r .I0E1II -HDP. MKLKON & MTOTT, FropN Tl.c "iily Shop in Eugene USING HAND MADE SHOES. Intefering. Kne Hitting, Fnrgeing. "'' " Faulty Feet cured without ettra charge. Hon. nt for nd returned t) any ' the city. Shoring Racing end Trotting llor.ee ) SHOP: On Seventh .treat, Mweee WilbjioetU and (Hive .treat., In Cleaver', old Machinery HI1. aving hw'E.ntlv REFITTED the H 1)1.1 Grange Ntore lire oiiermg SPECIAL BARGAINS In Drm Good Udin ami Qeoti Jncler irear, Booto, Shoi ami all cIamm oi DRY GOODS, City Jewelry Store I H. N- CRAIN, Musical Inttrument., .mil Gold Pent, Silver mid Plated Ware. Watt he., Clock, and Jewelry repaired in the lie.t Workmanlike maimer and warranted. WiuiAnrrra Sr., Kniaur, Sprifij Millinery ! GOODS ENTIRELY NEW & FIRST CLASS. Fine TRIMMINGS a Specialty. II 'ill be located on Mnth Street, opposite the Ho) man House. Mlts. I. P. MiNAIL Lira SUSIE. St . E. 8T K V EC N B, (Hu'euor to John . miir.l NEAT BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES; GOOD HORSES. HOUSES IIOAKDEOhythe Day or W.k. aUO Bought and Sold. At the old .Un.l tm Kigl.lh Strwl, ! a.-k of Mail... V. Store. Money to Loan. AITLYTO- J. r. i nioii, Blacksmithiug I L ' am ,. .la. kunm.'i work in the ImI ii.Mi.rr. Shoeing i Bpecialty Dnivisu HOUSES, TkOTTIVO Ui'KaT a AM) AU. OTUI U l(U,;ses. I alao bav.la coaectia , .tu, , ntelaa. Wagon Paint Shop. Rbapoo the MHiiaweat emoer of llllt. aa l Mb atiweU tilie m a call and I aill guaraa tee illat.Hl io. UX H. FOKKKsr McClung ! Johnson. li KEW IN EUGENE. FEED, SALE AND COMMISSION STABLE. ALSO Da;, toil I Wood FOR SALE. WOOD, GRAIN n.l ll kind, of PRO DUCK anld on ( 'oniuiiwion. Horses, Mules & Stock ofn kin.u nought mi BOLD. Office Stable., comer of WIAmmMI id.! Tenth Street. Eugene City, Or. TBO& OHAPPXL. Seymour W. Condon, ATTORN E Y-AT LA W, DUNN'S DLILDINO,-- 1 lug. no, - - Oregon. r. it. Cochran & son, Real Estate Agents. KngeM City, Orcfoa. Will utlelid to .(eiierul Ileal Estate btutafN aiich as Inlying. MUffg, I III "lid ri tiling, furiuaiiiid cilv urniMrty. etc. Officii ou muth aide of Ninth ttotil. J. B. RHINEHART, IIOl'SK, SKIN A CARRIAGE PAINTER. Work guaranteed fir.t olaaa. Stock mild at lower rate, than lv anyone in Eugene. ifiSra 8E0 F.CIAW, .1 . I p is i ir r ii d WiV 1 Cigar si on-. I . m oc I lit) , Oregon V()l Ml I1IUTU8. '8ft W.I, .lurk hav, lil i. k BO)!, weigh. Ii. Jill.- I'adigree: Sired l. mi..rted I'.rutua llain, Fl.her Maid, h Eiu .r .r. liraml Oam Kittie Fiaher by Y i OnMOeMr, lin- iKirte.l Brtlta. wi. I 'I el b Mr Hell ..f W.M.I MWt, S.'otlim.l. He h.i md to S li Itee.l aa n luire OUnWUI. W Dualie Miller; hi DMBWMinM ' V rniiee.giaiid.l no bj Clyde. Iiii..l"l BftllM a upline h..r! ill the old country, and Kiltie Filn r wu- a win her of four Hr.t pmnlUM In S. otluinl. TtfMI mishlMN " " atft t" be paid duly I, IKH1I; leap, 111, I" M pai.l at the time of wrviee. Not re...ll-lhl'' for aceldellta. RECTOR. Ilright hay, foelwl JM 10, IHSII. Hied hv l.ad.t k Kee.l, Porthutrli lregon, and ...Id to Deo II. I.haw, Eugene. I, huh eimtity, March M, UN ill few. obi dune III, HWI, weight I llfl Ihl. W1 llMlt 1" huiil.hih. I'e.ligree: Sire.1 hy Young Hrntu., ha l.y lni.rte.l I llrutiia. I ain. lalan I Nellie iiy QmmU, j rMd dam lilaanow Nell l.y oi l Chaui).iiih, great great .lain Su-.n, u noted iirixe winner S, ,..un.l. T : I. ,... L', pul I .it m i v l. e; MMMilllite bejBebl .'ulv lt; iMMMMe, (r-.1l. 