The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 04, 1889, Image 5

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OMbei UBS,
May I, 181).
I yy Mullock and family left Monday
aWnl Onvm.
Miss Susie Moore is visiting with bet
aaek ' i. Hampton "'"l family.
Miss LeM Ilium-, Ol PUiWl Hill, i
iloppiH " M"' A J Kfl'n8'- Nellie Oilfry mid Laura net ,
(if Creswell, visited l the Utters li'dire lure
Mr Oi M. Fronk has iicen viKiliny with
his brother, J M. Fronk of this piece, fin
aome nine.
Oi Heury M itthcws. uttorney mid cniiu-ttllor-at-Uw.
Special attention giveu lo
csinue sssswn.
Jas. Stoops Iion purchased a bran in w
buggy i'f Chambers & Sou. Alfred Stewart
has also trailed for it like vehicle.
Mr. McGuirc, who rented the Kruiurey
furiu Hiitjr-ct to mile, will BOW remote to
Full ( reek where, he will take up laud.
Messr.. Williams & Honey's Htore pre
wilts s difference ippearaiiee with ill shelves
freshly filled with new goods recently re
ceived Messrs Franklin & Hendricks, of Cres
wall, were in our sectiou Suuday necoin
pniiied by two gcntlcuieu whonj we suppose
were in search of laud.
Our rosd supervisor, Henry Multhews has
been giving Nuu0 "' during tbe
week and conseiiueiitly our public thorough
fare is somewhat improved.
We could but congratulate ourself when
saw the boys being escorted lo Spring
Held Sunday, for although we have shot at
no one's dog laiily, we did steal a a keg of
qIm )ickles from Creswell a week or so ugO
tod have as yet been unmolested.
A grand picnic (or thunder storm) is to be
enjoyed at Pleasant Hill Saturday, May 4th.
wh' u a good programme will be rendered
diiriuit the day, and from 5 o'clock to 12 p.
m. a grand dauce at E. W. Matthews. Coin
tnke a holiday and enjoy yourself.
Oscar Stoops, o( Pleasant Hill, on return
ing from Eugene Saturday evening fired
several shots at a dog that ran at his horses
heels from one of those new houses recently
erected near the Sprinfield bridge. Fur
this he was arrested Sunday charged with
having shot into said house. His trial took
place iu Justice Churchill's court Monday,
and although 'twas found that uo ball had
entered the house, he was bound over in the
sum of SAW to await the action of the grand
jury ami answer the charge of an attempt to
kill dog we suppose.
Cottaire Grove Items.
April 24, 188U.
Strawberries and creutu are in order.
Mr. J. B. Thorntou was in Eugene Satur
day. Mr Herbert Eakiu went to Eugene Tues
day. Light frost ou the 18th and l'JIh, but uo
damage to fruit yet.
Mrs. Stonffer returned from Livingston,
Montana, Monday, Apiil '2'2ud.
The church bell has been placed on top of
the church and was rung to call Ibo Suuduy
School together Easter Sunday, being its
service call.
Mr Geo. Conner had the misfortuue to
lose the nail off one of bis great toes Satur
day iu a friendly scuffle with James Hentu
way, who accidenlly stepped upon it.
May 1, 1889.
Weather delightful.
We ure to have a newspaper published iu
our town in tne near future.
Auolher family of immigrants arrived at
this place Saturday from Kausas.
James Wallace and Elhenun Veatch were
at Hosburg and Gold Hill last week.
M ssia. S. G. Lockwond mid A. H. Spare
Were over on the oilier side of the mountain
the first of the week.
Mr. John Simpson has been iu town this
week iu the iuteient of the Grauve, and or
ganized a ti range ut this place.
Mr. Prouty aud nephew, of Seattle, W. T.,
arrived nt this place Saturday uight aud left
Sunday morning for Siuslaw, Mr. P's for
mer homo.
Cobnrg Items.
April 89, 1886,
A Sabl ath school was orgxnized last Sun-
Miss Julia Matthews is teaching in the ;
War.! district.
Mr. Cable is netting along nicely in his
spring term of school.
Mrs Bromley of Eugene is visiting at Mrs
Muich's this week.
M H Skinner will tnke charge of the post-
ottice the first of .May.
Tims Peters has a n w picket fence in front
'if his house; also Mr. Clark.
Mr. Lee has bought out N Matthews' inter
est in his sash and door factory.
.1 C Blackistone has returned from Philadel
phia where he was on a visit.
Miss Ella Vanduyne is iroinif scon to llepp
ner to visit her brother, 0 S Vanduyne.
,f C Goialale's sawmill is running steady.
His crew of men staited last week up the river
for a big drive of Ions.
Born, to the wife of 0 I R' liertaon, April
7th, a girl; Mrs Thos Vanduyne, April 16th,
a vl Mrs Simiuonds, April 10th, a t(irl.
Win Lee has bought 3J acres of land from I
Vanduyne and is nutting op ashind" mill; the
machinery came uo last week and will 1st
rea'ly for biuiuerfs soon. Remember, Coburv
girls, hs is a single man.
W. C.
Fern HlQgt items.
May 1, 18S9.
The May bees swarmed to-day.
Strawberries will be plentiful here.
Newton M.iuu's health is uo better at pres
eut. John Rayburu has gone to San Francisco,
Mr. L (i.irrivin & Co. will soun leave for
the bunch-grass of sentry.
S W Mulkey of y.iquina has made his
appearance ouce more.
Mrs. Evans of Cbt-sher was visiting rela
tives aud friends here last week
Win Powell aud wife went to Cottage
Grove last week to visit relatives.
Mis Mary Fisher went to Gosheii Mon
day, where she will visit fri. udsaweek or
Messrs Stickhs and Andiewa enleied
bachelors hall last week. They have taken
a contract of cutting cord wood.
Is-tter List. ,
Letters (,,r the followint! iwisolis remained
ii t a . . . ;.,
nucaiit-a tor at ine posiornce in tsfsn t-o?.
si ou. innj.
Allien & Son
Archer. IJ
! r I A 2 Bttman. T B
Brown, Myra Butler. D L
Campbell, J Q Davis. Geo
Douuell, VI tss Annie Earl. Allen
Litis. Miss Mable Ford, Mdlie
Green, Tsyloi Frill. m
Howard, N C Hull, Miss Lulu
Jackson, Mrs Laney Jones, Wbite
Leroyle, H Lng, Mamie
McUne.Jo McMillen. D
Mllledge, M Miller, Kobl
Morrowe. S P Shields, E P
P'per, 8 R Wirren, E I
Young, E E
A charge of one cent will be made on eacb
letter giv-u out.
