The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 27, 1889, Image 7

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udders nf the newspapers d theMuv
n,.t fail to i'"l'r,'HWM
fT-r tl.c- in.-lem advertiser is progressive.
M. "is DOOPU1 to In', fle competitors
a. m.-in Ibe iMpBBOO '! in w id'
y?Jm M"- wiM out8trip hil" '"
ni'vLWof printer.' ink
') i..ntift.aUy employed eannot In
" ' ...J - it ia the medium where-
LtnirNorioM diaoorinr in ndwd from
' .luilv used bv hurts M wlver-
;riD " - ...
rs nml ill tne .uiiilN-mi'" in
n hw . . ...... .
rhilire-l in to attain em uewieu -...., M
-. ...... ii. i,. mnllH.'il.
The palest , - " , "V,
n.l it niav as ' eee "v......
ii II. Warner ol Bocheater, N. v..
those name has la-en made everywhere
ni.. in connect ion with Warner i
IKe Cure, widely advertised iN-cuiise of
:.. tl.n iiritvnntion nfitl cure of
fa mem in I
L;,lnev diseases.
By primers mm " Z il
a ai'llleVe.1 WUII.l-niH" " nn
i .i a.m. la feel L'rati-fnl for the
Rn-llire thus acquired of this (?reaU-8t
& niislcrn remedies.
Vurtherlliore, U" pmuii nun in-i-n
ki disorders of the Iiuil'h, brain,
Emrt ami liver wblcb have hitherto been! and treated bv the profession af
tiitinctive disease are ma ... w, ui
n. the attending nrnrptoml of diaeaaa of
lie kidneys ; mraon. HiowmunijiuYi,
he apoplectic, "e puruivuc, win me sin
us..,. ?r,n nervous disorders ran i- re-
tored to health by Warner's Safe Cure,
tliii-h will remove me true muw oi most
iwrilers by restoring the kidneys to
,ealthy action.
Tde advertising inethodB einploved bv
uiia greatest of advertisers are
trui-tive anil, aiinongn uu- rawer may
uinctimes Is! eaugiii m reauiiiK an
Jvertisument, wincn was not ai ursi mip-
.-.l to be siu-ii, tnero la nevenneiea
, time lost since useful information is
(variably gained eoneeming life's gn-at
.( hat Ue Meant.
In one of our district courts, not long sine-p,
Itbiopia furnished the plaintiff and defend
Bt, and the witnesses on each side also could
ace their ancestors to "Afric's burning
ad." Oue of the witnesses was a rather
. and easy sort of a personage, who came
Itbe stand and underwent the fire of the
iroosing counsel After the witness had
Iren testimony, the tono of which showed n
tided bias against the prineirial on the
ahr ei.le lh Litter's flttornev took him in
nil "You do not like Mr. Jones verv
loch, I seel" "No, I doesn't," was tho candid
ply. "Why is it that ynu si disliko
or Can t say, boss, unless 'tis hes
i much o' darky an' a half to suit dis
ula." Here his honor turned to the witness
) inquire what ho meant by referring to the
tor as a dHrkyan'a half, MMnopoo tho
muess replied: "You see, Jedge, 1 call him
darky an' a half, coz be puts on too muuy
for one nigger, an' not quite enough fur
Ira Boston liuilget.
A Sore Cure.
I First Crook -I've got a soft snap now;
tfe, too, 1 1 ;ht itbiu the law. Did you no-
thue "how to get thin" advertiseuionU
Itbe iaprsl
eeonu Crook By jinksl Is them yoursf
at do you send in return for the half dol
ond Crook Country board circulars.
I Cartoon.
A Great FHTor.
nmley I say, Brown, as a great favor,
ild you mind putting your name on the
a-, of my note for thirty duysl
Brown (dubiously) Why, I s'pose so,
uey. Vt here will you make the note
Dumley Anywhere you like, old man:
at your business, not mine. New York
IIow lie Got There.
rlend (to dentist) Now that you've irot
b custom house job you were after I s'pose
111 give up pulliug teeth)
ntist es, indeedv.
How did you manage to get that Job,
N bad a strong puan Texas Sif thuja
-The population of Africa Is
ihteen to the squaro mile; in Europe
(re are eighty-eight to the same
-Iu Liverpool tho rate of mortality
18.8 per cent. Every fourth funeral
lhat of a child under ono year old,
I every second funeral is that of a
Ud under live years old.
-Prim-ess Eugenie, of Sweden, has
rne the expense of establishing a
slon house for the benotit of the
planders In tho northern part of
den. It is over two hundred miles
th of the Arctic Circle.
-A Russian officer who has made a
r Of observation throuirh India.
eludes that English rule thero is
It from tottering to its fall. It has
uck out so many deep roots that to
lurb it would bo no easy tusk."
-It has hitherto boon the rule in
lan that all persons visiting gov-
Imental offices must nllffht from
aV horses or vehlelea nt. the outer
I unless they were of certain rank.
p rehe of feudal timos has now
lb abolished. F.vorv .fnnnnnSR is
' at liberty to go whore he pleases
Thorough tillage, combined with
Ration and drainage, enables Japan,
only l'2,O00,0OO acres under till-
to clothe and feed 88,000,000 peo-
to say nothing of exuortina: an-
Y'y 4o.ikh),(X)i) pounds of ten, sov-
I million dollars' worth of silk and
sqaantities of tobacco and rice.
