The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 30, 1889, Image 7

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A Look IJst of Praatdsntlal Appolnt-
menta - American Sblp-Bulldlng to
be Encouraged Annexation
of the Ha watan Isles
The Selection of tha SIM for the New
Navy Yard-A Man and Wife Con
victed of Murder In Nevada
A Levee Break.
Itoschurg is aoon to have a system of
Ashland now rejoices over the intro
duction "f the electric light.
The lirownsvillo woolen mill will re
movn their plant to Albany.
T!ie clock on the dome of the court
!i. v at Kcdding will cot $1700.
Tiie HaloonkceiH-ri) of Sacramento have
organized a protective usuociution.
'Hie Oceanic steamer have ntopfMtl
running to .Samoa ami .New .ealand.
A man in I.inkville hag (lied a home
stead claim on the court-house hlnck.
.rent Buffering in reisirtod among the
'Miner who have Hocked to the lwer
Albert O. Porter, of Indiana, will bo
minister to Italy.
John F. Hwift, of California, will he
milliliter to Jaui.
Secretary lllaine advocate an extra
tcHMion of congress.
Arthur C. Milette ha heen aiiointcil
governor of Ihikobi.
Thomas W. Palmer, of Michigan, will
lie miniatcr to Hpaiu.
President IlitrriHon believe in the pro
vision of the direct tux hill.
Since April 17th the. treaury ha paid
out $ 1 4 '. , '- 1 1 , W . I I il bood purchase.
bewm Wolley, of Tucson, Arizona, will
succeed ( invemor .uliek of that territory.
A broad ediicationnl )licy for the In- ( alifornia gold field.
dlah i Nnng urged uhiii the President.
Walter lllaine ha Im-iti appointed ex
aminer of claim in the shite department.
Faigene S huylcr, of Now York, ha
heen appointed assistant necretary of
Jeremiah Sullivan ha DIM appiintcd
rolleclor of custom at Fort iinbin, Mon
tana. J. H. Clarknon, of Iowa haa been ap
pointed llrt aitanl ptiHtmater gen
Senabir HearHt haa iiirclaol the rei
dence of ex-Secretury Fairchild in Wash
The admission of Idaho will Ih one of
the lirt meiiHtire considered by the next
Alhert l. V I, of Montuna, ha N-en
apxiinb'd I'liitod State attorney for that
John l. Waahburn, of Miiachuctt4',
will represent the United State at
(ieorgc S. Bachelor, of New York, ha
heen designated assistant treaurer of the
United Shite.
Corneliu C. Ilanford ha heen con
firmed a justice of the aupreme court of
Washington territory.
It i authoritatively announced that
fteuator Chase, of Khodc lland, will
liortly resign hi out in tlio Menatu.
Preident Harrinon and all thono w ho
accompanied him fnun In km, i... In to
Washington paid " gul ir railroad fare.
The time within which the railway
mail service i to lie brought within the
civil service law ha been extended from
March loth to May 1st.
It ha been rumored at Washington
that licneral lmgtret will succeed
QMersJ Joseph F. Johnston u commls
liOMf of Mm Pacific ruilroada.
Secretary of the Navy Tracy has ex
tended the time for receiving prosisals
for the construction of nn armored coiiNt
defense vessel from March 1Mb to April
The con triu tors who are building the
new cruiser Charleston at San Francisco
have informed the navy department that
the vessel will !h ready ior trial next
The inter-stab commerce committee
has issued an order savin; that all ad
values or reductions in general Uirill
miisi is' plainly printed and publicly
The New York ' I lc raid's " Washing
ton ss'ci il says thai in the event of tier;
many' taking K.noaninn of Samoa the
Ciiitisl Suite will annex the Sandwich
Senator Stanford lias made an urgent
Ph'iiI In the President for the appoint
ment of Oslsirue, of the hi Angeles
"Fx pre" to the olllce of government
BwillUW IWIor is an advocate of the
Sunday nit law, and in eoiicipiciiv he
will ii issue an order abolishing Sun
day dress parade nt all Hiint taroilgh
out the iiriny.