'I hi. colt will I'.' limited to quality audi ipiatitlty of mar. ilnrln the Mtufl, The alH.ietwo Clyd.a ill l' at the lute Stewart ptabih ..r at Dm l.ir (rmikih. N'..t reapnwlbl. for ai i idehta. The ..I. . i a ...rre. t a..lirie of Hector given hv l.u.l. I A Itee.l, r..itlaii.l, Oregon. Young Marques, A thri u.rler I 'lv.l... .'I tear. ..Ill ill MaV. 1 17'i llai, liij hand. high. Sire.l l.y n,. it. I Marque. dam Clipper l.y H. liame, grand dam Kerhy l.y the Wil.oii honte, great great .lain Spanker hy .lenkiu.' I 'hurley. Mmi.-y or m.tea with intere.t to bt given Mi any tenna th.wen on the ala.ve li..re when due a. apecilietl above, HEOHUE 1IKI.SH tiv. C. HODE8, Keep, on hand Fine LIQI lRa, WINKS, I7IOAKH AN I' A P00I- AND blLIiIARD TABU Willamette treet, letwetn KiKhth and Ninth. Notice of Sale. jbTOTIOl is HKURHY OIVBN TH r. li pm.uunt t" u oilier ..( lb. Count) Court of l.ane t. imty, Stale of (r.g..u. made m l entered o( record on tin' Slh day ol March, ISSO.lhe .i i, i i i i will .ell ut piihlic miition (or . ..h lu hand, to the hinhc.1 hid.ler, at the OaVlt HMfM door In tl ilv of Kiu. ne, l.une oouiity, Oregon, on the !hn hav M M.t, UN At the hour ol '.' oVI.n k p. in., of .aid day, that certain piece of real prt'rty known aa COCNTY POOB FAU.M. Situated In aald luii.e Loiintv, Oregon, ami de Mrlbed a. f lUowtl The F. t of the W of the I K. nation I .ami Claim pi Vrior F HUir and wlf.', .aid land claim llng Not No !tr?H, t!ar tlh. nle N.. I'.'M, and i 1 oiii No If.'. U'ing puta ..I S, . - .'o, Id in I Hi. T i; S. H I Ve.t, of Wlllauiette M.-i 'i .n. Iaiug ItHI acn in .re or lea.. HODNKY BOPTT, County Judge ol I, an. Countv, Oregon. I ..t..l at Eugene, Oregon, March l.i. Knv Farms For Sale, r AdmlnintrHtrix' Sale. NOTH K is HKRIBY tilVKN THAT hy lirtue of an order of the County Court of ..ne County, Oregon, I will olfer f . aale at i . auetiou to llie .higheat l i l l. r. at the Court llonw dor to Eugene City, l.uue . County, Oregon, on S.vti Hi'.o, thi Iht Day or twt, IW, II.. following .l.. n! . I real e.tate, I., wit: The j N W I f Set. S, and K 4 of N W , and W J ol N ( ..f See M, I' U S. U I W, tn,t.iii,k :t'.H a. re., and al. the S E and S 1 of N K f Dee I. T Hi S, K I W, . ..uuimug J40 am, all in UK Colony, Oregon: act .if JumHl. ibuat li atll.a I he l.rat tract of laud I. all under feotv, ha. hointe an.l lni, .Mrvhar.1, and I aUuit tai. i. in grain. The other tnut t uu fen.vd aad witho.it anr improven.enU. I . nut of aale Ou the tiral t'att time ean v had on 1, .V.I, lialauce ca.li. I hi aecnud tract. .-..li .loan. rV V . tl.H.ia HUH. Adniiui.tiatrit. DR. J. C. GRAY. Oft DENTIST. OFFICE oVE (UtANtiE STttRR. ALL work wairai.U-l lughiug Ma .lMiuieterl I. Miakta. ea Irwti .4 tret. ; H. Ejhk, Ji , f.