The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 15, 1889, Image 2

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    U.V..,n , -- III .VII
Tht Important- of orrtcl HiwwUdf
at Their Pi If Will
Agriculturist acknowledge the Im
portance of a current knowledge of Hie
nature and properties of maaures, and
that tba nrt of preparing them In the
cheapest u4 best manner. In adequate
quantities, I still unknown.
Chemical science and art are enabled
to point out miim of the bent methods
that are within our reach, by a!er
talnlng the competition of the sub-
............ i i... .1.. .,.. h,,.v thev mav
i " y , , "
he ronverleu into me mam swwaw
manure; while, at the tame time, a
knowledge of the toil will demonstrate
the nature and amount of matter tbut
are required fur rendering it fertile.
Sometimes corrective and amend
ment am required for the removal of
dcleterloua proportion, or for the im
provement of tho texture of the soil.
(.tinnrallv. It il MM to effect both
purpose by mount of
properly pro- i
pnred ooinpost
Hy ii knowledge of agricultural chem
istry, the farmer may tultc advantage
of the iiiilunil resources of his fnrm, no
a to enrich the toil at a comparatively
trifling expend, and while ho drawn
from It hl valuable crop. If ho i- skill
ful, ho may mill render the oll every
year nioiti fertile.
A liberal nupply of manures, with at
tention to a proper rotation of crop.
will nupemede the ueconnlty of leaving
tho laud fallow for yearn, a wun for
merly practiced.
Although organic matter In a de
compoied state form the bnnin of all
enriching manures, thoy are often mls
applied and extravagantly wasted,
owing to a want of chemical knowl
edge. A scientific agriculturist nhnuld al
wny be careful, and not lone the
valuable tubitancen that may separate
from immures In a ganooun or licpild
During fermentation various gaseous
mutter escape that ought to li iibsorb
ml by a covering of ieat, nwump mm k, or loam.
Liquid manures arc too generally al
lowed to run to watte, when they could
Ihj onnlly retained and rendered valua
ble by abnorblug thoin with dry peat,
or any other absorbent vegetable mat
ters. Manure are too generally exHred
to the action of rain, which dlntolvo
their mont valuable soluble nulls, wuh
Ing tlicin away Into the eartli.
Ityduo attention to tho-u things tho
farmer may QUtkt a vust s IVblg of val
uable lliutcrlul that will serve to ell
rich his land. Andrew II. Ward, in
HoMon filob.
a Ma pi nig RTklek (Met m Work wn
ml Mt a sin. ill ('ml.
Muny reiuler. no doubt, are working
around stiimpn that can ls easily re
moved, mid othorn are working around
those tbut ate dlllleult to remove. A
your ago Ibo writer hud an elght-ncro
lot that contuluod T.'U slump of the
Utter clunn, 110 of them being oak, und
mont of them while DM having a large
Center or tap - root Theo stiimpn
were twenty Inches to four feet In di
ameter. A cur ago 1 let the job of
Uklng out these stump at 10 cent I
, " .... , .
HI...... I I mil i tin... ,ii, ,i '
aplooe. llie contractor came, put up a
thaiity and coinmniieeil work, but before
he IliiUhed the tlrst slump be threw up
tho job I did" not blame hint When
1 mowed around those ttuiups last sum
mer 1 dcculnd that they would come out
bofore another harvest, when tho Held
would Is) in potatoes. No one seemed
anxious to do IL 1 borrowed a rig
which my nelghlior hud used success
fully. With thlt rig and a team I x-
tractoH live stumn lHr dav. We have
i.i. . i. .
. ready taken out IUA at a cent
oi in ei'ins eneii. t i n-- lugging III OUIIU
them, the team would twist one out in
four minute, on the average.
The rig consist of a pole .'III feel long,
16 Inches In diameter at the big end
which Is securely Isiuiid to guard
agalmd splitting There It a hole near
thl. end. through which a chain was
patted, fattening it necureh by a large
pin. This chain it 6 feet long, and
made of 7-a Inch Iron. At the other
end It a grub-hook made of the best
1 1-!! Inch square swede Iron, bu' even
then we tomctlnies breuk It. The end
of thia chain Is put it'ouiul an outside
rxHil and hooked. Tho pole it thou
lightly drawn around the ttump, by the
U'Uin Threw or four In. lie from the
.mall of the lolo a gnatve it cut
. iu .1.1. .u ii
lor a smaller chain, which is arranged
to It will slip around, uvoiding all
twitting. Thlt la the whole rig, and It
cotts only a trilling turn. Wo started
In with three horses, bul soon found
that c needed but two. We have not
yet found a tap root that two homes
could not twltt out. 1 have tried dig.
glug and blowing out. but tin. I tbat
this rig will do the job at half tho ex
pente. J. II. Warn. In Ohio I uriuelx
t m
Oretin( Fowl, and Chicka.
(ireato Is detlruetlvo of tie hut It 1
also a MfeMMM for which fowl have a
itrong avertlon. to far a outward ap
plication to their bodies i, come ned.
(iretM I very Injurlom to chick, aud
thould be uteil on Iheui cautiously.
Kerosene thould never be applied to the
MM of a fowl uulett diluted in MM
manner. A few irop. 0f any kind of
rea-. applied on the Maia, Mokj and
voiilt of cblckeua. willdottrov tint lareo
head lice, but not more than a drop
ihnuld be applied under the wing.
Pttre lard oil I. a effectual a the com-
pound of irritating tubttancet ofteu
Ma4 Farm and Firwlde.
