The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 13, 1889, Image 5

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    ( , l Y AND COUNTY.
I'll y OflMfl Keport.
MaVoB'" MWW.
Toth PlMIMl Council ..I the City nl
uSnUH") 'barter mk I the duty
I ,' M IV T I" I"1"' 11 v,,'ir '"' ''nr-
LoaMMl !' financial condition ..( the city
" UWMt nv Icgl.lation h. my think fur
thr public "' 'I'"" finances are in , heslthy
r.,iiti,.n. Imwintr n income f"r th- vear
3 H 'HW 13; total disbursements. $13 7HO.S3;
juux7lsriMoa m raeonroes ' f $1,129.10, f.t
dctaiM MMMMl see Recorder's IWWt
Within the part i years the rity has done a
Urn' MMal of fj i" the way of tilling
,lrtet Ulllteti. hVUdtM sidewslks, ouening
!, snd psying f"r ri,,t "' wv tnr"u'" I1"
lite property, for Are sppsratn, 4c, ill if
w iii hhc'"t)(retilel of money, hut liy
.Uricttconomv we hive for MV Venn nut nf
pjn mi it 2 or 2J mills Ui. The imprmc
nie'nts t the city have (nne tn steadily and
rapidly, str-els hve been n(-ned ID, graded
Lad iiipiwwdi woohlng ""t 111 ""y dbMtbm,
, additi ais II ive lieen platted mi nil aides
until it MMIM necessary t" enlarge MV bnun
ilaliM and we MM embrace an area f nearly
four square niihs. About '200 houses were
jlOtitl during the pst past yer lnclii.1itik
many handsome dwellings an well as some ele
,it business bOMM,
The ofal charter i found to lie ileficlent in
many respect. The council therefore resolved
itself into committee i.f the whnlewhn with the
uiunce of the City Attorney after aeveral
week lalr fnnniilateil s charter that I think
will hold water and vi-rv nmeh simplify future
IfSillllTrffl The name of the town i now
imply Eu.ene, drooping the City.
The streets ami alleys are in a gissl cnndi
tiun generally anil with a little repair will be
A contract was maile with the water
company for water for city purnmes without
regard to ipiantity at an animal payment of
$1,000, which the council aa well as myself
thought a good contiact, hut we hear com
plaint that the water company is running the
city; to thoae 1 will say that 1 have no iloubt
the water company will be willing to cancel
the contract. The city in fairly well lighted
nt less than any other city on the Coast.
The light company can furnish larger ligh. a'
a pniportlnMttoljr larger rate, but except tor a
display, he preiieiit lights are large enough
ami cau therefore be divided aroiiud the city
more generally.
A street car company MM organized and a
franchise asked for within the past year an
ordinance wan therefore panned granting audi
fr uctose, liberal in its terms, but carefully
guarding the interest of the Mople. It an,
however, not accepted by the company and
therefore failed to beiiuue a law. It ii an old
mving that corporation have no noula. Thin
may or may not lie an, hut 1 do know that cor
iinratioHit nre generality able to take care of
theiuelve while tha public have only their
public DtBoWR to look out lor their intereeteaa I
nucli olhi em boiild if piwiMe be more careful
of a public truiit th in of their own intereata, I
regret very much, however, that the enter;irie
lid not go on and hoe yet to nee the work in
uiHIillon liefore the year ia clnaed.
Thelire department is in very Ood haie.
We now have a hook and ladder company, one
Button hand engine, two indeieniient hose
Uaius.with BMUrM and fire plugs wherever the
water mains are layed, with a reservoir prea
sure of SO Iba, capable of throwing the water
over any building in town, a good engine house
with plenty of good hose, no with well trained
firemen we light to be well piotected. There
has been expended for the tire department in
the last i yearn about $8,300 not including
monthly allowances, or salary of chief engineer
or water supply. And while I think it an
dent and money well spent tn have an efficient
tire department an uunecennary outlay is
money waated. It seemed to the council as
well a mynelf that a (ire alarm Ml wan a ne
cennity, therefore the I 'hie f Engineer iu eon
junction with the Committee on Kire and Va
ter was instructed tn negotiate for a liell and
the hone neceanary an well an a bell tower. The
Chief Kngineer, however, without conmilta
tion with the Committee, ordered 1,000 feet
of hose at $1 lr foot, alnn a bell, and wan
about to contract for tower. The commit
tee, however, took the matter in hand and
having altered plans and advertising (or bids
let theenntract for a tower to W H Abramiat
?5S5, and while it seems to ine that a tower
answering the purne NUM have been built
for halt the money yet I apprehend the one
Dontractsd fr will be b.ith ornamental as well
us useful, and is a reasonable figure consider
ing the building. t regards recouimendatiom
for legislation I have n ithing to recommend
nnd will leave that for my successor.
To the outgoing msmbtfl of the council as
well an those who hold over: Some of you
have lieen with me during the entire term of
eix year- I have this to say. You have la
bored for the public weal with a zeal and disin
terestednesn that entitle you to the thanks of
the citizens of Eugene. You have had tont'g
lect private buniness at times when I know it
was nt a sacrifice of your own interest, aud
do the best you could some one is sure to feel
that his liberties have been abridged. I shall
always remember the uniform courtesy received
at your hands; our deliberations have have al
ways lieeu harmonious. To the new meniliers:
Some of you have been in the harness liefore;
you know what is i xpected of you and I have
no doubt that you will faithfully serve the peo
ple ami that nmr legislation will redound to
your hiino,-. In my successor I feel assured
tnat I leive the gavel in careful hands, and
tru-t that our beautiful City, a gem in the
mountains, will flourish under your adminis
tration and that you may have nciasi u to be
proud of the title of Mavor of Eugene.
F. R, D0W Mayor.
Following is a condensed report of the
citv uiaislnil for the ear ending April 7,
Sidewalk built this year 15.940 II
Cost of Hume ... .. -. $4,083 !H)
W'tiole amount iu city 105,045 ft
Cost of gravel biiulea t 233.40
v . . i....: 25.1
lu. nrrenin uoiiiig ksi
Fine- assessed
Cost of feeding prisoners . .
Delinquent" street sssesjmenl
Am i colli ded by tuarbal . .
Del uullellt tux
C6 50
7C8 53
1,688 tn
I.USo m
the ojiiiiiuii recommends me empio.meui
of another uigUtwalch and improvements
sbout the jail.
Financial statement for Ihe year
this day, April 8, 1880.
Due citv in excess iiiinaid warrants $
endi d
827 80
- . - , .
Collected for licenses
32 ".ii
CollectMl for fines
Tax list for 8S
Pearl st nnn'ml N of Olh st. . .
5th st from Willamette to High .