The (ierman Kmnmaa is not a
of dress, but w hen she does
heraelf in her stateliest robes
Prescn s a marvelous spectacle.
other Sunday she appeared in a
In of while silk, with 11 train set:
lyanls long, embroidered w ith gold
uver. The material cost 11.500.
k twelve girls two months to make
iThe Etnneene of H. wain Vuvs dis
ked small tnlrenu of o-nld tn all
who were with him in the i:n-
'rain at the time of the railway
Rent near Hork-i in ua tart of
miraculotia escape. Tiie keep-
' are minature copies of a sacred
Pre which 1 .1,1.. tin.
fed after the accident in the dln-
a'oon of the train.
F appears that laud grabbing has
going on at a lively rate in the
racinc. Official reiHirts at
""igton are said to show that up
'ore(fner had laid claim to
fi acres in the Sm.m.i Islrill.K
ph hav. a . ..... i . j Mn wi
--- luuii area ui uiv,ie.
'liens aaaerted .ownership of
res more than the entire kine-
POaaaMes! Durinir the nast two
the (Germans hava filed addl-
tlaims amounting to nunc thou-
i of ment.
J.r mifcu ,u B. NW ,h. Thoro h.
I In- streets ill Chln..a.. ..i.;.. .
lx U, twelve foet wide, and n Zl ' "JIZ 'T U
rom morning to tjUfci .m. . , , qo aecldent Wo iaauoU It to save our
Kv01-y U ulS T' huJ "
ho brapnrt of his head u d we should hava rktppatj MbUotv
'hlle iHihind him ha.iw ,i0" entlrel.V. When it is cold enough
"e the c.H,li..s. in blue ieta and Z ' tOV b "
W4tadalM. with a harm ttoros. L ,,s,','" -1 t'temm.r,.ry
ho shoulders, enrrving he 7Zl? T 1 ""'-""toH to skip two
aMg. "Kb ho. ah ho v hiS Kn,'1 " dn",k M ,our
ik- all the brethren of their oral Telt TE" "aS" "hHl1 'W W,th h'm
f the .Mediterranean. TntaSJifi 22 hlle we aim to publish the
tag flowing rolw wide ad L I u M'M pff in the West we
m, in fact, a t onfuclunlst scholar.
Here totu-t-s along a woman on her! Thb Samo Afkair. In case of a
:lny three-Inch feet, clad in gay em- ' waroo"nt us i"! ft have already ar
oroldered jacket, ami delicate silk I ranKed ln wr bi-eiiks out. to leave
kirt, perhaps u small siiver-uiounted 1 11,0 K1,,kor in H' hands, or luapeod
Wbacco-pipe in her hand, her head P",,ll,'lUi"1' altogether and go to tho
adorned with strange hirsute struc- ! fronU " e "h"11 t lls a General. We
:ures like a carving knife, a I ,hall bt prepaml to part with a lilwral
trwiohsr, a flying swallow, or irhnt 1 4U4al,lD' blood, dtrour our ahmra
lot, a touch of rouge to cheeks and I l"u''1 tjl,'lc' n,ul to receive the
is, while powder gives mistiness to P1,l"(lilM (,f the multitude. Let 'or go.
ttll-flaahed facial charms. Here Is a ! ,i,lllnher!
RWaU boy. if it be winter, gaily dressed QOHI T. tiik II. II. Q, .n Indian
u brilliant colors, a perhvt ball of named "Mi- that thlnlnn groat deal"
aiiiny wrappings -If it be summer. I Irnnk a pint of Bmnson's budge the
xjuully gaily dressed in the not unbo- othei-eveniiigand starttsl for his abode
Joining garb of his yellow skin alone. I aOTOH the creelc. Yestei-day his doml
ror vehicles look at yon sedan chair, i body was found on the highway near
ooi-uo by two or throe men. In it mis ' the bridge. fro..-ii s.i stiff that it broke
gentleman, elegantly clad in white
ir tlowered silk or In costly furs, nc
Jording to the season. If there be four
ir even night bearers you w ill have j
timely warning, for this is a mandarin) ;
before him runs a motlev crowd of m.
tamers beating gongs, carrying tablets
inscribed '-Bo silent," "Muke way."
Villainous-looking follows with stoc-pled-crowned
Buy r'uw kes hats, armed
with w hips, mouthing out uncouth cries,
arc the Liotoraof tho great man. Others
carry the great silk umbrella, tho badge
of office, meant for the official, should
he ever wish to mow his heavy well-fed
body, with its impressive self content,
from his chair. This is an event which
riu-ely occurs; in fact it is an awful
thought to an BngilahmM that sitting
in a chair and scolding are the most
violent forms of exercise in which a
mandarin erer indulges. On the breast
of his handsome silk robe he bears em-
, , ,
ivi i i v.1 "l, ui,or M j
which marks his rank; on his hat a
button, blue, red crystal or gold, ac-
cording to h s dignity, and. If he be
u.n....Ku,.0,.Du ur even ivv.
eyed peacock s f.M.ther. Occas.onally
..,1... . ,.f 11... ...... a..
ouiuu uii.tuui iii vim puiveo, spieu 11a-
grante delicto from the chair, la
promptly thrown into the street
stripped and beaten. Here comes clat
tering and jingling along a small pony.
which bears a military official; none
but one accustomed to the rough life 01
camps would use so fatiguing a mode
of locomotion. This miserable, un
kempt being, how ling a dismal ditty,
and rattling together tw o bamboo slips,
is a beggar. It is as well to give him I
the microscopic dole he claims, for he '
will stay there, inert but vocal, till he
gains his point. Such a one has boon 1
known to commit suicide in adeteemln-
ately parsimonious sliop in ordei
bring its owner into trouble with
authorities. North china Herald.