... .
lilt not by tkimm iitf the newt.
paper that a man can gel iho cream of
tU cootcnU H n('iul',u RepuWi-
- A wrtie id noma ImhmI ,uu
ttiaUafw llog troubled.,,,,
burn wMefuloe-. lndUjlk)1, 7. h.
dopUHi the prtetlc, of eaUog op,.!
Hh each ommU. , oaeaw b.m eatir,
fr. hU weight incrwued in two moath.
irom IOW to ltJ pounds and
Ktvuget In proportion.
be foil
The Ufe of Martin Van Buren Postal
appointments--California Kalsln
In I-ondon- Brewery Bold -Secret
Ballot Bill.
Milwaukee' treasury is empty.
Evangelist Mooly i in New ork.
Money loam in Chi-ago at 4 tod per
Severe froaU arc Injuring (MM in la
Kov. Hum June i "liaking" up Han
Wile, Va.
Rochester, N. Y., i to lie lighted with
' .
natural aa
IWident Diar lia officially received
Milliliter Kyau.
Mulnrial fever i playing havoc with
horaea in Chicago.
A feeling of uncertainty still pervade
the copier market.
A pennion ban been gnintel Peter
Wither, of Idaho.
Kaslern men have Imught the biggest
hjfwrjf in Montana.
A ibn.iiuo Cuban nugar grinding fac
tory ban MM WWMi
The ,Srel Ballot lull ha passed the
Connecticut leginlature.
Adjutant icnend Irum ha lieen
placed on the retired lit.
Kone Terrv Cooke, the ailthoreaa, I
seriously ill ut Tittaburg.
California eherric at $1 a pOOWi are
admired ufar in I'ittsliurg,
Kails huve la-en hip-d for the road
from Kl I'aso to Chihiiiilma.
The (invernment printing nllice at
Washington ia said to lie unsafe.
The mother of .lake KMruin. aged '
years, diislat Baliinorc on the KtE.
The sipularity of lawn tenni in rapid
ly increasing in some KiiHtcrn cities.
Tim ConnellsviHe, I'enn., region is
pMtmfj by a band of rctottd trump.
K. Ii Hoi MOB ha lieen appointel
HMtmatprat Amity, Yamhill county, Or.
It i rumortsl that a Catholic Congress
will Is- held this summer in Waahington.
The Sioux Indians an aaid to Is- will
ing to negotiate the anlc of their reserva
tion. A heavy consignment of huitvcar'H Cal
ifornia raisin ha just Is-eu sold ut LoB
..... . . ...
M A. Kohertaon hu Is-en aps..nte.l
(sistiuasterut lndes'ndellie, Tolk county,
Oregon. I
A.. I. 1'lorey has IMM ippoiated sst
muster at Fugle Toint, .lackson coiintv
The New York legislature authorised
the iipKiiiiliueni oi six leiunie uiciory in
Bwiliiiilii Koorer
slonisl iNistmuster
ha iM-en coinini
at Mutoles, Crook
county, Or.
A committee liu lsen forimsl in lin
doa toiirninge for u nutionul memorial to
'ohli llright
DOIMH 0 Ko nearly killnl Tcte
jirover in a broadsword contest, at Mon-
treai, last week.
. , ,
Mil I II , . OI., nun im n n i i mi
epidemic of murder and suicide to an
, ulurniing extent.
Il i churned 1 1. .ii there are
the construction of part of tin
deftvt in
building ut Nulliiuorc.
F. S. Hriibuker bus IMflVtd hi cotn
inission a sitmaster at Mount Talmr,
Miiltuoiiiah iiuntv, Or.
, A peculiar disease, resembling iiialunul
fever, m prevalent among horse in the
. . 1 '
vicinity of lndianaHilis.
In the May parties held in Central
Turk, New York, recently, thure were no
less than 17.978 children.
A tremendous hail and ruu.s.orn, re-
cently, caus.,1 waahouta Isdween kansas
t ity and Uwrence, kun.
Idnho and Wyoming lu'gin to feel lone-
some as Territories. Thev want toe
into the sisterhood of slate.
Seventeen-veur locust huveniude their
appearance in countless
e'ntrul n.rtion of Tenne
mntless uumliers in the
(Icorge lluncroft bus recently completed
a life of Martin Yhu lluren, to MPUb
'lisluvl by the ntiptf Krother.
'llie rewanl of ."itl.tMHI for the arrest of
Tuscot, the murderer of Hanker Snell ul
Chicago, w ill hold gtnsl for sixty day.
The w heal crop in Sonora Mexico, i
imuicnse. For the llrl time in the his
ton of Mexico there w ill I a surplll.
The president ' family will spend the
summer ut IKor lark, Mil., where in
will l' able to join ttMBI every Saturday.
The QtJvwtM New say that more
cuttle have n hipHsl froui Texu to
the North thi eeoaoli than for many
John W. Norton of St. louls, hu DMB
who ehussl with llenrv Moore less than
woo in si who iiiiiry aiisiri iisnionu
u veur ago.
grunti! u divonv from Kininu s. Norton,
A plot w is unearthed lust week torn
general delivery of convicts contlmsl in
the Hudson Countv penitentiarv, at
Snake Hill, N.J.
The Cuhadiuh I 'm i tic hu applictl to
the Secretary ol the Treaury to Is1 Imnd
il a a common carrier between nirt of
the Unitisl State.
It i j I to make important
changia in the monitor Puritan. She
', will I' traiinfernsi into an annonsl ve
I aid of luislem tyi.
No om ha yet bOM dei iihsl on to till
the vacancy on the Mipreme IWncb, al
though there ha Istm inuaidcrahle f DM
ulatioa on the tuhjis t.