Willamette from 11th N to alley
bet 0th mid 10th
Olive from titb to 11th
Pearl from 0th to llth
'lib from Willamette to High
Oak from 5tb to 13th
Charneltou from titb to 8th
High from 5th to llth
217 25
,450 00
669 ;tl
440 50
111 (HI
h8s ."it
138 57
M 20
024 78
701 14
810 77
Total resources MW -I3
Wsrrsnts drawn on treas $13,780 33
Resources in excenn of elDend'trs. $ 1.120 I"
Number snd character of liceuses issued
and amount received therefor:
Saloon 13 $2,500 00
Brewery 4
Drug store 3 2 00
Laundry 9 W
Hawkers 2 (
Peddlers ii
Auctioneers 5 . ... 55
Shows 22 " I6000
Circns I...
Billurds 1 t
Skstmgnnk 1 ,uuu
ToUl '
No cases in Recorder's court
Flues imp. .sed sud collected
Oust of prosecution
.$3, m w .
.$ 217 25 i
. 167 50
Fines in excess of iost
$ 4U75
Atn't roe'd for licenses and flues
and paid to treas ss per rcipts..3.J' to
r,. ,. u um. Mrs.
a-"J -IB biwrur, wammm a
tlao. Learnad. aged 61 years. The fuueral
look plaoa Wedaaaday.
Niw MTOM bJ H Leving,rV
Oregon r,l SUlden Son's.
All kinds of np.,u,.,., al y. Le (,.
Sheet music and mu.ic books at M Levin
grs M. ,.s Tn, aday night at Uhinehatt s
1 hestre.
FUnter canl. at tl,,. Kimlutore
Hovey Block.
Wall paper at re.luc.-d prices at M. Leviu
ger a ( ollieis store.
The Hoey 'ted Lsmnge, the best lounge in
the marki t. manufactured by K. U. Brown
Mr (ieoK Craw ha. the sole agency for all
brand. f the ,-ell,rated Punch Ciirars.
I like your produce to the Pacific Tea Co
ami get ihe best prices.
Tin- Lam. Comity Items will be issued by
Churchill A- Krazier Monday.
Smoke the Happy Honrs 10 ceut white
Inlmr cigar of Marku ,fc Co.
Hut and cold baths every day iu the week
st Jerry Horn's bttiw shop.
We are iu the lea l, never Is-hiud. Alway
get there. City Bakery and re.tauiant
Dr. Scolt's Kin-trie Corset at KaMiin
prices. For sale only at U . Bettm m's.
MoMulmii's circus i amusing the small
boy iu the lower portiou nf the vulley.
Prestou wants miii t come and see bis
saddles and heavy team harness.
Before storing or selling your oats see A
V. Peters. Clean Chevalier" barley wanted.
M.n L- n
BloaUn, Herring, SHlmon,
0k aud Cod fish st Sladdeu -
Kin Bldd
Don s.
Try our cream puffs, City Bakery.
Oregon bains, -boulders and sides at Slsd
dm it Son's.
Hememlier we dsUrtr every thing with our
own wagon, City Bakery.
And still another pnteut wire fence man
in town. And th,. end is not yet.
Mr. Jasper Stevens has beeu appointed
Nasby at Cuvi g 1 sppointmeut.
Frank Belths u now locatod at The
Dslles, uud Frank Bueknum st N. Yakima.
E. C Lake, marble cutter and dealer in
monuments, shop on Eighth street Eugene.
0. W Ouley has Ihjcu appointed a rail
way mail eleri between Coburg and Port
laud. The Christian Church has extended to
Kev. Alley, of Lincoln, Neb., a call to set us
The Bograt H rcnles cigar two for '25
ceuts is th.- best. MiuiuUctuied by the
Eugene Cigar F u tory.
Carpets! Carpets!! S. II. Friendly hits
just received a large snd
varied assortment. 1
He will suit Jon.
Oregon Hose Team's d nice will occur on
Saiiirday evening. Apul 20th. It should
be liberally intended.
Don t forget that Mosburg. Harris A Co.
handle morn flour, provision, etc., than any
other grocery bouse m Eugene.
Gov. Pi tiuoytr has issued n proclamation
designating April 30th as a legal holiday.
It should be propel ly celebrated in Eugene.
1 oil can i cure a few- acres for n pleasant
ri'siib DM in Horn's addition nt low rice of
UlIXU A Hopkins.
All kind of fancy, dress slid dry goods
just received fiom the East, which must be
sold nt ouce. Call st liettm iu's and exam
ine. The vocal solus to be rendered by Mrs.
Nellie Piper Laugdon, under the auspices of
the W. 0. T U., nre select and can not fail
to please.
A traveling fakir sold his nostrums on the
Hovey corner Saturday afternoon and even
ing. He was pelted with eggs at Roneburg
the eveuiug before.
The McKaulass troupe plays iu Eugene,
Tuesday evening, April 16. This troupe
comes well recommended. See their no
tice in another column.
Indue Boise has decided the Hiilrosd
Commission squabble iu favor of the Legi
lalive appointees. The case has beeu appealed
to the Supreme Court.
Goldsmith, the grocer, has just received
from the East one of the largest assignments
of lamps ever brought to Eugene. He will
sell them at pines that defy competition.
Carpets o' every style nnd grade at Friend
ly's. These carpels have just arrived and
have been well si It eti d to meet the detUBIids
of this market. Call and examine his vuried
ScrviceR will be In Id nt the Episcopal
chinch by the Rev. Mr. Lund on Saturday
evening, April Llth. at 7:30 o'clock, ou Sun
day morning nt U o'clock, nnd ou Sunday
VMling at 7:30 p. m.
S. H Friendly keeps Ihe largest and best
assortment of clothing, ladies dress good,
huts. etc. He is cnutinnally adding the
latest and newest styles to his slock. Hi
prices are fixed lo suit ihe times.
The best family remedy is undoubtedly
Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. It nmv
be safely giv. u to the infant as well as to the
adult, MM it will girt relief where other
medicine fad to do so. Keep it in the house.
Wesby Gr in well known to the travel
ing public a the proprietor of the Commer
cial and Cbemekell hotels at Salem for a
number of yearn, died at Lewiston, Idaho.on
the fith iust. of rheumatism, aged 72 years.
The ladies should cull nt J D. Matlock's
store and examine tint beautiful and MM
fall selected stock of ladies dress goods.
Spring and Summer patterns of the latest
styles, and quality to suit the buyer.
"Ayer's Hair Vigor is a most excellent
reps'r..tion for the h iir. I speak of it mm
experience. It use promotes the growth of
new hair, and makes i- glosy and soft I lie
Vigor is a sure cure for dandruff. J.
Bowen. Editor Enquirer, McArlhnr. Ohio.
Mis bV lb- Bbtwrt, the elocutionist, will
recite some of her choicest s- lectioiis at the
W C T I' entertainment Friday, evening.
Anril 19th Admission 25 cts; reserved seats
60 cts. Tickets for sale at Claw's, nt the
Salem J I'lrnal, April a: lesierua. ww
nmilslitiary Inert wers iw men u;
ii, shout rhi i the largest
force that
I-., mi r Ii . II employed There sre
and all who are
but a fen in th- h ispttal
able ir being work
1 in the shop.
