The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 30, 1889, Image 6

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    --.rv UIITN'I'V
jUlitla Enfaraproeiit.
u.niif O. C. has received a com
11- . . ... Viinliaio '" '-' "
a"" . i ....... .1. r,uiene win oner mr
. .1. .nnuil eliciwi nnem. "I
-tlQH 1,1 ' . . . . I. Lajl 1 laat i mi. lie
1""" 1 mm abr-.iwl. and Bvmi aaya
nil- . i . I r 1 1 1 1 ii iT "' i.-ii.....m
1 i lhmt the ni tit avail-
. ia" a. I .....
T . . 1 . .. .. 1 1 1 A 1 1 1 1 'I I ' 11
-nioi Mr " .talk. . ,.ff rt timir it
rrJI make a mii TT
aw .... inr eiuvniM "
"VTT.f .v.- iwiroent are expect!
rD:r of75c.nUp!.rd.y. The
.1 .... in Laue county unpointed
rimlrl . I I
Km ..Unit s aamiuisirsuuii ut re-
. ( n i J. ! J ifc
i . ,! -"-..
. .. n.,r1 l-riml: wninnlA was
p (.rot;- p--v-3 -5 - -
t. lift) tr'" " " '.-..
' A nl.rf lua Ii i.v f
u J I,ee WSS HP """"' . .'
S' ? , .nil A. A. Bk liner
I the I nnuin ' . 7 "
R njcn mid i" gi'" 1 iiiiiii in u 111
ja luciii""""" , 7
Ration, were voluntary.
Lumber in Demand.
EL. .. v., . . .. .li.l not stop for the
. .... .i.nennea uvuu
I Gardeniug i. in order.
Hotter 20 ots; eggs 12, M.
April 2Ut in EiMter Sunday.
The trout law expire Sunday.
Etuigreute oootiuue to arrive.
Oregon lard at Hloddeu Soo'e.
Seattle, W. T., haa a negro lawyer.
Several large bnsiuess trade, on the tapis mrt" mannfactored by R. D. llrown
April 1st oouuiy tuxes become delinquent , J"''' Mn,h" theenU oireucy for all
Milk -old at5 oenta.iiuart by F m' 5 " "UhnUi T" P
Blair. ' T" jour produce to the Pacine T Co.
of rain Ml thii
Two or three showerw
Money to loan on farmt,
Sheet nimic aul mosic book at M.
lime airawberriM in blotaotn. Paul Boolon to-r.iht
Look out for April Fool 'a day oke. Hat your tieket for city election prmtrd
llore bill, on eloth or paper printed at at the Ocaan ottce.
theOpiai, offlc. w. 8. Johot wae morrUd at Alban-Thnn,.
The Lane Coanty Bank ban hail their Jay to Mr. Jaoe Botll, of Swael Home,
mdo-. finely letured. pM, ,nd HlrU.y .,,.
V" "' '" mario in the ail on Friday ing- The troupe give a ood prriorniance.
and Saturday afUrnoooa. Two heary tln MM run at FrW.
ina noey tted Lounge, the beet lounge in ""wiry Monday craning for a Koeelmrs build
Wa Fenton cold hie reaidence thia weak
to N s Kobinoon of Santa K ., Cel., for
Mean W H Abnnu ml Frank drown we
10 cent white '"' " taJing of Urtlng a planing mill at
of Judge
lMatH.ll L.Co. No. meetaMnndav "'lluw l'rd in giKxl alyl
ning. oubai-nlie for your 1
Extracla in beaotiful decantera at Sludden iD'r,"-nccewr Geo OsUaaf,
mm x- i-iniuciiin aaie uy m. train.
on ai coki a tbe atock inuat be aold.
A blind negro
thia week.
waa in town a day or two
"I . !ll ..,.
k . Mini l)UI win wmum
.. 1 1.. hi inn iiuuuiu 1x1111. in-
Uooueioi "
n, that nearly three-quarter, of a.
. . -1 i.mki ho bean .nDDliM?
hih i" : . .!. or.. 1....
I logging crewa ""
,6ni logi for hie mill and has already
Wlion 1. Ill ,.t t.!nlta - . . 111... II...
,,., ,l , ,lV HflJU, ,,, f.
tor oy.tera. I yr-
Genuine Idaziliiin Debbln ani.u..u. .1 i I "rlc"
Levinger'a. Preotoi
and get the beat price.
Nllir.k.. IV. . U 11
i.vl ,""m uoun iu cent wnne , r.im1p
Mmr enrar of M.rkn. r noiMir
Hot and cnH h.ik. - Preaton invite, intending purchoaer. to
I Mm 1 1 1 . t . . .. . 1 fl l a . rv
m naMnw naua du nacl II.' TV,- .. n.. n-...U ...ill
propertr ia liC linuroeed by tht dritinn of
pilea ocraaa the river at the head of the mill
race to bold the water.