Persons calling for the above will pleaae
"t advertised, giving date.
P. W Osncil. P- M.
Showery Mntatf,
Sew novels rit M. Leviuger's.
'regon lard .it SUdden ,t Son'i.
AH kinds of spectacles at M. Levingers.
Sheet music ud mu.ic books at M Levin
gers. the curd of Dr. McDonald in Mmthll
Ut .
A I. Co. rt-tnilar itiM.-ii,,,. i
The signs across the sidewalks should bt
luaile to go
Wall paper at reduced prices at M. Leviu
ger s ( olheia store.
Two Albany sportsmen lull snipe
the other day.
Screen doors and windows for sale at
Mnlgley ft Paiker's.
John Lllew and I). 0, Houstou are con
ductors on the BlfetM local.
See chanae iu sailing dates of the II. P
teamen in another column.
The engine company will drill this Friday
evening .it 7 o'clock sharp.
Leo Gerhard has decorated the bar room
of hia saloon building in fine style.
The Hoey Med Lounge, the best lounge in
the market, manufactured by It, D Brown.
Mr QtM F Craw has the sole aiieney fur al'
brand, of the celebrated Tansil Punch I'ifars-
Take your produce to the Pacific Tea Co.
and get the best prices.
Smoke the Happy Hours 10 cent white
labor cigar of Markus A- Co.
Hot and cold baths every day iu the week
at Jerry Horn's barber Bhop.
The cement walk around the Hove A Mc
Clareu block has been repaired.
We are in the lead, ueter behind. Always
iret there. City Bakery and restaurant.
Dr. Scott's Electric Corsets at Eastern
prices. For sale only at 11. Kettmtu's.
Preston wants yon to came and see his
saddles and heavy team harness.
Many wild neese pawing northward this week
on the way to their northern breeding places.
Hefore storing or selling your oats see A.
V. Peters. Cleuu Chevalier barley wanted.
Mackerel, Uloaters, Herring, Salmon,
Fin naddock and Cod fish at SUdden A
Try our cream puffs, City Ilakery.
The postoffice cloeed for several hours
Oregon hams, shoulders and sides at Slad-
den & Son's.
ltememl-er we deliver every thin with our
own wagon, City Bakery.
E. C Lake, marble cutter and dealer in
monuments, shun on F.iuhth aim..! Knaen
The Eugene Hercules cigar two for 25
cents is the best. Manufacluied by the
Eugene Ciar Factory.
The Winter Photo Co. have put a tine cast
for display of their work at the foot of the
nailery stairway.
Carpets! Carpets!! S. II. Friendly has
just received a large anil varied assortment.
He will suit yon.
Tuesday was a very tpiiet day in Eugene.
Many of the business houses closed from
noon until about four o'clock.
Don't forget that Mosburg. Harris - Co,
handle more flour, provisions, etc., than any
other grocery house iu Eugene.
School bonks exchanged and furnished at
introductory rates at the University Isiok
store, uet to latin- Count v Bunk.
Competition nmong the barbers of Albany
has reduced the price nt shaving to 15 cents.
How ciin the old Oregouians stand that?
Domestic and foreign tissue paper aud in
structions for flower making, at the Uni
versity book store, next door to Laue County
All kinds nf fancy, dress and dry goods
just received from the East, which must be
sold at once. Call at lh Itman's and exam
ine. The Ladies Aid Society of the Baptist
church will meet st the church for work
Tuesday, May 7th. A full attendance is de
sired. Goldsmith, the grocer, has just received
from the East one of the largest assignments
of lamps ever brought to Eugene. He will
sell them at piices thai defy competition.
Midgley A: Parker at their factory on 8th j
street, east of the mill race, manufacture and
keep for Bale, doors, windows, frames,
mouldings, etc. Estimates furnished on ap
plication. A cordial Invitation is hereby extended to
ill school children both in town snd sur
rounding country to form a part of the pro.
cession on iecorution day. By order of j
Carpets o' eWrr style and grade at Friend
Iv's. These carpets have just arrived aud '
have been well selected to meet the demands
of this market. Call and examine his varied
The Baker City Reveille complains that
$8:10 was paid ths Oregonian ' for on article
which no capitalist would ever think of beetl
ing, or an emigrant of believing," while
home papers are paid nothing.
S. II. Friendly keeps the largest and best
assortment of clothing, ladies dress goods,
hats, etc. He is continually adding the
latest aud newest styles to his stock. His
prices ore fixed to suit the times.
The Gt'Alin job office this week turned out
5000 descriptive circulars of th Siuslaw
with a map of Lane eouuty for Miller A
Hopkins, also 2000 real estate circulats tor
M 0. Close ft Co., of Creswell.
Tin- liest family remedy is undoubtedly
Plmwler's Oregon Blood Purifier. It
be safely given to the infant as well as to the
...l,,lr .md il rill cite relief where timer
medicines fail to do so. Keep it in the house, j
The ladies should call at J. D. Matlock's
Itora ami examine Ih it beautiful and care
fully selected stock of ladies dress goods
Spring and Summer patterns of the latest
Sty lea, and quality to suit the buyer.
The value of a remedy should heestim I ted
be in. curative proptrtles According lo j
.v.;-,l Avers Sarsannrilla is Ihe lest'
and most economical blood medicine in Ibe
market, because the most pure ami cnu
ceiitraled Price $1. Worth I a bottle
Prineville News, April lith: Ed Yancy,
who has i'lsl returned from Lane cunty.
where he spent last winter, report- Ihe pen
ni.. ili.U'ii Ihele MS lltlOL' in eer.ei
intends to
return to good old Laue aud try
his fortunes.
The contractor has coui'iien 1 work on
the beli tower for tin- fire deptriim nl. Holes
are d.ig two anl noes-half f' et stpisP- and
about III- same depth at each corner; th-se
are filled with general, and iron pais will
anchor the tower to them
A drv, h.cking cough keeps the br .n. hial
tubes b a state of constant lrrratiou, which,
if not speedily removal, mav lead to bron
chitis. No p.ompter remedy can be bad
tbau Aver's Cherry P'dnral. which is b-tb
an amslvne and expectorant
The Dav ion Chronicle ib vt.les a column
and a half l" criticizing the lectures Of eW.
