i EUGENE CITY GUAR! KSTABLISUFJ Nl THE HUIUtUTIH OF DlIOrRlTIC raloYIPLBS. AND TO 8ARM IN BOHBST L1ISI BY TUB SWEAT OF lll'R BKIIW EUGENE CITY, OR., SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1889. 'OL21 THE tPUBLISHEDEVEllY8ATUBUAY.) 1. L CA.Ml'BKLL, .. ...u.i.. r ami Proprietor. fra (In the East nide of Willamette UF1 1' "., . Eighth Street fcreet, between a...------- -. TBBMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 2 SO , 1.26 .75 er auaani, :Montnit... Ihrec iiiDi"- DDI ONL ..,nn Of ADVKHTOINQ. P -.-J .. f.dl,,u,. 'nlrtlou 81. Cash require.! kch siiiise'l'i .advertisers will b charged at the I Lwing rate"- , JO 00 ne ,uare hi- - 8 00 Le npiare six m UC r ,,,,,, li VU i.J I U I Triiiinu'"" ii""1" ; rifflW quarterly, j.l work must lie pan. WWWWW CEO. B. DORRIS, Uttomeij and Counsellor- at-Law, . .T rlMIH r'-lTTP'I'Sl L-r 1 1 i I'K V Till, l.s I" , j , latter m L, BILYEU, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, - vr.sKXB CITY, OREGON. . PRACTICES IN ALLTHB OOUBTfl OP J this SUte. Will give special attention ollections ami prolate ii v. i. hunk. Off lit Over neniinc -. - ashburne it Woodcock Attorncy-at-Law, lUiiKXK CITY, - - OBWHWl OFFICE At the Court House. iv8ra3 jeorgeaTdorris, AUorney-aMxaw , EUGENE CITY, - - - OREGON OfNcb-Id Register Block. GEO. M. MILLER, attorney and Ccunssllo'-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. EUGENE CITY, - OREGON. OH ire formerly occupied by Thompson & Bean. J. E FENTON, Attorney-at-Law. tUGEXK CITY OKfcUOIN. Special attention given to Probate businesi Ind Anstracts of Title. Orrici Over Grange Store. W.HARRIS, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. Residence on Fifth street, where Or Slielton lormerly resided. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, MAX BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res idence when not professionally engaged. Residence on Eighth street, opposite Presby- Ivrian Church. J.J. WALTON, Jr., ATTOHNKY-AT-LAW EUGENE CITY, OREGON. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE I 'ourts of the State. Special attention given to real estate, col ecting, ami probate matter. Collecting all kinds of claims Against the United States Government. Dmce in Walton's brick rooms 7 and 8. B. F. DORRIS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE ACENT. hHAVE SOME VERY DESIRABLE Farms. Imnrnviid nd ITnimm-oved Town property for sale, on easy terns. Property Rented and Bents Collected. Th I - r I T , r- urU IIMIipanieH 1 irponcn. - amoni? tin, I lrl ..,.1 ,...,, lialiiitile. and in the Prompt f,nii KoiiiTARi.K .diustment of their pM Stand Sicosd to None. A share of your patronage is eolicited. Office up stairs, over the Grange Store. B. F. DORRIS. DRS. PRENTICE & M DONALD, Physicians r Surgeons. I'.t.PJESTIC&M. D. Graduate ei the Uni Vet.it,, r.t n . i I J. J. MoDOKALD, M. D. Graduate of tJie Uni versity ot fenn. mm University of Cali fornia. Special attention paid t.i ituvaei of Women lOae. C.,l..,f MeaLand IMVery. PrUl attention paid to nlM. .1.1 T I mmvm i, .UVLillUK. "oBuwh, and Kid I Throat, Noe acd to Surgery. J. DAVIS, Merchant Tailor. raa nsnnn . anno I iV N'INTH , Street aMh the SUr BaAerjr, whete u iimi ... ,1.. .ii k,A. nl work offered nrmk of Fine ( lothi on hand for -r u, vlect from. . ft an ! (.'inning done praaptlj. t- h TlTW II "Jill mm for Infants and Children. "Cuterla, is so well adapted to children that tm nag i it a superior to any prtwcnpUuo iaowutome.'1 It A. Aaciua. M. D., Ill Bo. Oxford 8L, BroolUyn, N. T. STARR, GRIFFIN, & BROWN. Hardware. Tin- ware & Stoves. haps, asi rises, JOB WORK done on tice at reasonable rates. ING a Specialty. Come and NEW GOODS. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL DRESS From the Cheapest to the Best at prices according to quality. A LARGE 100! i mi From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties be suited either as to Price or Quality. Our assortment is Complete, from the lowest Price up to the Finest; can suit youjfyou give US a call OURSTOCK IS Free Mew Look us out; if si II to you low. wo do not nave you A FULL LINE Day & HeiM "son THE FURNITURE & OHBERTAKING House in Eugene. Corner 7th and Wil. Sts Has just received direct from New York and Chicago, the largest and best stock of f ALL AND WINTER COODSf Ever brought to Eugene. THIS IS NO But Brick. Ck i rhm Kmeni'v r me inac.-: i n' 'Wrue and Eighth ICautorta eur.e folle. ContlTtl'", jour Ptornni i, .-rrt,'pa, Eruru.tum. KUU v. f, rjosa lieep, ami piuuiotM dl rpsiiou. Wiilout Uijurioui mod.uition. Tni CrTi' Conraxv, 77 Murray Stret. S Y Plumbing Ms short no-PLUMB- See Us. STOCK OF can and MyliHii. 'tniikfl nioin-y, Rome one OF GROCERIES F. B. DUNN LEADING - IDLE BOAST . . a HM New Threo Story Bt, Eur-w. Cij, Orrfoo. GOODSl SHOE I lie Realities of Protection. Tbe following diapttofa from Sorantou, Pa., ia self iiplanatory. It will bo noticed (bal it cornea from a region where "proleo tioti" oonfera ila grealeat bemflt. It will be remembered that last sumaicr aud fall, the people were aaaured that if Iho "proteolion" pany triumphed, there would be no more sink. i. lid redui-liou of nges, luit that on Ibe contrary all laboring Men would receive steady work and higher Jage: "Tbe Ptnusylvauiii fouipany informed the minem to-nigbt thai shut dowu had been decided upon. The uspi -niou affect uearly 'iOUO men. I be oflMers n tbe oom pany nay tbe thut-downj only teuipoiary Old miiiers assert tli.it In 4ivi n yi-ark there has uot been to coin in tied diillueu as at the present time. For tut bast six months tbe uii-ii bave in'i u working x arc u a iiunr ter of tbe time. Their tnrniuga have not exceeded CIS a mattth Mb Ibe.v bave fre qWBtl fallen aa low as (tn ci.uib. The miuers, as a rule live in rented buiiaei, the moutbly rent of which averages from fJi to $8, leaviug not more (ban $0 tt best wilb wbicb to mipport Ibelr fuunliet. 1 ho same dav s dpntcnea oontains nn account of strikes and riots among working men at Fall River, Mass.--E. 0. . The hop output ot 18S!) in Marion county bids fair to be larger than tbat of any pre vious year. The acreage is everywhere in- created arcelv. Iu (he vicinity of Aurora over one bundled acre have been I nlanmi in obherwd iu hope and the ratio of incrt-ane it titer localities. . . .aji What Is It? That 1 roduccH ll it In autifully soft com plexion and leaves no trucoH of ita applica tion or injurious illccti. ' '1 lie aimwer, wis dora's RooeTtint trmimpllihtl all ibis, mid It pronounced by ladies of taati' and refine ment to Ho Hie most UiligMini until anion ever prodiicea "ariunieu uiiiiuiikh ami IlltlohlfHt F. M. Wilkius, agriit, EngMM City. Mr. C. J. Smith, traveling aalaetBll lor Beltord, Clark & Co., 1'bicago. bad the mis fortune to siirnin his wriat nioat severely. "I wna aufferiiiB great pain." be aayt, "and mv wrist was badly swollen; a few applica lions of Chamberlain's Piiin Balm relieved tbe pain and reduced tbe swelling in one night, and in consequence my