Mrs. Coleman, of 11 Mullierry street,
New York, in making eitquiric (or her
father, IVIer Kutherfonl. who eiiuie to one ol the iter of the Kiiienr William
j v. I;.... J.. 1.. i. ... . I.-.. I: .11..... 1
l moonlit in 1-1 ixumill n:is .iirii in ,,i I ,, In ,ll
Scotland, leaving pnavrty to which the
would ! etilitleil if her father i dead, Of the seventeen pickpocket o far ar
but she cannot prove hi marriage to her retcd ut the Paris exiweilioo, none are
mother, who diisl thirtv year ago. If
'''"'' ' living, the estate I long to
IHiring amicea at the Conttian
'imrc New Liberty, Ind .un.lay,
the '.lit h. storm broke over the town .trrnk the num li. The
.,,,, ftm Kr.i
r rocivisl a nhi'k w Inch knockeil
im down and lril him unconaoMMI for
alf an Iwair.
Julmatown. lVnn., it the cene of one
i I.. - -. .. . . . . .
01 hit greaieei maaMcra mat haa ever
. Ueu risohhsl iu the history of the
, oouaAry. Many ttartling reisirta aa to
: the mm, I. r of live loat, DOM luwrly aa
tlie lirlari are rvuioved and reveal new
t victims of Ibe flmsl and name Hun
l '' ol the unfortiuwtea that are found
' arc eltbrr luirnt or mutilate.! la-vnmt
ri MaM
OL. U 1
Tlie latest ettitnate plai-e
the tote of hie at lli.i.M
I I. l-.HI H.
Thi CbllUM Government Ordere Kom
Dig Ouna-The Baby King of Bp n
Oolng to the Eipotltlon.
I The Mpaie haa gone to Ati-aland.
Keil in the fashionable color in I'ari.
Lnn-ln pro)oee a RMf tor
A teniii tournament ii in progre in
, Dublin.
f( jn
W(.ri. mn,lu,.UM.
, tie iMrjM Boulevard Roue ha
given place toKoiihlard.
The lubv king of Spain ia going to the
Turin ex in June.
Mm. Krunk LwHl i going to tart a
fashion (mint in lmdon.
Kjn( iJumir' has gone lo viait Km-
prenn r MdWWI at rranklurt.
SirMorell Mwkenxie bus greatly re
' gained his health at Madeira.
The numls-r of pati'rs in Kuglund has
increaw! rapidly of late year.
Minister Lincoln MM given n tQUUUi
train from Uvwpoolto lindon.
The issue of the I'anama (!unal littery
Istnds in France has Is-en abandoned.
Queen Marguerite, of luilv, i one of
the Is-Mt violincello player of the day.
American are renirtil a receiving
want courtesy at the Turin Blpbkitkw.
American WMnen ure liecoming more
and more prominent in I -n Ion aociely.
The Sultan Hernia hi the Kmpre of
(iermuny a necklace valued at $l'0,(kl.
Women in Taria are beeoiiiing more
and more addicted to t he morphine habit.
The mnbtf of s'raou ilrowned in the
recent tlmsls in Austria i estimaU-il at
American delegate have arrived at
lkrlin to study the German river sys
tems. Kleven thouaiind men have Is-en on a
Htrike in Silesia. The situation i threat
ening. Buenos Ayre ha now u irt and vc
iM'l aru freed from executive literuge
c large.
The (ireek minister of wur haa died
Hilddeiily at Marseille, where he hud
jtmt urrivcnl.
The Krupp work have l-en obliged to
shut down owing to luck of coal caused
by the strike.
Kight persons were killed by lighh'ii
ing in a etorin at tlotkow ita, AuHtruliu,
on I ridnv, May 17.
The oflofatl reisirta of France show thut
they cxisirtod luat year MJU8 horaes,
ln(m'ty ,K. c.iteY state,
The Parisian call tiiin "Bttflklo Keel,"
and the prettiest women m town are
turuingthe head of his Indian..
At the horticultural show at the Troca
lero iluriiiL' June, there will Is' .sum rose
tree, of ItiKHl varitie, in hlimm.
F.niperor Dom Tedro, of llruzil ia very
ill, and hi death, which seem toUieiu
nent, may be (olloffM by a revolution.
Fled ric light equivalent in illuminat
ing pawn to l,7iK),0t0 caudles will Is'
use. I in lighting the Turin exhibition.
Ill the Svdnev court it has been de
cided that no Stindav uewsnaner can sue
or udverlieliient,' the BOO tract Ising
There is greet MlAlilUI among the idle
laborer ut Panama, nanv are without
lissl and shelter and the Iropicul wet
season is on.
The steamer Slavonia from Stettin for
New York, w ith MO passenger, broke her
shaft ut sen und returned to u Clyde aliip
yurd for repuirs.
(ieriiiuny lust year iuiiortil into that
empire 78618 horses, most of which were
for envuiry home, lM-sides what they
raimsl at home.
The hiiIihiu of ItueKiiigham Talace,
fumou for the three siiierh crystal chan
delier w hich it contains, i now lighted
j by electricity.
, , rf parliament will en-
, , I (l,
, U.ndon from Tuns. Sir Uoo Tluy-
fair will preside,
I he t htloun governinenl. it it reponeu,
ha determined to order lor iinmediute
delivery ten 4'i-ton Krupp gun for de
fense of the const.
The evicted tenant on the Olphert es
lutcs in Ireland threw boiling water on
the pollOMMn and u number were
severely scalded.
The PtomUo governinent bus te:nir
arily NdttMd freight rates on ull line., in
order to alleviate thedistress arising from
the dcurth ol coal.