The President in his forthcoming mes
sage to congress w ill reixiiuinend the ea
tMlilishmeiit of American shimiing inter
ests .iml i lean T and closer relations with
our Ninth and Centrul Americaan neigh
bora. The conference of the inter-state rail
nind commissioner at Washington In
adjourned uflcr lin viiti thorough' dik
cusseil (ho subject of accident and their
The olllce of suit-treasurer at Sun
Francis o remain vacant, and the P(i
ident is iiHable to till it. The men Ike
prefers lor the place don't mult it, uld
tainor lor 11 no
lleavv storms, with land slide, inter
fered with travel on the California A Or
egon naid last week.
A econd uttcmpt to fire the Roth
child building w as made at Port Tow n
send Wednesday night.
The hill intnsliiced in the California
legislature to exempt mortgage irom tax
ation ha failed to pa.
Four men were urrcatcd at I5akerflel.,
Cal., Wednesday on upicion of being
tlie 1'ixley tram roblier.
Mr. Jaiuei Hulger, of flan Francinco,
wa horribly humoil Thuntday by the ex
ploion of a coal oil can.
Jennie Hamilton, of Victoria, ha be
come insane through attending the meet
ing of tlie salvation uriny.
Near Gilroy, Cal., Friday, two men un
earthed a can which contained gold dust
and nugget valued at 1JUU.
A break in the levee at Knight' Land
ing. Cal., I iv l.i . and a part of the town
ami many farm are imindatod.
The sheriff of Malheur county captured
a crazy man with a lao and carried him
to the insane asylum last week.
George Taylor, of Maryville, Cal., fell
The Oold-Blooded Murder of a South
Carolina Editor -An Art Ionian's
Method of Replenishing"
Depleted .Exchequer.
Jako Kilrain returned to England las
I'owderly decline to lecture on prohi
bition. Pennsylvania proposes to establish the
whipping post.
The Chinese laundries of Milwaukee
have lioen gutted.
Fifty colored men are studying for the
priesthood in Rome.
Ex-President Cleveland i planning a
pleasure trip to Culw.
An Excellent Remedy for Cuts and
Wounda-To Promote the Flow of
Milk In Cows-Valuable
Cooking Becelpte.
Ijirge breeds of slu-ep require good
pasturage. They will pav onlv when
ti- conditions are favorable. .Uneven
isurturage, coarse grain ami " pickling
will ,.i do for them. They must lie sup
plied with ull they may require.
When potato are taken from the oven
they should be put in a napkin or towel,
ami the skin hroken so as to allow be
steam to escae, and this will keep the
iiotatoto mealv. If roole.1 without
brmking the skin they will lie watery.
For cuts, wound and sores, take of
lard four ounces Isvswax four ounces,
A mammoth steel trust wa organized rein two ounce ..carbolic acin on -mum
nl an ounce, mix turn rr
then melt; then add the carho ic acid,
stirring until cool. This i excellent for
at Chicago Wednesibiy
The boomers will again lie driven out
of the Oklahoma territory. .
It is reported that one of Lcgitiuic'
war-ship has Isjcn destroyed.
In Ie Lapere county, Ifcikota, scarlet
fever is raging with fearful effect.
Win. Bell, a Kansas City conk, killed a
hotel-keeper and suicided Sunday.
The cattle throughout the states and
i territories were never in better condition.
Admiral Jareus, of Fram-e, was
seized with a tit last Ihurwlay and ex
pired. The lack of now in the Wisconsin lum
ber district has paralyzed the lumU-r
The supreme curt of West Virginia
hns decided that Gov. Wilson is entitled
to hold over.
The development in the Times-Par-nell
case reflects little erodit iion Eng
lish method.
The upreiuc inurt ha decided that the
laM of (,'igannukers International union
is not a trade mark.
Five school girl attempted auicide at
Eat Aurora, N. Y., kat week because
thoy had lieen jilted.