work and buainess waa not interrupted, for which I am very grateful. I can recommend Cham- bar lain I rain Balm from peraoual exper ience." Sold by Osbiirn Co. When a person tells you they never bad such a cold in their life take their words for it and tdvise them to nse Cbumborlsin's Cough Remedy and cure. For oougha colds and hoarseness it bat no experience Sold by Osburn & Co. Rich food, and lack of exercise, during the winter months, causes the system to be come torpid and the blond impure. A dose or two of St. Patrick's Pills will cleanse and invigorate the system, purify tbe blood and do more good than a dollar bottle of blood purifier. Sold by Osburn & Co. A person is seldom sick, when their bow els are regular and never well whon they are irregular. Bear this jn mind and keep your boweb regular by an occasional dose 01 Bt. Patrick's Pills. Sold by osuurn uo. ITae Oreuon Electric Relief for all pain interna) or external. Ask your druggist for Oregon Electric Relief. It will Help you Davis, the tailor, bat just received a large stock of imported and domestic goods of the l,.i..ui Snrinp and Hummer styles, vau aim examine his stock. Take Notice. That A. Onldsniith has the largest, finest onrl lt atonk of Oueensware. Crockery and , : I ,,i r hronoht to Eugene. Give him a call and he will prove it to you. Dr. Taylor's 7 Oaka Compound, purely vegetable, positively cures rheumatism, neu ralgia, toothache, sich headache, cramp col ic, cholera morbus, complaints peculiar to females, cold or cough, hiver, chins and fe ver, pains around the heart, erysipelas, phthisic. Ok roi Tatlok. Sold by Osburn & Co, dniggista. Portal Ticleobaph. Office honrs on Sun dsy from 81)0 to 10:00a. m. .and from 4:00 to 11:00 i m. Week days,sll biisiueHs hours G. F. ( raw, Stipt. Give Tbema Chance! That is lo say. your lungs: Also all your breathing machinery. Very wondeiful machinery it is. Not only the larg.r air passagesbut the thousands of little tillies and cavities leading from then. Wb.n these nre cloggvd and choked with mailer which ought not to be Ih-re. your lungs can not do theit work And what they do, they cannot do weel. Call it eold, congb. croup pueumonia, catarrh, consumption or any ui the family of throat and nose and bead and lung obstructions, all are bad. AD ought lo he got rid of. There is just one sure way to got rid of them. That is lo tate do. chee's German Syrup, which any druggist will sell yon at 75 ceaU a bottle. BvwBil everything else has failed yon. you may lie- - I ,U1. I... , , rl;,in peuu upon IUI IV. pUrSSrETlfWATiVE A Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed, antfof Ease and Comfort Follows tha nse of Syrup of Figs, ns it nctt , gently on th Kidneys, Liveb and Bowels ! Effectually (Hejtuitmg tha System when Costive or Bilious, Dispelling Colds, Headaches and Fevers and permanently curing HABITUAL CONSTIPATION without Trail -''-g or irritating tht organs on which it acta, rr BnU ia Be and tl tt Bottl kf nil AWIB Drugfl.t. usrr"nas osw tn tws OALLTOHIIA flO 8TRUP 00. Baa raatcisco. Cat- Kr.. mm Hon. K. I, Veateli. Km ion Et'oiacCm Gi'ARH: lV.iuit me space in the columns of your paper to cipreas the wishes ond sentiment of workingmen cf Oregon towards the Hon, R M. Veatch of l.ane county for his efforts in trying to enacc a iust law for the protection of 'aluir on public work. Mr. Veatch expressed his sentiments iu the Senate. When the la bor bill was reached ht was not afraid to tell the enemies of labor that material