The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 13, 1889, Image 1

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NO, 38.
VOL 21
.!.INhi r mid Proprietor.
limi-w-Oii the Kasi side ol Willamette
l'tr sunum
ih Months..
three month. .
Advertisements 7"
A"Ve " tn line. or less (Hie ins
insertion 93:
line Sipii. . .! . vi ivl,
.. .iilnwiueut insertion $1. 1
is dvencs. , , ,
the (or
Time wi.o..
OM "nth
$t; no
H 00
12 00
r"braiS rendered quarterly, FAIL weo Piwm
Attorney ami Counsellor-at-Law,
V of the Second Judicial District and in
n. Suureme Court of this State.
SUl attention given to collection, and
patters in probata
-Attorney and Counsellor at Law, -
this SUte. Will give social attention
csllections and probate matter,
Orrici -Over Hendrick & Eakin's bank.
Washburne & Woodcock
AUorneys-at- Law,
OFFICE At the Court House. iv8ra3
Ornci-In Register lllock.
attorney and Ccuns9llor-at-Law, and
Real Estate Afent.
Oft Ice formerly OOOUpWd by Tln-uni Ms
Special attention given to Probate bwilM
and Abstracts of Title.
OrricR Over Graugo Store.
Physician and Surgeon.
Wilkin's Drug Store.
Residence on Fifth street, where Dr Shelton
ormerly resided.
idence when not professionally engaged.
Residence on Eighth street, opposite Presby
rian Church.
Courts of the State.
Special attention given to real estate, col
ecting, and probate matters.
Collecting all kinds of claims against the
'.'sited States Government.
Office in Walton's brick rooms 7 and 8.
Farms, Improved and Unimproved Town
property for sale, on easy terms.
Property Eented and Rents C:llected.
The Insurance Companies I represent are
among the Oldest and mot Reli iblc and in
the Prompt and Eqi'ITAB'S adjustment of their
one, St ami) BaVMD to None.
A share of y.iur patronage is solicited.
Office up stairs. over the Grange Store.
B. f. DORBIft
Physicians $ Surgeons.
F. w . ?B rSTICT, F. D
Graduate ( the Uni
versity of Penn. anil
Cino. 01, of Med.and
Special attention paid
to diseases g - . I. mm
Stomach, and Kid
Graduate of the Uni
versity of I'enn. and
University of Cli
hinlnl attention paid
to dies of Women
Throat. Nose atd to
Merchant Tailor.
Street opposite the Star Bakery, wheie
is prepared to do all kinds of work offered
A largo stock of Fin. Cloths on hand for
SSBsrs to select from.
Repairin, and cleaning done promptly. Set
jction guarantee.!.
kgMo, Nov. 6, 1886. tf
it iv ii r i
for Infants
" astorta .t so wen adapted to children that I Casterla anreo (His, CoBstfiiatmn.
o::irn,litMouperiortoaoyprocmiuoBl 8ourP-.- Kiu.l .-at.
swu to me. S A. AscBIB. M. D., I Xm Wl, S1,,i
1U Bo, Oxtord Bt,, Brooklyn, N. T. WUhoui'ujunoui medicalion.
TBI CurTAt'a CorAY. It Murray Street. N. Y
Hardware. Tin-
ware & Stoves.
Fumps, fines, ani Plumbing Mi,
JOB WORK done on short no
tice at reasonable rates. PLUMB
ING a Specialty.
Come and See Us.
From the Cheapest to the Best at
prices according to quality.
From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties can
be suited either as to Price or Quality.
Our assortment is Complete, from the lowest Price up to
th e Finest; can suit you if you give us a call
Free New and Stylisli.JgJ
Look us over; if we do not mva you money, we will make Rome one ihf
Hfll to you low.
Day & Henderson,
House in Eugene. Corner 7th and Wil. Sts
Has just received
York and unicago, me largest
and best stock of
Ever brought to Eugene.
But call and price their.. Rtnemr the place: The New Three Story
Brick, corn-r Willamette nod Eighth St, Eugene City, Oregon.
and Children.
direct from New
A Great Strike's t ost.