1 elo.siinr medicines, lloll I
perime.its; the tir- i only consideration
stioillilbcg loieiies AJ'
woo,! lbs test of fortl IJW and l
j grert. r b in ind than ever-s trl
Ompbant proof Ol popular approval.
. ,.i. ...... ii. I, i . the best stove manu-
,....,. red II is tin- priue Ul ct.j
. vr. -.t .rr il u d
nolo- m ... .L. f. More at
. .1.. u..iv..,l from
S, I ,is scar load of them which they sre
lur uinui... --
offering at very low pnees. I.sll auo e;
ine tbeni.
.. i ii in...,. in assessing
h,,ol disliicl of Eugene tor School Clerk
school nisi " s ,k ,,r, aenl
1 Le lax levieu i". i
. i ...,......- in Eui-'cne It
VSZ m ' T.lT. for s-.p,K,rt ol the
bait per ttni .. f U purchase of
rTilMa'nd'f:" new school Lildmg ,n
v. i -lull. h.H' Theatre Tnealaj even-TT-Th
'-.ions of Scotch
S?re e.leii. and their :Z
ei.led lV Ihe slldleUCe. If tfaej com
c.'". . ... .h-v .ill find s cordial wel-
coma and SbETfi-,
tlils way again. j . -.
Th, RoM-eA- -"ioh. AotU
'"i .eli t the greatest variety of music
! . in Iv ever seen iu one programme.
i "", -i, w,urc,n e gather noiumg uui
"". ''T.."' . .LuinmrDt. This com-
oral- lor ieo - ,och a JTCEL ma
decnleii nu ou ... nl. tweDiy.
appearing in pan 9 0M wr,k. Tbia
,.ria. I Til lUMU'i r "I " . m.nft
season tb.ybsvesu
'" . I,.,.... rwil ilHIUI MM
i ...,,, .M,,t.
3,900 invenmi in u.-
BgggM seals early.
- . . .. . mnaicai
Bonl addition to Eugene
Esnter a week from Sunday.
QaltaJ sud (Mil siring nt M U ringir s
I'lHuit Court court convenes next Mon-far,
Money to hmn oil f irms. Enquire of Judge
An matciial at M. I.evingt r's at Portl iud
Extracts in beautiful decaliters at SUddeu
.V Son's.
When out f nights, MJMJ at Citv Kestaurant
for oy.ten.
New sto,k of Bibles sud New Testsiuint
st M I.evmger's.
Willamette Street wss gireu auotber
cleaning Mondav .
n.... n. i:
Havens Cigar clippings for the pipe at the
Eugene Cigar F'actory.
See Ihe uew advertisement of II N. Cruin
iu another column.
Wheat f7 to t!8 cts. fn-e on board cars;
butter 12',1'ts.; egg, 12', cts.
We have some dwellings for rent.
Hnxn & HoratKs.
For the btal aud cheapest spring beds aud
loung. - go to K. 1). Brown's.
A fine line of silk plushes iu all shades
and grades at F. B. Dunn's. Vsouiaa and Fasteru oysters twice
s week at City Kestaurant.
I'-i -t v iolin and gu tur strings at M. Lev
inger's. Ask your grocer for Junction flour. It is
Finest brand ol cigars and tobaccos at
Mosburg. Harris a Co's.
Call nt Mosburg, Harris jg Co s and get
their prices on (Irocerien.
F.vervthing in the Grocery line
fresh at Mosburg. Harris - Co's.
The line! property on the market is in
Harris additiou. limn. A' BoMBM.
Paine is the boss on plows and all kiuds
of repair work. He is ut Melson ,v Scott's
shoeing shop.
Faster cards plain, fringed snd futicy
j mount, st the Ouirtraitj Hook Concern, in
Hove' Block.
The "Cuban" and "Y irru" cigars at Horn
A Paine' Try then; they are the bet iu
the market for the mouey.
Jus Nolaml has been appointed mineral
. ni vi yor of the Blue Itiver miniiig district
j lit the I'. S authorities.
Clothing. Isiots and shoes just uirived
from New York, at (i. lb ttman's. Will ba
sold cheap lor (he next 30 days
Dr Paine hn lit too contract to Win.
Alexander for s residence on High street, be
tWM n '.lib and lOtk tre. ts, for $1,400.
The Searer Bros brought 101 trout to
town Thonfa) winch thi j h id caught ou
the McKefili. Their sale netted (j48.SU.
t in- II. Dodd A Co., if Portlaud, have
a full line of hardware and agricultural in.
plemeiit. Bead their ad in another column.
Mr. Ii. 0 Van Hoiiteii. well known lure,
says that on or before May 1st, two through
train! will run between Portland and San
"Singing Flowers" by aome of our best
local talent, will be among the lending
feature of the W. C. T l'. entertainment at
Hhi i chart's, Friday evening, April I'.lth.
Dexter Items.
Mrs Laura Carr i quite sick.
Mr Wm Williams and Ur. Wm. Buna
, sieut Sunday here.
Mr. B. 0, M organ of Wiuberry visited
this place yesterday.
Mr. A. L. Uouey and Rev. W. A. Kemp
wcut to Eugene to-dsy.
Hosea Parviii und Robert T. Williams
left for Eastern Oregon yesterdsy.
Mrs. H. S. Williams has been visiting
relatives in Eugene during the past week.
Mr. Hubert L. Williams intends going to
Mohau k soon to engage in u logging con
tract. Miss Eliza Matthews returned to Eugene
last week uftcr a two weeks visit with her
I partnts here
IfMaW. Wm. Williams and A. L. Honey
have BOUBtat Mr. J. W. Matlock s store nt
e are sorry to liaye tDeni leave
this place, yi t we hope they will meet with
success at Go-hon.
A Suudiiv School lis beeu organized here
ami the following ofliceis elected: Mrs.
Sarah Kemp, Bnnt; Mrs. Muiy Hunsnker,
As-i-tint Sopti Mins Ida Parvin. Seen tin j ;
Mr. Jas Parvin, Treasurer nud Librarian.
Mr. Wm. Miller of Trent is teaching the
school lore. Mr. Ellis Parker of this place
is teaching tin- Egjpt school and Miss Jennie
Taylor of lleuiou Co. is teachiug the Uppir
Lost Valley school.
Notice is hereby given to whom il msy con
cern, that the lioks sad ncconuts of Sloan
& Forrest are held and controlled by the un
dersigned, who lions is authorized to coll. ct
sud receipt for the same.
G. II. FonBrsT,
8. W. coruer of 8th and Olive ilreets,
WOOUM Mill. -We understand that I
proposition trill toom bt made lo the ci'.i
ZellS of EllgeUe offel mg to move the Ashland
woolen mills to Eugene in consideration of
a Ismns. The superintendent of lh( mills
will be in Eugene in n few days when a
proposition will likely be submitted to our
citizens. Thirl) hands are employed in the
mills, 200.(00 pounds of wool sre consumed
anuunlly and the annual product is esti
man . I at 176,000.