Moeburg A U irria are movii g their em
ery at.. re iuio the red front rrai.nrant. The
Waaaa in tk. I i l i. . .. billdincnowoei-"
..7 - ' , Km oennm. .lwaya . . . r. -w -i . .
t there. ( ity lUkery ami reaUnranL 1 back to give room for a brick
your newapaiT4 at M Lev-
Scott". Electric Coraeu at Laatrra
ror nale only at 0. Bettmin'a.
w enta VOIl I ennm .n.l mmm wl.
Havana Cigar clippiuga for the pipe at the SU" w,ua harneaa.
Eugene Cignr Fnctory. Before atoriuK r aelling your oata aee A.
For tbe beat nnd cheapest apring beila aud ' ' , . ( U'ttU Chvalier '"rley wanted,
lounge, go to K D. Brown".. ', ' W.ilton, Sr.. boa purchawl property
A tine line of ailk plushes iu nil shade. ' win remove to ttut town
and grades at F. B. Duuu'n.
Freah Ynu.iina and Eaatern oyatera
a week at ( 'itv Keataurant.
Rest violin and guitur strings at M. Lev
inger'a. A.k your grocer for Juoctiou flour. It ia
Finest brand, of cigars and tnhinana i
; If oalmrg, Ilorri. & Co'..
J County court meet. Monday; Commiaaion
era court Wednesday.
A. R. Campbell lectured at Salem thia
week to a good audience.
Call at Moabnrg, Harris A Co's nnd get
their prices on Groceries.
Everything in the Grocery line new and 1
re.h at Moaburg, Harris & Co's
The City Council has not met for a whole
week. What is going to. hi.ppen?
Oregon now has thirty-one counties, the
.'ecent legislature having created two.
.Mackerel, llloatera, Herring. Salimm.
jVin and Cod nan at Sladden 4
; Sou a.
j Try our cream (niffa, City Bakery.
I Oregon hauia, ahouldem and aide at biatl.
. ileu & Son 'a.
I Kememher we deliver every thini; with our
own wo,'on, City Bakery.
A mining expert from Sal. m goes to the
Blue river miuea Monday.
The mind of the averag. email boy of
Eugene tnrneth to boa ball.
Fine asortment of wall paper at M. Lev
inger'a, aucceiwor to Geo. Collier.
A patent fence mm wa. "doing" the 'own
thia week Aa nanal, hia "wo the beat."
All n W aonga. dancea an.) mnaie on Fri.
I hive decided to leave Goshen soon I
I goods very eneap tor coan or pro-
day uud Saturday, March 'lh and 30th
E. C Lake, marble cutter and dealer in
monuments, .bop on Eighth street, Eugene.
The ("icaD will eulirga next week to a
seven cilumn iniMriii ,,r . r.r. ,
Mr. Lee Morehouse has been appoioled ' MtlaMtlhl.
agent for the Umatilla Indian reservation. J Tne Eene Herc1H cjglf twofor25
Electric lights have been placed in tho) rents ia the best. Maoafactmed by the
Court House. Thia is a great improvement. I Eugene Ciuar Factory
ttlllametto Htreet was civen swee bum
I i sell sucb tnincs as 1 iio not HoiKUf ureutlv improving it. aonearauce.
to move, regardless of ooat, from nowt Xh( Militi;l cnmDanv md 0reaan hose
I team drilled 011 Willamette street Monday
A sidewalk has been built in frout of the
burnt district on Willamette street. It wns
much needed.
B. C. Agee, sheriff of Douglas county, col
lected all but $175 of the tux levy of 1888.
He muBt be a rustler.
The "Cuban" and "Yarru" cigars nt Horn
& Paine's. Try them; they ore tbe heat in
the market for the money.
There is no perceptible ilecroase in the
cigarette-smoking small boy in Eugene. Is
the tobacco law n failure.'
1 get I. .iiiy 10 leave, so cuwo one ami
uenre narnains.
I 1 1 u.L- all llirtd,, Ihal ara
. . . . .. ,,.,,..,..l .....1 ... .. ..
... J.. I In. IMMO
111 ua; Ul I ' ' 1
J. W. Matloci.
Letter List.
1 .1 i. 11 ......... .....,...)
1 for it Ibe noHtomce in tatigene (Jity,
tr 1. n 1 uuti
Gentry, J F 2
King, U C
Sickle, Mr. Mebbie
Scoville, Chas
Wilson, Geo
A, nn. will lwi mil, In nn nai
GIWI5V V. WUW - w ......
KllCU UUl,
r . . . . 1. .
UMiniuiii: nn lui- iiuviid 11.11 ihimo
rtrtiBeii, giving (late.
F. W Obbobn, P. M.
rtr VI r r. v.
tr n r
'"c in 11, Ten t in veil in w noiii 11 111:1 v ri 11-
Ibat ibe books aud account, of Sloan
whn a nnA .11 aiith.invul in ,.,ill..,.
receipt for the name.
1 1 II. C0RBK8T,
W. comer of 8th and Olive streets.
Price of Milk Redtifetl.
timpnur miiKinan, r. ni. uiair, naa
i 'lay, miirning and evening. He has
Carpits! CarpeU!! 8. H. Friendly haa
just received a large and varied assortment.
He will suit yon.
Perry'. Peroheron .Ullion Heron
will make the seaaau at Stevena' stables.
