rY AND COUNTY, A stabbing" AlTi ay. Minimi 11 son of Walker Hinton. i . ! Ivtno county, wa concerned i.i.bing ffrH' in "ut c00' J ' Um Lj Their muuy fri- n.ls here hop the not as bad as tba following version I the East Oregomun 01 .11 n juiu: 1 j .1 . i n . Williams, " olu """" 1.. fuf(, Iri.flov hrihuo (lie !, i, irible trai.edy that occurred laat J' evening st Hamilton. Tbe rictiru I Hamilton, eon of Senator II .mil H vet kill"1 bv clMl8 liuU,u' ,oe l7- gdsoo 0' U'ut,VD- Th"imr- . uf tbe killing re a follow: L whh a hoise rase iu Hamilton Batur ELrnooa, "ft" I0e r"cin8 w"" 0Trr. wh giV' n "l ,n" residence of Sena imiltou. After the dauoe broke up. informant wai told, J. M. Hamilton mbcd Hiuton and wbiipered: "Come 1,-Iwaut to ee j on a minute " At HilUf "ly nd without warniug, Hiutou in, vaukcd out a knife and plunged III rjug blade deep iulo tbe bteait ol Hani ,h point penetrating hi left Inug. uuieut with Ibis, tba boy struck bis u,eruuil time on the left arm, split -t open from ahoulder to elbow. . ,lou ws pUotd under arreat, and tbe fed man waa taken in charge by Dr When William left Hamilton waa jve, but tbe doctor had aid there waa pe fur hi recovery. William did not learn what motive or cation there was for tbe killing. 80 be knew there bad been no words be- ih. in. save tboae mentioned above, gforuiunt waa rather reticent on this but said enough to give riae to tbe be kat there waa a "family feud" of eoiuo l at tbe bottom of the affair. , murdered man wai about forty yean iod the oldeat ion of Senator Hamilton. IB well liked by all thoae with whom be in contict, and had many frieud iu lotinty. Thii being the caae, young ,n will be apt to nutter severely for hii "weapon used, ayi Dr. Fill, waa evi 1 a long, two-sdged dirk, with a broad II was not discovered on young 11111- person. Pleasant Hill Items. April 1, 1889. il fool. a Luella Handsaker viaited at Eugene peek. ' pmy Keeuey it getting to be a frequent I to tbia place. H (' Wheeler ami wife are visiting 1 at Irving. , Thompson Morse, of Creswell, pawed gh Ibis place to-day. . H. C. Wheeler has been sick for time but is now convalescing. is Elva Richardson left for Pendleton r, where she formerly resided. .Parke left for Bethel, last Tuesday lit her daughter, Mrs. B. F. Mnlkey. , S. Htndaaker went to Yuqtiinu last U and will return some time this Dick, who recently purchased the farm Lee Dickenson, bus located bis family l siine. raa decided by the Cornet Bund at meeting last Saturday night, to have a : on May th. 8 E Bristnw, who is traveling iu the III of tbe Draiu Tile Co, haa gone on a Dougbii county, . I. N. Mulkev bas just returned from I, where he has beeu holding a pro id meeting tbe last week. Irltuu Perkins, who has been attending I here this winter, returned to bis b"ine iwlyn last Saturday. Hi- Snnduy School election last Sunday Mowing officers were elected: Vt II Inn in. Supl; H T Bristow, Aist Snpt Ihorister; John Kelly, Librariau; aud r Handsaker Sec and Trees. are pleased to learnthat Mr W Williams iter has bought 01 1 Mr .1 W Matlock's at 1 .hen. While we are all sorry to Irith Mr M, yet if he must go away, we of no more worthy person than " Will." iLooney Smith and family, Mr D Jsco- .1 family, and Airs J H Keeney ol Jag Mr G W Handsaker and family, and B Handsaker of Eugene, and Mr J W y and family of Dexter, were here last for the purpose of having Ibeir pictures Our genial photographer, Sir J A k is doing a flourishing business. X. City Election. 1 annual election of Eugene was held City Hall Monday. Only one regular (, that nominated by a citizen s couten Isturrtay evening, waa in tbe field and interest, compared with lormer elec- 1 was manifested. I total vote cast was 153 against 45C in I showing a loss of 3 vqlei. Had there any particular contest, or had then a marshal to elect 160 yotei more would been cast. 1 Citizen's ticket elected by tbe follow pie: MA YOB Hovey 340 Dunn Ill OOtJHCIbMEN. Jampbell 368 tonsy 336 )orrii 336 'riendly 186 iUckey 49 flu 41 pbell, Dorrii and Roniy elected. atcoaoiB. Porris 368 liskin 74 TBnasiisaa. lay 446 Notice. Seymour, B Gilbert and J Oaks, olaim I to be part ownen in the Treasure Pe-. Blue River District, Lane County, igon: h re hereby notified that your failing ier lor a ttrru of three years to do any ou said claims, and the undersigned Ig oeen olilifrwl to work out your at- pat on said claims, your interest 111 iwms lire declared fnrlelled DV aw. J. W DOWNEI. Brevities. April showers. New novels at M Let inger's. Oregon lard al Sladden k Son'l. All kinds of spectacle at M. Uvinger's. Corralli is to hvo a 2U,tX)0 brick avhool house. Sheet music nn.l music book t M Leviu gen. Horee bills on cloth or paper printed at he ;.: nfllcv. Easter card, at the Uiiiversitv Bookstore Hovey BliK.-k. WH P"Per at reduced price at ger h Notice. P nave decided to lean Goshen soon I I'll goods very cheap for cash or pro 1 will ae sach things ai I do not 0 move, regardless of cost, from now 1 Ret ready to leave, so come one and I ecore bargsina. o ri s,ectfnlly k all those that are M to me to cume forward and settle 1st day of April, 1889. J. W Matuxti. 'n, Jan. 30, 1889. Lumber for Sale. I'd second hand Inmbt-r for aale cheap E. I. McCLiXSaUB. Don't Believe It I told that F. II. Wilkins, the druggist. filing Wisdom's Robertine for the ltI'on, the moat elegant and only really PS neMMilnn n4 it- Irinit in the 1 and ESS a beaatif al picture card For Sale. Pjd wind mill, pomp, piping and tank, laor cash or trade. Inquire of J J. WiLTOB M. Levin Uier lore The Hoey HedLonuge, the t)esl Innnge iu the market, manufactured by R. D Brown. Mr tien KCraw has the salt ageocy fur all brand- of the celebrated Tain.il Punch Cigars. Take your produce to the Pacific Tea Co. nd gel ibe Wat price.. Smoke, the H ippy Hours 10 ceut white IsUir cigar of Msrkus t Co. Hot and cold baths every day in the week at Jerry Horn's Wbcr shop. Great r. dm t ion sal.