Cherry county, Nebraska, with an area
larger man several hastern states, na
Origin of the PopuUr c,t
" r Iir
THAT ine custom or wearing onmi
"i com,,
... waik. and the
Market Continues Dnsettled-Ap-ples
Have Ad vanced-Msatt
Resmaln Frtn.
recent daUs with us. It ,.n.r
mm! ot.bfp fiimnL,
Provision " "I , '"0I"
i ruin mo rroni u, who In thi.l.i.
derived It from Spain. latkTS
country it hnd long obtiiineH J
said to have boon originally of kj
origan, incre is, however T1
RuMness in the local market rontinucs Spnnlsh legend which give,
The strike on the river division of account of its Introduction. AocJ
Z. n It A N. comnanv ha terminated to this, soon after the Import
mi ... !..... 1 ho oeiini'o tri'o In- il...
manner. wnein - - " " .noon, otsl
II u u.u.-:
in a sutisfacUiry
' . L - t' I V. VI i
m.rket remain stagnant with no pros- P-d
p,, of implement. Sugars are weak-
lvsion. have again dropped another imhom ohun m
point, ami tne marscv i- --1 Jho t'ardonor, dau-hter
in,.ccount of the arilty of apples lias . ...
mil in dr.!,. I..
sent up the price from IS eents to $IM wlfh tho noeMgnrv dow tQ "J
Dried fruits continue u drujr in
iter wMlJ
Provide hJ
y '"'hvjJ
'htiUned i J
mbtAMi J
IPPIule. .
train Thurwlay and his "' practicing physician
head wa severed from tho body. A aoi,j(.r at Oran, Algiers, has iieen
sentenced to death tor tiring a quid ot
tobacco in an officer's faeo.
Fire Thursday destroyed the plant of
the Anaconda smelting works at Itutte,
Montana. Iss, $oOllpO(H).
Great destruction of live stock hy dog
ulllii ted with hydrophobia is reported in
Wetzel county, rf. Virginia.
Assistant Potmater Kelly, at Detroit,
has been systematically robbing the
mails for the lost thirty years.
Tho wilice of New York are charged
with bulldozing salisui-keejH'rs into sell
ing a certain hrand of w hiskey.
Three negroes were hanged at Little
Rock, Ark., Friday, for the murder of
Arthur Morton, colored, in 1SH7.
Mrs. Lingtrv denies her marriage with
Freddv (iebliardt. She has not been di
vorced yet from her lirst husband.
John I.. Adams, an inmate of the
(ieorgia penitentiary (or stealing 170,000,
proHjsos to starve himself to death.
the large iiiiuiIht who
won't have.
The Pr. sident is authorised
cent legislation to uben'to
alsiut K.IHKKIHH) ucres ol land
lioiiiu, and ll.e opinion prevails!
will shortly issue hi proi'l.iiuiiW
ing this acreage In the public d-it
John A. Kasson, of Iowa, 1
Walter Phi'hw, of New Jersey, am;
Kites, of Delaware, have lsen ap
eoiniiiissioiiers In represent the
Mat at the llerlin confen ucel
Samoaii matter.
Ttw latest advices at the state
n.eut shiuv that there was no b
..-.i --.
is okH
John McEhrofl nnd wife have been ar
rests at Port Townscwl ehargnl with
the murder of their six children.
Some excitement prevails at (poknM
Fall over the discovery of silver at a
Miint 'JO mile north of that place.
O. P. Iteardsley, of Kola, shot and
killed T. L Perryman Thursilay. The
killing was the result of nil old feud.
D, C. Carrington Wat acquitted at I,os
Angeles Friday for the killing of Pat Mul
len during an election riot last December.
Marvin Craven, !sik-kiocr for the
lis Angeles Planing Mill company, has
left the city I.'iksi short in his accounts.
The stone dry doek at Vallejo, Cal., is
to be completed at once. It bus hx'cn
seventeen years .in course of construc
tion. Cornelius II. Ilanford. recently np-
siinted chief justice of Washington terri
tory, has been a resideut of Seattle since
It is ajUUQnced that Mexico will de
clare martial law in Isiwer California in
the event of troilblu at the Santa Claru
in i lies.
Paul Sehulze land agent of the North
ern I'aeille railroad, had one of his toes
taken off hy a stray bullet at Tacoiua
Sunday night.
W. II. Stone was convicted at llollis-
ler, Cal., Wednesday, of murder in the
second degree (or tin. killing of C. II. Wa
ter last July.
A school-house was blown down dur
ing a heavy storm lit San Diego, F'riday.