See hia ail in another column.
Don't forget that Moabnrg, Harris 4 Co.
handle more flour, provisions, etc., than any
other grocery home in Eugene.
Two weeks from next MomUy the regular
term of Circuit Conrt will convene in tbia
city. The docket will not b a large one.
An effort i. being mode at Brownsville to
purchase the old machinery of tbe Browns
ville woolen mills and continue a mill there.
An baatern Uregon paper will take butter
ion subscription. In tbe Willamette valley
D. Diti The Oregouian of Sunday
I Dr. Driver will occupy the pulpit of
Methodist church in tbia city two
Sundays, when he will remove his
IT i.i ..(liium, ... I ...... . t.. .. ..,11 ti.ui. u ..
ami He VI I return unrl Ink., tin
mi nil nil- r h.i m in ill. r.
- rr" m i. p
Demiiinent ArrHliuetiienlu i.n lie mmle
Driver, who vacates the pulpit, is uot
u iii mi uregon conierence as an en-
'V),iu,i "J" II..I . I .in iH.tiim u 1
MI nth.r lllllil. nn, Inlii
into tbe pulpit. When be begins hia
lui. ittma tin 11 a. ram in ft-nut nf ttiu nnn.
rprmriikO. 110 IUOU VVU'
wul nilUUUe UMI1BUUU nun
DBthUl D.i1l Ka. i.r. ;.,
Ma uv, iu llUWIIalUi. IBVIUI IU
UM IIIH rm ruVan4 hnamil.l
TwBun.-Weclip the followina com-
uin nn. A.. t ui.i. tt:
lOa Ynrtkat (Imm I a 1 H
low m which is situated Psvcifle Uni-
-i. .ui. luaiuuiton : "a w oi two
catalogue of the Bute Univ.rrs.tT
aatCDf ruirvhurl J 1 T
.ucu uur UBIE. in cum .Willi.
i Of study therttin nut. it mnka
lmong the colleyei of the Pacifio Coast.
SaCODd to nnn. .in... ,Vw. n;.,arai.v
. . v .uvu, lur uuiiD.iiii
... lueauvanuwe. seem 10 oe
T EnH .h.i. . .T . . . .
uj launch man. There are twenty
IMtBU in the nreiiaratorr work.
Uanin..! l.Ji.5 ... iJ
0001 Of law. thirtv.aix in th cnaen-
Mmwic and nineteen in thn medical
. ine new law ailmittino atu-
fteof tnition charce. will add a larire
- . aiuo.nta ine coming year.
Kin. tl. i... .i . i . n
n fc im .Ml VI 1UD IllfU IHII.
1 railroan nurlh nt Vnnnni leer.
bt alaal :i. V,t.
Wwiderably heavier. nd much
.IKUn 1 l.nH -1 1 .. I ... . L. -
. . l"ia road are m a anace of a
"""H 0,i.n. J I .l ..
-B.o uiu irviu vjusuwu iu
H iL . iobnaM)n tnis wee.
'I I0U lUSt north nt hi. ...Linn., nn
r 71. 10 t.. r. Palmer, of SanU
tort Km u.
Johnson pur
a.i " lola lour vea
"mar naa onn. i p-i:f : . . j : 1 1
. n U.IIIU1UI., HUU Will
wun bis family iu May. He wi
aome dwelling on the property
JasperStevensslanghtcredthreeporketelaat j ,ne ""thren of the pre, draw the line at
week at Cove whose maximum weight was, I ylooa-
from 10 to laO emigrant, are to leave
Watauga and Ashe this week for Oregon and
Washiugton Ty. Tennessee Tomahawk,
March loth.
The Oregon Hose Team have received
their new uniforms. Tbey are neat and
nobby. Thia company is now drilling a
couple of times weekly.
Popular prices at tbe theatre March J.Hh
nnd 30th. Admission 50 eta; children 25 eta.
Reserved seats, for whiah there is no extra
charge, at the postofht-e.
The flouring mills of Levi Douglas, at
Hiirrishurg, will be in operation by April 111.
A -leant sawmill is also soon to be built there
by parties fr.'in Silverton.
Mr. J. B. Colernon haa let the contract for
a uew front to his buildings occupied by
Gerhard's saloon and the City Bakery, to S.
0. Garrison, for tbe sum of $875.
Messrs. E P. Coleman and John Long of
Coburg recently sold to Mr. Norwood for
the company he represents, 190 head of cat-
I tie, to be delivered within a month.
Dr. W H. McMurtry haa locate.) iu En
1 gene with bis office np-etairs iu Walton's
I block. He is a physician of '2ti year, experi
uDce. see hi. curd in another column.
Carpets 0' every style and grade at Friend
ly's. These carpets have jn.r arrived aud
have been well selected 'o met I tbe demands
of this market Call and examine bis varied
Firemens election to day, Saturday, be
tween the hours u 1 and 6 p. tu. Tbe can
didates are: W. D. McOhee of the Engine
company, and J. F.Starr of the Hook A
Ladder Co.
