THE EUGENE CITY GUARD. SATI'llDAY . JUNK I. Tl IVnxion Kunil Kxlinii-l''l- Albany Argon, Uk M, Lu tbin week ago attention huh di rected id (beu column lo llit (iiruviifpnt rummer in which CoDDiiwioner Ol reunion! Tinner wu watterinu bioailcaat tin money entruited to hi charge. Hiuee In - ippoitat nieut Washington has h warmed with peuaioD ageutH anil "ahaikc," and theafl BH hve eut letter all through tbo eouutrv freeing to aecure a penaiou fur iiIiiiuhI any one nn the payment of a fee of ten ilolluis or np waid. The rikull nf tin- courau i foiiul in the unlooked-for announcement FrOfJ t7ttbiM ton that lt week II, .'WO ,000 wn paid out for penion, eibanitting the astir appro priation of 81,7"0.(JO for the fisenl year. It bad been aappoaed that Htfltftlftlr"' would be ample to pay penionn up to June 30th, when the fiscal year eip ire, aud the appro priation of about $H2,0')0,0fl0 for the next ynr become available CiuuiiisMoiii rTuu uer, however, ha MMMttd Ihu fund, ami pensioner mail wit for Ibeir money, while a big deficiency will be chargi-d up again! the deparlmeni. The troamiry ilepurliuent etimtea that ut the prcent rate of pay ment toe bill for petiKion for the year end iug June 30th will reach f Hhi.MMMMiii. Home day ago the Argil punted fiom (lie treuHiiry report the flgiire to kIiow the rate at which the pension ayslein him rOWt on the country tha clone ol the Wur. The ebaution ol the libi nil pension luml for the year, ill week before the end of the year, and the statement llnit Tannir MUM t lull, 000,000, make tin' H.niea now epe lally fulnnut. We gie the iiuuuhI u pro prialmus for pension mid for ull oilier pur MM of govrmmenl, eleept the debt. Hi period of live year ince I lie clone of the b ueral puipoKe. S74,NI,OIO in,is,0M is0,euo,4iT l7,i 8.I.U 1 7 IM.I7MM I hi;:, a; 1H7U-7I 175 78 1 HMO HI I hi:, hi! IHH7 W, PeiiMion . lfi,iiiri,2MH . M,44I,MM .. :ih,2.".7,:i!h; . M.OtW.ttO . U,4M,0aj . .. HH.iW.Ml The money lo piy tin mi In 11m. ol inurs.-, eoiiie fiom Ibv whole people, ami il In mil,, milled ill ii Tanner' waati fnlMM and lb greed ol claim agent i uroiiaing UQutti Ka limeiit again! Ihe pulsion MVatcrn itself, It rallliot be honetly pnaaible thill alum! twenty-tim yeaia alter the. war ended tin legitimate claim for peimiona reipiire three time a lurge all eiieiidilure iih wuh re ijuired at any year dining I'reaidwil OflHl'a aduiiliialialiuli. a PfoyMKton i KNiN-hiish MonafbC' lorlWt The meetlnu called laat Saturday eien Ini.' at the I'niirt llouae, to t lie- mli jerl of eitendln- aid to parties who propuM, if eie oiiragiil, in ritaldiali atferal Paanufaot hi in; enierprinea in Entrant, met ami urfaa 1e.i with .! w JobtMM a praawiaat, A t) Woodcock and d A Siraiiflu, aotvttrka The fullnwiag pmoition i auhanlttad In th meeting: To the elllzrn of KumiiD uii.i ,n.. aHintyi We, the undenlgueil, piopiwe and will ne..t and esUhliali in, ur m ar the city i f EttfHIi ami have reaiiy for n mi tint fur Mm present Miaann, a potato atanti tactury, aiiiulu mill mill fruit dryer, which will mi, ssilate an Ml lay uf