
brushing oil and saving the gold dut
which trnveloi-8 bring in on their
clothes. The sheriff's handcuffs aw
"The most wonderful discovery of nil
is that the river which runs through
the camp is simply liquid gold.
"Net are set in the river over night
to catch the nuggets which come Boat
ing down, and these miner tnnke their
breukfast off the gold-lish which get
caught nlong with tho nuggets.
'Wash chinn in tho scream nnd it
come out gold plate.
"A trump went In swimming and
came out completely clud In gold armor,
but not being satlsfled with a thirteen
curat suit, he went in again for a leoood
coat und was drowned by the weight
"A copper-colored Indian baby was
changed into a golden cherub by Im
mersion in the water o that its mother
refused to own it.
"Cuttle driven into thewat in order
that they mny drink, walk out on th
Other slate gilded and watered stock.
Tat obtain a riajji golden butler it h
only nea-essary to kill and throw in 1
Kooky mountain goat.
"I it any wonder that persons h
the gold fever when they live in
region so pormoatod with the stuff a
this is?" -Time.
A "Painter" Let Go.
Every sailor ha his story of the na
takes which "landlubbers" mnkeovei
Ihe nam of things ut es. which at
Wayi eoill to be exuetly the OppOatal
what they are on land. A f-lieeU
Instance, Inifasd of lieing soaiethinj
broad, like a sheet of aloth
a haot of water, is nothing
but a rope. A new boy had come
ItOHi-d a West India ship, upon which
painter had also Itet'ii employed top"11
the ship aide. The painter w 1
work upon a stalling suiDOnded iin''!
the ship iterta. Tho oaptain. ah
just got into a limit alaingaide. called 0,1
to the new boy, who stood leaning ov"
the rail:
liUt go the painter'"
Kverybnd.' shoubl know that hoa"
painter is the roe which makes it
but this b ty did not knatw it. He J
aft and let go the rope by which h
painter's stage wa held. Meaiitiin'10
captain Wearied w ith waiting to be
Yam rascal!' he calleJ. ' whydoni
you let go the painter?"
"He's gone, sir," said the V.
Itriskly; "he's gone. pots, biushea
all" Youth' Companion.
In Dalmatia chrysanthemuni' "
largely cultivnted to supply the chem
ists with the substance from which d
well-known "Dalmatian inseat P0'
der" is made. The island of Isin i
the chief seat of cultivation, and '
flower most generally grown i C- fl""
erariipfolium Trev. It Is said that
other local crop pays so well, the pro"
uct of a single ai-re of ground sell'"'
from e,-ioo to $1,300, and the o
ment yearly distributes plant si
low rates in order that the indutf
may be still further developed.