Tbe following gentlemen of Lane county
have been drawo on the D. 8. grand jury,
which meets in Portland April 16th: OB
Chrismuti, I E lStvena, U Millican, J B
Sellers and J C Bushnell.
The Churter Oak is the best stove manu
factured. It in the pride of every house
hold. Messrs. Starr. Griffin & Brown have
recently received from the manufactory at
St. Louis a oar load of them which they are
offering at very low price. Call and exam
ine them.
S. H Friendly keeps the largest aud best
assortment of clothing, ladies dress goods,
hats, etc. He ia oontinnavlly adding the
latest and niwt aty lea to hia atock . Hia
prices are fixed to suit the times.
N'oonie, Little May, Paul and Emily Bou
lou, Stella Wood, Geo. Harrison, Johuny
Blackford. Gub Leonard aud Will Caldwell
nt the theatre on Friday and Saturday,
March '29lh and 30th.
The lloseburg Keview of March 20th haa
tl.. tiillnarinii item: "U. S. PafiUe was iu
when dressed, 1392 lbs E. U.
Clothing, boots nnd shoea just arrived
from New York, at G. Bettman's. Will be
sold cheap for tho next 30 days.
Tbe curbing ou tbe west side of Willam
ette street between Sixth and Seventh has
been changed to the proper grade.
A ynnng Ron of Mr. Bunce, the foundry
man 0.' Independence, formerly of Dallas,
was drowned in the Willamette Sunday.
MessiH. Geo. A Dorris, Thomas Brown
and N Rowland are tbe judges and clerks of
the Firemen's election, that takes place to
day. Cbas. Latier has rebuilt hi. feuce on the
front of bis residence on the street ft$d,
greatly improving the appearance of bis prop
erty. Death has relieved tho sufferings of the
lad at Corvallis who broke a thermometer in
his month and swallowed 11 portion of the
We understand that towu property ia
boominit at Springfield. That city has a
spleudid water rower, and ia bound to make
quite a manufacturing city.
We notice C. F. Rupel's attorney card in
the Baker City Blade. Mr. Rupel was well
known in Lane county, having practiced hia
profeision at Junction for a time.
We lt-aiu Unit the new sawmill recently
takrn to tbe Lower SiuBlaw river, will pro
I mill v be located at the town of Acme; at
least the material aud machinery was all un
loaded at that place.
The ladies should call at J. D. Matlock'8
store and examine tb it beautiful and wre
fully selected stock of ladies dress goods
Spring and Summer patterns of the lateBt
styles, and quality to suit tha buyer.
T. T). Matlock has Hist received the lar
gest and moat complete line of clothing ever
bronuht to Euirene both aa to quality and
quantity. New styles and new goods giving
the buyer avery opportunity to make a suita
ble and satisfactory selection.
Now ia a good time to clean up backyards
and remove the rubbish .ud filth that nas
accumulated dunnit the winter. "An ounce
of prevention is worth a pound of cure,"
wrote f ranklin, ann tne ounce is wen im
plied in the cleaning-up process.
For the cure of colds, eougba, and all de
rangementa of the respiratory organs, no
other medicine is so reliable as Ayer'sCherry
Pectoral. It relieves the asthmatic aud con
enmptive, even in advanced atage. of tbe
disease, and has saved innumerable lives.
When Macbeth ironically asked: "Canst
thou minister to 11 mind diseased?" he little
knew that mankind would one day be
blessed with Aver's Sarsapanll 1. In purity
in.. 1 . - 7 .. . 1 . -- ...
in tbe blood, this powerful alterative g.ves town yesienia am .n
row Ktrem'ti to everv luiicuon -
tone and strewn! to every
faculty of the system.
The commencement exercises nf tbe medi
cal department of the University of Oregon
takes place at Portland neit Saturday even
ing. Judge Deudy, President of the Board
of Regents, will confer the degrees on the
nlosa. which consists of five members. J.
vice will be established at Medford, Drains
Pass and at the university at E.tgene. The
atate appropriated 200o for this purpose.
Mr. Frank Rankin has received tbe plans
for bis two story brick on the comer of
Seventh aud Willamette strneta, the same
having been designed by W. T. Campbell.
The building will have a circular bow win
dow cn the corner and will be boilt toiato
make it an ornament to the city.
E. C. Lake haa moved hia marble abop to
....... hnililina on Htu Street, one door ooat
of Sloan a liverv atable P. H. Kartell, who
,Ql'T on 4 t a
. j v nifiu 11110 county tut
7 .mn ,qM MM MM the
' " Bw uouiTlur CUM w.
.""tint, ,1,,
.-an, me great Eni
reat English orator.
D. Fenton ill be tbe veledictorian.
A new postal card is soon to be put in cir
., 1. It la verv much like a douliU
lui in' " - a-
card. The Uck fold is Hplit dugooilly od
a 1:1 t nn;nta if I ha funr
SmbI are folded and joined in the center j CQUrr sud engraver has charge of the ehop.
with a piece of gummed paper. 11 - Mr. Le is uouik u'"i , T7"
contain any more writing apace than the I Bi buainesa ia atdily increasing from the
SmI "ard. It weighs lea. tb.n half an ; M tblt he tarns out uotuing but the best
ounce. The only advantage will be a greater of 0rk. . , . nh-
Tbe Lerovl Company played at Rhine
P"v""' . . 1 1 . I I ... iiitre Tiiesdav eveninv; to a small
A mT' Z7?'Z t : . Vieuce It mm also' odvertiavd to aho.