It is stuttsl that an international COD
' '' -' --'- ;.. ii. ...... i..
,,!,, t. ......stion of the oooatrtMtloa of
a tunnel through llie Simplon
All Kussiau shipa-oi-war an1 to l
lighted exclusively by ehu'lricity, und by
JUMtJ next the whole of the Kiutaiun
tli't will M Uffated by that mean.
The Fnglish negotiations with the
t'hineNc government for u treaty regulat
I"?,""': un ""'"'Kratior,
i( ( ,utraliun coloine., are at a dead
. ,. '
ing and restricting t hiuese imniigration
The iiiaclaiierv palaot at the Tari ex
hibition i the largeat building under a
single roof ever built, and the American
exhibit occupie one-third of the entire
Farl Dudley, who was caught in the
late rude on a 1 ill don gambling house,
rMChod his mujoritv only a few month
ago, and ha already gambled uvenv
The British man of war Surprise ran
ahorc ut Syraiu, Sicily, on the iMth
Hist , after colliding with and sinking the
teainer Nesta. The nmn ot war ia full
of w nter.
The iiiutch N't ween the Crown lriniv
Italv und Prince Clementine hu fall
en thnuigh. The Prince mav now murrv
Fnglish, Thev rc Italian, tiermans and
American, rbit i on unthority of an
Fngliah Mf4t.
Civowrative nocietiee arc n srts to
. prrowiug -apidlv in Kngland, the last
unniuil nqort placing their aale at atiout and their prolit at exactly
one(,nth tlial sum
A voluntary public tubecription i lad
ing raiacii in San Salvador to pay oil the
old claim of F.ngliah landholder, which
have long Uvu uuluviilcil. Settor liin
rota has headisl the list with loO.QUO.
MMMMM MaMM "i I i., , ,.
hit KIINTS KKMKhV Ii thr unit tnii.lnlr
tcalnM thr lufttirniv ol tttbarcn wbtrh th
awtrr ,.r ihrwyr ul hr wrvl lu .nd II ahmild
mru ','i.;i. n- i.n-.vui mr n,Hin mUI Is-
.-. uilut dlMt rkM. rli.iUv m nii wiih
.arb UltU or. Mi
, N V
-- - "
Criminally Aaeaull d Two Little Qlrla
A Uan Cowblded by a Toung
Lady-Tbe Aatronomlcal
Bociety-New Note.
Sskune Fall claim a Iwpulation of
Spokane Fall luu opened a new sav
ing bunk.
Kis flga from Yuma are exhibite.1 at
Olive culture i attracting attention in
Sacramento it infested with a gang of
The Keeae Kiver Kevelle ha lgan it
liny third volume.
nfcetl Hill tinner at Vancouver,
K. C, are on a strike.
Ten acre of I uric v were burned over
hear Merced, recently.
Tm-onia i troobled with a gang of tire
hug and ancak-thieve.
A heavy rain und hail atonn fell at U
Orande, Or., on the 29th.
The rainatorm at Likeport destroytil
the brick in u Urge kiln.
Several cae of tnaligmint diphtheria
have occurred at ModeaU).
Portland struct waa crowded with
visitor ou Decoration Day.
A Mund nalmou tniut ha been
caught at the Folsom dam.
The dwelling of J. Orford, near Peta
liliua, wa burned lust week.
11. W. of Chico's prominent
citizen und pioneer, i dead.
Chnrle Walter wa ahot by a China
man ut Sun Iundro, on the -7th.
The ladiiss of Tiicoma gave the sena
torial party a reception last week.
The grocery store of Monty & (limn, of
Tacoma, wua burned on the (9th int.
Santa Cru. und Monterey counties had
light eurthquuke ahuck ou the Jlith.
The iiianagera of the Sacramento hall
team have decided to reinstate Vouch.
An orguuized league of burglar from
Chicago are working Pagit Sound towns.
There ha been no application for the
office of Kegiater of the Stockton Lund
Churles Wolir, aged ten yours, fell from
a tree ut Venturu, lut we k, and wa
Dr. John B. Smith, an old physician of
Petuluiuu, Iiiih been stricken with ap
oplexy. A mail named Uv w u cow hided by
Miss M. Kichmon, ut Fresno, on the
.Mli nisi.
Farmer Mills, of San Lnis Ohisio
county, has planted nine Umsof jsjlatoe
this year.
The next meeting ol the Astronomical
Society of the FMUH Coast w ill Is-held
July nth.
William Warden, alia Koss, an MMpO
from Folsom Prison, ha 1 recaptured
at Seattle.
Creigton, the San Francisco jury-briU'r,
is still in ii toriu, and refuse to talk to
The Santa Cru. Sen Breeze hu issued
it tlrst nuiulier. it iB of the Democratic
1 ieruusioii.
The Nevada state convention of the
1 W I' T II ..III I ui It I......
... v. v . ..... ...v, . h, 4., yrii line
5th and tilh.
lichorat Miles is visiting Suuta Cruz
and Monterey to select a site for tlie July
The mines on the Comstock controlled
by J. W. Muckuy will close on Sunday!
alter June 1st.
Thoman Stracher, a contractor ut Otay,
San Diego ccunty, is missing, und mur
der id hinted at.
Articlea of incororation for the San
Tedro Fleetric Lightand Power Company,
were tiled lust week.
An American ha opened a restaurant
at LmMON, Tulare county, and forced
the t'hiues to leave.
The State Orange opened ut Salem on
the '.'tith in NOmt session, with a full at
tendance ol ineiuber.
