The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 20, 1889, Image 7

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"It MHM to "'," rvuiurkiil one of our
,i,ctn (lio otlu'r iluy, "that physicians
. allowed extraordinary MBH in the
nmiiniT in which they jiuojlr with the
,'.far'of their iwtients.1
"Kowbtn i Wi vbo was attend-
Inf Mr- -up to the time of his dtath,
ami if h trvutwl him for one tiling he
,r,.atil him 1,,r 11 ll,,z,,ii iliirerent iliwir
SgJT pint the doctor Haiti pneumonia
nl the trouhle ; then it was eonaump
.;.,n Then the patient wuh dotted for
heart trouhle, and Bo on until juat More . or wall, too
l ..-.11 i d t t Hiiuil i (tut iliun.iu.. ..( I
WUi . U.n Ajtw., , uttm
'" ) About It,
M the reecnt fur,,,,,-,' in.,ltllU. ,
Alh'iny. Dr. Hexnmer. U JS
JWVrimm, mm-,:,!,,,,,.
u'l u. AifHeulturiM.v. H,,. , ,
"n ,hH "'nr(iP,i,.n." Hep,, aiv
Mneofhtina toU) .,, mi
'"'"i.'e nraien ti. CHrt
uoisiince, ml mi i,,,,.i I
ilen lit a
thin la
true. A null Hint in,.i...i u.. . .
1 "u .v a telle..
"man t , ......
I J ... , , . tr. ... .1 M
ttlll''ll UOW Hint iiiuuii no Wlir
DMHltoi 1 niiMimption, In-art rllmie, etc.,
were bat the lymptoau of kidney di-
t'llfl'. , .
"Hut then it was too late.
"Thin is only one ease in a hundred,
l...;.nini. I..., fitl. In .1...
aim 1 UNI UiyilHIl "-
iJoctorJ altoxether. In fact I havn't had
unv need for their services since I b ',ni
t,i keep Warner's Safe Cure in u, h use,
,, litt c over three years up). nuaevcr
I feel ii Uttle out of sorts I take a few
d.i.esof it, cmlident that the source of
nil diseiise is in the kidneys, which I
know Warner's Safe Cure will keep in
pod order, and will eradicate any disease
that niiiv In' lurking there. Had Mr.
followed a similar course, I havenodouht
that he would be alive to-day; but of
,,, ma iut I people don't think alike.
"One thing is certain, however, and
that i the doctors are allowed a little too
much freedom in the wav they have of
pretending to know that which they really
know nothing about. If they don't know
what i" the real trouble with the patient,
they should admit it and not go on and
experiment at the cost of the patient's
life." ,
' -We must drink at the fountain of
knowledge to quench the thirst of curi
osity. To love the public, to study univer
sal good, and to promote the interest of
the whole world, as far as lies within
our power, is the height of goodness,
and iiKiKos inni temper wuien wo can
divine. - Shaftesbury.
Enthusiasm is necessary to success
in any profession or business. Especi
ally is it rreoded in teaching. Teachers
who are callod "cranks" in any one line
of work, arc always excellent teachers
la that particular study.
Fifteen young Hindoo ladies have !
been admitted to the new female class
of the Campbell Modlcul Schools at Cal- '
cutta, and are studying medicine. Many
of them are Brahmins. Ton have ob- ;
t. lined scholarships, and the othora are
admitted as free students.
In the quiet of our homes we can
have communion with Christ concern
ing all matters which have interested us
or perplexed us in the busier hours
which are ended. And thon we can
test the correctness of our course, by
considering how it will seom in Christ's
Bight S. S. Times.
In order to bo a successful teacher
of boys, it is necessary to bo their
friend. It is necessary not only to
take an interest in seeing that their
lessons are proporly recited, but to be
sure that thoy understand what they
aro doinir and tnko an interest in it:
mako them feel that it is their business
now, and that their future success in
life depends on their doing their work
well in tho present. Boys like a friend,
not an overseer. N. Y. Lodger.
School lifo in China means some
thing different for tho boys and girls
from what it does here. Tho girls do
not have to go at all, whilo the boys
begin when six or seven years old.
There are no vacations of nine weeks,
or half-holidays, or Fourth of Julys.
At dawn in the morning school begins,
and when it gets too dark to read
school closes. Mothers are not both
ered with unruly children, and much of
the child's training is thus done by the
teacher. Golden Days.
Miss Louisa M. Alcott warned be
ginners with the pen against excess of ,
adjectives and trying to "write fine":
"Each must work in his own way and
ruiny days, when
III the 11, 1,1. The
of the
iy horetwpoww.
done there is ,,n
it's too wet to work
e iv...,, i-i. i .., i
IV. u.i j -. . ' """ ' "u ,
m'lu in the omntrv la not i
much above Bfteea dollar, per aere
Hut who can begin to estimate Um
value of a 00d garden where alt i
vunety of fruit., d regttahlfl are i
grown? And the horn Urk,.t 0( ,,,, !
hmUjP table will take them all at
highest prices. To the old chestnut
OflOmany farmer, that "the press ,,f
more Important work on tha farm"
makes it impossil, ,. for them to have
a good garden, the Doctor replied:
"Take an acre of your host land, and
devote it to garden purposes; pU lD
planting o that the horse and eul
tivntor (.fti, be made to do most ,,f .he
work, and thou hire a man just to take
care of the garden. Those of its pro- '
ducts that aro used in tho family will
more than pay his wairee, any surplus !
can be sold and be turned to n clear
"runt, wnile roily two thirds of tho
man's time can bo devoted to general
farm work, thus giving extra labor
Without cost."
