CITY GUARD. ESTABLISHED PUR TIE DIMMIIITIM If IIMMUTIC rilMPLII, ISO TO IAH 1JI IQmTLITIM BY TIB aWK.T OP (ICR MOW .OL2I EUGENE CITY, OIU SATURDAY. JUNE 15, IHh9. NO. 46. THE EUGENE iM (?ugff ity Guard. ( PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY.) L L OiMfBSLL, lublUher Hud ProprfrUr. iiVnOI -Ou the EMt Hid. of WilUoctU ,t )Kto Seventh .n.1 Eighth Streets. i K,;MS Of SUBSCRIPTION. 'J 50 . 1.25 . .75 ivr annum Six Months litres months.. OOB ONLK KATBS Of ADVKRTI81NO. Advertisement inserted as follow.: Om HM f n I'll" ur ,,,M ,,M, lu1,rt,0. '; J-hIu"ii !"" tMh i"' '''"rti4e"wlllbeo,,,r,!,ai :c:uraont., One square six mouths J" lSA render! quarterly. All job work mu.t be paid roB on MUWt CEO. B. DORRIS, Attorney ami Counsellor -at-Law. .mru.l. PRACTICE Bj THE COURTS V f the Second Judicial Dutnct and lu he Supreme Court of this State. .So cial attention Kirw to collection. nd ustter in nmbatr L, BILYEU, -Attorney and Counsellor at Law, - El'GENE CITY, OREGON. PRACTICES IN AIjLTHE COURT'S OF this State. Will Rive special attention to collection.) nd probate matter.. ilKKirr-Over Hen.lrick Kakln's bank. Washburne k Woodcock Attoriieys-sit-l-aw, IKNM CITY, OREiiON .iKFU'E-At the Court House. iv8in3 GEORGE A. DORRIS. Attorney-nt-Law, KUOENB CITY, - OKKlt'E-In Register Block. OREGON GEO. M. MILLER, attorney and Ccunsellor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. EUGENE CITY, - OREGON. O flier formerly occupied by Thompson r.woj. 7. & FEN TON, Attorney -at- Law. bUGENB CITY OREGON. Special attention given to Probate business nd Abstracts of Title. Orrici Over Grange Store. T. W.HARRIS, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE . Wilkin's Drug Store. Residence on r'ifth street, where DrShelton ormerly resided. dr. Mcdonald, Physician and Surgeon. EUGENE, OREGON. Omtn-Up stairs in Dunn'. Block. Rooms 11 and 12. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, i IAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res iyidence when not profenaionally engaged. Keidenceon Eighth itreet, opposite Presby i hi Church. J.J. WALTON, Jr., ATTOKN KT-AT-LAW EUGENE CITY. OREGON. WIIX PRACTICE IN ALL THE Court, of the SUte. Special attention given to real estate, e ecting, and probate matters. . riffllltlgj .11 kin I- of claims against the "nited State. Government . , . Office in Walton'. brick-rooms i WW DR. J. C. GRAY, m DENTIST. OFFICE OVE GRAN'OK STORE. ALL work warranted. Uuwhing gas administered for pninle-s ' tracaioa at teeth. - Dr. G. W. Biddle. m DENTIST. PLATE WORK A SPECIALTY. Ex tracting and Filling executed by the Ut eri impmved methods. All w.irk r?., J' 14 yean experience. OtW 1 "" over l.uck.y . drug store. J. DAVIS, Merchant Tailor. HAS OPKNED A SHOP ON NINTH Street ..pp.t the Star Iledtery. JS ae is prepared to do all kind. oflra ia hi. line, . . , A large stock of Fin. Cloth, on hand for carts an to (elect from. o, Htiria, and cUaoing dooe prwEiT istsutlse raaraatead. fegeae. Nor. (,UW. tf llf- v J ( .w w TTTTTi for Infants and Children. ' ('Mlorla , wrilauaptedtochlldiTBthat I Castorla ew i Cola, Oonatlpatlon. I rseomi.-irml It u superior to an? pnwrnpuon I Pour Bl . l'lVrrhnsa, BraetnUon, uonlomt .' IL A. Aacaia, I D., I aUUa v. . k.,,. p, od prMola U 1U Bo. Oxlord It, Brooklyn, N. T. Without ujurioiu t-HI-iiHi Tmi fi!rr. OtajMair, II Murray 8tret, S. V ra STARR, GRIFFIN, ft BROWN. Hardware. Tin- ware & Stoves. Pips, Pipes, aid Plumbing Ms, JOB WORK done on short no tice at reasonable rates. PLUMB ING a Specialty. Come and See Us. NEW GOODS. A FINK ASSORT M KNT OK BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS From the Cheapest to the Best at prices according to quality. A LARGE From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties can be suited either as to Price