-aahiei. I'm -1.1. I.!. First National Bank of Eugene. Paid up ( ash ( apltal 50,000 gene City - - Oregon, BUDianni OB CJiTf lonn. ort.t rmu. Cisco ami PORTLAND, OREGON. . . . l.u.l. V.I.V . I . . All collection, entrusted to u. will receive at.ution. We lu.ke thi. dwtnient a -1 - ' 1 1 v Dep.i,U received .ubject to check. Ioan utile oil approve.! aecunty. anil general biwkirg buaincea done on reaaouahl terms. A. O HoVEV, H.Y KI MI'lUlKV rrr-i.l. ii ( wliicr. LANE COUNTY BANK HOVKY. HUMPHREY 4 CO Buosxrai city, - - ou. (i' lu ra banking tranaav ted. 1 1. i lit received on current account unl ..n pedal curtiheate Draft, drawn on Pi ;,AND, SAN FRANCISCO AND skw YORK. Itiila of Exchange wild on the Oitl.. of Earope. lean. made. ( ollectl ma on all acceaailile iKdnUaspeeialty f, B. IIAItUIa, I'BKHl. W. T. PIET, CAHIIIKB THE Eugene National Hank EI GENE CITY, OREGON. PAID UP CAPITAL,. Sl BPLUS KI ND, ... (50,000 . 10,000 Trniiaicts a . . i.. ...I I .int. ii. Iiuaineaa. H.iAiiii nr I MkK i..i.s F II Ilium, K W Oalmrn, J C Church, S M .u.iii,.i 11 Hums, i Imil. . l.Hiier. lllfO haa given unlver- Cor,, In aal tatlilactlon In the cure of Quote rhOM m. I Oil el 1 l.reicrlbeltao.t i to i Dare. latrtau! .... a' CUM HtM.'lj. feel aa'.1 In rccommentl lug It n. all .urTcrera. Ur.onl;bf la. Itui Cbialsal 0. .i.J.MIINUt, M.D.. ClnL-lan.tl,l Dee.tur, III. I'RU'R.tl.OO. Otilo. I . vl,. aJJpBw-fl , , i H..I.I l.y liruggliti OSHDHN ,t ri Agents. Tilt's Pills CURE Malaria, Fever and Ague, Dumb Chills, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks, etc. They produce regular, natural evac uation., never grille or Interfere with dally limine... Aa a family Ilclue, they ahoulri have a place In every liouaeholil. Price, US oeuta per box. Sold Everywhere. Office. I Murray 8t N. Y. EUGENE CITY Slop Smoking Chinese Cigars. TK HEREBY INTKOD1 I ' K oCH W II Maaufaetured Cbjara. Here are our .peiial lii au.t.: I III I'll I .OREGON til ant, j The Best S BEHT 5 0ENT, 5-Cent CI I.N Itl'.I.I.K. ) CIGARS HAPPY HOURS, IfrCent Oigw, EUSEKE liKRCUIiE8,afor8SCeBti (tivv u a trial .ii. I will Guarantee Satisfaction. NOTICE TO 11 11-: SMOKEHS We ell Hataiia ienpi ill pat kiigw. PAOTORY" In Ma..ii.' Temple on Eighth trcut. T MARKD8 A CO. Vholosal( and Kdail UK VLf.Ha IS CIIOIOI KAa'OY Groceries, t'rorisions, Fruits, I 'es'e tablet, Tobactos, dfvn, II ooden and Willow Ware, liaskets, gte,, Etc. Het ...la for the lea.1 n.onev. We ulriw to pleaae. MOSIU Iiti II AKKIS CO. WANTED. WOOL, II I DE8 AND Fl'US AT GOLDSMITH'S. $rick! Brick Brick! I Will ,,AMf Ivuk f !l lee. Kiln an-1 rvalUno al Wj . mile. Wr.t .4 Ku-ene. Bn.