I am satisfied the doctor is ri;ht.
for a friend of mino having a half-aero
city l,,t bought his fertilizers, hired
thelnnd plowed, and planted thereon
twenty-six dollars' worth of olantaand
seeds. He kept an account of all
money paid out for labor, plants, I-.
manure, etc., for tivo vears. and
charged his family at market rates for ''Vl'-V se. ionsly that he WM quite sur
An Aua-olntr About I'rinca Henry, u, r
of Hit. Qoffawyi Kniirur.
When he was a little boy, Prtaoe
HeBrj had a great dieliko to the sin r
hath which he was BXpeOtod to take
every morning, and was often very tire
BOOM about it. At last tho attendant
complained to his hither, who. you
BMW, was then Crown I'rlnee. and af-
t, reran became the Emperor Freder
ick. No,i, tho lYown I'rince happened
i" ku .w tha: hi. Little boy took quito as
much delight in aeelng the soldiers pre
sent arma to'hlni as my little Imy thinks
be would; so he gave two new orders
tut day one was that the guards were
not toaalute Prince Hanry.thc other was
'.lliil the Ixiy uiv.l not have hi, shower
bath. Aeoordingly the little Prince
waa aurpriaed and charmed to rind thai
the moment he began grumbling about
the bath he was told ho could pletac
himself us to w hether he took it or not.
Of course he preferred to leave it alone.
and aa toon u ha waa dreaaod he toam-
IX'reil ilti-.v ti to the par;, and then to the
guard-houae, as usual. To his great
amaaemeul the soldier took m more
notice of him than if be had been a lit
tle street boy. High Jf indignant.
Prince Henry ran to his father to com
plain. -Oh.' replied the latter, 'how
om you expect wtdlen to rejpeol a
dirty, unwashed Prlnoe.'"
There is also an amusing story about
the little Crown i'rinco, who is now
nearly seven years old. "When he was
-i be waagiren a bed ootn to himself.
Instead f shv,;iing in the aarsury; and
what do yon think ho said w hen he Was
first taken to his new room? Oh, that
is nice; now I need not be with the
children any -more.' He seems a manly
little fo'.iow, fo" be complained one d;u
that it was very unpleasant to hare to
gOOUt With his governess, because she
could not march at all. and he could
Dot keep step with hoc Then he added.
Mr,. Cornelius Venderbllt, when
s-he L'ives dinner parties, ,,-e, a miIIu
gold dinner service let with uncut
geOS and with some courses Dresden
mid Sevres plales worth more than
1ihi apiece.
The young men are con,i,,i. to the
front in New York State The Speaker
of the House is onlv thlrtv-twoaml i ,.
Speaker pro tem. of the Semite thirty
live. The oldest states man ,n the Leg
islature Is only lifty-flie.
Old Mrs. Baker, of Cairo, took a
new departure on her sixty-fourth
birthday, She nte an orange, a rig
and a date for the tlr,t time in her
life, but concluded not lo try a glass of
lemonade for four it might be danger
ous. Bobbins, the circus man. is a con
llstenl Christian. Ho never swore in
his I fe. and never allowed any of hll
employes to swear. Whenever he ,aw
one of them getting mad. he would
say: "Here, now; get outside the
rop if you are going to cuss."
I. wdoo boaetc ol amusloal prodigj
In the per on of a young girl who can
play with extraordinary dexterity on
the etngie string of the Holla sii i,
the daughter Of n rich Olty merchant.
and b r father's opposition ha- p ,
vented her from appearing in public.
Mrs. Livermore, of New York,
says her hit, band is a Republican,
while she ,s a rrohihitionist; h, Is
protectionist and she a free trad r; he
lias a pew in ono church, she in
another: he has one doctor, she another;
and yet they are happy and harmonious
and never dream of quarreling.
I lit r , 01) iHUKlird ,
Tin timliliikillK iimur t,, mskr iram
utsaausM, v,t this lis mi t,i sn,i .1.(1,111.
MlTtli'tlnii. th,.tmriAK,fiiir.iMii,t,tiiiiewhlrli srr
ri'iuli'ml all ih. mnrr hiiki,siiI l,v rMlselS Tbf
r 1 1 1 1 ,1 M 1 1 f -- t... f,, I ,,,,,
MBS It. w, akutu an, I ,ll,ni r KikI a n K,n (u
the brain, WMSS (he I,..!,,:.,, ol Ibl SSI
row nttSM. AlSasnrs loati au, IraminllUrr.
U'lU-ir that Mat one , ho . . ., .. nut an
sosstiTvss Itntsitsr's stamsrk nut, r. in r.
aswiaa rlforsos aiHsusa, it trik. ih,. key
net,- nl recover) of atieiiuth ami , i, ,1,
lirrira. II, a.ta, ln . tr, iii,.r In mil, l .In n.