A teacher and one of the pupils were se
riously injured.
Tho commission appointed to select a
site for the new navy yard has secured
the option on 'JiKHl acres of land at Port
Orchard, opsisite Seattle.
( invemor Sw ineford, just returned
(mm Alaska, rcHrt the discovery of a
number l rich gold strike on Admiralty
island HI miles from Sitka.
Julia Maunix, formerly of Portland,
has brought suit in the Sail Francisco
court against her brother for for
services rendered as housekeeper.
Josiah and Flliziihcth Potts were found
guiltvof murder in the llrst degree tit El
ko. Sev., Friday, (or the killing of Miles
Faucet te at Carlin, January, Rsrt.
Frank Avery, chief of ihe San Diego
tire department, who was recently ar mi i be charge of stealing shoes at
a Ore, wa discharged Wedueday.
man as well as Isjast.
To make glue waterproof, soak for
hrantT-four hour in water until reduced
to a tiff jellv, isiur in a desert spoonlli I
o( linsied oil, and mix well with the jel
lv hefore U.iling. It will then Is' iiner
vious to bmii, and wood-work, if irc
viouslv mended with the alwve, will re
main sound throughout the winter.
To make breakfast rolls ruh into a
pound of Hour half a teacujifull of but
ter, add half a teacup of sweet yeast, a
little salt, and sufficient warm milk to
make a stiff dough, niver and put in a
warm place and it will rise in two lioursl
. r . . . I I WI.A1. u'i
Then make inio rouno eucn. mo
bake in a quick oven in (ifteen minute.
For griddle rake sift a pint of com
meal, add salt to tate, ana a piece M
lard the size of a hen' egg. mix into a
thin Utter with sweet milk, add the
beaten yolks of three egg, und jut lie
fore cooking the cakes stir in the beaten
whites. Fry on a hot griddle well
greased, tnrn'the cukes quickly, and send
to the table hot.
Whether it lie lsst to spread manure
on land intended for corn in spring de
pend on the land. If too rolling, much
of the soluble matter of the manure w ill
lie wushed out and carried off hy the
rains, unless the land has Iieen plowed
and left in an unharrowed condition so
that the rains may more easily carry the
matter downward.
A few root or apples or potato foil
daily to cow giving milk promote the
flow' of milk and help to keep the animal
in a healthy condition. When consider
ahle meal is fed, some kind of green food,
at least occasionally, is very much need
ed. Farmers should raise more ls'ets for ; $1, hurley
feeding to their fiinn st.s-k. A little ex
perhox. Dried Iruits cominue a ...... ,0 m(lrrv nep IoM,,. Nhe ohu
the market. The dairy pnsiucc maw i w,it.h sho sold to the Araba
is weak. ttlgn price, wn iho oc.aion o(
obockriics. I wedding, In recognition of her J
Sugars, Golden C 5ty extra C 5V, tudo U tho plant which had prws
....,ul...l un.l isiwilered 7c t ollee : hi.r hnimlnnns ilin l..,in.l I. i .
Jin IbO, WoVfa Arbuckle's roasted wrcath of orange blo880tn j
ttiigurnlod the fushion which ha J
come univorsul. Ab the ornnje il
inirouuceu inio n.ain at a.
Oregon ham 1261', hreakfast ba-
cor I lTv sides Hie, shoulders '.I'HUW. "'nouuccu iuuj njnun at averyj
Kill lil . , 1QO.I HAi.t,ul 1,,. ,U. Mfinnu I.
Eastern ham 2Xm l'. rmciaire ;oi.v ... , u. legend sfl
l.V..c, hreakfast bacon Uj13c, sides ciently ostublishes tho untiqunjojJ
slioulilers iooiit "s custom as mr as Hint cmintrviiJ
! i . i.i t.
many ecttaj
. t. u "Jlapsed before it spread overthJ
Navel oranges M.S.OO Rivers.. lc E p 1
MW apples $1.16, lemon. 5.oU per P
cerned, although
perieu. e wouiii sihiii give tiiem laciuiv
in securing a large yield on suitable land.