-k umtsliatrlv on rtaaM rf anW. JON IRtDI'IIKD, A. V IWra. Axrot. Kan, I T. U. HK.1l.iKE., M FACTORY Mosburg. Harris S Co r is mm city board. j Saturday Tni'i n m SlatiKhler nf SeaU. I'i.patchee from the Low. r St. Law renee and the (5ulf tell of the ll.OHt re markalde event that haa v-r occurred in I hat locality. From the upper end of Anticoati ialand to the Magalen ialand a drivinu, lilmding aitow.lorm '". "'' r,',,t floe, of ion camo down from the St. Lawn-nce and the BagOMMJ. The few people along the noilh and eouth ehorea and on Anticoati wit liexacd a sight that aUrtled them. Aa far aa the eya could aee up, down and acrosa the gulf (lie tine, still moving were packed with harp or Greenland aeala. The ice wua fairly 'dack with them. It wan iropoaaihle lo hunt them in the moving ice, hut the anow.toiin ceased and the ice packed. Then veiyhodv, old women, laiye, girla. old men and farmer for milea around, armed themselvea with clulia, haicheta, or any other weapon tli"V could get hold of, and went on the ice ttfter the seuls. It whh a feaiful slaughter, and the poor animals Heeined an dazed hy lite Midden ittac't thai tltey ere ihaololfl ly Ineapahb of making their escape. A knock on the h.ad was lllffiolrnt 10 aettle I Ilea, and laafcre niht every poison thai could walk had his nt her pile of dead H-a!s awaiting transfer to the shore. Iii GaatNi there were over 4,000 killed, and one priest had SOO In hia credit Along the north ihore, from Cape TienM in the Mingan isles, there were S,O00 taken, and in tha Eaqui- rnaoa Irlea the slaughter waa fearful, Tin y ure not the fur seal of Alaska, hut they are valuable for tlo-ir oil niitl tltetr li'ile-are used for leMtta, trunk lOVtra etc. Tli-y ute worth $3 each, and the fat is vnrih : per hundred freight Tin1 Greatere ttamlTt. S.iIimii Qn nop ni tltf.il nul ling 81 urdnv tfteritoOri nftrnctl tlm following yatolulion; Whuiai, 'I'l.ere Iiuh lgaen a binding twin.. Irtml fnruit'd which Iiuh Hilvnnci d binding twinn to a Hgnra that I. un rntaonelile mul extortionate, ihervfoff reaiilved, thai in the opinion ol' thia Orange thia trust ia a conapirMcy formed wild the intent In deal my i.iiiintiliiiM and advanoa the priee o( an arliole wltiidi i. a prime mraail to so die Inirve.ts nf the onuiitry and furni.li hraad to the people, and thnae who form 1 1..' Iruat nio toiiapiralnra againat the Interoata of the people, g'jiliv of ft grout moral crime which aln.uld lie mpprvaat'd hy law, and m conaidar ii nur dutjf tml in aupHrl any man for office who will not pledge llinilelf In uso his infloance ami vole to guppreae thia mid like tiu.lt. A HeprcH. titHtive in Congreaa received (he follow inn letter fiotu a conatiluent- "Deer Hill, i Waal the H..l ill mul i aunt it diiin qajok. We khocked '. ui here iu thia tnttn sliip l.y ii iiicici.aed majority audi did it. YfMia in a hurry. Jed. K. Dawaon." And nw the ' -i -mau i- wondering how DiiWHOD happMMd In -pell "incicuaid" cor rectly. Seven minders have bt0 OOnnittad in t! rant aonnly dariiaj the last twelve months. Of this nuiiil.er one ia serving a four or live years' term in the penitentiary, one is un known, otic was released l.y ibo justice of Ihe peace al Hum. and afterwards made his escape, and two are naniting. trial. OSBURN & CO., DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES. Il-II.I.AMEITE B1 REST NEAR 8TII V? Eugene I'itv, de.Jer. ill DRU08, CHEMIOAIA OIl-s, til.ASS, VAUXIsllKS, CRUTCHES, PATKNT Mi l It INK Of : wt every kind, etc. Brandies. Wines and Liquois of tier very lie.t .pialily for medicinal purl te WE ha.e alway. kept alwt of the tinic. in our Hue, ami without hunting, we think are sal.