In In nil, H','I ln,' -
-smww a
R rue r.or.T at I
al'lleriual rseilfll
all tti,.,. in,Hi,t ami iiltlinatrly diMMMMI a
III,' a, iil llallK .In infill , Ill,' an at tnlllr
' ll,.l,.'li..a. I, 111. .. rti.,,,M,l.
lien ami kldlM) (OBplsluta r,- iVbdned b) tin
Qoattlo nienpnearu 1 r J, k,,n ,,,,1
RrllrToi tn,1 ruraa
l v I I 1 I.
Iniiierelnl hta.,
in tDAOn,
The alool el rvp. ntan, v I. a. m, rsshloo.
, iiisiimiiii,, aersi omreeia
TO Taj! BMIOBl HkSSS Inlnriii your n-adi-n
lliat I lian- a ,naltl,. rftuntv l,,r Ih,' iIkiiv
naimil ,lla, a.. Hy Ha Hltsty nae tliniiaanda
nl linni'l.aa ,',', hai,' Uvii iM'riuam'iitly riited
isaaussgiaots ism two botiltt m mri-Mae
U ran Is any ,, row rva,,va win, aan MS
aiini.ileii II ih,', mil ., . their .j,na
ami atnfli, ,' a,l,lr,'.a. I(r.n, , i tally.
I.I ,....! .( V....
EIIZUMATiSlI, T;t!ia, hti, Sprains,
BKI isi s,
an truits and regetablea oohsumed.
He told me that this half-acre paid
him a profit of i6o ancuallr. And
uch a hjktfraore should be onivery
farm. The famil) 1K uppreciato it.
snd it will help largely to reduce tho
butchers' and grocers' bills.
Ask the busy, hard-workim.' farmer
I wDO has a very poor garden or none
i at all. limply because he has so much
I else to attend to, what ho is working
! so hard for, and the answer w ill lie,
j "to make a living;" that Is, producing
! crops to sell, that he may have cash
to pay his taxes with, keep up ordinary
repairs, and purchase food for self and !
family -which, of course, is right and
proper. Yet. when he can he made to
realize that three acres of ordinary
farm crops will have to be grown and
sold to bring money enough to pur-1
chase food products equal In value for
his family tabic to what he can pur
chase in one half-acre garden, the com
plete garden will Ond its place on
every farm, even if other things must
be neglected. What a mistake to grow
and sell crops at wholesale and then
turn arounu and take the cash and In, v
she would never make a inldie
The Grown Prince and his three
brothers Frederick, Adalbert and Au
gustus William, ng, d respectively five
years, four years and nearly two yea 's
- love to play at soldiers Tho have
a splendid oollectlon of tin soldiers,
horses, guns and fortresses; and an
old soldier, who fought many a real
battle, teaches then, how to drill them
all and how t , light with them. The
soldiers aro painted like tho different
regiments, mid the hree eldest boy-,
are d essed in uniform when they play
with then,. They do not go to acl i.
but they have a kind tutor. Herr
Sehuhurt, who has taught the two
eldest to read and write. In the sum
mer of 1888 the PrlnOM had a delight
ful holiday with their moth, -rut a beau
tiful place called Oberhof, in
forest Of Thuringia. A little fortress
was built for then in a eornor of the
garden, with a tent and two small guns.
Tho three older prince,, who wore
Iressed as ollleers, paraded In front of
the fort. The,, while tho Crown
Prlnoe beat the drum, the two younger
one- marched past, commanded by an
at retail for our familv when so much ' "" 1 "V" li'i"'" "' I"
can lie produced at home. Hartford
to defun I the fort. I'll
prince, who was only about
Pretty ThiiiK, fnr ih" Happy Owner ,,t
pi.'tie.ri,' PiMkaMtaoks,
A turquoise heart surrounded by
diamonds is a new brooch.
Frosted and ornamented with vio
lets, a gold bell is a unique pendant.
A pretty scarf pin represents a
morning glory enameled in natural
A novelty in shoe-horns is of oxi
dized silver, etched with birds and
An odd hair ornament is a sapphire
bodied lly with diamond wings and
ruby head.
Bordered w ith tiny pearls, a violet,
enameled in natural colors, is a nov
elty it, scurf pins.
S x small leaves of turquoises with
cism. Mindgrammar.spellingnnd punc- ! a sotting of small pearls and diamonds,
intact am
other Ihtli
one year and six months old. wits
I dressed in white, will, a tiny helmet on
his he ,d. He looked on at his niir-e s
I side and clapped bis hands with delight
is he saw his brothers playing'. When
ldile I'rince Willi.;!,,', grandfather died
In' Baked at once: "Did grandpapa
take hie sword with him?" and when
!,e waa taken into the room where the
Emperor lay, ho said: "All! that's
light; ho always carries his sword
wherever he g ,. lam glad ho did
But leave it behind." Little Folks.
aii nt,i Bbjnlelaa, retirv,i (ram aoMtlta bsv
mi: ha,l i'. a. ,'i III hi, hainta hy an Kaat Imlia.