Clark Bradeii, who i- going around the
country proving that everybody who don I
agree with b.m is a (tail and a rascal. A
hue and a half would have suited the sub
iect ami occasion krtlet -E O.
0 W Young A Son decide.1 lo discontinue
their butcher .hop, and it was accordingly
t t i ...... . Mr Young will build a
, -. , I M.,i.u.t : ., I bv
to sttirV D ICS ou Hie r- - -t -
the .bop and Mrs Fi-cb's millinery store.
Thev will -pen out a new bop in Ibe aime
: r. l.:.ll.;NIk. ; 1..1. .
place when ine oricso..nU.. i. -r - -Inai.rivitecnmmunicaiionfrom
Hon rl
Hermann he incidentally informed u- that
,h. commi-ioner. to inspect ippl ten for
places 11. tbe civil service in Oregon, will be
Portland May and al Romberg May
6,b He al- v tbere has been nothing
flonealon, appointment, lo g
l.nd office and posiofflce. "The Preavtlent .
riving .low. ud .bat "pretsent menm
ls nis as a rule will be allowed to se .heir ,
lime oat. "-Plundralrr. . g,,
Eggs IJ'.c, butler 12' Jo.
Horn's addition lo Eugene.
lluitar and violin string at M. LeMugcr'a.
MMJ b loll "1 farms. Enquire of Judge
Art matt halt at M. Ltuiugtr's at Portland
EsllMtniS beautiful decanters at SUdden
A- Son's.
QfiM ..,, mi ..! .1.1. stot. it I'ite Ite.tnnr inf
- "i lyi e inn
i v f .
the liver l anted I"lir tret Is-t balurtlay
and Siiudav
Coutraciors urn tlguiiug on Judge Scott's
new residence.
Mi stink of Bibles and New Testaiueuts
at M. I,evinh'. r'
District Mmol taxes can now Is Mtid to the
clerk, QtM, F. Craw.
Havana Cigar clippings for the pipe at the
Eugene Cigar Factory.
Foi the best and cheapest spring beds aud
lounges go to It. D. Browu's.
A flue line of silk plushes in all shades
and grades at F. B. Dunn's.
Fresh Tag ins and Eastern oysters twice
a week at City Kentaurant,
Bet violin and guitar slriugs at M. Iev
inger's. Ask your grocer for Junction flour. It U
It is rumored that a paper will he starlet)
t Cottage Grove shortly
Finest brands of cigars aud tobaccos at
Mosburg, Harris A Co's.
Jasper Hosts has purchased a one-half in
terest iu Cardwell's saloon.
Call at Mosburg, Harris A Co's and get
their prices on Groceries.
Everything in the Grocery line uew and
fresh at Mosburg, Harris A Co'l.
It is reported that the O & C. K. R. will
run daily freight trains after this week.
The S. P It. U. advertisement will ap
pear iu next week's issue of the Grain.
The Fourth of July will be on Thursday
this year. Is Eugene going to celebrate?
Immigrants arriving daily. A party of '20
Peunsylvaniiins will arrive here in a day or
Wild strawlierrifs in the market this week.
April :10th is early even for the Willamette
Paine is the boas on plows and all kinds
of repair work
He is at Melson ft BOOtl s
shoeing shop.
The sale nf the county poor farm takes
place next Thursday afternoon at I o'clock
, ' ,h'' court bnU1"''
Thiity six physicians and druggists regis-
tered in Lane county, uuder the provisious
' the new medical law.
Q N. Frnzer, of the Eugeue foiindrv. re
i ceived another older this week from Rose
burg for an iron store front.
Willamette street was improved this week
by filling s une of the ruts iu front of the
' business houses with gravel.
The county court and commissioners court
' meet, the former Monday nud the latter
Wednesday of uext week.
The poetnffloe lwok siore has a full line of
I the new readers, which will he exchanged
i free of cost for the old series.
I'se Oregon Electric Relief for all pain.
internal nr external. Ask your druggist for
Oregon Electric Relief. It will help you.
W,E. Harkins shot and killed J H.Ogle
at Sab in last Wednesday. The cause of Ihe
shooting was an old giudge alsnit wages.
The "Co ban" and "Ysrru" cigars al Horn
A Paine's. Trv Mi' m; they are the best in
the market for the money.
Clothing, boots ami shoes just airived
from New York, ut G B.-ttinan's. Will lie
sold cheap for the next .10 days.
The members of ihe shooting club will trv
theii luck, at Peoria blackbirds, for the
i badge, Thursday afternoon at four o'clock.
Mr Patterson, formerly section foreman
It Junction, hi taken the Eugene section
left vacant bv the resignation of Mr. John
Willis Jordan, who was arrested here
seven! times last summer, is now hoarding
in the county jail at Salem ou a charge of
Mi i long A Johnson are having a huge
sign painted on Ihe side nf their store build
ing. It is 10x48 feet. Khiuehart is doiug
the work
Devine A Todhuuter. of Grant county,
have just sold their entire stock business,
ranch ami nil to the famous Armour a Co ,
of Chicago, for nbont $700,000.
A. S, Bone has been appointed postmas
ter al Goshen. Mr Rouey is nno of the
firm of Roney & Williams, who recently
purchased Mr. J. W. Matlock's store at (hat
An effort Is Wing mnde in Eugene to pre
vent signs being hung across Ihe walks.
Cities of the size of Eugene and Albany
should neither have the signs nor the rickety
awniugs.-Albany Democrat.
The ladies of St Mary's Episcopal Gni'd
will, on I, ext Wednesday evening, Mav 8th,
1880, give a dime social, when they will have
an old fashioued spelling bee, doughnuts
nnil pop corn. All are cordially invited to
attend. P. B. Kirsky, Sec.
California strawberries in Ibe market st
25 cents per pound. In a few days the Wil
lamette valley will furnish berries at a great
ly reduced price that will put to shame the
scrawny berries sent up from our sister
state, that boasts so much about her fruit
growing capacity.
It is rumored on the streets that the Odd
Fellows will erect a handsome three-story
brick block on gr.'iind now (wcupied by the
Minnesota Hotel, during the coining Sum-
mer, and that the present structure will be
r- m "M d to the lot pnrcliaseii lilts wees nv
Mr Johnson of Mr. J. H. McClnng. The
matter will likely tie definitely settled in a
few days.
Hon & Paine have not got the largest
gun store on Ihe Pacific Coast by a long
way, but they have a (nil and complete
stock, double that of snv other house in the
Willamette Villa outside of Portland, which
they are selling and will continue lo sell
through the season ol I KT.f lower man anv
ntlll.r j,,,,, nn p,.fl,. Cosst. There is
no bnmoombe ahont thip. The proof of the
pudding is in chewing the string. Get the
very best prices. Then give them a call.