Is Lri K Four years ago ex-Shi-riff Ho
gin of lto-elniig was an applicant for U S
Marshal of Or. gon under Ihe Cleveland ad
ministration. He failed to secure the office
ui d sent to Spokane Falls and located. IL
bought four loin 5UJ0U feet for UrOOQ each.
This spring he was offered $I5,IS)0 for
them. Altogether he h s made $100,000
since going there, sir Hogsn should sp
preciale the favor done bim by Cleveland
in not giving bim Ihe office.
I'Koi'iRir PcKc-iustn. Mr. J. E. Hale,
l,.i. lv of ihe East, bus purchased of Dr. L.
V Jones, hi nrooertv on the east side ol
Willamette strt-et.beiwceii Sixth an IS. venili
streets, consisting ot 8 JH0O feet, for the sum
ol 3,50o
Dklsostim. Robt Giiflin aud J. Markley
bar DSM elect, d del-gab s from Cottage
Grove lodge n, the grand lodge I. O. O. F.
which meets in Portland May 15th.
i.ocbt. -Circuit touit com
The court l
iiieoces ueii ..iooh...
I...I. . Ol. I..,, fr erirniunl ca-e
ia ,erv l-ir -
MAaso.-In BoUeCily, I. T., April 4th
Dr. L. F. J;mea to Mini Kiltie A. Smith
Bolb of the contracting parlies
I k n ,od Uvr lnuy friends in Eugene
... . ...... (i.,iv in their uew
wuu winu lnu . ' . . . ,
relation. The Gdaso sckuowicige. me re-
isj-ipt of ci.mplimenla.
Soli-. The hop yard sud river bottom
land esst ol town belonging to the J. H.
Brown estate wss sold Monday to E K
Luckey for fM. We understand that ex
MOfs..r lloffmsn ksM puruhssul the place
from Mr Luckey.
Dim -Mis Anna Mueed died at the real-
a . i.r near waiiervnie ui
lo.lsv. April 0. aged about
o,. m.- had just returne.1 irom s
,,,,, t (.'.hlornis lo the drlosivt hope ol
unt-nttiua ncr uesuu.
' Horses Wanted.
V :" "KZL.
Mr .a,rr., ( Albaay, the well known ;
, bor buyer l IJMM wiU be. in at
i l.i U-... - . ..m av aJlil I 11MVT3Y. TIT1I
T. I I a II k " v-es . . -i w.
ivh nn.i itmi, ui ourctiase lion
. - : . . .
' hotwea lor sals shoui.1 caa
Cot tag;t' (irotc Items.
frnon tCI syWtAL CoattaMMMVT.
April 10, 1SI
Uipe strab no s on the hills now.
Mr. Lesiei, late of Nebraska is moving to
Mr E C Palmer calculates to start bi
mill tin we-k.
Mrs. Scbelbnde of Oakland is vi-itiug
frieudn here.
Miss Litzic Hanson is h. re with her sis
ter Kate al pus. nt
Mr. J. L. Wynn is miking the town shim
with his paint brush.
Theie is to lie ii tiecktie pally here S itur
dsy eveuiug Ihe 13th til.
A big effoit is thing nude to gi t n liell for
the church house at this place.
Mr M C. Keiiiii-dy and wife have rented
and moved into a house nenr the depot.
Light showers of lain to-, lav, which will
facilitate tin1 gtowlh of all vegetation.
Messrs L. Barrett. I.. it. r and Peaser and
Mr and Mrs K bbb beck wan at Kug. no
Messrs W W. Keniiidv and A Smith
liit-ly from Kanna have both neciirid work
at Bouse saw mill.
The Chinamen have again decamped.
Their stay wa- short ithwilhstandmg the
Deputy I'. S Marshals.
Bom, Maich 2!, 1880, to the wife of
Thoni i Johnson, a daughter Bom, April
9, 18s,i, to the w ife of O F Knox, a son
The city election April l-l Dirwin Brislnw
VM elected Major, If II Chance, Hecor
der; r'rank Whipple, Treasurer; C. Slevisnn
and U (iiitHu, OotvneUinen.
Mrs Cbns. Stouffer Ml csllisl to Livings-
new mid 1 ton, Montana, on account of tin- serious ill
ness of her daughter's child, Mm Dr.
Schelbrede, the last of March.
Mr. Frank KetlMJf MM up Salurday
from Porlhind to visit hi parents who re
side mar the summit, MsWWD this place
and Lorsue P. O. He returned to day.
Mr Geo Day of Creswell whs in town
Tuesday getting n lull of limit r filled to
build a house. Mr. Ed Geasey is shipping
limits r to ltosi burg and Eugene from his
mill on Mosbv deck.
Dr. Martin of this place wa cnllnl to Si
unlaw precinct twice lust week; first, to eel
broken bg nf Mr Coke, which we learn
was broken in tin. e places by a log rolling
on it, and second, to see an old lady, 80
Mai-old. mother of Mr P II. fjwvia, BO
'ell and IlMnnd a rib.
The corre-pondeiit to the ll-gister of -i ck
before lat from Silk river ns he calls it,
whethir nlmtiBg toward the insstieusvltim
or Hearing the poinds of tho peiiit. ntiarv
may bf. dicidul Inter. Silk liver UrsWnitig,
It eeriainh is pl.eiiomeu d to the pop!.;
bMOtnlttg a rivi r when so sin ill, ami chil
dren WOMB wlu n so young.
Jasper terns.
April o, ian.
Win. D Wallace,
Born, to the wife
March 31-1. a son.
School In gun on April lt, with
Frazier, of Polk county ns teacher.
A man passed here a few days, son having
BroMMsd the mountains on foot. He report
the snow pn tly deep.
Tommy Keem-y, of Goshi n. and Mi
LnelU Hsuds.iker, of Pleasant Hill, visited
relatives here last week.
The work of blasting nnd widening the
r ud on the gradt known ns Hull's point, i
eogressiug rapidly under Ihe supervision of
r. D. Jiieohy.
Mr. Morehouse, nccully ol Wisconsin,
has rented the dwelling formerly occupied
by E. H. Hsndaaktr. His family will strive
here the last of this mouth.
Known ii8 tlic CbkTter Ottk II nine.
The nam Charter Oak was first known
in Ihe nutmeg state, Connecticut, and tho
Chnrter Oak Stove and Kaiigo wilh the won
dcrful wirn guiizu oven door huve since
spread east, west, north and south, and urn
now known und used all over (ho civilized
world. People urn tired of the drying up
process of linking and roasting in stoves and
ruiiges that huve solid own doors, and are
seeking for (he famous Charter Oak stoves
aud ranges with the womliiful wire gauze
oven door. Meata roasted in this oven re
quire no basting, and the juices are retained,
which ruidir meat much more palatable,
nntritiOM and he iilthliil. As bread nnd
piit i y lial.ers, they have no iqunl. Many
large hotels buy them especially for their
pastry baking. These stoves and laugen,
from the smallest family stove to ihe largest
hotel sim. are for sale by
staiui, Oravn & Blown,
Willamette stuct, Eugene, Oregon.