-by H N Crain. Will sell lit coi a- the stock mils! In- sold. We are in the lead, never MM Always get there. ( ity B ikery and restaurant Dr. Scott's Kl.ctric Corsets at Eastern prices. For sale ouly at G. Bettui iu'. Preston Waatl yon to come sfl4 see his saddles and heavy team lmniess Before storing or selling your oats see A. V. Peters. 01 IBB Chevalier barley wunled. Tbe Whisin in Bros, have put their stage on the route betweeu Eugeue and Florence. Mackerel, Bloaters, Herring, Salmon, Fin HaddiH'k mid Cod fish at Sladdeu A Sou's. A scaffolding bus been placed in front of Marx's building and worktmu are cementing the front. Try our mm puffs, City Bakery. Oregon hums, shoulders aud sides at Slad deu & Son's. Reniemlier we deliver every thlni: with our own wagon, City Bakery, E. O. Potter bas lwn appointed a nolarv public, to reside iu Portland. H. N. Crain is selling off at cost. Call early and secure bargains. A. F. Snelling has resigned the register- ship of the laud office at Lakeview. A marriage license was grunted this week to Merrit F Casteel and Josie L Howard. E. C. Lake, murble cutter and dealer iu mouumentl, shop on Eighth street, Eugeue. A dog light at the Hoffman House Wed nesday night caused considerable excitement. Issue Blum, a San Francisco drummer, well known here, has started a cigar store in Albany. Tbe poles for the Telephone company have beeu plan tad aloug Willamette street this week. The Eugene Hercules cigar two for 26 cents is the best. Manufsctuied by the Eugene Cigar Factory. Jainea Noland has surveyed a mile race track for Dr Harris on his farm northeast of Springfield. Carpet! Carpets! ! S. H. Friendly has just received a large and varied assortment. He will suit you. The steamship Yaquittl on her la-t trip, made tbe voyage bltwi M Bad Francisco aud Yaquiua Buy iu 18 hours. Don't forget that Moslmrg, Harris & Co. handle more Hour, provision), etc., than any other grocery hou-e iu Eugene. Mr. J. 0. Qoodala informs us that by nex'. Tuesday or Wednesday he will have plenty of logs, tbu log drivers now being at work All kinds of fancy, dr. ss and dry goodl just received from the E ist. which must be sold at once. Cull ul Bellman's and exam ine. The Eugene local was two hour late Tharsday afternoon caused by the eugin giving out al Aurora Another engine was sent from Porlluud Goldsmith, the grocer, has just received from tbe Bast one of the largest assignments of lamps ever brought to Eugene. He will sell tbem at prices that defy competition. Col. Geo. E. Waring, who has been pre paring a report on a suitable system of aiui tary sewerage for S.-atlle. ssyii that a com plete system will cost (325,000. Mr. Harvey Scott, of the Oregouiau, bought some proper y iu Albiua two years ago for f 2 1.000, and last week sold it for $51,000 Think of su editor doing that. Carpets 0' every style and grade at Frieud ly's. These carpets have just arrived aud have been well selected 10 meet the. demands of this market. Call aud examiue his varied assortment. Tbe City Council meets Monday evening when the newly elected officers will take their posilions The mayor will appoint the mnrsbnl, street coinmisioner, night w.tch and city attorney st that time. John M. Bacon ha been appointed post master at Oregon City, vice E. D. Kelly re signed. Mr. Bacon had held the office for tweuty yean until a few months sgo when Kelly was appointed. The Charier Ouk is tbe best stove manu factured. Ii is Ibe pride of every house hold. Mcssis Starr, Griffin & Brown have recently received from the manufactory at St. Louis a car load of them whioh they are offering at very low prices. Call and exam ine them. 8. H. Frieudly keeps the largest aud best assortment of clothing, ladies dres goods, bats etc. He is continually adding the latest and newest styles to his stock. His prices are tiled to suit the timei. Tbe best family remedy is undoubtedly Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. It may be safely giv.n to the infant as well us to the adult, and it will give relief where other medicines fail to do so. Keep it in tbe house. Oregon Hose Team will give a dance at Rhinehart's ball, Fridsy evening, April 1Mb, the proceeds of which will be devoted to paying for the uniforms recently pnrchased by the team. The ladies should call at J. D. Matlock's store and examine th ii beautiful aud -re-fullv selected stock of ladies dress goods Spring ud Summer pallenis of the latest style, and quality 1 0 suit Ibe buyer. Salmon fi-biug commenced in the Colum bia river on the . xpiraliou of Ibe close M son. Sundsv at mi.Ii.ight The riven very low this BBBBOB sndit is thought Ibat few fish will be caught by trsps or fish wheels. Tramps in greater numbers than ever are k..;. .v Ii, from Ciliforuia An musing . O AC coi.dmtor rip.ris one day last w.ea putting off twenty al Alb ny. nine at Ham burg eight at Eugene, Oskland. Salem and ,0 on along the ro.id. He says that all have roonev. but part with it reluctantly for any thing'but whisky -Welcome. Baker Citv i ruiing fund for the pur pose of miking known to the world I be .e mm Ksstern Or.gonin general . id Baker Civ in particular. According to be B th-' am-iint nurnosehs alre-dy reached I17'I b.i doei Eugene piopose to raise for thi pur pose? Frank W..rtmn. who i completing bis medical e lnca-.on . th- Ml M" HlMvtelsWtbl old world, le Berlin recently for L nd. n. where he will remsm tSmSZ 'bid. he will re- tnrn home. He may visit the Holy Land . 