Ul I I,,., .nrwniillllelit 11- lu'liuu i-'.j . , . " .
uiui ' " i-r- -
I he four !i. ..It an.-! favorablv known as a marme
Wednesday by
Oeo.P. Litchfield, ot tnts city. 7V;T""uv ,n,l Thnrs-lav, but no
M .a tint i I . - - eveninvr. tb-
agent of this district. He was not mi.yex-1 - -k " J - g a,
peeling the .ppointment, .nd it -a. I P - f, J e, cliD. The troape
5 Hurprise B him ! 311 U hod W propX !ver
.... rrt Mr I .11111 Iieill I- . - 1. w- -
nn, I liia frieui
pointm;-nt. Salem Journal.
Litcnnein i. 'i.' E ;.: bv th. bbbbMsmM
..1. ... Crl in know 01 UU SB-I ' UK" "' ir-'-.v 7 .
. .-. ... i.. . , , , u... linn m ffOOd
.U.W ' ww .
Kl.ler D M Whitney baa been ill a couple
of month, but ia now able to tie on the
airret. Johnny and Edward Whitney have
been aick with gaalric fever bat are improv.
Geo. Midgli-y and Robt. Parker have pur
ehaaed the stock .nd machinery of Abrarai
t Brown's planing mill and have taken
charge ot the aame. $3800 waa tbe pure ha-e
Immigrants are arriving daily, some of
there bringing their atock along. Wednes
day "a freight brought two cat loada of freight
and 10 horses, from Nebraska, the owner,
not bring able to dispose of Ibe horse, in
that .late.
A .apposed craxy Chinaman va. found
wvndering aimlessly about the streets o(
Junction the first of the week, and he waa
arreeled by Marshal Kirk, of that city, and
brought to Eugene and turned over to the
county anthoiiuea. After a medieal examin
ation, be was declared saue, and disrbsrged
from custody.
Sherwood Burr visited Junction but Wed
nesday. Hon. 3 G. Thompson, of Monroe, waa in
town Monday.
Mr. 8 P Sladden went to Portland Thnrs
day morning.
Recorder Dorris has cone to the Blue
river mines.
Mr. Cy Walkina aud wife paid Junction a
visit tola week.
Mr. Parry, tbe Roseburg tailor, paid En-
gene a visit tots week.
We are pleased to learn that Judge Wash
bnrne i. improving daily.
Mr. J. A. Briggs, tbe Pleasant Hill pho
tographer, was in town rnday.
A. F. Hard, of Florence, has returned
after a to tbe Eaatern Btates.
Capt. Cox, the genial old aall of Acme,
waa in Eugene tbe first of the week.
Judge Bean has neen iu attendance upon
Circuit Conrt at corvallis tbia week.
District Attorney Hamilton, of Roaebnrg,
apent Thursday afternoon in Eugene.
Hon. R. A. Irvine, senator from Linn
county, was in town Monday viaiting hia
daughter, lira. L. Bilyeu.
Lee Searcy and wife, of Dayton, W. T.,
are visiting at tbe reaidence of her parent.,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Wallis.
' We are pleased to state that Mr. J. 8.
Baker ha. returned from Yamuna Bay
greatly improved in health.
Messrs. Chas. Vandenbnrg, Fred Bellman
and J. S. Roberts leave for Ellensburg the
fir-t of tbe week to seek a location .
Mr. Choa. E. Lockwood, who is attending
Ihe State University Law School at Port,
land, visited friends in Eugene this week.
Rev. Beck haa gone to the Eastern State-,
authorized to collect funda for Ihe benefit of
tbe Catholic convent school located in
Mr. Julius Goldsmith returned to Med
ford Monday evening. The ceremony of
circumcisioti waa performed on bis infant
son Monday. Mrs. Goldsmith will viait in
Eugene for a mouth or more.
Mr. T. J. Nelson, Depnly Internal Reve
nue Collector, waa in town Thnrs. lay He
i. looking smilingly oven if be ia serving
under a Republican Pre.ident, nnd hia Chief
bus sent in hia resignation.
Mr. T. L. Skaggs of Seattle, W. T . made
relatives and friends in Eugene a pleaoant
visit tbia week. Late is now General Mana
ger of Wells, Fargo A- Co 'a Eipress busi
ness in that city. We are glad to learn of
his p-osperity.
Fire tiid Water Talk.
The Eugene Water company has been re
placing tbe three inch main on Fifth street
with a four inch pipe, and extending it
further west.