- in claiming that we have TH K HHST a.utnien of DKCliS in K.:gene. I'mticdar :Ht.iUMi U .ailed to our 'tick e I'EKFl MKHY, roll.KT SETS, and ' I l.l I I DID CASKS For the vr 1889, We .hall he aid. to Mil PAINTS, OILS mi HKI'SKES, (of which wt now hate a largr st.a k on hand) ..... if, hla eilv an.l ..... caa ret iutgi that anythief bought from u wID lw lirat Jaw. A v.-a tfjv wu .f . ur gootla KaM anil nare f . that f.w la our i buaiursa hae, we thiuk wt ar. pK're, to un dersell and furniah a Itrttrr ., ..!: t nf i than aayaaM in our liue iu Lane onuntv. We call twvial tUuti. to PKKsi l;p TONS. which will be carefully tilled at all hour..! th. day or niirht FINAL SETTLEMENT. N'OTH KIS KKKKHV GIVKX THAT MM ..; .i. I.I.H...I, a.luiimtralrii of tbt ll.a fhu of Joi.n W Moffetl, ... . -a.-.sl. ha. filfsl her aostxiut for an.,1 wtt!em-nt In Ihe abnv uame l eetal. in the cunly oooil f.r ln. County. Oearm and M..lay. ih. en. im 4 May, laev, at the h.air V 1 o rlnrk in the aft.io.H . ,4 ,,v ha, beta aet for th. haring of objerli-.n. an.l th. Mttla seel of .aid eatat. Oat. i thv l.Vh .Uv ( Maeak law I. Haiti', Aa. K. lloretrr, Altafy. Aibwii.antrii. JAMES MnCLAREE, 'Holi'K WINKS, I.Itvl iiK.- ... l it. i WilUawU Sin bt, Tib aaat fHh. J. S. LUCKEY. all DEAtBB IN Clocks, Watches, Cha-ns, Jewelry, Etc. Impairing I'roniptly Executed. Kl.worthtfV. Brick WlllametU .tre.t. OVERLAP TO CALIFORNIA. VIA Southern Pacific Co's Line. vTHE UT, SHASTA R0UTL1 Time ltween Eugene and San KrancUco, 33 houra. MUNMflA MeKgas tiiainh 101 DAlLr - - lietween I'ortl.nd and Sun Francisco. s,ith I I Worw I mi i u I.v Portland Ar ; 10:45 a M 10:U r ii l.v Eugene J-v I 4:15 a m Ml m , Ar San FrancUtto Lv I 7.O0 r M LCM-' A : s I. .N I vKTeA'SliAILVlHCKPTMCMIAT.) (Mill a iii Kv 12.40pm I.v Portland A I lain y Arl P m Lv 11.38 am LviftOO a m .'.4(1 pm Ar Eugene PULLMAN BUFFET 8LEEPEE8. TOURIST SI.EEPINO CARS, For accomroi.lation of Second Claea Paasaeir jia, attached to Exprea. Train.. The 8. P. Co'. Ferry make, connection ,n , i ,..r iruins on the East Side Hivision from foot of F Street Portland. nr a ut.l e-l, iSMD -,.n.".. BETWEEN P0ETI.AND AMD C0BVALLI8- UAIL TRAIN HAIL! (KXCETT BINDAV.) "7:30 a m I Lv Portland Ar 12:26-em Ar Corvallis I." .; p m 1:30 p m . ii..,i,v i.o.i orvulli- .onne. t witti trains of Oregon Pacific Kailroad. KX PHKSH TRAIN liAII T (KXCKPT BCNPAT.) 4:50 p in I Lv Portland Ar I KKKJa ui Lv 5:45 a in H:INI p m I Ar McMmnville THROUGH TICKHTH to all Poiuta South and East VIA CALIFORNIA. For full information regirdiiit' ratea, mape, etc., call on Company's agent at Eugene. R KOEHLRR, K. P Kot.ERS, M anager, Awt. O. F. and Paa. Agt Dr. Gill's Catarrh Cure I purchased a Im.x of "( fill's Catarrh Cure," finding lay nephew, C. A. McMahon, in nH of neb me.liiint. 