To make chocolate cream . Mould
small hits of the cream flavored with va
nilla into cone shaa', and set them away
iipxm an oiled paper to dry. Melt some
chocolate in a IhiwI set in a kettle of
ing water, or over u Iwiling teakettle.
Roil each of the dry cuams in the melted
chocolate until well covered. Set aside
to dry- PsT a MW for rolling
the . n am, and keep thechis olate nielted
while usins.
A secretion of pus often takes place
under the corner of a cow 's eye as the re
sult of Inflammation thai often causes torn
porary blindness. This mat Ik' caused
Potatoes 30(Xk, onions "076c.
Apples MM)c, sliced fl'e, apricoU 13(3
14e pMCh S910B, ix-ars 8c. Oregon
prunes. Italisn, He, silver 8c, German 6,4
(le, plums S7c. Raisins $1' per box,
California figs 8c, Syrna 15c.
HutU'r, Oregon fancy HO, medinm 20c,
EastcrnJJ c, California L'L'c.
Eggs 13ffll8c.
Chicken 16.8006, ducks flt.M per
dos., geese HK1:', turkeys 17c per tt..
Valley 18c, Eastern Oregon 816c.
Hops 10dl7c.
Wheat, Valley fU5, Eastern $1.80.
OaU 3oc.
Standard 4J0, other brands $4(34.10.
Hav UMkVS per ton. bran $17, shorts
chop l'3(i-4, mill cnop i.
ago it wa the practice for ladletul
marriod in hats or lionnets; and J
m - " ,w
Beei, live, 4c, dressed 8c, mutton, live,
4c, dressed 8c, lumhs fL'.oU each, hog tic,
dressed 797Sje, veal tl(4Su.
The fall and spring sowing is reported
in excellent condition in all parts ol East
ern Oregon.
The negro exodus from North Caro
lina to Arkansas has desjiulated many
plantations. The negros are promised
forty acres of land, u brick house, u cow
and $1.."1) a day.
It is said that President Harrison will
not lsj content with the eight war ves
sels, which w ill lie let by contract after
June ;lntli. lie will advocate in his mes
sage to congress the building ol a very
strong und ininlern navy.
" . ul iifj
cial, being placed on them, and not
rectly on tho head. It is probabli J
moro thnn thirty yenrs ago that I
I were linally dispensed with, and
wreath und veil substituted. Ersjl
Germany tho time-honored ehapletl
myrtlo, to which thero are so mujl
lusions in litoraturo and poetry,
now boon discarded in favor of on
flowers; und there seems little i
to doubt that this custom, now I
universal, and pretty and appropi
in itself, will continue to bo (oIIm
for a longtitno to como. Annual I
is lor.
Chaff in the eve. a blow. cold.
A Montreal man claims to have a pro-1 or constitutional tendency mav all pro-
dnce it. ll mav Is1 removed possibly by The grand jury at Missoula failed to re
the ftppUcation of burned alum blown in- turn true bills against either J. E. Clif
to th eve through a quill once a day (or lord or Dr. Cuiiningham, the parties
a few .lays. This will cause an ahsorp- charged with killing an Indian at l)e
tive action which may remove the white mersville recently, and which came near
cloud. causing an uprising of the Indian on
cess bv which ice can lie furnished at tin
nite of 7.. cents for a year's supply.
On Mount of the scarcity of farm
hands in (ieriiiany it is promised to in
troduce Chinese lalxir into the country.
A masked man at Ph.enix, Ariz., held
up ll.e player in a larn room Ihurs
There are some crosses that do not re- tn( reservation
it ' III" I., -i uWiiha W ol. .1.. ... Ii ll;, ... A.I a . .. 1 "
I ... ...1.1 .. 1 . .1 t a .... "'". ... , ,i on mi'. ii iio.oii .toioim, ii loioo-ii oeoiuv cull-
day and they antied to the tune of 6B0O, I ia eMmed that the union of a hairy with Btahle. shot and killed a colored WW
The New Fotin.llan.l authorieties will 1 smoolh-coated dog will produce worth- over a "ill-cent game of dice at Kansas
refuse to sell bait and other supplies less ollspnng. and with iiiltrv the cros.-- Citv Wednesday. Adams was visited in
to American lisliernieii
the coming sea-
A bill has been introduced in the Ohio
legislature prohibiting the manufacture
IB I sale of proprietary medicines in that
The Michigan legislature ha passed a
law authorizing one railroad to purchase
another a reversal of u former law of the
Ry the
at the Imiler works , of Monroe A Son
Pittsburg, Thursday, several employes
were killed.