Th report of the Chicago, tlutlington &
Qnincy railroad (or the year I -- m. de a
fttr days ago, eirea sunie iutt rtstitig inlor
m.iliou regarding the cost of a strike, the
di crtSM. in the net earnings for the year was
$1 651 5.'0, noil the U'tsl ditii icucy for the
year $l,Wl,4i". The uuf.ivotalde r. ports
the directors any, nro partly clmrgealdc to
the large amount of new and uuprofit ilile
roads put iu operation during tin oar. part
ly to the unfavorable iffecls of the InttftUtt
OOWBl it I w. Iiut mainly to the gr. at strike
which b.gnii in Fehni'.iy, an I which it'
privid the rom.any of the si irrtoea of ")0O
eiperienct d ni n for neatly a year The
coinpauv intiinatea that the oreat alrikx
caused them a lose of fully b.U00,000. Rut
their Ua pmporlioiiati Iv Bin i ol s large as
that of the eoiplovta. The 230(1 men who
.truck ero pMncipally etigjneen and fire
men, and their wagia avi iag.d uliotit tl't
per mouth. The Mrike was In full force
alKint a month, though boailMH wiw para
lyzed for a much greater k ngth ol time Y-1
there are many of the strikers still idle, for
they lost their posiliona on uccunt of the
strike, mid have sitice l-en anaMe to obtaiti
employment, t'ouseiiuently to the engiu.
eera and flretneu, the strike was a aenous
loaa. The Hroth. rhood of Locomotive En
giueers sanctioned the strike and hung ita
fate upon its movement. The result wag it
lost its commanding posiiion among the
labor unions of the MtifMi an furthi rmote,
came very near losing ita existence as bu
organization. The strike was also a loss to
it. So out of the milliona of dollars lost,
neither the striker nor the company gaim d
anything, and a vast uuionut of trouble to
the public and differing to Ike employes'
families was caused. Strikea aa a rule do
not pay,
Mr. C. J Smith, traveling aalesmau for
Bclford, Clark 4 Co., Chicago, h.ul the mis
fortune to sprain his wrist most severely.
"I was suffering great pain," he says, "and
my wrist was badly swollen; a few applica
tions of Chumberlain's Pain Hslin relieved
the pain and reduced the swelling in oue
niRht, and iu consequence my work and
business was uot interrupted, for which I
am very grateful. I can recommend Ch un
berlaiu:s Pain Halm from persoual exper
ience." Sold by Osburn & Co.
When a person tella you they never had
such a cold iu their life take their words for
it aud advise them to use ChamlH'rlaiu's
Cough Itetnedy aud cure. For coughs,
colds and hoarseness it has no experience
8old by Osburn Co.
ltich food, and lack of exercise, during
the winter months, cauaes the system to be
come torpid and the blood impure. A doae
or two of St. Patrick's Pills will cleanse and
invigornte the system, purify the blood and
do more good than a dollar bottle of blood
purifier. Sold by Osburn & Co.
A person is seldom sick, when their bow
els are regular and never well when they are
irregular. Hear this in mind and keep your
boweb regular by an occasional dose of St.
Patrick's Pills. 'Sold by Osburn Co.
Use Oregon Electric Relief for all pain,
internal or external. Ask your druggist for
Or. goii Ehrtric Belief, It will help you.
. . i
Davis, the tailor, has just received a large
stock of imported and domestic goods of the
latest Spring mid Bummer styles. Call and
examine his stock.
Take. Notice.
That A. Goldsmith lms the largest, finest
and best stock of Queensware, Crockery and
Glsssware ever brought to Eugene. Give
him a call and ha will prove it to you.
Dr Tii) lot's 7 Oaks Compound, purely
Vegetable" positively cures rheumatism, neu
ralgia, toothache, sicb heau iche, cramp col
ic, chob ru morbus, complaints peculiar to
female, cold or cough, hive, chills and fe
ver, pains around the h. irt, erysipelas,
phthisic. Ok kok TavuiH.
Sold by Osburn & Co, druggists.