The Woman's Christian Temperance
Union, of Eugene, desire to express their
-ii," re th inks to Mr. F. W. A Grain for the
appropriate and eiqalelUTel executed t-m-
peianee pledgi uhicb was presented to them
at the close of ihe mass meeting, Sunday
t-v, ning. April Mthi The uniqueness nf the
pi Mtge in rse form and richly framed
make it Vfly attractive, and tin- ladies of the
Cinon will ev.-r cherish it aa an expression
of the donor's high appreciation of their
efforts in the temperance reform
Our Greet Republic.
Slut. Supt MeElroy, Profs. Stevenson,
Condon. Campbell and other leadiug eduta
tors say evert school should have King's
lli-loriml I'oilfolio, wbieb, (7 elegant
charts, makes our nation's history a delight
ful study. Districts on purchasing the Port
folio ire supplied by King's Publishing
II "i-e with all kinds of books or any school
niruilnre Irom a lead pencil to piano at
rales lower than elsewhere Mr. J w Ells
worth will shortly vi-il the schools of Lane
county on n is bu'turss, ami we think school
directors will lav wise 10 purchaae 10 valuable
m ui.rt
I will Iw in Cottage Grove from Tuesday,
My "lb. till Mndav, May 13th for tbe
practice of dei.ti-try. My patmns will take
notice that during that term my Engene of
fice will be closed. J. C. Our.
Niw Ewroaa. With tbu iatne Misa s
Emmi Dorris nd Anna IVberta vacate their
places aa editors nf tbe UoKrraity column in
Ibe Gctan They will he succeeded by
Misaea Nellie Straight and Finni Condon.
Not lii ii Hum.
The SulldeT OlegimUl sat LM county
needs public building, a able lo have ih m.
and her tap.ip '- are apparently willing to
be calletl uhiii for the money necessary lo
supply the "loug fell want " The only rea
son that that cuuulv does uot have a new
court bouse and jail seems lo lc identical
with the excuse of the old lady who did lint
do Iter house-i leaUing from year to year.
She "ditl not get at it " There is Ibis to Is
said of Lnue county in tin. connection. Us
cr.nid join duet ils pail manfully in the
piemises, baviug regularly for eight year
p,st reptirtetl the jail iusnuie and mint for
the purpose fur which i It Htd and the
court hotie iuadctiuate to the letpur ni' nis
of the county. Oregouians are strangely
akin in matters of this kind. They do uol
exhaust themselves with hurty and are ah '
moat uuaiiimously ol Ihe opiuiou that what
they have, if uot . put H I us they would
like, "will do."
WttUd Dp for Thirty lus.
Owiui: lo the Urge supply of lihotoglsphic
maleiiafs, we have concluded to make Cabi
net photographs f..i the next thirty days)
al irl per iloteii, after which we will resume
the st.m, I ,r. I antl unit tm price ol i p. r
dozen, as rtgulaled by the Chicago Photo
graphic Convention.
We solicit your MM We have the com-
binallou aud have turned it on. Come early
and avoid the rush. Please remember Ihe .
dale aud place, corner Kmhth aud Willam
elte tlreets, over A' V. Peters' store.
win ma Photo Co.
Eugene. Or.. May 1. I''.
Pabllfi Sale of t attle.
Ill tirst-cUsa short horns, will he sold
st Domestic and Fat Stock Partition, Ports
laud. Orttiou. on Thursday, May ISd, ISX'
They consist of 12 females and 22 bulls,
drafted from Ihe herds of II. i Winn ami J
N Winn, E.lgertou. Mo., J. W. Pick, tt,
Plattsburg, Mo. aud W. . Darr, Carroltou.
Mo. This is a first class sale iu every re
spect, and will offer a flue opportunity to
get lutrgaiua, as the slock will be sold Mili
um reserve. The cattle may be seen on the
grouuds ten days previoui to sale. Apply lo
J. W Pickett, care of W. W. Baker. Port
land, Or, for catalogue.
A Nxw War to Kill Bros. Alfred
Sbeppard of Turner has discovered a new
aud novel way of destroying thousands of
inseots, etc , that are so damaging lo fruil
and Irtiit tret s. His plan, which we ure in
formed works wonderfully, is as follows:
Place a tub of strong soap suds out among
Ibe fruit trees or shrubbery ami at night
place a common coal oi1 lamp, lighted, under
the tub, which should be placed upon stakes
about two feel Ir "in Ihe ground. Thousands
upon thousands of bugs and iusects w ill find
their way into the tub of suds, where thev
me destroyed. The light serves lo draw
then to tM tub, and it is really wonderful
bow many will accumuUte dining the hours
of one night.
Rkmovh mi Signs -J. F. Robinson was
circulating a petition Monday asking the
council to pass an ordinauce prohibiting the
swinging ot signs across the sidewalk, also
that no one he allowed to use morn than ;
twelve iuches of sidewalk iu front of his i
place of business. The petition was gen- 1
eially signed by our bnsiuess meii. It cer- ,
lainly would be a great improvement As
ihe signs are now one ciiuiiol see along the
sidewalks They are dangerous during a
wind, and mar Ihe appearance of Ihe street.
Every purpose would be answered by attach
ing tin in lo ihe fronts of the bouses. Moth -Prof. Johnson tilted up a
force pump ami sprayed his apple trees wilb
a solution of London purple, Ibe liuans
recom mended by the State board ot Horti
culture for exterminating the cod 1 1 n ninth.
The best time for spraying is when Ihe fruit
is about Ihe size nt a pea. The spraying
should lie continued al intervals until July.
Care should be taken that vegetables should
uot bo sprayed or that cattle should not eat
Ibe grass under the trees for a time.
IUii.war Sumixoxs. The Southern Pa
cific Railroad Company retpiires a small
monthly fee of employes for hospit. I ami
medical purposes. Resident physicians are
appointed, who charge no lees to the rail
road employes. The following have been
appointed iu Oregon: Dr.. Hcvali and Mac
kenzie, Portland; Dr. C. E. Beebe, of Ash
land; Dr. G. R. Farm, of drvallis; Dr. H
1 M'C.irnack. of Eugene; Dr. D M. Brown,
of Roseburg; Dr. ('. w, Maston, of Albsny;
Drs. Colbreatb aud Goucher, of McMinu
ville. BoBOOl Kir-oar The following is a re
port of the school in district No. 58 for the
tin. nth ot April: Whole number of pupils
enrolled. 30; average nuuiher belonging, 89;
average daily attendance, 27; average de
portment, N Pupils neither nhsent or
lardy: Hallie Chapman, Belle Acroe, Pearl
Acree, Lulu Partington, Willie Chapman,
Dennis Chapman. Visitors during the
mouth, live. Stklla Rowi.axn, Teacher.