Mr. John Page at Butte, M. T., hug
la-en acquitted rj the churge of murder
ing her hiishand last February.
A numlwr of men employed in the
Man engineering department ut Mare
Island, huve bOM dischurgivl.
1 lu wards cherry-growers arc diasutis
lled ut the price paid by cunner and are
shipping a carload a dav Boat,
The new riad lietween San I-eran.lo
und lluywunl, Castni Valley uud the
rtslwiKsIs was oencd for travel.
The entire business irtion of Seattle
wu burntsl on TllUrOday, the uth, Not a
DQtllMM house lelt in the t it v.
A man named Pennington shot und
killed unoth.'r man named Bolcom, neur
Kye Valley, in Baker county, Oregon,
last week.
The American liark Kinemld wa to
tally destroyed hy lire at Port (Jam bit on
the ItttU. Tart of tho cargo of lumber
w ill Is' MTtd.
Mr. Kramer, of Sun FranOKM, was
ruu over und kilhsl on the Mth, in thut
coy, oy me train running on the Ueary
street extension.
Mrs. Head, a inuic teacher ut Freno,
has been missing lor several ilavs, not
withstanding her friend huve made dili
gent seureh lor her.
Si ; lmla.v oirs for lluggin are nearly
i completed ut the railroad sh ips ut Sacra
InMnWi They will leave June 0th with
, hi stable of MOM for the Kaet.
An Dnkown iH'rson threw hiniseli in
front of a freight train uoar lithrop, last
wtvk, and wa literally cut to pieces.
There was nothing IMM to identity him.
K. Callahan, who wa injured through
the carelessness of employes of tlie Fie I
Kiver Kailroad Coniiany,' ha ofataiaod
a verdict for iaOtM against the company.
The fourth attempt in one week to
burn !anta Kosu ha !vn made. The
citizens are much excited and a lynching
IMirty will follow the capture of the cul
The right of w ly has Issm granted
tlirougti Klleushurg, . r . lor the Kl
leusluirg, OolaMM. Kiver and Futern
UailMad. An electric motor line i pro
jeuteil (or the city.
A meeting of the stockholder of the
Seattle A Kuatern tVmatrnction Company
wa held in Sitt.e on the :Hh. The
caiiitol ttiH-k wa ranted from $Hll),0tJ to
ak,(XV. Four-fifth of the stork was
P. M S hueider. who wa out of em
ployment at Portland, wa taken into the
liouav of Dr. A. Diedrich, paator ol the
Ocmian Lutheran bun h, and repaid the
Kiuiuiewa oi iut oeneucior ny cruniiiallv
atatulting hi two ilaughlcr.'
I li H
11 if nr. -
The Ca-e of Horeee -Horoetnina uoou
,o Eat -To Keep Young Weed.
Down-Bee-Keeplna Note.
For is.tato culture, manure the land in
' : .1 . , i...,., ii,.. ,1.1111 '
ror isiiaio ninaw , ,
the full and nlow it under in the spring
It i a uiiatukeii idea that a hen near
ought to do duty
vtar without renew-
ltv planting the rod ralierrv, lee-
kM mts would have one ol the oesi a-e
he Is'st U'e
. es k own, and a Ofttp of fruit alao.
. . .
0 , nuide into
with cold water, apph.l -irv, win iaa.-
om vreuse sinit without injuring the 1
most delicate fabric,
. .
.r' .at ! -J
"' u'"'
all the
strong solution of carlmlic acin ami
- i :i i.ta kill all the
waier, uuiuwu mw hn,,.i
ants it touches, and the survivor iiniue
.. . . . , - .i i.... . . ,r
iluilciy taae iiawii uu.
To top llie blecHling of I horse or other
shn k from a snug or wound, make an ftp
plication of dry horse manure, and it w ill
stop the bleeding every time.
One s)und of green O0KWM dissolved
in oneqiiurt of Imiling water will destroy
foul mell. row-dent! Iioru MBttofM
in their liuunt w ill disis-rse COOaTOaCbM.
For goinl return for fe(liag, taking
one vear with another, we wotiiu ratner
trust a bunch of even, well selected
welheis than anv other tsk oil the
Anv man clOaeh ohservnnt know that
i.. i ..:l.'l ..HI. I, ..I.i i..
a coinpuein mini m im io" -"."i
weighing fmm l7ito L'.'iO pounds, is the
. .11! I - t.. . . l. ,.L.I .i.i.i lit, it il,,...,
Selling I WO IOI llie lino n' i , MN ...... ....
weights are the most prolitahle to gmw.
Onlinary biitterinilk is u valuable fins!
not only for piga, but for the family. It
contains.") per cent of milk sugar, nearly
1 H-r cent of mineral salts, a well as
nitrogenous material and u proportioo. of
butter tat.
Thin Bim-uit : One quart of Hour, one
tablespoon of lard and butter Dlizod, and
ilespoonof lard and butter mixed, and
tablestssm of salt ; make into a stilfl
Re, with cold water ; bent dough until I
l.liHters, roll thiii, prick with a fork :
I I...I.. nnfailrlu I
t hi
anil hake ouicklv.
A grnv linen splasher, with a figure Potatoes 85&MC, onions t.78, rheil
worked in scarlet in oiitiine embroidery, burblk', tomaloe i(iS er Imx.
is Mnritttihle us well a ornamental in dkied KRl'lTft.
the dining room hack of the small table, Apples 4 (S.V, sliced tic, pears Hi', Oregon
frequently used there to hold the ice I plums 5(if 7, Italian He, silver 7c, German
pitcher and goblets. Uihitic, plums fi(7c apricots 13(il4e,
, . peaches Hltic, California tigs He, raisins
If you want to grow a good crop of nice i ij 7:,niL,.'J,l per I ox.
potatoes in vour ganien, ncwareoi sprout-
ed seed. Il your seed potatoes cumiot be
retarded otherw ise, keen them in the ice
liouse or refrigerator.