aliiut 9'5),tHHI, iihiii llui fnnlin' o n diilmia, vl, if tliH p.nnlr of Kugene will rain and pay to the uuilenigiied a EttMl of .VHTJU In be paid a followi : 2,t per cent. h D lit is deeded for purpnara let forth, 2,1 x-r cent, when nhingle mill i ready to oierte; L'.'i Mf cent, wheu fruit dryer .oinpleteil, ami M per cent, when mai blurry in mi the utoiiinl lor the s.areh department Ami wu will fiulln r promise ami MIM that whenev. r luffioktal mimiiiit nl frail U prodooail in tin. u.-imtv to i. arrant the establishment of a ranuiluf lautn IV, Ilia aame will Ihi added la the MoiwaJd talilialimenta. The ha'allllg of tlni also, will necessitate the outlay ol many tl amis nf dollar far prialiue ami material, mel MM liloyment pi a great iuny wnmeii mid ehil dren In the faeloriea, ami In men nn (hi farm and ill the Inreal, all of which would lil ureal U to i Ii" uruwth ami prowrllv nl both town mid country. In the rslnlill-liment nl thesa imlustrle It U MM intention pa n inplele the same ami conduct them as their oparaajna can he made pintitable ami rei irrative. To Ihesi, end we most NMMlttll iiliinil our nffar to the liui in. - men of KMatka, Signed hylle.lT Hall, Dllsn.l., Ilnouihnwei. I. I' Smith. Till pniHMitloii waa discused uenerally by those preaent: A eninniillee was apisiiulrd tn circulate a uhwrllitinn paer as follows 1, llilyeu, J A Straiijln, ,1 M Hodaoa, A C WiMulisK'k and 1 M YeMii. I l' In the lime of gniiiji tn MtM) Prkia MN no progress li.el lieen made liy the ana milt. e. Appointment. WaainviniN, May M,UtlWl the turns nl the last liidinli appn pilalioii in I the S. c i. Ian nl the to day appointed three eolnmisaioiier In (real with llie Ceiir d'Aleue Indian in I.Ulio lor n n.liniiou ol their reservation. The coinini-sionris nn lectwl Wele: Cimirtuaii, DeUeral II. n Simp on, I lie ill 0H, now ol Sel , Ai,,.- Hon. John II Kliu in., of Oakhuiil, Cm. h. I'api. N.,Hihon H lluii.pbr.y, Albany, Ur gnu. Tb ny ia t ight ilollnia pi r day mid lrnHinatinii Nutie ia keraby Kt lol lHHtt la H.. iW in V Ac ia the pual r lrni N , l.v k ot.iii . al I ... I ia daya I iieut May 4. IHWV n kntk llall V until July ante. All latra not hi-. let. l t iWlin (1M. r rAW, I'lerl Lumber for Sale . OMOMtl riiH'iciliiiifH. t MMOkl t'tisvnxii, May Ti, 'Hit. , Council met purnnt In adjournment lth ii, ' I'reaent M"r Hovev, ( 'oiincilmen I'alne, Campliell, I! "iie.v, MatkbtM) Met'lun.' and Itorrls. BailWng MIMtM MMM with. Mr Mcl'lung I mm tin- eomuiittee on atrejta reiK.rteil the enntraet lor gravlliik- and graveling Willamette and Lawrence afreet had been award lo Mr K I II . I at the following price, te wit: Knr grading Willamette from llth tn loth street-, MMl for grading b rence from railroad t.. Hlh treet, MM) Ut graveling the two atre. I. f cent r cilblr yard. TI.e MNMrittaa leisiuiiiien.led the prayer nl titloner lor .1 lewalk nn llieeaat ide of f'hamelton from Mb to I lib atreeta be granted. On m.ti"n th renl and MOM mend waa dottad ami the sidewalk b. here by ordered. On motion of Mr Matlock Ihe street com mittee wa Instructed