The limy. I- They l.rsve to Keep
.. ..I Koily 1'oxether.
Every condition of squalor, cold, ex
cessive toil and daugor is known to
thorn, and during tho greater part of
the year thoy do not know a single
i.. ,.r !.. ,., U'l.u
a ' . I
should thev endiii-e sueli a ii fnto 9 It la
because they know- of no other. Many
of them leave the parish schools and
become apprentices; from that day
Until their bleak and ban-on life's end
they aro cut off from the world of men. I
I. 1. .1.1..I. .1.... ., fVna I
I eoo . alllliav nana w ...u vwi.v
r ., , , , i. ,x i l .!
is rather a long and tedious affair, but
? , . . . , . , ,
the Blherman stays out at sea for eight
weeks at a stretch, and during that
time he tnuit be content with alter- j
nations of furious labor and mere dull
dom, unless some Influence from out-!
gido can be made to touch him. ror
eight weeks tho men only have their
reeking cabin as a refuge from the
deck; and tho very name of pleasure
would sound strtwge to them. No one
who is inexperienced can conceive the
extent of the fisherman's ignorance
even now, and 1 think that only
that same ignorance keeps them
from feeling discontented. At their
own craft they are consummately
skillful; they know the cunning and
mvstei-ious wavs of tlshes; they can
read the meaning of every change of j floor. Tho stove was upset, and In Its
wind, or Sky, or sea; and they are so j fall the Major was mortally Injured,
heedless of danger that it is sometimes This is a plain stiitement of the case.
ull in. ss oi u . , We all know that the Major was a
frightful to see them, fhen, barring h(irs,..,niefi and ne shouldn't have been
the worst of the weeds from the slum . thin.9kinned. We all know the
they are men of superb physique, and ; an 0$ bum and corrupt offl-
thoir pow ers of bearing labor and priva- ciB, and he shouldn't have been so
tions aro quite without parallel In my , ready to fight Both wore to blamo
experience This noblo set of toilers ; and yet neither could be held culpable,
must Ik. reckoned as only equal to the I -Detroit Free Press.
merest children in knowledge. When, Keep he Chiidren.t Faithi
they are bud, their badnoss is brutal;
when thev are good, their goodness is Mothers don t destroy your chll
marked bv infantile simplicity. The dren s faith iu you by not keeping
sailor goes from port to port; the four promises to them, no matter how
arn-trksinan travels from the desolate , trifling they may seem. The simple
bail lb. l)ogger or Ameland tc childish faith they place in you should
the Quayside f his native town, and ' be a reason, if there waa no other for
then he roes back agaln-year in. yeai keeping the promises once made. 1 he
out Often on w eary afternoons, wheo j child may doubt every one else but will
the' v ,kv stooped low and the dim , believe the mother. A child's faith is
water was lushed by the sleot, I bavr i Involuntary, born of weakness and
ai ill If . i '.. .. 1 ,. I a .aaln.ia rlananrlannik anI hi mr.ti...i,
tlintlirtll Wh.'lt a I lie. Air. tariJIC
boldlv asserted that
a man IS nearer j
or somethinif ol I
the eternal verities,
that kind, when
he is at sea; now I
slio.ild my that the usuer wiw ....
do ''s hmisi:it' and his doff s life, is a
tro'd deal kept away from the verities.
. t rnal und otherwise. -Contemporary
y v iew.
-Vueeh ictona is so fond of fresh
lir that she is in the habit of sleeping
ith on windows even in the dead of
winter. The Empress Maria Theresa
.f Austria was more peculiar in this
11 lata ieiSaW even in
opecL ner
wa Close ne "I1" -'"""-'
ind the falling snow often anitea in
tnd fell on the paper on which she
wrote. It frequently happened that
the hands of the hairdresser were
partly frozen while attending to her
najesty's colJTura.
lecullarltlee of Journalletle Lin I
lrro Tvrrllurjr.
in two as tho loy loaded it up. The
spirit had gone to the happy hunting
grounds, there to know sorrow never
again. "Ho-that-thinks-a-grout-deal
wi" think no more. Had ho thought a
great deal more about wtnr mnA
great deal less about whisky ho might
have pulled through until spring and
had another chanoe to run off a horse,
but ho had become discouraged and
wanted to go. He Is gono. It is well.
We traded him a year's subscription
to tho Kicker for four big jack-rabbits,
and wo are six months ahead of him.
Molehill ra Moi ntais. niere is
a disposition on tho part of a few mud
sills to magnify the little incident
which occurred at tho post-office last
Tuesday evening. Last week we re
ferred to Colonel Crocker as a thiof.
We were wrong. He was arrested in
Illinois for arson and jumped his bail.