Every roung weed tlial comes up and
is cut down is one less weed to go to seed.
The Way to keep down weeds is to allow
the seeds to germinate and then destroy
the young pUUltl. In this muntier the
work is easier and better performed.
A good way to arrsge fruit in a dish
for an oruumciitul piece, is to set u glass
tumbler in the center ol the dish, around
und over it put a thick layer of moss;
then not nearly so much fruit will Is? re
quired, und it cuti 1h' arranged very hand
somely. Baked Beans: Soak oneouarl of Ih'iiiih
in water 0V0T night ; ill the morning put
them in an iron kettle with oiiHuili
DOandofaillt ...rk und water to cover.
When tender, hut not broken, take out
of the liquor with a skimmer and put in
lVwith the pork on hi, ,
hake u.itii brown.
White Mountain Cike: Two cups of
siiLiir. one ennof hnl-er om. enoof iu'ih.i
I milk, four eggs, to ir mr of Hour, two
I teMpooniola of baajug powder. Cream,
I Doner aim sugar together, mid the Is'aten
I yolks, then the milk. Hour with the link-
i inn Imui'r wifled lliroii.rl, it .. ... I ll... '
'"n I - w. . -u .... ti, tiii.i it.oi .lie ,
beaten whites; llavoring. Bake in one i
Rosin in nap is a fraud. It makes '
poor soap hard and greatly lessons the ,
cost. Some suv that rosin improves soup I
beCAUM oi the turpentine in it. They I
might as well say a dry Isme makes good
food bacatlM Ol the meat that was on if!
once. There is no turpentine in rosin;
it wu. all taken out in the milking, ami
tb( rosin discolors and sMiils white goods
and shrink wisiletis. But turpentine in
small quantities added to boiling clothes, !
sweetens them and improve the color.
The beat boys and girl we have ever
known on the farm were those whosu,
nrent gave them an interest in some
thing to raise or cultivate as their own.
To a hoy especially, the feeling of owner- j
ship la a happy, proud, hopeful one. lie I
feels tbut he has something to work for,
to look forward to. The pir wj j ,1t',
time beeo a fat. marketable hog, the
little lamb a tine wool-bearing sheep, the
Colt U handsome horse the ..,i,.l-...,o
. u. , mv hi ii-
grow to profitable hens, uud the -alf Into
a tine milk cow. Parents, uiva vour chit.
, . iT I, ' v. f vim-
larins will ! better cultivated and vour
homes made liappier !iy it.
BomethlngtO Bal Between talks: Hen
is another sweet dish mOTOUghly to sea
son. Take thrM pound of tweet al
monds, two poundl and a half of crushed
suiiar. and one imiunl of jir.,.. i..
I Pound the almonds into a kind of paste,
I ami mix uiein W illi sugar. Add the juice
of the strawberries, which must be prev-
ioi:ni criisoeu. i lace me pull contain
ing these dlfleren! bigradlenui on a slow
lire, and stir them up continuously.
When the astc seem to have olitained
a certain consistency, tuke it out of the
imn and spread it 001 on a baking Ismrd
ntwdercl with sugar, till il laof the thick
ness ot a hall-dollar. As 1000 a the
paste is cold, cut it out in round or square
j iit-es, und put them till hot and crisp,
I into the kitchener, und then serve.
ClSVOIl ;iS Fltsl : A Mil iirti. l.i nl 11
ciKtm differs essentially boa both ten und
coffw. While only an infusion of tbosi
substance i used, leaving a large pro
Hrtion of their total weight unconsumed,
the entire substance of the cocoa tl is
prepirttl a an emulsion lor driuking
, and the whole is thus UtUbaXi with the
i system. While the content. of a cup of
tea or itirt'ee nm only- la rciranle.1 us
stimulant in it eifivt, and almost en
: Urerj destitute of essential nutritive prop
erlie. u cup of pniured . 0CM is n-allv a
moat nourislmig article of diet, as, in ud
dition to the value of ,e theobromine il
ontains it Introdttcee into the svstem no
inconsidenilHe pmportion of valuable
1 nitrogenous and oleaginous elements
Boile.1 Ndads All hoad vegi tahles,
eltuce cauhtlower. eabbuge, that AM to
lie ci.ik.Nl whole, should le immersed in
. cold water, bead downwards first t fm.
' froiii grit or insect. The latest wonl for
salad lettuce is n.a to put it in water at
all, but to break it apart, leaf by leaf
wiping off each leaf with a moist 'towel
j This keep the leaf crisp. All lettuces of
kuiiii tiHHiio if torn apart, not cut. The
il . A , " '"ttu.1- should
' he bfjHL The "drumhead" variety is
It ,-c,,k,ti than raw. On Ut,a" wit
a Knhe.le lightly throne.1 on the ,-le marnwv nul.stan.v. al.i.., V..
Uvn steite.1
with a little .t..k " T!
i "" ami a
liimn ot lmtt..T iit.. it., km i
the hoihng maj,
........ i 1 1, 1.. i-ii itietiiarlc
....I. ii i- nvm iieiuacy, unit it
ngitxtkeil. But understao-l that no let-
luce ft for a ttlt 1 shonld U the More
eouiing m the table
Coflee Quotatlona Remain About Steady
1 . . ii,. , i
-Suaar all Around Have Had a
Slight Advance -The Wool
Market Very Quiet.