1 let bla have thehox ed e now sends for three more Isixea, saying ii lb, l,.t ll.irg ttt ever tried by hiinn hi- friends. J, A. Mi'MAH A Springfield, Oregon, Fell. 24, 1K84. Can be olituined at the driiu'gi.ts; if not there of the proprietor.. J. P. GILL A CO. YAQXJINA ROUTE. ORLGON PACIFIC RAILROAD AND OREGON DEVELOPMENT STEAMSHIP LINE. 22i milks sin .ii ran, 20 Hociuf lksh timk Than l.y nthat route. Firat clasa thnmgh 1'aaaeiiger ami Freight line from Port land and all p int - in the WILLAMETTE VALLEY To and from San Francisco, Cal, The Willamette River line of Steamers, the vVra M. Hong. N. S. Bently, Md Three Sis ter, leave Portland at M a. m. Mondays, Wed ii.... lays mul Fridays from Messrs Kidman k Co s dock, 200 and 202, Front St., for Oof- vullis and iiitermetliate points, making clone OOOnectlon ut All.any and Corvallis with train. of the Oregon Pacific Kailroad. TIME SCHEDULE EXCEPT SUNDAYS I.v A i 1 any 1:0(1 p m, I.v Yaquina 6:30 a m, l.v Corvallis 1:17 p in, I.v Corvallis 10:38 a III Ar Y .piiua 5:n0 p m, ArAlhany 11:15 a in. O. and C. trains connect at Allini.v and Cor vallis. The above trains connect at Yaipiina with the Oregon Development Company. Meainship line Ivtwern V iq una ami San Francisco. SAll.INli DATES. Steamer From San Franciac . From Yaipiina Willamette Valley, May 2, 10, April 28, " May I s May 6, 14. This Company reserves the right to change sailing dates without notice PaM.hg.ri from Portland and other Wil Lunette valley point- can make close ennnee ti.nis with the trains of the Yarpiina route at Albany and Corvallit, and if destined to San l'lancisco, should arrange to arrive at Yaipiina the evening before date of sailii.g. Passenger and Freight rates the lowest For information apply to C. C. Hootia, Act Gen'l Frt . Pas. Agt Oregon Pacific K K Co. (' II RaaWaU, Ja, Oorvallia, Ore. Qen Frt A Pass Ag't, Oregon Development Co, 904 Montgomery St, San Francisco. Delinquent fax Notice. Notice is hereby given to nil owing tnxea, now delinquent, that the County Court at its I n. ses.iou ordered me to collect the same forthwith. This is theiefore to notify all concerned that if they wish to save costs they must BOOM forward at once ami pay the same or I will be obliged to proceed against them legally. J. M. Sjo.e. Sheriff Lone Co. THI TKOTTINO STALLION, Great Western I TkaataUna Great We.tern. will .Un.l at I. ft Stetem' I formerly Stewart'.l -table, in Eu gene, Omion, during the aeaaon of 1KK9. Great W.-.tern i I year, obi by Prompter; he by Wilson. Hlue Bull. Firat dam, Ra chatd: M dam. Fannie Fern, pacer, hy Ir I n . - I uckaho; Jnl dam. hy UfTler'. 1'oun.ul. Dtst KlrTloX: -Ha I. a ha..if..l U... .... in forehead, two white hind utaurna; weight, 1,W II .. ; 17 hand, hluh: giaal form an I ac i ti..n. The grandair af thi. hone baa more otf. , aftritt... in ,Vt. IVI II.. . t. t l ..I a- m ..in. ...V man any 11. tsc in in. world. i T I- 3C The Kauil.letonian Stallion, will .tain I at th. aine ;.l,ce. He ia I year, old: weigh. 1230 !'.. I.) t)le,liug, I,.