BLOT Btm Mimks Road. W. T, Camp
bell and Jus. Nolutid returned Tuesday from
viewiug the road from Pepiot's to Ihe Blue
river mines. The new road, if established,
will be I V , miles long, and there will be no
heavy grades on il. The distance lo Ihe
mines from Eugene will lie -to', miles. The
elevation on Ibe lop of the mountain is 4'ilNI
feel above Ihe level of Eugene, as near as
cen be ascertained.
School Rkisiht - The (ol owing is a true
report taken from Ihe school register iu (lis
tm t No, IH, at Mabel, Lane county, for the
month ending April 211: No. of days taught,
20; No. ol days ittesdaBW, 77'J; No. of
limes lardy, 10; No. of Isiys enrolled, 20;
No. of girls enrolled, 22; average No. be
longing, 12; average daily attendance, ll'.l;
No. of visitors, , Mis. Emma D. Hpnrt s,
Let tiii Ct Out.- In "The World
Against Hrr," tbe part of "Ned,'' it will be
n 1111 inhered, was taken by a girl. If this
was not pr. veii by appearances il was by a
little experience at Salem. A rat ran on Ihu
stage directly at the feet of Ned, and tin
way she took orf established the fuel com
pletely that she was not a real boy.
DiTln Cahnks. David Carnes died last
week ill Harrisbnrg pieciuol, at the home
of his brother at lie age of 103 years. He
was a veteran nf IHI.'. and was 11 rem tikably
well preserved man up lo Ihu time of his
death Few reel attain lo such an ago, nor
live more peacabli quiet lives than Mr.
Dim --( . plain E K Packaid. a nephew
nf Captain N L Packard of this city, do d
at Ihe Sisters' Sacied Heart Hospital al Sh
kane Falls, W. T , April 13th, 1H8D. aged to
years. He was buried iu Fairmnunt ceme
tery at Spokane Falls Captuin Packard had
many friends in Eugeue.
A CtMH Con isn Sella' circus, which
peifo'ined 111 Eugei e last tall, has opened in
Frani-nc". 1 h" i ncut will come north
ill 11 few weeks 1 1 hod uu advance and con
Irstliug agent iu Eugene Wednesday. Il
will perfotui in Eugene Monday, Julie 17th.
Dun Miss Jennie Holland of Coluirg
died Mondav night a few miles out from 1
Hairisburg where she has been lying sick
for a wea-k with some disease of the stnni-1
acb. She was buried Tuesday. She hail
be, n teaching school at tbe Harris school
Srmtli. Ws mentioned ihe fact last week
that E. C. Smith had been bitten by a dog. .
The d was nwced hy Haoi'l Howard, who
lives about two miles below Eugene (hi the
river mad. He settled tbe matter by paying
Mr. Smith IT). The dog It ! said h . a had
reputation and Mr. Howard now kets a 1
muuU on htm.
CorraacT Lrr. C M. Horn baa let lo
Piegnt k Fitzgerald the contract tor a mi
denoe to be built on bis farm ju-t west of
town. Contract price, 91360.
Mr Win. t umuiine is on the sick list.
Hnirv G. Ptotgar, of Empire City, visited
Eugene Friday.
Messrs Sterliug Hill and J. W. Bristow
sre al Portland.
M. C Close, the real estate agent of Cres
well, was in town Saturday.
Shannon Conser took charge of the ex
cursiou ti hiii Tuesday morning.
Judge titan goes lo Roseburg to hold a
regular tciui nf circuit cnurl Sunday.
Mr. Q G. Garrison's returned from a visit
to I, is nld home in Canada In Eugene the other
Miss Minnie Shaw is visiting her mother
iu Eugene. Miss Shaw is engaged iu leach
ing al OatlM.
Hon. M M. Davis and family of Ysipiina
I'll) are visiting friends aud relatives in
Eng. in- Ih is week.
Henry Wilson, who tot sevt rat years of
ficiated us clerk al the old St. Charles hotel,
is slopping al the Hoffman House. t
T. V. Cornell iml w ife, of I'uiou county,
Pa., are visiting Mr. and Mr. S. Mu lira.
Sirs Conn II is anna f Mrs. Muura.
Mr. E. J Launing, of Albany, was iu
Eugene Friday. He was here making
arrangements to supply our city with Ice.
w. w Uoore of the Qua no office force,
Wi-nt to I'oriland Monday ill Tiling ami w it
nessed the centennial celt tr itioii exercises.
( has Horn. J. O Watts and P. K. lbn
dt rsou were among the number that attended
the aninwrsary celebration al Porllautl this
Master Sain Shelly received money from
his home in Washirglou, D. C , la-t week,
and has leturued there. He irauipcd mil
Frank Guthrie, conductor ou th S. P.
railroad, has g "lie east for lutalical treat
ment. He is suffering with a pulmonary
E'lward Schwarzscliild and family arrived
here trom Germany Thursday morning
Mr. Scbwarschild is a brother in-law of
II. Lerluger, and will assist iu the Uiok
Dr. W. M. Thompson has decided to
locate in Eugeue air the practice of medi
cine, and will open au office as soon aa he
can make the necessaiy arrangements for
removal from Crawfordsville.
J. M. Sears returned Wednesday from a
trip to the Eastern States. He was in the
crowd of Uiomers that made Ihe rush on
Oklahoma and says that words cannot tie
scrdss the rush and ennfusion; that il will
be several mniiths before affairs get settled
down as there will ho many contests. He
says the country along the st eams is Hue
while farther back It ii not so desirable.
Many of the boomers only st cured laud
two by six.
Prom the Ortfonltn of April
:'7, 1889.
I Associated Press.
Batti.k Ciikik, Michigan, April 27.--A
heavy train ol probably thirty carloads of
threshing machines from the Advance
Thresher Company, consigned to Z. T.