- 4
Give TkfM a I'ltanec!
That is to say. your lungs: Also all your
breathing waifhinnrj Very wonderful
machinery it is. Not onlv the larger air
passnges.'biit the thousands of little tula's
aud cavities leading from them. VV'li.n
these are D logged and choked with matter
which ought not to be there, your lungs can
not do their work And what they do, they
cannot do weel. Call it cold, cough, croup,
pneumonia, catarrh, conmuiptiou or any of
the family of throat and nose and head and
iung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to
he got rid of. There is just one sure wny
to gut rid of I betii. That is to take llos
ehee'a German Syrup, which any druggist
will sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if
everything elae lias failed yon, you may de.
pend upon ihia for certain.
A Pleasing Sense of Health and
I tJtr(,n(rt. Pi.nmi'f,! ntlil lit
. .1 lli ii ' . II... , Uil'A VI
Ease anil Comfort
Followi the uo of Syrup of Fis, & i it nail
gently on th I
Kidneys, Livf.u axd BoWBU
Effectually C k the Pyntern v. In 'i
Costive or Iiilious, Diapclh,.
Colds, Headaches and Fcrcn
and permanently ciirinjj
without v...,k- .. or irritating tin
on w hieh it acta.
Vat Half In oOr and BJI.OO llottlr. Iiy at'
Leading lro((l.ta.
BAirn'Ti an oslv by his
aa Fauciaua, Cau,
Uxurrua. Kv.. Svr Toaa. 5. 1
liealers in-
Field, Vegetable and Flower Seeds.
f tod P'Miltry SuppUss. Garden Tls,
FertilUers, Etc.
i W9 Second St, Istwean Salmon and Taylor
PoRTURi', Or. aw-Ssod fur our Catalogs.
MedlMl Department of the State Till
versity. The commencement exercises of the medi
cal department of the I'uiveraily of Oregon
wi re held a Portlaud last Saturday. Five
physicisua wen' graduated aud receive.)
their dipl uiias as follows J. D. Feuton,
w ho delivered the valedictory address, C.
W Cornelius, i. W Hainea, J. V. Tamisie
and ll a. Wall.
Dr Curtis C. Strong.' aoitUr of the fac
ullv delivered the charge to the graduates.
In cloning he said:
VYecxp.ct that you will remeiiiln'r that
tin I'nivi rily of Oregon and that, therefore,
the state of Oregon, is behind you ami thai
so long aa you shall merit the respect, and
thei.f. re, Iba anpport of your RUM mater,
yoD shall he honored and supported with
pheuomeiisl loyalty. Our houor aa an in
stitution and aa a (acuity, makes it impera
live that )u nialutalu the personal
and prof, s-iotml honor in order to receive
this support Ii calls upon you to assist in
t NT) way noatibU th) university and all its
Aa h fneiilty we di sire to put on record th
iu, t es winch lullneiic.d us in organizing
a medical acho-d We fell that the abuud
am au.l rich pHttleal uiaierial which we pos
sessed sh'.uld uot lie allowed to go to waste
We felt that time was rine (or the orgninra
tlonol a medical school ou a broad, non
sectariau tmsis and ou the highest moral
grounds, Wa (all that Ibis waa due to th.
profession of the Northwest, aa well aa to
those who should commence the study ol
This Rummer we aball build a permanent
house which shall turn the vituperations ol
all mslignaut enemiea o( the university as
easily aud aa thoroughly aa it will turn the
gi ntic dewdropa of au Oregon miat. Upon
these general principha the faculty have
been as a unit and have thrown into their
work all the energy of which they were pos
sessed. How well we have done our work
and how faithful we have beeu to our tenets,
lime aud the character of our graduates will
Aa a faculty we shall feel a deep interest
in each oue of yon, and shall watch your
strngglaa with solicitude and mark your sure
triumph with feeling of sincere pleasure.
Care Required in Feeding Potatoes.