1 hark bt way of Sn Francisco instead of New is now beaded. Geo. W HnbUrd. tbe veteran bop buyer of Tu.len. C.I . who travel, all tmfjM coast pureha-ing tbe redolent hop which he Sto the Eastern market, -a. rWeoi SaZy looking up proapectt of 1889 The outlook now ii that the crop .ilX . .buBdanloo.. Th- chance are that tbe. wtU aasa! gooo prioa avast BatawB Maw JoBrnai. A quiet eleetion laat Monday. Bairnfther Family Taiaday. Butter Viy&& eta; egg 12. eta Guitar and violin ilring at M. Levinger'. M .mey to loan on farms. Ru.iuira of Judgl Wult.m Art materials at M Levinger' at Portlaud price Extracts in beautiful deoauter at Sladden A Sou's. When out of nights, stop at 1 'it v Restaurant for oyster. O. W. Hind ol Floreuce waa in town Thursday. New stock of Bibles and New Testament at M. LevingtrV The busiues part of Willamette afreet was cleaned Monday. Havana Cigar clipping for the pipe 4t the Eugene Cigar Factory. For tbe lu st an. I cheapest spring beds aud lounges go to R l Itrowu's A flue line of silk plushes in all shade and graib at F. B. Duun's. Fr,.h Yq ii.s and Eiern oyster twice a week at "ity ResrauranL Me-t violin and gu tut strings at M. LeT- ing.r's. FATAL ACCIDENT ! Peter Rous Meets HI Death In a Run away Accident. A fatal runaway accideut took place on the road south of Eugene Wednea day evening about 6 JO o'clock, that caused the loss of oue life. Two men by the nam of Peter Ross and C. H Arnapiger, the lat ter a resident of Hsrrishurg, had been out a couple of miles south of Eugene to see about a grubbing contract which Roes had taken. When near Mr. Walters' farm th team, which waa a yoang obi, became frightened and ran away. The wagon struck a chuck bold throwiug both men out. Rosa it is thought fell on bia bead, as bis neck was broken wbeu found after the runaway. The wagon was badly bp ken. and wasdistributed along tbe p. id to Ibe city limits Rons wa unmarried aud had no relative o r as known in this vicinity. Both nieu at the ume of the accident were uudir IbainltieBOl of liquor, and had been so since moruiiig The remains were buried in tin- 10 0. F BMW ten Thursday forcuoou Ak your giocer for Junction flour. It la excellent. l'fund.r's Oregon Blood Purifier is adver tised iu another column of the Gcsas. Finest brands of cigars aud tobacco al Moslmrg. Harris & Co'i. Call at Mosbuig, Harris t Co'i and get th. ir prices on Groceries. Everything in the Grocery line new and tmk at Mosburg, Harris A Co's. The BalfBBtstM Family at Rbineharl'i theatre Tuesday eveuing, April 9tb. HoabOTg .v. Harris have moved their gro M ) stON to the red front restaurant build ing. The cattle stalls and improvement on the fair grounds were torn dowu this week. Vale fair. Go and see the Highland Fling aud hear the "auld Scotch songs" by the Bairnsfathcr Family Tuesday. E.l, Howe's old bound "Sounder" that had made many a chase got his final quietus by poison Monday. 'I'll.' close season for trout expired Monday and we have beard of some good string of trout being taken. The "Cubau" and "Ysrru" cigars at Horn & Paine'. Try them; they are the best iu the market for the money. ltufus Robertson has la-en appointed post master ut Lorane, in Lane county, in place of Win. N. Crow resigned. Iloli Haves has a mocking bird that makes things lively. It has a number of calls that surpass the genuine article. Clothing, boots and shnea just arrived from New York, at G. Bcttiuau'e. Will be sold cheap for Ibe uext 30 day. J. S. Balier and Geo. Forret fitted up a rig and have gone up the McKenziein earch health. We hope they will be benefitted. Chas. H.D01M& Co., of Portland, have 11 full line of hardware and agricultural im plements. Read their ad in another column. C. A. S. hi lhr.de of Oakland, and John Kelaay of Corvallia, are applicants for the Consulship at Calcutta, to succeed Judge Boiihum. The Ptiamation ol the Lord's Day will be the subject of sermon at the Baptist Church Sunday evening next. Other sirvices as usual. Dr. Shellon has eoticluded to erect a two st .ry brick building on the ground occupied by the building oue door eouth of Rankin's Bazaar. Common Council meet next Monday evening. A larg. audience will lot preaent In hear tbe appoimmeiits to tie made by tbe new Mayor. A tramp was arrested Wednesday charged wi'h ii . I. cent exposure of person. The wit DSsm - w. re not able to identify him, and be was discharged. The dragon delegation in Cougrea bus recommended Dr bm Cleaver to the Presi dent for ibe position of register of th. I.u Grande land office We understand that Mr Jacob Conser will build a seeond story on the bricks now nocu ntad by Kraai A Klein and G Bettinan, and will put a new iron front in the Utter HtiIHMi On April 1st the Firemen' Silver Cornet llu'debcted the following officer for the t. rni of six months: President, F A Brown; See, II Weider; Trea, J W Christian; leader, J 0 Watt. Tbe Wnlla Walla Journal observe! that now is the time of year when town neigh bors will fall out and quarrel over a few lousy chickens. Don't do it. Kill the chickens and be solid with your neighbor. Mayor elect Hovey is all the same Hatri Bon. Several offices to fill by appoinlmeut and more applicants than offices. The great fault of our system of government is that it does not provide enough offices to go sround Rev. Geo. W. Hill has resigned the po sition of pastor of the First Baptist of East Portland. He Iisb nccepted the superinten dence of the city missionary work of Port land and ticinity. The field is a large one. See C. H. Paine's ad. in another column. He is located in Melson k Scott's shop and will do 11 general blacksmilhing business, repairing, plow work, Ac. He will use none but tbe best material and guaranteea bis work. If your cough keeps yon awake and restless by night, take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and ob tain immediate relief. This remedy allays in flanmtion, heals the pulmonary organ, In duce sleep and restores health. The sooner you liegtn the lietter. There is 11 constant and steady advance of real estate value tbrongbout tne entire state. It is not au unhealthy and feverish boom, but simply the advance dne to in creasing population and growing business sctivity. 