BMSlpnsry UM formula ,,f a alnivle veiretHliI,.
rsmcajrlSruicilHSsly ami n-rtiiaiiartit eure nl
fniiaiuniitliin, Rmnrhltla, fatarrh, Aalhina,
ami all I !..,! ami tang Atn, tlnna. alan a ,al
lite ami railli al cur,' r NiTiniia Drhllltt ami
all Nctmbi Cnmplstnts, sftsr hsvieg leated Iti
WnmlaSlll earaUVS powm III tlmil.amla ,,
CSirS, haa Mt it all dab to make II kimwn In
1,1-Milt'. Hun lellnwa. Ai tiiate-I hy Dili mntive
ami a deal re In ISUSVS human autrerlnK, I will
aeud Iree ol ehante, to all nhnilealre It, Ilila
riH', in Osrntsn, rwnea oi KnKiiah, with full
illri ,'tloaa fnr ,r, ,arlii and ualux. Seiit hy
mail hy aildnaalui; with ..,,, uamliiK thla
.bimt, W. A. NOVSS, IW lvtr't Black, Kotht$
Itr, it, r,
LH every man iwesp the am,- from l,'fr,hla
on aoor. nii.i nt troabte ttuassU aint the
frost on hi. iieluhlHir'a lllea.
White Elephant of Slam, Lion of Bna
land, Draaon of I'hins, ( 'rwi of F wltS'T,
land. H inner of l'er-la, Crescent of Knyiil
Double BokIs of Russia, Siarol Chill, 1 lie
Circle of Japan, Harp of Krln.
to nl ihraa Imy a Imix of the genuine
iii 0, Mol anb'b CaumnATan Livkh
Pnxa, price ai rents, ami mall uh the out
ride wrapper With your Sddrsaa, plainly
written, and t cente In atampa, wa will
lie-i mail you tin- above Mat with an ele- '
itant packagu of oleographic aud chro
matic tarda.
ki.kmimi itnns.. Pmaauaa, Pa.
A man la already f seawqeSBSS In the world
rh n It la km, li that we enn llnnlleltlv ileneml
HI Ml, n. '
it. i, ,1,1, nil,! Always he Sntnr.
BnawnwaWe Piixs are the etdaat, aaf-
est an I heat blood inriller and purgative
known. They are purely vege'' u ', there
fore hannlejts. They are alway l ,e same
and always produce Hie saineertcct. Oib, r
purgatisis require Increased doses and n
n.Hiy rease aetlnK altoaethrr. Ac ur-a
Of one or two of IIiiamuikth's PlLU
takeu each night Is a pnaitivs cure forooa
Upalloa, hesaaohe, and all Uliouadlaor
ders. Ii you can't take then, plain, net
them suirar unlrri.
Hir life Is short : bill lo exteml that Haa
val eternity ia virtu, 'a work.
lit u.llll.iii. nf himiMfiu
uivrt, ti.a a iiarur nl a wntury It fa I,, lit,
l'nllt Ktatea fjorerntlient I . .lura. ,1 liy lltr tlMila ,J
the Ureat I'nfTeralllM aa Hie Htr.:,at. I'urmtantt m,,
llealtlif ul ,r Prlee a Cream llaklti( l',. ,1, , d nin
oi uUIn A 1,4, niil,, l.lin,. . A ,u Hl,l e' It, caua
i rh.'K HAKtmi row oil ,,
NKWYOHK. (' All,,. MAN t llANCSCO.
Having, for tho put four or ft ro yuan been t mtihle. I
with 'ii ii: 1 1 ami l,lU'hea on my faca ami Ixaly, an I
llmllUK no reliaf in any a tliu 'ehemleally prt'iauo,!
B".i.a ami Inea prvv, ii,. I I t ii, hy plnililaiia,
I cencluili-J to try ynr 8. K. s, ramaSy, aadaava
fouinl urea n-ltof In tho aame, four bntttea elirliik'
my aam onineiv. i cpa at rally miineii,! your
iii,-il,-ino hiall wl, nro In tlio va,ltlnii tliut 1 nau,
bMe in. You can uao thla letter ami my nanio aa a
teatiuimiial tn the ii.hh of tha H. 8. & NMSy,
Very truly youra, ALraan P. Itoiiisans,
:. 'ii Sum. ,me st .Sun Franelaen.
tr Keml fnr uur I ka ml lll,t and Hkla Ilia-
auil a,vlre Ii, auln'rera mull... I ,.....
1HK swirl' rtl'KCII'IOCO..
lrawer 3, Atlanta, il
Sciatica, Lumbago. Burns and Scalds-
At DriiKKiata ami Dralnra.
Diamond Vera-Cura
. 0 DY8PCP8IA.
a raainn ouu roa t tniao-rua aas ASS
i trblaa irul., taaraftaav
Oara M aw if am f,,,, m ,t or it an 7
mutt mUj mipi turn (a uu, aa
"f-. " im rY.,a qf oaw atofsp.
' CHAILIS VOCE L E It CO.. BttUawa. 04
Ma Haas a Maaalaaiaraia
I ptearrihe and follr rn
lorae HIk li aa the nnly
apactie lur i he errlaln cure
f Ihlit llaiaaa
Amalerdam, N. Y.
We liave anlit Sttax 1 (or
many yeara ami II lux
nrta baa iat t aaua
I). It PYl'HKArO..
I'hlraan. III.