Ha n.,.1 In II,., I
a in (UP IMJBfc-UIUl U ttllU
knocked us down. While down wo
explalllL.a that w wer9 ln d
he apolo!fi,0(, ftnd helped brush the
dirt olT oup 4 r, h
wmj it .,, f th(J trlfli UlMmMS
L, evtjry-day life -and that class who
I - "
aro socking to exaggerate the facts
will make nothing by it. When we
call an incfiidiary a thief a robber, an
absconder n bigamist an embezzler,
wo shall apologize every time. Thoro
la no reason why an editor shouldn't
also be a gentleman.
Well SCPPLRD. J. M. Tompkins,
ourleading and popular druggist, has
received from the Kast a fresh supply
of al"st3"l'' t""yhnlne and rough on
rnU- ,l".v ono requiring any thing
m that line will find his goods fresh and
hisoprleos exceedingly inodorate. Mr.
l'miklns uses the poor just us well
as the rich, and all who come are uiado
In (i.u in 1'imk. the "Howling Hy
ena," which boasts of a weekly circu
lation of I ii copies, and whose jealousy
of the Kicker's success is a matter of
public comment, ineeringly observed
last week that w e had not yet secured
the right to put --postmaster" after our
name. Don't bo in a hurry, gentle-
I men. Wo began on tins ground floor.
und u-e enn't ireovv ntnn utoeieu .'ill nt.
once. We don't want to be postmaster
just at present, being engaged In con
ducting a great weekly newspaper, a
grocery, butcher shop, and hardware
store combined, but when we get more
time we may have something to say
, , ,. . ,
about even the governorship. Hie only
, , . ' , .,
pang of sorrow we fuel is one for tho
pang of
editor of the Howling Hyena, who will
have Ailed a drunkard's grave before
Our plans are perfected.
several versions Hying around in re
gard to tho unfortunate affair in the
Rod Front Saloon last Friday night. As
we were present and a witness wo will
state that when Major Shamocken came
in he was inebriated. Some one laugh- j
ingly asked him how he escaped from
Joli.-t, and the Major foolishly insisted
that his character had been impugned.
As wo owed him fifteen dollars he
did not want to harm us, but passed on
to Judge Shooks. The Judge was also
far gone with drink and in bad temper,
and the two olonched and rolled on the
WDKIuuk unaaouui, auu uu unnum
. . . t i i i, , i .. . i. ; i j
is nis law aim (jopri. uuv ,m a oaaaaei
once distrust the word of bis mother.
tnd he loaes forever his simple child
ish faith. It Is a shock that the tender
sensibilitlen never recover from, and
ften a cruel disillusion that make
aim ultimately perhaps a cynic Dtt
iroit Tribune,
llie rapid increase of the foreign
population in France ia causing- grunt
concern to the government. Since
1886 no less than 482.000 Belgins. 265.
900 Italians, 100,000 Germans, 78.000
Swiss, and 80,000 Spaniards have gone
into France ln addition to the foreign
noDulatlon previously resident there.
In 1851 there were but S81. 000 foreign
.w . k... fii nfa-..
ers in a total population of nearly
thirty-six millions. In 1886 the for
eign population exceeded 1.000,000,
while the native population remained
nearly iiatioavj-
Politl H i l!n BMM aflteltBl aid
in the world to strengthen a good name
or to supply the want of one.
If we did but know how little some
enjoy the greatest things lln-y po,,,.,,,
there w ould not be M much eOTJ in tho
' world.
It Is In loro a it Is In ndlgion; the
man with a new goddess is ready to offer
up the old idol as the first burnt offer
ing. One, a Week.
Prejudice Is the conjurer of Imagi
nary wronga-atrangling truth, over
powering reason, making ttrODf men
weak and w eak men weaker.
There Is nothing in the world so
totlsomo as the pursuit of fame; Ufa
concludes before you have so much aa
sketched your work. Hruyere.
It Is not always the man who looks
tho wiset that knows tho most, but
most people don't know this, so that it
will miv you to look just ns w ise as you
possibly can.- Somervillo Journal.
Hardly thoro Is much to he
thnnkful for In this country that ha
food in abundance, enough of material
comforts, and, In tho main, freedom
from pualllanoa and the horrors of war.
Don't think that a man is n genius
because ho wears long hair. True ge
nius brings plenty of work to both
tonsorial and editorial shears, for the
Braoh0,UOtod man can always afford to
be pllppad. Puck.
A recent visitor to the library of
Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes says that
the books in it that appeared to be
most frequently consulted were a Bible
and a copy of Shakespeare.
I iidrarrardl) l.uuglird at.
Tin- niithlukliiK an- MOOi to make Rainpof
nfrTOUauaaS. Yi-t thin Is a very real au.l kerloiik
ainietlmi. the liarrakiiiK nyiiil'innninf whleti are
n nderwl all the more poiKiiaut bv ridicule. The I
Mtoma.-h t tikttally iwpousltus lor theae aonin
Innia IU weakiiea and dU.irder fliiit a reflex in
the tiratn, wlileh In the, beedquaftsn of the Bar
vous k.VNlein. Akanerve loiile and trau.Ulllaer, I
we baUSTS Ihal lint one ean U. pulnunl out in j
efn.tive ai lloitrtler'k Sloiiiai'h llltlera. lure
newlnir vtitoriiiiiclliti'illnii. It iirlkei the key
OOtl nl rSMVl-rv of and uillelinle by
.- .. . ... .. ' ... . .
me mi i. iiunnni nen, in'in.irn mi iinei nits'i, .