Potatoes are now so cheap that a caution
tieeda to be given against feeding them in
large quantities to miloh cows. A few daily
will do good, especially if the cow otherwise
has dry aud constipatiug food. Hut pota
toes do uot make rich milk. Tho root has
uo fat iu it ami ao does uot make butter, ex
cept that dry, crumbly sort manufactured iu
the cow from ita starch, and being really a
0HW made oii-oiuargarlne -Democrat.
Lake county has paid out since laat Oc
tobor for bounties on soalpa, $'2.4'.lfl 40, at
flillOwu! tot coyotes, I10N wildcats.
JH10 B0: MOaara, f HHI; bear, $1(1; wo(,
$10; rabbits Jtlltl lH) The next court pro
poses to ri peal the bounty on coyotes, but
will thereafter pay lit) cents for such scalps,
it presi nli d to the court when silting, pro
tilled the iHiniitv earner pays for the iaall
slice of the affidavit and warrant Exami
ner. Pendleton is having some double in din.
lingiiishini; lingua fnnu genuine $5 gold
piaoaa, us i lam number of eonnUifaiu ate
in circulation there.
Dr N J Taylor wislna to inform the peo
ple of Eugene and county that be has
n -purchased his old office of Dr. Looney,
and is ready to alleud to all cases of deiitis
In and dental suriiery. He will be glad to
see all his n Id friends ami pal runs and many
new ones, at his office upstnirs iu the comer
room of tin Matlock
Mas. Winslow'b Soothimo Strop, for chil
dren teethitiv', is the pn scription of one of the
he.t female muses ami physicisus in the
diked State., and has l.en used for fnrt
years with never failing success by millions nl
inothers (or their ehililren. During the pro
cess of ttethlaf its value is incalculable. It
relieves the child (rom pain, cures dysentery
aud diarrhoea, itiipiug in the bowels, and wind
colic. Hy giving health to the child It rests
the mother. Price 25o a bottle.
Demands prompt treatment. The re
ulta of neglect may be serious. Avoid
II harsh and drastic purgatives, the
tendency of which Is to weaken the
bowels. The beat remedy la Ayer's
I'llls. Being purely vegetable, their
action la prompt knd their effect always
beneficial. They are an admirable
Liver and After-dinner pill, and every
where endorsed by the profession.
"Ayer's Pills are highly and univer
sally spoken of by the people about
here. I make dally use of them In my
practice." Dr. I. E. Fowler, Bridge
port, Conn.
" I can recommend Ayer's Pills above
11 others, having long proved their
value aa cathartic for myself and
family." J. T. Hess, Lelthsvllle, Pa.
" For several years Ayer's Pills have
been used in my family. We find them
Effective Remedy
for constipation and indigestion, and
re never without them in the house."
Hoses Grenler, Lowell, Mass.
" I have used Ayer's Pills, for liver
troubles and Indigestion, during many
years, and have always found them
Eromptand efficient In their action."
. N. Smith, Utica. N. Y.
" I suffered from constipation which
assumed such an obstinate form that I
feared It would cause stoppage of the
bowels. Two boiea of Ayer's Pills ef
fected a complete cure." D. Burke,
Saco, Me.
"I have used Ayer's Pills for the past
thirty years and consider them an in
valuable family medicine. I know of
no better remedy for liver troubles,
and hare always found them a prompt
cure for dyspepsia." James Uulon.M
Middle St., Hartford, Conn.
" Having been troubled with costive.
neas, which seems inevitable with per
sona of sedentary habits, I have tried
Ayer's Pills, hoping for relief. I sm
glad to say that they have served me
better than anv other me, I,, me I
arrive t this conclusion only after a
faithful trial of their menu."-Samuel
T Jones, Oak St., Boston, I
Ayer's Pills,
Or. J. C. Avar Co., Lowell, Man.
old by all Dealer, la Medlctee.
Th b h -st cmIi price will be paid for
P aa. b, F. B. Dnaa.
Still a Great Industry.
Astorisu, April Gib.
So much has i.r. u anid about tbs Alaska
salmon fisheries and the decadence ol tie
Columbia nw r ti.herii that ouie of our
Eastern (hi n Is appear to think that salmou
fishing mi the Columbia nver is a thing of
the p ist.