While replacing the hydrant in front of
Mrs. Geary', residence it waa found that Ihe
hydrant was not effective and could not bi
ased owing to tbe rust. Had a fire occurred
in that vicinity, the water for which Ihe city
pays could not have been utilized. It i. the
duty of the Chief Engineer of the fire de
partment to aes that hydrants are free and
effective. An election for a Chief takes place
to-day and it ia to tie hoped that one may be
selected who will devote some time to the
duties of his office. The bydrauts should be
tested and opened at leaat once every three
tnoutbs. The duties of the Chief Engineer
require great attention. Aa . matter of fact
the salary, $50 per annum, ia uot commen
surate with the responsibility attached to the
office and an increaaed oompenaation should
be allowed. Elect a competent Chief.
Railroad Accidents.
Last Monday morning Dr. Sterling Welch
of Oregon City, who formerly attended tbe
State University, fell from the rear ooaoh of
the Eugene local below Oregon City. He
was endeavoring to get a glimpse of a tramp
who waa taking n brake beam passage, aud
it it supposed a aadden jerk of tne cars
threw htm off. He fell on bis bead on a pile
of atonea, making a long gaab on tbe right
side of the htad rendering him unconscious
The train look him to Oregon City, and he
died tbe eveniug of the same day at 7
o'clock. He waa only 26 yeara old, a young
man of unassuming manners and fine, quali
ties. Tbe same day an insane woman jumped
from tbe northbound California express,
while it waa going at the rate of 20 milea an
hour near Shedd. She was badly bruised
but not seriously.
Ax IuPBOviMBTrr. The partition between
tht county elerk'a office and tbe room for
merly used for the ooanty court haa been
removed, and tbe entire room is now used
ley tbe clerk. It makes a decided improve.
meat, a Clerk Ware baa been cramped for
room nnd compelled to inner great tucun
Tieucu in transacting boaineaa with tbe pub
lic on account of tbe limited room. Bat Lane
ooanty is about tbe only county that bouses
its publio officers in buildings built by the
pioneer, thirty. five years ago.
Real Entate Transfer..
Dr L K Jonea to Herbert Eakin, 40 feet on
; west aide of Willamette street, between 9tb
and loth .treeta, in Mulligan'a addition; con
$3 000
R B Henderson to R M Day. lot in skin
ner'a donation; con $1400
Harriet E Sladden to 8 P Wilaon, lot in
SUddcu's addition; con $388.
Chaa II Vandenberg to Mra L C Potter,
j lot on aoutb Willamette atret; con $1300.
Phoebe B Kinsey t It Hayden, lot in
lVkar 'a addition: inn $li.
John A Post tu A N Foley, one lot; $250.
Mary E Coffin et al to R II Henderson, lot
in Skin ner'a donation ; con $1400.
lie.. Midgley et al to .1 S Baker, InU in
MM I . in cm, B2.VI0.
T W Shalton to R M Dav, one lot in She)
t..n'a addition; $100.
S l Madden to Harriot E Sladden. 123 acre
adjoining Eugene; oon, $1 and other valuable
email I. rations.
C W Powell to N E Bower, 80 acres; con,
L T Parker to F M Parker, 160 acrea;
con. rJ'ssi
F M Parker to L T Parker, 160 acres; con,
$2 000.
Phillip Mnlkcy to Harley Parish, 10 acres;
con. ? I...
W 8 Lee to Eva Wilkinson, 387
eon, $6.UO0
Frank Wilkinson to V S Lee, 387
con. i.i
M A Driakill to O W Lucas, 160
coil. $700.
E H Hawkins to School Diat. No.
acrea; con, $100.
B J P. ngra to Viola A Peugra; power of
W O Lackey to (Jen H Hale. 10 acres: cn;
Stale of Oregon to J E Davis 207. IK acrea;
eon, $200.
J E Holt to J J Walton, Sr, 8 lots; con,
To Contractors.
Nuliee is berebv given that, until 7 p. to..
Saturday. April f.tb. 1880. aealed bida will he
received for tbe construction of a city bell
lower, according to plana and anecificatioua
on exhibition at ibe stoie of S II Frieudly,
Eugene, Oregon. All bida to be accotu
paoied by a certified check in the aum of
jloo aa aecurily for faithful perfoimance of
work if bid ia accepted. I be city reservea
tbe right to reject any and all bida.
8. H raiKxni.T
L. Burav. Com
E R. I.tvkiv
acrea ;
7, 10
Citizen Convention.
A meeting nf the citizens of Euiiene will he
btld at the Court House,
At 8 r. M. sharp for the purpose of nominating
a tieket to be voted for at the city election,
April 1st
All are cordially invited to attend.
Mani Citizexh.
Nt. Tim IV : i complete change in
the runuing of trains is being contemplated.
If inaugurated the Eugene local will lie
dropped and two daily through traltia each
way started. Under tbe proposed pro
gramme tbey will meet at Albany moruiug
and evening and there will be no noon
trains. Tbia move now is simply being con
sidered with a probability of it. inaugura
tion. A lhany Democrat.
Mahkibu. On Sundav, March 24, 1889, at
tbe residence of tbe bride'a parents in Junc
tion, Mr. Walter Beebe, of Ashland, and
Mku Olive Page, daughter of Mrs. J. O.
Bnahnell, Rev. G. M. Wbituev officiating.