Hbniiriiial lemltlveneii to unexpeolM n.diei j
all theie nindlfy and ultiiiiatrly dliappear ai
the ayiteni BSini BtNattQI from the itreat tonic.
Pyapetnia. IdUntiineii, rheiiinatli.m. .smitlna-
11. 'ii and kidney i iimilaliil- are iiiixliteil by the
It Ii eaaler to be VlsS
for ..then thau for
White Elephant of Slain, I.lon of Eng
land, Drwron of China, Cross of SwItieV.
land, Banner of l'eria, I 'rescenl of K pi- NERVOUS "'"ility, 1 oaarvwnr. Hamina
DoaUa Kale of Kussla S,r of Chill, c ZZ JjlZ'Zohil? 'w
( Ircle of Japan, Imp of hrin. , YOUNC MEN """ ftrom iha effeet.
To net these buy a liox of the nenulne Yv,",mra(,t,liull7,1, ,,,,,,,
I)k. C. McI.ank's Cki.khuatku LivkkI yT",?,'J ?''u.!LTVJ..h'T"''h''''''t,'',rl':'",lr,Vl
Pills, price to cents, and mail us the out-1 VVPlSff!l aaSSfaS
side wrapper with your address, plainly eame, prompUy and laleiycured.
written, and I rents in stamps We will MIDDLE-ACED MENWI
.1 1. . 1 1 . . . ..... v. -i - . wmmmww awwm
UNW u.Bll yu.l ine nuove Okl wiui ll UltJ-
gant package of oleographic and chro
matic tarda.
Flkmin-oBkoh., Pittsburo, Pa.
rasesrlty unmasks Um rleesi adwtlt;
Hie vlrlnes.
I'oiiKiiiiiplloii Mn . i) Currd.
To tiik KMTOai I'leaae Inform vour n-adera
that I bave a pnilllve remedy fnr the alaive
naincii niM'ase. nv na uineiv iiii" innnaanui
nf I, cHsea bave 1 n nuriusnunllv eimsl
l,,i . . o 5
1 mail n- man in aen.i !.. nonius m my rvin.-
dy i um In any of jniir readeri vvhn have cos-
aiiniptlnn If lin y will end me their oxpreii
and pmtnltlee addreal. Hi ipeelflllly,
T. A M.I II I'M, II. Co 11 I earl lL, New York.
Life II 1.111 1. abort day, but It In wurkliu daji
llesli es to Hear Teatlmni.y .
Henry Tlinrne, TrHVellnit Secretary nf the V.
M. .'. A.. writeH frOM Kicter Hall, strand, Lou
don. February -J. lsss:
"I dealn In la'ar my teatliiinny to Ibe value of
Al. lock's PoatTB I'l.AsTKRs. 1 have ntsd them
fnr I'.-iins lii the back und lldSanilOl fmm rheu
ttane and ether eauiei, never vvltiintil ilerlv
liilf bsnsfll fr.nii their appllcHlluti. They an
easily applied and very c.itnf.irliiiK. Thnae ell
Kaxed as I am In public work, which UVOlvSI
sposttis tn ludden obaani nf tonpsratara,
will dn well In keep a supply nf Ai.bc.icK's
Tours PLAStaas In their purtinanteaiii."
Diversity nf nplulnn provtHi that thtiiKiarc
nuly but we think lliein.
llapp) lie. uvrry .
There in iinthlnir I now enjoy thai I do mil
owe to bavliiK used Itr." Pavld Kennedy's Fa
vorite Ituiiu'dy, nf lloundout, N V.. al a lime
When I wan iiiffWInK all Hint a hiiinan beliiir
could endure. My tmuhlca hcnati Iu my kid-I
neya, from which I never expected In recover.
My physician aald I had Hrlhl'i dlaeaae. Later
I bad n bad attack nf Kravel Sin yean an tail
June hnw well 1 remeinla-r lhat day I law
Dr. Kennedy's favorite Heinedy advt-rtlacd lu
our paper. After uilnir three ImltlcH I wai well.
I have never had a return of the dlm ase, ami
thmiKh I am over sixty yean nf aire I am vIk
Oltiai and ntrniiK, ai I wan lu mv prime. What
physicians and he many remedies I hud taken
could unl do, Ir. Kennedy, n Kavnrlle Kemeily
did; It Hayed the dlieaiu and made me a well
wninan.--lira Kmlllne I". Mltuer, lliirx Hill, O.
Dr. KlNMRDY'a Faviiritk KkmkiiY. made at
Rnndniit. N. Y. 1; 6 for In.
Send for bnod, how tn cure Kidney, l.lver and
Mined dlsofdara
Ideas area ennlul Ihal licari lutereit only In
the hands nf talenl.
I or ap Irrllalrd Throat, t'ougli)
or old, "Hnnrn'i llnmrhMTruehfi" are of
terml wllh the fiilleat eoiifldunce III their efllra
ey. Akild uni fn laijri.
If you haven't time tn he rood, atep over and
' tairrow a little of vour besetting sin
If afflicted with Bore Kyes, use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Ky- Water. UrutralaU sell It Uo.
Tbv Okrmba for brrwkfaat.