M .. .I.n I 1...I ill IIIOHt
, From an uii-ouui m
ptiou forcropaof all kinds, -specially
I.i i., fcnlta which have been some
! the early l "
mmiBgin , mr -----
1).a(a, e to the fanner reaping the Is-ne-
j , another nrolituhle harvest is, the
I 1 1 s-M wmmwvm-mm I
. I
m oi anoiuri nnii. i i
pntscnt pmsjat't of u low price for wheut.
f . ..: l.. I. il... ui.i,u,,i lo nrtur-
hut a till is eariy in mr
nodicate, tliey rely uwn liope. In all
line of business in the hs'al merchan
dise markets the transactions ure good
for the season of the year, und no com
uluintsare bMld. Sugars huve ad vnnccd
iBc during tlie week, while provisions
continue steady at former quotations.
Tlie vegetable market contiues good and
prices are fairly muintuind for Oregon
product, California having la-en almost
driven fmm the market. Buter is firm,
with no danger of the market getting
overitocJtnd, owing to the commencement
of the packing season. We quote :
Oregon ham 12.tji:icp bn-ukfast ba
con ISO. sides 1012o. shoulders BW
i.iiic. F.ustern ham 13ccCl3'Bc, hrenkfust
baOOO ISflUO. sides 'Jl8(dl0c. Lard
B Ith.
'"n 1 . , . .,
U Angeles oranges $2.25, Riversides
$S.7uit4.1,r. California lemons $3.50(i4
per ho. Oregon strawlmrries 1.2.1 jicr
dukv CBom ca.
,,,.,- i uMim hnm OAs miuiinmlnA
lr' .c common. H)(tl2luc. Kaatern
California 18(il2ec.
Kggs aoo,
Cliickens 5(S.1.,10, bmilers $2..'it)nt4,
ducks nnd geese 10, turkeys 20c per
Valley 160170) Faiatem (hvgon S-aitV-.
Hops 1016c.
Wheat, Valley 1.2tl, Hastern Oregon
$1.10. Oats 2)Krf30c.
Standard 4, other brands I3..10.
I . ' "' .'i9 "aSaS
! !!JWJ0- 8horU Umf "i-W
Hay18914perton, bran $18dJ14,ohop
L "' '
, . MltAr8; .
hogs live tic, dressed, "(ilje ; veal tl(8c.
Purposes, like eggs, unles iney no
hutched into action, will run into decay.
The best sign that a man holleves
any thing is not hi repetition of its
formulas, but hb Impregnation with its
spirit Brooks.
If there were no render there
would he no writers. To indulge in
the reading of bud books is to give bud
authors their power for evil. S. S.
- Love that has nothing but beauty
to keep it in good health is short-lived,
and apt to hare ague fits. -F.rusmus.
How oau a man expect sympathy
who insist on shinning up his family,
tree only to shake hands with the grin
ning monkeys at the top?-Once a
Virtue consists in making desire
subordinate of duty, passion to princi
ple; the pillars of character are mod
eration, temperance, chastity, sim
plicity, self-control; Its method is self
denlaL Many of our opportunities must
...i.i.j ui uui- opportunities must
be alert enomrh to nmflt hu tham ,.n
But part of our traiolng Is to look for
them, and our success will depend 00
the use we make of them. United
It is doing some service to hu
manity to amuse innocently; and they
know very littlo of soel ty who think
we can bear to be always employed
either in duties or meditatims with
out any relaxation.-Sir P. Sidney.
When wo look back upon our
liven, especially if we begin to feel
thut they ace pretty far spent, how we
amilM ourselves with thoughts of whut
we might have made out of them other
than thej ire, But It is an amuse
menj that may M well M sparingly in
dulged in. Our better employment is
lo make as much Hs possible "of what
l left u.
-li I n popinTr s"jTng mat rtcn
men s MM don'i aaoUBl to Otueh 01
hi-' rich men in How York who have
son then. ,v not twenty who are not
hard ut work building themselves up
-Hiram WilliRm..on. one of the im
BMetolall hundred w no rode into the
"valley of deth " rtt Balaklava in I8M
has been made ehlef porter at the .... ... M
"" i'"-i-ouiee. no ij
veurs of age.
-In a cae at law in Illinois the
other day it was show., that H woma
w)iipsd her 1 oy so that he was in bed
(or three eeks be,.,,,, he could nol
commit titty Bible vertca to memory in
oue week.
Amm Ma or
Aceordiaa to Th.. iuaj ...
i si BJOtM
-Miration of it. Hiri.. ,-
vpilr ol 1 ' uallv accounit r ,
alue. and. as a ruieouu
ull to giv0 .w . ' ' 'J
Hi,.,, n... . t 'uroi I8or
:.Jw.m 'K,nr fnl hfe ex-
b U JX Z 1 ZST1 an"1 if animal
,,r,w,i.. 7 . " . uo ra"
. . "T" "ay do
i . - mn lung Term lima.
J " ' ry ged horse. ,
their lives t,
n. Mj
Sugars, Oolden C tiV', extra C 7c.
dry granulated &)c. cube, crushed and
powdered H'.c. Coffee: Juva 2627c,
Slocha I'Htglilc, Costa Rica
Rio 23t28C Arlmckle's roastitl m0.
'"'"i, iii injii, ,,i M11 ... ,
... i I. I.. lata.
' trom lobaH .,
the Bprlqgfleld Ibmh.; ' 'k:
story of the t.,,,i. . "I. n,
within the lifs-ume of J'0" .