M draft mi . rdluaiice regulating the helaht nl shlewalks; Krmleel trerts, and to ..rd-r tin ir construction when grading ia dune. Mr, Malha k fmni the com mittee on streeU nrpiarUrl the hydranin or ilerml on lith and 1 li nd Mb and Lincoln vie ill Mi tful le . ii a epte.l I lie cnmmlt lee al-O aafollowa. on Oli.e slieet al ith, atn ami :un streets, and M Oik ami flth street. On nm i linn the res.rt and rWomnWadlClnH PI the j cnmmlttee was adopt..l and the hydrmitH are hereby ordered ami if lb" committee deem it ! eidient to remove tin- hv 'rm.t on 7th and I Charneltnn. On motion ..I Mr I 'amiils-ll the committee nn hie ami water was iiisirneieit In e.amine and relsnt lipntl the MpadiwW ft extendi, the tire Inn l. uml the MIMal instructed to prepare a comil.-fe list of all d" linipieiit t ami tre. t aaemeiila ami at the next meetitiK "I the council. Hill nf iwt MeMarrj orfcrl paid. Judge llisih.n called tha attellli I the council In the grade , f II. si t claiming that In eaaona nl hi.'li w.ter there was dan Ker nl oveiHoW. The matter was referred to the committee i u atreets. On motion the conn cii ailjoiirneil to meet Friday, 3Ut. Summons. The Towering Mastodon of lentea Suit in i.piltv t" Inreclcae mortgage. M lu ll.oCleciiit I'nurt .nf the SUIe Hrevon lor Laii" I Sylveater Pennoyer, llovemor Ceo W McHride, MecTeUrv of Stale, and I.e.. W Weill., Treasurer M the Kteta of Ort goll, the 1, ..I , ol omiliua inner I' r the 1 f and I'nivaralty landa and M the lliveatment of the funibi aiiaing therelrnm, rtiiiiifi. va. .lames hontt Kcker and M. A Kcker, bis wife, I fefeodaata, To Uie defendants, .lame Hcntt Kcker and a mm IN I UK NAMK OK THK STATK UY Oregun you are hereby ummond nd re piireil in appear and answer plaintiff 'a plaint now on tile ugainat )(" in the entitleil mH with the clerk M said rt N "f More the 2Hih -lay of October. IHHtl. il heiutt the 'irat .lav nl the next regular teim of said court to la- baMa in aatil cnunty at the t'mirt SELLS BROS 3-Ring ('inns Royal Roman Hippodrome, Elevated Stage & ft-Continent Menagerie, ROW IS PWUMIHT CONSOLIDATION- WITH H. BARRETT'S miieml tenagerle, 2-Rlnu Clreiw, JwlBg Carnival aim (jrcat Worlds Fair. Eugene Book n E. SCHWARZSCHILD, PROpR (Successor to Geo. Collier.) S. IK mm SHEET 1 ml lav I '. i ' nlieu nn .'iiuiuui. inoi I TTTill T7!l, J U,' 4- in I ithrdraoUoaplaaad ll-nae, in Kug.-,, y, u . . Will JCiXUlDlt 111 ul the S W j, i See i T HiS, l.lllllber. TbeHmilh UMMwr Ctl bav" ju.! com plete.l Olie of the l..-,l llllIU III Oll'goll, Oil the MeKellzie river, tile milt MH ol lilt gene, two miles b .. I hi McK0li Hrulge, on Ihe Spencer faun.' I h. y me no t'liily lo till bills for building at low rale Oive u a call Man baying eu. wh. re City nfflce at LiHh ti. Id t HwikU' hard wme lore, all ordr lelt will In- promptly ait. inied lo. smuh Lpmn Bo. Bfgl for HtUcblnf. From Aunrici'n !! lueedn: Wy andoltea, I'lynu.uib llock. Light Bran ii Iltowiinnil While Leghoiim, ruilinlge Cochins, While WmiiiiIoII' " mid Hhick Min-oi.a-. Winners h the btftwM boimrn all all lb lurejcnl llbibil t lor the pant eleveu year. Et: per selling; two helling, V- Sell I nlamp lor e llalogltn. Address, .1 M lUlllllHON, Koi.