waa not in them to do justice to tht laboring class. Mr. Vtatch made enemies for himself in defending tiis cause of suffering humanity. He said in publio that he raUed from povtrty and was not ashamed to defend labor In all its branches. Fellow workingmen and women of Lane coun ty, wh -never you ine.t the Hon. R. M. Veatch honor him as our true and staunch friend in defending our rights in publio and in private he i. the same, aud as fur the tanners aud the working classes of Oregon, our issues are just tiie Mine, but I am sorry to say that some u the farmers vottd against our hill for th. very reaaon it .- tbe understanding by the Republican caucus to defeat any measure lirought forwar i to protect labor. JomiiIi Si mun of Portland held the lash over the Repub licans on the lalmr bill and most of them had to surrender their manhood in voting against us. alk alsiut Boas Tweed aud his ring in New York, but let me inform you that the Republican party of i regon is worse than the Twe d nau ever dared to lie. Was I weed ver accused of squandering the public money on women. No, hut how does it come that the majority ot this legislature, two thirds Re publican and more than two-thirds, spent tit teen thousand dcllvrs on lady clerks. How do you KcHililicans of Lane Lane county take to tins way of pulillc improvements. Oh, you will say we expected that you know we voted without thinking. Yet, and you will have to iav the piper lor your own carelessness ami lisgrace the fair name of llreuon through your wu car-les-ni-s. or prejudice whichever way you may say, uutymi toot the tun ihinkoi 1 1 oiii,oisi i'i' i to Miiy cierss lor punuc im MpveOMIitt, W here is the improvement! Will Vuur dear. old. rotten hii'iiolicuii oat'tv Answer the, urn st ion. Yes, one of th in will write to Stnt i Watts, the corporation Fog Horn li i.- i and the deadly rncinv of white lahur and society in general. Your own lion red Senator V eatch will astonish you if you will ml eel him to address you on the doings of the majority of the legislature. It would lie pule a treat and a good lesson for the people it l.ane county and ttneoUUlT lor any unfartu nate who ailowa his p ej.ulice to run him My only true fi lends in the Senate were Mr, Veatch and the lion. K. A. Irvine ol I . inn county. Mr. Irvine is just the same as your honored senator. He raised hliiiselt up hy haul knocks and to day he is just as proud in ileieiuliiig laiior as any oilier measure ml me public good, Mr. Veatch will verify my state meiits as to Mr. Irvine. I hope the labor so cieties of Lauu county will return a vote of thanks to their respective members who sioim by the cause of lalsir. lo you. air. veaicn the working class of Oregon thank you sincere ly from their hearts for the able manner which you have defended our cause both inililic ami nrivAte. To you, fellow workingmen of Lane county I am glad to inform you that we have a true and staunch friend in Gov. Pentiuyer, whom may Gixl bless, for his heart is with the people. and ill ill 1 1 1 1 1 1. Ii t vr the dii-nltv of the Mate Ore eon from that uool of corruiitinn, the Re nulilican society of dudes. Then. I say, tel low workiutimen. cheer up, the time is net far distant to recover that which we lint misrepresentations made by the Republican nartv duriiiL' the last campaign, ('laiiuum be our friends, oh. how false they hsve provec tn.H.I..I a-ug, jm.uiis lipids In 111. WO pie and especially to workingmen! Shame on the fair namo of the State of Oregon. The