III aoperlor eiaaUanea pro In trjilliuoj .a-boaaeafo
aiore than k quarter of a century. It la uiad br the
MM Slatea (loveniment Knd .ral by the heaSa of
Uie (.net Unlnraltlea aa Ibe Htr.aiaaal. 1' irralaod nv
HeaJihful Dr Prlo?l Creeja BaktM FuwiW doae aa
eonulaAnamookvLlliieorAlam. rt..ld .mlf In ekak
siw TORK. CHIt'loo. SAM rKlnr'o.
DDI UI 9V Inforroatlon.relthef aex, aeelnl,
rill I Al I lr. Private lilaeaeee cured.
Maetrtd rarln .. rraarlare, al.
Ilka tn know. eabcrlaHv
Maaailti Libisa of Oell i
cate health Send etamp
for full parUca'.ara of tbli freat W.n to worses,
aent In aacirely aealed letter DB OtAIMI, I
bei 1S41, laa Franetaee CaL
t , .1. II a ri.iMil Ulirl aal I OU a.
raanaa a m . rs m. m i. w r. k mm r
auralgia aa Pirlll--N . U)80 Cni.
apnsilaU Tmi
a wlk nhm II Mill llk nnlaU u4
a'i7u I k.a u un ku U m 1 wB
aaawniut t, nu n. .b. k4 u4i unai
W a MUa ( sa JkMka on u,. oau wtlk
joi r marsi
ftm lama I Vaara Lata'-rirnaaant Car.
aprlMa' Ttkk . 0.1 IV 1111
7 ia i ral7iaa u4 MKI4 kl klk a
" Srf.1. I i tetu. II J . b. uu .h. u
knl Ut ..... Sk U in (ill 4m kU
tkkMMnrkkk4aiikiiiM J oa r ktuarii
aa o Druffiilt and V.i.Vti CwrywHan.
aba Charlaa A. f again Co., Balls., ua.
Wasting Diieaaei
Wonderful Flesh Producer.
8eott's Emulsion is not a secret remedy.
Coutaiuiug the stimulating Hypophos-
lilntoa and rure Norwiian t'od Liver Oil,
tue p.. i n. of liotli being Ian,
creased. It is used by l'hysicisns
liirgtily in-
all ovoi
inn wuriu.
Sold by all Ifc-Hwiafa.
Seine yean aao I was thrown from a norm In
Mt-l,Fiinan i-niinty, and risvlve.1 u wnuml
mi tine nf my lis;, Knr in. ire l him a Mir 1 waa un
able to walk. T.'n. wuuml uleeraleil ami renie1
In beal, ami every line tbouiibt 1 Wimbl bave
tnHii inlt tnam.iita1lnii. M.H.H. waa reeummeinliM,
a'ul I u.hI ii freely, ami I Nball never io-t tlir.MiKb
Ibanklnit rt. M. K.
ine I.. Hur ts' bu.
aavlnit my leu, anil renlnrlng
met.iHrris-l beallb. (Uhlanr W'il.n
i . hi m vv i .,N.
halasatas, i.... July, it, -as.
Hrnd for treallae on llbmil an.l skin lilnetvwst;
aaaUM rris BW1FT HPXCIP.0 Co..
Pfawsffl, Ailania, .la.
fir SninilPV A C.n wl rin SL '
Ur P,Mne7 W' KMaai.01 a
( all nr
. -.,. r Kl.lneyi or Illk.liler, Weak Hauk Nervmia
im nr amnejrk or lllnliler, Weak Hauk, Nervmia
'blllly, W a.linir of Seniuf Btreutriu, io.,
i.l nSMM to beat, by vtjrur.
... ij. i rraoiui unama to nan in mar lie tnvue.
at their h.imra. by eorrmmimiene. Hedielnea am
initruetlona aent by manor einraaa. Ciiniultatlai
iree. renin eenti In itamm ur l!lc Touna .Min i
1 t'rieaaoriluidno wadiuct
,1.... . , . .u
1 ,(" ""' """ 1,1 "'"P fur a Ulna and
bare Hu m return analu I mean a radiol cure
r h,..-mle n ... ,i,. nf 1 1 1 - mm... or rki.i.'
aicasaaa a ble I..114 itudy I warrant my nsmsli
l ui cur.' the ..ii um llecauw ..tbm bava falleili
no rraaon fur not una ircelvinaa rure Send jdoSM
ir a Ireallae and 11 lieu I. .til,, of my IntalllUi. IHBIllj
UIt Kiirein mul l.t lilies,.
11 o mm m u laaraan st . ni w v..r
mlth'a Oaah 8lora, 418 front Bt. , a. F., Oak
larfeat fenaraJ dealers west of the .M luiuippt
airar. Dry Oooda, Notlona, Uoalery, Under
wear; Wall Paper, Stationery, Blanketa, Bad
dluf. Boots, sud Bhoea; Canned Qooda, Dry
Iraiu. Wooden, Tin, Crockery, OUua .Uraulte
tad Hardware. Heat, Flah, Provlalona, Honey,
Orala, feed, Groceries, Pure Rplcea, Beedi, Be
am. Drata, Hedeclnea; Clocka, Ammunltlom,
Rubber Oooda, Tenia, and qaaotltlea of othsr
fooda al loweat prices for Caah only. Bend 3 a
ktarap for fall hit by flrtt mail, and learn how
MUvecheepand wellat imall coat; 13 yean la
hoafneaa; Cuatomera In every County wast el
the Kocky Mooatataa, and many alsswasrs,
Mis. 133 and 131 Tlllltll NTItKKT,
Portland, OreKon.