Divide tlic Fftrtnj.
The influx of immigration nmkl s it necess
M to divide the large land holdings. Land is
becoming too valuable to be used for pas
liirage or partly farmed.
In thi connection we nre informed that
the tract 'of land owned by Volney lluuicii
way 5 miles west of Eugene consisting of
nearly 1600 6MM lM be sold iu trai ls of 5
acres and upwards a purchasers may desire.
The location is desirable, Ihe quality of the
soil excellent, and the drainage complete.
Pr"zii r, OhnrohUI A Co. ban the sale ,t
Ibis property and s ill be pleased In show
intending purchasers the laud.
Bebool IU Hop;.
Pnmoanl to motion the taxpayers of
school dt-tticl No 4. met at the Conn House
in Eugene. Tucsdnj. April 0, 1W.I. nl 7.3( p.
m.i J H MeCllllig, ill 1 1 1 111 II of the Isiard of
direototl ptesiding, and Geo F Craw, clerk,
lu ting us secretary.
On Motion ot i w Johnson, the dirreton
were author to pureh.ise one-half block
of laud, suit ible for the erection nf a i-chool
bouae .instead of a whole block as sulhoriznl
by resolution st the rigular meeting of
March 4, 180.
Gko F. Chaw Ci i kk
Press Nntici'H.
Th- Eugene (icASli has Im .-ii eiilarg' d and
DNMBta a linn h miiuovrd appearance It
in 11 fir-l l lnn In Wspa er.-ltow burg Herald
The Eugene Or ASP Is enlarged nnd luueh
improied ol Isle. The people ol Lane coun
ty should give Ihe Gt'Asn a libera! psltonsge
u it dtMftM n Albany Democrat.
The Eng. lie GtJAim his leell enlarged In a
seven coiiiinu ouni to. This valuable pap. r
is su nble exponent of the interest of Lane
county. -Koneliurg lleview.
The Eugene OvaM) has beeu enlarged and
shows evidence of great prosperity. It is
determined to guard well the iliterests nf
Eugene Drsiu Echo.
Money to i.-mh.
In sum to suit on improved city or coun
try properly si a low rate of interest.
For further information address E. O.
Norton a Co, Ea-t Portland, Or.
Wkak l.vrs 1 sill best Ihe office of
! . .ii . ii.-.' ,n dais, sitb s
...n. .o u.l M.t. of Hneetselei. I
.1. ...... r.,il n, f In.iii.le l-n I, lasses,
nr.. ..a U. .udinn I.,- .. . 1 1 Ii . i .. I
' . H(jii)l. m. 're to suit
. - . . ll. ..i ki.
"VT T :
wl.ut i mai Mv t ,.t,.f.ctin lo
u , iu (,rfn,,rfJ tu fit
new Jans to o d go d frames al reasonable
a ,,,.... L,,,,ra,,,sd ns renrenented.
"""' i o i-.."...,.
t . . Ml ,0. th art
. " . . a
tower hss arrived. It weioba U- pounds
and stands nearly loai teet bigb.
i i:chf.ks nrerm 1 1
An IntiTi'stliitf Sfssinii. A Large At
ti'iiiluiu'i'of Ti'iuiifis 6 real In
teri'st Maiill'rsti'il.
The Teachers Institute ol Lane county
and the Second Judicial district met st
Rliin.harf Hall, in Eugene, We.lnes.lay,
April 10, 1889. st 3 pm. Prof. McEtroy,
Supl. of Public Instruction, presided. C.
L. Scott was elected Secretary, sud Mis 1'. il. .Ion in Asst. Secretary E. E.
OabM was eh c. d Enrolling Cb ik. Prof. J.
B. Horner, V. 0ie Walton. M E.Jndkins
and Win Milb r were appoint. d reporter
The etteudaiice of teachers is large and gr. ai
m(MMI is lakeu iu the woik.
Lack ol space compels us to forego giving
a full n port, but we can sav thai Ihe dav ses.
moos w. re fullv occupied with discussion of
school loii, s. the teachers mnrrsllv taking
part. Wedtn ndav eveuiug Prof. Bailey of
the Sisie I'nivernity, d livend a very inter,
esdni lecture, taking for his subject Asiron
amy, The Thursday evening lecture was on
the "Aim and purposes nt Agricultural Cob
! ge. "In Pro! B L. Arnold ot Corvalli.
and was instructive nud i ntertaining Kev.
W .Rollins, of Silein, will ib liver a lecture
at 7:30 o'clock this, F'ridav, evening, which
will close the work ot the Institute.
Teacher were present a follows: Prof J
B Horner. J R Kendall. W H Offiel.l and
Mi-s Lucv liny of Douglas couulY.
Pro! H I, Arnold, Supt J .1 Bryan nud O A
I lull of Benton county
Prof Fiank Kigb r of Oregon City.
Supl .1 0 Sieveii-ou. J M William. Alice
Dorri, JaMte McClimg. Emms Chase, Anna
Oain, Fanny Whit. , Stella Rowland. Mag
gie Pattison, Hallie Stowell, Mary Drake,
Dtf, vfdJ0n, Anna Pallerson, Eliza SM-n.
Oer, Geo Spencer, llatlie Luckey, Loathe
Mi Cortuick, Agnes Greene, Minnie Luckey,
KngMM Bond, fTfiriim Marh. Q R llu
wood, T M Marliu, Augusta Palteisoti. Anns
Wool.)-. Gertrude Wnliuer, Mollie Brsttain,
Jennie' Dixon, Lillie Hendricks, Mra Nor
rts, Eudora Pallerson C Dclhaw, Lizzie
Day, Belle Patlison, Virgil Rowland. M E
Ju.ikin, Rillie Sinilh. Nellie Snodgrns,
Hnttie Dickenson, Malsl Dunn, Anna
Cede wood and Anna Lowry of Eugene.
Pearl Charles, George Coiner, Lirne
Banghinan, lb mice Mi-Dole, Belle I. ill
coin, Lucy Gsrroiitte, Tills Powell, I E
Joiie and E J Fletcher of Cottage Grove.
John L Tail. R G Cnlli-on, Ilia Csllison.
Lena QalliWn, Willa BaJUM mid ( has Scott
ol Cn-swell.
J 0 Camplsdl, Lulu F ori, Belle MuIImI
I I, Jennie Bimhuell and Annie ltoweu of
W X S ll. r; of Pleasant Hill
M try Pattnn, T M Jaokann, Ella Arm
iiiig. and Oi rillf In "' of Spriugtleld
Ella Montgumery, Mnrths ltavbiirti,
II MM lliishtiell, Ida Patterson and ItMni
Mot tgo nerv. E A Bond of living.