Tin y are mistaken. Suluiou packiug uu
the Columbia his horn, is, mid lur uiauy
yrais wlfj be, a gnal industry.
An bullish thai gives emi'lovim lit to 4-,
insi n, thai has luvcsied $:l,iNKI,i0ll, thai
Mlta yearly $J,IMKJ.iasj woilh ol tlb, Itial
biijs a iiiilliou dollars wnrlh ol supplies
every y. ar, that a. mis IWt uly i: . I tou.
ol salmon every year all OVSt the world,
ttnnl i be consider, d au lapOTtUl ludustr)
au where
The pack of '87 waa oSLOM cases of four
dozeti cans In a c.isv; I be p.ick ol 'e8 waa
3Ull,M'0 case.; tbe pack of 'K! willlsgiu
oH-ratious to tuoirtiw, ttiat is the open aea
sou brgius in mnriow, ibougli very little will
bs done (or the ueit two weeks, there will
be in ol 1'ilHj la ats in the water this season;
there will be au uuiisiially large numb, r ol
seines and traps, and twenty. five canneries
will he iu iquraliou ou the liver.
Despite all that la said, II is acknowledged
evert where 111 ll the Columbia nv. r salmou
is .up. nor to Ml other; it is put up iu such
shape aa to justify the claim to superiorly,
and communis tho highest price in lbs
tuaikcts ol the world.
The Onfon ivitic,
Albauv Herald, April 7tb.
It is Icarucd from what is con-nlered relia
ble luforuiatiou that tin- Oreguu Puciflo Co.
havii received several bids for work on the
eastward eiteusiuu of the road aud are uuw
coiisideriug the same, and th it the work on
tho line is likely to bu resumed before many
The oorupauy has heretofore stated that
the work ou the road la to ha oommeiioed
early this spring, and those iu a position to
kuow alate that Is fore anyone knows that
ihere are coulraciora iu Urn field they will
have secured contracts and tie ready to com
mence work, ll la known that there are oue
or twoconlractoia who have remaiurd iu this
city during ihe winter lor the purpose of
taking contracts ou the road.
Whether or no the Oregon Pacifto Co
will, iu conucolioti with the work of con
struction ou the linn eastward, also coin
nn lire the erection of their machine aud car
shops here this summer is uot kuuwn, but it
is stated that the company's office will tie re
moved to Albany, and it Is m sale assertion
that the work ou the road will becoiumeuced
w i Inii a veiy abort lime.
It reimrtcd that a large surveying party
uuder Engineer BoktSjaOfl will start across
Ihe m mil. mi. lo-muirow to muku a surve)
ou the Una 111 Eastern Oreguu.
I III Mil I, nil til Old Soldiers.
A velcrau of the lain unpleasantiiess"
writes from his residence iu Ohio, uiidei
dale of the 2iith of December laat, to the
Pittsburgh Dispatch, that I.OO0.OUO is uuw
lying iu the C S. Tieasury, to the order of
soldiers of the recent war. He says that lint
baa ill in (our hundred thousand discharged
soldiers aio further enlilled to receive from
$'20 in 1 35 esch. by im rt It applying (or ii in
Washington from any quarter, as (olio ei
First Five cents per mile Iruiu place of
discharge home.
Second I went v five edit' daily for aim
duly la.lwe. ii Apiil and OatobSTi IHG'J.
Third Twenty -eight cents daily while in
prison or on furloii b.
He aays he obtained his extra compensa
tion as pensioner iu lliea. particulars by
simply applui g for il; and not one iu ten ol
Aluc rlraua seem to he aware ol the legality
o. aiich a claim Although Ihe extra sum is
comparatively small, ll is worlh wntiliu (or,
bicb seems lo be all Ihal is required
Throughout Oregon, there must bu a large
nnnibsrtnM sntlilad. who might unitedly
aggregate I In Ir applications through (heir
Federal representatives or other source.