'When the spring time comes," we usually find ourselves drowsy and eshansted owing to the impure and sluggish state of the hhsid. To remedy this trouble, take Ayee' SaraeparilU. the BMBl isiwerful, yet safe and economical blcssl purifier in existence. Mr. Garrison, ihe contractor, ou the pro posed improvement of the front of J. B. Coleman's brick tor., is gelling the ma terial on the ground His contract bind him to complete tb work witbiu twelve dm after a start is uisde. Rev I D. Driver preached hi farewell . ,i,. (Vol. boh M . E. Chnrch. East -.1 J Uai ii,i,.dv Oi, Mrindav even-' rorii'iu". - y - ing be was tendered a farew-ll reception, aud w.. tb- iMph nt ' f gold beaded cne, pre si nt.d by the friends of bis church The University book store in the Mc Clur. n block kei ps u full line of book. ta turnery, school Isa.ks, and everything in that line Mr Euwagen, the proprietor, has bad a life tun xieriem in the businms aud ia prepared to please lb.- public. 8e. hi ad verilseiu. Bt in iiotht r column Rev. McKinlav will presch in Albina next Sunl.v nn.l RV Win 0 PlfM of that place ii 1 fib his pulpit b-r morning nd SiftatBg The 1'ie.bjt.ry of Oregon meet iu Lafayette neit Tue.day the 9lh and Mr. McKinlav will to- away next w ek in attend-an"- on it- uwetinga. The W (' T I iH sive their musical and literary entertainment at Khinebart's Hall on Friday eve. Apr. 10. 1H89- Some of the lead ing feature ol the entertainment will be sing ing by Mr Nettie Piper Langsno one of the ! " aaaJaat of the tte and choice read ,3 whithV b. W.m Pmf of Elocution Afc .1 UHIB..W ... . . j Personal. Rev. I D. Driver is in town. Ernest Bros, of Portlaud, was her last WVduesday. W. H Baber, of Juuction, wasiu town the first of tbe week. Mr L.J. O'Brieu ha returned from a visit to California. Mr. Geo. C. Swift is now residing at (tenuis, Marion county B. F. Dorri returned from a trip to the Blue river mine Weduaaday. Dr. Charles and R Griffin, of Cottage Grove made Eugene visit Wednesday. Geo. A. Dorris 1. tinned Friday rooming from a trip of several days duration to Ash lsud. J. M. Sean did not go to South America i- bo intended He haa returued to Port laud. Win Ronshaw returned from San Fran cisro Monday morning much improved in health. Hon. Root Clow has moved his family to Junction and will make that place his per manent home. J H. Goodman aud wife started on atrip to Latah, Spokane County, W. T , Wed nesday morning. They go to look about lb country. Mrs. J. C. Welch, nee Allii Wallace, of Portland, i visiting at the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mr. Wallace, in thi city. A. J. Pickard and Johnny Stewart atarted for Crook county Tuesday via the McKenzie mute, for the purpose of securing mutton sheep. C. F. Cathoart, formerly railroad agent at Cottage Grove, has accepted the position a agent for th railroad at Uralu, ana ruoven bis family then. Mr Lee Searcy left for his home in Day ton, W. T., last Thursday morning. His family will continue their visit hem for a tinii before returning. Mr. Curl Adler and wife, of Baker City, viaited Eugena over Snuday, at th residence of Mr. S. H. Friendly. Mr. Adler is a brother of Mrs. Friendly. Mrs. Joel Ware had an attack of heart disease while visiting at the residence of Mr. Jamea Hoffnian Wednesday. She re covered so as to be taken to her borne in a carriage in tha evening, and is uow well again. Circuit Court Docket. A Goor Idea. Tbe Benton Leader thinks the best way to advertise a community is through the local paper. Advertise iu the East for inquirers and then send the papers, the mom thi batter, in answer to them. The idea is a good one. Make iirrangeraeut with all the local papers of a city and send each to every inquirer. A local paper speaks for a place in stronger language than am outside menus. 20,000 paiers in answer to 10.000 inquirers conld be seut for $1,100 or less, including all expense of mailing Does any one know of n rbeapei or more efficient way, aud aren't tbe local papers entitled to something of the kind? The Leader man is level beaded. Correct Bro Democrat. DiNOtaocs Shootiho A strsnger was nutting a cartridge in a rifle in Horn k Paine'a gunsmith store, Tuesday moruing, and accidentally discharged tbe gun. The ball, whioh was of large calible, after plow ing its way along the counter for several inohes passed out through tbe plunk under tbe window, struck iu Willamette street, glanced through the open door of Hender son's tinstore and struck a stove. The bull was split by the force of tbe contact. WootiN Mini Talk. --The Albany Demo crat ha a bit of new concerning Eugene that ha not reached here yet It eaya: A gentleman from Eugene says that a letter bad been received from the proprietor of tbe Ashland woolen mill proposing to re move tbelr plant to that town for a $15,000 bonne. Our informant sayslbat Eugene will raise tbe Ihjiius. If our information is true we'll bet a niuklu that Eugene will raise that bouus iu three dayi. The following is the decket for Circuit Court which meet one week from next Monday: 1. State of Oregon v Aaron Lurch; obtain ing money undar false pretense. 