-i (irnve, Or o lo lo answer said . omiilniut. I'r want there nf, the Plaintiff's will laki .ludgmeiit again-t the said delendant, M A Kcker, for the sum l UN ami Ir terest thereon, from .Nov. '.KM. IMHI1, at the rate ol M per cent, per MMM and or .V) iltorney lees, Iwing the anmiiiiU due on I certain proiiuulaaory n. te menlloiie.1 ami Ml in aaid ftltfj . execte.l by said M A K. k. r to plaintilfa, and Inr the ciat and ilialinrsenieiita herein, ami a deciee of said coin t for the f.utclosure nf a certain mortgage hi said complaint described and execut'd by said defendant M A Kcker and Jamea Scott Kcker, U. aaid plaintiffs. t secure the nayment nf aaid proiniaaory not., and the aaid auiua of money due therenn. and diiecting the sale of the I'd lowing real estate in said nmrti mentioned and ileseriln-d to wit: The N ami the S W I of the X W J of II .1 Wrst, containing HO acre more or lew, in Lane county, Oregou. That the said real estate may lie Mild and the proceeds ol tale applied t Ihe tiayuieiit of aid judgment ami the said sinus nf innney duo upon said n ite, ami said coafa and dUinirae. meiits. and that the drfeiulants and all per anna claiming umler tie in or either of them aill.p 'iplelit to the execution of aaid mortgage a piuchaaera, IWWtfllWMIlala or otherwise lor ever barred and forncloeed nf all right, claim ami cpilty of e.lemptioii in ur to aaid MWttWgad premise uml every part therenf ml Dial plaintiff have execution againit said defemlant, M. A. Kcker far any MWMf winch may remain niter applying the pr.iewe.1 nf tMn MkM to the payment nf aaid judgment ami I'.r such other and luither relbf as may lie ..piitalde and juat. This ainnuiona i p. hlUlnnl in the Kuijeue City lil aHIl liewap.iier fnr ix c inserutll we.-k l.y order nf Hon It S Itean, .ludiie of am I I'nurt, which rind order in dateil the fU day of May, IMS, luted Mil. 27th day of May, IMK L. HILYKU, Attorney for I'l .Intlffs. A PltkalBkf limle. Of health and strrtuth renewe.l mid nl ease ami taiwfarl WInWI lli f Syrup of KIk, a Hints In lnrue.i.v with inline to etlectu ally i 'eaiis." the avste u when co.tive or bill mis Knr aale in MM. ami I.M bottle Ly all IMllIng dru,'Kials. 1'ou Ktt.K on Tim k. A I. w choice yottBjj Lull. ( i Inporlrd II r.h ril uml Poll Align bull mi. I high grade Shorthorn M4 Devon cow. M. J It A. WtUOWh l olling, Or. 0 BOItud Bsttaol of Samapn rill.i in blond iimkiiiL'. bin iil clcanning ami Wright'. h iii, rMtarlag A cur. lot MTmnlnna, ami all tmptlw dlanm. ioMby klldrnnwti Wrighfn BMokbarrj Ontrrfil iboaM bt in ev.ry fuiuily lor I'li d'-n Inluitmii, Sum ft 'lli nsen, etc Pli UMDl I" take. Sold l.y all ditiggitl Wiight lted OrtaM l ou.di Cure uin OMIIm lor bfOSeuilii bonis. nen, pballMtt OOttrbl and all mil iillll . oi.dilionn nl ibe lungs and all Jlatntagea Sold by all driig gialn. Wiight n Hop I i II rv md Chmi IN Hitler Hitler a rellal le IMW. nppelier mid lBigofn" dlgaatlM organ mid pr. Vdiln