The Oregon laud SUM pawl o( Salem bua
ii mail, a conliacl with au advertising
film of Chicago, lo have their immigration
adv. rtisemi nt of two inches prinb d in twi n
i v eastern r lign us newspapers lor $1(10
The men comprising this land company
kuow the value o( advertising, as they have
-p. nl many hiindreda ol dollats iu this man
ner. A business until profits by experience,
aud i( it did mil pay llirui tu adv rliao that
particular portion ol Oregon, they would not
do it. These ure stirring turn s, and ihe
couulry that nci ivea the nmsl new people,
new lila and new money, MUST AtlVElt
Henry Walters,. u announces that Out.
F uaker, of Ohio, will bu sent as Mlolak r to
Germany. Iu this case the American flag
will be left IU u very exposed situation ou
this continent.
What Ii It?
That roduci s that beautifully soft com
plexion and leaves no traces of its spplicu
lion or injurious effects' The snewcr, W is
d nil's ltolH-rtinu accomplishes all this, aud
is pronounced by ladles of taste aud refine
m Ill Iu III till in t ill ligbtflll toil t article
ever produced. Warranted harmless aud
matchless. F. M. Wilkins, agent, Eugene
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of
pmity, strength and wbnlrsomeneas. More
economies! tnau tbe ordinary kinds and can
not be mid in competition with the multi
tude ol low lest, short weight, alum or pboe
pbate powders. Sold only in cam. Kotu.
Unix, Powsm Co., IOC Wall St., N. Y.
It Will Stick and Win.
New lork World: Ten slates will bold
elections on the 5lb of November nelt, snd
il is safe to say that In all of ibem the con
test will bs fought ou substantially the same
lines, so fsr as national politics are involved,
at those of ihe late presidential campaign.
The war tariff still remains to bnrdeu in
dustry and to bold out illusive hopes to
labor. The surplus still swells aud contin
ilea as an incitement to congresaiousl ex
travagance. The rich beneficiaries of Ibis
most unjust and unequal ayalem o( taxation
arrngauily deitisd to tin n workmen, now
that their bouuties sre secured for "foar
year more," not only s fair share in lis
I , in fits but a decent hearing of Iheir griev
And so the issue remsios.
The position of ihe Democratic paity upon
this question is what il always has been.
The Demociatic party begau iu 1840 to de
nounce taxation ol tne many tor tbe bemnt
of the few. Il baa never awirvrd (rom this
position. Il declared iu the same platform
that "uo more revenue ought tube raised
lhau is required to defray the ueorssar) ex
p. uaea ol the govemuieut" on a baaia of
the most rigid economy." It baa constant
ly reaffirmed this doclriue. Iu 1876 tbe en
litiriug T'ildeii platform denounced the tariff
aa "a uiaaterpi.Ce of injustice, inequality
and false pieimsea," and demanded that
"all custom house taxation aball only bs
for reveuue." Iu tbe last campaigu tbs
parly aim pi) tiiuiutsintd its historic posi
tion. It will slick, and win.
Oregon ions.
The Oiegon delegation to congresa have
united upon and have submitted to Prest
ibul Harrison Ihe following names of per
sous for appointment to various ft dcral of
fices in Oiegon:
J. B. Huntington, of Baker Cily, for reg
ister, aud Captain Harrison Ke Hey, of Jack
sonville, for r.oeiver of tbe new land office
nl Drewsey. iu the new Haruey land district.
T. J. Unfoid of Ynqutiia City to be Uuited
Slates Indian ageul at tbe Siletz agency in
lleiilon enmity.
A. C. Palmer to be postmaster at Prtne
vllle. A Msllory to be Postmaster at Heppner.
Dr. Lon Cleaver of Baker City to be reg
ister of tbe laud office at La Grande, snd A.
M . ' hi to, to le receiver.
Warren Trnitt, ol Dallaa, Polk county, to
lie register, and Nathaniel Langell of Jack
sonville to be receiver of th land office at
C. E. Moore to be postmaster at Corvallis.
Miss Jessie Baker to be postmaster at La
Kev. O. M. Irwin of Union lo be superin
tend, nt of the Indiau school at Chemawa
near Salem.