The cold-blooded murder of Captain
Ihiwson.of Charleston, S. C, ha infuri
ated tho people, aud iears of lynching are
ing of birds with rose comb and single
combs has not been as productive of
such gisul results as when a single comb
breeds have Ih'cii bred together as cross-1
e. Experiment in this direction are 1
worthy of attention.
Doll-Making in Thuringia,
At a tublo before a window the)
hnired young Gorman girl sat,
turo brushes, combs nnd pins
hor. With u stool spring she fai
dolly (who was dressed out ini
to tho lablo, and then, witn raj
movni!.' lingers, the iiaxen lnur,
literally stood on ond, was combrfl
and rolled into a coronet, a tullel
somo inches square was quickly
on with diamonds, rubios and emeu
und dolly was a brido ready fori
market. But tho young brido hadl
to pass through other hands bofonl
mot her Fate. When tho Franlcial
pinned on the vail dolly was hit
over to a loy who sat nt another I
and whose duty it was to propstll
for her voyage. Ho wrapped hers,
fully in a coarse piece of muslin l
and nuicklv. and then laid her 1
packing coso amid bundles ol
shaving. Even this work, trill
It appears, was dono with a quid
and precision which showed great!
perionce. No part of ono doll i
lowed to touch another, and all!
so carefully fitted in that no roosl
lost For all this work of makiirt
jail by several hundred colored eople,
among whom were ten wive with out
lying districts still to hear from.
J. L. F'isher, a young German farm
hand near Napa, Cal., has fallen hoir to
BM laaJ mA . i i A
The cos ofmiIk deiM.ndsuiv.nthe eos ,K,rl0ll. Un ,0 ..' ' f ,,,,.,,,,
given, the cheaper the cost. But unless , , , , . . from Munich, tho work of dreu(i
warn, quarters be given, a urge quantity s " ; r - -: packing, the material being to
bursting of a buttery of Ixiilers L.,,.,.,.1. f,.r ti, 1,1.. it .,, ing a little girl, and was shot through
at fore lu. .-onomie,;i to .i..', the head. A posse of citizens started in
i ..... , ... ... i..- m,- . ... , . , . - . , ;
comfortable, in order to cheapen the est I"11."1 "1' 01 tlll nunitHjr succeedist
bv lessening the amount of food required m..,,nM-r1"- Prague to the ground with a
for 'liodily warmth. In other words, " im',u'sU r W
shelter is fiiod, as it protect the animal Detectives are at work trying to clear
against cold and exposure. j up the mystery of the incendiary burn-
To make escalloped cabliage, slice two Jmrniuf wliiehhas oannklntjr dazed the
quint of raw cabbage and let it stand in BrmorH m York and Adam counties,
cold water one hour. Drain and '..oil in ' 1a ' "n(l 1,1 a I):lrt of Carroll county, Md.
salt.vl water until tender, then drain and A"ollt ."vt".,.v bams have so far been de
chop it a little
The dispute between the employes of
the Northern PacibV and I'niou Pocilie
roads in Jclfersou canyon has been ami
cably settled.
) Ml.
A family were poisoned at Evansville,
Ind., Sunday, by a iiackage of isiion bn
an upper shelf leaking into tlie water
bucket U'low.
A German ncwsjiaper, pQbUahel in
; Palestine, slab s that the I'll V i it .ItTllM.-ilntii
k-ral town on the Northern Pacillc : " l . 1 1 . re-
i timizisl by one tior.lon who
The jury in the inquest in the Dawson
murder case, at Charleston, S. C, found
McDow guilty of feloniously killing, and
his eolonsl butler as accessory.
tiiHn arretisl at Nanaiiuo on su
of being Tascott, the murderer ol
hiaire Shell, of Chicago, turn out
a deserter irom the British war-
Iieen vieti
eilts him
hiinscll as agent (or tlie "West
magazine, lie i in lull at Itil-
ousan.l citizens of Colusa county,
visitisl Sacramento Saturday to
mar Waterman to sign the hill
passed bv the legislature divid-
lenient in Southern California
pver the alleged gold discoveries in
I antenna is abating. It is san
hoax was started by the Inter-
them, tho family received thirty l
nigs, or six conts, for each dolL
don Quoon.