or Quality. OUr assortment is Complete, from the lowest Price up to the bintst; can suit you if you Stive us a mil OUR STOCK 8 5fFrcc Mew and Stylitth.! Look uh over; if wo do not wive you nionpy, we will make. Home one elw e II to you low. -A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES - F. B. DUNN Day & Henderson, ....en i ..I THE FUBMITURE & UNDERTAKING House in Eugene. Corner 7th and Wil. Sts MATLOCK! Has just received direct from New York and Chicago, the largest and best stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS Ever brought to Eugene. THIS IS NO IDLE BOAST, STOCK OF and mom LEADING Uivp i'h cm 11 (bant! That i- to any. your lung.: Alio all your breathing UMhinery. Vary wonderful inn. -biurry it is. Not only the larger air pHNsages, but the thousand, of little tubei and cavilie leadina from them. When theae are .dogged aud rhoknl with matter which ought not to be there, your luugn can not do their work. Aud what tbey do, they do wcel. Call it cold, rough, croup, pneutnouia. catarrh, counumption or any of the family of throat and noae and head and lung obKlru.'tinUH, all are had. All ought to ha got rid of. There 1 jnst one sure way to gat rid of then). That i. lu take Boa chee'a German Syrup. hioh auy druggist will sell you at 75 eenta a bottle. Even if everything else baa failed yon, you mar da DtM npun tbi. for certain. WhaMs If That j roduoes that beautilully aoft com--,d. nud leavea no trorea of it applica tion or injurious effects!" The nnawrr, Wi. dom'a RoU rtino uwumpliahs ll (hi, and i pr .nounoed by ladle, of laate and rvflne meut to be the lun.t toilet article ! evor produced. Warranted hartuleM and ! mate Mrs. P. M. Wilkin. aWt, Kugeno City. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mrs. Winsiow's Sooiuikg Stki i', fur skQ. dren teethinx, is the of one of the lieat female nunea and physicians in the Cnited States and has been used for forty year, with never-failing suvceea by millions of mother, for their chll.lran. During the pro cea. of teethiog ita value is incalculable. It relieve, the child from pain, cures dysentery and diarrb.wa, griping in the bowels, and wind oolic. By giving health to the child it rest, the mother. Price 25c a bottle. Take Notice. That A. Goldsmith baa the largest, flneat and beat slock of Qujeenaware, Crockery and GlasHWarn ever brought to Eugene. Glvo him a cull and be will prove it to yon. , Mr. C. J. Smith, traveling salesman for Belford, Clark A- Co., Chicago, bad the mis fortune to apraiu hi wrist moat severely. "I was suffering great pain," be sitys, "nnd my wrist was Iwdly awollen; a few applica tion., of Chamberlain's I'aiu Balm, relieved the pain and reduced the swelling in one night, and in conarqnenco my work and business was not interrupted, for which I am very grateful. I can recommend Cham berlnin s Puin Balm from personal exper ience." Sold by Oabnrn & Co. When n iieiaon tella you tbey uever bad suc h ii rol.i in their life take their words for it aud sdviso thnu to use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and euro. For coughs, colds and boNraeness it has un experience. Sold by Osburn .v Co. Rich food, and lack of exercise, during the wiuter months, causes the system lo bo oome torpid and the blond impure. A dose or two of St. Patrick's Pills will cleanse nnd invigorate the system, purily tbo blood and do more good tbau a dollar bottle of blood pnriner. Sold by Osburn & Co. A person is seldom sick, when their bow els are regular and never well when they sr. irregular. Bear this in mind and keep your boweb regular by an oocaslonsl dose of St. Patrick's Pills. Boldhy Osburn Co. Tbe highest oaab price will be pnid (or wheal by F. R. Dunn NrTURESpLEASANTlXATIVE A Pleating Sense of Health and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort Follows the use of Syrup of Figs, a. it acta gently on tb Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Effectually Cleansing the System when C'ostiva or Bilious, Dispelling Colds, Headaches and Fevers and permanently curing HABITUAL CONSTIPATION without weakening or Irritating the organa on which it acta. For Rale In SOo and l .oo Bottles by .11 Leading Druggists. aAscracri'sso oslv sv tus CALIFORNIA PIG BYEUP 00. Sa rawciK-o, Cu, L laviLLs, Kr. , .Sew You. X. Y. J. L. PAGE, -DEALER IN- i If AVING A LARGKAND COMPLETE ,.ghtVr EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH. Can offer the jaihlic IwtUr prions than any t"r IN EUGENI. mark't prior. Frodnre of all kinds taken at SiM)rtsinairs Eooriuni. HORN 4 PAINE, Tl 4-:....! f '........lUlir I I ill I M il I UltUBUUHlD Dealer in GUNS, K1FLEK, Piiliar. Tirilt nd liKrillt, !) lag HarlilaiM SMSst NreUlr.ol ill BB r.r .!,. Repairing asm tn the neatest style and war uns Loaned 4 Ammunition Furnished ttre ea WUUsjotte Street Groceries Broken IKiwn OiHre-Scekem. Among the many oflce-seekrrs who hsuu the hotels snd the White House, I noticed one who wss once north a million dollars. Another one sat in the Senate of (he I'uited State snd w talked of for tbe presidency A thild gave up a lucrative law practice in a western state some six or seven year sgo to enter politics. He ran led hi district for Congress and was twice reelected. To maintain himself politically iu his di-tnci, and to cut the social tlgure which be and hit family thought indispensable hero u. the capital, be an -nt while iu Congress, orersu.l abuv. bis sal try, the sum of 94.,tHHi, or sll he had iu the world. He is now without iiropenv or income aud an aspirant for a 12,01111 job, wilb no certainly of gelling it. Ex-Governor C rpcuter of loaa, a uiau who once b .d a. bright proapecta a soy publio in .1. iu thi slate, I auotbor type of the political iiufurtunalv. Iu Ihe pursuit of fame be a comfortable fortune, aud is uow a sui ill farmer, with m.'rgage on bt, aud a csudi ate for postal tsler iu a town w .ere the salary ia but hub- more than Hay.- r. El-Sat.r Sp-ic . r .J North C.r.ilua Is now a ulerk ia tbe interior department. Of Ihe meu now iu Washington, lookiug for eniplovmeiil iu ihe public ser vice, fully une-half are ex-sotuething or other judges, oongresmu, sanat irs or foreign minister. Washington Letter to Philadelphia News. There has just just been rollcrtr.1 from the l"niied Slates government ou the ludian war claims of Oregon, ;IS,132 18. Thu payment i practically in full for all claims forwarded There are small aialaH yet re maining but these will also be forwarded when the proper vouchers are received. To illustrate the wonderful amount of otlirial business that bad to lie transacted iu relation lo thia matter, it may bo stated that, during Ibe year 1)188, pound of official papers aud documents bearing ou these claims were forwarded from the state department lo Washington. Dmsot St it Wm. P. C. South has tiled a suit in circuit court against Dr. Courtney, of Lebanou, for fo.lsJO damages for mal practice. Mr. South Home mouths ago had bis log broken accidentally aud Dr. Court ney attended bun. Mr. South alleged mal practice and that tbo professional service was badly done. Beauty ... ind admires by all. Among . . 