1.00. Hl,l by Uruiia-lala.
H ERVOU8 !"I,"tfi ' tj Nw
"-n U Weak tic ,, ri
'lencr, Si. dua tuck, eaaeaor abuac, cuiej.
rrtnlon should mrll thvtuai
A (Hiaitlvu ruretrnArttnUii in
I'rtnnry ntl t'nrtftl Itf,,
' J irafrit, iruinptiy mul 'nli',y. r-l.
to MlMtl
I Of Itnlta
H v r i f . 1 1 a
1 uui.atursvi tliav
1 with A
k, Nrvuti
to., cum
Thy OmtMtr. fnt hr.vMKfuni,
-T . a, ' I " 1SI aaaaa ?"eaaw
r- vuuwnuuAr-s
M fln.esrsuie.t b..i nl
ain DWIKrCvl
w j aaaarii
IU I1lt t'riitr . in . ii,.,,
llfHlll'lttlH kll.
VuUDf .Mau i
r of Kl1n7f or Bladrlir. Wrk iu
lH-tiiliijf, WftntinK r h-ij.,f Btnuhfih
h ri I - - t. i to in i v vitfor,
Ft, It. JVraoan tiiiKhlo ti vlnlt Hi rmi
l iht-ir hnn'H. br t-irrretiiiilinrMi u..,
ilrutiii iwut br iMilirni'.'M tSu
!'. Hdi1I csjdU In tiinps)ur i V y0
rluuU ur liuld u evllucii.
Mttmifarttirrd from I INKS r BPRINO IRXL
knhU'r I'oHtt-d, HhIIih- mid utiu I'uvi-red. '
Not to
Ruat, llreak r Split. Mltabsdtd
No MH.kcu or hot Iron. r,-juire,.
AA ITItTMM ,iKv v kk ,,f mrUi
UMU I IVIIa leaa
thai-KVKK UAdT I, tlsaiped on tht baek
,,( each S av.
Are made
of tti,' atinie
eml.. am
IW V for BVIH KKADYH i.,,,. I v
temlert, and take no otiier.
mttw ttnuraa Aa,
B3A Mnrket BtreStj t t.
the only drill needed for young: authors
Is to keep writing- and profit by eriti-
tuation, use short words and express as
briefly as you enn your meaning. The
tronyeat, simplest words aro best and
no foreign ones if It can be helped.
ite and print if vou can; if not, still
write and improve as vou fro on. Rend
i best books and they will improve
your style; see and hear good speakers
und wise people and loam of them."
How muc! bettor is the love that is
ready to die than the zeal that is roady
to kill.
- Study books to know how things
ought to be; study men to know how
things are.
A man endowed with great perfec
tions, without god brooding, is like
one who has his pockets full of gold,
but always wants change for his ordi
nary occasions. Steele.
The great secret of avoiding disap
pointment is not to expect too much.
Despair follows immoderate hope, as
things fall hardest to the ground which
have been nearest to tho sky.
It is not always safe to judge things
by their surroundings. George Wash
ington wore false teeth, but the words
of his mouth will be remembered when
orne of the professional patriots of to
dsy are forgotten as much as they have
'orgotten his principles. Puck.
A cheerful temper, joined with in
nocence, will mako beauty attractive,
knowledge delightful and wit good-natured.
It will lighten sickness, pover
ty, and affliction, convert iirnorance
Into an amiable simplicity, and render
deformity Itself agreeable. -Addison.
To have nice hair it should be fre
quently brushed with a medium stiff
brush; every night be'ore retiring is
nt too frequent. Clip the ends occa
,!onal y, and never use pomades of any
bVownxand salt will make rusty
Mtirons as clean and smooth as glass.
Tie a lump of wax fti a rag and keep it
'or that purpose. When the irons are
rut) them first with the wax rng.
alternating, make u ahOVfl hair orna
The etched figure of a female dancer,
will, in a border work of Assyrian pat
tern, is a pretty design for a silver
cuke or flower basket.
Bather attractive is a little round
silver candle-stick, with a tin ted bor
der, in the new clouded Oxidlie finish
A bracket-work handle adds to its
A perfectly round silver hand glas
has a heavy embossed back, orna
mented with scenes of field sports
The handle is the figure of a f email
tennis player,
A tally little silver water pitcher is
a mass of flower embossing over a bed
of twigs, leaves aud tropical plants.
The tray matches it and may be used
as a card receiver.
A new silver candlestick re pre ems
spread butterfly wings delicately
traced. The thimble into which the
candle is fitted and the handle are
silver feathers ornamented with fine
A frosted go'd scent bag in imitation
of old gold colored s lk. tied with a
string of pearls and ornamented with
diamonds and rubies, set atgiag, is de
lightfully quaint as a queen eh iin
Worthy of admiration is a si! ver trip
licate mirror, the frame of which i
ornamented with lino wave chasing.
TK nf the inner L'la- i- flabo-
I .ml in, tee Oliver la
raieiy e ,-uej nun
inlaid with gold. Tho top piece repr, -sents
a silver cupid holding apart full
ing curtains. Jeweler's Weekly.
Steel tor Railway Axles.