- by Knpnnt; he byJWlm. nt he bf Ahlallah. he by HaoiblePUn, be by QU A'.Jallah. he bjr Manibrmo Mewenger. Dam, Nettie Km. .tao.lerd and rgiterd, 1.1 dam, Tin.ley'. Maid, aorr by FbuUiL a.ltl, pacer; ilnd .lam, Fannie Kern, pacr, hv Ir ving'. Tuckaho, paoer; Jrd darn, by Ilfler . CouruuL Mar, tent Iron a diaUno will be net at tb oar. an.l taken oar of. No mpontibility for aocitlenta or ecapa, Price of Seaeon. either Horae, . a.io The, etallinaa are both itandarl bred Bcctlm bad better lonk al them before mak tm arvaageaMaU foe bcaediag eUewkere, to I think I caa aei.ly aay. aad that without btawt o .. that I have the heat bona that hav vr hoaaia Ornn. takkaa oiaaawrl hreedinc into f5 ei..l tSiafWfljjajJ .Jaahl.lfai -Jtf , 9JBAA MOM dub pooMPu,9S9!ja0OJ0 ,o,oo,sp-s leaq dt P '"IA 4StHiIMSaiOG suJq (IJM W y.qo8 leg 9 wiqtnui leg 91 teewtto 98 ' . ia. Jod uaqsip eoneg 01 duivj 915 twjejd ieoaip e3 meant pne .dtu ppuq lB 09 ajeauee pue adua a!d 18 $.H I 19-!d99 rjaouj eseqj, Mm FAIR DEALINCjS OUR MOTTO. Everyone stAnding in need of building iai will do well to call and we our ITfAJJ .lock f lumber, kept at Midgley A . Dyunge' actory. We can pleaw all kind, of cu.tt.mer" n quality and quantity. Give u. a call lajfoH1 purchuing elaewhere. N. N. Mathiws, Agt E. E .Luckeye&Co DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Etc., Etc. Prescription Department in Competent hands. . Harness ShoD H AVING OPENED A NEW SADDLE AND HARNK&S SHOP Of opposite Star Bakery, I am now prepared to furnish everything in thai i Competent Work me Are employed, and 1 will endeavor to give Katiafaction k nil wh in roe with a call. I Thai the CHEAPEST place to bi Dry Goods, Clothing, fiat from New York City a large voice of LADIES' CLOAKS, DOI MENS, WRAPS and DEES GOODS. IIGHTNItVG I HAY KritFE WE LEAD ! Shun nil imltntlnTiM. .th .-t 11-1 I itrM n ma wluch bwn onr nri4tesml 1 tbcl. "iid hw our It mined in thev liU.I Thav ,,i l-rfuUo'tl htve ftlfhf'illv H(1h.in1 t4l!iia hjl BkVa tlstairtoand..crw.f,i pattern. .f Kn.f.-eve. .1. fi.ai.r CUTTING H 4Y or ST RAW in .llnw, sini-li .r Hole, nn.l its CRE AT POPULARITY n.w w.msl Sole Man.ifaot'r. mS gor gne n)r tne Hardware Undo generaitf Hh HIRAM HOLT COMPANY, East Wilton NOTICE. TJ. 8. I . i m. Ofgicp at Roskbi'Rii, Ob,, I March o;i. ISS'1. ( rOMPLAINT HAVING BEEN KN l..r...l ... .1.1. I lit. . . I . II.. I. f .a. . m.n tMiitu l.y 11. 'I. A' rj tl. .til NOR againat the heir, at lew of Peter Nvgard I. .re...... I toe al.uo.lot.in.. I.,'. IT 1 L . -v -' ..s "to uuHnatatvu r.iury No. 4,913. of aaid Peter Nvgard, dated Mav ti, inoo, u..n the j ol , K j ,i (.; i ( x vt t ot Section 3.1, I ownnhip 1H S, Range 10 W in Lane county. Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of entrv: the said parties are hereb' summoned to appear at the office of A. R. Buttolph. Notary Public, at Florence.Une County, Oregon, mi the IBrd day of Al.y. 1S, at lOo'olook A. II., to reapond and fur nih testimony concerning aid iWaaul ahand aaaveK Cha.. W. JoHNarog, Regiater. A. C. Jojiaa, Receiver. NOTICE. mo THK SHEEP GROWERS OF LANE X Co. 1 will say that I am daily receiving n .tic. rarding .cabby .heep. I am there fore conpalhal to announce to the iheeu men that immediate attention must be given to tho. dialed baadf of ,heep at leaat three time, thu aruoa, or I will procure aid at your eipenje, and attend to the matter for you. I ake lair warning and save youraelvee tn.uhle and money. J. R. Sloah, Stock In.pector of Une Co. iOTCE OF CONTEST. P S Lasd Oyricg at JNjpMflf.. 