'thicli may best bo doue to enhance personal la'auty is the dally uso of Ayer's Hair Vigor. No matter what the color of the hair, this prepa ration gives it a lus tre aud pii. He v that adds greatly to lla charm, should the hair lie thin, harsh, dry, or turning gray, Ayer'i Hair Vigor will restore the color, bring out a new growth, and render the old soft and shiny. For ... . ping the scalp clean, cool, and healthy, there Is no better preparation iu the market. " I nm free to confess that a trial of Aprs Hair Vigor has convinced ma that it is a genuine article. Its use has not only caused the hair of lay wife and daughter to be Abundant and Glossy, hut It has given my rather stunted mus tache, a resiectable length and appear- line, . ' -R. Brlttou, Oakland, Ohio. "My hair was coming out (without nnv assistance from my wife, either). I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, using only one bottle, and I now have as tine a head of hair us any onn could wish for. K. T Srhmlttoti, Dickson, Tenn. " I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor in ra family for 11 niuulter of years, ami re gard It as the best hair preparation I know of. It keep the scalp clean, tbe Inn soft and lively, and preserves the original color. My wife has used It for a loaa time with most satisfactory re sults Baniamia M. Johnson, M. D., Thoums Hill, Mo. " M v liuir was becoming harsh and dry, it after using half a buttle of Ayer a -i ,. i ..i..-., r lint Mill .IM' I uniutt imii wniv vm - If al I'liiit it itr. hi; hlawlr iii.l tfliiMBV. I 'I id " ifcH.w" rssw.,r sn,. J- - cannut .'xprntw thft Joy and grtltinl I I , Mftbt Hardy, Delavan, III. Ayer's Hair Vigor, raaraaao at Dr. J. C. Ayer 1 Co., Lowell, Mai. Hold by Druggists and Perfumers. liAKKEK (UN WOKKM MS BARKER. Expert Gun Smith Stock of Guns and Am munition on hand. i.m.i-m: - 0. Marx. I Shnn and Bath Rooms, - Hot aud cold hatha always ready daring tbe week. First door north of Dunn's new block. E. R. KKIPWOR'IH, Attorney at -Law, KUGKNKCITY, ORWiON. ,,. i Upstairs in Register lllnck, hot d.sir Ut the left Will do a general law i r. n, .- in all the I 'ourtj of the Htate. All bo.lneM promptly at attended to. HOFFMAN HOUSE Eugene, Oregor. " 1 41 ' n 1'ROPRIrnfiB. u) t ensxerk or mid. Hold by all dnwriete. Is deal the ' Funeral Oration. The following Is the f addres. d.lly ere.1 st the gave of Ge.v S. Waahburue by A. C. Wootlwick: Kind friends, I .hall now endeavor to (nihil ; the last roqn. it in'ice to hliuelf that our deHtrtel trim. I ....! of me. I Juil.e Georue S. W.-lib.irne, th kind son, brother, hushan.l, father, friend, .lied while the ilea, of lib m. rtuiig were fresh on his I brow, scarcely lie. baited by the beat of the luerl.lian sun ..f life. I .lust u he IimI gained eminenre in his pm feminn; h.d is.niuieiice.1 to reap the heneHts of I ennvy snd industry: had lie.n rrownMl with honor in public life; he was forced to surrender lite, atrumiles and .put its busy scenes. It lusy be u. II tthtle ambition u at Its lulled height. More .li-wp,.ointments come, while one is praise. I on every id. hv admiring frisnds. while like a ipieeu reigns supreme in Ihe mill. I, to iic.un.b to tli. Inevitable suuitnoas of death. Our detail led friend graduated at the I'nl varsity of I lrrg..n in the tint class that was graduated fr. that institution. He read law with Mr. (i. B. Dorri-, of Eugene City, and was admitted to irsetite in the year 1H7U. He cumnrn.-eil the nractir. if the law In Junetlon (fly, but so'in after moved In Ktigene and con tinned to practice law there until his failing health ootapsUwd him to tpiit. My iuti mate acpiainUii.-e with him liesu when I .suuiiieu.s'.l reading law iu hi nttice and under his supervision as my pie i -t - Sis.ii after mv adinluion to the bar, we formed a law partnership which lasted until Impending death forred ita dissolution. In all my intimate relstmns with him iu htislneu, he niaintained that same genisl, kind and gen trnw dtstmaltkai which characterireil his whole life. He had achieved a success in his profrwlon that many of i.mtmunred ability never ac quire, even at a much riper age. Hs filled with success ti e otli.s) of county Judge of his native cuiitv for the term of four rears. He