W nghi, Portland, Or , It'll this city early
Ibis morning via the Burlington route, C. It
A Q, R It , aud will he run through special
to destination, stopping only at important
points en roulo for exhibition. The rapid
time and numerous decorations will doubt
less cause I Ins train aa il speeds across the
country to attract the ittoBlion of the
enure fariuiug community of the whulu Pa
cific Northwest.
This same company shipped two similar
(rains to the Nolthwcst last season.
Coal Discovery.
For years, more or less stone coal has
b. hi picked up in the hills south nf town,
aud considerable MM baa been spcut iu
bunting for the vein or veins. Lust week
some workmen uncovered a very small vein,
ou the farm belonging to Mrs. A. Lynch,
about two miles south of Eugeue, mid after
working a couple of days il developed into a
vein of between six ami eigbi inches in
iliu kness, we aru informed, and when woik
was suspended it was rapidly enlarging with
the prospect ot ultimately running into a
good lists vein. An essay was made of (ho
coal in Portland anil it was pionounced the
best yet discovered on tbe coast. We hope
thisstrkc will bo thoroughly prospected, for
it would mean n great deal to Eugene to
have a good coal mine right at our doors
M Miles! Reg: 1st rat ion.
The lime for registration of physicians
and druggists has expired, ami hen all" r
any medical practitioner or drug clerk SUM)
pass an t x.iiii ma t n n before being iliowod
to practice In addition lo Ibo lis! In reto
fore published we give Ihe following:
V. M. Wilkins, J. W Harris, T. W. Har
ris, G W. Riddle, G. W 11 indsnkcr, I. L
Callaglmn, 0, C. Osburu, F. W. Oabuin
ami W. M. Thompson ol Eugeue.
A. L. Yaughan, of Springfield.
J. W Mai, .11, of Loug Tom .
M. H. Skinner, ot Cobnrg.
It F. Russell, nf Thurston.
L. D. Bearbrooab, of Creswell.
W. A Kemp, of Di xler.
N. C. Lee, Junction City
Scllliol District AsHCMKIIIOIlt.
The assessment ol school district No t has
been completed. Tbe Clerk has added up
a few totals which we herewith publish;
(itoss value of property, $l,('it!l,li'.'.l; amount
of tillable proper')', 1,II9,6wV. The levy
is five mills for the ciirreut year, which will
raise a revenue nt over fti.OOO. The persons
ou ibe roll numlsT about (IHI. over 50n nf
them being legal voters Hereafter thisdis
trict will hnld its election under Ihe State
law, which provides that when a district
shall contain 0b voters who shall pay school
tax, then the Directors may appoint regular
judges and chirks nf election, w ho shall hold
ihe polls open from 1 p 111. In (I p. in , for
the purpose of electing directors and clerk.
Circuit ( null.
Ciruilit Court met pursuant to adjourn
ment, last Thursday. The following cases
were disposed of :
Ii (' (Iwen vs lie Perkins, to recover
money. Cause dismissed on stipulation.
Kyi In Momy el 111 va Win Porter et ux. to
recover money. Dismissed on plaintiff's
A H Spain vs A aud B Lurch, motion for
present Sin rilf to Mksdettl So .ordered.
Louiss Hylaiid vs Beiij H i land, to correct
deed. Argued aud submitted.
Tilit PolTLANbClCLiaUA 110:1. -A uuiu'icr of
the, ciliZ" Us of Eugene attended ihe celebra
tiuu nl the cuiteiiiiial of Washiugton'i in
auguration, at Portland Co. C. of O. N.
C, 2d regiment, look Ihe excursion train
Tuesday morning and pailiclpali d 111 the pa
rade, and while not turning out so large
a huuilM-r of meu al some of the other
companies, were complimented on their pre
cision ami soldi ly bearing. Those attend
ing it-port s pleaaaut lime, and that the eel
ehraiiou was a success.
Dint Word lias la en received here by
relatives of Ihe death of Mrs. C L Williams
which occurred at Silver Lake Lake county,
recently Mrs William., husband and chil
dren, re.ided iu Lane county for a loug per
iod ol lime, until about two years lino,
when Ihey removed lo Lake county Only
a few mnulbs ago two of in. ir children died
from scarlet fever. Mr. Wilbim has tbe
sympathy of his many Iriendi iu Line coun
ty in his very sad iifticttou.
Mail r IBM II H Chance. " CM ge
Grove, has 1..- 1, appointed a rtiwiy m il
. brk and assigned todotj between IVitli d
od sVaTttS,
Ileal F.state Transfers'.
0 H Hayes to Lucius P Mnsou and Aarou
T Bliss, 3i() acres; cou $1,120.
C D How 10 Lucius P Mason and Aaron
T Bliss. 320 acres; con 11,120.
0 R Hall lo Lucius P Mason ami Airon
T Bliss, 320 acre.; cou $1,120.
Jas H Kerry lo Lucius P Mason aud Auron
T Bliss, 320 acres; cou $1,120.
M G Allen to Lucius P Mason aud Aaron
X BUsaej 320 acres; cou $1,120.
II O Rolfitsoii lo Lucius P Mason ind
Aarou T Ulis, 320 acres; con $1,120.
J C Tilus to Lucius P Masou and Aaron T
Bliss, .i.n acres; cou 11,120.
Stale ot Oregon lo C R Hall, 320 acres;
cou $100.
Sute of Oregon to A II How, 320 acree;
cou $100.
Stale ot Oregon lo 0 H Hayes, 320 acrei;
cou S40U.
Slate of Oregon to M G Alleu, 320 acres;
cou $400.
Stale ot Oregon to L C Potter, 320 acres;
cou $400.
Stale of Oregon to J R Berry, 320 acres;
cou $400.
State of Oregou to J C Titus, 320 acree;
cou $100.
State of Oregou to B O Robertson, 320
lerewj cou $tisj.
O A- 0 R R lo Robt M Veutch, HO acres;
con N0.
II S to Lorenzo Yannrburg, 100. 19 acres;
pate ut .
Edith B Linton nee Hiowu to E it Luckey,
33 acies; cou $1.
L 0 rotter to Lucius P Mason and Aarou
T buss, 320 loretjooi $1,120.
Jas Taylor to J W Areharl, interest iu
lot acres; cou .Mi,
Kohl M Veatch to Cstlnriue Giroutte, IflO
aerial con $4,ihxi.
Hoot M Veatch to Geo P Garroutle, 97.112
acies; tatu $2,1100.
H W Buoy 10 John Pitts, land; $850.
las II bow re! to B C Wyait, 3H.7") acres;
con $775.
Jas Seever to Oliver Everett, 28. 12 acres;
cou $852,112.