Ii Uie mil Trlval.' UU
panel n
In rurtlanil nr uti
Uin Noilbaest I 'oast
nbure tiutlmila an-111
fully tiuatnl r. rall N KHV
Ol H. tillto.Nie AMI
II: IV All. lllHKAHKH in
juiuia or nl.l, lltikle or
uiairiiil, mcli ai
Marvoui debility, kemliial
liHWel, fallinf meinarr.
lypalutM enikllmii, .1
teuta of meronry. kidney
aud tilasl.ler Iruublea, nii
orrbaa, nbs.t, ilrloturu etc
ItawkKii If ynu have an Old Sure thai BSSdl
h.allng, and lhat other remedlea have fulled In
heal; or a breaking out or Itching nf the acalp
nr body; or a llnil, Hum, .'lit, ur any ailment for
which a Halve la lulUhlc, buy a tSBl Ikix nl
Mealran Malve. which Ii Warranted to
Cure when everythlngelae falli. If not kept by
vour druijKlit lend eeiiti lu itainpi tn J. ('
Im mim Agt., Anuria, Or , and receive a box
by mall.
Issued Uaroh and Hept.,
I each year. It Is an onoy-
lolopedla of uaoful Infor-
fmation for all who pur
ohaee the luxuriea or the
neooaaltlea of life. We
oan clothe you and furniah you with
all the neeeaaary and unneoeaaary
sppiisncea to ride, walk, dance, aleep,
eat, flah, hunt, work, (O to church,
or atay at borne, and in varloua alsea,
atylea and quantitiea, Juat figure out
what ia required to do all thnae things
COMFORTABLY, and you oan niako a fair
eatimate of the value of the BUYERS'
OUIDE, winch will be aent upon
receipt of 10 oenta to pay poatace,
111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IU.
Sold on Trial !
' neelmeat mail, nnKll
la.ira. rsml a. I..r mililni
larire liltia.ra.H . .., A
lib full p .rtleulaia. If,.,.
ura.tured by
V.ti. atlaNr o
l7 4t lOUI.ake Ml.
Chleag . III.
id :x:m tiuutrs turn.
OHffaal, bC Ml;
Mimi aui a mm lie.
kek ' . ' ,1'Imi .
Dikaioad Braa4, is
lallM Uis sjHekl kl.
Al trialai . ..ut
aa atkrr. ITT 1. U M.U.
a.i uwirt. klak eieayin in.
s i.rrIC ir. ui..!. he
aartawiar ,1.1 "niirrr I alia.- . ,
" uu ... r4er ul le.eee keatk.
UMII'kekaneeeataeB. laetiei
Ulekeeter t keailral (ovaUlaesaa.,rkila.,Pa.
Dr. Weather by' i Antldotea, In aae 17 yrara.
ur. neuoerDyi Aniioova, In aae 17 yrara.
Bpeclal Morphine Habit fare also, i ..rm
ponrleiice (.'onldunusi. Call on or addreaa 1.
j AIKKS, Manaer. Room M, at Ann a Balld
lag . Uu franeleeo
ia, .ni yea
' tWbV
' 1M
I tirvriiw ,. i ., . n
.1 mr lua t) k Iba nnlr
kurilrli' furlUrevtuliicurk
el ll.ln 'l!. ......
.1 II INl.llAllAM M i,
AniklrriUui, N V.
W havt ...II nu (1 hH
many i. (nil n .
f T.i I'.TI.
JJMrMiM4 k. MB
gJV ajaji aiiww.
EM arawii kf m
aivkii ii. v i.f.i ut mi
f. IU i
illi'M". Ill
1.00. Ruld by lirugflkik.
I 'iar...l
Said Mrs. 0. to Mrs. t).
I'Twas o'er a cup of flux Ihiheal:
"Our pivlljr li.H.tea yuli.ler,
Hike irnliiisl In liMikasiii prlsliujly;
She seoius as well 11s well .-.111 la-1
What Is the iiiuai', I wonder?'
For " run-down. " debilitated and overw orked women. Dr. Tierce's Favorite
Preaorlptlou is the best of ail reatoratlre touloa. it is a potent Speelfla for all
those Chronic Weaknesses and Diseases M-cullur to Women; a powerful toulc
and nervine. It imparls vigor and strength to the whole system. It promptly
uiivs weakness of Itomaon, Dauaea, Indigesiion, bloating. 'weak buck, nervous
proatratlou, debility and sleeplessness, h i, oareiully oompounaed by an expe
rienced and sklllliil physician, ami adapted to woman's delicate organization .
Purely rentable and perfeotly harmless in any condition of the system.
" Farorite Preaeriptlon " is u aly medicine for women, sold bv druggists
tin. f. r 11 .n.nfiiy ijnartnttt of satisfaction in .-verv case, or price ($1.0(1) refunded!
This guarantee has been printed 011 the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully cairied
out for many years.
Copyrighted. 1888, by Wonui-s IIispksahv Mkiucai. Association, Proprietors.