It is thought that sle d will soon be
as well established In practical uso for
railway axles us It is now for rails, one
Important fact tending to this conclus
ion being the discovery of u toughening
proceaa by which the failures hereto
fore experienced in the use of steel
axles uro avoidable, the must severe
lests under thi- improved system show
in.' no irregularity or weakness in tie.
iixb's So salisfaepiry Ind I has Ihls
method proved, llint (he supplementary
' st of fifty bio is of I. lili) pounds drop,
at twenty-five feet, has been IUCC ss
fully passed by nuuiO'OUS ConsoOuUre
lestiixlos, aud which, being tenfold in
eioaaa ol iho legal requirement, is an
abundant guarantee oi safety. In this
process the axle is healed to the tem
perature at which lis carbon changes
to hardening rarbon, and then, while it
is being rapidly revolved, it is im
mersed in a irate? bath, at the sumo
lime having thrown upon it a series of
submerged jets; after cooling the out
side, the axle is removed from the bath
.vliile there is suftleient heat remaining
in tho interior to raise the whole mass
to a low reJ h'jot and to allow tho oar-
bon to change baok to tho non-hardening
sta'o. The principal objoet in view,
in cooling rapidly through a certain
range of temperature, is to prevent a
weak crystal formation. X. Y. Sun.
A Wonderful Food and Medicine
Known an I uaeil pj riiyalelam all nver the '
world, Beetl's i imiuinii not ant) lives
teth ami Itrsnfth bf virtue of lla nwn nutrl I
UoaaproperUrt, bet creates at, appitite f,,r f,,l
thai I'lilhlatip the WSatSl) Ik1)'. "I liave l'n
ailuf Soott'i Bmalslon for strand roan, sad
um piaaaad will, iia action, Mv patftnti lay It I
l pica-ant mill palalHhle, ami nil Kn,w atroimer
essssol IVaatlni Dlaaases,sa4 it l- melally I
iiil aln fteflh from the use ,,f It. I uae It In nil
useful for, 'lilhlren when iiulrlent mediates la I
mnln I. in Mtiraaliilla. -T. W. PlSSCS, M. D,
Kuoxville, Ala.
NOS. 133 anil 134 Tllinil 8THK KT,
Portland, Oregon,
la the milr 1'ilvai )l
ra iiaarr In rurtlainl ir on
tha northa-eal oat
where natlenta an an .aa,
mill in ,.i. . I N ,I(V
ol s, ell Id ,N1, nl,
jutiiig of m,l, alnil M
H arnett, auch aa
Nervniii itrhllltr, -1' n nal
IcaMMa, latatif ,o. ii rj,
r)iiittiile eruatluua, cf
inaa In ,ue..ui ai.lnay
aiul ttlit'lilcr tritiiltlea, gtm
QfSsaSi ahal. atriotun- eta.
Biwsbd M roa have an Old toii thai i
In allnf, ami thai oilier renieiliea ksVS failed M
heal; or a hrenkliiK out or Iteliluit of the acalp
or body ; or a Hull, hum, Oat, or any ailment fur
wlilcli ,i salve la aiillHhlt'. hay a rent tmx of
'I. an in Halve, ulili'l, la Wiirrunlcl to
Cure when everything elae falla. If not kept l,v
your ilriiKKlat a I eenla hi atampa tn J. 1 '.
baaiKTi AkI.. Aalorla, lir , ami receive a Ikix
hy mall.
"Know thyaclf," aal,l the l,l phll pher.
''Improve Ihlaelf," -in. I the m nr.
For ( ntigha, I a. Hnl
Uae "oiicn'a IlrnurKit'al Trorh
I In ii I
, eta a Imix.
I men are Imrn f,,la, hut tlie majority ol
,ia neiite,,' n nil lanneaa.
lltiu l IAVBB , lfr, .
I waa taken alck while al the illniier table
lth terrlhle ,atreaa In mv atomach. Ilefore
thi- I Im.l l.e, al In arty anal atrniiB. K,,r fourteen
dsyi I kept KelllliK worau, ilcapltc tile ellnrla of
Um dot tors. 1 loat forty po inula, ami waa aalla-
Bett lino I ronld live hut it few days. My ir,,i,
hie ana Si aeli ami l.lver I'nin'plalut, reaull
Ins Id so attack of bllloaa onlle. it u,ia tin,,'
i .aw Dr. David Kennedy's Fsroclt aesMdr, i
Koadont s. V , adrertlaad, sod mbI lot a isit
tie. i alio a, nt i,.r my pajMotsn, sad laM hta
tl, ut I n Koine t try the Kavorlte Kernel),
lie esamlaad It nml tl,l me tu uae It three '
and let him know the reaiilt. in tt. tbree 'In . .
I MHlkcl fuur II, ilea ir. Kl dVS PsVOTRs
Ileiui ily lina aaii-,1 my llle.-W.H flllier, Slate
Mill., Boat CO., Okfo,
Da. asaasnv'i favoarri Hsmitt. aiadi al
Roandoot, N Y- II; furl.',.
Semi ,,r l,k. how l , ure Kidney, l.lver ami
HUmmI illaor,, !..
lie not aliuply aood; lx- xihkI fur aonieihliiK.
scour with a paper or cloth sprink-
with aalL
Into a aolutlon of fum arabic, etir
P'ter of Paris until the mixture as
umes the consistency of cream; apply
"u a brush tn th kman cae of
China mil ;i a . j
ertu-ta can not be broken in the ' nt ,rom
same pUwe. I mL
A well-known magazine statisti
cian says that America ha- a popula
tion of over 6") .OUO.HX). 'mil a working
lowcr of one hundred and eighty thou
sand billion- of foot pounds per diy.