C II Uoland, to be postmaster at Jefferson.
Tbe name of Orville P. Porter, of Albany,
Oregon, has been submitted to the Pieaidrnt
(or the Alaskan Mnrshalabip. Porter baa
Ibe endorsement of the entire Pacific coast
delegation for this position.
Max I'racbt, of Aablaud, Or., whose name
has been meutioucd in connection with the
position of governor of Alaska, has lawn
recommended to tbe Preaidsnl (or Iba posi
iion ol collector of customs at Sitka.
The Pension List.
Criticism of Commissioner Tanuer's
scheme to pension everybody is received by
Ihe surplus-spenders and vote-catchsrs aa
"hostility to tbe Union soldiers."
Il is not hostility but true regard (or hon
orable veterans to wish lo keep lh pension
list a roll of honor. That list will be any
thing but a roll of honor when the bummers
aud ibe shirks are given an equal place upon
II wilb the brave and faithful soldiers, and
wbeu tbe able.lsidied and proapemtia share
the nation's bounty with the disabled aud
the lb pendent.
Il is said, in one of the true words spoken
in jest, Ihal "Corporal Tanner will do bia
best to make Ihe next war popular " Yes,
wilb mercenaries. To pension everybody
who volunteered is lo make a lost virtue of
patiiollsin. To induce men to enli-l, uot in
defense of iheir country but iu the hope of
getting a li'e support at tbe country a el
p. use, in to ib giade citix. nship lo a Hceian
Tho country should la and has been liberal
and geuerous without slinl in its oare of
wounded, disiibh d and enfeebled soldiers.
A pension list of 987,000.000 a year is at
once a testimony and a warning. To awsll
it further by the rtckhss leRislation pro
posed would be an equal injustice to a. If
respecting vettrans snd to tbe over-burdened
s. "
Au exchange sajs thai Ibe iiu airlnnce of
publl b'Og a dissolution notice iu the event
o( a change of firm is shown by a bVoMm
t Cleveland. A note for t'iDO w..s given by
a former member of the firm and the firm's
name was signed to it It was discounted
at ths bank aud the maker of the note np the ppiceeds to bis own Use. The
dank brought mil against the firm for tbs
urn unt They showed ihal his connection
with Ibe firm had cesatsl before he inade ths
note, but Ihey had not published a dissolution
notice previous lo ibat lime, as required by
law, snd judgmeut was rendered against the
old firm.
A little son of Mr Benjamin, of Wood
burn, w s so seriously poisoned by a ciga
rette be had smoked that it became neoea
ssry to call a physician The lad waa soon
relieved but would probably have died had
not medical aid have come lo his rescue.
This case very forcibly points a moral to
adorn a lale lint Ihe new law in relation
to tbe ante nt tobacco lo minors, if enforced,
will be of mucb good.
In the many additions to Portlsnd, East
I'm i Ian I and Albina now in the market,
are 31.000 Intn exclusive of those for sale in
Portland proper. Jusi think of it, 21,000
lota, enough (or a city of 8,000,000 popula
tion, ami new addiiiooa are being recorded
almost daily.
There is one compensation in Mural Hal
stead's rejection bv the Senate. He bss
now an outrage and a bloody ahirl of his
own, and can give the South a rest.
Whv yes T-Tea-T. We ak yon to note
thai we carrv the largest and best stock of
Tea south of Portland. We buy direct from
the import' r We allow vou to ses, UuU or
imetf what yon buy, or will give yon a sam
ple to let vou find out just what kind yon
want. All favorite and tried brands always
in stock. Prices to anit the times from 15
ota np. We alio have a full and fresh stock
of groceries etc.
Pacmc Tra Co.
in - 4ss
Geo. W. Klnaey, Aneloueer.
... 1 , Muut, kn. u. in il!
tt ueu you want T"m kwshs
(urnitnre or bud sold at auction, call on
Oeo. W. Kinsey, tbe pioneer snd most suo
,. (..! ..,,..,..,...,. in I .owi fVinntv. He will
attend to sll sates on nasmwi