ws. a leading lawyer at the bar In his osrn county, snd DM among the loader, of the bar in this state. His skill nd tart in n.urt as a trial lawyer was admitted bt all attorneys who came in contact with him in the trial of a reuse. No one sppreeisted the keenness of his intellect and the ingenuity f his interrogatorie. more than the unwilling witness who chanoed to be subjected to a cro-n examination at his hands. He was Wholly devoted t" his clients' Interest .'mi., them with undaunted courage when a lilti. -tilt case was placed ill his trends. Dur lug my rxM ileiire of two years and over with him ss s lsw i. tner, I never knew him to turn one away from hi. office on account of his poverty or inability to p.. for legal assist anre. To othr no tubers of the bar he was kind nnd courteous. T" his fi lends at large lie was venerous to a fault. He had s ouslit. .n hi dispo-iti.iii of drawing men toward him. I think it ran lai saMy Mtl.l that no one l VSf deputed lile in this county leatlng behind . kt eat ! nuinlier nf intimate friends than hedld. He had a brilliant future before him, and If hr tis.l In ed, the I" gift, in the hsnds of th. Iieople of this slate would have been In his reach. Man's humanity to man was his re ligion, And his chaiity ended only when his ibilitv to gift ended. He I oieil for immor ality, but lielieved that all beynu.l thi. life Is a hiildeti mystery, and that no on. ia certain as to lla nature. But if there is a better placr for us after death, hr Is to day in happy un inn wild th..... who have gone before. I oannnt believe that if tli. -re I. a future exis tence that it Is marred by the separation of friends ami families Nor ran I believe that ruch a venerous ronl ss inhabited this poor tenement now Is-foro us, can lie refused any of the favors that niav buls'stowed upon a human soul hereafter. If the author .1 all creation that we see lief'.re u. which we know I. resu nite.l by the inost ierfect laws liss prepared a place for the human family hereafter, it, ton, oust lie iroverneil by perfect laws based upon perfect justice. True love is everlsating, and I cannot believe that the author of our heinv can hate other then true love for us all. It ha. been a noted fact In the lives of irreat and noble men that they meet death bravely. A noble still dies u noble death. While our dear friend was surrounded by those most dear tn him. and when they thought he was dying, be suddenly ralli..l, and as if by inspiration, lit tared sentiments showing that he was hspiir in death, some of which are as follows: "This is glorious; I am so happy and contented; under what more plea-ant alrcninstsncs could I die with all my beloved ones around my bedside." "What grsn.lsr meeting could fiere be? A pie tun. that could net he painted on canvas We have been a harmonious family In all relation, itb nag another." And then after talking individually Pi his pa. -. nt-, ami to his brothers and sisters present, snd expressing the deepest retrret that the alweitt one. Were not present, and after talking to each of his little Ixiys, he placed his hands on the head of his devoted wife snd said; "And my dear darling tre tried and true, faithful to the last, I know v. hi would have ulven yur life as a sacrifice fnr your loved ones. " And now, oh, kind and departed friend, if thoiicuhlst but know to day how many hearts have hen made sail by thy dep rture, how many tear, tif regret have been shed si thy loss, how msny hearts have been mails happy hv thy kind and generous deed.. thou wnuldat surely In led tn exclaim, the world Is better that I have llvo.l. Ws leave von to your last resting plaos. "Yet not to thine eternal resting place Shalt thou retire alone n sr c nil. It thou wish l' m il more ni.gniKcut Thou .halt lie down With patriarchs