Intake. One tin
V. NllUltr - I'llllll ll
IlllUllia II nil. 1. Ill . t lIlMllliill. I
dt-ntugt'iiieiiis of the Hl.unaeli and Ikiwcis.
To ..ui. . pers ion I
f'nrmerk.- ilia llntiur. Dial the Soila nr
Malrrattiaynll uauabuuld
be whlta and l'ure akiua
aa all aluillar aubst-uiuea
seed forfood. Tolaaara
obtaining only the "Arm
A llauiuu r " brand Hoda
nr a. b if It In
"pumul or bk'f pound"
earlooM vhlok bearotsi
name au.l trade-mark, aa
Inferior u .1 krakoma
tliiieaanbiiiiuled for the
"Arm A lliiumur ' t.ran.l
when biuiiibt In hulk
Parllea iikIuk Daklng
Pnader ah.iuht rvinane
bar that IU kola riling
property e.mklata of hf-
oarbonale ..f inila. Una
Usiapooiiiiil of ibe -Arm
a BMSatef" brkii.l ol
Bnda o. Haleratua mlxad
with SOW milk HUala
Pncked in Card
A Dress, or a Coat, ) fay Colon
n.LL AT iL V r
niooons, rvuuiun, r grtjgj
Yarns, Rags, etc. ten cents
ami In many oilier wkyi 8AVK Money, and mka
thlngi look Ilka NEW, by uiing DIAMOND
nvKS I br wmk Ii eakv. almnle. aulck : die
colon thu BEST and FASTEST laSM Aik for
DIAMOND DYES and take no other.
Tor Gliding or Bromlng Fancy Artlciaa USE
Oold, Silver, Bronia, Copper. Only to Cents.
Babv Portraits.
4 l',,rtt,.n,.,,l I.. ..lit 1 1 1 1 1 I. lll'l UI'
turea Imm life, printed on fine
ilnt.' iiit by pnicni iimaii
ina ea, M'lil free in Hotherof
any llaiiv Uim within a year.
Kvery M.ilher minis Ih.-ae
plontrej ; leiul at mice. Illvs
Ilul.w's onn.n an.l lore.
unmnvivni th
.vToiajSono ,
D Y g a M
A flj W Delicious Biscuit
aKfly :tJM LHLt Akk your Grocer
H fr.iLmT mm
For Men and Boys at
Li-k House Block, San Francisco.
87 Ysars in prsssnt looatiou.
lo 0 at oat), hainpu-k worth M.IS
il'KKK. I.liii'a nut under horkea' feet.
'Write Hrk-wntrr Kela
II i I ii.. Hell V. Mich.
3 I C1 1 IT I . k,ii h, Oablsr, Koanlah
l-Uuoai BaidaM Ofsaua, bud lnilrumaok Lanaal
uwk of Mhtw4 MukM and Hookk Hudk aspfOaa l
K.iuro l-Mo-i UATTH1A8 oXaT 00., KM KB
ilrvM. Had rnuMtaoo
N. I'. .V. U. No. I'HIl S K. N. (J. No. :7
Said Mrs. I), to Mrs. 0.
"She's obABfOd Indissl, Imt then, you a
She put imldo 0l1Je1ll.u1,
And trM that Unions remedy,
Which did so much for you and mo
Pierce's Favorite Preaeriptlon."
Vegetablo and Perfeotly Harmless.
as 11 l.lver I'lll
Sinnlli at. cheajHsit caahsit
lull. I II El....'. f'niss.
II il lu , si i .111. Illllnna III... I,- I .it
m tvuts, by di IMBMBj.
fmir lump oon fula of th
la'it Baking l'owdar.aav
Ing twenty tlmea Ua
coat, bealdea being
much healthier, because
It dona nut oon tain any
Injurloua aubataneea,
aurhaa alum, terraalba.
etc., of which many Bak
ing Powdara am made.
Dairymen aud Farmers
ah. mid tike nnlv the'-Arm
A Hammer" brand for
cleaning and keeping
Milk Paoa Uweet and
L'ktmoK. Ken that
avary pound package of
"A rm and Hammer
Brand" enntalna full
IS ounrra nut. and the
t pouBd packagei ftU
1j uunci net, or
Kkleratua kauia aa apeele
Aud on each packaga.
Board Boxes. Always keeps Soft
the System
with that most reitaua
mudtclno Fame's Celery
Compound. It purifies the
blood, cures Constipation,
and regulates the Uver and
''""T" iriirnlssaa
lag the Bystein of all waste
and dead matteta.
Celery Compound
combines true nerve tonic and nticngtulng
iUuIIU.m, reviving tho energlon and splrUs.
" I have la-en troubled for some years with a
cuuipllciitliin nf (limculttes. After trying va
rious n-medleH, mul not tlmllnir relief. I tried
Paine's ( clcry ('uinianiiiil. Ileforu taking one
full bolth ibe long tniuhlcHoine aymptoiuii be
gun lo aulrslde, aud I can truly wiy now, lhat I
feel like u new luuii. Iilgi'stlun has Improved,
nlld I lime gllllli il I' ll IKiUluls In . l;lil aloes I
have ciiiiiimuicisl liiklngthnroiripuiinil."
IIiinkstus Htkaknm, iclclivllle, Vt.
fl.oo. sit fortn.oo. Atlirugglsui.
Waus, HicutKvsoM C Co., Uurlmgton, VI
kbaolaUly Ptra.