1 K.MPLAINT HAVLMniEKN' ENTER V eil at thia Office by W A. OFF1EI.D again.t the heir, at law of A. J. Wilacn de v",.'.'rJl''!d",,,,,! t,U ft I Hill Entry bftwS i,kh-m- "f1" B a.t,,Hc lOaodU.1, ,.d 3 nfgection 15, lowBahlplaS.lUBg.n Win Un. county, Oregon with a view to the ccell.ti, f J.I eatry- the aahl partiea are hereby nimm..ne,l lXS,m2. A K B-tf'Ph.no tary public at Florence, Lane county Ore M , tV?T aai ttin, c.craiag aat.1 allegv I aoandonrnent. Wf ,w- JoatiToa, Rgi.ter. A C Joan, Recetrer. leu Meal H . W. JTOl'NG aft T UK REST OF IIKEF, VEAL, BvTTOK A,'SACK, Coustautly ou hand at the ' ' LOWEST MARKET prices. TMeata delivered to any p,n ,j a Give u. a call; aatiafaction guaranUjei " . . . i . . I. . iviirr.i next iloor to tl v. Hotel. Emiene Citv. Or " M"i Lailiea dreaa goods a .H-ci.lt, M y, DEALERS 1JV. H VLS riB j, fcaa. JL M-tZ . The Most A. A. ( I WWW Boots and shoes, Etc. -IS AT- FRIENDLY'S. P. S. Have also just receive Rrylsttrrd Tr.i.e THE A TlWanr sfIhUm.' W ik be imltAtoraTKY BEST tij ; oi.i.'.iu . MATERIALS ..a .iM.il. of W. rkmin" mattom of constant '"r"!" f nor New Slioi.-nf. rp" ...,! fmOST IMPROVED MACH NH I . .w. l. 1.nl mtlB emoloved eioludvelv In the p.roduf! nf HaV KWtVJTS. Thi Knlfo in mull I 1 arin.lina on thf .-..niiir of n .nliiwrr (.o."". notice for pnu.ir.vri'i I .v., iinu. it RiiaiaflH March -.li. 11 "VTOTTCK is HBREBV 0IVBS il the following name notice of hi. intention In in ill i support of hi. claim and thai made before the Judge or in lib '' fore the Clerk ol the County O Co., Or., at Kugene Ciiv, Or., May 15, 1889, viz: . Kroner. W. Iu Honiestea.1 Entry No oKM'. I rtbl W J.N W 1 of S El.nnd Lot. I,'-J" To IIS, B l IVaat, w M. He name, the following tvitiici Ida pontinuotu reaidrncr upon .nil I of ui I land. via. Silaa lturll, trei WillUm Wiukle, C D Be I. ..lie county, i Iregon. Any person who df.ires to PJ the allowance of such DTOof. '" anv aubatantial reason, uinl.i l'11 regulations of the Interior l,rl',r,TJ such pr....f .houhl not M " given an opportunity at tht a'ai time and place to ante eiamh I JJ .f aaid claimant, and to olftr etea" butul of that ftit.i..it tcl I ) Chas. W. J.r- ADMINISTRATOR'S N0Ti viotic: 1.1 by ti 0TI0I is hei:i:v oil Court nf Lane Coimtt . Ul duly .utered of feeot la...l. au UAI .1... ,. ........ i. t . . imr.,, Meek was duly apisunte-l adiuinu eaute of Saumel Meek, Uicearrd all tieix.n. having claims s..n will preaeut the same ; the office of Waahburne t V Eugene City, Oregon, within -n thia date. IhUed March th, A I' A. A. Mm. v it'... a f ..u . r .. Annul B.tt a t,.H,lt'"". . y Atlornet. hw Pnaro Tx-n..n Office W. dit lfon,s,iii.:iiBi m. .ate initt.i. M eVaa. j.., all be ""e". (I F i'"'