dv;. -ii uan ! relied upon. Sold Ii) all dl "ginfn Not ii Boutbanier: fttrangtr (rradinat iinM r al Ihe C Inl) - "Who I IDA) i Ann. . win. pinli d liov lleavei'n DON at the iMRgnralilin) In he ii Southern man?" Noted Simile nn i (with iHagoal) "Maw. tontsani nn dnn'i utill tmnt di; the! aBQ0t nib." Tbo Celebrated French Guro, APH-GD1TINE A ill Hlilfvi t ur uH'iif v . Mill-I, 1 BLr'JI AKTER Iron, tha An MUM MMMtMfMJf) ID ridlotUlM Ihe Oklahoma cn..e, pniul out thai ' lint, ia Ibree time a III Itch land open lor nettle ii. ml iu Arkaua an then, was in the whole ul Oklahoma, and Ihe laud In far more val Mbit." Still Aikamuis in m,, I ,y . class nf loui.g nun who ale colislallllj going weal lo lake up farm The JfMM, Mtiel i) prejudicid agmnst ally slale I hat ba a limed population already on ihe grotnd "11 1 ro lo Aikanna," be rraaoua, "I shall hava to work like a slave. Hut il I stake my claim among people ol my own rce, I will wora alongsl I., white liclghlmr. and be rqttalto Ihe beat of them." lor luflnuiiualtnti ul kidnejs, jaundice, heart disease, diop-v, pun m . k, I . ,i tem.dy ia Wright a K. ,V Cute Sold lv .,11 Jrugglal. lllteri'sllllg. OwiUK lo Ibe receut great decline lu pnee id phoiograpbtc stock I will lor limit time make cabinet pbotoa Inr per SMM. A I propoaa to do bualueaa on a cash Imsi tot will plea lo bring cash along in pay u, lull wheu Ihe ueuative ia taken. The tuU ,. our work will alway be firat claaa and' we will allow no other kind to (o out. Hntig Ibe babie nd "catch Ihe shadow u, t nnstanee fade- oui to .-oniuiaud, r. A. lUus - - aaa Tt Nollre. poJiTive OUMUN I LE In cure all)' fin in.. I in nous itlM-:ec, or any illsonler ol Ihe C ("elleni'Ue (alls nl either sex i helher illlslllg ficctslic use nl Hilinulnnl. 'loUiceu or opium, Drlhniugh yMtbltl hells, icllnu. uier Ittdtttg. tuee, Ac . such as l.n i llialn Power. W akelub MM Heaiing down l ams In the llck, Smulual Vlent ne, ll)steini Seivoita I'rnsltnllnn Mneturo al RMMMW I .-in ... i t..i is I ilmneM. weak Mem ory. Ijaut Pnwei ami linmli y, which if ne- glecte.1 aftjM leaf It pi. ioiK m.-ohl a..-.-nn.l MMV In I'll, e t UM loot, I Imxes M l-VOII l.y mall on receipt ul pin e t it 1 1 i t N OVAUAKtSI U flvM lot eei f.islonl.'l leeelve.l. o redllnl Ihe nn ll ii I el nianenl MTV il not MMtM We MVt IMMMU'it "I leallmnulals Inun eld an l voutii!, ul bolh I tea, who have lanin perina ueull) rured I" Ihe iiwul ArilltoiilTtsa. rln-ular liw AMtM THE mi'HRO MEDICINE CO. 1 1 RMS MM. iui :;, l-ORTLAMi, OR I l: 1 i . k . x ,t l . .. S. l. Agents Fufcii,e. McClaren's Building, iOpH.aite J. M. Wllkim' Drug Store.) Has all extensive Stock ul SI'ANOAEU, M IStlKLLAXKol'S, COLLEGE AND SCHOOL BOOKS, Mei cardilt. Fancy and School Slat.on try. Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc ; j' r fur Hooks and Subicriptioii to NtWipwptll in. I Periodica! promptly ut lendtwl to TIMIddl I.AMi. ACT .11 K .'I, K,s. KOTtt'l Ml n iriov. I'm nn St.itis Lkgn Orritt I lo aehuig, Or. May 10, MM I Vol hi. IS HKRKHY OIVKN I'll AT ai in i omphalic with lh pru iaiun ol the act of I'oiirea. ,,: June a, IHjg, etititleil "An a. t for the sal i f timln r ItMl in the Suten of ( 'nlifot ui i, Oit'L'ou, Ne.l.'