- -
A yachtsman thus describes all
use ho put his riflo to during "
cruise on a. shnotinc tour in Marri
waters: "At ono place,"
"whero wo had to tack, one (
ropes of our topmast became cnti
Melt two i,..,J,..,.wo,n strove!, und'a striking iieeuliuritv almiit in the branches of apinotrce,
butter one of Hour of ...ii .. ....i. , the tires, is that in every instance tlm us at a very critical moment, I
BHXnfull of poppet and one CUD of ownprH heen first notified that their threatening to tear our rijrgingd
milk. Add the cabliage and simmer ten ,,:ir"8 oul.u !,e ,mrn'- After the farm- nieces in an instant There H; sr,:ra &jtsz UP an.. n the ;
,i . ; " . "I. ' "I,,'r,,, ilance. vet wen. , j" , " . " T" bo I snatched up my Winchester
..Muo'i-, nun IN1M' lllliu nrtlWn. -, .v. w ...nunci an, - - i M
If the cabbage was not baked with the '.Mlll,'r approaching or leaving the hasty mm nt tho waving bnuin.1
crumbs it would lie creamed cabbage. i premises between tho time of warning fired, luckily cutting tho causo l
Four bints of soft water, two ounces of ' 11 "'neve.i the hres trouble in two, and freeing m
rs-arl barley, one jiound of salt Uvf. one "n., i " 1 17. J""",01. .a chemical com- from a rather awkward paM
are starte.1 bv
...arrow, six shank Nines broken 'I. ?t i jrT think that this Is the first
no small pieces, two large on dim on.. . tww
I mmiuuiiiii oi jirojieriy is un
known. Some of the farmi IM KeiM 1u..
Jim Snow, aged 14 years, and Chloe
Poland, aged 18, were marriisl at Kei -.. r
West Virginia, Friday. TbevhadNvn
sparking each other tor four vcars.
lurn before the
stick of celery, two turnips, and two car
rots thinly sliced. Set the sauce pan
containing these ingredients over u clear
fire; when it Niils skim it and let it sim
( nier slowly for live hours. Twenty min
utes before serving add a teacu'pfull of
. chonikod I. ir, l .in.l a..,.,., u..l. 1
I I. 'J p...... win, null oil
win nave an excellent Scotch
Dalhv Springs, Ark
siiultingan eight-vear-old girl last w k
ami a mob hangi-d bun to a tree and rid
.11. his body with bullets.
After the Ninnuig of IT.e'li.
ver, July 1st. contract will h
let lor the construction of new
el which will tncmisc Ihe ton;
the itavv I .on ton. Although1
ihey will eniNslv 111 their enlist,
the latest impniviHl ideas o( lii
aud heavy armament, and will
foriuiibible shlw ol war.
The reply of the iniumisidonciiitf the
District of Columbia to SenatoSv Kd
iiiund'a nolulioii for inftiniiatiniTcim
i. ruing the exclusion of n rsons freili any
t'haritable institution in the district" on
seioimt of nu. color or previous iMiidi- A eomiuitbv of Ihe California legiska
liouof servitude," show that the iidor tore ho inade a report favoring the claim .has of N-atiug fast,",on have
H.- . .... ..'M n no nn am .imiii oi.ii ..luilHIII its HVIll vu V ai UCiin
sariatuui ill the tustitiitnui is concerned, ifornia and (iregon at W ashington in ml- Ft in r
although the treatment ol ivth ran sis i.Mmg Irom tlie government
Ipuerally the sauio. 1 moueys due to the states.
Some of the fanner have 1-
come panic stricken and ascrilxi tho visi-1
tation to divine wrath or witches, and'
are buying charms to break the spell.