Wm Miller .nd Elli Parker of Hi tter.
R. n i Spoies, of Mobiwk.
II Qatss and I N Davlaol Drain.
Btretrn Morgan, of Waltoo.
B P sin. ids and Baggis MUUmb of Wah
M Bnllman and Mnltie Currie of Elmira
Rose BanaOO, of Wildwood.
Anna Whiteaker, of Lallinm
Fanny Burton. Paul Hadlev and A I.
Frazer of Ja-per.
S P Onslts aim G. o Jordan of Franklin.
Wm Gor isn, of Crow.
Emm i S ores, of Mals l
Kohl Marsh, of Lenburg.
L E Osrdnar, of Lowell.
Ella Bui bridge, of Isabel.
Edith Fiddler, of Siuslaw
Jennie Anderson, of Fell Cri ck.
Julia Matthews and E C Cabel of Coburg
Estella Bracken, ol Lorraine.
0 K II ile, of Bat.
Frank Taylor, of Coyote.
Mrs (i.irrett Bogurt is quite sick.
J. J. Hellvail is residing in Corvallis.
George Hayes, of Vancouver, B. O, is id
E .1 UoOlanahan visited Albany Wed
Harry Thompson of Oolttg OlOM was in
Ion ii Monday.
(ieo. II Dorris BUtfa a trip lo Portlaud the
first of the week.
President Johnson visited Corvallis and
Linn coiinly Ibis week.
Dr. Edward Bailey, of California, is visit
ing relatives and Irh mis in Eugene.
Jamas BbOtrt and wife of Springfield
started Sunday on a vi it to California.
A. 0i Hailsiur of Siuslaw, arrived here
from California Friday, on bis way borne.
Mr Clnis Flolow, of Connecticut, is visit
ing his cousin, Mr. Chas. Baker, in Engi ne.
Mr. F M Wilkins has bu n confined to
bi room several days Ibis week wilh sick
ness. A I Jackson snd family are visiting friends
iu BngOMi Mr Jackson is located at Ta-
W K Warren is traveling for the Barker
Guuwoiks which is doing a wholesale bui-
I has Meyer, who was in the collecting
BnailMM here, lias accepted a position in a
store at Perrjdale, Polk coiinly.
I, R Luckey. Jas. Nolaml and W. T.
Campbell stmt Monday morning In view the
road into the Blue Itiver mining district.
Abe GodRiith was in Hhi metropolis
sev. nil day this week Charley Goldsmith
bad charge of the store during bin absence.
Mr Will Warn came up from his coast
ranch Thursday In a few days h goes to
th" low-r C ilnmbta to eugiga in fishing tor
th" Bights Chinook.
Dr. J H Le, W. C Crawford and N. L.
R iber of t'oivalli were in Eugene llm first
oil he week on a fraternal visit to Op-gun
Gram ilidi ry of Eugene.
II G llumphr. y, N L. Honey gad Slur
sood Burr went up the Willamette and came
down in a boat the middle of the week. Thev
caught about fifty trout.
Mr T A. Darla, of Silvor City. Idaho, a
former slndeiil in the State University,
n-iiid Eng. in-thi-w-ek. He wss on hi
wav home from Bag Francisco, where he hail
di llvsrad several ear loud- of Isel cattle
Jndg Wu-bbiiriie's li.-altb ha mil been
improving for ibf past w.ek, nud in In pe of
ol. laming relief , accompanied bf his wife,
he wi nt In Porlland ou the Friday inoriung
local trail with Ihe intention of cut. ring the
Good Samaritan lio-pital
Mr John O'BfMB, who has served ass
etion foreman ou the railroad st Engeue
for nearly fifteen eai-. ha resigned bis situ
ation. Mr O Hrieli ban beeu a faithful em
ployee, and hit mstiy frieudn wih him slic
es in hiv new field which he may chose
for bis lalnirs.
TH Siislaw Cap! W. Young of the
C. S. engiueer corps has reported that it is
advinshle to improve the Siu.biw bar snd
harlsir Congress has made an sppropris
slion for Ihe purpose ol prepsring designs
tad r. lituinsry surveys of the work. Cspl.
Young says that the bay si Sinslsw promises
to m .ke s snug harbor and it is probable
thst appropriations for it improvement will
Ul made in Ihe m ar future
( asiiu Ex Mayor Uunn was III.- recjp
ten! of n n . u-ant siirnri" tn In innming
: Hi. nnnin-ial. s iii Ihe cilv couoctl for seveisl
ve.r. in token ol their ni.nrecialloii ol Mr
I l..n..'. n.tltli,. SSWsTsH am 1 their olesssut on-
vt.-r. I.itioi.s, met in Recorder Dorris' office,!
, i: ... u. n.... ' 1 lom
... . " ' "Ll Th.
pre--uiali"n npeeeh wa MMM by L. BllyeU
,nd w.s hitingly ren(onded to by Mr Duun.
-400 bushels of oats tor
sals cheap; spply at my residence, Eugene
I. D. Holt
Fob lilt fit sale, two lots, with boose
snd bsrn on Tenth street.
Apply to J. B.
The Circuit l otii t Act.
The On gon,,,,, of W.du.-sday sllenmted
lo give ihe Isw relstiug to the tenns ol Cir
cud Court iu the Second Jndirisl district,
sud failed to give the name correct, hsviug
MidmMf law mhibnd l stated thai the
circuit court would not lie h Id in April
in Lane coiintv, sud gnve hat piiiporleil to
I the law iu Ihe m itler. Judge Ib-nii ii
fiirni-lied u wilh a coin of ihe Isw wh'cb
In r.c.ired from the Secretary of SUta,
which is ss follows:
Au set lo provide for the limes and places
for holdinn the Circuit Court III the Sicmd
Judicial Dlnlllet.
Be il eiin-ied by the Li gislulive Assembly of
ihe Stale of Oiegon:
Suction I. Thai I nun snd after the 1st
day of August, I s i the terms of th. Circuit
Court in th. sever il coiiulie ol the Second
ImHdnl Dlslncl shall Is- held sllllllallj us
Iu the county nf Bantofl on the 2nd Mon
dav in Apiil and 2nd Mondav in Nov. uiUer
Iu Ihe oonnll of Douglas on the 3nl Moll
day iu Mai. h, Ith Mondav iu June, aud 1st
Monday in DttMlbffi
In (he ciitintv ol Lane on the 1st Mondav
ill March, 2nd Monday Hi Juue, uud 4lb
Monday iu OotobfT,
In the county of Coos on the 1st Monday
in .May and 1st Monday III Octotier
Iu the county of Curry ou the 3rd Mouday
iu Seplellll r.
BM. 2 Thai nil Acts and parts of Acts in
conflict barawitb ba and Urn mmt tit btrr
bv repealed, providi d, that untd August I,
1S80, Ihe Circuit Coiirtn in the several coup-
lies of said district shall be ul Ihe times .in I
places Uow provided bt law, MUX pi Iu th.
countv of Currv, and the ueil term of court
iu that county shall be held an pruvnb d IU
this Act.