of the Infant world -with kings, The powerful of the earth -the wise, the good, Fsir forms and hoary seen of age put, All in one nihility senul.'hre. " Farewell, desr friend and associate a last and nfftctionste fsrew.ll. Dr. Taylor's 7 Gnka Compoand, purely vegetable, positively cure rb.mtnatiaiii, neu ralgia, Imilbache, sub head .. he, cramp col ic, cholera morbus, complaints peculiar to d inah cold or oongh, hive. , chills and fe ver, pains around the heart, erysipelas. pblbisic. UK -HOB Iaylok Sold by Osburn k Co. dmtrxrisia Money to loan on farm.. Walton. Kn.uire of Judge POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never vane. A marvel of polity, strength and wbolt-somearsa. More economical than tb ordinary kinds and can not be sold in competition with Ibe aiulti tode of low test, short weight, aloes or phos phate powders. Bold only in can. Hoist. 1 It.dso Pownaa Co., 101 Wall St .. N. 1. mi Ootl Mines. Coiurrocg, Oa , June 10, '89. Eoiroa GoaaD Enclosed by mail please find package of coal taken from abaft sitiisted of a mile tiorihraal of Comstock station, aud about 1.UU0 feet from tbe line of ihe 8. V It R The specimen is from the bottom of the shaft which is not yet through tbe ve n, which is now faced up &8 lie le s p. i ietidicuiar Of Ihia 38 inches is ...lid. and will require blasting. The upier Jo incbea is more strictly slratifia. the stratas constant ly thickeniug as ibe tunnel sdvances. We are op.ning up another mine 1 1 , miles from tbe track thai ia a much larger vein, equally as flue ooal, wbicb now preaeiils a faot of 1UU lucbes. Tbe route selected for a tram way lo tbe railroad from Ibis mine will be down tbe valley of Ward creek, flowing into l'aaa ereek ,' , mile south of Ibis station. I bare spent some tbrco months here in tbo mini k and bavu given them a thorough ex amioatlon. I And very eati .factory indica tions of an extrusive coal field, granite, sand stone, limestone, slate and potter' clay. I find a general "dip" of tbe bedrock (either lime or sauilstone ) to be north and east. Thi. faot has heretofore very much retarded the development of the mines, as parlies en-g-igcd in piti.prctiug always took an "up wanl diaiiiage." The coal would soon rnu out, or, if they fi Mowed the "pitch," water sooa accumulated and Ibe prospect was abandoned. I started a Innuel uorlbeast and when water followed pat iu a wing dam. Finding tbo coal not men asmg as the tunnel advauced, I d -ore a shaft through the bot tom of the lunn. I. This soon brought tbe true vriu into view, and now no one who has visited the inn." double lbs exialenoe of a reliable flrst-class ooal mine. Our tunnel waa run in l& or 21) feet some years since and waa abandoned. I dropped back down tho mountain ISO feet, followiug the "dip" for ward. The true vein waa found lo be IS feet below the bottom of lbs old tunnel, showing 1UU inches of good reliable hard ooal There are also other resouroaa of wealth to be fouud here, not the least, a re markably healthy climate, pure water, shel tered from tbe wind, the subtle, aromatic medicated influence of tbe air broatbrd from amoug ibrse everlasting fir clad mountains proves a bulling balsam lo all ditflriillies of tbe and lunga that are within Iho range of possible relief. Lime.toue of a siiprrir quality for building aud lime granite, fire clay, beinelite slate, and flue bodies of timber. Fruit of all kinds would certainly succeed here. All these lauds are of remarkable ricbuess of soil, and every, thing for sale can reach Ibe market by way of the railroad. Jos W. Mshon. M. D. Mciuoy III I.I. '.'I mils. The lioston Herald has elicited tho opin ion of a number of men prominent in public life or in business, as lo Ihe dangers from aud tbe proper restrictions upou tbo use of money in influencing