It is customary to throw stones at
the United States for tho numerous
divoreos which take place among its
people, but statistics show that the
percentage of divorces in England is
haviniT been 1
record of a riflo
A young married couple
housekeeping, and hired a young -
of Hibernian extraction to alto
the "genornl housework." She i
trem the apmn of nentnc??. (H
and culinary proflciencv. BJt
broke hur young mistress' heart (M
onlinance making it a inisdo-
Irteali'i lor proprietor of public phuv to
allow honor under eighteen to plav
cards ( pool, will ( strictly enforced by
the Sin Francisco poliiv.
Charles C. SMtt, one of the proprietors!
id thetiilmaii house, Portland, coniniittisl
sin. ide Friday night w hile tenqorarily
insane, by jumping front a thinl-storv
window to the pavement Mow, a di
taiuv of tilt v feet.
nn . ..... . O . . I . -.
Ill I.MC1ICI1I N'll I' I i.l, ....
Adolph Malay was swindle.! out ofj
$10,0011 hv U'nver sharwrs last week. To make hominv drop cakes take one
Tl , .. t. . .... " ... .1 tiinl n lp.,.1. I...M. I l : ...
own life. I into grain a light as nmuihl.. Viti. . lho ivorco act was adopted bv Pari in. Parlor during tho call of a soa
J. E. Robinson, deoutv ...imi . ' '.rK Itn,t "" in a farina kettle without "ont, thirty years aero, there hac qaintance, and, in a voice
m-.i. ... iwater . one tcasi.ioniull of water been no fewer thnn l:t o- ) c.i.o 1 mclotiious as a fish-horn, m
... , ,. . -I ..nt,.. LriPlll.Ulr
llml.ti. .1. n...l t .. T OAS ... ... ?Vll' t-hf.t ..mA I
eggs, wlute and ,,IL- l,...iur, ....... on,l. it. j i
, , . . o. m- u.ivi ii, aim in
Hi...r .,:,Kwrh' W: -he court
...... ...... .... .,,-.. ieas pKiniul whom tl,.,
o sa ll if t ie ho,,, nv I, i - .i. , wnora the
i.rJo moro than half,
has put asunder thnsn
does Frank
ot salt il the hominy has not been salte, ".om Uu' ohupch h(l8 jintd togethor.
(Id Urallac mt the llrarl
heiie.r von teel an Uneasinex-in tensl
the region ol the heart, a slight oain in brown in a ouiek nv-on
the shoulder, arm or under the shoulder-:
Made or w hen you find yourself short of I The resignation of Senator Chase
........ ,.,.eu i-.i-iii-iuK. or MUir ne.irl l.noiie Is in, I ip.,,., il...
in i-ooking. orifithasusehalfatesismn- Jhe sllowip; i worse still when the
inn. prop, in tcasoooiisfn ,,n ..i i.... .nree uailes or illvnivw. n- j
... v.. ....I i, wu- -..witv i Luiujiareo
piioic. aim un., ro n ....... Mini r.ien mt.,.,p
In the first.' 1X.VJ fy
I 1W7, there were 2.1S8 applications for
.divorce. In the second, 1868 to 1877,
fnitcl m.. :" increase of ol) nor
isvaus.' ot the suet aaUn- n..i,l l" l mim. KS.8 to 1887. thero
'Say, what timo
homo to dinner?'
An old woman In F.nglaM
asked what she thoueht of the i
Said: "WVS air " ahn said. 'Tl
tho plumbago now for two aJl
which is as good as a halmaM6!
only not soconwenient"
the crilioa n miah an I
Jl . .1. . - CSO.ll , M O - -v-.w P, 1W, tUCm nuv. m,"
. 1:. ... .v Uk0 i "nr"'rw iind the great .tiet of living wero an increase of about 75 ner '".V over tho star aetreM
i i . I ' T I I ' L i t ' T . ! ul III tl .KFiMl'TilTl vi ....... .. 1. .i rta... I .. . i . . . . , -
.ertain with, l, I.utl... o, .,l.UsL i...Tw. Ifr.. i ; -T': H. . - ' "." "uu. ""ne next decade the increase P onno are liable to me."
Co., N. Y. lioOOO Zi M rT''n 1"1 will be. say the lawyer, fully .00 per of laudeu 'em.-Tw"
' I 'out. lorouto MaiL I h-ga.