2. Slat of Oregon v A iron Lurch; for gery. S. State of Oregon v Tho Eton; larceny. t-Ja. J. BellvaU v .Mary 0 Bellvail; uit for divorce. 5. -Tho Burrows v K Doty et ox; fore closure of mortgage on real . state. u, -John Bach vs Jacob Drnhach;to recover ni..iiy. 7. G Betlmau vt Jason au I Laur Neeley; to recover money. 8. -Alice O Brandt vs A P Brandt; suit for divorce. 9. L B Carter v C t Carter; suit for di voree. la-Mary Caunon vs A 1 Hyland t al; suit for p .union of real estate. 11. J 1 t'aae 'lhieshiuu Mkchin Co. V Wm ltolliiuwnrth; to reisivvr umuey. 12- - F B Duuu vs E J Stiuil et al; auit for foreclosure ou real estate, 13. L K Kdwarda vs J J Eaton; to recover lU'.iity. 14. F B Duuu vs J W Alien and Jesse t-'os; tt recover money. Ilk tii . A honiinstou a J L Elminston: to recover luouey. Its. lieo W Diiumick, a mr. of estate of J B Doty, deoL, v W W Otey; to recover injtiey. 17. Firt National Bank of Albany, Or, vs W H Baber aud Saiul Meek: to recover money. 18. First National Bank of Eugaue vs L S Uonlou it al; tu n cover money. 10. -Wm M I i.s vs Msiy Kiss; suit for divorce 20. Cora Freeman vs C F Houghton; to set aside deed. 21. K W tioodchild, admr. vs Frauk J Crouch et al; to declare deed void. 21 A U Hylaud vs H S 'liltou; to recover money. 2S.-Mary J O'Hagan vs Hugh O'Hagan; suit lur divorce. 21. -Hevwood Boot and Shoe Co. vs W Balwr: to recover money. 26.- Hovey, Humphrey A Co v J Daugherty and wile; motion for order Sheriff to make deed. LYi. Louisa Hyland vs Benj. Hyland; correct deed. 27. -G W Hackelns,d vs ti H Forrest; recover money. 28.-1.. Hirsch A Co. vs G K Forrest; to re cover money. lit, H N Howard et ux vs Ira Allen et ux; suit for partition of real estate. 80. M A Lynch 1 s I Hall; to recover money. 31. S C Kramer vs L B Itowlaud; to re cover money. 82,- J B Harris v C A Underwood et al; to correct deed. 83. J W Major v R W Ma l ie and J Howard: settleuetit of partnership and counting. 84. tieo Melson v H 0 Owens; to recover money. 86. Marx A Haa v W H lUber; to l cover luouey. 80. J A Lawrence vs H W Cottle aud A McKinney; action for damages. 37. Maliuda Parri vs I N Hajubree, mau date from Supreme Court. 88 Henrietta v .1 M Sloan; for delivery of personal property. 39. J M Powell vs .1 O Beetle; to recover money. 40. A A Richardson vs F M Dodson et al; foreclosure ol uiortgase on real estate. 41. H W Stewart vs Addie F Stewart; suit for divorc . 42. Dollie Thuruian vs N t ' Purkerson; ac tion for damages. 43. S Ko onhlutt vs Jason Nee'cy; to re cover money. 44. L D Scarbrough vs R L and 0 L isms; to recover money. 46. Schuster. Kenstou A Co. vs W H ber.v, Co; to recover rnmiey. 47. Elmore A Sanborn vs U G Smith et al; foreclosure. 48. Staver A Walker vs 0 F Wright; to rveover money. 40. David Wilson vs J J Eaton et al; to recover money. 50. I! K Wright vs 0 W Butler and Butler; to recover money. 62. Edward liailev vs (J W Matipiu, et fore cloxtire. 53. H (J Owen vs 11 t' Perkins; to recover money. 54. J K McDauiel vs W H Usher; apmul. 66. W ashhurne .X W.sslcock and L tiilyeu vs Is P Sladdeu, to recover money. .'si. S M Mclleeetal vs .1 II BUDM, et al; suit for partition. 57. M S Wisslcock v Win Hood; to re cover money. 68--M A tiunst A C v Saiul Colin; to re- M BO- Will Ba Susie all .p) 1 like cover money. .VJ- Mary t'aniioii vs A D Hyland; inent. Wl A E Wheeler vs The Southern U R Co; to recover money. Franklin Items. rject-Paciho CommlHiloner't Court. Met it tbi Court Holloa Wednesday morn. ing, April 3rd; full board present. Tbi fol lowing proceedings wen had: School Superintendent Sirvennon filed a certificate of applicant for frea scholarship in the State Untveraity a follow: Lioa Illume, I'essa Williams, Hattie Stowell, J B Ferree, Fred 1 bauds rs. E R Frank, A Guy Hovey. Carrie M Hovey, W C Washburue, Maggie Whipple. Chai Chaoibera, G W Nor- lis, .Maggie M W idmer aud J w ului. r. By lot 11 wai decided thai Fred Chamber be appointed to the free scholarship Supervisors appointed: Diatricl No 76, Jos (.'nli ; No lli, Levi (leer. Davis preciucl e-tahlished witb Ihe follow ing hound .11. Commencing ou S bank ol McKenzie river due north ol ihe weal line of the douaiiou laud claim of Jesae Mann, thence S to lp line betweeu ips 17 sad is S, Ii 2 W, Ibeiiee 1. to W hue ol donation lan.l claim of T May nurd, thence S lt uill,tbuce E 10 E line ol Sec In, 1 18 S, R I W, ihruce lollowiug ihe h.'iin. lanes of Road disl No HI, S E, N and W 10 S 0 line betweeu Sec 31 aud 32. T 17 S, I W, thence N to S bank of M. K. n.ie river, th in.- dowu said bunk tu place id beginning Davis school house or- lend as place of voting. Petition of E J Crow et al for county road; ordered established upon Ibe payunut ot lillin.gis lo Mis Units, which WS-. assessed at r7a, of which Ihe county agrees In j.li ,ai upou Ihe p -tltloiier pay lug a amount. Petitmu of I) A Gibbs it al for conuty road; ordered 1b.1t upou pavmeut of $200 by u till. 1I11 r lo Jonu lluiley, aa damages, the road be cstublishrd. Petition of Eugene Fiuu (or road of public easemeut; J A McMuhau, Fred Gray and Perry Edmistou appointed to view, local and assess damages caused then by . to meet Apiil 13th. April loth was set for Ihe lime of viewing tbe Blue river road In the matter ol coutract for keeping of county paupeis; Awarded to C A Luse, his beiug the lowest bid, i. e , t'i 50 per week for board, lodging aud washing of each pau per kept. Liise to give leu days uotice in case lie