. mid W.ishiiiijton Tenitoiv." Kulolph hmller, ol l'o.-uc,ii., Uoitnl) of L'bahaln, T. uitorv .J vYajblngton, bat thai lit fil.d in Ihia tdMt hi sworn sta'eim nt No , lor the I urchane of the S I of N W J and W nf A W 1 I, ol Section . 10, in Township Km. 18 South, Lange No. 1 Kast, ami will offer p ool tn ahow that ti e I. md sought Is iimre valuable for Ita timber or atone than lor acricultura' purposes, and to caiiihliah his claim to id laud liefi'r the reg ister ml Ueceiver of He otHce at Roaaharg, Oregon, un Mauday, the '.".itli ilay July, IHtft lit nalllea aa wtetMMt M L llanisoli, Ii V Ovennter, ut CatmopuHa, I'hehnli I Si,, Wash. I.r . tleirire Warner. Thnniaa War ner, ..I Pall t'raek; Line Co., Or. Any and all ptttnOI claiming alverely the ale've de Mnbtd lamia ate ie.pietcnl to file their claim iu thin ..1111 at on or hefoie - n I I, ilav of July, IHH'.i Cius. W. Johnston, Krister. city mm i AMI RESTAURANT. Wllluiiictti', liehveen Till Md lllh St. NT.V I'l.ACK IN TOWN I II VT HAS the c. I.dirated -THK Bulkley & Heald O YAQUINA, EASTERN OYSTERS Po & In the SHKLL, wiel in every styh KRIAD, 0AKK8, ETC. We are THK HOSS, i bmkoiit fiw fur our vTattt wilS lied Ih.x and Sleigh Hells. Orders Promptly Filled. Lumber Cos. i fa HUDSON, OK., Arc prepared to fur nisi. Pirst-Chww LUMBER, In CAR LOAD lots throiigti W. II. ANDREWS, flood maud baud kMrkrl (or aW by K. J. Mil lumn . a a ' Tk flnest line ol pocket cutlery ami raaora, leutcbei knives, shaving beuabea. Wtu and alrapa; oils f..r .. mk' inatbMM and gnua, ariaasor. etc., In be had al the Baiaer Qan Work a A 1 buy on line I wuat veil for rttak. Call and a if 1 do not pleaao yott. Ta ta. Riaara Otm Wnasa. Eugene, Oregon. Notice uf Pinal S,-lleliieiil. V M i aet I. IH III.KIHY 0IVN THAT ' aduiinisiralor ol the "MM N It. y. I, ilee. Us Hlanl Kia M f.T tial lllniaMt ,g a. ratata ko ay the !! day ..I July. w.i, has l rlrr ..f Ike UM rt hearing the u M M H.xtoi. Adair n wiNi; i'.kkn ArronrrtD aqimt t I the ,-elrt.rate.t ZIMMERMAN'S Fruit Evaporator We re MMMd to ahow M and eel I yon ,t Pa.-t.wy Vnnt, a Fault Ih-yer that will do a- axM work as mix nrr lnxet.e.l; and at Mi IgWtl that any one with K frW of an .archard tan aril rnUtfh RvMMtMl l.iiit toxy l,.r It the tint year. It ia tire Mag Can bt put up in your Kite.nn or Smoke llouae, and during liar i rat your aifa can do her Baking and Roasting In il to ile,-ii.., t,e Kamily Sim are Xn, I lUk-r.. WriU a caUhaue and prioea, or .-alt and am- threa at wxwk an knh at Ihe fruit that it turned .nut Ma CLOSE, Agent. Creswell. Oregon. Eugene, Oregon, MONDAY, JUNE 17th. Two Per formances- and 8 r. m. Wall Paper, Spectacles, Al bums, &c., &c. University Bookstore fftil Eugene LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED, EUGENE BOOK STORE, Lock Box 173. Y Foundry ! Machine Shops 0. N. FKAZKlv, ! coprictor, An evtraur.lin.iry unifieatiim nl the twn Irailin;- .h..w. nl Aiueri.