I lie il 'V -
, "mania r
man Land numbere, ,l i
when the Island wa cio-i
and were u kindle ......
who arere not cannibal, Hke
tants of the olhei
only lo he let alone. BuTalf
of the sealers that ii,f.,i .. ni
made attacks on them and ,
their women and children ikm
ally avengttl themselves oe xft
settler, whom they killed ami
houses they burned wbenavar .
port unity offered. The
war in return, beinir Brel, Jy
queer habit the TwinM L'j
keeping QrM burning whon li,eV
lo frighten n way ks. ti, '
mi thnie ui, ii.. rtm
vw ....... i.wmwwim in IMI y
nlaces. until the n,ui,. .. '"'"H
v una, u j, i.
lnaeees:ihle f;(siu,....,.s n
whence thev broke om u i
Isolated farms. The flovernor trW
bring them to terms by nonding i?'
proclamations setting forth hh (riw7
Intentions by means of picture) rT'
sentlng black fellows ami i,w
Ing each other's bands, walking
er. etc. As thi did IIOl U'nwU - . .
of J.(HX) Midlers wa formed scn
island which moved south with tb
tentlonof oorraling all theMtbsjI
Taaman'speniniula. itwasutrensMa
undertaking, and when it was Jnkta
ui a eosi oi f.vm,), llie reward (v.
slsted of just one mini and a ! ,.,
had been euught while asleep;
were tho only natives who had bu
seen during the whole operaliefc IU
a Hobnrt bricklayer, mimed Geom
Augustus Robinson, who h
the language nnd customs of the jfc
manlans, offered to go aiiumi.
acquaint tlnin with the Oovfrnintjj,
disposition, und bring them in. u
companlod by a native mini and tona,
ho undertook and successfully MtJ
plished the task, though he spent thri
yeurs in uouig it, wai.ed over Im;
miles, and suffered from cold. linnja
and thirst, narrowly escaping (2
. .i n , i. ....
llioie until UUCc, itlll III .
brought in overy survivor, the numher
having been by thut time redmvd-,
203. They wero transferred to Hh
decs Island, within sight of Tasmania,
and there cared for by tba Gofgg
meiit. Hut they rapidly pined am,
from homesickness, apparently,
they would go in a bodylotMBati
where ihey could see their formrr
homo, and there sit and
twelve y ears but forty-four remain-i
nnd in lHli'.l the lust man (lied. U
mil. UL. L L i.
uiuy, i ne eauso in ins case nen)
In 1H7H tlie race came to an end in u
person of t he woman who hud news.
pauied BobinSOO on his mission.
General Custer's Sword.
In a museum in Boston ih the sword
of General Custer, said to lie the y
he curried when he died. It is uToWn
blade, and bcoj's, in Spanish, ih b
"Do not draw uic without cau:
Domit ibeatbs me wltbovl inin't."
It is said that in an engagements'
cavalry in Virginia Custer mid a OMj
federate officer hud a hand-to-nlt at
tie, in which Cuater's sword blsas wa
off to the hill. He cast away it!
useless fragment, rode to a rail line',
grabbed one of tho top rails, and csslf
Ing furiously upon the astounded Ci's
fedorate, knocked him from his nor
He then rep need his broken sword
with the Toledo blade of the SotttMe
er, and carried this to the day of ha
death. N. V. Sun.
"Merciful Congress,'' cried it
frenzied editor, as he wheeled MM!
in his chulr, "what ft your art
"It's a ham," replied the visitor, m b
laid it on llie proof slips. "I MaWj
hull lot t'other day. and I tliouuH
p'raps you might waoter try ono. I
you don't care for it, though-" Tn
editor seized the hum with an all
hand. "There is always room H
these articles." he said, pleasant.;
"Hy the way, you haven't been inn
see me for two months. Any IM
wromr un at the farm?' Brakei
I'hei-e iu nn oh) mnti 111 ChleMat
vllle, in the Catskills, who si"."
speaks out in meeting. Recently
city divine preached in the littl" ''
odist church of the village, und tlie-
man became so excited at one or J
home thrusts in tho sermon tW
seemed to apply to a certaio "i"'0'
neighbor, that he got up and shouted-
"T1,.,C .1.1,1 ,....,ater- hit I
mill " l .UL S VUHO '
. . . . .l Ik IPS
Hgiun. Anil later on, n l"" '
mon appeared to come home to him. k
cried out in stentorian tones, "sU
.. . t ... . ., 'rf
so. o gosn. were an siunc"
durned one of us."
A genth man addressing
nrs of a larire school obsen
,-,1 :c:i'r;
the decoinlion about the
American tlug, and said: '
can any of you tell mo why
j wu hung there? ' "To hide
1 quickly responded one sharp
assisted in making the prepat
' the occasion. Christian Adv
that N
the din-
Isiy. abj
,r,,:,. I
Jinks (at a party) -I dd
what t the mutter with that prct'
man over there? She w:u awf
flirty a little while ago, and no
won t have any thing to do '"'."
Stranger -I have just come in- r,r
my wife.-X. Y. Weekly.
Somebody describes a
itick as "the old man I
Mil the younc man weakness.
A Crawfnrdsville, Ga.. ne.'roh,
avorite cut tbat had been given "
and the feline would not stay
dutky master. The gentleman of o
inquired around for a remedy by '
he could nttaeh his eat to it nee
nd finally this remedy wa fiTenb
Measure the length of the cat's tail ,e
a common broom straw, smut the!"
with soot from the family chimney.
Place this-tbo charmer-under
doorsteps. This wa strictly fol"
nd the cat has not left the pli