-Blue ointment nml kero-cne mind
in equal proportions and applied to the j
bedsteads is an unfuiling oeuuug n-m-ely.
Snatis.-One cup of butter.
two cups of sugar, four cups of flour,
one egg. a teaspoonlul anu
baking powder mix', with
Roll very thin.
-Finger marks may be removed
from varnished furniture by the use of
a little sweet oil upon a rag. Patient
itb chloroform will remove
tiiit or other mat
A remarkable well was lately slmek
j,' Pittsburgh, I'a. It produces at one
and II, e same t ine cold water as pure
and llveet as the d that falls from
Heaven, salt water us briny as old
jc, .in s waves, and a How of gas that
shen ignited illuminates the entirosur
i, ni, dings. Tho well , in drilled to ob
ain pure water for a bakery. At l'Si
,'eet the fresh water was struck and at
.'J feet the salt wale.- and gas were
found. Two cusings were inserted, on"
'or the salt water und gas, the other
ror ihe fronh water, and now when the
ngine is started and tile gas lighted
spec lit tori behold tho wonderful sight
o,' fresh wu'or, sail water, nml fire
all coining out of ono weil at the same
to a flay. Kamplea worth
I'KKK. I, Inea not aadsr bones' feet,
VW tc III, waiter Mali'li II, in
Holder l o.. Ilollv. Mleh.
lILIItriHI, HACH. (IrI.I.t Hnanla)
BSOSQM a null la n very fonllah bhd that will
swallow anytbio ya offer IL When )-" aak
for ".Seal of North ( 'arniina 1'luj f 'ut'' Slunk
Irtf lebaeaSl ami the ilenler wnnla you tn try
Hoimi ahasp brand I n wfalab ho makea a muuh
larger profit, huiaii'iiply trying to "gull" ynii.
He lutows i,a wcllna you do Out "flsal of North
Oaroliaa Plaa Out" ii tht amA popular ami
the Iwat .Suikiiin'r,,l,ax:ei,ii the PMUeOant,
Sold on Trial !
Hading his patient suffering from (hut most common of American malndlm
Bilious Dyspepsia, or. In other words, from Torpid Liver, nmidatftrj will, ii. in
gestion, advised hit,, lo go to the drug store anil get Dr. Pierce's QoMef Medical
Dlioovery the world-famed rsnwdy for such ailmeiits.
Qolden lledleal Discovery acts pownrfttlly npon the l.lver, nml through that
grcut blooil-purilylng organ, cleanses the system of all tiltxHl-tnlnts and impuri
ties, from whatever cause arising. It Is equally eltlcaeloiis lu acting upon tho
Kidneys, and other excretory organs, cleansing aud strengthening them nml
healing their dlseaaea, As an ippetialng restorative ionic, it promotes digestion
ami nutrition, thereby building up both llesb ami strength. It is the only
medicine ,,, lis .Ii-.. guaranteed to bcnetll or cure, in all diseases for which
it is raw ended, or money pnht for it will be promptly refunded.
Copyright, l-ss. to w,,u,.,, s Disi-kssaiiy Mkiiicai. Associathis, l'r,rl, t,,rn.
OJU'Jf'-liiAUjarD for hii Inciinihk, enae nf
"TS!" Catarrh in tht H,
the proprietors of DR. 8 AGE 8 CATARRH Rt MFnv
hi lu nula or I'.tTANiin, Hoseaeae, otaStutaiiai of n '""trm
fiilllnv Into tluiuil, s elliiii profuae, watery, nml neiid, nt oil,, rs tie, I,
teiuieloiia, iiiiii'oiia, piiriili nt. Iihssly nml putrid : eyea wmk, tltiuiiiK lu ems'
dnilneas. illllieiilty oi eleiirlnit lliriiut, exiMH'tonitliui of offeuslvn uiiillei--
breath offonalvo, im II nml taste Impairs!, nml aeneraj debility unit ,i
fen of tins'.' ayiiiptoma likely to la- present at once. riuiuaninlH ol , i- ,
ii.iiii o, eoiiaioiipiioii, nun enn in uu1 irmve.
My lla inllil, - tiiiiK. mitweptle, . i- -, niul hrnllnK pn,iortli-a. Dr. Have's Itnnieilv
mires i,i, worst eiesai. tlnlv 'al n iin. Sent lv linivirisfa evtrvwhnn.
B 1 1 a i--a
II l
r.ant; liur.U-tt (ri.u. bud liutnuMali.
i ut hhnei Mugic ud iioU fUiida tiiDUad
.ajUin. Frio MATT 111 AH DRAY 00
' ' ' fa Frtr
larasd March and Sept.,
leach year. It ia an ency-
Iclopedia of useful Infor-
'mat ion for all who pur
chaae the luxuries or the
neceasttiea of life. Wa
can clothe you and furniib you with
all the neoosaary and unnsoeasary
api.iiancea to ride, walk, danoe, sleep,
eat, flan, hunt, work, go to oburch,
or stay at home, and in various aiaaa,
stylea and quantities. Just flfure out
what la required to do all thee things
COMFORTABLY and you can make a lair
eat, mate of the value of tbe BUYEBB'
OUIDE, which will be sent upon
receipt of 10 cents to pay postage,
111-111 Michigan Avenue, Ohicaco, 111.