only state in the Union that will not protect labor! Then I say aain, cheer up, and let us unfurl our banner to the breer.e and let us in scrilie in large golden letteis, "In God we trust." Notwithstanding what the Renublicaii robber of our rights may think to the contrary- By giving this insertion, you will con fer a favor on the workingmen of Oregon. M. H. O'Connir. Salem, March 25, 188'J. ThkWizarii'h Mixti iie. According to an exchange, the magic mixture of the W izard il fakirs iscoi uindoil as lolloWs: un 01 cloves, water of ammonia, sulphur of ether, each 2 dram ; chloroform, 1 dram; turiwntine, 4 drains; gum cami hor, 2 drams; oil cf sassa fras, 1 ounce; aloohol enoiixh to make a pint. Mix and dissolve. 1 his will cost (a oenis. ADVICK TO II'ITHIR lui WiM.ijin'a SooTHiNii SVKtJP. for chil dren teething, is the prescription of one of the lie.t female nurses and physicians in hi. Uniteil States, snd has been used for forty years with never falling success hy millions of mothers lor their children. During the pni- sa of teething Its value Is incaltnlaliie. 1 1 relieves tha child from nain. cures dysentery and diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and wind He. Hy giving health to the ctiiiu it rest the mother. Price 25c a bottle. Best of All Cough inedlcluet, Aycr's Cherry Pec toral Is In greater demand than ever. No preparation for Throat and Lung Troubles is so prompt iu Its effects, to agreeable to the taste, and so wldtly known, as thlt. It is the family medi cine in thousands of households. "I have suffered for years from a bronchial trouble that, whenever I laka cold or am exposed to Inclement weath er, thowt Itself by a very anuovlng tickling sensation in tbe throat aud by illrBcufiy iu breathing. I have tried a great many remedies, but none does so well at Ayer't Cherry Pectoral which alwaviglvee prompt relief In returns of my old complaint. Ernest A. Hepler, Inspector of Public Roads, Parish Ter re Bonne, La. " I consider Ayer't Cherry Pectoral a most Important remedy For Home Use. I htve tested it.i curative power, in my family, many limes during the past thirty years, ami bave never known it to fall. It will relieve the moat terioili affection of the throat and lungs, whether In children or adults." - Mrt. E. G. Edgerly, Council Hlufts, Iowa. "Twenty years ago I was troubled with n disease of tbe lungs. Doctors afforded ine no relief and considered my case hoeles. I then began to una Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and, before I bad finished one Lottie, found relief. I continued to take this medicine until a cure wat effected. I believe that Aytr't Cherry Pectoral saved my lift." Bnmuel Griggs, Waukegan, III. " Six years ago I contracted a ttrera cold, which settled on my lungs aud soon develo"-d all Ihe alarming symp tom i, r iiiipflou I hail a cough, night sweats, bleeding ol the lungs, pains in chest and sides, and was to prostrated as to lie confined to my led most ol the time. After trying various prescription, withmit benefit, my physician finally determined to give me Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I took It, and the effect was magical. I teemed to rally from tht first dots of thit medicine, and, after using only three lioltlet, am as well and sound as avtr. Rodney Johnson, Springfield, 111. ftyei's Cheny Fectoial, raarAaao ar Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Matt. kM tysll Draftisu. Prto.ll, sU beul.. Tbe bigbeiit c.h price will be paid