wishes to cancel contract. In Court reseivs the right to inspect the man nvrof keeping the paupers, and also reserv ing tbe tight to at any time discharge auv of id puuper fiom the care of said contrac tor. The application of Jesse Sovern, adminia Iraior ot the estate of Johanna Goodcbild, deceased, for mouey belonging to d ceased, deposited as losi money by S M Yorau, Wasrcfu-ed Adjourned. Real l-St nip Transfers. rmi J F Gentry to Martin Uoffmin, two loti in Scott's addition; con $295. O R Chrisman lo Ellen C McCornick, lots iu Packanl'a addition; con $2,400. G M Wbituey to B F Fuller. I1 , lots in Whitney' addition! BOB I4INI. G M Winuiey to Matilda A Churchill, lot iu Whinny's addition; con $3iK). I) II llama to J W Bland. V, lota in Karri' addition; cou $400. V McFarlaiid lo 1 E Steven , 100x160 feel; con $800. D R Christian, admr, lo Clara C Blaine, lot iu Christian's 2nd addition; con f 15o. W J J Scott to M A Lakin, lot in Scoti'i addition; $110. J A Straight to S J Van A Untie. 9 acres io I) K Chiistiah' donation; con $1000. Il rberi Eukin to G R Cbriimau, laud in Mulligan's donation, con fi'iOO. OOONTIT. W II lUber to Sarah Meek, 80 acres, aud 5 lots in Junction; cou It'., inn. W II Bales to Geo Arehsrt, 100 17 acres; con $70.'!. E J MeKendree lo J 0 Wilon,19.77 acres; cou $2,175. Chiistinn Winzenried to John and Albert Win.enrli d, 320.74 acre; eon $10. Daniel Test. to E J McClanahsn, 100 acrei; con $4,300. Jacob Martin to T T Roach, land; con NO, John KircrioChua Hustings, 1325 acres; con $205. COTTAlll um. VI. N P Clirismoii to Jus Bedford, laud; $1 vi m Shields to Robl Grifflu. 2 Iota; coo 1100. Jaa II McFarlaiid beira to T A Baker, 2 lots; con $70. I'OBITBO. Isaac V iiiduyne to M E Vanduyne, 1 lot; con $75. HTATK UNIVERSITY Column of tbo EnUxlan Society. CaaNoE or Namk Nkkiicd. -Our postal authorities should change tbe name of the Eugene City pnstoftlce to conform to tbe name of tbe town as established bv tbe new charter, and avoid ooufusiou. The town drops the nume city but the poitomce still retains it. Tho worst mixed town in Oregon is Athena, Umatilla county, its postoliice re taining the old name Cinlarville. Insanb -The many friends of Samuel Witbrow will regret to learn that it has been deemed advisable to confine him in the state insane asylum, whither hi was taken Moudsy. His mental malady was cansod by a severe attack of typhoid fever He ap pears apathetic but is liabla to become vio lent at timei. Chuf Enuinkkb. Tb eleetion for thi ( ho i Engineer of tbe (lie department took place at the City Hall Saturday afternoon. W. D. Met do was the nominee of tbe En ziue company and was elected to tbe po sition. Mr Mctthee was the Assistant Chief and bis election leaves that office vacant. A Nbw Hill. Tbe fraternity of O Id Feb Iowa at Cottage Grov i making arrange ments to build two atory brick building at 1 bat place, the upper atory of which will be occupied by tbe lodge. The building will tw a credit to tbe order aud tba progressive little city of Cottage Orove. C'NTHTiTri InrBovrtinii. John B. Coleman is talking of building albree tory brick hotel on the ot formerly occupied by Ibe Star hotel. If be builds, tbi building will lie 411 f.-et froUt bv I U feet D. Ell gene is short of hotel room and it to be buped tb, t be will mke the improvement Assistant Cuirr Eaoiarra Tbe Board of Fire Delegates met last Tuesday evening and elected Elmer Clever Aitant Chief Engineer, to erve until tbe next annual le. lion, vice W. II t.h. who bas been ehcted Chief Eugineer. Dibd. -Mrs. Jennie Clayton died io Eu gene Tuesday April 8ud. aged 8$ yeare and months. The luneral took place Thurs day aftirBooo Tbe decead waa -be mother of Mr Off uit and Mrs Howl. April I. 18H0. Farmers aro about done eowiug here. Mr. Cora Hill paid her mother, Mrs Ba ker, a visit List Wfduedy. What on earth is the matter with tbe Long Tomer? They haven't bail a dauce for a week or two. The boys promenade Ibe mad every Sun day betweeu Siuitbtuld aud Eliuira. Get iu boys aud have a good time while yonug. Mrs. M. F. Baker weaves both kinds of carpets st 15 aud 20 cts per yard; she has got about 200 yards spoke for to weave. She makes nice carpet, uive uer a can nun see. Mr. Fiher and Johnny Baker aud MM other caught several uice trout Friday. II s tenlav while Leo Baker was limiting for a grouse III au ouk tree ne lain u 10 uuii 11 discovered thai Ihe tree was u nee tree. Ai'BiL Fool. hut List of Juror. The following is the list of jurois drawn to serve st the April teiiu of the Circuit Court, to begiu April Ml $ A J Workman, Mabel; J A Hughes, Creawell; W F Gray, Siuslaw; Amos W ilkins, Coburg; Amu Hemetiway, Eugsne; MelvilU Taylor, Willamette; C Wldmer, Eugene; H 0 V.atch, Cottage Grove; J W OoS, Eugene; J E Koach, W illamette; .1 T Taylor, Spuor; J T Itifflc, Eugtne; D S MvFrrrau. Ing MB IN Hemhree, Junction; I) McFar laud, t'o.tage 1, rove; A H Spare, C'otlag Urove; A J Harlow, Springfield; Geo tuuy iiiin, Springlield; Gwi I jndretli, Cayote; J H Fergusou, lMat TaBstl Jerry I'ipr. Cayote; E N Calef Spnuglltld; I) Lluehaiigh. (Jottag Orove; N P lUiiiuiitt, Mohawk; J V Thorn ton, Cottag Grove; Joa Huddlnton, Mo hawk: W A McUee. Camp VnoVi J U Sport. Bichardsou; M J Hillega. Camp Creek; A M Bailey, Crw.ll; M Haaovan, Richardoon. Horse, Wanted. Mr. Sender, of Albany, the well known horse buyer of Oregon will be in Eugene at Eli Baug's stshle, Monday and luewlay, April Ifilh and lUh to purchaw hores. All having horse lor sal should call. Coi'bty FiaAscaa. The Counly Clerk ha Biad hia report aa reijuin d by law gtviug tbe linanclal ouudllloU I Lane counly . From 11 we learn ibat ou April I, lUD'J, the couuty was in debt Bti.se,6.HJ. The report abow 1 .. 