-a. rerfrtink' l.y their ft lieitniis c. the innst voluuiiunua and VAST AMUSEMENT CONSOLIDATION That mind ean enneeive or capital prndota. In eeh and eirry thparlnient the eon:iiuui,itinn ..I u perfect show, wonderful in ext-iit tad variety, MlMIMM in elioi. r aiel tCMpUOM at trai tiniia, ami IHtaMtiM each aet anil feature will, style, metlnsl and llafMHIi tPPntitM by patrons an. I nraaade.1 by, LARGEST TENTS liver CONSTRUCTED What Mighty Ui- of canvas OMnpV Mtt Ml Md MMM uioi.- BrtTel and nioniiiieiit tea turethn the tniits of a doiten cont'mpoiarv exhiliition. A nWtchleaa HmaMPMMWtL Z" mImImL Brinastriaa end Bptetaeular HMhttiM, to wits which, th mi.' Mt daily. -MAKES ALL KINDS OK- CASTINGS, STORE FRONTS AND ENGINES, UEPAIKING OF AM. KINDS OF HAOHIXEB? A SPECIALTY CHvt me a trial. I guarantee luv wnrk tn ifive nlisfiiction. Slmpa onmer of Billht) uwt and mill race. (!. N. FlIAZIl A PARADE WITHOUT A PARALLEL V.HJ1HI Front, First and Vice Streets. PORTLAND, - OREGON. In ihtMhttl (.daneiur and impressive ipNUoillat (TM iiitf surpti-es ami .rg.-on- rlf.-i't-- ncr tirfore tflttMt Dream nf Fairvl'u I. .V daliajbtfttl ipiiialt nl tlie mi lin, pre-eiiliu.' stiiiiptuoiis scenes, thrill nl nn the piilili. streets The Ohudrin'l rnitSoattl irrtt Street PaMtMl WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Klet'tiifvin' Hip RsmIm Kami me .o.lromatic Sporta, Ratllatia Obvllal rial Contests. axrltiiitf.Charint and thrillitiK Tiials ..f Speed. The M.r:i nl, hl.t uicd, daahlng IVtr MttnaMMt SHERIDAN'S RIDE Haruware, Iron, Steel anil Farni Machiiisi) Yivi.lly, urtintiiVtlv un 1 rMlUtloUl l!ivt r'ttiiprvlieitfiv" uml mIiiiv.I our tnimtnnlh Hlpn.lttima Track. The Z00L0CICAL COLLEC- EXHAL'STIVt Kxhlblt iit: i am tian t' r ihown OHritr OAMVML 'Ok nn ! l'f.-t tntuieil Htrd of KU4iMtUi two ImottiPi HtppopnUiDit fifty icoliUni utu'crownH nl ! DumptnoiUly mIhih-I Ot, tille-l with the itnuigMt t'liji t u Itooi ii to ii ttntiil hUtoff iuoq ; tpllls Pythnius AnArtilM' ntil Hon r.tnhtH'-uiid, . hatffl AtrioiUI mill AinMntliAli S.l-ii ia:.H Mid lv i til"--. iNitlti hue, I HinN frnm Hi- l'nirs r.m- un I Cnriniu Bjurt fma trtry ImiI Mid oHntt NEW ,ND SALIENT REVOLUTION l TNNTKD KNTKRTAINMKNT. VLBANY, dune 19th 0ORVALLI8, dune nth. SOLE ACENTS FOR WASHINGTON AND NORTHERN IDAHO FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. " i ic tiicbtnei art too wall known to need comment Thousands of (arm an bar; uied them and ipeak of them with praise. They are tbe only narvcstln; Machines that will give ENTIRE SATISFACTION to the purchaser. (TILER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER, AULTMAN'S STAR TRACTION E '.he moit Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and c: Grain ever constructed. UNDERTAKER. A bran new First-Class Hearse One of the Finest in the State. A r ink Lis I or r. Also rv FurnituiT, Mat- Mm, Caskets, Robes, AND ALL KINDS nl sr-.MHrU . . . Undertaking Goods ' . ' f Oonilimtly nn hrtii.l. - ,iaf - .JL-slB Store corner I ft "-il. Deere Plows, Deore I Carriages, Phsetons, 3ulky Pltf." Top L.ifiSi: tresses, Ked