r whe-d byt.U Teacher' Institute. The tetcbert' institute for Iho Second Ju dicial district and I -nil., county will be held lii Eugent next Wednesdsy, Thursday and Friday, April 10th. Iltfa and I2lh. Tht committee ou arrangements it at fol lows. Miss Jessie McClung. Miss A. Oai Waltou. T. M. Martin, F M Wilkius, T. D. Rowland. Ci aimittee ou musio: Misses M. E. McCoruack, Alice Dorris, Lulu Sawyer, and Messrs. L. G, Adair and J. H. Mc Clung. The following is the prograanno: Wednesday, April 10. ArTtaNooN 1 M r. m. Method of Institute Work. Primary Reading mi l Hpelliug. Physiology and Hygieue. School Organization uietli als of. General iliauussioii What rules ought a teacher to make at the opening of hissobool tviNimi 7:30 r. M. M nio. Address of Welcome Hou. S. W. Con don, Eugene, Musio. Response Supt. T. O. Hutchinson, Douglas couuty. Music. Recitation. Musio. Lecture-Prof. Mark Bailey, 8lute Uni versity. Music. Thursday, April II. VtORMNO I a. it. Mistakes in School Management. Orthograpliy--mi Ili'Ml- of teaching. Morals and Manners in Schools. Oral lustructioii in Priinury Schools. General dlaoasatoo Are public school ex euiluatloiia and nhimtioiis advtsslilc. At I KlINiaDN -1:3" IV M. School (h conization (euntlantd), Geography - -iin ihodsof teaehing, Kuglish literature . 1 1 1 1 . . I . ol i. selling. Colliposllion--Inetho Is of teaching. G-ii'Tal discussion- Whispering; or, no hispcring. KVRMNo 7:llo e. si. Music. Recitation Music Recitation. Music. Leolnre Pres. It L Arnold, Slsle Agri cultural College, t'orvallis. Music. Friday, Aprd 12. MOI.MV. -0 A. M. Modern Ilistorv Mi thods of; Routes and Summaries of the Revolution, (Mass Dri Primary Arithmetic:, (a) First Slept in Number; i hi Rapid Work with Tablet; (c) Class Illustration; (d) Multiplication aud Division. Beading (continued), (a) First Lessons (b) First ami Second Readers; (o) Suppl nientary Work; (d) Phonics for llegiuuers. Primary Geography, (a) The School ami Neighborhood; (l) The Slate; (c) Th World as a Whole; (d) North America. AFTERNOON 1 :30 P.M. wife "fWiiP'lif BUhwW ; Wv$& and Pictures; (d) Class Illustration. Arithmetic (continued), (a) Initial Les sons in Fractions with Class Illustrations, (b) Decimals; (c) Denominate Number. Reading (continued). (a) Third aim Fourth Readers; (b) Dictionaries; (c) Con cert Reading; (d) Silent Reading. The value ot Craphia Illustration iu Teaching. FUM'. V o" P. H. Music Recitation. Music Recitation. Lecture Bev. Music. W. Bollina, Salem. Tbe old Bepublicsu cbronio offlce-hotder who are being hustled back into their for mer I licet represent a class of spoilsmen bo art very much distorts d al the dtngei of constituting "au ofilce holding class through Civil Service Reform. What offlor holding class could lie moro obnoxious in a Republic than one which secures its places through persons! favoritism and holds them through political influences? A man wanted to whip tbe editor of th Lakeview Examiner for something that sp- peared in tbat paper Fortunately he was at home in bed A young man named tm I, n , though, was pointed out as Ibe editor wb' o the pugilist pulled off his noat and bt gnlltbejoti. llleiesilll ui.il l.iiin- inn, n. tbe ground wilh him, tnd now the Examine, editor has ordered Lane to diaw ou bim mi sight. Charles E. BonaeT, ol Montana, was m offlce boy in New Yoik twenty-three yes's sgo Not liking thai liusii.es very much, b borrowed money, went to Missouri, am Anally to tbe great Northwest. He has sine paid back