1 1 ; 1.1, 1, .. been mid on the slat. UX aud we suppose sever! thousand dollar should be added lo lb iud. bndnes ou tbi irrntBt Tn deliuiiueui ux lisi lor l5- si. s? i. i 8 amouula to fJJ.iJ 'JJ Kspey'i I. list Picture. East Portland Vindicator. There is oiuelhing pathetic about the last day of the yonug artist. Edward Eapey, that hu never yet been told in print. Be fore stricken utterly down, although be had been for a Inns time ailing, hi began and bud half finished a magnificent painting for a rich patron who bad been very kind to him When he wai compelled to tiki to bis bed be wa accustomed to have his easel brought to his bedside, and, propped up in bed, be would work upon tbe picture ai long as his strength would last. But the dtlratioi of these brave attempt at labor gnw shorter ml shorter, ami finally, when be waa iropped up as usual aud thi brush waa lauded bin, it dropped from the nerveless grasp of the ibin, pale hand, snd with tbe heart broken sigh. "It must go iiuiiul-lied be Hauls back exbuusted on hii pillow. What u story of patient snlTeriiig and berolo en deuvur that uiillnisued picture telllt At Public Sale. The attention nt our readers Is called to the sale ot land of the J H Brown estate that will take place at the Court Hoase Monday at 10 n clock a in. The land conrlsta 01 ,m acre, about one half of which is cleared nd excel lent hot lom land, luvimr one half mill east Eugene. 'I here is a hop yard of 4 acres on th 111cm1.es with 4t"M uood poles wldcli will I w ith ' he place ll. re in a chance to get a bariialii. liuiuire of Washburue ft Woodcock for full particular. Money to Loan. In sum lo sun ou improved city or coun try properly at a low rate of inter, st For further infmmalion undress E. 0 Norton a Co, Et Portlaud, Or. Mill Bubsid. Tbe Untiring mill at Mon roe wa hiirucd at 12 o'clock Monday night The fire was caused by a lantern falling fiom Ibe bauds of one of Ibe workmen em ployed ill Ibe mill. The loaa waa about I '2.000 and there was an insurance of 1IO.11OO. The mill waa owned by Thoa Snmiiel of Corvallis. Tbe grain warrbonae connected wilh Ibe mill, m which a conoid erble amount of gram waa stored waa elao burned. FOR SALE By Miller &. Hopkins. Xotiee. Notice is hereby given to whom it may 000 oern, that tbe books and aecoont of Sloan A Forrest are held and controlled by tb. on dersigned, who alone is anlhorued lo collect sod receipt for tbe same. G S. W comae of bth ai H. Fobbbbt, at Oliv striata. Niw Dbbsb Tbe Stale Journal baa a new dress aud now preaanU an excellent ap pearand. Mr Kiocaid ia datarminad to keep in tbi front rinks of jouruaham. Imi how.. - W'., re pleased lo state that JsjdsM Waahbarnr's baa lib ooatinaas to im prove. Ha waa out for a rid op tba street Wednesday. A Craccs.-W. may expect a circna bofori long, as tha advance agent of Frennia k Me Manna' aircna as? a billed Albany (or tba 12th ot April. E. H. k L. Co Tbia company bald Ita annua election laat Mnuduv f veiling. Till (,,ll. .am 111. , rs Were cbooeU lor Ibe eUsll lug year; lien A Dorri", Presiili-nl ; Wm H Smith, Vice President; Lou Patterson, 8e reUry ; H E Briatow, Assistant ttwretar) ; J L rage, Treaauier; J F Starr. Foreman; P E Snodgraa. Ul Beta Thus Craig, 2nd aast; W T Campbell, grsud bouncer. A Naw SriaMBB Tb Yaquma Hapubli ian of March 3oth says: "Capuin Bergman cam up Irom rtnulaw on the Mlscbial He u going eat to boy a teel hull fur a to inn ou ins sioaiaw river. Aoucmin Willard MeCun waa triad at McMiunvilie, laat week for the murder of Jaa. BewUy, daring tba malipox year and acquitad by tba jury Il'OINI iill.il 70 feel froui ou Eighth street with three buildings, 2.010. lloue and two loll with barn on "th sir. et; fine nrooellv 3.61)0. Five lot MiilGO feet each, near depot $211 to 600 each. II us- and lot near University, high and dry. 7i0. Five lot in Bootl' addition, high and dry. IM each. !.. raorBBTT. 05 acre, witb half mile (ronton deap watei. Miuslaw bay la-si sawmill all OD in bav. ri.UUO- 1 .to- farm well improved. 3 miles from Eugene on tbe McKeBtie. HU par aera. 36 acre '2 milea (roan Cngsna, tiry best oil and flu location. 60 par asm. 1.U00 acrts beat ttmbar sand, fio 17 aoraa ia western snborba of 6aersalro.it. fiuu par OoaatB, Editor. Anna Bobibtb, Asst. Editor. April 6, W. Vacation next week! Elocution this week coniisted of claaa ra bersala. It. v Mr Bmeed has entered school again to study Oraak. V araaniionily awaiting the Laurean entrrtainmant. Tbi Seniors ban chosen a Lawson Cypres for their olaa tree. "All Fool day" waa genital ly observed by the students Monday. Mr. A.J. Collier, 'h, viaited tha Univira iiy Ih firal o( tbi week. Mr. E. Masters, of Sumner, visited tba University lut wsek. Mr. Vaaaia ia already planning plcnlca and 1 xcuraiona to Spencer Bntt. "Oue (wallow dornn't maka a lummer, but a load oltan make a spring " Mr. Johu Taite waa in town tha Aral of tha week. He is auon to teach a school near Creswell. Ws beard eouie of tbe Junior "chemlata" have beeu apaudiug their sparu moment in aualyuug hair rimtoraliva. Everybody (almoat) h.ok smiling this week; it la because ol auootaaful examluav lious, or because they are going home We ha VI been so vary busy with examina tioua this weak that w have neglected oar colm.iu. Ho offer ixouae to our readers. Th Kheioric olasa spent part of the hoar Monday moruing giving synopses of ih de bale Saturday evening and ot aeroioua beard Suuday morning. An Alumna received a vary nice photo graph of Mr. Weill not long since. Of course 'ti tba next beat thing to having him iu s.'hool. Tbe ovmmittio appointed to choose a peaker to address the societies, nixt Com- uicuceuieut, have secured Mr. B. B. Beek- mak of 'Si. Th Y. 0. W. T. U. will give Ibeir regular social to-night (Saturday). All active and huuorary members at invited 10 come aud hay a good time. l 'ht.ru singing is to have aom attention paid to it in tb luture; that is, if th atn- .1. tns will take enough interest lo stay an hour later una day ol th week. A short lima ago Prof. Condon lectured the Ci oology ulaas on "Ev- lution tb central idea ol (.oology. Ibe leetu wa thorough ly enjoyed and appreciated by tb class. 