HlKi W birh are OMItd at the Lowest Rates. Willamette and 7th Streets. S i I. BUCKEYE STEEL frame TWINE-BINDEi rrTlio Feature thit dlatinnuiahea thli Twine-Binder is the Mehtnra ol Draft, eoaiblnnl i oruimrj' Btnntth aad fionbUttr, The Binder liol tha Apnlebv pattern, the .: n . tie yet kn.mii. We have two stilee, the Elevator Binder ami the Platform Punier l.ili.v lanuMiienM ny hundrisliof trons. oOHUTTLER FARM WAGONS BUCK-BOARDS, FOUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN WAGONS. BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS. CORBIN DISC HARROWS, HODGES-HAINES HEADERS. HAISH BARB WIRE '"SEND FOR CIRCULARS. Hi.- property of P K. WATIV.R8, consistiog of the follow. iiii.r Iiorsfts: NKI.soN, pro 3,!i.'s. Atttrta (lyihadttt Stml Book. v l,'Mnv ,'; S&Jfr hVA? W W U, Nellie Little. Xo. (ltq.l l.y nuS n""ih,,M, m -"' 'v,' M',' H WydMWt .i,K.k. at); :u ,i,n i, sirv, , Wallaca. Ill; ttl, .lain. -, l.y Merry I'armer. rJOi; Mh , , hv Qfij fv,,., (Tg).' U MSTHNK, NO. MSI Aimiienn ( lv.lea.Ule S. It. I r.'Xv VU-' VHP; Sif."1 ' v ,;l'1"'"'". N'"- mi 1-' li.iu. l.ove!v. UU m hy Kfakt ?rhl"Vs, 3m''? 2." 'V.' N.k U Mm. lUrri-mure l,v Nat? Mtqr, Koil: tth .Ism. . hi Sovereinn, No. ilMll. v I... MB f 1KB8. Nft WM-AwirlMt CTwttMMi a R Y,M Inly 13, ltvC. A lull t revher to N.Ui. IVIiKree aa ahott W It . lIAE MOUNT NO Him. the RtMlttrtl llre.l Tr..ttin,( Stallion, n i in " . SS ' l'! s'""l 'v Paramount. (Nt. MM) l.t MtM vTr ' bY.1yhViX"- " y Slmlesp,aee. K.,r exte.le-1 Ji see' ol. i, n Ml: iv a Antarimu I Mttn,k. Krister KTl M.?ajK H HAMBLKflAWK, no VW, th. nn.HaMM Ra.hMa.iMu Vllr;.!ni ""."l' '' S,'r1,' A,l,li..,r J.l ,,,. Kie lt.ll hy Beeoher'.t'a.l,n NtkJMMHl IWw iHaaik. will U found t l,.'. -t,,e, sir Piers iSliau MM ( .pi Mount will I, at m (. K..h of t..v. atel at my rami, ,, Spen m 're!k T ey I for II,. ...... .T l ' V "."'- "7 n.-. aervioe. Sinl. rvl ...... ll. i 7 : l-"'"o'e in iiw.n ai lime ol aermv. Mftt a MUtM niuiaVr of well hr,v m.trea at AVI f,.r the sea..,,, with (, mare., n.,t in f,, lr,t m.n if ,h, hrw j, njv, n) , nwnw, jy m' " CAP MOUNT will pritlWft . f retnrnini: P. K. WATTKKS. w EALTH IWftMaratMhtaa not be cn.ioytd. THEISFORK USE Oriundevs-' ReGGN8lP0DPiJf?iri(R '-.4. n n tSTD RF D Dr.W.T. MeMurtry, rhvsician, Surgccn ard G7necclo':st. Y. it Eip ue nee "l USEIT! l v.i a. I..... ... t ci c,"Tf. tyuwaaiBe,, Malaria Coalr-i T.,. -on v ih.m iw.ii.wi. .niiHi--,1,or .11 ,n,.,.,.. . . draraupoWSo,., TheBu.mra. "w ht ha-i,,, , i,, Mt and 'aitisimia. Tmu ine Monuuti awl InEZ , - , 7 V ox." an impurities ,mt o' ". h e. a twnt: lii tar lyes. Orrna- elle ar, ,1 ElMENK, Over ltruwiiavjlle Store. WflMaV onoov. New Goods $ Styles sBETTIM'S A full line of Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots Sf Shoes, Ladies' Dress Goods, Hats, Denies tics and all sizes of Trunks. lu fcfltM In -mu i i anit on irnt.r .ve.l ,-ttv m n. tiT, at a Inw rate ol interent. For farther infi.-mation an-iirea R Norton a r, Kt Portlaod, Or. -O- O. This Stock has ji st been refil the hest selected stock in Town, I nnn i?