The happy couple were the recipienta of a
large number of elegaut pnweuts, including
a purse of $210 from ibe bride'a mother.
They will reside in AahUnd, where Mr.
Beebe ia agent iu the Southern Pacific com
pany 'a office.
Citv Ei.irmns The annual citv election
of Eugetie takes place at tbe City Hall Mon
day So tar little mien si h i. oeen luuut
tested, tbe change of milking the marshal'a
office appointive instead ot elective having
cooled the ardor of tbe workers, a. al.
Yoran, W H. Abmma and I. L Campb. II
are the judges of Ihe election. Polls open
at 9 o'clock and close at G.
Unifobm Dbill. Oregon Hose Team will
give a uniform drill this, Saturday, afternoon
at 4 o'olock. Tbia company bas received a
line new uniform and Is doing good work.
Tbe uuiform consists of blue -Inn- and
black I" it- and caps.
New National Baxb The Eugene Na
tional Hank op tied it. donra aa MBjfc luat
Monday moruiug taking the place of tin
Bank of Oregon. This bank .tar's with a
paid np capital of '.".. and a stirplua ol
$10,0(10, See its d in another column.
TkLErHONB Co. The pole-are being ecat
tered and put up for tbe telephone line;
The company will soon be ready for busi
ness. 1 tie central station will lie mealed
st tbe Pntal Telegraph offic , aud Mr. Geo.
Craw will be iu charge.
Stbavkp A roan mare pony; white stripe
In face; roachid n.ane, hobtailed; brauded
D. K. on left abouldir; when escaped hail u
leather halter on. A reward of $5 will ht
paid to anyone returning tbe animal to tbf
Minnesota Hotel, B0frM.
BoiiN. -In Sab in, on Monday. Maroh 2
1889. to the wife of W. T. Slater, a soi
Mr. Sister is the efficient state treasurer, null
this is bis third boy. Ho is doing well fur
tbst Democratic minority. haletu mates-man.
Nomin . m. At u meeting of Eugeno
Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1, held Thursday
evening at their hall, Mr. J. F. Starr wsa
uuauimously nominated for Chief Engineer,
Uo kb. Near Eugene, Uregon, March SMI,
1889, to the wife ot Alt. Kirklund, a son.
By Miller & Hopkins.
Column of the Kntaxian Society.
Euata Do axis. Editor.
Anna Robbbtb, Asst. Fiitnr.
It'll ' -I PBOfBBTT.
70 feet front ou Eiuhtb atreet with three
buildings, $2,000.
House ami two lota with utirn ou an
atreet; fine property. $3,600.
r ive lots tunou icei eacn, near uepoi.
$200 to 1500 each.
House aud lot near University, high sud
dry. $750.
Five lots in Scoti a addition, lugh and
dry. 9 l2o eacb.
05 acre., with half mile front on deep
water. bay beat sawmill site on tbe
Uv. $2,000
Fine farm well improved, 3 miles from
Eugene on th- McKenzie. $40 per acre.
36 acre. 2 miles from Eugene, very best
- -ul and fine location. $50 - r acre.
1.000 acres beat timber land. $10 per acre.
17', acres in western suburbs of Eugene;
6 acres fruit. $100 per acre.
March 30, 89.
The marenal baa found her calling.
Everybody i. invited to tbe open session.
Mr. and Mrs. Parker, laat Tuesd ry, visili d
the aenior claaa iu Ueology.
Hon. Rnfua Mallory, of Portland, will a I
dreaa the Uuiveraity at Commencement,
The name of Mia. Effie Young waa pro.
poaed for membership at the laat meeting ot
the aociety.
The queation choen for two weeks hn.
waa: "Are rundern anisaus .uneiior to
ih. i of ancient times."
"Mian Prraideiit, I remember vividlv tl a
lime. when G.-orge Washington crossed tl e
D' leware lu Ibe smw and rain." Julia n
We are verv sorry that Mr. Will MaeCor-
tnau was obliged to return b m- ou a.vo nt
of weak eyea. Hope he cau bo baok
next term.
Mr. J. I). Fenton, who graduated in '84.
at present a student of the medical depart
ment of ihe University, visited in Eugene
iue nrsi oi me wee..
A O.'ersaya "it's all about town" and wbfn
we oak what, makes reply, "the sidewalk "
He ought to ierainhuliite around the observ
store on- of these daye.
Thi- i apriug time and jnat the lime for
-pring poetry, but the annalist baa borroaed
the machine and we will be unable to give
our n i l. i- any poetry this week.
Caspar W. Sharpies, '84, recently rend a
paper before a medical society in Philadel
phia, which was very highly compli.uented
and published in the society annals
Rumor has it that Wesley Mulligan, one
of tbe Laurenns, has been attacked with the
"boom craze." and is talking of buying a
lot Wonder it it is for mere speculation.
The society find that n "committee of the
whole," is a most enjoyable affair, especially
wh n the subject Iu la considered ia a treat.
Sufficient io say, tbe feast was complete and
tu .-I enjoyable. .