1st Stttdnt. "Where did you gat those prellv flower that you ara wtssringr 2nd Sudani. "I got then wheu I went buggy riding down toward Irving with Art." Some una baa aid that "laat Sunday waa u ainu hrouiam, i. ., a day of May that bad mistaken Ita appolutmrut and cume lour seeka a bead of time. Such eveuti ars juita common thii Spring. Owing to carelessness on the part ol some of thi student while in thi library, tbt Faculty hairs Blade the rules more stringent, snd tbe lima tor ita being opeu is limited from HiiO lo 9a. m., on certaiu days. Senior Mnlkey. unlike Dell Brattain, laat year, sent hia mustache down to Portland the other day to ba dyed (or Juna. Wa ars cer- laiulv ahead of tha claaa ol twi iu that as Mr. Brattain waited until April vacation. Some ol the Eutaiiana war very pleasant ly serenaded the other night. Mr. Smith 'a harmonica playing was very clearly dis- inguished from toe guitars indeed, Laurean, we greatly enjoy tbaaa fw and far between serenades. Tbe Laursan are going to give their open session April 19th . A debate ara soms- hat common lately, they wiab lo haw- it distinctly underalood. that this open ai salon. will be something out of tbe eommoii rnu and Laurean talent will be exercised lo its fullest extant. Mr. F. M Mulkey, Senior, went out uau ing Tuesday alternoou with Mr. Kap. Be caught a Bsh six inch long. rttagrio'ed. he started home, leaving tua poor utile nan on tbe bank, but be brought horn flab story telling bow it was a loot long! but be did not cars lo bring it witb bim. Imagine his aurpriae when al aupper, toe poor Utile tloh waa found ou bia plule, ".ooked so nicely and ready to eat." He ssys "they only coked tbe tall." Why don't some Eutaxian go off and do something great, io that we can writ an item atsuit bar aud say "she wss a bulex- ian." Hardly a week paaaes but that the Laurean columu has something about some honorary member. They reeeivs honors at Eastern collegia, and the like, etc, etc, and all w can do ia to be thankful wa go lo the same school they uaed to attend. But alter the di bate but Saturday, whioh deservedly leoeived many compliments, maybe in a few years, some Extaxian will be beard Irom. Tbe Laurean editor this week lays aside his quill, and aa he severs, forever, his con nection wttn our school, begin active prepa rations for hia future calling. We regret tbut tbe Universlt" will lose so promising a s stu eut, and t' e Laun an society a mem ber who baa be. u so successful in his jour nalistic endeae rs. He not only possesses Ibe dualities t Broome a successful editor, but iboae qna.itir which bare gained (or him many friends. Our beat wtahe are added to theirs, for success in life. Laat Saturday evening tb Eataxiau so ciety gave an Interesting open oernavu, whiah waa largely attended. The Lenreun Ldi' n haa promised to give us some "pufta," so wu refrain from being too boastful. Yet tba young ladiea on Bnetorioala, Miss Straight aud Miss Adair, deserve oredit for tbi man ner in wblob Ibey entertained tbe audieuoa, and everyono can but praise Misses Anna Huberts, Clara Condon, Nellie Soodgrasa, Agnea Orerne, Elva Oalloway and Grace Matthews, who debated in such a manner aa to receive the "well done" Irom the Laurean President. The debate ia decidedly tbe beat ver given by tbi sooiety. Besides lbs de bate about Ihe annexation of Canada, the girls of '89, who debated tbe same question, came off violorions in a little aparnus with Mr. Huffer. He was quite vanquished. Aa Ibe leaders gave a complete summary, wa re frain Irom repeating it. Not enough ii aaid about thi literary so eietiee of Ihe University. We want tu nrge tbe young ladies to join tbe Eutaxiana. If a young Isdy wants to do good snd be as much as she can. she will not only And ihe sooiety work agreeable, not ouly form pleasant friendthlpa, but will acquire a practical knowledge, wboaa value m after year it would be Itnpoeaibli to estimate. There ia one great advantage to our society, aud that is, since the joining is voluntary, but (aw luty members join ua. Tboae who seek to become member, doing so (or beneficial trainiug and knowledge. "There ia a univer sal law of iUHtice, established by tbe Eternal Judge, wblob insures lo the intelligent and lallhlul tha (ruit of their labor." Where can we battel notice the workiug of tbia great law than in society, when tbe oua who work moat (or th interests of society, con tributes moat to bar own welfare and raises herself in Ibe opinion of her fellow students. All lbs girls should thiuk about ibe op portunities they lei pas when they do not join us. Letter Llat. Letters (or the following persons remained uncalled (or at tha poalofnoe In Eugene City, Oregon. Aprils. 1889: Davis, E it Shannon, Billy Hshlaod, C E Shoualter, H M Eremer, Frederick Bbimer, F W Pariach, K Sinker, John Pbilllna, Rube Winch. H W 3 Peteron,Miaa Endora Wood. Dr C M. A charge of one cent will be made o letter ateaa ouL . ... .. , . . raraotta eautag tor tne snore win pu ay advertised, giving data W OttCaK, P. M.