Passed by Ihe Semite Feb. 13, 1880.
Joskih Sim-..
President ol (lie S. nale.
Passed by the House Feb. 10, 1880,
E L Smith,
Speaker of Ihe House.
Btthl Bitot. Trkutferii
J W Gbl rry to May Davis, lot uear rail
road ; con, $225.
.1 I ' sud P E smnlgrsnn to J K Psytou; land
in I lirisliau s donation: con. M
d C snd P K SmnLrasn lo A in Kiivkmlall,
land in I hri'isn ilonstn n; is.u, eO.'.V
.InoMriiuti to i Iii Mrauii, . lot in
Shaw and PatterNon'n addition; isui, $1.
E A Cottle to Hclirv Howe, Isiinl lor deed,
'.' lol III i i-l. on - kdillllnli; ism, fllnlO.
C M Bom tilen add I loll
Louis Solomon to Wsshbiiriie A- Milliorn,
190k acre-; con, $.7oil.
All'erl Coon to J II Proctor. acre; con
Martha W C. .per lo W It Walker.
15 Ii
Seres; con, $370., i1; mhhi
con, $15
Eliznbi th Bogari io , G. Bogari, S90.S8
acre-; con, $0 IHHI.
U S to Hiram Lee, Jr., 83 25 acres; pat
.lame- 0 Mitchell to Nnncv Whim v. II
MNH 'on, l
Jacob Gill, spie lo Thiimlou Goodpnsluri
407 acre; con, $l7tH).
Rsury Hililllen In A J Keelley, 21 55 ucn -
COll, $il
E.l Maititi to ,M .1 Mitiosiin, Bio 511
sere; con, $300.
S B, J E and J A Mmtin to M .1 BGfl
an, 1110,50 acre; con, $1500.
S B l'yoii to Franklin Barnum, 120 acre;
coil, $10110
L E IMward to I J Knk and E U Lee,
one lol; c $2000.
Wm M I'iln. v to J A and S E Bushuell.
2 lots; en. $305
E U Lee to L E Edwards, ono lot; con
Wm M Pitney to II V lluslmell, '2 lots;
con, $305
Juo N Boyd ier admr to Wm M Pitney
4 lots; con. $iin.
Atltlitiotml ('uses.
Since last week the following additional
cases tor Ihe I ncuit I otitt have liieli dock
111. Board of School Land Commissloiurs
vs F M Ealon ct nl ; for an order on sheriff
lo make deed.
(Vi. Upper Willamette Lumber Miinufut
liners Asn'n vs N B Piitchett and Emma
Pritchetl; lo recover money.
II.'.. Emerson. Talent ti Co. vs J Hnlsr
rellel; to recover money
lit. Moouey. Vnh nunc A Co vs Maggie
o hile; lo recover money.
115 San Jose Woolen Mill Co vs W II
Ibiber; lo recover money
(ill Cora Freeman vs F M Freeman; suit
foi divorce.
Tun Ot.o Coiini il. Mayor Dunn's nies
sage in another column gives valuable in
formation in regard to the growth and tie
rriopmsnt of Eugeno. Mr Dunn held th.
ofilco ol Minor lor six years and made an
excellent officer. Il can Is' truly said of till
old council that Ihey were progressive slid
worked (or the best interests of Ihe town
The fire department has Is eu put in good
shape, wuier provided, the town lighted and
u -it. in of street grading inaugurated thai
greatly improves and beautifies the town
We, belli vi- the in w Major and Council will
coin nine tin- imprOrtmMtl lagan by lie ii
preil censors.
Skmoimi.V IIdiiT. --Salem Statesman
Frank II. v.iud. I. an employee iu Ihe slut)
printing office on t with a minium Moudai
night that will keep lout in the bonne nev
.riildavs Tin -limine where he boards. Mrs
Gilliiigham's, i raised fr-in the ground
some eight feet for the purpose ol pulling u
a I'll., no nt wall, and a Ismrd laid from tin
porch to the ground i the only menus ol
Ingres. Iu walking up the board Ah lan
der H isaad his tooting slid fell lo the ground
tearing the tendons nf the knee joint so ihsi
In will In' under the doctor s care lor wiitn
time II In a painlul and serious injury.
BjMOfntM Th" Long Creek Engl
nays: S v. rnl of our exchanges have ls-n
mininfornn d in rcgnrd to Ihe stabbing I
Milt II itniboii. Some nay that Hamilton
wn killed bv Hintuii nnd tie i have
il Wan Walki r Hln'on who did the eulliiig
D w i Walker lliiiton'n noli, Clavl who did
the culling Ile in a Imy 111 yeirs of ngi
Mm II mult, ii did not die, bin t now gi I
ting well, anil no miirib r has lie u com
milled iu tins portion of Grant county. Isle
ly, Hint any oue hi re kuown ol.
Annivkssiht Friday, April 2Clh, is th
TOth anniver-nrv of the et,.blishmeiil ol
Gild Fellowship iu the United Slates
Spencer Butte Lodge, f Eugene, will probs
I.I v celebrate Ihe dnv in eoliiunetlou with til
lodges of Irving SpriugHeld, Coburg, June
tion snd Cottage Grove, by holding a picmo
iu Ibe vicinity of h ugene.
A Fooaoar. Eugene hsn a live and enter
prising lonmlrym n iu the person of G. N
Km' r. If" is pr pared to manufacture all
orders for iron work and makes rejourn a
specislly. When yon want iron work give
a bim call. He in a thorough mechanic snd
guarantee sstisfsctlon.
! Duo. -Mr. Asnin Goldnmith last Satur-
nay evening recetve.i iue sun news oi uis
i mother's death in Germanv. March
tho advanced age of 03 vesrs.
Welcome i ... k to school all ye who went
.a nine.
I want to know what "crocodile tears"
are.-Elbel It
Dr. Edward bailey, ol Cslitoruia, is in
Eugene visiting his psreuta
Latest dispatch from Anblsnd isss follows:
'Where is Julia nowV
Commit Of the EutlUlMl BOttety.
Emma Doksis IdtMTi
Anns Robhsts, Asst. Editor.
. i i i
April 13, '88.
Varstinn is drawing to a elose.
Miles is learning to row, but be does not
consider it safe, as yet, to tske a young lady
wilh him.
I't l Condon lectured st tbe Linn Count
fa icher's Institute the Isst dsy o the term,
so hi were excused.
A sophmore yoillb displayed an unusual
.in t of snseiit nundedncss at the X s
social the other evening. Wonder why?
Irf-wis Wing ha left schiKil, not to retnrn
next term. WI are verv norry lo lose bim
Inn are glad lo know that he intends return
ing next year.
The neniins planted their elnss tree, Inst
week, directly esst of Villsrd Hall, where
tin y hope it will thrive with the son sud
ruins of many centuries.