N mil 10 Jas G Bennett, 112.7 acres; con
j:.i; iu,
.Mary Edith Money, formerly Belcher,
t Mrs Mary Porter, laud; con $4,tHJ0.
T A Henderson to A W Haskell, ,60 acies.
cou $25.
N. 1. on Joins lo F M Veatch, 730.U3 acres;
cou $2,211.
J W Johnson to S. rah W Palmer, V, lole
in Packatd's addition; cou $lSi)0.
J J Saxter to Sn ph.11 Michalshe, lot in
Bhaw'i addition; cou sraKi.
J II Mi l lung 10 Loreua Johnson, lot ou
vVilUmette itteet, Bktnner'i duuatiou;cou
P E and J C Siioilgrass to Geo II Gilsou,
2', hds in Suodgrass' addition! cou $1,2U0.
i II PelltOU to N S RobiusoU, loliu Pack
ard's addllloll, coll $1,2IK.
S S Lcslt-r to Mary E Fisk, ltd ill eastern
portion nl lowu; cou fMOi
M J OLtrk to W 11 Walker, lot; MM $125.
Mary E Shute to 1) C Bilsher, 2 lots; con
0 It N it Co to Isanti Yaitduyne, 27 lots;
con $2
Isaac Vandayne to O R Co Limited, 27 lots;
cou $1.
Owing to the recent great decline in price
of photographic stock I will for a short time
make cabinet photos for $t per dozen. As I
propose to do business on a cash basis you
will please to bring cash along to pay in full
when the negative is taken. The quality of
our work w ill always be first-class ami wu
will allow 110 oilier kind to go out. Bring
the babies and "catch thu shadow eru the
substance fades." Yours to command,
F. A. Rankin.
Plans and specifications for addition and
repairs to Mrs Couser's building on Willam
lie street aro now ready for contractors,
and can bo examined by inquiring of W.
T. Campbell,
Bids will be reccivod by R. H. Bun agent
of Mrs. Conser, up to May 21st at 12 M.
Wan ted.
A house of live rooms, with stable; 110
children. Apply at the Gt'ARD office.
Tni Cow Ocrantw. Corvallis is wrest
ling with Ihe cow question. Is it not about
time that Bngen rid herself of Iho cow
nuisance by enacting au ordinance prohibit
ing their running at large at any lime? It
would save broken and filthy sidewalks,
gates, fences and gardens, and the farmer
could have his wagon standing with some
assurance that every thing in it would not
be eaten up before ho returned. The com
mons are about all fenced in, and il leaves
ihe cow nothing to feed on but the atreels,
and the properly of farmers and citizens.
When the streets were dedicated to Ihe pub
lie it was not contemplated that they should
be used fur cow pastures. The long suiter
lug public has endured the ravages of the
predatory bovine until pulieuce has ceased
to hi, a virtue.
Ckntknnial Smaior. In accordance with
executive proclamation, both State and Nl-
tlonal, 1 nnlon religious louloe was held
at Ibe First Baptist church in this oily,
Tuesday, at !l a. 111. On the day of Wash
ington's inaugural mu on,, hundred years sgn
the people met fur prayei at their respective
churches. This fact suggested the holdiug
of religious services 011 the centennial of thai
or, union. Tbu Baptist church Was com
plelely tilled. The services coniisting of
addresses, scripture reading and prayer wire
interesting ami inspiring.
Simon to Y'oonii Mac - Next Sunday
evening, Rev C M Hill, pastor of the
Baptist church, will begin a series of services
to young men. He bus In his possession a
Urge number of letters received from yonuc
men to whom he addressed inquiries. Tbe
letters give tbe reasons for neglect of church
services on Ibe part of yuiing men. Tbe
reasons will 1st slated and commented on in
the sermons. All ire. invited.
Gitiietnini Clash Exiiciiks Dr. Con
don of the State t'niversity will lecture be
fore the graduating class of ,he public
school of Roseburg, Sunday evening Ibe
12th of ibis month. The Dr is n minister
and one of Ihe greatest nsluralista on the
globe; therefore a rare treat may he ex
pected. The class numbers eighteen or
twenty. --H seburg Review.
OUX. The 'ilc building on Q W, Young's
Willamette Street property has been sold to
Mr. Hale fir $1110, who will remove It Id a
j few days to the It he recently nuruhaaed on
Willamette street Mr. Younir will erect a
j line two story brick on ths .r ari l as anna aa
the material can lie obtained.
Hr.u - - Mrs. Mary Koepp died in Eugene
! Tuesday, April 30tb, of consumption, aged
21 years The deceased was a sister of Mr,
J. S Baker A busbaud survives her. Tbe
interment look place al Ihe (Md Fellows
ceuielery Wednesday moruiug.
Mdttom Priuevilli News, April 27:
Pickard k Stewart, ot Eugene City, leava
to-day with 1000 mutton abeep which they
bave purchased the past week, ' rook coun
ts has lots more in . it n sheep, snd ol ex
Cellent quality. Larger drives will be made
Finishiu The City Recorder baa com-
pletetl Ibe im-nt of Kngeae for thU
year. The tcdaU have sol been added, bat
1 the .-.He property will amount to sonxa-
; thing over $1,000,000
Fob Ham. A lot 1 l, new bonia in Ella
, onh's addition. Apply to J. p. Altl
I u.
Column of the Eutsxlan Society.
1. sins Doiits, Editor.
Anna Robiiti, Asst. Editor.
Good Bye.
With this issue our names will disappear
from tbe head of the columu and others
take their place. We are glad that we can
leave it, "iu hands more capable than " We warutal our renders in the be
ginning and so make no excuses for our
many blunders. We have become wiser,
and nope otber Eutaxiaus will profit by our
experieuce. And if they iuiugiue they bave
auy taleut whaver in the journalistic line,
the column and au indulgent society will aid
them. Likewise Ihe ucver-eudiug source
of new., the poetry machine. At tbe last
meeting of tbe editois. ibe decision was
unsnimous that the machine luru out a fure
well, but the crank utterly refused to work.
For fear our good bye will bo tbu longest
part of our worn, with thanks to tho Gitalin,
society aud reporters lor favors received,
we write adieu.
Remember the corporation meeting to-day
Mr. W Clifford Na.b, a former student,
was iu Eugene this week.
The sociable at the M. E. church Tuesday
eveuiug was largely attended by ihe sludeuts.
Miss Kmiiia Bean, '84, a former president
of our society, visited us at our last im -cling.