I Krvr Mt- ii) MjtM, fri(MaVt,'l
Unriiat, ifialr I la.SVil latiiwat. InlSI
Inn alliirtit nrrinll. iimflta
Uiro. Hi nil 10 t e nmliiiig
larue) CnUi una)
with full imiUcuUra, Mw
iifiuri3.1 b
I 07 at IH I, Ml. . Ml.
ClllCHtf . III.
M tXKIKIi l.thtl - of 'I- Ii
Nh hi'Mllh, - n l t a m ip
fur full imrtlnilMTH of IhU Kn itt miii in women,
lit In MMinly .mint h tWr. I'K. '.i:IMl
(mix IHaJl, Hun Kmni'larn, (ail.
1 1 li 1 1 r
a hall nl
the flour.
rutin in? wil
a tueiiiocr of tho Vow Vcn k A
ncmbly is relatetl to the Astors hy
innrriaie. Vi-itont to Allmny ak In
bars him pointed out tO them, nml n
peiir very n,i, el, surprised to find he is
a plainly dteed man, who nover
BMshaae epeeel,. always behaves him
self, and doesn't aeeai a bit proud of
his I'slatloaship le Um leieii,; family
of til- j'"w yrk i "
aa rjagiisnman recCntiy stated io
rourt that he innrrled at the asreof sis
teen b cause he wus out of work.
Morses a fan- l y mall on r. c. I, l ol a.
olilr. I'llhllahlnv I 'i
. Paul. Winn.
r T T TT TLr and
yj xr x u xu. an
Dr. H'ailiertirt Antlantea, in ase 17 yean,
spwfal Morphine Habit l ure also, r'orrea-
Jaajdeoes ' onflil, ntlal. t all oo or address I.
. AIKEN. MansKr. Knom St, HI. Ann a Halld
Inf. Kan r-anlaen.
You will Save 26 per cent
And coi.alderablo lime by putctna your
Ordera for Typo, rTeaaM. Ma ten 4 Inka,
etc., wiw
Corner Front and Aider. Port and.
N. P. . D. Mo. r.'J 8. F. N. U. No. SM
hy return mall,
fall drfterlptlve
circulars of
Honrs ity
or wis cuTTmo.
'lulckly learn In
cut and mal.o
any garment 1 ,
Soy style Ui any
measure for lady
or rhilil. Address
Cinciatstti, 0.
I flo nM nir-jD merely U stts'p tlienn for a tifiw t, 1
thrn havs tliHi rrturti asialti I mrM a rtvlteaJ cart
I bavsr Bait I r.e illajrMsT ot H) riif-i r if r A I.I,
fniiM. i,..i , vat-rftiil my PMMO
to curt the Vnrat csvas-a Hs-caiMt othm hv e falls i (
tut raaawrn for hrtDos reo-tniia a cure rifl l on--
fr treatt-c tUfl free la.ttl. o( tii ll.fajlilj retu-wiy
Otre t.i, n - ui1 f st '.,.
H ( l:".f M Q W$Wm$ Hi . New York
aVnnh's Cash Store, 418 Front at. a. fn OaL
larfest general dealers wast of tha If tatlaslpaf
Blrar Dry Ooods, Notions, Hosiery, Under
wear. Wall Paper, Stationery, Blankets, Bed
ding, Boots, and Shoes; Canned Goods, Pry
traits: Wooden, Tin, Crockery, Glass .Oraolia.
and Hardware. Meat, run, Prorlalons, Honey,
Grain, feed. Groceries, Para Spices, Seeds, Be
tas, Drags, Medacinas; Clocks, Ammonttloa,
Bobber Ooods, Tents, and qaaa titles of other
goods at lowest prices for Cash only Bead la
stamp for fnll list by Brat mall, andeearn how
la lies cheap and wall at small cost sj yean la
swain ess: easterners Inerery Coontr waste
aasaaeky Msefflaias, tad assay i
Paine s Celery Compound
Purifies the Blood,
Strengthens the Nerves,
timulates the Liver,
Regulates the Kidneys and Bowels,
Gives Life and Vigor to every organ.
There's nothing like it
hast snrtiiK, beliii; very mm M inn ilmm nml
NirliiK iiicilliuio, I do not know Uh iauiU."
dobllltutifl, I nniciired koiiii
jOBmoaaa, ti.
fis l like ll
f I'ulnn'H Celerv
Wild. The use of two laitlli'H mini e
nn num. Ah ii iicnora! tonic and
V. I.. Gltl'l-Nl.eal,.
BrtpastrfJeawTSl V. N. u., Iliirllnirton, Vt
" 11.00. m fnr $.1.00. At DrugKlsta.
e.'nr r.,i'.r. ,,..( llil,h,mi,
Joan.' I ''' Kitmomtciil!
Use It Now!
"flaring used your I'lUno'HOIery Compound
Ihla Hprinir, loan safely naoinin, ml it s tin,
uiuat lowcrnil and at the aainc time mnat
penile niruliitnr. It Inn Hplemiiil n, ive i.uile,
nml Hlmo tuklnir It I lime felt like u new sua."
K KTKnokh, Watertowu, I) kut.,.
Wil is III, lliHlwoN (',,. Itiirllm-ioii .
sflV Jtmkm sakatt mLsis
For Men and Boys at
IacV House Block, San Francisco,
27 Veaim In present location,
ran to