Tb students dance Friday evening was
pronounced a success by sll those who at
tended. With examination over, one could
"tftp the light fantastic" with a gay . art.
Mnl ol Ihe Faculty are spending their
vHcstioii iu distant parts ol Ibe state, trying
tn regain euergy for tbe remainder of tbe
vear. Success and happiness attend them.
Shake hands, brother Tom. As yon are
in the family, in a part of our office, we'll
.bare all our luimv itmis end get along
nicely wilh you. Good luck In your editoiial
A boat riib' I a most pleasant affair when
me does not sit down In the water instead
I the boat -Olin W , Tuesdsy. It is niea
to step into the water initesd ol the boat,
too. Jerry.
Among the girls who leave tbe last of this
week, two ol onr prominent members, Agnes
Greene and Nellie Snodgrsos, go lo tench.
We wish tin to what we know they'll bars
unbounded success.
Tbe Editor-in-chief has been in Portland
this week, but ns she left this office well
stocked with llu msterisl that goes to
iiuiko up n column, we (ihe assistant) hare
survived lu r sbince.
A certain Junior seeks entrance three
times a day lo s.e Ibe same fsirmaidm The
'bird lime be u somewhat doubtful, it teems,
lor he adds, "Tell her I waut to see her
just a minute, please."
HI. si br the Frebmm who passed eism-
iii oi i in Mrgil without nvi.w. I lie
its iu Prof. Johnson s nsm are so coiufor-
able, though the no', i I" in anguish,
M l Ibe bodj may Is- ul real.
The . xpres. ng.nt nnj s he ban hud more
MM men and ' u cdl Ilium him tins
we-k thin ever b. fore, and naff be don't
kii' W what he will do for customers -ince
Junior badg- s h ive come.
Mm Miry Boninlte Brown, of s I to.
."nut rly one ol isni un in1" r snd al-o one of
nor best edition, is in Eugene visiiing r la-
ives and friends. The society girls would
like lo see her with tlnm again
The Ictl boy of the I'nderwood mansion
have hud s group taken One seldom sees
neb a group of handsome yonng men. and
it is no wonder that the girls are all crazy
for one ol itnm a picture not a boy
One ol Ihe Lniireaua says he wishes his
oil. i ami mother would come home, so that
he could have a good square meal, for
be lime of his two nisters is completely
taken" a. Imo i nc Ho- Junior budges.
Afti r much searching a new word bus been
found to rhyme wilh Veaiie. Il sua dis
covered by mere accident snd is do other
than Loiiisie. The Atmnlint has had all
such for her special use
in tin annul, o we refrain (ram ning them.
Last Friday b. ing the last day the Seniors
wr. in rente to I'rol. Hailev. he gnve tnem
n one paning advice, iuntend of the usual
ii citation dull An the ol Astronomy
is it most interentiiig one. the class were ssd
over Ihe thought that thej were uot to con
tinue it any longer.
The ulims iu Political Economy sre to be
pitied, in Hint they sre through with that
study One does not often hesr such in
structive lectures, interesting ones too, upon
he lending onenttoiis of the dsy, ns those
which were ifelivcri d lastderiu by the differ-
ill nieinliers nf the class.
As ono of the students was boarding tbe
south bound train last Friday evening, sha
iitrneii to inn one in ner menus an snec-
innate good-bye, and to her asioiiishmeut
her Indj friend was gone and a geulb msn
wa ready to receive the farewell. Never
mind. Mr. Wnshburiie, it was only n mi-tnke.
The Lnnreau entertaiiimrut will be held in
Villanl Hall on Haturday night. April 10th.
We are satisfied It will lie Ihe enleriammenl
i if the season, and hope they may hate an
audience appreciating. It 1 to be hoped Unit
the Clergy, Faculty and R. geuts will feel
Hint it is worth attending an it is not lota s
r.utitiiiin "open MMion but a Laurean
In panning through Prnl. Condon's room,
inn nan not help hut stand and wonder it
the artistic kill of the (Jeology claaa. in
drawing maps and putting in the different
ages, thev have made great use ol colored
ramus. Highly tinted rsinhowa sre noth
ing in comparison lo the gorgeous ana
peculiar arrangement ol colors which find
their way upon the hoards.
The Juniors took one night belore mention
for "experiments," and had a greet time
with the .lectin- mschine. As tbe major
portion of th, el is- in.- Laureate, the pea
nuts were forlhooniing, of course, so in ad-
lition to the experiments, which were inter-
ling, th' y bad a "royal peanut banotiet.
Ob, to be a Junior, or "liked awfully well
by one Ot lln-m.
The district Teucbers Institute was held iu
Eng. tie Ibis w. ek. D is quite a treat to
no et with so many intelligent young teach
. r. ami man ; of tb" students made use of
toe opportunity snd attended as many of
the meetings as po-silde. Among tnosewno
k pari we noticed several l.mresns suit
EiHaxiiius nnd fel honored with Ihe talent
und success in which they rendered their
respective psrls. On sccmint ol lack ol
pace we red. on from giving a complete
summary of Ihe whole meeting.
Nol kmg ince we feared we were going to
1'M.amiP ot the s i.i- i b v I hat is, wa
thought he would pas- off wilh flight. Lin-
Illa l borne as. seen going .'own me street
without a rider, and ol course L. J feared
'In re had t een un accident As soon a bis
fear, that mosi dn sdlul nf feelings, had Iswn
vercouie. he wnn greatly relieved, upon III-
Miry, to learn that there had been no acci
dent, and that ibe horse was merely uheving
Ins iiinsler. What a uanow cncaiie for L. J.
Ho have we been spending onr vacation?
In almost every manuer I bat one could think
of rides, buggy ridei aud horseback-
rub have been indulged III, lo say notblng
of parties, sereusdes. tele leten. piculo. nail
ing dresimskin', hunting, base ball snd
oiher things too numerous to mention The
mill race ban been haunted by pleasure
s. eker. who tbiuk thai a trip to tbe bead of
tbe race on a moonlight night is one moat
delightful things imsginsble. Altogether it
bos been a week of quiet (?) enjotment and
Tbe last melting nt the Enlsiian socieir
waa a nry iLtvresliog one. Althongb each
one seemed tired out with the examinations
yet tbe society was not ueglected, for Ibe ex
ercises were nnususlly good. A recitation
by i i.i. Coodou. inlitled "Mr Jouab,"
and a reading, "The Learned Negio," by
Mary Porter, were very entertaining. The
question: Resolved, "That Modem Artisans
are Huperior to those of Ancient Times."
waa debit. , I on the sfitrmutive by Alberta
Hbelton, Agnes Greene, Elvs Galloway; on
the negstive by Charlotte Roberts, N- Hie
Straight and battle tlolcomo. ine uis
cussiou waa well bandied on both sides and
showed a thorough kuowtetke of tbe work
of artisans from tbe mostsncient lines down
to Ibe present day. After a ibort lunuiiHry
by Ibe President she rendered her decision
in favor of tbi negative.