We are glad to state that Mi -s Nellie Snod
o.rn.s has sufficiently recovered her health to
lie witu us again in aociety. Hut she has
withdrtwn hr name from the regiater and
will uot return to school thia year.
Jerry "Oh. Tiche, wait for me. I want
to walk you. until I get blue " S,Kin
Iter we heard thia strange exclamation
we liegoit to understand wheu Jerry passid
nil a yonnu lady with a blue hat and coat.
I) ui 't talk so loud next time, Jerry.
The iiueatiot' (or to-night (Saturday) at
open aesaiou ia; Resolved, "That tbe an
nexaiion of Cauada to the U. S. would beun
ulvisable. The speakers on the affirmative
are Anna Roberts, Clara Condon and Nellie
Suodgrass; on the negative, Agnea Oreene,
Elva Galloway and Grace Malthewt.
'How queer it la without the seniors" wa.
the cry of nlojut three students laat week.
How insignificant the class of '89 ought to
ft ell but after profound thought and deep
meditation they have evolved the conclusion:
"If Heaven In s shout aa in our infancy, and
the world liea about ua afterward, we mnit
be pretty well lied about."
"Tbe nox waa lit by lux of Luna,
A night moat opportnua."
Bo thought tbe astronomy claaa Monday
eveniug. Tbey surprised Prof. Bailey at
tbe observatory about Ihe lime he was ready
to atop observing. However, the light,
were soon relit, tbe instrument adjusted and
au hour was apeut in star gazing.
"Laiinesa ia an inherent quality in every
one, aud we have no good reason for be
lieving Ibat University atudenta are exempt
from it any more thau other persons. At
any rale, a direful observation of their ao
lions and habiti couvincea u. of tbe fact
that tbey have not been no of late. This
alale of tiucouscious laziues-, we believe,
ia brought aUnit by a neglect of proper ex
ercise of laitb mind uud body. Oue often
finds himself indisaised to sludv. He for
aiike. his hooks, and instead of iesorting
to phyaical labor throwa hiuiaelf upou the
Ih-iI or couch to take an afteruoon'a nap.
Thia ia ao delighllul that the aame trouble
comes on the neit duy and the same remedy
is repeated. So the prooesa goes on day at
ti r day until a habit ia firmly established,
which Hilda one more to the innumerable
boat of lazi ones, who are a dead weight on
aociety ami a nuiaauoe to the World. Not
many of ua can be accnaed of l.emg extreme
ly luzv, and yet we all have tendencies toward
inactivity, wbiob it is high time to re
form. What we moat need is a better appre
ciation of the fact that we ore plaoed in the
world to benefit the world, and that we can
best do tbia by following the laws of health,
and the lawa which will iusnre oar highest
di velopm. nt menially ami physically.
I t art c oil luziueia secnui to bu ao Bp
plna 1- to ti a at ulculs th.t we oopy it In
our column.
The society was entertained last Friday
with n rending, "The Inquisitive Boy, " by
Miss Nsdie lloleotub. The question: Re
eolved, "That Lincoln mode a better Presi
dent than Waahiugtnn." waa debated on tbe
affirmative by Ida hVhofleld and Clara Con
don; ou tbe i egalive by Julia Hamilton and
Nellie Straight. The principle argument on
the affirmative was ibat hm Lincoln waa
Preaideiit, the nation waa divided In it.
iewa ami nut as eaaily ruled aa in Ibe day.
of puritan simi 1 o iy, that he guided the
nation through lis ureal crisis, thus showing
his -him i ior ability as au executive ruler;
that be deserved a greater amount uf credit
in saving tbe country after it woe a nation
th. in in forming it into a nnion; that tho
Emancipation Proclamation iasaed by him,
was nr uouier man auy tiling done while
Washington was President. The negative
held that being President while tbe nation
Bras juat beginning, required greater ability
than when it was in ila prime; that when
Washington began bia career as Preaident,
tie bnd to contend with "foreign elements."
Tbe empty treasury was a great drawback;
that he had to be at the head in tbe organi
zation of tbe government, when there was
but a small cabinet of offlcera to help bim;
that Congress waa not iu tbe perfect tanning
condition that it waa later; that tbe nation
had not been recognized by foreign nations
and that U took a superior ruler to bring it
iuto notice; that "he never told a lie." After
a short summary the President (of tbe En
taxian society) rendered bar dedalon in
fsvor of ibe negative.
Tubnep LooHi.-Roseburg Herald, Maroh
25tb : A man named Johnson waa arrested
iu Eugene by deputy sheriff Miller and
lodged iu jail here Thursday night. He bad
been in tbe employ ot G W. Riddle, in tbe
aomberu part of the county, and waa charged
wun uaving oeen enirusteil witu a sum of
money with which to pay off the latter',
wood choppers, bad attempted to skip the
county wttii it. At the preliminary examin
ation bi fore Judge Fttzhugb Saturday after
noon, District Attorney Hamilton appeared
for the atate. and L. F Laue for the defeuae.
Several witntsaea were examined, and tbe
piiaoner acquitted and treed from custody.
Mabbikd At the resident of T
Fountain. J. P., S.-h W. HaipOH BM
Hue, all ot Lease Couaty.