Miss Ada Sharph s, of the Senior class,
spent Friday aud Saturday of last week in
Tbe annalist wants some oue to give her
uu item about Guy. She says she dues uot
kuow auy.
Hun. Richard II. Tborntou, of tbe Law
Dtpartmeiit of the Uuiversily, was in Eu
geue the first ot thu week.
The Seuion tiuish the text hook iu geology
this week. The rest of tua term will lie
takeu np with Oregon's histoiy.
Thu "Y'a" give a tailor sociable at the
residence of Mrs. J B L'udt iwoo I, to-night,
for active and bunuraiy numbers.
Mr. Frank Porter and bis sister, Miss
Maiy, welt Slimiimued b iue last week ou
account ol Ihe suddcu dealb ol tin ir father.
Julia sas she thinks the scenery up Ibe
mill race hcutlliful, especially the placet
where It has been waab(td) and burn(ed)
iu uges past.
Miss Minnie Shaw, au old-time student,
and 1111 nn 1 1111 Hilar ol the society, has re
turned home, having .pent the winter in
Union, leaching.
The ipiestlou fur two weeks hence is, "Re
solved, thai Uoulauger should tie punished
by iho Prt-uch government." We expect a
most lulerealiug debate.
Tho sludeuts hauded in their last compo
sitions for Ihu year this week. They wets
very patriotic, we have uo doubt, us most of
theS were "icvis.d" Tuesday.
The new "schedule of rehearsals" U up
iigiim aud tho students have been busy dur
ing tbu week, trying lo tlud out uo what day
of the week Thursday comes.
The Juniors are to take the first straw
berry picuio of the season, toward Spencer
butte, as soon as the strawberries peiiuit.
Hippy are Iho class and nil 'honorary
The University students who beloiig to the
militia compauy went to Portland Monday
to "show their colors." They report having
hud a delightful time, and think it very nice
10 bo soldier guests at the metropolis.
Tho rhetoricals at the Eut.ixian Society
Friday were very interesting and entertain
ing. They consisted of a reading, "The
Catastrophe," by I 111. Young, and a recita
tion. ' Papa's Letter, " by Nellie Straight.
Wu will Ibis week introduce to each other
two new Editors: Miss Straight, Mr. McAl
ister. We hope you will get alung very
nicely in your work and aid each other as
much aa Ihe Laureau Editor aided,?) us.
After a closely. contested election, tbe Latl
rems elected the following ofiicers for the
coming term: Pres., L. E. Woodworth, of
the Junior class; Vice Pres., A. G Hovey,
Jr., of the Junior class; Sec, K. K. Kuhii;
Asst. Sec, D. II Roberts; Treas., C. W.
Martin; Censor, H Tt Cnudou; Editor, E.
II. MoAlister. of the Junior class; Sergeant-at-Arms,
F. Oroner.
Some lime ago the Eutaxiaus revised their
constitution, and in so doing the time ot the
election of officers wus changed from the
beginning of each term to the beginning of
each quarter. Owing to this change, Ihe
officers of the expiring term held over their
time somewhat. The new ofiicers elected to
serve the ensuing term are: Prishleni. F'mma
Dorris; Vice President, Elva Galloway; Sec
retary, Anna Roberts. Treasurer, Grsce
Matthews; Editor, Nellie Straight; Assistant
Editor, Fannie Condon; Marshal, Ada Shar
pies. One hundred years ago last Tuesday at 12
o'clock (noon) the people of the United
Htates realized that they were an independent
power, for on that day they inaugurated
Qenrve Washington as Ihe first Presiibnt of
these United States. In accordance with a
national and a state proclamation, the day
1 lust Tuesday) was declared a holiday out of
respect to the importsnce of Ihe centennial
birthday of our ri public. On that dav the
University was closed and the students eu
joyed an unexpected holiday.
Tbe "Badgeitns" are jubilant over tbe re
ault of the Laurean election and with good
cause. 'I he opposition, io ih, in. among the
preparatory classes of the University appears
io have no foundation. A class jealousy
certainly would nol be (or the good of tbe
society. That so huge and able a class as
the present junior one should carry off
Urge proportion of the honors is only nat
ural, and we can see uo good reason why
one who has aerved the society many yeir
should not have a better title to the Presi
dency, thau any of those new members who
are seeking lo tear dowu the claims of others
instead of dilbgeiilly nrepariug themselves
for the office which will come to them when
they ire qualified fur It.
Tbe public rhetoricals last Friday were
not so long as usual, and very pleasant.
The musical part of Ibe programme con
sisted of a song by Miss Nellie Straight,
"Love's Eternity hy Rotov; a solo by
Miss Kate Doini, Toati's ' Good bye, Sum
mer," and a churns by a number of students;
Recitations by Oren Green, Frsuk Taylor,
Wesley MulliKsn, J. Widmer, Robt. Carey,
Mollie Reed, John McClnre, Frsnk Mulkey,
May Dorris, Laurence Harris. Essays
"Lune County," Martha C.ilet and Henry
Fiaber. Sbakrspeare's Othello, Fannie
Condon ; Story of Rob Roy, Mr. Bradey;
Shakeapeare'a Macbeth, Elva Galloway.
The Scenery of Lake County. Robt. Miller.
Sacramento Co , Ethel Bradford. An In
teresting Trip, F. Grouer. Song Dirde of
Oregon, Clyde Patterson.
Tbe Laurean column, last week, contained
a very lengthy article about tbe corporation
which we conld not account for. unless there
was a lack of news. Among other accusa
tions we find the statement made that Ihu
former treasurer baa not yet turned over thu
balance of money "simply because be hadn't
been asked " We would say for persons so
igrnoitnt on the subject the writer of tbe
article, that thi talancv has been in the pos
session of ibe present treasurer for at least
four months As ft "the corporation silently
fading from tbe minds of tbe nia-mbera," we
would suggest that all the nieuibera hiva
been reminded of iti existence when isked
pay their duea. If tba writer will attend Ibe
meeting of tbe corporation to-day (Satur
day ) ami listen careful ly to tbi report of tbe
committee who have worked ou ibe consti
tution, he will, we think, see that the PresL
dent, who U cbairotau of ibe committee, has,
like his predecessor, who by tba way was a
tulMiiau, Keen working for me rjenent 01 ine
' long-forgotten (?) butdear-loall-ill-members
OATt Fob Sali. 30t bus . els of nire
saiecheau. annlv at my re.,deuc , F