eleolions. Three rx Governors of Massachusetts bead ha list. Ex-Oovrrnor Qssion believe tbal "Ibe improper and corrupt use of money has degraded our elections, that it lends to Pin inerscy and is one of the source of danger to our institutions " Ex Governor Long con siders tbat "it i not desirable that corpora lions should take any active interest in tbe success of speoial candidates," but sees "no impropriety iu tbrir disarm inslii-g iu every roper way, by Id. ratine or through the press or by speaker ou Ibe platform, infor mation which they believe will promote a political policy for tbe general welfare." Ex-Oovrrnor Butler boldly declares that corporations have as much right lo protect heir Interests by 'sending meu to represent hem in Conges.' as i possessed by any "her body of men." None of tbe men in terviewed defended thu pnrohaso of votes, I bough several of the politicians justify cam paign funda that oould be desired or used lor no other purpose. Mr. Long's supposition Ibst a corporation will spend money lo "promote the grueral welfare" is well met by tbe sfflrmslion of Ex-Mayor Martin that "whatever a corpora iron does lain its own interest" Wben corporations or tu b men as individuals con tribute money to elect Presidents or mem bers of Congress they do il. as Oeu. Bating saya and he has "been there" lo "repre sent them aud protect th. ir interests." And wben an election is rariled bt money or tha Government is admiuistend In the iuleresl of the money power the result is, as Ex Qot, (last, n very properly obeervrs, "a Plu oer. cy" au oligarchy of wealth iuateed of a Republic of equal oitigens. Tbe remedies suggested in the various in terviews are mora general than specific It is plain, however, that two measures will do a great deal to check ibis in knowledge d evil: 1 A law limiting campaign eipeudituiea by candidates and committees and requiring publicity to all disbursements. i. A ballot reform win. h shall provide ballots al publio expense and secure privacy and secrecy in voting. Willing to Pay for His Honors. "Did tou give thst man money?" waa asked of a oilizeo who had Just parted with a man who walked witb a limp. 'Yea a quarter." "He's a cbfonio beat." "Well, perhaps." "Yon should discoursge such characters." "Yes, I know; but when a man comes np lo yon and calls you Colonel and says he was right bebilia you when you charged that hrntery at Autietam, how can you go back on lii in ' "But you were not at Antielam." "No "You were not a Colonel?" "No." "You didn't even enlist in tbe lale war?" "No, and do yon suppose I'm gong to owu it up for the sake of a quarter? Not much! I've got a hslf a dollar for th first man tbal cabs me General. Free Press. Tha Lebanon Express says that J. M. Rail. D, banker of that place, has puirbaed property in Portland aud will remove to the metropolis. Davis, tbe tailor, baa just received a Urge atoek of imported and domestic good of laa latest rlpriug and Summer styles. Call and examine his stock. StS - - Delinquent Tax Notice. S ot ice is given lo all owing taxee, now delinquent, thai the Count) Court at ila iaie seeatou ordered me to collect fbo same forth w itb. This is tbeiefore to notify all concerned that if they wish to save coats Ibey must oome forward at once and pay the same or I will be obliged to proceed against them lemilly. J. M. Hroaa. Sheriff Lane Co. Why yea T-Tea-T. We ask yon to note tbat we carry the largest and beat atoek of Tea sooth of Portland. We buy direct froxo tbe importer. We allow you toast, lasts or smelf what you buy, or will give you a sam ple to let you find out jtvst what kiwi you want. All favorite and tried brands always ia stock. Pricee to salt the rimes from 46 ctsup. We also have a full and freak atoek of groceries etc. Factnc Tr Co.