the loan and is now worth $4,KMi, UN). Most of this was made iu iniuis tun mining ttocrs. President Harrison. IscSfaiiriH Hlaine snd Tracy and Alloruey Gem nil MUM do no' have at all Seen tary Prisctor shtvei only on the upper lip. Secretaries Noble and Butk share the sides of the face. Secrelari Windom wears side Whisker and Postma ter-Geneitl Wanamaker takes a clean shave all around. mm m POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tfait powder never varisa. A marfel ol I polity, strength snd who!eowenaa. Mora ' , ...o,.i iK.n ik. n.,ii.i..rv kinds tnd can- nt be told iu competition wilb Ibe multi tude of low teat, short weight, alom or ph phaus powrWrt. Sold only in east. Baarjfo Pawaaa Co., MM WaK r-. A TERRIBLE DMAS! American and German Wrecked af Samoa. i bom of Life, WAtOlNori'N, Marob 30. - il , partment ha i receired a di. patch i unrsl Kimla rly conflrming the pr 1 ( (lit loaa ot Iho (ioriuu-l 1 uieii-OI-war at tviiuo i. Tht gala oocurred March C- nieriaan thips Trenton and VV.i ul Us. TheNipsic is hcn-r n sartd, Ihoilgb the chancei The Vadalia lost four in.- mtt. and the Nip ere Mad from the Trent I Vaii4ilia't rf atwusj. are in tsBv v, in, in imail . t . ., ., Eber ttw total loan s- thr 0 and tatty lie invad. The (.trim i -, ninotjr-atx men, nine ofSce. seven teamen. The Bri is.i we opo weaih i"l the gale. Admiral Kiiiiheily alto telegmi. own: it l important to teud uma at once, shall I charter a t an ehaiter out iu Auckland. Ll- -nil Will i . in nn iu AucFlaMMMW t .Hi t m rilel. I will send (uitber aocnati- ... nail " Tht Treiilou wns the e.nest . .... 1 . L .. I II. 11 Hieioi.i, oi-i in, , .i ouiim 1 coiuliiion The Niiisic i, mi. The in- of th he at'JStructi h of un iiildiliortHl necesaary. II. -re are ust vessel in lb, wnirbenii be i ill -rial lo Samo.i wit bis tunc, while Genua iii 'm ti now i i route "hiehwe, i , tile Adler, t ll ami tlnH. I ,! at iie - . si c ,n ..n an lo III' cir, up ll reck ol the Au, , i me-' ! in Apia harbor i lh-'ii c t: l if,m not-War or utt the lo. ir- i sin ap in tio"t icauewiis at SM I'llAROI '' lineal ollei i i .ry lots to I I lisastst at tt ar HV tpt-Clrll llll ciiunsut ill nn I, ilnslill ii il quow of pa i his tlty I'-bout -1 1 tl"- red by ,he i Ihe lull' i Sydnaji l" ,., exptcted th Samoa to i.ringnle-ge ' 1 olllceraAnd men New ol Ihe Auckland bit i - Hi ti'is K pi 'Sa two Weeks Ii LuOK, Man ' h ' 'I'SS-tuil ce i Vci r. 1 "or aadilbrly. l iber tea the nr. She bw'amn un n Ibtreel win. . She ttuok oroi hock a ,( ..i he Lack itid sh water Most Ol I mil Hgtrerly t so Tilt Gel',10 1 UeXt t sin ll Ul h KKWt wav . , ou to reef. A ellSUttliniOUg thl tlanySpluugod I drucif out, sm safelyt Otlnrs 'lie usbtt fell. t. im gftietl the sh Vdlerjud sevvral Moan. mo thi 1 -ic hit been drill ing tufurd ilu ever, SllUagi I ,., an ler nn n , lllllelitoweMI avidttth tin Were da -wiled Thal'niied m lure lok m tin ugi i in .1. ,w., i.uipl water lo I, ll",.lle II 111 upon tf brack, invor.lfe posiuo- :. OilUt I I llfVi uao ve Unit le biirricine lib jBti lis" -vii'1' l el J high III uvu the ll iiichon dre IIIIOI1 till' I difi - - Dr. K J f ' pie of Eur' $ l3L 1 1 re-pnrHABp h im JntdW i4 see al(t:i- J" new ones, ' 'JBHfT Jl room oi ihe Jft ' ' ' vn,"7rT thai weorry ,UJ lrw, Tts,rdof lof the imfMrnkmrnmrn rTmBWM. swtUwWyXj pie to let JVS jJai want. AflJj'T" ion. in stoohsltoe-1 S eo. W. ii.-y.A- -f. Whan yon furniture , ' ,;... - . t .fnl aiirtimaaMHHg' attend u all a !' ' nutsKS. II 1 itol ijffBV , -StoPnnx